All Episodes

January 21, 2025 42 mins
The Billy & Lisa crew cover a whole bunch of topics during today’s show including the cold, the inauguration, and embarrassing things we have done! Billy & Lisa Weekdays From 6-10AM on Kiss 108 on the iHeartRadio app! 
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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Now this morning show in Boston.

Speaker 2 (00:02):
Billy and Lisa in the morning.

Speaker 1 (00:04):
It's just a great start to my day on.

Speaker 3 (00:06):
Kids run Away.

Speaker 2 (00:09):
Okay, welcome in everybody, Welcome back from a long weekend,
and welcome to biting cold. Although I have to be
honest with you, lads, I know it's colder right now,
but it feels like it's felt for like a week
or two.

Speaker 4 (00:24):
Yeah, we're used to it, but I mean it is
going to be much colder this week than it has been,
like single digits, negative numbers as we move into Wednesday. Yeah, tomorrow,
Today's Tuesday, by the way.

Speaker 2 (00:36):
Yeah, oh yeah, don't forget boy. I gotta tell you something.
This long weekend thing, I really like it.

Speaker 1 (00:45):
Well, we have one in a month though, so oh
we do.

Speaker 2 (00:47):
Oh let me mark that down President's Day and it's
in February, right, yes, all right, we get another long weekend.
That would be cool every single week. Huh. It feels
like you're on vacation.

Speaker 5 (00:57):
Oh man, it was it was negative three by the
way when I got in the car this morning.

Speaker 2 (01:02):
I haven't seen that this winter. Yeah, negative three, different
level of cold. Yeah, I clocked, yeah, very cold. I
clocked in an eight degrees in the car this morning
when I left the house.

Speaker 6 (01:12):
But I feel like what you're saying, I think is
the windshield wasn't bad this morning. It didn't feel right
because last week when it was like nineteen, it felt
like negative five of the windshill.

Speaker 3 (01:21):
But it is going to be windy today.

Speaker 5 (01:22):
Okay, it's so cold my windshield cracked. I have a
giant crack in my windshield. Oh, I didn't even realize it.
I started driving and there it was.

Speaker 2 (01:31):
And you know what's going on out there. Stuff that's
on the ground is actually crystallizing. It's cold. Yeah.

Speaker 5 (01:37):
And if you didn't, you know, shovel and get all
the snow up. It's all turning to ice this morning.

Speaker 2 (01:42):
So biting cold weekend. And I still traveled to North
Country over the weekend.

Speaker 1 (01:47):
Oh my god, Bill, you went to like northern Massachusetts.

Speaker 2 (01:49):
It was still North Country to me, and it feels
like it. The second you cross over the border, it's
like a different world. I went to Justin's house I
basically live in.

Speaker 1 (02:00):
I've been saying this for years. It's North Mathuin.

Speaker 2 (02:03):
But it was good to have you up there. The
highways are wider. Yeah, I agree, it just feels different much.
It's spacier. Yeah, there's more space.

Speaker 1 (02:10):
Will you get off at exit one?

Speaker 2 (02:13):
I don't know what exit number? Actually, No, I got
off at a Massachusetts exit.

Speaker 5 (02:17):
Yeah, the one before exit one. Yeah, it's two thirteen,
and that's the way I go.

Speaker 2 (02:22):
Yeah, you're a pretty good drive after you get off
the highway. No, a lot of leaves and rights in everything.
By thinking all the way, I'm thinking he does this
every morning and afternoon.

Speaker 1 (02:32):
He's probably like seven minutes off the highway.

Speaker 5 (02:34):
It takes me thirty one minutes to get to work. Yeah,
from Salem. But it was great to have you there.
You and your beautiful wife Michelle came.

Speaker 2 (02:40):
Oh yeah.

Speaker 5 (02:40):
Everyone was excited. The neighbors were over waiting for Billy's.

Speaker 1 (02:44):
No one does that when I come up.

Speaker 2 (02:45):
Wow, No, it's weird. People and children just walk in
and out of his house. Announced. I turn around and
there's another guy. Yeah, and then the kid goes running
by me. There were about six kids there in the
neighbor Was there nanny? Oh yeah, Sonnny and I went
to the smoking room.

Speaker 3 (03:04):
It was the birthday weekend.

Speaker 5 (03:05):
Yeah, big birthday weekend. Billy showed up with my son's
birthday gifts a bunch of Fortnite cards. I didn't have
faith that he was going to be able to find them,
but he did.

Speaker 2 (03:14):
Oh yeah, they're really easy to find. They're right there
with all the other gift.

Speaker 3 (03:17):
Cards, waking to you while you were buying them.

Speaker 2 (03:20):
What's turning the turnstile looking for others Fortnite? Right?

Speaker 5 (03:24):
There's about that is. You know, people typically will get
a Fortnite card. They'll get him one, you know, twenty dollars,
twenty five dollars Bill got him, you know, a couple
hundred dollars worth.

Speaker 2 (03:34):
My nephew. Man. Okay, come on, Abe, you got to
set them up. Yeah, the mighty Abe. Yeah.

Speaker 5 (03:41):
I was going to put Bill on the full whalers.
A lot of people DM me about that. But he
has some achilles.

Speaker 2 (03:46):
Oh are you going to shoe?

Speaker 3 (03:47):
Are you going to talk about the boot?

Speaker 2 (03:49):
I now have a boot that you're not wearing.

Speaker 1 (03:51):
I don't need.

Speaker 2 (03:52):
No, I can't wear it. It's humiliating. It goes right
up to my knee. It's gigantic. It takes about twenty
minutes just to put it on.

Speaker 1 (04:00):
So you want to see the doctor on Friday?

Speaker 2 (04:02):

Speaker 1 (04:02):
I did, determined you need a boot.

Speaker 2 (04:04):
Instantly got me a boot. He said. The boot people
will be in in a couple of minutes. And now
I have a.

Speaker 1 (04:08):
Boot that you're not wearing. So what's the point.

Speaker 2 (04:10):
Well, I can't imagine the boot on the snowy ground.
Imagine then I'll have another Achilles problem. I'll have two boots.

Speaker 3 (04:17):
You have to wear it into the office.

Speaker 2 (04:19):
I will just for you because at Lista was laughing
historically when I told her I now have a boot.

Speaker 1 (04:23):
How long is you swear for?

Speaker 2 (04:25):
Oh? However long? It could be two months month? Yeah,
severe tendonitis.

Speaker 3 (04:29):
In pressure off of it.

Speaker 1 (04:32):
Yeah, I had the same issue in high school. How
do you wear a boot?

Speaker 2 (04:35):
And you know what's cool about the boot? It has
the original Rebok technology, the air pump. It's the same
as the sneakers when they came out with the pumps,
the Rebark pumps. I'm just saying it.

Speaker 7 (04:45):

Speaker 2 (04:45):
Yeah, Abel had a birthday over the weekend. By the way,
I do want to congratulate our buddy, my Crocket, his
son Thomas and in Courtney got engaged by joy. I
went to the Air's tour with the two of them.
I love them. Yeah, congratulations. Yeah, Thomas and Courtney are

now engaged, and we gave away a car. We did.
You were there.

Speaker 4 (05:12):
I witnessed the whole thing go down. It was so suspenseful.
They gave all of our qualifiers at ping pong balls
and they wrote their name on the ball, and then
we put it in a big bin and then we
you know, you picked a ball and every time someone's
name was chosen and announced, that meant they were eliminated.

Speaker 3 (05:30):
And we counted it all the way down to the winner.

Speaker 2 (05:33):
Oh yeah, she was.

Speaker 3 (05:35):
She literally fell to her knees.

Speaker 2 (05:36):
I saw that in the video. Wow, I'm so excited.

Speaker 1 (05:40):
I feel amazing.

Speaker 3 (05:42):
It takes a couple of minutes for me to start
my car right now.

Speaker 2 (05:44):
It won't start right away, so oh my gosh, wow,
imagine that a new car. Don't forget the concert tickets
I saw on that video too, that was stuffed in
the in the glove box. So thank you to McGovern
Keiah for supplying the car as well as the contest.
This morning we start giving away cash, right a thousand bucks.

Something wrong with that thousand bucks?

Speaker 5 (06:07):
That's at nine ten. Also at nine ten we have
a big announcement of the return of should I say it, well,
you just started it, yeah, I finish it.

Speaker 2 (06:17):

Speaker 5 (06:17):
We did something last year called Local Legends, Yes, and
we took a break from the holidays and it's going
to make a big return. So we'll have the full
announcement at nine to ten no to help out some
people in our community and give back to them.

Speaker 2 (06:30):
And let's not forget we're waking up with a new
president this morning. That's a big story. And we're also
waking up with a new college football champion. That's a
big story. We've got those and so much more coming
up in entertainment in just a couple of minutes. Stand
by it. From the Planet Fitness Kiss one O eight Studios,

we're back with Villie and Lisa in the morning. Kiss.
Hey guys, so welcome back. I got to tell this
story quickly. I love this company. So here we are.
It's probably the coldest week in fifty years, right, and
they brought a crew in on Friday to put a
governor on the heating system. So they're trying to freeze

us up. We cannot change the temperature. It's a little
nippy in here.

Speaker 4 (07:16):
Yeah, I'm freezing my literally, I'm shaking I'm so cold.

Speaker 2 (07:20):
We lucky for me. I'm wearing a shackt Yeah.

Speaker 3 (07:22):
He's got Billy's way into the shackets.

Speaker 6 (07:24):
Yeah, he really is every justin let's get some.

Speaker 2 (07:29):
Talkbacksn it is cold out there. Listen.

Speaker 5 (07:32):
We encourage listening on the iHeartRadio app. It is new
and improved. You can free to download and you can
leave a talk back on the app. Just tap that
red microphone, recording your message right into the phone. We'd
love it to check in on a Tuesday. By the way,
it's Tuesday, not Monday.

Speaker 2 (07:46):
Good morning, it's the Mayor of the South, Ben.

Speaker 8 (07:48):
I just want to say that that Billy Costa is
known everywhere. I was standing in New York and I
was at the Carlisle Hotel bar. I was talking to
this guy and all of a sudden, he knew Billy Costa.
He's in the restaurant business. He said, Billy was crazy
but a very great guy. And today is Nashville Hugging Day,

So hug someone and keep them warm, have a great day.

Speaker 2 (08:14):
He was hanging out at the Carlisle. That's why. That's
pretty swaggy, little.

Speaker 5 (08:19):
Upscale and the yeah yeah you are you are lovable,
but very crazy. We all know that. I mean, look
at my windshield is cracked from the cold. I have
a giant cracked on the middle of my windshield and
I can't even get a fixed because of Billy.

Speaker 2 (08:34):
What did I do? It's always you. I'm going to
the company party tonight and I'm gonna get loaded. I'm
going to start any embarrassing people. A windshield guy, I'm
for you right here. Wow, the entertainment update with a
Billy Costa. I'm not calling him. If anyone has a

windshield guy, plug hit me up. Oh man, So we
have to talk about the inauguration President and Trump's worn
in yesterday. He brought TikTok back to life over the weekend.
TikTok went dark over the weekend. People were freaked out.
President Trump basically reinstated it for ninety days and as

of today, TikTok is back. So I like TikTok.

Speaker 6 (09:21):
You like TikTok now because they helped him get elected
with him being on these podcasts. He was the original
person that put the idea of the band out there
years ago?

Speaker 1 (09:30):
Do I remember that?

Speaker 2 (09:30):
Well, he's also going to get a lot of money
for the TikTok deal to keep it alive, a lot
of money for the you know, for the country.

Speaker 5 (09:37):
It went dark at ten o'clock, right, and then there
was a message that popped up when you went on
that said we're banned now, but hopefully President Trump will
get it fixed. And then hours later and went back
on with a message that said thanks to President Trump.

Speaker 2 (09:52):
This strange wee TikTok ceo was there. It was it
was Elon Musk was there, Jeff Bezos was there, Zuckerberg
was there, Dana White, Joe Rogan all there. By the way,
Zuckerberg went viral for gawking down Lauren Sanchez's blouse. She

was wearing this sort of very revealing.

Speaker 3 (10:16):
White, kind of lacy blouse.

Speaker 2 (10:19):
He snuck a peek, he did.

Speaker 3 (10:21):
Well, you couldn't help yourself.

Speaker 2 (10:23):
I mean, well, there they were. Yeah, And can we
talk about Malania's hat? I thought it was very severe.

Speaker 4 (10:33):
That's all anyone texted me about yesterday? What's going on
with the hat?

Speaker 2 (10:36):
Yeah, Justin and I called each other and I think
we decided what Justin she looked like the Hamburger. Hamburgler,
not Hamburgler. The Hamburgler is very clever. And very sneaky.

Speaker 4 (10:48):
Well, she was wearing all American designers yesterday.

Speaker 2 (10:52):
Oh start to finish simulation.

Speaker 3 (10:56):
Yeah, no, it's crazy.

Speaker 1 (10:58):
It was in a convenient that he couldn't kiss her.

Speaker 2 (11:02):
Yeah, there were several moments during the court. What a
long day. Her feet must have been killing her. She
was in spiked heels walking all over Washington, d C.

Speaker 5 (11:12):
I just went from spot to spot.

Speaker 2 (11:16):
I will say her gown for the actual balls last
night was gorgeous. It was gorgeous. Carrie Underwood was at
the swearing end of sing America the beautiful. The sound
guy really screwed up. It was like she stood there
for five minutes dead silence, and then finally I kept saying,
just sing it. Everybody will sing along. It's a sing along.
And anyway, she got the song done. I think it

actually was better. I got the music. Yeah, it seemed
to have more meaning. How about Nelly, I didn't know
he was going to be performing at one of the
events last night. So did Snoop at the Crypto Ball,
and Jason el Dean performed, Kid Rock performed, and so
did Billy Ray Cyrus. That didn't I'm gon take my

halls to the old Town Road. I'm going.

Speaker 4 (12:07):
I came.

Speaker 8 (12:07):

Speaker 9 (12:07):
Mom, y'all can put your hands together now like that
if you encourage about keep going.

Speaker 10 (12:14):
They told me to kill as much time as possible.

Speaker 9 (12:16):
So does anybody know the words?

Speaker 2 (12:18):
He can break your heart? Well, man a little bit
unless see what?

Speaker 8 (12:23):

Speaker 2 (12:24):
Is my guitar still on? I think they cut me off?

Speaker 1 (12:27):
Is he drunk?

Speaker 2 (12:29):
He didn't just kill time, he killed the entire event.
I don't know what Billy Ray was thinking of doing.
Justin you were telling me off air. They launched a
new Trump crypto coin and it went nuts. It's a
mean coin.

Speaker 5 (12:44):
Trump announced it on his on his Twitter, on his
X page, and it flew up to seventy billion in valuation.

Speaker 2 (12:50):
A lot of people need a lot of money. Dave
Portnoy put in a half million and doubled his money,
and then he bet it somewhere else. All right, quick update.

Speaker 7 (13:00):
I'm trying to think of the most American thing that
can happen to an American, and I think I got
it last night, yesterday evening, I'm seeing Trump coin going
to the moon, and I'm like, I don't want to
miss nothing because I'm an American. I got fomo. I
like easy money. Like the next guy. I put five
hundred grand into trump coin, trump coin. I go to sleep,

wake up five am. Trump coin is through the moon.
I'm like, hey, sell my trump coin. I made a
quick million bucks from five pm to like five am,
I'm up a million cash out. So now I'm plus
a MILLI what do you do when you plus a MILLI?

Speaker 2 (13:38):
I'll tell you what you do. Let's go Buffalo. Tell
me something more American.

Speaker 7 (13:43):
Then turning five hundred grand into one point five million,
one million profit, taking that one million profit and putting
on the Buffalo Bills.

Speaker 2 (13:52):
To win their first Super Bowl ever, Well that's what
I did, okay, Dave.

Speaker 11 (13:58):
Well, See, the fact is the NFL's Final four is set,
so the Eagles and the Commanders will play Sunday at
three o'clock, the Chiefs and the Bills Sunday night at
six thirty.

Speaker 2 (14:13):
Boy, did I watch a lot of I don't know, man.

Speaker 5 (14:15):
If the Chiefs get the calls again, the Bills are
not gonna.

Speaker 2 (14:18):
That just keeps happening. It's amazing every call goes in
their favor.

Speaker 5 (14:22):
Yeah, the ref, the ref for that game, they've never
lost the Chiefs when he was the ref Wow, it's
pretty brutal.

Speaker 6 (14:28):
I don't remember the Patriots in this many cold calls
when we were at the top of our game. I know,
I know we probably swaying our way, but.

Speaker 3 (14:35):
And this is significant significant.

Speaker 2 (14:37):
I think the NFL wants Taylor Swift at the Super Bowl.

Speaker 3 (14:40):
Yeah, I think so too.

Speaker 1 (14:40):
Again, she would just say last year she.

Speaker 2 (14:42):
Had Caitlyn Clark with her at the game. The other year,
you just tell what I mean.

Speaker 5 (14:45):
Travis Kelsey, you know, he catches the ball and then
it cuts the hasty immediately.

Speaker 2 (14:50):
Yeah, they love that with the bright red lips. I
have to tell you I love it.

Speaker 12 (14:55):
I do.

Speaker 2 (14:56):
People love it. Yeah. The Ohio State Buckeyes are the
national college football champions. They beat Notre Dame last night
thirty four twenty three. We've got the final call.

Speaker 9 (15:06):
The longest toughest postseason climb in the history of the sport.
And after all that at Ohio State together at the mountaintop.

Speaker 6 (15:19):
My guy Marcus unfortunately I love him. They didn't look
good at all and then the missing field golds.

Speaker 2 (15:26):
And yeah, I thought for sure Notre Dame was gonna win,
so did a lot of other people. But the Buck
guys are the national champions. By the way, the Selths
beat the Warriors on the road last night. One eighty five.
Mufassa was the number one movie at the box office
this weekend. U The Black Eyed Peas have canceled their
Vegas residency and nobody is saying why. Maybe tickets, But

it's bad news for the Peabodies. That's what they call
the fans, right. I just told Billy that this morning.
That was good. You threw that in.

Speaker 5 (15:55):
I didn't know that either. Their fan base they called
the Peabodies.

Speaker 2 (15:58):
Yeah, come on, boys. It all More artists added to
the Fire Aid benefit concert, which is happening January thirtieth.
And by the way, we'll be broadcast right here on
Kiss on the Wait no doubt. Olivia Rodrigo, Alanis Morris,
at Black Crows, Stevie Wonder, Anderson Pack the show January thirtieth,
and again we'll be streaming it on iHeart the day

the night of the show. Lisa's book club event with
mel Robbins is twenty four hours away. It's Tomorrow Night, Lace,
Tomorrow Night and Big Night Live. Wow, it's book Club week.

Speaker 1 (16:28):
It's book Club Week.

Speaker 13 (16:30):
I have my ticket. I just don't know, because my
car is broken and I have to take the trains
in the commuter rail from Draking. My glasses are broken,
I'm limping. I'm going to try and make it without
my crutches. I'm going to be there crutches and broken
glasses and all.

Speaker 2 (16:52):
For tomorrow night.

Speaker 4 (16:53):
Doors open at five point thirty. You can get there
a big night live. The Q and A will start
at six thirty's and the stream will start, so if
you don't have a ticket, you can watch it. And
Mel's going to be there and she's going to make
us all feel a lot better.

Speaker 2 (17:08):
And this is a big production.

Speaker 4 (17:10):
I mean, this is the hottest ticket in New England
right now. I have to say I've never in my
life had more people reach out.

Speaker 5 (17:16):
I was last night in bed scrolling through the Kiss
social media pages and reading all of the sob stories
of people that want tickets, which I felt really bad.
It was some really sad ones. But we're at capacity.
There's nothing that we can do.

Speaker 2 (17:30):
I was still getting calls, texts and emails over the weekend.
I'm like, oh my god, this sold out months ago
and it sold out what in three minutes when we
announced it.

Speaker 4 (17:41):
Yes, you know, her message is so impactful. Everyone wants
to be in the room. It's going to be really
this is going to be really fun. I can't wait,
Like I'm like a little kid, like waiting for Christmas
to start. I just want to run down and open
up all my packages.

Speaker 1 (17:55):
Like that's how I feel.

Speaker 3 (17:56):
I want tomorrow to come.

Speaker 2 (17:58):
Every time I talked to Lisa on the phone several
times over the weekend, she was doing notes, she was
reading things, she was making, watching watching podcasts that she's done. Yes,
what time do people need to be there?

Speaker 4 (18:10):
I would start doors open at five point thirty. People
are picking up their books. We've got, you know, a
lot of people. We have over fourteen hundred people that
are coming to pick up their books. So just get there,
Like give yourself time so you can get in.

Speaker 3 (18:24):
And I know, I'm going.

Speaker 1 (18:27):
What time I have to do this?

Speaker 3 (18:28):
I got to do that.

Speaker 2 (18:29):
I'm like, okay, yeah, because we're all going, Yeah, the
entire morning show will be there. So this is great. Congratulations,
it's unbelievable event. This report and Lisa's book Club brought
to you by Amika Insurance and Amika You'll get coverage
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Speaker 3 (18:59):
Whoa old out.

Speaker 12 (19:00):
Today from the Planet Fitness Kiss run Away Studios, we're
back with Billy and Lisa in the morning.

Speaker 2 (19:09):
Hi guys, welcome back, Welcome back from a long weekend today.
By the way, might remember it's Tuesday, because you're gonna
wake up thinking it's Monday. And I know one thing
that's going on and I'm trying to get to the
bottom of it. But in this building, in our company,
on the coldest week of the last fifty years, they

turned the heat off. Like you cannot control the heat.
You can't turn it up, you can't turn it down.
There's a governor on the system, and I believe it's
set to kick in when the real people get in.
They don't you have no idea how little we matter here.
We literally are wearing coats. Yeah. I've always had the

theory that I'm not sure they know we're on the
air every morning, right, and this kind of proves it,
you know, we'll just turn it all off until nine
o'clock when the real people start showing up there.

Speaker 4 (20:03):
Yeah, there's like, legitimately nothing you can do. You can't
turn the pad on, you can't turn it off, it
says central.

Speaker 2 (20:10):
Everybody's wearing their coats, right, and it's in my room too.
I'm a separate room from you guys. Yeah, so it's
not just your thermostats, it's everyone's. Yeah. The bottom line
is it's very cold out.

Speaker 5 (20:20):
And I love how usually the company will send out
an email saying there's going to be work done. They
didn't last week. There were just some random workers in here,
and they weren't.

Speaker 2 (20:28):
Acting a little mysteriously right because they knew they were
secretly they weren't supposed to talk about it to anybody.
They were secretly putting the governors in. Yeah.

Speaker 5 (20:37):
Typically they're really nice. I mean, you know, they say hi,
they chat it up. You know they're going to be here.
They just appeared last week out.

Speaker 2 (20:44):
Of the mist.

Speaker 5 (20:45):
It was like a mission mission impossible. Yeah, it's freezing
out here.

Speaker 2 (20:48):
What the hell?

Speaker 11 (20:48):
Good morning morning crew standing the dog walker checking in
at six forty am.

Speaker 2 (20:53):
Pray for us outside today. Heah, Yeah, you earn your
money on days like today being a dog.

Speaker 14 (21:00):

Speaker 5 (21:00):
And you know what, shout out to all the people
working outside. I have friends in the construction business.

Speaker 2 (21:05):
They're out there, they're on roofs.

Speaker 1 (21:07):
Walking my jog. This morning at four point thirty, I
was like, why did I get a dog? It makes
you question everything about your life, really does. I love
this dog, but I don't want him right now. I
want to get him up.

Speaker 9 (21:16):

Speaker 2 (21:16):
You got to see the look on Tidus's face when
I say, hey, it's time to go out on let's
go outside for a walk. He looks at me like,
are you kidding? I know I'm staying right here on
the couch under the blanket. It's unbelievable. It's cold.

Speaker 4 (21:29):
Hey, guys, I am going in for a heart procedure tomorrow.

Speaker 3 (21:35):
And I'm twenty seven years old, so a little crazy.

Speaker 2 (21:38):
But oh wait no, I'm twenty eight. I just turned
twenty eight. But you know, if you could send me
some louck in.

Speaker 4 (21:45):
Some prayers, I'd really appreciate it.

Speaker 15 (21:47):
Love you so much, guys, Thank you, Happy birthday, and
good luck to me with a procedure.

Speaker 3 (21:52):
You're sending you luck and love.

Speaker 2 (21:53):

Speaker 5 (21:54):
Man, that's that's really young for a procedure. I hope
everything works out.

Speaker 2 (21:57):
Yeah, call us with an update when the procedures. All.

Speaker 5 (22:00):
Yeah, I'm going for a heart thing today by the way.
What Yeah, no, No, nothing's wrong. It's just gonna be.
They're doing like a whole set of tests just to
like see how my heart.

Speaker 3 (22:08):
Is, like an EKG.

Speaker 5 (22:09):
Yep, that old test stress test. They're gonna put me
on the treadmill.

Speaker 2 (22:13):
Yeah. Well you could have a murmur and not even
know it. Yeah, well, I have the thing where my
heart skips a beat?

Speaker 3 (22:18):
Does too?

Speaker 2 (22:19):
You do too?

Speaker 7 (22:19):

Speaker 4 (22:19):
And I found that out maybe ten years ago. They
you know, put the EKG thing, and yeah, I don't
think it's a big deal.

Speaker 2 (22:26):
They said, it's harmless. But how do you know when
your heart's skipping a beat?

Speaker 3 (22:30):
We don't. You don't know that, They tell you, you don't know.

Speaker 5 (22:33):
Yeah, I went in for a physical and they and
they kind of they listen to my heart and they go,
something doesn't sound right. So they did the EKG. I
forget what it's called, but it just skips a beat.
There's nothing dangerous about it, Isn't.

Speaker 2 (22:44):
There a song my heart skips a beat. There is.
It's like from that's our song justin you too have
that in common? We do wow wow.

Speaker 1 (22:54):
And Billy and I don't have that. Yeah, nothing makes
our well.

Speaker 5 (22:59):
The hearts are good, heart, my heart is hopefully good.
I'm gonna get the test today. Shout out to Boston
Men's Health. They're gonna get me my health and order.
Yeah and yeah, I'll let you know how I do.

Speaker 2 (23:09):
There you go, my heart, No, that's that's not the
one that we're talking about. My heart skips the be Okay,
was the wrong version? Bill or here you go? That's
not it either. Yeah.

Speaker 1 (23:29):
I think it's a guy singing.

Speaker 2 (23:31):
Oh maybe it's the song tell It to My Heart. No,
it's not Taylor Dane.

Speaker 3 (23:39):
That's not the one.

Speaker 1 (23:40):
Oh that that was more of a kiss song though.

Speaker 5 (23:43):
Yeah, No, I know what he wants. It's the cover
girls about this rain Nightclub run. There I go, Brisa,
there's a lot of songs for us.

Speaker 2 (23:58):
Really are it really is?

Speaker 3 (24:00):
We're connected?

Speaker 2 (24:01):
I love it. We're connected in this. Yeah. The name.

Speaker 16 (24:05):
So I thought Malonia Trump's hat looked like Michael Jackson's
hat and Smooth Criminals.

Speaker 2 (24:13):
Oh yes, very much. Though, Oh my God, Yes, it did.
It was very severe. She she kind of looked like
the wife of the Salvadoran president, very militaristic.

Speaker 4 (24:23):
Yes, and the fact that she refused to take it
off was even stranger.

Speaker 1 (24:27):
I swear she didn't want to have to kiss Trump.
She hates her husband so well, it kept.

Speaker 2 (24:32):
Her from kissing the president. So it was an air kiss. Yeah.

Speaker 5 (24:37):
It's also a book club week. Big event goes down tomorrow,
Big Night Live sold out with Mel Robbins.

Speaker 16 (24:42):
So I'm so.

Speaker 3 (24:43):
Excited for you for the book club.

Speaker 16 (24:45):
It's such a great sense of community and such a
good hobby and you're doing a great thing.

Speaker 3 (24:49):
So good luck.

Speaker 1 (24:51):
I hope you have so much fun.

Speaker 2 (24:52):
Can't wait to hear all about it.

Speaker 3 (24:54):
Oh, thank you. I agree.

Speaker 4 (24:55):
This is just such an amazing way for people to
get together and and Mel's book is so helpful for people.

Speaker 2 (25:03):
Know, Mel Robbins is like the new Opera.

Speaker 4 (25:05):
I know, I know, I've been having Yeah, I'm having
my Oprah moment tomorrow with her.

Speaker 2 (25:10):
Yeah, I think you're gonna beet. Crowds gathered outside the
book club event.

Speaker 5 (25:14):
You know, So for people that cannot go, they can
watch the Facebook stream on the kiss Facebook.

Speaker 2 (25:19):
Right, Lise, Yes, they can starting at six thirty yep.

Speaker 5 (25:22):
And then you also launched your book club podcast. Yes,
so we posted there as well.

Speaker 4 (25:26):
Right, it will the very next morning. You can hear
the whole thing and just watch the stream. If you're
not able to come to the event.

Speaker 2 (25:33):
Definitely, maybe I'll watch the stream.

Speaker 3 (25:38):
Watch you there.

Speaker 2 (25:38):
Oh we're going yeah, yeah, yeah, we'll be there.

Speaker 5 (25:41):
Skip our hearts are skipping beats, right, Lisa, exactly.

Speaker 2 (25:45):
All right, I'm next.

Speaker 5 (25:45):
Here's the topic of the day. What's the most embarrassing
thing you've ever been caught doing? Call us right now
or leave it talk back. That discussion is.

Speaker 2 (25:53):
Next, Billy and Lisa. Guys, so welcome back and reminder,
today is Tuesday. Okay, we had a long weekend. Let's
not forget. You're not waking up on a Monday morning.
It is Tuesday. It is biting cold out there, and
it's going to be just as cold tomorrow.

Speaker 4 (26:08):
Right this, yeah, this whole week is going to be
freezing so and the windchill is really it's real, And
there's a you know, there is a cold weather advisory
in the city of Boston.

Speaker 5 (26:16):
Okay, I belong to a bunch of weird ice bath
groups and they're all posting pictures this morning in the
ice bath.

Speaker 2 (26:24):
That's crazy. That's just I don't know if I could
do it.

Speaker 3 (26:27):
That's just torture.

Speaker 6 (26:28):
Have you seen that Bufflo Bills player Matt Collins, and
he's all about the cold exposure.

Speaker 5 (26:31):
Yeah, he shows up to the games and bare feet. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2 (26:35):
I got the whole tour of Justin's situation up there
in North Country, and I got to tell you, first
of all, his garage is bigger than any garage I've
ever seen.

Speaker 6 (26:45):
It's huge, right, and he still yet doesn't utilize it
the way it should know.

Speaker 2 (26:48):
It's loaded with stuff. He has a complete fleet of
dirt bikes and ATVs, and then there's a sauna, and
then when you walk outside the garage, there's the ice
bath with the fireman's axe leaned against it so he
can break the ice. And then you go into the
house and then there's a hot tub. So it was ridiculous,

I know, and easily. Well, interestingly, you and Lisa have
a lot of things in common. First of all, both
your heart skip a beat, and you both have the
largest yards I've ever seen.

Speaker 5 (27:22):
Well, Lisa's yard is her yard. Mine is only a
little bit, but then the neighbor's yard kind of runs
into there's no fence. It's really a lot of the neighbors,
not just mine. Lisa doubles yours.

Speaker 2 (27:32):
All Right, So we're talking about embarrassing moments, and this
isn't an easy one, and I think I've landed on
one of mine. But I want to hold onto what
is it? Wait? Is it worse than Mark Zuckerberg? Ah,
it depends on whose shoes you're in.

Speaker 12 (27:46):

Speaker 5 (27:46):
He got caught sneak in a peek at Lauren Sanchez
at the inauguration.

Speaker 2 (27:50):
She was wearing a very low cut outfit, and I
have like, she made sure we knew.

Speaker 4 (27:54):
And I feel bad for him because I'm telling you,
he didn't know where else to look, right.

Speaker 5 (27:59):
Well, it's just all the cameras were on them. You
literally see him like sneaking a peek out.

Speaker 2 (28:04):
Of the breast. Well, I remember the moment where she
took off her coat, right and she just shot her
breaststop like, and I'm like, whoa, that's a moment. Yes,
it's an oh yeah, there they were in Their lips
were larger than a small car.

Speaker 5 (28:20):
By the way, there was also another guy behind Zuckerberg
who was leaning forward at the same time as to
sneak a peak.

Speaker 2 (28:26):
Everyone was trying to sneak and I think Baron Trump
kept crying to sneak a peak. He kept looking at it.
He's ready.

Speaker 5 (28:34):
But now that's a meme all over the internet. That's
an embarrassing thing. So what do you got.

Speaker 2 (28:39):
I started thinking about it years ago at our Kis concert.
Let's face it, we've been doing Kiss concert for years, right,
So years ago, Maddie and I used to do these
skits on stage and one year he was John Travolta
and I was Olivia Newton John and by the way,
a living Newton John did my makeup the real Olivia
Newton John. But right after our on stage thing, they

came running at me backstage and said, Bill, you gotta go,
you gotta go, you gotta go. You have to interview
Steven Tyler from Aerosmith. Like as Olivia John. I had
to run down the hall and I had to apologize.
Steven's standing there waiting. You know, I could tell He's
looking at me like, Okay, what's going on here? And
I says, yeah, I'm sorry, I'm I'm Olivia Newton John

for for like an hour, but I have to get
the interviewing. So we did the interview, and at the
end of the interview he asked to borrow the outfit.

Speaker 3 (29:29):
I bet he didn't mind at all.

Speaker 5 (29:33):
Who did your makeup? Wait, hold on a second, what
year was that? You remember the year?

Speaker 4 (29:39):

Speaker 5 (29:40):
No, it did's a long long time. Well, yeah, dude,
you were the inspiration behind the song.

Speaker 2 (29:47):
Oh my god. That song definitely came out after the interview.
That was I inspired the song Oh my god, I
should get royalty at least at least can you beat
that one?

Speaker 14 (29:57):

Speaker 3 (29:57):
I can't beat that.

Speaker 4 (29:58):
I have so many embarrassing moment, so many like I
don't even know where to start.

Speaker 2 (30:03):
Well, you were telling one off air. Are we not
going there? No, it's like too girly and kind of.

Speaker 4 (30:08):
It's it's just am I It's it's too much. But
girls out there, we all probably had the same thing.
I've actually walked out of the bathroom and not knowing
that my skirt was stuck in my.

Speaker 10 (30:21):
Area down the whole way in the office, some nice
person comes.

Speaker 2 (30:29):
Over and says, you got a little Yeah, they fixed
that up. Meet all the men in the office were
gathering together like, yeah, there's just been so many. Yeah.

Speaker 5 (30:40):
I when I was seventeen, I had a fake ID
to buy alcohol and I would walk into a liquor store.

Speaker 2 (30:45):
I would buy my friend's alcohol. And so I go
into the store.

Speaker 5 (30:48):
This one time, I buy all these bottles and I
walk up and I was very nervous, obviously, and so,
you know, I thought i'd make small talk because it
would seem like I was a normal, you know, twenty
two year old. And so as they're bagging up my
my bottles of liquor, I saw there was a sign
that said help want it. So I said to the woman,
are you guys hiring? And she said yeah, would you

like to fill out an application? And I said, wow,
not going to be eighteen until September, So do you
have to be eighteen to work here? Meanwhile I was
buying alcohol.

Speaker 2 (31:19):
Yeah yeah, And so they like they didn't know what
to do.

Speaker 5 (31:22):
They were they just looked at me, and then they go,
we're going to take this right now, and they went
to go call the cops, and I just ran.

Speaker 15 (31:28):
Out, yeah, yeah, faked, yeah, yeah, I'm afraid to ask
the go ahead?

Speaker 1 (31:35):
Okay, I have. I've done so many embarrassings.

Speaker 6 (31:38):
But Justin said, caught, like caught doing something embarrassing that
you were trying to like not be seen doing.

Speaker 1 (31:44):
And I don't want to tell a story, but I'll
do it. I'll take one for the team. I was being.

Speaker 6 (31:51):
I was like with my significant other, right, and I
was like making sure like my belly button didn't smell,
because like, you clean your belly button.

Speaker 2 (32:00):
I feel like you.

Speaker 17 (32:03):
Don't clean.

Speaker 1 (32:03):
Don't you clean your belly button?

Speaker 6 (32:04):
You're supposed to clean your belly button of course, right,
So I was like making sure that it was like clean,
and they caught me.

Speaker 2 (32:13):
They're like, what are you doing sniffing your finger after
touching and assuming they.

Speaker 1 (32:22):
Were like what are you They're like what are you doing?

Speaker 6 (32:25):
And I was like nothing like and they're like, are
you like sniffing.

Speaker 1 (32:28):
Your I was like no, I was just like trying
to clean. They were like it was so awkward. I
still think.

Speaker 6 (32:37):
About, like you're embarrassing, Like I think about that when
you ask me like that, that pops in my mind.

Speaker 2 (32:42):
In general, does your belly button smell?

Speaker 4 (32:44):
Because there are certain things you just doing the privacy
of your own bathroom exactly.

Speaker 1 (32:50):
Well, I had panicked.

Speaker 5 (32:52):
I was like, did it ever smell? And that's why
you were checking to see if it didn't smell that time?

Speaker 6 (32:57):
No, because I well, I mean, if you don't clean
your bel but it smells, doesn't it, I don't.

Speaker 3 (33:07):
Let me take your shot.

Speaker 2 (33:08):
Yeah, but I was just like, do you have a
lot of linked in there?

Speaker 1 (33:11):
No, I was just double I tell you, guys, weigh
too much.

Speaker 2 (33:17):
That I have to start checking more. Yeah, that's just
double checking. All right, let me see your belly button.
We're coming up on topic time. So what's the most
embarrassing thing that ever happened to you? We want some
good ones? Okay, and we're expecting some good ones. Six one, seven, nine,
justin how do they get to the talk back?

Speaker 5 (33:37):
Yeah, if a little nervous, don't want to get live
on the radio, on the phone, you can be kind
of anonymous on the talkback mic on the iHeart app
new and improved. Just search kiss one away, tap that
red microphone and you can get your message heard on
the radio.

Speaker 2 (33:50):
Topic time, isn't it now?

Speaker 4 (33:52):
It's topic time for the Billy and Lisa in the morning.

Speaker 2 (33:56):
Okay, So earlier we kicked off the topic. I don't
know where we got this one, did you.

Speaker 4 (34:00):
We got it from yesterday because there's a Mark Zuckerberg
meme which shows him sneaking a peek at Lauren Sanchez,
who is Jeff Bezos's fiance, who was vering.

Speaker 3 (34:11):
She was wearing a very low cut blosse.

Speaker 4 (34:13):
Oh yeah, and you know it's one of those things
where it's like you look over and his eyes.

Speaker 3 (34:18):
He just got caught on camera too.

Speaker 2 (34:19):
She was exploding up for blasts and you know, like
it's back. I know, as Baron Trump kept picking over too,
and then there was some guy in the back too
who's it wasn't.

Speaker 5 (34:28):
Just Zuckerberg, it was doing it. But when all the
cameras are on you like that, you got to just
keep your eyes forward, right, you have to.

Speaker 2 (34:35):
Yeah, So we asked the question, what's the most embarrassing
thing that's ever happened to you? We got some talk
back stress on.

Speaker 16 (34:42):
The embarrassing thing that I've ever been caught doing is
cheating on a board game with my boyfriend's.

Speaker 4 (34:48):
Family at like the Ripe page of like twenty two.

Speaker 8 (34:53):
I've always i don't know, don't hate the player, hate
the game, but I've always she on board games.

Speaker 2 (35:05):
But it's one thing if you're just meeting the family
for the first time and they catch you cheating right
there at the table.

Speaker 5 (35:11):
Yeah, yeah, that's not It's not a good look to
start with, right.

Speaker 10 (35:14):
The most awkward thing I got caught doing was aggressively
snuggling in my whatever Lisa calls it, my ex's bedroom
and the mom came to the door. It was a
cuddle puddle, by the way, Yeah, knock on it and
tell us that dinner was ready, and proceeded after that

knock to immediately whip the door open.

Speaker 2 (35:38):
I'm sure what she saw. But then I had to
go sit down at family dinner with the parents and siblings.

Speaker 3 (35:42):
Right after that's parents.

Speaker 6 (35:44):
Oh yeah, you can't be having sightful the mom and
daddy might come on.

Speaker 2 (35:49):
They were more than spooning, I guess, okay, sorry.

Speaker 5 (35:54):
One time I was in my childhood bedroom and I was,
you know, kind of hooking up with the girl that
lived across the and beef with my cousin, and so
to get back at me, he told my dad that
I was proposing to the neighbor in the bedroom. Also,
I was in the bedroom. We were kind of like
kissing and stuff, and my dad like literally kicked the
door in to yell at me, what are you do
when you thought I was proposing to this girl.

Speaker 2 (36:15):
It was one of the most embarrassing things I've got. Yeah,
when I lived at home when I was young, we
were never allowed to bring a girl home. Yeah, but
did you of course? Yes, you kidding me? While mom
and dad were at work, snuck it right in. Right
after school and I was younger dating my husband.

Speaker 12 (36:34):
We went skiing and my ski.

Speaker 2 (36:36):
Popped off and ended up breaking somehow.

Speaker 5 (36:39):
So as we were on the top of the mountain,
my husband was like, just go down the ski lift
to get back down, and I was like, no, that's ridiculous.

Speaker 1 (36:49):
Nobody does that.

Speaker 5 (36:50):
I was just going to scoo down.

Speaker 17 (36:51):
The mountain on my butt like I didn't care at
that point.

Speaker 12 (36:53):
Well, needless to say, I listened to him, went down.

Speaker 2 (36:56):
The ski lift and got heckled.

Speaker 13 (36:58):
The entire way down because nobody does that.

Speaker 3 (37:01):
That's so true.

Speaker 2 (37:02):
Oh yeah, if you're going the other way.

Speaker 5 (37:04):
Yeah, everybody is going by this point this point in laughing,
let's go to Jocelyn in Boston.

Speaker 2 (37:12):
Jocelyn, good morning, Where are you calling from Boston? Boston.

Speaker 17 (37:15):
Okay, I just wanted to share that. On my twenty
first birthday, I went for lunch with my mom and
she got up to go to bathroom, and they came
over and saying have a birthday to me while I
was sitting there all alone.

Speaker 1 (37:28):
Oh that is so embarrassed. I mean, that's not your fault, though,
but that is.

Speaker 2 (37:32):
It's not weird. So wait a minute. The staff at
the restaurant brought the cake over and started singing Happy birthday,
and you were alone.

Speaker 1 (37:40):

Speaker 2 (37:41):
Oh boy, they didn't.

Speaker 1 (37:42):
Read the room. That's on them. That's embarrassing for them,
not you.

Speaker 2 (37:45):
Yeah, you got to read the room.

Speaker 7 (37:47):

Speaker 2 (37:47):
Speaking of which I just thought of another one years ago,
one of those few times I was single, a buddy
of mine talk me into sending sending a girl down
the end of the bar drink. She sent it back.
Oh my god, I remember that.

Speaker 4 (38:00):
Oh yeah, she said, Wow, I mean, can we give
details please?

Speaker 2 (38:04):
You have to laugh. I don't think any more details.
Go ahead. She was like in her early twenties. Young.
It was a very long bar. I couldn't tell she
was just too young. We don't know that she was
in her twenty and she looked like was in her
twenty She seemed very.

Speaker 5 (38:22):
She got the drink turned down and.

Speaker 6 (38:26):
That she was in her twenties, and she so didn't
want to sit there drink something.

Speaker 2 (38:30):
She was I don't know, I just remember doing. I'm
telling you. You can believe, guys, you can believe. I
believe Ella Cray. Why did I bring it up?

Speaker 15 (38:44):
Oh my god, I'm even more embarrassed. That's a double embarrassing,
you know what. It's the perfect segment for.

Speaker 2 (38:52):
That, right.

Speaker 14 (38:52):
Actually, I wasn't caught doing something embarrassing because everybody caught
wind of it quite quickly. I'm in the medical field.
I went to call a patient, actually quite a handsome
one at that, and I sneezed, and along with the
sneeze came the loudest fart you've ever heard, eight point
five on the Richter scale. I literally just looked at

the waiting room full of patients, turned around and walked.

Speaker 3 (39:16):
Away, and it was really embarrassing.

Speaker 2 (39:19):
That's all you can do, That's it. You just got
to walk away. You can't like a drive by.

Speaker 12 (39:25):
I was probably fifteen when we belonged Together was like
the biggest song, and I was in a tanning salon
with my sister. We were both tanning. I had my headphones
in on the tanning bed and I was singing we
belonged together, apparently so loud that they could hear it,
like out in the waiting area, reception area.

Speaker 2 (39:46):
Oh yeah, God, singing. That's one thing that nobody sounds
good singing with their headphones on. No nobody. Yeah. I
don't know what the disconnect physically is, but your voice
is just not there when the headphone.

Speaker 1 (40:00):
Because you're hearing the good music, you can't hear you.

Speaker 2 (40:04):
Yeah, that is that is actually pretty embarrassing. Yeah, yeah,
for sure.

Speaker 17 (40:08):
Good morning on a treadmill.

Speaker 2 (40:11):
One time at the.

Speaker 12 (40:11):
Gym front row, headphones on, and I had a girl
come and chat me on the shoulder to let me know.

Speaker 10 (40:18):
I had trail.

Speaker 16 (40:19):
Paper hanging out the back of my cant myself.

Speaker 17 (40:24):
I'm one of those people of Walmont type videos.

Speaker 2 (40:28):
And somebody must have taken a picture.

Speaker 5 (40:30):
Yeah, embarrassing.

Speaker 2 (40:32):
Actually, something very embarrassing happened to me just recently. I
was shooting the TV show at cambrid Side or kindel
Side over there in Cambridge, and uh, I just sort
of have just arrived. I was leaving the parking garage
and I was going down this giant escalator by myself

into the camberd side gallery or whatever it's called now,
and right at the base of the escalator, I was
turning around to somebody my name or something. I turned
around and I went flying off the escalator and went
into like a triple roll, and like, I really, I
think that's where I actually hurt my achilles.

Speaker 1 (41:09):
Oh yeah, that was a few weeks ago.

Speaker 2 (41:11):
Yeah, and right away I'm looking around. It is anybody looking?
And there were people right up on the railing looking
down and saying.

Speaker 5 (41:18):
That's the first thing you do is look around. Oh yeah,
when you fall. So that's the worst.

Speaker 16 (41:22):
So this isn't something I was caught doing, but it's
embarrassing nonetheless, and I know it's Billy's worst nightmare. I
was on a first date and part of having ADHD
is I just randomly sprint. Sometimes I just run and
I don't know why. But I went to go use
the restroom and I did this little run and a
waitress was coming around the corner with four glasses of

red wine and I ran straight into her and everything
went everywhere, glass red wine all over the waitress.

Speaker 1 (41:49):
It was horrendous.

Speaker 2 (41:53):
Every time. If you were sitting there and witnessed it
from like ten feet away, I'm like.

Speaker 5 (41:57):
Oh god, hilarious. Well, every time I see red wine,
I think about Billy. Oh you know, yeah, hates red wine.
It makes a huge mess.

Speaker 2 (42:03):
I can't even look at a bottle of red wine anymore. Yeah.

Speaker 5 (42:06):
Wow, all these talkbacks in the call that we got
all about this topic, and you had the creepiest one. Bill, Yeah,
trying to buy a drink for a nineteen year old
around the end.

Speaker 9 (42:15):
Of the battle.

Speaker 2 (42:16):
She's nineteen twenty one, which she could have a fake ID.
I was there. She was there, definitely in her thirties. Yeah,
she is sitting at the bar. She looks down and
there's Bill. There is Oh man.

Speaker 5 (42:39):
We'll have more of this this topic and the wrap
up at nine to forty this morning.

Speaker 2 (42:44):
Good one, guys. Happy Tuesday. Tuesday, by the way, not Monday.
It's just one way.
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