Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Let's let's let's get rid of the Monday. I don't
want to do Monday four days. I think that is
the appropriate amount of shows. So that's what we're gonna do,
and you all can deal with it, okay, all right?
And uh, it might also be a holiday had Inauguration Day,
so all that stuff as well. But before we get there,
we got we got gobs to talk about. Way is
Boston pull emailing me this morning? Boston? Your team laws,
buddy lost?
Speaker 2 (00:32):
Speaker 1 (00:33):
What was what was easily the in my opinion, the
most exciting game of the games yesterday, just because it
was the only one that wasn't a damn blowout. Man,
So there is there is that. So but unfortunately, yeah,
you're both your teams are out now. It's pretty said.
So I don't know what you're gonna do. Could I
suggest the Boondish? I wanna, I wanna check that out,
all right. I'm not gonna lie to you. A big
heap of this show today is gonna be squarely on California.
I don't want it to be. But they absoutely made
it impossible for me not to talk about the lunacy. Okay,
not to talk about the the lunacy on TV on
display on the ground, and the weekend shows in the
interviews that Newsom was doing and Bass was doing and everybody,
you have forced my hand. So unfortunately, I don't really
have a choice in the matter. Let's see what's going on,
by the way, let's let's see what's going on in
California over the weekend.
Speaker 3 (02:02):
LAPD responded to a burglary call this morning about four
point thirty. This was at the home a Vice President
Kamala Harris. Two men dressed all in black. They were
detained by police and then questioned, but then later released.
The Secret Service also responding to that same call. Those
two men were inside the evacuation zone while the curfew
was in fact, now it's unclear if anybody was actually
home at the time of that call.
Speaker 1 (02:26):
What the hell is that did you? I know it's early.
I understand that it's like six ' ten in the morning.
Reb and sleep out your eyes. You're half paying attention
to me. I appreciate that. We appreciate whatever, you know,
attention we can get. We're you know, we're essentially there.
Prince Harry and Megan Markle at this point on that front.
So two people dressed as ninjas. Okay, not really, but
kind of all in black, right, broke into the home
of the sitting Vice President, already violating the law of
the emergency order there in Brentwood that nobody be within
this evacuation zone. You find them in the Vice President's
residence and you let them go. Make it make sense
for me. Listen to the report one more time.
Speaker 3 (03:27):
LAPD responded to a burglary call this morning about four thirty.
This was at the home of Vice Person of Kamala Harris.
Speaker 1 (03:34):
Oh, and the time is important too. It's four thirty
in the morning, right, these aren't This isn't a lost
driver from a door dash Okay, in his buddy, it's
four thirty in the morning.
Speaker 3 (03:46):
LAPD responded to a burglary call this morning, about four thirty.
This was at the home of Vice Person of Kamala Harris.
Two men dressed all in black. They were detained by
police and then questioned but then later released. The Secret
Service also responding to that same call. Those two men
were inside the evacuation zone while the curfew was in fact.
Now it's unclear if anybody was actually home at the
time of that call.
Speaker 1 (04:10):
I Honestly, I'm sitting here and I'm trying to figure
out my brain what possibly it could be. Then, like,
none of that makes sense because if you would say
they had a burglary call, they show up, and these
guys are supposed to be there, they worked for Harris's
husband and they were trying to get some valuables out
of there. Okay, that's fine, tell me that. I mean, yeah,
they violated the thing, and then the don't go and
then we'd be having this big us versus them argument. Right,
this is the only theory that makes sense. The reason
that they weren't charge is because the vice president or
her husband sent them into an area that they were
not allowed to be, nor were any of the other neighbors.
So if you lived on her street in this part
of Brentwood, you were forcibly evacuated. We can debate whether
you know what you would do or I would do,
but let's understand the only thing that makes sense to
me without more information as to why they wouldn't be charged.
There's two theories, right I I this is this is
the one I think is most likely. I think they
were sent there to retrieve things from the home and understand.
I understand that too. Right, she's in Washington. Who knows
what they have in there that they don't want, you know,
burn to smitherings. And so they decided they go, we'll
screw you little people on the vice president and I'll
send some dudes. And that's what this is. And the
LAPD or the Brentwood PD there are going along with it.
What do you think of that theory? The other theory
is they had some immutable characteristic and Kamala Harris decided
that she didn't want to do anything because uh, social justice.
But I really I don't don't necessarily think that because
you know, she was. I think it's the first one,
which is a which is a further erosion of this
you know, this the this narrative that uh, you know,
we all have to act equal under the law, especially
uh you know, especially with the social classism and uh
socioeconomic and classes arguments that that Harris made during her
her three month disaster run. And that's Look, that's just
one of the oddities. Okay, we got lots more to
get to as as things unfold, and racism will come back.
I mentioned Harry and Megan, I've had enough of that
I was. It caused me to verbally verbally swear at
my TV over the weekend. I get so was on
my iPad. But whatever, The New York Post wrote a glory.
I mean, it's in LA times. People were talking about
the maybe they were bringing stuff in to be lost
in the fire. All right, well, i'll tell you what.
I'll throw that in his theory three, I guess the
least likely. But in the same instance, it's basically Harris
thinking she's above the law and could violate a thing.
Now again, I don't know that that's that, but tell
me what it is. Then. It's so weird, man. I
can't after what they did to the j sixers for
walking through an open door of the Capitol in some instances,
not all of them, I get it, but literally charging
with parading and throw them in jail for fifteen months
or three years or you know whatever, whatever their sentence was,
that to a thing that's historically been a fifty dollars fine,
you know, make it. Make it make sense for me,
that's all I'm asking. All right, So we'll get to that.
We've got finger pointing, we've got more looters, we have
insane statements, we have one of the scummiest fundraising efforts
I've ever seen, and that's saying something and that goes
right to the top. Oh, we got sex spots. So
you know it's gonna be a Monday hang on cac
O Day radio program. Some folks are not happy. By
the way, do you know what the what? Right now?
If you are a private firefighter, what your hourly rate
is in California? This is This is from this New
York Post and ap, actually so ap and New York Post.
All right, so right now in California, if you're a
private firefighter, many of the many of the big companies
because they have, you know, big companies obviously for this Now,
these companies normally contract with the government. In fact, I
have a buddy who that I went to high school
with named Brian, Brian Heller, and Brian's big dream and
he achieved it was to go be a smoke jumper
up in Montana. Now he works for a private and
makes bank, makes bank. But normally it's you know, they'd
get contracted by the National Forest Service, So they get
contracted by a county in Arizona that's on fire. I
remember he was down fighting those fires I saw on
his h on his social media and it's pretty good money. This, though,
is insane right now if you want to hire a
private firefighter to protect your giant mansion there, because I'm
assuming that those are the only folks affording this, it's
two thousand dollars an hour, and they don't have enough
of them. They talked to two people in here. Chris
Dunn is one of them. He owns Covered six, which
is one of the very very big contractors. There's one
other in the article. They don't have any availability and
they're charging both of them two thousand dollars an hour,
and of course then you know then their performative outrage
with local politician. How dare these folks? That's not fair,
that's not fair at tall. Why the normal people can't
hire their own? No, no, but they did, they did,
They did hire their own. They're called the LA Fire Department.
They just obviously probably should have contracted the other ones,
the private ones there. And it's not a knock on
firefighters in LA. It's a management thing and it's the
totality of everything that's going on. You probably saw the
fire chief there. She went out, was doing interviews, throwing
Karen Bass right under the bus, and she should. But
also let's just be real honest about what's going on
over at the department. I saw where they went to
one of the there was the Hurst Fires command center,
and Bass showed up there and then they did a
big selfie out front. Do you think organically twelve women
all ended up at the command center in charge and
like two dudes, you think that that was an organic
hiring pattern. Sorry, I don't. And people see stuff like that.
So if some guy who's got a ten million dollar
investment and a piece of property in Palisades or Brentwood
or wherever it is it wants to stroke a check
for two thousand dollars an hour to keep his house
from burn, I don't begrudge him. I don't begrudge him
at all. What do you care. It's not like the
city is gonna go out now. They've brought in firefighters
from elsewhere. I saw a convoy from Texas coming. They
brought in some some firefighters from like Mexico. But you know,
if if some guy's got the got the uh the
bankroll for that, I fine, let them let them do
whatever they're gonna do. It's you know why, Because it's
one less thing burning. Maybe that the LA Fire Department
can focus their their energy on other stuff. I mean, inevitably,
it's a good thing. Turn your if you're angry at
this whole situation, if you're sitting there and you live
in Pasadena or one of the fringe areas where there
are some evacuation orders, or at least word it sounds
like they have some containment at least on the one
big fire there. Your anger is not your rich neighbor
up the hill. This is what this is what all
this classism stuff has done to us. Don't get me wrong,
there's lots of reasons to be mad at rich people.
I'm gonna hate on Prince Harry and Megan Markle coming
up here on the show pretty thoroughly. But it's not
because they're rich. It's because they're obnoxious and they need
to go away. And I don't like what they think
they're trying to create here, and I will reject it,
just as we in the United States rejected it, you know,
two hundred and fifty years ago, and we're not changing.
Speaker 4 (13:54):
Speaker 1 (13:54):
This hunger to go out and appear to be America's royalty.
Uh No, this article is so obnoxious. Oh wait, hold on,
let me let me, let me do this. How long
is this cut? Here? Let me just give you a
little flavor of what's going on.
Speaker 5 (14:12):
This is their second visit to today. We were here
earlier today and they were serving food anonymously. No one
knew they were serving food.
Speaker 1 (14:21):
How do we know they were serving food? Ross?
Speaker 6 (14:23):
Do you know?
Speaker 1 (14:23):
How we know where they were serving food? Do you know?
Speaker 6 (14:25):
Do you know?
Speaker 1 (14:26):
Do you know? Because of the multitude of four K
photo galleries that were immediately put up and the cameras. Now,
to be fair, i'll explain you why you're saying the
anonymous because there's a little cutesy story here. But let
me finish the cute.
Speaker 3 (14:43):
With masks recognized a.
Speaker 5 (14:46):
Little bit more and anonymously. And they didn't come out
here for publicity. They came out here to work. And
then we went to UH visit some of the families
in the impacted area UH and view firsthand some of
the impacted area. And then they wanted to go visit
the first responders and personally thank them for for their
efforts to tell.
Speaker 1 (15:11):
Them at right after the break and then all of
a sudden, I'm over here and I'm reading something and
then in my ear from his studio, I hear him.
He didn't swear, but it sounds like something was wrong,
and then he ran into the bathroom. So explain.
Speaker 7 (15:26):
Yeah, no, I heard about the closing stuff and delays,
and I'm like, oh, in the news, yeah, okay. So
I texted Kyle like are you in today? Because sometimes
it takes a day off and the news doesn't update
to fill it, right, it has to be records.
Speaker 1 (15:38):
He doesn't read a live records it and then uploads
it into the system.
Speaker 7 (15:41):
Yes, okay, yeah, so it tends to be the system
to screw it up. And I'm just like, there has
to be old news that were running, because why would
anyed to be closed today? Yeah, And he's like no, no, no,
yeah no, and he's he's there, it's live news.
Speaker 1 (15:53):
Okay, Well look there are some there are Look, obviously,
if you're listening in the triad versus a triangle, you
had a very different snow experience. Okay, right, Uh it was.
It was genuinely look pretty scary with some of the
stuff they're in the in the triad and then points
around the triangle, but in a lot of areas there's nothing,
nothing left anyway. Maybe there was a little bit of
a dusting. Yeah, I had no idea Durham schools were closed,
did they? Is there that much more snow in Durham?
I didn't go to Durham and he said, uh, or,
I don't know.
Speaker 7 (16:26):
Oranges clothed Durham is delayed.
Speaker 1 (16:28):
Oh, Durham's delayed. I'm sorry, what does Oranges closed? All right,
let me get there?
Speaker 7 (16:32):
And I said why he said, uh icy parking lots.
Bro said okay, all right, well it.
Speaker 1 (16:39):
Doesn't matter to you. Lincoln's not even in school right now, right,
you know he's tracked out, Yeah, because he's on the
year round thing. So yeah, I mean, but now, the
reason we like there to be school and people to
go to work is you're in your normal routine, so
we all get to hang out together because you know,
you know how it is. If you don't got to
go into work school, you can do a little sleeping in, understand.
All right, let's check on that because we got Jamal
on the phone. Jamal, does it look like the Fortress
of Solitude over where you're at?
Speaker 6 (17:09):
Oh? No, it looked like Trump thought over him. I
let my little girls go out there and play and
what they called the snowstorm because I'm holding up to
remember when we had real snow and boy, we had
us a good time. Casey, this we enjoyed. But Casey,
let me say this real quick. Number one people criticizing
this private fire department. But God's name was Rick Carusso
he saved his strip ball. He ran for La mayor.
He want them back in twenty twenty two.
Speaker 1 (17:37):
Hold on, hold on, hold on, don't call Caruso's Palisades
Mall a strip mall. That thing's amazing, right, that that's
set up over there. I mean it's it's it's more
than just a and it actually exemplifies because it's so
much bigger than a strip mall. You would imagine that
it's more impressive that it didn't burn down in the
middle of that nothing in it burned. So that's you all.
Speaker 4 (18:01):
Speaker 6 (18:02):
Here's the thing. He had a private fire department to
project this stuff. And they show people showing his with
these fary truck water trucks for private fire department, and
so people are mad at him. Because number one, he
ran for mayor in La He warned people and told
people about this. They didn't listen. They elected that idiot
caring bass excuse my term, and so they yes, And
I'm sorry, Casey. I was born in nineteen seventy five.
I grew up when black father said, I bet you
want to do that again. You take a knife and
you're sticking in the electrical socket. You yeah, I bet
you want to do that again. So it's time for
the people in La to understand, I bet you won't
do that again. Because every time you hear you see
them from lakc he always hears him say, I want
to talk about I want to recognize this landers from
the juhab Walmont tribe, and I want to recognize this
lander from the tribe. Well, for centuries, those tribes did
something called control burns, but they called it cultural burns.
They did burns and stuff to control vegetations so they can
have new vegetation for the animals, get rid of past
and get rid of dead wood. So Native Americans, who
they're always quoting and always trying to make themselves little
better than black conservatives and white conservatives and all conservatives period.
They always quote these Native Americans, But you're not doing
the practices that they used to take care of their land.
So obviously for centuries they've been getting confires. So Native
Americans figured it out. But these liberals who claim to
be so conscious and so educated, you know, more educated
people voted for Carmala herbs and vote Democrat. Well, y'all
can't figure it out that Native Americans who didn't have
none of your technology, knew that you have to burn
dead wood, leaves and stuff like that so it won't
catch fires.
Speaker 1 (19:59):
There's even bigger issue because it's more so than just
Karen Baths or Gavenusom or others having to make a
decision as to whether they're going to do something or not,
and all options are open. What people need to realize
is that literally ten years ago they did a proposition.
California loves propositions, it's all they talk about all elections.
And they put in their proposition and it literally said, hey,
should we build more reservoirs, and then they gave them
a crap ton of money. They have built zero reservoir
since then. So they had a mandate from the people
and they ignored them. It's this is far worse than
liberal decision making or conservative decision making and then the
other side being mad this is a dereliction of duty.
It might be prosecutable from a civil perspective, or from
a civil perspective because of the oath, because of the obligations,
because you're the only ones who can do certain things.
Because the way the government structured, who knows, who knows.
If they get a lawsuit through there, maybe they do.
Speaker 6 (21:01):
Here's something you know what, Casey, I really hope they do.
Now Gavin Noosen's is talking about doing an emergency executive
order where he's going to bypass all these environmental laws
so people can be able to rebuild. I'm sorry this
may sound cold, for the Republicans in California need to
get off their fetunities and sue him and make the
people go through what they have done. They elected these
democrats where they need to go through what it takes
to build and get ferments with three years? Well, why
is it taking so long?
Speaker 1 (21:37):
Jamal, Jamal, come on, come on.
Speaker 6 (21:41):
Yes, Casey, I'm really like this because they.
Speaker 1 (21:45):
Have understand how good that would feel. You know what
you're saying here, like, Hi, let's you know, hold them this.
But it then negates the ability to protect you know,
a lot of these people's whose homes burned down who
are going to go through through this are already recognizing
what's going on. And while he may do that, there's
going to be a bunch of Sierra Club moonbats that
are going to sue already the Republicans, if from a
branding perspective, they don't want their name on that. Let
the moonbats eat themselves if it makes you feel better,
But then you negate possibly gains there if you do
like you're never gonna if your house is burned down
in the Palisades, you're ten million dollar house, and the
Republicans are because that's how the media will cover it.
The Republicans are the ones who are then forcing you
to abide by these environmental laws that the governor's just waived.
I understand the hypocrisy of all of it, but I
don't think that it brings new people over, is what
I'm saying. I don't know, other than the feel good moment,
I don't think it's effective.
Speaker 6 (22:49):
You know what, Casey and I will say this, people
are on our side, Republican's conservative independence, suspicion of the parents.
They have been waiting for Democrats to quote unquote you know,
we try, we have saved tried to save the Democrats
from themselves, and they never do. They are now this
one Democrat senator is blaming Donald Trump for the wildfire.
Speaker 1 (23:15):
Yes, yes, Jensaki was over the weekend. That's not even
a new thing.
Speaker 6 (23:20):
And so I'm sorry, but their leader, I'm sorry. You know,
I was raising out taking.
Speaker 1 (23:27):
I'm pretty sure we uligible just because I got I
gotta go. We've been got. I gotta finish this, this
Prince Harry story. But on a stone. Yeah, so, uh,
I hear what you're saying. I just don't from a
from a marketing perspective, it sounds like a bad idea,
That's all I'm saying. But you know who knows and
and and frankly, even though like I said, newsom coudn't
say he's gonna do all this stuff. All's gonna take
and thanks for the call. Is one moon back judge
to go the environmental such and such, those lunatics in
Chapel Hill see everybody, Southern Environmental Law Center. They're probably
they're probably looking to see if they can sue if
he does something like that. That would seem right up
their alley. Who knows, We'll see, but Republicans. Still, I
don't know. Maybe they're dumb enough to do that. I've
seen some stuff, all right, So back to this, Megan Markle,
Prince Harry Lunacy, stay away, and people are going, well,
they made some donations too, that's great. You don't need
to go there, stay away, and I and and frankly,
I don't believe. I'm sorry, I just don't believe the
donations you made were purely altruistic. I think they have
a bad pr problem. They've they paused her show which
was supposed to premiere on Netflix, which was just getting roasted.
Sorry for the bad pun here, but because it's so disingenuous, right,
Like that's not her house. They don't live there. They
rented this house. They essentially rented the friends around there,
and they're gonna show you, oh, this is this is
our true living. They don't live there, and like these
are unforced airs and and people in UK don't like them,
people in the United States don't like them except in
that little Hollywood circle. And you got to do something.
And I'm sorry. I think they sat there, probably with
a publicist and they're like, why don't you go down
to the to the center you know, with the evacuation
center in Pasadena and Santa Anna and all this. Where's
the other one it's I can't remember which of the
suburbs it's in. Go down there, hug people. Put your
mask on, We'll put We'll have a story in the
news that nobody recognized them. They were anonymous. No, they weren't.
I see a picture of them right there, you immediately
know who that is. And people in Los Angeles are
star They recognize celebrities because they see them on the regular.
They're really into it. I can't tell you how many
conversations I had about State Street, which is the main
drag in Santa Barbara, all the big shops are and
all that, when one of the celebrities had come out
of their Montecito mansion and be downtown. It's the only
one that we talk about, you know. I saw I
saw Oprah so Oprah at the Anna Capol mall, which
is this piseon a wave of Anna Kappa, the two
big outdoor malls that are on State Street there and
they have some of the high end stores. And that's
all I want to tell. People know who they are?
Shut up. And then they had this one story where.
I don't know any because you don't know where it
originated from other than a publicist. Oh, Prince Harry brought
one of these victims a donut and the guy didn't
even know it was Prince Harry. I don't know. Maybe Also,
why is Prince Harry there handing out donuts? It feels
like tragedy tourism. It really does. And it doesn't matter
if you go ahead and you and you make a donation.
I'm just so jaded at this point. You know, the
Rock and Oprah they were technically making a pretty big
donation by funding the apparatus so that you could donate
right the phone centers and the infrastructure, and which does
beg the question why is there not existing infrastructure and
charities you could work with? But whatever, And it just
came off wrong and I'm sorry, I don't like this.
And then I read this body language Experts, says Prince Harry.
Megan Markle appear as our new US version of Royals.
I feel like we rejected Ross. Would you look it up?
Have we ever rejected the concept of having a royalty here?
All right? Ross is gonna look bad?
Speaker 7 (27:55):
Each other? Put it in the the AI machine yeah,
we did. We should away did yeah?
Speaker 1 (28:00):
We just yeah, it was in a lawsuit. Did we
ask them to leave?
Speaker 6 (28:04):
Speaker 7 (28:05):
Let me dig deeper into this. Yeah, okay, we had
a big old war.
Speaker 1 (28:10):
Oh wow, okay, but just once, right, we only fought
him once and not again in eighteen twelve.
Speaker 7 (28:15):
Let me put that in the machine some more. Oh
my god, you won't believe what came up. Oh no, okay,
all right, yeah, so we don't want this.
Speaker 1 (28:24):
Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's a that's a that's a thing
right there. The White House. Anyway, By the way, the
amount of Canadians or the amount of British and Canadian
fighting over who actually burned the White House, it was
a thing on Twitter. So this weekend it's just so random, actually,
and I'm like, what is this? I hate America. It
was funny as hell. But anyway, all right, so back
to this. Harry and Markel or Prince Harry and Megan
Markle appeared as the US version of the Royals during
their visit, and so they go through this article and
they talk about the way the Royal family literally interacts
with the peasants, right, and they have very you know,
they have a very specific way that you hug or
you touch without putting your full body in there. And
I don't know some of the some of the times
I think these body language people are kind of full
of it. But it makes sense what they're saying when
you watch the video there, right, they because it maintains
a regal status, a classism. Here you are, look at
these poor poors that got poorer with the poor luck.
We should you know, what would make their day better?
Our presence. That's that's what it feels like. And I'm
and you know, I mean it's Los Angeles. I don't know,
but I don't like it. You're not You're disingenuous, And yeah,
a little part of me is also bitter because these
losers have had about a quarter billion dollars basically handed
to them through Spotify and Netflix and podcasts and and
everything like it's it's it's how a prince could fail
upwards is amazing to me. But he's done it, so yeah,
forgive me if I don't like it. I and the
amount of photos and video in four K that's readily
available right after they go to these different places. Maybe
maybe there's a guy standing around professional photog kit. Maybe
it emanated from somewhere else, like your publicist. So if
you want to help awesome, make the donation. Do what,
but but don't do it like Newsom and the guy
who is speaking of podcast the guy who hosts pod
Save America, which Newsom was allowed to come on to
over the weekend into a thirty minute interview where he
just blamed Trump, got no difficult questions, and then announced
a relief fund. Wait to hear the details of the
relief fund. The scumbaggery rolls on next, hang on, Okay,
and I saw I saw a couple of people, one
account a guy follow on Twitter who actually got into
a car accident and he's fine, but well he's not fine.
He's probably beat up, but he didn't break anything. So yeah,
it's pretty nasty. And people are giving me spy So
Person County, Okay, I'm in Person County. I've been driving
a garbage truck through the ice all morning. Yeah. Yeah,
Like I said, I don't want to downplay, but it
was a little surprising on the news when Ross and
I heard that like Durham and Orange County, because you know,
Raleigh largely looks fine. So but that's you know, that's
how it goes. Remember there was that freak blizzard over
Ross's house and just Ross's house last week, so you
never can tell. Here we go Warren County. Our schools
are closed and super icy. Yeah, so you don't have
to leave. I recommend you just sit in your house,
listen to this show, and then when it's done, listen
to the podcast. Give me the clicks. Okay, all right,
very good. Let me grab a quick phone call here
on the and this will be the end of the
markle Harry thing because I just can't this morning, so
this will be the last take out of Donna. Go
right ahead, Good morning.
Speaker 8 (32:08):
Casey calling about Megan Marco my mother and I it's
really my mother's thing. How Megan Marco went over to
England acting like she was going to change their traditions.
Speaker 1 (32:23):
Like not why but hold on to be fair, why
why shouldn't she think that considering they've essentially turned London
into not London anymore?
Speaker 8 (32:33):
Right, Well, well the queen didn't do that, the politicians did.
Speaker 1 (32:39):
Well I'm just saying, if that's that's what's going on
over there, and you're i think, decided to stamp out
a lot of British culture and I know that makes
people upset and call me a racist for it, but London,
London is definitively different and if there's one thing the
British loved, it's traditional traditions and customs.
Speaker 8 (32:59):
And so now she's trying to she's trying to push
him over here with her body language.
Speaker 1 (33:07):
Yeah, I I I don't know. I just don't buy it,
by the way, and who knows, maybe I'm a hundred
percent wrong. And they just they found themselves on the
downside of of you know, pr that could have been better,
but I don't think so well as far as far
as that cooking.
Speaker 8 (33:23):
As far as that cooking thing goes, you know, the
grifter's got a grift.
Speaker 1 (33:28):
That was that was really just go, I'm going to
be the new Martha's Stewart. I think that she probably
sat in the room with publicists and like, well, why
don't you be the new Martha Stewart. She's like, Oh,
that's great. Do I have to What do I have
to do? You just have to pretend to cook?
Speaker 8 (33:41):
Speaker 1 (33:42):
Yeah, She's like, I think you can do that. So yeah,
that's that's Unfortunately, that's how cine client. All right, Donna,
I appreciate.
Speaker 8 (33:49):
It, have a great day.
Speaker 1 (33:50):
Yep, right there you go. Yeah, I know, I honestly,
I don't even try to hate this much on unelected officials,
but they make it very difficult. And and frankly, they're
so they're so jammed up in the woke politics too.
They you know, they are actively fundraising and promoting for
the very same people who clearly were derelict in their duty.
So if I'm in if I'm in a food kitchen
thing and uh you know, uh uh uh in Pasadena
because I can't go home anymore, but also I can't
get a hotel room or get an airbnb, I'm gonna
go ahead and probably not want to run into people
who spend all the rest of their time literally doing
fundraisers for Gavin Newsom, because I'm pretty mad at him
right now, and frankly more people should be. So Newsom
goes news Newsome, I know, people go, oh, it's new
scum whatever Newsom new scum. These on this podcast is
pos to save America, right who. By the way, the
guy who hosts that, and I don't necessarily hate on it.
I mean, he's very open about who he is, but
it was very repugnant to let Newsom come on there
and for a half hour talk about what a great
job he's doing and not push back. This guy was
doing interviews. I saw Newsom doing interviews where he was
saying like all the reservoirs were full and people weren't
correcting him, except when NBC corrected him, and he went, oh,
well that one wasn't and but the conversation was about Trump.
He then flipped it over. But you know, that's a
city one and I'm the governor of the state, and
so Trump is stirring up lies. It's all lies, hey, jackass.
The three that were filled hold a million gallons. The one,
oh just that one was holds one hundred and seventeen million, which,
if you do the math, is a crap ton. More So,
I don't have any I don't have any bandwidth for this.
But what he did and and and what this this,
this this host is also doing is repugnant. And that
is this fund Here we go. California Governor knew Some
sparked fierce outrage for soliciting donations for the victims of
the deadly Los Angeles wildfire. Now, why would people get
mad about that? Because the apparatus, and the portal used
to take those donations is his pack and the the
processor is the Democrat parties. Uh uh uh Act blue right,
So you got Win Red. The Republicans have Win reds.
If you ever made a donation of the Republicans or
Republican candidate, likely that portal through Win Red. Okay. On
the Democrat side, it's Act Blue. And remember Act Blue
is also, in my opinion frankly in need of a
deep dive for these these reporting and donation patterns where
you have people we had a reporter, we had a
reporter in Raleigh who went to people's homes who live
in like you know, I go at two bedroom, mid
range apartment, and yet it showed that they made like
seven thousand donators, seven thousand dollars worth of donations. And
you can see the look on their face where they're like,
I don't have seven thousand dollars, let alone seven thousand
i'd give to people. And what it looks like, what
it looks like. And that's why you have to is
you had you had people who wanted to make donations
who maybe barred from it or had hit limits, who
needed to funnel that money in somewhere else. So they
went and they found people who made like ten dollars
donations and they they mirrored it or they just increased
it for the purpose of reporting. Like, there's all sorts
of crap going on there, but the idea that you
would have a fundraiser and you're gonna run all that
money through newsome super pack and the Democrat Party a
financial portal, which I don't it takes. I think they
shave four percent for operating costs, or it says on
their website. It's unclear if that would be waived in
this case. But also you have to give all your
identifiable information. Now why would that be? If I want
to go donate ten dollars to a GoFundMe, I could
be anonymous. Why do I have to give you likely
so you can end up on mailing lists? What other reason?
And God help you if ActBlue gets a hold of
one of your email addresses, as they have gotten hold
of mine, because lunatics like that sign me up for stuff. Now,
to be fair, I did sign up for Cooper's Thing
with a throwaway email as the Michael Hunt. Uh you know,
patriartch Mike the Patriarch of the Hunt family and just
so I could see the crap he was sending out,
and I ended up on every Democrat mailing list with that,
with that throwaway Google account. So yeah, yeah, I think
that's like nobody in the room went the optics. Optics
don't look good, just terrible. And then the reason he said,
as well, you know it makes it. It just it's
more efficient because we've already vetted, Uh, we've vetted the
organizations that are gonna get the money. Well, why why
do I feel like all these organizations are going to
be deep blue organizations save a few firefighter ones. I
think a lot of that money probably goes to uh,
these these these nngos, which are a huge problem anyway,
it's it's just so messy. Let's see here, not a Senate.
These donations go to Gavin Newsom or his pack, is
what they said. Well then why is it literally threw
his pack? Oh well, they're not going to keep it. Really,
they're not going to keep any of the money. The
four percent that it literally says at time of donation
is being squirreled away for operating costs. Excuse me, it's
three point ninety five percent. Uh, they say that it
is to cover the processing cost. Really, it just it
looks bad even at every single cent, even if they
waive that and every single set goes there, it's just
a really suss way to do this, as the kids
would say, So forgive me if I'm if I'm down
on this stuff. There's just so much from over the weekend,
the looters man, the looterer.
Speaker 9 (40:52):
We had several more arrest overnight, bringing our total to
proximate and I'm gonna say approximately because they're still trying
to reckon sile numbers about twenty nine, twenty five and
the Eaton fire area and four in the Palisades area.
I'm gonna guess the Chief McDonald may talk about this.
But when I was out there in the Malibu area,
I saw a gentleman that looked like a firefighter and
I asked him if he was okay because he was
sitting down. I didn't realize we had him in handcuffs.
Speaker 1 (41:24):
We are turning them over.
Speaker 9 (41:25):
To LAPD because he was dressed like a fireman and
he was not. He just got caught burglarizing a home.
So that those are issues that are frontline deputies and
police officers are dealing with.
Speaker 1 (41:39):
You know, in Florida, at least they had a good
sense to shoot looters, right Remember the sheriff there who
was like, hey, if somebody comes to loute your house,
do us a favor and make sure you have a gun. Right,
you're just I'm sorry the people who prey on people
when they are at their worst. Right to the wood
chipper man. I just nothing. And by the way, they
didn't just a homes. Did you see what they looted
in Tustin If you don't know where Tustin is, because
I saw people trying to point out, well this is
this is in la. It's not attached to what's going Tustin.
Is it borders Anaheim? Shut up? Okay, it's just a
small one. Most people haven't heard of it. It borders
Anaheim and Santa Anna. It's right there in Orange County.
Shut up. Anyway, So they stole they broke into an
army reserve center and they stole three humbies. Hold on,
I got the whole list here. They stole three humbies.
One of them's armored. The other two are the cloth
door ones. But one of them is a fully armored Humby.
Let's see what else. They stole a bunch of stuff.
Here we go, forty binoculars, eight machine gun vehicle mounts,
seven machine gun tripods. Thankfully no machine guns. They did
attempt to access the armory portion of it, and then
also another locked facility in there where they had uniform
stuff but were unable to gain access. They got eighteen
bayonets and an unspecified amount of medical equipment. They literally
looted an army reserve center. What are we doing? And
by the way, how does I would assume that a
camoed up military style armored Humby stands out even in California?
Where'd you even go with this?
Speaker 6 (43:32):
Speaker 1 (43:32):
You know what, probably actually this would be a good
time to steal a Humvey because there, you know, you
have the Army reservists down there as part of the
fire effort, and there's probably some humvies banging around. So
they didn't get any guns, but still they stole that
crap the audacity of it. If you're going to steal
a piece of military equipment, at least do like the
guy in San Diego steal the tank drive down the
middle of the street. But on a show man that
was wild. But no in the in this case, yeah,
you got you got that. I don't know if you
sign any of the videos where people there's a video
this woman and her husband film they're standing in their
cul de sac, right, and they're like they're just out
there filming all these like the vans are pulling up
real slow through there. There's like six dudes inside. They
try to talk to them, the van like flips a
U turn and screeches off, like just opportunists man out
there doing this. And the difference is in California, the
likelihood have you been able to stop them if they
want to come in there is probably a lot less
All right, seven twenty Cacoda Radio program I got I'm
gonna find a non fire related star.
Speaker 6 (44:51):
I got one.
Speaker 1 (44:52):
Okay, once again, science stop. I'll explain why next hang
on all the thing that I mentioned, and we'll mention
over the course of the show. The thing that really
had my blood boiling over the weekend was this.
Speaker 10 (45:06):
This morning, due to the magnitude of the disaster, I
was talking with the governor. He requested if I could
increase the federal funding that was authorized under this legislation
for from seventy five percent to ninety percent We're increasing
it to one hundred percent of all the costs to
be covered by the federal government for both the fire
management SISSUS grants and the elements of what they call
the disaster declaration. So today I'm announcing that the federal
government will cover one hundred percent of the cost for
one hundred and eighty days. It's going to pay for
things like debrisand hazard material. We're removal temporary shelters, first responders, salaries,
and all necessary measures to protect life and property and folks.
I'm on underscore.
Speaker 1 (45:54):
I told the governor local officials.
Speaker 10 (45:56):
Spare no expense to do what they need to do
and contain these fires and in their communities that really
have been devastating.
Speaker 1 (46:04):
I can't. I don't live in western North Carolina, but
I feel like if I did, I probably would have
stroked out in anger, because I don't know if you
caught any of it over the weekend. Do you know
what a massive amount of individuals, private and even elected
officials were up to this weekend convincing FEMA not to
throw people out of their motels and hotels into a snowstorm.
And FEMA was going to do it, they had it
come to an end going into a weekend. The office
wouldn't reopen on Monday. Feasibly, people could have had two
nights before they could go in and even ask FEMA again.
And this son of a he gave him one hundred
and eighty days. You heard the temporary shelters in there.
This happened on the one, one hundred and seventh day
after Helene. It is pure apples to apples one percent.
By the way, FEMA has still only delivered ninety some homes,
those little homes, they haven't even hit the hundred mark.
There's five thousand families they estimate that are their homes
are gone gone. And he's out there with a big
grin on his Oh, we're gonna do one hundred and
eighty days, spare no expense. All that line killed me.
While in North Carolina. It took a Tennessee congressman, a
North Carolina congressman, a North Carolina Senator. And yes, and
I said this, I said this last week. I won't
criticized Josh Stein. When he does bad stuff, I will come.
I will give him credit. His office seemed to be
very much involved in getting those extended. So people don't
get thrown on the snow, thrown out in the snow. However,
please follow this through. How dare the president sit there
and say he's gonna give one hundred and eighty days
here spare no expense, and people are literally begging for
their lives. Arguably, you know, you get thrown out in
the cold, don't have anywhere to go. You maybe make
the decision you're going to sleep in the vehicle, the
one vehicle that maybe you have, and it's it's it's
remarkably easy to freeze to death in those situations if
if you're not careful. You know, I spun I spun
off a road one time into it was snow. It
is the pure Wyoming snowstorm. Spun off a road on
this back road that I would take over to get
to Story, Wyoming, which is halfway between Sheridan and Buffalo.
That there's nothing along it. It's all you know, it's
big ranches all along. Spun off the road in the ditch,
could not get out and and praying. There was so
much snow, even if even informable drive, there was so
much no it required hours of digging. The problem was
it was like nine o'clock at night and I then
had to make the decision to sleep in there, and
I carry full kit and everything in there, because that's
just what you do in Wyoming when you got to
drive these distance you have thermal blankets, you have food,
you have you know, you essentially have survival stuff in
your vehicle. They sell it. You go to the walmart
and buy one and shared. In Wyoming they have like
a why don't mean survival kit, it's called Wyoming. But
then you just keep it in your car and you
and then it was pretty awful, pretty awful, and then
i'd you know, the only way I got warmed up
is that I would get out and then I would
start shoveling some and then get a couple of hours sleep,
and then eventually in the morning somebody came by. I mean,
those roads are so bare and people don't drive by
for literally hours and hours at a time, and you
just start getting lethargic. And obviously I'm doing work to
warm myself up, but that sap and energy as well.
It's really dangerous. And it required a governor, a senator,
and some congressman just to get FEMA to do what
they're doing for California. It lets you know where the
priorities are now. To be fair, I don't know if
President silver Alert even knows what he's saying. As evidence
by the other thing you said, do you regret your
decision to run into re election? Do you think that
that made it easier for your predecet urch not become
very successful? I don't think so.
Speaker 10 (50:30):
I think I would have beaten Trump, could have beaten Trump,
and I think that Kamala could have beaten Trump would
have been Trump ross.
Speaker 1 (50:40):
What do you think do you think Kamala could have
beaten Trump? Maybe or Biden, but let's go come. Do
you think Kamala could have beaten Trump? We may never know.
It wasn't about.
Speaker 10 (50:54):
I thought it was important to unify the party, and
when the party was worried about whether or not I
was going to be able to move, I thought, even
though I thought I could win again, I thought it
was better to unify the party. And it was the
greatest honor in my life to be president on the States.
But I didn't want to be one who caused a
party that wasn't unified to lose an election, and that's
why I stepped aside. But I was confident she could win.
Speaker 1 (51:24):
All right, So I don't know what the hell he's
talking about. There one the part reason I think Kamala
could have won, then the last part where he seems
to recognize that she didn't win, but also he thinks
that he kept from fracturing the Democrat Party. I don't know, Bro,
I feel like maybe that i'd like, I firmly believe
you did the Kamala thing as a nephew, and you
know what, I liked it right because they did. They
three under the bus. I don't care if I disagree.
They three under the bus and you're like, I don't
burn it down. I can respect that. All right, Well,
hold on, let me have a call on this. Oh well,
Steve doesn't think it's apples table Steve.
Speaker 2 (52:07):
So hey, Katie, I just wanted to comment on your
statement about the fire versus the hurricane. One hundred and
eighty days versus one hundred and seven. Where we're at,
I think you said now. The only difference I would
add to that is they mismanaged everything, and the poor
people at western North Carolina couldn't mismanage a freaking arcade.
These people couldn't do the water. They hired a bunch
of idiots to run the fucking apartment. It's unbelievable that
the federal government, not that they shouldn't help, but they
turned their facts on the people that couldn't couldn't mismanage
a freaking ricade. They were just hid. It's unbelievable.
Speaker 1 (52:48):
I'm sorry when I say apples to apples, I totally
one hundred percent agree with you when I say apples
to apples. What Biden's saying is the disaster declaration that
was filed by the state of California. They're going to
honor the full terms. Now, we filed a disaster declaration
of the state of North Carolina and we got you know,
we got rug pooled or whatever. So yeah, that's the
part two disaster declarations, both asking for the same thing.
One gets the fully funded spare no expense and the
other one is begging not to get kicked out of
a Motel six in Conway or Conroe or you know.
It's crazy to do anything.
Speaker 6 (53:25):
It's unbelievable.
Speaker 1 (53:26):
Well it's now, sir, they've delivered ninety five houses out
of five thousand. Yeah, so I mean that's it's it's
it's lunacy. And yes, the same anger that you're filling with.
I had to lie every time I saw something on
this and I saw, you know, I was scrolling my
thanks for the call, Steve by Twitter, timeline, and I
see a couple of these these these volunteers right, just
people have kind of made it their mission to try
to help everyone in western North Carolina that are constantly
being a pain in elected officials behind, which is a
good thing, like we need to get this FEMA everyone.
And they spent their whole weeking, begging, begging, only to
get you know what, did they extend it to the fourteenth,
so tomorrow, which still is not one hundred and eighty
days if you do the math. All right, Jeff mar
from the Weather Channel, since we're talking about storms, let's
do this. It's crazy, Jeff. You know we broadcast are
we ranged from Raleigh over you know, Triad Triangle over
to Greensboro, and I'm getting pictures from all around. Could
be you could be one county over and think it
never snowed, and then then the other one you're going skiing.
So yeah, let's talk about that. And is there going
to be more of that?
Speaker 11 (54:45):
Well, we're gonna luckily start off this week with a
pretty quiet weather pattern, but then late in the week,
as we had towards Friday, late at night and into Saturday,
we'll have rain developing and then some of the models
hitting it, maybe potential force and more winter weather early
next week, heading towards next Monday Tuesday, so we'll keep
an eye out for that. In the meantime, we're going
to see some clouds. Initially today be su sun we'll
break through during the afternoon. We'll hover near fifty for
a high and then dip all the way down to
the mid twenties tonight with the clear sky and light wins.
Tomorrow sunny, breezy, a cooler day, a high of forty four.
A loan you're twenty Tomorrow night and are a clear sky,
a lot of sun Wednesday high in the upper thirties.
We'll rebund a little bit later in the week with
sunshine on Thursday and Friday. Highs in the upper forties
Thursday into the low fifties Friday, and then the rain
develops in at the start of the weekend on Saturday,
before cooler weather early next week.
Speaker 1 (55:28):
Okay, well, well, I guess we'll see three day weekend
for a lot of folks. So maybe that'll be a
good thing. All right, thank you so much. Do appreciate it.
You got it, Thank you you goo. Jeff Maher from
the Weather Channel, all right, we've got some more audio.
Let me play some ma adio that's not going to
make you want to punch your radio. I think we
can go ahead and try. Oh yeah, we'll play the
Michael Cohen, Yeah, yeah, love it. We'll get to it next.
Hang on to the former lawyer to Trump who then
stole from Trump and then went to jail for stealing
from Trump and some other stuff. Michael Cohen. He's out,
and he's of course immediately they have him on CNN,
MSNBC all the time, not because he's qualified for anything,
just because hey, you hate Trump, good good, we'll have you.
So he goes on MSNBC and he is gras, he's begging, man,
listen to this and listen to the response regarding the pardon.
Speaker 4 (56:28):
Yeah, I put in the application for a presidential pardon
because I believe that Joe Biden has the same responsibility
to me that he had to his own son, and
I would expect that the same exact pardon that he
gave his son has to go to me and to
anybody else that's on that enemy's list, whether they want
it or not. Because I assure you solitary confinement where
I did fifty one days sucks.
Speaker 12 (56:54):
I think, HINESI will always be twenty twenty. I guess
my question is have you heard from the Biden administration?
I am struck by your your your You're comparing yourself
and Hunter Biden, and I wonder if well, i'med to
tell you Michael Causes on National TV we have a conversation.
I don't necessarily think that's your best way to go
get a part. And I mean, Hunter Biden is the
president's last surviving son. But your point, your other point,
why I do think is a product the way agreed.
You are somebody's sign. But I mean to be very clear,
you're not the president's son.
Speaker 1 (57:27):
And and and what's what's wild one is is Cohen complaining.
But also her logic. Her logic is not that it's
a bad idea for Cohen. It's that he's not going
about it the right way, and it that the president
son's pardon was fully justified. She's operating on that assumption,
but she doesn't think Cohen rises to the level instead
of I think how most people look at it, and
I know it's because polling shows this. They don't think
the presidential son pardons. Okay, and she's just decided it is.
But this is what you're dealing. You're dealing with the lunatics. Man,
how do I know? Let's uh, these actresses, I don't
have their names in front of me. I don't care.
All right, So these are two black actresses who they're
interviewing about the fires. Okay, all right, let's uh, what
could possibly go wrong? Let me tell you something. She's
got a spine of steel.
Speaker 6 (58:23):
Speaker 1 (58:24):
And this is the mayor they're talking about, the mayor
who everyone hates. Right now, this is who they're talking about.
Let me tell you something. She's got a spine of steel, yes.
Speaker 13 (58:34):
And she's also been a black woman in America a
very long time, so none of this is new to her.
We're mad because we're tired of it. We're mad for her,
and we're gonna instead listen. I don't know how you hear,
but I'm head. I'm happy you're here because somebody needs
to say.
Speaker 4 (58:49):
Stand but you know, behind her and support her, because
how she hadn't you can see it in her face.
Speaker 1 (58:54):
She stays calm. But think about this, she has the
city to take care of.
Speaker 6 (58:59):
She does not have.
Speaker 13 (59:00):
And she is also not mayor of every municipality in California.
There are people that are mad that she didn't fix
the fires in Malibu. She's not the mayor of Malibu.
Speaker 12 (59:10):
What is she supposed to do in the city.
Speaker 1 (59:12):
She's not the mayor of people don't understand. And let
me say this too.
Speaker 13 (59:15):
I can imagine how much it would hurt to see
this happening in the city that she loves. That's first,
So take away how it appeals for people to attack her.
She's heartbroken because this is happening in her city, a city.
Speaker 1 (59:26):
That these women are lunatics race above everything else. That's
what this is about. Congratulations, you're the Klan now, by
the way, right even to your own destitution. You stick
with this ideology. It's it's insane. And and and she's
standing there, she's doing photo ops at the at command
centers with girl bosses. Do you guys, You guys realize
I don't know if you saw this. I'm not I'm
not playing the rest of their audio. I just can't
with these two. There is so this one. I think
it was Justine Bateman who put this out. So she is,
she's she's friends with one of the former city council members,
and there's there's one of these how the sausage has
made situations and it has to do with her being
in Ghana. Okay, so she goes over to Ghana. New
president's coming in, She's doing all that stuff. She was
part of a presidential delegation. By the way, I didn't
realize it was a full on presidential delegation, but it is.
And when she's not in the city, the lieutenant or
not lieutenant, the assistant mayor or whatever whatever that title is,
her number two is in charge. It kind of works
like when the North Carolina governor leaves the lieutenant governors
technically kind of in charge. The problem is the only
way to get some of those services moving and the
notifications and the ball rolling on evacuations is the mayor
has to make a declaration. Apparently Bass doesn't let her
number two make big decisions, and so there is a
high likelihood that it was delayed for over a day
when this fire first broke out. That's the that is,
that is the opinion of a former La City council
member served with the Lieutenant mayor or lieutenant whatever the
title is. Because Bass is ego, and so both Bass
and her number two didn't do things until she could
get back there, or she could make the decision to
tell her underlean to go ahead and do it. So
don't give me this garbage. Don't give me this garbage.
And because she and again it's not that she went
to Ghana, it's the immediately if she's standing over in
Ghana and she's ignoring reporters questions about it. I had
How did I have no idea of this Royal Caribbean
cruise stories. This is awful. It sounds like because Royal
Caribbean really kind of well, for obvious reasons, didn't want
this to become a big story. Sorry, I just saw this.
We're gonna we're gonna skip over to this real quick.
All right, Well, first of all, let me just say this,
if you were on a Royal Caribbean cruise, depending on
when it was and which ship it was, there might
be video of you naked on the internet, not because
you had the drink package and things got crazy and
you're like, I can skin he did no no, no, no, no
no no, people who were not doing that. So a
crew member from Royal Caribbean by the name of Arvin Mirasol.
He is a state room attendant. So he's the you know,
the guy who brings you order some takeout or if
you need a pillow or when you know, he cleans
and so he's so he is, and this is important.
He spends most of his day in and out of staterooms.
According to prosecutors in Miami. That's what they're based out
of for Broward County specifically, I guess, so just north
of Miami. Mirasol, a thirty four year old is from
the Philippines. You know, you go on a cruise ships
and most most of the workers that are not United
States workers for salary reasons. Yeah, and specifically on Symphony
of the Seas. I promise you somebody listening to me
right now has been on Symphony of the Seas. This
would be I don't know the range here. They busted him.
I guess they busted him in March. That's why it's
crazy that we're just hearing about this. But now the
prosecution's caught up and there's a new lawsuit that got filed.
So he was on Symphony of the Seas. For why
would is it not say you would think he put
a range. He's actually worked on several ships. Yeah, so
he'd been there a while, all right, So here's what
they think. Here's what they found this dude doing. He
was installing cameras in the bathrooms of the staterooms. But
it gets worse. He would then take the video that
was recorded and then he would share it on the
internet with people on you know, one of these amateur
clip side or whatever, and then some of his dark
web stuff too. It's it's all really just the scummiest
and the reason some of it's on the dark web
is because the victims, some are as young as ten.
And this is where this is the part's going to
make your skin crawl, Mirasol stated, because he you know,
he basically confessed to it. Mirasol stayed that what he
also would do is he would wait for the occupant,
who he'd get a beat on, who the occupant was
in the stateroom to be in the shower. He would
enter the stateroom, hide under the bed and film them
with his phone. So at some point if you were
on Symphony of the Seas. There is a possibility that
a tiny Filipino man was under your bed as you
got out of the shower, which you were filmed, because
there's already a hidden camera in your bathroom. And the
whole time you're out, you're taling off, you're grabbing some
clothes to wear, doing what you do because you think
you're in the privacy of your things, so you're not
really in a hurry. There's some perv literally under your
bed filming you, which explains why the story pri didn't
get a lot of things. It's because it sounds like
a Royal Caribbean and prosecutors only contacted a small amount
of victims, just enough so that they could prosecute him. Well,
it got out, and now there's a giant lawsuit from
literally a bunch of people who were filmed because nobody
told them. Even though prosecutors had information it may have
been identifiable, it never got back to him and others
who traveled around the time on this ship that he
was he was on there. Also, have you ever been
in a crew. You've never taken a cruise, right that
would require you to leave the country, so probably not
what wouldn't require you, but usually it does. How the
hell are you underneath the bed? Have you been in
a state room? They're like a postage stamp man. I've
like I even had an upgraded cabin for the one
cruise that I took, and I was still like this,
Like this shower was like who is this for? Is
this for dwarves? What is this? So like he'd have
to be a very tiny dude to fit under that.
Speaker 6 (01:07:08):
Speaker 1 (01:07:09):
I didn't even think he could get under those beds.
I guess maybe that's where they store suitcases. Yeah, but
he's just hiding under there with a phone and people
didn't know. That's scary stuff right there. Man, that's the
whole Boogeyman under your bed adult version right there. And
you're just doing whatever you're doing and thinking it's all private.
And also think of all the weird stuff you do
when you're all you think you're alone. I mean, not me,
but you you know weird people. So yeah, I don't know.
Now how much are they going to punish him? Does
it even say in this article? I literally was I'd
only half read this article by the time we came back.
Sally was not as prepared as I should have been
all he doesn't say, all right, so what all do they?
What all they get? So they they how many pats?
They think? Nine hundred and sixty different passengers? This guy
was a busy boy and now is now there's gonna
be a big class action lawsuit, and there probably should be.
Quite frankly, maybe not because they necessarily knew what he
was gonna be up to, but this whole thing where
they're not making every effort to notify their customers that
they might have been filmed by a well he had
ten year old pictures of pedophile who's under their bed? No,
that is holy hell man. And I'd never been on
a Royal Caribbean. The one cruise I took was on
Holland America because we had you know what prompted it
years ago. I did ads for the Holland America's Alaska tour, right,
and I've done an Alaska tour of myself, not on
a ship, but I've you know, done a lot of
the stuff they're doing with I catch a can and
that amazing train up there and the Nali and it's
it's just really cool. But also I wanted to be
able to talk about being on a halland America ship.
So I booked and I paid for it. By the way,
it want to be clear, I booked a trip when
you know, the standard Caribbean kind of thing, and I
Cruisian wasn't really for me. But that's okay. So I've
never been on Royal Caribbean, but I do see people
knock them over stuff, and I've never really understood why
that is. But this might be a good reason. Good
lord man, sorry you got distracted, but you would too.
So if anybody anybody been on this ship, let me
do this. Anybody been on Symphony of the Seas, help
me explain how a pedophile could hide under the bed
of a stateroom. Eight eight eight nine three four seven
eight seven four is the phone number. Eight eight eight
nine three four seven eight seven four. It's also weird
because you think you'd notice ross if you're think you're alone,
but you and then somebody is nearby but you can't
see them. Are you able to kind of sense that
somebody's around? Even if I do it all the time, yeah,
time like I feel like and it's it's not that
you have the sixth sense, it's your body putting together
maybe a little thing you heard or just convinced that
people are staring at me, like all the time, Like
wherever I go, there's somebody. Well, you're wearing the big
Viking hat like the dude was wearing who stormed the Capitol.
So I mean, that's probably what they're looking at. No,
But yeah, if you like you, if somebody's looking at you,
it's like this inherent thing where you can.
Speaker 7 (01:10:44):
I mean we've all done that in traffic right where
you're sitting there and you can tell the person next
to you staring at you.
Speaker 6 (01:10:49):
Speaker 1 (01:10:51):
So like, so if you were one of these people,
you also now have to think that that radar sense
thing is broken. How that's the creepy that's the creepiest feeling,
if there is such a thing, Like the creepiest internal
feeling for me would be that my radars broke. And
if I wasn't able to see the five foot one
little Filipino guy with the camera under my bed in
a postage stamp of a room, what else am I missing?
That's I think that emotion that would be like my
emotional internal reaction. And then there's all the horribleness too,
with the idea that somebody's ten year old daughters on
the dark web getting out of a shower naked, or
somebody's wife or your sister or your mom. Yeah, that's
the it's the under the bed parts that really got
it for me, all right. I do want to hear
from somebody who's been on the shop. I'm sure we have.
This is like one of the biggest cruise ships in
the world. Has anybody been on Symphony of the Seas?
And uh, do you think you would notice a tiny
Filipino man with a camera hiding in your stateroom? Eight
eight eight nine three four seven eight seven fourth Not
the topic I thought we were going to get into
this morning. But we'll go ahead and do this thing.
This is why the hell not? All right? Switching gears.
The President of Venezuela has in a speech yesterday said
that he's going to invade the United States with Brazilian troops.
I don't what what what?
Speaker 6 (01:12:31):
Speaker 1 (01:12:31):
You have to And again you have to remember that
this dude thinks he is blood of Boulevar. And if
you don't, if you don't understand or even have a
littles and I did not until I traveled extensively in
South America. Boulevar is a very like there's a ref
you did you watch Narcos? Did you ever watch Narcos?
There's a whole scene in there, and it's a true story.
And I think I've mentioned this before in Narcos, which
I think is a great show, in that first season
where Pablo Escobar wants the sword of Simone Boulevard because
it's a status thing. It's a it's a cheese mo thing,
and he literally tricks a bunch of kamis into going
and and bombing out something and and arseny in a building.
But also they get him the sword, which he then
kills somebody with. But spoiler, So that's the kind of thing.
So this dude is Maduro thinks he is a direct
descendant of Simone Boulevard, who, by the way, didn't even
like his own country enough to stick around. And then
when it became president of Peru, it's a whole thing.
But not before screwing with Columbia. This is like, this
is this is his you know, he's he's dictator. He
is Kim Jong un in that mindset, which I guess
you'd have to be to subjugate your people like that.
And so like, you're not going to do anything, but
he's talking about it. But I just think it's so weird,
Like what is what do the Brazilian troops have to
do with this?
Speaker 14 (01:14:07):
Speaker 1 (01:14:08):
And why would Brazilian troops want to come up here.
The only thing I know that Brazilians like to come
up here for, and Ross had to point it out
to me, is to go one hundred at a time
shirtless to ride rides at Disney World. Is that an
accurate description, by the way, right, Like they're not here
to invade anything. And then it made sense to me
when I thought about it. I think the reason is
because all the military age males in Venezuela already here,
so it doesn't have any to draw on. So there's
that what are they doing while while they're here, well
down in Texas they're running hotel sex prisons, which, by
the way, what is a hotel sex prison? You ask, No,
it's not an S and M thing that would be
consenting and that's for people who want to do that. No, no, no,
So this is Barbie is they're calling her. She is
a member of Trendea Ragua and she was she came
to the country. They knew her to be a sex trafficker.
What do you think they did when she came to
the country. They let her stay. They did put an
anklet on her though, so there's that which she took off. Well,
they finally arrested her and it turns out miss Primera,
her name is a Stephanie Stephanie Promira, had taken over
a hotel outside of Opaso called the Gateway Hotel, trafficked
in sex slaves and was running a hotel sex prison
because the girls were not allowed to leave. So yeah, yeah,
they're busy, so that's probably why he's got to go
to Brazil to do that. And if you read the
the story here, it's everything awful that she could do,
include branding girls. She broke one of their girl's foot
who tried to escape with a small sledgehammer. I guess,
just just awfulness, man. And she would regularly drug them
with a combination of fentanyl and I guess, and the
and illicit drugs. So she's mixing fentanyl into you know,
cocaine or something. Just awful, man, just awful. And she
had five she got five little kids too, which she
would use to drug to move the drugs so all
the all the things, and Venezuela says, we're not allowed
to send anybody back. Air drop her in. How about
that air drop her into Venezuela if they don't want
to take him back. But that's why he said he
wants to evade the US, because the Homan is like, no, yeah,
if you won't take them, we'll drop them in another
country nearby and they can walk in, which probably Columbia
doesn't like the sound of that, most likely. All right,
it is eight twenty one here on the CACOD radio program.
We got to do a canceling. We got a canceling.
We'll do it next. Hang on of a thirty four
year old Philippine national. He was working for Real Caribbean
on the Symphony of the Seas. He'd been innother ships previously.
Back in March. They busted them and now we got
a new lawsuit, which is why the story's reemerging. So
they busted him and he was he was installing hidden
cameras and state rooms. He was a state room attendance,
so we had access to all the staterooms. But the
creepiest thing, and this is his own admission, he would
wait until he knew that a victim was in the
cabin alone, and then he could hear the shower. He
know when the shower was running. He would sneak into
the room, hide under the bed and film them naked
and then post it to the internet. And some of
the victims were as youngest ten. And the problem is
is they think that he may he'd been there so long,
and the Royal Caribbean and the prosecutors only contacted a
couple of the victims so that they could prosecute, and
there doesn't seem to be a lot of effort made
for other victims. And I think that's so that's why
the lawsuits filed there. It's just horrific stuff. But it's
the part where like that sense that you have when
somebody's around or somebody's looking at you and kind of
feel it. It's almost like an innate, primal thing that
probably kept us from getting eaten by lions too much.
That failed because clearly they obviously didn't catch them, or
he would have been busted sooner. So the idea that
you might have been in a state room with a
tiny man hiding under the bed with a camera and
I don't even know how you get under the bed
of a of a cruise cabin that is that'll make
your skin crawl, all right, So, Sean, I asked, anyone's
been on the ship. It's a big ship, symp of
the sea. Sean, you were on this ship? When were
you on this ship? I should ask several years ago.
Speaker 15 (01:19:05):
Actually I've been on other Royal Caribbean since then, but yeah,
I was on sixteen the seas.
Speaker 1 (01:19:12):
How is there so much room under the bed that
a grown man could hide under there and film people?
Speaker 15 (01:19:18):
Well, that's why I called in. I have no idea
how unless he pre did something. I mean, those beds
are like the ones you see in some of the
hotel rooms where you you know, they have the bumper
or you can't stick anything under them.
Speaker 1 (01:19:28):
So some of them get you anything under the bed.
Some of them flip, yeah, well some of them.
Speaker 6 (01:19:33):
And we were in the bed.
Speaker 1 (01:19:35):
Yeah, the whole we had about We were in the
rout under the bed, but you couldn't see out. Yeah,
it's his clothes containers. So maybe he cut a hole
or something. I don't know.
Speaker 15 (01:19:43):
Yeah, that's what I was wondering, because you know, the
rooms we were in the actual bed would fix and
then the sofa would fold up and down. But yeah,
I don't know how normally you would get underneath one
of those beds unless you cut something out.
Speaker 1 (01:19:55):
Is real cribby. And I I know nothing, seriously, sir.
I know nothing about cruising O than the one I
was on. And I see people knock Royal Caribbean, but
obviously they're popular. They have the biggest ships out there.
Speaker 15 (01:20:07):
Right, Yeah, we just went on one this past summer, one
of the big ones, and we've been really really happy
with them. So that was the other reason I call
was that, you know, I've been we've creamed around in
the Mediterranean as well the Caribbean, and have been really
very happy with them.
Speaker 1 (01:20:23):
So yeah, I got, I got, I had no beef.
I'm not happy with this. Why they would not go
out of their way to make sure. I mean, I
understand the lawyers probably wouldn't want to do it. But
then when you get busted, now you're gonna get sued.
So well, I'm sure i'll get factored into your next pricing, sir.
So whatever, that's suff.
Speaker 6 (01:20:39):
All right, Yeah, that'd be good, all right, all right.
Speaker 1 (01:20:42):
Thank you, I really appreciate it, all right, So Yeah,
that's so, that's what I'm thinking. I'm like, he would
have had to kind of rig that bed if it
was like the so the one in the cabin that
I had. You you go to the end of the
bed and you can lift the whole mattress thing up,
and then there's a compartment in there to put lug
or whatever. But like you wouldn't be able to see
out of it. I don't know how to describe it. Anyway,
That's that's super creepy. You want another creepy story, just
because why the heck not. I've just talked so much
politics here and I got a little more to go.
Where is this the cows story? I'll be delicate with this.
It's the story, but it's the fact. It's also the
part where it's not the first story of its kind
in recent weeks. All Right, here we go. A farm
worker has been killed after attempting to hook up with
one of the dairy cows. So he's forty five. He
was a farm hand for this dude. I raises, you know,
dairy cows, their milking and all that, and apparently one
of the other workers went into the parlor. So they
call where they do the milking went into the parlor
and sees this dude lying dead on the ground and
he don't have any pants on, and so immediately this
dude rushes over. I probably takes stock of the fact
that the guy's not wearing any pants, but still it's
his coworker. He's not moving, rolls the guy over and
he's wearing something. He's wearing a prophylactic. And then at
that point it's like ah, And then you realize because
the guy had adjusted a gate to what was up.
Apparently he decided, well, nobody's around hook up with his
cow here, and he got kicked in the chest and
stopped his heart and there you go. So I have
a question, not that any of it makes sense to me,
but why the why the condom? What's up with that?
I mean, in inherently this is not a safe option.
That is a giant animal probably not going to be
down with that. So like that, And then I'm reading
the story here and which is crazy. And then there's this,
and then they have an addendum to the story the
blah blah bah.
Speaker 6 (01:23:32):
There you go.
Speaker 1 (01:23:33):
The incident comes just months after a Russian tourist who
allegedly tried to with a cow in Thailand was killed.
First of all, you're in Thailand, dude, if you're that
hard up, isn't Thailand where people go for two dollars
prostitutes and some other really really sortid stuff. I don't know.
I'd never been to Thailand, but that's my understanding. And
and you're like, nah, none of that, it's this cow.
And then what's even crazier is he's twenty six. According
to witnesses, because people were around, he was a little intoxicated.
He stripped off his clothes, ran out into the field,
attempting first to go after one cow. He realized it
was a bull, and then was said to have then
turned his attention to a cow nearby, but she would
not have it, and she gorged him to death. What's
wrong with the bull? Bro? Do you think in his
mind he's like, oh no, not with a bull, man.
I need to find me a female. I don't know. Again,
I don't know what goes through people's heads, but holy crap,
all right, and then we're gonna transition to this Oh wait,
hold on, hold on, let me go, let me grab
this call we got, that's right, we're doing cruise stuff
all right, Alicia, what's up?
Speaker 6 (01:24:55):
All right?
Speaker 14 (01:24:56):
We actually sailed on a sister ship for Royal Caribbean
in November last year.
Speaker 1 (01:25:02):
And I want to say he was on Symphony when
he was arrested, but they say he worked on three
of the different ships.
Speaker 14 (01:25:08):
So okay, yeah, our interiors, our interior state room. The
bed was actually like a frame that was not enclosed
on the bottom, so you could slide your suitcase under.
Speaker 1 (01:25:22):
Okay, yeah, and he looks like a very time Well,
a lot of the men in the Philippines are very small,
so but like, that's that's just blowing me away. Can
you imagine that though? Especially and then I'm asking that
I'm gonna I'm gonna pick on you, like the inherently
you know what I'm talking about, where you can sense
somebody oh man.
Speaker 4 (01:25:39):
Speaker 14 (01:25:42):
Yeah, and then you would be like I can't trust
myself anymore, Like how did I not know?
Speaker 1 (01:25:47):
Yeah, it's just too bad there wasn't some big burly
firemen in there, and the guy got the wrong state
room and this probably would have thrown the guy overboard.
I can't even imagine. All right, have a go on,
appreciate it, Alsia, thank you? All right? Well, then that
that's even worse. At least with it's all bad. But
like with the cutting a hole and a framed out thing,
you wouldn't be able to see him as much. That's
just under the bed whatever storm and stuff in there,
and you reach under and you need eye to eye.
All right, let's get Jeff mar from the weather Channel
if he's ready to over rock and roll. Jeff, do
it to us again, because that sounds like what's in
the carts.
Speaker 11 (01:26:24):
Yeah, it's gonna get colder again as we head towards
the middle of the week as yet another front moves by.
Temperatures will rebound in a Thursday and Friday before yet
another front pays us a visit later in the weekend
and hod of that well. Start off the weekend with
some wet weather, but certainly dry as you venture out today,
some initial clouds, followed by a clearing trend for the
afternoon as we hit fifty, clear and cold overnight down
into the mid twenties for a low Tomorrow, sunny and
colder behind the front of high of forty four. The
load your twenty Tomorrow night out are a clear sky
will only hit the upper thirties with sunshine Wednesday, and
then upper forties with dry weather Thursday, low fifties with
sunshine Friday, then some showers as we headed to the
start of the weekend on Saturday, and then colder air
moves in to start off next week.
Speaker 1 (01:27:02):
What's where? Where is stagic? By the way, It's not
like the Dallas is in the playoffs.
Speaker 11 (01:27:06):
No, he has his annual snowmobile trip, although the weather
really hand cooperated the last couple of winter seasons. But
this year he's hitting the snow jackpot with a lake
effects snow warning for the tug Hill plateau of there
in upstate New York. I used to Lake Ontario, so.
Speaker 1 (01:27:20):
Yeah, well, good for him. That's yeah. I used to
slid when I was up Minnesota a lot. There's nothing
worse than having, you know, kind of dirty snow. So
yeah for him. All right, thank you, appreciate it. You guys.
We'll come back and chat with Jeff Bellinger coming up next.
Hang on to your Bloomberg update now with Jeff Bellinger. Jeff,
what's going on? Good morning?
Speaker 16 (01:27:39):
Case Investor is going to switch their focus to inflation
and corporate earnings this week. Economists think underlying price pressures
cooled very slightly as twenty twenty four was ending, and that,
combined with friday stronger than expected employment report, would support
the fed's go slow approach to interest rates. So we're
looking at lower futures this morning. S and P futures
down thirty six points, Nasdaq futures are down two hundred two.
The Dow futures are down twenty. The price of oil
has jumped to a four month high. Washington imposed new
sanctions on Russia's energy industry. Some overseas refiners were confused
by the sanctions, and some analysts say there's a downside
risks to oil supplies. President Biden admitted Friday the new
sanctions on Russia couldson US gasoline price is higher, and
that would effect inflation. Of course, Johnson and Johnson is
making an acquisition. Jay and Jay agreed to buy Intracellular Therapies,
a biotech that focuses on treatments for central nervous system
and mental health disorders. It's a deal worth about fourteen
point six billion dollars. Hollywood Studios have shut down production
on more than a dozen projects because of the wildfires
in Los Angeles. A union that represents behind the scenes,
film and TV workers says at least eight thousand members
live in zip codes that have burned or been evacuated,
as could be a crucial Week fourteen talk. The law
passed by Congress last year calls for a ban on
the social media platform if it's Chinese parent company doesn't
sell it by Sunday. The Supreme Court heard arguments in
the case on Friday. The justices appeared to be leaning
toward upholding the ban and Casey. The start of the
twenty twenty four tax filing seasons two weeks off, the
Internal Revenue Service is promising to keep improving service and
also its digital offerings. The agency's free filing tool, direct File,
will be available to low and moderate income taxpayers in
twenty five states this year. Also, Free File, which the
IRS offers and partnership with tax prep software companies, is
opened for taxpayers with adjusted gross incomes of up to
eighty four thousand dollars.
Speaker 1 (01:29:46):
Casey, well, it's today to the day, two weeks from
now that they're going to start.
Speaker 16 (01:29:51):
It's twenty seventh.
Speaker 1 (01:29:52):
Yep, twenty seventh. Okay. I'm like, I'm five minutes after
they open. I I just want to be done with it.
So I always like it when we know the date.
All right, thank you very much, Jeff, Yeah, there you go.
Jeff Pellinger, Bloomberg News. This is funny. This headline from
New York Post. Foreign leaders desperately jockeying for invite to
Trump's inauguration. So he did a thing when he was inviting,
like Jiji ping and and and the rest. It turned
into a popularity contest and apparently it's now the party
of the year. And so they talked to a bunch
of like registered foreign agents, so you know, us people
who lobby and work on behalf of foreign governments. Uh,
And apparently they are all like like all these leaders Chili, Peru, Nigeria, Mozambique,
like all of these leaders are are like sending gift,
you know, like you know, nice letters and whatnot. Hey
just remember us. So you know what it is. It's
the opening scene of The Godfather. And it's wild. It's
like this. They want it. They're willing to stand online,
so to speak, just to go to this thing. And
let's just say that did not happen last time around.
So how the world has changed. Remembered like when he
when he was first inaugurated, nobody want anything to do
with him, with the exception of the president of Taiwan
because remember he made that phone call, and then there
was a few others. But now they all want to
be there for this thing, and apparently they're being very selective. Basically,
unless you're a country that could potentially provide a financial
boost to the US. Basically where you you know, you
might have businesses that locate a branch in the US,
great jobs. No you're not on the list. And people
are like, oh, that's selfish. No, that's America first. That's
literally the thing he ran on. So his time and
his you know, is going to be spent on things
that will benefit this is their argument, that will benefit
the United States. But here we are. And finally, just
because it's so creepy that I know about it, now
you have to as well. A Kansas City trans woman
underwent voluntary surgery to have six ribs removed to obtain
a more feminine, smaller waste. What who were these doctors?
By the way, is that safe? You know what ribs
are for, right, other than you know, making women and stuff.
They'refore protecting your innards. But they're therefore there's so your
guts aren't just like, hey, here's all my vital organs
completely unsheathed, provide framing for the body and protection, and
you had six of them removed so you can have
a skinnier waist. By the way, are we buying that?
Excuse Ross that that's the reason for having the six
ribs removed purely cosmetic purposes, because I remember when we
were a kid, if somebody had a rib removed, they
would argue that it was a different motivation for it,
different reason, Marilyn Manson, Now, probably not true, but what
the heck, although this is a trans woman, so it
may be the same reason. Now here's the kicker on
the whole story. One if case, you were wanting to
cost seventeen thousand to have some saw bones cut six
year ribs out. But Emily James, is this lunatics name
who had their ribs removed? Said as an added bonus,
the doctor allowed him to keep the ribs and he's
going to make a crown out of it.