Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:01):
It's the best of billion Lisa in the Morning.
Speaker 2 (00:04):
Hey, good morning everybody, justin here, welcome in. I have
your top five moments from this week on the Billy
and Lisa Show. I do it every weekend on Kiss
one A wait. You can listen live right here on
your iHeartRadio app or on the podcast page Church Billy
and Lisa in the Morning on the iHeartRadio app.
Speaker 1 (00:20):
Let's get right into it. Number five.
Speaker 2 (00:22):
Coming back from vacation, we had a lot of stuff
to cover, including this topic of the reusable pegs at
the supermarket?
Speaker 1 (00:29):
Do you use one or not?
Speaker 3 (00:31):
Okay, just to recap, I was at a supermarket yesterday
in the middle.
Speaker 4 (00:35):
Of it all.
Speaker 3 (00:36):
Lisa Dunovan gave me a call and say, hey, you're
at the market. You bring your bag And I really
didn't know what you was talking about, but I guess
you're supposed to bring bags to the market now, And
all of a sudden, I'm walking around the market.
Speaker 4 (00:47):
I'm feeling judged.
Speaker 3 (00:48):
It's a very bit serious topic apparently for the supermarket goers.
So let's start with the phonesend. Kimberly, what are your
thoughts on this?
Speaker 5 (00:57):
Hey guys. Yeah, So here's Sadil I'm a bag not
a bag person.
Speaker 6 (01:01):
Okay, I have I.
Speaker 5 (01:02):
Have so many bags. I have them in the car,
I have them in the house, I have them everywhere,
but I forget them every single time I go into
a store, every time, right, And so then I'm at
the register. Oh yeah, and it doesn't matter what story
you're in. Okay, it doesn't matter. You're standing there. And
now I'm starting to sweat because I'm seeing the bags
that I'm supposed to buy, because they're starting to put
them in the in the paper, and you know the
paper is going to break everywhere. Yes, And so I
grab one, I grab another, and the bagger looks at
me and goes, so, how heavy do you want this
bag to be? The one I just bought? And I'm like,
oh crap, Now I need to buy like five more
bags because I'm looking at how many groceries I have
and I'm sweating, right, and then I'm thinking to myself.
I get family and friends coming over. They got to
put their coats somewhere.
Speaker 6 (01:49):
They open up the closet.
Speaker 5 (01:50):
I'm like, oh, not that one, because all the bags
are going to hang out.
Speaker 3 (01:57):
So you have all these bags and you didn't have
any them with you.
Speaker 4 (02:00):
Can you forget them? Yeah, it's right.
Speaker 5 (02:02):
And then I just got to buy more and more
and more.
Speaker 6 (02:04):
It's like an addiction.
Speaker 5 (02:05):
It's not right.
Speaker 4 (02:08):
So now when you're checking out, did you feel judged?
Did you feel like people were really shame?
Speaker 6 (02:15):
Total total shame.
Speaker 5 (02:17):
And I'm like, I'm standing there, I'm like, my bags
are in the car. Yeah, okay, well they're not here,
So now you've got to buy some more.
Speaker 4 (02:23):
Yeah, you get the eye rolls on the cash here.
Speaker 5 (02:25):
As how heavy do you want them to be? Just
tell me how heavy?
Speaker 4 (02:30):
But here's the irony. Okay.
Speaker 3 (02:31):
But the market, and again we're not naming names, but
the market I was at yesterday, they have their own
bags that they sell.
Speaker 4 (02:38):
They're not paper, they're like cloth or whatever.
Speaker 6 (02:42):
Speaker 4 (02:42):
And they're all over the store. They have setups where
you can buy the bags.
Speaker 1 (02:46):
Speaker 4 (02:46):
And yet they're paper bags.
Speaker 3 (02:48):
They double the strength off to the point where you
don't even need those bags.
Speaker 4 (02:52):
The paper bags are plenty strong enough.
Speaker 1 (02:54):
I don't, I don't. I don't know about that. The
paper bags always rip on me.
Speaker 4 (02:57):
Ye see these are double reinforced on the store.
Speaker 2 (03:01):
Oh really yeah, yeah, I never get the paper bags,
so I can't believe it up there in North Country
and they still do plastic.
Speaker 1 (03:07):
Yeah it's plastic. You don't even see reusable bags?
Speaker 7 (03:09):
Well sometimes yeah, baby, it depends on the store.
Speaker 4 (03:13):
Speaker 8 (03:14):
Yeah, so you got charged yesterday for bags I'm sure.
Speaker 3 (03:17):
On top of the being judged and everything else and
followed around.
Speaker 1 (03:21):
It's a nickel. You got charged a nickel? Yeah. How
many bags did you did?
Speaker 4 (03:24):
You use a total of four?
Speaker 1 (03:26):
Yeah? Twenty cents?
Speaker 4 (03:28):
Yeah, so what's the big deal?
Speaker 1 (03:29):
Yeah, you need a float to I mean, what happened?
You know what I mean?
Speaker 9 (03:33):
It's your girl Sarah from Maine, Happy New Year.
Speaker 10 (03:36):
And this is so funny to.
Speaker 9 (03:37):
Me that you're just discovering the reusable bag thing, because
in Maine they've outlawed plastic bags for quite a few
years now and we've had to bring our own reusable
bags to the grocery store. Otherwise you get charged five
cents for every paper bag you use.
Speaker 11 (03:54):
But it's definitely a competition.
Speaker 9 (03:55):
But like who has the coolest, prettiest for like crunchiest bag.
Speaker 11 (04:00):
It's so many, it's amazing.
Speaker 2 (04:01):
That funny like here the you know the plastics band
New Hampshire, it's not And then mane.
Speaker 7 (04:06):
It is right, wow, crazy weet callar though I can
so relate to her because I do forget my bags
all the time, and then I keep buying more bags.
Speaker 8 (04:18):
So my house, like hers, is just filled with bags.
Speaker 4 (04:20):
Yeah, oh mind too.
Speaker 12 (04:21):
I try to go to towns where I know they
get free plastic bags.
Speaker 1 (04:24):
So I'm going to say, come over the border.
Speaker 12 (04:26):
No, there are plenty in Like, so Masses is split
because we don't we have an outlawed plastic bags.
Speaker 11 (04:31):
But sometimes charge you.
Speaker 12 (04:33):
Even at the mall, they charge you for a brown bag,
depending on what mall you're at, Like the mall like
Natick Mall, I think they charge you five cents because
it's Natick. But the brainch Ta mall, I don't think
they charge me five cents.
Speaker 4 (04:42):
So you're even worse than a non bag person. You're
a plastic bag person.
Speaker 12 (04:46):
So I'm gonna just give me something for my stuff
in I don't.
Speaker 11 (04:48):
Care what it is.
Speaker 1 (04:50):
Yeah, I use the plastic bags. I don't know. It
could be worse. We could live in.
Speaker 4 (04:54):
Jersey, so we're guarding the bags. It's a good thing
you don't live in New Jersey.
Speaker 13 (04:58):
They do not give any plastic bags any longer.
Speaker 14 (05:03):
You can't pay for them.
Speaker 10 (05:05):
You have to bring your own bags.
Speaker 13 (05:08):
Good luck with that.
Speaker 3 (05:09):
Yeah, we Why can't you just use the paper bags?
Can't they give you paper bags?
Speaker 12 (05:13):
I depend maybe they don't have paper bags in Jersey.
Jersey is actually an interesting place.
Speaker 11 (05:16):
They don't. You can't pup your own gas in Jersey.
Speaker 4 (05:18):
So let me get this straight. That they don't have
paper bags and they don't allow you. You have to
carry your.
Speaker 1 (05:23):
Grocer to walk your arms.
Speaker 2 (05:24):
Yeah, well you have to put them in the carriage
and then unload them in your car if you.
Speaker 12 (05:27):
Think about it, if you go to BJ's or Costco,
they're bags.
Speaker 11 (05:31):
Someone saying boxes.
Speaker 4 (05:33):
Yeah, when did they start taking all this so serious?
Speaker 1 (05:36):
I know, I know, I know the bag thing.
Speaker 13 (05:38):
I used to work at a grocery store for about
five years and people never used to wash their reusable bags,
so they used to smell like cat pee and stuff.
So if you do, please wash your bags. Take that
as you will, don't you.
Speaker 15 (06:00):
Speaker 2 (06:00):
The first trailer for the new Amy Schumer Netflix movie
dropped this week. It's called kind of Pregnant, comes out
next month. It's about her lying about being pregnant, which
led us to a topic time. The biggest lie You've
ever told or been told? Number four One of.
Speaker 9 (06:14):
The worst lies I have ever been told.
Speaker 10 (06:18):
Most of the worst lies actually I have ever been
told were from my now ex husband.
Speaker 6 (06:24):
I was sent a video.
Speaker 10 (06:27):
Where he was in it with someone he wasn't supposed
to be with, and he that man looked at me
dead in my eyes and said they must have photo
shocked me.
Speaker 15 (06:38):
They were not married anymore.
Speaker 1 (06:40):
I would hope not sod they're going to keep it going.
I don't want to get caught.
Speaker 15 (06:49):
The biggest lie I was ever told.
Speaker 6 (06:51):
I was in the high school.
Speaker 15 (06:52):
I was a senior and I was dating in a
guy it was cold than me, and he told me
that he went to Bendiclock College. Well, when I started
touring college and that was on my list, So me
and my friends went to Endicott College and he gave
us a tour to find out that he did not
go there, but he went to another school down the street.
Speaker 1 (07:11):
Oh why why?
Speaker 6 (07:13):
Speaker 2 (07:13):
Why would he lie about it because he was probably
trying to trying to, you know, get there.
Speaker 11 (07:17):
I don't know he went to another college. Was it
matter what college?
Speaker 1 (07:20):
Maybe the college wasn't as good as Endicott.
Speaker 4 (07:22):
What's down the street from Mexico.
Speaker 11 (07:24):
No fact undercont's not necessarily like you.
Speaker 1 (07:26):
Know, I'm just.
Speaker 4 (07:31):
Everything you like. My son Dylan graduate, I'm not you did.
Speaker 11 (07:39):
I'm just saying it's not Harvard.
Speaker 4 (07:41):
God, this is the cheerleader thing again. Well okay, it's not.
Speaker 8 (07:44):
Really hard, but I think to this person it was
important for them to be going tootto.
Speaker 12 (07:52):
I know, I'm not saying anything bad about Endicott. I'm
just saying it's a weird.
Speaker 11 (07:55):
Why it's hell?
Speaker 2 (07:56):
Can I just put a p s A out there?
I want to get ahead of this right now. Any
all complaints winning.
Speaker 11 (08:03):
Sorry, I'm just being realistic.
Speaker 12 (08:04):
Okay, my god, shoot me for being honest.
Speaker 3 (08:08):
I mean I have a picture framed on one of
my walls.
Speaker 2 (08:13):
How much you know who went to Endicott and graduated
santy Jamin School?
Speaker 11 (08:21):
I said nothing. Yeah, it's a nice school.
Speaker 1 (08:25):
We'll just move on. We'll just we'll just move on.
Speaker 16 (08:28):
Speaking of lies, I have lied about really being sick
to take a day off for my mental health and
well being from my job. Yeah, and I went back refreshed,
feeling so much better, So that was worth a lie.
Speaker 11 (08:47):
I think we've all done that. I think that's like
a white lie.
Speaker 16 (08:50):
That's an inconsistent lie.
Speaker 12 (08:53):
Every single morning, I'm stuck in traffic, but I'll be
there soon.
Speaker 1 (08:58):
Guys common ones, Yeah, yeah, those are common.
Speaker 16 (09:06):
Do you want to know who the biggest liars are
out there?
Speaker 15 (09:08):
Five year olds?
Speaker 14 (09:10):
I teach kindergarten and I am lied to constantly throughout
the day.
Speaker 16 (09:14):
I could see them do something with my own eyes,
and they will lie straight to my face.
Speaker 1 (09:20):
Oh, five year olds, I mean they're kids.
Speaker 11 (09:23):
They're Yeah, I don't really know any better.
Speaker 1 (09:26):
You try to teach them not to lie. Yeah, you know,
that's what you do.
Speaker 17 (09:29):
I was dating the guys that i'd known since high school.
He gave me the whole song and dance, I've loved
you since high school. Now we're both single, so I
went for it.
Speaker 15 (09:37):
It was long distance for a little bit, and I.
Speaker 17 (09:39):
Was under the impression that he was gainfully employed and
had his own apartment, and the entire time he was
living in his mother's home and collecting disability.
Speaker 13 (09:51):
So that was fun.
Speaker 3 (09:54):
Yeah, lying out of embarrassment sometimes is pretty common.
Speaker 4 (09:58):
You know, you just don't want to tell them truth.
Speaker 3 (10:00):
If you're living in the basement at your mom or
if you're living in your little boys room.
Speaker 1 (10:04):
Just sucks getting caught.
Speaker 4 (10:05):
Yeah, oh it's embarrassed.
Speaker 1 (10:07):
It really sucks.
Speaker 18 (10:08):
Biggest lie I was ever told was on a dating app,
via a very long text threat over the course of
a whole day, that a guy had cancer, but he didn't.
When I caught him out, he said he lied because
he didn't think he could attract me without some kind
of hook. I don't know how we thought that was
going to play out in the end, Like I was
gonna say, Oh, that's so flattering, Okay, I'll forgive you.
Speaker 11 (10:29):
Speaker 4 (10:30):
Yeah, lying about something like that, I don't that's another category.
They should be in jail.
Speaker 2 (10:35):
Yeah I knew somebody and they don't show their face
around anymore.
Speaker 4 (10:40):
Well, it's humiliating once you've been uncovered.
Speaker 1 (10:43):
Well, there's people really with cancer.
Speaker 8 (10:45):
That it's so bad, and the people that are trying
to like have people give them money and stuff like
that or.
Speaker 12 (10:50):
Just get sympathy, and I tear money is one gross
part of it. But the people that just are like.
Speaker 19 (10:56):
Yeah, I'm not feeling good.
Speaker 11 (10:58):
I have cancer. No you don't, it's weird.
Speaker 20 (11:00):
Good morning morning, crew. I have one crazy lie for you. Next,
boy friend of mine told me that he got a
job as a waiter at a restaurant down in Fenway,
and about six months after that, I realized that job
never existed and he was prostituting himself on my back.
Speaker 14 (11:15):
So have a great day, everybody.
Speaker 11 (11:18):
Well he was serving something.
Speaker 4 (11:19):
Wait a minute, he was prostituting himself.
Speaker 11 (11:21):
What yeah, he was. He was saying he was a waiter,
but he was serving up something. I think it counts.
Speaker 4 (11:26):
Wow, he was in the hospitality.
Speaker 1 (11:32):
I really just can't.
Speaker 5 (11:33):
Speaker 1 (11:33):
This is crazy.
Speaker 10 (11:34):
Good morning, guys. I yess I have a lie. I
have a crazy X. You call him crazy Eddie who
calls me in hysterics. One day that his mother died.
She had a hot attack and died and I had
to buy him a suit for his for the funeral.
And I just had a feeling something wasn't right, So
I googled her address and I drove down to get
him and knocked on that door, and there she went
live and she looked at me and I said, oh
my gosh, you're alive, and she goes, oh.
Speaker 6 (12:03):
He got you two or me?
Speaker 1 (12:06):
Good morning, everybody, welcome back.
Speaker 2 (12:08):
Justin here, counting on the best moments when the Billy
and Lisa Show for this week, the first week of
twenty twenty five, and the big story this week the
wildfires in California, a horrific situation. Every day it seemed
to get worse and worse. We did our best to
cover it, to update everybody, and to talk to people
who are either there in California or affected by it.
Speaker 3 (12:29):
Hey, guys, So when we went on the air early
this morning, we said it was going to be a
different feel to the show, right, liaid what's going on
out there in southern California with the wildfires, you know,
because let's face it, we take to the airwaves every morning.
We try to provide an escape for everybody. We try
to make it funny, humorous to some degree, and you know,
some days it just feels a little different. And I
think today is one of those days. And having said that,
we told people to feel free to reach out to
the Billion Lisa Morning Show if you had loved ones
in othern California who are going through the wildfires, losing
their homes, losing everything.
Speaker 4 (13:04):
We have Velvet on the phones right now. Good morning Velvet, Good.
Speaker 6 (13:08):
Morning, Billy, Hi Lisa, Hi, Winnie Hi, drestin.
Speaker 4 (13:13):
So what's going on velvet?
Speaker 6 (13:16):
Okay, we'll try not cry, but I will. Last night
she called me my daughter. She lives in the hills
right two miles away from Onion Canyon. She said, Mommy,
don't get nervous, but I might have to evacuate because
I just saw a fifth th I broke out at
Runyon Canyon. I said, okay, call me, let me know.
Next thing I know. She called, and she got an
immediate alert to evacuate immediately. I said, okay. You know,
being a mother, you try to stay calm for your kid.
So now I said, get everything together that you need
to and let me know once you're in the car.
She grabbed your dog, gought her belongings, and she's in
the car, and what was horrified? She facetimeing me. It
was like I can't say the word that when you
can't say a acacptal. It was pitch black and she's
trying to get out In every road she went down,
she said, Mommy, I can't go. I can't. I took
a left, it's block. I took her right out her right.
That's calm down, We'll get you out of there. And
uh then if she got down the street, it was
heavy traffic, and she said she got so nervous. She's like,
I'll call you right back. I said, all right, So
now I'm panicking. I don't know what words to say
to her, how to calm her down. But anyways, long
story shot, she's safe and she's in Palm Springs now.
But it was so horrifying having her on the phone
because she's a strong little girl. But when she said, Mommy,
I'm scared.
Speaker 3 (14:43):
Well, when they say just leave the house and leave everything,
just get out, it's panic.
Speaker 6 (14:51):
Time, nat, she said. She said, my, I mean I've
been watching it, I mean keeping an eye on it,
but to have it actually happening time and it actually
get out, she goes. I didn't know what to take,
but she did smart. She'd cut her birth certificates and
a couple of legal documents, and she videotapes her belongings.
Speaker 4 (15:11):
Oh wow, wow right there.
Speaker 1 (15:14):
Well you can buy material things again, you can't buy
another life.
Speaker 6 (15:18):
No, no. And then she was like, once she was safe,
she's like, I don't know if I'm going to have
a home to go home to. I said, at least
you're here and you got your dog. You're find you know,
trying to make some positive things out of it, but
I just feel so bad. Sohaw, she's three thousand miles
away and I just came back Saturday. I was there
for two weeks with them.
Speaker 4 (15:36):
Wow. Yeah, it's it's a crazy situation.
Speaker 3 (15:40):
And like you said, there's a sixth fire, and there
could be a seventh, there's no telling. The winds are
still blowing and the wildfires are still burning down neighborhoods
and schools and businesses.
Speaker 6 (15:49):
And she's sending me the pictures and the videos and
it's like, wow, it looks like Hollywood just put up
a movie set.
Speaker 2 (15:56):
It's so true.
Speaker 8 (15:57):
It's terrifying. And then, like you said, your daughter, she
gets in the car, and a lot of these stories,
they don't know where to go, and then they're stuck
in all these horrible traffic issues.
Speaker 3 (16:06):
Yeah, and that's been one of the big stories that
a lot of people are leaving so quickly, they're abandoning
cars in the streets. And the firefighters, he had the panic, Yeah,
they can't get through.
Speaker 4 (16:16):
Didn't they bring bulldozers and.
Speaker 8 (16:18):
To move the cars out of the way so that
the you know, the firefighters could get.
Speaker 6 (16:21):
In Wow, the firefighters caught and get up on the
original fighters in her She went to Carla JOAE in
California and her roommate's mom. Her old roommate's mom called
me to say actually could stay there with them, and
she said, well, what, I've lived here all my life
and I've never ever seen anything like this, this total.
Speaker 3 (16:44):
Catastrophic. Okay, Velvet, thank you for the call and the
best wishes to me. The good news is that your
daughter's okay. Well there, that's a good Yeah, that's the.
Speaker 2 (16:58):
Most get to your number two moment from this week
on the Billy and Lisa Show, justin here, we had
Jojo on from our sister station out in La. He
does afternoons and they're on the front lines of these wildfires.
Obviously he's on the air, he's talking to people, he's
taking calls, so we wanted to get him on to
tell us, you know, how everyone's doing.
Speaker 1 (17:18):
If he was affected. This is number two.
Speaker 4 (17:20):
Good morning, Jojo, Hey, good morning.
Speaker 14 (17:22):
How are you guys doing you good?
Speaker 4 (17:23):
We're doing fine. How about you? How are you doing?
You're in the thick of it.
Speaker 14 (17:27):
I'd love to be with you guys right now. It's
it's just I mean, not to jump all into the
deep end of the madness, but it's been. It's you
guys have been to La. I'm sure La is a
it's a great spot, you know, and beautiful. Not at
the moment some areas you know right now, it's honestly,
and you've heard this phrase probably on the news, and
it's in some areas it's a war zone. It's just everything,
everything changed in a matter of two days. It's just
it's insanity.
Speaker 3 (17:52):
Yeah, it's interesting, Jojoe. Earlier this morning, I said, what
do we have to complain about? It's cold, it's windy,
Southern California is burning. Where are you, Joe, Joe, in
relation to everything, whether it's Pacific Palisades, Malibu, Santa Monica,
where are you situated right now?
Speaker 14 (18:08):
I live in an area called Santa Clarita, which is
a little north you know of the Palisades in the
LA area. It takes me, you know, without traffic, it
would take me about twenty minutes to get to Burbank,
which is where we work at. With traffic you're talking
you know, hours, But I'm about, you know, say, a
half hour north of the Burbank area. You know, say
half hour north of Pacific Palisades and Santa Monica and
Malibu and all that stuff, you know. But the crazy
thing is when, you know, if we've had family call
us up from outside of you know, outside of California.
Some I know Dina, my wife Ena has family in
the Boston area too, and they'll call up. They'll say,
how how how's the fire? And the response is, well,
which one's There's so many I mean, for the most
part is the Pacific Palisades fire and maybe the thing
and we've we've had a lot of fires in l
A and something California over the years, but something about
this this moment is just different, I think because the winds.
The winds were crazy. I think it was Tuesday when
I was leaving the I was leaving the studio in
Burbank and you know, you have to hold your car
kind of on the road. There was big this big
metal pan just flew through the air. I'm dodging metal pans,
and trees are down and power lights are and that's
even before the real heavy part of the fires kicked in.
Uh and but uh, the thing that's crazy is all
of them are happening at once and then you see
on the news, uh, the Palisades fire and the car
they were a lot of the people were trying to
get out of there and they had to abandon their cars.
So they left their cars, you know, basically in the
road and so and what they had to do was
bulldoze the cars.
Speaker 1 (19:53):
Out of them.
Speaker 14 (19:53):
Did you guys see that clip? So that was crazy.
We've never seen that. That's that's the thing the kind
of started the whole thing off.
Speaker 3 (20:01):
So in terms of where you're situated, whether it's be
where you live or where you're working with the radio show,
have you been evacuated? Have you had any evacuation orders,
either where you live.
Speaker 4 (20:13):
Or where you work?
Speaker 14 (20:15):
I one thing, like I live in Santa Clarita. The
fires that have got, you know, close to us. There's
a fire called the Hurst Fire h U R s
T which is in the Seeney Valley area, and since
since the Hearst the Hearst Fire is still gone. I
don't know how many acres it's uh, it's it's covered
at this point. But there's a two fires that have
popped up kind of around it. One called the Lydia Fire,
which is in acting uh and they have, you know,
it's a little bit more rural area they have, like
I re call there's a gentle barn. I don't know
if you guys have general barns out there, but where
they take care of all the animals, kind of a
place for like cows and pigs, just where they really
they just you know, recuperate them. That that barn is
out there. And acting daughter had her birthday party out
there years ago. I don't know if it's okay or not,
but that's over there. And they have a fire called
the Divide Fire, which is kind of in between those two.
So those three fires, but in particular the Hurst one
Tuesday was it Tuesday NIGHTDA today? Well the other night
we were the days a kind of all you know,
jumbling together, but uh, we were we were watching the
Hearst fire and you get these alerts. We're on this app.
What's the app called. It's called Old Watch Duty And
that's a great you guys want to follow it the
watch it yeah, uh, and that app you basically you know,
it'll it'll kind of highlight your area and they'll let
you know if you're in like a level two which
means get ready or a level three go, and we
were at were we thought we were about to get
the level twos because it was coming our our direction.
Then it switches directions.
Speaker 3 (21:44):
So you know, well, do you do you have certain
things packed up and ready to go if you get
the order?
Speaker 14 (21:49):
Yeah, man, yeah we do. Uh, you know, the go bags.
Everybody's talking about the go bags. But basically we've we've
got our car packed up, gassed up, packed up, We've
got you know, water in there, We've got blankets and whatnot.
And then of course you have your important papers and
your phones and laptops and chargers and clothes and medication,
have any pets and all that, you know, but our
car is basically packed up and ready to go just
in case. I think at the moment, like right now, well,
we seem to be good. We just checked a few
minutes ago. But these things, these fires pop up, you know.
Speaker 1 (22:21):
So quick.
Speaker 14 (22:22):
I think I heard you guys say that your studios,
the Planet Fitness studio, Is that correct? Yeah, Planet Fitness.
They've they've made you know, they've it's pretty pretty awesome
what they've done. They have basically offered all their Planet
Fitness locations in the LA area. You don't have to
have a membership. You just come in. You have access
to the locker rooms, to the showers, yea, unless those
gyms have been affected by the fire, of course. But
everything else Planet Fitness is coming through. But guys, I
appreciate it. I've never been to Boston, can you Can
you believe that I have never? One of these days,
I want to come visit you guys and hang out
and see what see what it's like in Boston.
Speaker 4 (23:00):
Come in anytime. You can stay at Lisa Dunovan's house.
Speaker 1 (23:03):
All right, everybody, welcome back.
Speaker 2 (23:05):
Let's get to your number one moment of the week,
and it's all about Boston Calling, which is essentially our
coach Ella. It happens every Memorial Day weekend. It's an
amazing lineup year after year, and they did not disappoint
this year. We had some fun with this one.
Speaker 1 (23:20):
Number one.
Speaker 4 (23:20):
The Boston Calling lineup was announced.
Speaker 3 (23:24):
Yesterday and I got to tell you, we talked about
it on the show yesterday and I think we nailed it.
We were going around the room asking, well, in the
perfect world, who would you have at Boston Calling this
coming Memorial Day weekend? I said, I think you're going
to see something big from the country world and sure
enough in the lineup Day one, you got Luke Combs, you.
Speaker 5 (23:43):
Got a fast come.
Speaker 1 (23:45):
I want to take it to anyway.
Speaker 4 (23:48):
Maybe we make a deal.
Speaker 2 (23:50):
I've watched him do fast Car at Jellette Stadium when
he was here a million times on YouTube.
Speaker 1 (23:55):
It's so good to see him do it live, and
he will at Boston Calling.
Speaker 4 (23:58):
Wow, that's the opening day.
Speaker 3 (24:00):
It's always Memorial Day weekends, so we're talking about the
Friday lineup. Also in the lineup on Friday, Sheryl crow.
Speaker 1 (24:13):
Bill, you strike me as a big former or maybe
you still present? Shry crow fan.
Speaker 4 (24:17):
I used to be a big fan. I thought she
was so hot.
Speaker 1 (24:19):
Ever interviewed her?
Speaker 4 (24:20):
Yes, I have, and that wasn't she with Lance Armstrong
for los Yeah okay.
Speaker 11 (24:24):
Yeah, during I think when he had a scandal.
Speaker 4 (24:27):
Yes, yes, uh.
Speaker 3 (24:29):
You know who else is going to be their Day
one Boston calling out at Harvard University.
Speaker 1 (24:33):
A T l C.
Speaker 19 (24:34):
Yeah, well t A C yeah l L right p
left yeah, left Time or left life.
Speaker 8 (24:45):
And I've never seen TLC.
Speaker 1 (24:47):
I saw them.
Speaker 8 (24:48):
I can't wait.
Speaker 12 (24:49):
I saw them with Nelly I think and someone else
in the garden. It was good they don't have her
like they do.
Speaker 11 (24:54):
They do a good job thought her.
Speaker 3 (24:57):
At least you've been to Boston calling several times. How
would you describe it in a sentence to people who
are thinking about going.
Speaker 8 (25:03):
Well, it's Memorial Day weekend and it's Boston's version of Coachella.
It's like it's it's a festival like Atmosphere. It's three days.
You've got all these different types of music. You know,
Halsey performed when nobody really knew who she was, no
a con. Yeah, So they've got throwback artists like Avril Lavigne,
and then it's it's just so much fun.
Speaker 1 (25:24):
But it's cool too.
Speaker 2 (25:24):
We focus on the headliners obviously, but then there's a
bunch of other kind of lesser knowns and those are
where you find some some diamonds in the rough.
Speaker 19 (25:31):
Yeah didn't last year.
Speaker 4 (25:36):
Yeah, let's move on to day to follow.
Speaker 1 (25:39):
You forgot my person?
Speaker 11 (25:41):
I want to go see.
Speaker 4 (25:45):
Boy dude.
Speaker 1 (25:46):
Yeah, Boe pain Man and I'm hanging with Billy Costa.
Come on, man, ta.
Speaker 12 (25:57):
Pains back and you know what, he has a very
beautiful singing voice that he often you don't hear because
of the auto tune.
Speaker 11 (26:03):
But I he'ped you have some stripped down versions because
he's so talented.
Speaker 1 (26:07):
Maybe Mark Zuckerberg will come out. He did a collaboration
with Mark.
Speaker 11 (26:11):
Zuckerberg, Mark's wife.
Speaker 1 (26:14):
So you never know.
Speaker 21 (26:15):
Let's move on to day too. Why not fall Out
Boy going to be on stage. They're always good on stage.
We're going to light it up, so to speak.
Speaker 3 (26:30):
We had them at a jingle ball and they were
telling me the story about how they wrote a song
for one direction that one direction never actually used.
Speaker 4 (26:38):
We've got that clip.
Speaker 11 (26:39):
We went in and wrote with one direction.
Speaker 3 (26:42):
Even when we were writing the song, I was like,
I'm not sure, Like is a strong song for one direction?
Speaker 4 (26:47):
It felt like it could be for another bit. I
don't know.
Speaker 1 (26:49):
Maybe it is.
Speaker 4 (26:49):
I don't really know. They didn't use it. Maybe it's
too good and they just wanted to keep it for themselves.
April Levine's coming back. Didn't you do last year?
Speaker 8 (26:59):
No, it wasn't last I think it was two years ago.
Speaker 17 (27:02):
Speaker 5 (27:03):
I love.
Speaker 1 (27:09):
Timeless and I'm gonna have to go this year. I
missed it the last two years.
Speaker 15 (27:13):
You know what.
Speaker 12 (27:13):
I think they stacked the artists in an interesting way
that if you like love a certain genre like, if
you go on like, you know, Saturday, it's in you
all like throw back millennial bands. If you go on Friday,
it'll be more country and like throwback, and then you
know Sunday is.
Speaker 4 (27:29):
Sunday is Dave Matthews.
Speaker 11 (27:30):
Yeah, like you know alternative rock, older people.
Speaker 3 (27:34):
Well, before we get to Dave Matthews, don't forget. Also,
Day two All Time low.
Speaker 4 (27:38):
To all the masters come out on what we watch?
Speaker 15 (27:44):
What you.
Speaker 1 (27:49):
That's a jam?
Speaker 4 (27:50):
Yeah, that's a jam. They must have done one of
our shows all time.
Speaker 1 (27:54):
I believe they did. I was looking. I gotta confirm it.
Speaker 4 (27:58):
Let's go to Day three. You said it. Dave Matthews band.
Speaker 2 (28:08):
Oh man, people are are obsessed with Dave Matthews. They're
one of those bands they follow around.
Speaker 5 (28:13):
Speaker 1 (28:14):
Two of my cousins have gone every year for like
two decades.
Speaker 12 (28:17):
I feel like Hooty the Blowfish fans and Dave Matthews
fans are adjacent.
Speaker 1 (28:22):
Speaker 3 (28:22):
I was a Dave Matthews fan a long time. At
least fifteen shows, just crazy crazy jam band. You know
what's coming to Day three? Sublime?
Speaker 1 (28:29):
Oh yeah, shot just did it off my ship.
Speaker 2 (28:38):
Now obviously they have a new lead singer. The lead
singer passed away in the nineties. But that's a classic band,
that album I play every single summer at the beginning
of summer, I have growing up and you know summertime.
Speaker 4 (28:51):
Wow. Yeah, So how about some Public Enemy on day three?
Speaker 10 (28:55):
Kidding me?
Speaker 1 (28:56):
Oh yeah, you pumped up for this one bill? Come
on fight you know you know you know that means
right flavor Flame.
Speaker 4 (29:07):
I So this is kind of interesting.
Speaker 3 (29:18):
So flavor Flave is finally going to go to an
event that he's actually involved with. Shows up everything, but
he doesn't do anything. So now he's actually working an
event with the Public Enemy. And just back in September,
I hosted a fundraising Galla Lovelane wonderful organization.
Speaker 13 (29:36):
Speaker 3 (29:36):
Spin Doctors performed that night, and Spin Doctors will be
there Boston calling day three.
Speaker 1 (29:41):
Hold on a second bill? How was their performance at
the event that you were at?
Speaker 4 (29:45):
Are you setting me up?
Speaker 1 (29:47):
Lisa? He left as soon as they went on stage. Left,
he introduced them and left. It's okay, yeah he left.
Speaker 4 (30:00):
See I ain't got no patria. Oh yeah, I think
I sat in the car for that one.
Speaker 10 (30:08):
I was.
Speaker 19 (30:09):
I love that.
Speaker 1 (30:10):
Well, you know what you gotta got to Redo at
Boston Collins.
Speaker 8 (30:12):
Speaker 4 (30:13):
Spin doctors