Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
On kids away. Well, good morning everybody, and a happy
Thursday to you. And guess what, it's cold out there
at least.
Speaker 2 (00:08):
Yeah, we have one more really cold day today with
the windshill. You're going to see some flurries around to
this morning. But yeah, but then tomorrow it's going to
be sunny and less windy.
Speaker 1 (00:18):
Am I the only one hearing the howling winds at night?
Speaker 3 (00:22):
No, I'm on the fourth floor, so I hear it.
Speaker 1 (00:24):
Yeah, it's unbelievable to me. It's actually scary at times.
I'm like, are we going to be blown out of
the house. It's like crazy, Well, we have.
Speaker 2 (00:33):
Those old storm windows still in our house and so
they shake all like hear the rally.
Speaker 3 (00:42):
I'll put you to sleep, Yeah, exactly, justin up.
Speaker 1 (00:45):
There in north country. How about the animals in the barn?
Are they affected by the wind?
Speaker 4 (00:50):
I'm right over the border, dude, Yeah, it's windy and cold.
It's windy and cold. Same, when are you going to
pick up a couple of farm animals? You know, my
wife wants some animals. I have not kind of agreed
to it yet, but maybe a goat.
Speaker 5 (01:03):
Really, I feel like it's only fair you have you
have your fleet of you know whatever it is, four wheelers.
Speaker 3 (01:09):
You have your sauna, you have your ice bath. This
all takes up your backyard. Why can't she have something?
Speaker 1 (01:16):
You have a supersonic blower.
Speaker 3 (01:18):
Yeah, I do have all that, or you rye around on.
Speaker 4 (01:22):
I have a John Deare.
Speaker 3 (01:23):
Yeah. Could she eat something?
Speaker 4 (01:26):
She gets anything she wants? The animal goat? Is that
is that I'll end up taking care of the animal.
Speaker 2 (01:33):
The goats are great, but they just constantly eat. They
just chew and eat.
Speaker 1 (01:39):
But they'll mow your lawn, yeah they will.
Speaker 4 (01:41):
Can I can? I have another another reason why. It's
because my family gets attached to the animal and then
God forbid, something happens. May chair is not like.
Speaker 3 (01:50):
Honey, honey happens. It's something that everyone dies.
Speaker 1 (01:56):
It's going to be eaten by another larger animal.
Speaker 4 (01:59):
Yes, I live in the woods. Yeah, there are animals
out there, coyotes, foxes, things I have to protect. So
now we have to build something around to protect the animals.
Speaker 1 (02:08):
You have to have an enclosed yard.
Speaker 6 (02:09):
How about some chickens?
Speaker 3 (02:13):
Those will get eaten.
Speaker 1 (02:14):
You know, I saw this a lot in Africa. You
could put like a like a wired fence.
Speaker 4 (02:19):
You just want me to do it. You can talk
about it on the show.
Speaker 1 (02:21):
Oh absolutely, I.
Speaker 3 (02:22):
Think it's a good life lesson for your children.
Speaker 1 (02:25):
Anyway. Yeah, extremely cold, But tomorrow least, it's going to
be sunny and close to forty.
Speaker 6 (02:31):
Yeah, it's not going to be.
Speaker 1 (02:32):
Like And by the way, don't forget seven to ten
this morning on the billion least the Morning Show will
have another chance to qualify for the free car and
some of the biggest concerts of twenty twenty five. And
it's kind of weird talking about the cold and the
wind here with what's going on in southern California. It
is unbelievable. I was pinned to my TV's all day yesterday.
It's painful to watch the video, the footage from these fires,
which are just catastrophic. Yeah, and there's new ones now,
it's a new one, a sixth fire in Studio City, Hollywood.
Speaker 4 (03:07):
Hollywood is burning down as we speak.
Speaker 3 (03:09):
It feels at.
Speaker 5 (03:14):
This it feels app hold on, it feels apocalyptic.
Speaker 3 (03:19):
No, hold on, it feels.
Speaker 1 (03:23):
Okay, one more shot.
Speaker 6 (03:25):
No, I can't say. Oh my god, it's in my brain.
Speaker 1 (03:31):
It's contagious.
Speaker 3 (03:33):
It's a big word.
Speaker 1 (03:34):
Yeah, apocalyptic. Yeah, what he said but yeah, we're going
to talk about it clearly this morning at some point.
And actually we've got a live link to our iHeart
station in Los Angeles. We're going to be talking to
Jojo right that does the morning show there in Los Angeles.
Speaker 4 (03:50):
Jojoe on the radio in LA. Yeah, he's gonna give
us the update.
Speaker 1 (03:54):
And interesting story.
Speaker 7 (03:55):
Speaker 1 (03:56):
Caroline Kepnist, who wrote the series You that we all
watched and most of America watched. She was in Los Angeles.
Speaker 6 (04:03):
Yesterday, right, So she lives in LA.
Speaker 2 (04:05):
She also has a house here in Massachusetts because she's
from the Cape and I was speaking with her and
she evacuated. She left, So she's going to call in
to us today. Actually she's here.
Speaker 1 (04:17):
She came back, so she hopped a flight to Boston.
Speaker 8 (04:19):
Speaker 1 (04:20):
So we'll hear from her at nine ten this morning.
At eight ten, we'll check in with our people at
the iHeart station in Los Angeles. They are as close
to it as you can be.
Speaker 4 (04:29):
Yeah, you know, we're going to talk about ways that
people can help and you know, and we're going to
open a lot of the phones up in the talkbacks
to people that might have loved ones or friends out
there or just want to talk about it. This is
a horrific situation.
Speaker 1 (04:41):
Yeah, we do this a lot with this show in
the morning. If something catastrophic is happening somewhere. Clearly a
lot of people living in this region our listening audience
may have loved ones or you know, family in Los
Angeles may have lost their homes or might be fleeing
right now. Understand, they've got nowhere to go and get
out of the house now and you take nothing.
Speaker 4 (05:04):
Yeah, And there's a misconception that, you know, because it's
Malibu and the Palisades, that it's rich celebrities, which there are. Yeah,
there's also a ton of other regular people. We're talking
school teachers, firefighters that have lost everything.
Speaker 6 (05:16):
And schools have burned down.
Speaker 1 (05:18):
Yeah, oh yeah. And these are like two income families, firefighters,
like Justin said, and they go there for the public
school systems. And by the way, some of those schools
have completely burned down. It's incredible when you see the footage,
and it's interesting when you see an entire community gone,
like how do you rebuild that?
Speaker 4 (05:38):
They have aerial shots of before and after, like from
last week to this week and everything complete. Areas just
wiped out.
Speaker 1 (05:46):
Speaker 4 (05:47):
Yeah, it's terrible. It's just uh, it feels.
Speaker 1 (05:54):
Okay. So the phone lines are open all morning long.
If you want to call you've got a story to tell,
you know, Jenny, or if.
Speaker 6 (06:01):
You have relatives or friends that are in this right now.
Speaker 1 (06:04):
Yeah, Jenny Johnson, my partner on TV. Her brother Zach
lives in Los Angeles, has for a long time. I
called him yesterday to see if he was okay, and
you know, I was thinking maybe he'd want to come
on the show. Two of his best friends homes burned
to the ground yesterday and he just didn't fill up
to talking about it. So it's affecting a lot of people.
Six one, seven, nine, three eight is the number to call.
How do they get to your talk back?
Speaker 4 (06:30):
Justin anywhere in the world that you're listening, just uh,
you know, use the iHeartRadio app ap the red microphone
and record your message and we'd love to hear from you.
Speaker 1 (06:38):
Entertainment Board is coming up next. Yeah, we'll talk about
the fires. We'll talk about some of the celebrities affected,
some of the shows and or programs like by the way,
the Oscar announcements have been postponed and or canceled entertainment
is up next Welcome in.
Speaker 6 (06:55):
His Kiss one Away Studios. We we're back with Villy
and Lisa in the morning.
Speaker 1 (07:01):
And welcome back everybody, and a happy Thursday to you.
It is January ninth. May get a couple of snowflakes
this morning. Not a big deal, this.
Speaker 2 (07:08):
Is yeah, just some snow showers around the area. And
the wind is still very windy today.
Speaker 1 (07:14):
Oh boy, enough with the wind. It's been blowing for
a year now. You want to get a quick talkback
in Justine.
Speaker 9 (07:19):
Good morning, it's the mayor of South Then these fires,
it's just terrible in California. It's been all over the TV.
If you're feeling helpless and you want to help, go
to Redcross dot org and click on Disaster fun because
they really need help. And many people think everyone in
California is rich and they're not, so click on Redcross
dot org and help. Have a great day.
Speaker 6 (07:46):
Now the entertainment update with a Billy concept.
Speaker 1 (07:49):
And by the way, as we wake up this morning,
the situation in southern California is even worse with the
sixth fire now in Studio City burning, people killed, the
death toll expected to climb in tire neighborhoods completely wiped out.
Close to two hundred thousand people evacuated, told to flee
their homes and leave everything behind. The late night shows
had a different feel last night. Jimmy Fallon and Seth
Myers in their monologues last nighterybody. Yeah.
Speaker 10 (08:18):
Before we start the show, I just want to say
that our heart's go to everyone in Los Angeles right
now dealing with the massive wildfires out there. You see
the footage on TV and it's just surreal. We have
so many friends who've been affected. We just hope that
everyone stay safe, including all the firefighters and everyone else
trying to contain it.
Speaker 1 (08:33):
Stay safe.
Speaker 4 (08:34):
We love you, Ellen willast night.
Speaker 11 (08:35):
Before we kick things off, we just want to send
our love to everybody in the Los Angeles area in
California right now who are dealing with wildfires. You know,
a great many people who work at the show have
friends and family who live there. A great many of
you watching have friends and family who live there, or
you live there. You know, and the scenes we're seeing
on television are obviously harrowing, and there are no real
words that I can share other than that we are
thinking about you and we are.
Speaker 1 (09:03):
Hoping for your safety. Yeah, the Kimmel's show was canceled yesterday,
so are some of the daytime talk shows. In fact,
I was talking to you yesterday, Lease and Mel Robbins
was in Los Angeles for some of those shows and
they were camps. Yeah.
Speaker 2 (09:17):
I was talking to her people because we have our
event coming up in a few weeks. And she flew
out there to do Jennifer Hudson to do E and
everything was shut down.
Speaker 1 (09:24):
And then Caroline Kepniz, who's been on your book Club
and wrote the series, she was in Los Angeles.
Speaker 6 (09:31):
She lives in Los Angeles, and she took a flight
here to Boston. Yes, she evacuated. So she's back.
Speaker 1 (09:35):
Home and she's coming on the show this morning. She'll
be calling in at nine ten. And again we've got
a link, a live link to our iheartstation in Los
Angeles this morning, so we'll link up with them at
like a ten this morning. What's weird about this too
is water and fire insurance or two of the big
issues that are popping up down there. Fire hydrants are
running out of water, they're dry, and that's become big story.
In fact, Anderson Cooper was there in the middle of
everything on CNN yesterday and went right there with the
water situation.
Speaker 4 (10:09):
In the Palisades.
Speaker 12 (10:10):
The water issue was, according to authorities, is a gravity issue.
In order to get the water through the hydrants up
up in the hills in the mountains, you know, they
have these giant water tanks that use gravity, and those
water tanks ran dry. Part of the problem is a
lot of people are using hoses, trying to understandably hose
down their lawns, hoping that will stop the fire. A
lot of firefighters will say, that's not going to stop
a fire like this from burning down your house.
Speaker 1 (10:33):
You may keep your lawn, but it's not going to.
Speaker 4 (10:35):
Keep your house.
Speaker 12 (10:36):
But you know, there's this huge water usage all of
a sudden, and those tanks on the top.
Speaker 4 (10:41):
There may be water in the system.
Speaker 12 (10:42):
Down below, but if the tanks on the top run dry,
there's not enough pressure for gravity to bring the water
up into the hydrants.
Speaker 1 (10:49):
Yeah, he actually talked to Governor Knew about it last
night and said, so, what's the deal with the water.
How are we going to deal with What is the
situation with the water?
Speaker 12 (10:56):
Obviously in the Palisades, it ran out last night in
the hydrants. I was tarning the firefighter in this block.
They laughed because there was no water in the hydrant here.
Speaker 8 (11:04):
Local folks are trying to figure that out. I mean,
just when you have a system. But it's not dissimilar
to what we've seen in other extraordinarily large scale fires,
whether it be pipe electricity, whether it just be the
complete overwhelm of the system. I mean, those hydrants are
typical for two or three fires, maybe one fire. You
have something at this scale, but again that's going to
be determined by the local.
Speaker 4 (11:24):
Wow. Shocked by what he just said. Everybody, it's a
local issue. You're the governor.
Speaker 1 (11:30):
The local people are going to have to figure it out.
Excuse me, Yeah, that water.
Speaker 4 (11:35):
In the fire hydrants behind him in that video, everything's
on fire.
Speaker 1 (11:39):
Yeah, and they've known for a long time that there's
no water in the hydrants are very little.
Speaker 2 (11:43):
Can I just give a shout out to Anderson Cooper
his reporting. He has been giving us such good reporting
stories from people.
Speaker 6 (11:53):
It's just it's incredible.
Speaker 4 (11:54):
In some of these videos where his voice is so hoarse.
Speaker 1 (11:57):
I know everybody you watched on the news, their voice
pretty much gone because of smoking.
Speaker 2 (12:01):
It's an unhealthy environment out there right now, very unhealthy.
Speaker 3 (12:06):
Think about him as too is he could just be
a desk in New York.
Speaker 2 (12:09):
He he is so in, he's in, he's going to need.
Speaker 5 (12:12):
To do that, like he's so you know, seasoned that
they would let him sit there and report and send
some other person out there to do it.
Speaker 3 (12:18):
And he's the one that goes on.
Speaker 4 (12:19):
We got hit in the head in the hurricane.
Speaker 1 (12:21):
Yeah, we talked about Jimmy Fallon. He had Jamie Lee Curtis.
Do we have that in the system right here? And
she lived there and has just.
Speaker 13 (12:29):
A catastrophe in southern California. Obviously there have been horrific
fires in many places. This is literally where I live, everything,
the market, I shop in, the schools, my kids go
to friends, many many, many, many many friends now have
lost their homes.
Speaker 14 (12:47):
So it is.
Speaker 1 (12:49):
It's a really awful situation.
Speaker 13 (12:51):
I'm I am, you know obviously going to go home
first thing tomorrow and be with my family and try
to help my friends.
Speaker 1 (12:59):
And we mentioned it earlier and I'll mention it again.
The phone lines are open anytime you want to call.
If you've got loved ones or family their stories to tell.
Six one seven nine three one one one eight the
Mayor of the South End a few minutes ago talking
about giving to the American Red Cross. You can also
check out the California Fire Foundation. And let's not forget
about the pets. I always wonder what becomes of the animals,
the dogs and the cats and the pets. You can
check in with the Canine Rescue Club because that's exactly
what they do. And again we'll be talking about it
during the course of the morning this morning. But there's
other stuff to talk about in factor. Earlier this week,
we talked about Zendaia and Tom Holland being engaged. There
was a lot of buzz around Zendaya's tea tattoo at
the Golden Globe Awards. Well, apparently Tom Holland has a
z tattoo and they got them together in Boston at
a Boston tattoo company the day before Thanksgiving.
Speaker 6 (13:56):
Love them a team.
Speaker 1 (13:58):
Like everybody else.
Speaker 12 (13:59):
They couple of people with them and they asked if
there was availability, and it took us a little while
to figure out actually who they were, and the two
and then were.
Speaker 4 (14:06):
Seems smitten one another, and there they were, just.
Speaker 12 (14:10):
Here, your average a successful couple it's an honor to
have them here.
Speaker 4 (14:14):
It's it's a big deal being on the Newberry Street
and it was just great.
Speaker 1 (14:18):
We appreciate, you know, them stopping by. It was it
meant a lot to us and.
Speaker 4 (14:21):
A lot of the staff.
Speaker 1 (14:22):
Now those people will forever remember that they are the
ones that gave zendaia.
Speaker 6 (14:27):
Absolutely, that's very cool.
Speaker 5 (14:28):
Well, first I didn't even know they're Yeah, they do
now and they'll never forget it.
Speaker 1 (14:34):
Sabrina Carpenter has her partnership with Duncan her brown Sugar
Shaken Espresso drink. Well, there's an eighty one year old
grandmother whose review of Sabrina's drink is blowing up onto there.
Speaker 15 (14:48):
It's grandma, see, and it's Sabrina's brown sugar shaken Espresso.
So let's try it. Well, it's very coffee flavored. It's okay. Now,
her name, Miss Sabrina Carpenter. I will read about her
when I go back home. But at least I know
now that this drink was named for her. I have
no idea why, but we're going to find out. I'm
drinking this cold espresso on a cold day in North Carolina.
Speaker 6 (15:15):
At least it's not raining yet.
Speaker 15 (15:16):
It's supposed to rain, no snow, but rain.
Speaker 3 (15:18):
Can I say?
Speaker 5 (15:19):
I actually did my own review. You can go to
my instagram in Whinnies World. I had two yesterday. I
think it's so good. I had two yesterday.
Speaker 1 (15:28):
How come she blew up and you didn't?
Speaker 5 (15:30):
Eighty great question, Bill, I'm an eighty one year old lady.
But no, honestly playing her review and not Whinnie my review.
Speaker 1 (15:38):
That's what she took from this story.
Speaker 3 (15:39):
I don't care. I was just letting you know if
you want an honest review.
Speaker 14 (15:42):
You know.
Speaker 2 (15:42):
My takeaway though of your review and her review is
that it's really good.
Speaker 5 (15:46):
It's really good if you're not into it's oat milk,
so it's not that heavy.
Speaker 3 (15:51):
Yeah, I recommend it. I had again to yesterday. I
couldn't leave.
Speaker 14 (15:55):
Speaker 4 (15:55):
We played the woman in the Carolinas, but not Whinnies.
Speaker 5 (15:58):
I guess.
Speaker 4 (16:01):
Yeah, Well went into the locals.
Speaker 1 (16:03):
Local folks are figure that out.
Speaker 6 (16:05):
Oh my god, unbelievable.
Speaker 4 (16:09):
Is anybody else flowering.
Speaker 2 (16:12):
A coming?
Speaker 1 (16:13):
Yeah? I'm telling you all day yesterday, I'm like, Okay,
there's something horribly wrong with this. The fact that they've
known there's a water issue with wildfires burning all the time,
Nobody including the governor, thought about it quickly. A lot
of football coming up this weekend. Saturday, you've got the
Chargers and the Texans at four thirty, Steelers and Ravens
eight o'clock Saturday night. Sunday you've got the Broncos and
the Bills at one o'clock, Packers and Eagles four thirty
Commanders and Tampa Bay at a fifteen Sunday night. And
then Monday night Vikings and the Rams the Monday night
football game that's going to be a playoff as well.
We're brought to you by Amica in Assurance, by the way,
proud sponsor of Lisa Dunovan's book Club as well as
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from the.
Speaker 4 (17:20):
Planet's Fitness Kiss one Away Studios.
Speaker 2 (17:23):
We're back with a Villy and Lisa in the morning
on kiss.
Speaker 1 (17:27):
Hey guys, welcome back. We've got another shot now, another
chance to qualify for the new Ride in this new
year twenty twenty five. You want to thank our friends
at McGovern Kiah. This is a new car lease, but
it's a lot more than a new car.
Speaker 2 (17:39):
It's so much. It's a new car, which is huge.
And then you get a concert tickets in the glove
box to do Alipa, Gracy Abrams, Tate mccraig, Kendrick Lamar,
Post Malone and Jelly Row. These are all the hottest
shows and you get to go to all of them.
Speaker 1 (17:53):
Yeah. Wow, uh and I've got the name. I'm going
to say the name once, okay at Tracy Nelson Boom.
Speaker 3 (18:01):
I just did and I just started the timer. She
has fifteen minutes to call us.
Speaker 1 (18:06):
Back and if she does within the fifteen minute time limit,
while she will qualify for the grand prize. And again
thanks to our friends at McGovern Kia and Justin. You
have some talkbacks in there.
Speaker 4 (18:19):
I do. Yeah, I'm doing double duty in here. Producer
Riley is off today, so you have to give me
a little bit of leeway here. Oh, that's okay, multiple things,
but uh yeah, the sweatshirt saga, the Billion Lisa sweatshirts saga.
This thing is raging on. So it continues a little
backstory here. For Christmas, Lisa got us all custom Billion
Lisa sweatshirts, but she got a bunch of extra too
that we have here and we're trying to figure out
what to do with them. We're not gonna sell them,
We're gonna give them away in some way. But it's
a hot item.
Speaker 16 (18:47):
I think winning Billy Lisa, Justin and Winnie share from Drake.
It had surgery on my knee before Christmas, still kind
of laid out. It'd be wonderful to be laying around
in a kiss when away Billy Lisa sweatshirt. Let me
know how I can get.
Speaker 1 (19:06):
One in the background.
Speaker 3 (19:08):
This is my issue with this though.
Speaker 5 (19:10):
We are going to get so many sob stories for
a sweatshirt.
Speaker 1 (19:14):
We're going to get so many.
Speaker 3 (19:15):
I'm just saying, there's.
Speaker 5 (19:16):
Gonna be a lot Like Sherry, I had surgery, I'm
out of work, my kid's sick, this, that.
Speaker 4 (19:22):
And how do we know we're going to give them
away in a prize situation. I think that's the best
way to do it.
Speaker 2 (19:28):
I ordered ten more too, you did, Yeah, well the
ones that I had embroidered.
Speaker 4 (19:35):
Oh my god, my plumber is now texting me for sweatshirt.
Speaker 5 (19:39):
Yeah, Alex, Yeah, well we'll get them more. Yeah, it's
it's gonna be by giving it a by saying we
have them. We had to give them away. We can't
just be like you know, whoever asks, we'll run out.
We have we have a million people that should have
a reason why they deserve a sweatshirt.
Speaker 4 (19:54):
Yeah, they're really beautiful, Lisa when he has Herizon today yesterday, Yeah,
I do.
Speaker 1 (20:01):
I love it.
Speaker 5 (20:02):
It's comfortable, it's cute, it's fashionable. It's not too much,
but it has what you need.
Speaker 1 (20:06):
Yeah, Lisa, didn't you and I buy the additional sweatshirts?
Maybe we should sell them.
Speaker 14 (20:11):
I think.
Speaker 6 (20:13):
I bought all of these.
Speaker 1 (20:17):
Christmas presents.
Speaker 6 (20:18):
Yeah exactly.
Speaker 5 (20:19):
Okay, but when Lisa told me what they what they
charged you for it, I was you should sell them
for double.
Speaker 4 (20:24):
Now we're not selling them. I gave Lisa the option,
do you want to sell them or not? She said no,
You're so sweet.
Speaker 17 (20:31):
Yeah, I need to share with someone, and I know
some listeners will empathize. But I'm driving to work and
for the first time ever in my life, a squirrel
came running out and I couldn't stop and I just
killed the squirrel. And I'm so upset. Alri ip squirrel.
Speaker 6 (20:48):
Oh, I thought that hurts me too, And I need
to say.
Speaker 3 (20:51):
They're kind of rat like, are they?
Speaker 1 (20:53):
I know?
Speaker 2 (20:53):
But still it's like it's an animal and it's it's
just it's just sad.
Speaker 1 (20:58):
What's cuter than a squirrel?
Speaker 3 (21:00):
Speaker 1 (21:00):
By the way, it is a rodent.
Speaker 6 (21:02):
Yeah, I know. I'm not a I'm not a lover.
I want to put that out there.
Speaker 1 (21:06):
But I don't want to run one over right.
Speaker 2 (21:08):
I feel bad for her when you hear it underneath
your wheel. It's just you never on here that.
Speaker 1 (21:13):
Have you ever I've gone to the public gardens in
Boston and fed the squirrels. Have you ever done that?
Speaker 6 (21:18):
H Yeah?
Speaker 4 (21:19):
Didn Justin Bieber do that one yet?
Speaker 1 (21:21):
Speaker 6 (21:21):
He was talking to the squirrels climbing in the trees.
Speaker 1 (21:23):
Because it's weird. At the public gardens in Boston, the
squirrels will come to you and let you feed them.
They don't do that anywhere else.
Speaker 5 (21:32):
Have you ever watched boy and squrrow that one of
the episodes he names himself plays with squirrels as an episode.
Speaker 3 (21:38):
It's funny if you're like a millennia, okay, you might
find it funny.
Speaker 1 (21:41):
But okay, could you be my friend if I watched
Boy Meets Girl?
Speaker 3 (21:44):
Yes, I mean, I know you're kidding.
Speaker 6 (21:47):
Watched an Outer Banks Yeah, yeah, definitely.
Speaker 5 (21:53):
John Boyd is a lot less embarrassing for you as
a growman.
Speaker 1 (21:58):
Yeah, I guess.
Speaker 4 (21:59):
So did you finish that, by the way, Bill, not yet.
Speaker 1 (22:01):
No, So don't get somebody yesterday ruined one of the
episodes for me. So, oh me, No. One of our talkbackers, oh,
oh yeah, okay, so it's what's still behind.
Speaker 4 (22:13):
Yeah, all right. So obviously the big story worldwide is
the fires in California. We've been talking about it all
morning long.
Speaker 1 (22:22):
Lighted Burless.
Speaker 6 (22:24):
So, I guess it's Billy and Lisa all the morning.
Speaker 18 (22:31):
Hey guys, So when we went on the air early
this morning, we said it was going to be a
different feel to the show, right, they said, what's going
on out there in southern California with the wildfires?
Speaker 16 (22:41):
Speaker 1 (22:41):
You know, because let's face it, we take to the
airwaves every morning. We try to provide an escape for everybody.
We try to make it funny, humorous to some degree,
and you know, some days it just feels a little different.
And I think today is one of those days. And
having said that, we told people to feel free to
reach out to the billion Least Morning Show if you
had loved ones in southern California who are going through
the wildfires, losing their homes, losing everything. We have Velvet
on the phones right now. Good morning Velvet, Good.
Speaker 14 (23:11):
Morning Billy, Hi, Lisa, high Winnie, Hi Destin.
Speaker 1 (23:15):
So what's going on, Velvet?
Speaker 14 (23:19):
Okay, trying not cry, but I will. Last night she
called me and my daughter. She lives in the hills
right two miles away from Onion Canyon. She said, Mommy,
don't get nervous, but I might have to evacuate because
I just saw a fifth th I broke out at
Running Canyon. I said, okay, call me, let me know.
Next thing I know. She called and she got into
mediate alert to evacuate immediately. I said, okay, you know,
being a mother, eatronic, stay calmed for are your kid?
So now, I said, get everything together that you need
to and let me know once you're in the car.
She grabbed her dog, daught her belongings, and she's in
the car and what was horrified. She's facetimeing me. It
was like, I can't say the word that when you
can't say apocalypse or whatever. It was pitch black, and
she's trying to get out. In every road she went down,
she's said, Mommy, I can't go. I can't. I took
a left, it's blocked. I took her right out her right,
that's calm down, we'll get you out of there. And uh.
Then she got down the street. It was heaven traffic,
and she said, and she got so nervous. She's like,
I'll call you right back. I said, all right, So
now I'm panicking. I don't know what words to say
to her, how to calm her down. But anyways, long
story shot, she's safe and she's in Palm Springs now.
But it was so horrifying having her on the phone
because she's a strong little girl. But when she said, Mommy,
I'm scared.
Speaker 1 (24:46):
Well, when they say just leave the house and leave everything,
just get out, it's panic time.
Speaker 14 (24:54):
That's so she said. She said, My, I mean I've
been watching it. I mean keeping an eye on it.
To have it actually happened in real time and it
actually get out. She goes, I didn't know what to take,
but she did not. She cut her birth certificates and
a couple of legal documents, and she videotapes her belongings.
Speaker 4 (25:14):
Oh wow, wow's fascinating right there. Well, you can buy
material things again, you can't.
Speaker 1 (25:19):
Buy another life. No, no.
Speaker 14 (25:21):
And then she was like once she was safe, She's like,
I don't know if I'm going to have a home
to go home to. I said, well, at least you're
here and you got your dog, you find, you know,
trying to make some positive things out of it, but
I just feel so bad.
Speaker 6 (25:34):
So hat.
Speaker 14 (25:35):
She's three thousand miles away and I just came back saturday.
I was there for two weeks with her.
Speaker 1 (25:39):
Wow. Yeah, it's it's a crazy situation. And like you said,
there's a sixth fire, and there could be a seventh.
There's no telling. The winds are still blowing and the
wildfires are still burning down neighborhoods and schools and businesses.
Speaker 14 (25:51):
She's sending me the pictures and the videos and it's like, wow,
it looks like Hollywood just put up a movie set.
Speaker 2 (25:59):
It's true, it's terrifying. And then, like you said, your daughter,
she gets in the car, and a lot of these stories,
they don't know where to go, and then they're stuck
in all these horrible traffic issues.
Speaker 1 (26:09):
Yeah, and that's been one of the big stories that
a lot of people are leaving so quickly, they're abandoning
cars in the streets. And the firefighters, he had the panic, Yeah,
they can't get through. Didn't they bring bulldozers.
Speaker 2 (26:20):
And to move the cars out of the way so
that the you know, the firefighters could get in.
Speaker 14 (26:25):
Wow, the firefighters caught and get up on the original fighters. Yeah.
In her she went to Callee Don't in California, in
her roommate's mom. Her old roommate's mom called me to say,
actually could stay there with them, and she said, well,
but I've lived here all my life and I've never
ever seen anything like this. This is this total catastrophic.
Speaker 1 (26:48):
Okay, Velvet, thank you for the call and best wishes.
Speaker 14 (26:55):
Thank you listening to me.
Speaker 1 (26:57):
The good news is that your daughter's okay. Well there,
that's that's a good Yeah.
Speaker 6 (27:01):
That's the most importing thing.
Speaker 4 (27:02):
It really is the ultimate, you know, feeling of powerlessness.
You know, as a mom having a family member a
friend so far away. Yeah, Like we see it and
we see the videos and we're like, well, that's a
horrific situation. But imagine having someone you love there.
Speaker 1 (27:14):
Yeah. Yeah, So we're coming up on topic time, and again,
this is a different kind of a morning for us.
We're gonna you leave it open. We'll talk about anything
you want to talk about. If you have an amusing story,
if you have a nightmare story, if you have loved
ones out on the West Coast in southern California, if.
Speaker 6 (27:30):
You want to send wishes to the people out in California.
Speaker 1 (27:32):
Yeah, anything, or if you're connected to one of the
charities involved with the fires. We'll take any calls and
we'll take any topics. The number six one, seven, nine
three one wait and the talkback justin how do they
get there?
Speaker 4 (27:45):
Yeah, you can record a message right into your phone.
It's really easy. It's called the talk back feature. You
just tap the little red microphone there and you tap in,
you record it and it comes in to us and
be a part of the show. So topic time is
coming up next.
Speaker 6 (27:58):
I Love Billy and Lisa in the Morning with Justine.
They're just a great team. They keep me in touch
with what's happening in Boston.
Speaker 2 (28:04):
Love them.
Speaker 7 (28:05):
So going through your career with an MBA or specialized
Masters through Batson College. Join the school ranked number one
in entrepreneurship by US News and World Report and number
two best college in the US by the Wall Street Journal.
Speaker 6 (28:17):
Well running, well, wilfs, and I'm on the prop. Now
it's topic time with Billy and Lisa in the Morning.
Speaker 1 (28:28):
Once again, welcome in. It's a Thursday, it's January ninth.
It's biting cold out there. Make it a snowfloory or
two this morning. Not a big deal, but the winds
still a very big factor. And again unusual morning for
the Billy and Lisa Morning Show with what's going on
in southern California with a catastrophic wildfires. The five people killed, thousand,
hundreds of thousands evacuated, homes burned down, complete neighborhoods burned down.
It's just unbelievable to watch the videos, just crazy, lamp.
So we decided to have an open topic. You can
talk about the wildfires if you've got loved ones out
there on the West coast, but we'll talk about anything
this morning. And we'll start with Ashley, who, by the way,
is in Milton. Good morning, Ashley, Good morning.
Speaker 19 (29:14):
So I thought i'd call in. I used to travel
to and from LA for work and I loved it
so much. And there's something so magical about the city,
the stars and all the stories and the history. I
feel like it's woven into every street. And I left
that I could not sleep because I just feel like
there's something so haunting about seeing it up in flames,
and it's like a scene straight out of the movies.
And I just can't stop thinking about it. And I'm
sending my prayers to friends and loved ones. I have
a close friend who's there with her family. She actually
just moved there with her sister and her dad, who
has severe dementia, and as of last night, she was
pretty close to the evacuation area. But I haven't heard
from her. But yeah, I just I call in. It
just feels feels weird today.
Speaker 6 (30:03):
Ye, you're right, it looks it's You're right. It's so
haunting when you see the videos and the pictures.
Speaker 19 (30:10):
Yeah, I haunted.
Speaker 1 (30:11):
When I'm watching it, I'm blown away by the fury
of these flames. Like, yeah, they just seem so aggressive.
Speaker 6 (30:18):
It's raining fire, yeah, basically, and.
Speaker 19 (30:20):
It's just there's something, there's some type of I don't
know if this is the right word, but irony, like
this is the place where movies are made.
Speaker 14 (30:29):
Oh yeah, and now to see all.
Speaker 19 (30:31):
These celebrities and all these regular normal people without homes,
it's just so it's so haunting.
Speaker 1 (30:38):
Well Hollywood, think about all the TV shows that are
about firefighters or wildfires, firefighters fighting wildfires, and.
Speaker 19 (30:46):
Even like being an old Hollywood, it's so like West
Hollywood is so beautiful and it's so old and nostalgic,
and it's just it's terrible and it's hard. It makes
me scared for the future.
Speaker 1 (30:57):
And it's I mean, obviously we've seen wildfires in California
a lot, it's part of reality. This is something else,
and just knowing that it's affecting so many different areas
from the Pacific Palisades to Malibu, even Sunset Boulevard and
the evacuation now has expanded to Santa Monica. So it's
really crazy. But thank you for the call, and we'll
take another one right now. And again it's an open
topic time. We'll talk about anything, but a lot of
people do want to talk about the fires in southern California.
Alanta is next? Good morning, Atlanta. Where are you calling from?
Speaker 4 (31:34):
I am calling from Whitman, Okay, And what do you
want to talk about?
Speaker 14 (31:38):
Atlanta? The wildfires.
Speaker 20 (31:41):
My little sister currently is living in Santa Monica.
Speaker 1 (31:44):
Oh oh, have you been in touch with her?
Speaker 14 (31:47):
Yeah? I have.
Speaker 20 (31:50):
She's a little panicked right now. She's about four blocks
from the evacuation zone, so she is prepared to go
whenever she's told to go, but it is very surreal
for her.
Speaker 4 (32:03):
Speaker 1 (32:03):
Well it was overnight last night they expanded the evacuation
to include Santa Monica, So she must be freaked out
right now.
Speaker 6 (32:11):
And there's zero containment.
Speaker 1 (32:12):
Yeah, that's the thing. That's the other weird things. Zero
percent contained all of these fire.
Speaker 4 (32:17):
Well there's no water.
Speaker 1 (32:18):
Yeah, there's no water, which is another story. Well I
wonder how far?
Speaker 3 (32:22):
How long can this burn for? If they can't put
it out? Like that's the scary part, Like it's not
you know what I mean?
Speaker 1 (32:28):
Like is it gonna rain?
Speaker 3 (32:30):
Is that gonna help? It's I mean, you've seen the pictures.
Speaker 6 (32:32):
I don't think there's any rain and there's not enough rain.
Speaker 5 (32:34):
I think to put all that out, you can't contain
it in yourself. And now it's spreading.
Speaker 3 (32:38):
I mean, before you know, you get to like the
steep border, I just feel it's not stopping.
Speaker 1 (32:43):
And the fires have reached the ocean, I mean, starting
with Malibu. And I saw stories yesterday where the lifeguard
chairs are being burned down on the beaches and it's
really horrific to watch it. What have we gotten there?
Speaker 4 (32:55):
That's it's really it's really horrific, it really is. And
so you know, remember Joan Rivers. That's the way her daughter,
Melissah so her house burned down, right, So she was
just on the news talking about, you know what she
had to take, what she could take from her house.
Just give you an idea, not just from a celebrity standpoint,
but just anybody who's about to lose their house.
Speaker 21 (33:13):
I made sure that we got passport, that we got
birth certificate, medication, clothing, you know, I just without shopping
for closed. It started to hit me that no one
we literally just have what's on our back. I grab
I think, you know, dog food, cat food. Luckily, my office,
which is was in my home, everyone was there, and
you know, in my personal situation.
Speaker 16 (33:42):
That's it.
Speaker 21 (33:43):
That is the end of everything that were that belonged
to my family and the history of it.
Speaker 1 (33:50):
And that's very typical of what's going on down there
right now. People are being told to get out and
get out now and leave everything. Yeah, but if you've
got time to get your personal documents, you know, that's
a good that's a good move.
Speaker 4 (34:02):
Per certificate, you know, license things, identification.
Speaker 1 (34:06):
And you're hoping you can take your pets with you. Yeah,
you know the other thing and that one freaks me out.
Speaker 4 (34:13):
Yeah a lot. We see the video on the news
of the horses. You know, they're evacuating horses down the street.
Speaker 1 (34:18):
Walking them down the street like it's like it's normal.
It happens every day. I mean, some of the celebrities,
Mandy Moore, Ben Affleck, Steven Spielberg, Billy Crystal, James Woods,
Fergie's house this morning burned down, Paras Silt, and Jennifer Aniston,
all of them evacuating and just leaving everything behind. But
that goes for families, their children, their pets, just being
told get out.
Speaker 4 (34:40):
Speaker 1 (34:40):
I saw some videos of people standing in their homes
in Pacific Palisades and through the glass windows. You could
see the giant, furious flames within twenty thirty feet of
their home and you just got to high tail it
out of there and hope you can get through the streets.
Speaker 4 (34:55):
Yeah, so horrific. Good news is the LA Mayor is
letting people know where to go if they need help
right now.
Speaker 16 (35:01):
If you need help, emergency information resources and shelter is available.
Speaker 4 (35:06):
All of this can be found at URL.
Speaker 1 (35:09):
Okay, that's another glaring problems.
Speaker 4 (35:14):
It's like people need help. Yeah, these are the leaders
of the state of California.
Speaker 1 (35:19):
Anderson Cooper was in the thick of these wildfires for
CNN all day into the night last night, and he
hooked up with the Gavin Newsom and literally asked. I
couldn't believe Gavin Newsom's answer when he asked them, what
about the water issue? What is the situation with the water?
Speaker 12 (35:35):
Obviously in the Palisage it ran now last night and
the hydrants. I was tarning the firefighter in this block.
They laughed because there was no water in the hydrant here.
Speaker 8 (35:43):
Local folks are trying to figure that out. I mean,
just when you have a system. It's not dissimilar to
what we've seen in other extraordinarily large scale fires, whether
it be pipe electricity, whether it just be the complete
overwhelm of the system. I mean those hydrants are typical
for two or three fires, maybe one fire. You have
something at this scale, But again that's going to be
determined by the local.
Speaker 1 (36:03):
Now how long do you think he's known that.
Speaker 4 (36:06):
I don't know.
Speaker 1 (36:06):
Hydrants don't have much water.
Speaker 4 (36:08):
It's like, you know, people's lives. They're losing their lives,
they're losing their homes, that's the most important thing. But
they also need help. And it's like you look at
the leadership and it's like, what's going on.
Speaker 1 (36:17):
And how common wildfires are? Yeah, and you know that
the hydrants through an issue. The gravity's an issue, the
water is an issue. No water to fight the fire.
Speaker 6 (36:24):
They've been in a drought for a long time.
Speaker 4 (36:27):
Yeah, this thing runs deep.
Speaker 1 (36:28):
So yeah, Yeah, the good news is you can go
to the URL.
Speaker 6 (36:31):
All right, guys, we can't, yeah, we can't. We can't
fire at this point.
Speaker 2 (36:35):
This is a real this is a disaster, and the
firefighters like they're just stretched so thin right now.
Speaker 5 (36:42):
I also just want to make a point that this
does have to do with some you know, earthly thing,
like global warming is a thing, and this is why
this is happening. I think you don't want to talk
about that because you are people losing their homes and stuff.
But that's why it's happening, and like that's something that
we need to figure out as a as a right,
as a global community, a global community.
Speaker 4 (37:04):
Yeah you are l yeah crazy, Moving off of the
fires real quick. I want to get this in. Earlier
this hour, Billy was talking about the Outer Banks, the
TV show that he's watching about the high school kids
on a treasure hunt there. So people wanted to talk
about that.
Speaker 22 (37:19):
Good Morning, Team Alert listener best calling, just wondering is
it my imagination or does Billy keep calling John b
John Boy?
Speaker 1 (37:31):
Yes he does.
Speaker 22 (37:32):
Maybe I'm hearing anything, but I keep hearing that, Yes,
good day.
Speaker 5 (37:36):
I'm pretty sure though, because I think in some of
the episodes, John Be's dad calls him John Boy.
Speaker 6 (37:40):
But that wasn't John Boy from like the Walton Yes
it was.
Speaker 1 (37:44):
And no, I'm not watching the Waltons and never watched
a single episode.
Speaker 3 (37:49):
Have you watch that when it was live?
Speaker 2 (37:50):
Speaker 3 (37:51):
Not on your great teo.
Speaker 5 (37:55):
Billy Black and White, I said, great TV, you're black
and white TV.
Speaker 1 (38:01):
Great TV preceded me. Oh no, I didn't you are?
Speaker 3 (38:05):
Prime time Great TV?
Speaker 1 (38:07):
Oh Man, all right, well time jump Boy,