Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:02):
Battles, the politicians addressed, the digitators and magicians. Who's to
see the money? Then you don't. There's nothing to fill
the holes while there are filling their pockets by holes,
the politicians bouncing down the road. Everybody's wition for no moment,
corruption and dysfunction. It's gone a date divide is of vention.
Speaker 2 (00:32):
Today's edition of The Founder Show is brought to you
by the New Orleans Opera, which features Samson Delilah in
concert on November eighth and tenth at the Mehega Jackson Theater.
More information at New Orleans Opera dot org. It's a
pre election show, Ladies and gentlemen, what's gonna happen to?
Special guests on the campaign trail are joining Hi mc
henry and Christopher Tidmore.
Speaker 3 (00:50):
And God bless all out there. You are now listening
to the Founders. So the voice of the founding Fathers,
You're Founding Fathers coming to you deep within the those
mystic and cryptic alligator swamps of the Big Easy, that
old Crescent City, New Orleans, Louisiana, and high up on
top of that old Liberty Cypress tree way out on
the Eagles Branch. This is none other than your spenary
Baba of the Republic, Chaplain Hi mcenry.
Speaker 2 (01:19):
Christopher Tidmore, you roving reporter, resident radical moderate and associate
editor of the Louisiana Weekly newspaper at Louisiana Weekly dot net,
and Hi, it's our pre election show. It's the day
that we discover and decide what is going to happen
on election Day on Tuesday, who boy, and we make
our predictions, and of course it's about as clear as mud.
Everything is completely tied. So I'm bringing in the two
smartest people I could get, but since they weren't available,
I brought in the two best, second best people I get.
Speaker 4 (01:46):
No seriously, this.
Speaker 2 (01:47):
Is a show of the ex radio partners and wonderful
podcast partners. So we've got Republican National Committeemen fromer Louisiana,
Republican Chairman Roger Villery and Curtis Robinson, who was, as
most of the audience knows, as a frequent as well
on this program, and I co host Hunter Gatherers, the
podcast of Hunter S. Thompson's stories. Curtis is in the
Nation's capital as he's calling from here Rogers somewhere on
the campaign trail Roger, are you in Louisiana or North
Carolina right now? I know you've been all over the
place in the last few weeks.
Speaker 5 (02:17):
I'm back in Louisiana, all right.
Speaker 2 (02:19):
So both of you have been in the centerpieces of
power and calling this and the latest polls, gentlemen are
basically saying that Harris gained just slightly over the weekend,
which is to say, she went from this race went
from a fifty six percent probability that Trump will win
two oddsmakers are putting it at exactly fifty to fifty.
Speaker 4 (02:44):
This race is completely tied.
Speaker 3 (02:46):
Christopher, the gamblers, the gamblers Las Vegas.
Speaker 2 (02:48):
Which actually has been more not only the polling data,
which is the economist. Polling data says this, which is
a survey of one hundred and thirty seven different polls
and the Real Clear Politics average. And I remember you
don't want ever one poll, but you take all the
polls together. Some that tend to be a little bit
more I don't know, Republican leaning like Trifalic or others.
Some of that tend to be a little more Democratic
leaning quatro. But you put them all together and you
get a pretty good sense of where the polling dot
is but the oddsmakers are saying the same thing. Everyone
is basically saying, this thing is so tight. Harris is
a little bit ahead, it looks like in Michigan and
maybe Wisconsin, possibly Nevada. Trump's a little is ahead in Georgia,
North Carolina and Arizona. And the all important Pennsylvania is
so close, so tied, that nobody knows what's going to
happen next. And I want to start off with you, Roger.
There seems to be a lot of confidence on the
GOP side. You've been talking to senior Republican officials. Of course,
most people don't know. Not only are you aren't see
chairman of former chairman of Louisian Party, you actually were
deputy chairman of the Republican National Committee for many years.
Speaker 4 (03:53):
I'm curious what's going on? Some people say, and high
pointed that South last.
Speaker 2 (03:56):
Week there may be some overconfidence coming out in the
Trump circle.
Speaker 4 (04:00):
Is there?
Speaker 6 (04:01):
I don't think there's any over confidence. But I can
just got off a conference call just a few minutes ago,
and they are extremely confident that the internal polling, the
trending is moving towards Trump and the field. This is
on a national level, and to the point where he's
actually planning to go to a couple of states and
and that that are that are not what you uh
traditionally say. We're states that are in play, planning on
going to Virginia and a couple of the states.
Speaker 2 (04:42):
And some people say, Curtis, that is kind of insane.
You're in the nation's capital right now. You've been keeping
close track on one of the swing districts, which is
the second congressional district of Maine. For those that don't know,
Nebraska Maine have a congression. Each vote by congressional districts,
and the there is there are models that say it
can come down to those two congressional districts. But you
right now in the nation's capital and you've been hearing
what's going on the ground. You've been communicating with some
of the Harris people. You've been communicating with all this,
and it seems like Harris has been a little bit
more confident going this weekend.
Speaker 4 (05:11):
But how do you read this?
Speaker 2 (05:12):
You even really keeping your ear to the media side
of all this and talking to all the reporters in
d C.
Speaker 4 (05:17):
What are they seeing and hearing?
Speaker 7 (05:19):
Most of the people I've talked to in DC think
that it's going to be Trump.
Speaker 8 (05:25):
I will say that, including some people who are already
angling to.
Speaker 7 (05:29):
Get in the cabinet and other things. It's surprising. You know.
Speaker 8 (05:33):
The thing that my theory of the case is this,
and I was I would have said that Harris would
win as recently as two days ago, because you know,
primary elections have become about voting for someone, but general elections,
particularly presidential elections, are all about voting against someone. And
so you've got to look at sort of the animosity.
Speaker 7 (05:55):
Index of what they're wear.
Speaker 8 (05:57):
And then it's odd to me that I think Joe
Biden swung the election. I think the garbage comment is
everywhere for people listening to this later. I think he
amped up the animosity and the way in a way
that think about that. Think about that we're saying that
his garbage comment changed the election when an election that
has been basically unchanged by the nominee dropping out because
of mental illness age and then and then oh yeah,
two assassination attempts.
Speaker 7 (06:29):
None of that matters.
Speaker 8 (06:31):
But you know, it's just odd what what sways. And
I think that probably when we look back, that that's
going to that's going to punch way above its weight.
I just think and I can tell you that, I
think that if it comes down the main second, which
is the.
Speaker 4 (06:48):
I call it.
Speaker 2 (06:49):
I call it the Cajun I called the Cajun District North,
there are a lot of Boudreau's and Thibodeau's and us
up there.
Speaker 4 (06:54):
Definitely, Yeah, yeah, and you know, you know what it's
going to.
Speaker 8 (07:00):
Jared Golden is probably going to come back to Congress
the Democrat incumbent. But I think Trump if it comes
down to that, then you know, Trump needs to get
his form aware to the cleaners because he will win
that district.
Speaker 7 (07:15):
I'm reasonably want.
Speaker 2 (07:18):
To I want to get I want to get in
the garage comment. I know how I wants to talk.
I want to get into that and talk about that
at length. But I want to hit you, Roger, because
one of the things Curtis just brought up was extremely
important for this race. I made a prediction with Jimmy
Farwell last week and I basically said, I think Trump's
gonna win the presidency. I think the Republicans will comfortably
win the Senate, but I think the Democrats win the House.
And one of those key districts the Republicans have to
win is Jared Golden's seat in Maine, and there are
other seats in California, New York. That's part of the
reason high that the president has been on those unconventional
places because he's actually trying to Yeah, there is a
lot of anxiety I'm hearing out of the RNC about
the House of Representatives and obviously that means a lot
to us in Louisiana because of Gelesa Mike Johnson being
the leaders of said body. But can you can you
talk about that? Is there anxiety about the House right now?
Speaker 6 (08:05):
Well, they feel like that they're gonna win. Uh, you know,
Mike Johnson is positive, but uh, there is always some
anxiety when it's this close. And uh you know, we
think Maine is going to be real close. It's extremely
uh doable, but it's extremely close, and I you know,
it's this is a tough race. And up, I think
you're one hundred percent correct. That's why Trump has gone
to some of these areas that he is looking uh
to pick up. Now he feels like the momentum is
his that he's going to win the presidency, but he
wants to make sure he has the House and the Senate.
Uh that that that means a lot to him in
order to get his confirmation uh for his cabinet, and
is an offer of the Senate and then the House
to to control the House and not have to to
deal with what he had to deal with Nancy Pelosi
last time he was in.
Speaker 3 (09:05):
Yeah. By the way, when I was giving the overconfidence
statement last week, it was because we were talking about
how confident the Republicans same Trump seems, whereas the Democrats were,
like in a talesman still are all, you know, frustrated,
all fighting among themselves. It looks like Biden is trying
to sabotage Kamalo's campaign. We see it over and over
against the most reason when the garbagement that was our
October that brought that up was we don't need to
be over confident, No one should. We should work harder
than we have so far to make sure Trump wins
this election.
Speaker 4 (09:37):
Well, let me, but let's get the rest of our candidate.
Speaker 2 (09:40):
For those who's joining us, We're joined by two people
on the campaign trail, Rogervilley, of course, Republican National Committee
chairman from Louisiana, former Republican chairman former deputy chairman of
the RNC has been on the campaign trail across the
country with the Trump campaign and various other members of
the RNC for the last few days. Curtis Robinson, our
own Curtis Robinson's frequent on here, a journalist's former editor
of The Been Deadly News, amongst many other journalist accomplishments,
is in the nation's capital. And so he's talking to
reporters people on that end and seeing what's happening, keeping
an eye on the House in the Senate along with him,
McHenry and Christopher TEDD Moore on in the show. And
and I do want to get in the garbage. I'm
not trying to push off the garbage. I think there's
enough time to go into that. But I'm curious about
the status of the race because I've got to tell you,
I was looking Roger at a few people who thought
Trump had lost his mind by going to New Mexico
the other day and doing going of course to Madison
Square Gardens and all of the different places that he
couldn't possibly win in a million years. I mean, this
is not like this is this is not Minnesota, for example,
where there's a small small chance this is impossible and so,
but is it going to make a difference in these
in these congressional races. I don't know. I do know this,
and this is where I'm curious it. Did you hear
that this objections to where Trump is going all over
the country? Do you think that Have you heard words
in the RNC that he should be sticking to the
swing states right now?
Speaker 6 (11:01):
No? I think that they're trying to drive out the
popular vote. I think that's important too. They want to
win the House and the Senate. But Trump really would
like to win the popular vote, and he is confident
with the internal polling we have that he's going to
win electoral college, but he wants to win the popular votes. Yeah,
I think you have him going to areas that he
feels like that he can draw and bring out voters
that maybe would stay home because it said, well, it
doesn't matter in my state. You know, you think, well
in New York when you know, I don't think he
thinks he's going to win New York. All he says
he does. What I think he's going to do is
drive up the prob vote, up the Trump vote in
New York so that that he gets closer to that
popular vote win and that's what he wants.
Speaker 3 (11:56):
And that would be quite a mandate which would help
him all the more.
Speaker 2 (12:00):
You know, if we had talked a couple of weeks
ago saying Trump is looking to win the popular vote,
the two of us would have burst out laughing. But
I gotta tell you it's within two points. And historically
Trump under polls by about two points, and so it's
this is not as absurd as it kind of seems
it would have seemed a month ago.
Speaker 4 (12:18):
Your thoughts, Curtis, Well, the situation.
Speaker 8 (12:20):
With that though, comes is California. California is such a
big state with so many votes, And yeah, sure if
he wanted to go out there, could he could he
drive up some more votes. He's not gonna ever win California,
but could he drive up some more votes?
Speaker 7 (12:32):
Sure, he probably could. And that's an interesting point.
Speaker 8 (12:35):
But you know, I also would point out I thought
that the Madison Square Garden event for people who are wondering, you.
Speaker 7 (12:42):
Know, is Trump? You know, could I vote for him?
Speaker 8 (12:45):
Is he mainstream enough for those people? Because he is
an outstate too, he remains ob he's a former president
but oddly it's still an outsider candidate.
Speaker 7 (12:54):
But here's the thing.
Speaker 8 (12:55):
Is there anything more American than selling out Madison Square.
Speaker 3 (12:58):
Garden crowds outside numbering into the maybe tens of thousands
that couldn't get in.
Speaker 2 (13:05):
Look, I've been a huge Trump critic, but I got
to give him credit. In the city of New York,
Trump is polling right now at twenty seven percent. Now
that you're like, well, that's nothing, that's higher than any
Republican has polled in New York City since Dewey. Wow,
I mean Reagan didn't poll twenty seven percent of New
York City. And so that does say something about that
there is something going on beneath the scenes.
Speaker 4 (13:29):
I'm curious.
Speaker 2 (13:30):
My view of the California going out to California is
that there are several Central Valley seats. Interestingly, Trump going
to California, which is on the docket, would be to
go save David Valadero's seat in the Central Valley, who
is the last Republican standing who voted for his impeachment
and yet is the key to holding onto the House
of Representatives. Is one of those key seats, and he's
held on to a very marginal seat in the Central Valley,
basically the Fresno area, that area for some time, that is.
Speaker 7 (13:58):
One of the great ironies.
Speaker 5 (14:00):
Speaker 7 (14:00):
And it's hard to make the top ten list of
ironies this year.
Speaker 2 (14:04):
Yeah, it's really it's it goes beyond it. Curtis, I
I gotta we got a break ins. We're on Madison
Square Garden and you brought up the garbage comment.
Speaker 4 (14:11):
We got a raise the week.
Speaker 2 (14:13):
Last week started basically where we're coming in and Madison
Square Gardens happens, and the media brings up the comment
of the of the comics, so much so that Trump
himself about the Puerto Rican comments is distancing himself. He's
coming out and saying doesn't represent he himself, is saying it,
that this is wrong, and then the entire media is going,
I think everybody said, this is the October surprise, this
is going to have thispanic vote. And then the garbage
comment comes out, and then we see Trump on a
garbage truck with going out and I gotta admit, I mean,
if if Joe Biden this, this makes Hillary Clinton's Deplorables
comment look mild in comparison. And I'm and that that
basically guaranteed Trump the election the last time in Appalasha.
Speaker 4 (14:56):
You're a child of Appalachia. How does this work?
Speaker 8 (14:58):
Well, well, you know, the horrible's comment lacked a major
party candidate having said something similar, a really high profile
thing before. The garbage comment comes after that, So so
it's an echo. And you know, and when these things
get tracted, it's because they sort of hit on that
narrative that that people are kind of like looking down on.
Speaker 7 (15:19):
You know, it's the it's the uh you know, it's
it's kind of like a version. I heard a joke that.
Speaker 8 (15:26):
Recently with someone said, well, you know, I don't like
Trump voters, but I don't disparage them. And for those
of you who are Trump voters, disparage means to put down.
Speaker 3 (15:35):
Yeah, another put down, that's the thing.
Speaker 8 (15:38):
Likely it's actually modifying a Bob Newhart joke.
Speaker 7 (15:43):
I happened to know that.
Speaker 8 (15:45):
But I'm like, okay, ha ha, if there's a Trump
voter with an earshot, they're going to go vote now, they're.
Speaker 5 (15:53):
Going to go vote before.
Speaker 3 (15:54):
That's right. And by the way, this is historic that
they have historically ridicule, mocked, and demned us to the
extreme light with constant insults put downs. Can't explain it,
but it's very full of hate and very clearly uh
mean and hateful against us. It's so they do it repeatedly.
I mean, this is in their DNA. It's in their DNA. Well,
first of all against that. That's to accuse Harris's porters.
It's almost it's in their DNA of hate. It's kind
of the same. Now the Democrat the leadership, No, no, hi,
the leadership. So all leaders know, but you know.
Speaker 4 (16:26):
No, no, God, I actually disagree with you, but I don't.
I don't agree, but I disagree with you.
Speaker 3 (16:30):
We disagree.
Speaker 6 (16:31):
I gotta remember Trump being the showman that he is.
Got call that's truck.
Speaker 4 (16:37):
I gotta say that was one of.
Speaker 6 (16:39):
The most were the safety best on on stage? Yeah,
and it goes. I don't know if I'll ever wear
a blue coat again.
Speaker 3 (16:48):
I mean, it was just well you said it slimmed
him down by the way. We thought the October surprise
was going to be the McDonald's deal, but not. It
looks like we got a bigger one. The garbage dumb
and I had a double October surprise.
Speaker 2 (17:02):
Well plus, it doesn't it doesn't help you at the
guardstruck vote. But I don't say that facetiously because you know,
there does seem to be and Roger and Curtis, I
want you both to comment on this, and Hi, you'll
be surprised by a meant comment. Curtis and I were
talking off air about the problems the Harris campaign. So
just so you understand my life, my mother in law.
Everybody's calling me and saying, please please vote for Harris,
Please please vote for Harris. I'm saying, what the would
even the point of voting for Harris and Louisiana at all?
I mean, talk to me if I lived in Pennsylvania
or something. But as I've told people, I'm voting for
the Libertarian Party candidate. But I've known Chase Oliver for
many years. My point being in all of this is
there is a certain desperation. But I actually finally somebody
brought it up to me and I said, you know,
I remember how good Bill Clinton was at getting crossover votes.
And I'll give you an example. There was a you
may have seen this. There was a situation at a
Trump rally where and you'll appreciate this high jd Vance
is up there and somebody yells Jesus's Lord, and he responds,
yes he is, and that's why we're running this campaign
and continues on the same thing happened at the Harris rally.
And if it had been Bill Clinton up there, he said,
he would have said something like, yes he is, and
that's why you know, that's why we have to learn
how to take care of our fellow man, and would
have understood this. And I watched this forget whether it
is is Harris's response. Instead of just ignoring it, sitting
somebody yells it, nobody would have paid attention. She stops
and she says, I think you're at the wrong rally.
Why don't you go down the street to another rally
eight times larger than her. Well, the point I'm getting
at is I listened to this and I was like, Curtis,
you know there was a certain tone deafness that other
Democratic presidents.
Speaker 4 (18:48):
You know.
Speaker 2 (18:49):
I kept thinking if Bill Clinton saw this, and he
probably did, he's probably slapping his head because he said,
wait a second, how do you if anything that affects
you African American votes?
Speaker 4 (18:59):
I mean, who's who? Are a deeply religious committee?
Speaker 2 (19:01):
And I watched that and I was like, and this
is what I'm trying to ask the question, Curtis, when
he gets into this, this is somebody who who worships
this the quick sand Trump walks on. But even I
looked at that and I said, my god, do you
want did you consciously telegraph the fact that you're trying
to basically say people of faith, many of whom are
uncomfortable with Trump, many evangelicals, he basically are you trying
to push them out of the Democratic coalition? And I
guess the answer is yes. What are your thoughts, Curtis.
I mean, maybe I'm wrong, maybe I'm overreading this, but
I don't know.
Speaker 8 (19:31):
Well, you can read a bunch of more and you don't.
And you know, I'm always hesitant when I don't hear
the tone, because if there's one if there's one thing
I would say about about Trump, is that, you know,
I'll grant you that it can be hard to understand
his context sometimes, but taking him out of context and
saying you emit this and said this he saw, I'm
a little I'm a little hesitant to see exactly you know,
what was the guy wearing that kind of thing? But
but that aside, yeah, I think that, you know, I
remember when Obama's you know, they had the quote when
he was running about they cling to their God and
their guns.
Speaker 7 (20:06):
And I'm like, well, you.
Speaker 3 (20:07):
Know, if you got to clean, he's clinging to his
uh yeah, Marxist addictionary.
Speaker 4 (20:14):
I wonder where he was.
Speaker 3 (20:16):
A big market the question he's not yes he is,
He's not yes, yes he is, Yes he is, yes
he is, yes he is.
Speaker 7 (20:26):
Right there, I see, here's here's we're gonna.
Speaker 3 (20:27):
Have a debate on this. I want a debate. I'm
calling you to a debate on this very top.
Speaker 8 (20:31):
That is a microcosm of our election. I mean, everyone
starts out trying to position issues and stuff, but when
you get down the last five days, it's it's yes.
Speaker 7 (20:39):
You are, no, I'm not. You are no, you are
I'm not. And then and it's just it's always amazing
to me with all of that, what cuts through. The
first thing I said today this morning even was was whoever.
Speaker 8 (20:52):
On Trump's staff up the garbage truck.
Speaker 7 (20:56):
It should you're out there, it should be promoted immediately.
Speaker 8 (20:59):
But it was pointed out to me that that was
Trump's idea himself.
Speaker 3 (21:02):
Speaker 7 (21:02):
This'm like, well, there you go.
Speaker 3 (21:05):
This just made me think of when I was deploying
to have to for the Gulf War and ninety at
Fort Bragg, I was with the twentieth Special Forces Group.
The whole group was there and there was a book
that started circulating and everybody got and started reading. You
know what it was this with green Berets, You know what?
It was everything I needed to know in life I
learned in the sandbox. We just demonstrated that to all folks.
Speaker 4 (21:26):
We just were so mature. Folks were joined by care On.
Speaker 3 (21:31):
You'll remember the book, remember that, the best selling Go Ahead,
Roger Billery.
Speaker 6 (21:36):
The staff actually came up with the idea to put
the garbage truck into the you know, in the parade,
to put it as you know, part of the vehicles
going down the street. And all but Trump it was
his idea to get in the truck. They couldn't believe
it when he wanted to climb in the truck, right,
that was his idea to get in.
Speaker 3 (21:58):
Yeah, he was.
Speaker 6 (22:00):
The staff had had the idea to put the garbage
truck just as one of the vehicles.
Speaker 3 (22:05):
He's not one thing we love about him. He's not
a scripted person. He does his thing and that's I
think people like a real person like that. Well, and
they don't want a character that's just been created in
the in the smoke field rooms. They want to know
who is he really?
Speaker 6 (22:18):
I Oh, he's yeah, and he's thinking every minute.
Speaker 3 (22:22):
Speaker 2 (22:22):
Well then and that often that often is his worst
attribute and it's off at his best. It's amazing. It's
two sides of the same coin. Sometimes he comes up
with something brilliant. Sometimes he comes up that makes everyone cringe.
And it's not a consistency, but you know, you got.
Speaker 3 (22:36):
You know, they cringe like they're saying politics. It doesn't
matter if they're saying good or bad about you, but
are they talking about you? Well, that's what Curtis And
this is when they're cringing. He's still center stage.
Speaker 4 (22:46):
So I do want to actually talk about predictions.
Speaker 2 (22:49):
Curtis Robinson, by the way, joining Hi McHenry and Christopher
Tidmore here on this edition of The Founder Show pre
election edition is Republican National Committee meant Roger villary From,
a chairman of the Louisiana Republican Party and former deputy
chairman of the RNC who's been on the campaign trail
for the last couple of weeks with the Trump campaign
is very hooked in and our own Curtis Robinson, former
editor of the Aspen Daily News and many other editorials,
who's in the nation's capital right now telling us what's
happening from the perspective of senior political officials and watching
this entire thing from that perspective. And I do want
to get into kind of predictions, gentlemen, what's going to
happen in all of this. But I got to tell you, Curtis,
you hit on something about shifting sands. We talked about
two weeks ago. You know, we wouldn't have thought, you know,
whether Trump is going to win or what was going
to happen. But I got to tell you, even about
four days ago, I was going around and saying, this
year doesn't feel like twenty sixteen or twenty twenty. It
feels a lot like two thousand, where we're going into
the election and it seems like nobody knows if it's
going to be George W. Bush or Al Gore. It's
so close, and as we know, it was five hundred
and twenty four votes in Florida.
Speaker 4 (23:57):
It was really close.
Speaker 2 (23:58):
Except feels like this maybe it's the garbage thing, Maybe
it's just that the Republicans came home. Maybe it's a
variety of things. I'm not really sure what it is,
but it feels like just looking on the trembles, the
last four days have been definitive. You and I have
talked about the fact that no one votes on election
day anymore. It's election month, and maybe that will be
reflected with the early votes. But I got to tell you,
it seems like there was a shift in the last
four days coming towards election weekend, this weird Halloween weekend.
Speaker 8 (24:29):
Your thoughts, I decided to make up their mind at
the end. They're indecisive, so they need a deadline. So
I think you're undecided votes going to come in at
the end. I think that probably if I had to
make a prediction, and I fluctuate almost by the hour.
Now I'm become one of those people who the last
person I talked to, I think that that Harris can
still win.
Speaker 7 (24:53):
I think she can win because I think.
Speaker 8 (24:55):
That the abortion issue, the choice issue is is a
high motivator. It's done well when it's when it's been
on the ballot, and I and and you're dealing with
you know when I say it's animosity versus animosity. I
think that side of the coin is cranked up, organized
and you know, it's down to get out the vote now.
And I think the Democratic ground game on the animosity front.
Speaker 7 (25:22):
For me, it's all the animosity in deck. I think
that they are cranked up.
Speaker 8 (25:27):
Uh, and I think that that might make the difference
in some of some of the swing states. And you know,
I find the comments about the popular vote kind of interesting.
Speaker 7 (25:39):
I was talking to.
Speaker 8 (25:40):
Someone who crunches numbers for a living and they were like,
look if he if he wins the popular vote by
a few.
Speaker 7 (25:46):
Points, you know, then then that will.
Speaker 8 (25:48):
Echo through the election and you'll you'll see Republicans do really.
Speaker 7 (25:52):
Well in the House.
Speaker 8 (25:52):
And I think that would we all agree among us
that probably that we're going to make a prediction.
Speaker 7 (25:58):
I think the Senate goes Republican.
Speaker 2 (26:00):
No, I mean, I think the question is Roger Villary
at this point. I'm saying this is somebody who doesn't.
What I've seen is when as Trump's numbers have gone up,
an interesting phenomenon has gone in.
Speaker 4 (26:10):
And it's not just that, uh.
Speaker 2 (26:11):
Montanas in play Sherwood Brown and Ohio who I thought,
you know, the ultimate example of tickets splitting Ohio would
go for Trump and Sherwood Brown would win.
Speaker 4 (26:21):
It's tied.
Speaker 2 (26:23):
You're seeing Bob Casey and Pennsylvania in difficult positions. Tammy
Baldwin may be in danger, and with the Republican coming
in there, it does seem that even a tenth of
a vote, it does seem that Trump could have some coattails.
Speaker 4 (26:37):
The question is how much? What is your number?
Speaker 2 (26:39):
Roger Villary predicting for the US Senate.
Speaker 5 (26:42):
Well, I don't really want to give a number, but I'm.
Speaker 3 (26:45):
Smart man, I'll give go ahead, go ahead.
Speaker 7 (26:49):
You've been on the radio.
Speaker 4 (26:51):
Before, the radio right who was the radio talk show host?
He understands this team too.
Speaker 7 (26:57):
I thought, I thought, here Chris where his headline?
Speaker 5 (27:02):
But you know, I agree.
Speaker 6 (27:04):
I think the people that are gonna make up their
mind the last minute are gonna make up their mind.
Speaker 5 (27:08):
At the last minute.
Speaker 6 (27:09):
But I feel like the enthusiasm in the Democratic Party
is not there like it was in twenty I don't
see the early voting in the Democrats like they had,
you know, early voting, and the Democrats are behind, and
it's the Republicans are doing a better job getting out
there early vote. Now does that translate into people not
voting on election day because they're voted early, or does
that mean that we've put more votes in the basket
and we're going to create more wins throughout the country.
That's something that's you know.
Speaker 5 (27:50):
It's hard to tell.
Speaker 6 (27:51):
We feel like that with idd areas where we have
to go, and that's why we've been traveling so much
and walk and do it to do and get people
and motivating them to vote early and get out and
every you know, we have all fifty states are different
on how their early voting works and how you have
to get out and vote and whether you can go
in person or it's mail in or whether you have
to request it, and everyone was different. So everywhere we
went we had a different formula that we had to do.
But we feel like people were motivated to vote. Are
we go to the door and said, oh, I've already voted,
I'm planning.
Speaker 5 (28:29):
On voting, or I'm going to vote earlier, Roger, do
you have a ballot for me?
Speaker 6 (28:33):
And so we were able to get out and we're
motivated to get early vote and not just wait for
election day.
Speaker 3 (28:42):
How does that stand right now as of Sunday today?
How does that stand, Roger, the early vote and as
of this day, how is early voting going?
Speaker 2 (28:51):
Well, most states don't announce it. We do in Louisiana,
but they.
Speaker 3 (28:55):
Okay, well let's see, Roger.
Speaker 6 (28:57):
Yeah, in Louisiana we're actually a little bit behind. But
that's because the Democrats didn't vote at the same level
that they voted in the past or early voting. But
the Republicans. The more Republicans early voted than have a
half with the total voting in Louisiana.
Speaker 3 (29:15):
Yeah, I early voted. My wife and I early voted.
I know a lot of Republicans. I promoted that. I
promoted that big time Republican.
Speaker 2 (29:21):
Early voting in Louisiana was almost nine hundred and fifty
thousand people, with forty five percent of them being Republicans,
which was a historic high, far beyond what it was.
I'm curious, Curtis, because I want to get into this
in predictions, I note that you didn't either give a
number prediction either about what you thought the Senate was
going to be, so if you wanted to do it,
but how much do you think banking early votes? We
had a polster, John Couvion here in this program right
after the twenty twenty election, who said Trump's biggest strategic
mistake was the fact that early voting always helps Republicans
because older people tend to early vote, and when you
tell older people not to vote early, you tend to
not be so she might lose those votes. And he
said that for Trump to go after early voting was
strategically the worst mistake and it may have cost him
the presidency. And you see, Trump has been telling people
to go early vote, so maybe he learned that lesson.
Do you think early voting might deliver this president dential race?
And more importantly, how many Senate seats and what key
swing states go ahead?
Speaker 4 (30:18):
Curtz Prominson, I I.
Speaker 8 (30:20):
Think, I think what I've noticed the Republican ground game,
I think is much better than it was the last time.
Speaker 7 (30:29):
And I think, and this is this.
Speaker 8 (30:31):
I guess this is my perception, although I believe it's
so much that it seems like a fact that the
Republicans went to the churches more this time than they
did last time. You know, souls to the polls has
always cut pretty much one way.
Speaker 7 (30:44):
But I saw a lot of organization around church. BigMan
in the South. Uh, you know, because there's there's some big.
Speaker 8 (30:53):
Churches, and you know, I imagine a lot of people
are very familiar. We're not familiar six month ago, but
now we're very familiar with Georgia's vote harvesting laws.
Speaker 7 (31:09):
Well you know, the vote harvesting is and now the
beholder sometimes but not always.
Speaker 8 (31:14):
And I think that uh yeah, I think the ground
game is a lot better. And you're talking about such
small margins, right, So I do think that that's been
an advantage over the previous time.
Speaker 2 (31:27):
But the I mean, when when do we get to
the point where two tenths of one percent in three
states is the difference between a Republican landslide and the
Senate and the Presidency and a defeat.
Speaker 8 (31:40):
Well, if you're if you're if you're al Gore, you
say if you're Al Gore, you say crimea river.
Speaker 4 (31:45):
It's like, yeah, true, Roger.
Speaker 5 (31:50):
You know.
Speaker 6 (31:50):
One of the things that the Republicans that this sounds
they haven't done in the past, that they concentrate on
some of the overseas. But Republican Overseas, which is an
organization that's been around for a long time, but really uh,
geared up this election site to turn out Republican votes worldwide,
in particular in countries like Israel that a lot of
the expats living over there, uh don't always tend to
vote in uh in the United States, and yet from uh,
you know, they have established and a lot of them
have residences still in the country, but uh, you know,
or or from states all around the country, Uh, in particular.
Speaker 2 (32:35):
The East, and let's face it, the the not only
where that might affect massive votes in the pennsil in
the Philadelphia area, and it certainly won't affect the President's
show race, but it will that we got the Republicans
have four seats in and around New York City that
are swing seats that the Jewish vote alone will determine
whether or not they remain in republica actly.
Speaker 5 (32:58):
So that's something that was kind to trade it on
this time.
Speaker 6 (33:02):
Speaker 5 (33:03):
And I think it, you know, even at.
Speaker 6 (33:06):
Small numbers comparatively, but you know, you get a few
hundred thousand people in the right states that vote, I
get swing alection.
Speaker 3 (33:16):
I mean, yeah, just a little bit, and swing it.
You're right.
Speaker 2 (33:20):
Curtis Robinson and Roger Villary are joining Hi mc kenry
Christopher Tidmore here in the Founder Show as we are
about to close it the segment making our predictions for
the election. Gentlemen, it's been and it's been. I'm actually
just you know, I've never been ready. I'm a political junkie.
I've never been ready for an election to be over.
Though as much as this election, I think the whole
country is ready.
Speaker 4 (33:39):
It's just exhausting.
Speaker 2 (33:40):
I think that if there's any bipartisan agreement, it's that
we're just we're so tired of the of the entire
election cycle. I am very curious, though, Curtis, since you're
in the nation's capital, and you and I are both
from the journalistic world. We have a lot of friends
who are you know, we started off as young reporters
and now they're all senior editors and and I'm curious
what the real action has been about the Washington Post
non endorsement, and you know, and what's going on with
you and nobody really cares about the Los Angeles Times,
but what's been going on in the Nation's capital with
with those sort of perspectives. What have you been hearing
in the journalistic community about this?
Speaker 8 (34:14):
You know, I'm not I've not noticed a lot of
people talking about the Post you know, I did have
a mutual friend of hers who I won't name, although
you'll know who it is who made the comment, who
made the comment. How quaint does someone thinks the newspaper
endorsement still matters.
Speaker 7 (34:32):
I'm like, oh, that that hurts. That hurts, But you
know that hurts a bit.
Speaker 8 (34:37):
I will I will say one of the things I've
noticed in conversations, and it might have something to do
with where I was hanging out, but but I.
Speaker 7 (34:44):
Would call this.
Speaker 8 (34:46):
A third beer conversation kind of thing, where, uh, there's
almost an assumptiveness that almost moves the conversations I've both
had and overheard at other places. Is it's almost that
in this town there seems to be a bit of
assumptiveness about Trump because I noticed people they talk about
the election, of course, but then they start to say, well,
what do you think he'll do with Israel?
Speaker 7 (35:09):
What do you think he will do there?
Speaker 8 (35:10):
And I'm like, huh, that's funny. I heard none of
that three weeks ago. So there's an assumptiveness that I
don't think the assumptiveness like that is extremely powerful. And
you know there's that I you know, if I wasn't
so in love with my animosity.
Speaker 7 (35:26):
Indeck, that might that might have switched me.
Speaker 8 (35:30):
But I still I'm working on the numbers for it.
I want to have it ready for the midterms. But
the animosity index is huge, and I didn't think anything
could move it.
Speaker 7 (35:41):
I thought it was locked. But garbage may have moved it.
Speaker 2 (35:44):
Good lord, It's it's just he gotta if this, If
this goes down, maybe Trump would have won, maybe not,
but it's people are going to be people are going
to come back out of this election and say Joe.
Speaker 4 (35:56):
Biden got his revenge, whether he wanted to or not.
Speaker 3 (35:59):
You know, that's what and his wife. That's one of
the theories is that the Bidens are so angry over
the coup that they want a Saint Kurd ship. They
want to destroy it.
Speaker 4 (36:09):
I don't I don't, you know, to be honest with you, by.
Speaker 3 (36:11):
The way they're acting, I don't know how you can.
Speaker 2 (36:12):
I don't say that this is this is kind of
Joe Biden word salad. I don't know if I don't
think it's Joe Biden war. No, I mean the idea
of just coming out as garbage. My point being, Joe
Biden makes kind of crazy comments that.
Speaker 3 (36:23):
Yeah, but I mean he's supposed to be locked up,
out of the way and not cause trouble, and yet
they're getting his message out. How does that happen? He
doesn't know how to do. Soon, I will say, I
will say happen.
Speaker 2 (36:32):
I will say, Roger Hillary, the the interesting thing that
I found in this entire campaign was the fact, when
Kamala Harris becomes the nominee, I fully expected Kamala Harris
to say, you know what, I respect and love Joe Biden,
but I'd have a very different presidential camp presidentially than
he would on various issues, to try to separate Al
Gore did that. He didn't win, but he came pretty close.
And that I've been amazed and astonished how little Kamala
Harris was And I'm curious were were people inside with
the Trump campaign. You've been on the field. You've been
out in the field with the Trump campaign for months
now in various states, various swing states, Roger Billy. Were
people expecting when the when the great switch happened, that
Harris would try to redefine herself. Did anybody expect her
to basically say as she said on the view, Well,
there's nothing, really I would do different than Joe Biden.
Speaker 4 (37:21):
Are you surprised by this at all?
Speaker 6 (37:23):
They was, They was shocked when she said there was
nothing she would have changed. That's that's beyond believe. I
think that she was so in tune with everything he
did and she was such a part of it that
she would do everything exactly the same.
Speaker 5 (37:42):
And that well.
Speaker 3 (37:44):
At the same time she's dettoing Trump, she's trying to
be Trump too. I mean, the insanity on that side
is off the charts right.
Speaker 2 (37:50):
Well, Roger, we're almost at a time. I mean, Curtis
were used. I got to tell you, there's a lot
of we know a lot of campaign staffers, we know
a lot of d NC staffers. I've had a few
of them call and they're just shaking their heads at
a few things that happened. But at the same time,
everybody who I talked to a week ago was incredibly
confident she was going to win. And I've never seen
despair happen as fast as it's happened. Maybe she still
can win, but I'm just very curious. I've never seen
to spare fall this fast.
Speaker 8 (38:18):
So, yeah, you know, the other the other thing I
wanted to sort of get on the record, Christopher, because
you know it amused me and you have not.
Speaker 7 (38:25):
It used to be.
Speaker 8 (38:25):
That that one of the things you would talk about
is where are you going after after election day?
Speaker 7 (38:30):
Because anyone who's worked on these campaigns.
Speaker 8 (38:33):
Usually you know they've got those bigots Chicago Wednesday morning
at nine to get out of town don't want anymore
because because they're like, we won't we won't know the
winner for days.
Speaker 3 (38:45):
I don't hope, not no. I just that smells of
stealing an election.
Speaker 4 (38:49):
Well it's it's now.
Speaker 2 (38:51):
I mean honestly, when you when you here's the thing
that I find interesting. In Louisiana, we do count early
voting by election day, so it's and what that means
is that the early voting immediately at eight o'clock is
reported and so it doesn't come in. I remain astonished.
In a lot of these states the law literally says
they cannot count a vote until election night. You don't
have to release it, you can keep it quiet.
Speaker 3 (39:14):
But it's just it's done.
Speaker 2 (39:17):
It puts these things, It gives the impression that something
bad is happen usually when it doesn't. It keeps things
going and I just it remains one of the things.
Speaker 3 (39:26):
You know, the French had problems with their elections and
all those kind of garbage, so they came out with
a paper ballot and the election had to end that night,
and it worked. Where that came, we can do that.
Speaker 2 (39:37):
I'd point out the French headcounting ballots for three days
after the last at the last general election, so they
didn't really work that well for them.
Speaker 6 (39:45):
But well, we actually have judges in some states saying
that ballots that come in up to four days after
the election can be counted.
Speaker 5 (39:57):
Well, right there you have state. I mean, that just
doesn't seem to be the.
Speaker 6 (40:03):
Legal could have elections still counting ballots four days after
the election because the post office.
Speaker 5 (40:14):
Is not as competent as it used to be. I mean,
that's ridiculous.
Speaker 2 (40:18):
Well, Roger, you're going to have a last word in
a different matter in a second. But Curtis, what is
your last word on this interview which you think is
going to happen as we head into Tuesday election day?
Speaker 8 (40:27):
What do I you you mean, like like game time prediction,
I think Harris.
Speaker 7 (40:33):
Pulls it off. I think the animals and the index
will will.
Speaker 8 (40:36):
Favor at the end, I think the Republicans take the
I think the Republicans take the Senate, and I think
the Republicans take the House.
Speaker 4 (40:44):
Roger, I assume you have a different viewpoint.
Speaker 5 (40:46):
I do have a different viewpoint.
Speaker 6 (40:48):
I think we sweep the Presidency, the House, and the Senate,
and I think it's I think that Democrats are going
to be very sad and big, screaming and whaling.
Speaker 3 (41:02):
Roger, thank you. I agree with you. Christopher. What is
your prediction.
Speaker 2 (41:06):
I actually, at this point, I think this is going
to be tight as a tick, And I mean I
might say I actually do think Trump's gonna win, but
I think it is going to be a much tighter
contest because I think the animosity index is going to
be enough to carry Michigan and Nevada definitely for Harris.
I think Wisconsin is not gonna is probably going to
go for Harris. I think it comes down to Pennsylvania.
I'm not even sure that Arizona is going necessarily for Trump,
and everybody's calling it so, I think, but whereas I
do think Georgia and North Carolina are so. I think
this is going to come down to western Pennsylvania, Appalachia
and we will find out if jd. Vance really was
worth as a candidate, if he can do his whole
role in this race, was you know, to deliver Appalachia.
And we will find out whether there's heavy turnout in
Appalachia and Trump becomes president.
Speaker 4 (41:58):
That's my thing.
Speaker 3 (41:58):
Okay, On one another thing, what about weather? How do
you think weather's gonna affect this? Well, y'all, hello, I.
Speaker 4 (42:05):
Don't think they have an opinion on that, are you there?
Speaker 7 (42:09):
See now O they're starting to cut off the phone.
Speaker 3 (42:12):
They don't like this. How do you think weather's going
to affect this?
Speaker 5 (42:15):
The weather?
Speaker 3 (42:16):
Yeah, on Tuesday?
Speaker 5 (42:18):
Well, you know that's always possible.
Speaker 6 (42:21):
We can we can have bad weather come right, we'll
see some, especially in the Midwest and all.
Speaker 5 (42:28):
You just don't know.
Speaker 3 (42:30):
That's bad weather usually favors Republicans, right.
Speaker 4 (42:33):
Well, not always, okay, hen's upon with I.
Speaker 7 (42:35):
Think bad bad weather certainly favors.
Speaker 8 (42:37):
My grandfather always said that, you know that the bad
weather always favors the Republicans. And I won't go against
my granddad on that.
Speaker 2 (42:47):
And that'll have to be the last word. Curtis Robinson,
Roger Hillary, thank you for joining us. We'll be back
with hy McHenry right after these important messages here on
the founder show Thi Ykenry, Christopher and Roger Villary, amongst
well been galivanting around the country. We haven't forgotten that
you do provide the most wonderful flowers. I've gotten people
complementing about flowers you provided for our party just this
last week at the Opera Guild. And I've got to
tell you one of the things I love about Villary's
Florest is how you guys prepare these flower arrangements for
All Saints Day and All Soul's Day to go to
the graves for the various loved ones, and how you
really hit these automobal things. And can you talk about
what you're doing at Villari's Florest for the special holy occasion.
Speaker 6 (43:27):
Well, it's such a great time when you see all
the cemeteries decorated, there's so many flowers, and the tombs
are all fixed up. So it's a it's a great
time to you to get out and remember your loved ones.
And so we sell thousands of moms and gladiolas and
cornations and roses.
Speaker 5 (43:47):
And it's it's just a really good time of the year.
Speaker 6 (43:51):
Normally it's a little cooler sort of flowers tend to
hold up laws. But this year is warmer so, but
we do really good job of taking care of flowers
for the cemeteries. But everyday flowers are there for people
that are alive too, and we have we have some
beautiful floor arrangements and we have flowers. We did the
whole metro New Orleans, having stores on both the North
Shore and South Shore, and we deliver our entire metro
New Orleans.
Speaker 2 (44:21):
Remember, folks, of Hillary's florests can be reached by killing
one eight hundred VI L ERI and walking locations on
Martin Berman and METRII right off Veterans right near the
Orleans Jefferson Line and Highway in nineteen Covington. Check out
more information at Hillarysflowers dot com or call one eight
hundred VI I L L E E for all of
your floral needs.
Speaker 3 (44:39):
Well, folks, as Chapahi mckenry, and I'm here to tell
you about our ministry, LAMB Ministries. We're an inner city
ministry with an inner city focus and Formula four inner
city folks. It's a very challenging ministry, but we've seen
God do great things. Close to five thousand kids have
come to Christ. Hundreds more have gone on to live
very productive, healthy, good lives. Folks, if you want to
get involved, we need all the help we can get.
Just contact us at Lambanola dot com. That's www dot
lamb NLA dot com. Just called me Chaplin. Hi mckenry
at Erico five zero four seven two three nine three
six ' nine. We need all the help we can get.
Thank you so very very much and.
Speaker 2 (45:13):
Join us on November eighth and tenth for Samson Delilah
in concert at the Mehelia Jackson Theater Rhann Bryce Davis
in her role debut. For more information, go to New
Orleans Opera dot org.
Speaker 3 (45:28):
Well, folks, you're listening to the final show, and this
is Chaplin. Hi mcchenry. You're spinary by by all the
Republican I'm here to tell you about our usual chaplain
by by patriotic moment. We just take a brief moment
to remind you of the biblical foundations of our country,
our Judeo Christian jurisprudence. And I would like to talk
about Ronald Reagan as we have a candidate that is
very Reagan, as Donald Trump. This is what Ronald Reagan said.
He said, the Marxist vision of man without God must
eventually be seen as an empty and a false faith,
the second oldest in the world. First proclaim the Garden
of Eden, with whispered words of temptation, Ye shall be
as God's folks. I think Ronald Reagan really knew that
we needed to keep God in government. I think he
understood that. And if somebody had stood up and said,
praise the Lord or Jesus's Lord or King, he just said, amen. Brother.
That's what good presidents do, well, folks, because they understand
our foundations, our biblical foundations. But what about your foundation?
Do you have a good foundation, a biblical, a godly
foundation where you can anybody and everybody can. It's for everybody.
It's not just for a select few, it's for everybody.
God loves everybody, wants everybody to be in Heaven with
Him forever. So I'm going to just take another brief
moment now to show you how you can know that.
You know that, you know you're a God's child. You're
going to heaven when you die. You're going to have
a mansion bigger than the White House in heaven forever.
And your servants will be angels. The Bible says, I
mean it's gonna be. It's gonna be quite a deal. Folks,
you don't want to miss it. This is now our
chaplain by by gospel moment where I just again show
you in a short while how you can be certain
your God's child. Folks, did you know the Bible says
God loves you with an everlasting love. The Scripture says,
for God's soul love the world. That's you, that's everybody.
That he gave his only begotten son, that's the Lord
Jesus Christ. He's all the way God and all the
way man. He's perfect God and perfect man. That he
gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him.
What does that mean believeth in him? Well, this is
what it means. It means you got to believe that
He really did die for all your sins on the cross,
that his blood washed him all the way, and then
then he rose from the dead to win for you
his precious free gift of resurrection, everlasting life. Before you
do that, you also have to believe you can't save yourself,
your hopeless and help us without God says, who's ever
believed in him? Well, the way you got to believe
in him is first to believe you can't save yourself.
That's called repentance. When you realized you're destined to a
burning hell, you're helpless and hopeless without God. When you
hit that point and then there's no I've left in you.
You're free now to put faith alone and crystal. That's
what that little short thing that says who server believeth
in Him, that's the expanded version, the amplified version, that
who server believeth in Him shall not perish, not go
to hell, but have everlasting life. Folks, you'll get your
mansion in heaven. All it takes is childlike faith. This
is one of the easiest things you'll ever do because
it's easy to understand. But again, it's one of the
hardest things you'll ever do because you've got to deal
with your pride. You got to say I'm just not
smart enough, good enough, relidous enough, rich enough, or whatever
you think you are, cool enough, charming enough. There are
kinds of things you can think you do to do
God's job or to help God out. None of that works,
And as soon as you do you kill the deal.
So just keep quit trying. That means repentance, Quit trying
to be good enough. You can't turn enough, you can't
turn enough from your sins. You're just too sinful. Everybody is,
and you're not good enough to do it. So why
are you trying? Believe? You can't succeed at turning from
your sins without Christ. Now, once you become a Christian,
you're going to want to turn from your sins. In
many cases, it's still going to be a struggle because
we're all sinners. But guess what your God's child is forever.
So if you've never done this before, please just take
a moment right now and believe with all of your heart.
That means you're not trusting anything else only God. Believe
with all of your heart that Jesus really did die
for all of your sins, was buried and rose from
the dead, and God guarantees you everlasting life. Right at
that split second, you are now born again, and your
dead and daring spirit has just become fully alive and
you're guaranteed everlasting life. Your spirit is now fully alive
and can never know the second death, which means going
to hell. You don't want to go there, folks, all right,
so I hope you all will all do that. I
hope you got that message loud and clear, especially following
All Hallows Eve, following Halloween, when we're thinking about the
dead and all the things, the spirits roaming the world.
But you know what, folks, what's going to happen in
the end. The spirits really are going to roam the
world big time. It's gonna be like Halloween every day
and every night. As seven years approach and the horsemen
of the Apocalypse began to rage, the four horsemen around
the planet, bringing every kind of apocalyptic death and disorder
and destruction you could ever possibly imagine. It's going to
be bad, folks. Our world is heading into that right now.
All the prophecies, over two hundred prophecies, just about every
one of them has been fulfilled. Jesus said, when you
see all these things happening at once, not a little here,
a little there, one hundred years ago, thousand years ago. No,
it all has to be coinciding at the same time.
Right now, for the first time in the history world,
it's all coming together. It's all coalescing for the first
time in the history of the world. Folks. That means
we are very very close and this is going to
be This is not going to be a fun Halloween.
It's going to be a real terror filled Halloween for
seven years straight. You don't want that, folks, you do
not want that. You want to know that you're on
the winning side. You want to know that as big
and powerful as the Antichrist will become, and as terrible
as he will be, your God, You're man, your redeemer,
your savior. Jesus is a whole lot bigger. And when
he comes with his wrath at the end of this
period it's called the Tribulation period, the last seven years,
guess what, folks, He's going to clean this earth up,
and he's going to bring peace and prosperity and the
most wonderful time the earth has ever had for a
thousand years. Folks, if you've never experienced this or know
about this, because you can experience that life now in
your heart, right now, you can experience the abundant life
Jesus said, the Kingdom of God is within you. You can actually,
you know some of the greatest right now, over five
hundred Christians are going to die for their faith over
five hundred folks. That's a lot of death, and that's
another sign of the end times. And thousands more will
lose their homes, their families or jobs, everything. It's bad, folks.
It's the greatest persecution against the Church that has ever happened,
happening right now. More Christians have given their lives than
all nineteen hundred years before in just the past hundred years.
That's how it's gotten. And it's getting worse. The wars
are getting worse right now. The persecution against Christianity is
getting worse than ever. These are all signs that Jesus
is coming back and coming back soon. But you know,
I know stories of people who've been going through this stuff,
like Richard Warrenbrant, a Jew that actually converted, became a
Christian preacher, and Easter in Europe and the Communists were
touching him. He said, one of the most joyful times
in his life was in his cell, freezing to death
and those coal winners over there clanging his chains on
the floor to make music while he's singing praises to God.
He said, that's some of the most joyous times in
the world. So you see the Kingdom of God was
in him and he was experiencing that. But in the end,
when Jesus comes back, the whole world is going to
be the Kingdom of God. And folks, it's coming soon.
So if you're not ready, you better get ready. You
better get your ticket. Like old Churs Mayfield said, you
better get on the train because there's a trainer coming.
And folks, that train is a gospel train that will
take you to glory. Believe right now. In the song
he says, it doesn't cost anything, you can't bring any baggage.
It's a great song. He said he got it out
of when he was a little boy. And you hear
the church songs in church, that's how you developed that song.
Consider to be the most important rock and roll song's ever done,
some of the most motivational and influential songs ever written
in rock and roll. Folks, if Curtis Mayfield check it
out about his gospel train. Folks, if you've never done
it before, believe right now with all your heart that
Jesus really did die for all your sins, was buried
and rose and the dead. Well, it's about time for
us to go. As we close to the mount Saint
Martin singing a creole goodbye and God bless all out there.
Does this have to be the end of the night?
Do I love you?
Speaker 1 (53:43):
In the pamal Land, I can see across the million
stars when I look at