In Severed Conscience we identified that a Controlled Environment was being constructed while you are occupied online. This environment is presented as a technological nirvana, a Utopia that will not only save the planet from the ravages of climate change, but will be the next step in human development. We will be our best selves when we live in these engineered habitats. This concept has been conveyed in various forms as 15 Minute Cities, where everything you need is found within a 15 minute walk or bike ride. But as with all the phrases used by practitioners of the Hegelian Dialectic, terms are altered and definitions change. The old 15 Minute City is now the C40 city.
In this episode Zee examines how the promise of renewable energy is a carrot to allow farm land to be seized for Big Tech. AI requires far more energy and water than traditional cloud computing services. This means that the government acts as the agent who determines if a generational farm can continue to operate, or if it must be cleared for renewable energy projects. Maryland is currently allowing corporations to invoke eminent domain for energy projects that will feed Big Tech’s data centers. Is the destruction of farms in favor of power transmission lines the true spirit of saving our eco-systems?
We have been manipulated. Severed Conscience is a prison of the mind.
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We have released our first book titled Severed Conscience as a companion to our documentary. You can find our book on Amazon.
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https://culturalcourage.substack.comThe original video broadcast for this episode can be found here: Notes can be found here: