All Episodes

January 24, 2025 36 mins

Hour 1 of A&G features...

  • Trump is making moves & CA mismanaged fire prevention
  • C.O.W. Clips of the Week! 
  • An extra long Mailbag!
  • Katie Green's Headlines! 

Stupid Should Hurt:

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Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:10):
Broadcasting live from the Abraham Lincoln Radio Studio, the George
Washington Broadcast Center, Jack Armstrong and Joe Katty Armstrong and
Jack k Enough Pee.

Speaker 2 (00:24):
Armsdrang Man.

Speaker 3 (00:25):
Yet anybody's seen the White Flash live from Studio C
signor deep within the dirty stinking bowels the Armstrong You
Getdy Information Complex. This is The Armstrong e Getty Show,

Live living color, this Friday, twenty fourth of January of
the Year of Our Lord, twenty twenty five. No, I'm
not going to say fry ya, because I'm a grown man.
Here's a new boy in show yards. Now all right,
Oh it's made.

Speaker 2 (01:03):
We're gonna get down to business.

Speaker 1 (01:05):
Huh okay, all right, set a tone like Trump, got
my pen right here.

Speaker 2 (01:12):
I got a bunch of executive orders.

Speaker 1 (01:14):
I'll fill them in later. They're just blank sheets of paper.
No saying fry ye. Joe Jitty signed.

Speaker 4 (01:22):
Boy Jackson for rude awakening.

Speaker 1 (01:27):
Oh. As I've often said, justice under the Joe Getty
administration will be swift, harsh, and completely arbitrary. Caligula will
look down or up from l saying this guy really
ought to get a grip. Some guys just can't handle authority.

Speaker 2 (01:44):

Speaker 1 (01:44):
Let's see today we're under the tutelage of General Manager Ice,
not the frozen water phenomenon, but indeed the Immigrations and
Customs Enforcement, which is rounding up scumbags nationwide who have
no right to, no reason to be here and heaving
them out. The idea that this is new and innovative

is bizarre. Anyway, at least it's happening for goodness sakes.
There's a resolution kicking around the house, Katie, from what
I understand, that says Trump should be allowed to run
for a third term.

Speaker 4 (02:22):
Yes, I agree.

Speaker 5 (02:25):
Well, he's done more in the last week than we've
seen in the last four years.

Speaker 2 (02:29):
Well, yeah, that's true.

Speaker 1 (02:31):
Well on the positive side, ye, on the pot I
actually have a study by a think tank of the
regulations issued by the last couple of administrations and the
cost to businesses to comply with them and Biden. Biden
and his regulations cost the American economy just ungodly amounts

of money, ungodly amounts.

Speaker 2 (02:57):
Trump in his previous four years.

Speaker 1 (02:58):
His regulations cost business one twenty fifth as much as
Biden's regulations. And that's one of the things I'm most
excited about Trump administration wise. Is if DOGE can really
go after regulation in a smart way, that could be

enormously freeing for American businesses. I know, you know small
business people as I do. And the stories they tell
of the bizarre kofka ask guespose if you're the literary type,
dumb assed, if you're not situations where you have the
federal inspector come by and say you've got to do that,
and then the state guy will come by two days

later and say, if you do that, we'll find you
one hundred thousand dollars. And the business person's like, all right,
all right, what am I supposed to do here? And
you just have to figure it out? And it costs time,
it takes money. You got to hire people for complain compliance. Anyway,
I certainly hope they can make progress on that. Uh
And back to the immigration thing.

Speaker 2 (04:03):
Is Jack calling you Hanson? Is the phone ringing?

Speaker 1 (04:05):
He he texted that there was some sort of traffic here. Oh,
I saw somebody just flashed by the studio.

Speaker 5 (04:11):
Yeah, there's some bear rig that got stuck and stopped
all the traffic.

Speaker 1 (04:16):
So we have stuck big rig. Do you have a
door open? Yeah? Just to play okay, cool, wait, I
got a question for you. Well, first of all, do
you know our phones don't work, Hanson, our phones don't work.
You can't call the radio stations. Good wit and yeah.
So now you try to call the radio station, goes
doo dooo do dance caller when cheven million dollars. That's

probably an FCC violist. That was a joke, this humor.
It was parody. It's a little scary because it's like
if you call a business that's gone out of business.
So that's what it kind of is this how we
find out this you find out maybe we're not even
on the air. Hey well wait, hey, that's weird. The
lights just went off. I wonder what that means. That's funny.

I got a question for you on f I listen
to music on the way to work, as I've mentioned before,
instead of news. Tell me, is there a better song
ever than were Wolves of London.

Speaker 2 (05:09):
I don't think there is.

Speaker 1 (05:11):
It's in the top tier of the top tier. Oh
my gosh, that's a fantastic tune.

Speaker 2 (05:15):
Yeah, and it's.

Speaker 1 (05:17):
Not about were wolves, all right, people play it on Halloween.
I know he mentions were wolves. It's a joke. It's
a play on word anyway. Yeah, it's a great song.
It's not about were wolves, not per se.

Speaker 3 (05:31):

Speaker 1 (05:33):
You know another thing I should stop uh doing? Uh?
Or so I listen to music on Fridays, I listen
news Monday through Thursday. What I got to stop doing
is listen to NPR. It's making me insane. What do
you always say about NPR? Yeah, I listened to it
to punish myself for the bad things I've done.

Speaker 2 (05:48):
Right, it makes me so crazy.

Speaker 1 (05:51):
But uh, the brief, the brief period I got it
today when I guys getting ready is about how California
says Trump's coming to California today and Gavin Newsom is
gonna to meet him at the tarmac and force him
to do this or whatever they're claiming or whatever. And
it's all about the legislation that's starting to pass through,
the Trump proofing California. Now, listening to our friend Scott
Wiener from San Francisco, the craziest politician in America, who's

got all this legislation he's trying to push through because
we need to protect Californians and Californian values from the
Trump administration. Our trans people are under attack, immigrants are
under attack.

Speaker 2 (06:25):
Just what the hell is wrong with you people?

Speaker 1 (06:28):
We're all better off, we're all better off, we're all
better off, and we're working together. We're all better off
when we're all better off, and we're all better off
when we're working together.

Speaker 2 (06:37):
I laugh.

Speaker 1 (06:38):
It's so wise, Gavin, You're so wise.

Speaker 2 (06:42):
What is that? Scott Wiener is completely out of What
are they talking about?

Speaker 1 (06:45):

Speaker 5 (06:46):
What is it?

Speaker 1 (06:46):
Yeah? And there are a number of people pointing out
the other day because that's when the new fire had
popped up in California. This is going on, and this
is going on while they were having their big vote
on the legislation trump proofing Californian setting aside, where many
billion dollars do trump proof California. Whatever the freak that
means right right jobs. Our friend Katie Grimes, speaking of

fires at the Fabulous California Globe, just put out a
piece she's helped along by the Senate. The United States
Senate just put out a list of all of the
times they have tried to pass common sense fire control
forestry measures and have them defeated by Democrats and in

particular California far left environmental way could.

Speaker 2 (07:33):
Do Democrats, And you know it's funny.

Speaker 1 (07:35):
I've I've become less and less comfortable with the term
the environmental left because it sounds like they're just people
of the left who care about the environment, and I
care about the environment a great deal. These are far
left humans are evil. No cost is too high to

preserve some bizarre plus some obscure plant. There's a story
of how was it, the County of Los Angeles or
I can't remember, wanted to clear brush from around power
lines and expand a fire road so they could more
quickly fight fires. But there was some plant that's allegedly

endangered that they would have had to cut down some
of them to enlarge the fire road, and so the
environment left wouldn't let them improve the fire roads so
they could save well, save people, save houses, and save
that same freaking plant from being completely incinerated.

Speaker 2 (08:35):
They're out of their minds.

Speaker 1 (08:37):
They actually are.

Speaker 2 (08:38):
They're crazy people.

Speaker 1 (08:40):
I have maybe the biggest question of the day has
nothing to do with politics, well, tangentially, maybe the biggest
question of the day after we start the show. Officially,
this is the blockbuster news story, really maybe of the year.

Speaker 2 (08:56):
If it turns out to be true.

Speaker 1 (08:58):
I'm Jack Armstrong, he's Joe getting on this Friday, January
twenty fourth, he or twenty twenty five. We are mstrung
and getting we approve of this program. Let's begin then
officially according to f SEC rules and regulations, leaping into
action at mark, I'm.

Speaker 2 (09:10):
Not going back to Hayden me No, Biden, bro, thank
Obama for anything that he picked for me.

Speaker 1 (09:17):
Both. Wow, that is merely the most perfect thing that's
ever happened. Jack, You've got the biggest question of all
time coming up.

Speaker 2 (09:28):
That's the perfect sound clip.

Speaker 1 (09:30):
That is a Haitian gang member with many many crimes
under his belt in the process of being deported, saying
f Trump, Biden forever, thank you Obama for everything you've
done for us. Wow. Business is brought to you by
the RNZ right credit party. Like, hey, dude, come on,

if I wrote that and produced that as like an ad,
people would be like, Yo, that's that's over the top. Yeah,
all it almost has to be AI, except we've seen
the policies of the last couple of years and know
that it's not.

Speaker 2 (10:04):
But you've got a.

Speaker 1 (10:05):
Brutal illegal alien gang member cursing Trump and praising Biden
and Obama. It's too it's two on the nose. So
here's the thing, Katie, you're gonna have to dig into it.
I don't know who put this on our official show
twitter thread yesterday or a text thread, because Katie, joe
I Hanson, Michaelangelo all have a text thread going. It's

a lot of people do at work. The reason Michelle
Obama was not at the inauguration and Barack Obama walked
in alone is because he's having a thing with Jennifer Aniston.

Speaker 2 (10:42):
Who put that on our text thread?

Speaker 1 (10:44):
Yes? What? And I went down That was Michael Alow
and I followed that down a little bit, And it's
just it's one of those rumors out there. But oftentimes
these kind of rumors turn out to be true. You know,
the ben Afflack and j Lowe are breaking up or whatever,
No we're not, turns out to be true lots of times.
Barack and Jennifer Aniston not impossible to imagine, is it?

Speaker 2 (11:08):
Hey, I want to pull the audience here.

Speaker 1 (11:10):
How many of us thought that he was going to
say because Michelle has no male equipment? No?

Speaker 2 (11:16):
No, yeah, Katie, I was sure that's where he was going. Totally. No, no,
I thought it was.

Speaker 1 (11:24):
I suppose that could still be true, and that's why
he's with Jennifer Andison. I was looking for somebody that
doesn't have any something came between me and Michelle. Well,
there was never any explanation for why Michelle wasn't at
the inauguration. It was always very vague and okay, And

then this story comes out that Barack Obama and Jennifer
Anderson has been seen together and spending a lot of
time together and that sort of thing. All right, I
think it's very exciting. Oh Boydn, done your life said joke,
you're broken. Wow, you're gonna see Barack Obama coming out

of the fountain spitting water.

Speaker 2 (12:08):
I mean he's part of the friend's crew.

Speaker 1 (12:10):
Now maybe Michelle it's up with Ben Affleck who knows.
Now he has to date Ross. I think that's the
way this works. She has to go with it. She
ends and end up with Ross somehow. I think that's
the way the episode would go. Ross.

Speaker 2 (12:23):
How does mail Bag look?

Speaker 1 (12:25):
Chandler is off the table. Clearly, mail Bag is okay.
We have a freedom loving Quota of the day and
clips of the week all on the way. Stay here,
we're running.

Speaker 2 (12:38):
Lad, we're gonna get to the pageantry.

Speaker 1 (12:40):
Indeed, a freedom loving quote of the day mail bag
all on the way. But first, let's take a fond
look back at the week there was. It's cow clips
of the week, mark my words.

Speaker 2 (12:49):
I'll let me go.

Speaker 1 (12:54):
The whips of the week. President Biden exiting Washington.

Speaker 2 (13:00):
You made it right, moders running a long time breaking news.

Speaker 5 (13:05):
As we come on the air from Washington, DC, President
Donald Trump returns to the White House.

Speaker 1 (13:11):
The Golden Age of America begins right now. I get
things done.

Speaker 4 (13:18):
I'm good at getting things done, and.

Speaker 1 (13:21):
We will get critical race theory and transgender insanity the
hell out of our schools.

Speaker 2 (13:29):
But we had some beauties, didn't we.

Speaker 1 (13:31):
Milani, She said, sir, because me, sir. She's angry. I
said nothing. You see, this is what he does to
keep us from talking about disaster relief or the impacts
of climate change.

Speaker 4 (13:44):
And I'm sorry.

Speaker 6 (13:45):
I'm sorry, Rachel Lion, Chris, my heart goes out to you.

Speaker 1 (13:52):
Thursday meetings, give some orders, tell his death, make meetings shorter. Friday,
talk about the border, y'all fake news at the report.
The priority of the United States Department of State will
be the United states, it will be furthering the national
interest of this country. Betterman is literally America's teenage son.

Speaker 2 (14:13):
It's your grandma's funeral. I told you I don't like
long bands. So it's a blatant violation of the Constitution.

Speaker 1 (14:21):
He doesn't have the unilateral power to do it, and
most importantly, he's doing it on the backs of babies.
High authority said that Chilean nationals were in the country
illegally and behind a string of burglaries targeting multimillion dollar homes.

Speaker 6 (14:37):
Tonight, up to fifteen hundred troops, a mix of active
duty army and marines heading to the southern border. When
you end catch and release the incentive for those that
are coming in illegally.

Speaker 5 (14:48):
That ends b peg Set's former sister in law, Danielle Hegsett,
the legis of the Defense Secretary nominee was abusive toward
his second wife, Samantha Joe.

Speaker 1 (14:58):
Biden gave a pardon yesterday to a lot of criminals
because in Trump do.

Speaker 6 (15:02):
The right thing by letting these guys out and parting
them because they did not get a fair trial.

Speaker 4 (15:13):
Just hours after TikTok shut down the app for it's
one hundred and seventy million users.

Speaker 2 (15:18):
It's back up and running here, fat voyage.

Speaker 1 (15:22):
Yeah, how it is? You? What for?

Speaker 2 (15:24):
I'm gonna twist you or not? She'd do this to
my favor.

Speaker 1 (15:29):
Yeah, that was That was one of my favorite moments
for my career, imagining Abe Lincoln whooping the hell out
of J. D. Pritzker for ruining the land of Lincoln,
and somehow the fact that he's fat plays in I'm
not exactly sure why. Oh, back in Lincoln's day, you're
not going to run into a three hundred and seventy
five pound grease blot like JP Pritzker. It's probably astounding

to the rail splitter. I must turn the circus, all right, right,
Hence my nuanced portrayal of the angry Abe Lincoln. Huh,
there's your freedom loving quote of the day. We're going
to go with the theme of change for a while,
as Trump is really changing DC and to some extent America.
This is the former poet laureate Maya Angelo. If you

don't like something, change it. If you can't change it,
change your attitude. A classic. What's the what you're always saying,
we're down to a minute, you can't change it?

Speaker 2 (16:26):
Well, I like the thing. If it's got a solution,
it's a problem. But if it doesn't have a solution,
it's just a fact. Yeah.

Speaker 1 (16:33):
And I have done this many times in my life,
where you're like fretting over something that has no solution.

Speaker 2 (16:38):
This is just what is dude? Get over it right right? Yeah,
change your attitude. I tell you what.

Speaker 1 (16:44):
We have some really interesting experiences and insights to share
via mail bag. And instead of babbling as fast as
my poor swollen tongue will let me, why don't we
do it when we come back? Why is your tongue swollen?
My lifestyle? We won't get into that. I'm a mush
mouth wrack. Everybody knows that, including the testimony of a

young college student who wanted to talk about our topic yesterday,
of young conservatives and Republicans on college campuses are no
longer hiding out like hunted beasts. Interesting hexet's likely to
get confirmed is the second Deaf Today, among other things
we can tell you about arms strong and getty now.

Speaker 6 (17:28):
Spy agencies and the Justice Department have until February seventh
to bring President Trump a plan for releasing the JFK documents,
and March ninth to bring him a plan about releasing
the RFK and MLK documents, And when he was done
signing that executive order, he ordered an aid to bring
the pen that he used to his HHS Secretary nominee

RFK Junior.

Speaker 1 (17:52):
A lot of people are waiting for this for along,
for years, for decades.

Speaker 6 (17:57):
The JFK, RFK and MLK assassination files all ordered released
by President Trump.

Speaker 1 (18:03):
And everything will be revealed. Do you think there's anything
there at all, like like big revelation.

Speaker 2 (18:14):
Yeah, have to be bigger, you know. Oh no, I
heard I tend to doubt it.

Speaker 1 (18:21):
I was listening somewhere and they said the CIA knew
a lot more about Lee Harvey Oswald than we've ever known.
And okay, that would be interesting if that's true. But
I just I find it hard to believe there's much
left to learn about any of those big assassinations, as they've.

Speaker 2 (18:35):
Been poured over for years and years. Yeah.

Speaker 1 (18:38):
I anticipate in medium sized interesting, not blockbuster immediately, in
autopsy level stuff for you know, do you know what
I mean? Wow, that's your standard alien autopsy is pretty
high level. Yeah, we do have an alien. We did
an autopsy on it. We had quite a conversation with him.
We put the we we uh, we put the wires
to him to get him to talk. He begged us

for mercy, but we said, you shut your four mouths.

Speaker 2 (19:01):

Speaker 1 (19:02):
No, no, it's it's not going to turn out to
be lbj's sister on the Grassy Knoll or anything like that.
I know, it'll just be like mid level interesting. I'll bet.
I do want to talk about Martin Luther King because
I had a whole bunch of stuff for Monday and
it got obscured, obviously by the inauguration. My son was

working on a MLK paper for school last night and
I got on a long roll about this new book
I'm reading about the civil rights movement.

Speaker 2 (19:29):
But talk about that later.

Speaker 1 (19:31):
One of my favorite writers and thinkers, one of yours two,
Kim Strassel of the Wall Street Journal, blasting rfk Jr.
I mean, just leveling him for being a greed head,
fake environmental concern try lawyer, and how he's just that's

his world. He is mister Monsanto, brought to their knees
because of glycus, the roundup. That's that's his thing. So anyway,
different folks are entitled to different opinions. I'm gonna do
some mail bag here. We don't need the silly music
hands and if it's not handy, got this note from Nate.

We were talking yesterday about how, in a lot of
ways conservatives and Republicans on college campuses have been hiding out,
just afraid to express their views because it was such
a headache, and they'd be hounded and yelled at in
their professors and chew them ount and how that's really
changed since Trump got reelected. There seems to be confidence

that's clear on the right. And we got this note
from Nate. He says, guys, you're talking about the new
widespread outspokenness of Trump support in colleges, wondering how it
came about From me, currently a freshman in Oregon Tech.
It was that I was just fed up with activist professors.
For example, all of the speeches that I have to
give for a communications class lend themselves to being somewhat

political in nature, but the professor wants quote to consider,
especially issues of social justice, sustainability, and equity.

Speaker 2 (21:03):
Oh my god, he said.

Speaker 1 (21:06):
I've stopped filtering out my conservative views from any conversation
because I refuse to let the school be a Marxist
echo chamber. I've noticed that in doing this it's emboldened
other people to speak out with their conservative views as well.
Hopefully my first hand experience is helpful. Blah blah blah,
thanks for what you do, Thank you, Nate, well done,
my lad, well done. No, I get it if when

you realize it, oh, half the country is willing to
pull the lever for this guy. I guess I'm not
completely crazy to say something positive about this point of view.
And even further than that, Nate and others are realizing
somewhat belatedly, but that's cool, better late than never. That
the woke professor, for instance, does not represent the forty

nine percent right well lost the election. He represents an
insane ten or eleven percent that happens to also include
the media. So I don't know the million and sixth
time you get. I don't know if it's that high.
We're talking hardcore activists or well meaning soft heads who
go along with it. If you include both groups, I

think if you include both, definitely Yeah. Anyway, the point
obviously being that they have such an outsized influence for
a small group of completely delusional wack of doodles moving
along the always insightful Powelo Jack, You're gonna like this.
We're talking about the falling birth rates all over the
developed world and the various, you know, possible causes of it.

Rents Tooh, that was good. I personally think it's a
confluence of several different things. But Paulo says, you're talking
about our falling birth rate and how animals do that
in response to over crowding. And you suggested that we
have plenty of space, so that's probably not the cause
of our recent reproductive decline. Maybe that's not necessarily so. Well,
we have lots of physical space. Modern communication over whelms

us with a cacofity of inputs, and we engage in
habits that maximize our exposure to them. I think our
animal brains might likely interpret that as being crowded and threatened.
Absolutely could be true. That's fascinating. Until very recently, that
constant input from others would have only occurred if we
were indeed very crowded. You know, Powlo, that's one of
the most insightful things I've ever heard on the topic. Yeah,

I'm thinking of some people I know a couple of
different people I know who live in rural areas and
feel like they're under attack from the world because they're
on their phones all the time. You live in the
middle of nowhere, there's nobody near you. What are you
worried about? But it doesn't feel that way if you're
on your phone all the time. And to get us right,

right right, nobody's coming to get you. You flick around.
Look there's a squirrel.

Speaker 2 (23:48):
Is he coming to get you?

Speaker 1 (23:49):
Know? But Polo points out the absolutely shocking correlation, which
does not mean causation, but correlation between the rise of
the Internet and smartphones and the dropping coupling reproduction sex
among young people.

Speaker 2 (24:05):
Whatever. Yeah, I don't think it's a coincidence. Well done, sir.
I'm gonna keep this on.

Speaker 1 (24:09):
It makes way more freaking sense than rents Too high
Joe and San Jose, he says. My wife and I
went to see the Bob Dylan movie A complete unknown,
very very good, praises Timothy Shallome.

Speaker 2 (24:21):

Speaker 1 (24:22):
I think he did. He got nominated for an Oscar yesterday.
I believe I believe he did.

Speaker 2 (24:26):

Speaker 1 (24:26):
Yeah, really good musically too, they say. As a guitarist
and singer, consider this kid's got talent and range as
an actor. Last three movies Young Wartime Prints in the
futuristic film Dune, Willie Wonk in the prequel movie Wonka,
and Bob Dylan in Complete Unknown. He's really good for
such a young guy. Yes, yes, Joe and San Jose.

But here's what you're missing. He's very, very pretty. So
I hate him. Okay, well that's reasonable. Yeah, see how
much time do we have? Fair amount. This is a
great note from Jeff. It's a little long for our
purposes here, but he is going into the thousands of

scientists who are shouting that yes, we have climate change.
We do not have a climate emergency that needs to
be dealt with at the enormous expense. He mentions, one
thousand and six hundred scientists sent a detailed letter with
scientific backup to the California Air Resources Board last year

explaining there is no climate emergency in California. It was
totally ignored and not covered in the news media. The
UN put out a big study yesterday saying, and I
don't remember what the number was, it doesn't matter. One
hundred and ten million children didn't go to school because
of climate change in the last year with cyclones and
hurricanes and this and that and okay, so what was

it during normal years? I mean, I'm assuming that tenderlions
kids missed school every single year because of snowstorms, range
to cyclones. This that boy, that is the weakest of
correlationization and and and data, you know, nut picking your data.
So what is complete like a context? What is the
obsession with that? What is with the you get up

in the morning and let let's find another segment of
society or the world to jam climate change into. What
is that?

Speaker 2 (26:24):
What does everybody need to be happy?

Speaker 1 (26:27):
Sex, a purpose, a purpose, sex, sex and a purpose.
That's correct. My purpose happens to be sex, which is
very handy. It simplifies everything, right, No, a life of purpose,
p and and and if it is a giant like
crusade of a purpose, it fills people with self importance,
a new purpose. Yeah, your purpose is dumb. You're wasting

your time and my money. Ridiculous. And then finally, my
favorite note, al Anonymous whose son is in the marine
yesterday yesterday got the following order. I'm just going to
read it. The executive order is ending radical and wasteful
government DEI programs and preferencing, and initial and rescissions of

harmful executive orders and actions. It is the orders saying
number one, no more DEI crap in the Marine Corps.
And my favorite part, if you are aware of a
change in any contract description or personal position to obscure
the connection between what's happening in DEI or similar ideologies,

please report all facts and circumstances to a certain government
office within ten days. There will be no adverse consequences
for timely reporting this information. However, failure to report this
information within ten days may result in adverse consequences.

Speaker 2 (27:50):
In other words, go ahead, were you going to jump in?

Speaker 1 (27:53):
Well, this is the portion of the whole getting DEI
out of the federal government that NPR reported the other day.
For instance, health agencies aren't allowed to have meetings until
their guidelines have been gone over by the Trump administration.
Word by word, meetings were canceled this week meetings. It
will be difficult to me, that will be difficult to reschedule,
And I thought, really, will it be difficult to reschedule

the meeting? And I like the way you presented as
if how we were going to cure cancer? It to
this afternoon, but we had to cancel the meeting because
the Trump administration is going to go word by word
over stuff. I hope everybody enjoyed that phrase as much
as I did. Meetings were canceled, that will be difficult
to reschedule. Oh no, no, oh.

Speaker 2 (28:36):
I weep from my republic.

Speaker 1 (28:38):
Oh great, Scott boy. They are digging deep to find
something to be grief stricken about these days. That's hilarious.
Absolutely love that. But I also love the idea of, hey, guys,
we're ending the DEI crap and if any of your
officers are trying to just eyes, it is something else.

Give us a buzz, right, love it so quick cord
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slash Armstrongest No safe like simply safe. You know, we
played clips to the week earlier in the hour and
I was like, wow, the inauguration was this week. I mean,
there's just so much going on. It seemed crazy that
that was this week. I thought it was a couple

of weeks ago. There is a lot of news going on,
and Katie's got the headlines next bringing Peggy Noonan in
the Wall Street Journal about Trump's week talk about energy
in the executive President Trump is flooding all zones, throwing
a whole pots of spaghetti against the wall. The spirit
is Teddy Roosevelt high dying, being dynamic, and Kenny's show business.

Speaker 2 (30:41):
It has been something agreed.

Speaker 1 (30:46):
I've heard a couple of references to Trump's skills as
a producer of entertainment or you know, as we call it, intormation,
as he is doing a masterful job of conveying what
he's doing government wise to America in a way that's
really really useful. I mean, you can do the greatest

things in the world, but if nobody hears about it,
or they hear about it only through the voices of
you know, MSNBC in the mainstream.

Speaker 2 (31:17):
Media, you're gonna get screwed. So it's very canny.

Speaker 1 (31:20):
So they just got on the helicopter to get on
the plane to go to North Carolina to survey the
damage and then come to California to see the fires.
And Malania has clearly decided second term. I'm gonna dress
how I want. I'm a hot model. I'm gonna dress
like a hot model. She's wearing aviators, a beanie, she
looks like you're to a twenty five year old college girl,
and she can pull it off.

Speaker 2 (31:39):
But she's not dressed like the first lady. Katie cringes.

Speaker 4 (31:44):
I'll ever make that noise in.

Speaker 2 (31:45):
That's rough. That hard, that's hard to take.

Speaker 1 (31:51):
All right, let's figure out who's reporting one. It's the
lead story with Katie Green. Oh, by the way, as
long as I'm thinking about this Katie headline in the
Daily Mail, ego maniac Gavin Newsom's deranged plot to ruin
Trump's first presidential visit to tour LA fire victim blah
blah blah, And I thought, deranged plot. You know what,
the deranged plot is going to meet him at the

tarmac and shake his hand and say, we could really
ease your help.

Speaker 2 (32:16):
Here, mister president.

Speaker 5 (32:18):
Deranged, it's not very deranged. I do like the fact
they called him an egomaniac, though.

Speaker 1 (32:24):
Yeah, I enjoyed the headline, even if it was completely
click baitia misleadings.

Speaker 2 (32:27):
All right, what else did you have for us?

Speaker 4 (32:29):
We have from ABC news.

Speaker 5 (32:31):
Man found carrying gun inside US Capital, got.

Speaker 2 (32:36):
All the way inside the Capitol with a gun.

Speaker 1 (32:38):
Huh. Took a full.

Speaker 2 (32:39):
Tour with a gun. Mm hmm.

Speaker 4 (32:42):
The nine millimeter handgun that was loaded, by the way, So.

Speaker 1 (32:44):
I went into some buildings while I was in DC.
There's all kinds of metal detectors. You have to take
everything out of your pockets and getting.

Speaker 2 (32:51):
In an airport, I wonder how that happened.

Speaker 5 (32:53):
Well, so he went through the metal detector, he set
it off, and then one of the cops did a
secondary check and missed it as well.

Speaker 1 (33:01):
Huh okay, who knows.

Speaker 5 (33:04):
I see ICE confirms more than five hundred migrants were
arrested yesterday, five a week.

Speaker 2 (33:12):
That would add up pretty fast.

Speaker 1 (33:14):
They're criminal, illegal aliens, by the way, not freaking migrants.

Speaker 5 (33:19):
From CNN, LA keeps an eye on the rain that
could help or hurt the wildfire victims as new fires
pop up in San Diego County.

Speaker 1 (33:28):
I realize the mud slides are problemina on that, but
you gotta I mean, I really think that's lift looking
at Gift Corse in the mouth. I mean, freaking worst
disaster in California history, one of the worst disasters in
US history.

Speaker 2 (33:40):
Bring on the freaking rain if it puts out the fires.

Speaker 5 (33:44):
From the New York Times, Israel appears poised to keep
its troops.

Speaker 4 (33:48):
In Lebanon beyond the deadline.

Speaker 1 (33:51):
Well, of course they are of course they are, and
of course Amas is going to try to continue to
wipe out the Jews, and they're going to try to
reconstitute a law, and Israel will always be under threat
and nisact like it. Ian Bremmer tweeted out yesterday because
he's in Davos for the big get together that they
have there, and he said, well, I'll just read it

one Davos takeaway. Nobody here, myself included, thinks the Gaza
ceasefire would have happened now if Harris had been elected president. Yeah,
that's the view of Ian and the rest of the
world leaders who all hate Trump. Well, that wouldn't it
happen with it? Wouldn't Trump? Isn't that interesting?

Speaker 2 (34:29):
Yeah? For better or worse?

Speaker 1 (34:30):
Yeah, the do nothing, know nothing administration has gone don't
don't you know what? That should be his legacy, completely ineffectual,
fake tough guide threat don't or what I'm gonna From.

Speaker 5 (34:50):
The Wall Street From the Wall Street Journal, Russia brushes
off Trump's threats on Ukraine, and the subhead says Moscow
believes it has the resources and the.

Speaker 4 (34:59):
Man power to keep up the fight.

Speaker 1 (35:01):
Boy the forget who somebody with the running NATO are
yelling at NATO. Hey, yes, talking to NATO yesterday was
you all don't want to pony up the money? Now?
How expensive do you think it's going to be if
Russia wins? And then we've got to beef up NATO
enough to make sure we can defend ourselves against Russia.

Now that it's going to be way more expensive. It'd
be cheaper to put to stop them now than let
them win in Ukraine, which is a perfectly legitimate argument
from the New York Post.

Speaker 5 (35:36):
Smartphone use leads to detachment from reality, aggression and hallucinations
in teens as young as thirteen.

Speaker 1 (35:44):
Wow, detachment from reality. Yeah, where's the study from him?
I'll read this.

Speaker 4 (35:50):
This was up on the New York Post and I'll
put it in Hot Lakes as well.

Speaker 2 (35:53):
I'll definitely read that.

Speaker 5 (35:55):
And finally, the Babylon b Liberals briefly their chance death
to Israel to call Elon Musk a Nazi.

Speaker 2 (36:07):
That's a good one, craft and accurate.

Speaker 1 (36:09):
Yeah, wow, smartphones and all the problems they cause, and
there are many hallucinations. It detached from reality. Yeah, it
makes sense. I mean I'd like to know more. Obviously,
that's kind of a catchy, sensational headline, but when your
neural pathways are still being formed as young people's are,
I could believe it. Yeah, Armstrong and Getty
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