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July 20, 2018 7 mins

30 year veteran Colonel Carolyn Closs stops by the show and talks about her company Closs Global Solutions.

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
It is timmy time. You know what time it is.
It's timey time. We're talking to ordinary people doing extraordinary things.
Our special guest is Colonel retired from the Army thirty
years sir. All right, y'all know I love my veterans.
You do know that she served in all three components
of the Army, Active Duty, Army, National Guard, and Army Reserve,
where she still has made a life mission of breaking

down on barriers. Put your hands together, please welcome Colonel retired,
the one and only Ms. Carolyn Klaus. Thank you, good
morning to tell you how you doing. I'm doing well. Thanks.
I appreciate this, I appreciate you. We all appreciate your service.
Thirty years in the Army. Yeah, thirty years, ten months,

and eleven days counted, all of them. You know. My
first question to you is what drove you to the military.
Tell me the backstory of it. Well, I'm an r
OPC graduate from Weston Salem State University down in Weston Salem,
North Carolina, and it was really there that I made
the determination to go into the Army to fulfill a

life stream of learning more about the world. And I
just thought that would be an outstanding opportunity in a
great place to do it. I'm also the daughter of
an old World War two back. Oh there is the
Purple Heart survibe the Battle of the Boat, which says
a lot. You don't just walk away from from a

fight like that. So I have those kind of genes
in my body. Thank God. Let me ask Carolyn, you know,
when you're going into something like the military, the playing
field is not always leveled, especially coming in, and it's unfortunate,
but when when, when as a female entering into a
male dominant world, how were you able to succeed past
all of that? As I was saying before, my strength

come from my family, It really does. I'm the youngest
that of what was ten kids. So if it was
nothing but having afford to to grab the last dis
get off the table, you know, I learned it right there.
But definitely what women have had to endure and what
we're still enduring in the military, in the world, and
light of some of the things that we're seeing in

the news today from sexual harassment, sexual fault to uh,
you know, less pay for jobs done. It was a task,
but I worked harder, I was smarter, and I made
that known UM, this was about doing the best job
for the American people, and that was the fortitude that

I stepped out on. Also, mentors. It's important to have mentors,
especially for a smaller population within a bigger world, if
you will, male dominant white male, and then women and
then lack Americans. So you it's important to find mentors
along the way that will give you that nugget that
will tell you the additional things that you need to

do to make the next steps, that will inform you
of certain things that may be jobs that may be
coming open that you should try to consider. So it's
an ongoing task, it really is, and it's a lot
of moving parts. You have a company called Class Global.
Tell me about so I started a company Class Global Solutions.
UM when I retired and I looked at all of

the things that had happened to me over the past
I say, twelve years in the military, very non traditional careers.
I worked at the Legislative Liaison in Congress and travel
with members of Congress all over the world and just
got to see things from a global perspective. And that,
you know, because it's one thing to read a book,
but if you're not visiting and going to places you

really don't get the seal of what the real world
is out there, you know, you think it's just your
corner of the pie. But I looked at that, and
I looked at the unique skill sets that I have,
and we started class global some very wonderful people on
my team, former Congressman Congress meek Bert Blasto from a

loosing the Colonel. We looked at this and we decided
that the things that had taken place in my life
the last twelve years was something that was need at
outside of the army, still fulfilling those things, looking at
women and gender issues, looking at education, just looking at
ways to promote and build and pull up those that
really want to know and to get certain places. But

lots of barriers that have been there. So yeah, but
you know what, I'm so with you on If you
haven't been there to see it for yourself, you really
don't know the magnitude of it, you know. I I
did to USO Tours. I went to Saudi Arabia, Iran, Afghanistan, Germany,
the whole nine yards and went and performed for the troops.
And that's when I was actually able to see the

front line and really really respect what soldiers go through. Male,
female don't matter. I have seen it, and I understand it,
and I bowed out, which is the reason why I
started my entire foundation in the miles of giving and
giving back the wounded veterans. So I know what you
mean when you're saying if you haven't seen it, you
really don't understand it. Right now, we're and I appreciate you,

we really do for being a voice outside of uniform,
a civilian and who has a special interest in in
what we do and the lives that soldiers live. Carolln
do this for me. Tell me how can we follow
what's going on with Class Global Solutions so we can
see what you're doing and support what you're doing well.
I do have a website, class global dot com. I

am working diligently and wanting to help nations, African nations
if you will, that are somewhat on the come up
or or come back. Liberia just elected a new president
in January, George we who's a footballer but not a politician,
so Class Global wouldn't like very much to go in

and to help him realize some of the visions that
he's set to help set up a format where there's
good government, where he can have access to the United
States Members of Congress based on places that I've worked sold.
That's a big thing right now. We're pushing to do
that and hoping that we can help children of that

nation because education is key. It is truly the civil
rights issue of our day. And without good education, it's
just impossible to have a good future. Often often so. Yeah,
but Class Global dot Com, Claus Global dot com. That's
c l O. S S Global dot Com, Class Global

dot Com. We want to say, colonel retired Carol and Claus,
we want to thank you for calling and we really
appreciate you. Thank you so much. I really appreciate it
and appreciate your service. Thirty years in the military, thirty years. Absolutely,
you gotta give me one loud army yell, though, give
it to me. It's time to time. We're talking to

ordinary people that are doing extraordinary things. We'll be back
with more to Steve Harvey Morning Show
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