All Episodes

January 23, 2025 • 37 mins
We're halfway through the show now and the fun continues! People loved last night, Winnie hates Billys phone, and we have talk back leftovers! Listen to Billy & Lisa Weekdays From 6-10AM on Kiss 108 on the iHeartRadio app!
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Post Malone.

Speaker 2 (00:00):
There the billion and Lisa Morning Show got a lot
of nominations for the iHeart Radio Music Awards, which were
announced just yesterday, and justin he's.

Speaker 1 (00:09):
Got to deal with Oreos cookies.

Speaker 3 (00:11):
Now, Yeah, these are coming out soon in a few days.
You can you can pre order them. Imagine pre order?
Who would have thought? But yeah, the cookies. They're going
to have a cream center, a salted caramel in short
bread combination.

Speaker 1 (00:25):
Oh I love salted caramel.

Speaker 3 (00:26):
Yeah, so Oreo's calling them a delicious duet of flavors
in every bite.

Speaker 4 (00:30):
Oh I like thatting.

Speaker 3 (00:32):
So there'll be a bunch of different designs on the
cookies on the outside of the Oreo, including a sunflower
get it, a pickup truck and a record.

Speaker 5 (00:41):
And many others.

Speaker 3 (00:42):
I gotta desale is January twenty seventh, and they will
officially be on sale to purchase February third.

Speaker 2 (00:48):
He's a brand man. Post Malone has become a huge
brand man. Okay, we're recovering this morning from Lisa's sensational
book club event last night with the mel Robbins and at.

Speaker 4 (01:00):
Least who was a sensational brand.

Speaker 2 (01:03):
Oh yeah, well, number one podcast in the world. She
talked about that last night, knocking Joe Rogan out.

Speaker 4 (01:08):
Yeah, that was incredible.

Speaker 2 (01:09):
It was an unbelievable event. And I know I'm speaking
for the entire show, Lisa when I tell you, we
were beaming with pride.

Speaker 6 (01:17):
Thank you, so proud of you.

Speaker 4 (01:19):
What were your favorite moments?

Speaker 7 (01:20):
My favorite moment was honestly seeing you because literally two
and a half years ago even more, You're like, you
know what, Whennie, I want to do a book club
and I'm like okay, Like I was just like, okay,
she wants to talk about a book with people. You know,
guys I don't read. So I'm like, okay, you can
do it, because I always at least do whatever you
want to do. And then we did the first one
at mystique. And then to see you evolve in the

last two years and you do everything perfectly, nothing goes unturned.

Speaker 6 (01:46):
You a movement. I'm just so proud of you.

Speaker 5 (01:49):
Yeah, so proud of you.

Speaker 2 (01:50):
Nice words when oh I don't read, well no, well
that's another story for another day.

Speaker 3 (01:55):
But if you remember that Whennie started going to the
first ones because of the free course I.

Speaker 6 (02:01):
Watched support Lisa. The free food was a plus.

Speaker 2 (02:04):
I got to tell you, my favorite moment was the
fact that I got to sit in a banquette with
your mom and your two boys and they were just
so proud of you.

Speaker 1 (02:16):
And my other favorite.

Speaker 2 (02:17):
Moment, believe it or not, was your introduction when you
came out on stage and talked about the start of
the book club and what it meant to you and
how it happened and everything.

Speaker 1 (02:26):
It was. You just touched everybody just with that alone.

Speaker 4 (02:29):
And then I said, and please welcome the newest member
of Lisa's book Club, mel Robbins. And then that video
hit the Yeah, that video montage was just absolutely like
off the hook, amazing.

Speaker 6 (02:43):
I got the feet.

Speaker 7 (02:43):
I almost I almost cried her and it was like
am to see you into her and then her movement
and its just the two you guys, are two powerful
women to come together and just like, oh, it was amazing.

Speaker 6 (02:55):
It was amazing.

Speaker 2 (02:56):
You know what was impressive to the passion of the
book club member. I mean I saw them all in
line in the freezing cold and they were laughing and
having fun. A couple of people may have had a
problem with the cold, but you know what, it's cold
out we live in New England. But they were wrapped
around the building and happy to be there, and then
once the events started, you could see the passion in

their faces.

Speaker 1 (03:17):
It was awesome.

Speaker 8 (03:18):
We went last night with a group of friends. I
am an addict of the show. I've been listening since
I was a kid, and so I know everybody. So
every time one of you walked by me, I was
the fan girling hard. So Justin walked.

Speaker 4 (03:28):
By with Riley when we were in line.

Speaker 8 (03:30):
And I was like, oh my god, guys, it's Justin
and poor Riley because I don't know her face yet.
She looked at us and she's like, yeah, Hi, I'm
Riley hopefully, Oh my god, Riley.

Speaker 4 (03:41):
So I felt bad, but now we know. We got
to put Riley's face on the page. We know she is.

Speaker 5 (03:46):
So that was a story last night.

Speaker 3 (03:49):
Okay, So for people, there are people maybe that are
not on social media as much, that listen to this show.

Speaker 5 (03:55):

Speaker 3 (03:56):
So when I walked in with Riley, we both live
in Sale, New Hampshire. We carpooled together. People thought Riley.

Speaker 5 (04:02):
Was Jen your wife. They thought it was my wife.

Speaker 1 (04:04):

Speaker 3 (04:05):
So when we were leaving, right this woman came up
to talk to us and she said hi to me,
and then she looked at Riley and started talking about Gemma.
She's like, I love Gemma so much, your daughter, She's
so beautiful. And Riley goes, I'm not as wife this morning.

Speaker 7 (04:19):
She goes, meek, do I look like I've had two
kids and I'm married? And I'm like, well, I was like,
I was like, you know, you're your early twenties. Like
just take a compment that they think Justin could pull
a twenty.

Speaker 2 (04:29):
Well, and how about when you walked away, They're probably, hey,
how about Justin he's got a child.

Speaker 1 (04:35):
Ride young.

Speaker 9 (04:39):

Speaker 10 (04:40):
Lisa, thanks for last night.

Speaker 6 (04:41):
You crushed it.

Speaker 10 (04:42):
That was an amazing event and I'm reading the book
now and I'm loving it.

Speaker 6 (04:46):
Thanks again.

Speaker 10 (04:46):
You were awesome. I actually saw your mom at the
end of the night and thanked her for being there
and just told her how awesome you are and how
amazing you are and how much we love the show
and appreciate everything you do. I don't think she disagreed.
She had a big smile and she was really lovely.
Thanks again.

Speaker 3 (05:05):
So that was actually that was actually my moment to
add on to what Billy said, because I caught it
in real time. Me too, So you know, your mom,
Sue was sitting with your boys in the booth, and
you could tell before it started she really didn't know
what was going on. There were so many people everywhere.
And then when they introduce you give it up for
Lisa and the place erupted. Her face was like she'd

know what to cry, and she kind of like perked up.
That's my daughter.

Speaker 2 (05:30):
And I was sitting there with your mom, Lice when
that person walked up and I witnessed her saying, I
just you're Lisa's MoMA, and I just wanted to tell
you how much everybody loves your daughter.

Speaker 1 (05:41):
And that was a special moment.

Speaker 4 (05:43):
Yeah, I was so happy that she came to this,
that she made the trip. Yeah, because she lives in
South Carolina, so she's not around. She doesn't go you know,
she doesn't really go to anything that I do. So
it was just really impactful that she was there last night.

Speaker 2 (05:54):
Yea, Lisa said to me off the air this morning. Yeah,
it took Mel Robbins to get my mom to Boston.

Speaker 5 (06:00):
That's true.

Speaker 3 (06:01):
So congratulations, Lisa. We look forward to the next book
club coming up next. Weird Stories. Ryan Seacrest had a
little incident on the set of Wheel of Fortune. Lisa
has that weird story coming up in about five minutes.

Speaker 4 (06:12):
Kids went to wait with Billy and Lisa's weird stories.
All right, I saw this yesterday on social So Ryan
Seacrest hosts Wheel of Fortune and in the latest episode,
this guy who is much larger than Ryan, a contestant,
was like winning, and he went over to hug Ryan
and guess what happened ten seconds.

Speaker 11 (06:33):
Good luck, guppies, Yes, Daniel, easy on our hols, but
celebrate with forty thousand dollars.

Speaker 6 (06:52):
He complete, Yeah, he completely got knocked down. He's a
little guy.

Speaker 2 (07:00):
Yeah, but he was good ADVI he said no, no,
I'm okay, okay, yeah, forty grand baby.

Speaker 5 (07:04):
He's more of a man about it than Billy with
his shoulder.

Speaker 1 (07:07):
Right, kids, where is it finding the ball?

Speaker 6 (07:10):

Speaker 2 (07:11):
Oh oh yeah, imagine even now my shoulders still torn apart. Yeah,
that stupid incident. Anyway, this could be an NHL first.
The Edmund Oilers rather scored a goal thanks to a
nacho platter.

Speaker 1 (07:25):
Here's the deal.

Speaker 2 (07:26):
The Oilers are playing at home against the Capitols this
past Tuesday night, when a fan threw the nachos onto
the ice. Moments later, Corey Perry slapped the park past
the Capitol's goalie, Logan Thompson.

Speaker 12 (07:39):
Here we go.

Speaker 5 (07:40):
They're strapping on the ice there.

Speaker 1 (07:42):
The caps are upset about it.

Speaker 13 (07:43):
Something came over the glass, and he says, a distract
to the great as this shot is taken, I don't
know if it's going to be called out.

Speaker 1 (07:51):
I don't know if it can be because it wasn't
whistled out at the moment. And that's what it is.
Nachos that came over the.

Speaker 13 (07:56):
Glass, always dangerous from fanss throwing stuff.

Speaker 5 (07:59):
Onto the ice.

Speaker 13 (07:59):
Said, I'm sure they're going to try and find the
culprit pretty quickly.

Speaker 2 (08:03):
Actually, the goalie knows who the culprit was. He actually
saw him throw the nachos. It was named itself. Now
he blames himself. He says, you got a play to
the whistle, You got a play to the whistle. But
I love how they said they're shrapnel on the ice.

Speaker 1 (08:16):
It was not chos. Go ahead, Winnie, okay.

Speaker 7 (08:20):
So a woman, it has an impassionate argument for why
beds are overrated, and you'll never guess what she actually
sleeps on.

Speaker 11 (08:28):
Beds are overrated and they're an absolute scam.

Speaker 1 (08:31):
One hundred percent disagreed. Beds are not overrated. I love
sleeping in a bed.

Speaker 11 (08:34):
You invest thousands of dollars into this thing.

Speaker 1 (08:36):
I slept in a hammock for years. I slept on
a dog bed for a year.

Speaker 6 (08:40):
Dog bed that was only seventy dollars.

Speaker 1 (08:42):
That's so nice. It's still weird.

Speaker 12 (08:44):
After bringing people home and they told me they wouldn't
do anything of me on the dog bed.

Speaker 1 (08:49):
I got a real bed and they are good people.

Speaker 4 (08:52):
I just added the sheets.

Speaker 1 (08:53):
That's been a big thing. You've been sleeping on it
with no sheets.

Speaker 10 (08:56):

Speaker 5 (08:56):
How do you feel about couches.

Speaker 4 (08:57):
I think couches are great.

Speaker 3 (09:00):
If you don't want back problems, find a good mattress,
like Oprah said.

Speaker 1 (09:04):

Speaker 3 (09:04):
I slept on everything from floors to coaches, to park
benches to cars, and they all mess my back up.

Speaker 1 (09:10):
First of all, a dog bed you'd have to curl
up like a pretzel.

Speaker 4 (09:13):
I know how small.

Speaker 7 (09:15):
I will say though, I was looking for dogwards for
my dogs, and the temperature Peedick ones are pretty comfort
they do have. I had my niece laid down, she's five,
so I wanted to get like an idea of how
big it was, and she I think it's comfy, and I,
honestly I put my.

Speaker 6 (09:27):
It was very like padded Have you selected it?

Speaker 12 (09:30):

Speaker 8 (09:30):
No, I no.

Speaker 7 (09:31):
I had my niece try it out with my dog
because I was like, I'm not going to find seventy
five eighty bucks on a dogbed.

Speaker 6 (09:36):
But if it's a mattress, I don't know about right.

Speaker 1 (09:38):
I think Oprah said it best invest in a quality mattress.

Speaker 11 (09:41):
I'm telling you, your back will thank you later.

Speaker 1 (09:45):
That was one of the best species of all times.

Speaker 2 (09:48):
We're coming up on an entertainment Oscar nomination is going
to come down any any minute now. Will unpack those
and we're going to take you to Lisa Dunnovan's incredible
book club event last that ' all coming up next.

Speaker 1 (10:01):
Hang it, he ask you boys. You're waking up with
Billy and Lisa in the morning on kiss one. Await
enjoy your coffee. Oh thank you, hey, guys for welcome back.

Speaker 2 (10:10):
They're actually in the middle of announcing the Oscar nominations.
I do have a couple of them coming up in
a couple of minutes in the Entertainment report, but justin
let's get a couple of talkbacks in quickly.

Speaker 3 (10:19):
Was there people yelling at you last night, Bill at
the book club? Anybody?

Speaker 1 (10:24):
No, I think people from the line were yelling.

Speaker 14 (10:26):
Okay, So I went to Lisa's book club last night
and saw me Melt and it was amazing. She's so inspirational.
And leaving, I was walking to my car with my
friend and I wanted to apologize to Billy. I screened
at his face Billy and Gamma high five and she

was very nice, but also Michelle like, I just couldn't
get her name to come out of my mouth and
I'm so sorry him.

Speaker 5 (10:53):
Show Yeah, no worry. Yeah, He's used to it by now.

Speaker 4 (10:58):
The Entertainment of Dates with a Billy Cotsta.

Speaker 2 (11:01):
Mentioned the OSCAR nominations are coming down as we speak.
They're actually in the middle of a break right now,
but justin you are monitoring in your studio a couple
of categories. I do have a Best Actress Supporting role.
Kieran Coulkin is in there.

Speaker 1 (11:13):
Edward Norton.

Speaker 2 (11:14):
I've always liked him. What an intense guy he is.
Edward Norton is nominated, as is a guy Pierce and
Jeremy Strong, who from the Apprentice, but we knew him
from you know, Jeremy Strong with the weird outfit and
what am I thinking of? Oh my god, forgot already succession? Yeah, god,
I just drew one. And we also have the actress

in supporting role. Ariana has an Oscar nomination and so
does Zoe Saldaona from Emelia Perez, so they're in the
best Supporting Actress category. Again, we'll keep an eye on it.
It's coming down as we speak. But again we have
to talk about Lisa Dunnovan's book club. What a wild
night at Big Night Live, which, by the way, if

you don't realize, it is right inside the TD Garden,
it's part of that whole structure. When I arrived last night, Lisa,
I couldn't believe the lines outside. Everybody excited to be there,
braving the cold, but they didn't care.

Speaker 4 (12:08):
It was wrapped around the building, wrapped around the building,
and we were on the marquee outside. Did you see that?

Speaker 3 (12:14):

Speaker 2 (12:14):
Yeah, absolutely, it was ridiculously good. And again we were
all so proud of you. You just did an amazing
job last night, amazing with mel Robbins. Did you have
favorite moments? So you went home I did.

Speaker 4 (12:26):
So we sat down with mel and her book is
called the Left Them Theory, and she shared with us
how it all happened.

Speaker 15 (12:32):
My daughter reached out.

Speaker 6 (12:34):
And grabbed me.

Speaker 15 (12:35):
This was probably a trauma response from the Nati salon. Yeah,
like throw down that happened, and she's like, Mom, you're
beer no, And I'm like, but they don't have any
butt and she's like and I'm like, but it's raining mom.

Speaker 6 (12:53):
Let them.

Speaker 1 (12:53):

Speaker 4 (12:54):
She was talking about her son's prom and how she
was trying to control the whole thing. She didn't like
what was going down, and she was just being annoying,
like we moms can be trying to control everything. So
that's where let them started, and then she went into
how part of the let them process is realizing that
you got to stop controlling everything.

Speaker 15 (13:13):
Not every text needs a response, not every meeting needs
your opinion. The more you realize, wait a minute, like
I actually do get to say what gets my time
and energy, and then something really cool happens, you realize WHOA.
The let me part is the best part because this
is where I take control of everything. This is where
I take responsibility and let you know, as you guys

have heard me say responsibility is just the ability, And
I think oftentimes we think it's our job to respond,
to take care of, to make people happy, to make
sure people aren't disappointed. And when you realize, wait a minute,
I get to choose when I want to do those things,
a whole lot of power starts to show up in

your life.

Speaker 4 (13:56):
And this is the part that's also annoying.

Speaker 15 (13:58):
You realize that you're controlling nature has been stifling your
kids and your partner because they don't actually have the
space to be able to find their power and to
be able to face their struggles with you by their side,
rather than you micromanaging every step of the way.

Speaker 6 (14:17):
And I'm talking to myself.

Speaker 4 (14:19):
It's insane. And then so she gives so much to
her followers, so I asked her what does she do
to recharge?

Speaker 1 (14:24):
I really am a homebody.

Speaker 4 (14:26):
Like I love to hike, I love to fish.

Speaker 15 (14:29):
I love to be outside with their dogs. You know,
I like a gummy. It's legal here in Massachusetts and Vermont.
I never would have thought that I love Why, Oh
my god, I you know, I my husband doesn't drink
all that much, and it's not that fun to drink alone.

Speaker 4 (14:49):
But you know, occasionally have a cocktail.

Speaker 2 (14:52):
I got to tell you, you know something else that
was great about last night. You get in the car,
you're driving home, you start revisiting everything you're doing with
your own personal life and what you can change and
what you've been doing wrong, what.

Speaker 1 (15:01):
You can fix. She has that effect on you.

Speaker 2 (15:04):
I'm guessing most of the people driving home last night
we're having discussions.

Speaker 1 (15:08):
Oh my god, I do that what she was talking about.

Speaker 6 (15:11):

Speaker 4 (15:11):
She shares these moments that we can all relate to
because we've all been there.

Speaker 1 (15:15):
Oh yeah, yeah, I felt like a better man leaving
there last night. I'm just saying, but it's all about that. Lisa.
Just an amazing thing. The podcast is up for.

Speaker 4 (15:24):
Just search Lisa's book Club on the free iHeartRadio app.
Is the best place to go for it, or wherever
you get your podcasts. Yeah, it's up. The whole mail interview.

Speaker 1 (15:34):
You got to thank the sponsors again. You've got some
fabulous Yeah.

Speaker 4 (15:37):
They all jumped on board Amka Insurance. They love Mel
Robins so much. They're involved with the Mel Robbins podcast,
so they came in, which is amazing. A ninety plus sellars.
Shout out to them. We're in our second year of
their partnership, their sponsorship at the book club. We're coming
out with the Lisa's book Club Sparkling Wine with some
of the proceeds benefiting raising a reader. That launch will

be in April. More details to come, really exciting. I
want to thank findmass Money dot gov. I look for money.
I've had money, mail has money. Yeah, so that was
really cool. She like wanted everyone to know that Glean Beauty.
I met the owner last night. She's amazing. She did
some amazing gift bags and josson Maine and we'll be
back at josson Maine February twenty six.

Speaker 1 (16:20):
So that's the next book club event, February twenty six with.

Speaker 4 (16:23):
Lisa Genova and we will be posting the link on Monday.

Speaker 1 (16:25):
And how do people do in the book club.

Speaker 4 (16:26):
They can just go to kiss oneaway dot com slash
Lisa's book Club, but there's a tab just you know,
put your email in and then you'll get alerts as
to when we post links to go to our events.

Speaker 2 (16:36):
And it was awesome to see everybody from this building
that went last night. I mean all departments were there
and seem to be very happy to be there, from
programming to marketing to promotion, sales, sales.

Speaker 3 (16:46):
The Mighty McCabe, who comes on after us, was there
in his Billion Lisa sweatshirt.

Speaker 1 (16:51):

Speaker 4 (16:51):
Can I just tell you I love him?

Speaker 1 (16:53):

Speaker 4 (16:54):
He has such good energy.

Speaker 5 (16:56):
He does.

Speaker 4 (16:56):
He loves being at events. He goes everywhere all the
time in the city.

Speaker 2 (17:00):
He's great, We'll stick around. He comes on right after
us at ten o'clock. We talked about the Oscar nominations.

Speaker 1 (17:06):
Did you get any more?

Speaker 5 (17:07):
While we were talking justin they're we're going through all
the visual effects.

Speaker 6 (17:11):
Oh yeah, Oh you don't care about those people?

Speaker 12 (17:13):
Do you?

Speaker 1 (17:15):

Speaker 6 (17:16):
Short? Gimme one no, no, the best picture.

Speaker 2 (17:20):
Meantime, The iHeartRadio Music Award nominations were announced yesterday. Taylor
Swift and Morgan Wallen have teny Sabrina Carpenter, Kendrick Lamar
and post Malone have a nine each. And the show
is going to be happening March seventeenth, and we carry
that live right here, don't we? So Absolutely, And I
like the collaborations from the past year. Bruno and the

Lady Gaga are in there, Taylor Swift and post Malone,
post Malone Morgan, Wallen, Caine, Brown and Marshmallow.

Speaker 1 (17:48):
We're playing that one. So again, the award show is
coming up March seventeenth.

Speaker 2 (17:53):
And by the way, we're talking about the Oscars, I
should mention and they talked about it this morning from
Beverly Hills. They're going to take a lot of time
from this year's awards show a tribute and honor the
victims of the fires and first responders. So it's going
to be a different mood I think for the Academy Awards.
But I think it's going to be awesome.

Speaker 1 (18:13):
And we move on.

Speaker 2 (18:14):
There is a report this morning and Lisa, you can
tell us the story that Grammys might have been leaked
the winners.

Speaker 4 (18:20):
So I again, I don't know if this is true,
but they're saying that Taylor Swift, if you can believe it,
might get snubbed this year. What Yeah, the Tortured Poet's
Department album may not win. Yeah, So I don't know.

Speaker 2 (18:33):
And the tour as well, Mike get snubbed. How can
you snub the Eras tour, which is the biggest most
profitable tour in history.

Speaker 4 (18:40):
The concert film, the Aras tour.

Speaker 1 (18:42):
Yeah, I feel like.

Speaker 7 (18:43):
The Grammys loves to snub like the commercially peak the
commercial people like she kills it commercially. But they're gonna
be like, oh, I didn't do the right they didn't
have the right lyrics, didn't you know.

Speaker 4 (18:53):
They're saying Billie Eilish or Beyonce will win Album of
the Year.

Speaker 6 (18:57):
I will say Billy Alger's album was great, and what
I heard from you was also great.

Speaker 2 (19:01):
So I like Bilee Islah Shalon. Yeah, okay, so we'll
see what happens. That's March seventeenth. Post Malone has a
partnership with Oreos Cookies. We talked about this a little
bit this morning, justin can you give us the capsule
it encapsulated version of post Malone's deal well with Oreos.

Speaker 3 (19:20):
Yeah, they'll all be different designs on the cookies that
are related to him.

Speaker 5 (19:24):
Right, There'll be a.

Speaker 3 (19:24):
Pickup truck, a sunflower, a record, you know, and the
pre order is January twenty seventh, and they'll be on
sale February third.

Speaker 4 (19:32):
Boy, is that going to be your cheat meal?

Speaker 5 (19:34):
Absolutely? Oh, they're going to be in my house. My
wife's a huge posting fan.

Speaker 2 (19:38):
Hey, a reminder of Timothy Shallow may going to be
the guest host and the musical guest this coming Saturday
Night on Saturday Night Live. Colin Joe Strom SNL is
married to Scarla Johansson. A lot of people know that
she's been co hosting the third hour of The Today
Show all this week and Colin showed up yesterday.

Speaker 3 (19:56):
I feel like I had to bring flowers on because yesterday,
out of the gate, she was like, he never writes
me a love letter.

Speaker 1 (20:01):
He just sends me like sexual emojis.

Speaker 9 (20:04):
I was like, what.

Speaker 6 (20:07):
Thing you said? I didn't say.

Speaker 4 (20:09):
I didn't use that word.

Speaker 6 (20:10):
You interpreted it.

Speaker 2 (20:11):
That Severance is possibly the number one show in the
country right now. Lisa is five or six episodes into
the first season, and you still don't know what's going on?

Speaker 4 (20:21):
Right I'm watching it for Justin only and I am
I'm six in and I still don't know what the
heck is going on.

Speaker 5 (20:29):
Just stay with it.

Speaker 4 (20:31):
I've been staying with it.

Speaker 1 (20:33):
I don't like it.

Speaker 4 (20:34):
There's only three episodes left.

Speaker 1 (20:35):
That's all I hear about this show.

Speaker 4 (20:37):
I know I don't get it, and Justin, do you
know what's going on?

Speaker 3 (20:40):
I have a good idea, you know, I think you
just finish out the first season. The final finale for
season one is a complete masterpiece. So it's worth it
hanging there. It'll come together more the more you watch it.

Speaker 4 (20:53):
Let's just say that Christopher Walking is my most favorite.

Speaker 2 (20:57):
Yeah, and the second episode of the new season comes
out this coming Friday. Was there some kind of a
reveal this week with the show?

Speaker 5 (21:03):
Justin Well?

Speaker 3 (21:04):
Yeah, so the first episode came out last Friday. And
there's a part where a voice does this kind of
narration on a video and I saw it. I didn't
think it was anybody famous or anything, but turns out
it was Keanu Reeve.

Speaker 5 (21:15):
You probably don't recognize me from this angle. I'm the
lumin Administrative Building, Branch five oh one, and you're sitting
in me right now.

Speaker 1 (21:25):
The name's a mouthful more as I say ador for
so you can.

Speaker 5 (21:29):
Just call me Plumen.

Speaker 16 (21:31):

Speaker 1 (21:31):
That was just forty seconds, and I don't even get that.

Speaker 3 (21:35):
You have to watch the show, yeah to get it. Yeah,
you have something on the Oscars and I have the
rest of the nomination if you would like them. Yeah,
let's go, all right. Actor in a leading role Adrian
Brody for the brutalist Timothy Shalomet, a complete Unknown, Coleman
Domingo for sing sing Ralph Fien's how do You Say That?

Speaker 5 (21:54):
Ralph Finds Finds.

Speaker 3 (21:56):
For Conclave and Sebastian stand for the Apprentice, actors in
the leading role, Cynthia Arrival Wicked, Yeah, Mikey Madison, a Noorra,
Demi Moore, the Substance, Oh, Fernando Torres, I'm still here,
and Carla Sophia Gasconne for Amelia Perez so Wow, Wicked
had Ariana and Cynthia.

Speaker 5 (22:16):
Yeah for actress for supporting and actress My Best Picture
of the Year.

Speaker 3 (22:20):
No of that movie, No, No, The Brutalist a complete unknown,
the Bob Dylan movie Conclave Dune Part two, So does
Timothy Chalomaye and two movies of Best Picture. That's crazy,
Amelia Perez, I'm still here, Nickel Boys, the substance in Wicked. Wow.

Speaker 1 (22:43):
Whoa, that's a tough category.

Speaker 6 (22:45):
I've seen not one of those movies, And based on a.

Speaker 2 (22:48):
Lot of what I've seen from the earlier nominees, it
seems like The Brutalist is cleaning up. Yeah in terms
of nominations and.

Speaker 4 (22:55):
Okay, shout out to Demi Moore. Yeah, like she's in
her sixties and she's getting all of these nominations.

Speaker 5 (23:01):
I know who saw that coming.

Speaker 4 (23:02):
No, it's incredible.

Speaker 1 (23:03):
Yeah, it's her first award ever when she got the
Golden Globe.

Speaker 2 (23:06):
It's her first award for acting ever thirty years in
forty years in anyway, We're brought to you by Boston Vision,
New Year, New Vision.

Speaker 1 (23:13):
Why wait to start seeing the world clearly?

Speaker 2 (23:17):
If you're tired of the glasses, the contact lenses, get
lasick with Boston Vision. Do it this year in twenty
twenty five. Just imagine waking up every morning with crisp
clear sight, no lenses, no hassles, just freedom of sight.
Because your best vision is Boston Vision.

Speaker 1 (23:32):
And there you go.

Speaker 4 (23:33):
Bell words from the Planet Fitness, Kiss One Away Studios.
We're back with a Billy and Lisa in the morning
on Kiss.

Speaker 2 (23:42):
So we just found out something really really cool about
Lisa's book club last night. Lisa, why don't you just
read the list of countries around the world that we're
watching the stream?

Speaker 4 (23:52):
Okay, So, Tony, who does all of our digital just
sent me a text message. He goes.

Speaker 6 (23:56):

Speaker 4 (23:56):
Fact, Lisa last night's book club stream was viewed by
audio says in Pakistan, Canada, India, Australia, Saudi Arabia, Thailand,
UK and Egypt.

Speaker 2 (24:07):
Wow, that.

Speaker 1 (24:11):
Your worldwide, missus worldwide is incredible.

Speaker 6 (24:16):
That's amazing.

Speaker 5 (24:17):
Yeah, from Pakistan to Boss, from Pakistan to buzz.

Speaker 1 (24:22):
Man, that's incredible.

Speaker 2 (24:23):
But I get to talk TikTok for a couple of
seconds if you don't mind, I don't I know where
in the middle of a.

Speaker 1 (24:29):
Ninety day stay yes for TikTok?

Speaker 2 (24:31):
Does that change anybody's TikTok to use over the next
three months or so.

Speaker 7 (24:35):
Basically, if you did not have TikTok before January nineteenth,
you cannot download it.

Speaker 6 (24:40):
It's still not available on the app.

Speaker 7 (24:42):
So now if you have an iPhone that already has
the app on it, people are trying to buy it
off of you because for the next ninety days, if
you don't have it, you cannot utilize anything on TikTok.

Speaker 2 (24:52):
And I'm looking at a story that says people who
do have iPhones that do have TikTok are selling their
phones for thousands of dollars.

Speaker 6 (24:59):
Well, if people fomo, that's a problem with our generation.

Speaker 7 (25:02):
And then this time of world is that everyone's like, oh,
I can't wait ninety days to see if it stays
or goes.

Speaker 6 (25:07):
They want to utilize it the next three months.

Speaker 7 (25:09):
But because regardless you can use it for three months
and ninety days, you either can get it back on
the App Store and everyone's good, or will never use
it again. So that people are like, oh, I only
have ninety days, I want to use it. They're going
to spend thousands of dollars on these iPhones.

Speaker 2 (25:21):
I almost don't even understand the ninety days because I
feel confident it's going to be approved anyway.

Speaker 1 (25:25):
I think, so ye at this point, why not approve it?

Speaker 4 (25:28):
I'm just trying to work it out.

Speaker 3 (25:29):
Honestly, if I could give I have TikTok on my phone.
If I could give it away, i'd give it away.
I mean, I have it, I use it. It's not
but it doesn't mean that much to me.

Speaker 2 (25:38):
So this isn't yet another reason that I should have
an iPhone instead of adroid.

Speaker 6 (25:43):
There's many reasons why you need an iPhone.

Speaker 3 (25:45):
Well, yeah, I know, every time I take a shot
of your Android, all the Android people start leaving talkbacks.

Speaker 1 (25:51):
Yeah, and what's wrong with those?

Speaker 3 (25:52):
I have nothing against droids. Yeah, it's a joke, people,
It's a joke. Yeah, it's a joke, that's all.

Speaker 6 (25:57):
Well, I think it's more for like us, the three
of us.

Speaker 7 (25:59):
I'm produce sure, because we're trying to help Billy on
a device that we don't know how to use. So
he's getting frustrated. Like if he knew how to like
master his Android, we'd have nothing to say. But our
big issue is that he's complaining about a device that
the four of us can't help him with, and then
he's mad at us that we don't know what we're
talking about.

Speaker 3 (26:15):
I will say that from a technological standpoint, as an
iPhone user, the Android is a superior a more superior phone,
without question, definitely, But when he is one hundred percent right,
Billy just doesn't know how to use it. So we
get frustrated because we have to help him. And we
all have iPhones.

Speaker 2 (26:31):
So what you're saying is I'm a more sophisticated cell
phone owner.

Speaker 7 (26:35):
No, you're the problem, that's what we're saying, because you
don't know how to use your so sophistication.

Speaker 1 (26:39):
Well, I could use the argument I don't know how
to use yours?

Speaker 6 (26:42):
You would I think iPhone is a lot more used.
We've never asked you.

Speaker 1 (26:45):
So that's a good point.

Speaker 3 (26:47):
And everyone, Billy, everyone in your life has an iPhone,
your family, your wife, all of your co workers, Jenny Johnson,
everybody has an iPhone.

Speaker 4 (26:57):
Oh yeah, my retired TV show, all I phones surrender
and come over to ours.

Speaker 2 (27:01):
I try, and I try, and they keep saying, oh,
you know, Pal, you're going to lose a lot of
your stuff.

Speaker 1 (27:07):
And then I say, well, why bother, Well, how much
stuff do you have to lose? I have a lot
of stuff.

Speaker 2 (27:13):
I am connected international on a daily basis. All those
people watching the stream, they've all got my cell on.
Thanks Lisa, peg Is Dan to boss. I'm very big
in Pakistan.

Speaker 5 (27:26):
Some talk back leftovers coming up.

Speaker 3 (27:29):
Just a couple of minutes here, Kiss went waits Kiss
one eight.

Speaker 2 (27:32):
So every morning on the Billion Lisa Morning Show we
get literally hundreds of talkbacks, so many so that we
decided to have a talkback leftover segment every morning.

Speaker 5 (27:43):
Right, Justina, we'll get to the angry Android uses.

Speaker 1 (27:47):
But first, hey.

Speaker 12 (27:48):
Guys, it's the Medstuodor for Marlborough. Yesterday was my first
day of classes back into the spring semester, and I.

Speaker 6 (27:54):
Started things out with a bang or should I say
a snap.

Speaker 12 (27:58):
Yesterday, I had an eight am class, first bright and
early in the morning, and as soon as I sat
down in my chair to sit in my lecture, I
had a snap. And my let's just say long story short,
my right knee is broken. So yeah, great way to
end senior year.

Speaker 1 (28:14):
The poor thing just by sitting down.

Speaker 5 (28:17):
Sometimes it's just the wrong movement.

Speaker 1 (28:19):
I can do it.

Speaker 3 (28:20):
By the way, at the book club last night, there
were a few of our listeners that were in boots.

Speaker 5 (28:24):
Oh yeah, knee procedures.

Speaker 1 (28:26):
I saw a lot of hitches last night.

Speaker 5 (28:28):
Bill has a hit.

Speaker 2 (28:29):
I have a hit.

Speaker 5 (28:31):
Yeah, you've got an achilles injury. But poor thing. Wish
you the best.

Speaker 1 (28:34):
Ouch knee? Oh god, ouch nye.

Speaker 5 (28:40):
Okay, that's that's stinks. The knee is important.

Speaker 1 (28:43):
Yeah, you know.

Speaker 5 (28:44):
So yeah. Listen.

Speaker 3 (28:45):
The iPhone versus Android thing, people get crazy about this.
We bully Bill because we all have iPhones and Bill
has an Android. It's not so much that the Android,
we think is a worse phone. It's just a different
phone has a lot of better features. We understand that.
But it's annoying because Billy doesn't know how to use
it and we can't help him.

Speaker 4 (29:03):
Use it.

Speaker 5 (29:04):
That's what we're saying Android users.

Speaker 1 (29:05):
Billy, don't listen to the brow reading.

Speaker 2 (29:08):
Stay with Android all the way superior, and you're not
controlled White Apple like everyone else is.

Speaker 3 (29:14):
See that person sounds like an Android user. Yeah, don't
we're all controlled.

Speaker 5 (29:19):

Speaker 1 (29:20):
See he stop bullying me when he about my phone?

Speaker 6 (29:24):
Lisa? Did we not explain it very nicely? How we
don't care?

Speaker 12 (29:28):
We do?

Speaker 5 (29:29):
We really don't.

Speaker 1 (29:30):
No, but I get it all day, all day every here.
You gotta get yourself on an iPhone. You know who
says it more than anyone else.

Speaker 2 (29:37):
Mike Rocket, our friend, Mike Rocket, owner the Salem I'm
on my side. Yeah, he said for Christmas he was
going to get me an iPhone fully loaded and just
give it to me.

Speaker 3 (29:45):
Well, because you have to understand with Billy, he'll every
day he has an issue on his phone. He doesn't
have to do something, he can't figure something out, and
he says, can you help me with this?

Speaker 5 (29:53):
And then I have to go on. It's like, you know,
I don't know what the hell I'm doing. I have
to try to figure it out.

Speaker 2 (29:57):
Okay, you know what, none of you have to worry
about it ever again. You know why I can't because
I have producer Riley in my Yeah, she just gave
me the heart. I don't even know how to do
the heart. She just gave me the heart signal.

Speaker 1 (30:09):
She's being a sup the scoop of Steve Dude.

Speaker 16 (30:12):
I'm telling you you need help with your Android. You
connect with me anytime. We'll walk you through. It will
take care of you. You'll be awesome, superior by far,
and we can do many more things. We also figure
out a way to connect you with these iPhone people
and they say they can't do things.

Speaker 1 (30:33):
RCS, baby, RCS.

Speaker 5 (30:35):
There you go. I don't know what that means, like
an Android years or two?

Speaker 1 (30:39):
What is r cs SE?

Speaker 6 (30:41):
See to understand us? So to see this is what
we deal with.

Speaker 2 (30:44):
You know what's funny today I'm aggravated with my droid
because every day there's like an update or a change,
and it changes your entire phone. Yesterday, all I wanted
was to check my text message, all my text messages.
I hit it and then all these things started happening
in the phone, and now I can't even get my text.

Speaker 5 (31:00):
You know what that is? The RCS?

Speaker 12 (31:03):

Speaker 3 (31:03):
What's the messaging system they use on Android? The dam
called RCS. Yeah, yeah, so I'm getting an iPhone?

Speaker 5 (31:09):
What are you gonna do? Who are you gonna trust? Dude?

Speaker 12 (31:11):

Speaker 5 (31:11):
Are Scooba? Steve scoob of Steve damn you man?

Speaker 3 (31:16):
All right, we'll take a quick break, come right back
with the wrap up. We'll maybe all the highlights of
what you missed bought a book club talk where we
visit that, and also the Oscar nominations and he snubs
and he surprises.

Speaker 5 (31:27):
We'll discuss in the wrap up.

Speaker 8 (31:28):
Next kids one away, it's the morning wrap up on
Billy and Lisa in the Morning.

Speaker 3 (31:34):
Gonna start with Lisa's amazing book club. Last night we
talked about it all show long. What well can we say?

Speaker 5 (31:40):

Speaker 3 (31:40):
It was just amazing for everybody. Mel was great, You
were great, All of our listeners were great.

Speaker 2 (31:45):
Was amazing, and we learned about the long list of
people listening all over the world and watching the stream
all over the world.

Speaker 5 (31:51):
Yeah, Australia, Australia is on the list.

Speaker 4 (31:53):
Right, yes, every place is on the list.

Speaker 5 (31:55):
Yeah shutout Australia. O.

Speaker 9 (31:57):
Hi everyone, it's Pam from I might have met a
few of you last night and maybe there was a
couple of people that blew me off, but.

Speaker 1 (32:08):
I let them and guess what.

Speaker 12 (32:10):
I was in the front row.

Speaker 9 (32:12):
Oh my god. It was so amazing. But I'm just
so pumped. My family in Australia was watching, Oh my god,
that's incredible. Have a great day.

Speaker 1 (32:26):
Front row was watching.

Speaker 5 (32:28):
Pretty cool. Yeah, pretty cool. And you know, just to
wrap up the book club thing.

Speaker 3 (32:33):
You know, obviously, Lisa, these events are great, but you
know there's also a great aspect to it. You're getting
people to read, You're raising money for Raising a Reader.

Speaker 4 (32:42):
It's really about building a community people that want to
get together and meet new people. That's why we started it.
We started it for our listeners, and we started with
sixty people and last night we had close to fourteen
hundred people at that event. And you're right, it's like
it's getting people to read, it's getting any and also
we're helping Raising a Reader, which teaches families how to

read to their kids, to make that connection.

Speaker 5 (33:05):
That's right.

Speaker 1 (33:06):
Hey, amazing morning crew.

Speaker 4 (33:08):
I just adore all of you.

Speaker 6 (33:10):
But I wanted to tell Lisa that.

Speaker 15 (33:13):
Two years ago, the reason why I started going to
your book club was I was pushing myself through depression.

Speaker 4 (33:20):
I was going through a divorce and things were just.

Speaker 12 (33:24):
You know, complicated and tough, and I pushed myself to
get out and go to one of your book clubs
and I haven't stopped and last night was epic.

Speaker 1 (33:34):
That's amazing. Yeah, I may see what you do for
people a list.

Speaker 4 (33:37):
Yeah, that's why we're doing it.

Speaker 3 (33:38):
I'm gonna cry, It's okay, that's okay. So you can
watch the video on the Kiss Facebook page. You can
look up Lisa's podcast Lisa's book Club on the iHeartRadio app.

Speaker 5 (33:48):
And the next book club is.

Speaker 4 (33:49):
When February twenty sixth, and Lisa Genova will be joining
us at j justin Mate.

Speaker 5 (33:54):
So go to kissheowait dot com slash book club.

Speaker 4 (33:56):
Yeah, sign up to sign up, and then we're going
to post a link on Monday. So you want to
make sure you set this on your phone because we'll
be back at josson Maine and that's like two hundred
and fifty.

Speaker 5 (34:07):
You don't want fall moll on this one. No, let
me tell you.

Speaker 3 (34:09):
Billy had the Oscar nominations that came out right around
eight thirty this morning. The Substance with Demi Moore nominated
for Best picture. Imagine that anybody's seen that now I
want to see it.

Speaker 5 (34:19):
Yeah, me too.

Speaker 4 (34:20):
Good morning, Jim, Teacher.

Speaker 14 (34:21):
Kelly here, and I'm calling to talk about the nominations.

Speaker 12 (34:24):
Picture of the Year.

Speaker 1 (34:25):
We watched The Substance this weekend.

Speaker 12 (34:27):
We decided to have a family movie for the first
time of probably a year with our busy schedules. But
The Substance looked so awesome and it was pretty good,
but we failed to realize that we were going to
be watching the first twenty minutes and throughout the movie
just moves and nudity.

Speaker 11 (34:45):
Ooh year old time.

Speaker 1 (34:47):
Oh oh.

Speaker 2 (34:48):
We put that at the topic a couple more reasons
to see The Substance. I actually had it circled on
the list right here in front of me. Because of
the Oscar nominations. I want to make sure I see
the movies I haven't seen that were nominated. So boobs
and nudity.

Speaker 7 (35:02):
Yes, okay, no matter what age it is, nudity with
your parents is always weird with sixteen, but.

Speaker 6 (35:08):
It's still weird.

Speaker 3 (35:09):
I want to hear a fun fact about myself. My
father used to do shoot movies back in porn movies. Yeah,
well no, he shot all movies, not just porn, all
of them. But we'd watch movies together as as when
I was a child, and sometimes we'd watch movies with
nudity instead of getting being weird. My father would be like,
he'd say to me, you know, nudity's okay in a movie, son,

if there's a point, If there's a point and it's
part of the story, it's okay.

Speaker 5 (35:34):
But this is useless to me. There's no reason to
show booms to give me a whole speech about it.

Speaker 1 (35:39):
Let me ask you a question.

Speaker 4 (35:40):
I like your dad, I agree with them.

Speaker 2 (35:42):
Yeah, so he's a film alographer. Right, let me ask
you a question about dear old dad. Did he make
more of his money with porn movies or regular movies?
I'll have to ask him that porn movies. He shot
a lot of movies he did shoot. He shot John Holmes, Okay,
so he was heavy into porn. John John the Wad
Holmes was the number one male porn star of the era.

Speaker 1 (36:05):
He works with the Ward.

Speaker 5 (36:07):
He was on a film set with the Wall.

Speaker 4 (36:10):
Say high level porn and.

Speaker 2 (36:12):
You were with Billy the Bulls, All right, yeah, did
you ever did he ever shoot fairy porn?

Speaker 1 (36:18):
We learned about that this morning.

Speaker 5 (36:21):
I want to say yes, but oh man, uh can
I give the plug?

Speaker 11 (36:29):

Speaker 1 (36:30):
Yes, you can, geez.

Speaker 3 (36:33):
Catch the podcast. Yeah, that's it billion Lias in the
Morning on the iHeart ready to get all that and
so much more. Sorry, guy, Bill.

Speaker 2 (36:38):
Today's Thursday, which means tomorrow is Friday, the Big Friday Show.
Obviously it's a new music Friday. I'm not gonna ask
you justin because you'll freak out. You hate when I
give away your secrets. The Big Friday Show tomorrow, and
the good news right now, the Mighty Meet Kay McKay
crushed it last night and his Billy and Lisa in
the Morning's hoodie sweatshirt. He looked extremely happy Bee, and

he's going to wear it right here on the show
in just a couple of minutes. Hang in
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