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January 21, 2025 • 31 mins

Newt Gingrich, Former Speaker of the House, and author of March to the Majority, is here to take a look at the Oval Office impromptu address the President gave last night while signing his final executive orders.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Right hour two Sean Hannity Show.

Speaker 2 (00:02):
As we continue from our nation's capital, the swamp, the sewer.
The only good thing is many people have left. It's
far less crowded than it's been. It's still freezing. Can't
wait back, can't wait to get back to the free
state of Florida.

Speaker 1 (00:15):
Just saying, just a thought, just idea.

Speaker 2 (00:18):
You know, who would want to do a radio show
in seventy degree weather when you can do it in
zero degree weather? I mean, why people like that?

Speaker 1 (00:25):
I think you're wrong.

Speaker 3 (00:26):
I want to let the audience know that Sean is
doing beautifully in this winter weather.

Speaker 1 (00:31):
Love this here looks great. He's wearing a tux every night.
It's going beautifully. I wore a tux one night, and
that's it. He's actually wearing it here to radio. We
loved it so much.

Speaker 2 (00:41):
Take a picture of that. I'm gonna put that on
an X and we'll see that. I'm in a Nike
black shirt and a hoodie.

Speaker 1 (00:51):
Listen, it's it's your te it's your type of tuxedo
right there. That's my tux seedo exactly.

Speaker 2 (00:56):
H Anyway, so this issue of preemptive pardons up in
twenty twenty and you had all these elected Democrats, and
of course the state run legacy media mob.

Speaker 1 (01:07):
They don't know they're dead.

Speaker 2 (01:09):
I mean, they're still losing their minds over Donald Trump.
I mean to watch conspiracy theorist Rachel Maddow comparing Elon
Musk to a Nazi and comparing all of this and
the scathing rant and slamming the president of these tech

CEOs because now they want free speech because they feel
like they were abused by the Biden administration to lie
about COVID and to lie about Hunter's laptop, and want
to get things right. By the way, this was prior
to the election, at least in the case to Mark Zuckerberg. Well,
I don't care if you like Mark, don't like Mark.
But the letter he wrote to Jim Jordan was long

before the election, where he admitted that they did everything
the Biden administration pressure them to do, and he said
he would never do it again law for the election,
and so changes were happening to begin with anyway. So
here is the Democrats, the state run legacy media mob,

which for all intent and purposes, is dead because they lie,
They pedal lives and conspiracy theories for a living and
nobody trust them anymore. They convince their audiences that Kamala
even had a chance of winning.

Speaker 1 (02:25):
She did not.

Speaker 2 (02:26):
But this is what they were saying about preemptive pardons
in twenty twenty. And will conclude it with Adam Schiff,
who listened to his words closely because he's one of
the people that got the preemptive pardon.

Speaker 4 (02:38):
President's reportedly asking his staff whether he can issue preemptive
pardons for himself as family members. Rudy Giuliani, there's a
simple answer, no, No, mister President, that would be a
gross abuse of the presidential pardon authority.

Speaker 1 (02:54):
Do you think that those pardons are appropriate? Do you
think they would be legal? I don't think they are
appropriate at all.

Speaker 3 (02:59):
Is there are an innocent explanation for someone to seek
preemptive pardons for family members? Would you do that if
you knew you were innocent and just worried about outside forces?

Speaker 5 (03:14):
The answer to that is going to be no. It's
the president's own family. It's people that had been covering
up for the president in addition to his own family,
and so there is a self interest at play as well,
and I think that makes this quite unique.

Speaker 2 (03:32):
All right, joining us now former Speaker of the House,
New Gingrich. I know, hypocrisy is nothing new in this
city that you worked in for quite a long period
of time. And by the way, you were the last
person as Speaker to balance a budget. You did it
five years in a row. And I hope Doze and
Elon Musk are able to achieve that which you achieved. However,

this is just rank hypocrisy. It's pretty despicable, even for Democrats.
I mean, the fact that they just flip and flop
and flip on such an important issue is pretty pretty
stunning to me.

Speaker 6 (04:04):
I'm surprised your son. They're crooks.

Speaker 1 (04:07):
I mean, why did't I think of it?

Speaker 2 (04:10):
They're just crooks, They're just liars and conspiracy theory peddlers.

Speaker 6 (04:14):
You know, you just have to think of the Bidens
as the Delaware version of the Sopranos.

Speaker 1 (04:20):
In the Minute, the Biden Soprano family.

Speaker 6 (04:24):
Yeah, I mean, the many you think of that. What
you know is the big Joe in the end is
going to take it to the family because otherwise they're
going to go to jail. Now, what he did not understand,
I think is that once you are pardoned, you no
longer have a fifth Amendment right to not talk.

Speaker 2 (04:41):
Alan Dershowitz made that point. They all now have to
go before these committees. They'll all have to talk, and
they can't plead the fifth You are one hundred percent right.

Speaker 6 (04:50):
So in that sense, they may backfire. But look nothing.
You look at the level of corruption in Minnesota, look
at the level of corruption in California. The Democratic Party
is a party which has only survived by paying off
its allies, by stealing from the taxpayers, and by rigging
the game. So anytime I see Democrats do that, all

I said to myself is, oh, they must be Democrats.
I mean, you know it's by going to the zoo
and seeing a really tall giraffe and being shocked because
you know, girafts are really tall.

Speaker 2 (05:24):
These guys, you know you are a wordsmith. You know
you do have the best analogies. Let's move on to
maybe something more important. I mean, I went through in
the last hour the list of everything that Donald Trump
got done on day one, and it is remarkable, and

I won't repeat it all here because it would take
the rest of the show. However, you know what he
did yesterday. America knows what he did yesterday. I thought
the inaugural speech itself was one of the its, like
he prosecuted the case so brilliantly that no jury would

go against him against Kamala and Joe with the solutions
that he would be implementing, part of which he did yesterday.
But then we got another challenge, and that is some
of the agenda is going to have to go through Congress,
and they have a very small majority in the House.
I'm going to be doing a town hall tonight with
Speaker Johnson. That'll be on Fox News and House Republicans,

and then I'll be interviewing John Thune that'll there later
this week, and then I'll be interviewing Donald Trump and
the Oval tomorrow. How do we get this through? How
do you get the rest of that agenda, transformational agenda through?

Speaker 6 (06:42):
Well, let me start back with what Tom Sotry achieved,
and maybe his best initial decision was moving indoors because
it was so cold. There were the people who I
think might have died if they'd gotten there at six
y five in the morning and stood outside all morning.
So I thought that was a great decision. Collis and
I were in the roton before the inaugural speech.

Speaker 2 (07:03):
I thought we saw you numerous times on TV. You
both looked very nice, stressed up.

Speaker 1 (07:08):
You really did well.

Speaker 6 (07:09):
We were happy, we're having a good time. But I
went back this morning and read Jefferson's first and second inaugural,
Jackson's inaugural, first inaugural, and FDR's first inaugural. This is
clearly the speech. And I'm going to write about this
that what Trump did was clearly the most radical speech,

the most revolutionary speech ever given that an inauguration. I mean,
I personally was really happy because I spent my whole
career being against the establishment. But I thought it was
a stunningly effective thing. Second, he's moving so fast. A
good friend of mine, Steve Atnheim, rob and said, you know,
Roosevelt's hundred days are going to be Trump's ten days.

And I think there's something to that, you know, just
to the number of executive orders he's signing, the number
of different things he's doing. I think it's going to
be remarkable. Now, since you're going to have this meeting tonight,
let me just say as strongly as I can, they
have to have one reconciliation bill. It has to be passed,

ideally by a Memorial Day which Johnson has said is
his goal at the very latest by July four first,
and I would say the president should sudden to call
the Congress back in for all of August and have
no break unless they get this thing done. And the
reason simple. Reagan did not implement his tax cuts until
nineteen eighty three, and in nineteen eighty two we lost

twenty six House seats. The Republican leadership convinced Trump in
seventeen that they had to do Obamacare first, which they
failed at but that pushed back the tax bill till December.
They got no punch. They lost forty seats in twenty eighteen.
If we lose the House next year, the last two

years of Trump are going to be like Pelosi. You're
going to have investigations, impeachments, blocking new ideas. And my
point is this is the game. I mean, if they
need to focus more than any other single thing on
having a big enough economic boom next year that we
can win, and we can win. There are thirteen seats

held by Democrats or Trump carried. There are twenty one
seats held by Democrats that Trump came within five points of.
That's a thirty four seat target group. Many of them
are voting stupidly. For example, they voted against having sports
for boys and girls. Now, as you know, that's like
an eighty percent issue. The problem for the Republicans is

they're very good at targeting and focusing and communicating. But
we have to have the tax cuts, the energy for
the stuff, affordability, economic growth, all of it in one
big bill. And then Trump has to commit about ten
weeks and go into all all of these districts, both
of the weak Republican districts and then the Democrat vulnerable

districts and just have a huge rally in every single
district and do what Reagan did, which has aroused the
American people. So they forced the Congress to come to Trump.
You don't get there by negotiating with the Democratic leadership.
You get there by arousing the American people.

Speaker 2 (10:21):
It might be some issues that Democrats may have to
help out on, like raising the debt ceiling, for example.

Speaker 6 (10:26):
Sure, that's but that's why you build a grassroots organization.
And you you know, Tip O'Neil complained he went from
a twenty six point advantage, twenty six member advantage to
losing by forty six Democrats to Reagan, because Reagan was
so effective in communicating the country. As Chips said at

the time, there was this tidal wave of telephone calls. Well,
if we if we take these thirty four Democratic districts
and we built of the entire Trump machine there, just
as we did for the presidential campaign, and we have
Trump invented in them, they're gonna You're gonna see ten
or fifteen Democrats split on everything because they're going to

face the choice of not making it back. Uh. And
then the very few of them are going to want
to sacrifice their career over one or two issues.

Speaker 2 (11:21):
Have you spoken to Speaker Johnson? Have you spoken to
John Thune? Have you spoken to Donald Trump about the strategy.

Speaker 6 (11:28):
I've talked with the President, I've talked with the Speaker.
I'm going to call and talk with the majority leader
in the Senate, and I've been talking with his staff
because I just you know, and and I've sent messages
to every single Republican Senator because I really think the
senators have to understand the key here is keeping the
house uh, and you have to have a sense of urgency.

I believe Trump can get one big bill through the
House because I think he can bring that much pressure
to bear, he can rounds the public that deeply. I
think it's dangerous to think you could do it twice
in a short period of time.

Speaker 1 (12:07):
It's that there seems to be the rub there.

Speaker 2 (12:09):
But it seems that my last conversation and I'll have
another conversation tonight with Speaker Johnson, but their strategy seems
to be your one bill strategy. That's what they're going
to send to the Senate. Then the Senate obviously will
mark it up, They'll I guess, go into conference and
either come out with the deal or we're at an impass.

At that point, I mean, how do you see this
going down?

Speaker 6 (12:38):
If the House sends one big bill to the Senate
and Donald J. Trump is out campaigning for that one
big bill, the senators not going to be an impass,
including some Democrats wh are up for reelection next year,
which again has to be part of your targeting process.
But you put you know, I mean Trump, Trump just
by telephone conference calls can reach hundreds of thousands of people,

and he can set then you know, you need to
go and drown your senator's office in phone calls and
text messages and emails and go see them. You know,
be nice to have like three or four thousand people
show up at a set a senator's office back home
and say we want you, you to help. There's a
point where I can't overstate this. If you read Reagan's

farewell address in nineteen eighty nine, he says very clearly,
people say I won great legislative victories. But the truth
is you, the American people won these victories. It was
your calls, it was your work. You were Reagan's regiments.
And that's right, and I understand.

Speaker 2 (13:42):
I have told the people that went out and got
Donald Trump re elected against all odds, that we will
call upon them again and they will need to be deputized,
and we'll give out the phone number to Congress.

Speaker 1 (13:54):
Those moments are coming. We're not going to abuse it.

Speaker 2 (13:56):
I always tell people to be polite, but will help
an anyway we can as well. All right, quick break
right back more with former Speaker of the House New
King Rich on the other side.

Speaker 1 (14:05):
Your calls coming up as well.

Speaker 2 (14:07):
Don't forget our town hall with Speaker Johnson House Republicans tonight.
My Oval Office interview first interview with Donald Trump tomorrow
A busy week from our nation's capital. It's the Sean
Hannity Show, Hi twenty five till the top of the hour.
Toll for you our numbers eight hundred and ninety four one,
Shawn if you want to be a part of the program.
More with Speaker Gingrich in just a moment, Programming notes

Tonight at the Capital, Speaker Mike Johnson House Republicans. Will
they unite behind the Trump agenda? That's my main question
of the evening and how they're going to do that.
Then on Wednesday, an exclusive interview Donald Trump's first from
the Oval office since being inaugurated. Looking forward to that,

not looking forward to the frigid weather. Just a side note,
want to remind you our friends at the International Fellowship
of Christians and Jews, they're on the front line every
day this conflict. In spite of quote the ceasefire, it continues.
You have tens of thousands of Israelis, they have been
displaced from their homes. And now on January twenty seventh,

it's International Holocaust Remembrance Day, and of course we then
remember the great evil of the Holocaust, millions of Jews
slaughtered during the Nazi reign of terror. Now today, with
the rise of global anti Semitism, also in the halls
of Congress, also on college campuses, and the constant attacks
on the Jewish people, it is more important than ever

to remember the atrocities of the Holocaust to ensure that
this never happens again. Iran can never get a nuclear
weapon or we will live through a modern day Holocaust.
But our proud partnership with the International Fellowship of Christians
and Jews continues. You have tens and tens of thousands
of Israelis that are displaced, and they are the ones

providing the food, the shelter, the medicine, the bare necessities, including,
by the way, those remaining Holocaust survivors. Whatever you can
donate today to help provide these necessities to Jewish communities
is desperately needed. And your gift is you're taking a
stand against radical Islamic terrorists that attack them. On October

the seventh. They never fully had the support of Biden
and Harris, sadly, but whatever gift you can give, you
can go to their website at SUPPORTIFCJ dot org, SUPPORTIFCJ
dot org or Triple eight four eight eight IFCJ eight
eight eight four eight eight IFCJ today all right, a
few more moments with the Speaker of the House, then
we'll get to your calls coming up. Eight hundred and

ninety four to one, Sean if you want to join us.
And you know, mister Speaker, we have talked a lot
over the years about about principles that we both share.
I call this an opportunity that maybe you get once
every one hundred hundred and fifty years. You are the historian.
Tell me if I'm way out of line here, and

that is we now have a chance as a country
to return to constitutional order. And by that I mean,
you know, we give lip service to limited government, the
concepts of limited government. We give lip service, you know,
to cutting out waste, fraud, and abuse. We give lip
service to more freedom, the vision of our framers and

our founders. Now we actually have a chance to do it.
Cutting two trillion dollars would go a long way to
cutting back the size, the scope, the influence of government
in our lives. These are things to me that are doable.
We can be an energy rich country, cut taxes, save
social security and medicare, build the next generation of warfare

to port all these you know, cartel members, rapists, murderers,
and known terrorists in the country. We can do all that,
and we'll be able to afford it all and start
paying down the debt. Is is this vision of mine,
you know, completely out of touch with reality or is
it a possibility?

Speaker 6 (18:04):
No, I think it's very possible. And I think this
is potentially and I emphasize potentially because we now have
to deliver. I mean, all we've done is one we
want the ticket to get in the game. We didn't
win the game, but this is potentially. I really felt
this listening to the President's inaugural address yesterday. This is

the biggest change since Franklin Delna Roosevelt in nineteen thirty two.
So you're talking about a really long period, and I
think if we can execute as a team, if we
can get things done, we'll be amazed. But I particularly
had to say, Sean, I thought immediately of you inlist

now we're sitting in the rotunda and the President said, drill, baby, drill,
because it was a dinner with you in the spring
of two thousand and eight where we together came up
with the idea of drill here, drill now, pay less.
You drove it your listeners, Well.

Speaker 2 (19:06):
I got to be fair, though, give credit words due
that was your idea, I said, I am totally on board.
And we pushed it hard and and we didn't get
what we wanted. That we got some of it when
Trump was president the first.

Speaker 6 (19:19):
Time, right, Well, but we we had we got with
your help and your leadership. We had a million, four
hundred thousand people signing a petition. We drove it into
the convention that summer, and it evolved from drill here,
drill now pay less to drill baby drill by the
time of the Republican convention. But I couldn't help but think,

because this is how history occurs here, we are literally,
uh you know, more than a decade later, and now
you suddenly have seventeen years later. That phrase has been
driven into the Republican Party. It's being driven into the
country's consciousness, and it is going to lead between Canada

and the US. We're going to be an enormous energy
powerhouse that is going to be able to both lower
prices in America, create an enormous number of jobs in America,
and allow us to offset the Russians and anybody else
in the world market. So but I hope you have
some sense that you literally participated in making history, because

if we had not pushed it that hard and done
so for years. I mean, I wrote a book at
one point called Gasolina two fifty had Barack Obama attacked
me because it was impossible, you know, and all this
stuff kept just history kept coming our way. I think
we had the same experience when we passed welfare reform,

where by the way, we got one hundred and one
Democrats to vote with us, in one hundred and one
voted against us. But that was literally thirty one years
after Ronald Reagan first proposed it running for government California.
And sometimes you have these long suites of history, and
what you have in Trump now is a charismatic leader
of enormous energy and drive and courage, standing at a

point in an intersection where if you just take and
I'm doing this in our next newsletter at games three sixty,
if you just take the key parts of his speech yesterday,
you suddenly realized this is a cultural revolution, a political revolution,
and a governmental revolution all in one. And that's what
makes it so extraordinary.

Speaker 2 (21:29):
I actually am hopeful. I think this is the greatest
opportunity where we will get for the rest of our lives.
Let's put it this way. If we fail, we'll never
For example, if we fail on energy, our kids will
inherit forty trillion plus in debt that they'll never be
able to pay back during their lives.

Speaker 1 (21:50):
We won't.

Speaker 2 (21:52):
The promise of social security and Medicare will go away.
They will means test it, and they will lower benefits
dramatically because they squandered that money and they never put
it in a lock box.

Speaker 1 (22:03):
These are not small issues. The thing that probably worries.

Speaker 2 (22:07):
Me the most and that I talk most often about,
is don't we know we have known terrorists in this country.
We know where they came from. We know they came
from Iran. We know they came from Syria. We know
they came from Egypt, home of the Muslim Brotherhood. We
know they came from Afghanistan, home of Isis. We know
that they came from Venezuela, Trey trende Aragua, gang in

now twenty States. We know they're coming from China, we
know they're coming from Russia. There's no way anybody can
convince me that they're coming here because they want a
better life. For their children and their grandchildren. They are here,
they are plotting, they are planning, they are scheming another
nine to eleven attack on our homeland. May be worse

this time. I don't know, And any day, any minute.
I think it's a matter of when, not if. But
I pray to God that I'm wrong. I'd never want
to be more wrong in my life. I'd print up
T shirts Hannity was wrong. But I think it's inevitable
and we will be on a war footing at some
point during the Trump administration because of these people. Harris

and Biden led it into the country, and they'll have
more blood on their hands. They have a lot of
blood on their hands.

Speaker 1 (23:19):

Speaker 6 (23:20):
Well, I think it partly depends on how aggressively and
effectively we're able to execute deportations.

Speaker 1 (23:28):
You know, how do you find them?

Speaker 6 (23:30):
Oh, I think it takes work. But I think there
will be no sanctuary cities left in America. There will
be no place where you don't have sheriffs and police
working with you. And I suspect that we're going to
gather up a lot of information pretty rapidly, and you know,
it's not perfect, but the truth is that we have
done a pretty good job of tracking down and stopping

people in the past. And I think now that you
have a pro safety, anti terrorist, anti illegal immigrant administration,
you have a lot of resources that are going to
come to bear very fast. And I'm I agree with you.
It's a possibility and something I worry about a lot.
It's not in the top five, but it's certainly a

significant concern. But I do believe that you have a
new border director who is a remarkable professional. I think
he has reached out to lots of people, and I
think you're going to see one the border control two
starting I think today you're going to see substantial deportations.

And the Congress is passing that passed the bill which
basically drives that if somebody gets picked up for virtually anything,
they will be held until the federal agents can discermine
whether or not they have a criminal record. That's going
to clean up things very fast. You know, Giuliani was

very shocked at how fast they cleaned up. For example,
the squeegee men who used to come up to you
when you came into New York City and they would
walk out when you stopped at red light nude, put
a dirty sponge on your car and then demand money.

Speaker 1 (25:10):
And yeah, they'd clean they'd clean your windshield with dirty water, right.

Speaker 6 (25:15):
And people were just furious about it, but not under and.

Speaker 2 (25:17):
Then they'd shake it down for money. And you know,
little old ladies would have to, you know, hand over
five bucks to get filthy, dirty water put on their windshield.

Speaker 6 (25:26):
Well, they decided to focus on them as the first
step towards re establishing safety in the city. To their shock,
they found that actually there were about forty of them.

Speaker 1 (25:36):
And yeah, and they said it was their full time job. Yeah,
they said they got they got rich doing that.

Speaker 6 (25:43):
Right, the next time you touch a car, it's trespass
on our private property and we're arresting you and they
we're going to take you down the station and check
to see if you have other outstanding warrens. Within two weeks,
there were no squeegee men left because they changed the equation. Well,
I think you're going to see the Feds change the equation,
and I think they're going to say, to anybody who

claims their sanctuary city, how would you like to have
no federal money none, We can arrange for it by Monday.
All of a sudden, if I have a bunch of
old vetchramyas going. You know, I really think this is
a great program and I really want to be part
of it.

Speaker 1 (26:18):
You know, you might have problems.

Speaker 2 (26:19):
I've thought this through and I think that's exactly the strategy.
Here's a little problem that Mike Johnson's going to have,
and that is he has a California contingency of Republican
House members, and I mean their jobs probably would be
over if in fact that happened. Now, the better answer

is that California gets wise. And I mean, how does
anyone put any faith in California when they don't practice
the science of forestry and clear out brush and have
control burns, and they have fire hydrants that don't have
water in them and reservoirs that are empty. Explain how
how that state ever gets an ounce of common sense?

Speaker 6 (27:03):
Well, I think nothing. You know, It's like when you
have kids growing up, sometimes nothing teaches them as much
as burning their fingers on the stove. You know, you
can tell them all day the stove is hot, and
then they finally go, oh, stove, really is that my
half fingerburnk Look, first of all, I suspect there are
a lot of Californias now who have begun to realize
what a disaster just in plain performance the government Californias.

I also think you're going to see a big a
recall effort for the mayor of Los Angeles, another recall
effort for the governor, and I think you will see something.

Speaker 2 (27:38):
We appreciate your time, former Speaker of the House, New Gingridge,
Thank you, sir, and we will check in often because
your advice, your counsel, your strategies are brilliant, and we
appreciate your friendship as always.

Speaker 1 (27:50):
Thank you.

Speaker 2 (27:51):
All right, quick break right back, both hit the phones
as we continue. Don't forget Hannity tonight Speaker Johnson House,
Republicans town Hall, Donald Trump tomorrow night Oval Office for
his first sit down interview. All coming up as I
continue from the DC Swamp. It's the Sean Hennity show.

Speaker 3 (28:14):
Up next, our final roundup and information overload our.

Speaker 2 (28:24):
All right, let's get to our busy telephones here. Let's
say hi to Ricky's in Ohio.

Speaker 7 (28:29):
Yeah, I just want to say that, you know, listening
to the President Trump Yesterday's inauguration speech, it was amazing.
He touched on every subject that he said. He would
do when he got in as president, and as a
father of three daughters, I really appreciated him saying, you know,
there's two genders. There's males and there's females. And I
appreciate that very much, and so do a lot of

people here in Ohio that got young daughters playing sports.
I think that was very important. And I also appreciate
his transparency on everything he did yesterday, on signing all
those orders and being very transparent showing him to the
people of this country and the world. It was amazing
watch and.

Speaker 1 (29:11):
It's only really just begun.

Speaker 2 (29:13):
And the one thing I could tell you, he was
so dialed in yesterday and so on his game. And
I've known him for thirty years, and i can't really
explain it, and I have my theories, and there's no
point going over with Hannity's theories are. But I think
that winning this election has changed him. I think two
assassinations or two would be assassins.

Speaker 1 (29:36):
And coming within a millimeter of.

Speaker 2 (29:37):
Dying has changed him. Do I think he's even conscious
of it, I'm not really sure. To some degree, I
think he's more religious. I think his faith has grown,
and I think that he is he just realizes that
he's on borrowed time at this point and he wants
to accomplish this for his country.

Speaker 1 (29:56):
That'll be his legacy.

Speaker 2 (29:58):
And the guy that's it up and said fight, fight, fight,
is going to spend four years and doing just that.
He will fight, He will fight, and he will fight
some more and he's not going to stop. And Republicans
they've better stiff in their spine and get a backbone
because they're going to need to fight with them anyway.
We love our friends in Ohio. Congratulations buckuys, big win

last night. Hey, Power School, you might not know this.
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Speaker 1 (30:43):
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Speaker 2 (30:44):
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