All Episodes

June 19, 2024 • 37 mins
Happy Juneteenth! Hope everyone is getting some sun and staying cool during this heatwave!
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Hey guys, welcome back. It'sthe Billy and Lisa Morning Show on Juneteenth,
by the way, and in themiddle of a heat wave, and
we thought, hey, you knowwhat, since the heat wave is such
a big story in the news andsuch, we're all sweltering, why not
have a hot summer game. AndWinnie, did you invent this game?
Or yeah, you know, meand producer Riley puts together. Nothing crazy.

I don't think they're that harder questions. Okay, these are summer questions.
Yeah, they're just there are questionsaround the summertime. See right away,
Lisa's got the look of stress onher face. Well, when I
think summer, I think like bathingsuits and pool It's just gonna be all
those things. He let's get intoit. Hot dogs, ice bats,
you never know, barbecues, grillingand chilling. Let's play it all right,

let's sex on the beach. Okay, all right, the summer game.
Take it easy, bell time,it's paint time, baby, daytime.
That's goodtime. All right, Lisa, I'm gonna have you go first.
Are you ready? Yeah? Okay? Can you please name one of
the zodiac signs that falls in thesummer. Leo that's you. You're a

Leo. That's August baby. Wait, so hold on, it begs the
question do people still pay attention tohuge? So? Yeah, so our
friend Gandhi used to work here.Now is the big time Elvis Durant in
New York. Right on the ElvisDuranto. They do horoscopes every morning.

You're kidding me. They read allof the horoscopes. It's a big deal.
And yeah, it's really great,is all it is. It's all
over social also cancer Virgo virgo.Yeah, all right, okay, Bill,
hold on, what do you andzeb sitting in the ice path talking
about astrology signs? I have avirgo tattoo? Oh my god, I

love that. Did you get thatin jail? I did? How were
you not beaten in jail? Actually? Actually I was. There's another story
of another day. Go ahead,don't go okay, Bill. What does
SPF stand for Skin Protection Formula?Is it Sun Protection Factory? Yes?

Lisa with the steel with the steel, I didn't know that one. He
never used it in my life.Okay, all right, justin yes,
ma'am like fireworks up there in NewHampshire. Are you so we're going next
week to get a whole hundreds ofdollars worth. Do you know what country
fireworks originated in? Oh my god, hmmm, I have no idea.

I'm gonna guess. How about uh, Turkey? The United States? Was
that? It's okay, Turkey,it was China, right, China?
I forget that. I don't knowthat they feel like I feel like they
shoot fireworks in Turkey. I thinkthey shoot each other. Okay, who's

next, Lisa? Okay, okay, Lisa. What month is National ice
Cream Month? Oh? Is itJuly? It is July? All right?
Every time we play these games,I picture Lisa sitting in the front
seat of the class. I knowit well. She's a summer baby.

Yeah, yeah, that could be. Why you know what summer of love?
Of love, no rat face love. It's hot road in summer?
All right? Bill? You ready? Yeah? On what one of two
dates does the summer Solstice occur?How do I know? Can you give

an answer before Lisa steels June second? I got June? Yeah, literally
tomorrow or Friday? You shouldn't know. You should have known that one.
But summer party in Hingham. Shehad an edge on that. Okay,
just didn't do it a summer Solsticepart. It's beautiful, a World's End,

It's really beautiful. I'm ready,yes, okay, I'll give you
this one. What you which USstate has the average hottest temperature on average
average? I'm gonna have to sayFlorida? Yeah? Wait? Did I
get that right? Oh my god? Alright? No, should we do

the last round very quickly, veryquickly, although Lisa is the certified winner.
But we can play for fun.So you go to World's End for
the Solstice party. It was reallyfun, don't other was like a picnic
party. You lay on blankets ahead, go ahead, all right, all
right, all right, okay Lisaready? Oh wait, I lost?

I lost already. I think Ithink we're at a time. I think
it's no because billies they get crazyabout the summer. It's like, you
know, the Kendon microphone. Noone ever knows when he's talking into the
candid microphone. Hey, I setyour summer in a swing. What does
that mean? Set your summer intoswing? You mean swing into summer?

Who's this genius? Doesn't even sayThey won't even put their name on it.
They're so humiliated by their lack ofintelligence. The Candid microphone sorry,
I'm still locked into people sitting onblankets. So this is a really good

story. A South Carolina teen gotinto a horrible car accident, was unresponsive
in intensive care in a coma.He loves Zach Bryan music, so his
friends got together started playing the songRevival, and then the teen started responding
and it's now going to be whyit's unbelievable. Wow, So it's the

teina big Zach Bryant fan, absolutelyhuge fan, huge fan. Amazing story
in kind of a last last ditcheffort. I know, because he was
he was unresponsive to death. Yeah, in the song Revival revived him.
Wow. Really cool. By theway, Zach Bryan going to be at
Jellette Stadium in a couple of weeks. Is he part of the country fest
that's coming in with Kenny and ZachBrown or is that a separate show that

I am not sure because I'm nota country fan, but I know our
own producer Riley is going to thatshow. There you go. Uh.
This I saw over the weekend.I saw the video of this story.
This was in the Utah so youget a picture this. A couple was
getting married the very next day andthey were in a panic to get all
the furniture to the apartment right,including the mattress. So they have a

pickup truck and they put the mattresson the bed of the pickup truck and
the fiance, the woman, decidedshe would lie on the mattress to keep
it from blowing away in the wind. Well, the wind came while they
were driving down the highway and themattress with her on it, went flying.

Wasn't really thinking, just was thinkingof the fastest possible way to get
the mattress from A to B,which just happened to be throwing the mattress
in the back and putting liddy ontop. That sounds great, I'll just
hold the mattress down in the backof the truck. I remember the whole
thing other than landing. I flewout just screaming. And then I remember
just rolling on the street. I'mlooking in my arview mirror and I see

my fiance rolling away from me.First thought was that she had died.
A lot of people were able tooverlook the stupidity and it really come and
support both of us from the timethat we needed it. Yeah, this
is even worse, and you knowthe guys that you know walk on the
street with their girl or wife andthey let the girl walk on the outside
of the street. You never dothat, They're like yeah. And also,

you know in a hotel room ina bed, you know, I
always sleep closest to the door.Yeah, this is worse than that.
Yeah. Picture this. They weregoing fifty miles an arrow. Yeah,
she went flying. She went airborneand then ended up going to the wedding
with all of her bumps and bruises. She had missing teeth, and they
she still walked down the aisle.I love this one. Her arm was

in like a cat emergency dental workin the hospital to do some bonding.
And what's cool about it. Atthe wedding, I just got married like
nothing happened. It was like unbelievable. I just imagine that conversation. Now,
honey, can you just lay onthe mattress, I'll drive. It'll
be fine. Just hold on.Yeah, it'll be fine. It's gonna
be fine. Don't worry about it. We gotta get it there. We're

running out of time. We're gettingmarried tomorrow. Oh man, what have
you got? Okay, So Iactually saw this video on the internet and
it's easy to me, but ithappens more than you know. There's a
woman in North Carolina that had along term Airbnb renter. They rented for
like six months and their you know, time was up, like last week
at the end of May. Wellshe went to have the cleaner go and

they said to the cleaner, oh, don't you know, don't We're good,
don't come here. And she goes, oh, should I come back
tomorrow and they were like no.So they have not left yet. So
it's June tenth. They have notleft. They're not leaving. And they
said now they had to evict.They said to the owner, you have
to evict us now. Yeah,Billy has a weird obsession slash fascination with
squatters. I don't know what itis. But now they're refusing to leave

until we there's an eviction order.I think they're just trying to gain time
to stay there for free. Imean, I'm counting on this income.
My son is in college. I'ma single parent. It's wasted my time,
it's wasting my energy, it's stressingme out. Yeah. Here's here's
what I don't get about the wholesquatting thing. I see I told you,

Okay, all of the laws benefitthe squatter who does not own the
house, which is unbelievable to me. Yeah, the owner has no rights.
It's their home and the squatter hasall the rights. Call me crazy.
And the squatter knows that they havethe rights before they squat and they're
taking advantage. Good point. Yeah, it's a whole process to get them

out, right, they should beeasy. You don't live here, get
out, remove them. Can't evenimagine what I would do if I were
in that situation. They would neverhave another day's piece. Billy would set
the house off. No, imagineif they were squatting on your boat.
On the boat, Oh yeah,they would face a hell worse than hell.

You would sink the boat. Yeah, no, I wouldn't be that
nice. Oh, because they'd havetime to get off. Billy would walk
on the boat right, and thesquatter would be in there on his bed
sneakers on feed up. Yeah imagine, and then I have no rights,
not my boat anymore, really,Billy, Billy, I'm the captain now,
yeah, yeah, Oh God,don't get me gone, save me

on this. No, it's hi, Hi, all right. So a
seventy one year old and his accomplicestole more than twenty eight hundred boxes of
rare and expensive Legos. They weretrying to resell them on some website,
but he was caught and arrested.Investigator say thirty nine year old Blanca Goudino

and seventy one year old Richard Siegelworked together to steal thousands of boxes of
Legos then sell them online. Theiralleged crime spree dates back to December.
Turns out legos are common target.Just this weekend, we learned about another
string of Lego thefts at bricks andminifig stores across southern California. Who would
have thought legos? Yeah, yeah, but seventy one years old, you're

stealing Legos. That's when you gottatake a look. Look in the mirror.
Billy steals from the store. Hestill water. They're just too expensive.
There's no excuse for the price,and they don't even last long anymore.
Yeah, they've cut the life inhalf on batteries. I don't know

how they do that technologically. Butnow you hear the term repo man,
right, and it sounds very oldschool. It does, but the repo
man still exists. That's the guywho's hired to come take your car because
you didn't pay your bill. Okay, and the repo man in Indiana who's

an assignment to repossess a car,and he did. The problem is there
was a seven day old baby inthe car, know, the client car
with her daughter in it old fortI believe another female is in a great
car following how I thought new boybaby. Yeah, so you know,

I was. I was listening tothis this morning and producer Riley is with
me, and I thought to myself, wow, that's a crazy story.
And then producer Riley says, whywas the baby alone in the car?
And obvious question. Yeah, soI went and looked it up and apparently
the parents stepped away from the carwith a new born and left the newborn
in the car and the repo mancame into Is it a shock the cars

being represented all they have got problemstuck there? Yeah? Yeah, yeah,
Okay. This is an interesting combinationof food. Have you guys ever
thought of slabbing ketchup all over akit cat? No? No, well
apparently it's a new food trying catwith ketchup. Surprisingly good. Well,

I have my doubts about this,but let's give her a try here,
kit cat, ketch up, Iget in the nooks and crannies. Does
a government know about this? Thisfields that's so gross? Okay, we

do have we do have access tokit cats and ketchup. I kind of
want to try it. Would youtry it? I'll do it right now.
I'll do it this commercial. Butthey'll get kick cats. Okay,
well we'll wait on that. Ihave a quick, quick, quick bonus.
One billy refused to do this weirdstory. He made fun of me
for pulling it. But I wantto do it because I think it's cool.
Okay, the price is right.I love the prices, right,

I love the prices right. Hedoesn't love the prices right. A record
was set. I saw this lastshow. Yeah, this contestant, because
you know, they have to kindof guess what the cost is of the
prize. In this case, itwas a car and a trip to Miami,
thousands of dollars. The guy wasone dollar off, one dollar,
one dollar, he said, arecord. Think about how long the price

is right? It's been on TVcrazy a trice. Your wife is on
the edge, right, A specialmachine, a trip to Miami and a
Kyak five. You've been thirty ninethousand, five hundred dollars actual price.
So let me tell you, no, thirty nine thousand and five. Oh

one's been fine. See I wouldhave done the story you told me it
was you know what, you knowwhat one hundred. I'm the cutain down,
all right. So usually we doour topic time at seven forty every
morning, every day, a brandnew topic. But you know what,
we're gonna throw it in here becausethis was a really good one. A

lot of discussion on this. Doyou snuggle with your partner or not?
Are you a snuggler, Jennifer?You big snuggler at night? My husband
is yes, So how are youall? We're doing fine, Jennifer.
So do you snuggle through the nightor just before you both? No,
almost all night long. And ifhe does roll away, it won't be

long before he rolls back over andhe's smothering me. I do love it.
I feel loved and cherished, andsometimes it does get hot. It's
a good thing. I'm going throughmenopause, so I'm too hot for him
sometimes, so he'll have no choicebut to get off. He's the snuggler,
He's the cuddle guy. Oh soyes, very much. So he

adores me. Oh, it's verynice. And we've been married for over
ten years. We're going on fourteenyears being together. Wow. So yeah,
it's a fabulous union. Snuggle nakedif you don't mind my asking.
I do. But he's a lotbigger than me. Like, he's tall
and so I'm little. I'm likefive to two and he's six three and

he towers over me. So it'sway easier for him to snuggle me than
he just salary. The reverse spoonwouldn't work too well. It's hard,
but he does love it when I'llturn around every once in a while,
I will and he's like, Ilove when you do this. Meek.
God, you guys sound so sweet. I love that. Jend No,

good call, Jennifer, Thank youvery sweet. Yeah. By the way,
a message for the talkbacker whose husbandis growing back here. Yeah,
you get it waxed. No,I'm getting mine lasered. It's permanent.
I'm done with it. I'm doneshaving it. I'm going to nurse Fiona.
I think when he's bringing me tonurse Fion, I'm getting lasered off.
Well, his poor wife, Imean, the man shaves once a

week. So it is. Oh, I didn't know you had a lot
of back hair. Okay, Iwouldn't say a lot changes my whole but
anyway, anyway, it's taken offand you'd be like a dolphin in bed.
It's awesome. You know. Evenwhen I get it taken off,
I'm not listen. I'll snuggle up, you know, good night. But
after we say good night and Itell her that I love her, I

roll over the other side of thebed like an adult. Okay. Yeah.
Not only that, there's a pillowthat I put in the middle usually
because she's on her phone when Ihave to go to bed, because I
get up, you put a barrier. She calls it the wall. Yeah,
I can that. I have thewall. Boy that said on the
walls up Justin's he's out just thenight. Well, the snuggle, you
know, the snuggling thing too.She doesn't always want to snuggle with me.

You know why I snuggle. Iknow that your snuggle always leads to
sex. So what's wrong with that? Shouldn't it lead to sex? Well,
sometimes you just want to snuggle andyou don't want to have sex.
What's the advantage of that? Justgo the line to Laverne Laverne. He

snuggle, yes or no? Absolutely, after thirty two years of marriage,
we still snuggle. Oh. Ilove that this is the secret to your
happy marriage. Well, are youhappy? Absolutely? He's the best.
He is the best, and he'smore like the other lady. He's more
of the snugglers than I am.And I do love it because you feel

loved, You feel like he stilllikes me after thirty two years. You
feel like you're taken care of,and I am. He's the best.
His name is for Watt, Sothere's a shout out to Watt. Okay,
fad middlew African Africa. Okay,calmed down, we're gonna are we

gonna make ourselves. Yeah, we'regot to make ourselves feel better here.
I'm definitely not a cuddler. Iwill cuddle with my husband for like five
or ten minutes. We will havecuddle talks and whatnot, but nope,
I need my own space. Ihave to go to sleep alone. It's
too claustrophobic. I need to justbreathe, and that's what makes our marriage

work. I agree, Yeah,Michelle space. I think I could be
wrong, but maybe I should startsnuggling. I don't know. No,
she doesn't want to be smothered byyou. I just don't want to hear
the words get off. Yeah,you never want to hear. You never
want to hear that. Yeah,turn over my husband and iron bed.
I joke half joke about wanting thatbright blue painter's tape down the middle of

the bed. Stay on your side, I'll stay on mine. Don't touch
me. I just want to sleep. I'm sure you're thinking, Wow,
what a lucky guy. I mean, there's a time and a place for
the other and that's fantastic. Butwhen I'm ready to sleep, hands off.
Oh yeah, you never want tohear don't touch me. There's no

recovering from that. Just don't touchme. What. Yeah, but then
again, we've got a fifty fivepound dog in the middle of us between
them, I don't Yeah, that'syou've got a third person in the bed.
That's the irony. Titus is abig snuggler. Yeah, you know,
so you're struggling, just not witha human exactly. Okay, all

right, so you are a snuggler. Your wife just doesn't want to stuggle
with you. Yeah again, maybeshe does, but I'm just a f
I wonder what would happen if youtook the titus out the bed? Would
you guys snuggle? I don't know. I think she likes her space.
Again, I fear the words,yeah, get off? What about you?
Lisa still climbs on top of meall the time. So I used

to love to snuggle with my husband. It was lovely, and then he
started snoring too much, so notso much anymore, but we loved it
when we did it. No,you can't snuggle with it just starts happening.
Usually the snore ends up down thehole, usually on the couch.
Yeah, it's really bad. Whoew. The cuddling was going to be such

a big thing. You can alwayscuddle with Fred. You know they have
that show Dahmer on Netflix now andhe's a serial killer. They might have
one now called Fred Cereal Cuddler.Hey, everybody, well, come back,
it's the Billion List, the MorningShow. Don't forget the Justin Timberlake
double play. We haven't had awinner yet this morning, but it's gonna

happen before ten o'clock, right,Justin guaranteed. And the Karen Reid Trial.
Here's the situation. So they hadthe day without a jury, and
today there's no court case right Lisexactly. But tomorrow we're gonna have Catherine
loft Us back in to recap what'sbeen happening this week, right during the
Wader day. But also hopefully we'regoing to hear tomorrow the voicemails that Karen

read there for Johnny. I cannotwait to hear these. I want to
know what the smoking gun is,right, there's got to be something there.
And the prosecution is expected to restat some point. They're thinking maybe
Thursday. Maybe Alan Jackson will gethis turn on Friday. Friday is gonna
be a half day, so Ithink that might start off with the defense's
case. And then he's saying heonly needs four days. So does that

mean the jury will get the caseby the end of next week? It
could happen. Yeah. Is trooperashe just slaughtered on this stand the other
day? Yeah? I now callhim Timu Paul because he looks like he
was ordered off. Tim But Ido want to say that to the people
that you know, a lot ofpeople ask questions, they send in their
questions, they call in on thetalk back, and I always feel bad

because we can't get to everybody.So I want to say this. If
you have questions about the Karen Reidtrial, anything at all, you can
leave a talkback right now for Catherinetomorrow. Just download the iHeart app.
It's free. You search kiss whena wait, you listen to us live.
We're fun, I promise, andwhen you know, you tap the
little red microphone and send your question. I feel bad and I can't get

to them all. And we're alsotapped into all these little idio secrecies around
the trial. Like the other daywe were obsessed with the woman with the
thing on her face that talks intothe well. She's the stenographer. But
now yeah, and now she doesit like an audio file. It's the
new technology to cause a severe rash, seems like it. Oh god,
I think in like a lot ofaaz or something around your face. Oh

man, crazy. So Catherine Loftuswill be in tomorrow seven fifteen. But
in the meantime, oh my god, Billy justin Timberlake. Here we go.
Oh my god, this is thisis song one right here? Yeah,
and well, who knows, itcould be any minute. I want
you to think about this. Haveyou ever had a prank done to you
on April Fool's Day or not?What up? Guys, justin here and

good morning, Welcome back to theshow. This was a fun topic that
we had pranks. When I camein this morning, you guys are saying,
have you ever been pranked? Youhave any good prank stories? And
I couldn't really think of one,but then it hit me. Wait a
minute. Several years ago, right, Donovan, I went to Vegas for
the very first iHeartRadio Music Awards.Yes, which is so ironic because it's

coming up again. Right, Well, first, but yeah, so you
were going to Vegas and you broughtyour best friend, Dookie, who's been
on the show before, and Mattdecided that he was going to prank you
at the hotel, the hotel inVegas. Okay, again I wasn't here,
I was in Vegas, but you'vegot a clip of what happened on

this end, right Yeah. Well, yeah, so so Matt called the
hotel and mind you, you're goingwith your best friend, two guys in
a room that you know would havetwo beds, right the Blago Hotel.
Hi, Mary, can I havethe front desk please? Thank you,

thank you for calling. Pleasure fromdesk. This is clean. Yeah.
Hi, my name is William CostaBill Costa, and I'm going to be
checking in uh this afternoon, partof the iHeart group, and I wonder
if you could help me out withsomething. I'm traveling with a male UH
companion, and we had an awkwardexperience last time we traveled. So could

you just put me down for aone king sized bad? So they don't
ask Cormer standing there because my friendis sensitive? Oh sure, a problem?
How do you still your left names? C O. S t A
Costa first name William or Bill?D O s c A No t A
ok. C O S t ACosta first name William or Bill. Okay,

it's gonna look that up really quick. Yeah, and just put a
notation that automatic pet. Okay,I are you looking for smoking? Non
smoking? That would be non smoking? Your all set? Okay, thank
you, we'll see you this afternoon. I'm very excited. Never stays in

Vegas, they say, right,whatever happens in Vegas? What's the expression?
So wait? So so what happened? Okay? So again, I
had no idea this happened on thisend with Lisa and Matt. Right,
no idea. So I walk upto the front desk in Vegas, the
Belasio Hotel, and and she givesme my room, and Dukie and I

take you. And if you've beento Vegas, you know it takes forever
to get to the room. Thehallways are like three miles. So we
get all the way up to theroom with the bellhop who's taking the luggage,
and and then we opened the doorand we walk in and immediately Dukie
and I look at each other andsay, Okay, this is weird.
This is gonna work. Like hell, there's only one bed, he said.

He said, I don't know,is there are a problem. I
said, well, I mean we'renot together. We need two beds.
So he picks up the house phoneand calls down to the front desk and
they say, oh no, theythey made it very clear they needed one
bed, and they you know,they just didn't want to be embarrassed that
one of them was a little sensitive. Was probably his first gay trip.

Billy was so mad that he hadto walk all the way back down to
the lobby and and get their tworooms. Yeah, because I'm arguing wing
at the counter when the woman says, no, I have it right here
in the record, Sir you are. You are Bill Costa from Boston and
part of the iHeart group, andit says right here specifically one bed and

you're right, Yella, I'm notgay. Okay. I don't know about
the guy behind me, not thatthere's anything wrong with that, but he
and I are not an item andwe're gonna need two beds. So now
they had to put us in aseparate tower because it was a very busy
weekend with the iHeart Award time.Billy doesn't know that it was right.

And then when I called into theshow, you know, Matt Lisa say,
so, how's it going in Vegas? Kind of a thing, and
I'm saying, you're not gonna believewhat happened? And then I come to
realize it was them. Imagine whatBilly was saying, Like the doochie did
not stop talking about it. Doyou believe that that's a really good one?

Now? It wasn't there one downthe hall at them in show that
really went viral so to speak.Yeah, So, you know, before
I worked on this show, Iwas a producer for Jamming and it was
Romero and Santi and Ashley who hadjust started as a host of that show,
and so the prank on April Fool'sDay was that Santi and I were

going to get into a fistfight becausethere was ongoing tension with us because Jen,
who was my wife, now shewas my girlfriend. This is in
real life. She thought Sanchi wasbeing a bad influence on me, honestlyably,
Yeah, so that was an ongoingthing, so it would make sense
that we would kind of have words. So, you know, we kind
of got into a studio and actuallyhad to come into the studio, and

I have the audio of us fighting. We can hear the panic. You
can hear the panic in her voice. She had no idea, right,
but then you can hear me screaming, like talking to it to my girl

girl. So we're fighting. We'reliterally I tackled them. I was punching
them. Yeah, and she's screaming. Romero came in. We had it
was a whole thing. Was likecrying, she was crying, cry,
well, mind you to she juststarted this jump in these And the other

part of it is, you know, they kind of knew my past a
little bit, so that makes iteven more kind of realistic. Yeah,
you don't want to just I gottaknow hypothetical. I mean, come on,
you know you gotta be careful.Honestly, I would say justin kind
of soft. Yeah, I'm surehe'll give it the old college try,

but you never know. A wrappingthings up on the Billion Lisa Show on
this Wednesday morning, justin here andone final moment to get to I love
this one, talking about the worstpickup lines you've ever heard. Some of
these are just crazy. Please don'tever use these. Hello, how are
we good? What's going on?Fiona? All right, so my pickup

line, I don't know if it'sgood or not. I get turned off
by it. My name's Fiona,so they'll be like, oh, can
I be your shrekn Like, ifI go on my dating app, fifty
percent of them are something about Shrekand like, my mom did not name
me after Princess held I was bornbefore Shrek. That's what might always That's

always my response. Yeah, like, it's enough about Shrek, and how
are you doing in the dating world? She's still looking for a Shrek Yeah,
that's it. That's it. That'sa bit corny. And this comes
from like the all these women submittedthat their best, worst, most creative

pickup lines and they compiled them all. This is where this came from.
I can't believe some of these dudessay this. This is crazy and the
most insulting pickup lines category. Wow, I love your outfit. It would
look great on the floor of mybedroom. I've heard I've heard that one
before too. Did you fall fromheaven because your face is pretty messed up?
Oh my god? All right.Her name is Blake, she's twenty

seven, and someone actually said thatto her. Oh my god. Yeah,
that's crazy. Oh what about thisone to Sura who's twenty six?
When are you going to hit onme? When are you going to hit
on me? Yeah? There aresome really lame guys out there. This
one more. Can I ask youa question? Sure? What's up?
Are you a beaver? Excuse me? Looks up and it looks her up
and down because damn okay. Ohthat's right. God. Now remember why

I started. Yeah, when heactually became a lesbian exactly. Let's go
to Haley Haley the best door ofworst? What have you got for us?
Hi? And so I have thisreally funny one. I was at
school and some came back up tome and he goes, are you a

taco because I'm gonna fill you upwith sour cream. Oh my god.
Okay, oh my god. Idon't know if that was clean the radio,
but we'll just keep it moving.Oh boy, I just took a
turn. Oh my god. Yeah, we're gonna keep it clean. Here.
Here's the worst pickup line. Youremind me of my little toe.

I'll probably bang you later when I'mdrunk. That's great. That one was
pretty good. That was pretty good. The weirdest pickup line I had was
I was sitting in a bar withmy boyfriend, who had stepped outside to

smoke a cigarette. We're just drivingthrough town. We stopped to have a
quick drink and a gentleman approached meand said how much I said for what
he said to the night? ApparentlyI was in the world kind of bar
that does happen. These are prettygood. The word second line I ever

got was when I worked at alumberyard and one of the warehouse guys came
up to me and said, Hey, I haven't been able to have an
erection in like a year, butI was walking around and I thought of
you, and I felt a littlesomething. You think you'd want to go
out. I don't know if Iwas supposed to play that that. Oh

my god, the Hailey one wasreally Yeah, that one was crazy.
I think I think that, youknow, the the general idea is just
be normal and just be yourself andjust say hello. The worst pickup line
I've ever heard was how much wasa bul of bear? Way? Not
to break the ice? Hi,I'm insert name, you know, like

an icebreaker. That was terrible.Best pickup line is a simple high don't
don't try any thing fancy, justintroduce yourself. Don't be weird, you
know, not that I think ofit. My wife Michelle constantly tells me
that my line to her was andI don't believe I ever did this,
but she says, I said,hey, so I'm lactose intolerant. You

have any advice? And I'm like, why would I ever say that?
Wow, you're cornier than even Shehasn't given that up. I'm like,
I never said that. She's nota liar though she's very Oh, I
think you totally said that. Yeah, what does it even mean? Wait,
you picked her up with a cornypickup line. Oh, you should
be on this list, Billy.He is number one on the Lie Number

one. Maybe I figured it wouldtrigger a conversation, never have been like
why would I say that? Youjust just be yourself and just say hello,
Lisa, how you doing. What'sgoing on? Yeah? You know
what's going on? Lisa. Let'sgo to PAM line one. Uh,

Pam, what have you got forus? Hey? How are you guys
today? Good Pam. So Iactually met my husband on an airplane and
I had seen him in the gateand I was like, God, this
guy's pretty hot. He's a prettygood looking guy. And I was the
last one to get on the planeand I was walking down the aisle and
I'm looking counting my seat numbers,and I'm like, oh my god,

I'm going to sit next to thatguy. So I go to put my
bag up in the overhead compartment,which of course was way too heavy for
a two day trip. And myhusband's a pretty big guy. He's actually
a detective lieutenant with the now StatePolice, and his armwards in my seat
and I was subglant to get mybag up and I like literally fell down

into my seat and he pretty muchcaught me as I was falling down,
and I sat down and he lookedat me and goes, Hi, my
name is Bob. I think we'regoing to be friends and we've been married
for ten years. Bobta go Bob. Yeah, thank thank you for the
call. Pam, my name isPam, Pam, Pam. I'm saying

Pam. I'm sorry. Who's thisgentleman sitting behind you? I think I
might be able to help with thePan Pam dilemma. Yeah, that'd be
great. Pam, Pam, there'sno d it's Pam. Sorry, step

brother. Oh god, oh man. So many good pickup line stories on
this on this Thursday Good morning.I literally had a guy use the mirror
in your pocket pickup line one time. Is there a mirror in your pocket?
Because I can see myself in yourpants
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