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February 27, 2024 • 78 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Sure. Welcome to our coverage ofChilicope High School sports on fourteen ninety AM
and ninety two point seven FMWBEX.The Cavaliers are brought to you by Where
Funeral Home, Tomlinson Insurance, AdinaHell, Ohio University, Chilicopla, Monroe's,
Framan Collision, and Hower Funeral Home. Our coverage of Chillicothe High School

sports starts now. Bucket. Ifyou ever won, welcome to tournament Basketball
Central District, Division one. I'mgreat, thank them. Cody list alongside
as we follow the Cavaliers on thetournament trail and they opened up Cody,
they picked up good and open itup on the road at Neuur eighteen and
four an now standing team. Yeah, fourth ranked team in fourth seeded team

in Division one Central District. Theirlast of the Frontier Athletic Conference teams in
this drill for the boys' side.So they're task with going in and carrying
the conference panner. So it's nobig deal here. Actually the fac I
think Jackson bead Hills growing in butturned around and I lost the other night

Logan Elm upsetting Courthouse and then theother night getting to win over Unioto.
But in the meantime, Miami Tracewas knocked off by a point. So
a lot of those FAC teams lostsome close games, but very early on
in the tournament trail. Obviously inthe Central District the dates are a little
bit later. They don't seem tostart quite as quickly. This is a

first round game. And again withthe Cavs and the Logan, they both
moved to the Central District because ofno other D one teams in the Southeast,
and it makes for a tough tournamentdrawl. And we were up here
a couple of years ago and itwound up being a running clock. It's
a very talented team and probably oneof the better teams they've had in a
while. Newer and you were talkingabout coach has been here forever. Yeah,

the head coach, Draft Quackenbush isfor twenty fifth season at his alma
mater, four hundred and twenty ninewins overall in his tenure coaching the Maroon
in White. So he's again playedhere. He played at Saint Bonaventure,
has a number of their school recordsthere here as well, And I think

he was inducted into the New YorkHigh School High Hall of Fame in twenty
sixteen, if I remember reading everythingup yesterday. So he's got a great
program. His son Jake will betalking about him. He's one of the
starters on this squad, sore yepMan, So they'll be a I mean,
they've got a program here that you'dlike to see, and he's been

an institution here at Newark and Chill. Cothy's just looking to hopefully get a
good win, a good game outof this and maybe find a way to
maybe advance into the next round.And the winner of this game goes to
Dublin Jerome. I believe if we'vetalked obviously a lot about the Cavaliers,
a young team. They won sevengames at times late in the season,

They've had three freshmen on the floor, and I thought they had improvement their
last game. They had a tendays off and went to Central Crossing last
Tuesday night, and I didn't thinkthe Cabs looked as sharp. You could
tell they've been off ten days now, seven days later. Hopefully a little
better effort tonight, but they're gonnahave a tough matchup. But I thought
they were in a lot of areasgetting better. To be truthful, we've

talked about this a million times.I thought, this Cavalier team has gotten
better and better. Yeah, theythirty two minutes, there'll be two or
three stretches of three, four orfive minutes where they don't play well and
it cost him the game, especiallyagainst a team like this the other night,
that they didn't have a whole lotof good stretches against Central Crossing.
But how for the most part thoselast ten to eleven games, you see

some improvement. I think deep down, I mean coach Coach Beer is not
gonna say, hey, we're starttalking about next year. He's got a
game tonight and he knows he's beenaround the block. But deep down,
you just keep hoping. And youjust said it, you hope, you
hope they keep getting better because thefuture could be real bright, especially with
this new where they won't be Divisionone next year. Yeah, hopefully not

for them for division not being inDivision one, But yeah, that's the
thing you looked at. I lookat how they played late in the season
this year at Lancaster and compare thatto how they played late in the season
last year at can Now Winchester,and you could tell there were different teams
and even like last night or lastTuesday. Yeah, they had their rough

parts, but there is a lotof this team where they are a lot
better than what they were this timelast year. And that's gotta be something
that not only Pat Beer but hisentire coaching staff and this program have to
feel like they are. The growingpains have been worth it, no doubt

about it. And we shall sayagain it's tough and counter tonight all the
way at Newark and Chill Coffee Bustdid a better job find the gymnasium than
I did, but we finally madeit in and we're just a couple of
minutes away from tip off and certainlyjust a couple of medicine introduction lineups in
our national anthemy let's get our firstbreak in. You're listening to you Chilli
Coothy Cavalier Basketball on the Home ofthe Cabs WBX, and we will be

back after this first time out ona preaking show. The expert team of
specialist at the Adena Orthopedic and SpineInstitute is proud to provide leading sports medicine
care to student athletes and active adultsright in our community. Our advanced medical
team and experienced Adena Athletic trainers areready to help you relieve pain and regain
your strength and mobility. We dowhat we love so you can too.

Call seven four zero seven seven ninefour five nine eight or visit a Dina
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A location conveniently situated in downtown Chilcoffee, and the familiarity of the community they've
been serving since eighteen ninety one.Let the folks at locally owned and operated
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fifty years, the Haller family hasbeen here to help families in our area
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site crematory, and most importantly,with their carrying and dedicated professionals. Each
individual's life is unique, and selectinghow her funeral home ensures their tribute will

be just as unique. Howl herfuneral home helping families remember, share and
heal. Back at Newark High School, Katz and the Cavaliers and tournament action,
Nework comes in eighteen and four nineto one. I believe, as
Cody said, coach champs, theirdivision of the occ Calves come in with

a seven and fifteen mark under PatBeard expecting for the Calves, Van Miller,
Kateen Eplin expected to get to startinside the only senior for the Cavs,
Cooper Stone, King, Cam Badger, and freshman Cayden Cox expected to
start for the Calves. Newark expectedto start senior Steel Meister Meister is their
leading scorer average about eighteen a game, sophomore coach's son Jake Quackenbush, Brailey

Brris a junior, Ty Gilbert issoftball, and Austin Rose a junior,
So they only start Meister as theironly senior eighteen and four. Their future
looks pretty good too, Cody,Yeah, I definitely had only three seniors
on this roster, but yeah,meister at the University of Finlany signing for
basketball and a lot of sophomore andjuniors on this varsity roster for them,

Yeah, I said. Now it'sour official announcements being made or about such
for action. Right now, let'stake another quick time out too. We'll
be back with the official starting lineupsafter this break. Untangling your headphones,
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the game. Being a locally ownedand operated business means a lot for a
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compassionate staff that understands the weight ofyour loss with the ability to handle all
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a new favorite chart. That's simplehuman sense. Hi, this is Andy

Tomlinson, your local auto owner's agent. Give me a call today at semboroh
seven three four one eight one.Yes. Back at Newark High School,
Greg Big and Cody Lice coverage ofthe Cavaliers and are opening tournament game there
on the road, the pretty longtrip obviously for the Caps to make all
the way up to New York.Tonight we gave you those unofficial starting line

ups and right now where we setfor the official introduction. The line of
The important thing is we've been backand forth for the last month on Daniel
Schism or Systems, the last name, So we keep getting difference of opinions.
But we double check tonight and itis system which we had been calling
Daniel. But we should have listenedto. We should have listened to Essa

Vanessa's the boss. Yeah, sheteaches him in class, and she's we
get the number of angry texts.Hopefully, hopefully she's listening to. I
got here tonight in the BA announcerwas asking one of the caves and actually
one of our parents, and hegoes, it's skiss him, and I
go, oh, no again,we go again. Uh but we actually

Forbes Samley is keeping the scorer,keeping the book sports went out on the
floor because hey, Daniel, onceand for all. Yeah, Daniel Goby
says, we need to know thatbecause Daniel be around next year obviously hopefully
for football and basketball for the Cavaliers. We gave you those lineups correctly for
the Calves one Miller, Kayton,Evlin, Cooperstone, King, Cam Banger,

and Kayton Cox FORO Newark, AustinRose and Junior, Ty Gilbert sophomore
and Braylen Morris, Black and Bushand the only senior and leading scorers Steel
Maisterer for Newark. It's like camBande's gonna jump center. You know one

thing about the Calves. We haveprobably the most very colorful shoes of any
starting lineup and around the area.Yeah, I was gonna say, you're
used to seeing Cam with the green, and it looks like they're more of
the mint tonight. And then actuallyKak and Cox look like, yeah,
he's got neon orange but hot orangeor something there on. Here we go,

ball up and he are We're underway, tap controlled actually controlled by meister
and the ball belongs to the Wildcatsin the dump out front. That's Morris
left Wane, it goes to Quackenbush. They rolled around the right side,
Gilbert on top, Meister guarded bringingnow by one Miller. Well actually in
the zone defense, trying to keeppressure on the basketball. I take that

back and just switching out. Driveyou down the lane. Morris drives all
the way in, put it offthe glass and go. They kept walking
around the perimeter. Morris found alittle bit of an opening, got down
the right side of the lane.Nice bank shot. Yeah. One thing
for him is he he is oneof their actually more of their outside shooting

presents. So interesting to see himget the first two points right near the
paint. Guy's running a We gotthe thrill. We'll go right wing one.
Miller now back on top Badger whitecorner. Miller gets a pick,
passing the ball and setting the pick, setting the ball screen Lee. Lee
finally will take a three bingo.I'm about that with the fresh team.

Cayden coxcuse me not leave the KaydenCox. Cox just backed off there top
of the key with the left endpressure and knocked it in on the other
end. Drive inside. Austin roseup and in on the drive to the
lane four to three Newark on topa lot of feeling out by both teams

early on a really efficient offensively atleast, and now Cox working one on
one, kicks it out to themiddle of the floor to Cam Badger,
Dam takes it to the hole,put it up and the end got by
as Man. Two nice possessions forthe cavaliers here in the early going five
before they leaded Meister left wing,Jilbert go in the corner, Meister inside

all the way in, put itup, missed. The drive to the
bucket by Meister is is almost alittle bit on the heavy side, He
surprised me. Not what I expected. Yeah, six is what they had
in the roster. So pass onthe other end, Tom Cox out it
on top of it. He wentto throw it to the wing to Cam

Badger and ye came had already wentthe other way. That was a freshman
mistake, just kind of a loose, loosey goosey throw, and unfortunately Cam
wasn't really wanting to accept it.Rus Meister right side rose off the iron
note good ice right out inside byroad, give it into the middle,
kick it back outside. Meister fakedthe three kick, said back right side,

Pree, that's way too strong reboundcavaliers good drop blocking out. That
was quacking Dish's playoff on that shot. Scoop of the stone King still dribbling
Good here jelling out forty two fivefour tabs leaded in the early going stone
King pressure picked up here by newerstone King, right corner, Miller on
top the badger, damn hooks inside, hands it the stone King guarded pretty

closely there like Gilbert, all theway back out to the end in the
middle of the floor. Reset theoffense, Miller out inside. They got
cocks turned around, shot by acocks in and out though Good got it
down on the low block and wecouldn't get it to drop. Morris springs
it down quickly, hands it outfront. Quacking bitch Gilbert pros, he

said off quacking Dish, left sidewide open. Morris, that's their outside
computer. Any nails it. That'sthe guy we were told was our outside
presence. And he kneeled down oneperfectly seven to five. Nowark on top.
Okay three for forty one, makesout one hundred and seventeen. He's

yeah, he's the volume shooter.This year Lord trying to double team and
squeeze the ball when they can alittle bit different look now stone Kings drive,
can't get the shot on top ofthe Miller gets a pick from Evelyn,
goes the other way right corner,Cox on top Badger. Four minutes
to play first quarter. Now it'sonly down by two. Now Miller takes

a contested shot off the iron,no good and the rebound underneath pick down
there by roads especially to the otherend. They get it to Morris.
Morris's come out and then they'll resetit. Give it to quacking Bush.
Now Meister CROs working around the froomer. Meister said, I'll take it three
miss it prebound cocks plush it up. Give it to Badger. Stone King

hit the deck on the way upthe core. Now he's back up and
going again. Stone King works theway down the right side, heavy traffic.
Back out the Badger. That Sohounda good bit of face he's now.
Cam tries to go into the lane, turn around, jumping by Badger.
Short hit defense by Meister forced Camto kind of fade away to short

shock him up short coast to coast, take it to the hall, put
it up in a good job byGilbert and just go in he I know,
looking at what Wan Miller was tryingto do. Tried to take the
charge and they just gave it ano call. Let him play on picked
set out front cam Badger, prettygood pick down, pretty hard. It

was Gilbert. Now we got wholesalesubstitutions Hammon and Sisson book him into the
Cavaliers and coming in is Ethan's stare. Yeah, we also got Kaylin the
wind book in four Newark back upwasn't there as Gilbert tried to find someone.

Now we get back out. Butthat's Morris quack and Bush left wing
stare. Just in the game.Now, three point shot, no good
and nice rebound by Kayton Cox upon the rebound. Cos got several rebounds
on it. I got three forhim. Yeah. Nine to five,
Newark on top down to two twentyto play in the quarter. One Miller

stops his dribble. He gets itinto the lane, double triple team on.
They're going to call kick on it. Cooper got the ball inside and
he had white jerseys all around him. Oh wow, Now we've got actually
a bout call on Jake Quackenbush werereaching and grabbing the arm up Stone and

Calves will have it underneath in theroom bucket. I'm most surprised they didn't
call kick on uh on stone Kingkind of booted off the back part of
its foot in the baseline, lostair, kid, lost control the ball,
kick it up for Newark. Theygot a three on three to the
lane, Morris all the way tothe hall up and the boy, he's
a nice looking player. District Juniorand the Cavs led five to four,

but now a seven zero run forNork has them on top of eleven to
five. Sign out chilicofy with chill. One to play first quarter. You're
listening to caves coveraging the home ofthe caves that would be exit back in
thirty seconds. One more basketball.The expert team of specialist at the Adena
Orthopedic and Spine Institute is proud toprovide leading sports medicine care to student athletes

and active adults right in our community. Our advanced medical team and experienced Adena
Athletic trainers are ready to help yourelieve pain and regain your strength and mobility.
We do what we love so youcan too. Call seven four zero
seven seven nine four five nine eightor visiting Dina dot org slash AOSI today
to get back in the game.Oh seven zero run for the Wildcats.

Caves down by six. Got alsoa good start out, A couple of
turnovers, a couple tough shocks.They've taken the last couple of times down
and they down by six. Nowfour four pressure. Now North will come
out and double steam and forced theturnover. Miller pulled it back, tried
to crosscore pass it and it wasout about nice job by Norse. They
were in the man. The manwas sent as the Calves hitting their half
court, they jumped into the doubleteam. One read it, but then

he had to throw a long passcross course. Couldn't connect. Just another
old vice pass. Yeah, acouple of those, you, meister,
wind Morris gets a pick. Morriswill try a three in and out movement.
Three down stunt came so copy bringsit down. Cooper loses a drip

and wentz. Three turnovers the lastfour times down for Chilicothee lop it inside,
almost flew it away and it dude, throw it out of bounds.
Winbush. That was a nil advisedpass. He tried to almost lay it
up. Or Morris and he feelstoo high. Morris got a hand on
it, but he couldn't control oneout of bounds run. King comes out

and Jacks McNeil gets seen for thefirst time tonight. Neils all across the
time line picked up his dribble.He's in trouble, gets his decision back
to mcdeal happy pressure outside wailing Coxdouble teams. What's the two defenders?
Colnbrowalk for travel. I didn't seethat one now. I thought he split

the defense pretty well for being thescores table in the fresh row. That's
the busiest area in twenty three gamesat the people in and out throw over
down with the Cavs have had onefour trimers at last five positions, got
five turnovers. Yeah total. Millertakes the charge on Meister, but you're
going to call block badger set tothe back in for Chillo coffee and that

is the fifteenth foul. So thatwill send Newer to the line and Meister
with the free throw says first pointof the night, and they're leading the
scores. Junior Raylan Morris has beenthe man a couple of threes, seven
points for Morris, Meister looking fortwo or two for the fowl line and

this the second one rebound scism andit to Cocks twelve five under forty seconds
to fly badge. That's bill outacross the time. I quick double team
back to Cox yea tho it away, tried to get it to Sism.
Meister brings it down two on one, take it to the hall, miss
the layup rebound battle underneath. Okay, I was just a step too slow

on a lot of this. Theywere not playing badly at all. I
left five to four and I thinkthat's five turnovers in their last six trips.
And give Newark's playing a very Theirpress looks like a man to man,
but they're thread out and they're jumpingturning in almost to the zone trap.
But they're double team into basketball andthe other black people are moving up

very quickly, and they've gotten ahold of the past several times. First
free thoughts, no good by windBush. But Newark just one to three
for Foully and this one won't matterif he makes it or not, because
he ain't got it anyway. Capstepped into lanef scene one out of two
for wind Bush and coming out quackingBush. Yeah, seeing the team go

in and not even paying attention ona free throw like that. That kind
of shows you how much the mentalawareness is there at the moment. Double
teams get it up. Now theybreak the press for the first time.
Badger takes a quick three, init out. Mcdale fights for the rebound,
knocked into the corner, wrapped thereby Newark. Down to thirteen seconds.
I'll push it ahead, Morris stops, gives it outside. Meister baseline

drives it in reverse, layup,and he and Sism collide and I think
it's gonna be two free throws forMeister. Down to five point eight seconds.
Kelly kavs let five to four nineunanswered for Newark. Then they send
Meister back to the foul line.One out of two there right now,

and Daniel saw. You could tellMeister it again. He's well over twenty
pounds. You could tell he wasgoing to go, put his head down
and go. Sism was he wasgoing, Baseline, but Daniel just didn't
get his body in front of him, and his two pretty big bodies went
into each other there. Yeah,looking at the season stats, Meister only

sixty nine percent from the free throwline, but he's attempted a team high
hundred thirty two, and he hasthe most in free throws at ninety two,
so that free throw percentage is alittle bit deceiving because of the way
that he gets the free throw linewith such frequency, makes him first looking
out, the second obviously was inthe act of shooting, made them both

the three foul shots three points frommeister five seconds. If the Cats can
get up and get a shot athalf court fired up from half Florida and
off the mark, and that endsthe first quarter, the end of one
New York fifteen and the Cavaliers fiveback to more Calves basketball after this one
minute time out. For over fiftyyears, the Heller family has been here

to help families in our area rememberthe life of a loved one, Sure
that loved one's legacy into heels theygo through the grieving process. The Heller
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Cody Lice back here at Newark wherethe Wildcats have built a ten point lead

at the end of one court.Cody, what about that first quarter and
at Chilicoffee started out two two fromthe field, but went oh of from
the remaining porter didn't attempt to freethrow. They had six turnovers. Meanwhile,
Newark five to twelve from the floor, course six from the free throw
line. Turnovers a big part ofthat first score of Cabs. Get that
bad Stretched had five quick turnovers toa one point leads with the calve went

away very quickly. Caves get theballs first, Badger drives, kicks the
Sism. That's going to be numbertwo on nice past the Saism that called
for the charge. It just reallyconsistently. It was two different officials on
the other end. I thought itwas the same play and they called blocking

at that time. Badger went inside, dished it off and it's called a
charge. But getting two different officialscalled two different ways, I actually thought
that could be a charge. Ijust thought it was a charge on the
other end. But that being said, Newer gets the basketball. It takes
away an easy bucket for Daniel Sismjump shot fifteen footer up and good bye

Raylan Morris. Yeah, that wasan easy one for him to go in
and a little wrap around. Whatdo you wrap around? Meister? And
had Sism trailing It was too easyfor him. Von Miller gets it across
the Tilne mis Man down in thecorner. Mcpeel back in the game system,

still in their Stone King Fox almcfeel drives baseline, a little bit
of trouble, picks it out,Katon Cox fake shot, spins down the
lane, heavy traffic, can't findanyone. Finally hands it off the Cooper
Stone King Stone came with an NBAthree is good. Finally breaks the little
stream Foxes that had a three.Yeah, Cox had the first one,

so two three, So the Cavaliershave six of the Rague points. They
thrilled by nine. Rose off driving, Morris put it up. No good
battle with the rebound tied up insideand you get a jump off fault.

Yeah, they tried to have rowsdown there. I think it was was
it Neil or was it uh Whellerwas trying to get their Meister Fox took
the charge, no fault and meistergone the inbounds Fast lays it up and
in gives him five nineteen to eight. Miller a lot of pressure out front
from Stare. They were the sixthman. He really gets up on you

defensively left side. Jon Miller,looking to get by Stair, gives it
back to Stone. Team gets topick some scissons. Now Cooper with a
long three off the iron, nogood rebound, pulled down by Morris.
Morre springs it all the way downwith the two on three, goes to
the hoop, missed the shot inon the bucket. Ought they'll advise they're

morest didn't really have t on.Pree didn't that much of the lane to
get down there. Nineteen to eightNewark on top kaytan Cox gets a pick.
They trap him on the right wingNew York. Perry acted defensively and
they take it again on the steel. Rose steels three on one, taking
it to the whole stair, kicksit out. Zigned does shoot a three

instead. No good at a battlewill go the other way. I think
it's going to be a bowl onKracken Bush inside boy, Newark had a
three on one. Looked like theycould have had a layup. They decided
to kick it outside for the three. Miss out and more substitutions for Newark
back in the game when Bush,now one of the starters in the first

time in the game is Body Smithsophomore Eblin back in Jackson McMeel out for
Chilicothee. Nineteen to eight lead forNewark in five and a half to play
the halftime, so the Cavs backwith Miller or stone King. Hammon back
in the game, saysm at evelinstone King trying to get an opening and

guarded closely there by Gilbert Check atthe right side Hammond for three. Gott
a good job by Andrew Hammond spotshot and good job by one Miller to
get it around the horn to givehim the open spots. Have three threes
in the game. Yeah, elevenpoints back with an eight on the drive.
Morris take it to the hole,put it up and end and coach

Stone King and Side said Mail,we could have taken the charge here and
didn't do it. Morrison makes theshot to Forrest. Has been the man
that gives him a love of thechance to get to twelve. Now,
unfortunately that's the one thing you hopethat at this point in time with the
young guys, that they are ableto recognize it. And unfortunately or not
thank the Cabs are gonna put NoahNetter in the game for the first time.

The tall lanky crushman you set tocome in eleven Newer Evelyn on topism
to Hammon. Good reversal by thecasts. Cooper look inside the SYSM on
top of the team one Miller andI mean defense for Newark. Top of

the key. Evelyn don'kay thought abouta break, tries to get biased man.
He's picked up by Rose right side, almost taken away. Eblin gets
it back to SYSM. Rose almostat the steel. Eblin grabs it gets

it back to Daniel and his brainwas a little working a little bit too
quickly for his hands and get calledfrom Palm. Good job by my system
to kind of recognize what he had. But unfortunately, this this newer team
is just very well adapted, puttinga lot of pressure at every spot in

the floor. They're great, youput a lot of pressure man to man,
but if you break away from yourman there week sites help is great.
Olur running shot inside up and goodthought it might have traveled. Gilbert
gets it to go. New York'sGOLPA lead back up to thirteen, twenty
four to eleven netder By. Theway is in the game he came into,

says them. After Daniels called forthat Turnoumber stolen away from Evelyn down
to the other end. Take itto the hole, put it up and
end. Gilbert took it to thehole, up and good and time out
Cavaliers. Jackson McNeil set to checkin twenty six to eleven Newark on top.
You're listening to Kavalier basketball coverage inthe home of the Gads WBX back

in thirty Zactu being a locally ownedand operated business, it means a lot
for a lot of reasons at WhereFuneral Home. Those reasons are simple,
trusted, caring professionals available twenty fourhours a day to help when you needed.
More compassionate staff that understands the weightof your loss with the ability to
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the familiarity of the community they've beenserving since eighteen ninety one. Let the
folks that locally owned and operated WhereFuneral Home help youure healing. Begin visit
where FH dot com. It's CentralDistrict Tournament. Greg Vegem Cody lies at
newer the fourth seeded Wildcats out ofthe Central District D one or out to

a fifteen point league a little bitpast midway in the second paride twenty six
to eleven and Tody so far,I mean, they're obviously their talent do
they have some athletes, But whatimpresses me so far at Newark is their
defense and their ability to trap andput pressure on Yeah, they force ten
turnovers so far in the first quarterand a half. They've actually turned that

into ten points against the Cavaliers.McNeil brings it up there's the double team.
Jackson gets a top of the keyto Eblin. Nice break of the
press there. Now stone King wenton long guarded by Meiser. Now he's
quicker than Meiser, but try toget him from opening. Now a double

team is starings out. The doubleteam passed along the head to him and
gets it to Ebblin down to netterNetter double team him and steps to the
corner. Hayton Eblin for three offthe iron. No good. Jackson McNeil
got a hand on the rebound,tips it to ham and caps keep the
basketball under three minutes. Stone Kingheavy traffick inside, nice scoop try there

and heavy traffic couldn't get it togo. Newark wants to fast break with
it. Bring it down quickly outfront of meister left side with the ball
at Gilbert back out. The meisteron top goes down the lane, stops
up with a short jump or missfit, and the rebound Chila Cofi. Good
defense by Chill Coffee going in,staying straight up and being able to cause

it to one and done. Doubleteam on stink King gets it to Hammond.
That stuntching double team quickly again andyou didn't get a foul in the
double team. Colton Peterson just intothe game for the first time and he's
called to the fountain as soon asCooper Drumbling gets his men. It was

Peterson jumped out double team, buthe reached into the found our Cooper with
the ball again down in the shortbaseline to Netter. Now Hammond Andrew double
team back inside. Nedder kicks itout front and McNeil for three. Nice
job by Jackson McNeill. N nicedish from Know and net are going in
recognizing from the top of the key, he's able to get it. Meister

takes it to the whole, runsright over net Or, put it back
up on the rebound and end.Wow. I no, I didn't really
try to take the charge of meister, And so there's about an eighty pound
wake dip between Meister and Netter andmister just make contact. Is Setnilla climbs.

Now it's eleven turnovers in this firsthalf. They're just again it's just
being coming more and more overwhelming thatthis newer Wile Cat team is playing not
only full court but even just threequarter and half court is where they're really
finding that zone of pressure that Chilcotecan't handle by time the four stupid and

not being able to advance in thefive seconds stare hand off inside, Gilbert
throws it all the way back outsideto Morris. Hand off, drive down
the lane, kicked to the leftcorner, Gilbert back out front Morris,
Morrison and off to Gwindo. NowMeister is looking to go and Morris open

long three, Morris being go.I'll tell you I'm impressed with the team,
but Boyd Bradley Morris in place ofbasketball, what a good shooter in
junior about five eleven, excellent player. It's thirty one to fourteen. We're
under a minute to play in thefirst half. Seventeen point advantage for the

Wildcats. Cox help a pressure outsidenow Hammond started by Morris, Cox runs
into Evelyn now hands it to Kayden. Hayden back out to McNeil on the
wing. Now the corner, Hammondpressure back out, Cox fake drives inside,

stops fifteen footer by Cox up bouncestwice and won't go. Ayden had
a pretty good look at it.Twenty two seconds Meister up, Morris fakes
goes banksline traffic back to back ontop. Good reversal right side three in
and out. No good ice down, Nolan Etter. It's gotten no good
by Stare eight seconds in the finalshot here Thatller got you out in double

team Jazz may not get a shotoff McNeil one second, puts it up
and almost banked it in from thevolleyball line. That ends the first half
of play. Intermission, New Yorkthirty one, Chilicothe fourteen. We're listening
to Cavalier basketball coverage on fourteen ninetyWITBX back in two minutes with score in
stats. Untangling your headphones, findingthe right remote, saying goodbye to your

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four five nine eight or visiting Dinadot org slash AOSI today to get back
in the game. Creg Vigam andCody Lives. We're at halftime in the
such the District Furnaman matchup in Divisionone with the Cavaliers traveling up here to
Blicking County Tabs A got off toa good start letter early five before and

then the New York defense has beentremendous. It's almost an it's almost a
mixed demand demand, but so quicklyout of it to trap so you'll have
a man responsibility. But they readthe trap so quickly and rotate a lot
of defensive pressure and of course fiveturnovers and six possessions and gave Newark a

chance to get out into the lead, and they maintained that lead. They're
up seventeen here at halftime, lookingat scoring first of all four the Hometown
Wildcats, their leading scorer Steel Meisterhas seven. Jake Quackenbush, who started
sophomore, did not score, AustinRose with two points, Ty Gilbert with

six off the bench, Win Bushwith a free though, and the guys
made them go has been junior perimeterplayer Braylan Morris instead of junior. He's
got fifteen, and he can shootthe three. He can go in and
pop the fifteen mid Rayton Jeopard toget up high or get all the way
to the bucket. He's shown theability to do all three. He's got

fifteen, almost half of the NewYork points fifteen of their thirty one four
Pat Beard's Cavaliers fourteen points. Fourof those or twelve of those points have
come on four to three pointers.Hammond with a three point shot and mc
deeal with a three point shot,Cox a three point shot, stone King
a three point shot. The onlytwo point field goal where Chillicothy was a

drive to the bucket early on byCam Badger. And the Cavaliers have not
saw. We'll check with Cody,but I don't think they've st any free
throws yet in the ballgame. Correct, So thirty one to fourteen and Cody's
got some numbers over there to lookat and one of those that hurt the
cab did better towards the end,but turnovers hurt him, especially late in
the furs. There, Yeah,five turnovers in the second quarter, eleven

overall in the first half. Neworkhas turned them into ten points off of
those eleven Cavalier Misku's calves five tofourteen overall from the floor, four of
eight from deep and like you justsaid, they have yet to make an
appearance at the charity stripe. Meanwhile, Newark finishes the first half twelve of

twelve to twenty five excuse me,from the floor, two of nine from
three, and five to seven fromthe free throw line. They only had
one turnover in the first half.So again, Chill Cothy has been very,
very efficient and keeping everything going inthis first half, getting sixteen minutes

closer to their possible second round opportunityagainst the Dayton or the doublin Jerome Celtics
if they the team that will beawaiting the winner of this contest. But
yeah, looking at this, ChillCothy's just going in and they're getting ruffled.

I mean they're getting ruffled Bentley withball handling, they've got to go
in and they've and they're taking whenthey're taking their shots, they're taking from
deep. And that's something that youknow at this point in time, Chill
Coffee is trying to shoot its wayback in and New York's probably fine what's
going in and allowing Chill Cothee togo in and hit just put three's up

all the time. In that secondquarter, Chill Coffey was three seven from
the floor overall in three to fivefrom deep. So again, Chull Coffy,
really, when they're trying to getdown down into the floor and try
to get into the paint, tryto make some pressure inside, it's not
been really that successful tonight. I'mtalking about how impressed Braylan Morris fifteen points,

He's four of six two point shots, he's two of three on three
point field goals and one for oneat the bout line. And again his
fifteen out of their thirty one pointget halftime for the Newer Junior. So
let's take another time out, We'lltake a break for a couple of minutes.
They tabs again. They lose withthe Sending Shop their twenty three,

twenty fourth season, and right nowthey're down by seventeen here at Newark against
the Wildcats. We'll be back intwo minutes here listening to Cavalier basketball coverage
in the home of the Cats wbX. Back after this. Untangling your
headphones, finding the right remote,saying goodbye to your favorite shirt that hasn't
fit in ten years? Why aresimple things sometimes so complicated? Thankfully,

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a lot of reasons. At WhereFuneral Home, those reasons are simple,
trusted, caring professionals available twenty fourhours a day to help when you needed
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folks at locally owned an opera wherefuneral Home help youre healing, begin visit
where FH dot com back at Newark, Ohio and Nork. As they said,
the Wildcats on top in Newark intothis an eighteen and four record and

so we need to hear again.Very impressed with their defense and trapping the
building. They did thirty one tofourteen over the Cavaliers and the Calves.
Really against the team this good.I thought did some really good things with
that one stretch against it. It'sand I'm I can't say a whole lot
because that defensive pressure and double TVAMand trapping is very effective. And then

the Caps haven't done a horrible job. They had that one spell where they
did. But it's tough to goagainst this pressure defense Newer when you don't
see it all the time and you'reseeing in spurts that kind of realize,
hey, this is a team thatthey work a deep coaching ball wants to
go in and have their guys onthe floor like a glove is what they

We're always taught five guys working togetherlike fingers and a glove. You got
to go in and make sure everything'sall in unison. And that's The one
good thing for Newark tonight is they'vebeen able to go in in their rotations
when it's time to trap. Theyknow how to rotate, they know when
to rotate off these traps. Andit's one thing that Chillicothe I think they're
going to have to learn from this, especially going moving forward with the offseason.

Whenever that comes is ball handling hasto be an improvement. It has
to be made a premium going intothe summer. But we don't want to
talk about it just yet. VonMiller Astavs get first possession of the second
half, down thirty one to fourteen. Defensive pressure obviously from Miller, Cross
Cord, Skip Bass to Cooperstone,Kings makes his move against Morris, picks

up his drive. We'll hands itback to Cocks, Fox, Cross Scord
almost through the way. Badgrick takesus you down and no one mi foul
on Todd Gilbert. That's another thingchill College. I mean, Newark I
think only had three thousand the entirefirst quarter or first half. Yeah,

I mean, you know. Theother thing is, well the Cabs get
it back Newark physically very almost allour guys are other than Morris almost built
like a football team. I meanthey are very muscular, almost overly muscular
for a basketball team in a sense. But they're all well put together.

And when you allow them to getup in you that that strength just pushes
your way. And they're letting themget up in the cass Now short jumper
Cocks a nice look at him.Couldn't get it to go. Good look
on the short base slide. Itbounced three times. It wouldn't go in
New York their first possession of thesecond half. Morris reverse it over to
Meister. Back to Morris, wrangling, makes us move to the baseline.

Bias Man up and endow if hewanted to, I think he could score
fifty seventeen for Brayland. Morris Milleracross the timeline, still dribbling out near
the end, finally gets it toCox, rosing up on him to go
underneath, wide open and lay up. Good by stone King. Good awareness

by Cox to recognize where stone Kingwas at the block and be able to
the first two points and a halffor them right side Morris and again makes
us move to the baseline. Doesn'ttake the shot, passes inside, take
it to the whole dish inside layup Rose. Nice passing by doors which
j'n by quacking Bush to go inand recognize nice little spinner roof passed to

get into the paint. Damn badger, Now to go inside. God has
done a nice job working inside cockshort jumper in and out no good Rose
tries to grab it, does getthe rebound, get it off to Gilbert,
push it up in a hurry.Meister goes to the corner back out

front and long jumper off the markby quackenbook on Chilicothy good box, I'll
bite have them going in and makingsure he kept it till one thirty five
sixteen nineteen point advantage you can.Badger makes a move, gets in the
lane, gets trapped now One Milleropened on for three off the front of
the iron rebound. Quackenbush got bump, momentary off to Gilbert. Gilbert pushes

it down, tries to get byone Miller stops from fifteen shot good nice
mean by tight Gilbert thirty seven sixteenJackson mcmeal sets to come back in.
Well, that's an excellent job byone Miller. Missed the shot, but
you got to get your body intothe defender and get your ahead of the

defender. He did a great jobthat time. Malt Cooper didn't get the
foul. Instead they take it intoMorris missed the shot. Pas might have
got away with one, letting thembe pretty physical down underneath her off the
one millar right side cam badger Paulfakes Ben's goes inside, dishes Eblin's fade

away jumper. Epplin is good.First points to the night for the senior,
the only childericothe Senor Meister takes itthe other way, put it up,
missed the lamp, got his ownrebound, put it back in.
Gotta go in and find a way. You gotta keep these tood one shot
possessions. Unfortunately I was too easyfor steel Meister on the shot. Yes

twice the meisters missed the drive tothe bucket, but he's so going strong
he just takes up space, gothis rebound. Stone King got double team,
got it stripped out of his hand. Gilbert dishes inside, lay up
good back in the bucket of thenight for the sophomore. Jake Quackenbush.
Time out on the floor of chelicope. Time out for us as well.

Four minutes to play in the thirdquarter, forty one to eighteen calves down
to the Wildcat's back with more actionafter this. For over fifty years,
the Howler family has been here tohelp families in our area remember the life
of a loved one, share thatloved one's legacy into heal as they go
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their carrying and dedicated professionals. Eachindividual's life is unique, and selecting how
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to you by your financial your exfinancial for all your financial needs and investments,
your financial prop supporter of area athleticsin downtown Shella Copy the Caves the
time out another spurt by Newark passthem about forty one to eighteen. They
were up by twenty three. Ididn't remember one year after those three years

ago. The Calves well, theCavs had bat Beard's son and Mothmer who
is starting out Cedarville, and alot of those outstanding guys had a great
season. Want to turn them again. One wound up playing walnut Ridge out
walnut Ridge and losing, and thenthe next year not as good as season.

They wound up play up here atNewark, and Newark had a great
team. We wound up with arunning flock o backpast Cavalier. Well Caden
thought Cayden was reading the move,trying to get it to McNeill, and
he thought McNeill was going to breakdown the lane Instead, McNeil brokes out
the lane in the past, didn'ttouch anybody, say shall Copy's going to

his own three point shot. Heis no good. Nice rebound. Stone
King three point shot, no goodby Gilbert Hammon, right corner, pressured
by Meister, bounces it down toEblin. Eplin tried to excuse me as
Cooper. Stone Cake now back toJackson McNeil. Three fifteen left in the

third quarter. Stone King fakes takesagain, still has his dribble, finally
takes somebody backs off to the volleyballline. Depplin pressure top of the key.
Back to Cooper, try to seta pick for stone King. Now
back to Wan. Miller took theright wing run the cuts through the laying

stone King inside Jackson McNeil backbeed.Van Miller missed the lay a great pass
by Dad One had a reverse layupand couldn't get it. The falls a
nice series of cuts there, andWan had a good opportunity to great pass
by Jackson McNeil. And unfortunately,and in having a lot of ball possession,
chill Kathy just can't find a wayto finish out the drive with some

points, I can go with ashot no good long the other way fast
break Cavaliers tried to fill a longhalf part past to Hammond over his head
turned over Cavaliers and Hammond will comeout and stand a system back thens at

some point you just have to finda way to get through the mental wall
that Newark has put up in frontof them. Tonight, we've gotten some
pretty good looks in the second half, considering this tough defense. Meister able
to post up inside and take arunning shot down the lane and Meister nown
double figures with the eleven stone Kingabout about a three, trying to create

space between he and Morris Miller ontop. Evelyn Epplin spins into the lane
and a lot of thought he's gonnaget called for walking now says them heavy
traffic has it stripped out of hishand. Morris picks it up. Two
on three, see if Morris theystill will pass it to the left side,

lay up good ice passed Raylan Morrisand the shot good by wind Bush
forty five eighteen a minute twenty doesn'tturnover. It's gonna be an easy lay
up for the wind Bush on theother end. Now he gives it to
my master. Duncan almost called torim down, but he did dunk it.

Yeah. Intelligence, everything's just startingto fall apart for Chilicothe forty seven
to eighteen one Miller on the otherend, this is a pretty easy shot.
Just wouldn't drop rebound tapped into thecorner. Put it to meister under

a minute to play down in anotherlayouts three straight layups, two up and
there by wynn Bush. He foundhimself open on the back side. Nobody
with him. Easy layup yeah.Another run by Newark has him up by
thirty plus long free Cooper stone Kingno good long rebound Morris Morris bring it

down and one on four takes itall the way to the corner. Kicked
the Meister for three no good offthe iron saved. However, I saved
by stare and down to fourteen seconds, wild Cats will take a final shot
after getting the offensive rebound forty nineeighteen thirty one point advantage. Morris takes
it to the hall, put itup no good and meister with a tip

in had an opportunity for Kate Nebleto go take a charge, Unfortunately just
didn't and allowed New York to goin and finish off. It's for a
nice little bunny in the last twoor three minutes with the Wildcat's very productive
and they score twenty points in thequarter, and they outscore the Cabs in
the third quarter twenty to four,and that puts them up fifty one to

eighteen. Back with the final eightminutes of this when you're listening to Cabs
coverage in WBX, untangling your headphones, finding the right remote, saying goodbye
to your favorite shirt that hasn't fitin ten years. Why are simple things
sometimes so complicated? Thankfully, withAuto Owners insurance doesn't have to be one
of them. Auto Owners works withindependent agents who live in your community and

answer when you call, so youcan worry about more important things like finding
a new favorite shirt. That's simplehuman sense. Hi, this is Andy
Tomlinson, your local auto owner's agent. Give me a call to day at
seven four zero seven seven three fourone eight one. The expert team of
specialists at the Adina Orthopedic and SpineInstitute is proud to provide leading sports medicine

carec to student athletes and active adultsright in our community. Our advanced medical
team and expert Instadena Athletic trainers areready to help you relieve pain and regain
your strength and mobility. We dowhat we love so you can too.
Call seven four zero seven seven ninefour five nine eight or visiting Dina dot
org slash AOSI today to get backin the game. Out of the final

eight minutes again our game brought toyou by your financial prout supporter of Area
Athletics and Cody. Not a goodquarter. Not a good quarter for the
Cabs. No two of nine fromthe floor, oh two from deep again
they have yet to make a tripto the foul line in these in the
first three quarters. Exactly wholesale substitutionsfor Newark. They almost go to what

they bring in five new people andthey walk with the basketball. That's only
Newark's second turnover in the entire game. Newark only needed two points and we
would go to a running clock.They're up by thirty three. Cabs keep
there all right. Now it's janMiller Cox Netter in the game and Cooper

stone King Jackson McNeil the fifth playerin Cox with the three Coxes three short
off the iron rebound. Newark kickit ahead and get it up to Peterson.
Peterson back on top the Whostel substitution'sbody Smith and for New York now

a three point shot lay off themark shot no good by Peterson, O
Selicopee will bring it up Jackson McNeillbehind the back scept the stone King.
Cooper looks gets a nice pick fromNettter. Cooper's short jumper short for the
last several shots of the Caves havebeen right on the target but caught the

front of the rim. How's justagain not going there's kind of trying to
fight everything through this tonight. Wereworking around the perimeter basketball. That's more
than that. Again, all theirfirst seven people that played a lot are

all out of the game. Herein the fourth quarter for the Wildcats in
the corner, thought about if shotPeterson goes inside, missed it. I
smoothed shot it too strong man stoneKing brings it up. Stone King thought
about a three back out one miller. Miller pieces me into the lane,
stops, bounce past no one there, turn it over, he thought to

coople were going to break to thebucket. A good idea by one Miller
trying to get the back cup,but just couldn't couldn't get going Kayton Evan's
gonna check in and one miller outto the cast with Eblin, McNeil,
stone King, Netter and Cox,A couple of freshmen in there and sophomore.

So we're gone two minutes into thefourth quarter. Meeting. Team is
scored until fifty one to eighteen.Where we were at the end of the
third quarter. Three point shot forNewark off the back of the Irons,
got no good by Smith and inthe rebound to the Cavaliers McGill, stone
King. Even the second group ofNewark players play pretty good defense. Now

Cooper left fans shot no good andNeedar got the rebound inside, fights for
it, puts a shot up,partially blocked a lot of traffic walked there
by Max Rost Squimley down on Newarkbrings it down pressure defense and it hit
the leg of Newark. Ice defenseby Jackson, McNeil Andrew Hammond's going to

commit for till McCarthy and stone Kingwill come out. Five and a half
minutes left in this one. Dad'sworking around now Evelyn hand off McNeil,

Jackson rehearse. Goble starts down thelane, skip pass and he threw it
too far. He's trying to skipto the other side the Cox and but
the Cobs have done that a lothere late. They've made two or three
really bad passes. Gods are gonnawell, the towns are going to come
close to twenty turnovers today. We'rein double figures. Are think in the

first half. Now taking the ballto the buckets, shot up and good
and I said, moved to thebucket by Peterson. It's his first point
saying that should be a running clock. Now at fifty three eighteen, Hammon
works to the right side and ina whistle. Now I recall that one

on Peterson and we are, yes, we are in the running clock situation
institution. There things in the subas well. Coxton's out now Badger back

in cam works to the lane fadeawayjumper. Cam Badger got it first bucket
for him since last second bucket.Their last lead caps one. That's only
the sixth to one to the entiresecond half in twelve minutes of the jail
dopy. Now Badger's going to pickup a foul man. It's gonna be

number three on him. They're notnot a shooting situation yet. Fifteenth found
and the flock runs down to threepoint fifty left in this one. Fifty
three to twenty, I said,And now a three point shot, no
good, long rebound. Bat itin the air and Hammon picks it up.

McNeil hit the deck. Now theyhanded to Jackson, he'll bring it
down. Badger works the lane,tries the passage to the corner, loose
ball, It touches McNeil and hithim off the arm out of bounds.
You talked about getting the twenty turnoversat nineteen right now, See they had

to be getting close. The onlyscore twenty they had fourteen to half.
They hit four threes in the firsthalf, and there's a near steal steal
by Cam Badger on the pass.Cam fights his way inside, put it
up, missed the shot, buthe's found it, he'll shoot two.
Not only will this be the firsttime that Chill Cothy goes to the free
throw line, this might be thefirst time they score points off of a

turnover. Singing game will move alongwith the running flock, even shooting free
to Badger's founds, shot up andgood Cam's fifth point of rest of cabs
only to twenty one points No Onein double figures. It looks like Cavon

Pleasant is gonna come in for thefirst time. He's gonna give cave nevil
in his final chance to see thefloor. Dave On in the game.
Badger hits a second free throw fiftythree twenty one. Coming up on two
minutes now to play, Nework runstheir offense pick the Teiner is gonna come

in, one of the JV playershere as soon as he can for Chilicothe.
New York works it around the perimeter. Are now under two minutes and
they throw the ball away. Yepetouched by Chilla coffee. I believe Tanner
in Badger out with Chilli Cothy,what Pleasant Nedder Hammond Tanner in the lineup

and still Jackson McNeill ball hit aCavalier. So Newark keeps it down to
the minute twenty six run, alittle bit of a weave outside, trying
to look for an opening down thelane. They take it, kick it
to the corner, three point shotoff the iron, now good. Newark
had the rebound. Momentarily Hammond gotit back taken away from him and now

kick bright side back on top downthe lane, a running shot, no
good. Ticking by Burnette. Soilthe count with the basketball, and we're
coming up on one minute left inthis one. Fifty three twenty two Newark
Tanner handling the basketball knocked out ofhis hand. Lis ball picked up by
Newark on the turnover, cross scoringlong pass to the right side, goes

to Peterson underneath, shot up intofifty five forty seconds left. Tanner in
the lane, got double team andnow fallen block a run and side.
At this point it'll probably be bythe time they even get the ball in

bound, will be maybe why fiveseconds left they don't twenty now they get
it to throw it in. Mcdialelooking looking, tries to throw it to
Hammond, got it to Hammond,tripling into the lane, spins inside looking
now move kicks to the corner backto Hammond down to nine seconds. If
Andrew can get a shot off knockedout of his hands, he got it

back. Now Tanner, now McNeil, and McNeil throws it inside. They
don't get a shot off and thatwill end this one final score. Newer
handles the Cavaliers with a provercious defense. Tonight Final fifty five twenty two.
Newer go to the Cavaliers and we'llbe back to wrap this from up caps

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slash AOSI today to get back inthe game. Back at New York,
Greg begem Cody Leistavs in their seasonand a final record of seven and sixteen,
running into a pretty good Newark Wildcatteam who now goes to nineteen and
four. Had a team that theywant Braylan Morris could play with anybody.

I thought he was outstanding. Butwhat a just a good defense and defensive
strategy, toughnesscore and tough to createspace against dot Newark defense and the Cavaliers
only managing twenty two points. Remindyou hit the eight o'clock hour that you're
listening to fourteen ninety AMWB, exChilicoth the ohioland ninety two point seven FM.

Let's wrap it up, look atpoint totals. First of all,
for the victorious Newark Wildcats, onetwo three, eight people in the scoring
column. They got five off thebench from Caitlyn win Bush, two off
the bench, Coldon Peterson, AustinRose one of their starters with four,
Tyke Hilbert sophomore with eight, sophomoreJake Quackenbush with two, and their two

big scores Steele Meister and Braylan MorrisMeister with fifteen and he's the only senior
and then Braylan Morris with seventeen forthe Wildcats of coach Quackenbush. For the
Cavaliers, one two, three,four five six players in the scoring column,
Cavs hit four threes in the firststaff. That was twelve to their

fourteen first half points. They windup in the game. Miller did not
score, Kayden Eblin with two,Cooper Stone with five, Kate and Cox
with an early three pointer, andthat was it for the night. Cam
Badger wound up the leading score forChIL Copy with six, Jackson McNeal off
the bench with three, and AndrewHammond off the bench with three as well.

So Hammon McNeil, Cox all threepointers, three points, Badger six,
Stone King five, and Evelyn withtwo. Chris Kaden the only senior
on that Chila Copy team and finishesout his career and got a couple points
tonight for Chilicopy. Cody overall,just not very very positive for the Cavlayers

to night. Overall eight of twentyeight from the floor, four of eleven
from three, they had two freethrows and they were with two forty left
that was the running clock. Thatwas Cam Badger. Those were the only
two points also that they had offof a turnover in this contest against YORKU
actually came into this game just ahair under ten turnovers of against them.

They've only had ten tournaments per gamecoming into tonight, so again this is
a chill Cothy team that knew thatthey had a tall task in front of
them, and unfortunately they were justtwo. I mean, the second and
third quarters were just too much forhim in this in this contest tonight for
Newark, they finished twenty four orfifty from the floor overall, two of

seventeen from deep. Five or sevenfrom the free throw line was the only
they only had the seven free throws. They were all in the first half.
All right, So Dork will advance. I believe you mentioned against Dublin
Jerome as their next game. Cavalierswind up the season and again I think
the future pretty bright and two keythings, you get these young guys a
little bit stronger. They had alot of young guys coming back next year

for bat Beard. And also ifthe if you go to seven divisions in
basketball, maybe you don't go toa Newark for that first tournament game or
a Hilliard Davidson. That changes outa lot. And whether Chilli Confy winds
up a D two or D threein seven divisions for basketball next year but
a ways away, but that shouldhelp, especially come tournament time for Chilicothe.

Well, thanks to Nathan toodle Backat the studios and a reminder,
Cody, I guess we got coveragetomorrow night at our sister station, ninety
four to three FMWKKJ the UNIODA LadiesSherman's in District Championship Action meet Proctville Fairland.
That's at Southeastern. I think airtimeis around six pm tomorrow night on
the FM side, and I believeLoop Post and Jaron Cox will be there

for that one, so tune in. That's our next coverage. I think
that's the only team left in ourmedia coverage area. I thought we had
two in the Southeast, but Icould be wrong. But yeah, after
yeah, the teams are dwindling.Yeah. As far as the SVC and
Chill Coffee, that's it for that. Well, Cody, A pleasure working

with you again this year, andCody's always well schooled to get It's a
lot of information for us and helpingme out. So Cody, we'll see
you on down the road, maybehopefully around football season. That sounds good.
All right, that's it from NewarkHigh School again. Thanks to Nathan,
back to the studios, all ofour great sponsors this year for helping
us out and bringing you Chillicothee CavalierBasketball One more time from Newark, the

Wildcats knock off Chillicothe fifty five twentytwo. Have a safe night, have
a great weekend. We'll see ondown the road. Good night. Everybody.
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ninety and ninety two point seven FM, brought to you by Where Funeral Home,
Tomlinson Insurance, Adina Help, OhioUniversity, Chilicopee, Monroe's Framing Collision,
and Howard Funeral The Chilicompy Cavaliers onWBEX is an iHeartMedia Sports Presentation
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