All Episodes

July 15, 2024 • 79 mins
Today on Valentine in the Morning: We get the scoop on a couple who eloped and we call one of their relatives to let them in on the secret live on the air, and you share some awkward first meetings with your significant others' parents.

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Episode Transcript

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It's the Valentine in the Morning replay. Welcome to the breakfast table a Valentine
in the Morning. I laughed heartily. Help it's respectful to say I love
you. The full show podcast startsright now. What if we're three my
family? It is Valentine in theMorning. Good morning, Welcome to your
monday. Good morning, Jill,how are you today? Good morning?
Doing all right? I was playedwith my sharpie and freaked myself out.

Cap on or off? Caps on? Thank god. I hate to get
sharp in your fingers and didn't meanto do it. You're like, oh,
but I had my sharpie here,and as she was saying good morning,
I just flung the sharpie. Iwas excited to see it go across
my desk like a little bit ofa race car. I'm silly, eight
years old. Look at that,though. Isn't that fast? That's why
we love you? That's fast.Have you tried this? I cannot say

I have tried this. John wouldtry this? John? How are you?
Isn't it weird? Like the thetable and the sharpie? Who it
flies? Fantastic area. I'm feelinggood. It's a monday, you know,
Yeah, hanging inn what a crappyweekend. Yeah, I'm okay too,
but yeah, gotcha. You knowit's weird too. I mean,

you don't. You didn't see thatone coming. Some people would argue,
oh whatever, but just the rhetoricin this country. I'm glad that President
Biden speaking about it. I'm gladthat for I'm President Trump speaking about it.
It'd be interesting to see the messagethat comes out of the Republican National
Convention, which kicks off Milwaukee today. I believe they're learning more about the
shooter and everything too, and we'llkeep you abreast of that if we get
any information anything breaking. But youknow, whatever reason this guy had,

it's not gonna satisfy people. There'sno reason for it. You know,
in our country has a long historywith unfortunately political violence, and of course
most of us think back to RonaldReagan and to Kennedy, and then you
go way back to Lincoln, butthere's so many more in between. When
you get you know, Nancy Pelosi'shusband, when you get Steve Scalise,
there's other people who may not havebeen president, that have been victims of

violence due to their political views,which should never be something that we allow
in a democracy. You know,and here I am a second ago flinging
a pen. Woo weird. ThenRichard Simmons, Oh my gosh, yeah
I know, ye Richard, ShannonDoherty and uh doctor Ruth right, yeah,

right, she was a sex therapist, John't you know that? I
only recently started learning about her thisweekend, to be honest, real like,
I've heard of her, but Ireally started learning about her through articles
this weekend. Right, Yeah,I believe she was a full on sex
therapist. Huh. You know,I don't know what she was doing in
recent years if she was still active. Probably right, they say, you're
supposed to be Okay, here wegoes. Everybody ready, No, it's

gotta take a bet. No,dear, it's five sixteen. Good morning
to you. We're here to puta smile on your face. My family,
it is Valentine in the morning.You know. Aside from the events
of this weekend, there was somuch stuff going on Copa America. Do
you guys watch any of that?I didn't. Oh no, no,

not a soccer guy, really,right, Jill's like, don't know that,
sucker or not? So? CopeAmerica Argentina wins once to nothing,
which is phenomenal. It was not. I wanted Columbia to win, just
like Assist down the hall. Asa fan of Argentina, I wanted to
throw it interface. Okay, andmy kids say Columbia it. I'll root
for Columbia, I asked my childbefore it starts. Who we're rooting for
Columbia? Okay, bringing the planesof stuff, five keys for everybody.

Excuse me, I don't know.I don't know anything about Columbia or Argentina
for that matter. I say.So. We're watching the game and people
were sneaking into the venue, thehard rock. They were going in through
vents to get in like events inthe parking garage. I did see,
Yeah, who was seeing people justto get into the park, get into
the venue because it's so big,right, Yeah, it was a Copa
America. It was the championship game, and Messi's playing in the game and

everything. So they're like going throughvents. They're shoving each other up and
bystanders like what the hell is goingon? And people that like live in
Miami that are like, al,I'm in the soccer, but I'm not
like crazy. They're like, there'speople we're all on in your events,
like, what are they gonna doThey get to like a big fan,
like in the middle of the mission, impossible and they have to get around
the fan or something like that,you know. And I saw them too,
like literally boosting each other over thefence. They're helping each other to

get in right, So they delayedthe game because of a lot of that
stuff. That's what I saw.And then uh, the European Finals of
Euros that was yesterday too. Thatwas earlier than day. So if you
were a soccer or not, yes, it was a great day. But
it's gonna suck for the next twoyears. We're just we're just nothing going
on. World Cup, the nextbig thing that comes up for us.
It's two years away. But nextyear it'll be nothing going on as far
as I know. I thowt CaateMiddleton at Wimbledon, that's right, Wimbledon.

Oh my god, Djokovic, seeif hel Carlos Akarez he gets the
win this kind. I think he'swon it twice? Is he want twice?
Not sure? But everybody was well. Federer was happy that Carlos won
because Federer holds the record at Wimbledon, I guess, And so he did
not want Jokovic to get that record. Oh, Okay, Djokovic is probably

gonna retire. Quite honestly, Ithink he'll play the US Open and he'll
probably retire. That's my thought onthat. So much more it's going on
this weekend. And then obviously theweekend was what it was. It was
a tragedy in so many respects.You know, you're you're blown away that
poor man lost his life, who'sdiving in his family at the attempted assassination
of President Trump. There Dovantop hisfamily, retired fire chief. It was.

It was just a weekend of highsand lows heis and lows heis and
lows, you know. And thenthe several passings of several people, from
Shannon and Doherty to Richard Simmons todoctor Ruth and she had and Doherty I
don't know if she ever had kids. I know she had just recently gone
through a third divorce. She hada troubled existence. I mean, she
battled that breast cancer very bravely,but obviously the problems with their managers in

the early days. She wasn't onBeryl's Natuna for that many seasons, like
two or three seasons. The showlasted longer, was it. Yeah,
she had a bit of a fallingout Aaron Spelling, but then he brought
her back for Charmed and some othernine or two in us stuff, and
she had a lot of other littlemovies and things like that. But it
was when she was very young whenshe had on that show and stuff.
And I think, when you're young, Hollywood, you would know you were

young, Hollywood. How did yousurvive level? How did you avoid drinking
the drugs all those things? Youknow? I just had a really sturdy
family life that can be grounded.Didn't let the fame go to my head,
and uh yeah, I just stayedon that straight path. Jill was
a child actor of some great account, so she got through. It didn't

hurt not Jill. No, she'san inspiration. She is. She really
is. Yeah, there's many likeother child actors out there that listen to
our show to go mom, that'sthe girl I want to be. Wow,
that's why I want to be rightthere. I want to have a
cougan like that girl had Coger putme through college and I had some leftover.
Oh what'd you do? That is? We still have a's gone what

was that tay like, when youfinally close your cougan fund. I don't
if you're new to the show.By the way, if you don't know
about this, cougon fund is somethingthat you set up early on as a
child is a minor, to protecttheir earnings and interests. I feel like
that came later on in my career. Also, it wasn't even a cougan
then, No, it came.I was still in it and became a
cougan. But before it was justa bad account. It was just just
a normal account, mom and dad. Right, there's the allegations. Yeah,

they can, she can take apercentage, you know, legally I
leave as a manager. Right,Well, I'm assuming, but they did
it. Oh, books in themorning, one four three, my sm
nineties. I'm gonna tell your presidentthat's your traffic with found Tine in the
morning, to tell you doing theshow from the house or from the traffic

center from the house today. Getthat little kid on the air. He's
what three you said, he's threethree? What's his name again, John
Matthew, John matt What do wecall him John Matthew or j M.
But most people call him John Matthew. Really, you're going with two names.
That's a lot of word, isn'tit. I know you should see

his last name too. All right, So then we get at John Matthew,
John Matthew. Do you think that'sgonna continue through school? Are they
gonna choose the name for him?I would say, I hope, I
hope it continues through I love JohnMatthew. Yeah, I know, I
know. And we as parents,we name our kids and we hope that
people will recognize those names and usethem. But inevitably, you know,

they come up with nicknames, orthey come up with, you know,
short names. I just I don'tknow, honestly, if I sit here
right now and I had to makea wager, I don't know if in
fifth grade they're telling him at lunch, John Matthew, do you think you
could pass me that ketchup? I'vegot a lot more jams and I'm gonna
throw it out there. John notso bad. Yeah, But there was

a reason that she went John Matthew. She must have not wanted just John.
Miss knew you like, I don'twant just John. No. I
love John. My dad's name isJohn. That's why his name. Who's
the Matthew. Who's the Matthew formy husband? Oh okay, that's cute.
Yeah, and the last name isvery long, you right, Yeah,

I don't listen. I may notbe right. Maybe it's going to
be John Matthew the entire time.You know, we'll see we maybe like
way down the road when he's happilymarried and stuff, and it throws a
passion should like John Matthew. Maybeall right? Was that too far?
It's a weird thing to think about, a little weird, but it's okay,
Cive. I was doing the pelotonthis weekend. I didn't do it

yesterday with a whole Trump thing andeverything, and that was just consuming my
day obviously and everybody's day. AndI was doing the peloton this weekend.
I was doing Jess King's because Isend to follow this girl in Jess King,
right, and it's pricey, butwe got a deal with I Heart
where it's like twenty bucks a monthor something. So that was pretty cool.
You got that, I did.Man. Companies have benefits. You

always look into them, even yourcredit cards, look into the benefits because
they have all these benefits and youforget they're there all the time. You've
got to look and you got tosee what benefits are available to do that.
If you get a chance this weekyour credit cards, go online,
look at the benefits and things.And this is one of the things that
we had with our workplace, justa little discount on this monthly fee for
Peloton. I guess does I supposesay that anyway? So I'm doing that.

I'm doing Jess King and Brian mightbe the only one who knows,
because you guys don't have this Pelotonthing or somebody listening. Did you ever
bump into like a Peloton instructor andyou're like, oh, they're going through
something right now? Like I couldtell she was going through something that day
because you spent so much time withher, right and well then you spend
like thirty minutes with that person too, and I could tell she was going

through something. I'm like, oh, man, back on November seventeenth of
twenty twenty three, you were goingthrough something that day, you know,
I think more of a sad somethingmore well, just the way they're talking
and what they're talking about. Youjust knew there was something in their life
that was giving them angst in thatmoment because you can't hide it in the
bike. You can't hide it inthe bike. Let's spend a phrase that
I've said since I was a youngman, the bike. Yeah, I

told Armstrong that. I said,you can't hide it on the bike.
People know, people know, youjust can't hide it. So I was
curious. It's like almost a writer. But I'm like, I get a
writer. Hey, what were yougoing through in that episode? It's interesting
that you do feel this sense ofliken you know that right, Like I
feel like I know those people.She'll say something and you'll do a little
giggle and I feel like she's lookingat you. No, seriously, She'll

she'll say stuff and you feel likeshe's talking right too, maybe all those
instructors like that, you connect withone, right, who are you talking
to in that? And then youknow she does a movement and you kind
of turn the screen just in caseyour wife walks in and sees it,
Like Leilani's never come over. Noone's ever looked over my shoulder with Jess
King. And she's very beautiful andshe'll do stuff like I think I showed

you one this. She goes allright, just go ahead, just touch
yourself, just you know, feelyourself, get a load of what you
got because she runs her hand downthe side of her chest and I'm like
sensual. It sounds yes, John, And then I'm thinking, should I
be watching this? Is there arating on this? Is Leilani used the
peloton? No, she got itfor her so she said, like years
ago, we got it and she'sjust sitting there collecting dust. I'm the

one that uses it, okay,because I've gone back and checked her ride
status and she hasn't ridden in liketwo and a half years. And then
her friend, who like one ofher friends that like got into it with
her, hasn't ridden like two anda half three years either. You can
check another person too, Yeah,if you follow them, if you're like
friends with every something like that.Oh yeah, he hasn't ridden in a
while. I have you have,I'll show you. I'm not getting the

updates on my watch. I don'twe the watch when I do it?
Why not? I don't like toget the watch, sweaty. I don't
like to get the watch sweaty.Your Apple watch? Yeah, well,
isn't it there to measure your heartbeating everything else? Look, it just
throws me off. But you wantmy peloton to kind of show you.
I'll show you the details. Ican pull it up on my phone.
Right now, we can watch JessKing together. Okay, it's one of

four to three my family. Itis Valentine in the morning. What did
you do this weekend? By theway, Jill, I unexpectedly got bathed
by another woman. Okay, soI'm gonna take a break. I'll come
back after that because obviously today we'llkeep you abreast of everything with what happened
with President Trump and person Binden's responseand how other politicians are responding to it,

and you know, the idea thatall of us should tamper down the
rhetoric to come together in society andstuff. And one way for us to
do that might be to hear astory of Jill being bathed by another woman,
unexpectedly bathed, unexpected So my guessis now, just in New York,
my guess is she got hit byanother skunk and the neighbor came over

to save her. I don't know. That's good. That's a good guess.
What's your guest bright it? Well, don't tell us yet. I
need another guest. I'm going tosay there's some sort of like swim class
happening your day. Well, there'ssome sensory experience and unexpectedly bathe can I
ask was there soap involved? Yeah? Oh my god? And alofah?

Was there a candle? There wasa candle too, and unexpected bathing?
Dim wow, had to be unexpectedbabyreatment, right, I don't. We're
gonna find out now. This personused the loof as. So they rubbed
your body, scrubbed, scrubbed yourbody. Did they get in? There
was there an area where they didn'tget in? Thank goodness, Yes,

just one area you got you sothey didn't get that area, but they
got the other area. You werein Europe. They do that in Europe.
I've seen that this had to besome European place. All right,
there's a lot of people asking forthe address already of whatever this thing was.
We're gonna find out right after thisJill was bathed by a woman expectedly.

Oh, I'm sorry I fell inyour top text Valentine in the Morning
at three three my family, it'sValentine in the morning, six eleven.
Would Miley Cyrus be a great SuperBowl halftime show? I think she'd be
good. I think she's got theenergy, right. Yeah, she's got
the catalog of songs, and shewould do some classics that Fleetwood mac vibe

from her or something like that littleStevin Nicks five. She's got the voice.
She's so good live. She's sucha performer. Yeah things, she
look great out there. Yeah huh, all right, we'll have to see.
That won't be till next year,so we don't have to worry about
that. We haven't even started footballyet. What are you gonna do?
All right? Eight is six totwelve. It's Valentine the Morning. This
is one of four three mi faIf you missed it, Jullis tell us
a story a second ago that youcan hear on our podcast afterwards. But

a special bath she took this weekend. Yeah, it was just supposed to
be a scrub. It was advertisedas a body scrub. What day was
this? Yesterday? So everything hadhappened with President Trump and all the Euros
had happened, the passing away oflike these people, from Richard Simmons to
Shannon Doherty to doctor Ruth, allthat stuff which made it such an emotional

weekend for so many people and ascary weekend for so many of us.
That's what happened. And you saidI'm gonna get rubbed in uh by a
woman to relieve some of this angst. Well, I needed a break.
I needed to shut everything off,shut my mind down. And you went
there on your own. You weren'twhat You went there on your own.
You weren't gifted this or anything.Oh no, my own would think saying

no. But I no, Ididn't know if like somebody drove me there
or what like. No, Iwent by myself. Okay, yeah,
no, that was all me.But I went there with the intention of
just getting massage. And they hadan ad for this special and I was
like, add it on, soundsgreat to me, and it was great.
I got to get a massage.I need it on bad. We
have my wife got she finds waysto spend money. She joined, like,

now massage or something. I've beenthere before. You don't what talking
about. So they're nice and everything, and you get X amount of massages
a month, but if you don'tuse and then just pile ups of I
got like twenty massages unused. OhI know, but we're like paying this
monthly, feel like we're not usingthese We shouldn't be paying this monthly fee.
Oh you know, I'm wasting mymoney if we're not using them or

something. She's only been using himas far as I know. No,
she's the one that started. He'salso when that got the peloton. They
don't do the massage you're looking forit, so I don't think that's there.
Excuse me, ma'am. Yea,why at tub, ma'am? Why
did you bring your own bubble soapand a tub? We do not put
a four claw tub in our lobby, ma'am. Sad news about Richard Simmons

this weekend. He was just hewas a great guy. I knew him
over the years, and I hadn'ttalked to him in pass you know,
ten fifteen years when he became abit reckless. But I knew over the
years, and he would send picturesand cards to my mom when my mom
was having breast cancer surgery back inthe day. I got doctor os reach
out, I got Richard Simmester reachout and stuff, and my mom did

the Dealer Meal program, which isa famous weight loss program he's essicially with.
And Colin was asked me this weekend, you know, with everything going
on, for President Trump and allthe stuff that's happening this weekend. He
goes this Richard Simms guy. Isaw it on the Crawl on CNN.
He goes, who's Richard Simmons.I feel like I've heard about him,
and I get he's a workout guy. Back in the eighties nineties. He
was one of the first guys thatreally were concerned about people's mental health and

stuff like that. And he wasjust a goofball, funny guy. And
I tell him about deal a mealand the come on, everybody, let's
go Brad yellow green blue. Whenyou're done with your cards, you're duddying
you for the day. Deal mealreally works. I'm Richard Simmons and we're
sweating to the oldies perfect. Imean, that's really good. Thank you.

In case he didn't know, John'slike I've never heard beforemandsar. Look,
but so was talking about him,and then Shannon Doherty passing away,
and Shannon was I'm Beryl Hills Ninotoo for a number of years, but
had a rough time man the breastcancer thing aside, just went through three
divorces. I guess she just recentlyfiled for divorce. A few years ago,

I think, and just had someups and downs, but just from
all accounts, a very nice person, and the tabloids kind of took advantage
of everything back in the day andstuff like that. Then doctor Ruth had
passed away. She was well intoher nineties, I believe you know,
so she lived a long, goodlife, like we always say when somebody's
well into their nineties. And thenof course everything else had happened. What
a crazy, crazy weekend it reallywas. So how do we get your

mind off of that? We playa dumb game today. Today's dumb game,
John, what do you bring tous? I think we're playing the
Valentine in the Morning listener, Sowe need people to call in the play
right six five four four my fameight six six five four four six nine
three six. What are we playingfor? Jill? We don't know you
have a we do? We do? Just face? We did. Get
out of my face. Yes,you get the talks like that. She

would slap me if I said that. I do feel a little. She
didn't even catch it. Get outof my face. Everybody, you say
that, everybody not to you,sir, Get my face, everyone else,
Jill says. Jill says shut yourface, your face, your face
shut. No, you don't doit. Shut your face, cut your
face, no face. I've neverheard you go your face, your face.

It feels really shocked. That's whenit'll come out aggressive and she'll slammed
down on the console. Shut yourface. Yeah. Hey, let's bring
this back to Brian. We havea great prize. You want to go
see a show at the Forum.Do what is it? What is he?
Train wagon? I'd stop it Ariospeed Wagon. All right, this
is very much a specific audience probablyright now if you're into that eight sixty

six five four to four MYFM,are you speed Wagon? Let's take it
on the run, man, I'mgonna tell you peress. And that's your
traffic with Valentine in the morning.All right to Talia, thank you the
weather today. If you want acloud's warm, humid this afternoon. What's
up with that? Hi's in theeighties to mind nineties, little bit seventies
at the beach is sixty five marineuntil ray sixty six percent. And if
you guys get that thunderstorm over theweekends, you get any rain, no,

not at all. It was probablyI guess Saturday night and the Sunday
morning on a three fifty five orsomething. It opened up on top of
us, just opened up. Ohyeah, yeh yeah yeah. And I
was like, oh, don't doanything. I don't have any insurance in
the house right now because our insurancelapsed on like Friday. Because I'm trying
to get the cal Fair plan andit's nightpmaren to get it, so get

it today. But I'm like,oh, don't anything happen over the weekend.
I'll be in trouble. Everything's good. Yeah, yeah. The house
didn't burn out, no lightning strikesor anything like that. We're pretty good.
Jill's got the entertainment headlines coming upat the box office this weekend,
a new movie. You performed alot better than expected. I'll give you
the rundown at six fifty. Well, let's launch launch into today's dumb game.

It is the Valentine the Morning Listenerfeud. We asked our Valentine the
Morning Listeners two questions. We gatherthe top five answers. You just have
to tell us what those top fiveanswers were. I really liked the applause.
Guys. I thought at first we'regoing to tank it, but it
came together there in the end.Very nice. Let's meet today's contestants.
Good morning, Dorothy, how areyou today? Oh fine, thank you

very much, very good. You'replaying against Claudia. Claudia, good morning.
How are you today? Hi,good morning, I'm doing good.
Happy Monday, Happy Monday. Herewe go, guys, ten in the
Morning listener feud. We're going tostart with you, Dorothy. We asked
Valentine in the morning listeners, what'sthe most annoying thing a customer could do
at a restaurant? You've got fortyfive seconds and three strikes to fill in

those blanks. What is the mostannoying thing a customer could do at a
restaurant? What do you think?Talk too loud? Talk too loud?
Not on there? Okay, I'dlike that one though. Oh maybe eat,
eat too loud, eat too loud? Okay, not on there,

not on dunk, being drunk,not on there, not on their darn
it, darn it. Well,listen, there's a chance that Claudia may
get nothing right as well. Okay, but let's find out together. Okay,
So, Claudia, we asked Valentinein the morning listeners, what's a
slang term for an attractive woman,what do you think? The top five

answers are, oh, mommy,Hey, mommy, mommy, hot Tomali
also not on there? Wow?Would you say spicy? Hummus? What
spicy? You went back to spicymama after mommy? Listen, Dorothy,

When I said this chance she wouldnget you right, I didn't realize she
would get you right. Let's recapof what we had so far anyway,
So for you, Dorothy, weasked Valentine the Morning listeners, what's the
most annoying thing your customer could doat a restaurant? Number five? Taking
too many pictures of their food.Yeah. Number four, asking for separate
checks and arguing over menu prices.Number three, taking too long to order,
Number two let their kids run aroundand be loud. Number one being

rude to a server. Those arethe top five answers. Now for you,
Claudia, we asked Valentine the MorningListeners, what's a slang term for
an attractive woman? Hey, mommywas not on there? Number five was
a knockout for a babe? Ababe? Number three A batty? A
BATTYE? Is it your world?John? A batty? That's the number

one answer. For me, anattractive woman is a battie. Oh yeah,
she's a battye. Okay, yeah, that makes sense. That makes
sense. Question once you're actually onthe line, right, of course,
Number two was a ten and numberone slang term from attracted room was a
hottie. But none of them weremommies or spicy mommies. She's a spicy
mommy. I guess that might bea new term for like moms that are

older. She's a spicy mommy,you know, all right? Well that
means the contest and did nobody won? Well, look, so what do
we do? Brian? These guysare fun. There's a lot going on
these days. There's a lot happening. The weekend was very tough. Go
how about you both go, DorothyClaudie, you both win. You're gonna
see Ario Speedwagon. Congratulations, you'rewinners. Yes, not only Ario Speedwagon,

also Train. You're headed to theforum. You're gonna see them September
eighth. Tickets are on sale nowticketmaster dot com. But Rain and Rio
speed Wagon together, congrats? Ohthank you, nice job. Dorothy.
Where you headed today? You headedinto work? No, I don't work,
all right? How old are youlet's take a guess at your age.

Are you over sixty? I knewRichard Simmons. I didn't know personally,
but I did you dated Richard Simmons. There's a shocker. Wow.
Nope, all right, this isgoing as well as I thought. Uh,
Claudia, what are you doing rightnow? Well, I just thought
the gym and I'm going to runhome, get ready and hut to work.

There you go. What do youdo for a living? I work
in laweretary. Fantastic, fantastic.Well, you're both are great. You
both were fun. You had goodanswers. We appreciated that. So if
you hold on, we'll get youaddress and everything to get you'll set up.
Okay, favor by the way,thank you, Okay, right back
at you do, Bryan Army,which one set up young and spry?

Well, you know what I'm teamDorothy, So take that. Thank you,
guys. We'll get a workout going, all right, hang on you
guys, says getting sixty two.It's one of four to three mile Famin's
Valentine in the morning, sun isoff. It's gonna be a nice day
today. It's gonna be huid though, which I thought was odd. We
don't get that much humidity here.When we do get it there, you're

like a lot to talk about fromover the weekend. So with the heavier
stuff obviously, but also if you'rea soccer fan, were you watching the
Copa America the final game? Ohmy gosh, that was insane one A
four to three. My family,it is Valentine in the morning. It
is six forty six. Good morning. Thank you for listening to the show
after seven o'clock this morning. Eightiesand Nineties Celebration in Concert E Disney Eighties

and nineties Celebration in Concert. Where'sthis? That the Hollywood Bull It's just
all these classic Disney movies from theeighties and nineties played on screen, but
also having the live Hollywood Bowl Orchestra. Yeah, and then guest singers Jody
Benson. Okay, so real people, it's not that sing along thing.
No, I mean we'll be singingalong. Oh you'll be there, but

oh I'm hoping to Okay, we'llsee, but you can you know you're
there to watch them sing. Doesthat frustrate anybody sometimes when you go to
a concert and everybody else is singing? I mean, I get it.
The error story you kind of haveto sing along. But sometimes you're like,
I'm here to see them sing,you know, And then you get
the person next to you that I'mmore of this like under the sea.

Like I'm like a under the sea. I'm not screaming it. I'm just
kind of singing along myself. TheHollywood Ball promise promise you. You had
the a people turn to you andgo, what was it saying? Sorry?
Certain parts that I think need tobe saying really loud, like kiss
the girl. If you're doing kissthe girl, I think everyone should shout

kiss the girl. You feel itwhen it needs to be a shouting when
it's a shouting song. Okay,gotcha. Under those what else do you
sing along? What are some ofthe songs? Oh? When you sing
it like that? Okay, thisis no way place. Promise you.
If I'm in a concert, I'mnot screaming the song you're pulling. It's
very quiet. Even if the personnext he's not a good singer, and

you want to show off that youhave a better voice. Yeah, go
oh no, no, no,she grabs a mic. No no.
Somebody comes out in the audience andthey're singing the song. Jill grabs a
mic for them. Up done,Jody, So if you would like to
be in for that, that's surprisefor the Battle of Sex is that'll be
all week long as well. Eightsixty six five four to four Maya FM.

Good morning to you. A celebritycouple who have been engaged for six
years finally tied the knot I'll tellyou who. Right after traffic over at
the box office, Despicable Me forwas the number one movie again, making
another forty four point seven million dollars, so it raises its total to two
hundred and eleven million dollars. Butwhat surprised everybody the new film Long Legs

with Nicholas Cage performed better than expected. It made twenty two point six million
dollars, came in second place.It costs like ten million to produce and
then like another ten million for marketingand distribution, so it's already made its
money back. And it's called longLegs. Long leg What was that about.
It's apparently like this little girl withthe polaroid camera and this guy shows

up and Nicholas Cage is the scaryvillain. He's getting rave reviews. Yeah,
it's got like an incredible rating onRotten Tomatoes. And I'm saying,
she'll only what it is, besaida girl the camera. No, they
leave it really vague on purpose,is what I hear. Like they won't
even show in the trailer Nicholas Cage'scharacter because it's supposed to be so mysterious.
A murderer or somebody. Is hechasing the girls? We don't know,

We don't know. He said somethinglike you put his long legs on
today, Like that's all I've seenyou put his long legs on. I
don't know what that means, butit's ten million to make. Yeah,
I do want to see it becauseI'm hearing great reviews. Yes, okay,
and Eddie Murphy and his fiance Pageare married. They got engaged back
in twenty eighteen, so it's beensix years as an engaged couple. But

they had a very private ceremony witha few family members and close friends.
And this is the se I getmarriage Riddy Murphy and Pages First. I'm
Jill with Erry tim headline. Yeahhe looks good too. I mentioned that
last week because I saw him inthe Beverly Hills cop one they just put
out. He looks fantastic. Theguy does not age. I don't know
what he's doing, but he looksgreat. Speaking of people looking great,
this guy with all the money madeoff of that wedding, that wedding finally

was done, that Indian wedding thispast weekend. Yes, Justin Bieber had
made a ton of money off ofthat wedding. Yeah, day Kardashians.
I think I paid to be there. John Cena was there. Everybody's there.
This wedding costs millions, millions ofdollars. Does anybody in the price
tag? It was huge. Itwas like something stupid, like four hundred
million or something. Oh, itwas that crazy whatever it was, if
you look it up, it wascrazy. And so many people in India

are mad about that because of thedisparity of wealth and they're really really rich
people to folks in the street thatare just ordinary, like taxi drivers.
John the Guardian puts the total pricetag at around six hundred million. I'm
sorry it is off by two hundredmillion. Six hundred million dollars for a
wedding, can you believe that?And they were like closing up off streets
around the venue and everything, andall the taxi drivers are mad because they

couldn't do their normal routes and things. People are fighting for a little bit
of money for dinner and six hundredmillion bucks on a wedding, wow,
on a wedding that any one ofus would have gone to. Absolutely one
of four to three, my famin, it's Valentine in the morning, seven
ten, Monday, July fifteenth,payday night, some people, that's right?

I should I think it hit ouraccount on Fridays? Yes, wolla?
Oh did it? I thought Ichecked out on Friday and you you
don't have to check your check.No, I didn't see it on Friday.
Oh I saw it. Yeah Idid too, Yeah I checked.
Oh yeah, you know when youlive in paytchrick the paycheck, when Brian
and I are checking every two weeks, I know I had to cover some
stuff too. Actually, well,the latest on what's going on around the

world coming up in three things youneed to know a little bit later on
this hour. Obviously, with theattempted assassination of President Trump this past weekend,
there's so much that's coming on thenews, and they keep finding out
more stuff. In what we canbring you that's appropriate for us to bring
your course, we will, andI hope that you find time in your
day to to just live a goodday, to be a good person.

You know, isn't that the lessonfor all of us? You know?
I think that's what everyone's talking aboutnow, And I hope that. I
hope that works. I hope thatgets out there into the world and we
just live a good day, justbe a good person, share that warmth
that you have inside of you,that all of us have inside of us,
and then you know, things willbe better, I hope. But

right now we're cutting loose. Thewarmth is gone. It's the battle of
the sexes. It is the battleof the sexes. Reps in the men.
His name is Tony. He livesin Santa Anna, works as a
para educator and enjoys camp with thefamily. What's up, Tony? Oh?
Hold on, I gotta hit Tony. Hey, Tony are hey Tony?

How are you there? You aredoing great? How you guys doing
doing all right? Representing the ladies. Her name is Jessica. She's from
Westminster. She works as a vettech and enjoys going on cruises. Let's
do it for Jessica. What's up, Jessica? Hell? Hello? Hell,
here's that worse, Jessica. I'mgonna ask a few questions, Tony.

Jill's gonna be asking you the questions. Best at A three winds still
tied into regulation, we go toa. That's a tough tie breaker question.
Let us start with the ladies.What does Dora the Explorer need to
say three times in order to stopswipe for the Fox from stealing things?
Oh? Gosh, I don't haveany kids. I have a kid,
but you never watched you I don'tthink. Yeah, if you never watched

the show in my life, tobe honest, So that's away away,
wish it away it away? No, apparently it's swipe for no swiping,
swipeer, no swiping, swipe forno swiping. All right, what is
the name of the monkey on Dorathe Explorer? Yes, Boots is correct.

Our current score, guys. Popartist just released her new single titled
Woman's World. I'm gonna doing itso good today Katie Perry Tony after Chaka
Khan, who released the song I'mevery Woman in nineteen ninety two. Easy

Whitney Houston, Easy win for you, my friend fellas pull that dude.
Battle of Sexist Championship certificate posted onSoul Shoes the hashtag Valentine the morning you
share their pride. Okay, soundsgood, I will do it. Probably
you got it, brother. Youalso get a family four pack of tickets
to Disney's Eighties and Nineties Celebration concertat the Hollywood Bowl July nineteenth. Congratulations,

Yes, hey, that's right upmy alley. Things you really okay?
Highlighting songs and clips from the iconicDisney films of the eighties and nineties.
Special guest singers joined the Hollywood BowlOrchestra for unforgettable favorites from The Little
Mermaid, You Doing the Beast,Aladin Moved On, Toy Story, Bugs
Life, Hocus Pocus, Newsy' isa goofy movie. My God, This's

gonna be a long night. Blus A chance to win tickets for anybody
else VIP tickets one four to threemyfm dot com. Congrats. I appreciate
it. Thank you guys so much. You're welcome, Jessica. As you
exit the stage, this moment isentirely yours. You take it away.
I just want to say thank youeveryone that I'm gonna blame it on my
sickness. I've been sick all weekend. I didn't get any questions wrong,

but I just want to say toall the VET techs out there, keep
up the good work. You guysrock It's a tough world to be in
this position, and just keep goingbecause it's worth it. Hey man,
thanks for taking care of our littlefurry friends out there. Thank you,
appreciate you. Coming up, threethings I need to know. We'll tell
you what we know this morning.What's just happened in the past few minutes.

Now about the investigation into the assassinationattempt against former President Donald Trump.
That's coming up. This is oneof the focuses of the investigation into the
assassination attempt on Trump. The roofis about one hundred and sixty yards from
where Trump was speaking. President Biden'sdirected an independent review of the security at
the rally. According to CNN,two counter styber teams were supposed to cover
that building where the gunman was perched. It's not clear yet why that didn't

happen. Although Trump was injured inthe shooting a bullet Pierce's ear, he
still traveled to Milwaukee for the RepublicanNational Convention, which kicks off today and
Sadly, two people were injured andanother gentleman lost his life. I think
he was a retired firefighter from thearea, and he saved his family basically
by jumping on them, and inthat moment perished himself. Richard Simmons,

who was probably the most well knownfitness and starked in American history, passed
away in Friday at the age ofseventy six. He was known for his
tank tops and short shorts, butalso for helping thousands of people by urging
them to exercise and eat better.Simmons made more than sixty five fitness videos,
including the Berry populars Sweat into theOldies series Oh My God that played
at our house all the time.My mom and her Leon turns in the

living room sweating to the oldies.Oh my God. Then Phyllis Janak would
come over the house, She'd intothe oldies. All these ladies from the
lunchroom would be sweating to the oldiesat the house and I'm like, ten,
I watch them sweat to the oldies. Very weird, Very Weird.
Sold over twenty million copies, andmost of them to my mom and are
Freddy John, what's trending well?We've made it to the All Star break

in Major League Baseball. That biggame is going to be tomorrow night,
but tonight's the Home Run Derby.Outfielder Taskar Hernandez will be competing tonight representing
the Dodgers. He swung a bigbat this season. He's got nineteen home
runs. He's one of the fewplayers with two Grand Slams already, So
he's our guy. Tonight Home RunDerby starts at five pm on ESPN.
I'm John Kamuci and that's what's trendingin sports. We've got somebody in holding

to talk to him in a fewminutes here. They want to be anonymous,
totally anonymous, So it's fun forus, who's like, oh,
what's the lacious? A little bitof something have you got if you want
to be anonymous? Is there somethingthough that you maybe have never told anybody
else and you want to get itoff your chest? You want to share
that you can always reach out eightsixt six y five four to four of
my FM. Maybe nobody else inyour family knows, and you want to
share the secret on the radio.Do we have anonymous in the phone line?

Sir I anonymous? Hello, goodmorning. I just got married last
week. Oh my gosh, andyou're anonymous? Does your husband know who
you are? Yes, I'm doinganonymous only because we elope, so no
one in my family actually knows thatwe got married. What so, what

is a plan? Are you guysgoing to do a second wedding just for
them and pretend it's the first,or you'd eventually tell them, Hey,
by the way, we're already married. It's probably going to be like,
oh, by the way, we'realready married, and then do like a
wedding celebration later you do realize thatyour voice is probably recognizable to friends and
family. I'm just well, noneof my family is from southern California.

I'm actually originally from Central California,but my fiance or now husband a family
is from over here. So whenyou're talking to people and you are talking
about your husband, do you stillsay fiance like that? I do because
I have to. Yeah, Ihate to break div We are a syndicated

show that errors in many cities allacross the country, including uh Modesto and
other Central California locations. Yeah,I do know that, but I know
my family doesn't listen. Only myfamily doesn't like you. We talked about
it. Discuss it in the worldof ratings. This is such a big
get. If you would like tocall your mom or dad or whoever right

now, or a sister, youwant to call one family member with us
on the air and tell them you'remarried. That would be a moment that
you would have for the rest ofyour life. You'd have the audio.
What a big moment it would be. Who would you like to call it?
Let me ask. She's right here, he's recording Michelle right now as

I'm talking to you together. Okay, live in the air. We called
them and we tell them. Doyou want to call someone to tell somebody
right now? Who would you callto tell the air? Let's call his
dad? You want to call hisdad, We'll call his dad. Okay,
we're gonna what we're gonna do.We're gonna take a little break because

I gotta have a number and stuff. We're gonna come back and we're gonna
do it all right. Okay,you're guy's gonna tell his dad that you're
married. Okay, that sounds good. I love it. If you loathed
and we're about to call your parentson the radio and let them know you
elaved. Oh my gosh, Oh, I'd be nervous. You guys could
have done that. We could haveyeah, yeah, but we wanted our

family involved. There you go,hmm, I can't wait. Hey,
we all drive to it is herein Valentine morning. I'm gonna preest Prime
to listening to Wrap four Johnson anda Highlander. Really cool rides to do
for our lifestyle. Somebody's asked me, like how much money I spend on
gas every month? And they wereexpecting, like a really really big number,
and I'm like, it's not thatmuch because I'm in a pres Prime
so it's gas and electric combined.So I plug in downstairs. I take

what I call plug in opportunities.When I go someplace in this an electric
plug I plug in. You know, that could be a grocery store,
might be your free a few minutes. I'm running it around now, but
I take those plug in opportunities.I might go to your house. I
just take my big orange extension courtand plug it into your house. Oh.
I take my plug in opportunities andtherefore extend the range of my vehicles

so I don't spend anywhere near whereordinary people spend on gas every month.
That's so nice because I feel likethere are plug in opportunities at most places
you go to, so you alwayshave that opportunity. Opportunity is always knocking.
You just have to be ready andwilling to open that door. Hell,
you can check out the brand newPreus Prime and turn every commute into
a fuel efficient adventure with its sleeknew design and incredible MPG. So see

your Toyota dealer today and start enjoyingall the benefits of what Prius can do
for you. I'm going to tellyour prize and that's your chappic. We
have valent tide in the morning,all right, to tell you thank you.
The weather today a few warning clouds, warm, humid this afternoon.
Highs eighties to be nineties lit themid seventies of the beaches. Sixty six
on Humber sixty seven, Irvine.Jill's got the entertainment headlines coming up.
After two years, Euphoria season threeofficially has a star to date. I'll

tell you what it is coming upsome fifty So just texted I don't think
this is a good idea. Wehave anonymous on the phone line. We're
gonna call her now. Father inlaw who doesn't know he's the father in
law. Anonymous and her fiance elopedlast week and they've told nobody in the
family, and you're allowing us totell him. What's uh, what's your

husband's dad's name? Edgar? Allright, Brian is putting the call through
to Edgar. We'll see if heanswers. Yeah, hopefully, Hey Edgar,
Yes, Hey Edgar, my nameis Valentine. I do a radio
show here in southern California. It'scalled Valentine in the Morning. In MYFM,
I have your son on the phoneline and his girlfriend and they'd like

to talk to you. Okay,okay, okay, go ahead, guys.
Hey, dad's a going good.You're on the radio. Okay,
your fourhand Uh. We want totell you surprised you was the fact that

our last Friday we actually got married. Congratulations, Thank you, congratulations.
You guys were Did you guys goto Vegas or here in California? No,

we did in La. We wentto the LA Courthouse while we were
there. While we were in LA, you guys didn't invite anybody or what's
do you guys know? It wasjust us. We just wanted to do
something special between us, more private, but we want to do something bigger
for everyone later. Your son justreally really wanted to tell you and didn't

want to wait to tell you.Well, that's good, I mean,
congratulations. I'm happy for both ofyou. We have spoken before prior to
this, but you know you guys. You guys enjoy life. That's it.
You guys enjoy life. And hI'm proud of you stepping up and

becoming a young man. I loveyou, Edgar. You're the first person
they've called and told and I amflattered for the very I am. I'm
I'm very happy, Edgar. Howold is your son? How how old
is your son? He is?Twenty eight? Twenty eight? I believe
twenty nine? You number, giveme number. I'm I'm kind of getting

old myself. I'm not good withbirthdays. I'm sorry. What is what
does that feel like? You're watchingyour son now and and obviously maybe you
wanted a big wedding and stuff,but it's there, so it's special to
them. I have a sixteen yearold son, so he's not there yet.
But as a dad, your sonhas found the woman he wants to
spend the rest of his life with. And you now have a daughter,
You have a daughter in law?What does that feel like? It feels

good, It feels great someone thatthat he can cherish his life with.
And then also we can both havea conversation over my son and her husband.
We can carry a conversation like youcan about the same person. That's
not correct, but I was gonnause other words, but I'm on the

radio. Wow, did you thinkyou're gonna wake up today and realize that
you had a daughter in law?They were talking about it, but I
don't know how soon this was goingto be. And I'm very proud of
him. He's becoming a man.And I'm I'm proud of her as well,
because she in him a lot ofstuff that that, you know,

opening up his eyes and from soto someone to love my son that way
the way she does. I'm lostof words right now. That's beautiful,
both of them. Do you knowher name? Because she kept calling herself
anonymous to us. We don't evenknow your daughter in law's name, Maria.

Listen, We're gonna let you go, you know, so you can
talk in private and everything. Butcongratulations all around, Okay, okay,
congratulations, love you both of youguys. Enjoy life. Thank you,
thank you, guys, appreciate it. Hang tight one second. Let's read
the text coming in live. Edgar'snot into it. Oh my god,
what is happening? Thank you?This is a disaster. Wait, it's

getting better. Oh oh now it'snice. Oh he loves his son so
much. A little bit of aroller coaster. Yes, and then Brian
in the background playing the stuff.Yeah, you're welcome. I was trying
to keep a straight face as I'mtalking to him, Edgar, you so

there. I was trying to keepa straight face as you're playing Butterfly kisses
here. It's a beautiful moment,a father and his son. Could you
imagine your kid getting married and thengetting the phone call, Hi Mom,
Hi Dad, I'm married. Happensall the time. People a lope all
the time. You do what's rightfor you, you know what I mean
exactly, And hopefully your parents wouldhave the response that Edgar just did where

he got he got to it theeventual rest. Yes, Yes, this
is kind of cringey. It seemslike something Ryan Seacrest would do. No,
we're not into No, No,there are no roses being passed out
here. It was sweet. Sobodyelse be right back and I'm crying.
Very cool segment. Guys, Ilove stuff like this, Thank you very

much, Wellson. Really a segment. Somebody just called them was anonymous and
wanted to tell you know us,They wanted to share that secret they just
got married. There is something aboutthe anonymity of calling into your favorite morning
show and hopefully we're it and youcan share something with somebody that maybe you're
not ready to tell the rest ofthe world. Maybe you're not ready to
tell your mom and dad, ormaybe not ready to tell a family member
or your spouse or whoever it is. And it doesn't have to be anything

salacious. We're not looking for stufflike that. But that is a kind
of a sweet thing that you trustsomebody else to share a little secret.
Text keep coming in three one ohfour three, and please do that reach
out if you want to share sometime with us, enjoin us at our
little breakfast table here three one ohfour to three. Plot twist. When
I was twenty six years old,I found out my mom got married and
didn't tell me. What a kindproud father. Congratulations to the happy couple

who hope the rest of the announcementsto the family continue to go as well.
Yes, it was fine texting threeone oh four three. It's probably
the initial shock at first, andthen Edgar realized what was going on,
and then it was just a beautifulmoment. Did you and Jeff ever consider
because you were a team minus fourteendays until you get married weeks from today
only, dude, that's gonna flyby Jill, I hope. So,

no, it's gonna fly right now. The days are dragging, are they?
Really? You just want to marrythis man? Yeah, Like the
days are like slow molasses. Ohmy gosh, it's so sweet. Why
do you want to marry this man? I just I'm ready to start our
life together. Don't make me crybecause I'm like on the Virgintias right now.
But he's He's an amazing partner,and I feel like I realized that

life. What am I trying tosay? Here? Hold on, take
your time. That makes us Okay, take a deep breath, find your
heart. He so you got up. I knew something was going on.
This music always makes me cry.I'll just say this. I never knew

I could be so at peace inlife. And he brings me that piece
like I feel loved, taking careof, protected, secure in our relationship.
Not one time have I ever feltlike, ooh is he right?
That has never crossed my mind,which I have felt that so often in

other relationships, romantic or not.With him, there's just this peace and
I just can't wait to start lifewith him. Tell me about this piece
that he gives you tell me abouthis peace. What did I say something
wrong? No, we're just asking. Oh, I just feel so calm.

I just feel like he's home,you know, like when I'm with
him, it's just I feel goodand calm and loved. I just I
misinterpreted something. What did you hear? There was a point where you said,
never once did I think is heright? And I thought that when
you guys disagree on things, Oh, I meant like, is he the

right person for me? Never oncedid I feel this guy says anything right?
You know, I just know I'malways right. And then there you
go, still have not had adisagreement, so not at a disagreement.
Well, there go the tears.We were hoping, I know, we
were trying for the tears, andwe get the laughter and she's talking about
his peace and everything he brings mepeace, Peace. I'm so happy to
hear that. Thanks. Can Itell you as a joke after the break

of course, So my mom,she's in a rehabilitation center right now for
a fall that she had, Myeighty four year old mom with laid on
set Alzhemmer's. I told her ajoke this weekend. And here's the If
you look for like silver linings inlife, and I hope you do,
sometimes you try and find the sunshineout there. Right. I told my
I'm on this joke, and becauseof the Alzheimer's I'm talking her for like
an hour. She forgot so Igot to tell her again twice and make

her laugh twice. And this issomething really special about it. I'm gonna
tell what that joke was right afterthis. It's official. A member of
the Kelsey family will be a partof Hallmark's Chiefs Holiday movie. I'll tell
you what family member. It is. Right off of Traffic. Hallmark is
working on a movie called Holiday Touchdown, a Chief's love story. With all

the attention around Travis Kelsey and Taylorshave to make sense, but it's not
gonna be about the two of them. It's about a Kansas City Chief superfan
who is looking to win a Fanof the Year contest and then you know,
falls in love along the way.Well, it was just made official
this weekend. Donna Kelcey, themom of Travis Kelce and Jason kelce has
joined the cast of this film,so she will be a part of Halliday

a touchdown on Hallmark. Speaking ofHallmark, our friend Ryan McPartland who lives
up in the Senate Cred area,he's got a Very Vermont Christmas in the
Hallmark Channel next Saturday night, Julytwentieth. I'm stoked about it. Local
guy, local actor, and he'sgoing to be on there. I think
it's kind of cool. Okay,he's an Instagram friend of mine. Nice.
What's the movie. It's called aVery Vermont Christmas Hallmark Channel next Saturday

night. So another original okay,and he stars with a young lady named
Katie Leclerk. Right, Yeah,I'm stoked. And after two years,
Euphoria season three officially has a startday. It's going to begin production in
January, and Variety says with allprincipal cast members returning, so all the

stars will be back for season three. I'm Jill with entertainment headlines. Okay,
so I told you my mom's ina rehab center right now. She's
gonna be there for a little bitmore, and we're trying to find her,
you know, a place out hereby me to live by me,
or by my sister in New York, or one of my sisters in New
Hampshire. And if anybody has laidon said Alzheimer's did to mention your family.
You know the struggles. It's unbearable. But there was a sweet moment

when I was talked to my momthis weekend, a facetiming her, and
I wanted to make her laugh inthis rehab facility, and so I told
her joke. And the joke's notthat bad, So don't be panicking with
the kids in the car. SoI told her joke. And then I'm
on the phone. There's down myforty five fifty minutes, and I asked
her about the joke because she unfortunatelycouldn't remember it. But then I found
the joy and telling my mom jokesecond time and hearing my mom's laughter a

second time. This is the jokethat I told her. So man is
traveling to the Holy Land. He'sin the Holy Land with his wife and
his mother in law, and unfortunatelydoesn't his mother in law pass away.
So he's in Israel and he goesto the local rabbi and he says to

Rabbi, he goes, listen,a terrible tragedy just happened here. And
the rabbit goyes, I know,I know, he goes, listen,
we can bury her here in theHoly Land, here in Israel. We
can bury her for two hundred andfifty dollars, or you can have her
shipped back to the United States forfive thousand dollars. What would you like
to do? And the man said, well, I'll tell you what.
I'll pay the five brand will shipher back. And the rabbi is confused.

It's like, why would you payfive thousand dollars to ship somebody back
when they can be buried here inthe Holy Land for two hundred and fifty
dollars as well. I'll tell youseven two thousand years ago, another man
who was buried here in three dayslater, he rose up. I just
can't take that chance with her,she loved. It's not that rights not
bad. I know, it waspretty, she laughed. I thought,

I want to get a bigger laughont of you guys too. That was
great. Here's your daily dose ofhappy news on Valentine in the morning.
I got my preschool teachers per preschoolteachers permit? What up? Girl?
Here we go. Are you excitedto uh teache's preschool kids? Yeah?
I actually work with the Murga wasthe teacher's eight. Okay, so now

you're the teacher. Yeah? How'sthat feel? Yeah? Now you have
under yeah right, now you've getto teacher's aid. He is. Now
you can tell people what to do. Ah, who's a charge? Now,
Jasmine? That's great. Have youalways had a calling to work with
kids and be a teacher? Yes? Yeah? And what made you choose

preschool aged kids? Have they beenworking with them for a while already?
So I'm like, oh my,so I'll just become a teacher, so
I went fore Yeah. Nice.Any truth to the rumor that you chose
kids that age because there's a napmaybe? Jasmine? Congrats? Keep us
updated, okay, I will thankyou all right, thank you? Eight

away. It is Valence out ofthe morning. This is one of four
three my fami coming up later onthis hour. What went wrong when you
met your significant other's parents. Youcan text in At three one oh four
three. Our dear friend Laura willbe traveling to the landown under her home
tourf for Australia, bringing her boyfriendwith her, who has never met the
printal units except on FaceTime. Areyou fearful? Not fearful. I am

a little excited and nervous. Iwould say, are you trepidacious? A
little? It's more just that,you know, it's been a year build
up. When it's the first coupleof months, it's like, oh,
you know, well, like welive together, like this is locked in
right. My parents have never metthe man that I live with. Yeah,
and you're in a foreign land andthey're so far away from you,

which is hard for your parents tobegin with, to watch their baby girl
go off and work in a citylike Los Angeles. Imagine that you're in
Brisbane, Australia, and you sayto your girl, I got it,
and off she goes. That's howyour parents speak, That's how they speak
down there in Australia. But heknows what the hector's saying. We run
her through a translator every single day. Come on, So you send your

baby girl off and now she's gota guy and they're coming home for the
first time together. And this isthe guy that's, you know, gonna
keep me away from my family therest of my life. Yeah, had
nothing to do with us. Bythe way, whoa that way? Yeah?
This is big, This is huge, all right. You don't need
to slow down with your whole like, uh, happiness and guy thing around,

very happy. Come hang out withus old married men for a bit.
So later on what went wrong whenyou met your significant other's parents?
You can text into three one ohfour three, but right now it is
a battle of the sex's repsent.The meta name is Francisco. He lives
in Rancha Cucamonga, works today schoolcounselor, enjoys going to theme parks.

Francisco, Hey, guys, goodmorning, how are you? Good morning?
My man representing the ladies. Hername is Bridget. She's also from
Rancho Cucamonga. She works as apreschool special ed teacher and enjoys going to
concerts with the family. Let's herefor Bridget. Bridget. Hi, thank
you, Hi, thank you.Here's that works, Bridget. I'm gonna

ask you a few questions. Francisco. Jill's gonna be asking you the questions
best at of three Wednesday, butwe're still tied the end of regulation.
We go to an that it's atough tie breaker question. Let us start
with the letter is the twenty tenfilm the social network portrays a creation of
what social media platform Facebook? Thatis correct? Francisco? Uncommon? James

is a jewelry and skincare line bywhat reality star Congraidation? No, that's
Kristen Cavalary. Current score one tonothing, ladies. What superhero got his
own spin off lego movie Batman?I'm Batman, Francisco. What female artist

told us to just dance in atwo thousand and eight song, Oh,
Lady Gana, Yes, Lady Gaga, that's correct. Look at that current
score two to one for the win. What professional skateboarder was the first to

land on nine hundred in nineteen ninetynine, Tony Hawk, Dude, it
took me seven years to learn howto do a night. It took me
seven years. What off, Ladies, with great congratulations, You want to
battle the sexes championship certificate? Postit on social use the hashtag Valentine in

the morning and share it with pride. Will do you also want a pair
of tickets to see twenty one Pilotsat the Intuit Dome on August twenty eighth.
Tickets are on sale now at ticketmasterdot com and we have a bonus
chance to win at one O fourto three MIFM dot com. Good job,
awesome, Thank you so much.Hey, don't forget about those bonus

chances because there's so many prizes wegive out that we also have extra ones
that we put in on the websiteone of fourth thremiafan dot com. So
please do look, Francisco as youexit the stage. This moment is entirely
yours. You take it away.Yes, well, thank you for letting
me play. And congratulations to budgethope she enjoyed the concerts and I'll keep
playing all right, Thanks baby,appreciate you coming up. And three things

you need to know. We'll updateyou on the investigation into the assassination attempt
against former President Donald Trump and howone of the victims of his audience is
being called a hero this morning aswell. We'll Taylor's details in just a
few minutes. When the government firedshots into the Trump campaign rally in Pennsylvania
on Saturday night, a bullet piercedto form presidents here, but otherwise he

was unharmed. One audience member ofFirefighter named Corey Comparatour, lost his life
while trying to protect his family,so all the stories and accounts were Corey
dove on top of his family toprotect them. Unfortunately lost his life but
protected his family. The actress ShannonDoherty was some more sad news that came
out this weekend. She passed awayat the age of fifty three after long

battled cancer. She was best knownfor her roles on TV shows like Beverly
Hills, Nintotoono, and Charmed.She learned that she had breast cancer in
twenty fifteen, but she continued towork and update her fans in her journey
until the very end of her life. And remember I think she had lost
her house in a fire. Atone point she had a very very content
battle with an insurance company to tryand gain some funds for the loss of
her property. She did win thatbattle in the end, thank goodness.

But her health had been such aproblem in recent years. John, what's
trending well on the lighter side ofsocial media, there's a term trending right
now ben Affleck summer. These recentphotos have come out of Ben Affleck and
he's in his comfy clothes holding anice coffee. Well that has taken off
and it's become a fashion trend.Now. People are posting about themselves having
a quote Ben Affleck summer, reallygoing out in comfy clothes, perhaps looking

a bit disheveled and holding saying thatBen looks disheveled. Some people are commenting
that in some of these photos,yes they are, So that's kind of
the ben Affleck life you are,because I am specific. It is when
you say it back self deprecation isone thing. Then you say it it's
like affirmative. Yeah, you gotto hear this next part because the main

accessory here is not even just anice coffee. It's a Dunkin Donuts ized
coffee. Okay, I am holdon, I'm looking up Ben, So
you and your luluse Dunkey Donuts izedcoffee. Ben Affleck sum doesn't he need
like a cigarette hanging out the sideof his mouth and you know, just
really sell it depressed, look on, smile at all sad. You guys
are so mean to poor Ben Affleck's. He says that that's his face.

He's not like upset or he's depressedhere and his cigarette hanging out his face
and all that stuff. It doesn'tsound like you're painting Ben in a nice
picture. Don't see the memes,the Ben meme? No, I don't.
I'm not on that side of Instagram, TikTok or anything else. I'm
on the happier, more positive sideof life. Where's that at. I'm
John Kabuchi. That's just trending onsocials. All right, it's eight twenty

one, It's Valentine the morning.Have you ever had any issues when you
met your significant other? His parents? Tell us those stories? One A
four three my family, It isValentine in the morning, eight six six,
five four to four my fam textingthree one o four three Ryan,
good morning. How are you today? Doing great? How are you guys
sporting? We're doing all right,my friends. So what about meeting the
parents for the first time? Whathappened? Well, I was thirteen years

old when I had my girlfriend atthe time, went over to her house
after school and she took me backto her her bedroom where we were doing
some school projects. It was justher sister home at the time, but
Unfortunately, her dad came home andI've never met him before. He came
back and saw me sitting on herbed with her at her desk, and

he immediately just goes, nope,not having it get out, And I
was forced out of the house.Nope, not having it get out.
You go. Kind of funny.How old were you at the sign yourself?
Thirteen? All right? This one? Yeah? Thirteen? Was the
door open to the bedroom, ofcourse? Yeah, the door was open.
Yeah. And there's nothing going on, right, no, hank you,

thank you, Nothing going on,not at all. Yeah, but
that guy probably had just daughters,I assume at the time. Yeah,
he had two daughters in our housebedrooms. Yeah, he's in the living
room, the dining room and recoort. Yeah, my kid's got like,
uh stuff going on in the bedroom. Yeah, but he's a boy.

Like I didn't have that rule either, but for my sister, my
mom definitely laid down the no boysin the bedroom rule, right, which
is weird. It's kind of girlsin your room. Yeah, no problem.
Really, I think my mom knewnothing was going on. Oh yeah,
there's not going on my house.But the door, the door has
to be open, you know.Okay, yeah, yeah, yeah,
I definitely made up for it.You know, like I said, this

Friday, we're celebrating sixteen years ofmarriage. You definitely made up for it.
What did that mean? Definitely madeup. I had a lot of
inner room encounters. Just won't letyou guys know. Is this a weird
thing to say? Oh? Wait? Was it the same girl? Same
girl? Yeah? Oh so youmarry her? I married her? Yeah?
Oh there you go, full circlestuff. I'm sorry you got along

with her dad? Yeah, weget along. Fantastic. Now great,
does he remember the story when youwere sitting on the edge of the bend?
He goes, Nope, not happened. Get out? Oh yeah,
we talked about that story very free. Yeah, I'm sure, just like
every Thanksgiving tech story, right,anybody who comes over the house, you
know, I told him to getout, but he came back. I
don't know. He must be agood one. Yeah. We've got Nissa's

nephews her about that age now,and they like to tell that story.
Yeah, you know, yeah,it's pretty fun. All right, bet
all right, Ryan, thanks forcoming. But I appreciate you. Appreciate
you guys have a great Dare youtoo? Take care. Good morning,
Nikki, Good morning everyone. HappyMonday. All right, Nikki, here
we go. It's you full ofenergy on this Monday morning. What went
wrong when you met yours significant other? His parents? Okay, so this

is some years ago. I waseighteen and a senior in high school and
I was gating this boy. Aparents had like a lot, a lot
of rules. And parents came homeand they had a noise shoe rule in
the house, and you had towear stuff. And so they come in.
We go down stoors so I canmeet them, and we're walking down
the stairs and my thinking foot liveson the edge of the stairs and I

fall, but I don't just likeflip, and I go humbling into the
landing and I smacked my whole bodyagainst the wall like a cartoon. And
the first thing his mother says tome is, you're out of control and
you need to go home. No, oh, god, youre God.
They thought there was something wrong withyou. It was because you were wearing
no shoes. You should have takenoff your top. No shoes, no

shirt, no problem teaching a lesson. What happened with you and that guy?
Nikki? Oh, that've fizzled out? A long long time. Any
chance he pushed you? Probably allright, Nikki, thanks for calling.
You have a great one. Okay, Hey you guys, take care.

On my drive in this morning,I saw a Toyota Tacoma and I thought,
you know, I've never been atruck gal, never really saw myself
inside a truck, but I couldsee myself inside a Tacoma like that looks
so nice. And I have anewer version. Oh yeah, yes,
you've never been a truck gal.You've never been at massage gal. If

you missed that earlier in the show, find out about that in the podcast
that aired around five fifty seven thismorning. Make sure that makes a podcast.
Imagine the scrubbing treatment you can getin the bed of a Tacoma.
Plenty of room back there when youwant to relax. And this will all
make sense if you listen to thestory I told earlier. Anyway, true
think So turn all your trail dominatingoff roading dreams into reality and an all

new twenty twenty four Tacoma with itsincredible towing capacity and torque to help you
do more than ever before. Sosee your toyleta dealer today. I'm gonna
tell you prizent that tooch to pickwith voun tine in the morning, are
Natalia? Thank you? Are youokay? Over there? Dust? What
are you eating? Guys? I'mnot eating anything, and I've given up
hot Cheetos until the wedding, sodon't Why did you get up hot cheetos
to the way. I'm not supposedto have any type of dairy and I

can. There's dairy and hot cheetos. There's a little bit of milk,
I guess, but like I can, that's real cheese. Well, it's
some type of milk product in there. Okay, I can't do it.
Why what's the dairy do to you? Oh? I get extremely bloated.
I get a lot of panic,get very nauseous. My face breaks out.
It's there's a lot that goes on. M Okay, that was just

me coughing because I was laughing.That was all that was weather today,
A few morning clouds warming humans afternight. I thought a traffic report was
fine. I'm not sure what shewas laughing at. Sorry highs in the
eighties and nineties, he was seventyse Beaches six and nine of Cooma,
sixty seven Roll one Heights, Steelscut theaters. Tim in headlines coming up,
Imagine you go see a movie andTom Cruise is sitting behind you,
absolutely losing his mind. I'll explainwhat happened coming up at eight fifty.

What went wrong when you met yoursignificant other's parents? Texting right now three
one oh four three. Debbie textedin and said, they've kept calling me
the ex girlfriend's name, and noteven the girlfriends before me. It was
his first girlfriend, Oh, theone that got away. Amanda said the
parents got into an argument during dinnerand it was super awkward. Samantha said,

I accidentally called the dog by myboyfriend's mother's first name, and Mike
said, my girlfriend's mom's face litup, and she said, can I
touch your beard when we first met? I said okay, and she started
playing with my beard and then askedif she could braid it. To God,
I thought you were speaking to thestandpoint of a woman for a second

when you said that, Oh,because everything had been from the standpoint of
a woman so far. In thetext right that was from Mike, Okay,
it's from that circus lady on Afour three My fam It's Valentine the
Morning by John Pete good to seeyou. Pete comes in, tells us
a few things, and slams thedoor behind them, walks out, Hey,

Wendy, how are you doing?Hey good? How are you bou
too good? You have a boss? It just like comes in and critiques
your performance. My husband weird?Okay, So what about the first time
you met somebody's parents? What wrong? Oh my god? Okay, So

we're gonna be married for twenty fiveyears next month. But twenty eight years
ago, when I first met hisparents, I was sitting there so nervous
for the first time, and theyhad a little teacup poodle that jumped up
on my lap. And the dogwas so old, kind of rotting from
the inside out, one of thoseand all of a sudden, you know,

I'm super shy and nervous, andall of a sudden, I just
feel something warm in my lap,and oh my, oh my god,
I just looked up and I'm Ithink your dog just pete on me.
He loved you so much. Ohmy god, I was dying that little
dog loved you. Who wanted toMarcus Territory and say like, listen,

this is a girl for you,brother of mine. That's what it was
well that his mom said, ohmy god, take your pants off.
I'll wash him right now. Andmy husband's like or my now husband's like
yes, like planned all along,Like he paid the dog to pee on
your pants, so then you'd haveto take your pants off. What a

weird house you live in? Ohmy god, that poor little puppy.
I know, not with us anymore. Well, we we caught onto that.
It's been twenty five years. Probablywe're doing the math in that one.
I liked your spin on it,though, Valentine. That is marketing
surritory saying this is the one formy brother. That's beautiful. That's exactly
what it was. I like thatone. I like that one. That's

funny. What type of dog doyou guys have? We have a border
callie. Now. Does he everhop up somebody's lap and take a little
we wei? No? Thank goodness, No, maybe he's not here to
stay. I don't know. Hedidn't market smart. He has more than
a little pea brain, like allthe little dogs. Do you think the
little dogs have people? How hundredpercent? Dude, don't like little ducks.
You can barely potty train them.I don't want them to have all

I have had. My whole lifeis little dogs like my mom has four
two hours. I think like twoof them are still around. Yeah,
y they live forever and they're likethirteenth there's still I'm not trained. Yeah,
completely, Like they're decently potty trained, but they're never completely potty trained.
Yeah, little little dogs. Iknow they're a little sudden. That's
like mine are. Would you considermind like little dogs I have cavaliy king
Charles, not as much. Ifeel like they're a little bit bigger,

Like it's compared to my mom's chuawas. They're big. This is right,
yeah, so yappy too. Nooffense if you have a chuahay so true.
Yeah, and then she's right aboutthat. From the inside. Missus
Bikowski's Chihuahua had the worst breadth acrossthe street. Oh my god, that's
sinky little thing. It's time Igot close to a Chiuhas have very bad
breath, they do. Mins Mymom's just missing all its teeth and it's
one of those chuahas where the tonguesjust permanently hanging out. I saw that

guy of the movies. He wason the Yeah, same dog, right,
same dog. Well, when doyou thinks we call appreciate it?
All right? Thanks guys, takecare. Joe looks like you want to
say something. We're making fun ofChiuhwa's no, do you have a U?
No? I did it. Wehad a little Yorky that's the same
thing, same thing, Yeah,very teeny thing. Yeah. He was
a little guy. Did he havehe did? Yeah? Dude, he

was potty Oliver was potty training goodfor him? Yeah? He always went
outside. Yeah, he always wentoutside as far as you know, as
far as I know, until yougot a little older. Right, Was
there ever stinky corner of the house? No? Okay, all right,
there we go. And if youguys have Chuawa's no fence. Shanaia Twain
is going to host an award show. I'll tell you which one, right,

that's traffic. Anthony Ramos has starredin Hamilton and In the Heights,
and he's now in Twisters, thesequel to the nineteen ninety six movie Twister.
He said Tom Cruise attended the Londonpremiere of the movie and he sat
behind Anthony Ramos while they watched,and he said Tom Cruise was losing his

mind as he watched the movie.Anthony Ramo said, Tom keet hitting him
the entire time. At different momentswhen he would get excited, he said,
he's just laughing out loud the entirefilm. He wasn't afraid to express
himself. I was super grateful aboutthat. So imagine Tom Cruise just loving
life, loving the movie that you'rein as you watching light Cruise acting like
the couch scene with over years ago. Right, so excited. Right.

And the host has been announced forthe twenty twenty four People's Choice Country Awards.
It's Shania Twain. They're gonna airlive from the Grand Ole Opry on
NBC and Peacock on September twenty sixth, and Shanaia says, get ready for
an unforgettable show with lots of bighair, glamour, rhinestones, hats,
boots, and incredible performances. I'mJill wh They're a team. In headlines,

You're not even made over the weekendand it was just a weird thing.
It was in my pantry. Imade a pumpkin pie. You did.
Yeah, he's a pumpkin pine inthe middle of the summer. That's
strange. I know. That's whyI told you, my friends, I
thought this was a safe place totallyis not. Well, we're not that
far from pumpkin spice lattes. They'renot cut I know, dude, it's
knocking on the back door. Canyou imagine that? Honestly? They'll do
it in like September or August?Really think, oh, August for sure.

September for sure. I don't knowabout August, say too soon.
I don't think it is for thepumpkins spice. People are bringing it as
soon as they can. I'm doublingdown on August. Okay, all right,
the BET's been made. Thortis wantto know how a shooter was able
to get on top of a roofso close to former President Donald Trump.
I think everybody wants to know that. That is one of the focuses of

the investigation into the assassination attempt onDonald Trump. The roof was about one
hundred and sixty yards from where Trumpwas speaking. President Biden had directed an
independent review of the security at therally as well. Although Trump was injured
in the shooting of Bullet Pierce's ear, he still traveled to Milwaukee for the
Republican National Convention, which kicks offtoday. And I believe within hours they're
talking about him announcing his vice presidentialnominee. Richard Simmons, who is probably

the most well known fitness instructed inAmerican history, passed away in a Friday
age of seventy six. He wasknown for his tank tops and short shorts,
but also for helping thousands of peopleby urging them to exercise and need
healthier Simmons made more than sixty fivefitness videos, including the very popular series
Sweat Into the Oldies, which soldover twenty million copies. John was trending,

well, we made it to theAll Star Break for Major League Baseball.
That game is going to be tomorrow, but the home run derby tonight.
Outfielder ta Oskar Hernandez will be competingrepresenting the Dodgers. He's swang a
big bat this season. He's alreadygot nineteen home runs and two Grand Slams,
one of the few players that havetwo Grand Slams at this point in
the season. So he's our guytonight. That home run Derby starts at
five pm on ESPN. I'm JohnKamuci and that's what's trending in sports.

One A four three, My famit is Valance on in the morning.
It's nine forty three. I believeLaura Halls and for Lisa Fox after ten
o'clock this morning. See, we'llhave for you one thousand dollars if you
want to win that cash. Letme turn around and see the day behind
us. It's a beautiful day,nice sky out there is gonna be a
bit humid today. I heard though, Yes, I heard that, my

favorite meteorologist. No, I'd liketo decline humidity. Okay, what does
that mean? It's just not fair. We didn't sign up for that in
California. Uh huh. We wouldlike to respectfully decline. Okay, all
right, John, But a forecastis a forecast. So if you've got
something else in Orange County the wayyou guys roll out there, Yeah,
we're going to decline. We're decliningthe humidiful roads and you're beautiful homes of

Orange carew a coastal breeze. Itis nicee of Orange County. But no
pothole roads of Orange County. Ijust feel like if somebody like found a
pothole on the freeways in Orange County, be like, what is this?
What is it? What is thisthing? I don't know. It's like
some type of indentation. Indentation.I've never seen this before. They shut

down the entire road. The lastpothole I felt. I was, I
was drying to my girlfriend's house.Hit Orange County count hit the pothole,
huge pothole. Right, I'd likecheck my tires after it. Crazy,
and I try and mark where itwas on the freeway, sure, so
I know for next time. Yeah. Three days later, God, I
was on that same freeway. It'sgone. I was ready for it.
Yeah, it was filled, itwas filled. Potholes don't exist in Orange

County when you cross over that line. We've always said it because we play
a lot of soccer out that way. You cross an la Ocene line,
you're like, this is how therich people just opens us the trap stop.
The freeways are road now. Peoplefrom Orange County hate when we say
this because like, don't you letanybody else know? Oh, don't let
anybody else move here. We're fine? Yeah, really though, try to

keep it all to yourself. Sokeep it in LA keep your a little
two lane freeways and all the congestion. We have that too. The four
O five's terrible. It doesn't matterhow many lanes you have. It it's
still so is terrible. Yeah.Despicable Me for was number one at the
box office again this weekend, makinganother forty four point seven million dollars.
That raises its total to two hundredand eleven million so far. But then

the horror movie Long Legs with NicholasCage performed better than expected came in second,
making twenty two point six million dollars. With its debut, it cost
about ten million to produce it.Then they had a similar budget for marketing
and distribution, so they made theirmoney back. And Eddie Murphy Eddie Murphy
when his Beyonce Page are now marriedafter being engaged for six years. They

got married on Tuesday, July ninth. We're just finding out about it.
Really small private ceremony in front offamily and close friends. So congrats to
them. I'm Jill with Entertainment HeadlinesA Right, Jill, thank you very
much. Thank you for your show. Thank you for your show. John,
thank you for your show. Thankyou very show. Brian Burton,
thank you for your show. Lauraand the Couch think of your show.
Michael Pullman, New York City,Thank you for your show. Natalia Press,
thank you for your show. Thankyou for your show? What do

you got planned with your guide today? Your boy? What do you do
with John Matthew? Well, he'sat school right now, and then when
I pick him up, we'll probablyjust like hang out or hopefully he doesn't
convince me to go to the parkbecause it's too too hot for the park.
Hopefully he doesn't convince me to goto the park. Right. Ah,
you'll be fine, you'll be fine, all right. What do we

got for traffic in Norwalk? Onthe five South at Rosecrans Avenue, Golo
stalled car,
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