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April 15, 2024 105 mins
Who paid for your Coachella ticket?, News Headlines, Redneck News & More!
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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See this is a dude to thegraphic nature of this program. Listener discretion,
is it lies the Woody Show.This is the Woody Show. Insensitivity

Training class is now in session.Hey, good morning everybody. I'll tell

you it's Monday. It is Aprilto fifteenth, twenty twenty four. Hello,
welcome, We are the Woody Show. It is it is tax day?
Yeah, rip right great, Happytax Day anyway, So we appreciate
you being here giving us some ofyour time today. We're free. It's
just your valuable time that you haveto give us for this. And people,
a lot of people say this showis worth what you pay for it.

Yeah, I'm whaty, that's ravy, it's Greg Gory. What Menace
is here? What's up? Yougot? Sea Bass, Sammy Bort,
Caroline. They're here in the WoodyShow production department. See Vaughn is here,
our video producer, Morgan, ouremployee of the month and associates.
She's here ready for a brand newweek here on the Woody Show Today.
Sea Bass has some audio. Hewas at Coachella over the weekend, the

big Coachella Music festival, asking thespoiled brats there, who paid for your
Coachella ticket. Yeah, like yousit there and try to look fancy and
they are, and but hey,who really is paying? Who's footing the
bill here? Sometimes it's daddies,sometimes it's sugar daddies. It's an annual
tradition to parents. Yeah, butit's an annual tradition talking to these folks

about who paid for their Coachella ticket. We're gonna have that for you,
but you we'll get some of thetrending news headlines that and more brabies Nerd
map for the hours up the lastin the world of nerds, plus the
birthdays and the Porno birthday coming uphere on the Woody Show. All right,
like I said, phones are openat eight seven, seven forty four
Woody for you to be part ofany of that. Did you guys see
that Costco has now started offering ozempicand wagovy. Yeah, why we talked

about that a little bit. Yeah, so you can go there. It's
not just like with the the otherlike toiletries and stuff that you can right.
Yeah, it's not on the shelf. Yeah, it's at the pharmacy,
but they do have a service.So if you're a Costco or h
Yeah, if you're a COSTCO member, you can go and you can get
a consultation by one of their youknow, docs or whatever the yes,

wow yeah, so it's like anurse practitioner or somebody whatever. So you
can get your prescription Greg. Okay, and and it's like one hundred and
seventy nine dollars. Oh that's waycheaper. Yeah really yeah for a month
supply usually penning like one thousand yep, right, yeah, it's closer to
a thousand if you god. Butanyway, so that's that's something new I

saw. So great. Maybe youknow you're not you're not going to qualify
for a zepic. You're not goingto qualify for what GOV? Either.
I hate to break. I thinkI could talk the uh what do you
call it? Nurse practitioner into it. Yeah, oh yeah, you'll have
to slide her probably a thousand megadiabetes here yeah, oh no, that
o zepics for diabetes. Right,I'll just say, yeah, I have

hardcore diabetes. It's like, you'renot going to qualify from like the BMI
standpoint. Oh I would No,you wouldn't not for what GOV. Mine's
probably like thirty Yeah, no it'snot. Oh yeah. I think his
last reading says sham moo or something. This is so ironic though, Costco
selling it. It's like you couldget it like it's like getting it at

McDonald's bulk all your food. It'sthe reason that you have to get it
now. Was in way wahers doingthe same thing. They were getting into
the business so they can subscribe it. So that's like kind of weird as
well. I don't know if they'reworking directly with WGOVI, they're not gonna
be able to work with those zembicbecause they're still keeping ozempic. Like I
said, for people who are eitherpre diabetic or diabetic. Yeah, I

get to have a certain blood panelof celebrity. Yeah. Yeah, they're
getting it through back channels. You'renot gonna be able to go to Costco
and get it that way. Butyeah, Also, hey, if you're
too busy, too tired to workout Monday through Friday, a new study
found that you could skip it aslong as you really hit it on the
weekends. He says that either way, the goals just you know, have

at least one hundred and fifty minutesof exercise a week. You could get
it all in one chunk. Yeah, that means you could walk or do
a workout thirty minutes a day,five days a week, or for one
hour and fifteen minutes two days aweek. As long as you get those
one hundred and fifty minutes in,it doesn't matter all right. The weekend
people in their study did just underone hundred and forty eight minutes of exercise

on the weekend, and they stilllost belly fat and kept themselves in shape.
And the only thing that you mightneed a higher intensity work out is
if you go the week weekends onlyroute. So you know, if you're
if you're doing stuff consistently through theweek, you can do a lower intensity
stuff. But uh, hey,you got to bring it. Yeah.
So if you're not doing it duringthe week and you're going to go for
long walks on the weekend, it'sgoing to have to be like power walking,

right. Yeah, I don't thinka long walk would count you really,
the higher intention that you will Okay, you'd have to not walking the
dog. Yeah. I was gonnasay, well, I'll just take a
longer walk on the weekends. Yeah, but it's more of a stroll.
Yeah, I could see strolling doesn'tcount. Strolling does that burn. I
can see that makes sense because I'vebeen I've been talking a lot to Tony

Horton and and and his big thingis like they try to always instill consistency,
and so I'm sure it's just becauseit's calories in, calories out doing
some kind of physical movement, uh, you know, resistance training or whatever,
different depending on what you're trying toaccomplish, bulk up, lean out,
that kind of stuff. But ifit really is it does work out

to the same. If the mathis math, the numbers are numbers and
calories out on a daily basis,But when it comes to the amount of
physical activity to do, I'm sureit's just it's just a number like anything
else, just like your calories inthe of the week. So that makes
sense. I'm sure the fitness andwhatever people don't like it because it goes
it's hard to get that consistency going. Sure, yeah, it makes it

like how you're supposed to build umuscle if you're only doing it one day
a week. Well, Greg iswalking around. He's a man about town.
I know people that spot him walkmy dog. I saw Greg walking.
You know. It's weird though,I could sit at home on the
couch for hours and hours and hoursall alone, chilling out watching TV.
But if I think of going tothe gym, which I won't, or

walk the dog alone, it seemsso sad and lonely, really depressing.
The thought of going to a gymfor an hour by myself destroys my mind.
But if you were there with somebody, be different. They would be
totally different. Really. Yeah.But I could be home alone for a
week and no pody, I'd bereally seriously, I'd be really interested like
that, and with Greg's like wholerestaurant thing of not being at a restaurant

by himself. Yeah, because Iwould really be interested to get like some
kind of like psychologists like you know, what's what's the psychology behind? I
don't know, Because when you wereon your walk kick, you did that
alone, right, Oh yeah,See to me, that sounds so lonely.
That was part of the appeal.Yeah, I prefer really that way.
You can blast your music, youcan get your pump going. You

want to get your pump going,Yeah, I don't walk away somebody.
What is the biggest mistake people makewhen they try to lose weight? It
is stepping on the scale every daykind of in that mode right Lately,
health experts say that checking your weighton the daily could be discouraging because the
number on the scale could be artificiallyhigh. Greg exactly depends on factors like
water retention, bathroom frequency, whichwe've talked about. Like I have take

I have weighed myself before taking agiant dump and then wave afterwards just to
see what's the biggest discrepancy, likea pound or two. Yeah, it's
all like most it's like a poundthat's still I'll take it. Yeah.
We weren't allowed to have a scalein the house growing up because of that
my parents. I mean we hadthree girls in the family and my parents
were just like, no scales,We don't want you obsessing over this kind
of thing. They were never inthe house. We're allowed to have mirrors.

Yeah, they say, if youhop on the scale and you notice
your three pounds heavier than you werethe day before, that doesn't mean you've
actually gained three pounds overnight. Isrecommend weighing yourself no, no more than
about once every two weeks if youwant to see your true progress. Okay,
yeah, because that's so true.You can weigh yourself the next day
and literally be yeah, pounds moreand then you say, fit, I'm

not doing this anymore. And here'sanother tip. If you're looking to lose
weight, as I assume most peopleare. Experts say that turning the thermostat
up when you sit down and eatactually helps. Research shows that women who
sat in a warmer room had lessof an appetite than those who sat in

a cooler area. And you know, chicks are always cold. They are
experts believe our bodies crave more caloriesin lower temperares. Yeah, because it's
working harder to stay warm. Ohyeah, Sarvin, I guess that makes
sense. Interesting, So there yougo. Go get your uh ozepic and
your will go via Costco. Yeah. Exercise twice a week, also the
weekends, and eat in asana.Yeah, eat the sana, and then
don't weigh yourself more than once everytwo weeks. Yeah. Done, You're

welcome. This is the informational educationalpart of the Woody Showing ruled phones open
eight seven seven forty four Wooding hitus. Some of that text over to
two two nine eight seven more WoodyShow is next. Hang on for being
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Rede Is this the Wood Show andwe're into another new hour insensitivity training

for a politically correct world. Itis Monday morning, tax Day, April
the fifteenth. Nice, great lovetwenty twenty four. But Greg got his
taxes done for Yeah, I'm finallydone. Yeah, over with thanks for
being here. I'm what you that'sraving? I'm alive, Greg Gory's here
morning? Yeah? Well is checkGreg? Oh I'm fine now I'm good?

All right? Yeah, there's amenace. What is up? Sea
masses here after a weekend at theCoachella, we'll have an update for who
paid for people's Coachella tickets. Theyall got nice jobs that are practical.
Yeah, liaby cool and stayed ittheir own mind. Yeah, there's Sammy.
Good morning, Sammy Morning. Phonesare open eight seven seven forty four
Wooding. You can hit us upof the text over to two two nine

eight seven. Find it's on socialmedia at the Woody Show on any social
media platform of your choice. There. Yeah, tax date, forty seven
percent procrastinate or just delay doing thetaxes. The average person's spends eight hours
just stressing about it each year.Forty three percent of us will spend more
time avoiding them than it would havetaken just to buckle down and get them

done. Wow. Yeah, itwas easy to get done finally, so
they said, you know, justdon't delay file the extension or you know,
just keep procrastinating those six months.A few days ago, I was
driving by a stripball and you alwayssee like those random offices of like somebody's
name, tax office whatever, right, and there was like at least seventy
five people lined up for this randomtax office waiting to do their taxes.

Wow, they better have a tonof people, Like yeah, how much
they It's not like one of thosethings a transaction you go in I know,
never like if you're waiting in line, like how long is it take?
You can be there for hours?You're going to be there. Yeah,
all right, well, I meanGreg cuts his own here. I
was gonna ask how long are youwilling to wait? Like if you go
because you know most guys we goto you know, eight Clips or sport
Clips or something like that. Whenyou just walk in, how long are

you willing to wait to get thathaircut? Ten fifteen minutes max? Really
you don't know that, So I'dcounted by people in chairs, and that's
if there's one per haircutter person.Yeah, okay, right, No,
I usually ask yes, I'd liketo interact with people, and they'll say
ten to fifteen minutes, anymore thanthey always say something manageable to keep you

in the chair in the MIDI Iwalked in someone, They're like, yeah,
that's gonna be about an hour andtwenty minutes ago, no thing.
Yeah. The place, Yeah,the place I go to, they're pretty
honest about the time. Yeah,Like, I'll give it thirty minutes because
the figure it's gonna take me fifteenminutes to drive home, fifteen minutes to
come back, you know, mightas well just stay Yeah, so half

an hour. Yeah. Fifty sixpercent of people say they pay more than
their fair share in taxes. Whichis up dramatically the last few years.
Raffia. A third of taxpayers saythey pay about the right amount, and
Greg eight percent say they pay thantheir fair share. We'll send more than
Yeah, you're allowed as much asyou want donation? How to one hundred

percent of people know I think they'reovertaxed. Yeah, I don't get it.
I don't you know what? Here'smoore about doing my part. It's
like when Greg joke's about going tolike a car dealer and they go,
well, how much do you wantto pay? Yeah, I have to
pay you five cents? Yeah,how much do you want? I don't
want to pay anything? The world'sdumbest question. What am I willing to

pay? All right? And ofthose eight percent that think they don't pay
enough, how many have sent more? Zero? Yeah I'm not. Here's
some taxes on top of what I'vealready paid. I mean, it's a
nice thing to say. It makesit seem like you're very like, just
so giving giving. If you filefor an extension, noble, you still
have to send your estimated what youthink you're gonna owe. Yeah, yeah,

might as well just do it.I watch a tax pro do it
and I don't understand how they cameup with that number. How can I
estimate that I'd be like, Iguess I owe you three hundred dollars.
I don't know, Yeah, tendollars. Well that's more for contract you
know, employees, they're not payinganything a percentage of yeah, what they're
what they earned. Yeah. Now, if every year you're owing you know,

tens of thousands of dollars or whateverit is, yeah, you know,
and because for whatever your tax situationis, you can kind of get
ahead of that and you're if youhave a tax repairer, they will give
you these like preprinted uh, likelittle vouchers oh that you could just attached
with a check like once a quarterand send it in so at the end
of the year. Oh, ifthere's an adjustment, you're not stuck with

like some big gotcha you know liability. Well I did the math and it
says I don't owe much, right, that was my Yeah. I'm still
very confused about menacing his code becausethe rest of us did taxes and oh
yeah, nobody else verification. I'venever seen that. Nobody. It was
big thing last year what ta andthen uh, I didn't do it.

And then so I did this year. But yeah, yeah, just like
you go to the government website andyou just verify all your information and then
they the last part of it isthey mailed you a code that you would
have to go to the I R. S dot gov so it was official,
and then put in the code toverify your address. Yeah. See
maybe because I do have a taxpreparer. But I mean maybe they did

it. I just did toura tax. I didn't do that last year.
I didn't have to do it thisyear. Yeah, do you guys have
to do a pin of any kind? I didn't. I know what he's
talking about. It was maybe fiveyears ago for I forget why exactly,
but there was some kind because Iwould every year. I asked, do
you remember what your pin was?Like? Nope for me, Yeah,
yeah, it's finally all worked out. I got the code and I entered

in the website. Well it musthave been like a like I said,
my tax preparer must have done that, or if you got to like an
H and R block or whatever,maybe they do it. I guess I
never prepared. I go to theblock. I love the block? Is
that where you went? Okay?Then I don't know. I have no
idea, no, no, no, but I'm getting more of a concierge
service. Yeah, the only onethat had to do it. There's thousands

of people online that were talking aboutit. I've never heard of it.
How is Coachella? Se Bess?It was every year. I'm like,
wow, it's it couldn't get moreobnoxious than this, and then a new
level every year. I go backbecause for folks who don't know, when
you go to Coachella, or ifyou've seen any of the photos from if
you're on TMZ all weekend, rightman, it's like you should be a
walk in the door of the giantFerris wheel right there. Yeah, and

that is for the general publicat right. Yes, that's just this is true,
not the VIPs, and there areliterally thousands. It's like, did
I just walk into a giant photoshore photos shoot or you know, not
that hot but still think they're hot, people like am I in Milan all
of a sudden, how did allthese models get here? Because what it
is it's groups of three and fourmostly girls, some guys, and it

is I'm gonna do a little twirl, I'm gonna hold my hair, I'm
gonna walk towards the camera. I'mgonna walk away from the cameraon to hold
my hand in the air with mywristoll cot and its like hey, and
I'm gonna do that again and again. I'm gonna check those photos go again
and again and again check those potsand then you're gonna do it and I'll
hold the camera for you. Andit's but but times thousands and you think,

well, I thought I came toa music festival, right, you
just it's like any beach in theworld now this but it is, it
is. I get it. Peopleare narcissistic, but it is amplified a
thousand times. I mean the beachis different. Like you're just hanging out
of the beach, right, alsogonna do it in the water whatever,
like you go, you went.You paid all this money to go to
a music festival. You have rightwhen you walk in, you gotta do

your establishing shot and how long,oh for a good half hour part.
I don't disagree. I did.I did go to the Coachella by the
way for a day. But yeah, like yeah, that's what they do
when they walk in, they dothe photo shoot right then. But they'll
do and then they but they doit also another place, and there's oh,
there's some like our quote unquote artinstallations, big glass colored cat tower.

Let's do they're say, fifteen twentyminutes over there. Oh and by
the way, we gotta do iteach time. We change our outfits because
you have your day outfit, butit gets cold at nights, so you
need to get your night outfit.And then there's three different days of Coachella
and those outfits cannot overlap. Soit is. That's so again, it's
like I happen to all cards ofyou know, Lollapalooza, wood the Woodstock

Bond. Yeah, you would wouldstuff come. This is the most denoxious
of all of those. Yeah,for sure it is. And I think
it's because it's just so close toLa and that's the biggest thing. And
you said, I saw I'm friendswith a girl on Facebook. She's like,
oh my god, it's a coachand I saw Taylor Swift and it's
just a video from Blurry and FarAway Taylor Swift. And because I saw

what was it during the Ice SpiceShow. Yeah, they showed up on
Saturday. Well there was. Itwas weird because if I was standing way
far in the back. By theway, you're not getting anywhere close to
anything artist wise unless you're there hoursahead of time. I don't know if
you saw the overhead shots of NoDoubt Raby, but it was massive,
fifteen football fields worth of people juststretched out for basically your whole fair grounds.

But then when I spy started,I'm standing back in the back,
you know, far away, andas she's just about to go on stage,
there's a big crush of people tothe right, but off to the
side of the stage, Like,why is everybody running to that dark area
where you there's nothing over there,there's no and I realized, oh,
it's because that's where the VIP likemega celebrities walk in and they wanted to
get just a fleeting glimpse of whoeverTaylor's Travis Cunsey, which is just another

sad things like, oh my god, there's a celebrity from Moosh. So
yeah, it's again every year,more obnoxious, more of a photo shoot.
What's crazy. This year there wassome more surprise performances than ever.
That was great. That's something thatyou won't get at any other vessel.
Like This year was Billie Eilch justinTimberlake. Olivia Rodrigu came out with with

no doubt your favorite Carol was there? Oh good, that's Rhyme's Laurence Hill,
Kesha Will Smith Smith performed last nightthe Slow com and Becky g One
another favorite. It's been saying aboutBecky Gambino. Look, that's all nice
minutes. But I know the mostguest stars with the iHeart Radio Fest.

I know that it is legendary lifetime. Yeah, that's weird, unlike this.
Yeah, well we have some somecoverage, more so than the outfits
provided because Sea Bess was there askingsome of these more colorful people, like
who paid for their Coachellics? Butyou see these people and you're like you,

there's no way you can hold ona job for yourself, Like you
can't do anything productive in your life? What? What? How? How
did this lifestyle? So? Overthe weekend we posted an old who paid
for your Coachella ticket video on ourInstagram and a lot of people were enjoying
that. And that was from athat was from a previous year. Uh,
this time brand new and we're goingto do it after the break.

It's a fun little game. Whatyou were hearing now show. Well,
if you were on our Instagram overthe weekend, you saw a video that
we posted from a previous who paidfor your Coachella ticket. See Bess has
been doing this every year for anumber of years. Because you look around,
you're like, God, there's noway this person has the money to

afford this ticket, because, yeah, just to get in the doors four
hundred and some dollars is that howmuch of this for the general mission?
Now that's general admission, yeah,which is not for a music festival for
a full three days average. That'snot terrible in not itself, but you
don't want to just have general admission. You wanted the VIP area, which
is like closer to twelve hundred dollars. Weren't. Ticket sales this year is

considered sluggish. They pick up,They were sluggish, and I don't know
if it's just fatigue and there's somany festivals all around the world now yeah,
and people only have so many thousandsof dollars. And the lineup was
kind of well, there wasn't likea giant I knowd it was Tyler the
creator with the headliners, no doubt, Doji Cat, Yes, yeah,

she was but if they if theywere allowed to announce all the guests performers,
they would have, like I don'tknow, they would have sold out.
Yeah, that's why you gotta justtrust in Coachella. I know that
the performers will come. Yeah,who paid for your Coachella ticket? Let's

start with Celeste or actually in hercountry where she's from, Italy. We're
gonna have a little fun with accessto start off, Chilesta, and she's
gonna tell us about her outfit whyshe's there, because I found her.
She's wearing like a brown cow You'reeither a sexy cowgirl or you're like a
sexy space lady shiny metal. Butshe celested was when I found her,

a sexy cowgirl. All right,So, Chileista, what bands do you
want to see at Coachella this year? This is the first time at Kosh
Luck Okay, And I don't likemusicians, So if you don't like musicians,
why are you at Coachella? BecauseI like the vibes Angeles who paid

for your Coachella ticket? Like thevibes? Listen to her all day.
She is cute. She's probably likethe Pope's niece or something. I like
the vibes. That's a Celesta.She doesn't know anything about any of the
musicians like them, but she likesit. I like a pretty outfit and
my friends are trying. So doyou think she I'm surely she saved up

working as a factory to pay I'min she made so much burla pasta tomato.
That's right, Menace went to Italyand like just saw penis pasta.
Every right, that was the onlytakeaway And it was confirmed, right,
Raby, it was confirmed that thereare a lot of penis possible. The
stupid tourists to buy it so much. We cannot keep up with demand,

especially when you have an eye forwiener, you know, yeah, Lesta,
who if she didn't pay for it, who do you think did pay
for it? She's always an option, they always they They were sitting in
the factory working day for a year. So who was she with? She
was just a bunch of little girlfriends, a bunch of simple yeah, same
thing like other Italians. I'm gonnasay her parents sent her over. Parents.

We're talking about the flight from Italy. Some photos of her. She's
she doesn't even like musicians. Idon't. I don't like that one.
Yeah, exactly. Yeah, shemight have a sugar daddy. She's not
tall, which when you walk aroundCoachella, you're like, oh, that's
a model because the girl is sixft and it's obvious the models. But

she's not. She's like five fourwhatever, you know. So I saw
the amount of followers. I actuallythink it's probably so brand, some brand,
three hundred and ninety six thousands,the card arcs we have more than
three or nice six thousands, Butyou're not a nobody's model organisicians. Yeah,

it's either funded or I'm gonna sayshe just paid herself, all right,
greg being Yeah, she's an independentwoman and she has cute accents.
Yeah, look some type of brandpaid. Okay, right, parents,
parents, I'll go parents herself,herself, sugar daddy, sugar daddy?
All right? Who paid for herCoachella ticket? Who paid for your Coachella

ticket? My augent? Oh you'reright? Are you a model? Not
influencer and influence? Not influencer andtick talker? Int C E L E

s C E D M. Andwhat will I see on your influencer media?
Makeup, skin, carriage, JEWELSAand nothing jewel I love her,
she's the founder and CEO the Jewelsmy CD M Sparkly. I love it.

So was she all blinged out withher jewelry? I mean, well,
it's very sparkly, a lot offacial jewelry, but it's again,
it's so much you don't even reallycan tell, Like if you look at
the photo on her Instagram her thatbrown again cowgirl outfit thing is it was
actually pretty plain relatively because the nextguy, this fellow, yes, fellow,
because I was, I was goteven especially Ice Spice. I was

looking around. I was like,did half the population of males turn gay?
Because it was all gay dude.Yeah, I say the code audiences
maybe fifty percent girls, another thirtyregular dudes boyfriends. There was a new
electronic stage and there was quite afew gay guys there. They're playing like
Madonna like crazy, right, SoI think there was an artist that was

very catered to the community. Yeah, because I saw it was there are
tons of folks of that persuasion there. And that's where glitter Daddy is nice.
I couldn't get a real name outof him, but he was kind
of a large blue but again veryshiny, sort of fake jeweled crown under
Danny all kinds of stuff he's gonnaellus about, right. So it's like
a purple, very shimmery gown anda crown. What's your inspiration for this

outfit? Well, the moon isthe biggest inspiration that some rules my house.
I'm cancer, Yeah, so Iwanted to go with that energy for
tonight's so as a moon goddess.How was the eclipse for you? It
was pretty spiritual. I did alittle ritual, a release. We did
a we actually all did it together, his friends and we cut ties to

release any negative energies for the yearso that we're prepared to take in all
of our matching paid for ticket.God. So this is how you sound
by the way I did that withmy friends. Say they energy release ritual.
A lot of the moon downs representcancer. Everybody knows that does make
room for the It's a lot ofvague nonsense. That is nonsense. He's

cutting out negative his sugar daddy,that paid litter Daddy's sugar daddy. Correct.
Try to get a visual on Ididn't get his Instagram. But it's
a big shiny God. He wasnot going to flow a flowing gown moon
thing old young maybe thirty thirty.But does this make a difference? Greg,

not not a skin tight hot gay. He was like more of a
bear type. All I would saywas he g A R V I B
T. You know I didn't see. I will say that he paid for
his own ticket. Yeah, partof the scene. Yeah, because the
Sugar Daddy one would be more twinkishway youngereen year old bud Byatty. You

pay for himself? Or did theypool money with his release group, his
Eclipse release group? Yeah? Ishe somebody's hooker? Hooker? But that
happens like where they come, youknow, sexual services for the ticket purchase,
Greg can suck your way there.But there's ten thousand of those little

tiny ninetees like our old boss usedto pick these guys up every weekend,
especially in La. Yeah, Icouldn't join us at a bar. Yeah,
but maybe there's somebody there who likesa bear. That's a lot of
work to bring in a hook exit. But you're not paying for a bear,
you know, Yeah, exactly.You pay for the eye candy,
you don't pay for some slob.Right, I'll say he paid for his
own ticket, Sugar Daddy, SugarDaddy, Greg Gory I'm gonna stick with
a collective saved up paid for hisown ticket? I think a boyfriend?

Boyfriend? Okay, let's find outdid the glitter daddy pay for his own
Coachella ticket? Who paid for yourCoachella ti? Oh? A friend?
Oh? A friend? Like?How a friend, just a friend paid
for all of our group tickets?How do I know this type of friend
curating the vibes? So? Whatis this a sugar daddy? What do
we talk about here? A groupsugar daddy? Like platonic? Actual platonic?

And how did you get to findthis patron through our friends? Strawberry?
Here was a friend named Strawberry,and of course she's dressed in like
strawberry shortcake. That's what I wasabout to say. There was definitely like
some chicken there where the guy coveredher in all that because he didn't want
to talk to the girl. Solike, let's bring along movie here,
tonic group sugar daddy? Well thereal quick? How did you find this

person that paid for all these Coachellatickets? He was actually having a birthday
party where they called it his lastname, And then Cella and one of
my friends invited me, and thenme and him became really close friends.
And now we're here. It wasall book twelve hours ago and it's just
like a billionaire we don't know about. Not a billionaire, but you know

he owns a company. Yeah,they flew in from Brooklyn twelve hours prior,
pretty much. How weird. Thatmust be nice to own a company
and invite like all of the allthese bohemian people who again are worthless to
society, but you like keeping aroundthe atmosphere. All right, we're doing
a who paid for Your Coachella ticket? And we're gonna have a couple more

after the break the world warmed up? Now, yeah, I'm loving it.
Between that Italy chick, I'm gonnaand then of course I glitter Daddy
said. Now that we're all warmedup, round number two of who paid
for your Coachella Ticket? This isthe Woody Show, and we're back with

another round, Part two Who paidfor Your Coachella Ticket? Sea Bass was
on the scene, and so farwe had one chick who was an in
celest celestial from Italy, and thenwe had glitter Daddy, who is just
glitter Daddy got his ticket paid forbecause there was one guy who paid for

a group of people, including thisone chick. It reminds me speaking of
o J is of Kato Kaylin.It's just like just around and he gets
to hang out, hanging out whereverI go. That's one the things hang
on. I did have one quickquestion though you did go to the festival.
Was there any performances that you enjoyed? I mean they were fine,

they were like the Italian lady justthere. Well, that's what that's why
I go. It's why I alwaysgo. He doesn't go music. I'm
not just going. And I happenedto do interviews? Is the Italian lady
was there as well? He's goingfor she was going there to get photos
so she could be more famous onInstagram. Yeah yeah. And he's going
there to get content make fun ofpeople going there. I was there to

get content. I think what whatMenace is saying is I'm no better than
these people. No, honestly,I want to know if there was any
performance and it was fine. Well, like like I said earlier, wasn't
that there weren't any great like actsthat I was like, Oh wow,
I can't see you see no doubtanywhere else? And I saw a spicy
like, and I've talked to thisbefore. Any live wrap almost always is
bad because it's just the production andthe processing isn't the same. Also,

there's a thousand people on stage,all with microphones. Well yeah, well
I spice it wasn't that bad.Yeah, but yeah, but again,
and you're so far away from people. I would much rather go see even
an arena show where you're kind ofall around somebody, but you're you're two
hundred yards away, so you're you'rewatching a video monitor unless you're there early.
Well, who paid for your Coachellaticket? Who was next? This

is a Pria very just if yousaid this is a generic chick at Coachell's,
Priya is same thing. But again, she's standing in front of the
Ferris wheel for all her modeling shots. Okay, let's talk to her about
that tonight. I went for moreof the classic vibe yesterday. I did
very like Princess because I'm Lana delRey, but tire of the crew was
giving just more like classic Coachella.So I got like a Pepper Mayo skirts.

Honestly, this is from my mom. She has our own clothing store
in Seattle. You're a top,Yes, my top my little Brolette and
then my belt is Urban Outfitters Boots. Honestly, Amazon, I went with
the cheap Vergin today and then alsoAmazon for my glasses. Who paid for
your Coachella ticket? You got thatbar slued voice? Yeah? You know
parties? You know she parties aclothing store Pepper Mayo. Apparently that's a

brand of clothing. Okay, I'massusing the mom right because the mom would
want some photos of her clothing atCoachella, right, that could be Yeah,
that's a business expense. I'll sendmy daughter out there. But it's
a good point. Some you know, clothing brand that doesn't make any money,
so she can't afford to Center.That's just like kind of her side
thing. That local shop. Istill bet mom paid for I think dad

did, okay, And the momjust has like a clothing store for fun,
well, clothing store to get herout of the house that the dance
paying for. I think she paidfor it, but I think that she
lives at home so she doesn't haveexpenses, so that she just spent her
money on the count. I heardAmazon in there, and that's gross.
I'm getting the sense she paid forit, all right, Okay, Okay,
I think your parents paid for it, paid for it all right,

let's see you Priya, who paidfor whorse, that's a slip, who
paid for her coachellat Who paid foryour Coachella ticket? Myself? Me and
only myself obviously obviously VI I Por G A G A. I gotta
keep it basic. Hopefully in thenext couple of years, I get invited

and I'll be all VAK what's theproud? Do you know what the process
is of getting invited to Coachella andget all these freebies you need? You
need a following one hundred percent following. Mine's at pre an the house I
got on almost three thousand, soit's super minimal. How do you spell
that? P R I Y Aand I E H A U S.
I want go follow so I can'tget invited next year for that VIP access.
Help helping poor young lady. Ladyjust trying to get invited. She's

paying her own way to be here. I mean, I'm camping, I'm
doing the whole thing. Roach goodfor her, good for her. It's
weird. Yeah, you know shewants to get the in for free,
but how can you get in forfree? Unless you're hot at Coachella,
You've got to build no good forher start out. I just do one
more. Who paid for your Coachella? This is Marissa again, she's a

sexy cowgirl. Look didn't tell usabout that. This is vintage Selene best.
I got this Reformation vintage for avery good price. I'm obsessed with
it. And then just literally randombra. No, are you embarrassed that
people can see your bra? No? I love it. That's the point.
And then these are fry fry bootsfor folks who don't know what's fries.

I got smaller right, No,it's a big company. It's like
the best boots. But they haveto be broken into my feet. Hurt
right now? Hey, if itdoesn't hurt, it doesn't work right exactly,
give me a soap. Who paidfor your Coachella ticket? They hurt
the work, That's exactly it.And that's the motto that you get a
tattoo of. Yeah, wearing aSelene vest so I had no idea.
Apparently Selene is a name that's I'mseeing them used five hundred dollars. Yeah,

it's a high end brand. Iwill say she did not pay for
her ticket? Away. I waswrong on that last one. Yeah,
but I'm definitely getting did not payfor my own ticket vibes. I'm getting
daddy's girl, same blown out voice, yeah, or virgin of like her
parents or sugar Daddy. I'm saying, Daddy, did you get any social

numbers on her? I didn't.She was there, Okay, here's she
was there with a girl who wasmost definitely a model, and that model
didn't want to talk to me.Fun, let's talk to this guy.
Okay. So she's somebody's guest andshe's like probably and for a model,
she's probably like thirty, God's friendnot dead? Great gory. What do

you think? I'm sticking with daddy, Daddy? She was a guest,
a guest. I'm with razy.I think I think she was a guest
of a performer. All right,sammy parents, parents, Marissa, who
paid for your Coachella ticket? Paidfor your Coachella ticket? Yeah, guess
we're in a house. We're actuallyon a brand trip with guests right now,
and I'm not wearing any guests.But that's okay. How do you

get hooked up with guests? Yes, there are modeling agencies, Yeah,
yeah, you model? I usedto be and you just get that.
There's like, hey, hey,you want to come to Coachell and be
hot? Yeah? I love beinghot, but I love Coachell. Actually,
in the hierarchy of passes, youwould want to be a guest over
a vi P. I was guestis in the brand? Yeah it's a

Raby, you said guests or guest? I said guest? Yes, wow,
Raby nailed that. She's a littleold for parents to start be paying
for this. But the clothing brand, guess paid for her. Yeah,
menace, I promise you I talkedto that. Okay, but she here's
here's the's who's on first. She'sa guest of a guest model. She's

a former model herself. Gotcha.Well that's how you play. Who paid
for your coach? Elton? I'lltell you, ladies, if you are
a woman and new, you areyoung, and you're not hot, what
are you doing with yourself life?I mean, you're just Why did all
these chicks sound the same? Behot? Just be hot and the world
gives you things done? More Woodyshows next hang On. The show returns

right after these messages. Woody Show. Yeah, we were into another new
hour insensitivity training pree politically correct world. It's Monday morning, it's full the
fifteenth, It's tax Day twenty twentyfour. Woody ravy gray butt you there's
menace? What is the woody seabasses? Here? We got Sammy phones were

open at eighty seven seven forty fourWooding. You can ahead of some of
the text over to two to nineeighty seven, just in case you were
wondering or hoping. There was nodeathbed confession from Oj Simpson. Oh did
you hear that rumor about an NBA. Yeah, he's not a rumor,
true, it is true. Yeah, they said all his kids, including

the two that he had with Nicole, were there with him during his final
days. Yeah, but all thefamily, friends and medical staff were all
forced to sign NDA's. Sorry.So if there was a deathbed confession,
what do we even know about it? But I doubt there was because it
just being such a narcissism. Well, I think they were signing das.
So they didn't put the word outthat OJ was in fact dying, right

because if he was, because thatwould have brought a lot of you know,
people to his because yeah, whatdamage do you do? It?
It's hard to defame a dead person. So if I'm especially Nicole's kid and
this is my dad who killed mymom allegedly. Uh, and he confesses,
I'm sure as hell talking about that, sue me. Come after me
for whatever damage I'm doing to yourestate. You have to show, like

what would be his future earnings,his estate's earnings? How am I damaging?
Much? OJ's lawyer, the executorof the will, saying that they
are going out of their way tomake sure the Goldman's get thing wasn't that
night? Oh wow, Well that'stheir job to do that, right,
Yeah, absolutely nothing. And theysaid, especially them rare putting tattoos of

of foray OJ's dead. You're alreadyget that tattooed across my back. Yeah,
forray OJ's finally dead. Wow.Iran was raining missiles on Israel on
Saturday, at least they tried.They launched more than three hundred drones and
missiles, ninety nine percent of whichwere destroyed before they even made it there,
thanks to Israel's got this crazy missiledefense system and also US fighter aircraft

that were knocking them out. TheUS says they're not going to be part
of any response that Israel might takesaying the US is quote not seeking escalation
and does not want a war withIran. But again, the technology and
the stuff, it's incredible because youknow, Israel has been in this situation
for a long time. There's aname for it that they call Yeah,
yeah, I don't know anyway,the way it works is like, so

before they get intercepted, before theyeven come close to the ground. Oh
so keep shooting away then, butthree hundred drones and missiles some still got
through. That's why there's I'm doingit. But apparently like those that like
they're considering three hundred very few.You've got to send three hundred you get
a couple on the ground. Yeah. Part of the technology originates from space.

So it's pretty crazy how that allworks. I know. Just think
about the technology to intercept a missile, right, that's insanity, how fast
that thing's moving. Right. Yeah, I think about like clay shooting stuff,
you know, right, they shootone of those clay discs up in
the air and you try to shootthat out. What's scary is they have
dis missiles they called hypersonic missiles,and those are the ones that are very

hard to shoot out of the sky. I guess like the because I saw
something about like Iran shoots a missileand it it takes forever to get there
because you know, it's got togo. Yeah, it's got to go
a distance, you know. Butthe hypersonic stuff is like, yeah,
really really fast. You guys rememberthe name John Wayne Bobbitts I'm talking about.
Oh yes, yeah, the penisguy. Yeah, yeah, he

became a he became a household nameback in the day because his wife cut
his penis off. This is nineteenninety three, and now he's lost his
toes. Oh no, due tocontaminated water. Greg from Camp La June,
Oh no, really crossover. Theyrun these commercials all the time.

Do you or anybody you know spendany time at Camp La June? Right,
but yeah, he was stationed therein the eighties. And the lawsuit,
yeah, they say the exposure causednerve damage, leading to all of
his toes needed to be amputated.It sucks, Yeah, it sucks.
Wow, just when it couldn't getworse. But hey, you're about to

get paid. Yeah right, butno toes walk But exactly whatever happened to
his penis, they reattached it.Yeah, they found it. Yeah,
I know they found it, butoutside of the road, I don't.
I can't remember that it works.Yeah he did porn. It does work,
Yeah, he does porn. Heshowed it off, but it doesn't
actually work, can it? Rodfinish? Uh? She was declared insane.

Yeah, from what I remember,by reason of insanity. I wonder
where she is Lorena, Lorena Bobbit. I'm looking at it right now.
And we have a we have anupdate to the daughter of whine on a
Judd. Remember we told you shegot arrested. She was flashing her cans
on a Alabama highway. Yeah,so she was charged with prostitution last week,

flashing her breast on a busy Alabamahighway while holding up a ride for
a ride sign while on a suspecteddrug induced frenzy. Good lord, but
not too high to make a cleversign a ride for a ride. I
am watching the John and bobbed uncutlucky. Yeah. It does not look

like he's able to achieve anything atall. It's it's got like a it's
kind of hanging there, well,not really even. It's got kind of
a bump in the middle around thearound the head, around the circumference,
I should say attached scarring. Yeah, and if these girls what they're what
they're doing to him, no mancould resist, you know, bean roused
and he is not. Huh okay, now no to I don't know if

viagara is popular back then when heshot show you right now, Sammy virture
your Yeah, I've been looking awaythis whole time. Look there's two ladies
and okay, there's no way youcould say look at I mean, look
what they're doing. There's no wayyou're gonna stay either. He's got a
micro Oh yeah, I think thatis Again, that's before viagra. Could

viagra help that? Maybe if you'renot able to Rod, viagra is just
gonna make your life The blood flowsa little messed up from his injury,
right, that's what I saying.Yeah, yeah, how are the Oh
he's there doing stuff. She's she'sriding them all right, okay, ride
for a ride, for a ride. Okay, he's hooking up a three

hot chicks at the same time.The name you're thinking of menaces an iron
dome people iron doll Yeah, likeIsrael's missile defense system Iron Dome. It's
kind of like you're watching Star Warsand they had the shields up. You
know, how are the surgeons thatreattach this penis not world famous? Like
they get home from work that day. How was work, honey? This
guy's penis penis that was found onthe side of the road. So just

another Tuesday's incredible. He shows nexthang up, next show. I've had
so many tris I coudn't even tellyou what I'm gonna double now. This
is the show good morning everybody,idiot. So Sammy says that she has

proof that serving sizes mean nothing Greg, and they're based off nothing. This
is kind of like, like,I don't know what she's gonna say here,
but just when she said that alone, it reminded me of Greg saying,
yeah, so you're trying to say, like that stuff is all well,
whatever they're put putting on the packaging, this is the serving size.

It's just completely made up. Idon't think it's really based off of anything.
Because I was at the grocery storeand I was looking at just a
kind of full tub of guacamole,and I was looking at the ingredients and
everything like that and whatever the servingsize was, and then I went,
oh, I'm gonna get I thinkI'm gonna get the individual packages, same
company, same brand, same itemexactly. It's just the small portion one

for individual sizing, and that onewas double everything because the portion size was
double because when you're getting this tinything, that is obviously the portion,
but when you're buying the bigger tub, they're trying to act like the numbers
are all different. So they havethe portion size cut in half. You're
not measuring how you're eating it,right, So it was the same thing

but different. Yeah, no,I see. So if you would take
the portion size for what was onthe bigger package, it would equal half
the size of what they're selling isan individual port right, right, because
they know that nobody is calculating exactlywhat they're doing off of the bigger So
are you saying the small version,let's say, was one quarter the size

of the tub. It should andthat's one serving size for the small one.
The tub should be four serving,correct, right, but instead it
was like eight. Right. Ithink what they do is they don't they
they kind of figure. It's likewhen you're trying to price a house,
or you know, a business istrying to price a service or an item.
They figure out like instead of sayingone hundred and thirty thousand, say

one twenty nine nine, right,because it's just under thirty for psychology,
psychology reasons, just a little bit. So when they're talking about serving size,
is like, all right, well, what can we put on there
that won't be a total deal breakfor people as far as calories go?
Right? Right? Okay, forhowever many calories that number is, then
how big they how much can weactually give them? And they'll say,

like, you know, serving sizethree and a quarter whatever they are,
Yeah, right, but you can'thave like an individual package thing and say,
oh, but a serving size ishalf of this mm hmmm, because
you know it's meant to be eatenthe right exactly. Yeah, I can't
relate to the conversation look at it. Yeah, well, because the the

portion sizes are so shockingly tiny,like in peanut butter, a serving size
is like what would be able sponor tablespoon? Ye, give me a
break, right, Like you're gonnause why the labels mean nothing because nobody
is even using the amount that they'resaying the serving sizes. Yeah, like
I got those those Trader Joe's darkchocolate covered raisins, right, and I'm

you know, looking at the servingsize and it's like sixteen raisins, Like
what do you think I'm gonna do. I'm gonna sit there and go like,
come on, what it does thatyou grab? You grab a handful
of those things and then you moveon. Serving size means the package,
you know, right, especially ofthat. Yeah, well, according to

the old FDA they have they haveactually updated this recently that serving size by
law must be based on how muchfood people actually consumed and not on what
you should be eating or what's ityou know. So so like if you
have a twelve ounce soda, sixteenounce soda, twenty ounce soda, they
realize or they've now come around tothe fact that you're gonna drink this whole

thing. Yeah, and so that'swhat the size should size soda should reflect
what this person out of eating outof that container would actually because that makes
sense, it does. I didn'tsee it, but college chick hoopstar Caitlyn
Clark made a surprise appearance on SaturdayNight Live during the weekend Update second Michael

J. Rap for what you justdid? Over his many jokes about women's
sports. She ras good guys.It was some good. The WNBA draft
is today, she's expected to gonumber one overall to the Indiana Fever.
It's exciting. Yeah, it is. There's gonna be like ten thousand plus
people just gathered to watch at GamebridgeField House. More than forty Planet Planet

Fitness locations across the country have receivedbomb threats. Why after this conservative movement
against Planet fitnesses, they have thistrans inclusive locker room policy. They went
viral onlines and who cares that muchabout any stuff? Bomb threats? Oh
yeah, right, worth it.I mean the story in itself was interesting

because they had some perv guy uhin the women's locker room saying he was
trans. But he was clearly inthere just he just pank. No,
I was not pranking. He wasperven his perfranking to patrol the policy.
No, he was out there perven. Did he try to do something like

did he try to like? No? But I mean if somebody is a
legitimate trans woman, there's you know, they take care of themselves, they
put makeup on, they look thepart, stereotype Beard Raby, the stereotype
Lean. Yeah, that's all right, I'll o them. Then bomb threats,

I don't know. That's because hegets out there and sure all the
nuts have access to everything. Now, yeah, that was pretty problematic,
right, you know what, sendyour letters how much I care at Raby.
Two men in New Jersey have beenaccused of stealing hundreds of shopping carts.

They're known as the shopping cart bandits. When they were caught, they
were asked, dude, why areyou guys stealing shopping carts? And apparently
they sell for about two hundred dollarseach wholesale. I don't know who's buying
that. I guess smaller stores likeLittle Bodega's, smaller stores they buy them
from these guys instead of going outand paying full price for them, or
they scrap them for cash, asad a wal Mart and Philly. And

I was looking around and they're likefour carts. And I went walk to
the security guys who were just eatinglunch off the back of their car,
like, yeah, some guy camein here one night with a U haul.
It took them all. Oh allright, so yeah he's like yeah
whatever. Yeah, they were inthe article talking about it. I forget
how many they keep, you know, on hand, at any at any
given day at the store. Butthey said they noticed their supply was dwindling,

and all the carts had been collected, and they're like, wait,
what's going on here? How havethey Then they did account, They looked
at how many they had, andthey said they know that people who live
close buy. Maybe we'll take one, and which is something like, but
it'll eventually make it back because they'lltake that that cart, they'll bring it
back with them to use it againuntil it gets until it finds its way
in the creek. But well,men, it's to your point that cracks.

A lot of places, especially innot great neighborhoods, have the wheel
locks. However, those are onlytriggered if you hit the transponder. If
you look a little de inside thecart weeds. Here, you look at
the edge of a parking lot thathas the wheel locks, you'll see a
little tiny line in the asphalt,and that's where there radio. But if
you have it a certain distance away, maybe they perhaps in the back of

a truck where that that signal isn'tgetting in there or there. You can
just buy one of the unlockers oneBay, or if you're really handy,
you can Actually they have posted thecodes, the trans the transponder codes.
You put that in like a dolphinor flipper and you or even in your
phone. Sometimes you can actually broadcastoh what they call it. They call
it like a vampire or something orother where when you're when your speakers produce

sound waves, you're also producing whatI think they called vampire RF radio frequencies.
I've got I've actually used it myphone. Beep beep beep, beep,
beep beep, and it comes unlockthe wheels. So what's the mechanism
on the wheel, because are thereare any actual electronics in there? Yeah,
or like a little plastic tooth systemthat really they charge it. That's
a great question, I think,because like those double a's in there.

Oh really, I always wondering that. I'm like, well, because it's
a cart I didn't think it waslike any kind of like actual I thought
to it. Yeah, I thoughtmaybe there was some kind of magnetize.
I don't know what I thought.I guess I wasn't thinking. You can
look on YouTube where they just theytake them a part and to show you
it's some more like a nine voltlooks like actually eight seven seven. I've
taken my judging of the non cartreturners even further when you go when you

go to the grocery store, youkind of have a general idea when you
get there what you're going for,right, right, right, Like you're
going for a couple of things,or maybe you're stocking up for a party.
I get it. But every person, it seems to me, uses
a cart no matter what, Yeah, use a car, probably wants here.
Maybe I use a basket like thehand one. And why would going

if you're going to go in,Oh, I need some chicken for dinner,
a couple of veggies. Now,just judging people for using carts,
well, if when they walk outand they have like things that you could
easily carry in your hands, whythe hell are you using a cart?
It's one bag? Are you thatlazy? Are you that you don't plan
ahead? And then the shopping cartsand if you're using it for its intended

purpose chicken, you're gonna get usea cart. I think people just do
it out of habit. I knowfor me, I will just grab it
out of habit and I'll walk in. And those are the people that inevitably
just leave them sitting in the parkinglot. Well, that's what That's my
point. If you use the cartfor its intended purpose to shop, and
then you leave and you put iteither back to the front of the store

or at the crowd, no harm, no foul. I'm not taking issue
with people using carts for but it'slike any type of shopping. Oh,
I forgot launch of detergent. Letme run into the store and get something.
My cart is way too dainty,Greg to be the basket. I
think that's what it is. You'vegot these little tiny girls who can't carry

eight pounds of detergent because I watchpeople walking out of the store with a
cart and there's like three things inthere, like you can't carry that.
Have you gone to one of theselike little target expressed places where they have
the basket that has wheels on thebottom of it. Oh really? Oh
yes, so cure it's really doorablelike some of the Walgreens on the strip.

Yeah, I don't like him ateight seven seven, Yes, baby,
get it? We're back? Yes? Get it yet it? Yes?
Yes? So what do you show? All right? Well again,
I just want to thank everybody ifyou made it out to our fiesta on
Saturday with Cypress Hill. Thank youto DJ j Spinosa, Thank you so

much, to a Quinto's Soul Mariachiband, fun everybody, the Blasco Theater
very friendly, yes, and whata what a great place. We had
never been there before. Hm.And so it was a fiesta for the
ages for sure. Cypress Hill killedit. Oh god, so great.
Yeah, as advertised. DJ JaSpinosa was fantastic, very good. J

Yeah. And then Tim Martinez,could we get a one time Martinez holding
it down? Dude. He's incharge of really organizing all of our events
and making sure that things go offwithout hitch and making sure that it's all
coming together when it needs to cometogether. And just I sent him an
appreciation text yesterday. Yeah. Itwas, it was, it was.

It was really good. Favorite moments, favorite moments I can remember. Watching
you react to cy was my favoritething. Yeah, oh yeah, you
rage to Cypress Hill was the best, dude, including you. We were
on stage making announcements and just talkingabout whatever, and then while I was

talking, you came up to meall giddy and You're like, they smoked
me out. Yeah I think.Yeah. People enjoyed watching you and Joe
yep. Yeah, well and theysaid let him smoke more. Yeah,
I was, well, I wasright up front it It really was all
about cybers Hill. Had nothing todo with really the drinks or the weed.
I was just right up front.I'm like, man, when am

I going to get an opportunity tosee one of my favorite artists this close
for our own show? Like andso I was like, you know what,
forget it, I'm just gonna stayright here. I thought about being
up there for like a couple ofsongs, and I was having a good
time with the fans who were upfront, and it was it was,
man, that was a blast.It was my buddy who I brought,
who was like a megafan of Cybersil, like connoisseur, knows everything like even

there like uh individual stuff. Hesaid, dude, what he is like
a legit fan? Oh yeah yeah, oh yeah yeah, oh yeah,
big time, big time. Itwas. It was great. And yes,
people like, did you runse you'remaking an ass for yourself? Absolute
I do, but I figured likethis is one of those things. It
was to seize the moment opportunity.Oh you had fun? Yeah, so

that the first time you're making yourselfYeah, And I'm like, it's okay.
Are having fun at a concert.Have you ever heard the show?
You lose it? It happens allthe time, but no, thank you.
Everybody ten years can't believe it.I think there's some shenannigans going on.
The Woody Show is back. Anotherbig headline today. I I really

couldn't care at all about this,but it's a big headline today. President
Trump's hush money trial gets under wayin Manhattan today. This is the one
involving Stormy Dayling Daniels. That's allwe'll say about that, and again,
don't care. Also, OJ's lawyersays there's gonna be no cte testing on
his brain. That would have beeninteresting. Oh sure, I'd love to
get some info on And why notif you're the family or if you're OJ,

Like what like? Why not doit to be done with them?
I guess why wouldn't you do itfor someone who I'm convinced has ct That
would be Antonio Brown. He wasjust posting recently to Free Joe Exotic,
like, oh boy, that's wherewe're at. Antonio. Not good.
Yeah. The lawyer says he's goingto consult with the children on it,

but as of now, OJ's wishesto be cremated and then leaving the rest
up to the kids will be honored. So I mean to me, I
don't know, Maybe maybe they endup doing it and maybe that's what he
wanted. Yeah, what do youthink think? I mean, you're the
kids? What do you guys think? You know, if you're the kid
of OJ would do you think thathe made his body? And yeah?
Yeah, I mean obviously they havedifferent feelings than we do, but I

would do that be like, no, that's it, end of this chapter.
But do you think that they thinkhe did it? I mean they
you can convince yourself want to believe? Yeah, if you're a living,
breathing human, don't you think yourself? Whatever? You that is very true.
Yeah. Yeah, and there's alsorumors that maybe his son was involved.

I don't know. Yeah, that'sbeen on long standing rumors and who
knows what he thinks. So Nikerolled out teamsa's track and field uniforms the
Paris. Yeah, okay, sothe men's uniforms are one thing, but
the women's uniforms are being called inthe question. They're very skimpy even compared
to the men's stuff. And uhso this long jumper her name's Tara.

She says, wait, my huhais going to be out? Oh no,
yeah, I mean so they're Imean they're it's like a really high
cut hip bearing look to it,and so they're questioning, like, you
know, what kind of personal groomingthey're going to need to do just to
wear these things. There's gonna bea lot of canter. Yeah, because

the men's uniforms have like a likea mid thigh length to the shorts and
like a full coverage tank op thingsomebody else said absolutely not made for performance
for women. Well did you see? I mean, the fanatics keep they
keep getting crap about the baseball uniforms. There was some other players this week

where yeah, well there was someother player this weekend. The pants they
just tore right along the seam downthe side, and this the whatever called
the caption was like, you know, more winning, more fanatics, which,
of course facts they blamed it onNike because Nike is the one that
designed them and they built them oryou know, they put them together to
their specs of what they said.But yeah, fanatics is catching all the

fire for that. Fanatics is actuallyputting together like uh, like a comic
con for sports It's gonna happen inAugust. It seems like it's gonna be
pretty cool Comic Con for Sports Con. Yeah, okay with Tom Brady and
stuff. Yeah, it'd be huge. See Brady might come out of retirement
for the right team. Yeah yeah, yeah, just to keep his name

out there. Yeah. Well,he's gonna be on Fox this year.
That uniform looks mighty uncomfortable if you'rea woman. Oh my god, it's
a front wedge, right, lookslike a gymnastics leochard. Just the bottoms,
Like drape's gonna come out, youknow, that's what she's saying.
Totally, it does almost guaranteed.Oh my god, it's not a Libya

for a drape will be coming out. True. Yeah, like you know
what she said, Yeah, notwrong. What if you're doing like U
the high what what's what's the thing? The pole vaulting? Right? You
catch and you and you catch thepole with a lip, You're you're kind

of like going over you know whatI mean, right, I mean it's
not a hard there break your labemLike when if if you just kind of
graze over the top of it,you know, and like a lip catches
and you know, and that couldhave cost you your gold. They would
have been like, she would havebeen fine without the lip. We falling

for fake news though, because thatdoes look like what Sammy's saying. That's
for the gymnastics team. They're sayingthis is specifically tracked and field. Well
yeah, because it's just the bottomsthough, but the way that it fits
would be like a gymnastics leotard onthe bottom. Everything is not fake news
minutes, believe it or not,Some of this stuff actually happens. Just
asking the question, it's it's allover the place this morning. Yeah.

They usually like have like really shortshorts. Yeah. Yeah, these are
just even shorter than usual. There'sno chance this is the final uniform that
you're going to see him. That'swhat Nike says. They said, this
is it. There's no way.All right, more Woody shows coming up.
Hangouts, take your feet up onthe dashboard, back in a field,
The Woody Show. Come on,you guys, take on, take

your mouse peg. Come on youguys. This is the Woody Show,
and we are into another new hourof insensitivity training for a politically correct world.
It is Monday morning. It's aroll. The fifteen twenty twenty four.
Whatdy, that's Ravey. Good morning, there's Greg Gory, there's Minutes,

Good morning, Woody. You gotSea Bass, Sammy Morning, Bort,
Caroline. Holding things down here inthe Woody Show production department. We've
got Morgan, our associate producer,Vonnard video producer. And you can be
a part of the show as wellby calling in on the phones. Eight
seven seven forty four. Woody hitus up with that text over to two
to nine eighty seven. Today isthat sucks day? Oh no, probably

because you know tax day? Yeahright, But it reminded me that we
hadn't done around of the first worldproblem that sucks stories in quite a while,
a long while, to the pointwhere I should probably reintroduce it to
everybody. So you call in andyou give us an example of something that's
going on with you, Like youknow, we we tend to make mountains

out of molehills a lot because thingsare so convenient. We have all these
different things now when ump and doesn'tgo right, it doesn't work right,
like the heated seats in your carwhatever, God damn it. When you
really kind of stop and slow down, you realize, like, okay,
this is this is a first worldproblem? Yeah. Yeah, and the

first world problems are always so silly. Not that you can't be frustrated by
you certainly can. Yeah, you'realive, but sometimes you have a disproportionate
you know, response or reaction towhatever that was. So if you got
a first world problem, you cancall in eight seven seven forty four Woodie.
We'll take your first world problem storyand then we'll compare it to one

of the that sucks stories that we'vegot, and then we ask you to
decide whose problem would you rather have. What it does, it provides a
little perspective so that you kind ofrealize like, oh, yeah, okay,
well I am really frustrated or Iwas really frustrated about this, but
now if you're hearing that story,wow, thanks Woodie. Show. Yeah
not so bad. Yeah, Ifind my self frustrated lately that my smart

speaker seems to be acting up andI'm thinking, come on the other day,
I had to go out for severalhours and I put on Smooth Jazz
for my dog because that's her favorite. Oh of course, classic like that,
Yeah, it's classic. Most pitbulls like something, right. So
then before I grabbed my keys toleave. I noticed the music wasn't playing,
so I told her to play smoothjazz, and it said, I'm

sorry, I cannot access the internetright now. I thought, So,
now my dog's gonna be alone forsix hours without music? What the hell?
I was so many? Yeah,I had I had a smart speaker
first world problem where I'm sitting rightnext to a lamp. I want that

lamp to go on because I'm sittingthere at my computer doing some work for
the show. And I go,you know, name of speaker, Yeah,
turn on den lamp right, yeah, bloom. It makes the noise,
but nothing happens. Oh I hatewhen I go silent. I go,
yeah a word, den lamp bloom, Yeah, nothing like son of

a bitch. I had to reachover and I'm going, oh god,
damn it, I'm reaching over andthen I flipped the switch on it and
it comes on. I'm like,but that's so hard. That's the kind
of thing that seems to be happeningso much lately. Yeah with a word,
yeah, Well, I mean Ihaven't had any that's the thing.
It usually works perfectly fine, butI was so annoyed that it wasn't in

that moment because you know I loveit. I'm subtle. Yeah, mine
in the bat my bathroom a word. Yeah, Apparently it just doesn't remember
the volumes setting. I turn iton, I don't change I'm not playing.
I play it for five minutes everymorning and that's it. Yeah.
But sometimes it's blaring loud. Ihave to say a word, volume down.
Sometimes it's yeah volume, And Iwas like, I didn't change anything.

I'm playing to remember it. Seeremember a word. I wish you
could set it where you know,you could tell it exactly how much lower
you want it that. The otherthing, too, is like I'm trying
to take a nap and it's alittle too loud. But if I tell
it volume down, it's a littletoo soft, right. I know you
could go in the middle. Yeah, like you should be able to say,
like produce volume two ticks or twoyou know whatever they get produced volume

by one half doesn't know what thatmeans. Yeah, Oh, I bet
you all have the same frustration.You know how you play Jeopardy on a
word every single day when you makeyour lunch. But so, yes,
exactly, and then there'll be aquestion I'll say, what is cart narks?
And then it says, I'm sorrythe answer was cart narks, and
I said, that's what I justsaid, And then I don't get credit

for my right answer. There wasa woman in Texas who was diagnosed with
terminal cancer, given fifteen months tolive, and she went and did two
rounds of chemotherapy, and then doctorsdiscovered they had made a mistake and she
never really had cancer to begin with. My god, see, and so
yeah, we're having problems with thesmart speaker. But this chick went and

got first of all, thought sheonly had fifteen months to live, great
news, was doing Yeah, wouldyou even bother with chemo? Was doing
a couple of rounds of chemo therapy? Maybe death sentence, maybe lasted effort
to prolonged to the fifteen weeks.Know that you want to die right away,
We get it, Okay, fifteenmonths doesn't seem worth it for any

chemo if it could extend your life. Though, maybe if you do the
chemo you might live three years oryeah, well either way, it was
a mistake. Never even had thecancer. That sucks. What did she
have? I don't know, didn'tdidn't say yeah, bad doctor other than
a terrible doctor was she suffering fromsomething. Yeah, on the text,
somebody say, I'm confused. Whycan't you guys say Alexa, we're just

saying, we're just being nice toyou. Guys. We finally taught Reba,
what are you to do it?So that's a he just kind of
feels like it today. He's tired, Alexa, play a fart noise.
Yeah, there you're welcome. You'rewelcome. Eight seven seven forty four,
Wooding, if you have a firstworld problem, we were just using our

spartspeakers stuff as examples. Yeah,but if you have a first world problem.
Yeah, if you had to turnon a lamp, yeah, eight
seven seven forty four. Well,because here's the thing. It's like one
of those floor lamps. Sure,so I couldn't just reach over and clicking
on. No, I'm like bentover the arm of the couch. It
was a floor down toward the floor, reaching and stretching over to try and

get the stupid floor pedal thing thatwould turn the lamp on. Yeah,
it sounds awful. It's not likea free service. We paid for these
a words, so you expect themto work. Yeah, sure, I'm
sorry you had to stretch Woody.No, it's and you and the guys
that went to nom you know,yeah, heroes. Yeah, I know.
We've only got one mess show memberthat's got these slip and shoes so

far, Greg. But they're notthe sketchers though. Okay, I'm sensing
this is soon to medicine, Woody. What's that schedued territory? Yeah,
I can't bend over to time myshoe. Oh no, I don't care
about that now. I mean,I don't mind the I wouldn't mind.
I'm not. I'm not getting themjust so I don't have to. I'm
not getting them just so I don'thave the tie shoes. I don't care

about tire shoes. They do havea deal. You's more about the bending.
Yeah, what do you mean bigdeal? You've talked before about how
he's like to hold your breath andI know, but it's still it's like
just just something that you do,yeah, right, or you don't,
but not when you have this.It's not that big of a deal,
all right. So if you wantto share your first world problem, go

ahead, give us a call.Eight seven seven forty four, Woody.
That's eight seven seven forty four,Woody. Uh. And then we'll get
to your first world problems, comparethem to this week's that sucks stories for
a show nobody asked for. It'snot that well, we're looking for you
to share your first world problems withus. We will compare them to one

of this week's that suckses, andthen you can decide who's problem you'd rather
have. What is it? Yes, eight seven seven forty four wood It's
eight seven seven forty four. Woody'sgot a new car recently. And there's
something on one of the wiper blades. So whenever I used the windshield wipers,
about halfway down through the right wiperblade, there's something on there that

just creates a line extrack, youknow, and like these are brand new?
What the hell new? So disproportionatelyupset by this? What I paid?
I'm good, I did, Idon't know what's I think there's maybe
like a little a little a littlenub maybe on the hard on the on
the rubber part on the blade itself, taking back, what the hell?

Yeah, disproportionately frustrated by it,brand new car, it's got this little
streak and the wiper blades no good? Eight seven seven forty four Woody Uh,
let's compare some of that suck storieshere. Let's say hello to Chris.
Hey, good morning, Chris,Chris, good morning, good morning.
All right, so, uh,we'll start with your first world problem.
What do you got, Well,my girlfriend threw my phone out my

third story window, and now Igot to use an iPhone eleven so my
new one comes tomorrow. No,watch, watch you throw her your phone
out the window. It's debatably myfault. We can you know? So
she threw it? Yes, yeah, but it's a long story. But

I was I was just hoping itwas going to hit the tree to break
the fall. But do you reallyfeel that you have any fault? Miss?
Uh? Kind of maybe? DoI blame her? No? He's
liking girls photos on social media?Right, it wasn't photos. It was

over a text message, but itwas miscren strewed a little bit. It
was a missed outderstanding. We're allright, so you weren't cheating on her?
Sure, Chris? No, absolutelynot all right. So anyway,
long story long, the girlfriend threwthe phone out the window. Now he's
got to use an iPhone eleven onetill this new one gets there tomorrow.

So Chris let's compare your first worldproblem to this story a tragic event.
This is a tourist that was killedby a bell during a local tradition.
This thirty year old guy was inBarcelona amongst a group climbing the bell tower
for this festival when the accident happenedand got hit by the bell and and

die. Yeah, so you're onthis trip, You're like, oh,
man, this is gonna be awesome. Let's go to this really cool bell
ringing, right and then yeah,you know, I'm getting smoked in the
head by the bell the church man. That sucks. Who's who's problem would
you rather have? Though? Imean, you do have to wait a
couple of days for the iPhone andthey're using an iPhone elve. No,

it'll be here tomorrow. I guessI can use an eleven for a day.
Yeah, all right, I justdon't be seen in public, ok,
yeah, yah, pocket you mightwant to have a bell to the
head. Yeah right today? Allright, Chris, thank you for the
call. I appreciate you. Listento ye bye see. Let's go to

uh Jennifer. Hey, good morning, Jennifer. Jennifer. Hoy hoy,
boy, all what's your first worldproblem. Well, I love my parents,
let me just say, but theyjust are selling their house of like
forty plus years and it's got alittle bit of a I wouldn't want to

say hoarder, but that's that's whatit is. We got to help them
clean that out because they're going tobe moving. Okay, So I got
two vacations coming up, you knowthis summer and vacations no cleaning yet You're
giving up your vacations to help yourparents. Well you gotta, you know,

I know, but it sounds likea problem. I means you can
hire for this, Well you could, but what's your vacation worth? You
know? Well, I love myparents. They're in their seventies and you
know, I don't know how manyyears we have left. So yeah,

rave our companies you can hire,I know, but yeah, what is
what is your parents' age? Andthe fact they you know this away?
Yeah, probably we're going to geta dumpster. Yeah, yeah, I
totally get it. Yeah. Greg'sgot a horder thing to share with us
here in a second. But let'slet's first compare your that suck story having

to give up those vacation days justto clean up somebody else's mess. This
one is about this woman. Shewas on one of those moving walkways at
the airport in Bangkok, first ofall Bangkok, and she was about to
step off, but her foot somehowgot snagged in the end of it and
it ate her leg. Oh shelost her left leg above the knee.

Oh yeah, and her leg wasstill stuck when the paramedics showed up,
so they apparently had to do theamputation right then and there to save her
life. Oh. I'm still notsure how that happens. Like I always
thought that was just stuff that theparents would say just to keep their kids
shoes tied and right and aware andaware, right, and you think somebody
would hit the emergency shut off.An airport spokesman issued an apology, saying

that they're covering the woman's medical billsand our quote open for negotiations regarding other
compensation. Well, yeah, dothat sucks? Yeah, the airport says,
we're sorry. Yeah, Jennifer,whose problem would you rather have?
Well, you never know, myleg could get stuck in something in my
parents, I think I will takemine. Yeah, yeah, it makes

a lot of sense. You're agood daughter, all right, Jennifer,
Thank you for to call. Appreciateyou listening to the Woodie Show. Bye
bye, So Greg, what wasthe hoarder thing? Yes, So,
I'm a creature of habit. Ilike to do things at the same time
every day and just to draw thecurtain back. Every day, five pm
is when I start doing whatever workI need to do for the next day

here at work. Yeah, butthe other night I've been watching so much
Horders lately that the clock hit fiveinstead of sitting down and doing the work
that I need to do, Ithought, you know what this has inspired
me, I should clean my closetfive at night. At five at night,
And so I go into my closet. I get a huge bag to

set aside for what I'm going todonate. I end up donating a bag
about four feet tall. And thenonce I get the clothes out, I
have to vacuum the closet. Ihave to actually physically clean it. Old
clothes, old clothes. And thenI thought, maybe I do have a
hoarder's mentality, because I came acrossT shirts that were sized small that I

haven't fit into and twenty five yearsand I've been holding onto him, thinking,
oh, I like and why amI holding onto a twenty five year
old T shirt. So, andI was battling some of them like,
oh I remember this shirt. Wegot that at that place, and I
can't get rid of that. SoI thought maybe I really do have a
horder's tendency. But I ended upgetting rid of ton of stuff and it

took me three hours. Oh my, I didn't start my work until eight
pm. Idiot, But that's howmuch I was inspired by. Yeah,
will strike you just got to goand it hit me and I thought,
if I don't do it now,I'll never do it. And how good
do you feel now that it's done? It looks so nice. I color
coded everything. Stop by my housenext, look great. Let's go to

Amberley. Good morning, Amberly,good morning. Sounds like somebody's parents couldn't
choose pen Amber or Kimberly. Yeah, compromise Amberly. Okay, no,
no, no, no, no, no, Amberley, it's one word.
I'm not from the South. It'snot a little bit big to lower
ksell, got it? Yeah,all right? So what is your what
is your first world problem? Okay, so it's kind of a twofold one.

But the first thing is that Iwon the final Disney gift card three
hundred dollars gift cards. So thankyou what you show. Okay, gotcha.
I loved it. I was onvacation the day you announced it,
so I bogged in on my phoneand I told all my friends that I
was on vacation with this trip.Is hours we got this. I never
heard my name announced before you calledthe winner, so thumb me up.

So I'm thinking maybe like disclaim orsomething like I have legal you know,
I don't know see that. Askwith me up anyway. But I didn't
get the gift card in time.I already had a Disney trip plan for
last Thursday, and I didn't getthe card in time. A. Yeah,
we see, plan another trip,all right, will Amberly, let's

compare your story. Sounds awful.Yeah, that's a nightmare to this tour.
About this guy in Harlem, NewYork. He has been battling the
Social Security Administration that he is notdead after receiving letters to his quota state
and freezing all his bank accounts,and it got so bad. He's a
retired teacher. It got so badhe had to get the local news involved

just to convince the Social Security Administrationthat he is very much alive. Wow.
Yeah, Like his benefits were throwninto chaos. Oh my god,
Yeah there was because there was likea death notice sent to the bank and
so like just the funds were frozen. Yeah, and we talk about this
all the time, like some companiessay, Oh, it's a really long
process to get everything fixed, isit? Yeah? Why is it so

difficult? So the Social Security Administrationcouldn't say how he ended up on this
list, but they did end uprestoring his benefits and his bank account because
then finally ABC seven News in NewYork got involved. Why does it always
take that people having to like blowyou up. It's like five on your
side on the phone, it's me, Yeah, it should be one phone

call easy, I'm alive due Thatsucks. All right, So, uh,
Amberley, who's problem would you ratherhave? Well, if I could
get out of paying taxes, thedeath part would be cool, but I
guess I'll keep my problem. Thereyou go. We are back in the
fountain today. All right, thankyou for the phone call. That's plan

to not buy taxes is to die. Yeah. Let's go to Lee.
Hey, good morning, Lee,good morning, good morning. All right,
what's your first world problem. SoI work security outside that to unlock
and lock a lot of outside doors. And I live in Arizona where we
have Havolinas. Do you guys knowwhat those are? Havolina is their little

hairy wild pigs. Wow, okay, Yeah. And so I have this
one little courtyard that's got like sevendoors that I have to check multiple times.
And for some reason, they're allin that little courtyard and like jousting
and getting it on and all thesethings. So I have to edge around
the sides. Yeah, and youknow, pray they don't, you know,

try and interact with me. Uhhuh kind of sucks. Are they
like smaller boar? A small boar? Yeah, they're like my immediate size
of medium dogs. I don't knowhow much away. I've never wiged one,
but they're not small. They're nottiny. They're probably twenty or thirty
pounds. Because you're an outdoor securityguard, it's like you're just out there,
you know. Yeah, I dealwith that stuff. It's like me

and the wilds, do they everget aggressive? They get really aggressive with
each other, like they're squealing andfighting, and but not with humans,
right, not with you, notwith me yet. Sometimes they get between
them and their babies during the babyseasons and then they're problems. But mostly
they don't want to be around youunless you have foods and they might follow
you. Yeah. Okay, Well, here's a story about this twenty six

year old woman in San Jose,California. She had a gene mutation that
led to a large piece of herskull needed to be removed after an antibiotics
stopped working for a sinus infection.Her name's Natasha. She had to relearn
how to walk and talk after thesurgery, but she's getting now back to

being, you know, a healthywife, mother. She's also a martial
arts teacher. Yeah. So shehad this sinus infection that was treated with
antibiotics, but the medicine stopped workingabout like the fifth round, fifth round
of antibiotics, and she had likeyou know, migraines and volmiting and everything
else. So they did a brainscan and they said it was this gene
mutation antibiotics would no longer work,and that the sinus infection had spread to

her brain and so they had toremove this large piece of her skull to
drain the abscess. Yeah, andnow she's got this sizeable divot on the
left side of her head. Yeah, dude, that sucks. But hey,
who's problems you rather have? Dearly? Yeah, aple bores alrighty,

thank you for the call. Appreciateyou listen by. How about this one?
And when the Broadway Music with theLion King was first in town,
I got my wife front row amazingtickets. These were top notch aisle tickets.
We had an amazing time. Whenthe scene came that had Mufasa die,

we were so close that we couldn'tsee him laying on the ground.
My wife said, we're too farforward. I looked at it. I
said, yeah, babe, ourseats are so good we can't see someone
lying on the floor. First worldproblem. That's good. Here's this one
says I have an eighty five inchTV with a soundbar, sub and surround
sounds, and there's a delay sothe audio and the video aren't synced.

Oh my god. That is completelyunaccepted legits. That sucks. Yeah,
because sometimes what I'll do in thosesituations, I finally, if you restart
whatever it is, the Apple TVor your are you restarted? Like those
things will say they somehow got knockedout A whack right. Yeah, I

know. It's like the same advicethat they always give for like a you
know tech support, you love heavypower cycle. I did that to Greg
the other day with your mouth.Oh yeah right, Greg, just to
start the computer and it worked.It did. That's how you do the
first world problem. That sucks.So it does. Yeah, we got
some more Woodie show coming up foryou next. Hang on. With a

little extra effort, I think wecan up our ability. Show will be
right back fast. I don't evenknow what that means. No one knows
what it means, but it's peoplegoing a couple I'll follow up that sucks
stories. Two people in Munsey,Indiana had to be rushed to the hospital.
Greg. What they got hip likean airplane engine that fell out of

the sky and they lived. Yeah, they were on a walking path near
an airport. One of them wasseriously hurt and so was the pilot.
Last we heard, though, everyonesurvived. Jeez, that sucks. Meanwhile,
in Florida, this guy is tryingto get NASA to cover the damages
after a piece of trash from thespace station hit his house. I that'd

be kind of excited him. Atwo pound object crashed through his roof,
came to the ceiling, blew ahole on his wood floor. Yeah,
he wasn't there, but his sonwas. There was a security camera video
from the whole thing, a plusthe sound. It's pretty crazy. US
Space Command tracked a piece of debrisfrom the space station re entering the Earth's
atmosphere over the Gulf of Mexico fiveminutes before it hit this guy's house.

The object they tracked was a bunchof depleted batteries that were supposed to be
sent back years ago in a controlleddescent, but thanks to a series of
delays, they missed their ride home, so NASA to just hoped that they
wouldn't hit anything when they fell.Dude is still waiting to hear back from
NASA. Although I got to kindof figure that NASA's on the hook for

that. I would think, Ihope they know how to do it.
Flooring Yeah right, I mean itsucks, but it'd be kind of cool
to have those. Oh yeah,if you get to keep them. But
I don't think you get to godoubt Oh I would say it's my house,
Yeah, dude, my house propertyeight seven seven forty four. Woodie
hit it's up of the text overto two two nine eight seven. Back

in a bit, Back in abit, Back in a bit, show,
back, back in a bit.People today seem to pay attention for
more than a few could shut upthe Woody Show. All right, welcome
back everybody. Oh yeah, itis Monday morning. We are the Woody
Show. Ravee's got nerd out comingup to your injust a few minutes.

The latest in the world of nerds. What's been happening out there? Also,
we'll get into the birthdays and theporno birthday. Uh, there was
some big news. I'm not sureif you if you saw it, but
you guys, Taylor Swift's music hasreturned to TikTok. Oh. Oh,
thank god, I didn't realize itleft. Yeah, I mean, I
hope I didn't mow your lawn there. Well, a ton of music left

TikTok, right, yes, becauselabels said they weren't getting paid enough,
And then it trickles down to theartists who say they don't get paid enough,
and the labels yeah, yeah,So the artists are making money for
what now? Just touring, Yeah, performances, collaborations with brands and stuff
like that. That's where they makemost of their money. Yeah, I

mean, couldn't the artists really screwthe labels all together. They could really
just have like a manager and goout there and just release music and put
it out there basically for free,which they're doing anyway for the most part,
right, and then just use thatas the promotion for their tour.
Well, a lot of the peopleare boring labels, Like, hey,
if you're you take such a stanceagainst these, you know, things like

Spotify or TikTok, they're just gonnamake their own labels and distribute the music
for you because they are the maindistributors of the music. You don't need
like legit recording studios anymore. Yeah. You know, a lot of people
can do whatever they want to doat home, especially the bigger artists.
They can build whatever they want.They don't get the label for that.
They don't need the label for distribution. They're just going to cut you out

right now, oh for sure.Yeah, and they're just gonna have the
artist. Yeah, and they're gonnatake you know, all of the streaming
whatever that is, even if it'sa low number as opposed to one sense.
Yeah, yeah, right exactly,I did see there was a thing
about Spotify. They're introducing this newthing. It's gonna be another premium tiers.
You're gonna have to pay for it. I forget they call it.
But basically you're gonna be able todo like remixes, mashups and everything else

within Spotify. And you're not gonnabe able to publish them though, but
you can do like your own remixles. Ye. Yeah, that's fun,
just for fun, just to messaround and also just for your own purposes.
And I mean that's what all thoselittle AI apps are doing now,
yeah, so might as well getin on it. There are a couple
of really cool ones that I like, these AI where it's like you can
take any song. It's you know, if you got like a digital like

a wave or an MP three ofit, and you can load it into
this AI program which you're all online, right, and it'll break it out
by individual instruments in a just aregular piece of recording music that you bought
off like Amazon or whatever, right, and it'll break it out into vocals,
drums, guitar, a different allon different tracks. Incredible and just
and just and it's it's clean.Yeah, it's totally clean. That's so

weird. In fact, I'll usethat sometimes for you know, these things
that we use coming in and outof commercials, and we have like,
uh, these songs you know thatwere, hey, welcome back and whatever.
The song's playing underneath, like it'ssomething that I've taken and I've just
stripped the vocals out of it.So weird. It's so easy, you
know. I think for this onewebsite, it's like a Patreon it's like
five bucks a month. Yeah,but it's super clean. I mean it's

it's pretty cool. As someone wholikes all the production stuff and rule,
yeah, pretty neat. Also medics, according to The Hollywood Reporter, there's
a new animated teenage mutant ninja turtlemovie in the works. Nice was really
good. It's gonna be r rated. Really. It's called The Last Ronin.
I didn't see that come. That'spretty dark. It's like this totalitarian
future they say, quote Master Splinter, and the turtles are being killed off

one by one by the grandson ofShredder and his gang of synthetic ninjas.
Only one turtle survives, and VAL'sbloody revenge using the weapons of all four
turtles no way, I mean publicdomain. It's according to the Hollywood Reporter.

I don't think so. I thinkit's like a legit. It's based
off of a recent comic MN butyeah, so I haven't watched The Ninja
Turtles, by the way, sinceI was a kid. This I would
want, I think this, Iwould watch that sounds I do you would
watch this? Why, Let's behonest. It's really dark. Let's be
honest. No, I think i'dwatch it. Okay, I wouldn't go

to the theater for it to seethree Turtles die? Yeah, yeah,
but like that that whole it's like, it's kind of well. I like
vengeance movies and this last Turtles.It's true. Which one do you think
is going to live? No?No, Rafael obviously, Yeah, I
agree, and it's a yeah,Super is the angry guy. He is

the angry guy. Yes. Asfar as holidays, today April fifteenth,
it is tax day. So yeah, it's also McDonald's day, you guys.
Yes, cool, yes, becauseyou do your taxes and then you
need to satisfy yourself with some foodif you can afford McDonald's now because the
price of McDonald's gone crazy high.It is a national glazed spiral ham day

like a honey, like a honeybaked right, the outside's good. Today's
National laundry Day. Raby loves doinglaundry. Yeah, everybody has to do
it. You might as well doit in smaller loads as well, do
it every hour first of all loads. Yes, it's a national that sucks
day. Okay, and uh,this next holiday, take a wild guess.
Today's fifteenth Yep, pay day.Yet it is pay day. Get

drunk day. That's every day forGreg. Yeah, today is take a
wild guest Day. Oh oh good, that's fine. What's happening in the
world of nerds? What he showpresents nerd nut with ravy. So first

was comic con right, that's theog con right in San Diego, which
is morphed into something insane. Itis the biggest money generator in San Diego.
Now that has led to just conafter con after con, just popping
up everywhere, so much conn acrossthe world. Because that sea best will
tell you fans will buy anything.Truth, any piece of crap you got.

My house is filled with it.So now getting in on all of
this is fanatics. They're gonna stagethe first ever sports con and they're calling
it Fanatics Fest. It's happening inthe middle of August in New York and
huge names are already attached to thisTom both the Manning brothers, Peyton and
Eli, Derek Jeter, Kevin Durant, Hulkogan, what do you even Your

true love Gary Vanderchuk, Oh,Gary Vee is going to be there.
Nice Lance Fensterman. He's the CEOof Fanatics Events. That just became clear
that there was this opportunity perhaps toput a lot of pieces together, and
Fanatics is well positioned to put downthe bedrock and that we can build something

off for the entire sports culture collectingcommunity if you will, all the it's
gonna be a massive All the sportsguys love that guy. Yeah, Larry
the CEO. He's like hanging outwith them constantly because he will work with
them and come up with a partnershipas opposed to like try to squeeze something
in a lot of a sports superstar. Those clouds are always super cool.
Yeah, apparently very impressive. Abuddy of mine just got a call from

them and he went and met withthem with all their big muckety MUCKs,
I think, including this guy probablyLance. Yeah, because it's it's a
really high level, like corporate position. And he said the place is really
impressive, just like the company,the culture, the whole thing. They
really got it going on. Yeah, they got deals with all the leagues
and deals on deals on deals ondeals on deals. Yep. Now,

because Hollywood is only interested in remakesand reboots, we got a few more
coming right at you. Sweet,What do we got a reboot of Melrose
Place? Oh? Yeah, Iheard this one. I was not interested.
I was never into melrose Place.Was I watched melrose Place a little
bit? Like I never watched nineO two and Oh, but I watched
melrose Place a little bit. See, I'd watch them both back to back.

Really, all I knew was therewas a pool in the middle of
the comrade and it looked like acool place. Yeah. Well, some
of the OG actors are part ofthis, including Heather Locklear, Laura Layton,
and Daphanie Zundiga, all returning tothe show. It's being made by
CBS Studio House Grandparents as being shivedaround. Yeah, are they still sluts?

I know, right, it's afifty and older community. Yeah that
is good? Yeah, good,melrose transitioned to like Golden Male Rose,
Which which restaurant are they at?Oh, they're the number two. And
also Heroes creator Tim Kring, he'srebooting his own show and they have been.

They were shopping it all last weekbecause it's called Heroes Eclipsed and it's
set after the events of the OGa whole new group being awakened and discovering
their powers. So there you go, because nothing is you know what,
I'm Tim Kring. I did Heroes? Why not do it again? Let's
go back to the time. Yeah, I'm not doing anything else. Speak

a movie. It sounds like agreat idea. What's the The people who
did the Barbie movie are now comingout to another board game movie, Monopoly
Monopoly movie, a Monopoly movie.Yeah, Bargo Robbie's behind it, but
I don't think she's acting in it. I doubt that she would be.
It's some other people like from Barbietwo that a wait to see what Yeah

hijinks. Mister Monopoly gets up towhat kind of life lesson, he learns
what kind of crisis is going through. Although I will say, like when
we first found out that they weremaking a Barbie movie, I thought that
sounded pretty dumb. Oh yeah,you said it was gonna be a huge
fail, Raby I did. Iwas like, who wants to see this?
And then as I was watching it, I'm like, why does everybody

like this? And you know,when they were doing the filming and some
of the you know, some ofthe photos leaked from the set or whatever,
You're like, oh my god,this looks so dumb. And it
went on to make like a trillion, Right, So maybe a Monopoly is
going to be like the next Titanic. People do like the next Barbie.
I think you would be into itbecause it'll all be about real estate.
Greg, I don't know the actualgame. I honestly have never really understood

it. I love Monopoly. I'llplay the hell out of that. I'll
teach you how to do it.Teach you. I'm Rabian. For more
nerd stuff, check out the NerdNott podcast at The Woody Show dot com.
Nerd, I don't think you elsyou got it dumb. I got
some friends men that are obsessed withthis Monopoly card game. Oh it's like,
uh yeah it uh and it playsvery quickly. Monopoly takes it.

Yeah, for a frigging lifetime That'sthe one thing I don't like about it
is it just takes too long.You definitely have to have some time set
aside. We talk to the birthdays, the porno birthday shivery. We're gonna
it's shiverday. We're gonna sit it'sshivery, and you know, we don't
do what. Starting with the celebrities. Happy birthday to Seth Rogan, who

is forty two and probably super highalready. He's forty two years old.
Today. You got Emma Watson,Oh yeah, there you go, her
money from the Harry Potter Moon Mines. She's thirty four years old today.
You got Chris Stapleton, country singerwho's forty six. Today. You got
Linda Perry remember the song What's upfor Non? Okay, what's going?

And yeah, she's fifty nine today. Who else do we have her that
you might care about? Emma Thompson, all right, she's sixty five.
You got Macy Williams from Game ofThrones. Amaze maze, Yeah okay,
well why they spell it with anS then? Why when they spelled m
A I Z I know, right, yeah, it's amazing. I love

that name though. To her parentsparents are radiots that name. Mazy Williams
is twenty seven years old. Yougot the Samantha Fox from the from the
eighties British singer who's fifty eight.And you got Ed O'Brien from MENACE's favorite
band, Radiohead. It was fiftysix today he's a Radioheadhead. Your or
no birthday today is Ariel Blue andshe's been packed tighter than a fat girl

in the two top you know thekind of girls of sea beastes in two.
She's been in eighty seven fine films, including Chubby Chicks Volume one.
She was in bush Whacked, alsostrap On Sex Kittens. Okay, sounds
like something great my back. Imight get into that. She was in
Candy Liquors three, all right,also Highborhood, bush Watch Volumes two and

three, and Watch and who canforget her unforgettable role in ten Girl Birthday
Gang Bang Nice? What's that about? I don't know. It's a special.
You have to watch it and findout. I guess that's an aerial
Blue who is thirty one years oldtoday. And now at your porno birthday,
your celebrity birthdays, and that isa Monday morning look at what is
happening in the World of Nerds withyour Nerd and Out Report. We're gonna

take a quick break. More woodShow is next, hang on, sit
tight more, next the Woodi Show, The Witie Show, Join Fun,
and that's gonna do it for Mondaymorning. Everybody, all right, I
think we've had enough for one day, right, I think so? By
the full show podcast, Just situp at the Woodieshow dot com today,

See Bass was at Coachella over theweekend talking to these dorks who paid for
your Coachella ticket? Mm hmm.Always a segment I look forward to each
and every year for these spoiled bratRavey's Nerd out More. Find it all
on today's podcast. Just hit upthewood Each show dot Com coming up for
you on Tuesday. Something we're callingGreg Gory secret Shopper, which we'll explain

alright, so we're gonna have thatplus Anthony you got for its to the
meantime. Of course, you canleave on the after hours voicemail eight seven
seven forty four Wooding. That's eightseven seven forty four Wooding. You can
also find us follow us on socialmedia at the Woody Show. Braby Mene,
see Bass, Sammy anything like that. No Greg Gory parting words of
wisdom please. Yeah, two incomesare better than one, so make sure

your partner has two jobs. Yeah, you get out there. Yeah,
it doesn't mean we got to dothings equally. Yeah. Yeah, that's
my dream, although I mean youguys already have the dream. That's Greg
dink life, double income, nokid, kids, rip rules, oh
my god. Also to be akept man. Oh pretty. Either or

I have that pleasure I dream that'slike house husband. Yes please, all
right, thank you very much,Greg Gory, thank you so much for
giving the show some of your valuabletime this morning. You know we love
it, appreciate you for that.The rest of you guys can suck it.
We will catch you back here onTuesday. Have yourself a great day.
S m D double m my,Quit this bitch

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