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May 24, 2023 5 mins
The guys are back and think they know why Cates is so adamant about them doing a PMS Before the Show Podcast, which leads them down a radio rabbit hole.
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Episode Transcript

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It's time for a short but it'sback p ms before the show podcast.
I mean short because you guys goon the end of a few minutes.
Well, it's never really that long. I mean, you know, short

compared to what your legs in thatpicture when the fu Yeah it was a
bad angle app Okay, yeah,everybody people talking, but the way that
you've been living. So here's thedeal. We like doing that before Well

I'm not saying no one's saying welike it, but doing this before the
show podcast is important because there's beena lot less content on The Petris and
Money Show this week because the showshave been short. Now, tomorrow's show,
which would be Thursday, May twentyfive, will be a full four
hour show. We have had alot of short shows and Tim likes to

check the podcast numbers and flex hismuscles that the before the show podcast is
getting more likes or whatever or moredownloads than other podcasts so to speak,
like full fled shows. Kates,and it's understandable he's producer, you know,
Kates gets boning and understandable that Katesgets bonused on pad podcast downloads.

The better job he does, themore money he makes. It's like walking,
and it's like walking. Listen,Matt, it's like walking into a
needle at halftime at USC Kates can'twalking into the building without getting slapped with
a bonus. We got one foryou. Here's some money, Kates,
here's some money. I want yourdaughters. She don't gotta work in no
factory. Yeah, maybe you don'tgot to work in no factory. It's

not a straight check that is cutto Kate's. But my understanding is you
get entered into a drawing where youcan win a lottery of sorts. Yeah,
like you could win a prize thatwas provided to one of the fms
like a year or two ago,Like, hey, you get X number
of downloads, you got a chanceto win something. So, Matt,
are we talking like like a tenthousand dollars gift card or something like that,

something that you bring us at leastten thousand dollars worth of business.
Okay, we will enter you intoan opportunity to win a one hundred dollars
gift card to Amazon dot Com.It's that kind of arrangement. Yeah,
that doesn't sound That sounds like I'mgetting nailed by the kid a little bit.

I mean that you know what Imean that times I heard you wrong.
I believe you told me if Ibrought you ten thousand dollars of business,
I might win one hundred dollars.That we're referencing something that happened at
the company. It was like somekind of award for salespeople. And I
believe even when they set it upthere on stage, there was a very
weak smattering of a plug. Ithink it was not well to see.

And then the very back of thetheater, what the fuck it was talked
about that day on the air.There's no doubt. There's no doubt about
it. And they, you know, they've continued to beat our cheeks things
like that over the last few months. But but yeah, Tim gets a

bonus when the before the show podcast, don't you Tim or something? You
get? No, no, Butthey did ask for suggestions last month,
and the best four suggestions are gonnaget gift cards for their their prize.
What suggestions. I guess they didn'tlike my suggestions. Hey, all your
asses need to come back to workfive days a week, all right,

yeah, yeah, good in theoffice, lazy asses freaks. And then
my other suggestion was for all thosepeople who actually came in during COVID and
sacrifice their lives and their family memberslives by leaving their homes and working every
day. All those people like us, they came in every day. We
should have to park on P twoever, all right, never ye with

you on that case. I'm withyou. I was on P two yesterday.
What the what is this? Yeah, okay, it's let it out,
sealthy. Did you watch the healthyexercise take? I have to go
past through the tanks and the differentcheckpoints that I had to go through the
National Guard with my emergency card inmy letter. You have to walk past
where that lady pooped all over theplace. Oh yeah, that's right.
Every day we had to go pastthose checkpoints, guys, just to get

the way to drive those freeways withthose challengers and those chargers going two hundred
miles an hour, risking our livesduring COVID. Don Martin told each of
us soon the National Guard's gonna movein. They're gonna come upon the area
and moving slowly like a noose.You will need this identification card, my
man, in order to get pasttheir blockade. You will need this.

This will be your key to freedom, all right, do not lose it.
The iHeart Media Special plastic Card ofFreedom. I still have the emergency
card I remember a critical operations employeesof one of the low points of my
life. Shannon Farren posted a pictureof it on her Instagram, and I

sent her a text like, Hey, I don't think you should post that
up online. Someone could copy it, and she wrote back, you fucking
idiot. It's a dumb ass thingthat I Heart made. It's not a
government document, have you. Ohguys, the show's about to start here.
We gotta go. Oh crap,we gotta go. All right,
see on the other side,
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