All Episodes

May 31, 2024 37 mins
ONE MORE DAY! The Billy & Lisa crew cover a whole bunch of topics during today’s show, from Kyrie returning to Boston to bad drives! Kiss Concert tickets were given away at 7:10! Then, Rich came from down the hall to let off some steam. People called in for Topic Time to settle the ongoing best water brand debate. Listen to Billy & Lisa Weekdays From 6-10AM on Kiss 108 on the iHeartRadio app! 
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Now this morning show in Boston,Billie and Lisa in the morning, it's
just a great start to my dayon kids one away. Well let's get
the day started then, huh.And what a beautiful day. It's going
to be rightther soon, Yes,sunny start. May see a few clouds
later, but temp's in the lowseventies and then even more beautiful, if
that's the right thing to say.Tomorrow we have a picture perfect day for

Kiss concert, picture perfect for Kisscontruite. And now the celt is waking
up knowing who they're going to bebe playing in the NBA Finals. It's
going to be the Mavericks. Yesit is. Celt's in the Mavericks Game
one in Boston next Thursday night,which means Kyrie Irving is coming back to
Boston, and I don't think it'sgoing to be pretty well, we'll have

some Kyrie sound in Bill's report ina few minutes. He's trying to come
off like miss a nice guy.Now, yeah, you know he's the
softer side of Kyrie. He's achanged man. Yeah. Well, I
don't know if you guys buying itor what. I think he's going to
face some wrath and I think oncethat wrath comes at the Garden, I
think it's all going to change exactly. Yeah, let's not forget he's stomped
on our logo. Yeah, hewiped his foot across our logo. Yeah,

I mean, come on, yeah, a lot of insults. Heurlds
at the Celtas by Kyrie Irving onhis way out the doors. So yeah,
that's happening next Thursday night. Butin the meantime, what's happening this
weekend is Kiss Concert. And thisis amazing. Do you realize two of
our artists at Kiss Concert tomorrow havebrand new music out today. Two of

our artists brand new music today.You know what happens to be new music
Friday? Yes, it is onthe billion at least the morning show,
and we'll feature those new songs comingup in the entertainment break. But a
lot of stuff you need to knowif you're waking up starting to plan your
Kiss Concert day, your experience parkinglots three thirty and by the way,
the parking lots can be a lotof it. It's a parking lot party,
it certainly is. I think that'swhere he got the idea for the

song. I think did that songparking lot Party? Was that Lukebrian or
one? I don't know. Itdoesn't really matter. All that matters is
that it's going to be beautiful andpeople are going to be partying in the
parking lot. It's parking lot partyweather it is, and it's Kiss concert
weather. So yeah, parking lotsopen at three thirty. The gates will
open at five thirty. The showstarts promptly and I mean promptly at six

twenty five. Good morning everyone,It's Lynn from Rhode Island. I just
wanted to say park a lot party, Kiss concert, favorite morning crew,
and fabulous weather. Can't wait fortomorrow. It's going to be a great
day and can't wait to see allyou guys. I can't wait to see
you too. Lynn. Yeah,didn't they put there's a bag policy in

place? Right? There is?You need to have a clear bag.
And then also if it's not clear, it has to be a small clutch.
If you go to the Kiss Instagrampage, it has the exact dimensions.
I don't want to misspeak. Eitherhas to be like super smart or
clear. There you go. Excuseme. I have a question. Yeah,
for Lisa and Winnie, can Billystill bring his man purse. Oh
the top kit. Yeah, that'sa little large. He might be okay

because if he comes in through securitylike we do in the backstage, okaying
staff. Yeah, he's working staff. Thank you for clearing that up.
That would be critical. We bringback like sometimes I bring change of clothes
or sneakers or something. So yeah, there will be a change of clothes.
Oh, there will be a wardrobechange. There, He'll be a
wardrobe change and that's official. Yeah, Billy had I should post the video

today. Billy had his outfits deliveredyesterday. Yeah, yesterday deliver hand delivered
two different jackets. Yeah, Ghibliis fine men's clothing. Thank you very
much, the legend out there onthe North Shore. So yeah, Lacey
was telling me. He called AlanGhibli you know we love aland he goes,
Alan, I'm just so busy.I can't make it down there.

No problem, Billy, We'll sendthem to you. Yeah, and for
kids. Concert tomorrow is a biglineup, so justin we're still doing a
concert in the morning tomorrow, Imean a countdown in the morning tomorrow,
of course. And then mcab hitsthe airwaves a new and the mighty one,
and then the v Bros Are livefrom the Infinity Center at three o'clock
until seven, and then the KissTop thirty Countdown is live from backstage at

Kis concert. Yeah, and vBros Will be all about, like in
front of the venue, parking lotlike all around. So if you get
there earlier you'll definitely see them.Make sure to stop and say hi,
take pictures. Maybe they'll put youon the air. And then the countdown
backstage is really cool because as Bill, you know, Billy's gonna be interviewing
all the artists and we'll be playingthat audio back on the countown live.

We're gonna have a lot of funbackstage tomorrow. It's gonna be great.
You know why. At LISTA setis gonna be picture perfect, picture perfect,
perfect day for Kiss concert, andwe've got tickets for Kiss concert.
This could be your last chance.Seven to ten, we have tickets to
Kiss Concert eight ten front row Fridaywith front row tickets at eight ten this
morning and then nine ten the pitpasses. There's nothing better than that one

of us has to body surf tomorrowinto the pit. I'll go in,
if you go in, I'll goin and you just had knee surgery.
You're not going anywhere near that.Well, I just can't kick, but
I can't do it because of myshoulder injury. So that at least so
that leaves you or winning. We'rekicking. Everything happens in the pit.

There's a lot of grabbing and groping, and I know if it's going to
be this pit that there's a lotof well maybe shine Down. Okay,
Shineedown has some real grabbing and kickingenergy. Any kind of rock you know
that warrants a yeah kick, I'mjust kidding. We're not kicking a kiss
concert. It's a joke, Okay, But you mentioned shine Down, and
you told me something a couple ofminutes ago off the air about shine Down.

They have an incredible record, rightThey have the most number one singles
on the Billboard Mainstream Rock Charts withnineteen, taking them one of the greatest
rock bands of all time ever everlike nineteen, Like Rolling Stone, I
said the chart on the Billboard.Kay, I'm going to be kicking it

with Shinedown. Who's coming to kissconcert? Shine Down? Rock can roll
heroes. We really do have sucha mix of people. Oh yeah,
oh yeah, And again. Twoof our artists tomorrow have new music out
to day, and we're going tofeature some cooks from there coming up in
the Entertainment Report. And also thenew EM and M is out today,

so we'll take you there as well. Because entertainment is up next, we're
back with a Villy and Lisa inthe morning. Kiss Now the entertainment updates
with the Villy Constant Okay Kiss concertTomorrow. The Infinity Center parking lots again
open at three point thirty. Andno, I was right earlier. It
is Luke Brian that did parking lotparty. Awesome, you got it an

in it for me? Justin LukeBryan parking Lot Party. Yeah, I
do. Unfortunately my computer is frozen. Oh no, imagine that talk up
you just did. Does your computerrealize it's Kiss concert weekend? It does
on your computer. I click alittle bit too fast sometimes, so it
takes a moment. But good news, it's back. Let's go, let's
say Okay, The parking lots opentomorrow the show. The gates will open

at five thirty. The show startspromptly at six twenty five. You really
want to be in your seats?Oh? Go ahead? No, no,
no, go ahead. Now,I was just saying, at least
it's going to be there. You'regoing to be kicking it with Shinedown.
I'm looking for them. I amsorry to interrupted, though, that's okay.
I'm going to talk about the bagpolicy that's in effect only clear plastic

or vinyl tote bags or small clutchbags. So I can bring my clutch.
So it's like a wallet on apurse, like on a string.
That's basically what you can bring,ladies. But it's a big deal because
you want to save yourself a tripback to the parking lot because you've got
the wrong bag. Oh, that'sthe worst thing. I just don't right
bring bags half the time. Yeah, but it has to be no bigger
than twelve by six by twelve.There you go, that's not that big,

and you've got a bag for abelly, and then the small clutch
can only be six Yeah, Soit's basically a wallet on a string.
Basically, just bring something that haspockets, yeah, and put your ID
and your money in there. Sothe line up, yeah, Dorgia,
Cat, Jason Derulo, Shine Down, Knocks, Shahboozy, Isabella l Rosa
and Mark Amber and Riley dne havebeen discovered Mark amberight, Well, he

thinks he did, because a coupleof months ago he's like, Mom,
you got to get Mark Amber atKiss concert. You got to And I'm
like, okay, Riley, Andthen all of a sudden, Mark Amber's
a Kiss concert. Isn't Mark Amberthe only reason Riley's going to Kiss concert?
One hundred percent? And he askedto do like a you know,
one of the artists experience meet andgreet. So oh with Mark Amber?
Yeah, oh, I got it'sso care I love that song and you

give me some belong together get itCold Guys song. And wasn't Riley the
lead guitarist at to Milton the CatMe last night? All right? He

was not the lead guitarist, buthe was a guitarist at the Spring concert.
I just saw this on your Instagramleast. Yes, oh look at
them. Yeah, they did AdvancedJoy riptide, which was amazing. And
I am Ken or I something.I I'm just Ken from the Barbie movie.
Yeah. Vance Joy, by theway, has done a Kiss concert.
That's right. Anyway, We've gottickets coming up at seven ten.

We have front row tickets coming upat eight ten. And we've got the
pit passes at nine ten on theshow this morning. And how about this
shine Down coming to Kiss Concert tomorrowhas the most number one singles on the
Billboard Rock Charts, lead singer BrentSmith right here. For us, the
way that we see it is wehave been allowed to be ourselves through our

entire career. Radio has always allowedus to be ourselves as a band and
evolve and grow. But a lotof it comes down to the audience.
Man. I mean, we haveone boss in this band, and it
just happens to be everyone in theaudience. There's the audience. Tomorrow's key
for shine Down. He just saidit. And it is new music Friday,
Kiss Concert. Artist Shaboozie, alreadyin Boston has a new album out

today and you ready for this.It includes a collaboration with Miley's sister Noah
Cyrus. We have a clip everything. Yeah. Yeah, I listened to

a lot of the album, theShabboozy album. Yeah, it's it's really
good. I mean it's it's country. It's mostly country, but he's a
super talent. Yeah. And NoahCyrus, by the way, did our
Kiss concert a few years ago withMiley right with Miley Boston. It's Noah
Cyrus with Billy Costa. I thinkwe have a picture backstage. Yes,
yeah, Jason Derulo coming to KissConcert tomorrow. Oh, he has a

new song out today and it's withthe cheat codes. It's called Morning.
The song comes out the Lies.You know that, right, well,
the song comes you lies. Youknow you're getting a picture Kiss Concert on

fire. I hope that's a jamright there. Oh yeah, and the
new eminem is out today. It'scalled Houdini. He takes a shot.
Don't don't do it, don't don'tlaugh. He takes a shot at Meghan
the stallion about getting shot in thefoot. You remember what was the point

of that? Well, you know, he this is what this before you
play it. This is the slimShady, the last of slim Shady.
Every one of these songs where he'sslim Shady. He takes shots together.
Were mean, all right? Isthat what you have the clip of it's
yeah, of the shot was inthere, would have a shot at a
freedom. But I'm glad to beone of the classic videos of all time,

The night of the shooting, justclassic video footage. Yeah she she,
I mean it's not funny. Obviouslyshe got shot, you know,
like Tory Lanez literally pointed a gunat her and told her and told her
to dance. He was convicted.He's in jail now, so it happened.
She's a victim. Full circle.Uh. Nicki Minaj furious with the

way she was treated during her arrestin Amsterdam last weekend. Here she is
a treatment was just disgusting and Iwouldn't wish that on anyone. And yes,
I've been to jail before. Hasnothing to do if you've been to
jamp before. When Nicki Minaj talks, I just get like the she's super

talented, but I get the justpsycho vibes from that. She just sounds
crazy. Now she spends six hoursin that jail cell, she changes her
accent has to She's British, She'sthis, she's that like you know,
I don't know, been a bigbig on her. Paris Hilton. That's
the second album coming out September sixthnow. In a video post teasing the

album, she says, the weightis over now. Who are the people
who were waiting? Don't laugh her? One of her singles did really good
in her last a definitely like shehas a big DJ that she's been making
money all these years. Well,she's got a lot of celebrities on board
because they were all featured in theteas post, everybody from the Kardashians to

Demi Levada. Demi Levado by theway, looks faster like Paris Paris,
Paris. Uh. Benny Blanco isin the tees video, as is Paula
Abdul. Yeah, this is agreat project. Actually, I am looking
forward to it. There's in theprom on the album. They're collaboration where

everyone's like Paris, Paris, Paris, Paris. Lance Bass is in the
promo too, But then again,he'd go to the opening of an envelope.
I mean, where else is hegoing to star? Netflix is launching

a new band competition show they describedas love as Blind meets the Voice.
Oh so you don't see them play, you just hear them. Fifty of
the most talented singers will compete forspots in a band without seeing each other.
Oh cool, and then they finallyjoin up together and create songs.
I guess and t Any Kravitz,for some reason, felt the need to

tell us he's been celibate for nineyears. I read this article. Yesj
I found it fascinating. Nine yearshe has been celibate, and he said
he's on a spiritual journey and toil. He is in a committed relationship.
He's not having sex. He's waitingfor the right woman. And apparently his
dad cheated on his mom and henever got to Billy. Did you know
that he is Al Roker's cousin.Watch his mother's name is something Roker,

Rita Rokers and then she was anactress on Jefferson's So ask dad cheated on
Rita Roca. I don't know,but yeah, so his mother is a
Roker. So Al Rokers his cousin. Wow, I know you'd like that
one. Okay, Seltzman everocks Gameone NBA Finals next Thursday night, right
here in Boston, and Kyrie Irvingis coming back to Boston, ready to

go back into Boston and have funwith my teammates. I know we're going
to be locked in and we're goingagainst a great Boston team that has earned
their way to the NBA Finals.So I just see them as a formidable
opponent, an honest opponent, andwe're gonna see the best team that wins.
Yeah. The Mavericks also have LukaDoncic. He was trash talking Snoop
Dogg, who was court sided lastnight. Here was probab right. Look,

he's ever words with Snoop right,Snoop appreciating the work being put in.
He's loving it. Here's the moveby Luca, the contact, the
and one and the words between Lucaand one of the greatest rappers to ever
get it done, Snoop dog Doncicwas on fire. I think he had
like fourteen points in the first fiveminutes or something. Yeah, he said,

and he talks a lot of trash, you know, but what listen
with Kyrie, he can talk allthat, like you know, spiritual stuff
once he gets there. Yeah,and they's not let him have it.
I'm telling you his tune will change. The spirit is gone. Yeah,
it's gonna be a great series.I think. Uh, don't forget.
Pride Month starts tomorrow and Mega Millionstonight more than five hundred and thirty million

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spa days, and definitely one ofthe Cape's best beach bars. Just go

to ocean edge dot com. Makesome plans, do it now, and
there you go. I'm going tobe kicking it with Shinedown. We're back
with a Villy and Lisa in themorning on Kiss. Oh man, here
we go. It's to calmdown toKiss Concert, which is happening tomorrow and
tomorrow night. This is the startof Kiss concert weekends. So why not
give away a pair of tickets lastminute tickets for Kiss Concert. Go to

caller twenty five at six one sevennine three one one one eight. If
you call and if you get through, and if your caller twenty five,
you will need the keyword. Andthe keyword is Kyrie. Kyrie is the
keyword. Let's get some talk backchefs, and I haven't heard enough today.

I know it's Friday, it's verybusy Kiss Concert weekend, but we
do appreciate everybody listening, especially inthe iHeart app, which you know,
a reminder you can take us withyou anywhere you go around the whole country,
and we'd love to hear about it. Good morning and happy Friday.
I'm driving through the Shenandoah Valley inVirginia, halfway through my drive from South
Carolina to New Hampshire, and I'vebeen able to listen to Kiss Went Away

the entire trip through the iHeartRadio app. Wishing you all a great Friday,
and thanks for the laughs and greatmusic. Well, the beautiful Shenandoah Valley,
safe travels. Yes, oh yes, I've driven that route. You've
been through the Yeah, we hadto drive back and forth to South Carolina

a few years ago. Yeah.Yeah, it sounds very rural. It
is. There's a lot of downtime, yeah, I think. Yeah,
so glad she's listening on the iHeartapp. What's more rural Virginia or
West Virginia. West Virginia okay,yeah, well that's West Virginia is like
nothing. Yeah, I've only trigveernthrough. There's really nothing in the hills.
You don't stop anywhere. What alsois really the worst drive ever is

between Pennsylvania and Pittsburgh. Oh yeah, that's another one of my roots.
Yes, yes it is. There'snot a whole lot going on. Yeah,
well the virgin West Virginia is wherethe most famous incestuous family is from,
the Whitaker family. Oh yes,oh yeah, yeah, yeah.
That's a sad situation. It is, it is, But you know what,
they've actually a lot of people havecome together to help them. That's

there's been money raised for that WestVirginia. Good idea to just keep pedals
to the middle, be careful,totally fueled up, your eye on the
road in the heart. App on, leave us on and leave a talk
back. But speaking of rural youguys, Oh my god, So I
know, like you know, sometimesyou talk about like turkeys and how absolutely

insane they are, and I livein the sticks, and like, I
feel like our turkeys here are prettynice guys. I just stopped for them
so that they could cross the streetlike a nice citizen, and all three
of them attacked my jeeps. Happenedto me before, And of course the
first people I thought about were youguys. That's very surprising. I know.

There's turkeys at my house every singleday. They've never bothered anybody.
I see them every day. I'mnot as a city turkey person. I'm
not surprised. They are evil.They can in the city they are.
I've never met a nice turkey.Yeah city city. Once. I was
walking recently and I was there likethree of them and one was like peacocking
whatever that thing is they do.I don't think turkeys their feathers. Theirs

come out and I was like runningaway. I was afid they're going to
attack me. Yeah, they havebeen known to attack them on my street.
I have seen a guy running awayfrom a turkey, like really be
chased by being chased. Wow,they're crazy. Now, when you're passing
Lisa through the shop Nandoah Valley,have you been approached or attacked by a

turkey? Not yet, not yet. Let's go to Kelly. Good morning,
Kelly, good morning. Well Kelly, you're calling twenty five No way,
no uh? Do you have aCara school and we are thrilled?
Oh last day's school? Fucky kid. Well, I don't think the thrill

ride is going to last that longonce you get home. But you are
calling twenty five. You know thekeyword Kyrie. Kyrie is the keyword.
So Kelly, you're going to Kissconcert. It is tomorrow. You gotta
get ready. You got to getan outfit, gotta get to out.
It's Billy there you go. Allright, so hold on and you know

what. You get to talk toproducer Riley and she'll give you all the
information and we'll see you are kissconcert. Yeah, Kyrie Irving is coming
back to Boston and coming up twosongs. We have his arch enemy,
the number one person and hates himthe most in Boston. Find out who
next? Kiss? Oh my god, this is so good. I am

so excited. So down the hallwe have a wz LX and a Rich
shirt and Leave has a brand newshow down there. How's it going?
We got Rich in the studio rightnow. Kyrie sucks, He's the worst.
This is going to be the greatesttherapeutic thing for Celtics fans. I
hope that he absolutely gets crushed.I wouldn't know how your show's going down
the hole. I don't care.Kyrie swimming here and he needs to be

crushed by the fans. I mean, obviously, respectfully, don't throw anything
or say anything. You know that'sout a line, but a deep hatred
you have? Where did it start? And wind? Oh? Because first
of all, when he signed here, I was like this is it.
He's this guy's so good, he'sgonna turn things around. And then immediately
he's like talking to Kevin Durant sayingtwo man contracts will started with the thing

together, and he's saying, hey, thanksgivings the worst and then he just
he he's stumped, unlucky. Thisguy sucks. Okay, I can't wait
until he gets absolutely crushed. Andby the way, if you're just waking
up shouts in the mad morning,looks to be in Game one here in
Boston next Thursday. Kyrie Irving iswith the Mavericks. But your hatred yeah
for Kyrie Irving runs so deep.So actually did a song? We have

a clip? Oh yeah, yeah, waiting your first zone rive to all
the fans. You lie on thelast two were He said that to Rand
saying to Max contracts on those jobs. Why you missed game That's true.

You did that hate song to Metallica? Yeah, because you were in a
metal band, right, listen toyou, you're like a crazy person.
Oh, let's run this pause.No, are you playing the acts in
this? Is that your guitar?No? But I got to use the

word rat turns on the radio orthe term at least. Yeah, he's
he's the and you know what thething is is that it's going to be
a great moment when he ends uplosing right there on the floor of the
TD Guard And truly it's going tobe a cleansing and an ending to that
chapter. However, I don't evenwant to mention it. But if things
go the other way, therapy inthis state is going to go through the

roof and I will be number one. That's to me. This is my
blowing the perfect season for the Patriots. That's this for me. If they
lose this, which they're not goingto, I truly you now, I'm
gonna get a sportsy sports guy.I truly think that they are going to
win this six games probably, Butif they don't, oh man, you're
gonna have to take a vacation.Like no, it's either a vacation or

just someone's gonna have to have thedump button ready when I go out of
here the next time. Are youbuying this? This this Kyrie we heard
from last night? No no,no, no, no, no,
no, no, no no no, he's like a plight. I'm mature
guy. No, you know thisis like I'm totally over my ex.
I'm totally over here. We go, ready to go back into Boston,
have fun with my teammates. Iknow we're gonna be locked in boom and

then we're going against a great Bostonteam that has earned their way to the
NBA Finals. Okay, so we'renot buying that. This this what it
is. This is a guy who'sbeen really good, He's been on a
diet for a long long time,and then he just when the middle of
the night, drives past his favoritetaco restaurant and goes maybe and he just
regresses back to what he was.They're gonna so get under his skin.

I have faith in the teen Garden, faithful they are going to bring it
back out. You really need tomedicate yourself. I don't. I don't
think this is safe for you.No sleep till Thursday. I can't freaking
wait. Will you go to anyof the games? Everyone? I'm not
going to. And if Game sixis a game that the Celtics can win
in Dallas, I'm flying to Dallas. I want to I want to be

there when the Celtics beat them inDallas. I think Kyrie needs like a
bodyguarden. I'm trying to get abreast, boss, I have to go
ever. You gonna hear him onthe radio w z LX right down the
hall family, Yeah, he's crazy. What a psycho? Did you hear
that song? I'm Metallica? Shouldwe can bute him to Kiss concert tomorrow

to open up for Shine now tohave a metal head in the lineup?
I would love it? Oh man? What lost? I know? Rich
god it Anyway, it's topic timesand I thought this would be a crazy
good topic, especially before Kiss Concert. So the water debate. Okay,
what's your favorite type of water?Which one do you love? Which one

do you hate? There's so manyright Fiji, poland Spring. Everyone seems
to have a different answer. Wewant to hear yours six one seventy nine
three one one one a weight orhit us up on the talk back mic
on the iHeartRadio app. Topic timeis next. What is the topic today?
We're going to be talking Billy andLisa present to talk amongst yourself.

Topic time. Okay, the topic, I guess Justin is gonna be water,
right, I mean Kiss concert tomorrow. Everybody's gonna need to be hydrated,
right, It's going to be abouteighty degree. It's going to be
sunny all day. You want tobe hydrated. It's kiss concerts. So
we got into this discussion about whatwater is we like and what waters we
don't like. That's right, AndI think you said you liked Fiji,

right. I always liked it.Not many people carry it, but I'm
mostly at Poland Springs. Guy,do you have any sorry, at least
do you have any Fiji at onthe boat or at home? Usually?
Yes? Okay, this just then, Fiji water has voluntarily recalled seventy eight
thousand cases, that is nearly onepoint nine million bottles after testing revealed the

presence of three different strains of bacteria. Oh boys, so yeah, be
capable, Bill. I want toask Billy a question about why he likes
Fiji. Is it because of thebottle shape? Because it's slightly different,
great question than some of the othershapes. You know, Initially it could
have been the bottle shape, butfor some reason. Again I don't really

want to dig too deep into this, because I don't really believe in any
of the water, but there wassomething about the Fiji water that tasted kind
of satiny to me. It wasvery nice. You like that? Yeah,
yeah, I think Lisa makes afantastic point. I think sometimes the
way they package these. You know, smart water is good, but it
comes in those cool tall bottles.Yeah, and I tend to grab those,

although I'm a Poland Spring guy myself. Yeah, I don't like the
big bottles. Yeah. I meanit's okay, Well, what dude,
you steal water? We It's documented, yes, So I intentionally try to
steal a case of water every timeI go to the market. I know,
I put at the bottom of thecarriage, assuming they're not going to
see it. Yeah, I'm notashamed of that. Okay. You know,
if they don't see it, it'stheir problem because otherwise I have to

reach down lift it up. Youknow. It's like just well, you
know, you tell them and theycan just punch it in, all right,
you could just tell them, maybeI just yeah, forget to tell.
So Lisa, what's yours? Right? So I am a Poland Spring
purist because I just go for thatbrand. But I do have to say
that the Smart Water I think tastesbetter, but the bottle is slightly larger.

So I end up always going forPoland Spring because of the bottle.
Exactly. Well, you're gonna putit. You can't store it anywhere.
You know, you like the stackbottles of water in the refrigerator. Right.
It's like when you have a product, right, a brand, and
they repackage it, right, theyrebrand it into a different packaging, but
it's the same product. It looksmore appealing, Right. That's happened many

times. You're like, I'm gonnaget it. That looks cool, even
though you know it's the same exactthing. You know. You know another
one that I really like, Youjust don't see it as often. Mountain
Valley spring water. You may wantto check that out. Let's go to
Gaale. I never heard about that. Gale hung up? Okay, really,
Yale is anywhere do you have togo to Gail? Is anyone a
canned water person? When I'm tofeel cool, yes, Like if I

go to five below, they sellmy five below and then obviously I think
it. They sell them at sensome in a lot of the concert places.
I feel cool when I drink I'mnot gonna lie. But if I'm
at my house poem spring, yeah, it tastes tinny to me. What
does the canned Oh yeah, yeah, but poland spring, I think is
probably one of the most popular twentyfour water debate all day poland springs,

nothing else poland springs and that Dasani. Oh my god, it's like fluid.
It's it's fluidy. Oh god,it's gross. So pollen springs for
I could not agree more. Ihate dasani. I don't do not like
it. I won't buy it.There's something about it. It tastes we
well. There are some chain conveniencestores that only carry dasani, right,

And if that's the case, I'lljust stay thirsty. It's a coke product.
That's why. Anything but dasani basicallybottled filtered tap water. Waste of
money. Okay, honestly, no, I would pick Tosani over Nestlie NESTLEI
is discussing, Yeah, Nestlie.I don't remember ever having Nestli, but
I've seen it. But yeah,when you're not alone. To me,

water is water. I'm not picky, but there is something about Nesli water
that does not taste right. Hateit. Well, don't they go through
like a sanitation process, you know, like a you would think. But
again, I've got my theories onall of it. M Part of me
wonders if it all is just pouredin from a tap. Just cap it

off. Well I do, Ido have to say when I'm at a
restaurant, I just take the tapwater me too, all the time,
drink the tap water all the time. Is that filtered or no, I'm
assuming it is. It has tobe clean. We pride ourselves on our
high sanitary standards. Yep, wedeliberately make open sores of our water wets

to If I'm at a restaurant,I hate that whole thing. What kind
of water would you like? Oh? We know, like all of a
sudden, water is a course.Like, howbout how about just bring me
a glass of water in the eventI need it? Okay, but can
I get a cocktail? Is thatpossible? How about that? Now I
gotta wait twenty minutes for you tocome in and take the cocktail order.
Oh my god, let's go toKaren. Karen, Hello, good morning.

I'm a Poland spring snob, asI like to say, for sure,
I have a second refrigerator for casesof pools. Karen, you have
a lot of weird noises going onin the background. What's going on with
you? Karen? Maybe that wasmy blinker. I'm sorry, I just

shut it off. Karen, youright now, Come on, no,
I wish I was. I'm allergicto alcohol, but I should use it
on a frock. You're allergic toalcohol, She's probably like me. I
am. I know. My sisterand I have both are allergic. It's
horriform. Oh you actually are allergicto alcoholic you? Oh yeah? Oh
I am Wow. I break outin hives. Really, I've never heard

anyway. I always joke about it. I say I'm allergic to alcohol.
I break out in handcuffs. Ididn't make that all of a sudden.
I'm obsessed with Karen. Wait aminute, you get the hives or something.
What happens? Oh my entire face, mouth hives everywhere. It's awful.
Well, you must be a lotof fun on day a few years

ago. I can be fun.I'm sure you can't. You sound like
a sound like rubby alcohol though onyour body, like a cut or something.
Yeah, that doesn't bother me.It's just just a few years ago.
I had a reaction to one ofthose lovely bottled, disgusting lemonade drinks.
Oh yeah, And then I triedsomething else and the same thing covered.

It was horrified. Yeah, okay, Karen, we're gonna let you
go because we don't want to stressyou up. Yeah, okay, as
she goes, sounds very happy thoughshe does. But I never heard of
that allergic to Can we talk aboutthat? All of the canned cocktails?
Those are starting to bug me.There are too many of them. They're
really popular. Oh yeah, Imean anyway, let's go to MJ.

MJ. Hello, what's going on? MJ? Water? Which kind Well?
I had to call because my fiancegoes through these phases where he loves
certain things, and one of thephases he went through was loving different brands
of water. So he bought amini fridge, he bought all these different
brands of water. He bought likeIcelandic Water, Glacier Water, he bought

Volcanic water, Fiji, all thethings. And we were like, what's
really the difference. So we dida blind taste test and we put tap
water in there too, and guesswhat we all picked tapwater topwater. Yeah,
it doesn't like good tap wire.You live in a good place that
has good Yeah. Isn't there somecelebrity that drinks their own bath water?
Did I just make that that's froma movie from Saltpur And that's right,

that's disgusting. Candace. You're upnext. Go ahead, Candace. I
really like crystal geyser you get atmarket basket. Yeah, it's okay.
I don't mind it. We buyit sometimes when it's out on like it's
on sale at market basket, I'llget it. It's not bad, right,
Chris quite Candeth, Yeah, it'susually on fil for like threefer time.
I feel like, yeah, boy, hey, Candace, you know

what else you get at market basket? You get more for your dollar?
True? Yeah, basket And bythe way, proud sponsor of Kiss Contract,
Market Paths and the baskets of theCasket, as they say every day.
Yeah, I adjusin. My favoritewould have to be Fiji water and
I hate Desani. It's like carbonatedtoilet water. Yeah, have a good

day. Yeah, yeah, becareful with that Fiji though I mentioned as
a record, I don't know,but again with the Fiji water, I
think it tastes good. And youknow what else, maybe it's my OCD,
but they stack up nice, theydo. It's the bottle for you,
nice and neat, right, justa nice little soldiers two million bottles
from three strains of bacteria. Butyou know what, You'll be all right,
Bill, there you go. Let'ssqueeze another one in. Let's go

to Michelle. The big water debate. Michelle, what do you think Fuji
all the way? I'm with Billy. Yeah, I like it. Well,
check your water bottles. I haven'trecalled. There is there a certain
date on those recalls, just Februaryfirst through March third. And also I
should add that it only only affectswater that was sold on Amazon. Oh

so if you bought cases on Amazonbetween February first and March third, you
are in trouble. All right,Ellen, the big water I lean,
Okay, I lean. It's thebig water debate. Which one do you
like? I don't buy water.I do not buy bottled water. I
don't believe in it. I usemy filter coming out of my refrigerator.

The town water, nothing wrong whenI've been doing this my whole life.
What town Kingston, Kingston nice?Yeah, we do that too. Mean
in the house, we have afilter on the refect. Not believe I
buy. I never buy water unlessI'm out somewhere and I need it.
But I always bring my own waterin a big container. Yeah, good

for you. You know, mywife Michelle is a she's filter crazy.
There are filters everywhere, and nowshe has this big picture picture that she
fills and it has to be isit yes, Yes, that's through them,
and then you just pour it infor your coffee. There's nothing wrong
with that. Having a filter.You know, it's more and more environmental
friendly. You can have water anytimenowadays, water is delivered to us where

we need it, whenever we wantit. Turn a faucet and there is
water at any hour of the dayor night. It's amazing.
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