SUCKERS with Caelynn Bell, Dean Bell, and Jared Haibon •

Big Tipper Energy with Courtney Robertson - SUCKERS with Caelynn Bell, Dean Bell, and Jared Haibon

SUCKERS with Caelynn Bell, Dean Bell, and Jared Haibon

Courtney Robertson from Ben Flajnik’s season of The Bachelor connects with Jared over something EVERYONE should know before going out on a date: How to be a good tipper! 
Courtney opens up about what it was like to be seen as a “villain” on The Bachelor, and she has some advice for women who want to “shoot their shot” – The DM slide worked for Courtney!
And… Jared has a sneak peek at the NEW version of Help I Suck at Dating, coming soon!

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Big Tipper Energy with Courtney Robertson - SUCKERS with Caelynn Bell, Dean Bell, and Jared Haibon