Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Now this morning show in Boston, Billy and Lisa in
the morning. It's just a great start to my day
on kids Runaways.
Speaker 2 (00:09):
And here we go.
Speaker 3 (00:10):
Good morning everybody, and a happy Wednesday to you. It
is January eighth today, and it, Lisa Dunovan, is as
cold as cold gets.
Speaker 4 (00:20):
I don't think it can get any colder.
Speaker 5 (00:22):
Speaker 3 (00:25):
Oh yeah, it's cold, baby, It is cold out there.
Speaker 6 (00:29):
Yeah, it's it's it's the wind though, That's that's that's
the killer.
Speaker 2 (00:33):
It's the feels like it.
Speaker 1 (00:34):
Goes right through you.
Speaker 2 (00:36):
Yeah, is it me?
Speaker 3 (00:37):
Or has it been windy since Midsummer? Think about every
day very windy, and the spring even windier, and then
the winter. Here we are and the wind still blowing.
What's up with that?
Speaker 2 (00:51):
I don't know.
Speaker 6 (00:51):
You know, it's funny though, you know, we had this
whole discussion about leaves and picking up the leaves. Yes,
so I always blow all my leaves. In the last
week it's covered from all the neighbors that didn't blow
their leaves.
Speaker 2 (01:03):
It looks like I never touched the leaves all over
my loan.
Speaker 3 (01:06):
Oh well, you driving around the cul de Sac giving
jerty looks to the neighbors whose leaves weren't belonging.
Speaker 2 (01:11):
I know who it is. Chris.
Speaker 1 (01:13):
Oh my god, Lee, don't call Chris out.
Speaker 2 (01:16):
I'm just saying, have you spoken to Chris? No? No,
he's my friend. Is he in the cal de sack?
He's across the street.
Speaker 3 (01:22):
Is Chris the guy from Tuscan Kitchens?
Speaker 1 (01:24):
I say, Chris works like eighty five hours a week.
Speaker 2 (01:27):
You know what I'm not. I'm not throwing shots.
Speaker 3 (01:29):
And Chris is very nice to everybody when they go
up there to tusting Bill, And as.
Speaker 1 (01:33):
A good neighbor, you should just blow the leaves form.
Speaker 6 (01:35):
Knowing what a heart I have before, I offered to
this year too to help him. But he has a
giant tree in front of his house that it's millions
of leaves fall off it, So they all come right
to it, to my house.
Speaker 2 (01:47):
It's okay.
Speaker 3 (01:48):
You've got enough problems with the woman in the caul
of sack who despises you.
Speaker 7 (01:52):
Other next door neighbor, Yeah, old lady, the sour puss.
Speaker 2 (01:55):
Yeah yeah, she doesn't doesn't like me.
Speaker 3 (01:58):
Didn't she put up a giant fence barricade so that
she doesn't have to look at you.
Speaker 6 (02:02):
On her back porch in the summer. It overlooks my pool. Yeah,
she puts this big thing up so she doesn't have
to look at our pool.
Speaker 1 (02:09):
Every time I go to your house, I actually look
like at the back.
Speaker 2 (02:12):
You really can't see anything. You can't.
Speaker 1 (02:14):
I go to love, like, can I see that, bitch?
But you can't.
Speaker 3 (02:17):
But I got to tell you, we've got we've got cold,
and we've got wind.
Speaker 2 (02:21):
What we don't have is wildfire.
Speaker 8 (02:23):
Yeah, and thank god because that situation is so dire
out there. I've never seen anything more cataclysmic like, and
it's it is, it's it's so frightening.
Speaker 3 (02:34):
I mean, we see wildfires, it's frequently out on the
West coast, but this is a different kind of wildfire.
Speaker 2 (02:40):
This is unbelievable.
Speaker 8 (02:41):
Winds are blowing like eighty to one hundred miles per hour.
I don't even know how you can contain something like that.
Speaker 6 (02:47):
You can, well, because you know, wildfires happen in California,
especially in the woods right where the dry woods, Yeah.
Speaker 4 (02:54):
The neighborhoods all the way down to the beach.
Speaker 2 (02:57):
Speaker 3 (02:58):
And a lot of times, by the way, the wildfire
starting by someone actually just.
Speaker 7 (03:03):
Going to say that, like, I mean, can fires just
appear in the They've.
Speaker 8 (03:07):
Been in such a drought situation out there. Yeah, it's
so bad.
Speaker 2 (03:11):
It's really real.
Speaker 3 (03:12):
We got to talk more about it in the Entertainment
Report in a few minutes, because obviously we're going to
get a list of celebrities whose homes have already been destroyed,
and I think that list is going to grow because
the wildfires are affecting places like Pacific Palisades and even Malibu.
They say the fires have moved down to the ocean
in Malibu.
Speaker 6 (03:31):
A horrific scene they showed on the news of the
old age home and they're being evacuated.
Speaker 2 (03:36):
They're all in wheelchairs and where do you go. I'll
take the cold any day. Oh God bless them.
Speaker 3 (03:43):
So yeah, that's a very serious story this morning, and
we'll talk about it more coming up in the Entertainment Break.
Don't forget Boston Calling goes on sale this morning. Now,
I need to understand there is the pre sale ten
until noon, and then the sale for the general public
at noon today. What is the pre sale and who
was it for the precint.
Speaker 8 (04:03):
Well, I if you respond to them via tax you'll
get a text with a little code and then you
can put it in for the pre sale. Okay, so
she's a signed up for the precess from ten to
twelve to.
Speaker 3 (04:13):
That, yeah, and then twelve for the general public. And
you've got to move fast on Boston Calling because this
thing has grown more every single year. It gets bigger
the lineup this year. We mentioned the whole line up yesterday.
Megan Maroney as a country singer. We didn't say much
about her, but she blew up last year, and we're
gonna do kind of a dive into Megan Maroney coming up.
Speaker 2 (04:33):
And she's got a headliner.
Speaker 6 (04:34):
Yeah, you know she's above te paying TLC Wow. Sheryl Crow.
Speaker 1 (04:39):
Yeah, she's right next to lu Cobs.
Speaker 2 (04:41):
Up the bill.
Speaker 6 (04:41):
But Sunday night's looking like the big night though. Dave
Matthews all, yeah, hey, justin.
Speaker 9 (04:45):
This is Samantha calling in from Phoenix, Arizona. I listened
every morning. I'm very excited about this. Dave Matthews News.
I'm at one hundred and ten shows and absolutely will
be traveling back to my hometown of Somerville to go
to Boston Calling for.
Speaker 3 (05:02):
Number one eleven.
Speaker 8 (05:04):
Speaker 9 (05:05):
Like the callers said yesterday, we are not to be
messed with.
Speaker 10 (05:07):
We're very serious.
Speaker 9 (05:08):
We travel everywhere. Billy, You're gonna love it.
Speaker 10 (05:11):
Lifa, you too.
Speaker 2 (05:12):
We gotta get we have to get her on the show.
Speaker 4 (05:14):
It's impressive.
Speaker 3 (05:16):
When Boston Calling gets closer, we have to get her
on the show.
Speaker 7 (05:19):
I feel like I'm doing the disservice to my favorite artists,
Like I've only seen them like ten or fifteen times.
Speaker 2 (05:24):
Yeah, and I'm like.
Speaker 1 (05:25):
Oh, and I normally see them all in the same
general area.
Speaker 2 (05:28):
How many times have you seen the Jonas brothers.
Speaker 7 (05:30):
I've probably only seen them fifteen times in twenty years.
Speaker 2 (05:35):
But it puts.
Speaker 3 (05:35):
Perspective on things because I thought I was a major
Dave Matthews guy, and I've only seen them fifteen times
one hundred and ten shows.
Speaker 7 (05:44):
Yeah, maybe twenty you count them individually, like coming to
kiss concerts and stuff.
Speaker 2 (05:47):
But Lisa, have you seen any artists?
Speaker 4 (05:49):
No, I've just been having either. I think maybe the
only person would have been staying.
Speaker 8 (05:53):
I saw them like four or five times, but that's
it over the course of how many years?
Speaker 3 (05:58):
Yeah, well that was a crush. Yeah, yeah, more than fans.
Speaker 10 (06:01):
Speaker 7 (06:02):
I feel like when I see someone three or four times,
I'm like, wow, I've really done my service. To like
make sure I see a show Bruno Mars. I think
I've seen like seven times and I'm obsessed with him.
Speaker 3 (06:11):
Yeah, very expensive ticket, but to travel around the world,
that's a mega fan.
Speaker 2 (06:18):
Yeah yeah. Well they do it for Taylor Swift, they
do around the world.
Speaker 8 (06:21):
I was going to do it for Harry Styles. Oh yeah, yeah,
I was going to fly somewhere.
Speaker 1 (06:26):
My sister.
Speaker 4 (06:27):
Well I went to New York and and then I
was going to do like Europe.
Speaker 7 (06:30):
No, my sister saw him in Edinburgh. Oh yeah, she
saw him there, and then she saw Taylor in Switzerland.
Speaker 2 (06:36):
Yeah, so she does a.
Speaker 1 (06:37):
Little bit, but not like that.
Speaker 6 (06:38):
Well, you know what's cool about that is that, you know,
you go to these shows, you probably see the same people,
the same fans.
Speaker 2 (06:43):
Sure, you become friends and family, and you know, it's
a whole experience.
Speaker 1 (06:47):
I wonder does a name for their fans?
Speaker 2 (06:49):
Oh they have like the dummies. Oh well, I'm sure
our talkbacker would know. Yeah, let us know, because clearly
she is one.
Speaker 3 (06:57):
So yeah, Boston calling the pre sale this morning and
ten at the general sale at noon and at seven
to ten this morning, We've got your next shot at
getting a free car and tickets to all the biggest
shows of twenty twenty five. And that is a massive prize.
And the entertainment is coming up, and uh there's a
documentary on Saturday Night Live coming to Peacock. It looks
like it's going to be hilarious and we're going to
take you inside that documentary.
Speaker 11 (07:25):
Next from the Planet Fitness, Kiss one Away Studios.
Speaker 8 (07:29):
We're back with the Billy and Lisa in the morning
on Kiss one eight.
Speaker 1 (07:34):
Now the entertainment update with the Billy Cops us.
Speaker 2 (07:37):
All right, here we go.
Speaker 3 (07:38):
Boston Collin tickets going on sale this morning, the pre
sale at ten o'clock.
Speaker 2 (07:42):
Who's in the pre sale?
Speaker 8 (07:43):
Lease again you basically text, They're going to text you
a code.
Speaker 1 (07:47):
Yeah to sign up for Bill Yeah, sign up for it. Yeah,
nothing special about it.
Speaker 3 (07:51):
Ten to noon is the pre sale, the general sale noon.
Today's huge lineup this year Luke Combs, Abri Lavine, Fallout Boy,
Dave Matthews Band, long list of ours, including country singer
Megan Marony who blew up last year she dated Morgan
Wallan by the way, In fact, she ended up doing
a song about Morgan Wallen.
Speaker 2 (08:09):
We have a clip.
Speaker 12 (08:13):
Yeah, he opens a door die cry. Yeah, me doing things?
Speaker 4 (08:28):
Oh boy, I think Morgan Wallen has dated a lot
of people.
Speaker 1 (08:30):
Yeah, yeah, I know him and Christian Cavalery had a
little trust.
Speaker 4 (08:33):
Yes since she was talking about it recently.
Speaker 3 (08:36):
He had her doing things she's never done. During an
interview this week, she said, Justin Bieber, is there a
celebrity cross.
Speaker 12 (08:44):
I saw him at Justin Bieber and I will pass out,
throw up and die.
Speaker 1 (08:49):
So we're waiting on them.
Speaker 2 (08:50):
You and my daughter.
Speaker 4 (08:51):
I tell you, like I, once.
Speaker 1 (08:53):
You have Bieber fever, I don't think it goes away.
Speaker 7 (08:56):
I'm at the ripe age of twenty six and I
think I would still freak out if I saw.
Speaker 1 (08:59):
Justin b versus.
Speaker 3 (09:06):
Anyway, She's coming to a Boston calling. Tickets on sale
this morning. The pre sale at ten have to talk
about the California wildfires. Huge fires, eighty mile per hour
winds fueling the fires yesterday. Pretty scary to watch some
of the footage. More than thirty thousand people under mandatory
evacuation right now. State of emergency has been declared in
Los Angeles. This guy is there.
Speaker 1 (09:29):
We don't have a number of structures loss, but just
listening to the radio, there are plenty of structures that
are on fire.
Speaker 2 (09:36):
This is a tough one.
Speaker 3 (09:38):
Yeah, tons of celebrities live in the affected areas like
Malibu and Pacific Palisades. Reports say Spencer Pratt and Heidi
Montag's home has burned to the ground already, and that's
going to be a long list of people you've heard of.
The list will continue to grow in the middle of
it all. Actor Steve Gutenberg's surface now he's been on
the streets urge people to help out with the cars
which are apparently in the way of first responder.
Speaker 13 (10:04):
If anybody has a car and they leave the car,
leave the keys in the car so that we can
move your car so that these fire trucks can get
up Palisades Drive. What's happening is people take their keys
with them as if they're in a parking lot. This
is not a parking lot. We really need people to
move their cars. So if you leave your car in
Palisades Drive, leave the key in there so a guy
like me can move your car and you get them
up there, so that so that these fire trucks can
get up there.
Speaker 2 (10:32):
It's really really important. Yeah.
Speaker 3 (10:33):
By the way, the reporter on the scene with the
Gutenberg had no idea who he was.
Speaker 2 (10:38):
Thank you for talking to his live sir. What's her name?
My name is Steve Gutenberg.
Speaker 1 (10:43):
His voice is so recognizable to me, it really is.
Speaker 7 (10:46):
Yeah, I mean it takes two was like one of
my favorite movies growing up with Christi Aaliy and Mary
Kate Nationalison Lady.
Speaker 2 (10:55):
Yeah. He also had that scene in the movie Cocoon.
Oh yeah, when you have the boat to gotta get
off the boat. Get your ass off my boat, man,
Just get your ass off my boat. You believe this
and take your embarrassing beach towel with that. Sounds like
Billy Billy said the winning which he came on the phone.
Speaker 1 (11:12):
Yeah, that's every time I have on get your ass
off my boat?
Speaker 2 (11:15):
Why are you.
Speaker 1 (11:15):
Still here now?
Speaker 3 (11:17):
Justin what is the weird ghost story that you have
that nobody's.
Speaker 2 (11:21):
Ever heard of?
Speaker 6 (11:22):
Three men and a baby In that movie when it
came out, I was a little kid, and there's a
scene with Ted Danson in the living room where there's
a boy in the background behind a curtain that was
not part of the movie.
Speaker 2 (11:34):
They say it's a ghost.
Speaker 6 (11:36):
It's been kind of disproving they've been not saying but
you can watch it on YouTube. I showed producer Riley
he's the kid though.
Speaker 4 (11:42):
I looked it up and you.
Speaker 1 (11:43):
See, you can see I think it's a ghost.
Speaker 3 (11:46):
No, I think it's a very young Justin Bieberiber.
Speaker 2 (11:52):
You can see it on YouTube.
Speaker 3 (11:54):
There's a new documentaries on the way about Saturday Night Live,
behind the scenes of classic moments.
Speaker 2 (11:59):
On the show.
Speaker 3 (11:59):
It's to be on peacock At The first trailer popped yesterday.
Speaker 2 (12:02):
We have a clip. Anybody could do comedy. I can
teach all the all Theday how to tell jokes to
me comedy? Are you funny? Lisen l was the biggest
show ever.
Speaker 1 (12:12):
There was nothing my kid.
Speaker 2 (12:17):
An American institution. I got aba and the only perception.
Speaker 3 (12:23):
Well, so many classic moments. I want to see that one.
I want to see that one. Meantime, another trailer dropped yesterday.
It's the new movie with Amy Schumer called Kind of Pregnant.
It comes out February fifth. She fakes pregnancy. We've got
a clip yours hall like such a big lie.
Speaker 4 (12:42):
You don't know how to get out of it. How's
your pregnancy going?
Speaker 1 (12:45):
Oh my god, you killed you? How you really feels
during your pregnancy. I'm angry. I ate a copake out
of the track fan last night.
Speaker 9 (12:54):
You can't stop masturbating to a weird stuff like The
Golden Bachelor.
Speaker 7 (13:01):
I think this is going to be hilarious, hilarious, hilarious.
Speaker 3 (13:05):
Oh man, And by the way, it begs the question,
what's the worst lie you have ever told or have
been told?
Speaker 12 (13:14):
Speaker 2 (13:14):
Or heard? Exactly? Yeah?
Speaker 3 (13:16):
This this is going to be topic time coming up.
Exactly what time do we do topic time?
Speaker 6 (13:21):
We'll start the discussion at seven fifteena over to seven forty,
so yeah, get your talk backs.
Speaker 3 (13:26):
Whyes you've told or have been told?
Speaker 1 (13:30):
Oh my god, so many.
Speaker 3 (13:32):
The lady guy got Bruno Marrison died with a Smile
number one on Billboard's Hot one hundred. You're thanking fans.
Speaker 8 (13:38):
I am so honored to.
Speaker 1 (13:43):
Be an artist.
Speaker 2 (13:45):
And to.
Speaker 1 (13:47):
Have had your ears for this long. Thank you for
listening and dancing.
Speaker 3 (13:53):
Okay, and Chapel Roone going to perform at Elton John's
traditional oscar party. Remember we had Elton John recently praising
Chapel Roon.
Speaker 5 (14:01):
For example, when I first heard Chapel Roon and played her,
god knows how long ago I think I was the
first person to play Chapel Pink Pony Club, and then
I interviewed her and then we became friends.
Speaker 2 (14:11):
And Allison pon the Linda Linda's in La. It's just
a great It gives me the energy. These young artists
have so much energy. They're so good and.
Speaker 5 (14:21):
If I can help them in anyway, get a foot
on a ladder, I will help them.
Speaker 2 (14:26):
No, there you go.
Speaker 3 (14:27):
Chapel Roon and Bad Money going to co host and
perform on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon next Monday.
He'll be doing songs from his new album.
Speaker 6 (14:36):
He also did the local news in Puerto Rico this week.
Oh as a news anchor.
Speaker 2 (14:41):
I love him.
Speaker 1 (14:42):
I love him.
Speaker 3 (14:43):
He does.
Speaker 2 (14:44):
I want to get a clip of that. If you
get a I was gonna put it in Spanish obviously, Yeah.
Speaker 3 (14:48):
But that's gat to hear. Scarlett Johansson will co host
an entire week of the fourth hour of The Today
Show starting Tuesday, January twenty. First, she's one of the
guest hosts, filling in with the Hoda slot. And finally,
this one's for you winning. Nelly and the Shanty are
getting a reality show on.
Speaker 1 (15:08):
Speaker 2 (15:09):
I don't know what it's for. You've always loved the shot.
Speaker 7 (15:12):
Always defended that she is the real singer behind j
Lo's hit songs. She's been in the studio, she'd be nice.
Speaker 2 (15:22):
Yeah, she's very nice. Oh did she come in before
you were here?
Speaker 14 (15:25):
Speaker 2 (15:25):
Yeah, she came in. She was super nice. Yeah.
Speaker 3 (15:27):
It's been in production for a few months, so that's
on the way. And finally New England Boat Show starts today.
The doors will open at noon. I will be there
today at noon.
Speaker 1 (15:34):
Are you the big draw today?
Speaker 2 (15:36):
I happy?
Speaker 1 (15:37):
Yeah, make.
Speaker 2 (15:41):
The many stars of the show.
Speaker 1 (15:43):
You in the big yachts.
Speaker 2 (15:44):
Well the queen of the show so to speak. This
year you're the queen.
Speaker 3 (15:48):
No maybe in other areas, but no the Tierra. But
they've got hundreds and hundreds of boats at the boat.
Speaker 8 (15:57):
Isn't that The boat sho'll make you feel like summer
is just right around the corner.
Speaker 15 (16:00):
Speaker 3 (16:01):
I mean they've got a swimming pool, all kinds of activities.
Speaker 2 (16:05):
You can kai ya, you can swim there.
Speaker 3 (16:07):
Yeah, they have a fishing pool and then they have
a pool for kids to PLoP into.
Speaker 1 (16:10):
Oh my god, that's perfect for a daily today caddle board.
Speaker 2 (16:14):
Oh my I might go Yeah, it's pretty I'll be
there at noon.
Speaker 7 (16:17):
Wait, but Bill, you said the forty two footer, that's
like the big one. I thought you were like, you know,
he doesn't even only you know, talk down on boat.
Speaker 1 (16:25):
That's small.
Speaker 2 (16:26):
Okay. I don't know what she's talking about.
Speaker 3 (16:27):
But she wants to say, well, why isn't your boat
featured at the boat sholf because it's it's a new
boat show.
Speaker 2 (16:34):
Okay, Lord knows. See.
Speaker 1 (16:40):
I just wanted that. I wanted that.
Speaker 2 (16:42):
That's all I wanted.
Speaker 3 (16:43):
This report brought to you my Amiica Insurance and along
with the Lisa's Book Club with Mel Robbins. God, they're
sponsoring you now, Lise.
Speaker 8 (16:51):
Yeah, Amika's back and we wow at Amiica.
Speaker 3 (16:54):
You get coverage with compassion. When you choose Amika, they'll
take the time to explain your options for auto home
and for life insurance. Amika will provide you with peace
of mind. So go to amika dot com and get
a quote today and there you go.
Speaker 8 (17:08):
Props to all my queens out there from the Planet's
Fitness Kiss one Away Studios.
Speaker 14 (17:14):
We're back with Villy and Lisa in the morning on
Kiss one O eight.
Speaker 2 (17:19):
Okay, it's a new year.
Speaker 3 (17:20):
And it's a new ride, a new car on the
Billy and Lisa Morning Show. And we're not even kidding now,
we're giving away a new car brought to you by
McGovern Kea, our friends at McGovern. You know I have
a McGovern jeep Wrangler, Yes, you do. Justin has a
McGovern jeep as well.
Speaker 2 (17:35):
I have a Cherokee. It's my fourth one from mc govern.
Speaker 3 (17:39):
They do a great job and they want to thank
them for well presenting this incredible prize McGovern Keith. So
you can drive away in a brand new car and
you'll get tickets to some of the biggest shows of
twenty twenty five. Give me some example, okay.
Speaker 8 (17:51):
Like do Alipa, Gracie Abrams, Tate McCrae, Kendrick Lamar, Post Malone,
Jelly Roll.
Speaker 4 (17:57):
The Hottest Show and you get to go to all
of them and a.
Speaker 1 (18:00):
Car I would take, I would take. I would just
take the car.
Speaker 2 (18:03):
But you get bold.
Speaker 3 (18:04):
Yeah, so you get the car and the tickets everybody
else is gonna want when the concerts come to town.
Speaker 2 (18:08):
But you'll have all of it.
Speaker 3 (18:09):
And I'm going to call a name, and once I
call the name, you'll have fifteen minutes to give us
a call back and you'll qualify.
Speaker 2 (18:16):
It's that easy.
Speaker 3 (18:17):
So here we go at live. Crawford underscore that's it.
I only get to see it once when he actually
starts grabbing the sheet from me the minute I announced
the name.
Speaker 1 (18:28):
I don't trust him.
Speaker 4 (18:29):
Well, those are the rules.
Speaker 3 (18:30):
Yeah, and without rules well documented, it's chaos.
Speaker 7 (18:33):
Okay, six seven nine, if you need that number, there
you go.
Speaker 3 (18:37):
Okay, we've done our part and now within fifteen minutes, hopefully.
Speaker 2 (18:41):
We're on top of it. We are. Yeah, it's a
big deal.
Speaker 6 (18:44):
And you know, if you're just tuning in, maybe you're like,
what are they talking about?
Speaker 2 (18:47):
A car?
Speaker 6 (18:48):
Like Lisa said, just go to the kiss instagram and
all the instructions are there to enter.
Speaker 2 (18:52):
It's easy.
Speaker 6 (18:53):
You enter, follow the directions which are simple, and then
you listen to win.
Speaker 2 (18:57):
That's all. So good luck to that person.
Speaker 16 (18:59):
In the meantime, good morning, it's the mayor to sell. Then,
I just want to thank you. I got my Billy
and Lisa hoodie yesterday and it is gorgeous. I'm going
to decorate it with a big picture of Sean Mendez
and you know the snowstorm that's coming. I don't know.
You know what we say here in the South, then
if it's less than six inches, we don't even call
it a storm.
Speaker 2 (19:26):
I love so.
Speaker 6 (19:27):
The mayor was our Talkbacker of the Year for twenty
twenty four, and one of the prizes we gave him
was a billion Lisa hoodie. I'm wearing mine today. I
love that I had the maid for Christmas fare.
Speaker 7 (19:37):
I wore my break I love it too, so awesome.
Speaker 6 (19:40):
I wore a bunch of times. I wore out over
vacation and then I met people listeners were like, wow,
you're wearing a billion Lisa shirt. Yeah, and we do
have more. We don't decide what to do with those.
Speaker 4 (19:51):
First year we have, Like.
Speaker 8 (19:53):
I had fifteen extras made, so we have to figure out,
you know.
Speaker 3 (19:59):
Yeah, it's cool, just like Justin and winning. I wore
mine all over vacation. It I never took it off
in the house. It was like, got so comfortable.
Speaker 6 (20:07):
And it's perfect for Billy too, because the logo is
blue and white and Billy loves blue.
Speaker 2 (20:13):
Speaker 3 (20:13):
So well, Lisa has always been the best gift gift gift.
Speaker 2 (20:17):
She's the best.
Speaker 10 (20:17):
I am laying here in my bed at tonight because
I went to the gym, and after I did my
gym thing, I took a shower and I did the
splits in the shower. I'm sixty three year old woman.
I shouldn't be doing the splits in the shower. And
I hurt. But all as I could think of was
Billy laughing that I took a fall.
Speaker 2 (20:36):
Okay, did take a fall? She Yeah, she did a
legit split floor.
Speaker 6 (20:44):
She's sitting there listening to us. Oh man, that stinks, Billy.
You we talked a lot about the Outer Banks and
how much you love that show. Yeah, we have somebody
that started watching it and they kind of disagree with
some of the show.
Speaker 2 (20:56):
Here, so let's take a listen. Good morning, doctor Joe.
Speaker 13 (20:58):
Here and I started watching out Her Banks on Billy's
strong recommendation in the scene where rape shoots Sarah and
so she bleeds out, but a fake doctor cuts into
her without any anesthesia or indubation repairs her vascular structures
within minutes. But she bleeds out and goes aces, sulk
and dies.
Speaker 6 (21:16):
So John b does the lousiest chest impressions I've ever
seen to revive her, and with a lick of blood
transfusions or she's alive again and running around Bermuda.
Speaker 8 (21:26):
I think I think you just have to go with it, like,
don't think too much about it.
Speaker 1 (21:31):
John Okay, Doctor Joe's one of my good friends. He
can't do that. He cannot just let it go.
Speaker 2 (21:36):
He's he's still a doctor.
Speaker 3 (21:41):
Speaker 1 (21:41):
The hardest that's like the hardest profession part of doctor
is being anti geology.
Speaker 6 (21:46):
He has a person's life in his hands every single shift.
Speaker 10 (21:48):
Speaker 2 (21:49):
Oh yeah.
Speaker 3 (21:49):
And by the way, the John B from the show
is not really a guy's guy, so I wouldn't expect
anything from him, you know.
Speaker 1 (21:56):
John B is a girl's guy that oh my yeah, exactly.
Speaker 2 (21:59):
Yeah. He's a beautiful man.
Speaker 4 (22:01):
Doesn't he d Kelsey Beller Yes.
Speaker 2 (22:03):
Speaker 7 (22:04):
The thing that it just bothers me is that in
real life he's thirty two.
Speaker 2 (22:08):
Yeah. Yeah, and they're supposed to be high school.
Speaker 1 (22:10):
Yeah, Like, I just can't get behind.
Speaker 8 (22:11):
Speaker 3 (22:12):
He also dated his co star Madeline klon.
Speaker 7 (22:14):
Because at first I felt weird finding him so sexually attractive.
Speaker 1 (22:17):
I go, oh, what what is like twenty yeah, and
I'm like, oh my god, we're like the same age.
Speaker 2 (22:20):
He's older than me.
Speaker 6 (22:21):
Do you need me to step out of my studio
and come in there and bring some testosterone.
Speaker 2 (22:26):
I can't believe I.
Speaker 7 (22:27):
Say you should say that Billy is on record is
having more testoster than you.
Speaker 2 (22:31):
No, not more than me, but he has a good amount.
Speaker 3 (22:33):
Let me tell you well, I'm not injecting myself every day.
Speaker 6 (22:37):
Okay, let's take it easy, all right. Coming up next,
this is gonna be a good topic time lies. Right,
what's the biggest lie you've ever told or been told?
This is from the new Amy Schumer Netflix movie that's
coming out, So that's the topic coming up next. In
the meantime, here's this song I love this stargazing Miles
Smith and Kissing.
Speaker 2 (22:55):
Speaker 13 (22:55):
Speaker 3 (22:56):
Hey, our winner, our qualifier rather got back to us
where the fifteen minutes live. If you're out there, congratulations
to you because you got back to us in fifteen minutes.
You qualify for the free car thanks to our friends
at McGovern Kiah and also tickets to the biggest shows
of twenty twenty five. It's a huge prize. And by
the way, for the record, we've had three qualifiers in
a row to yesterday one today.
Speaker 2 (23:21):
They're paying attention. They want to win that car. I do.
Speaker 1 (23:24):
So we have tomorrow two ten and fourteen with v
Ros two more shots.
Speaker 2 (23:28):
Oh good.
Speaker 3 (23:29):
Okay, so we're heading up on topic time, and we
kicked it off earlier this morning. It was triggered by, well,
the topic is lies, and the topic time is going
to be the worst lies you've ever heard or the
worst lies you've ever been told. And again it was
triggered by the trailer for the new Amy Schumer movie
about her faking pregnancy, and we've got a clip.
Speaker 4 (23:51):
Yours Hall likes such a big lie.
Speaker 3 (23:53):
You don't know how to get out of it.
Speaker 4 (23:55):
How's your pregnancy going?
Speaker 8 (23:56):
Oh my god?
Speaker 17 (23:57):
How killed now.
Speaker 8 (24:00):
Really feels you're in your pregnancy?
Speaker 1 (24:02):
I'm angry.
Speaker 11 (24:03):
I ate a copcake out of the track can last night.
Speaker 8 (24:05):
I can't stop masturbating to a weird stuff like The
Golden Bachelor.
Speaker 2 (24:10):
I'm telling you, this movie looks hilarious. Yeah, it looks hilarious.
But okay, let's go around the room. Lisa, you have
a great lie. You want to talk.
Speaker 8 (24:19):
Well, remember I used to date that guy in Key West.
I mean this is years ago, oh my twenties, remember, yeah,
So I remember my aunt called me one day and
she said, so I saw so and so this is
my boyfriend at the time driving around with a girl
in the car. And I was like, oh, okay, so
I asked him. I called him up and I asked him.
I said, so, who's the girl in the car. Oh,
she's just a friend. Yeah, she's just a friend. Yeah
it was not just a friend. Yeah, it was just very,
very much more than just a friend.
Speaker 3 (24:47):
But what we're talking about this morning, Justin, is lying.
Speaker 1 (24:51):
Yes, I'm a liar, liar the truth.
Speaker 2 (24:54):
You can't handle the truth.
Speaker 1 (24:56):
That's a lie.
Speaker 2 (24:57):
Everybody knows he's a liar.
Speaker 4 (24:59):
No, you're a liar.
Speaker 10 (25:01):
You are the biggest liar in the group.
Speaker 2 (25:06):
A liar, Justin, You've got a good one.
Speaker 6 (25:11):
Right, Well, this one's kind of serious. A person that
I know faked having cancer.
Speaker 2 (25:16):
They lied that was mine. That's who know? Somebody to
that was mine?
Speaker 4 (25:21):
Is it the same person?
Speaker 2 (25:22):
I don't think so. Yeah.
Speaker 6 (25:24):
I don't know why they did that. But basically they money.
Speaker 1 (25:28):
That's worse than the person.
Speaker 2 (25:31):
And then it came out that they didn't have cancer.
Did they go to jail? Did not go to jail?
Speaker 3 (25:38):
Speaker 4 (25:39):
Did they give the money back?
Speaker 2 (25:40):
I haven't seen them. I don't know. Okay, Yeah, the
lying thing is that's horrible. That's a real serious one.
Speaker 3 (25:46):
Winnie, what's yours.
Speaker 7 (25:49):
I do know someone that kept saying they had cancer
and they didn't have cancer, and I was like, okay,
please stop saying.
Speaker 2 (25:53):
You have cancer. What's the point of that?
Speaker 1 (25:55):
Speaker 7 (25:57):
Attention sympathy. I think one that's like a common thing
that could be little but it ends up being big
is when someone says I'm not a liar, They're a liar.
They say I don't know how to lie. They know
how to they are lying to you. So I feel like,
you know, I think I've dated a couple really big liars.
Speaker 4 (26:14):
I like, yeah, I think that's the biggest one exactly.
Speaker 7 (26:17):
And they said, I don't I'm not lying. I can't
be lying. I don't know how to lie.
Speaker 8 (26:22):
Billy, you lied at the car wash.
Speaker 4 (26:25):
I did what you kept lying to the car wash?
Speaker 2 (26:27):
All right?
Speaker 3 (26:28):
Well those little lies? Okay, you want to get me
going to the car wash?
Speaker 10 (26:33):
Speaker 2 (26:34):
Well the car.
Speaker 3 (26:35):
Wash thing to me is just insane. And we've got
two of them right around us. I'm not going to
name the car wash, but when you pull in, every
single time, they're very aggressive. They're putting brochures, in your
face because they want you to buy the membership and
when you say no, I'm really not interested. They literally
said to me once, what are you stupid? Like you
would get a dollar a month, You'll get your car
washed as much as you want every month. I'm like, no,
I just really have no interest in it, Like you
have to argue.
Speaker 2 (27:03):
With the guy.
Speaker 3 (27:03):
So it came to the point where I started making
up lies, Like Lisa said, when I had to have
one ready to go when I pulled in, because I
knew he was going to come at me with the brochure.
Speaker 2 (27:14):
Right, it's not my car.
Speaker 4 (27:14):
I was like, I'm moving to Florida tomorrow.
Speaker 2 (27:17):
Was another one. Get a friend of mine loan me
the car. I'm just cleaning it.
Speaker 3 (27:20):
Like, and I'm telling stories to this guy who I've.
Speaker 2 (27:24):
Never met my life? Why do I care about him?
I just to think about lies. Once you start telling them,
you got to make up more lies the original life.
Speaker 3 (27:31):
And every time I pull in now I have to
revisit some of the lies I've told so I don't
repeat one. Yeah, he'll say, oh, I thought you took
this thing to Florida, you know, Like, why am I
worried about this guy.
Speaker 1 (27:43):
I just say, like, I'm not paying for it alone.
Speaker 2 (27:46):
Leave me alone with a brochure. Yeah. It's the people too, that,
you know, lie for no reason. I hate that, you know.
Speaker 6 (27:51):
It really is a sickness for some people. I do
feel bad. I feel like it's a mental illness. They
lie just for no reason.
Speaker 7 (27:57):
Pathological lyeing is a big thing because they believe their
lies and then they justify what they lied about, like, well,
I lied about this so that I had a lie
about that because I didn't want you to know about
the first lie.
Speaker 4 (28:07):
Well, the problem is you have to have a really
good memory.
Speaker 1 (28:10):
Yes, yes, yes, all the lies that you tell.
Speaker 2 (28:13):
Oh yeah, I exaggerated.
Speaker 18 (28:16):
This isn't the biggest I've aver told.
Speaker 9 (28:18):
But one day the solo guys came to my house
and I want them to go away, and I can't
say no, so I'm like.
Speaker 11 (28:24):
Oh, we're moving soon.
Speaker 15 (28:26):
My kids heard in the background and start hysterically crying,
thinking we're moving.
Speaker 19 (28:30):
And I'm like, no, no, we're really not. Needless to say,
it didn't go over well, poor kids.
Speaker 3 (28:37):
That reminds me by the way your wife Jen lying
to the door to door salesman and your son able
to say no, No, that's home.
Speaker 2 (28:43):
Yeah. I tell my wife to lie for me and
my son.
Speaker 3 (28:48):
Lying is the topic for this morning. It's topic time
coming up in just a couple of minutes. You can
call us with a lie. Actually, you can call and
tell us a lie. I don't care about the lie.
Speaker 2 (29:00):
Speaker 20 (29:02):
Wait, that's the number to call. How do they get
to the talkback? Justin You can record your message right
into your phone. It's that easy on the iHeartRadio app.
Just search us kiss one to wait, tap the red microphone.
That's a talkback, and then you listen hear your voice.
It all goes together. Topic time is up next to now.
Speaker 1 (29:18):
It's topic time with Billy and Lisa in the morning.
Speaker 3 (29:22):
Hey, the topic this morning is lying. We've all been
told lies, We've all heard about colossal lies. We want
to know the worst lie you've ever been told, or
the worst lie you've ever heard of or ever told yourself.
Speaker 2 (29:37):
And I guess we're gonna start with Rebecca. Rebecca, you're
up first.
Speaker 3 (29:40):
Are you lying to someone?
Speaker 2 (29:43):
No, I'm not the.
Speaker 18 (29:44):
One doing the lying.
Speaker 2 (29:45):
Who's doing the lying.
Speaker 18 (29:48):
My old cost teacher for two years she told me
this crazy lie. I definitely think apathological liar, like you
guys are talking.
Speaker 3 (29:58):
About any chance you're can pick up your phone and
talked closer to it.
Speaker 15 (30:03):
Sure, I'm sorry.
Speaker 2 (30:04):
Okay, So what teacher was it?
Speaker 3 (30:06):
Speaker 15 (30:07):
It was my my co teacher. I work at a daycare.
Speaker 1 (30:10):
Oh your co teacher? So yeah, yeah, you're working room
together with the kids.
Speaker 2 (30:14):
Okay, what was the line?
Speaker 15 (30:15):
We did not anymore?
Speaker 2 (30:18):
So what was the line?
Speaker 15 (30:20):
So for like two years she told me that her
best friend actually had committed suicide and that was awful
because I, you know, I have lost people to that
as well.
Speaker 18 (30:32):
And she told me how.
Speaker 15 (30:35):
She had written her the note actually and she.
Speaker 18 (30:37):
Was the one that found her.
Speaker 15 (30:38):
And you know, we connected on that level because I
had lost people too, and you know, it's horrible. And
I actually started.
Speaker 18 (30:45):
Catching her in other lies and I was like, I
wonder if she lied about this. I was like, there's
no way she would have lied about something like this. Well,
I you know, I did some investigating. I went on
Facebook and looked into things, and the girl that she
was talking about is a lot.
Speaker 5 (31:04):
Speaker 18 (31:05):
I confronted her about it. She was like, I'll have
to try to find the obituary card, like and I
was like, no, no.
Speaker 15 (31:13):
She's alive, and she was just like, leave.
Speaker 2 (31:15):
Me alone so much she kept the lie alive or
tried to.
Speaker 18 (31:20):
Yes, yes she did.
Speaker 3 (31:23):
Wow, it seems it's pretty common that people lie about
sickness or even death.
Speaker 4 (31:27):
Well, they're looking for attention.
Speaker 2 (31:29):
It's a mental things. Yeah, it's it's sick.
Speaker 7 (31:32):
Speaker 2 (31:33):
Well, thank you for the call back to this topic.
Speaker 3 (31:36):
Speaker 11 (31:38):
One of the worst lies I have ever been told.
Most of the worst lies actually, I have ever.
Speaker 19 (31:44):
Been told were from my now ex husband.
Speaker 18 (31:48):
I was sent a video.
Speaker 9 (31:51):
Where he was in it with someone he wasn't supposed.
Speaker 19 (31:54):
To be with, and he that man looked me dead
in my eyes and said they must have photos.
Speaker 4 (32:00):
Shock, We're not married anymore.
Speaker 2 (32:08):
He's so convinced that you're going to keep it going.
I don't want to get caught.
Speaker 1 (32:13):
The biggest lie I was never told.
Speaker 6 (32:15):
I was in the high school.
Speaker 21 (32:16):
I was a senior and I was dating in a
guy it was sold than me, and he told me that.
Speaker 15 (32:21):
He went to Mendicock College.
Speaker 18 (32:23):
Well, when I started touring college and that was on
my list, So me and my friends went to Endcock
College and she gave us a tour, only to find
out that he did not go there, but he went
to another school down the street.
Speaker 2 (32:35):
Oh why why?
Speaker 14 (32:36):
Speaker 6 (32:37):
Why would he lie about it because he was probably
trying to trying to, you know, get there.
Speaker 1 (32:41):
I don't want he went to another college? Was it
mad at? What college?
Speaker 2 (32:44):
Maybe the college wasn't as good as Endicott. What's down
the street from Mendicott?
Speaker 7 (32:48):
Under Cott's not necessarily like you know, I'm just stop everything.
Speaker 20 (32:56):
You like, my son Dylan graduates.
Speaker 7 (33:00):
I say, you did say just saying it's not Harvard?
Speaker 2 (33:05):
This again? Well okay, it's not really hard.
Speaker 8 (33:09):
No, but I think to this person it was important
for them to be going to end Act.
Speaker 1 (33:15):
I know, I'm not saying anything bad about Endicott. I'm
just saying it's a weird. Why it's hell?
Speaker 6 (33:19):
Can I just put a p s A out there?
I want to get ahead of this right now, Any
and all complaints winning.
Speaker 7 (33:25):
I'm just being realistic. Okay, my god, shoot me for
being honest.
Speaker 3 (33:32):
I mean, I have a picture framed on one of
my walls.
Speaker 6 (33:37):
How much you know who else went to Endicott graduated
santy Jamin School.
Speaker 1 (33:44):
I said nothing. I believe it's a nice school.
Speaker 2 (33:49):
We'll just move on from we'll just we'll just move on.
Speaker 17 (33:52):
Speaking of lies, I have lied about really being sick
to take a day off for my mental health and
welcoming from my job.
Speaker 1 (34:05):
Yeah, and I went.
Speaker 17 (34:07):
Back refreshed, feeling so much better.
Speaker 1 (34:09):
So that was worth a lie.
Speaker 8 (34:12):
I think that's like a white lie.
Speaker 10 (34:15):
That's consistent lie.
Speaker 7 (34:17):
Every single morning, I'm stuck in traffic, but I'll be
there soon.
Speaker 6 (34:21):
Guys are common ones, ammon.
Speaker 11 (34:29):
Do you want to know who the biggest liars are
out there? Five year olds I teach kindergarten and I
am lied to constantly throughout the day. I could see
them do something with my own eyes, and they will
lie straight to my face.
Speaker 3 (34:44):
Oh five year olds, I mean they're kids.
Speaker 4 (34:47):
Yeah, they don't really know any better.
Speaker 2 (34:50):
You try to teach them not to lie, you know,
that's what you do.
Speaker 9 (34:53):
I was dating the guys that i'd known since high school.
Speaker 14 (34:55):
You gave me the whole song and dance. I've loved
you since high school. Now we're both single, so I
went for it. It was long distance for a little bit,
and I was under the impression that he was gainfully
employed and had his own apartment, and the entire time
he was living in his mother's home and collecting disability.
Speaker 2 (35:15):
So that was fun.
Speaker 3 (35:17):
Yeah, lying out of embarrassment sometimes is pretty common. You know,
you just don't want to tell the truth if you're
living in the basement at your mom or if you're
living in your little boys room just sucks.
Speaker 2 (35:28):
Getting caught.
Speaker 3 (35:29):
Yeah, Oh it's embarrassing.
Speaker 2 (35:31):
It really sucks.
Speaker 21 (35:31):
Biggest lie I was ever told was on a dating app,
via a very long text thread over the course of
a whole day, that a guy had cancer.
Speaker 2 (35:38):
But he didn't.
Speaker 21 (35:40):
When I caught him out, he said he lied because
he didn't think he could attract me without some kind
of hook. I don't know how he thought that was
going to play out in the end, Like I was
going to say, Oh, that's so flattering, Okay, I'll forgive you.
Speaker 2 (35:52):
Speaker 3 (35:54):
Yeah, lying about something like that, I don't that's another category.
Speaker 2 (35:57):
They should be in jail. Yeah.
Speaker 6 (35:59):
I knew somebody and they don't show their face around anymore.
Speaker 3 (36:03):
Wow, it's humiliating once you've been uncovered.
Speaker 2 (36:07):
Well, there's people really with cancer that it's so.
Speaker 8 (36:10):
Bad, and the people that are trying to like have
people give them money and stuff like that or just
get sympathy.
Speaker 7 (36:16):
Tear money is one gross part of it. But the
people that just are like, yeah.
Speaker 1 (36:20):
I'm not feeling good of cancer.
Speaker 3 (36:22):
Now you don't.
Speaker 2 (36:23):
It's weird.
Speaker 22 (36:24):
Good morning morning crew. I have one crazy lie for you.
The next boy friend of mine told me that he
got a job as a waiter at a restaurant down
in Fenway, and about six months after that, I realized
that job never existed and he was prostituting himself in
my back. So have a great day, everybody.
Speaker 1 (36:41):
Well he was serving something.
Speaker 2 (36:43):
Wait, I min he was prostituting himself. What yeah he was?
Speaker 1 (36:45):
He was starting saying he was a waiter, but he
was serving up something. I think it counts.
Speaker 2 (36:49):
Wow, he was in the hospitality. I really just can't.
Speaker 3 (36:56):
Speaker 2 (36:57):
This is crazy.
Speaker 19 (36:58):
Good morning guys. I guess I have a lie.
Speaker 1 (37:00):
I have a crazy ex.
Speaker 19 (37:02):
You call him crazy Eddie who calls me in hysterics.
One day that his mother died. She had a heart
attack and died and I had to buy him a
suit for his for the funeral, and I just had
a feeling something wasn't right, So I googled her address
and I drove down to get him and knocked on
that door, and there she went alive. And she looked
at me and I said, oh my gosh, you're alive.
And she goes, oh, he got you two on me.
Speaker 1 (37:28):
Oh wow.
Speaker 6 (37:30):
Well more on this on the wrap up at ninety
Crazy Topic this morning.
Speaker 2 (37:34):
Anyway, good morning, It's kiss Went Away. The billion leads
the show.