Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Broadcasting live from the Abraham Lincoln Radio Studio the George
Washington Broadcast Center, Jack Armstrong and Joe Getty.
Speaker 2 (00:10):
Arm Strong and Getty and he.
Speaker 1 (00:15):
Armstrong and Yetty.
Speaker 3 (00:23):
Prisons from all over the world have been emptied out
into our country by Biden allowing it to happen. I
don't even know if he knew what the hell was
going on. But I don't understand. Why does somebody want
open borders? Why would anybody that even likes You don't
have to love our country, you have to like it.
Why would anybody that likes our country the Democrats allow.
Speaker 2 (00:44):
That to happen.
Speaker 3 (00:45):
The only reason it can be is two reasons. You're stupid.
And I don't think they're stupid. I think anybody that
cheats that much and that well is not stupid. You're
either stupid or you hate the country.
Speaker 4 (00:58):
Neither one of those explanations really work. So I still
don't really get it. I got to believe at some
times the leaders of the Democratic Party get in a
room and say why were.
Speaker 1 (01:10):
We doing that again?
Speaker 4 (01:12):
Because many people were wondering that politically, you're getting killed
on this, Why are you doing this again? But they
continued down that road for four years, nearly eight million
illegals crossed, biggest human migration in world history, and people
hated it overwhelmingly, including Democrats, including Hispanics. Why it continued,
like Trump said, two reasons, stupidity or he eight the country.
I don't know the reason, but it happened. I have
a guess.
Speaker 1 (01:40):
I've been saying for years that both sides are in
on it because it props up the welfare state because
we're not having babies anymore, and it's a pyramid scheme.
You need more young workers than older tirees. But as
a Democrat, when I see how I'm getting murdered for
that politically, you know, because politicians are always after their
own self interests, I can't believe they didn't adjust their sales.
Only explanation for that is again they think the Twitter
left is America.
Speaker 4 (02:06):
That is really the only explanation. Obviously, we do need
people to prop up our blah blah blah.
Speaker 2 (02:11):
Just what you said.
Speaker 4 (02:12):
But if as actually was going on, wouldn't somebody have
said it out loud by now you'd think.
Speaker 1 (02:19):
I don't have an answer for that. That is absolutely
what's happening, though I stand by that.
Speaker 4 (02:25):
Interesting it'd be the first big secret DC's ever kept
if that's what's going on.
Speaker 2 (02:30):
I mean, but I don't know. It's over now, at
least for a while.
Speaker 4 (02:36):
And as you have if you, if you're old enough,
you've been following this, like going back to Reagan, it
comes in waves. A whole bunch of people come in,
then we slam the door, no more of this, and
then a whole bunch of more people come in, and
we just keep going that direction. Already, a whole bunch
of people have been arrested, depending on your definition of
a whole bunch, got about four hundred people that have
been arrested, with many of them with horrifyingminal records, and
the fact that they were arrested within days means the
Justice Department knew who they were, what they had done,
where they were, and were able to grab them that fast.
Getting back to Trump's question of why you open the borders.
Speaker 2 (03:12):
Why do you let hardcore child rapists.
Speaker 4 (03:16):
You know who they are, where they are, run around.
Speaker 2 (03:17):
Without arresting him. What is the theory on that? How
do you get it's insane? How do you think that
benefits you?
Speaker 4 (03:23):
Even if you're just a hardcore politician, How do you
think that benefits your party or you getting reelected, let
alone being a decent human being. Why do you want
a child rapist growing around in this country illegally?
Speaker 2 (03:34):
It's insane.
Speaker 1 (03:35):
I know, it's it's hard to believe it existed for
as long as it did.
Speaker 2 (03:40):
It's shocking.
Speaker 1 (03:41):
It's like have come out of some sort of weird
fever dream and I'm back to myself and I'm thinking, Wow,
that was weird that dream. Hey, I just want to
point out real quickly, it's four hundred dangerous scumbags arrested
so far. That is preventing somewhere between four hundred and
one thousand, maybe two thousand future victims. Those people will
not be hurt, they will not be raped, they will
not be robbed because of this.
Speaker 2 (04:10):
That's wonderful, I would say.
Speaker 4 (04:13):
And as we've mentioned many times, according to the New
York Times, eighty five percent of Americans in favor of
booting out and or arresting the people that we know
are criminals.
Speaker 2 (04:23):
Speaker 1 (04:23):
Moore, Can I say the fifteen percent who are against
it need to be deported themselves?
Speaker 2 (04:28):
Speaker 4 (04:29):
No, kidding a little more on that in a second.
But Trump sending troops to the border. Here's a report
on that.
Speaker 2 (04:34):
Speaker 5 (04:34):
Up to fifteen hundred troops, a mix of active duty
Army and Marines, heading to the southern border after the
President declared a national emergency. The troops given twenty four
hours to deploy military police units, combat engineers, and intelligence
specialists to aid with detection and monitoring. According to the Pentagon,
troops also tasked with helping to construct physical barriers along
the border. Also part of the effort, military aircraft to
support importation flights.
Speaker 4 (05:01):
And reports from some Marine general major guy yesterday, I
saw could be up to ten thousand troops that head
to the border. They won't be it won't be like
combat roles. They'll be doing all kinds of different tasks
and that sort of thing. But however, many people they
need to get all this done. Although he did say
wherever the Marines go, we take everything we need as
if we were, you know, headed to another country.
Speaker 2 (05:23):
Sure to protect ourselves.
Speaker 4 (05:25):
So if the cartels get nasty, we're perfectly prepared for that.
So whow wouldn't that get exciting? I assume that cartels
are smart enough not to take on the US Marines.
I don't feel like that'd be a good idea. All right,
here's the joke, addy plan.
Speaker 1 (05:38):
We have the Marines over here, the Army over here,
and we have them joined together with the border patrol folks,
and we say, all right, Marines, you get sectors one,
three and five. Army you get two, four and six. Now,
obviously all human rights rules and laws will be enforced strictly,
no funny business. But whichever one of you lets the
fewest illegals in fifty thousand dollars bonus at the end
of the year, pit the services against each other to
see who can do a better job at securing the border. Man,
you'd have like three guys get through.
Speaker 4 (06:12):
In the next year, you're gonna give out prizes Amazon
gift certificates for the fewest illegals.
Speaker 2 (06:18):
Across just service pride.
Speaker 4 (06:20):
According to The Wall Street Journal, the Trump administration is
attempting to amass a larger force of law enforcement officials
to carry out deportations by granting agents across the federal
government the same powers as an immigration officer. According to
an internal memo seen by The Wall Street Journal, Okay,
we'll see how that works out. Some of the headlines
that are out there from the mainstream media. They're picking
on all of the most heartrending, tear jerking stories they
can come up with without the follow through sentence to me,
which I'll mention in a second. Here's one of your headlines.
Ice has been freed to make arrests at churches. More
immigrants to sanctuary in Philadelphia then anywhere else immigrant communities
are afraid. Okay, and then the next sentence to me
would and so what we should do?
Speaker 5 (07:09):
Speaker 4 (07:10):
That's what I want on all of these heartrending stories,
and so we should do what be the next sentence? Okay,
you got a sad family here because their kid was
going to go to college and now they might get
booted out, and so we should do what allow unfettered
immigrant illegal immigration?
Speaker 2 (07:25):
Or what what's your solution here?
Speaker 4 (07:27):
Or am I just supposed to be sad and mad
at Trump for kind of just kind of flowery reasons
because you found somebody who this sucks for them.
Speaker 1 (07:34):
I'm surprised we don't all know this terminology because it's
so important and so obvious. The share of humanity that
has nothing but an emotional response to a story like
you're pointing out, it makes me sad. Therefore it is bad. Automatically,
you should not be in charge of anything. I just again,
I appreciate people like that existing on Earth, the dreamers
and the poets, but they should not be in charge.
If you can't understand, well, I understand that that's uncomfortable.
Speaker 2 (08:04):
For them, but we have immigration laws that need to
be enforced.
Speaker 1 (08:06):
If that is too much for you, please be quiet
and stop voting.
Speaker 4 (08:10):
Trump immigration policy has schools in Limbo, and they have
Clark County.
Speaker 2 (08:14):
I don't know if that's Nevada.
Speaker 4 (08:16):
Principles are looking for guidance on how to respond should
federal immigration agents arrive on campus conducting conducting deportations again,
and so we should have what or we should what?
What is your remedy for this? If you're telling me
there's a complicated, messy downside to having eight million illegals
show up in four years, I would.
Speaker 2 (08:39):
Agree with you.
Speaker 4 (08:40):
Unwinding that or ending that is going to be complicated
and messy, and so we should what have eight million more?
I mean, I don't even understand these stories. They make
me angry.
Speaker 1 (08:50):
There's probably speaking of things that we all need to
know the terminology for. There's probably a term for that
where you intentionally push a situation to the point we're
fixing it would be so difficult.
Speaker 2 (09:02):
Oh yeah, people won't won't take on the challenge of it. Absolutely,
that is a ste Well, no, we'll take on the
challenge and you're to blame.
Speaker 1 (09:12):
It's like the whole people trying to blame Israel for
killing civilians when they attack Hamas.
Speaker 2 (09:19):
It's a similar technique.
Speaker 4 (09:22):
Also, I mentioned this is unprecedented in Mexico building giant
shelters to prepare ahead of Trump's promised mass deportations on
the other side of the border, because they're going to
they realize they are going to have thousands of people
that they have to deal with somehow, you know, roof
over their heads and feed them or something like that. Again,
I don't know if I'm supposed to be upset about
that or sorry for the Mexico or whatever, But how
did you think.
Speaker 2 (09:47):
This was going to end again? And so we should
do what?
Speaker 4 (09:51):
This is gonna be fun to watch for the next
couple of days, especially as I keep pointing out, with
overwhelming public opinion on his side.
Speaker 1 (10:00):
Yeah, yeah, it's like your kid the third time he
gets busted for the possession of drugs and you're you're
turning his drawers.
Speaker 2 (10:08):
What about my privacy? You gave that up. That's over
being sweet and nice.
Speaker 1 (10:15):
It just we can't we can't afford that, you know why,
because of what you did. Don't make me the bad guy, Katie.
Speaker 4 (10:26):
You got something for us, different topic, well, breaking news,
Oh my god.
Speaker 2 (10:30):
Breaks the donkey preys.
Speaker 4 (10:31):
It's either in heat it is that time of year
for donkeys, it's heat season, or it's breaking news. Is
it breaking news it's a little above or do we
have a randy donkey on our hands.
Speaker 6 (10:41):
Yeah, it's a little of both. We have Carla Sophia Gascone.
She's the star of the French film Amelia Perez.
Speaker 4 (10:48):
I can't imagine where this breaking news. I can't imagine
how this warranted the breaking news donkey. I'm trying to
even imagine in my head. Well, Jack, what the rest
of your hanging on a second? To hang on a second?
Speaker 2 (10:57):
Hang on it?
Speaker 1 (10:57):
We gotta let us guess because we've often made the
Joe Okay, I don't want to hear that name again
unless they assassinate the president or cure cancer.
Speaker 2 (11:03):
Can doubt it's one of those Wow, she's he oh boy,
busted for Arshan Arson. She started the La wildfires. Okay,
that's jack. You gotta guess she landed on Mars and
planeted a US flag. You're not taking this seriously. Both
guesses were great.
Speaker 6 (11:24):
But Carla Sophia Gascone has become the first openly transgender
actor to be nominated for Best Actress category.
Speaker 2 (11:34):
Oh now I'm gonna vomit. You've made me vomit. You
proud of yourself. That's fantastic. Oh, I can't wait to
hear about that all day long. Or not hear about
that all day long. That is fantastic. Er mcgird, I
can't form words. You wow you.
Speaker 4 (11:51):
So the Oscar nominations are out. They had delayed them
because of the fires, which was appropriate. But yes, great,
the first trans Oscar nomination.
Speaker 2 (11:59):
Quite an one. What's that? I said? Quite an Adams
apple on this one.
Speaker 1 (12:04):
We don't need to be It's the first man nominated
for Best Actress.
Speaker 2 (12:08):
That's weird since it's a man.
Speaker 4 (12:11):
Anyway, Oh my god, that was a good one. You
got us, You got us a lot more on the way.
Stay here. One of the football games this weekend. I
don't know if you watch the Chiefs game, did you
see Patrick mahomes flop first NFL flop maybe an NFL
history and uh And there's actually talk now because Troy
ak Been pointed it out during the game of having
some sort of flop rule like they have in the NBA.
Speaker 2 (12:42):
It was really something.
Speaker 4 (12:43):
But Patrick Mahomes was headed out of bounds and he
slowed down to make sure the guy would have to
touch him, because they were He could have gotten out
of bounds really easy, but he slowed down to make
sure the guy's momentum would have to touch him. And
then he like waves his arms and flies over backwards
like he's been killed like European soccer players do all
the time.
Speaker 2 (13:02):
Oh yeah, time honored. In the NBA. You throw your
hands in the air.
Speaker 1 (13:06):
Oh your head goes really, Oh my god, look what
he did at me.
Speaker 2 (13:09):
This one is a little too egregious.
Speaker 4 (13:11):
I don't know if they can have a rule around that,
but I guess Patrick Mahomes on a radio show yesterday
actually said he went too far with that one.
Speaker 2 (13:20):
That's pretty funny.
Speaker 4 (13:21):
That's classy of them. Speaking of funny, this is funny.
I don't know how I came across this yesterday. I
think you will like this. This is from family Guy.
I will set it up. You don't even need the visual.
It is a hipster standing on a street corner. I
would all become evident his look, his hipster look, as
Stewie lectures him. But it's Stewie the baby talking to
a hipster. Could be Portland, Seattle, West Hollywood, San Francisco.
You know, name your place where hipsters like that stand around.
I thought this was hilarious.
Speaker 2 (13:51):
Oh you got the wool cap on.
Speaker 7 (13:53):
Huh yeah, yeah, I guess you know whatever. It's a
ninety six degrees out benefit on the old wool capt
lot going on under there under the wool cap thinking
about your sideburns.
Speaker 2 (14:08):
Yeah, no, no, no, no, you're not a complete jackass. Yeah.
Speaker 7 (14:11):
Oh hey, nice t shirt fresh and it's spelled with
a P. H Oh, that's fun because it's usually spelled
with an F.
Speaker 2 (14:18):
Yeah. You got a little tear in your pants there.
Oh that's on purpose, though, isn't it. You're a bad boy.
You're a bad boy.
Speaker 7 (14:26):
Society wants your pants to be intact, but you're just
not gonna listen, are you?
Speaker 2 (14:30):
My god, this is ridiculous. I'm sorry. I'm gonna have
to kill you. Oh that is beautiful. Oh, you're a
bad way.
Speaker 4 (14:39):
Society wants your pants to be intact, but you're not
gonna listen, are you.
Speaker 2 (14:46):
That's funny.
Speaker 1 (14:47):
Oh my, I might use that on someone someday.
Speaker 2 (14:53):
Society wants your pants to be intact, but you're not
gonna listen, are you. Well, there's part of.
Speaker 1 (15:00):
Me that wants that to be like a mandatory thing
to be played at the beginning of sixth grade for
every generations students. But there's part of me that thinks, Nah,
you gotta go through that stuff. It's okay, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Speaker 4 (15:12):
And I own jeans that have rips in them for
some reason. But uh, what do you got going on
under that wool cap? Thinking about your side burns?
Speaker 3 (15:24):
Speaker 2 (15:25):
God, Joe and I've been talking about that for years.
Speaker 4 (15:27):
You see that all the time. It's so flipping hot outside.
Are you wearing your beanie?
Speaker 3 (15:32):
Speaker 1 (15:32):
You gotta be in your uniform. It's like being a cop. Yeah,
it's hot, but I'm a cop. I'm wearing my uniform.
I'm a young, rebellious hipster. You gotta wear my uniform,
all right. Speaking of hilarious. I vowed we should play
this clip once an hour because it's so perfect. This
is Congressman Burchett from is It Tennessee, Kentucky, Tennessee on
with the self loving Jim Acosta on CNN seventy one.
Speaker 2 (16:02):
Yes, this is not Fox, Congressman.
Speaker 4 (16:05):
You can't just spin a tail and pull the wool
out of people's eyes.
Speaker 2 (16:08):
Now, this is CNN. This is the news. We're asking
out and tell the truth.
Speaker 1 (16:14):
And that's why more people are watching the cartoon network
SpongeBob reruns right now.
Speaker 4 (16:18):
Jim, without even without that line, just the this isn't Fox,
we tell the truth here, Oh this.
Speaker 1 (16:28):
Is the news all right, Wow, nobody believes you, Jim.
Speaker 6 (16:35):
We reminded me of when Chuck Todd did that whole
It's been my honor to explain the world to America
and America to the world.
Speaker 2 (16:42):
Yeah, yeah, exactly. Yeah, that was hard to take. One
of the dishest things ever said. We had this story yesterday.
Speaker 4 (16:51):
It's a Trump administration thing, and Marco Rubio announced it yesterday.
Only US flags flown under over government buildings in other countries.
No more. You get to throw the Fed Pride flag
up certain parts of the year or the Black Lives
Matter flag, if that's the flavor of the day, only
US flags period anywhere in the world. What percentage of
Americans agree with that? I guarantee it's a high number.
Speaker 2 (17:16):
Armstrong and Getty. We don't promise perfection.
Speaker 5 (17:20):
I'm so happy that I never have, especially after.
Speaker 2 (17:23):
That could spell eagles.
Speaker 6 (17:24):
Right he ow ge yes, yes, begs, let's go birds.
Speaker 2 (17:33):
There's a different clip than I sent you. How did
that happen?
Speaker 4 (17:35):
That's interesting anyway, The mayor of Philadelphia, responding to the
fact that she could not spend spell Eagles, which has
gotten tremendous amount of online We don't expect perfection.
Speaker 2 (17:48):
We don't demand perfection. That's an interesting wow to that.
Speaker 1 (17:51):
Or functionally illiterate? Shouldn't you're an illiterate mayor of Philadelphia.
Speaker 4 (17:58):
She should have just laughed along with it, as opposed
to we don't demand perfection or something like that.
Speaker 2 (18:03):
That's a weird set plays the beginning of that again, hanswer,
we don't promise perfection. I'm so happy that.
Speaker 7 (18:10):
That's fine.
Speaker 2 (18:12):
That's fine. We don't promise perfection. You're illiterate and that's
your answer. Wow?
Speaker 1 (18:20):
Wow, So there was no that the sound was echoing
back to me. I was trying to catch up to
the crowd. No, she's like, uh, nobody's perfect. She just
confessed to being a little should have.
Speaker 4 (18:32):
Just laughed about it. I don't know what I was thinking.
That's hilarious. She just laughed at off.
Speaker 1 (18:38):
Don't learn about her strategy than you seem into the strategy,
which is fine. I'm just astounded that may that Philadelphia
elected an illiterate mayor.
Speaker 4 (18:49):
You know, you've never made a mistake a public speaking
before where you just of course you're thinking of other
things or I mean, I can see how you can
make That's why point.
Speaker 2 (19:00):
She's not claiming any of that because she can't. She's illiterate.
She's admitting to being illiterate. Me now, me, yes, yes,
big in Washington.
Speaker 4 (19:17):
In Washington, apparently it's very popular where they are playing
the Washington Commanders, that's who they're playing. In the ground
is lots of T shirts fly eggless fly.
Speaker 2 (19:29):
Speaker 1 (19:31):
I'll tell you what. There is such an interesting topic here.
It's a minefield y. But if you ascend to the
top of your cities, I'm the loud, demonstrative, enthusiastic black
leader thing you are in charge, and it functions very
differently than other political systems. But nobody wants to talk
about it because they're afraid of being called the race.
Speaker 2 (20:00):
But it's it's I'll just say this, it's.
Speaker 1 (20:03):
Very different than the way you become the mayor of
Indianapolis anyway, politically speaking, and I say this as a
political scientist anyway. Speaking of college, a couple of stories,
some good, some ridiculous. Civic education is making a huge comeback.
There are organizations that are pushing hard American history, American
politics as not as examples of systemic racism. The counter
battle has begun, and maybe we can get into that
at some point.
Speaker 2 (20:39):
There are a lot of great examples.
Speaker 1 (20:40):
But if you're into that sort of thing, you have
momentum on your side and and the fight to turn
back the tide is definitely on, which I think is great. Uh.
There's interesting piece from the Wall Street Journal that college
Republicans are no longer like hunted beleaguered in the shadows types.
They're now wearing their stuff out, They're holding their meetings,
they have their recruiting desks at the New Students SUITEK
and stuff like that. Unapologetically so that tide is turning,
Thank goodness. But I was struck by this story. Columbia University,
which is just freaking crazy. Pro Hamas students on the
first day of spring semester, first day class, stormed classrooms,
targeting Jewish students with anti Semitic flyers and pro Hamas flyers.
Speaker 4 (21:36):
Ah, and again those are not Nazis. Elon Musk is
a Nazi. The salute. Clearly Nazi students actually attacking Jews,
not Nazis.
Speaker 2 (21:50):
So a couple of things struck me. That's an excellent point.
Speaker 1 (21:54):
Several Kaffea clad student activists stormed in Israeli history class
and passed out anti Semitic flows, glorifying Hamas, depicting the
Star of David being crushed, and promising violence. Others vandalized
the campus called on their followers to shut down the university.
Speaker 2 (22:10):
What was one of the most Oh.
Speaker 1 (22:11):
The enemy will not see tomorrow red one flyer handed
out to Jewish students.
Speaker 4 (22:17):
Name another protected group that could be attacked like this
and it would not be the biggest story in America? Black, Hispanic, gay, female, trans,
I mean, name any group that it wouldn't be the
biggest story in America.
Speaker 2 (22:31):
If they were being attacked like this somewhere.
Speaker 1 (22:35):
So these activists passed out that flyer the enemy will
not see tomorrow, and the word tomorrow is spelled with
an upside down triangle symbol that Hamas uses to denote
Israeli targets. The flyer depicts a truck full of Hamas
terrorists brandishing heavy artillery, including two RPGs and machine guns.
Another flyer with the caption crushes Ionism depicted the start
David underneath a boot. Third depicted in his raally flagging
flames with a threat to burn Zionism to the ground.
Speaker 2 (23:03):
All of that is repugnant and horrible, and.
Speaker 1 (23:11):
It astounds me it's being allowed to take place on
any level. I'm disgusted. But here is the sound and Hanson, sorry,
should have had you get this ready. Here's what it
sounded like in one of the classrooms. This is they'd
been in the classroom for a minute or two already.
But to clip number fifteen.
Speaker 8 (23:31):
Please get that out of here, please get here, okay,
get class.
Speaker 2 (23:41):
It's okay, okay.
Speaker 1 (23:47):
So the male voice you heard saying get the hell
out of class or you know, take off your mask,
that was absolutely by far the strongest reaction of any
of the kids sitting in kids, they're adults sitting in class.
Everybody was so passive, so sheeplike, and I was contrasting
that with and this is not an up with us
or up with me thing, but I was thinking about
my college years and the people I knew in our classes.
If somebody had come in with that s there would
have been a lot stronger than get out of class.
Get out of the class. We're just sitting here with
our hands folded. Please leave, you should leave. I was
just I was horrified by the passivity of all the kids.
Speaker 4 (24:45):
It's horrifying now from every direction. It's amazing that you
aren't immediately expelled for that sort of thing, and.
Speaker 1 (24:52):
Those and what pisses me off and they count on
this is the agitators, and this is straight out of
rules for Radick. They create these situations where they know
if you respond appropriately, you'll look like the bad guy,
which is why they tape everything.
Speaker 2 (25:11):
They record everything on video. Remember that video.
Speaker 4 (25:14):
I think it was in Columbia when all this was
really going down, where if you saw the video on
the news, it was the Jewish kids attacking the peaceful protesters.
If you saw the first ten seconds of the video,
it was the Hamas students trying to tear down the
tent of the Jewish kids, and they were just responding
to that.
Speaker 2 (25:36):
Yeah, I can't remember what the term is. It's you're
putting your.
Speaker 1 (25:40):
Victim in a reaction dilemma. It's a something dilemma where
you push them to the point where any saying individual
would throw your ass out of class physically, but they
count on people being passive. Look, I abhor political violence.
Somebody's doing that, throw their ass in the hallway. But then,
of course at Columbia you would be expelled. You can
call for the extermination of the Jews and hand out
your your I'm going to kill you flyers to a
Jewish student with impunity to Columbia, if you throw their
their Marxist tamas, love and ass out into the hallway.
Speaker 2 (26:25):
You will be disciplined. I don't know what to do.
I don't know.
Speaker 1 (26:31):
All that's required of good men for evil triumph is silence.
How about silence and sitting there with your hands fold
and saying, please don't be evil, Please don't be evil.
Speaker 2 (26:40):
Good Lord.
Speaker 4 (26:41):
Yeah, I don't want violence either, but I'm surprised there
hasn't been a more physical reaction to that. I mean,
you're threatening my life verbally, But then I, you know,
I say get the hell out of here, and they
don't leave. And the breakdown being the authorities aren't doing
anything about it. So in the authorities don't do anything
about it, that's when you have vigilanti justice.
Speaker 2 (27:00):
Yes, and you need vigilante justice.
Speaker 1 (27:03):
Vigilanti justice often does not arise because somebody thought, Hey,
you know what would be great. No, it's that the
society calls for it. There are a hundred examples of
that going on around the world right now, where civil
authorities have broken down and people are policing for themselves.
And I think those two stories, the rise of the
college conservatives and the complete breakdown in the willingness of
the authorities to enforce any sort of norms, those things
are going to come together.
Speaker 2 (27:31):
It'll be fun to watch.
Speaker 4 (27:33):
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Speaker 1 (28:27):
It's guaranteed you can have the over under on the
expense of her outfit. Yes, because there's been some journalism
about that, people have broken it down. What was it,
twenty thousand bucks worth?
Speaker 2 (28:37):
I'll actually have that coming up. It's kind of entertaining.
Speaker 1 (28:40):
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Speaker 4 (28:57):
If you didn't see that, Taylor Swift shows up to
Arrowhead Stadium the other day with this ridiculous outfit, and
well it wasn't ridiculous. She looked very nice. She looked
like a model. But then immediately all media outlets were
reporting on what every part of her thing cost in
the name of it, which I assume was coordinated that
her people, like you know, emailed that to People magazine
for release at game time. It's almost certainly unorchestrated. And
then it's a combination of influencer stuff and you probably
get money from the corporation.
Speaker 2 (29:29):
It's it's a dance.
Speaker 1 (29:31):
Yeah, It's like the paparazzi shots of the starlet on
the beach, which are perfectly lit and posing with their
lips pouting and her butt out place.
Speaker 2 (29:39):
In case she didn't all the orchestra to that.
Speaker 4 (29:41):
They call the paparazzi and say I'm going to the
beach today, and they plan on getting their picture taken.
Speaker 2 (29:46):
You know, it occurs to me.
Speaker 1 (29:47):
We've had a couple of examples of what I was
just ranting about.
Speaker 2 (29:50):
We were talking earlier.
Speaker 1 (29:51):
Jack made the point that there are one of the
talking points from the left right now is that the
crackdown on immigration, the deportations, are going to make people sad,
as if that would neutralize the question, Well, if you
deport this gang banger, this Venezuelan gangbanger, these children are
gonna cry, oh so what? And Jack, the point you
made was you've put us in a position where we
have to do this. Now, don't cry in wine that
we're doing this trying to reform our horrifically broken immigration situation. Well,
the college campus thing, the Columbia University thing, is exactly
the same the authorities have. And I'm not in favor
of college Republicans beating down pro hamas idiots per se,
But if the authorities allow the norms to break down
to that point, and then then that happens. It was
like I was explaining to a neighbor who's a very
nice person, lets their little dog off the leash all
the time. Sometimes this dog is a little aggressive toward
my much much larger dog, and I'm like, look, if
my dog bites your dog, I'm going to be the
bad guy.
Speaker 2 (31:03):
And I'm not the bad guy here. You can't let the.
Speaker 1 (31:08):
University system goes so crazy that people have to eject
you hating Neo Nazis out of class themselves, or you're
not going to like the result.
Speaker 4 (31:20):
Among other unimportant things coming up, some commentary around Jeff
Bezos's fiance Lauren Sanchez, as a lot of people noticed
to it. We noticed her her face, among other things.
Stay tuned.
Speaker 3 (31:38):
I will say that Los Angeles has changed everything because
a lot of money's going to be necessary for the
Los Angeles and a lot of people on the other
side want that to happen in North Carolina. To us, well,
they don't care about North Carolina. The Democrats don't care
about North Carolina. What they've done with FEMA is so bad.
FEMA is a whole nother discussion because all it does
is complicate everything. FEMA has not done their job for
the last four years. You know, I had FEMA working
really well. We had hurricanes in Florida, we had Alabama tornados.
But unless you have certain types of leadership, it's really
it gets in the way.
Speaker 4 (32:18):
So Trump is going he did his first interview. He's
taken tons of questions from the press since our one
of being president, but his first sit down interview with
Sean Hannity last night. And I know, for a lot
of you because I bounced around social media a lot,
the whole North Carolina thing is huge. North Carolina really
got left behind by the media, and to a certain extent,
FEMA with their disaster that occurred, and all kinds of
examples out there. Trump's gonna go to North Carolina on
Friday before he flies to California, and he's trying to
tie together the two things. Oh, you care about FEMA
now that California's had a problem with.
Speaker 2 (32:56):
How about blah blah blah, which is a pretty good idea.
Speaker 4 (33:00):
Yeah, here's a different topic, also popular among the Trump crowd.
Speaker 3 (33:05):
I think one thing is happening is people are learning
that they can't govern and that their policies are terrible.
I mean, they don't want to see a woman get
pummeled by a man in a boxing ring. They don't
want to see men in women's sports, and otherwise they
don't want to see them and they don't want to
have transgender for everyone. They don't want a child leave
home as a boy and come back two days later
as a girl. A parent doesn't want to see that.
And there are states where that can happen.
Speaker 4 (33:37):
That was an incredibly controversial, brave, maybe even stupid thing.
Speaker 1 (33:44):
To say two years ago. Yeah, or because you just
get killed, Yeah, get eaten a love. Yeah, it's just
I mean we went ahead anyway. But yeah, in a
lot of places, a lot of workplaces, a lot of
blue states, you could not say that out loud.
Speaker 4 (34:00):
Hellelujah, you want to tease hour three before I get
to the frivolous.
Speaker 1 (34:04):
I certainly could coming up the growing super heavyweight cat
fight between Elon Musk and Sam.
Speaker 2 (34:11):
Altman of Open Ai and.
Speaker 1 (34:15):
In a weird undercard bout Elon Musk perhaps versus Donald Trump,
stay with us.
Speaker 4 (34:23):
According to all the publications, on Saturday, when Taylor Swift
walked in Darrowhead Stadium in Kansas City, she was wearing
a ninety six hundred dollars black and white tweet coat
from Chanell, a four six hundred and fifty dollars wool
jersey romper whatever a romper is from Chanelle, and a
twenty two hundred dollars chain pearl belt. She also wore
an eleven hundred and fifty dollars oversized double C Chanel
disc earrings and a five thousand dollars Chanell mini flap bag.
It's impossible that Chanelle wasn't involved in this in some way.
Speaker 2 (34:58):
In which she got paid. Right this report brought to
you by Schanell.
Speaker 4 (35:01):
She wearing twenty two thousand dollars with a Chanelle I mean,
so it had to be coordinated in some way. And
the fact that she walked in at a time when
there's plenty of photographers and at the exact same time
all the publications had this had these the name of
the outfits and the dead little pieces and what they cost.
Speaker 2 (35:18):
Yes, Katie, I.
Speaker 6 (35:19):
Would just like to say, you don't know what a
romper is, but you own one, that thing that your
kids got you where it's the pair of shorts and
a shirt.
Speaker 2 (35:25):
At the same time I forgot I had the romper. Yep,
you own a romper Jack.
Speaker 4 (35:28):
And then the New York Post had Lauren Sanchez through
the years her evolution in photos. That's Jeff Bezos's fiance
who we all went ah when we saw at the
inauguration the other day, or put on a shirt, Well
there was that. Her face, though, is very odd. She
was a very attractive, normal looking lady not that many
years ago. But she has had so many surgeries now
she doesn't even look like the same human being, or
really a human being at all.
Speaker 1 (35:53):
If you go picture my picture, that's the seduction of
plastic surgery.
Speaker 2 (35:58):
Resist Resist. How do you get that far off track?
I don't know what's the thing though, Armstrong and getty, Yeah,