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Bruce Crawford, a film and story, and it brings these wonderful Hollywood classics
to Omaha on the big screen.And this is the fiftieth one already,
Bruce, Good morning ninety two.Yeah, we've been eagerly awaiting the unveiling
of this one, Raiders of theLost Dark. This is a genuine blockbuster.
This is one of the all time. This is a tenth pole movie
for the ages. It definitely isthis one. Absolutely What makes it is
it the action? Is that thestory? Is that the acting, It's
the action in the story. Itharkens back to those cereals from the nineteen
thirties and early forties, those theycall the cereals because every week that had
a different episode in the theater.It brings back to that adventure and that
very more of an innocent kind ofa time as well. It was fun.
It was World War two well,the action, major fun. Everyone
just kept getting better and better.I think the first was still the best.
Yeah, that Boulder Man, that'sa good one. Indelible image.
Snakes were having one. I hatesnakes. Yeah, me too. At
that was a hell of a scenethough. Yeah. They Spielberg has made
so many just Landmark movies. Buthe doesn't. I don't think people give
him credit for these because they thinkof Jaws, they think of Schindler's List.
George Lucas produced the film in Spielbergdirect so it's kind of a dual
situation here. Yeah. Absolutely,so May seventeenth over at the Omaha Community
Playhouse. Ticket I'm sorry, Yeah, that's the date. The showing tickets
are on sale today today, exactly. Yes, you can go to www
dot omur Christian Academy dot org forwardslash movie thirty bucks a seat, which
is a bargain, and of courseour special guest is going to be quite
the draw. Yeah. Ben Mankowitzfrom Turner Classic Movies. Absolutely, yes,
he's the face. He became theface of TCM after Robert Osborne passed.
Who are these guys? Who wasOsburne and who has been Manquitz?
In other words, do they haveextensive background in film or do they are
are they picked for auditions or whatboth? Robert Osborn was an author of
books on the oscars, and healso is well connected to Hollywood for decades.
He was really the one of thekings of classic films. In fact,
him and I became acquainted back inthe late eighties, so I known
it for a long time. Andthen Mankowitz. Of course, his grandfather
was Herman Manquez, who wrote thescreenplay to Citizen Kane. His uncle was
not bad. His uncle great unclewas Joseph Mankowitz, whose famous film director
did a lot of classic movies.And his dad was Frank mcgowiz Zachly,
who was the press secretary for RobertF. Kennedy, who is the one
that told the world that he hadbeen killed from the gunshot wounds at the
Ambassador Hotel. So he's been aroundhigh level people. He's very knowledgeable guy
out and he contributes to CBS MorningNews. He does a lot. So
this will be a Q and Awith him. We're gonna go on stage
and we're gonna talk about the fiftyevents we've done here in Omaha since nineteen
ninety two, go back and forthon that, and we're going to talk
about his background and of course themovie. Oh this will be great.
This will be great man to meetand greed after the film, a lot
a lot of fans. Yeah,no doubt, no doubt. We're gonna
have in the Nushal Puzzant mosa sizeand have a couple three tables of miniatures
with like the planes for the movieand a diorama of like of the desert
scene. It's gonna be a lotof fun. People can come and costume
with your indie hat and whip.Yeah, I think we want to keep
the whips in the car. That'slike bat daid Yankee standing. Yeah,
don't give them the bats until theyleave. Don't give it to them when
they enter the play. And there'sthat great funny scene, uh where the
big Arab guy with the sword theseminar comes out is whipping it around and
uh, you always want to seepeople do that, like just get to
get the shoot. Yeah, yeah, that's right, that's right. Okay,
beautiful. So take us on saletoday. Any walk ups available.
Tickets are just only online online withwhatever. If you have anything left,
take your chance of walking up.We have maybe get a few walk ups
from have any tickets left over,but I think for this we probably won't
have any leftover. Omaha Christian Academydot org slash movie thirty bucks a pop.
They'll go quickly for this one andthe date again Friday, May seventeenth
at the Omaha Community Playhouse Cay believeit's been fifty events in town either nineteen
ninety two, that's thirty two yearsalready. I can't highly believe that's been
done. Not quite one a yearor not quite two a year off and
on, so two a year backin two thousand and four. Right before
that was like mostly once a year. Yes, Where does this one rank,
Bruce in you York? Personally?For you in terms of all time
Hollywood blockbusters, it's in the topten. Your all time favorites been her?
I remember that absolutely. I thinkthat film trends is transcendent. Great
to see you again, Thanks Bruce. Thanks having me guys for fifty.
One of these days, you're goingto be big enough to get Spielberg in
here well, and you're gonna needa bigger building like he needed a bigger
boat. You're gonna need a biggerbeat. I can't. I can't say
anything on the air today, butthere may be a little surprise Ah at
this event, not just in appearanceby him, but something connected to him,
though. I think they'll impress winnerfrom by the way, Okay,
I'll let you guys know, Susanfind out you've got Bruce Crawford, everybody
coming up May seventeenth. Hard forme to imagine, but Bruce Crawford has
not actually seen Godfather three. Ithought, well I have. I saw
three of them, and I amswimming up stream on this. I thought
all three of them are good.Yeah, I mean it's it wasn't awful.
It wasn't so bad that you'd walkout on it. But no,
I just think it was a bridgetoo far. The storyline was a bridge
too far. Pretty hard. Yeah, And that's the other thing. You're
dealing with one and two and man, come on, that's like Frank Seldich
following Tom Osborn. You can wineight games, but that ain't good enough.
Well, they're not going to goaway. You can still watch them
hard, are you? People?Sort of like the Austin Powers deal.
Well, but the third one wasbad, That's what I mean. They
were trying to keep up with oneand two. All right, that'll be
your next one. You know,I'd get get Heather Graham Elizabeth Hurley and
do you bring Heather Graham and ElizabethHurley, don't even bother bringing the movie?
Bring them? Yeah? God,yeah, that was the three.
Number three was horrible. But oneand two were great. What do you
do, Bruce? What's the processI mean, I I assure I assume
you have something in mind already forfifty one? Right? Yes? What's
the process that you go through topick them? Well? I have to
see who who guests are available,and then I picked the film after that
kind of Sometimes Chicken of the riggwhich comes first. Sometimes it's movie driven,
sometimes it's guest driven. After fiftytimes, I really can't tell you.
There's no formula to it just comestogether, or it does it?
Yeah, I have to plan ahead. Something doesn't come through. I have
to you have Do you have afavorite one of the fifty that you've done
forty nine after several more than justone? Of course. Now, of
course ben her is the most importantbecause that event they put me on the
map. Then I said, myKing Kong event, remember that one.
Here he has Rebred Weber here.That was incredible. Yeah, I got
to meet hereatricia' neil you met there'sstuff that was Billy Gray, Billy Gray.
And then having Wi rentals here forseeing the ring that was quite wo
that was cool. All these peopleare gone now, well they are,
and that's what made your events greatin light of what's been happening with substitute
teachers at Burke High School lately.I think you should bring Summer forty two
man, bring both Hermie and JenniferO'Neill. Now, absolutely, that would
be a great movie. She's stilla beautiful woman. Yeah, and say,
okay, now you understand that statutoryrape, but let's just move on.
Nineteen forty three version, bring UhMidnight run back of course, like
I die and go to heit campout there to get But there were so
many chow big names in that one, Blazing Saddles, I think we'd be
run out of town on that one. Today. I love that movie,
though, God it was all worlds. I think you guys had too many
beans here. All Blazing Saddles toldboth scenes the funniest one to me,
But the whole thing's funny for thefront beginning to end. Why is it,
Bruce that comedies don't get the respectI don't know for for best picture?
They never do. I have noidea. Well, some of them
are absolutely brilliant filmmaking, and there'sno doubt about it. Well, what
he else? His classic comedies,He's got some attention, but not still
not quite mainstream. I don't haveno kind of a prejudice of some kind,
But didn't Anny Hall win the BestPicture? Kind of a comedy slash.
That's I'm talking about comedy comedy comedylike Mad Mad Mad Mad World comedy.
Yeah, and Philip Brooks I lovelike the original producers makes me laugh
uncontrollably, Max me all stick.Yeah. Well, I always go to
Midnight Run because I think that nevergot its due. If you look at
what it took to tell that storyin a in a cogent way and make
people fall down laughing, and itwas very cool. They almost didn't produce
it. The producer said, Idon't think we can do all this,
Remember, I'm sure, and theydid so soon as you gonna have a
vision to it happen. Yeah,at the risk of losing my man card
terms of endearment for me because Iwas in the movie, Well, of
course, yeah, all one tobring back. You could probably get Winger.
I mean you did get Rosa justkind of disappeared. She had That's
why she's available. I don't thinkNicholson's is againible. I don't know about
Jeff Daniels. There surely mcclean's gettingup there. But you could probably get
Wingers in her seventies. Now youcould probably get her. Yeah, she
liked it here. She did likeit here. She frequent many spots in
the one of them and a fewother haunts. Who was who was the
other? A third rock from theSun? Guy that was in Ago.
He's one of my favorite actors.He's a great, great actor. He
still works a lot. He wasjust I mean a long time. He's
everywhere. He was really good inthat movie. He was good, loose,
he's good and everything. Ever didhe turned down the gig? You
probably know this, Bruce, Heturned down the gig as Hannibal Lecter.
He was the first choice for HannibalElector. He could play an evil person
for darn well brilliantly. He giveme so strange. Is this a range?
You can be crazy, funny orabsolutely evil? What a range?
Huh? You know who's a youknow who's a cool guy, and I
think a pretty regular guy and agreat actor is Morgan Freeman. See if
he would come here with Unforgiven,Shaw Shank, Redemption, Yeah, yeah,
yeah, for any of them.The director of Shaw Shank is a
friend of mine. Frank Derbox,here you go. I love to have
him back here for that. Freeman'sgetting up there too. I knew some
I know some anecdotal stories about MorganFreeman where he has done stuff like this
just for nice people. You know, he's very he might come but but
then you start talking about people likethat, you got to have a big
budget, right, because they're notgoing to come in unless they do it
out of the goodness of their heart. Sometimes that does have us for expensive.
That does happen, sometimes very rare, but it has happened to me
a few times. But yeah,Freeman, that guy has got the best
voice in oh Man on the planet. Frank Kelly limitation of talking practice.
All right, Bruce the same,Thank you for having me, Scrapper