All Episodes

August 11, 2024 • 37 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
This is Grow Omaha, the only radio show that talks
about economic development, construction, business expansion, and all of those
things that make Omaha a great place to live or visit.
Grow Omaha on News Radio eleven ten kfab.

Speaker 2 (00:15):
Well, good morning, and welcome to the show. Jeff Beal's
at your service. We are brought to you by Dingman's
Collision Center along with Cheer Athletics, Nation's number one all
star cheer Jim, and we are the only show in
the metro area that we'll talk about the things we
talk about, which is the growth and development of your
favorite city, business expansion, real estate, construction, economic development. If

you're a fan of Omaha, if you're excited about how
it's growing and developing, you are going to enjoy the
next hour. Without any further ado, though, it's time to
bring on my co host, a man who is a
legendary real estate deal maker and all around well known
fellow in town, Trenton Maggot. You undressed your baby, well
I thought I was. It's overestimating you at an earl

so many ways. Good morning, ladies, gentlemen.

Speaker 3 (01:04):
Trenton Maggott at your service with Jeff Biel's on the
long running grow Omaha show.

Speaker 2 (01:11):
Yeah, we've got all sorts of exciting things planned for
you today, a couple big news items. We're going to
feature a couple businesses in the second segment, and then
we're gonna talking about the commercial real Estate Summit later
in the show, and of course, as always, we will
finish with our Perkins Critcher Construction Lightning round at the end.

I want to give you a reminder, though, to to
do something with your daily routine. Every morning I wake
up and one of the first things I do is
I check the weather, and then I check Wall Street Journal.
I have a couple things that I check. Well, one
of those things that I check every single morning is
grow omaha dot com. And you want to do that too,

because we're putting news on grow omaha dot com every day,
and so you don't have to wait for the show
on Saturday, you don't have to wait for our very
popular newsletter on Thursday afternoons. Anytime you want an update
about what's going on, just go to gromaha dot com.
Make it part of your daily routine and you will
keep up with what's happening. And you wouldn't believe the

amount of news items we're putting on there, and there's
more to come. So let's get straight into the news
of the week Trenton, and the news, as always, is
brought to you by Egle Mortgage Egle Mortgage Company dot com.
They have been in the business for north of thirty
years and they will work with you for your conventional loans,

your FHA, your VA loans, some of the specialty loans.
They do those as well. But if you are thinking
about buying a house, one of the first things you
want to do is contact a mortgage broker at Egle Mortgage.
Holly schneidwind leads the team, but it's a very good
and talented team and talk to them, explain what you
want to do. They'll go through your situation. They'll take

you through the process. They're kind of like mortgage counselors
almost if you will, and as a mortgage broker, they
shop the market. They're not beholding to one bank so
they get the best deal for you. Eagle Mortgage is
located at one hundred and fourteenth and Davenport, or you
can find them online at Eagle Mortgage Company dot com.
Well Trenton, last week we talked to everyone about the

planned hospital at the University of Nebraska Medical Center Nebraska Medicine,
And we knew this was coming. It's been talked about
for a couple of years. Right now, it's part of
Project Next, which is a multi billion dollar project. It's
only one part of it, but this hospital by itself
will be two point two billion dollars. And I will

say that. On Thursday at the Board of Regents meeting,
the Regent's approved the initial fifty million dollar design phase.
And so this goes, you know, this goes toward the
design and some basic starting costs to get this thing going.
It's going to be on the southeast corner of Farnham
Street and Saddle Creek Road. But last week, you'll recall

you and I were kind of scratching our heads a
little bit about one specific statistic about it. One of
the vice chancellors that you and MC had publicly said
before last week, this thing is going to be three
hundred and eighty to four hundred feet tall, which would
make it currently the third tallest building in Omaha. And
even after the Mutual Tower has done the fourth tall

so big, big building, we said, how could that possibly be?
We've got some more information, and I think it really
is going to be about three hundred and eighty to
four hundred feet tall. What's the fourth point, Well, I'm
looking at a rendering right now. First of all, this
will be if it's anywhere near this rendering. And the
only place that I've founded is on ketv's website so far.

And if this rendering ends up being and if you
look at it, ladies and gentlemen, it's going to you know,
it's very plain right now, just like white you know,
they don't really have a lot of detail on it.
But if it ends up looking like this, this will
be one of the most massive buildings anywhere in the state.
I mean we're talking about I think one point four

million square feet and that's bigger than West Roads. Yeah, bigger,
more square footage than the West Roads. That's bigger than
Union Pacific. Yeah. I think Pacific was one little over
one million square feet. Yeah. And what Up Headquarters ever
since it opened, has always been the biggest office building
in Nebraska by square footage. This will be a lot more.

Of course, it's not an office building, but when you're
looking at the rendering now, you may be able to
picture that area big grassy area southeast of Farnam and
Saddle Creek Road. The Monroe Meyer Institute was there for
many many years. JP Lord Elementary School is there for
many many years. Both of those have been completely removed,
so it's just a big open grassy area. This rendering

basic fills that entire area, which is probably the equivalent
of what three or four city blocks maybe, And so
it's on this huge pedestal and then the pedestal kind
of almost tears up, kind of pyramid like toward the middle,
and then on top of that sits what appears to
be about another fifteen to eighteen stories, and they're going

to be hospital stories. Hospital stories have to have really
high ceilings. So yeah, basically you're going to have something
that will be about the height of the State Capitol
building boom right on the med Center campus. But more
importantly than that, it'll do a huge service to patients
in Nebraska and do a great deal to the economy.

So what happens next They start doing all of the
preparation stuff as part of this fifty million dollar approval
from the regions. It might not be till after twenty
thirty though, before this thing opens. It's gonna be a
long project. Yeah, I remember in two point two billion,
there was a lot of money billion here in there.
Pretty soon you're talking about real money that was uttered
by some congress member back in the I think late

eighties or early nineties, and now a billion dollars is
worth even less. All right, let's get into a couple
of our other news items as well. We announced this
week on Giralmaha dot com that Olson, which is a
civil engineering firm, is going to be building a four

story office building in the Heartwood Preserve area, which is
just a little bit southwest actually it's right southwest of
one hundred and forty fourth and Dodge.

Speaker 3 (07:40):
Actually, they'll be occupying two floors of it initially, maybe
the second and third, and then the fourth eventually probably,
and then the first floor will be retail as part
of the Atlantahaw's developments plan as part of a Heartwood
Preserve what do they call it the square or something
like that.

Speaker 2 (07:58):
Oh, the center of would preserve I don't recall the
actual name of that part of it, but hart would
preserve itself as a five hundred acre development that already
has quite a bit on it. So the Valmont World
headquarters is there. Union Bank is a very nice office
building there. Carson has a very attractive six story office

building there, the new Charleston's New Mahogany. Yeah, Union Bank
mentioned that, and then Gunderson Jewelry is going to have
a flagship store opening there very soon. There's going to
be a building that's going to have an upscale cigar
bar and restaurant. Lots of parks and trails. Yeah, so
it's a nice area. So this middle part that the

Olsen building is going to anchor, I've been told, is
going to be somewhat similar to Xurban Village in that
it'll be walkable, like you know, Trent indicated, the ground
floor of this building will be retail, so it kind
of creates kind of that urban and vironment. And completion

of this new building, which hasn't really even started, will
be summer of twenty twenty six, so two year project.
If you want to see a picture of it, just
go to grow Omaha dot com and go to the
news stories, the featured stories section and there is a
rendering of that building on there. At this time. White Lotus,
a local developer, is seeking two point six million dollars

in tax increment financing for a planned mixed use building
twelfth and Nicklas in the Millwork Commons District. The Planning
Board this week approved that tiff application got to be
five stories, seventy eight apartments a little over twelve thousand
score feet of retail commercial space. So this is some

of you might be used familiar with the Dizzy Mule,
which is a big mixed use multifamily thing directly north
a couple blocks from Charles Schwabfield. This is just a
block east that, so that area is really coming along.
I agree, Thank you for that contribution. All Right, we
are going to take our first break of the hour,

and when we come back, we're going to bring on
the father daughter duo of Jim Morrison and Anna Morrison.
We are going to talk a little bit about stratus
building solutions. We're going to be talking about car sales
and just going to kind of have fun time featuring
a couple of local businesses with a couple people that
we're good friends with and you will enjoy getting to know.

So you're listening to gro Omaha. It is brought to
you by Dingman's Collision Center along with Cheer Athletics and
we'll be back in a moment right after this on
news Radio eleven ten kfab and welcome back to the show.
Jeff meals at your service. Along with my good friend
Trenton Maggot. We are brought to you by Dingman's Collision

Center along with Cheer Athletics. Cheer Athletics is the nation's
number one All Star cheer Jim. If you're not familiar
with All Star cheer, check into it. It is very competitive,
a very athletic form of cheerleading competitions all over the country,
in the world. In twenty twenty eight, it's going to
be an Olympic sport. Well, the Cadillac, the coup de

gras of All Star cheer companies or organizations is Cheer
Athletics started in Dallas. They got about fourteen locations nationwide.
The most important one is right here in Omaha. And
as we broke the story a couple weeks ago, in
a couple of years, they're going to be moving to
a brand new, state of the art, double the size

facility in Gretna near one hundred and ninety second and
Highway three seventy has to be built because right now
the area is just being developed, but it is going
to be so nice. In the meantime, they're at Highways
fifty and three seventy just southwest of there in Papilion.
They're so exclusive that Cheer Athletics denied Jeff and I's admission.

We didn't qualify for it, but we're sure that if
you want to get your kid or grandkid involved in
All Star Cheer, they will probably be a lot more receptive.
I applied for the top of the pyramid then the
time when Trent tried to be at the top of
the pyramid. God help us. All right, we are going
to do our business feature. We do our business features periodically,

and today we have a father daughter team with us,
a couple good friends of ours. Jim Morrison is with Stratus,
which is the fastest growing commercial cleaning service in the country,
and his daughter, Anna Morrison, is the general manager of
audi Omaha, part of the Baxter family of dealerships. Jim

and Anna, welcome to the show.

Speaker 4 (12:37):
Good morning.

Speaker 2 (12:38):
So we go way back, and I'll start with you. Jim.
We had you on the show probably I don't know,
eight or ten years ago, and you used to be
with for a long time. The corporate version of Stratus
Building Solutions, and you were talking to us a little
bit about some stuff related to office buildings in that industry,

way back back when you're now with the Omaha operation
of Stratus Building Solutions back with Omaha. So tell us
a little bit about what the company does well.

Speaker 4 (13:07):
Actually, Stratus Building Solutions is the as you said, the
industry's fastest growing commercial cleaning service. We're a franchise based organization,
which means that throughout the system, the crews that come
out to clean the clients are actually Stratus business owners.
So with that ownership aspect, that franchise aspect, you always

have a much higher degree of accountability, attention to detail, professionalism, consistency.
That's what's really contributed to our growth throughout the last
fifteen years. We in the last ten years, we've gone
from twenty six regions across America to seventy two across

American Canada. So it's really been phenomenal growth, really rapid growth.
And I was with the corporate team for about ten years.

Speaker 2 (14:01):
I know you travel a lut Can. I have some
of your airline miles.

Speaker 4 (14:04):
I you know, as soon as I see you on
top of the pyramid, you can have all of the
airline miles just if that's what it takes for him
to stop being on top of the pyramid.

Speaker 2 (14:12):
Awesome. How big is the Omaha office.

Speaker 4 (14:15):
The OMAHAFFAE revenue wise?

Speaker 2 (14:19):
If if you want to tell that that's why?

Speaker 4 (14:21):
Sure, Well, I mean the Omahaffas has a staff of
nine people and currently forty two active unifranchise owners.

Speaker 3 (14:31):
So Stratus cleans office buildings, retail. Do they do bars
and restaurants or every Yeah?

Speaker 4 (14:37):
Absolutely, if you well, everything from daycares to surgical centers.
We clean the Methodist headquarters.

Speaker 2 (14:44):
That's what I specialized cleaning, even churches. Yeah yeah, so
so so Jim, talk to us a little bit about
that that business because you know, we do have a
lot of listeners who own companies, run companies, or the
office manager of some companpany is it what all is
involved when we have to switch cleaning services at your

office or your place of business. Believe it or not, that's.

Speaker 4 (15:08):
One of the main reasons people don't switch because unfortunately
they've had that experience where it's been a cumbersome process.
With our approach to the business model, we actually make
it as seamless as you possibly can. The big thing

that people worry about is that they're just trading one
for another. So what we try to do on the
initial site visit, the initial discovery meeting is we actually
try to discover can we be of some benefit or
some resource to this particular type of client. We're not
for every single type of client. We like to think
we can be for the majority, but that's part of

the discovery process, is to find out can we be
of some resource? If so, how and what would the
transition look like.

Speaker 2 (15:58):
Okay, well let's bring on a different Morrison. Uh and
to the discussion. Anna Morrison. You guys father daughter team,
and you both have a background now in sales, and
we thought it'd be kind of fun to keep it
in the family. And I had to tell you I
still appreciate you selling me my son's car a couple
of years ago. It's it's doing it's doing great for him,

but uh at any rate. Uh. And you're part you're
you're the general manager of audi Omaha, which is located
just north of the village point.

Speaker 5 (16:28):
Right, Yes, it is Smbert Street. We're kind of in
that auto row you know where that is just north
of village Point.

Speaker 2 (16:35):
Yeah, it's kind of it's kind of like Omaha's Auto
you know headquarters anymore. I mean there's been so many
dealers and and a lot of upscale dealers that have
gone into that area. But Audi Omaha is part of Baxter,
which you know, a lot of people know that Baxter
name in Omaha because they have so many uh dealerships here,
but a lot of people don't probably realize that Baxter

is way more than Omaha just happens to be head
quartered here. Tell us little bit about the backstore organization.

Speaker 5 (17:02):
Absolutely, So we actually have locations in Oletha as well
as Colorado Springs and recently Madison, Wisconsin. So we are
continually growing. I think what we really look for is
that manufacture that's going to be a great partner to us.

Speaker 2 (17:17):
For our guests.

Speaker 3 (17:18):
Yeah, and we happen to know Mickey Anderson, and I
had met Tal Anderson, his father and who started the
company and used to work for Johnny Baxter. But it
was really Tally Anderson's vision for that Village Point Auto
Row or whatever you call it, But that was really
pioneering from one hundred and sixty eight to one hundred

and eightieth Street on the north side and people were like, Wow,
he's way out there. And so it's a pretty cool vision.
And to see it come to Fruition and all your
different brands and everything else, and it's a great organization
and audi your building is one of the newest, isn't it?

Speaker 5 (17:58):
I would say it is. There's been a lot of
remodeling done at a lot of our locations just to
kind of upgrade the stores in general. But Tell had
kind of a vision for what that experience looks like
as well. So when we talk about the guest experience,
we've kind of revolutionized that in a big way recently.
So when you think about traditional car buying, right you think, okay,

well I'm going to have a salesperson and then I'm
going to go see the finance manager, et cetera. You
kind of passed around, maybe it's going to take a
couple of hours. But what we've done recently is we've
kind of taken that guesswork out of it. So what
we've done is we've said, hey, we're just going to
have you with one person, so your sales consultant can
take you through the entire process. That way, you not

seeing multiple people throughout the entire cardial. It just kind
of takes that time frame out of the question, and
it just helps elevate the guest experience.

Speaker 3 (18:52):
I know exactly what you're talking about in it because
I've bought a few.

Speaker 5 (18:58):
A couple at least to you.

Speaker 3 (19:00):
And yeah, they kind of hand you off to the
to each person through each process and you don't really
know where to go. But to have kind of like
an advocate or somebody that can guide you is a
great thing.

Speaker 2 (19:13):
We Plus, they've really updated.

Speaker 3 (19:14):
The customer lounges and the free food and everything else.

Speaker 2 (19:20):
I pretty much eat for free during the week. That's
why you buy so many cars. Yes, a lot of
free food. It's good. So this is a serious question.
So you have that village point auto mall type area
where there's so many dealers and many of them are Baxter.
But then the state puts a d MV right there.
Was that a pure accident or was or did did

you're convenient? Did Baxter lobby for that to get that there?

Speaker 5 (19:45):
I can't. I can't speak to that, but I will
say it is convenience.

Speaker 2 (19:47):
I mean, it is perfect. It is right there all right.
Before we go, Let's ask you that you guys a
little father daughter question. So here we have a father
and daughter, two different businesses that are both heavily involved
in the sales business. Jim has been doing sales of
office cleaning contracts nationwide for many years. Now here in Omaha,

Anna cardierships are all about moving cars, is there? I mean,
did you raise her to be like a salesperson just
like you? No, she has two.

Speaker 4 (20:18):
Brothers, Matthew and Amen. Matter of fact, Amen took me
through that car buying experience when he sold me my
truck a couple of months ago. But Annie, I was
the last one that I would ever expect to get
into sales. And what as the proud papa, I can
say that in five and a half years, she's gone
from the sales guy, if you will, the salesperson up

to GM about Omaha. That is immensely proud. I'm just
very proud.

Speaker 2 (20:46):
Of her for that. Well, I don't blame you and
Jim before probably a generation skipping thing generation probably, Oh absolutely.

Speaker 4 (20:54):
I told her if I had your ability when I
was your age, I'd be a.

Speaker 2 (20:57):
Billionaire, yeah, instead of the whatever your aer you are now. Yes,
I'm a ten era Jim. If someone wants to talk
to you about Stratus for their office. How do they
get a hold of you? Actually two ways.

Speaker 4 (21:09):
You can contact me directly at four zero two five
nine eight nine three nine two, or just jump on
to stratusclean dot com.

Speaker 2 (21:19):
Anna, are you going to be at audi Omaha today?

Speaker 4 (21:22):
I am yep.

Speaker 5 (21:22):
We're gonna be selling cars today.

Speaker 2 (21:24):
And let me get you having a sale.

Speaker 5 (21:26):
We might be having a sale, you know, but.

Speaker 2 (21:28):
You can do an NFM test driving OUTI absolutely stop
on it, all right, So, Jim Morrison of Stratus Building Solutions,
Anna Morrison of audi Omaha, thanks for joining us, and
we appreciate you being our business feature this week.

Speaker 4 (21:42):
Thanks for having us.

Speaker 2 (21:43):
All right, we're going to take our middle of the
show break, and when we come back, we're going to
talk to to all of you who have anything whatsoever
to do with the commercial real estate construction development industry.
The Annual Commercial Real Estate Summit is coming up about
I don't know, well over one thousand people go to
this thing, and we're going to talk with Jerry Sluski

and Chris Menzinger. They are the coordinators and organizers of
this event. And even if you're not in commercial real
estate You're going to find it interesting because so much
happens at this event coming up later in the month,
So stick with us. You're going to want to hear that.
We'll also have your novel company's commercial real estate development
spotlight right on the other side of the break. In
the meantime, please know that you are listening to Grow

Omaha brought to you by Dingman's Collision Center along with
Cheer Athletics on news Radio eleven ten Kfaby and welcome
back to the show, Jeff Meals sitting next to Trenton Maggot.
We are brought to you by Dingman's Collision Center along
with Cheer Athletics, the nation's number one all star cheer Jim.
If you have a little bit of a little bit

of denting and bruising and scratching and scraping on your automobile,
remember Dingman's Collision Center. They have four metro area locations
Northwest Omaha one hundred and forty fourth in Industrial Southwest, Downtown,
Papilion and Saddle Creek and Midtown. They're all great, they'll
all help you and they do a fantastic job. Been
in the business and they are the best of Omaha

frequent award winner because everyone loves them and everyone loves
the results they give while treating people fairly and charging
a very competitive price. Dingman's Collision Center one of our sponsors.
It's time, ladies and gentlemen for your commercial real estate
development Spotlight of the Week, which is brought to you
by who. Not a company, not all companies. They are
one of the premier developers in the United States and

they're based right here in Omaha. They do a lot
of developments around the country, but here in Omaha. Famous
for big developments like ak Sarbon Village, Builders District, River's Edge,
many many others, and they're no stranger to corporate headquarters.
In the last several years, they've done Valmont's global headquarters
in Heartwood Preserve near Boystown. They did hdr's global headquarters

in the heart of Sarbon Village. Big time develop up
or They do a great job. All their stuff is
super high quality and they're always on the cutting edge
looking at doing more and more things. Well, today we're
going to talk about their Builders District area. This is
the development they did that that is kind of anchored
by Keiwits. There ago another global headquarters that they did

kewits global headquarters. But you also have oh, there's a
Cambrier Suite's hotel. There a couple other new fun and
thing exciting things that are going in that area. Hocket Park,
and that is getting really close a big screen in there. Yeah,
that's getting close to opening. So the Pocket Park is
between sixteenth and seventeenth south of Coming, not right south Coming.

There's litt bit stuff where they're eventually going to build
some buildings, but then there's that little pocket park, and
when it's all said done, it's going to be somewhat
analogous to their fun outdoor area in a Sarbon village
where you can do all those fun and exciting things
right there in the middle of a Sarbon village that's
almost ready in the Builders District. Also just to the
west of the Builders District and kind of tied into

it in a lot of ways, Creighton University is going
hogwild crazy with development. They've got a space on a
big square block on the north side of Coming where
they're going to kind of put their new maintenance and
storage area. Then just east of their Dental College, construction
has started on their Sophomore Residence Hall, which is going

to kind of take up a block there, and then
just to the east of that, they have a lot
of the area fenced off. That's where their baseball and
softball fields are going to go, which the College World
Series teams will use for practice in a couple of years.
That whole Builder's District Creighton University era. Citing a lot
of stuff happening really coming together, Well, we're going to
bring on some friends of ours, Jerry Sleski and Chris Menzinger.

They are the organizers, coordinators, planners of the Commercial Real
Estate Summit, absolutely huge industry event coming up Friday, August
twenty third at thech Health Center, Omaha. Jerry and Chris,
good morning to welcome to the show.

Speaker 6 (26:05):
Good morning, Good morning, how are you guys.

Speaker 2 (26:07):
Good. We appreciate you joining us. And you know a
lot of our listeners have something to do with the
real estate or development industry, so they're going to be
very curious about this. Give us a quick overview of
what's going to be happening at the Commercial Real Estate
Summit this year.

Speaker 7 (26:23):
Chris, go ahead, Well, this is I'll brige for Jerry
a little bit. This is Jerry's thirty fifth summit. Jerry
started this when he was twelve and he is now
in a thirty fifth year, and we're really excited to
celebrate Jerry and what he's created here. I think we
all know what a big day it is, just all

us getting together, will have nearly a thousand people in
the room. It's a funny time right now. I think
with interest rates and costs, it's been an interesting year
and it's been an interesting planning for the thirty fifth year.
We have a theme of patient and persistence, and we're
going to talk about interest rates a lot tough today,
whether that be in a breakout panel speaking specifically about

office or industrial or the legal environment or the environment
and the insurance industry and how that affects us. We've
got this theme of patients and persistence and high focus
on where interest rates are right now.

Speaker 6 (27:23):
Yeah, and I thought I've thought about this just a
little bit over the years we teach each other in
commercial real estate in the Nebraska area, and it's paid
off with all the success of Omaha Lincoln in the
state of Nebraska over the last thirty five years, I think,

and I'm kind of proud of the fact that people
in our industry, no matter which part they're an engineer, developer, broker,
lender or whatever, they step up. Every year when we
come up with a subject it seems to be important,
we reach out to our industry participants and professionals and

they step up and put together some really amazing hot topics,
if you will, that help everybody in the industry improve
and work through. As Chris mentioned, difficult times for commercial
real estate life we're in right now. So we're proud
of that and we're happy to present it for the
thirty fifth year.

Speaker 3 (28:30):
And I've been going for over thirty years and it
really captures the essence of what's happening and also the
series and it's forward looking, so there's something for everyone.
You don't have to be in commercial real estate per
se to attend it. Chris, what is the date and

what do people need to do to sign up?

Speaker 7 (28:53):
Yeah? So the date it's Friday, August twenty third, and
you can go to our website the summit. Let make
sure I give it to you.

Speaker 2 (29:03):
Is it a ten summit dot com?

Speaker 7 (29:05):
It's a tenciorisummit dot com. Thank you. You can go
there and sign up and if you have any questions,
there's some information right on the website there that'll give
you probably everything you need. The agendas on there so
you'll understand in the full days programming, which is anywhere
from main stage for you know, conversations to break out
sessions where you can pick what applies to you most

how you have most interest in. We've got a keynote
speaker over the lunch hour and a happy hour to
end the day.

Speaker 2 (29:34):
Hey, one more minute with Jerry Sileski and Chris Menzinger
from the Commercial real Estate Summit. You mentioned the keynote
speaker and all that. I was particularly intrigued by your
closing general session, which is going to talk about construction
of some of our big blockbuster projects going on right now.
Can you give us a quick thirty second synopsis of that.

Speaker 6 (29:55):
Yeah. Sure. The what we're doing is we're recognizing the
fa that these big projects have a huge impact on
a region. So we're identifying the airport. We have airport
representatives coming to present what's going on, what's going to
be going on. We have mutual omaha of representatives showing

where they're at in the new tower and then that
will be done and the impact on the community and
then certainly you and MC can't be left out because
their expansion and their additional employees has been tremendous. So
those three will close the program, and I think it'll
be very exciting and very interesting to hear.

Speaker 2 (30:38):
Well. It's called the Commercial real Estate Summit. Trent and
I have been attending it regularly for years and years,
and if you have anything to do with that industry,
strongly recommend it. Friday, August twenty third, chi Helsenter Omaha,
Jerry Siluski, and Chris Menzinger, thank you for all of
the hard work you do to make our local industry better.

And good luck with this year's summit.

Speaker 6 (31:02):
Thank you for having us.

Speaker 2 (31:03):
Thanks guys. All right, the Commercial real Estate Summit coming
up later this month, going to take our final break
of the hour, and you know what that means. When
we come back, it's time for what you've been waiting for.
That's my long list of things for the Perkins Chritser
Construction Lightning Round, in which we talk about a lot
of things in a very short period of time. Coming
right up. You're listening to Grow Omaha, brought to you

by Dingman's Collision Center and Cheer Athletics on news radio
eleven ten KFAB It's time for your Perkins Chritzer Construction
Lightning Round, brought to you appropriately enough by Perkins Chritzer Construction,
full service general contractor based here in Omaha, doing projects
in the Greater Region out to North Platt, up to
Sioux City and environs all over this area. Dave Kreutzer

leads the team over there, do a great job, you know,
with projects being done properly with the right budget. A
very talented group of professionals that have so much experience
working as part of the Perkins Chreiser construction team. I
gotta tell you yesterday I took a walk the new
west side of the Miracle Hills area, west side of

one hundred and fourteenth Street, just north of Dodge. Perkins
Chreiser has been renovating that retail strip over there, and
it's about done. I mean it's pretty much done. So
I had to go walk and take a look. And
we've talked a few weeks ago about Funnybone Comedy Club
is moving in there along with a very popular bar

arcade business called Barcade, and very excited. So I had
to go look at that space where a funnybone is
going looks really cool. Just a heck. I mean that
is a night and day difference. And I know believe
me because Trent and I used to have an office
right there in that area and to see the job
that Perkins Chreiser did bringing that center back to life

and making it look so nice as awesome. If you
want to use them for your project, just look them
up online pdashcconstruction dot com. All right, let's go through
the list. Big list. We have via Farina, the Italian
restaurant in Little Italy near tenth and Pacific. They've announced
a second location opening in October in Regency. It's actually

Regency Landing one hundred and seventh and Pacific and Trent
and here's a blast from the past. Remember Quizno's subs.

Speaker 3 (33:18):
Yeah, it was Jay Gordonman and Bob Gordon, his dad,
and Bob Hafner and I did some locations for him.

Speaker 2 (33:24):
And one time they had nearly five thousand locations nationwide.
Then they fell on hard times. Now they're coming back.
They re entered the market. They are re entering the market.
They have like a miniature Quiznos inside the pump and
Pantry convenience store just west of Nebraska Crossing in Gretna,
New York style pizza fans, you'll be happy to hear this.
Frank's Pizzeria officially reopened its Capital District location downtown. That's

eleventh and Capitol Avenue, new ownership. They closed back in January,
but now they are back a sabbatical with a new owner.
Even Happy Mango Bakery recently opened in La Vista ninety
six then Giles near Ref's Sports Bar. Nice bakery where
you can order things, but that you can walk in

and you know, got to get carry out things right there,
just like a cookie shop, if you will. Board and
Brush is a sip and paint woodworking studio. Sip and
paint means they give you cocktails while you're doing creative stuff.
A lot of times people like to do this on
a date or you know, maybe an outing of friends.
This is working. It's not canvas. It says sip and

paint woodworking studio. I only say what I see in print.
National franchise three hundred locations and forty three states. Oasis
Cigar Bar is coming to City Center. That's that newly
built downtown in La Vista on Long eighty fourth Street
Astro very close to the Astro just adjacent to it,

A little over four thousand feet interio buildout is underway.
Shocking news, A Scooter's Coffee plans to open a new
Kiosk drive through location just a little bit northeast of
two hundred and fourth and que More Scooters. Opening dates
still to be determined. We also have Ziggi's Coffee under
construction in that area, so a lot a lot of

coffee going in that area. Business. Ziggy's Coffee is a
Perkins Chritzer construction project. Aldi is going to open a
store in Gretna, part of the Gretna Landing development one
hundred and ninety third and Highway three seventy. It's going
to be a while because I have to build it
and all that, but all you Aldi fans and Gretton
will be happy about that. Pandora Jewelry plans to open

a store soon at Village Point shopping Center. It's under
development between Lululemon and Kendra Scott. That's just west of Shields.
Pandora designs manufacturers and markets handfinished and contemporary jewelry. Also,
I think you're going to.

Speaker 3 (35:50):
Have a I think it's called Medi's, but it's I
think it's a Mediterranean restaurant that's going to take the
old Gunderson space.

Speaker 2 (35:57):
Really that sounds that sounds pretty pretty exciting. That's a
chain or local. I think it's a chain.

Speaker 3 (36:04):
Okay, more to come, Okay, yeah and get on g
dot com.

Speaker 2 (36:10):
Construction is underway on a future Dollar Street, a Dollar
Tree store at one hundred and ninety Second Avenue, just
a little bit north of West Center Road. It's just
northwest of an existing Comfort Sueets Hotel and Laslow's Brew
fifteen locations nor something crazy like that. They have nineteen
you're close. That is crazy. Yeah, it's interesting. You're seeing

Dollar Tree go into more and more of what would
be categorized as more upscale neighbor are. Yeah, same thing
with Dollar Tree or a Dollar General inside of there.

Speaker 3 (36:41):
My theory is that normal regular stores, Uh, the candles
are so freaking expensive that you have to go to
Dollar Tree to get dollar candles.

Speaker 2 (36:51):
Is that a thing? Dollar candles? Is that a thing?

Speaker 6 (36:54):

Speaker 2 (36:54):
Yeah, Okay. After two years in operation, Control Coffee and
Cereal Bar will unfortunately close. It's downtown Omaha location not
far from tenth in Pacific. August eighteenth is the last day.
This is due to slower traffic during the school year.
They do pretty well the rest of the year, but

they will open up at location in Lincoln. For all
of you who are fans of the place, that's it.
We're out of here. I'm Jeff Beils and I'm Trenton Maggot.
You've been listening to Grow Omaha, brought to you by
Dingman's Collision Center along with Cheer Athletics and Perkins Chritzer Construction.
We'll chat with you next week at nine o'clock right
here on news Radio eleven ten KFAB
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