Episode Transcript
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In the Morning's Dirty on the thirtyAll right, Shannon, what's going on
in the Dirty on the thirties one? Well, Allegedly, Travis Kelsey has
told Taylor Swift that he wants tospend the quest of his life with her.
You can barf now, Moto time. Just weeks up to the couple
cour in the Bahamas. Why wouldI think that he wouldn't. The woman's
the wealthiest person in the world.I want to spend the rest of my
life with her. So they werejust in the Bahamas on that very romantic
little vacation, and a source tellsme this convo happened. It's actually happened
a few times in fact, andsupposedly she told him that she feels exactly
the same way. No official proposal, obviously, but I think we might
have to place them on an engagementwatch at this point. We're approaching their
year anniversary of dating in July,so we'll say for that, do you
think she gets like a huge ringor something like? Does she buy it
her modesty? She gets a bannedYeah, that's what she does. Do
you think that she herself? No, No, he's shy. They have
their people go by it. Right, No, I think he would do
it. Really, he'd go withhis mom. Really, he would have
the jeweler people show up to hisloft or wherever he lives, correct and
pick you from the comfort of hislazy blade. Yeah. Yeah. Angelina
Jolie's lawyers have made some new bombshellclaims about her ex husband, Brad Pitt.
Her legal team filed emotion yesterday afternoonin support of her ongoing legal battle
over this French winery that they own, Chateau Marravol, and it was in
that filing that Angelina's attorneys claimed Bradwas physically abusive toward her before their twenty
sixteen plain incident with their kids thatresulted in her filing for divorce. Her
team was referencing that flight from Franceto California, in which Ange previously claimed
that Brad was quote physically and emotionallyabusive to her and the kids in flight.
Really, we heard mostly about hisactions toward the kids, but now
this was a thing in their marriage. The LA Department of Children and Family
Services, if you remember, investigatedBrad when he landed and was cleared.
Well. Yesterday's filing was submitted inthe hopes that a judge would release all
of the communication that will allegedly prove. Brad wouldn't allow Angie to share her
portion of Chateau Merrival unless she agreedto an expansive NDA. Angelina's lawyers claimed
that Brad wanted her to contractually bindherself to that silence about his alleged personal
misconduct, this physical abuse, whetherit was related to the winery or not.
So Sorry, Euphoria fans, theHBO show is ending with season three.
They want to go out with abang, They're hope, and to
pull off one final run to wrapit up. Despite all of the repeated
production DeLay's, HBO announced last monththat it was once again pushing Backett's plan
to begin filming later this spring tolet the show's cast, which includes Zendeia,
Jacob Lordi, and Sydney Sweeney,pursue other opportunities. So Seaton three
is it? That sucks because itwas a good show, But like,
you can't screw all of the actorswho had other opportunities. They're all like
the hottest stars and how over atthe moment, at least we're getting season
three. No, true, it'sbeen like three years. Yeah, And
lastly, Neo just announced a brandnew residency in Las Vegas. Kind of
I hate when they call it aresidency. He's literally going to be there
the second week of August. That'sit. Tickets are on sale now.
What it's called the Human Love RebellionResidency. It's going to be taking place
at the Encore Theater at the Win. So does he do like a full
week though? That's it. He'snot doing like a night there. He's
doing no, it's more Yeah,it's okay. It's a handful of shows.
That is a residency. It's Iguess you could call it a mini
residency. Do you think that thisis a test the water thing to see
if he does well, Let's seeif they bring him back or do it?
They do that a lot with artistwhere they just give him like a
week. I know they usually likewhen there was artists like Celein down there,
they would have people fill in forthem for like the weeks that they
were off. Yeah. Yeah,for all of today's ditty. Listened to
the podcasts on the iHeartRadio app orMojo in the Morning dot com call me
she got Me. That's why Ilove her. He's celebrity directly from the
source. In the morning, it'sdirty. On the THIRTI