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June 30, 2024 7 mins
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Episode Transcript

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Anonymous Good morning, So asked onit quite a few times. Okay,
wait a minute, why did youbring people up to date? Yeah,
we were talking about threesomes, yes, well more than yes. So I
did it with my boyfriend, hisfriend, and then a guy I was
dating in his friend. And thenI did it with my best friend or
husband, her friend, her boyfriend, and her expen all at once or

very active. Now we're talking orgies. Yeah, okay, so here's our
question, because I think all ofus are kind of an experience in that
field. What happened? Like thefirst one you said was you and your
boyfriend and another guy? Yes,Now what if you were showing more attention

to the other guy, would yourboyfriend get upset? No? He actually
was the one that wanted me todo it. Wow. Oh so did
he like to watch you? Isthat what that was? No? Oh
okay, okay, that's just howwas it for you? Did you did
you feel pressure like perform for bothof them with me? Justin you're gonna

have al Wait a second. Sothey were together and they were both with
you as well, So they werenot together, but they took me Oh
okay, got it. So theynever enjoyed each other's company. Oh no,
no, no, okay, soit never was. I'm telling you,
I'm suddenly feeling very uncomfortable justin it'sfun. Though, it's a lot

of fun. I mean, it'sokay and handle it. So that's a
problem. I don't think I canhandle it. I definitely can't handle it.
No, I see somebody fooling aroundwith my wife, and I'm just
no one will ever see me again. I'll probably like move to Tahiti.

Be so overwhelmed. So wait,so all those times where you you know,
did those things, were there everany moments of jealousy or any issues,
any problems? No? Never,Well I shouldn't say that. My
best friend and I kind of itwas a little awkward after because it was
you know, I was with herhusband and her ex boyfriend. You know,

we were all together. So thatwas a little Yeah, so your
best friend's husband and you and her. Yeah, well it was my best
friend, Yeah, my best friend'shusband. I mean it was my best
friend, her husband, her exboyfriend, her friend. Oh, hold
on, and her ex boyfriend isin the same bed with the husband.

Yeah, so no, like wekind of because you swap off Oh God,
isn't there some rule or something younever allowed to leave the room?
I don't know. This might bethe best caller of all time. Yeah,
like we could easily this morning,but no, so after you had
after like you were with your bestfriend's husband. Did it only happen once

or is this like a regular thingwith you guys? No, that only
happens once? And how does itcome up? Like like do you call
each other like are you out todinner? And yeah, we were all
out and they're like, hey,let's call it someone, So why don't
we do this. We'll call ita love train. Oh, now it's
a train. Well, they broughtthe boyfriend into and I don't get the

ex boyfriend being there. How didthat happen? They called him, They
called him and they like, youwant to happen? What he's like?
Sure? Yeah? All right?So now we're talking about a crowded bed.
Yeah, so I mean it's startson the you know, on the
couch, and then you move tothe bed. Who's on the floor,
like you're on a different position,okay, okay? And and do you

get with the girls as well?I did. I got one one of
the girls with this the girl passednot to me. Oh a guy.
Okay, all right, one boyfriend? So are you are you married or
do you have a boyfriend? No? I'm also you were just a friend

that everybody calls when there. She'sthe fun friend. Yeah, she's a
friend. I'm older too, sowhat's a little older than the rest of
the group. No, we wereall the same age, but we're all
older. Yeah. Okay, well, thank you for the call. The

train really did train on the floor, they're on the couch and then they're
in the like what. I reallyappreciate her honesty, I really do.
Yeah. You know a lot ofpeople, you know she was anonymous,
but a lot of people would notadmit that. Right. She sounds like
she's having a good time. Sheowns it. Yeah, I'm sure she

can't wait for tonight. There's nojudgment rings. Their whole night changes.
Yeah, she's the fun friend.Well let's go to the opposite end of
this faction. I think we reallyshould. I think we're really walking a
fine line here. Although I haveit's a giant cuddle puddle. It really

was. It was just stuff flyingeverywhere. It happens all over the front.
Okay, good morning, Anonymous fromMilton, Massachusetts. What's going on?
Good? Good morning, I guessmy first call. I love you
guys, you're the best. ButI'm anonymous because I'm in the same town
as Lisa and there's an actual cuddlebuddle, cuddle puddle program run by someone

and I've seen it on Facebook.I have not taken advantage of it,
and I never would. What doyou mean there's a program literally, well,
I mean this, this guy onone of the Facebook group advertises people
to come over and do a cuddlepuddle non it's non sexual. But oh

they're they're professional cuddlers. That's actuallya thing. Yeah, that's the thing.
It's not sexual. Actually, it'slike it's like it's like non sexual
cuddling for something that's like needs likecomfort. You're kidding, no, I
started. You could pay like eighthundred dollars an hour, and it's not
sexual comfort. You just likedle heholds you. There's no puddle, it's
just cuddle. The puddle will bethe sex part. This is just the

if anybody's going to some guy's housein Milton to be comforted and cuddle,
you know, I can't pay bea really nice house. Okay, if
anyone could use a cuddle bill,it's you. I don't want you cuddler
when he is she's always talking aboutcuddle. Would you pay eighty dollars to
cuddle with somebody? I don't payfor very? Guy? Like, really,

what is that? Call this creepygoing on the little I actually know
a girl that she no she cuddled, she would professionally cuddle and then he
doesn't. There's a website for itor an app. How much was she
making, like depending on the guy, she could negotiate her rate, so
like one hundred two hundred dollars foran hour. I wanted to meet people
who are going to this stranger's houseto be con when he has told me

in the past she's met men andwent out with them and they ended up
cuddling with no sexual anything. Youcould just it's just nice to cuddle.
Sometimes you think you're These are likeopposite ends of the spectrum. First,
you have threesomes where it's all aboutlike puddle the puddle, and the other

that they don't even want sex.They just they just want to you know,
they have that showed Dahmer on Netflixnow and he's a serial Killer.
They might have one, now calledthread Cereal Cuddler
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