All Episodes

October 25, 2024 37 mins
We're halfway through the show now and the fun continues! We love hearing from people traveling, Justin should adopt this piglet, and we announce our first Local Legend! Listen to Billy & Lisa Weekdays From 6-10AM on Kiss 108 on the iHeartRadio app!  
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Hey guys, welcome back, Happy Friday. Here we go Halloween weekend.
A lot of parties this weekend, and why not give
away a pair of tickets for the kids run away
jingle Ball Call It twenty five six, one, seven, nine
eight producer Riley. The keyboard this time is going to
be Piglet. And for good reason, Lisa, we got good
news on the piglet.

Speaker 2 (00:21):
All right, this is my most favorite story of the
day because the Animal Rescue League of Boston is now.

Speaker 3 (00:27):
Caring for a two week old piglet.

Speaker 2 (00:29):
Now, this little piglet's name is Magnolia and it was
found on the side of the road in Framingham on Tuesday,
brought to the shelter. They're caring for it, but she
will be available for adoption.

Speaker 4 (00:41):
Oh hey, face, shoes are terrible.

Speaker 1 (00:48):
It's great. Now, I think we should adopt the piglet
as a show as a mascot.

Speaker 5 (00:53):
Yeah, we're gonna overlook the fact that the pig was
found in framing Ham. They go together, they do, you know,
the poor piglet someone abandoned. Yeah, what is with people
abandoning animals these days?

Speaker 1 (01:07):
It's shameful. I hate when I see these stories. But
I think this is going to have a happy ending.

Speaker 3 (01:12):
It is.

Speaker 2 (01:13):
The pig will grow to about one hundred to one
hundred and thirty pounds, So you need space.

Speaker 3 (01:19):
For this little, lovely little girl.

Speaker 2 (01:22):
Yeah, but yeah, she's adorable, she's I'm so excited that
she's being taken care of and she'll find a new home.

Speaker 1 (01:29):
One hundred and fifty pounds, one.

Speaker 3 (01:30):
Hundred to one hundred and thirty, they're saying.

Speaker 1 (01:32):
So I was kidding about the show, But I guess.

Speaker 2 (01:34):
Pigs are supposedly from what I'm reading, actually very clean,
really take care of themselves.

Speaker 1 (01:40):
So they play around in the mud, but they're considered clean.

Speaker 6 (01:43):
Yeah, you can have a pet pig.

Speaker 1 (01:45):
Oh yeah, you can a lot of people do in
your house.

Speaker 7 (01:49):

Speaker 1 (01:49):
I've seen stories where people have.

Speaker 3 (01:51):
Walk the actually you know who did.

Speaker 2 (01:53):
George Clooney had a pig running around his house.

Speaker 8 (01:57):
There's this girl on this woman on TikTok that has
a bed for her pig in her room.

Speaker 9 (02:01):
So it's her bed and then a bed for the pig. Really,
oh god, Yeah, well yeah, it's.

Speaker 1 (02:05):
It's different a little bit. Yeah, uh, Lisa, you guys
have a lot of land out there. We definitely Yeah,
the boys would love it.

Speaker 5 (02:16):
So you keep the pig outside and there will I mean, well,
you kind of build a little things.

Speaker 2 (02:21):
It says that you need a proper outdoor enclosure for
the pig.

Speaker 3 (02:24):
You want the peg with heat.

Speaker 1 (02:27):
I don't think you need a lot of pigs as
pets up in New Hampshire.

Speaker 3 (02:31):
Well, justin You've got a lot of space up there.

Speaker 5 (02:34):
We could definitely put some pigs in my yard, for sure.
I don't I don't want to bring this up to
my wife because she know she wants chickens, she wants goats.

Speaker 6 (02:43):
I've kind of held her off a bit.

Speaker 1 (02:45):
But your house is like a state fair. Every day.
People are coming in, they're swimming, they're riding dirt bikes
and four wheelers, and you might as well have a pig.

Speaker 6 (02:54):
Why do you say that?

Speaker 5 (02:55):
Last night I got an alert on my ring camera
in the back somebody was walking by and I'm like,
who is that? And I look on the phone camera
and there's just a line of people walking through my
driveway through my backyard, kids, neighborhood. They're always coming cut
through like a shortcut or something. Yeah, you can get
into the woods through through my house.

Speaker 1 (03:13):
Yeah, I had that Lindfield with a cut through into
the high school. Yeah.

Speaker 6 (03:17):
Anyway, good for the piggy and a piggy.

Speaker 3 (03:19):
Here's mesh net.

Speaker 1 (03:20):
Thank ink ink ink ink ink. Let's let's go to Crystal.
Good morning, Crystal. Where are you calling from?

Speaker 5 (03:29):
I'm calling from Foxboro?

Speaker 1 (03:31):
Oh hey, Crystal, say a load of Foxboro for us?
Would you.

Speaker 2 (03:35):
Will do?

Speaker 1 (03:36):

Speaker 6 (03:37):
She's all busy.

Speaker 1 (03:37):
Yeah, yeah, either that she just woke up. She probably
set her alarm for the jackpot. So you call it
twenty five Crystal. You have a keyword. It's piglet. Piglet. Yeah.
Do you have enough room for a pig because magnolia
is available? Oh no, thank you. My mother in law
has a pig.

Speaker 10 (03:54):
And it's like.

Speaker 1 (03:58):
Hundred that's crazy, yes, literally, and it's not nice.

Speaker 2 (04:03):
So no, thank you.

Speaker 1 (04:05):
Now I was the only kidding, right, What are the
odds they actually have a pig in the family.

Speaker 6 (04:11):

Speaker 1 (04:12):
Okay, okay, So you've got to pay the tickets for
the jingle Ball, but you qualify for the jackpot, you
gotta talk to producer Riley. You get all the information
you need. Okay. Oh, my daughters, I'm gonna believe this.

Speaker 11 (04:25):
I call every day and set my alarm at the
ten so that I can call.

Speaker 1 (04:28):
Well, your job is done, So congratulations on the tics
and good luck on the jackpot.

Speaker 6 (04:32):
Wow, what are the chances my mom is an angry pig?

Speaker 12 (04:35):
Do you know what?

Speaker 2 (04:36):
A hush?

Speaker 9 (04:37):
That's a pig?

Speaker 1 (04:39):
Don't fly straight?

Speaker 5 (04:40):
All right, Weird stories coming up, we do them every day.
We have probably the craziest divorce story you're ever gonna hear.
We'll have that in Weird Stories next. But coming up
new Lady Gaga. We've been waiting for this one. Sounds
like vintage Goga from her new album. It's called Disease.
It's on New Music Friday on Kiss one.

Speaker 6 (04:59):
Await know what you thank.

Speaker 1 (05:01):
Kiss went to wait a little weird to me? Oh
my god, it's time for weird stories.

Speaker 9 (05:08):
I'm pretty creepy.

Speaker 3 (05:09):
With Billy and Lisa in the morning.

Speaker 2 (05:11):
So this is so weird because a guy wanted to
get a divorce, so he went on cameo and he
apparently paid two influencers who are identical twins by the way,
they go to the name Verros Twins to actually record
something so he could play it for his wife.

Speaker 5 (05:27):
So before I play this, just imagine, right, you're married, okay,
and then you get something in your email, a video like,
oh it's a gift, it's a cameo, and you open
it up and it's.

Speaker 1 (05:37):
This, what's up, Victoria?

Speaker 6 (05:39):
We just want to say that David.

Speaker 2 (05:41):
Loved you so much, but he doesn't love you anymore
and he wants to get a divorce.

Speaker 1 (05:49):
Does separate it?

Speaker 7 (05:51):

Speaker 13 (05:52):

Speaker 3 (05:52):
So they sound like the you know, real life Beavis.

Speaker 6 (05:54):
They look like Beavis, and they look like Beavis.

Speaker 1 (05:56):
And by the way, they're not kidding.

Speaker 3 (05:58):
No, this is like so horrible out Who is this guy?

Speaker 6 (06:01):
I don't know?

Speaker 5 (06:02):
But who hurt him? Did she hurt him to stoop
to that level? She had to have been running maybe.
See that's the other thing. We don't know the whole story. Yeah,
so it's like, you know, shocking that he would do that,
but we don't know what really happened.

Speaker 6 (06:15):
That's vicious to separated.

Speaker 3 (06:18):
Won How much they got paid?

Speaker 6 (06:20):
I don't know. They'll change charge different amounts.

Speaker 12 (06:23):
Your name.

Speaker 9 (06:23):
I can look them up on.

Speaker 3 (06:27):
The v How do you spell a V O R
O S?

Speaker 6 (06:30):
All right? Well, when you look up.

Speaker 1 (06:31):
In the meantime, if you're driving around Massachusetts, you definitely
have to keep an eye out. This guy has built
a custom truck which has two identical cabs welded together,
so one is in the front, the other's in the back.
So if you're like if not paying attention and suddenly
you look up in your car and it looks like
the truck is coming at you.

Speaker 3 (06:52):
My god.

Speaker 5 (06:53):
There's a prank online of videos where people will be driving.
Someone will be sleeping on the passenger side and they'll
be behind a tow truck swing a car so it
looks like the car it's facing you, and you wake
and wake up, and the car the guy who built it.

Speaker 14 (07:07):
I'll drive it anywhere as long as it's not raining.
It's no different than any other truck. Is just basically
a different bed. You have to have TL lights, turn signals,
everything else. Red lights in the back are LED lights
out of a bus services, your brake lights, your turn signals,
and running light. I put rear view mirrors in the
front end the back because I like symmetry and I

wanted it to look the same both ways.

Speaker 1 (07:30):
It'd be cool if you had kids and they could
sit in the cab that's actually facing the back. Years
and years ago, there used to be a station wagon
where they had a bench facing the.

Speaker 6 (07:41):
Back and you can look out.

Speaker 1 (07:43):
That still exists.

Speaker 5 (07:45):
Well on the buses, you know, the kids love being
in the back and they make funny faces.

Speaker 1 (07:48):
Oh yeah, yeah at that people driving the bird.

Speaker 6 (07:51):
Yeah, there was a bunch yesterday.

Speaker 5 (07:52):
I was at a red light and they were all
like trying to get my attention, just like looking straight.

Speaker 6 (07:56):
Don't look at them, don't look at them.

Speaker 1 (07:58):
Winnie, what have you got?

Speaker 8 (07:59):
Those viros? Twins's about one hundred bucks for a cameo
from them.

Speaker 1 (08:03):
That's not bad.

Speaker 9 (08:04):
And they do really look like whatever one of those pis.

Speaker 8 (08:08):
Yeah, all right, So police busted a golf cart stealing
crime ring. I can't speak that valued over two hundred
thousand dollars of golf carts.

Speaker 12 (08:19):
Looked like one person would put the cart in neutral,
push it out, and then the other one would get
the other cart started. Well, it's that violation feeling, and
then you have that anger or sadness.

Speaker 5 (08:28):
To move one golf cart, some guy can do that
with a with a pickup truck.

Speaker 1 (08:32):
To move six golf carts, you need a flatbed.

Speaker 6 (08:35):
You need to be working as a team the whole
operation here.

Speaker 7 (08:38):

Speaker 9 (08:39):
Eighteen golf carts they took and.

Speaker 6 (08:42):
You know I want a golf cart.

Speaker 2 (08:43):
I do too.

Speaker 1 (08:44):
My wife won't let me get one. Well, there are
a lot of parts that I know in parts of Florida.
You can drive them on the street. You go right
down town. My son Alex has one, so they go
to dinner downtown South Carolina.

Speaker 3 (08:53):
They do too. It's really I love it. It's so
cute on the street.

Speaker 9 (08:57):
Yeah yeah, oh yeah, yeah.

Speaker 6 (09:00):
That's pretty cool.

Speaker 1 (09:00):
I don't think you can do it in New Hampshire.

Speaker 6 (09:02):
Yet, No, no, no, I want to ride it around
my neighborhood.

Speaker 1 (09:05):
Yeah, yeah, a toy.

Speaker 6 (09:08):
No, she won't let me get one. Enough is enough
with you when your toys?

Speaker 5 (09:12):
Anyway, With Halloween coming up next Thursday, I want to
ask each of you a question. Don't answer it verbally.
Just raise your hand if you know the answer to
this question. Michael Myers, the movie Halloween, the Mask? What
is that mask of? Where did that idea? It's of
a person? Did anybody know? This is great?

Speaker 6 (09:30):
None of you? None of you know?

Speaker 5 (09:31):
Okay, you're not going to believe this. Well, they were
trying to come up with the idea for the mask,
and they did. You'll never believe what celebrity the mask
is of his John Carpenter, who actually made the movie.

Speaker 4 (09:43):
Tommy Lee Wallace, the production designer, ran up to the
mask shop on Hollywood Boulevard and bought a couple.

Speaker 1 (09:48):
One was a clown mask and that's, you know, one.

Speaker 5 (09:51):
Way to go, and the other he got this William
Shatner soundtract.

Speaker 9 (09:55):
Oh my godtain.

Speaker 15 (09:56):
Kirk tore off the eyebrows, hoofed the hair a little
so it looked demented and strange, and I spray painted
it whieter than it already was took off the side burdens.

Speaker 6 (10:05):

Speaker 15 (10:06):
It created a shiver right in the room, and we
knew we had something special.

Speaker 4 (10:11):
I guess I owe the success of Halloween to William Shannon.

Speaker 8 (10:14):
I can kind of see it, William say that, I can.

Speaker 9 (10:16):
See it so funny. Wow, that is so funny.

Speaker 16 (10:20):

Speaker 1 (10:20):
I wouldn't have guessed.

Speaker 8 (10:21):
That one, But I see it now that you said it.

Speaker 9 (10:24):
Now then like they want you to know it.

Speaker 5 (10:26):
Yeah, I know a lot of people know this, so
I know people are listening, like everybody knows that.

Speaker 6 (10:29):
But everybody who knew that, I mean I didn't know that. No, No,
William Shatton, did I see death?

Speaker 4 (10:35):
I don't know.

Speaker 1 (10:38):
Entertainment is coming up next, big decision yesterday in the
Menendez Brothers situation. We've got that for you. And Rihanna
tells us who her dream collaboration would be with right now.
That's coming up next time. By the morning, Kiss want

to wait.

Speaker 7 (11:02):

Speaker 1 (11:02):
We've got something very new that we're kicking off from
the Billy and Lisa the Morning Show this morning just
after nine o'clock. We call it Our Local Heroes. This
is a very cool thing. It's kind of like giving
back to the listenership, so to speak.

Speaker 6 (11:16):
The legend means, right, the legile legends. That's what we're doing.

Speaker 1 (11:19):
What and I said, didn't say local legends, said heroes.

Speaker 5 (11:22):
But it's okay, unsung heroes, local legends. This is called
billion Lisa's Local Legends. Yeah, yeah, right, Lisa. We announced
it a while ago and you can submit. You can
nominate somebody at Kiss one, towait dot com, slash legend
or leave a talkback. But we launched it and then
Billy went to Africa. So people have been submitting, you know,
their nominations, and so we've been getting them going through them.

We went out earlier this week, we met our first
local legend and you're going to meet that person at
nine ten.

Speaker 1 (11:48):
Yeah, it's a very good one. Great way to start
first one. Yeah, so that's right after nine o'clock, but
time for entertainment.

Speaker 3 (11:54):
Wow, the entertainment updates with the billy concepts.

Speaker 1 (11:58):
So there was a big ruling yesterday, and I think
we saw this coming of the Menendez brothers. They could
be getting out of prison early. Why because well, the
DA says now that he wants to have a re
sentencing hearing.

Speaker 7 (12:10):
I just think that given the current state it to
the law, and given our assessment of our behavior in person,
they deserve the opportunity to be reevaluated and perhaps reintegrated
into the command of Now.

Speaker 1 (12:22):
So what happens now while the whole idea of resentencing,
which likely will happen, goes before a judge, and if
the judge approves it, yeah, we could see them out
of prison by Thanksgiving, certainly by the end of the year.
They've been in prison for over thirty years.

Speaker 2 (12:36):
They have almost thirty five years, and they've been model prisoners.
That's another big piece of it. They've been really good
with other inmates. So Yeah, that will play into it.

Speaker 1 (12:47):
Such an amazing story. It triggered two documentaries, the docuseries
called Monsters and then the documentary with the actual Menendez
brothers the audio. Yeah, and both of them became like
number one instantly on Netflix. So that's expected to happen
over the next couple of weeks. Meantime, it's New Music Friday,
justin Let's go get going.

Speaker 6 (13:08):

Speaker 5 (13:08):
So Halsey, her new album came out today. It's called
The Great Impersonator. She's doing something really cool on social
media leading up to it. Every day she posts a
classic album cover and then recreates it with her own face,
which is pretty cool. But anyway, a lot of tracks
on the album we love Halsey. Remember she almost died,
she had a really really, really scary health battle, but

she's back with the new album. This song is called
Panic Attacks, And you know, when I was listening to
the album this morning, very early, I had that in

the back of my head, like, you know, imagine going
through something like that, you know, almost dying, you know,
losing your life, you know, and then you come back,
you get better, you're on the mend, and then you
go in and make an album.

Speaker 6 (13:59):
You know it's going to sound a certain way.

Speaker 5 (14:01):
I feel like, you know, some of the pictures of
her when she was really sick, scary.

Speaker 2 (14:05):
Very very scary. But that sound, that song sounds a
lot like Taylor, doesn't it.

Speaker 5 (14:11):
Yeah, little bit, definitely do next up? You want to
get dancing on this Halloween weekend? Our boy flow Rider,
you did our jingle ball last year. He's got a
new one. It's called When I Grow Up.

Speaker 1 (14:23):
I want to be like me.

Speaker 15 (14:25):
You can't tell me nothing.

Speaker 6 (14:30):
I want to be like.

Speaker 1 (14:39):
Sounds just like that song. I'm going to Timber.

Speaker 6 (14:43):
Timber Yeah, probably, yeah, yeah, maybe the same producer.

Speaker 5 (14:47):
You never know. Anyway, we love flow Rider. But here
we go New Music Friday. The new Lady g Got
single is out. We've been playing it all morning long
on Kiss. You'll hear it all day on Kiss on
New Music Friday. It is called Disease, and Lady Gaga
is saying that she has never sung like she has
on this album.

Speaker 11 (15:05):
Oh well, when I went into the studio to record
my seventh studio album, you know, I wasn't thinking at
all about creating a character in a film. I was
just thinking about what music I wanted to make next,
and I just sang with like everything in my body.

Speaker 9 (15:21):
In a really unique way.

Speaker 11 (15:24):
I think my singing on LG seven is actually really
different than anything I've done before.

Speaker 5 (15:29):
Well, here you go, it's called Disease. We think it's
Vintage's Lady Gaga. We're just saying, what do you think?

Speaker 3 (15:56):
I like it?

Speaker 1 (15:57):
Yeah, I'm starting to like it. I didn't like it earlier.
This morning, I'm starting to like it. But I've always
liked Garga.

Speaker 5 (16:03):
Yeah, she's great. I'm Winnie infamously has been critical of
Lady Gaga. She did not go as far as to
say that she liked the song, but she did say
she thinks it's going to be a hit.

Speaker 9 (16:12):
Yeah, I think you'll be a radio hit.

Speaker 6 (16:14):
There you go. You'll hear it all day for New
Music Friday on Kiss When I wait? Is that it okay?

Speaker 7 (16:19):

Speaker 1 (16:19):
No, I didn't want to cut you off and you
had another song. You know you do that all the time.
You get all attitude waving at me. Don't forget. Shakira
comes to Fenway Park May twenty ninth of next year.
Tickets go on sale this morning at ten o'clock. Let's
get some Shakira.

Speaker 5 (16:34):
In there. I forget Shakira has that big tax bill.
She has to pick fellion dollars in back.

Speaker 1 (16:50):
She'll do that with this concert though, Yeah, definitely, And
the taxman is gonna be waiting backstage every night.

Speaker 6 (16:57):
Right, she'll get paid for the show. She'll take the check,
hand it over.

Speaker 1 (17:03):
Salem State University now offering a course on Taylor Swift.
I mean why not at this point. Yeah, it's all
about her meteoric rise or songwriting skills or impact on culture.
So that's coming to Salem State. Zane Malick is resuming
his tour sooner than anybody thought. Initially it was going
to be until next year, but now he says he's

going to be getting back on the road early in November.
He took a break after Liam's tragic death, and it
looks like Lewis Capaldi might be coming back a new album,
new tour. He was spotted at a pub in London,
looking good, sounding, optimistic, and remember he took his break
because of Tourette's and you guys had a cool interview
with him. I think he went into his trailer right.

Speaker 5 (17:46):
He was at the MGMO. Ll Winnie and I went
interviewed him hung out with him.

Speaker 6 (17:51):
Just the coolest guy ever. You know.

Speaker 5 (17:53):
It's nice, really cool, really friendly, and you know, it's
sad to see him go through that, you know, his
health struggles, but I think he's to come back big.

Speaker 1 (18:01):
He's a funny guy. Can I get some Lewison?

Speaker 16 (18:04):
My god?

Speaker 15 (18:06):
And then you.

Speaker 1 (18:08):
I was scarting cud of Us the Big and so.

Speaker 5 (18:12):
So that was the second time I had met him
interviewed him. The first time was at I believe it
was at the Paradise, right, Oh my god, that's so tiny.

Speaker 6 (18:19):

Speaker 5 (18:19):
So we do the interview before the show starts, and
then after I go all right, well it's nice to
meet you. I shake his hand and he goes, I'm
going to walk you out, and I'm like, well you don't.
You don't have to, it's fine as people a looking
at now, will let's go have in a good conversation.
And he walked me out on to the street in Boston.

Speaker 6 (18:36):
Yeah, yep, cool dude.

Speaker 1 (18:37):
To see his show at the Paradise is really crazy.

Speaker 3 (18:41):
And that's a good round.

Speaker 1 (18:42):
Some of the biggest stars in the world got their
start right there in that tiny room the Paradise.

Speaker 3 (18:48):
That's very cool.

Speaker 1 (18:49):
Rihanna hasn't had a new album in like ten years now,
but she says if she were to collaborate right now,
her dream collaboration would be Billie Eilish.

Speaker 16 (18:57):
If I could only do a song with Billie Eilish,
she's so good.

Speaker 9 (19:01):
She is so good.

Speaker 1 (19:03):
Yeah, you went to the show, Oh my god.

Speaker 9 (19:05):
Yeah, we want to meet my girlfriend one a few
weeks ago. It was the best show.

Speaker 8 (19:09):
I mean, I've seen some great shows this year, but
I don't know, it was electrifying.

Speaker 9 (19:13):
It was such a good show. Her voice is amazing,
her band was great, she's great, her songs are great.

Speaker 6 (19:19):
It was great.

Speaker 1 (19:19):
And does she feature Phineas a lot during the.

Speaker 8 (19:22):
Phineas This is the first time he's not touring with her.

Speaker 3 (19:24):
Wow, So no, it was his own tour.

Speaker 9 (19:27):
Yeah, he's his own tour that's coming up.

Speaker 5 (19:28):
Yeah, the McCabe he you know, he's on after us.
He goes to more shows than anyone I've ever met.
Absolutely every night he's at a show. He's at the
Bruins game last night. That's all he does is go
out every night. He said, Billie eil this show of
the year.

Speaker 9 (19:41):

Speaker 1 (19:41):
Really, he goes to like three.

Speaker 6 (19:42):
Hundred and four shows a year. Wow.

Speaker 1 (19:45):
Hey, Celtics had their first road game last night. They
beat the Wizards one twenty two, one oh two. Jalen
Brown celebrating his birthday with twenty seven points. The Bruins,
while they've lost three straight games, lost to the Stars
last night, five to World cit You've got a game
won tonight. Dodgers and the Yankees in Los Angeles. Don't forget.

Patriots play the Jets on Sunday. And we talked about
this earlier this morning on Wheel of Fortune with our
buddy Ryan Seacrest. Last night, the Salem Waterfront Hotel was
a featured prize up on the prize Wheel. That's so
cool a trip to Salem, Massachusetts. And Mike Rocket, who
owns the Salem Waterfront Hotel, is a good friend of ours.
He came on the show earlier this morning. I guess

it's taken weeks and weeks, months and months to get
it on the show, but it was on the show
last night. And we brought to you by Bancroft School.
Discover Bankroft School, Central Massachusetts, top ranked pre KD twelve
independent day school. You can visit their open house. It's
coming up this Sunday you can explore their beautiful lakeside
campus in worces Ter. So you can register now at

Bancroft School dot org Bancroft School where the students love
what they learned, and there you go.

Speaker 3 (20:57):
From the Planet Fitness Kiss one Away Studios.

Speaker 2 (21:00):
But we're back with Villy and Lisa in the morning
on Kiss.

Speaker 1 (21:05):
Hey, guys, welcome back. This is so cool. We launched
something brand new just recently. We call it our Local Legends,
and we're looking for people out there who are doing
really incredible things making a difference in people's lives. And
before we tell the full story, I've got a pair
of tickets for the jingle Ball College twenty five six

one seven nine three one one one eight. And for
obvious reasons, Riley, the keyword is going to be legend.
Legend is the key.

Speaker 6 (21:34):
One legend, local legend.

Speaker 1 (21:36):
Yeah, this is gonna be good. And people can still
nominate local legends. How do they do that?

Speaker 2 (21:42):
Just got to Kiss one away dot com slash legend
or leave justin a talkback, and.

Speaker 1 (21:47):
We're talking about people who are really doing great things,
you know, for no reason, just out of the goodness
of their own heart, they're making a difference, they're doing
good things. It could be a nurse, it could be
a doctor, it could be a school teacher, it could
be a regular person. Just somebody doing incredible things and
you want to acknowledge them.

Speaker 6 (22:02):
That's right.

Speaker 5 (22:03):
And you know what, we talked to these people every
single day. You know, they call in, they leave talkbacks.
These amazing people, Yeah, that are doing these great things.
And like this is a way that we can say
thank you and put a spotlight on them.

Speaker 1 (22:14):
Okay, so I need to set the scene. Okay, last
week we all hit the road basically in separate cars. Okay.
It was kind of a crazy scene. And we're tracking
down this local legend and his name is Paul de
Plozzi and he's a mail carrier in Revere and was
nominated by his daughter Victoria. But the deal is he

was being a mail carrier the morning.

Speaker 3 (22:38):
We were out looking for and we're on route.

Speaker 1 (22:41):
Yeah, and his daughter was tracking him on her cell
phone and calling Wennie to tell us where he is
right now, and we're going all over Revere and then
we finally spotted the mail truck that he was driving.
It was parked in a parking lot. And then we
went to that shopping center, the Strip mall, so to speak,
and what are you know, So we found our local legend,

Paul de Plozzi.

Speaker 3 (23:04):
So, Paul, you're our first local Legend winner. How does
it feel?

Speaker 12 (23:09):
I feel on it? I'm glad that people recognize, you know,
people out there that try to help people.

Speaker 5 (23:15):
So we should add that the reason why we know
he was nominated is he actually uses his own money
to buy Christmas gifts for kids that are on his route.

Speaker 6 (23:23):
Yeah, which is like so special.

Speaker 2 (23:25):
Yeah, he kind of identifies people that he knows really don't.

Speaker 6 (23:29):
Have well, he delivers their mail every day, he sees them,
he knows them.

Speaker 1 (23:32):
Yeah, and some people get their mail and a gift.

Speaker 6 (23:35):
Yeah, it's just amazing. Anyway, surely nice when.

Speaker 1 (23:37):
Your daughter does it. Your daughter Victoria nominated you, and
here we are in Revere at Bell Circle.

Speaker 3 (23:43):
There was one specific reason why we chose you.

Speaker 2 (23:46):
It was because you use your own money to buy
holiday gifts.

Speaker 3 (23:49):
Can you elaborate on that?

Speaker 12 (23:51):
Well, if I have it, I give it. And I've
been fortunate enough to be able to do that. I
mean when Easta, my daughters gave up, they reached the
stuff to give give the families. They sacrificed it and
they gave us up baskets and I gave them to
the to the people. Oh well they surely have over there.

Speaker 1 (24:11):
Well, I got to tell you, Paul, since you are
our first local legend, we're giving to you. Okay, We've
got a gift card to one ten grill. We've got
another one hundred dollars gift card, and now you get
to take your wife out or do whatever you want
with the money. Okay, Paul, thank you very much.

Speaker 12 (24:25):
I really appreciate it, and thank you.

Speaker 1 (24:29):
Now here's the amazing thing that happened next. Okay, immediately
he said he took the gift cards right, and he said,
I'm sure I can find some people on my route
that really needed Oh my god.

Speaker 6 (24:40):
He did.

Speaker 5 (24:40):
He donated the gift card and then we were like,
oh my, oh my god. And I think one of
us said to him, can you at least use the
restaurant gift cards take your wife out the dinner, of
your daughter out to dinner.

Speaker 1 (24:50):
Yeah, he wasn't faking it. He immediately thought, oh who
can I give this to on the route that could really.

Speaker 3 (24:55):
He's the real deal.

Speaker 9 (24:56):
If you're going to a kiss.

Speaker 8 (24:57):
On my Instagram, I posted the video. It's really he's
a really nice guy. We got to talk to him
and again instantly he's like, I'm gonna give this to somebody, and.

Speaker 9 (25:05):
We're like, what, No, it's for you.

Speaker 1 (25:07):
This is your day, buddy, You're in the local Legend.

Speaker 3 (25:09):
I'm so happy he was our first local Legend.

Speaker 5 (25:12):
Yeah, I just I really am a true believer in
like being of service to other people and helping other people,
because you know, it's like two birds with one stone, right,
you're helping another person, but you're also doing something for
yourself and your spirit. Yeah, you know, you're making yourself
feel better.

Speaker 1 (25:26):
And you know, the people who nominate local Legends basically
are paying it forward. So a give, give, give, It's
it's really a cool thing. We'll do another one next week.

Speaker 5 (25:34):
Right, Yeah, next Friday, will unveil the next Local Legend,
and let me tell you that one's going to be
a good one too.

Speaker 8 (25:40):
But if you want, you can still nominate your local Legend.
We'll be doing this, you know, through the end of
the year whenever. So just keep nominating and we'll pick
people and we'll go out and we will reward them
for their amazing example.

Speaker 1 (25:53):
It was a lot of fun too.

Speaker 3 (25:54):
It was fun. It was a lot of fun.

Speaker 6 (25:57):
Let's go to Alyssa online for I believe Billy. She's
called twenty.

Speaker 1 (26:00):
Five Alyssa, good morning. Where are you call him from?

Speaker 15 (26:03):

Speaker 2 (26:04):

Speaker 1 (26:05):
Oh, Middleton, that's right next to Lynnfield, Yes, exactly a
lot of people who live in Middleton will say I
live in Middleton but on the Lynnfield border.

Speaker 13 (26:16):
Yeah, I always.

Speaker 12 (26:17):
Got a list something that's near me or people don't
know where I'm from.

Speaker 1 (26:22):
Well, the good news, Alyssa is your calling twenty five?
Do you have the keyword.

Speaker 9 (26:27):

Speaker 1 (26:27):
Legend? So now you've got to pay of tickets for
jingle Ball, but you qualify for the grand prize the
jackpot with your forefront row seats.

Speaker 17 (26:35):
Thank you so much.

Speaker 1 (26:36):
How about a shot at one hundred eight thousand.

Speaker 12 (26:39):
That's amazing, Thank you so much.

Speaker 1 (26:41):
Well, good luck and say hello to Middleton. But hold on.

Speaker 6 (26:47):
Wow, Yeah, congratulations Alyssa.

Speaker 5 (26:48):
Twelve ten is your next shot at the jackpot and
all that money with McKay will wrap up the show next.
But first, Billy, your cookbook is on its way with
Jenny Johnson and the cookbook Taste of Boston has its
own theme song, and that theme song is Sabrina Carpenter
Taste Kids Unaway.

Speaker 3 (27:07):
It's the morning wrap up on Billy and Lisa. In
the morning, Let's.

Speaker 5 (27:11):
Take a look back on what you missed on the
Billy and Lisa Show and what you can catch.

Speaker 6 (27:15):
Up on the podcast.

Speaker 5 (27:16):
Let's start with the jingle Ball Jackpot three shots this
morning at sold out jingle Ball Tickets. But each winner
will qualify for the jingle Ball Jackpot. That's a chance
at one hundred and eight thousand dollars cash in front
Road jingle Ball tickets.

Speaker 6 (27:30):
How about Gail, a winner on her birthday.

Speaker 1 (27:32):
Gail, you're up your call of twenty five? Do you
have a keyword?

Speaker 11 (27:35):
I guess it's weal And oh my god, it's my
birthday today.

Speaker 3 (27:38):
Happy birthday, Hey birthday, Gail?

Speaker 11 (27:40):
Thank you?

Speaker 1 (27:41):
What exit?

Speaker 6 (27:42):
Yeah? What a birthday? Yeah, that's pretty good.

Speaker 1 (27:45):
And it's just the beginning. She qualifies for the jackpot.

Speaker 6 (27:48):
That's right.

Speaker 5 (27:48):
And the keyword for that contest at that time was
wheel because on Wheel of Fortune last night, one of
the prizes on the prize puzzle was a getaway to Salem, Massachusetts.
For Halloween and to stay at the Salem Waterfront Hotel.
It's a big prize. Billy's hosting Wicked this weekend at
the Salem Waterfront Hotel. And so we had to get
Mike Rockett on he owns the hotel, and ask him

how the how did this happen?

Speaker 1 (28:10):
They did, like twenty fifteen.

Speaker 6 (28:12):
They came to us and they wanted us to a
packets at the City of Salem.

Speaker 1 (28:15):
So the wheel came to us about a year ago.

Speaker 6 (28:19):
It takes a long time to.

Speaker 4 (28:20):
Put together, but they did in twenty fourteen.

Speaker 15 (28:23):
They want that and first one.

Speaker 10 (28:25):
Last night again.

Speaker 6 (28:26):
Yeah, I always tell this story.

Speaker 5 (28:27):
You know, Mike Rocket's a front of the show and everything,
and you know, I'll go and stay at the Salem
Waterfront Hotel in the winter. My kids love the pool
and love Salem. And so he goes, yeah, you know,
just call me if you want to book a room.
We'll book it. So I called him for my friend
and I go, hey, my friend wants to book for Halloween,
like in seven months.

Speaker 6 (28:44):
He goes, We're two years, buddy.

Speaker 1 (28:47):
They're not getting a rope the whole month of October.
They're way out.

Speaker 5 (28:51):
Yeah, it's insane. So Halloween was our topic time this morning.
You know, we do topic time at seven forty because
you know, it's Halloween weekend. A lot of people are
going to be celebrating this week. Whatever you're going to do,
just have fun, enjoy the weather.

Speaker 10 (29:03):
Whatever anyone's doing for Halloween, I hope they're getting out
and enjoying the spectacular weather. We don't get this every year,
and New England is really on show this fall. So
get out there, sit under a tree, enjoy.

Speaker 6 (29:14):
The beautiful weather. Yeah. I like that. It's not going
to be you know, too cold or too hot.

Speaker 3 (29:19):
It's perfect.

Speaker 5 (29:20):
So you know a lot of times with the costumes,
you know, you put it on and depending on what
you're wearing underneath sweat.

Speaker 6 (29:25):
So true, it's not good.

Speaker 1 (29:27):
It's good walking around the weather.

Speaker 5 (29:29):
It's perfect. Yeah, it's perfect. Another thing we loved this
morning was the piglet found in Framingham Magnolia. It was
abandoned but is going to go up for adoption. That
brought a lot of questions from us. What is it
having a pet as a pig?

Speaker 6 (29:43):
What's that like? Do you have to heat it up
in the winter? You know, all that stuff.

Speaker 13 (29:47):
Good morning, guys talking about the pig. Pigs don't have sweatlands,
so they can't keep themselves cool in the summertime, so
they have to roll around it. But they are one
of the cleanest animals. They don't your poop where they eat,
so they have their own house. They don't eat heat.
They just need lots of hay and straw. But they're

amazing animals. They're so smart and they're so sweet. I
give mine from the rescue farm. I work at belly
reps all the time.

Speaker 3 (30:15):
Oh that's so cute. Where you don't ever want to
you know what animal does that? Bunnies?

Speaker 1 (30:24):

Speaker 5 (30:24):
Yeah, all right, Bill, here we go, pig for Billy.

Speaker 6 (30:29):
Squeal the fact that we have God understand.

Speaker 1 (30:40):
Yeah, that was a little reenactment.

Speaker 5 (30:43):
That's uh yeah, it actually you know I played that
before and it's from an old movie and you know it's.

Speaker 6 (30:50):
A little controversial.

Speaker 5 (30:52):
Now well yeah, it's a very controversial scene, very you know,
but still this will live on forever.

Speaker 18 (31:00):
Okay, well at least you weren't there, all right.

Speaker 5 (31:16):
And finally, we just announced our first Local Legends winner.
This is something we launched a while back. You can
nominate a Local Legend in the community.

Speaker 6 (31:24):
This is the community.

Speaker 5 (31:25):
This is a teacher, nurse, anybody that's doing something really
cool and we want to honor them, we go out
and surprise them give them a gift. We announced the
first one this morning. His name is Paul. He's a
letter carrier in Revere.

Speaker 6 (31:38):
We went out.

Speaker 5 (31:39):
We surprised him because every year on Christmas, around Christmas,
he uses his own money to buy gifts for kids
on his route that he thinks, you know, could use
the Christmas gifts.

Speaker 6 (31:50):
Pretty cool.

Speaker 12 (31:51):
Well, if I have it, I give it. And I've
been fortunate enough to be able to do that. I
mean when Easta, my daughters gave up there stuff to
give give to families.

Speaker 5 (32:02):
Yeah, really cool moment. And congratulations to Paul. He's our
first local legend.

Speaker 13 (32:07):
You guys, I'm literally crying in market basket over this
severe mail man.

Speaker 9 (32:12):
That is the kind of thing in the world.

Speaker 6 (32:16):

Speaker 9 (32:16):
Yeah, he's a really nice guy.

Speaker 6 (32:18):

Speaker 5 (32:18):
So you can submit your nomination for a local legend.
We've already gotten a lot. We're going through them kiss
one away dot com, slash Legend, or you can leave
a talkback. Producer Riley will be going through those and
every Friday we will announce a new local legend.

Speaker 6 (32:34):
Yeah, pretty cool.

Speaker 5 (32:36):
So you can catch all that stuff that we just
talked about in so much more on the podcast. Just
starts Billy and Lisa in the morning on the iHeartRadio
app and you'll get it right there. Have a great
Halloween weekend, everybody. We will come right back with some
talkback leftovers.

Speaker 9 (32:51):
What's up Boston Bieber Party right now.

Speaker 11 (32:54):
And we're back with Billy and Lisa in the morning.

Speaker 1 (32:58):
Hey, guys, welcome back another Cree's the Friday Show. Justin
You've got some talk back leftovers.

Speaker 5 (33:03):
I'm guessing God, I feel like we cover a lot
of ground on this show and people always want to
chime in and, you know, talk about what we're talking about.
I mentioned earlier in Italy or Europe, they shut down
like businesses for lunch and they go home for lunch,
and we were like, do they We weren't really sure.

Speaker 4 (33:19):
Good morning, everybody. I'm from Greece. We do the same
thing in Greece every afternoon. Everybody go home, eat with
their family, relaxed, rest up, and then open up again
at four five o'clock PM.

Speaker 6 (33:31):
Love it in Greece. Yeah, that's what I heard they
shut everything down Italy. I think it's in Italy too.

Speaker 2 (33:38):
To your point, though, Justin they did do that, maybe
not as much anymore. Yeah, but they definitely love to
sort of like enjoy their meals and that's what I
like most about it.

Speaker 1 (33:50):
And I think they might do it in Spain too.

Speaker 9 (33:52):

Speaker 3 (33:53):
It's very European. I love Greece. Oh my god.

Speaker 6 (33:56):
Yeah, it's my dream to go to Europe one day.

Speaker 3 (33:58):
Oh, I have to go.

Speaker 6 (34:00):
Dream absolutely.

Speaker 15 (34:01):
Justin you have to have jenda.

Speaker 13 (34:03):
You a golf cart.

Speaker 6 (34:03):
Listen, my husband bought one.

Speaker 1 (34:05):
It was a pandemic purchase.

Speaker 6 (34:07):
I'm telling you.

Speaker 1 (34:08):
We went out and we take the kids all the
time through the trails.

Speaker 13 (34:11):
I'm like, we're in southern Massachusetts.

Speaker 16 (34:13):
I mean, you're in New Hampshire.

Speaker 6 (34:14):
It's just like a giving ee to have one.

Speaker 5 (34:16):
Well, we had a weird story about a golf cart ring.
Oh yeah, stolen golf carts. Yeah, And I had mentioned
that I really want a golf cart just to kind
of drive around, drive the kids around.

Speaker 6 (34:26):
My wife doesn't want to let me get.

Speaker 1 (34:28):
How many toys can you have? You've room in your garage?

Speaker 6 (34:31):
Well, that's the issue. There's so many things.

Speaker 3 (34:34):
My parents have a golf cart. It's fun. The kids
take it out when we go down to visit.

Speaker 1 (34:37):
Ye, but your parents don't have four wheelers and Jude
bikes and it's like insane where he is.

Speaker 5 (34:44):
Yeah, my son has a new one too. It's a
it's like a three wheeled bike that you sit in.

Speaker 3 (34:49):
Yeah, a trike.

Speaker 5 (34:50):
It's like a trike, but it's loads to the so
he has that too. So no golf carts for me. Anyway,
it's a Halloween weekend, everyone's going to be celebrating.

Speaker 3 (34:58):
Good morning, it's the way of the South.

Speaker 16 (35:00):
I just want to wish everybody a happy Halloween weekend
and check out that Wicked Fest in Charlestown. I myself
will be a club cafe and I will be judge
of the Halloween contest because you know, we gaze. We
really love Halloween, and I will be dressed as Marie Antoinette.

Speaker 1 (35:19):
Have a great weekend, everybody.

Speaker 17 (35:21):
Don't you see him as Maria's so then yeah, yes,
all right, well you know what, mayor send us some pictures.

Speaker 1 (35:31):
We'd love that absolutely.

Speaker 5 (35:33):
Anyway, we appreciate you checking in on the talk back Mike,
and we'll be right back what's up.

Speaker 11 (35:38):
Boston at Serena Carpenter and you're waking up with Billy
and Lisa in the morning on Kiss one to eight.

Speaker 1 (35:44):
Hey, guys, welcome back. We got to go though. And
it's Halloween weekend. Listen, have a lot of fun. Okay,
be very festive, but please be safe. It's Halloween weekend.
Everybody's got something going on. Lisa, are you ready to
tell us what your costume is going to be this weekend?

Speaker 2 (35:58):
I'm going to keep it a surprise. I'm going to
be in here next week wearing it.

Speaker 1 (36:02):
Okay, when are you dressing up here?

Speaker 9 (36:05):

Speaker 6 (36:06):
No, no, in real life?

Speaker 9 (36:09):
No? Probably not. No, I stopped trying.

Speaker 1 (36:11):
No, I don't.

Speaker 12 (36:12):
I don't know.

Speaker 3 (36:13):
Are you wearing your costume into the office?

Speaker 6 (36:15):
Justin I will. I'm not going to enter the contest
on either.

Speaker 3 (36:19):
Okay, we're just going to entertain it.

Speaker 1 (36:21):
Shut out. What are you dressing as?

Speaker 5 (36:23):
I'm going to be a convict, all right, and Jen
is the arresting officer.

Speaker 6 (36:26):
That's right.

Speaker 3 (36:27):
I love this.

Speaker 6 (36:28):
It's going to be very playful during Halloween.

Speaker 5 (36:32):
Are there cuffs involved? Maybe velvet? And there's going to
be a stick for sure.

Speaker 1 (36:38):
I'll be a wicked night.

Speaker 9 (36:40):
Okay, wrap it up.

Speaker 6 (36:42):
I have to Winnie a police stick. Can your mind that.

Speaker 9 (36:50):
What you meant?

Speaker 3 (36:51):

Speaker 6 (36:51):
Okay, a baton.

Speaker 9 (36:56):
More like a tic tat.

Speaker 1 (36:58):
Oh god, it's already Halloween on the billion Lisa Morning Show.
Let's get out of the way for the money when
he's up next
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