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June 13, 2024 51 mins
A crazy day for Boston sports fans! The Billy & Lisa crew cover a whole bunch of topics during today’s show, from the Celtics to Brady being so beautiful. Katherine joined us again after what has been a couple crazy days in court. People called in for Topic Time to ask her their questions. Listen to Billy & Lisa Weekdays From 6-10AM on Kiss 108 on the iHeartRadio app! 
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Episode Transcript

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Wow. This morning show in Boston, Billy and Lisa in the morning.
It's just a great start to myday on Kids eight. Wow. Welcome
in everybody, and a happy Thursdayto you. Gonna be a hot day
today, Lisa donav hot and humidtempts in the eighties, get out and
enjoy. Let's go, let's go, get out and enjoy. The problem

is we're all too tired to getout and enjoy. There was a lot
of TV watching yesterday. I wasin front of my phone. I watched
everything in my phone from like twelveto like twelve last night. Yeah,
I just my son Dylan came bythe house and we sat and we watched
the Brady thing. He's monitoring theCeltics. Came on his phone. Well,
we're watching the Braidy thing. Bythe way, the Brady thing went

on forever. Can you say theword redundancy. I'm just saying it was
beautiful. It was beautiful. Idefinitely cried a little bit for me.
I think it was the Celtics right. So by the time the Celtics started,
I had to switch. I hadto switch. We did too.
I had to. Yeah, God, I know so much about Tom Brady.
Now, it's enough to last therest of my life. He is

one beautiful man. Yeah. Yeah, I mean the pre show and I
thought it was cool. John Cenavoiced the the electoral uh and can someone
explain the jay Z thing to me? I sat there in front of my
TV at a blank screen, justsaying coming up next. It wasn't shown.
I had already seen the pre show, and then all of a sudden,
it was coming up next, Butthen it said I started four minutes

ago. I'm like, what happened? Did I lose service? I get
I bet? Jay Z said I'lldo it, but you can't televise it.
No, well, they did putit on the Instagram page and then
they were live streaming it, soI don't know why he said they can't
live stream. It didn't stream.And then Bill Hurr came out. The
first thing we saw was billah,Yeah, he referenced jay Z. Yes,

I want to thank jay Z,and I was confused. I thought
it was he making a joke.I turned to Dylan, I said,
what's you thinking jay Z for?I said, Oh, did jay Z
perform and they wouldn't show it?Yeah, they did post it on the
Instagram afterwards. But the the bestis if you watch the video of people
taking you know, people taking thevideo. Yeah, nobody cared. It
was a bunch of like older whitepeople in the front. They were having

full conversations with each other while jayZ was a second to realize what was
going on because it was all thesmoke yep. Also, Brady was walking
out. He walked out to thesong, which is a great songs.
How much did they pay him forthat one song? A millie? Who

knows? You know what I tookaway from this now, it was a
beautiful ceremony and everyone clearly loves himas a person, which is a big
takeaway to be a good guy.They spent so much money on this,
they should have just paid him forhis last year in the contracts and what
he wanted to Again, I'm justsaying, you spend all this money on
this one night thing, but couldn'tgive him what he wanted in his contract.

I think they could have done awaywithout the pre show. You know,
because I'm watching the pre show,I'm saying, oh my god,
the Celtics are on tonight. Iwant to watch this, but this is
gonna go so damn I couldn't getto the pre show because I was still
watching the Karen Reid trial. Ihad six hours of Karen Reid rolled right
into Brady, then into the Celtics. Yeah, it was crazy. I
loved how. I loved how whenhe had to take a nap after watching

the Karen Reid and then woke upfrom a nap in bed and went on
Instagram, was like, all right, guys, just woke up and took
a nap. Here's my recap.Yeah, because it was so crazy,
I wouldn't a ways to talk aboutit least, and I've been talking about
for an hour. I just yesterdaywas insane. Yeah, I mean I
cried a couple of times during theBrady thing. The Randy Moss moment from
me was He's my favorite, alwayshas been. And you know he didn't

really get his due, you know, and never got a ring and the
standing ohe they gave I'm getting chillsnow. Yeah, he was. He
was so clutch when he was here. I loved watching him. That was
a great year. Was that Oseven? Yes? Yeah, but he
was there for like another year ortwo. Ask he was an amazing player.
Boy, Brady looks beautiful. Doesn't. I don't even know. I
just kept thinking, what a beautifulman. Yeah, does he share all

of his like tips, his beautytips. I don't think so, because
I don't think he wants to namenames, like who did the procedures exactly?
Really? Even his makeup was extremelyhe was just glazo. Yeah,
this goes back to no one's ugly. They're just poor like that age a
regular man. We would not besitting here saying how do you? And
that had a hair of his it'sfine in real life. Up on the

stage, Tom Brady look like thebust of him will look like when they
put the statue at you. Yes, just chiseled. Yes, what was
the movie three hundred? Yes,he's got a three hundred's We saw him
when he was twenty three, rightout of college. And you don't change
your jogline like that, sir man, Your hair doesn't just magically come back.

I don't even care what he has. Beautiful, just chiseled and beautiful.
Do you think his family, hissisters, his parents that talk to
him about it or ask him aboutwell. Nancy, in one of in
the video they played, said thathe finds him to be kind of annoying.
He won't be I won't need hisstrawberry, which is really funny.
I got to say that moment thatthey showed in that in that with his

parents family around the table, wellyeah, but the moment at the super
Bowl, you know, the weekhis hero. Yeah, that's one of
the greatest clips of all time.I cried then. Yeah, when they
were asking him at the game thathis dad just yeah. So it was
great. It just was way long, and it just seemed like everybody just
kept saying over and over again.But yeah. So now they'll put a

statue outside the stadium and his numberis retired. So there. But the
Celtics, come on, are youkidding me here? The duck Boats guys.
Yeah. I want to hear fromsome of the people who were at
the garden last night for the firstever watch party six one, seven,
nine three one. Await, mycousin was in Dallas at the game.

I don't really I don't really talkedto her like that, but well no,
but I saw what she was thereand I'm like, like, how
did And she was sitting like almostcourt side, and I was like,
who are you sleeping with? Boy? You have a lot of quarrels with
members of your family. Have younoticed that out? Maybe, well,
she's in Dallas, she's not listening. Well, maybe it was it easier

to get a ticket. Maybe Iprotect her, But I don't even think
I have her number, so Idon't know. But I saw that she
was there, and I was like, okay, Well, two things I
found incredibly impressive. First, thatthey could pack Gillette Stadium to the rafters.
Keep in mind that was a big, bigger crowd than the game because
the entire field was covered with peoplesixty so Brady could pack Gillette Stadium on

his farewell. And that the gardencould pack it every single seat for a
watch party first time. I lovethat. That's sounds very impressive. That
was impressive, you know what Isay. The duck boats absolute black quack
okay, And so all of thiswas going on, and then all day
long the Karen retrop, Oh mygod, I'm okay. The Karen retry.

We will talk about this at seventfifteen. Are expert Katherine loftist.
But how I can take away fromthat is that if Michael Proctor is a
Massachusetts state detective and he's considered tobe like the cream of the crop were
screwed. Oh the the the massState Police facebook page. Yeah, people
were flooding it with comments about thetestimony, right, you know, because

they posted some pictures of them doingjust like normal things, you know,
routine stuff, and people just well, I wonder if other cases now could
be in jeopardy because of his youknow, biased handling of this case.
Who was caring and that was KevinAlbert in a cop car like the brother

of Brian Albert, who he claimshe has no connection to. But they
got so drunk that as not friends, that he left his Kevin Apple of
his badge and his gun and didn'tknow where it was like, hey,
I haven't, I haven't. Igot your gun in your badge. It's
like what And he goes put itin a mailbox. Somebody found his loaded

gun. No, Roger, didyou did? And then Kevin Abertson just
put it in my mailbox. Crazy. Imagine that Mailland's just come up to
deliver mail and a handgun right there. You know what you know watching this
Karen Reed justin, I hope yousaw this movie. Did you see the
movie Copland with sl Stallone? Yeah? Yeah, yeah, that's what they

are. Remember cop Land that allthe cops from New York lived on an
island. They overlooked the city,and they had their own rules and they
could do anything they want. Theykilled people and it was okay on the
island. And that's what this remindsme of. It's really unfortunate because it
really gives the good cops a badname. Yes, people are kind of
blanketing. I think before this,I never thought like this could be possible,

totally rogue, but it speaks tothe culture almost because I think for
me, the more the problem Ihave was with those text messages with all
the other cops that is really like, okay, this is really acceptable,
Like this is how they talked andthat's okay. But also sharing this private
information with family members and friends.Yeah, yeah, listen, I'm all
listen. I'm not against the policeby any means. But there's been several

recent scandals. The overtime scale,yeah yeah, and the CDL licenses they
were giving out. Again. Welove calling, we do, but you
know, there's obviously some issues.But here's the bottom line. Okay,
there's never been a better time tobe able to do a live radio show
because there's so much going on,and there's so much to talk about.
In fact, entertainment is coming up. Obviously, we're gonna take you to

the Brady thing last night. Obviouslywe're gonna take you to the post game
of the Sales Game three win lastnight. But also, you know I
love jelly Roll. I love JellyRoll. Okay. He went on The
Howard Show this week, a reallyreally good sit down conversation. We're going
to feature some of that as well, and it's all coming up next.
Boy, you're back with Villy andLisa in the morning. Now the entertainment

update with the Billy concept. Yeah, let's get right into it. As
Lisa Dunnovan would say. Q,the duck Boats Celtics only one win away
from the NBA Championship. They tookGame three from the Mavericks in Dallas last
night, one O six ninety nine. They went on a run and the
third had a twenty one point leadat the start of the fourth, had
to hold off a Mavericks rally inthe fourth to grab the win. So

they're up three games IP in theseries. They win tomorrow night, they
win the championship. Here's Jaylen Brown, I don't even really have worries.
It kind of doesn't even feel realright now, and I'm just trying to
stand in the moment, like,you know, it feels great to be
up three to zero in this serieswith like the job's not done. Jaylen
Brown had thirty points on the night. Jason Tatum had thirty points on the
night. Did I mentioned one winaway necessarily saying like one more or anything

like that? Was just saying,however long it takes, nobody's relaxed,
nobody is satisfied. We gotta keepfighting, you know, we can't relax.
Yeah, Game four tomorrow night inDallas. At least we get to
sleep. Been a Saturday morning.I love that there's a Friday night game.
Finally, so excited. Yeah wego. Red Sox going to start

their game early tomorrow night at sixthirty to accommodate Celtics fans and by the
way, Celts fans packing the TVgarden tonight completely sold our crowd. They'll
do it again tomorrow night. Anotherwatch party in the garden and the Celts
game last night, competing with TomBrady's induction ceremony which seemed to go on
forever. John Cena voice the introgod Bill Burr opened the night with his

monologue. Jay Z performed, althoughthey didn't televise it, but there was
the pre show. There were redcarpet arrivals, There were video messages from
players past and present. Michael Strahan, Patrick Mahomes had a video message,
so did Bono and Matt Damon hada video message. And then players from
Edelman de Gronk to Welker to mccordy, Vince will Fork all telling Brady stories

on stage. Peyton Manning showed up, and then emotional moment when Randy Moss
took the stage and got one ofthe longest standing ohs of the night before
Tom came in. I just wantedto say a couple of words to him,
and the one thing Tom said is, Randy, don't get me emotional,
and you'll see what y'll do it. So I apologize because this is

really not my night. Is Talesnight. And most of the night there
was well an elephant in the room, everybody wondering will Bill Belichick show up?
And he did. He was thelast person to speak before Brady.
Thank you for all that you've donefor us, Thank you for all you've
done for me. And thank youfor the example and model that you've been

for all of us on a dailybasis for twenty years. And then came
Brady who acknowledged the diehard Patriot fans. You guys are amazing. What other
fans in the world would have beenhours on Route one every Sunday to get
to a stadium in the middle ofthe woods. We've even got four guys

who went to jail for me sittingright here as rkk's special guests. I
love that he did a shout outto Dave Portnoyd, Dave Portnoy and the
Brady four who got arrested stage staginga sit in at NFL headquarters to protest
to flight Gate, and they wereall dressed how they were they were.
I love that he's been arrested twice. Portnoy yea once there and then again

at the Super Bowl. I believehe was escorted out of the game.
Gordon do yeah. And then camethe emotional part for Brady. It is
the honor of my life to takemy place among these other Patriot Hall of
Famers and to be officially enshrined intothe winning legacy of this amazing organization.
You humble me. You make meproud, and I am eternally grateful.

I am Tom Brady, and Iam a patriot. Now Robert Kraft actually
sent Brady into the Hall. Thereis only one iconic number that will always
represent Tom Brady, and tonight,I promise that it will never be worn
again, as the number twelve isnow officially retired. And that's not all.

A twelve foot statue of Brady isgoing to be installed out at Gillette
Stadium. So it was a bignight out there at Gillette Stadium. It's
incredible that it was a sold outstadium. Even the field, he was
packed so many people there. Itwas a beautiful night. It was.
It was like a little long,but it got the point across it.

I did enjoy it. I can'teven imagine how long it took people to
get out of there last night andget through the traffic and get over.
Well, they should have stayed andwatched the game. There was only like
twenty minutes left. Yeah, it'sfunny. My son Dylan came over to
the house that we were watching theBrady thing, and he's on his phone.
He's monitoring the Celtics game. We'rewatching the Brady thing, and yeah,

I thought it was a little redundant, the Brady thing. Everybody's saying
the same thing over and over andover again. But you know what,
Well, we had the Apple documentary, then we had the Rose, now
we had this. I mean,it had to happen. It was a
beautiful thing. But the Celtics started. I turned it off. I had
to oh, you're all really Iactually was watching both at the same time.
Mito, Well, I joined theCeltics game for the second half.

Yeah, I went right soon asit started and clicked on me too.
Yeah, I was like you justCamilla Kabo went on Fallon last night.
Her album keep in Mind comes outJune twenty eighth, and apparently she wrote
a song for Fallon to Me,to me, to me up right,

Boris show well to me all right, Jimmy to me to me all right,
it's a late night it's a nightTarget nude joke. Classic. They
can't get it. It's pretty cool. But she looked great. She looked
really good. She got the blondehair. Now you go, that's working

for you. I don't. Idon't like her as a blonde. I
don't either. She was such abeautiful brunette that I'm not yet. Yeah,
and also that song. I didn'twant this song either. Okay,
the song sing for Jimmy Fallon.How do you criticize that it was just
the same thing? She wrote asong for you. I hely did better

and that's not God. Imagine goingbeing in the live audience at Jimmy Fallon
seeing her perform that be great.I went to Jimmy with the ball,
was to be on TV, butthey cut me out. I'm pissed.
I can't That's why Justin pulled thatclip. I want to talk about jelly

Roll. I just love this guy. I love his story, I love
his acceptance speeches. Anyway, hewent on to Howard. This was a
very cool sit down. Obviously,they talked about the song save Me.
This song right here, baby,don't weez your time on me. I'm

so damn it beyond pick life isshad on my home, sam My drink.
Justin, I gotta ask you whenI never did. What do you
think when you hear Jelly roll songand he talks about it saving his life?
It's really it's it's very emotional forme, you know. I don't
want to compare myself to Jelly Roll. He's super talent. I'm nowhere near

him, but I know what it'slike to have a story of redemption.
I guess of being you know,broken, lost, near death on the
street and coming back from that.And I commend him for his message.
You were in that place that hesings about, Sam Egs. He talks
about it all the time, youknow, getting sentenced to prison, being
lost, and then coming back andlook at all the success now. I

mean I have little success. Hehas massive success. Oh yeah, yeah.
And he talks about the making ofthe song and how it all got
together. I actually wrote this home. It was twenty twenty. It was
the middle of the we were stillspraying boxes with lightesol. It's the only
time in my career this has happened. And I don't want to sound like
a quacko when I say it.However, truthfully, I heard Somebody Save

Me that melody and a dream tothe point that I thought I stole it.
You were sleeping and you woke upand you heard this whole song.
No, I just heard this SomebodySaved Me part, and I thought that
somebody save me. I kept hearingthat so I thought that was the coorus.
So the song took about an hourlonger to write than it should have

because I was just convinced, No, this is the course. This is
the course, this is the coorse. You know. What else we learned
is the song was inspired by BetteMidler's The Rose yep, Oh, I
love his Mother. His Mother ishis mother's favorite song, and she used
to play it when he was alittle kid while ripping butts at the kitchen

table, and she would say,play this at my funeral. Make sure
when I die, you play thesong. He has a tattoo of a
rose in his mom's name on hisback. That is one of my most
favorite songs. Yeah, you neverheard any great song? Oh my god,
I've never I don't know if Ilike it. It's really incredibly moving.
So we're looking at me for Whinnie. Okay, I'll pull it everything.
How did you not have that song? Well, because he didn't know

I was going to bring up,Billy told me he'll run to do that
part. I pulled that popularly,was like, we'll leave that for now.
We're gonna run out of time.That's one. Yeah, okay,
I have no idea what that songis we can do your you can do
your moment now, this is Billy'smoment now with jelly Roll, because Jelly
Roll was doing this. This isthe kind of guy. I'm dying to
see him. By the way,He's coming to the TD Garden September twenty
sixth. But in the middle ofa show he said, only went into

Hoodie and we have a clip ofthat. I do, yes, I
see a little cry here the tearsfall down, like let us see come
on baby time the little pool.They had a long right at hole bringing

and if the sun comes out tomorrowup Okay, next Friday night it Darius
Rucker Fenway Park. Are we goingdown him in and we double dating for
Hoodie? I thought we were.Okay, I don't see he just says

it says these things. Well,I'm going. If you're going, I'm
going. We went last time hewas here. But did you check with
like the ticket person a long timeago, say you're not the only one
with an avenue to the ticket.I'm saying, I wish you had said
something earlier. I know he washaving problems with certain things. Oh he
was, Yeah, he only hadyou put aside. Yeah, just you

okay, well to toss and tickets. Well, it really always has to
do that. We got to talkabout Ben and Jay. Okay, I
just have a quick update. Yesterdaythey went to Ben's son's Sam. He
had a twelve year old graduation ceremony, and I just have to say that
j Lo arrives separately from him withher two kids and sat separately at the

graduation, which is a little weird. Why why go at all? Yeah,
and I'm still wearing their wedding rings. The whole thing is just what's
going on. Lisa had a greatidea justin off the air. She said,
Tom Brady and Ben Affleck should hangout together. Right, think about
these two guys, extremely brilliant,extremely talented, and extremely single. Yes,

yes, yes, yes, andall that. But but but but
I don't think Ben diets all drinkslike a fit. He'll be ripping but
all the four he's not following theTV twelve method, no furposites of track.
This could be the new TV twelveera. Okay, imagine if Brady's
rippin' bucks with Ben Affleck sitting ona park bench. That's awesome. Hey,

We're brought to you by Dover rugginHome Rugs and Carpeting for today's lifestyle
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the people who know them, Andthere you go. The Celtics are one
win away from NBA Championship eighteen.Tom Brady had the greatest speech of all

time at Chollette Stadium. The RedSox beat the Phillies. The weather is
beautiful. How could you not behappy and in a great mood today.
It is never going to get anybetter or more exciting than it is right
now. Hey, Lisa, howyou doing. We're back with the Villy

and Lisa in the morning. Kiss. Oh, We've got so much going
on this morning. Let's start righthere is the Lona del Rey ticket tag
okay tickets for the Lona del Rayshow coming to Fenway Park. And we're
looking for somebody, and that somebodyis uh Kiara Battle on Instagram at Kiara

Battle on Instagram. You need togive us a call six one, seven,
nine three one. Oh wait,you only have fifteen minutes, So
if there's somebody listening, who knowsat Kiara Battle on Instagram. You need
to reach out and let her know. She's got a call. She's got
fifteen minutes six one seven, nineto three to one one one eight and
while we wait, you want sometalk back chest and let's go. It's
such an exciting time in Boston,Boston sports. We had the Celtics last

night, the Tom Brady Hall ofFame induction. I mean, this is
just a crazy time. Boston sportsare on fire. They hate us because
they ate us? Is that simple? Yeah? Who hates us? Everybody
the day the day? We don'tknow who they there it is again they
well, that's obviously a classic Patriotsline right there. They hate us because

they ain't us, and we whenwe were winning. But yeah, good,
what an amazing night for Tom Brady. Congratulations to him. He would
well up and it would just tugat my heart. Oh he is the
goat and we love them forever inour hearts. Real men do cry.

That wasn't that That was a momentin time that we will probably never see
again at that level the most,That's what it reminded me of last night,
Like, Wow, this was reallysomething special and I'm glad that they
took time out last night to makesure we all remembered how special it was.
And no one else would fill yourlet stadium for that event, right

except Tom Brady. The most emotionalmoments for me were the Randy Moss,
the standing ohe he got, andhow emotional he got when Tom Brady was
talking about his hero, his dad. Yeah, that's a that's a that's
an amazing moment when that happened,when the little kid asked him about his
dad, you know previously you know, who's your hero. And then it
was really cool to see his dadwatch that video, you know, and
say, you know, every fatheraspires for this to happen. It's funny

you say that. So true,Okay, I told you. My youngest
son, Dylan, came by thehouse. We watched the Brady thing together,
and when Tom was doing the dadthing, is my hero? Dylan
turned to me and said, Dad, you're my hero. That's so nice.
I could not listen. Listen,I always, Oh my god,

I just I couldn't even speak forabout ten minutes. Yeah, anyway,
yeah, it was. It wasamazing. Sorry moment, it's all right,
it's all right. Listen. Iwas thinking I was watching that Billy
and I was like thinking in myhead, I'm like, wow, he's
so right, especially for every dadout there, and it's Father's Day weekend,
it's a good time. And thenthey went to the close up of
his dad, who was really youknow, that was a great moment.

Yeah. I always joke that,you know, my son thinks everybody is
cool, but me and I dreamof the day when he can when I
know that he thinks that I'm cool, you know. So yeah, it
was. It was a great momentthere. Oh, what a beautiful morning.
Oh what a beautiful day. Goodmorning, it's the mayor of the
South. Then, well, whata day yesterday. I was crying at

the Tom Brady tribute. I hadto take a shower after the care and
read trout and I was clutching mypearls at last night's game. I have
two words to say, Quack quack, bring on the duck boats. Have
a great day everyone. Yeah,I love you so much. Away with
words does Yeah, And I shouldhave added that all those are what's called

talkbacks. If you're a new listenerto the show, it's a way to
leave a voice message on the iHeartRadioapp you have to be streaming. Kiss
want to wait live. There's ared microphone that you tap. You can
leave a message. And we lovehearing from our audience, our regulars,
but I also want to say,if you're a new listener or someone that's
never left a talk back, wealso want to hear from you. It's
kind of cool you can join theshow and get your voice heard on the

radio. Right, Bill Black Andwe're still waiting for the call. You've
got less than ten minutes now,six seven, nine three away, Lisa.
Okay, here we go. We'vetalked about Brady, we've talked about
the Celtics, and now it's timeto talk about the Karen Reid trial.
And Catherine Loftus from Loftus and Loftusis in studio with us. She always

joins us the morning after testimony.And I think we've all agreed on one
thing behind the scenes, Catherine thatwhenever we're watching the testimony, like Lisa
does, every minute, like Winniedoes every minute, we feel dirty.
Yeah. I think everybody. Theymake me feel dirty. Even the mayor
of the South End said it acouple of seconds ago. He has to

take a shower. These people arecreepy. It's you know, it's unfortunate
because you know, as you guystalk a lot about here, there is
this case is really supposed to beabout John O'Keeffe and what happened to him
that night, and what has happenedto the case instead is it's been taken
over by all of these problems withthe civilian witnesses, with the police.

It just feels like it's never ending. And listening to Michael Proctor yesterday,
you know, obviously we heard fromhim the other day and then continuing yesterday,
it's just it's it's a reminder thathe I don't think, ok really
was the focus of No, itwas the police investigation. Yeah, completely,
So do you think after proctors youknow, the two days he was

on the stand, was conflict ofinterest established a thousand percent? Especially yesterday.
I mean we got into a littlebit on Tuesday, but or I'm
losing track of the days. Iknow, right whenever he was on the
stand the last time we got intoit. But to me when I first
was hearing about it, in thisalleged conflict of interest, it was hard
to know was how tenuous was it? You know, did they know these

people. What the connection was thefact that he Proctor is interviewing Julie Albert,
who is very good friends with hissister, and then he's he did
a cold case with Kevin Albert,who's a detective from Canton for three months,
and it's like, I get it. Probably the basis of it is
a professional relationship, but as everybodyknows, you can have a close professional

relationship. Even if that's the basisof it, the fact that he didn't
recuse himself really taints everything that onehundred percent. And the level of interaction
with Kevin Albert and what was discussedyesterday about the level of drinking, driving,
losing badges, guns, and thefact that Proctor didn't think that that

was a problem. Well, Ithink you know, listens, as I've
said before, I am I amsomebody who really supports the police, and
I think the police often have adifficult jumbs, especially in today's society.
They get a lot of pushback almostall the time from everyone. But the
the converse of that often what happensis is they like kind of band together
and insulate themselves. And when youdo that, and you you know,

you protect each other. I'm notsurprised that the cops are drinking and driving
and doing whatever, because when youhave a badge, you know, things
are a little bit different. Yourcop car though. Yeah, I mean
I've left myself phone arrest exactly.I've left my cell phone a couple of
times. A loaded gun really,no, he never left a loaded gun.

Just now, did you get mygun? Thank you? No?
And I think that goes I thinkthis in a way. You know,
people who are in the system,none of this shocks me. Like the
text messages from Proxiy, they weremuch much worse than I thought. But
I'm not shocked that they're texting aboutdefendants. You know, they're doing all
these things. I guess the eyeopening for people totally because I never thought

that this kind of stuff at thislevel would be happening on a case like
this, basically when you're the leadinvestigator. So for me, I like
I always feel like I'm sitting onthe jury. I was shocked, and
I will say this, that doesn'tmean that this happens across the board.
And I was. You know,I spent almost eight years in the DA's
office in Steffolk County, and Isaw the very very best of the best

and particularly homicide investigative is when Iworked in the grand jury and they're not
all like this. This isn't todisparage all police, but I do think
that there are problems within the systemand what this case is doing in many
ways, even outside of you know, Karen Reid and John Keef, is
really bringing to light the issues.Well. I mean, I'm from Norfolk
County. I've lived in Norfolk Countymy whole life. You guys nails in

right, and it's just so dishearteningto know this is who the lead investigators
in all of the Northfolk County.I'm like, oh my god, if
I ever got arrested, I'd bescrewed because he wouldn't even look or vice
versa. If something happened to me, and he's the guy that's trying to
figure it out, I'm like,Okay, well we'll never know. I
guess he doesn't really care to findthe truth. He just wanted to have
an answer. Well, I think, and that's what you know, what
we've been talking about kind of thepast couple days, this idea of what

tunnel vision really is. And Ithink that you know, you get a
little bit of evidence so maybe youget yourself sixty percent towards Okay, we
think she did it right. That'sfine. You can keep continuing down that
path, but you can't stop lookingat everything else. Like for example,
when he got the text messages fromBrian Higgins, those the self disclosed between

him and Henry, they should haveinvestigated that, and maybe if they investigated
that, they might have been ableto rule that avenue out. But the
fact that they're so lock and stepoh no, we already have the answer.
And even though there's these like questionablethings where that's what tunnel vision is,
you stop paying attention to anything elseof what you are. Do you
think that this practic situation will nowopen up the It's it's like opening up

Pandora's box on other cases that hemay have worked on. It definitely could
and should. It's hard to knowwhat is going on with him because you
know, he said he's still workingin the Norfolk County District Attorney's office.
It doesn't sound like he has beendisciplined. I know we talked the other
day about the internal and FEA hasinvestigation, and because if that's still pending,

then there hasn't been a conclusion,he can't be questioned on that.
I would be interested to see whatthe formal conclusion of the I A investigation
is and if there is a formalconclusion about what he did, then he
can be asked that on any questionon any you know, cases that he's
going forward. And he's on theBrian Walsh case. I don't know how
big of a role. I don'tknow if he's the lead investigator, I
don't know how big of a role, but most certainly it affects and they

can go backwards a little file emotionabout this about you know, I'm not
you know, you might be.I feel like Justin and I were discussing
that earlier this morning. Yeah,was there any kind of a bombshell yesterday?
I don't think so. I mean, it was just more of to
me, what the point of thatwe're supposed to all kind of get from

Michael Proctor is that he had anidea in his head, he came to
a conclusion. Obviously, we heardover and over all the terrible, disgusting
things that he said about Karen Reid, and that really was the point.
I mean, that really was thebombshell was that, look at how he's
speaking about a criminal defendant, youknow, And to be honest, you
know, I think it's it's goodfor people to see this kind of stuff

because it doesn't you know, unlessthe defendant fits kind of the narrative and
make you know, I mean,with all due respects, she's an educated,
pretty white woman. This stuff happensall the time. You know.
I don't pay it. You don'tget the news. So I think it's
important for me, That's what we'resaying. Like Lisa, and I'm like,
there's so many people that are eitherlow income or African American or Spanish

or something that they don't fit this, they fit whatever, and they don't
have the means, you know,true, they don't have. And not
only that, often people don't believethem because people do inherently believe the police.
And again I believe in the police. You know, I'm not trying
too, but I think it's itis important to be able. We have
to be able to say both thingsthat like, the police do a lot
of good work, and there's alsoa lot of problems within the Is Karen

Reid paying for that high price lawyersomebody's paying I don't do for attention.
Well, I think I think thisprobably I know this go fund me is
I know some I think came fromher parents. I imagine there might be
some sort of deal with you know, a media, whether it's Netflix or
HBO or some there could be somesort of like a Barry Gaine on the

back end. I saw that meanand Lisa found Alan Jackson on LinkedIn and
he was an executive, a produceror something on Ray Donovan or like a
show. US used him as likea I don't know, a liaison or
something. So he's that kind ofgig. Totally just had your hand in
the air. Oh, I wasjust going to say, I was told
that that it's about six thousand dollarsa day for Karen Reid to pay for

her lawyer at her hotel just tojust keep going. It's around six grand
a day, and it's raised mostlythrough, like she said, go fund
mes, and you know people donating. I mean, I wouldn't be surprised.
I would assume. And obviously wedon't know how they worked out there
free agreement, but you know lawyersof that caliber, you're paying four five
hundred, six hundred dollars an hour, you get three attorneys, you have
the you know, the av guy, you have the people you know PR

on the back end, all thelegal you know, the associates. There's
a lot of money. It addsup. So yesterday and the day before
they were talking about this the medicalexaminer and how the findings were inconclusive.
So when will we see the medicalexaminer hit the stand? So I expect,
so we'll have we have Sagenttality ontoday. He started at the end

of yesterday. I would think wewould have her on maybe tomorrow or maybe
at the very beginning next week.I think moving forward, it seems like
we should wrap up the Komwall's case. I think within the next week by
finger, because we really now justhave the experts, so with the medical

examiner, the accident reconstructionists, thecelebrate experts. So I think we're going
I do think it's interesting as muchas difficult as this case is for the
komon Wall, and I feel forAdam Lalley because he was handed this and
he has no choice but to youknow, address it, but he is
presenting. He sandwiched Proctor between Buchanic, who I think came off pretty well

and Tally, who was so farcoming. Well, so he's trying to
sandwich you know, the really badstuff between you, you know, the
two seemingly more credible. And bythe way, if the medical examiner can't
come up with a conclusion, whatdoes he do she? She or she
or they? Do you mean interms of what like what? Well,

okay, I mean tell us whathappens? Yeah, well, and I
think we don't want them to makea conclusion just to make a conclusion.
I think that's the augment, isthat they were you know, the jokes
going back and forth with Proctor andthe other trooper like you should have gone
in there, this and that.Obviously in the medical examiner and the police
do work together because they have tohave some sort of understanding about Okay,

how did you find this body?What was around them? And that helps
form the picture, right, Butultimately, if it's inconclusive, then it's
inconclusive. You don't want you don'twant them to form a decision just in
order to fit let's you okay,So Catherine gonna hold you over because topic
time, and if you have questionsfor Catherine or questions about the trial,

call six one, seven, ninethree. Wait justin they send it talk
back out. They're coming in hotand heavy. If you want to get
your question in for Catherine, doit right now. iHeartRadio app tap that
red microphone Karen Reid and topic timeour next. What is the topic today?
We're going to be talking. Billyand Lisa present topic time, talk
amongst yourself topic time? And istopic time? We've got Catherine Loftus from

the law firm of Loftus and Loftus. And on social where do they find
you got to note my objection TikTokmainly, but everywhere you can find me
note my objection blowing up on TikTok. Billy just loves saying that. Let's
go to the phones, and we'regoing to start with Cassidy calling in from
Middleborough. Cassidy, what do youthink? Hi, good morning. I

just kind of question regarding the jury. What do they do? I mean,
I know what's ongoing and it feelslike everlasting. But are they allowed
to see their friends and family?Yes? They are, so they're not
sequested. This is a question Iget quite a bit because it's such an
extensive case. They probably should besequested theoretically, because it's so hard today

to avoid you know, talking topeople on social media, on the news
like this case is everywhere. It'shard to avoid it. But I think
they probably would not have found ajury if you asked people to be sequested
in a hotelity. It's a bigburden to ask people. But otherwise the
jurys can just go about their normallife. Well, we lost a jury
yesterday, so one left. Sonow it's ten women and six men,

right, yes, right, so, and so that's what the alternates of
force, so that at the endof the close of all the evidence,
after the jury instructions, only twelvewill deliberate. So out of those sixteen,
that's always the worst pot to haveto sit through all of them and
then not be able to make thisquickly. I have a question, dumb
question, likely no dumb question.Did the jurors get paid by their companies?

Did the companies have to pay them? I would expect that anyone who's
on the jury is getting paid orit's not a financial burden. So that's
usually the significance. Not every employer. The employers are not mandated that they
have to pay, but many oftendo. Justin you had your hand in
the air, so Catherine, theycan possibly go on social media, watch
the news, and talk to familyand friends while they are on the jury

for this case, so they're swornnot to, okay, and so that
it's really it's really hard. Butwe actually just had this issue in the
Sinai of case, the Boston Bamba, because they're reevaluating the guilty verdict because
one of the jurors allegedly went onsocial media. So I do think that
once jurors, especially on really seriouscases, for the most part, I

think they take I like to giveeverybody the benefit of the doubt. I
think they take the oath seriously.I think they know the consequences of you
know, what would happen if theywere found to be you know, sears
at. I did anyone catch Whenproctor finished, he turned to the jury
and said, thank you jurors.I wanted to vomit. Yes, that's

like a lot of people have askedquestions about certain witnesses turning to look and
talk to the jury's that's kind ofan old school way of you know,
especially with police, is that they'retrained to look directly at the jurors to
thank them. That's sort of standingthe prosecution, you know, it's prosecution
the jury. No. I thinkthat's just probably the way he was trained.

It's got to be a tough job. I was a juror on this
case, I'd be like, peace, I'm done. I can't hear any
more of this. This is thishas gone on too long. There's so
many holes. Yeah, it's alot, and I'm hoping we wrap up.
The judge said we would be hopefullythe jury would have it by the
end of June. So I wantto see the experts. I've been waiting.

Yeah, that's what's common. Lisonand I were just talking about this,
that the Komwalth really has spent thevast majority of the case trying to
disprove the defense theory, which theydo have to do because it's out there.
They can't just ignore it. Ithink most likely, I know this
sounds crazy, but that the majorityof what the komwalth is relying on is

starting now, probably with Brian Tullywith the accident reconstruction experts, her cell
phone, her nightline and interview tocelebrate all that kind of stuff. I
think they believe the strength of thecase is good. On the stand yesterday,
I thought, and he came offand it juxtaposed with Michael rat He's
exactly what I expect of a homicidedetective, is somebody that you can rely

on until we see the experts inthe courtroom. We have our own expert
Catherine Loftus and studio, as wedo after every day's testimony. Let's go
to Christine and Milford. You havea question, Christine, Oh, yes,
kind of a question, kind ofa theory. Now they brought it
to the Canton sally Port because theysay it was heated. I'm wondering why

they were shoveling snow out of theheated sally port. And my theory is
that they originally probably backed her vehicleinto the sally Port and then realized that
the tail light would show, sothey pulled the car back out, and
that's when all the snow fell offher car, and then they turned it
around and pulled it in forward.Interesting theory, I mean, it's certainly

a theory. I don't know thatwe have seen anything to support that necessarily.
And I also think that that youknow, from my perspective of looking
at his testimony, Sageant Buchanic,that would also necessarily require that he was
in on it with Michael Proctor becausethey are together and they are making the
decisions, and he's the sergeant,He's really the one directing it at that

point, which and I don't findI found him largely to be credible and
not part of this you know theory. So up, it's Airy Heather from
Behavioral You're up next, you everquestion? So I'm wondering, apart from
the whole Karen Read and O'Keefe murder, there is a whole bunch of police

officers that are committing crimes, rightso, they're serving alcohol to minors,
they're getting into police cruisers after they'vebeen drinking at a bar. Will there
be any ramifications from the followut likethat they're doing all of these illegal things
and they're supposed to be health tothe same moral standards that the rest of

us are. I mean, therewon't be any criminal liability. I mean
we would have to go back intime. And but in terms of you
know, Brian Albert's already retired.Who knows what's happening with Brian Higgins and
his employment with the ATF. Iexpect something will happen with Michael Parker,
but I think it again goes tothe facts that look at all of these

people at different times. So wehave Kevin now but Michael Proctor, Brian
Higgins, Brian al but Karen Reidwith John O'Keefe in our passenger seat like
she was comfortable enough driving because shehad a cop in in our passenger seat
like, And that's that goes tothis kind of they feel like they're immune
from everything often and because they oftenthey are, it seems that way justin

talkbacks, Hey, guys, I'mexhausted from watching the trial yesterday. I
don't know about you, guys,but I don't know if I can take
any much more of this. Ithought it was interesting yesterday when they asked
about Colin's whereabouts and he was justtold that Colin wasn't there, And you
know, Alan Jackson asked him,did you ever investigate to make sure that

he was telling the truth? AndPractor's like, no, And I think
that goes to the I think thatgoes to the conflict, right because ultimately
he shouldn't have been on this case. He shouldn't and we don't know who
we were that too. If hereported it at all, he had way
too close of a connection the factthat you know he had been that they

had been at his parents' house,Chris Julie Colin, even if it was
younger. You know, those arethe things that I don't automatically equate necessarily
with this idea of a cover up, but it is it's putting the blinders
on. And the reason why whenyou have a conflict you have to take
yourself off is because you can't beneutral, you know, right, you
can't down every possibility. Right.My my impression is, and again I

don't watch it all day like somepeople, but my impression is they blew
the investigation and they're blowing the courtcase so right, So they blew the
investigation because the lead guy, wellit was a mess, had created a
mess for them, and then thekarm wealth is really left with what I
mean, they don't have any otheroption but to present it the way they

have. I you know, thekarm wealth believes that Canry did it.
So even if you have bad evidenceor you know, bad troopers they have,
they believe in their case and that'swhy they're going forward with it.
But ultimately it taints everything. Andthen in the eyes of a juror,
when you have a lead investigator actingin this way, not taking him off
a case that he's clearly conflicted outspeaking about a criminal defendant like this,

It's I mean, how do youfind any of that reliable? It seems
like a lot of people are likegetting tired of the whole thing. They
wanted to move along. Doesn't thejudge have the ability to say, Okay,
guys, we got to move thisalong. Let's let's make a plan.
So that's what she's trying to do, and she does it. I
actually think she's doing it both withAdy A. Lally as well as Jackson

and Ynetti. Is that all right, let's get to the point, let's
let's keep moving. We still haveto do the wider of these experts from
the defense. That's going to takea half a day. We have next
Wednesday off. She already told thejury you're going to have the case by
the end of the June. SoI think she's kind of in this mode
of we need to move this alongbecause you know who wants to be here
after July fourth. Lisa for Milford, you're in next What do you have

for questions? Hi, guys,I just want to know what constitutes a
mistrial or a case being thrown outof court, and if this in any
way could go in that direction.No, so I there's been argument and
people have asked about whether this couldcause a mistrial. From my perspective,
I don't think it could. Whatit ultimately goes to is the weight of

the evidence that's being admitted in court. The judge has if obviously, if
the defense were to move for amistrial, the judge has to analyze it
through the eyes of the law.Their case is going so well, well,
I don't know why you would everwant a misstrialey because the likelihood is,
you know, she looks looking likeI'm not guilty at this point,
so you wouldn't want to start this. If it was a my stroll,

we'd have to try the case allover again. But ultimately, these issues
are for the fact find that.That's the jury. That's why we have
a jury system. That's why it'smade up of random people of your ps,
so they can evaluate, peace bypiece, the weight of each evidence
and come to a decision. Lisa, you have a question before we go
to Lisa on the phone. Well, we were talking off the air about

the grand jury and how we gotto this point, and the question was
did the grand jury hear the textfor Michael Proctor and did the grand jury
hear anything from the medical examiner?So the grand jury most likely heard something
from the medical Well we haven't seenthe minutes, but they would have heard
from the medical examiner. They definitelywould not have heard Michael practice texts because

those came from the federal investigation.So the original state grand jury was in
spring of twenty twenty two, andwe didn't have Michael practice texts that came
out from the subsequent investigation. Butlike we were talking, they could have
taken a different route, and Haykein time taken a month, taking two
months to really investigate the case,put the whole thing in front of the

grand jury and come out with itfor you know, like like I said,
they didn't have to charge it rightaway. They didn't have to.
They really the tunnel vision to meis the strongest angle. Justin back to
the talkback, it's just one morefor cats when we really have to go.
But I want to get this onein. Hey, good morning.
My question for from Loftus is this, is there a lower or a lesser

burden of proof that the Commonwealth hasto prove in order for someone to be
indicted, because I'm trying to understandhow Karen Reid was ever indicted to begin
with. It's not a different standard. It's still probably cause. So the
same standard to issue complain a districtcourt is that is probably cause, the

same as it is to issue anindictment and superior court. The difference is
in superior court often those chilges can'tbe handled. So you can't try somebody.
You can't try somebody with murder ina district court. It has to
be tried in superior cod court,so it has to be elevated. Ultimately,
we have not seen anything relative.They need to prove intent, which
is what they're tried to here witha second degree mutterer, that's an intentional

crime. We need to see evidenceof that. We have not yet,
but I will reserve to the endof the comals case another day of testimony
today. We're expecting any bombshell testimonytoday, I don't not that I know
of. I think Tully is onthe stand to kind of try to smooth
things over his best, settle everyoneback in and then you're going to be
back in here tomorrow morning, Iwill be God. It's amazing that we

have you after every day's testimony,but thank you for being in. On
your way out, you've got toget a slice of banana Brea at least
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