All Episodes

September 17, 2024 31 mins

Eric Trump, Executive Vice President of The @Trump Organization joins us to discuss the second assassination attempt on his father’s life.

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Stay right here for our final news round up and
information overload. All right, News round up, Information overload hour.
Here's our toll free number. It's eight hundred and nine
to four one sean. If you want to be a
part of the program. Joining us now. With just forty
nine days until election day, Eric Trump is with US
executive vice president of the Trump Organization. He now has

had to witness his own father being the victim of
an assassination attempt, you know, twice in two months. Could
you imagine what this is like for not only the president,
but for his wife, his children, the people that love him,
the people those of us that support him. Eric, first
of all, I'm so sorry that you're living through this again.

As you said last night on TV, you know, this
has to be the last time we ever have this
discussion again.

Speaker 2 (00:49):
On any side of the Aisle Sean right, just on
any agreed American leaders can't be assassinated. We'd look like
a third world country. I mean I can't say that,
you know, we already kind of look like started world
country based on what's happening in this nation and how
badly we're being run. But if American leaders at the
forty fifth president of the United States or any president,
any former president, if any future president gets assassinated on

US soil. You know, we have a budget for the
Secret Service of over three billion dollars a year. If
they have two people to truly keep safe, you know,
you better keep those people safe, and you better use
every single measure to keep those people safe, especially in
this crazy world and politically charged world that we obviously
live in. And you know, you've had people say it
was a success that I don't think it was a success.
As a son, it wasn't a success. You've got people

around my father who are the most incredible people you've
ever seen in your life. And I know all the agents,
and they would take a bullet for him, and they
are incredible. And that agent I saw the rifle barrel
through the woods. As I said to you yesterday, Sean,
I'd give that person, you know, a massive hug because
they probably prevented somebody from getting killed a few days ago.
At the same time, you know, it's two times in

five weeks that they let somebody with an assault rifle
within three hundred yards of a presidential candidate. What is
wrong with that picture? I mean, how are they touting
any of this as a success. It's not a success.
It's a total failure. And they better pull their act
together because somebody can get killed. And you know, I
also said this to you, and I mean this sincerely.
They are trying to kill him. You know, I got
criticized about six months ago when I said, listen, I've

seen everything. I've seen them do this to my father.
You know, from the day he went down that escalator.
They've tried everything. They tried to impeach him, they tried
to end his presidency. They slammed him with a Russia hoax,
they slammed him with dirty dossiers, they slammed him with
you know, they weaponized the justice system against him. They
took him off the ballots in Colorado, they took him
off the ballots in Maine. They went after him with

every far left ag and DA. They've done everything they
could to ruin his reputation, to ruin his family, to
divide his family, to try and ruin his marriage. I mean,
they've done everything that they possibly could to destroy Donald Trump,
and none of it's worked. And I said six months ago,
I go, you know what, I wouldn't be surprised if
they tried to do the unthinkable, I just wouldn't and

I took criticism for it. And sure enough, here we are,
you know, too attempted attacks, you know, in a five
week period, and and you know, by the grace of God,
he's breathing. By the grace of God, he was spared. Butler,
Pennsylvania was way too close to call. I mean, you know,
he should not be here if you believe in statistics,
and I truly believe somebody was watching down. You know,

a couple of days ago, you had somebody of three
hundred yards on a fence line. That agent would not
have seen that that person, you know, my father would
have been fifty yards away from him, and the guy
would have opened fired with with an AK forty seven
scope d AK forty seven at fifty sixty yards. We'd been
living in a very different country right now, we'd better
start taking protection seriously. And you know it's it's whatever

is happening on the outer perimeter is sean. It's something's
misfiring and we better fix it. And we better fix
it right now.

Speaker 1 (03:49):
What I don't understand, and I'll first I want to
play for you. Ronald Road, the head of the Sigarett
Service beyond in this press conference praising Majorcus, which drove
me up a wall because this man has allowed over
eleven million unvetted illegal Harris Biden illegals into the country
from one hundred and eighty countries, including Iran and Syria

and Egypt and Afghanistan and Venezuela, tens and tens of
thousands from China and Russia. I doubt they're coming here
because they want a better life for themselves and their family.
We know that there are people that have known terrorities
in our country, but we don't know where they are.
We have seen people in this country illegally responsible for

the murder of innocent Americans, the rape of innocent Americans,
other violent crimes against innocent Americans, and there has been
no accountability of this. But back to the Director, and
you know he made this comment that the security plan worked.
I take complete issue with this.

Speaker 3 (04:51):
Listen, yesterday was an off the record movement, off the record,
and the President wasn't even really supposed to go there.
It was not on his official schedule. And so we
put together a security plan, and that security plan worked.

Speaker 1 (05:03):
If the security plan worked, can you explain to me,
Eric Trump, in this case, three hundred plus yards in
a known vulnerable area of the golf course, the most
vulnerable area in the golf course, an area where paparazzi
you're well known to hide in the bushes and take
videos and pictures of your father and others playing golf there.
And that they didn't secure that perimeter and check that

location and make sure that it was cleared and keep
agents on the street to make sure nobody went into
the wooded area.

Speaker 4 (05:35):
How is that a success?

Speaker 2 (05:37):
Well, Sean, you know, two things can be true at
the same time. Now, I totally disagree with him that
it was a success. I think was an utter failure.
I mean it was a success because you had an
incredible agent who saw rifle barrel popping through the woods.
It did something very quickly about and that person deserves
to be commemorated. It was a success because the people
around my father, who were some of the greatest individuals
you'll ever meet in your entire life. I know all

of them and I truly love them, and some of
them consider good friends. You know, they hopped on him.
They did their job no different than they did in
Butler To tell you the truth. If anybody should be
bad in this entire situation, aside from all of America
and me as a son, it should honestly be those
agents that are right next to him that have had
their lives put on the line far too many times
because you know, somebody's failing to secure a perimeter. You know,

this is it feels. Listen. I'm not in this world,
but I feel like I understand it having lived in
it for the last eight years. I mean, it seems
like you should take care of a perimeter far farther
out than three hundred yards. I mean, I was a
competitive shooter. I do a lot of long range rifle stuff.
I know that world as well as anybody. You know,
A three hundred yard shot with a modern day rifle
is a piece of cake. It's a piece of cake.

And you know, it feels like a perimeter should be
a hell of a lot farther out for three hundred yards.
Six hundred yard shot is in a hard shot with
a modern day rifle if you know what you're doing,
and so, you know, I think the thing that bothers
me is, you know, if somebody, if that person would
have been extra fifty yards back no one would have
ever seen him. I mean, where is the perimeter? Where
was a perimeter and Butler? I mean that was an
absolute lapse. That was an absolute security failure in the

largest possible way. I actually kind of feel bad for
the director in a certain way. I mean, it's obviously
what he has to say that it was a success,
because obviously he had an agent that did a phenomenal job,
but that situation could have turned out very differently. At
the end of the day, is a failure because again,
in a you know, in five week period of time,
you had a rifle intended to kill a person within

three hundred yards of him twice. That has to be
considered a failure, no matter how great the one agent
was that ultimately forwarded the attack. And you know, this
poor guy comes into the situation four weeks ago after
you have an incompetent head of the Secret Service who's
coming out and trying to make excuses that a practically
flat roof that you know, secret service, you know counter

sniper's again, some of the best shots in the country.
I know many of these these guys personally, you know,
they couldn't navigate a roof that had had a two
degree pitch to it. No one believes her right. So
all of a sudden, you have a person that lost
all credibility, you know, you have a person who had
to resign from the agency in total disgrace. And now
you have a person has to go in a four

week period of time and effectively fix an agency that
you know, she otherwise I think inflicted tremendous damage to
based on what happened in Butler and the way she
handled it in the aftermath. So you know, two things
can be right. The agents on the ground did a
phenomenal job, and I love them and I appreciate them,
and they all deserve an incredible hug. But whoever setting

up these perimeters, Clearly it didn't work in Pennsylvania, and clearly,
sure as hell it didn't work in Florida. The other day,
and and and I said to my father, I go,
you know, at some point we're running out lives. I mean,
you know, I do believe in divine intervention that happened
in Butler. I do believe that it was you know,
if somebody was watching down on him, somebody had his

you know, their hand on his shoulder. But you know,
there's only so many chances that you get. You know,
there's there's only so many lives that that you have,
and they better get damn serious about the job at hand.
And it seems like as of yesterday, you know, Biden
approved the full presidential package, and hopefully this stops. But

it's you know, it's scary as a son. It's scary
as the sun. And you know, it's I think my
father might be one of the first people in modern
political history, maybe in political history, where people feel connection
to him in that way, in a fatherly way. And
you know, I mean he's created a movement of love
and people who would who would march to the end
of earth for him, right based on what he's had

to put up with. And you know, it's a movement
of love. You saw it at the r n C.
And you know, people across the you know, country are
affected by by this. This is this is more than
a politician. It's it's it's somebody that's truly beloved in
this nation. And you know, and they're trying to kill him, Sean,
I keep on going back to that point. They are
actively trying to kill him. And it can't happen in America.

It can't that.

Speaker 1 (09:52):
That's what makes this even more unforgivable to me. I mean,
when I finally looked at the way that the golf
course is, and this is the being a well known
vulnerable area, and the fact that they didn't secure that perimeter,
and they didn't go through those bushes and make sure
nobody was in it, and they didn't have any eyes

on those bushes as the President was about to make
the turn to holes four, five, and six. It tells
me that they just did not do their job, and
and that to me is extremely disconcerting. Now, your father
is a little bit you know, since I've spoken with him,
and I spoke with him immediately in the aftermath of
this and a number of times since then, he's very

defensive of the Secret Service. Doesn't really want to It
seems like it doesn't really want to think about it
too much, which I maybe can't blame him. I mean,
do you really want to think about the fact that
you came again within you know, possibly you know, minutes
of losing your life. I don't think that's something people
want to just focus on, and you know, otherwise, I
think most people be crawled up in a ball only

to get out.

Speaker 2 (11:00):
Of bed, Sean, I'm defaut to the server service as well.
As I said, some of these guys are so much
closest friends in the entire world. When you when you're
with somebody you know, twenty four hours a day, every
single day for a four year period of time, you
know you can't help but build unbelievable bonds, right. I mean,
there are people who.

Speaker 4 (11:15):
Long but those guys on the golf course were amazing.

Speaker 2 (11:18):
They were incredible.

Speaker 1 (11:20):
They were incredible that they're heroes, every one of them.
And when we could separate them out from the fact
that there was a massive security failure on the outside
perimeter in in a known vulnerable area and saying that's
where the failure took place.

Speaker 2 (11:34):
Sean, they're too professional to ever say it, right, and
they're too incredible to ever say The CS guys or
some of the best shooters you'll ever see anywhere in
the world or with long guns, they're they're incredible at
what they do. The dog handlers, they have some of
the best dog programs and the incredible what you see
the professionalism of those people, and any one of them
would take equal it for him or anybody that were
protecting there's no question about it. And you saw that

first hand in Butler, I would tell you that. And
I can probably tell the people who are probably most
mad about the situation other than direct family, are the
very people who are you know, put in this spot.
This is the second time they've been put in the spot. Listen,
if that guy opened fire with the AK forty seven
on fence line at sixty yards, believe me, they would
be dead too, right. I mean, they don't want to

be in that situation either. And that's why I'm saying
that the failure isn't in them. They've been overwhelming successes
in the way that they've reacted every time. The failure
has totally been on the perimeter. The only other question
I can't answer, and again I'm a gun guy into
this world as well as anybody, but you know, at
what point do we not think it's good to shoot
pistols against guys who have rifles? Right? I mean, that's
never been a recipe for success. You have a guy

with an AK on a fence line, hiding in a bush,
and you know we're engaging with pistols. But you know,
I think there are real questions. It's just practical questions
like that that need to be answered, and I just
hope they get serious. I mean, this is my father.
This is a guy I love. He's my best friend
in the world, and I'm so proud of how humble
he's been about the whole situation. And frankly, I think
if I were him, I'd be treating it the same

way as he is. Sometimes, you know, sometimes you're more
bothered by things that happen to other people than you
are by things that happen to yourself. That's always been
me in the world. I don't care what anybody says
about you know, me personally, but it takes a lot
more offense, right, I take a lot more offense to
it when they go after somebody that you care about
and somebody that you love in the same situation is
true here, you know, I mean, my father has been

put through absolute hell in this, in this journey to
save America. In fact, we all have. We just want
to make you know, red white and blue gray. And
I would hope he'd have just basic protection that keeps him,
he keeps him safe. And when you see this, oh,
you know, when you see.

Speaker 4 (13:37):
This twice, it's terrible.

Speaker 1 (13:38):
I mean, I've been close to you that I've known
your dad nearly thirty years now. But by the way,
if you read these Keyboard Warriors, I am a CIA
operative and I knew about this ahead of time. That's
what I had to read on social media today. These
people are freaking insane.

Speaker 2 (13:52):
It's good heat. It's where I'm sitting five feet away
from the stage and I get to hear about how
you know, Donald Trump is a threat to democracy. And
I'm saying he's the only person being shot literally and
figuratively at day. Yet he's the guy who's who's a
threat to democracy. I think it will be the greatest
testament that he you know, the greatest gift to the
American people is the uncovering of the nonsense and the

games and the way the system works. And by the way,
RFK is doing the same thing right now, and I
totally commend him for doing it. He the guy's been
absolutely amazing. He's talking about the very same things my
father is. But we're going to win this in November.
People are sick and tired of the games. They're sick
and tired of the nonsense. They're sick and tired of
you know, the lies and the bad sound bites and
and the false promises. They can read through these politicians,

and I think we're going to truly have one of
the greatest victories ever. And you know you started talking
about Pennsylvania. Everybody has to get out and vote. You
have to vote early. It is so critically important to
bank the vote. And we have to you know, we
we have to win so big that they can't cheat.
And you know we have to spend every second of every.

Speaker 1 (14:55):
We better, we better do it. I'm just out of time,
very grateful that you're that's okay. I honestly, you know,
my heart's broken. Over all that you guys have had
to go through and what they have done to you
and your family and your father is it is unbelievable.
I can only imagine how the rest of the family feels,

your brothers, your sister Milania Baron, Baron is just starting college.
For crying out loud. This poor kid has been through enough.
This man has been through enough.

Speaker 4 (15:26):

Speaker 1 (15:27):
We always appreciate you being here. Thank you, praying for you,
your dad, your family, and praying for our country as well.

Speaker 4 (15:32):
Thank you. Sir.

Speaker 1 (15:34):
Marsha Blackburn, Senator from Tennessee is with us, and she's
introducing a bill to make sure that Donald Trump and
Republican presidential candidates and all presidential candidates have the same
Secret Service protection as a sitting president. I think Donald Trump,
being the number one target of assassins, this should have
been done after Butler pa it has not been done.

We just went over earlier in the program with Eric
Trump in great detail, how we have this area surrounding
Trump International in West Palm Beach where they have this
tree line leading into a fence, and nobody secured that
perimeter at any point.

Speaker 4 (16:13):
Nobody checked the perimeter.

Speaker 1 (16:15):
And we're now being told that the would be assassin
was at the location from eleven twelve hours before the
President even decided to play golf and went there. That's
pretty chilling. It shows that you know the premeditation behind
all of this. Senator, you think you can get that done.

Speaker 5 (16:34):
We are certainly pushing to get it done. Sean. We
know that after two assassination attempts and after their campaign
to put President Trump behind bars, we know he's not
going to stop campaigning. He is not going to stop
fighting for the American people, and it is going to
be up to the Secret Service to provide that security

for him. So what I have called on Director Row
to do is to be sure he has the same
level of protection as President Biden does. And we need
to make certain that the Secret Service is using the
appropriate resources. Are they using dogs to go through these areas?

Are they using drones to surveil these areas? Do they
have the adequate number of people that are necessary Because
President Trump needs and deserves what is necessary to keep
him safe. There are people.

Speaker 1 (17:32):
Well, the Director said yesterday that the security plan for
Trump worked. I don't know how you define a successful plan.
When a would be assassin gets within three hundred plus
yards of a top presidential candidate and former president, I
wouldn't view that as a success in any by any definition.

Speaker 5 (17:53):
I agree with you. And the fact that they said, well,
we didn't know he was going to go play golf,
we oh, I think that's a pretty good guest. But
the point is this Sean, whether it's Mara Lango, whether
it is the golf course, it is their job. It
is the job of the Secret Service to protect the individuals,

the thirty three individuals that they are responsible for, and
they should be able to do that. And you're right.
It was a Secret Service agent who went ahead who
spotted something, and then an eyewitness who got a photograph
of the tag and the car. And I give a

lot of praise to the Secret Service agents that were
on the ground that.

Speaker 4 (18:41):
Oh, they were phenomenal. And I do make a distinction.

Speaker 1 (18:44):
Those around the president were phenomenal, and they did their
job with incredible professionalism, putting their lives at risk to
do it. What bothers me is they did not secure
that perimeter and an area that was a known vulnerability,
And that bothers me.

Speaker 5 (19:01):
To no when well, it bothers me also, And that
is why I'm saying, let's pick this pace up. Let's
make certain that President Trump is able to continue to
be out here fighting for the American people, to running
kiss campaign to being elected president. Let's make certain he
has a service he needs and that the Secret Service

does the adequate pre planning, does the adequate implementation, use
is the necessary technology, and also the human resources on
the ground to make certain that he is safe. And
this should be the number one thing they're looking at.
This is his second attempt in two months, so they
better be getting their act together and getting this right.

Speaker 4 (19:47):
I agree.

Speaker 1 (19:48):
Let me ask you quickly while I have you. You
wrote to the NCAA and you've got a response because
you were trying to get women's sports full protected. Your
letter was signed by twenty three US Senators Cruz, Marco,
Rubio and Hawley and others. And anyway, the UN president

of assault against Title nine and this would you know,
have to do with biological males playing in female sports.
And apparently they're not agreeing with you.

Speaker 5 (20:23):
No, they're not agreed with me. And I've had the
lead on this protecting women and keeping men out of
women's sports. And the NCUBA is basically saying, look, there
are different states that are going to handle this differently,
there are schools that are going to handle this differently.
But what we were saying is the NCUBA has to

have a standard, and that standard has to be no
men in women's sports. Let's give women the opportunity to compete,
Let's give them the opportunity to succeed, and let's of
course keep them safe. And since Title mind was signed
into law in nineteen seventy two, we had fewer than

three hundred thousand women in sports at that point in time.
Today we have over three million women in sports, and
it is time to secure that for them. I actually
am going to the floor this afternoon, Shawn. I have
a resolution that would recognize October tenths, tenth months, tenths

today XX recognize that as American girls in sports today,
so that we honor these women and commit to them.
We are going to keep girl sports for girls. We're
going to keep women sports for women.

Speaker 1 (21:41):
Well, I appreciate your efforts and please keep us updated.
Marshall Blackburn, thanks for being with us.

Speaker 5 (21:47):
Good to be with you. Thank you.

Speaker 1 (21:49):
Eight hundred and ninety four one, Shawn, is a number
if you want to be a part of the program.
You know, over the years, Linda, how many times have
we talked about these insane keyboard warriors, these these crazy people,
their underwear, you know that just just spew lies and
vitriol and hatred. And we've been the target of people
monitoring this program for how many years? And they monitor,

and they get paid to monitor in the hopes that
I say one thing, one word, one sentence that they
could take out of context and get me fired or
get me boycotted, et cetera, et cetera. Did you see
the latest you know, bizarre conspiracy theories that oh, Hannity
must be a member of the CIA.

Speaker 4 (22:30):
Did you see that today's Wee Baby James said that, Oh.

Speaker 6 (22:33):
Yeah, they're even talking about the pin you wear, that
it's a CIA badge.

Speaker 4 (22:38):
It's not.

Speaker 1 (22:38):
Well, I have for one because there are good for
the good people, because I don't sweep of the broad brush,
but I wear police uh pins all the time. And
for the good people in law enforcement and the Secret Service,
I've had their pins as well, and I support law
enforcement and I've never been shy about it, but I
also call out option when I see it in the

FBI or the intel community. I don't think anybody has
been louder about exposing the weaponization of the DOJ or
the FBI putting their their cinder blocks on the scales
of elections. I don't think anybody's broken more news on
that than us. Maybe John Solomon is in the lead there,
but I don't think anybody's broken more news about you know,

any of this corruption that exists within the government. Has
been more critical of a weaponized dj than me as
there definitely not.

Speaker 6 (23:34):
I mean, I think it's just everybody's looking for answers
everybody's trying to understand. There's a lot of people who
are going to take apart what you said when you
did all your news hits obviously on Sunday, and you
know that was your day off and you worked so
that you could talk about what happened to your friend
and former president, you know, Donald Trump, And they're like, oh,

he knew, that's why he didn't golf, or you made
a comment.

Speaker 1 (23:58):
They they called me. They first called being told me
it's not like I knew. I figured this out on
my own.

Speaker 6 (24:04):
Well, they're saying the comment that you made, this is
one of the biggest things on social your buddy, your buddy,
Gavin Newsom, you did a little pop on you know,
at at the debate that right, it doesn't matter what
it's about, it's the perception of what it's about.

Speaker 4 (24:20):
He won.

Speaker 1 (24:21):
The last person he wanted to see was me. So
I went up with a big smile on my face
and said hello.

Speaker 6 (24:26):
Oh, trust me. I know it's all over the place.
People are replaying that and they're saying he wasn't on
the golf course. He's clearly in the CIA and is
sharing hair gel with Gavin Newsom. Dammit.

Speaker 4 (24:38):
That's what's going on, all right.

Speaker 1 (24:42):
I mean, you gotta admit some of this is funny.
But but considering the seriousness of the topic, let me
just tell people, no, I'm not I'm not friends with Gavin.
Gavin got quite mad after the debate with Ronda Santis
and my interview with him, and we called him out
more than anybody else has ever called him out and

held him account to his record. You know, it reminds
me like in twenty fifteen and sixteen, even people that
I don't dislike, I mean, but you know, like Ben
Shapiro and Glenn Beck. You know, we're attacking me for
supporting Trump, I mean viciously on a daily basis. And
I just hold my ground and I stay true to

who I am and my principles. And the fact is
that I've been friends with Trump longer than any of
them and know him better than any of them. The
fact that I didn't play golf, you know, in the
last time I played around of golf, it was years ago.

Speaker 6 (25:40):
Well, I will tell the audience if you would like
me to, because I've been here for nineteen years that
in the past decade I have not seen or heard
about you playing golf. Once used to play many moons ago.
But you know, I think with all the training you're
doing and some of the injuries you've had, golf has
not been something that you could do on the regular So.

Speaker 4 (25:58):
You just stop golfing. They golf again, coughing. How do
you say?

Speaker 6 (26:03):
Do you say, I'm asking the team.

Speaker 4 (26:05):
It's not golfy, it's not golfing.

Speaker 6 (26:07):
They said golf too.

Speaker 4 (26:09):
Golf you know.

Speaker 6 (26:11):
That's how you say it.

Speaker 4 (26:12):
Golf Lord, no wonder you don't want to play that sports.

Speaker 1 (26:15):
Let me tell you something that this this, this is
something where.

Speaker 6 (26:19):
Wait, I want you to look at your text. I
want you to look at what I just texted you.
That is a mere sample of what is online. So
you're welcome that you don't have to see it.

Speaker 4 (26:28):
Oh that's the picture when I came up.

Speaker 6 (26:30):
But look at I just want you to look at
the three different versions of it. Do you know what
I'm saying? Like, this is the amount of time people
have they're looking at that picture. They're not worried.

Speaker 1 (26:40):
About the same pod Gavin Newsom Sean Hennity watched the
genuine smile on Hennedy's face because I was sneaking up
behind him while all these reporters were in front of him,
I'm like, Hi, remember, it's essentially.

Speaker 6 (26:53):
The same expression you had on when you were a
kid and you were stitching on the back of a bus.

Speaker 4 (26:57):
They just didn't know you.

Speaker 6 (26:58):
Pretty essentially, that's what it was.

Speaker 1 (27:00):
So there are deep emotions that run inside of me.
And for those that think, I guess I don't have
a heart. I believe that we're all created by God.
And to know that they're trying to kill a friend
of mine because I have a friend relationship with Trump
that goes back long before he got into politics and
that I'm close to. Obviously, I'm close to Eric and

Lauren and many of his family members. To make such
scurless and hateful allegations is sick. And these people anonymously
in their basements that either think they're broadcasters or you know,
putting these things up on social media, they have no
idea because when Butler happened, I don't even I don't

want to truly describe what I felt and the emotions
I felt, and how awful I feel about what happened
this weekend and the idea that I didn't play golf
after being invited I was an afterthought invite. I wasn't like,
you know, planned invite, and I'm like, I forgot you
want to know the truth. I had work to do.
I have to prepare for my week and I was

going to go right back after breakfast. And what do
I do all day long but send you and my
TV team article after article after article, an idea after
idea after idea. I mean, is there any hour in
the twenty four hour day where I'm not sending you
guys stuff.

Speaker 6 (28:21):
No, there is no second, no minute, no day, no hour.

Speaker 4 (28:25):
That's all I do.

Speaker 1 (28:26):
Yes, And if they don't think I'm working hard enough
to help save this country from the radicalism of Kamala Harris,
then maybe these people can do a better job. And
if they can, God bless them, because I want to
save our country and to just you know, put this up.
Trust me, Gavin didn't want me behind him, sneaking up
on him.

Speaker 4 (28:45):
They just are so clueless.

Speaker 6 (28:47):
I think the bottom line is shown the performance you've
given here today and explaining this. The CIA is gonna
be super happy with these answers. So well done, good jobs.

Speaker 4 (28:54):
What does that mean You're a nut job too? You know?

Speaker 5 (28:57):
Oh? Thank you?

Speaker 4 (28:58):
Very much. You're sounding as nutty as they are. Listen.

Speaker 6 (29:02):
If you can't have a little fun with the crazy,
then we're all gonna go crazy.

Speaker 1 (29:06):
Gosh, this is what I have to deal with on
top of an election in forty nine days, an early
voting going on right now. I don't have any pressure.
I care so much about this country that we love.
I'm so worried about our future, our kids, our grandkids.

Speaker 4 (29:20):
I really am. Listen.

Speaker 1 (29:21):
I hope everyone else feels that urgency. One thing you
never want to do is get on a ladder and
clean out your gutters.

Speaker 4 (29:27):
I had.

Speaker 1 (29:27):
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Speaker 2 (30:24):
Sean Hannity is on right now.

Speaker 4 (30:30):
All right, that's gonna wrap things up at today.

Speaker 1 (30:32):
President Trump tonight talks about the second assassination attempt against him.
We'll also check in with investigative reporter John Solomon, Jim Jordan,
nuke Ingrich, Pete Hegseth, and Congressman Mike Walt Say DVR
Hannity nine Eastern on Fox See you tonight. Back here tomorrow.
Thank you for making this show possible tomorrow. Forty eight

days till election Day. Early voting is started in the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and rolling out around the country and
from mention on Hannity dot Com.

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