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April 24, 2024 • 79 mins
Today on Valentine in the Morning: We revisit some of your most embarrassing moments, and you give us some feedback on the concept of making "breakup announcements".

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Episode Transcript

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It's the Valentine in the Morning replay, Welcome to the breakfast table, a
Valentine in the Morning. I laughedheartily. I help. It's respectful to
say I love you. The fullshow podcast starts right now, one of
four three my family. It isValentine in the Morning starting the show.
Good morning, Jill, how areyou today? Good morning, doing well?
Thank you? I love it.I love it. Johnny, good
morning, doing well, thank you. Now that is a mimic. Well

thank you, how are you feelinggood? That is the most offensive.
There's a difference. I think minewas a mimic. Yours was a mock.
Oh yeah, one hundred percent,which is more offensive, Jill,
a mock, But both probably offensive. Both aren't fun. But no,

I don't think his was bad.No, I'll defend him. I don't.
When he said good morning, doingwell, thank you, I thought
he was just repeating what he said. I don't think he's mimicking. But
it's the same exact way and liketone and inflection. That's a mimic.
I think I was admiring what No, I really, honestly, listen,
I was a mock one hundred percentof mock. Because three people all said
the exact same thing before it gotto me that was a mock full on
mock. Not lying, but maybehe was mocking Brian's interpretation of my mock

of your interpretation. No, Iwas mocking the fact that all three of
said the exact same thing. Now, your thing was fine, and he
did it. I was like,oh, right, here we go.
But I really don't think his beendefensively. I don't think there's enough brain
power this hour of the morning forhim to make that defensive commum. John
doesn't offend When John pointed, no, thank you. No, I mean

like John's just doing it, Yeah, just to repeat. It's the first
It's not like I'm going to bemean to Jill right now, and no,
no one's ever saying to be mean. People like making funny voices in
this room. Yeah, but Ithink John's honestly. I think you're honest
on there. John doesn't either havethe brain power or want the brainpower.
This is feeling a little offensive,well, but he just repeats it because

it's easier. No, my twobrain cells are hard at work this morning.
So okay, look at that,he said to himself, so that
I could go to you like what'sgoing on, Joe woll I'm gonna be
looking at my wedding dress today.John, what's up? Well, I'm
gonna be looking at my wedding dresstoday. It's just's easy to repeat.
M Well, I wouldn't be lookingat my wedding dress though. So you
were sharper than I thought about yourown attack sharp as a tack. Do

you have softball Las night? What'ssoftball? No, that's Thursday nights.
Thursday nights. Yeah, that's Thursdaynights. I thought about like I always
think about coming out, but Idon't. I mean, I'm not young
like him. Yeah, I knowyou have designated runners, right, Yeah,
you don't have to run it off, you don't. But I honestly
don't know. I haven't swung aboutin years. And like with this arm
injury, which I go back andforth on surgery not surgery all the time,
and my interness told me, hegoes, hey, are you functioning?

I go yeah, he goes,well, how much better is your
arm going to get with the surgery? Go, I don't know, because
there's gonna be five percent better tempcentbetter? Is it worth that versus you
know, not getting it done becauseI'm not a ton of pain or anything
like that, and I have functionenough to live my life, though for
the gavility purposes, none of thiswill be a missile court. So I
have enough daily function only hurts withcertain things. So I don't know.

I'm always stuck in that right underhandsoff ball. I feel like you could
well, No, I was thinkingabout the bat swing, the impact of
the bat, and like, whatwould that feel like on the arm,
Because I'd like to come out andplaying shag at least I'd like to come
shag some fly balls. I haven'tshagged in a long time. Yea,
yeah, it's been years since I'veshagged. Interesting verb, but yeah,
yeah, is that a baseball termshagged? No, it is shacks and

balls. It's it's got multipurpose suitice of shag balls all the time.
You should come out. My onlywarning to you is if you strike out,
you owe a thirty rack the nextgame. Thirty what's a thirty rac?
Thirty beers? I can you strikeout in case of beer? Essentially,
I'll just bunt, can you?Actually? No bunting is legal.
No bunting is this high arch orhigh archy. High arch's a little hard.

I don't play that. It kindof is. It really is higher
arch softball is legit. That's whyI do so well as a pitcher in
our league, because I've found Ilike hit the ceiling of as high as
you can throw it. Oh,take it land on the plate. Why
don't you listen, there's gonna bea park around here. Why don't you
bring your glove? I'll bring mindyou have a glove, Probay, I
do not. You're going extra.Never played baseball, not once. Oh,

please come so we can watch you. No, like Jill, We'll
never forget, will we. We'llnever forget watching somebody throw a ball.
Do you know what I'm talking about? You know what I'm talking about.
It was so bad. It wasthe saddest thing you ever seen in my
entire life. Yeah, we hada boss not working here anymore. Great

guy still works with the company.Though I grew up in a different country,
so baseball was not their sport.I grew up a baseball kid.
I throw catch, I do itall right. That was just my sport.
And I played it all through myyouth, and played it during the
summers, and we'd go up thefield and just play pick up baseball games,
which is kind of hard because youneed a lot of players. But
anyway, this guy, We're atDisneyland and he picked a ball and was

throwing it to somebody, maybe me, maybe my kid, I don't know
who was thrown it to. Itwas the saddest throw you've ever seen in
the history of sad throws. Itwas one of those things where I can't
even tell you what it looked like. We were stun stunned. He was
throwing it to his own son,yes, and we were out of remote
so we were doing the show right, And I was speechlessless when I saw

this. Heilsen. I've seen guysthrow a ball. They can't throw a
ball before. Like, I hada cousin that was an Irish dancer and
he's a world famous Irish step dancer, won the World championships. So that
was his youth. Yeah, seriously, that was his youth, just throwing.
I mean just iris step dancing,never out playing baseball. It's just
an Irish step dancing. He wasat my house in Connecticut one time,
threw a ball in the backyard.I was like, Holy Jesus, it

was so bad. Yeah, puton some of them tamp dancing shoes though,
and it's probably not look pretty destroysme and they're not tap dancing fire
step dance. But yes, wouldabsolutely destroy me in his world, you
know, And there it was.Yeah, that would be me. I
would be worse. I'd love tosee that. I would love to see
that. Well, you guys aregonna mock me and mimick me and nothing.
What's the Brian thing that maybe youdid growing up that you chose so

bad? Punk rock music? Okay, mashing maybe mashing you destroyers, punching
people. I played but football,and I was not to You played football.
I played football. Really, youplayed football, but you can't throw
a ball. Well, there aretwo different things, but it's no.
Then you were not good at football. Athlete is an athlete. An athlete
would know how to throw a ball. I was a starting safety, a

defensive player, a defensive player.I don't think us band kids could be
the arbiter of athletes over here.You know, yeah, we can compared
to what his athletic ability is.But you have extra gloves. I'm right
or left to whatever, I guess, so right, I don't know,
Oh, dear God, right withmy right hand then you're a left well

you're gonna use a left hand.It's confusing and I didn't know who knows?
I know? Anyway, bring someballs, bring some bats, get
down of the park and just shag. They would literally be a dream.
Dude. I would shag with youany day. Let's do I love Lets
shag it out, shag it outto all right? Then answer reorie guess
standing by files d shagging. Youcan't shag inside Nancy Good the morning trapping,

that's what's going on. Okay,good morning, So let's start off.
My fab eight is Valace out ofthe morning. Hello, Connie,
good morning. How are you today? Good morning, Good morning. I'm
doing well. How are you?We're doing all right, We're doing all
right. You get some thoughts.I was told that you have some thoughts
about us, the show about life. Something you want to say, Oh
you call. You did a segmenton what we thought of the show,

and I just wanted to say thatI really, really, really really love
your show. It is like thebright Spot in the morning. And you
guys don't do raunchy, you don'tdo loud, and you know, I'm
gen z. We did all thatand so now I'm just I just want
a little mellow. So I reallylike your show. It's just so positive.
Me and my daughter listened to iton the way to school. And
you know how old is your daughter, by the way, seventeen? Yeah,

that's perfect. My son is sixteen, so I get that part of
your life that you're in right now. Is she driving yet? You sort
of? Yeah, I know mykid. I think I think he's supposed
to take it today or maybe itwas yesterday. I having checked to them,
he's going to take the driving test. He can take it online.
I guess you can get it doneby a proctor. So he wasn't going

into the DMV lazy, so hewas getting a proctor to do it online.
Yeah, and then after that we'regoing to give him like at least
ten hours of instruction by a youknow, driver's ad. Then I'm thinking
about this too, Connie. Igot a supid a cost because it might
be not you know, something wecan do cost wise. But I'm looking
at one of those defensive driving coursestoo. We get out there in the
track and they teach you how tohandle stuff off something goes bad. You

know, those are brilliant. Iwould recommend that adults. I know a
lot of adults could use that refresherand what to do when somebody's coming right
out your lane or something like that, you know, defensive driving. You're
right, yes, yeah, totally. I'm glad you're enjoyed the show.
What do you do for a living? Right now? I am a robotics
instructor and I teach school kids howto build and design and program robot that's

cool. You're in Valencia. Doyou teach you Valencia Higher? Where do
you teach? No? No,no, no, I teach out in
my garage because the schools don't havethe funding, or they don't want it,
or you know all that. Ohgod, So in your garage are
a bunch of robots that can takeover the world. Well only if they
work good teacher. Oh that's reallycool. I love that you're doing that.

And do kids like pay you tocome to the class? Is that
how it works? Everything's totally freeand the kids come three four days a
week. Oh wow? And yeahwe work on competitive robots, not BattleBots,
competitive robots. And we just wrappedup the World Championships in Houston.
So how'd you guys do? Wedid all right, No, that's great.
I love that. I mean,there is such a future to AI

and future to robotics and stuff inour society. I just think there should
be guardrails and some of those things. AI is someone that really scares me,
you know. Oh yeah, totally. Thank you for enjoying the show.
And if you want us to comeout and maybe you need a voice
of a robot or something. Youknow. What's funny, I think after
listening to I talk about Halloween,I think Valentine, you and I are
neighbors because you describe some of thosehomes and I'm like, I know exactly

where those of them are. Yeah, we probably were. I used to
live in Valencia. We moved outto the Westlake Too area for my son's
school. But yeah, you probablyknow that house where it's like la la
la la la la. You totallydo. They had that doll outside freaked
my kid. Uh. We movedbecause of that doll. Connie, have
a great one. Okay, allright, thanks you two guys. Valentine

in the morning one O four tothree Maya FM. You guys have any
big plans today. I have somekind of sad plans today. Have a
funeral, to attend today. Oh, no, I know. It's a
friend of ours. Her husband passedaway, and he's just a wonderful man.
He was a wonderful man. Iwish I knew him more than I
did, you know, But they'rea wonderful family. John was a wonderful
man, and so I'll be tendinga funeral for him today, which I

think you're important. You know,some people don't like those. I don't.
Yeah, it's I grew up ina world, the Irish Catholic world,
where funerals even if you didn't knowthe person necessarily that well or something
like that. And we knew Johnpretty well, but even if you didn't
know somebody that well, you wouldattend the funeral out of respect. Yeah,
And my mom and dad would alwaystake me to funerals as a kid.

I didn't even know the person.It was somebody my mom and dad
knew, or my dad knew themfrom work or something, or knew a
family member or something. And itwas just that very Irish Catholic world.
And I think it's the same thinghere Mexican Catholic and stuff. It's you
want people to show up as asign of respect. And I don't know,
maybe we're in a world where,like, you know, there was
always something nice. I think backabout my dad's funerally, you go,

you'd be amazing how many people showedup. So many people showed up to
give their respects. It was sonice. I wish you could have seen
it. Things like that just meantsomething to you in years gone by,
So it's kind of like programmed intome. That's something I had to get
used to because like when joe Zannidied and she invited us all to her
funeral, I just joined the showand I didn't really have like a super
close relationship with Annie, So Ihad to ask joll like a couple of

times. I was like, areyou sure it's okay that I come?
Like it felt so weird to menot having that direct relationationship, you know,
because I'm not used to funerals likethat. And she loved you,
Like she listened to Valentine in themorning every morning and it was such a
part of her life. So havingyou be a part of the show,
I know that she loved the factthat you guys, all of you guys,
as if you had never met Anniein your entire life, you could

still go to support Jill. Youknow, funerals aren't necessarily always about the
person who's passed on, but yourlove for the other people that are left
without them. Yeah, that's aninteresting way that I'm getting used to these
days. Yes, a suck youthing to get used to you, right,
Yeah, but it is what itis. So one of four to
three, my fam it is Valentinein the morning. We do have that
cash coming up at six o'clock thismorning. One A four to three my

fav it is Valentine in the morning. You guys know how much I love
watching earwax removal videos. Oh unfortunately? Yeah, okay, get ready for
this. I'm gonna hide it inthe five. Oh can I taste some
before you get into your wax removal? Of course? I think you might
be onto something about getting your earscleaned at all that stuff. Yeah.
Have you looked at your air podslately? In side your AirPods? No,

how dirty they get? Do youhave air pods with you? By
the way, anybody, I don'thave them with me. I don't use
them enough to think that they're gonnaget ye. Can you have me yours
without looking at them? Is goingto be good bad, and I'm going
to open up Brian's AirPods. I'mgoing to look inside them. You know
what, Actually yours not that bad, a little bit of cleaning. But

I looked in mine and I stilllike it looked like the instide of a
pumpkin. Oh, thank you.So I think I need to get my
ears done John. I'm like thewired ones. They won't show it.
It's got to be the ordinary airpods. You can so kind of gross.
Don't think that your rex is healthy, though I suppose probably like a
little bit of videos she watches,they pulled the wilds of stuff out,

but they do. And so mysister ordered one of the earwax removal kits
that has the camera set up toyour phone with the app. So I
went over there yesterday and she hadspecial drop so that she put in first,
and I let them in my earsfor a little bit to like loosen
everything up, and then I laidin her lap and I held the phone

and she went in. Now,you can't go deep. I understand that
you can't go deep because it's justsurface area. Does it have something for
you to pull it out with too, or just a camera to look at
it. No, it's a hook. It's like a little it's a it's
like a little tool to scrape theear wax to pull it out. Oh,
this can't be healthy. I wasthrilled. Well, she's not a
doctor, but that's why she didn'tgo deep. It's just the outside area.

I was so disappointed. My earslooked great. There was nothing to
get out, and I was sosad because I was really really hoping for
some chunks. I had the samethought after myoscopy show the video. I
was so bump, like, yeah, she could scrape a little stuff off.
It was fine, But I wasreally looking at that stuff. I

love it. It's so satisfying.But so I've got clean ears, Yeah
I met if dirty ones. Youwant to take a look in mine?
Okay, I would love to putyour head in her lap. Here we
go. If you want to bringthat camera and I'll let you look in
there. I don't know if shewould want her. Families can sanitize it,
probably right, I get. Imean, it's gonna order my own
for us, your own. That'sso weird. It's gonna be super expensive.

No, it was like a littlecheap thing. Oh great, shove
a little cheap thing in my ear. See what happens with my hearing?
Thousand bucks come your way, guysat six o'clock. This morning's Valentine the
morning. Valentine in the morning,one o four to three maya FM,
my Fami, it's Valence in themorning. My son orders some food the

other night used door Dash or youknow, I don't know who, Postmates
or uber eats. I'm not surewho it was. And he ordered some
sushi from a place I believe it'scalled Sea Butter near us. It's great
sushi. It's fantastic place. It'sjust him eighty bucks. Oh thank you,

he said, Well, there wasa livery chart, there were taxes,
and there's a tip, and hegoes, no place for a custom
tip. The what did you tip? No place for a custom tip?
He said, no place for acustomer. I go listen door to Ash,
uber Eats, all these places,Postmans, there's a place for a
custom tip. Yes. Usually.Now tips are out of control, just
out of control. I was atan autobody parts store the other day and

they asked for a tip when Igot a filter for my Prius. I
was changing the air filtering my prius. Yeah, there's an option for a
tip. Come on. I firstoff, I got it off the shelf
and I walked to the counter myself, What am I tipping? You didn't
do anything? Wow? So they'reout of control in that respect. There
are certain industries and certain jobs thatdo deserve a tip and everything. And

you know, sure the driver makesprobably a bunch of the money on tips.
But I'm like, dude, customtip is where you go. You're
not tipping twenty percent or something onfood being delivered to your house. They
didn't make it. They picked itup and brought it over, and we're
not that far away. For thatmatter. Get your driver's license so you
can go get it yourself. Thosefees already are insane. Then you.

Prices are more expensive on those appstoo, they are? They are there?
Is that so more expensive than whatthey would be in the in the
restaurant? So what if you evenwent and got taken out, it'd be
less even if you won't got totake out yourself. I did not know
that messed up those rack up prices. Yes, yeah, And so I
was like whoa, And I said, what'd you have? I just got
a lobster roll? King crab rolllike, Okay, this place is fancy.

It's really nice place. It's reallynice. We should go there if
you were out by me. It'sgreat. It's great. Food's quite spread.
I know. Did I said,did you have somebody over? Because
no, just me and the dogs. The dogs. Do you feed the
dog sushi? Anybody? Well,you guys don't really have pats. You
have cats. Y'll definitely pet's twodogs in my place? You have two?

No, Hey, what's up withthe roommate? Dude, she's moving
out? You got I don't evenif we should talk about this in the
air, because I don't want tocause you problems with the roomy you hear
this or anything? I don't thinkso you don't think. So okay,
it's a good height five. Ithink. Well, it's now we're past
the six. There was an issueand they had to Did you ask her

to leave? No, it justbecame with her today. So this is
going to be it's not done yet. We shouldn't say let's not talk about
it tomorrow. I want to knowwhat's happening. I'm desperate to know.
There was a difference in lifestyle betweenhis roommates and him and the new roommate,

and that difference in lifestyle wasn't meshing. Wow, And so they collectively
said, it just doesn't work.I'm sorry. They're going to have that
talk and ask that person to nolonger be there, which I don't know
legalities of that either, So that'sa tough spot for them, but a
difference in lifestyles. Tomorrow in thefive block hour, we'll get that update.
In fact, if you want totune in five twenty five tomorrow,

John will give that update on Valentinein the morning. Nancy, what do
you got? Gosh? Nothing thatjuicy? Oh my gosh. All right,
so let's talk about the downey situations. Jill's got the entertainment headlines coming
up. The home of one ofthe daughters of a real housewife was burglarized
yesterday in broad daylight. I'll tellyou what happened. Coming up with six

fifty Latest and gentlemen, time forthose famous babies to make their entry into
the world. Jill's got the clues. You've got to do start paying him
for these famous babies. It's timeto push. There's a famous baby coming
out. We're gonna give you cluesas to who this baby is gonna tell
us who that famous baby is?As always? Can we have an example
for new players and new listeners.Well, I can give you the clue

again one more time. Uh huh. Imagine the same as baby coming out,
knowing they will be an Academy Awardwinner and also a musician. All
right, let's been our first contestant. Jennifer, good morning, How are
you good? How about you guys? Good morning, good morning. You've
had the clue. Now, who'sthe f famous baby coming out? Jen?

Ah, let me give you anotherclue. Oh wait, she's giving
you another clue. Jen, Imaginethis famous baby coming out, knowing one
day they will play a senior detective. Senior detective, I don't know.

I was gonna say Christian Dunk,but I don't know. No, it's
not hers. Not okay, Jen, thank you, have a great day
in Lake wid Okay, thank you. Emily, good morning, good morning.
We're at ten centimeters. This baby'scoming out, Emily. Imagine this
famous baby coming out, knowing oneday they will host their own TV series.

Oh, none of my guess iswhere it. I was gonna say
Lady Gaga. It's not Lady Gaga. It's not Stephanie, your man.
Okay, thank you, Emily,have a great day, okay, Matt
in Brea, Good morning, Matt, good morning. I can hear the
way I'm thinking Bradley Cooper. Butnow I'm kind of throwing off. Well,

you didn't even get a clue.Keep Matt, let's get his clue.
I'm sorry. Okay, imagine thisfamous baby coming out, knowing one
day he will be known as azaddier. He's gonna say, Bradley Cooper,
isn't Bradley Cooper. It's not ya, thanks, Bradley Cooper. Of

a kid, yes, Oh,so he'd be a zaddy alright, Matt,
see you, buddy, do youhave to have a kid to be
a saddy? No? I don'tthink you do. I think you kind
of too, don't you. Iassume you too, you have to have
a kid, you're a saddy.Well, this zaddy does have a kid.
There's a definition of daddy, right, and you it is in front
of it. I assume you gottahave a kid. Yeah, but it
also too is like, hey daddy, even when you don't have a kid,

man, hey daddy. Yeah,Claudia, I'm sorry that you're a
part of this, But here wego. Here comes your clue, Claudia.
Claudia, imagine's famous baby coming out, knowing one day he will have
a deep love for apartments. Ohno, you don't know who it is.

It's not Billy. Oh Claudia,I just got it. Nothing Bill,
not Billy. All right, thankyou, Claudia. You take care.
Okay, okay, thank you.It's tough apparently for some people.
I just got it on that lastclue. Ob Linda, good morning,
good morning. Here comes your clue, Linda. Imagine this famous baby coming

out, knowing one day he willstart in some of the highest grossing films
of the nineties and their sequels.Oh my god, no, no,
did you hear the clue before thisone? Oh man, Oh, this
is gonna be the easiest for somebodynow. Eight sixty six five four four,
MYFM. There was a clue justbefore this that I thought gave it
away. Have a great day,lind Okay, thank you, thank you.

I thought that clue. If I'mthinking the right person, I'm sure
you are. We close the microphone. You call right now, you probably
win. Eight sixty six five fourfour MYFM. Close the mics. Take
my guess okay, because we gotchI said the dude from do whatever,

the guy from Da Da Da Da. Took me a second to get the
name. All right, eight sixsix five four four MYFM. We are
playing Famous Babies. I'll give youa chance. I'll give you a chance
if you know what it is.Call now, Sir Mason Emily one of
four three Mith Amit's Valentine in themorning. The famous babies are still coming

out. Nobody got it yet.A game of play on Wednesdays, Jill
describes a baby coming to this worldbased on what they did when they grew
up, right, you know,talking about their career, talking about films
or albums or something. It's famousbaby might go on to host a popular
radio show in Los Angeles. That'skind of the way you play the game.
All right, Amber, you've hearda ton of clues. Are you

ready to play Famous Babies? Yeah, okay, here's your clue. Amber.
Imagine this famous baby coming out knowingone day he will marry a Canadian
Olympic rhythmic gymnast. Is it JeffGoldbloom? It is Jeff Goldbloom. Jesus,

Oh my gosh. Christina Rita Terry, Nancy hangouts we can talk to
as well. Fay for nice job. Ember. You want a pair of
tickets to see the kid Leroy atthe Torch and they all like Colliseum on
May twenty eighth. Tickets are onsale now a ticket. But you're right,
Jeff gold Bloom. Awesome When didyou know it? What point in
the game? So I thought itwas at the apartment? And then when

the nineties film is really what?Ye got it? I got it for
apartments dot com too. I cansee him doing that commercial. All right,
hang on, we'll get you.Thank you, Hey, Christina,
how are you today? I amfantastic. Thank you, Amber got it?
You were probably gonna get it out. I was so close that much.

Where you at it to work?What are you doing? I'm a
merchandiser. I'm heading right now toPalm Springs. Oh wow, that's a
drive. Huh, yes it is. That's why I was like, I
listen to you guys every morning,so I'm like, I got plenty of
time to call in. Oh.I love that. Hey, thanks for
doing to have a safe drive.Okay, Oh, thank you so much,
appreciate you. Take care, Byebye, Tather. I love the

long drives where you're stuck listening tous. You can't get away from us.
Hill Terry, How are you today? Doing good? How about you
guys? We're doing all right.What are you doing this morning? Where
are you headed? What's going on? I am heading into work this morning,
in to Riverside from out of Pomona? And what do you do for
living? If you don't mind measking? I do accounting for a construction

company. Gotcha? We live insuch a world. As I say that,
it was so funny to me.It's like, what do you do
for a living if you don't mindme asking? We all seem to be
so curious about what everybody else doesfor a job, And I wonder why
that is. And if I'm beinghonest, there's probably a part of us
it's just pure curiosity. Then anotherpart going, hey, but I never
needed like an accounting first of ourconstruction. I know who to go,

you know exactly. And you knowif I ever need a DJ I know
who to go. Oh that's right. I will drop down some beats for
you. I've known for that.I'll bring John and Jill with me to
be great. Yeah, that'd beawesome. Well, listen, to have
a safe drive. Thanks for listeningto us today. We appreciate it.
Thanks, I have a great thankyou too. One O four to three

my FM. Here's what's coming upin entertainment headlines. It's official, the
deal has closed. We are goingto get another movie based on a board
game. I'll tell you all aboutit out of traffic one O four to
three my FM. Entertainment headlines.There's been rumors about this for a while
and now it is official. Varietyis reporting that Hasbro Entertainment has closed a

deal with Sony for the film andTV rights for the board game Clue.
Now, this has already been amovie. It came out in nineteen eighty
five with Tim Curry and Christopher Lloyd. Where they're gonna be making a new
film based off of the board gameClue. If you've never played it,
you know that there's the suspect withthe murder weapon and the room and you
make your way around the board.But we're getting a new movie all about

Clue and one of Kyle Richards's daughter, you know Kyle Richards from the Real
Housewives of Beverly Hills, her daughterFarah. She wasn't home at the time,
Thank goodness. But people broke intoher home here in La round one
pm. Then they disabled her WiFiand made off with a ton of stuff,
including expensive handbags and a bunch ofjewelry that TMZ says that Kyle told

them that Pharaoh was shaken up.Otherwise, fine, they have security cameras
and they got multiple angles of thepeople that broke into the house, so
they're hoping that officers will have somereally good leads. I'm Jill with their
on timid headlines. Do you guystake your phones to the bathrooms? Yeah?
Yeah, you do, all right? So gross right in some respects,
we probably shouldn't do stuff like that. A lot of germs in there.
But I told them a story,so they know this story. But

I'm going to tell you this storybecause thing it's kind of funny. Laura
wasn't here for this story. Iwas in the bathroom the other night on
my toto. Very nice toilets anyway, I've said in the toto, and
it's like eight forty five at nightor something, so it's kind of late
for me, and I get alerton my phone. So I looked down

at my phone, which is sittingon a little like stool next to the
Toto, and it says, somebody'sat your front door. Like what it's
like, it's dark out, there'snobody in my friend, there's nobody coming
to my front door. I'm notexpecting a package. What is going on?
And so I'm like trying to getthe ring camera thing or whatever it
is to work so I can talkto and stuff. Then the person like
reaches for the handle and opens thedoor. Look, I've got a burglar.

Like they came up to Karen,bast're coming after me. They're coming
after all these people. I'm gonnapanic. I'm like trying to pull up
my pants and run downstairs and almosttrip and all this stuff, and it's
a travesy of errors happening in amatter of seconds. It's one of Colin's
friends coming over, say high orsomething like that, and I'm like trying
to text, like a somebody comingin our house. Someone in our house,

and they would have run because Iwould have been coming down the stairs
and my pants fallen. Right.Yeah, luckily just one of his buddies.
She goes, it's fine, it'sone of his buddies. Go back
in the bathroom. That close though, thank goodness, I thank goodness,
thank you. Battle of Sexy?Is you want to play? You call
us right now? This is grenacarpenter, It's feather O, my fam,

It's Valenceine in the morning, Bri, slip me a note later on
this hour. What embarrassing moment fromyour past will you randomly remember? Texting
at three one oh four three,I feel like we all have them.
I listen to read this. Irandomly remembered it. Now I've taken everybody
else back. Well, let's hearit bab three one oh four three.

What embarrassing moment for your past willyou randomly remember? At times three one
oh four to three? But rightnow it is the Battle of the sex
is represent the men. His nameis Al. He listens to read us,
works as a FedEx rapper, enjoysfishing. What up out, Hey,
I'm going my man red Forre's anyof the ladies. Her name is
Julie. She's from Burbank. Sheworks as an executive assistant and enjoys reading.

Let's hear it for Julie. What'sup, Julie? Good morning,
good morning? Hey Al? Doyou fly fish? No, just regular
ultra fishing. Dude, you gota fly fish sometime. It is so
peaceful, so fantastic. I lovefly fishing. It seems too expensive.
No, no, no, I'llrent. You're real, won't give it
a all right, my man,Julie, what's the last great book that

you read? Oh my gosh,I read two hundred last year, so
I can't remember what the last read? Two hundred books? Yes, I
read like two a week. Ohmy gosh, you are impressive. Oh,
there are some people that have readover three hundred. I don't know
how they do that and work.Raise your hand if you read more than

one book last year in the room? Oh my god. Audiobook? Audiobook?
Yeah, ye no, Oh mygod, Julie, I'm so sorry
you listened to this show and youread like two hundred books a year.
We love we love you guys.Here's that work, Julie. I'm gonna
ask a few questions. Algiel isgonna be asking you the questions best at

the three wins, still tied theend of regulation, we go to an
that's a tough tie breaker question.Let's start with the ladies. Who's the
host of Diners, Drive Ins andDives the Food Network? How'd you have
time to watch that. You werereading books. I watch him a lot.
Al The Max was the diner thestudents hung out at on what sitcom?

Oh? Dang, I have noidea. I'm gonna save girlfriends.
Oh, it's saved by the bell, well, not by the buzzer.
That guy was very quick on thebuzzer. He was working it out.
I knew. I could just tellhe didn't know. Okay, never watch
the show. Current score one tonothing, ladies. In a game of

billiards, what color is the numberone ball? Number one one one?
What? What? What? What? Oh? I don't know? Yellow?
Hello? Yellow's correct? An alcolor is the eight ball? The
eight ball is black. That's right. Guys are still in it. Two
to one, ladies. If youget this ride, you win. The

coachell A music festival takes place inCalifornia. Where does the famous music festival
La Lapulu'a take place? Lallapulus We'redat? Oh my gosh, I don't
m La Lapolue Chicago. H oh, al, you can tie it with

this one. What is the nameof the late nineties concert tour founded by
Sarah McLaughlin. Is that Lili firIt sure is? Oh? Look at
you. Last second tie up?My man, the fish came in.
All right, let's go to anot so tough tie breaker question. Holler
at you name know the answer namewill be your buzzer. Wait until Brian

Burton finishes asking the question before youbuzz in. Who do you owe an
apology to? Julie? Julie?My husband? Well, no time like
to present, Julie. We're playingapology music for you right now. Go
ahead, He says, I askedtoo many questions when he goes to the

doctors, and he's like, doyou want to speak to them? Oh,
you should not have to apologize forthat. You're just you're genuinely concerned.
Did not sound like an apology.I'm sorry for doubting you, for
not asking enough questions. Still soundsa bit like a qualified apology. Julie,

you want a Battle of the SexiestChampionship certificate posted on social use the
hashtag donti in the morning and shareit with pride. Yay. You've also
won a pair of tickets to seeKia at the Kid Forum on November ninth.
Tickets are on sale now at ticketmasterdot com. Congratulations, great,
Thank you much, Oh my God, so surprise. Well, listen,

al as you exit the stage,this moment is entirely yours. You take
it away. Oh my wife.Definitely Jennifer, She's a king. All
right, big hi to Jennifer.There you go. Thanks guys, John,
what's training? So Billy Eilish isnow conquering the world of Fortnite.
She's just been named the icon atthe center of Fortnite Festival Volume three that

runs through June thirteenth. She's thethird pop star to do this. She's
following the weekend in Lady Gaga.But it allows gamers to unlock different outfits
or instruments and playable jams from theBillie Eilish collection. There so if you're
on Fortnite this summer, you cancheck out all those new Billy features.
I'm John Comishi. That's what's trainingin music? Oh, aptly time,
Brian. When the story's over,it's not worth getting into three one oh

four three texting? Right now?What embarrassing moment from your past will you
randomly think of that? Brian hasan amazing one. God, I will
just tell you this. He lockedeyes with a woman and he was in

a position that I shouldn't have beenin when he locked eyes with a diner.
What could that be? You're gonnafind out after ed Shearon, thinking
out loud. It's one of fourto three, myfam, this is Valentine
in the morning. One of fourto three, my fam It's Valentine in

the morning. So that embarrassing momentthat randomly pops into your head, right
one of us probably popping into yourhead right now, embarrassing moment from the
past. For me, it's dunkinDonuts, white Gerbo jeans in an accident.
Oh, back in the day.My friend Brian though, oh this
story, and Laura's filming this soyou can see Brian's face a bit later
on at Valentine in the Morning andInstagram. But it's a random moment that

just pops in your head every nowand then, an embarrassing moment that you'll
never forget. Brian, please,I was at a restaurant with my family.
Sometimes I end up in the bathroomwith my kids. I have a
two year old daughter a seven yearold son, and I take them to
the bathroom. We're all three inthere together. They do their business.
Something hits my tummy and I domy business. Then my seven year old

son medics is like, I'm goingback out. I would leave the restroom.
This particular restroom, you should know, is one unit, one restroom.
It is not like three or fourstalls. It's you go in,
there's a toilet, kind of likea Starbucks bathroom if you ever go into
one of those. Precisely, andI say, you do not open that
door. I'm in a very compromisingposition, and I do not open that
door. He was on the potty, and he of course doesn't listen to

me, unhants around his legs.Yes, he opens the door as I'm
yelling at him and uh me.And this woman who is sitting at a
table right outside and just lock eyes. Oh no, it's so good.
She's sitting there with her spinach andnardto choke dip one little scoop in.

She looks up and there's a manwith his pants around his ankles on a
toilet, looking at her, lockedeyes and also at the same time pointing
because he was pointing at his sun, like don't you open the door?
He opens the door. Hello ohi, oh oh yeah. And then
I you know, finish up,leave the restrooms, kad, thank you.
My son Mattics is telling the peopleat the table next to us.

He's telling them this woman's on mydad pooping and they're all having a great
laugh. No, so when youopen the door to leave the restroom,
like you had to see her again, Well, I didn't, like,
you know, stop by and sayhello. I just ask if she was
okay, yeah, stuff, Igo, how's your meal? I just
bolted to my table. You justsent her over a calamari or something.
Send her over something. Oh,Brian, that kid, that kid,

he's the best. I love thatkid, you and him episode. Oh,
we have a special bond, thetwo of us, for sure,
right three one o four three.What's that embarrassing moment that randomly pops into
your head? You're listening to Valentinein the morning on one four three my
FM. Listen anywhere with the iHeartRadioapp. I'm to Rodriguez. That's your
traffic on one o four three myFM. All right, Nancy, thank

you very much. Is there anembarrassing moment that random pops into your head?
Nancy? Oh my gosh. Yes. So we were at the Camerao
Outlets not too long ago, gettingNoah some shoes. Yeah, and I'm
talking to this really nice young man, right, So he's like, hey,
no no, d Noah comes over. He's like, hey, you're
not my dad. I'm like,oh my gosh, clearly that's not dad,

right. But then everybody else inthe store is saying, oh,
Nancy's stepping out, Nancy's stepping out. Nancy. What a great cover to
put out there if you were steppingout to say something like this. Now,
Oh my gosh. Weather today partlysunny, cool, tempts, mostly
in the sixties, some possible drizzletoday and tomorrow. Fifty five passed into
fifty six. Laabra Jill's got theentertainment headlines coming up. It's officially happening.

Something is coming to stores in honorof Star Wars Day. I'll tell
you what it is, coming upto seven fifty. The embarrassing moment that
randomly pops into your head you cantext us. At three one oh four
to three, Carrie said, Iwas in fifth grade. It was lunchtime.
I was talking and joking around withmy secret crush. He says,
something I do a little laugh,uh snot, excuse me, snot shoots

out from a snort. That wasa lot of s words. Not you
almost had one of those, embarrassing, almost for yourself again, embarrassing.
Okay, okay, take your break, carry well, you're gonna get animated.
Soot came out? Is that whatit was? From a snort?
Okay, now what I was tryingto say. I can see the animation
starting to happen here. You recentlytried to say something on the air and

you slipped up and said a dirtyword by mistake. I was congested,
and so what I meant to saywas I took three sniffs of afron.
But you said something else about somethingvery very wrong, something that we all
sit on, and a word thatwas used in place, and that comes
into my mind all the time,all ours. It's in our dreams,

it's in your nightmarage. That's howit lives in our world. Ah,
good morning, Rosie. How areyou doing today? I'm doing well.
How are you? We're doing great? Thank you? What's the embarrassing moment
that randomly pops up for you?So I'm even embarrassed talking about it.
So a few years ago, meand my husband were in a band together
and we would have a band thread. So we had a show and afterwards,

me and my husband we went ourseparate ways from the band, had
little fun whatever. And the nextmorning I messaged the band thread, hey
what happened last night? Did everybodyhave a good time? And my husband
thought he was replying like I wasreplying directly to him, so he sent

a risky photo. Oh okay,so he said, a risk photo of
who of him? Or you ofmyself? Oh? He had a risk
photo oh that night of what happenedfrom that night? And he sent it
to the entire group chat the band. Yes, and there was maybe six
other people. So why'd you getthumbs up to get laps? What did

you get back? You know?The next maybe a week later, we
had practice and yeah, nobody spokeof it. No one said anything between
that and practice. Yeah a heart, a smiley face memory, act like
it never happened. I think rightafter I I directly text every single person

and do not open the band thread, just throw just delete it please.
Yeah, they all opened it.I'm sorry at least them open that thread.
Probably are you still in the band? You guns still perform? No,
we don't perform anymore. The banddid keep going on, but me
and my husband no, longer inthe band. Oh wow, okay,

and that incident? Yeah right,is that band any good? Who are
they? Yeah? They're called theStep Daughters. It's a ska band,
a female printed ska band. That'sawesome. Yeah, so I was doing
back up vocal for them for maybea year and a half. Right,

yeah, thanks for Colin, Rosie. Have a great day, okay,
of court, you're too, allright, boy, Bonnie. Most embarrassing
moment that you randomly remember, Goahead, Well, this is a long
time ago. I was at arestaurant, a bffet restaurant with my family,
my sister and my brother in law, my son, and my husband.
This buffet restaurant for kids twelve andunder is pay by age. I

thought, okay, you know myson is little. He doesn't hold his
age, he doesn't eat a lot. I can save a field buff So
when they asked me how old isyour son and started telling that his real
age, I said, oh,he's seven, No, big, feel
right, hold on, hold on, how old is a kid at the
time? Maybe can all right?All right? So then my son very
loudly said to me, mom,why do you lie to the lady?

Oh no, And so my husband, and my sister, my mother.
Well, I'll just kind of turnedalong and way for me. I left
you with a kid, but Iwas the laughing stock of the family.
You still joke about this incident totoday. So what did you end up
paying? Did you pay for aseven year old or ten year old?

What did you pay for? Youknow what? I think that I don't
remember. I really don't. Youblocked out. You're so embarrassed, you
blacked out. Listen, we haveall done that. Don't feel bad.
We've all done that at Phase orwhatever else, or at Disneyland or something
like that. There was and Idid it, not for money, But
there was a time We're trying toget at some ride at Disneyland, and

I told Colin, wh he's younger, and go listen, if they ask
you say you're twelve. And he'slike, I don't know eight at the
time or something like that. Whatever. So I'm telling him, like,
you say you're twelve, I remember, and I'm getting a date down.
If they ask for your date ofbirth, your date is gonna be this
whatever. It's gonna be like twothousand and four or something or whatever.
And I get up there and Isee the lady go, by the way,
this is my twelve year old son. She goes okay, and I

go, don't you have to checkthe age? She goes, no,
it's based on height. He's justgoing to ask, what right was your
age? Big system. I don'tknow. I should never let me forget
that moment either, So don't feelbad. Okay, Bonnie, Okay,
my sister love meant we forget aboutthis moment. We talked about this this
last Saturday and just about it.Well, you need to get something on

your sister. That's what makes familiesfamilies. Thanks Bonnie, thank you,
bye, take care of how toquite one A four to three my fami,
it is Valentine in the morning,eight sixt six, five four four
of my fam texting three one ohfour three George, what's the embarrassing moment
that you randomly remember? Oh no, that's a funny story that my grandma

loves to share. It was afew years back. I was just started
dating my girlfriend and my grandma cameto visit from Latin America and she just
castually starts a conversation with my girlfriend, who barely speaks Spanish. Okay,
you know, George is a verygood kid's going around in a little biting

spree. Hold on, old andyou're you're cutting and out here, but
I want to make sure I getstraight. So your grandmother's saying, George
is a very good kid, buthe was a bit of a bier when
he was a young child. Isthat what she's saying? Basically? Okay,
so you're a fighter? Uh,long story shore, I bit my
cousin in the private bars when wewere kids. Wait a minute, all
right, phone's not great. I'mjust gonna make sure everyone got this.

Yere. I think we got it. No, no, we did.
I think we did. Long storyshort if we can do that now at
this point, you're a bier andyou randomly bit your cousin in a private
part. Correct, I had fourteenthand fourteeths were marked. You left four?
You had fourteenth? There were fourteenthmarks in the part? Correct?
Is this a is this? Thisis your your boy cousin? I see

this is my girl cousin, Yourgirl cousin? What was it? Do
I need to ask for the privatepartner? Say thanks for Collin and uh
oh no, no, no,no, George? Is it North Polar
South Pole area? World? Wrong? I told you, what's the south?

Hold? What's north and south?George? Yes, thank you for
calling. My cousin was there withher niece, I mean with her daughter.
It's like twelve years old and understandseverything was this Now, this was
in Spanish. She was saying this. So your girlfriend doesn't speak that much
Spanish. She doesn't speak a lotof Spanish. Can you just now listen.

We've got a varied audience. Canyou say, I bet my cousin
in a private part in Spanish?Go ahead, all right, I think
everyone's up to speed. Now,thank you, George. One O four
to three my FM. Here's what'scoming up in entertainment headlines. This happens

from time to time. What celebritydo American want as President of the United
States. Surprisingly, it's not TheRock and it's not Tom Hanks. I'll
tell you who it is right aftertraffic. By the way, I think
it's important to remember, kids thatwe do not bite other people. One
four three my SM Entertainment headlines.This survey is done from time to time,

and another one is making headlines.If we had to choose what celebrity
do Americans want as President of theUnited States? Coming in at number five.
George Clooney. Clooney looks good,he'd look great in a suit.
Number four Clinton Eastwood, Clint Eastwood, nobody would mess with America. But
he's older now, so yeah,No, Number three, we're kind of

doing that already. Who's over onehundred apply now? Number three is Tom
Hanks, Tom Hanks. Tom Hanksis great, He's great, okay.
Number two, Yeah, the RockJuaane Johnson. I love the Rock,
Jill and I just saw the Rockthe other. Could I throw out something
here before we get to number one? Please? Could I get a woman

in the mix? So there wasonly one woman in the top ten.
That was Oprah. She came inat number six. But if you had
to pick, who do you thinkis the number one celebrity people would want
as president of the United States.I mean it's hard not to guess.
Taylor Swift. No, okay,again, he's not in there. She
said, there's only one woman inthe top ten was Oprah. This man

has the last name of a formerpresident, so we would have another president.
Harrison Ford. No, oh,what a great But that's very good,
very good. Jamie Kennedy, JamieKennedy Rochie Bush Cheef Bush President Washington,

Washington, Jamie Kennedy, Wow,Valentine, thank you for that.
Could We've heard rumors of this happeningfor a while, but now it's official.
Starting on Star Wars Day, Mayfourth, you can get blue milk
in stores. True MoU has partneredwith Lucas Boom for the vanilla flavored blue

milk. It's gonna be available inTarget and Walmart stores while supplies last through
July. And if you're wondering wherethis blue milk comes from, Luke Skywalker
slips on a glass of blue milkin a New Hope. And if you're
at Disneyland's Galaxy's Edge, you canfind blue and green milk there. But
now we're gonna have blue milk instores for Star Wars Day. I've jilled
there, David Headlines. You knowwhere they get the blue milk from?

Though, right, where's that?Just like really bummed out cows blue moon
happy news coming on next Have yougot any Please reach out at three one
oh four three kill your daily dolchefhappy news on Valentine in the morning.

So last weekend I went to NewYork and saw my son play at Carnegie
Hall with the Santa Clarita Youth Orchestra. He plays cello. I went to
go surprise him. He didn't knowI was coming. So he's older,
he's seventeen. Where's the cello?What is the cello? Where is what
is it? Where is it?Is it near you? No, it's
not. It's in his bedroom.I'd love to hear you try and play

it. Oh god, no,no, no no, that's a beautiful
instrument, though, seriously, itis. He composed a song that they
played and then he had a solo, so I was bawling. It was
fantastic. It was one of mybest mom moments ever. Okay, in
honor of him, in this momentof his at Carnegie Hall, and it
sounds like your child's in the fasttrack that this is going to be his
profession. Could you hum a littlebit of his song? The best you

can remember? Oh no, noyou can't. I'll give you the first
note. His favorite song is theone that goes like, oh, yes,
yes, I know that. Sonata? Sure, moonlight Sonata? Is
it? You think moon lights?Starnaide? I think so? I don't

know what's Brian? What I thought? You've said? Will you have him
call us so you can play itover the phone line for us. Oh
yeah, for sure. He's gota swim meet today for Heart but sucking
this kid, he swims, heplays, he doesn't all. I have
him call and he can play foryou guys. Okay, I won't be
here for that, but maybe duringour show. But he could also you

know what, if he's that good, if he's playing at Carnegie Hall,
if you want to bring him inon National Cello or jell O Day,
We'll have him in studio to play. Oh he would love that. That
would be fantastic. Done nice,All right, hang out and get your
information. Mom. Okay, congrats, thank you. One of four three

Mi fam He is Valence out inthe morning. That artist is who's that
Brian? Who's that person right there? That's Beyonce the song that launched her
solo career. Is that the onethat did it? Oh? Yeah,
Brian is the biggest Bee High fan. He is so in love with Beyonce.
He is just like at the IHEARTRADIMusic Wars and Beyonce came out,
he turned to his wife and hesaid bye. When she did walk on

stage, Laura filmed my face likeshe zoomed in to where I was,
and it's very embarrassing because it isso no, it's oh excuse me,
it looked like a dog when youput a steak in front of it.
He was just and then you panover to Kyla's face and she's just like,
oh my gosh, I'm so sorry, world, I'm so sorry.

He loves Beyonce and that's great andyou should. She's a wonderful woman,
very talented, the best ever.Know it was also great your wife by
the way, Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah no. She is
a wonderful mom helping you raise thosethree lovely kids. She works her butt
off as a physician assistant and canI raise her up for a second please.

She's a PA here in Southern California, and she is consistently in the
top ten pas of Southern California whenthey ranked them every single year. She
is absolutely amazing. Kyla's great physicianassistant and just a rock for your family.
So you're blessed to have her,for sure. She's a really good
friend. Like she is one ofmy very few friends that will reach out
and just check in to see howyou're doing, like just randomly, just
like on a random Tuesday night.She'll just check in with you. Sure.

We reach out back and forth onInstagram. Kyle and I we love
looking at houses. She's like alike a Zillow freak like I am.
And I'll like a house and I'lltag around it. She'll like some mouse
tagmana different tastes. I'm into theolder home. She's more of a modern
person in that respect, but justa wonderful wife that you have. Thank
you. That's very sweet of you. Safe of course, coming up later
on this hour, would you eversend a breakap breakup announcement to friends and

family? I saw this on TikTokand I thought it was an amazing idea.
So this woman sent out basically likeyou see a save the date or
a wedding announcement or a baby announceIt's a graphic and it says attention,
we broke up. It happened onWednesday, November fifteenth. Yes it's his
fault. No, we're not gettingback together. I require two to three
weeks for any further questions. Youdon't have to block him. I'm indifferent.

Thank you, Please respect my privacyat this time. So she just
sent out this mass text with thatgraphic, and I thought, that's nice.
You don't have to relive it retellingthe story to everybody. It's just
the facts there. You go,leave me alone for two to three weeks.
A lot of people do that onInstagram too. That just put out
a post on Insta and they'll say, hey, we broke up whatever.
And then even if your some ofyour friends didn't see it, you can

count on the gossipy friends to tellall your other friends. That's one way
to get it out there. Youknow, it is a battle of the
sex is reps in the man.His name is Marco. He lives in
Lamarata. He works as a parkand rec supervisor. Enjoys playing football.
What is up, Marco? Earlymorning, guys, Morning, how you
doing? Good morning, my friendsrefreezing. The lady is. Her name

is Terry. She's from Riverside.Oh sorry, that's right right. She
works as an underwriter and enjoys goingout for drinks with her friends for Terry.
What's up Terry? Hello? Hello, good morning Mark. Do you
feel like people invite you more orless to pool parties? More? Yeah,

you're a fun guy. Always goingon with Marco at the pool party
well, here's how we're starting.Gonna ask you a few questions, Marco
Jills gonna be asking you the questionsbest at a three winstle tiny in regulation
we go to and that's a toughtie breaker question. Let us start with
the ladies. What sequel defining NEMOwas released in twenty sixteen? Oh something

about Dory, Something about Dory,something about Mary, something about Dory.
Now it was called Finding Dory veryclose. Oh there you go, Marco,
what picks? Our movie with asequel coming out very soon has characters
named joy Sadness, and bing bongU? What is it? I can't

get it. It's called inside out. I was stuck inside your brain.
Current scores here at a zero inthe NASCAR Daytona five hundred. What does
the number five hundred represent? Thelax five hundred miles? That was the
inspiration for that song? Was itokay? Marco? Finish the lyrics to

the Proclaimers song I'm Gonna be ButI would walk five hundred miles and I
would walk blank blank? What arethose lyrics? Five hundred stairs, five
hundred more in night Wood Will Cleveland, Mo just to be there. Back

in the day, John before you. Jill had a mad crush in that
guy. She said, I wanta guy that'll walk five hundred miles from
me. Yeah, I want togo that walk five hundred stairs for me,
though, you know that's one stepup the beautiful love song. Current
score is zero to zero. Howmany members make up electronic music group?
Oh, make up the electronic musicgroup known as the Chainsmokers. How many

members in the chain Smokers? Myword five? I don't know, it's
actually two? All right, Marko? This one who is the host of
the Voice, The host of theVoice. No, h shoot, he

was gonna get it. I couldfeel it somewhere in the synapses. It
was gonna be firing off any second. Carson Daily, Okay, that means
you guys aren't very good, Butit means you go to a tough Monday.
I know it's hard, right,we go to a NASA tough tiebreaker?
Question? Holler right, name knowthe answer? Name will be your
buzzer. Wait until Brian Burton finishesasking the question before you buzz in with
your name. What celebrity scandal areyou most in vested in? Carriol Terry

scandival? Could that be considered acelebrity scandal. Yeah, I'd say so.
Lady. When Dandy you've won aBattle of the Sexist Championship certificate posted
on social use the hashtag Valentine inthe morning and share it with Pride.
Of course, you've also won ticketsto see as Long as That justin Timberlake

at the Tea Mobile Arena in LasVegas. You're gonna get a Tuna Hotels
day as well, and an hundreddollars gas card to help get you there
to get around sale now to getmastered dot com. Congrats, Thank you,
thank you. I thought scan ofall is like Scandinavian basketball or stuff
like we're playing scandaval. Well,listen as your exit the stage, Marco,

this moment is entirely yours. Youtake it away. Oh well,
congratulations to the winner, and thanksa lot you guys for need to place.
Thanks appreciate it. You got it, brother, Thank you. John
was trending. Taylor Swift just brokethe all time one week vinyl sales record
for the Tortured Boats Department, andshe only did it in three days.

She actually just broke her own record. She held the previous mark last year
for nineteen eighty nine Taylor's version,and then she also helped the record before
that with Midnight. So she justkeeps breaking her own record here. But
some lucky Swifties got a little bonusif you bought a copy of that vinyl
at Amiba Records here in Los Angeles. Taylor slipped some handwritten notes still to

copies of the vinyl. Stop it. So, if you bought your Taylor
Swift record from Amiva Records here inLos Angeles, check it for a little
handwritten note from Taylor herself. Ihaven't checked mine yet. I don't know
if minke came from Amiba. No, she sent them over to the studios.
Oh oh, yours came with itsown handwritten Oh yeah, that's ready.
But I don't know if I geta second note. Who knows.
Maybe you got two notes, JohnCamucci, that's it's trending in music,

all right. Eight sixty six byfour form texting three one oh four to
three. Have you ever sent outa breakup announcement to friends and family?
Alexis textand and said, I loveit. It's a way to get a
chance to tell your story, tostop people from trying to put the puzzles
together in their own way. Thisworks if your relationship is pretty serious,
you had a lot of pictures,went to family events and holidays. I
like this idea. Yeah, itgives you a chance to control the narrative,

so to speak. And in thebest possible world, you do it
with that person who you're no longerwith in conjunction with them. But would
you do that? Would you sendout that group text or a group insta
post, group instant post? Whatis that? Eight thirty guess? The
weekend? Blind and lights? Myfan's balance in the morning, fending out

a group text to let people know, Hey, we're broken up? Are
you in favor that? Three oneoh four to three? This tex says,
I would do it if we'd beentogether for a long time. But
if we were only together for lessthan a year, no need for a
group announcement. Just tell your closefamily and friends. Uh huh yeah,
for a long period of time.I get it. Yeah, And you
don't feel like telling everybody every singlething that happened, right right, Nobody

likes reliving that stuff. Coming tothe office telling all the coworkers. That's
when you really do need that gossipto depend on them to get the word
out. That's why I love thispost that that person said. It's kind
of going viral. She just putthe bullet points there, sure of everything
that she thought people would want toknow. Here's your bullet points. Don't
talk to me for two to threeweeks about it. Chere got I really
thought you were gonna look at meand go That's why I loved Valentine.

For any moment in anybody's life,you use me as a gospel. So
that is why I love Valentine.Oh did come back around? Text Valentine
in the morning at three one fourthree, Jill's got the entertainment headlines coming
up. Ben Stiller says he wasblind sided by fans' negative reactions to one
particular movie. I'll tell you thefilm coming up at eight fifty. Hello

Michael, how are you? Iam good? How are you today?
I think we're doing good. Igot Jill, I got John, I
get Brian, I get Laura,got the crew. Good morning, everybody.
Did you ever send out a massbreakup announcement? I have never done
it. I probably wouldn't do it, but I would really appreciate it.
If other people would, then Idon't have to snoop on them on social

media to find out their new relationship. Got exactly how many times, even
in this room, we've said,you know, they're not wearing a ring
on their Instagram. I haven't seentheir husband in a while. I haven't
seen their wife in a while.They don't post them anymore, they're not
following so and so anymore. Yeah, I would really appreciate it. They
would make my life a lot easier. Spend too much time snooping. I

don't think there's any problem with doingit. Honestly, if you want to
call your close friends and talk tothem, fine, But so many people
it's just an awkward thing where theygo, hey, how's your wife,
how's your husband doing? Oh well? Winging? No? No, no,
no, no, like oh god, I'm so sorry. Yeah,
it just I think it's okay tosend out their Instagram post if it's heartfelt
and you're not bashing the other person. Maybe I don't know. I will
say these are the days I missthe Facebook statuses? Oh that's right.

Can you change your relationships? Everybody'ssize? That was like alarm though you'd
like coming to work the next day, Like she'll change your Facebook status?
Yeah, it's a single what doyou know. I remember when a relationship
ended and I had to change iton Facebook. This was years ago.
I made it so that it didnot send the notification out. I just
wanted it to just show up asingle on my profile. If people were

interested, they can go and findit. I didn't want to blast it
out everybody. We'd Facebook. Iknow why people don't like it, sumb
up. I would yeah, likedit. Michael, thanks for calling in.
Give yourself a great day. Okay, you too, boy? All
right by by eight sixty six fivefour four MIFM you can text in three

one oh four three. Do youagree with the idea that now to announce
your breakup a social post or agroup text is the way to go?
Jenny, what do you think?I sent a mini text to my parents
and sisters with my recent breakup,but I haven't let anybody else know that
we're not together, all right,So this could be your group text in

audio form. So it kind ofis because I text my cousin said,
hey, can you guys just listento the radio. Oh my gosh,
I'm sorry about the breakup. Ifit was the right thing, I'm happy
for you and I hope that youguys find a better path in life.
But go ahead, Jenny, thisis your breakup moment. Tell everybody that
you want to tell. Well,the text what I sent to my family
said, well maybe background. Wewere in Hawaii, a rich spring breaks.

So I sent this text to myfamily, like my sisters and my
parents in a group text. OnSunday, Blank proposed period, no ring
period. On Sunday, I brokeup with him. Period. He wasn't
ready. He wasn't ready, Hewasn't ready. You know, he's been
talking about it. We went ringshopping eight months before and he goes,

oh, and so much money,my benefill buy you of ring. Yeah,
and then there's always some reason orexcuse, right, And I said,
you know what, I think itwas just crumbs. And then I
look at Jill, who about engagedin is all glowing and happy, and
I want that and that's not whatI have, So I need to move
on. It's yeah, I'm sosorry that that happened. But it honestly
kind of takes those moments for youto realize like, Okay, well I

should be happy about this if heis proposing, even with a ring,
or not, if he really wasthe one for you. You would be
elated and glowing knowing that you weregoing to marry him, regardless off a
ring or not. Yeah, regardless, but because you knew that this is
not what she wanted this. Youknow, it's easy for me to say,
but this is the best thing foryou. Did it seem like it
was just a casualtiss Like it almostlike an afterthought. Is that what it

was? Yeah, like if we'reeating dinner, to pick the table on
north shore or overlooking the ocean,and just will you marry me? And
I thought it was like April foldjoke or something like that. Serious.
I mean's like, yeah, youknow, I don't. I think he
said it because he wanted to keepme and he could tell that I was

kind of pulling away. Oh,okay, announcement. Is this detailed?
Because I got all the Yeah,you're all set right, no need to
send now, Jenny, listen.I hope you find uh, I hope
you find the path for you inlife that makes you smile. Thank you
so much. I appreciate that.Okay, you take care. Thanks you,

my fam. It is Valentine inthe morning. It is eight forty
three. Thank you. For listeningto our show today. It's a thousand
bucks coming up at nine o'clock thismorning, We're going to give you a
keyword at nine o'clock. This wordyou take to the website one O four
three MIFM dot com. This littlebox will pop up, you type it
in and you're in the running towin one thousand dollars. And the word
changes every hour. We have thirteenchances a day for you to win one

thousand dollars with our one thousand dollarPhillips. Right next words coming up a
nine o'clock. Somebody texted in thisis a little bit. Uh, they're
late to the party, but I'mglad they got onto this. Hey Valentine,
I just finished watching the Downton abbyseries last night. Thanks for the
recommendation. So good. Almost wantto start watching all over again. Dear
Texter, there are two Downton Abbeymovies that are already done, in a

third on the way. Not sureif you knew that I've just made your
life. Congratulations Downton Abbey. That'swhat That's what I miss about the pandy,
you know, watching shows like that, just sitting at home every night,
right, I'm missing stuff. Youmake a pot of tea and have

a couple English biscuits and sit downand watch Downton Abbey the Best of the
Best one four to three my FM. Here's what's coming up in entertainment headlines.
After nearly a decade, someone changedtheir Instagram profile picture and fans do
not know what to do with themselves. I'll tell you what it is about

the traffic my FM Entertainment Headlines.Ben Stiller says he was blind sided by
fans negative reactions to Zoolander two andhe knows that you didn't like it,
and he said he thought everybody wantedit. Then, ben Stiller said,
he then got he started hearing aboutthese negative reviews and he thought, wow,

I really messed this up. Noone's going to see it. It's
gotten this horrible reviews. He saidwhat scared him the most was that he
thought he was losing what he thoughtwas funny and questioning himself. He said
it definitely affected him for a verylong time. Now I've seen Zoolander,
I have too. I don't everremember seeing Zulander too, I don't.

But people did not like it apparentlythat's why none of us saw it.
And did you just say glitter too. By the way, when they came
out with Dad, there was nothere was a glitter tuo really or I
did a glitter too. You didn'tknow that. I didn't. I've never
seen glitter I've never seen the original, but I didn't know she did a
sequel to it. Psych You GotGun Whoa. And after nearly ten years,

someone has changed their Instagram profile picture. Fans don't know what to do
with themselves. One Fanny even postedand in loving memory video with that Instagram
profile photo, and it has overtwo point eight million views. Fans are
up in arms that Rihanna has changedher Instagram profile forgot God's sake. I

thought it was Sarah McLachlin. Istarted looking at Sarah McGlaughlin's page to see
I've heard the dog or no longerthey are. This is just a song
to display how sad people are.Oh, so she's had this photo.
It's like a stick figure. It'slike a little doodle that's gone. And
now there's a Feni product, whichis her beauty line she sold out to

herself. See, but the productis being held by what looks like a
stick figure's hand. So there's kindof like a little tie in to the
Little Doodle. But Rihanna has changedher Instagram profile photo and fans are upset.
I'm Jill with entertament headlines suck Sarahhasn't changed hers because if you guys

want an update on that, thereyou go. God this song, right,
this song he's always yelped really good. I haven't listened to it?
Is really Do we think she's upsetthough? That so many people just think
of sad puppies when they hear thesong. No, because she does a
commercial, right, isn't she involvedin that because she's in the commercial herself.

Yeah, it's not just some ofthe lady playing the songs. She
does those commercials for her, Yes, but think of all the dogs and
cats, so she's saved by doingthose that is true, right, But
every time I hear this, itjust the real goes through my mind,
the sad looking puppies behind the fences. You know what he always gets me
about that. They're like they're filmingthe dog or whatever on the chain and
stuff, and they're driving by thecamera, like, go help them.

It's some filming. Put the cameradown and help. I have to make
a transition here, it's a thousanddollars coming up nine o'clock this morning.
I want a four to three MYFMfrom Sarah to Green Day doesn't happen off

Ali Adele, someone like you wanta four to three MYFM. Dell,
if you're listening, please come bythe studio. I know you're a fan
of the show. We're a fanof yours. We've got to have you
in, gotta have a sit down. You know your buddy's gone, he
went back to England. He left. You don't have your carpool karaoke anymore.

James Cordon. Yeah, James Cordon, he left right. That was
her friend, I believe. Andso you've got us. You found a
connection with this morning show. Takingyour kid to school in the morning,
right, Come on our show,Adele, come in. We'll make it
very on the down low. Noone else in the building now will keep
it on the QT. Not evento tell your record company or management.
It's just us and Adele. Youdon't have to come on the air.

Just comes in on the couch.No, you do have to come on
the air. I'm gonna want creditfor this again. I'm not gonna be
like, oh, Adele's here,but you're not saying anything. Okay,
Casper the Friendly Ghost, we'd loveto have you. Please please reach out.
I'm at go for Valentine and Instagram. Go than the number four Valentine
on Instagram. Reach out and sayhello? Will you please? All right,

So, if you are a fanof Taylor Swift, this is big.
We're doing the thirteen Days of TaylorSwift and today is day six,
so it's another chance for you towin a VIP trip to Taylor's Aras Tour
in Miami. So she's only doingthree more cities here in the United States
on this Aras tour. One ofthose is Miami. You have the chance
to be there complete with airfare,hotel and amazing floor seats. Plase you're

gonna get a one of a kindsigned guitar, exclusive Taylor Swift merch So
it's all thanks to Republic Records andfor your chance to win, it's so
easy, you're already doing it.Just listen to one four to three MYFM
on our free iHeartRadio app. Themore you listen over the thirteen Days of
Taylor Swift, the better chances youhave to win this incredible one. It's

in a lifetime moment. So today'sday six, about thirteen days, so
listen to us on the free iHeartRadioapp. Almost trending, So imagine Jaggons
just drops a new info for thefans here. They just announced their biggest
North American tour to date. It'sgonna be kicking off late July. You're
gonna support their brand new album that'scoming out. It's called Loom and that's

coming out on June twenty eighth.So tickets for this tour are gonna go
on sale this Friday. I'm JohnKamuci and that's what's trending the music.
What's the big guys for what's goingon? Doesn't sound like no. This
is their new song eyes Closed.Oh wow, it's kind of nasty.
Wow, like head of what nasty? Nasty? Yeah? Did you hear
that? Did they say something nasty? No, it's just it's cool.

Oh oh all right, I'm sorry. I'm beat Dale would love to have
you on with very cool warning shows. I don't use nasty that much.
Aboucabulary called me off guard, butthis one kind of was. Yeah,
that's nasty. It's like a slider. It's got a nasty hook that curve
ball's got a nasty hook to it. Go off King, all right,

nasty Nancy Rodriguez, Oh that's notOh no god, I'm so sorry.
I don't know. It was tryingit out. She's got some nasty traffic
probably there, Nancy, what's goingon? That's true? Yes, mal
very nasty. Four five one fourthree. My family, it's Valentine in
the morning. We're talking off theair about this. I don't think she's
had the baby yet, but alittle while back, I guess Hillary Duff

was making a three hour birth playlistahead of baby number four started. We
started discussing what's in the birth playlist, and, hands down, if you're
on like family feud or something,the number one answer, number one answer
for a birth playlist, if youever made one, you can reach out
three one o four three. Letus know what you had on there.
It's got to be salt pepper,it's got to be push it right,

Oh yes, but push it realgood. This is not the first song.
You don't want to get to thatright away. You will solely ramp
up to that. What about babyby Justin Bieber? What about Baby Baby
Baby by TLC? Yes? Whatabout start spreading the news leaving today,

Well, the baby's leaving, it'scoming out. What about drop a leg?
Is hot? Cold? Work?Want to be on your playlist?
You might be having a baby oneday. What's on yours? Oh?
Gosh, I don't know. He'sthe good ones for you too? Yeah,
I like push It. That's agood one, push Taylor Swift?
Are you ready for it? Oh? That's very good? Right, there's

plenty three hours? Really three hours? Is that long or short? I
just think it's a lot of songs. Yeah, Well they might be a
repeat too, I'm not sure.I'm sure repeats after a while, you
know. And then I don't knowhow long she would be in labor.
I don't know how it's going down. I know nothing. I think for
me, I would want like justlike some nice yeah, but there comes

a point probably and I'm not awoman, so I don't know this,
but I soon there comes a pointwhere it's active labor, it's more and
you know, and still want that, all right, we'll tell you.
Sm Entertainment headlines, Kyle Richards fromthe Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, her

daughter Sarah. Her house was berkelarizedin broad daylight yesterday. It happened around
one pm. People broke into herhome here in La disabled her WiFi,
and then made off with a tonof stuff, including a bunch of jewelry
and some expensive handbags. Kyle toldTMZ that Farahs shaken up but otherwise fine,

and security cameras caught the robbery fromnumerous angles, so they believe officers
will likely have some good leads.And this has been rumored for a while,
but now it's official. Variety isreporting that has Bro Entertainment has closed
a deal with Sony for a movieabout the board game Clue. Now,

there was already movie based on Cluein the eighties. It was with Tim
Curry and Christopher Lloyd. But thiswill be a brand new film and it
is happening. I'm Joe with theirteam headlines, Gusho said, pushed by
Salt and Pepper. What about Iwant to Break Free by Queen, I
want to break freaky like the Baby'sgoing I'm coming out right now, Born
this Way by Lady Gaga in theplaylist. Okay, dude, stop believe

in this is great for anything.Yeah, you know, Survivor Destney's Child,
Sweet Child of Mind. But gunsand roses. That would amp it
up a little bit, right.You know what about Paul McCartney The Saints
your Birthday, It's pretty good,that would work too. Yeah, yeah,
I like all these You're not pregnant, We're just making a list.

I'm not pregnant, right, that'swhat if people just tuning in though.
Oh oh yeah hopefully one day.Oh that's awesome. Thank you for your
show. Thank you for your show. John, thank you for your show.
Very show. Brian, thank youfor your show. You Lauren the
Couch thinking every show. Michael Paulman, New York City, thank you for
your show. And then answer Rodriguez, thank you for your show. Thank
you for your show. Do youhave a song you want to add to
a birthing playlist? M you knowwhat? I think you hit all the

big ones. No, I don'tknow Stronger Kelly cl Yes, that's a
good one. Yes, Yeah,that's bob By Hanson. Why that's just
a fun songkay, Harry roar.Yeah, that's not bad. That's up
bad Girl on Fire Alicia Keys,Oh, that's all right, that's a

hot area. Girls on Fire,right, Okay, Lisa Fox is coming
up at ten o'clock. She hasyour next chance at one thousand dollars here
at ten on one of four tothree MYFM
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