All Episodes

July 29, 2024 105 mins
Weekend Cheers & Jeers, News Headlines, How Much for that Nerd Crap and more!
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Is it lies the Woody Show.This is the Woody Show. Insensitivity

Training class is now in session.Hey, good morning everybody, Good morning,
welcome to a brand new week.It's Monday morning. Yay, Hip

Hip, hooray, yay. Itis July the twenty ninth, twenty twenty
four. Good morning, and thankyou for being here. We are the
Woody Show. I'm Buddy. That'sGreg Menace. Good morning to you.
Good morning. We've got Sea Bass, There's Sammy. We've got Bort,
Caroline here in the Woody Show productiondepartment. Morgan is here, she's our

associate producer. We've got Vaughn he'sour video producer. And you, of
course, our VIP, our guestof honor this morning. Thank you for
being here and listening as we starta brand new week. Got a lot
of good stuff lined up for you, I think this week, including today,
which we'll get into the weekend cheersand jeers, which we want you

to get involved in too. Tellus your cheer, your jeer from the
weekend. You can always call onto be part of the show. Eight
seven seven forty four, Woody hitus up with a text over to two
two nine eight seven. We've gotthe trending news headlines. We'll get into
the birthdays and the port of birthday, some of the entertainment stuff before the
hour's out, and then later onthis morning. SeaBASS went to Comic Con

this weekend. And this is abig one, Comic Con San Diego.
Oh, this is the comic Con. Yeah, the everything else is Comic
Con printheseries, you know, NewYork. Yeah, you want to be
so. SeaBASS was at Comic Conthis weekend talking to a bunch of different
dorks and nerds, and uh,they're all walking around there with just tons
of stuff that they have purchased.I mean he talks to these people anyway

for different things. But one ofthe games that we do every single year,
which we have again for you today, how much did you pay for
that nerd crap? Always too much? Well, there's tons of exclusive things
you can only get at comic Con. So you need to go down there
to get that. Your life willbe empty, right, So that's called
up for you this morning. Awhole bunch more on the Woody Show.

I hope everybody had a great weekend. I figured what a what a better
way to start a Monday than withsome motherf and food news. Let me
get a d LT crunch wrap.Cop Yeah you know that that was.

And we'll start here with a storythat I saw pop up a lot over
the weekend because there were rumors swirlingthat Chick fil A might ditch their waffle
fries, which those are my favoritefries. I knew that was fake news
from the jump, but it's nottrue. The company released a statement which
says, quote, guests need notworry. Are much loved waffle fries are

not going anywhere now. What theyare doing they're looking for ways to make
them crispier, and they're testing someof those ideas at some test locations.
Oh no, regular fries. Wellno, no, no, no,
they're keeping the waffle fries. They'rejust trying to make those crispier. That's
what they're doing. They're using somedifferent starches on the waffle fry. Yeah.

Oh, I thought I just readall abouts it. Okay, Yeah,
they're not ditching the waffle fries.Was trying to make them crispier.
I've known that since the beginning,but the I thought they were testing like
regular. That was part of therumor regular regular. It's still gonna be
the waffle fries. But they're oneof the things I read is there again
there's trying different starch, accommodations andthings go to places, different options.

Yeah, but their menu is prettysimple. Yeah. I can't imagine they
have two different fries. What isthis jack in the box? How many
different we need? Yeah? Someother food news food news. Over the
past year or so, customers havebeen ripping Chipotle on social media for allegedly
skimping on their burrito ball portions.Yeah, but now Chipotle CEO said the

company is making changes to ensure generousportions Greg nice should be more consistent.
Good. They say about ten percentof their stores are the outliers when it
comes to portion sizes, and thoselocations are being retrained for the right standards
as they should be. Well,there was that whole thing. Remember there
was like, well, this iswhat you do. You break out your

phone, you start recording as ifyou're going to post something on social media,
and then the person behind the counterand you go, oh, can
I get a little extra whatever,And they'll really kind of load you up
because of all that social omedia.Yeah. Also, like the trick before
my friend taught me with Panda Express, Greg, which I know you kind
of have beef with on the portions, is when they're like loading things up,

you start talking to them and distractthem and then they keep onloading.
Yeah, Hey, how are youtell me about your night? Real quick?
How'd you get your name? Foodnews? It's a solid three months
before Halloween and already the Reese's peanutbutter pumpkins are already available. This is

the earliest you've ever been able toget them, you guys. And I
was reminded of reading about this wholething. Hershoes is in the middle of
that big class action lawsuit for quotemisleading customers because remember we talked about it,
the pumpkins don't really have faces.The packaging shows them as Jack o'
lanterns, but then you open upit's just a blank chocolate blob. What

peanut butter situation. Yeah, Sothe people involved in the lawsuit claim that
they were quote very disappointed by that, and they think that five million dollars
in damages should make them feel better. People should be imprisoned. What a
waste of time? Yeah, becauseit's not like it materially affects the products,
and it doesn't. It's not like, hey, this doesn't have you

know, this is a lemon flavoredice cream. There's no lemon in it,
exactly. There's plenty of stuff thatthey make to look good and it
doesn't taste that great. The thething the draw for these peanut butter pumpkins,
or the Christmas tree ones they do, or the the Easter egg ones
or whatever the bunnies or what youknow, it's the ratio of the chocolate
to peanut butter. Yeah, it'sa bigger, puffier, no matter how

much of a blab it turns outto be. Yeah, and check this
out though they can drop the whitechocolate version this year. Don't want need
And by drop he actually means getrid of. Not yeah not really,
yeah, not really not hit thestreets. Don't need it, don't need
it. I want to show foodnews, food news, all right,
So what's the what's that ramen marchon? Yeah, while they're hot and

spicy, chicken ramen flavored funions areset to a oh yeah, okay,
select retailers. In fact, Ithink that begins today. They say select
retailers, but then they promote amore widespread national release on August fifth.
Chicken Funya is the first is whatnext? I have a feeling it's gonna

smell terrible next month? And whyare they getting all pop tardy about it?
Like, just stick with the basics, like they're trying to be all
weird. Well that's the thing yougot a level of Greg say about though,
and Oreos Greg, they say theydon't when they release a new flavor,
the fifty million flavor of Oreos,it's not the fact that the flavor
that flavor is going to do anybusiness. It's the fact that they'll get

a mentioned like right now, they'llget all the free advertising, like oh
yeah Oreos, right, oh yeah. Funions because the last time you thought
about funians eighty Yeah, my kidslike funions. They're good. They're good.
Yeah, hotten spicy chicken ramen flavoredfunions. I mean, I've I've

heard dumber. I've heard dumber thathere, well, like the small one
that we had whatever that was,cup noodles. Yeah, I don't yeah,
the smore cup noodles. JO,Like, I don't know if I'm
on board with this. Let meknow what you think, oh Rida,
you know the Frozen Potato people.They've got a new limited edition French fry
ice cream. Oh, it's calledFudge and Vanilla French Fry Pop. So

it's a It's a frozen vanilla oatmilk covered in chocolate fudge shell and then
rolled in crispy potato bits. Andthey say the whole idea here is supposed
to taste like dipping your French friesinto a milkshop, which I love doing.
Doesn't sound bad, to be honest, I tried, Oh I did,
I see, I've seen it.No, I see, I saw
these somewhere and I didn't. They'reout now give it. And because I

couldn't, I wasn't like Somethingshup isavailable for nationwide shipping from Good Popsys the
Frozen Tree people. They teamed upwith Cooler good pop dot Com. Each
box is about ten bucks that soldweek any of the day and they actually
roll it in French fries and coatit and fudge. How about this food

news Ago Waffles and Two Rivers Coffee. They have joined up to create waffle
flavored coffee pods. I heard aboutthis and not the product a debuted the
Summer Fancy Food Show, Greg,Oh, why didn't Where do you go?
Come on? Where's the invite?What's happened? Back in New York
City in June? It's going tobe available nationwide beginning in August. They
come in five different flavors. Soyou got blueberry ago for coffee, ye,

chocolate chip yeah, cinnamon toast no, maple syrup yes, and of
course vanilla vanilla at work. Yes. Also in case you dare, the
coffee pods themselves, you guys getready one recyclable? Nice? Yeah,
don't you dare get the other onesdown? Knowing that these are out there

and they're one hundred percent recycling,it tastes good. Yeah, what I
want to know, And I've savedsome really good news for last food news.
It looks like McDonald's will be extendingtheir five dollars meal deal at most
of their locations through August. Ninetythree percent of McDonald's US restaurants voted in

favor of extending the offer because they'veseen a huge jump in business and they're
still making them billions and trillions.Yeah, they always do that. They
they roll something out, it getspopular and they go, oh, over.
Yeah, how'd you like to takeit away? The five dollars meal
deal includes a mcdouble or McChicken,a four piece nugget, a small fry,
and a small fountain drink. Ohyeah, so they've extended that through

the end of August. So Ilooked it up. The fancy food shows
greg are infight only for industry peoplein the industry. That's we food.
We food. Oh man, weknow people. I'm gonnapply. Yeah yeah,
Well there you go. There's yourthere's your food news alight. Oh
yeah, oh yeah, I likethat. Oh yeah, like that.

We got some more Woodie show foryou next, hang on more Woody Show.
After at least one of these commercialsmakes you a millionaire. Diet starts
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Woody Show? And we are intoanother new hour insensitivity training for a politically
correct world, to a new week. It's Monday morning and it's the final

few days of July. Here Julytwenty ninth, twenty twenty four, Weddy.
That's Greg Gory. Good morning,Menace, Good morning to you.
Good morning Woody. Sea Bass ishere. Good morning, Sea Bass.
We got Sammy, Morning Sam.There's Bort, Caroline, Morgan, Vond
gangs. All here. Phones areopen seven seven four, Woodie. You

can send us a text over totwo to nine eight seven. See you
see Bass brought in something from hisweekend. So I guess we do the
weekend cheers and jeers. We juststart with U Sea Bass. Noise got
some comic Con stuff over. Ohyeah, yeah, it was lit at
Comic Con it was list. Yes, that's why people. I couldn't walk
around without somebody saying this is solists. I'll gout cheers. Did you

guys know? And it was pointedout many times at Comic Con this is
the fiftieth anniversary of Dungeons and Dragons. I had no idea it was on
my damn line. Yeah, Iwould have thought more. Yeah, I
would just say does yeah, butthey were out in force. But that's
my cheers as to any kind ofthat's the real nerds. By the way,
it's the Dungeons and Dragons players.Yeah, it's not like Magic Gathering,

right, that's kind of exactly superdorky. Remember I was talking when
I was at the Naked bike ridea couple of months ago, to that
old man besides riding around naked onbikes, he said, well, what,
I said, what are you doingtonight? He said, Oh,
I'm going to a late night Magicthe Gathering tournament. Oh yeah, at
this little commie shop. Those arethe real nerds. Cheers to those guys
and girls, because you you're foregoingfriends say yeah, that's what an actual

nerd is. A real nerd isnot. Oh I love I love Deadpool
versus Wolverine. You love the mostpopular thing out there. Okay, you're
not a nerd. You're not sacrificed. You're doing what everyone else is doing.
So cheers of those people, andjeers to the other folks who are
Yeah was his name, Harold,I think so? Yeah? How these
are the cash tournaments just for fun? This one here is you're just playing

for Promo Path Prize Perfect Petition isa new shit that just came out a
week and a half, two weeksago, and like the guys shouldn't even
me last night, twenty five bucksfor the event. He pulled over one
hundred dollars for some of cards.Out of ispac was what's the best magic
the gathering card? You own?Oh? I have an absolutely christ changement
black lotus turned value on is probablyone hundred between one hundred and one hundred

and twenty five thousand. Oh gee, damn tell that how much for that
nerd crap? Indeed? Yeah?And by the way, this is a
sixty year old man talking to mewith his penis out. So cheers to
all the people. Like what Isaw? Okay. So the big news,
this is not a spoiler, wasthat Robert Downey Junior is going to
be the new Doctor Doom in thenext iteration of Marvel. What do you
think about that? Well, like, I don't care, Like, okay,

great, a million millionaire actor who'sbeen popular for thirty five years as
in a giant movie. But peopleat that convention were so cheers to you,
jerks, You're not real nerds?Yeah, jerks. Oh, and
no, and cheers to the personwho pay me five hundred dollars to use
my comic Con press pass. Ohoh wow. I always sell my press
pass. The Minister said this fornine years. Yes, when I go

to Comic Con, I don't actuallygo inside. Oh you gotta make money.
I take a few photos outside andto pay my costs. I saw
my press passage is more valuable becauseyou don't have to wait in line for
things you go to, like thelittle press are from watch Robert down and
Junior take his mask off and stufflike that and then free. So cheers
to the person who bought my fourhundred a press pass, which you're not
supposed to sell, and they'll kickyou out of Comic Con if you do

sell it. So yeah, asMenace has always said, that's what I
do when I get up, Igot your Comic Con pan. Yeah on
the on the bat, oh Dan, it almost took Sim's eye, her
good good eye. Yeah there itis. Yeah, hell yeah, you
can have my giant Comic Con Yeah, toy bag they give you, Yeah,
you keep that sea bass. That'sa nice folks. You don't know.
They give you a giant. It'slike my lar and it's got a

little straps on them. Yeah,it's actually strong. Everyone who walks in
gets because you're gonna buy a lotof crows. We'll talk about stuff.
Yeah. I saw the picture ofthe past that he sold and it says
it's really weird because it was SeaBasses Pass. But it says Menace on
there. Yeah, and it sayslike twenty five or twenty six radio stations.
I want to be social media influencer. Yeah, because Menace is tired,
because he's on a lot of radiostations. Yeah, from tired,

So you learn from Joe Cooys podcast. Yeah, that's right, all right,
Menace. Weekend cheers and jeers,uh cheers got you know, I
mean as you know this because Iwas with you. We you know,
hanging out with a lot of friends, going to the pool, went to
some restaurants. That was a lotof fun. But I think the jeers,
I mean yeah, the jeers wasprobably over the weekend. Twice teenagers

referred to me as sir, andI was like, oh am, I
sir status finally like with the kids, like little kids, little kids would
call me sir all the time.Not a big deal, but I think
this was like the very first timein a row that a teenager would call
me. So I was like,wow, I respectful. Yeah, uh

oh, I'm finally it doesn't bummme out. But it was just shocking
that it happened twice in one weekend. That yeah, that it never happened,
and then it just started happening.I'm like, oh Jesus, I've
aged that much in the past year, where where teenagers are now calling me
thirty years older than they are,menace, I am, I am,

but it's just I mean, Iguess it feels you on the age thing.
I guess it's just shocking for thefirst time. Poor Morgan just turned
thirty. She's like elderly. Yeah, they call her granny, Yeah me
granny? Yeah. Are you gettingMAM's now or now that you're thirty?

You know, I've gotten a fewhere and there, but honestly, they
started before I was thirty. It'sjust people having manners, which yeah,
yeah, I'll get out of herewith that nonsense, all right, Uh
Greg gory weekend cheers and jeers.I'm giving cheers to yet another vegan food
item that I am now obsessed with. What's going on with you? Hippie.

I'm such a hippie. It's andit's also fair season, Greg talk
about that stupid State fair, CountyFair. I'm freaking veganuf. This is
Trader Joe's vegan kimbop, which islike a kind of like a mocki roll,
like a big mocky roll, butit's got what's a mocky roll like
sushi roll like but it's big,So they call that maki and it has

all your favorite stuff. Would tofuright and vegetables? Would you buy that?
It looked like a sushi roll andI thought I'm gonna get this,
Yeah, which the worst of anypart you can buy. You can buy
gas station sushi what Trader Joe's offer. And this is totally different. It's
in the frozen section, which Ithought was bizarre. You just clip the

corner off, microwave it for twominutes. You can eat it hot or
cold, or let it just cometo room temperature. So good, ever,
so slightly sweet. It's unbelievably awesome. So cheers to slowly, slowly
becoming a hippie vegan. Yeah,and then jeers to spam text and anybody

who responds to a spam text Igot so many spam texts from Hi,
this is Adriana in the HR department. We have an offer for you if
you're interested in a new role atwork. Oh my god, I got
those all day. And the keyyou're saying, don't say don't reply at
all, don't stop, don't sayI'm not here. Just delete it and

don't respond to it. That's whatthey want you to do, you idiots.
Keep it going. Exactly, you'regoing on a spam group text where
they find fifty Yeah, this isI don't have this number. I know.
That's where you're really get at,a snapshot of just how dumb people
are. Yeah, exactly, fallsfor the stuff people right, so,
and then I would get the onelike, hey Jim, are you still
picking me up at the airport today? Yeah? Yeah, it's got one

of those two. Yeah, Ifound your number in my phone. Do
we know each other? Nice tomeet you. I'm Martha. So world,
just delete those stop respawn. You'renot obligated to reply. No,
your package is not at the ups. It's so frustrated. My knock on
wood, My spam calls have reduced. It seems my spam texts have exploded.

It's driving me insane. What's Gregputting his number in? These are
Greg's text tips. Text tips likedo you give your number out? Like
I've noticed that a lot of placesnow do that and go oh, this
just happened over the weekend where wewere buying something. My wife and I
were buying some thing. My wifeis doing the checkout, and they go,

oh, well just put your nameand you just need your name and
address, your name and email addressin here for your receipt. You know
modern no, no, no receiptsin store. I go, well,
what is that thing right there?It's the receipt printer, which is right
next to the register. I neverdo that. It's like, we're never
returning this. You don't need thereceipt, Like, just don't even put
your email, Like, don't lieto me and tell me that you can't

give me a receipt unless you putthe email address the right. I don't
give my phone number to anybody.I don't even remember my phone number.
You said, there are only somany phone numbers, So what do you
like you have to you have togo to your phone. You go somewhere.
They go, well, can weget a name for the reservation.
What about a phone number? Andthen you have to look up your own

phone number, not all the time, like right at this moment, I
know it. What is it?It's a lot, I'll tell you that
much. Yeah, got a tonof four weekend cheers and jeers, cheers
to friends. Always a good time. And it's good to remind myself every
once in a while that I actuallydo have a couple of people on the
planet who, you know, don'tthoroughly annoy me and who have like a

genuine interest in just being friends andcheers to friends. The TV show which
which is which is great? Havelike a couple like different obabe moments.
So that so that was nice.Jeers to the fact I'm idiot. And
so we were going to this poolday where you know, every every year,

group of friends we all get together. It's like, you know,
twelve people or whatever, have acouple of pool cabanas there at the MGM
Grand at Las Vegas, and youfloat around the Lazy River and you drink
and you eat all day. Right, So I'm getting in a cab to
go over to the MGM. Itip the lady who's you know, hailing
the cabs and I put my money, my cash, which I never really

have cash, into my pocket,and then I realized hours later that my
money was gone. Well the pocket, what I had was my swim I
already had my my swim trunks on, right, and so I guarantee I
just stocked the Lazy River with cash. Yeah, because I didn't think to
empty my pockets before I got intothe Lazy River, okay, and then
later when I went to go lookfor my cash, So I probably lost

one hundred and twenty bucks in thewater in the in the Lazy River.
So did you have the velcrow pocketsor the swim pockets? I do have.
There is one of the back thatzippers closed, but like this was,
I had a bag ahead of myphone. I'm trying to get into
the cab, so I just Itipped the lady and then I just put
my cash in my pocket quickly likeyou normally would, almost like muscle memory,
and then didn't think idiots. Sojeers to me being an idiot,

but also jeers too, And Ithink I finally have come around to uh,
I don't like restaurants that are familystyle. Yeah, I'm off board.
I don't like it. Yeah,because is that how would you define
that? Like one big plate?And then you kind of go, well,
with this many people, I wouldorder two meins and yeah, maybe

they're all shareable, Like no,no, no, I just want to
order what I want. There's toomuch pressure. First of all, when
you have all these people that aregoing to a place, you got to
decide to where you're gonna go.So that's already enough of a decision to
get everybody to kind of agree,and you know, people just kind of
cave to. I guess we'll gothere, right, And then they start
with the family style thing and you'relike, man, there's something on there

I really want, but nobody elseseems to want to and it's in a
big giant shareable portion. So you'relike, well, that's kind dumb.
Why would I order that? It'sjust gonna be one can handle it?
Puss, what's going on? Butyou see it's like, dude, just
go to a place. Appetizers aremeant to be shared, right, And
then they bring out these like salads, these shareable salads, which it's good

for one person. Some of thestuff is sharable size. Other stuff it's
like Greg would say, what isthis sharable for a mosquito. And so
while I understand what they're trying todo, I just realized, and you
know, you may love it.I just think for me, family style,

ain't it. I would take familystyle over small plates anything tapas?
Yeah yeah, yeah uh Sammy weekendcheers and jeers, Well my cheers is
two Simone Biles who absolutely dominated inthe qualifying rounds and she has her injured
calf as she did it during thefloor warm ups and still continued through the

whole thing. And because I watchedher documentary as well on Netflix, I
don't know if you guys watched that, but she did obviously Tokyo. She
pulled out and then she didn't competefor two years, and now she's back
and at the Olympics and still justdominating more than ever that even with her
injured calf. They're talking about howif she didn't stick any of her landings,

she would still win because her herdifficulty is so high. So anyways,
cheers to some miles. Some Russiancome up and like carry her off
when she lands, and no,I don't think her name Carrie Strugg who
she forgot about. She hurt herselfon the first vault and then they said,

you have to go again for usto win the gold. And then
that's when she did that second andreally injured herself because she was already injured.
The Olympic scriptwriters, Man, they'rereally good. You have to go
again, she's supposed to win,But how can we make it hard on
her? Yeah, that was thefirst time that women's gymnastics won the gold
in America. My jears is toJade Carrey's floor routine, and you guys

probably don't know who that is,so I will tell you. At the
Tokyo Olympics, she won gold onfloor during the qualifiers over the weekend,
she got lost in her final tumblingpass and just got she just got lost
and didn't know where she was andit was supposed to do, you know,
and she missed. She only didone tuch. She kind of fell

rolled all the way back and itwas very upsetting because she won gold into
Okyo and just totally whiffed. Andit was she you know, she does,
she does. It was It wasvery surprising though. Floors going with
the ribbons, is that right?Yeah? No, that's a rhythmic and
I understand that. Oh, waitthat. Honestly, that's a different thing.

The ribbons different thing. Yeah,sure, not part of floor.
No, no, this is artisticgymnastics. That's rhythmic gymnastics. This one's
all the tumbling passes and everything.I understand that was her years for the
weekend, But what about yours?Well that was mine because I was watching
it. I was very cultic,and when I saw that, I was
like, no, how did thishappen? That's one of her main events.
She won gold on it last time. Oh no, she did all

the vaultage. An article is JayCarrey sick? Her mom gives updates.
Oh she's pregnant. Cheers and jeerseverybody. I don't think chiros can't get
pregnant means no because there was nottoo much. Yeah really yeah, definitely
can't breastfeed, that's for sure.Wow. Great nipple feeding. Wow,

you know what I'm saying. Wow, how can we tell if the gymnast
is pregnant? She's got an acup? Well, look at that.
The milks come in great heroes.Oh my god, Sorry, those are
your girls? All right? More? What the show is next? There's

your cheers and jeers, guys.Geah, hell yeah, alright, Yeah,
there was like we were at thepool they had the swimming competition on
okay, Oh yeah, the guyswere sucking so hard. Really pass beat
all right, more what he shownext? Hang on? Jeer on the

text, Oh yep, seven twofour says I got totally ghosted after dating
this guy for a month. That'sokay because while we would make out,
he would announce, quote, mywiener is out. Who does that?
There's just to draw attention to it. I guess there's a lot more going

on here. You're not touching it, you know. I'd like to do
a deep VI deep dive. Soundslike cheer love your show. Saw Deadpool
and Wolverine. Hilarious, just whatyou would expect and want. Uh,
they're gonna give it eight burritos.We're asking menace, you know, like

how many burritos out of ten?He was giving a new Deadpool and Wolverine,
which two hundred and five million dollarsat the box office. That is
the eighth biggest opening of all timeand sets the record for biggest opening for
an R rated movie. Nice,good god, Yeah, I loved it
that. Apparently Ryan Reynolds had anidea to like leak to to debut it

as a hidden movie, to notannounce it, call it something else,
and people will go in to watchthis, and then they would be like,
that's kind of cool, that wouldbe pretty. And then like the
studio said, not dogs millions ofdollars, we'd like to have millions and
millions of dollars back. Yeah,but they would still make their money.
I think that would be a reallycool thing, though. I guess that's
it just right. I agree it, But unfortunately when you're dealing with the

studio that they are very risk averse. You and me sure cheers and jeers
from the opening ceremony of the Olympics, cheers to Selene Beyond and her comeback
perform. And she did a greatjob. I wasn't sure how that was
going to go. She sounded reallygood, considering if you watched anything of
that documentary, you're like, butshe will never sing again? Right badly?

Move the gear goes to whoever thoughtthe bit with drag queens and trannies
mocking the Last Supper was a goodidea that was so strange, really weird.
Like the Olympic Committee, they've comeout, they've apologized. Uh no,
word yet that lady who had herballs hanging out of the bottom of
her sequence shorts. That took themback. No, but I don't know

what they're preferred pronouns. I'm justbeing I'm just being safe. Is this
the guy with the orange hair?No, it was to It was to
the left of the big fat chickin the middle and look it up,
just balls out Olympics. Yeah,yeah, balls at Olympics. It was
just whatepic ceremonies because she was sofast. Yeah, as the kids say,

minus one thousand aura points. That'sa thing. Guys. They are
French, so you expect weirdness,right, yea performance art uh now metace
excuse generator on that. The ceremoniesartistic director says the Last Supper was not
the inspiration for the performance, andthat it was actually a reference and tribute
to the Greek god of wine makinggreg fruitfulness and ecstasy. Was it?

There's other ways to celebrate the winegod. Yeah, take one of those
canoes and go down on wine balls. I'm finding the guy within the sack
out and they pixelated it. Comeon, guys, a week look they
pixelated it. Well, this isjust going on Twitter or whatever it's called.
This week you'll find on censored balls. Okay he was he was left

of the blue guy balls. Well, yeah, the boxus guy. I
get that. He's the centerpiece,but the thing behind it was obviously the
last supper there. You can boththings are happening there. Yeah, but
either way you see it very strange. Okay did you see it? Uh?
I mean his whole bags down?Yeah. By the way, Uh,
as a guy, I can't imaginenot knowing your balls are out post

done on purpose? Right, likehe knew? Yeah, you had to
know, right, Okay, Imean Jesus of Sacharis. Get anybody getting
getting. One of the Olympic broadcastersfrom Eurosport was sent home after a comment
he made on Saturday during a women'sswim event. It was after Australia's team

they won gold, so I guesstheir pie is pretty good. They were
in the four by one hundred meterfreestyle relay and he said, quote,
well, the women are just finishingup. You know what women are like
hanging around doing their makeup. No, I don't understand how what that has
to do with anything, because theywon, so they weren't taking their time.
Yeah, I would imagine those chicksget out of the house pretty quickly,

unlike my wife, right right,right, like they're pretty quick.
They won the goal, Yeah thatfailed the tenth Yeah. I was trying
to understand how they even shoot theOlympics, Like there's are there just like
hundreds of different broadcasts at the sametime because you want every country he wants
to like have their person and focus. Like when you're watching the American broadcast,

obviously they keep on focusing on theAmerican participants, But is that happening
like with is there a Brazil broadcast? Like is there there are hundreds of
different camera different cameras like just streamingto their country, like yeah, a
couple dozen, and then they goesto a pool and the put and then

you kind of choose your feed,right because like if you're watching the coverage
on NBC and they're going to aninstant replay, that's obviously NBC's replay.
Because if it was just one broadcastin each you know, country or whatever,
had their own commentators, they're allusing the same video feed. Like
I mean, I don't know,maybe they do. You all do do
use all of the same instant replay. I have no idea what an undertaking.

I know there was one I forgetwhat country it was, but you
know there's like new countries getting involved. And like the guy that was in
part of this swim competition, helike just learned to swim like two months
ago and yeah yeah, and thenuh, he was going up against like
two other people and they had afalse start and those two other people jumped

in the pool, so they gotdisqualified. So this guy ended up swimming
by himself like super slow, likethe slowest ever in Olympic history, and
he had winning. It's funny.I've seen a lot of people posting like
what they should do is just havea regular, average person in each one
of these events to really kind ofgive perspective of just how awesome they are
good the real athletes are. Therewas this one guy, another swimmer,

Nick Fink is his name, andhe made history as the oldest first time
US Olympic swimming medalist in modern history. Wow. So he's not ninety like
you'd think by that. He's thirtyone, and so he's being treated like
he's ancient. So he's been swimmingsince high school, but he's also competed
in recent years while holding down justa regular nine to five job. He's

working for some engineering company. Heworks remotely, and he won a silver
medal. Shit, yeah, thirtyone. Guess they're talking about him as
if like his grandkids are there toroot him on. Well, this French
guy is apparently the number one dude. He's top of the world at twenty
two. Can you mentioned me thetop of the world in your twenty two
years old Yeah, you're peaking.Peaked pretty awesome. Yeah, well that's

right. There was that woman whoa couple of years ago who she got
into the Olympics skiing because she likefound a country that had to get a
certain number of delegates and she wasfalling all over the place. Yeah,
I remember her. Yeah. Theother guy that people are talking about is
this dude, this out of shapeguy and a speedo. He dove in.
I guess one of the swimmers losttheir camp in the pool, and
so this guy jumped in to retrievethe cab. And everybody's been talking about

him because he's big. Yeah,because he's like kind of you know,
he's out of shape, just youknow, it's almost like a maintenance guy
wearing a speedo and he jumps into retrieve the cab, which why why
couldn't the athlete do that or theguy with a net like, yo,
girl, you lost your cap.Yeah, and you're a good swimmer.
Yeah, you're a great swimmer.Just get down there, yeah and pick
it up. How old are thosethe gymnastics people? Some of them are

like, what twelve? The youngestgirl on this team is sixteen, But
the rest of them are all returning. So Simone Biles is twenty seven.
I think that Jordan Childs is twentythree. So they're all kind of in
their twenties because they're all returning,and then the new one is sixteen years
old. So it just depends.It seems like they used to be They
did used to be very young,and then after Dominique Mucciano hit like hit

her head on the beam, theystopped letting them be that young. I
think she was fourteen or fifteen atthe time. And now you have to
be at least sixteen, I believe, before you get brain damage. Yeah,
that's the rule. Yeah, youcan break all your bones sixteen.
Yeah. Hi more what he showsnext? Why what do you fill some
food related news? Oh? Yeah, over two hundred thousand pounds of Boor's

Head Deli meat got recalled. Ohno, there's a listeria outbreak. It
affects the liverwurst, no ham,beef, salami, baloney, and the
whole bunch more. They have awhole list of them here. But if
you're curious what happens is if youget lysteria, it can cause gastro intestinal

ill as well as fever, eggstiffness, and confusion. It's especially dangerous
for old people, pregnant chicks,pregnant men are fine, and those with
compromised immune systems. Yeah, probablylead to weight loss too. Yeah.
I just bought some some bors Headham and like what last week? It
turns out the stuff I bought justfine? Good? Okay? I always

ask Turkyo chicken, well you hearabout these? I always ask, does
anyone actually go home and check orhas anyone here? Ever? No?
Never, Well, if it wasthe stuff that I bought, maybe,
but I looked, you know,I looked at the list. I go,
No, I didn't buy that.Didn't buy that. Oh that sounds
good, but no, I didn'tbuy that. Like a garlic bolooney if
a bors had garlic bologna. Oh, Yeah, good. Actually that does

sound pretty good, really good.I eat that. Usually it's the romaine
lettuce that's the culprit. Speaking ofpuking, a United Airlines flight on its
way to Boston diverted after a biohazardincident that happened on board that was making
the crew and the passenger sick likeeveryone was puking. No word on what
exactly the bio hazard was. Theyhaven't said something in the don't know,

maybe the duty. Yeah, Ihave no idea. But if you're a
sympathy puker and everybody on a planeand there's nowhere to go, where could
you go? Exactly? You're ona plane, everybody's barfing. I had
food poisoning on across country flight,spent the almost the entire flight in the
bathroom, coming out of both ends. Yeah. And as much as I

might be over the whole Hawk toa girl, public certainly I am.
The public certainly is not. Ifyou're in need of some Hawk to emrch
Spencer's has you covered? Oh wow, they have a marketing partnership now,
oh damn national distribution And this weekend, within the course of like an hour,
I saw two I would say fortysomething year old chicks wearing these bright

green hoktua hats sweet nice. Sopeople are buying, people are buying this.
Yeah, I just it's that's whatyou need in your life. Yeah.
Yeah. And she seems like anice enough girl, just very very
overexposed. And that's that's where youlose me. Anything when it gets overexposed

is becomes an immediate. On somepodcasts, she's pretty funny. Like I
said, she seems like, youknow, not noxious, like to catch
me outside girl or like some ofthese other people. I know, she's
doing some good stuff with some ofthe money that she's getting. She's building
houses and Rwanda. She's giving abunch of stuff, like she'll buy thousands
and thousands of dollars and stuff forlike these pet shelters and and then they

go drop it off there and theyspend some time with the animals or whatever.
The recent interview that I saw herdo was with Whitney Cummings was pretty
funny. She was just talking abouthow her mom was actually her mom is
a crackhead. And then she's said, yeah, I'm just funny because I'm
a crack baby. Like she's deprecating, well, yeah, I heard,
because yeah, that showed up onWhitney Cummings Instagram feed, and I guess

it's also this girl's got like anobsession with that Matt Rife dude, and
so they facetimed, but she wantsto spit on his thing and so he's
demographic and so they were like facetiming. Yeah, anyway, but then
she dropped out of school to takecare of her grandma and stuff like that
because of mom cool. This isanalysis men it as a social media expert

about like why she got so becausewe've done interviews where girls, so we
play a bumper where she says sheloves girl, penis, money, boys,
and drinks essentially the same thing.How does this go? This specific
about because it's about time. It'sfunny, but it's not that funny.
It's people do thousands of these streetinterviews every day in Nashville and Austin and
New Orleans, and it's supposed toat the right time the right person and

then tweets it it's over. Andthat's why it's so funny. We'll sit
in these meetings and every company I'msure will sit in the meeting at some
point and go we need to comeup with a viral video, because that's
how it works. It's like,okay, well, it's like Doc Brown
and Marty trying to figure out wherethe lightning is gonna hit. Well,
if he didn't have that flyer,how would he have known? It just
doesn't work that way. And dowe have any idea who the people are

who filmed this video? I've neverheard of that. Oh no, they
got all but Herd because they said, oh, we should be famous too,
Like they've done interviews like why,yeah, why for what? Yeah?
All right, took a break?Phones open eight seven seven forty four,
Woodie text us over to two twonine eighty seven, Sit Tight more,
next show Delicious Almond. Oh yeah, I know it's just amazing.

But yeah, I think I'm thinkof Filmy man in two Another New Hour
in Sensitivity Training for a politically correctWorld, and a Good Monday to you.
July to twenty ninth, twenty twentyfour. I'm woodied. That's Greg
Gory. Hi, that's menace.What is up? Woody? Well,

Menace. I'm gonna tell everybody theycan find us and follow us on social
media. Do it as the socialmedia director. I'm assuming that makes you
very happy. It does, andmore giveaways to come. I mean,
we gave away that ninety eight inchtelevision from DC now have some plans to
give away some more. So youshould always fall right all right at the
Woody Show. On the social mediaplatform of your choice. There is Sea

Mass. Yeah, Morning, SeaMass. Sammy's here phones are open eight
seven seven four Wooding and some ofthe text over to two to ninety seven.
Damn. I love this song Allthe Little Man Dan a cuttle Man
mounting Man dan if. My mainwas not the lyrics, but that those
are the lyrics yeaheah yeah. WhiteZombie Supercharger Heaven is another great song on

that on that same album So GoodRules, Greig has a tattoo of it
too, yeah on his lower back. A phone sex business tried to capitalize
on all the sexless dorks that descendedon San Diego for Comic Con this weekend.
They were offering up calls. Ididn't think these these sex line numbers
were still a thing. I sawone came on my hotel room while I

was at Comic Con. Yeah,I was like, whoa, that's a
little throwbacky. Well, they're offeringup calls with different comic book characters,
which I'm sure is legal. Theyposted a video of a lady in a
really bad cat Woman costume telling guysto call in if they want to talk
to a sexy superhero. Yeah,and they said their game for any and
all cosplay or fantasy role play callsdown with that too. Now I know,

Greg, you're wondering how much howmuch I would guess n cents a
minute, ninety nine for the firstminute, and then eighty nine cents each
additional minute for these dorks. Whatis that like three minutes? Right?
Yeah, they're they're fine, LikeCatwoman just has to say, I just
talk off my tom. It's over, wonder Woman. Okay, this is

this is the commercialized So this wason late night television. I'm not yeah,
yeah, I think it's gonna makecomeback with AI because now they can
computers, because yeah, I mean, who cares if it's a real persons
it helps well, yeah, sayingthey're all into the fantasy stuff anyway,
right, how many times have thestuff that I play where I talk to

these people online and they start goinginto the well my grand baby. Yeah,
I won't do that too. Right, here's a little quick clip from
Keep It Hot from the end tonight. Do you ever dream of a sexy
superhero? You know, Rare?I mean, and yes, we do
dream of it all the time.So Sea Bass was at the Comic Con

this weekend. Was a super busy. Yeah, it was not terrible,
it was you know, it wasI'm sure two capacities sold out. I
keep talking about how it's it's outgrownSan Diego, right, So what they'll
do now is the you know,the fire marshal course is heavily involved.
So the convention center itself has acertain capacity, and I would say it
was actually easier getting around because thatmain the main exhibitor hall is the hardest
part of the convention center, andit's it's nuts to butts, as they

say, shoulder to shoulder. Butit wasn't that bad this year. What
they do is they'll they'll then goout and say, okay, across the
street at this hotel, ballroom willhave a special event or down the hall
re erode at this place. Sothey are expanding to a certain degree that
they can anyways, Okay, becausethey were talking about like hotels being an
issue, just not in a hoteltwo weeks beforehand. Yeah, I don't

know if you saw it, butthere was that drone show, the Deadpool,
yes show, Peco Park Goals.Yeah. Well, the thing I've
noticed about these hotels is yet youdon't like when they announce the super Bowl
for instance, or Comic Con,you don't buy hotels that week. No,
you wait, right, because theyare all of the companies will reserve
and block out stuff, and thenas people drop out, then you come

in. It's not going to becheap, right, but it's available.
Did you pay two weeks out?Two weeks out? Total? Kind of
place were we're talking about at theAs a Marriott Bonvoy member Platinum Elite man,
I say, what could be salespeople? A courtyard was under six hundred
nights? Okay? And they butthey start far from two blocks really,

but they start out twelve fifteen hundreda night. Yeah, right, And
so you just you wait and thenof course I can you can use your
points and get you know, likecheckout again all the great are being a
bon Bonvoy member. How late ofa checkout for me? Four pm wow?
As early as eight am wow?Basically I am a bond Boy member

as well, and it is reallya pretty good program. I am,
but I don't read that. Nota member, but you know, not
a sponsor. They could be forsure. Well, you have to go
up. You don't all bond boydoesn't get eight four pm checkout. You
have to be a certain level,right, you got to be a lead.
I go to check my status.All right, So we're going to
do our annual round of how muchfor that nerd crab. Sea Bass has
gone around talking to some of thedorks of their backpacks full of goodies that

they had gone around and bought atthe convention, checking in on the culture,
see what's hot this year. Soyeah, well we'll talk to some
of these people and then they'll describewhat they've got. We have to try
to take a guess how much theypay for that nerd crap. The twenty
twenty four edition of that is next. You're on The Woody Show, Ladies
and Gentlemen, Boys, Boys andGirls, The Woody Show. And it

was just Comic Con, the ComicCon. There's a lot of different cons
that happened throughout the year. Thisis the big one, San Diego Comic
Con and Sea Bass, as heis every year, he was on the
scene talking to some of these reallycool people, guys, some girls,

body hair, the skin tags,the permanent sweat layer. Especially because you
get these when you walk into comicon you get these big yeah, the
big bags, giant bags because theywant you to buy things, because that's
what it's all about, is buyingthings in consumerism. Also, they could
put sponsor logos on there. Theymake money on that. Yes, oh
yeah, the every hotel is plasteredwith giant SpongeBob and who whatever. But

you're supposed to use it as aback pack, and so you have this
kind of plasticky bag being carried aroundall day. So it's just it's a
nice back sweat. So every yearwe play this game is called how much
for that nerd crap? And thesebags, all these different things these people
have gone and bought. They're atComic Con. So we're gonna learn a
little bit about each person. Talkto them there for a second, and
they'll tell us about something they boughtthere at Comic Con. Then we have

to try to guess how much theypay for that nerd crap. Who's the
first person to see best young manhere named Felix? Okay, all right,
well the first thing I've got here, I have a Powerpuff Girls comic,
which I'm a big fan of thePowerpuff Girl's always been a fan since
I was really young. I haveanother one that I got that's pretty much
the same comic, except with adifferent cover. And then besides that,

I've got this really big Kirby becauseI also really like Kirby. He's got
a little Magalore hat. And Igot some pins I have thrown in the
bottom here. I bought for afriend and she's a big fan of SpongeBob,
Gravity Falls and Wally, So Igot three little pins of that.
That's very thoughtful of you. Howmuch did you pay for all of that?

Nerd craft all of it? Sotwo power a Powerpuff Girls comic books,
right, so they say I recommendreading age nine through twelve years old.
All right, I got two booksPowerpuff Girls comics, a Kirby plush
dog. Kirby's that pink thing yousee it on like Super Smash Brothers and
those sort of things, but withthe Magalore helmet, which is great for
Magalare is just like so empowered,and some various you know, collectible pins.

All that stuff together is in hisbag there much menace. You have
the best handle on some of thisstuff. I'm gonna go first to kind
of give us, give us inthe ballpark. Well, I was like,
oh, started off the comics,that was probably like not too expensive,
but then you get into the plushand like how much does the plush
costing on site? And menis Idon't want to steer you in the right

direction here, but those comics wereexclusive and they have variant covers, So
Greg, when you buy your newestPowerpuff Girls comic book, you want to
get each different cover, especially likethe high glass holographic co I want to
and need, Yes, you needall the catch them all. Then the
last items were what sorry some pinslike who started that trick? By the
way, was the did Taylor Swiftsteal it from the Dorks or did the

Dorks steal it from Taylor Swift?About it's the same thing, just put
a different cover on it and thenthose hard core fans will buy all.
You've been doing that with like actionfigures. Yeah, that's that's been a
coming for thirty Plush first thirty sincebefore Taylor Swift's been a long okay,
right, all right, I didn'tknow just asking the question now trying to
learn, I'm gonna go one hundredand twenty dollars all right for all of

it? Yeah, all right,I was because I was gonnay at least
two hundred. I'll say two hundreddollars. My gut's telling me one hundred
and ten. All right, goodguess I'm gonna say one all right?
How much do they pay for thatnerd stuff? How much did you pay
for all of that nerd crap?Uh? Probably like at least two hundred

dollars? Is? Or is thereany difference between the power Puff Girls TV
show in the comic book? Idon't know. The rebook kind of sucks
if I'm being honest, So throwingshade at the reboot. But take that
Powerpuff Girls. But yeah, burnbecause yeah, they had it burn.
Well. The factor was those pinstoo. Some of them are just like

ten bucks or they could go upto like eighty dollars. The factor was
the comic books. It was yes, I would have thought those are not
that expensive. Well, I justlooked that up. What a dumb looking,
boring doll. It's a pink,little plufy thing that flies around.
Yeah. Also, like where doyou put that, right, Greg,
I mean, well, I rumof the house. I put it on
the bed, you know, likemake the bed all nice, and then

that would be like a throw pillinstead of a throat pill. Yeah,
you put that thing there obviously becauseit's collectible. I just see Maasters said
Comic Con, this is how muchfor that nerd crad you We'll do a
little variation on it. This isAhmed. He is outside in the line
for Hall H. For folks whodon't know, Hall H is one hall
in the convention center at the veryend and people that's where all that's where
Robert Denney Junior takes off his maskand you you're a heart attack, right,

it's but but people, that's veryhigh demand audience. So people will
wait outside in the grass and that'swhere I found Omed. All right,
Yeah, we're a Sante comic collh the biggest tall on uh the entire
con. Yeah, waiting in linefor the Marvel event at six o'clock.
They say there's gonna be three bignew movies announced today. So hoping this
is something cool. Hope it's somethingexciting from that? How long have you

been waiting to watch this nerd crap? So he's waiting for Marvel. Hall
ah. Now that's the big thing. That's his retainer, sunstroke or is
he drunk? Well, I willsay this, they do a great job,
because this is not Comic CON's firstrodeo. They do a great job
at giving these people a nice shadedgrass area. It's well marked off,

it's well maintained, like they havethis thing down. Need to give you
a little voucher. Civilized, it'svery civilized. On some other large afforts
I may have been a part ofrecently to be revealed. And so again
they do a great job. Soit's actually it's not a bad You just
sit around, you play games withyour friends, you watch your phone,
you know, whatever was in costume. We'll get to that in a moment.
Grow okay, but yeah, howlong has he been waiting to go

to see Marvel? Hall a?How long have you been waiting to watch
this nerd crap? All right?See minimum eight hours? You know it's
again it's Marvel. And what areyou're saying? What you're saying last week
that they were anticipating on this beingthe largest one in a long time,
at least because of the last coupleof years there have been different things,
ye say, but like all getit sells out every year, so that's

kind of a moot point. Yeah, so I'm thinking like going, I'm
going like maybe long, I'll go, uh seven hours, I'll go six
hours? Would you say menace?Eight? Eight hours? Twelve hours?
Twelve hours? All right? Sayit was going big on this one?
How long did he wait? Twohours already and we've barely moved it.
It's insane. Two hours? Yeah, two hours? Say bad? That

ain't nothing. People camp out overnight. This isat and I'll bring that up
parid here minute. Yeah, you'reway longer at the Disney sometimes depending on
the rule. So I hear somepeople stay overnight. Yes, I've heard
people have been here. It's likefour am camped out. So only how
many more hours left till we getto this panel? Six I think and
a half one too you'll get tosee uh Batman? Yeah it would be

cool. Yeah, could be cool. All that money to go and just
wait in line. Well, Greg, you'll notice how stupid I was.
Right there, He's waiting for aMarvel panel, and I said, Batman
egg on his face face that Wow, that was the dumbest thing you've ever
said, now Greg Ahmed was dressedup which look and people make fun of

adults for dressing up like cartoon characters. Honestly, I like it really because
it adds to the festivities of things. It makes. It's like I just
want to like Halloween so much.It's it's it is fun the cause play
stuff. Not personally, but Ido agree that it adds a bit of
fun for like you see and yousee like people with kids, like eight
year olds like, oh, there'sPrincess Peach. I want to take a
pun, like it's nice for that. It's it's it's it is fun,

man, it's I'm joining fun.Oh sweet when words when it come out
of seabas in mouth? Ever,what about when I was at the movie
theater a thousand miles away and therewas a guy in a full on wolverine
costume. That's a dark and ohokay, so the movies. It's like,
I know what I'm doing. I'mnot going to the movies to like
beor in the atmosphere. You know, it's a comic con Like you're you

have a lot of like we justheard, there's a lot of Yeah,
there's a lot of sitting around doingnothing, So it's fun to having to
look at Okay, so let's talkabout it's costume. All right, what
is your costume today? It's froman anime called The One Piece. It's
a character called Saba. Really bigfan of the character, so came out
with this for my first time.It's like a hat, jacket, pants,
there's like a couple of coats andundercoat that the whole outfit on.

Yeah. How much did it costfor this piece of ner crap o for
the outfit? So it's kind oflike a old old timey victorian. Dude,
does it look self abate or somethinghe bought? It looks bombed purchased
as a ensemble? Man, Idon't. I don't know because I don't
know what this character is and howmany like accessories are on this outside as

well? As we heard there's ahat, it's a jacket, there's like
a little scarf under a vests andpiance. That's a lot. Eighty dollars
eighty bucks. Uh, that's gotto be somewhere. Yeah, I'll say
I'll go ninety dollars. I'll sayone eighty closes. I mean, I'm
just thinking about regular clothes or chiefYeah, there's so many elements to this,

right, Let's go one fifty.All right, let's find out how
much you paid for this whole getup? How much did it cost for
this piece of her crap? Aboutone hundred dollars? Not too bad.
They have to make it yourself andhave to it's piece of mass. I
wanted to keep it simple in ourfirst time. Yeah, just get something
nice. Yeah, you're killing cardgame. I know, you know.
I don't know why. I'm juston a roll today. I know.

It's funny because like if we comein here and we started doing an impression
of an average comic kind of tendeesand we started talking about this, that's
okay, guys, we get it. That's a stereop active all right,
how much they pay for that?Nerd crab? Who's next? And we're
also gonna go with Emily and uh, this is the outfit that she was
in, all right. Yeah,I'm Lego Batman. Yeah, I've got

a poster board covered in duct tape, some foam covered in duct tape paper
that I cut a cape from Amazon. And these things in your hands are
like they're like fists or what wouldyou call those grippers. Yeah, they're
my lego hands, and I havethem attached on strings so I can drop
them and still the whole things.And these were three D printed who was
carrying all her personal stuff? Hergirlfriend like, what was the Well,

what she's saying is that because herlittle leg you know, little gripper hands
that lego pieces have, because they'reon strings, she can let them drop
and then Carrie, you know,something else in her in her human hand.
But when she stopped to post forphotos as lego Batman, the way
you flip on like mittens to alittle kid exactly right, Greg, Wow,
say oh this is you know,kids movie stuff, and there's all
these adults here. What's wrong withthese people? What do you say to

those folks? I think that's ridiculous. As you grow, you have more
resources. You can make super coolthings, spend money on super cool things.
I can buy a lot more playtonow than I could when I was
a kid. Exactly how much wouldit cost for this entire lego Batman homemade
outfit? Rap? Now? Whatdoes it look like? You would buy

these types of items like a Michael'sor phone lines? Yeah, it's all
like homemade. Yeah, Michaels.So it's it's cardboard. It's the specialty
store Amazon for the kid. Andthen the little hand little grippers were actually
three D printed. Oh wow,that's kind of neat. It'd be tough
to mold that. You have toget foam and fall apart. So you
want to have something harder in plastic? Uh going two hundred, I'm going

eighty five? One twenty five?All right, Emily, how much did
we pay? How much did itcost for this entire Lego Batman homemade outfit?
A nerd crap? I would sayprobably like one hundred bucks? Now
who was it? Was? It? Will Arnette? Was Lego Batman?
Right? Yes? I think so? You do the voice at all only

sometimes? All right? All right, I think she's having she's having fun,
she's having fun, living life hatein minutes, let's do one more.
We got time for one more?Right? All right? How much
do they pay for that nerd crabcomic Con San Diego? Who's this is
a guy? He's all in greenand he's got like a bunch of beastly

face, you know, like facefur and little ears. It's beast Boy
from Teen Titans. Greg your favorite? Oh, yeah, and he and
his friends are doing something that Idon't know. I don't know I wanted
to do this. So he's gettingdrunk with his friends. Okay, And
I don't know why everyone doesn't dothis at comic on because they don't check
bags. You can walk around with, you know, a chick fil a
cup full of Really, there's whatabout detectors, Well, there's too much.

There's too much crap going on offthese costumes. So there's you just
have a badge and they've got copthey are cops. There's cops everywhere,
so they're they're checking you know,no real swords, no real guns,
et cetera, et cetera. Butyou can you can just go around drunk
all day more. Do you wantto play along on this one? Yeah?
I love ten times. I lovebeast boys. So beast boy he
got some stuff, some cards he'sgoing to tell us about. All right,
here's a beast boy. I ambeast boy. I got a d

C DC versus Vampires trading cards.Now these playing cards or whatever they're supposed
to be playing cards for, it'smore of a like, it's definitely a
scammed. You argue that everything soldhere as a scamp, low key absolutely.
How much did you pay for thatDC Versus Vampire trading card piece?

And nerd crap? Huh so forfolks don't know, Greg, DC versus
Vampire of course, is that's thatcomic book series that a limited run where
there are a bunch of vampires inthe DC universe and they had a five
but now sometimes the vampires would convertthe DC characters and they become DC superhero
or Vampire Superhero. Oh and thatwas a big deal, right Greg?
I think your board probably knows moreabout this anybody. It was pretty sounds

like something that's like right up?Is ou the biggest It was actually more
fun than DC Versus Zombies? Thatone was kind of boring. Yeah,
these are the trading cards based onthey had that comic book series and they're
now sold and like you said,they're kind of a scam. But whatever,
so is everything? Like how manyof these are? There's just one
card? It comes like a packlike you did like baseball cards. Okay,
so how much for a pack ofcards? So you might get vampire

Batman or something in your pack ofcards? Uh man? Because I know,
dude, like garbage pail kids thoseare pricey, Yeah, considering how
much they used to be. Itwas like twenty five cents and they had
to stick a gum, especially ifit's an exclusive pack at comic Con.
Remember the friend Kevin Smith, Hereleased a whole series at Comic Con last
year and that was a lot.Is this a big deal board the DC
versus Vampire. Yeah, it wasa pretty big limited series that they had.

You know, it was like Marvelversus Zombies was a huge thing that
happened in the early two thousands,so it was a pretty popular series.
I mean, imagine you get tosee your favorite superhero like so Man Greg
or imagine or General Zod is azombie. Oh god, that would be
awesomewards a zombie would be so great. And then and then you buy the
trading card after that because you wantedto. It's a limited run, and
only you got it because you wentto Comic Con for that. Yeah.

Wow, that's what we're saying.The host this whole economy is based on
a false sense of scarcity. Allright. They can print more of these
cars if they wanted to, butthey don't because it's money, right,
twenty five dollars. I'm saying fifty, he's got two packs. By the
two packs thirty bucks, thirty thirtyfive, thirty five sixty sixty board sixty

five sixty five dollars. Let's findout, beast boy, how much you
paid for that nerd crap? Howmuch did you pay for that DC versus
Vampire Trading card piece of nerd crap? I bought two sets, each one
thirty five dollars, so I spentseventy dollars. Let's say someone wanted to
enjoy a beer at comic Con.How might someone do that? You know,
I like tall? Lets tell youthat this is a fishing every day

right here? What's your character?It's a Starfire. So now starfire.
Just so they don't check your bags, and that's a pro tip tip pro
tip, they don't check your bags. Bring this in the water bottle,
pure vodka, whatever you want,whatever you want, honestly, now you
know, look at Bort, handsup and a v hell yeah, dog,
yeah, yeah, I know mynerd crap. Yeah. Nice nice

work there, bored. Yeah,well I spent a lot of money on
it, so I should know bynow now you were paying attention to all
this stuff over the week and anythingthat caught your eye. Yeah, I
mean the there's a new Batman seriesthat's coming on Amazon Prime this week called
Batman the kpe Crusader. That waspretty exciting. Uh, there's a the
new Transformer trailer for Transformer one cameout. It's like a prequel. It's

a cartoon. Greg. Yeah,CBI movie. That was pretty exciting.
Robert Danney Junior News. That wasthat was fun. You know, I
really enjoyed it. But personally,my favorite exciting moment is it dorky as
hell? Sorry, guys, there'sa new because of the rest was epic
for me being dorky. Uh.There is a crossover action figure for the

Transformers and g I Joe transforms itto a Transformer and yeah, am I
the only one getting a boner?Right? They're doing a Transformers and night
Ride or crossover. Okay, that'skind of legit exciting. Yeah, kid's

an old friend the show's next.Hang up, don't hit me. Hey,
I'm not gonna hit you and takethe last and I'm gonna throw them
on the ground. This well,there's a mom in the news. This
woman in uh New York, shehad a Burger king drive through her daughter
wanted the burger and some fries.No ketchup was the order she hands her

daughter in the bag. The girlcomplains that she saw ketchup on the package,
but the order wasn't wrong. Therewas no ketchup. That was blood.
No, I mean all over thekid's happy meal smeared across the wrapper,
the food, even the toys.Yeah, there was blood on there.
The manager said that a worker hadcut themselves. They did offer a

refund, but the mom took itright to the top to the king and
corporate dind Up closed that location fora deep cleaning and to retrain all the
team members. And he said thatthey're going to be covering the medical costs
for the family because now this girl'sgetting tested because I guess she ate some
of the food, all right,Well, yeah, so she's going to

get some testing make sure everything's cool. She didn't catch the coots the cooties
from the burger king worker. Icut myself making food, and then you
know, they give you those littlefinger condoms and I could see. I
remember that place. It was reallybig for a long time, like the
nineties, the old spaghetti factory.Yeah, I still go at one time.
Man and the server came around andthen handed the dish, put the

dish down the plate, and therewas a big smear, like a like
a thumbprint of blood on the rimof the of the dish that they the
pasta was in. I'm like,Dode, I think you're bleeding. He
goes, oh yeah, look atthat. How about that? And he
kept putting all the other plates down. Let me just wipe this with the
same bloody like thumb prints. Andso the manager came round because nobody's touching

anything. He didn't see them atall. You know, I'll have that
redone. I'm really sorry about that. He just put everything down. Can
I get you anything else? Yeah? Clean plate? Yeah, Like,
we're not eating this? How aboutnew food? Yeah. I felt like
a baller when I went there,because it was like three ninety nine at
the time for the manager's special whereyou get the pasta, the salad the
old spaghetti factory. And then Isay, what a he not the nineties,

There was a line around the blockat the old Spaghetti Factory in San
Diego. Oh wow, this weekend, it's still around. He'd been going,
Yeah, he'd be going, Ijust haven't seen one. We need
to have a show trick. It'slike how Greg has never seen a red
lobster and they're all old timing inside. More Woody shows coming up, all

the plate be right back. Iwas shocked in a pall. It just
horrifying. It's crazy as hell.Set your lighting, pubic cat with everywhere,
and we are into another new hourinsensitivity training for a politically correct world.
It is Monday morning. It's Julyto twenty ninth, twenty twenty four.

Whatdye that's Greg Gory, Good morning, menace his big yawn. Yeah,
get your big ya ready for thisday? Old on, look at
he yes, Hi, all right, there's a menace. We got sea
bass. Oh they're Sammy money phonesare open eight seven seven forty four.
You can hit us up with thetext over to two to nine eight seven.

So with the Olympics going on,we figured we want to get on
the action. So we're gonna havethe Woody Show Olympics. So it's two
weeks worth of competition. So wehave a competition that we loosely brainstormed out.
Well, yeah, it's an actualOlympic event. Yeah, I didn't
realize that shooting. Yeah they havethis is based on what he story of

being in the barber shop. Andso it was like, hey man,
check out this air gun. Let'syeah, plea the barber shop that I
go to he is now selling knivesand these non lethal weapons probably burn up
B Y R N A. AndI of course had because it's something that
can hurt you in his self DEFENSEY. I have one already. It shoots

nylon balls. It's basically it's aair it's an air gun or not an
air gun, a paintball gun andpistol for him essentially. Yeah. And
so what the the barber was tellingme is that a lot of people have
been buying from him to help peoplekeep you know, keep their pets safe.
It's good because it's like if there'ssomething out in the yard going after
your dog or something like boom,you can like you know, yeah,
and it'll get them to go away. If you don't want to have a

whole paintball gun set up, yeah, these things are good for that because
they're not gonna kill anyone of course, but it will sting like a mother.
Oh yeah, I guess remember Randyright the show and uh yeah,
we got we got Randy. Hetook he took each one for what one
hundred bucks something like that, sohe made like four hundred and fifty bucks,
and man, he was marked upand they all and they sell also

exploding ones with like pepper ball powder, and I got those. We want
to play with them? Okay,yeah, we got that. And then
he was also telling me there's somethat have like a gas that release a
gas. I think that's what he'stalking about. It, ye wouldn't betting?
No, No, there was threedifferent ones. I'll get the details
from him because one paintball. I'llask for the details again. But he
said, man, that one isso brutal it makes you want to reach

down your throat and pull your lungsout. Thanks you, he's talking about
Pepperyeah, it's definitely because I've watcheda ton of videos on these. Thank
you, because I wanted to buyone. These would be fun for you
for your I'll get some problem.You see some possums out there? Yeah,
what do you can get? There? All the info next time he
goes to the barber shop. Yeah, there is from the guys who own

one, or research the guy cutsthere. So anyway, the the there's
an actual Olympic event the ten meterair pistol shooting, which is almost the
same thing. Oh d I sawan interview with one of these and one
of the chicks like looks like sheworks in the bakery section at Walmart,
talking about there's nothing. She wastalking about the endurance, like you have

to hold your arm up, sobasically it's it's a tiny little beb shooting
thing. You wear these like youwear a visor one one little goggle thing
covers your eye and you have likea little monocle on your shooting eye.
And that's and you went a goldmedal. Right, yeah, okay,
I think we could do that herein the studio. There's still a good
shot. But when she was talkingabout the endurance, I was just like,

how how's it work? We havea do we have the football helmet
I got Okay, we've got afootball helmet to protect the dome. We
also have I've got eye protection foreverybody in the room in case of ricochets.
Yeah, and then I've got ashield for your back. Okay,
there of a American flag because becauseyou get the back of that's protected.

But if you go two inches down, you're gonna have a nasty day your
neck, yeah, yeah, don'tfit Samy night. Okay. And then
and then the idea is like thatperson for the anticipation aspect, will have
their back to the shooter, right, they're also protecting the face. Yeah,
and to protect the face. Butthere's gonna be one like it's some

kind of somebody else across the room. And then they shoot like a target
off the top of the off Thisis gonna be sitting on top of the
intel style. Yeah, yeah,all right, So now from the from
the shooter side, Uh, there'sgonna be there's gonna be a team.
So one person is gonna be holdingthe gun and aiming based on the guidance
from the other person, the otherteam members. So I'll have to go

all right, no higher, allright, to the little bit to the
left, all right, okay,a little bit more, all right,
a little bit higher, alright rightthere, Ready, aim fire and we'll
see how they do. So howwill that person how will the person being
guided know where they're aiming? Theydon't. This is someone's gonna get hurt.
I know this. Yeah. Ihave never this extra la in the

history of this show been more notwanting to do something because because literally I
don't want to be should go onyour shoulder and you'd be in excruciating pain.
I thought it was with the withthe with the vest. Yeah,
but that doesn't cover shoulder. That'snot a it's not a full body armor
like or it doesn't cover the youwant see this, We're talking about loose

brainstorming, like this is what wetalked about in the office, and like
nobody nobody said no. I meanI think we were just talking about I
don't care. How are we gonnado it that. I would say you
have to or just the shooter cash. Actually I'd say Best of five because
there's still an element of day five. Well, the clip quote unquote the
magazine holds five. Okay, howabout Best of Life. You get one

shot? One shot, Greg,we have to fill the whole segment.
Oh no, that's we have plentyof other stuff and we need So if
we need that, who is thetarget? How are we doing that?
If the if the team is rockpaper scissors, the team is Sammy and
Menace. They can rock paper scissorsfor for who gets okay, So then

is the shooter and the target?Right? That is what the team is?
Okay, Okay, the worst teamwould have did I say buy breakfast?
I see, and perhaps also gethurt. Oh all right, but
that's gonna be next Woody Show Olympics. Four. Wooding's not like this some
of the text at all, overto two two nine eight seven, will

be right back? How dumb areyou on the wood Show? We'll be
right back. Just looking at thetext, I'm excited for the Woody Show
Olympics. It's gonna be a goodweek. Yeah. And then somebody said,
with no sarcasm, they noted lovingthe live brainstorming. It's a cool
behind the madness of creating the segment, and from my mind as the host

of a show, I hate thatstuff really. That's why I like to
have stuff kind of figured out beforewe get into it. But it's not
the first time I've heard that wherepeople are like enjoying us behind the scenes.
Yeah, we've already made a coupleof tweaks. Is like I said,
it was a half baked idea thatI don't support. Ideas where we

had the name first and then we'relike, oh, yeah, the Olympics
are going on. What can wedo show Olympics? What a great name?
Cool? What do we do Idon't know. We should we should
they do that? Oh it's tooscary? So like, what are you
what are you so nervous about?I just what part of it? All
of it? Like, even evenif you were guaranteed that it wouldn't hit

you and it would hit the target, the jolt of the fear is scaring
me so bad. I cannot takeone of these to the body. I'm
I'm I'm old and tired, youknow what I mean? Old entire And
how would you get shot in thebody of the person's aiming? What do
you trust everybody in this room to? That's the differencendle the gun, Like
what the idea of having the otherperson saying okay, high or lower,

et cetera. Is fun, butit would be at an extreme est to
your body. All right, wellwhat do you show Olympics that the output
looks ridiculous? And that is next? All right, welcome back, it's

a week number one. We're allgoggled up. Wow, we have everybody
in the room. We have eyeprotection in the show Olympics. It kind
of makes my vision blurry with yourshooting name Greg? I know, yeah,
I know, Greg. Yeah,you're very nervous. I'm freaking freaking

out, like about what specifically theshooting and possibly getting hit. I would
rather be a shooter, to behonest, I mean everybody would. Greg.
Look, I'm volumes hearing as atarget. Okay, okay, here
can we all agree on this andSea Bass, you of all people need

to agree to this. No intentionallyshooting somebody and they'll em yeah, I
mean anywhere other than what the targetis, because like he's done that before.
He got Randy backgend. Yeah,we have the tape. Honestly though,
honest, no sarcasm from you,do we all are We all agree

that we are aiming for the target. We're not trying to hit anybody otherwise.
And I'll say this, I've usedthe burn A air gun. They
actually if you're a if you're oneof our lovely Vegas listeners, they have
a shooting range in Vegas you cango to. These things are very accurate,
even from a much longer distance thatwe're going out here. That also
being said, I tried this airpistol. I used it in my home

and I just kind of shot intomy trash can. Thing. Oh,
it'll go in the trash can andbounce around and whatever went through my trash
can in the wall? Oh no, are you serious? Yeah, if
you look at like they because theyhave shots. If you go to their
website of like people who get hitwith this, and it's just the biggest
well and and it breaks the skin. Yea. Again, it will kill
you, may not even stop you, but it'll it'll certainly get It's a

get away from me sort of thing. And that's why I'm at a loss
for words as to explain why amI nervous? Okay, all right,
so how is this? So who'sgoing to go first? I guess?
And then how are you deciding whois going to be who? Yeah,
we'll have to pick teams, right, Yeah? Is there anybody else volunteering

to be the target? And Ithink I think Sea best you should probably
shoot because you've done it before.Okay, happened yet. So what we
have is a we have a Americanflag vest protect the body, meaning prefer

preserver. Then we have a likea motorcycle style helmet on top of that
is taped an empty aluminum can.And then we also have over there Woody.
He's wearing protection, as is everyonein the studio. Also over there,
you're gonna see there's a there's abig Jesus that things. There's a
big blanket. Would you would youcan if you like, wrap around your
neck to protect that. I recommendthat. And so what he'll be doing

he'll be facing away from the shooter. In this case, myself, I
can just demonstrate these things. Whatmakes the burn up specialist is again not
an advertiser, but I know theycould be. Is so the top end,
like where below your your muzzle.I guess that's where the smaller sea.
I think it's an eight gram COtwo goes in and you and it's
not pierced until I actually pull thetrigger, so you can you could have

this on you like I've had otherpit paintball pistols before, and when they
when it pre pierces the CO two, that just leaks over time, so
you lose power. Hilarious wood.He also has a face mask, a
full paintball style face mask, sohe's well protected. Okay, here we
go, so they have AH andI know you're asking you what's the other

thing over here? This is theI would say the knife protection blanket thing
I would wrapped up around your neckand although he has a backwards baseball cap,
so his next pretty well protect smartto do thanks to the visor.
But yeah, for your shoulders andsuch. The other thing too. So
there's a burners they take. It'sa five plus one. It's a magazine
plus. There's one in the inthe chamber. Here also a safety.
So I've I've gon shot this,know a couple dozen times. It's a
lot of fun. I'm not loading. And it could take us sixty eight

caliber, I believe. So theyhave the plastic rounds. They also have
the pepper ball rounds, and ofcourse you could throw it in his paintball
round And they have these little greenones that are designed to explode and then
disintegrate. So if you're out inthe woods and you want to don't want
to get plastic everywhere, you coulduse those. Again, great advertisement.
I know we're putting the clip in. Oh what he's putting on. He's
putting on this whole nuggy thing.You. I was just gonna wrap it

as the giant Oreo cookie over there. Now they're not going to know that
we're Americans. Yeah, this thingup all right? Yeah, I don't
know if the helmet's going to fitwith all that crap on your head though,
are you going? Oh wow?Okay, a leopard grimace. Okay,
so in this case, I couldn'thurt what if I tried? Really,
unless I him for the bundle,He's gonna go over by, over

by, around you. No,I'm gonna go over there. Sea Bess
will come. I'm not going toshoot across the equipment. That'd be irresponsible.
You'll come here towards the window instead. Yeah, just shooting towards the
window. Yeah, it won't gothrough because we have a screen on our
window to screens. Actually it won'tgo through that. I was go against

the wall, but okay, wantsto do windows. You have one of
your old signs that MIC's not on, like it's for cardboard, and you're
fine, You're you're well protected atthis point. Give me one of your
signs, all right? Oh wow, I'll give him with the menace reaction
scale, right, okay, becausewell this way we'll kind of protect the

window. Yeah, I mean we'regoing above and beyond here. Okay,
okay, so he's holding the signto protect the window. All right,
So I'm gonna insert the magazine whenyou insert the magazine. Greg, you'll
note this little pop, this littlepiece on top by the rear sight pops

up, letting you know it's loaded. It's one in the chamber. Again,
this is probably not a full Olympicten meter air pistol. This is
probably about three four meters, butyou know what has And then there's a
safety as well, you'll see Greg, allright, turning off the safety everyone
my protection on engage engaged. Areyou prepared? Yes. By the way,
this will be loud because it's gonnapierce the co two cardridge. Okay,

count me Downwoodie, oh god,all right ready three two one.
I was high into the right andit fully pierced the cardboard. Not as
loud as cardboard because it hit thecardboard. Okay, yeah, damage the

scream all right. So I'm alittle high, little right, ready,
a little outside just right this time? Yeah yeah, again it pierces that
cardboard. No problem. I'm willingto go next. You like this nominous
three? No? What that hitthe helmet? It sounds like it hit

something that was what right, Well, I'm not a great shot, huh
yeah no, no, no,you get you get the fire, you
get five five can by the wayas the volunteer. I get to shoot
next. That's that's also fair.Okay, No, did I hit that?
I think I hit the can becauseit's dented on the side. You
see that no shot. At first, it was like that when you started,

Yeah you're good, then would begiant. No no, no,
no, no, that's I hateI hit it on that one shot number
This is shot number four. Allright, so I'm one out of three
except for that that can three twoone that's to the left and ricochet passed

off the wall back over to wherewe are. Yeah again, thank god,
Gregg's really low so we can gethit in the face. Everyone.
Everyone's got eye protection. Last shotready, Moody three two one. I
doubled up on my second shot there, So one out of four not great
or one out of five not great? All right, all right, who's

next? Jeez? Oh wait,so what he gets to shoot? Sea
Bass? I get the shoot?Okay, Robes, Yeah, all right,
I don't. I don't necessarily.Let's take the break so we can
we can switch up the get uphere gear the gear man, I tell
you what, like your heart poundsgreat? I can only imagine we now

have a in the office to Yeah, we have a defibrillator. Yeah,
they just installed that. It's prettybad. Nice to tell us where it's
at. It's right by the bathroom, right next to the band aids.
Really, yeah, didn't get anemail? Wood you show Olympics. We're
gonna take a quick break so wecan change up the gear. Man's you're
gonna You're gonna be the target?No wait, who was gonna be the

target? To choose? Man?What because you got to be? I
thought you said you wanted to doit. I want to shoot. Everyone
wants to shoot. Well, who'sgonna be the target? What your you
got? You were already the target? So you can choose? Uh?
Oh really all right? Let medecide during the break. All right,
more next, hanging on right back? All right, So really, decision
time on who's gonna be the target? Next? I think it should be

Greg Gory. Yeah, because Ithink he's the most anxious about it.
Anxiety. Now, Greg, Iwill say, the chance that you actually
get hit with one of these thingsis point zero one, yeah, point
especially if I'm the one shooting.Well, I'm the gun owner, I

know, you know, I feelvery confident. I feel very confident that
you wouldn't You wouldn't get hit anywhereanywhere below the helmet for sure. But
anyway, you don't have to doit. It's your choice. No no,
no, no, no, nono no. I know how Greg
feels. I just wanted to puthim on the spot. Like right now,
I can't even form words. Areyou cooping? I'm about if you're

just tuning in. It's what youshow Olympics And so we have one of
these. It's a non lethal Theyshoot nylon, like these nylon balls.
My barber is selling them. That'sso funny. And uh, these are
just the regular nylon balls. Theseare not the ones that have the pepper
in them. Right, are theseusable? I wonder? Yeah? Yeah
that's cool. Yeah, so it'syou know, very rain. Yeah that's

good. But they will give youa huge welt if you get hit by
one. Yeah, Sammy, howdo you feel about it? I feel
fine? Actually, after watching yougo, I don't think there's much risks
to it. I would do it. I'm not scared of it. Yeah,
because menace does everything. I meanwhatever, if I do do it,
I know how you feel. Ithink she would look great and you

don't have anybody left. No,I know how you feel, and I'm
pretty sure Morgan would do it.She's she's always down to do stuff,
but she's she's really nervous. SoSammy, how do you feel. I'll
do it. You'll do it,yeah, I mean, as long as
you're a good shot. He is. So what if you put Greg and
Sammy's name in the hat? Andlet me say this, what you don't?

I mean if she wanted to shoot, certainly you can, obviously you
have the choice, but you couldalso detignate a shooter. I do want
to shoot it. I've never shotone. They're funny, cool. I
mean, I've got yeah, actualguns, I've got walked down a bunch
of so these the CO two cartridgeyou get, so it's a five round
mag plus the CEO two cartri isprobably good for fifteen to twenty shots.

Okay, all right, Well we'llput both names in a hat and we'll
see which one comes out. NoIce next to The Woody Show Olympics continues
next the wood Show. Alright,Woody Show Olympics. And we had what's
it? Berna b y r nA is the I already had? Then?

Apparently your barber sells yep. Yeah, they're they're non lethal. Uh
not on balls. I think weall need one. They don't call them,
they don't even call them pistols orfirearms, scho technically they're not.
They call them like throwers, throwers. Yeah, it's just throwing a ball
with air. Yeah. And sowe have it. There's a empty,
an empty aluminum can on top ofa what looks like from like an evil

from evil's helmet. Yeah. Andthen but she looks like one of the
sad people, you do. She'sgot that a paintball face man mad Max,
a full on snuggie yeah, andthen on on top of that life
preserver and then at around her neck. All right, So for the for

the next round. Since I wasthe volunteer to get shot out last time,
I get to shoot and uh andSammy has volunteered to be the target
on this one. Now, SeaBeast did not hit the target. I
hit it once. I definitely hitone. Oh, then the can just
got a giant dent in the sideall by accident. And didn't it start
like that? No? No,no, I couldn't even replicate that debt,

thank you Greig. All right,I couldn't see so yeah, I
don't know if you hit it ornot. So you gotta beat one what
I do like Sammy's if you can'thold up that piece of cardboard. That
was helpful cause that showed where exactlyon the missus the missus were going.
That was nice and now it makesthe sign look bad ass. Yeah,
it's like the menace reactions again.We're like the menace exactly. We've been

out here. Okay, everybody gottheir eye protection on, yes, all
right, I protection on? Allright. So yeah, so this is
already the safety is off because onceyou fire, the safety goes off.
Uh. The c O two shouldhave about ten more shots on it.
Once you insert the magazine, it'sready to go. Get the pistole.

I'm getting more nervous. Yeah.Well yeah, don't blame you at all.
Okay, all right, so isshe going to carry you down?
Yep? I just count to three, one two three, it was yeah,

right, yeah, it's like anInChI in. I just missed that,
all right, ready, one twothree, all right? The right?
Yeah, yeah he hit it somethinghe was shooting. I'm really clustering.
Well, yeah, so what hedid is he hit the side of
the canon split in two. Ohis that what happened? I was wondering

what if one, two three cameflying? Wow? That was perfect?
Oh my god, that launched.Tell you what, shooting is pretty good.
I gotta say, I've never shotthat before. So like, if

you shoot like a nine millimeters,I would I would equate that to kind
of like the same feel as anine million. No, not even recoil,
but like the trigger is definitely alittle bit more. It's a harder
pull. Yeah. Yeah. Solike when you're shooting, like on a
range, you've got a gun,or let's just say you're shooting a home
intruder. Yeah, with a ninemillimeter, you really kind of want to
use the tip of your finger.You don't want to have, like a

word's up that little first knuckle becausethat can pull the gun in a different
direction. You really kind of wantto and the trust me, Like a
nine millimeter, it doesn't take alot for that poll Yeah, on this
one, it definitely takes a littlebit more. Oomphe I'll do it.
No, we don't have to.I'm proud of you. Show. Yeah.

Man, the way that that amilypopped off, Look, that is
super cool. A lot more whathe shows next. Hang on. With
a little effort, I think wecan up our li likeability. Judy Show'll
be right back fast and now backtoo show. Hi, welcome back everybody.
Yeah, Monday morning. It's Julythe twenty ninth. Last couple days

of July here. August first isThursday. Body, Yeah, that starts
back to school time August officially todaythose National lasagna Day, yes, please
love a good lazagnia. Also Nationalwing Day. It's a National get gnarly
Day. Oh helly, National lipstickDay as well. Very exciting. That's

exciting, very exciting. A coupleof things going on here. There's a
new streaming deal. I'm sure maybeyou saw something about it over the weekend.
There's a Disney plus Hulu and Maxstreaming bundle for both new and existing
customers. So you'll like that,Greg, that's fair Usually when that's just
for the new customers and one.Yeah, you call and ask about it,
like, well, I've been inwith you for fifteen years. Yeah,

we don't like loyal customers. Yeah, So it's Disney plus, Hulu
and Max. You get all thosefor one price instead of three sixteen ninety
nine per month for the one withads. Twenty nine ninety nine a month
for without ads, but for threeyeah, so what ten bucks for each
one of them? Yeah, andthat's you know, that's the one without

ads. That's pretty good, allright. Do you have that much time
in your day where you can watchthree whole streaming services and the other day
but I mean, you know,over the course of a month, yes,
happy option. Yeah. I justlike knowing I have them. It's
comfortable knowing it's there. Yeah,bringing it brings me joy. Speaking of
Disney, Gina Carano's lawsuit against Disneyand Lucasfilm can go forward. The federal

judge denied emotion to dismiss the lawsuit, which was filed by Gina after she
was canned from the Mandalorian over thosesocial media posts where she was comparing the
political climate in the US to theHolocaust because you're not allowed to do that.
It's only one side that can dothat well, And that's the course
of her talks of argument, becauseyou could say they can fight, you
can hire and fire, or youshould be able to hire and fire whoever

you like. But people point outthat her co stars basically did the same
stuff on the other side, andwe're allowed to, you know, just
have jobs. And but that's thegood to forget politics for a second.
There's anybody that you don't like her, that you disagree with, you immediately
label them as a Nazi or youhave to go so overboard everybody. I
don't like his hitler with whatever itis. Isn't Gina Carano the one that
our friend Perry Caravello is like obsessedwith. Well they've been dating for a

long time. What as far asPerry thinks her, right, Yeah,
and for whatever he gets fixated onpeople, and I guess he probably saw
her on you know, some newssite when this whole story broke a couple
of years ago, and for whateverreason, he just loves her. Does
he want to fight her? Isn'tshe a? Well she will? Here's
the thing. Okay, so sheand Corona famous in the MMA. She

got a couple acting roles, fastand furious, et cetera, et cetera.
Yea, she got the man,great role for her, but unfortunately
she made an eight her way upit. She had a tweet, half
to tweet, She had a tweet, and she had to eat. So
do you know the name Winston Newan? If you're a watcher of Jeopardy.
Winston He's a New York City mathteacher, went on Jeopardy, killed it,

really did a really good job,became a champion. Well now he's
in jail, and I hope he'sno. It seems going to be there
for a while child porn charges.God. Now, according to the cops,
he was catfishing miners and sharing Xrated images with them through social media.
And this is not even his firstrun in with the law, because
back in twenty seventeen he was arrestedfor stealing over three hundred thousand dollars from

an elderly couple and he did timefor that on Riker's Island. The hell
did get on Jeopardy and they endup on Jeopardy? Yeah, because,
as I can tell you from experience, they do extensive background check whatever any
show these days. Yeah, WinstonNewan is his name, and I always
I never know how to pronounce thatdamn last name. I've heard win,
I've heard new and I've heard newyou win. There's another entertainment industry work

stoppage, and this time it's thevideo game voice actors and motion capture performers
who were on strike they want AIrelated protections. They want companies like Activision
and EA, Epic Games, TakeTwo, Interactive, and others to pony
up the AI protections along with higherpay, medical treatment, and breaks for

motion capture performers. So you're tellingGreg there's a voiceover opportunity, I'll do
it for cheap Sonic the Hedgehog.Yeah, I was in a video game
and I don't even remember which onewhat it was so long ago. I'm
in some huge game. Yeah,it might have been like a Star Wars
game or something. Oh you wouldhave done if it was a Star Wars

game. I don't. It wasrecorded where they had where they made Guitar
Hero, so they had all thereal life guitars that they used in Guitar
Hero. The humongous semi circle.I said, what's with the guitars?
Oh, that's Guitar Hero stuff.That's pretty cool. I'm great Gory,
I'm Mario. I got me auditionfor a Grand Theft Auto and it was

going to be to be a DJon one of the radio stations, and
I think Striker got that. Ourfriend Striker. Anyway, see what else
going on here? Multiple news outlets, including this one. Sorry, guys,
we reported that Tom Brady was datinga twenty seven year old Sports Illustrated
swimsuit model, but apparently that isnot true. It's a good news Sammy.
Yes, nice, excellent, You'reback on top. According to TMZ,

the two have never gone on adate and Tom apparently doesn't even have
her phone number. I finally sawher photo. She looks like a younger
version of Jeff Jeff bezos wife orgirlfriend or whatever. She is a former
news girl. Yeah all right,like a what I'm trying to picture Jeff
Bezes's checks Like she's a brunette,right, yeah, yeah, yeah,

yeah, yeah, I know whoyou're talking about. Lauren. Yeah,
that sounds right. With this fakeTom Brady, our friend looks like a
version of her. All right,So more proof that we are living in
the real life version of that movieIdiocracy. It's been about a year since
Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg's cage matchidea fell apart, but Elon says he's
ready to fight zuck quote anytime,any place. Yeah, and with any

rules. Like, dude, youeach have billions of dollars chilling you mean,
how fun? But like why,like why would you even want to
do that. Yeah, why wouldyou care about anyone else or anything else
when you have that much. Thericher you get, the weirder you get
because there is always a new challenge. And what's you going to do?
Just sit on a yacht and lookat money? No? No, yeah,

that's that's what you're boring for them. Here's the problem. Here's the
problem, okay, is some peoplein life get to be billionaires because they're
ambitious and they love new things.Other people don't because when they have free
time, they stare at their phoneand play slots and stare at the beach
and stare at the beach and justhave an empty mind. So what you're
saying is this is like Pete fromthe show Friends. It's it's that,
that's what I see. What you'resaying might not understand. So Monica was

dating this dude. Pete sure waslike the Bill Gates of Friends, and
he was so bored and he hadaccomplished all his goals that his goal was
to become the ultimate fighting champion.Remember she was working at the diner.
Was essentially just by the way youbury the lead. Pete was John Favreau.
Well, yeah, he was JonFavreau, but Pete, Pete Becker,

I didn't have another friend's fun factfor you. Greg. Okay,
you know how in the opening creditsthey're all in the fountain and they're laughing.
Yes, of course, well theywere laughing because they were very miserable
at the time the filming. Itwas at night. Obviously, they said
it was a nightmare, just avery long late night. The water was
freezing cold. They had done likefive hundred takes and it was all this

unmotivated dancing and everyone was cranky.And that is until the crew asked for
yet another tape, and that's whenMatthew Perry kind of snapped and he made
a really sarcastic, like a Chandlerlike uh like comment, and that cracked
everybody up organically, and then thatwas the final version. Just laughed,

yeah, oh really you need anothertake? Oh like oh so you'd be
like, we should probably bub andhe just like went on this like rant
and then that cracked everybody up.And then that's what got everybody. My
sympathy level for them is very high, like, oh no, it was
a late night and you were cold. Yeah, what was the was the
fountain intro was that the the sameintro the entire time that part was,

but then in between they interspliced morelike whatever the current season was okay,
clips, so even less sympathy becauseit was a brand new show. You
guys are just gotting picked up bya you know, for a sitcom exactly.
You guys should be psyched. Youshouldn't be complaining. Chance, Yeah,

it's really late. You can't getGreg to feel bad for actress.
Man, I can't. You can't. Yeah, all right, time for
your birthdays and your porno birthday,dot go show this shiver oday. We're
gonna let its shivery. We're gonnasit the like it's shiverday and you know

we don't give birthday. Starting withthe celebrities, Happy birthday to Josh Radner
from How I Met Your Mother Memoryplayed Ted. He's fifty years old.
You got Will Wheaton, Will He'sbeen on the Night of the Show,
Yep, Gordy and stand by Me. Wesley Crusher on Star Trek The Next

Generation. He made many appearances ashimself on the Big Bang Theory. He's
fifty two years old. Today.You got Geddy Lee from Rush, who
was seventy one. Hell yeah,as is Tim Gunn from Project Runway,
Gray the fashion consultant, what's doingmake it work? Sure he took the

show Amazon? Yeah, I'm anAmazon. Yeah, I'm making it war.
Would you recognize what he looks likeif you saw him? Yeah?
Yeah, he's always I assume henever is not in a three piece suit
exactly. And he's very black hair. Yeah, glasses, I bet I
recognize his face. I wouldn't beable to tell you what his name was,
Tim gun hold on, let melook at the hell little mister Tim
Gunn so nice? Yeah, Iliked him. He was the chair of

the faculty. Excuse me, hewas the on the Parsons School of Design
Facts. Oh yeah, yeah,yeah for twenty five years. Yeah yeah,
I was. Oh yeah, I'veseen that guy. I couldn't tell
you what he was from. Hewas the chief creative officer at Liz claiborn
Ooh more like Tim the Ruler gunYou know he's seventy one. Happy birthday
to Waynea Morris from Boys to Men. Really good friends with Joe cooy Ok,

yeah they hang out all the time. He's fifty one years old.
Today got Danger Mouse who is fortyseven and uh, the country superstar Martina
McBride is fifty eight. Your pornof birthday today is Chair Torn. Yeah,
that's an appealing name. Today's birthdayslut. She's handled more wood than

a lumber yard. She's been infour hundred and ninety eight fine films,
including Oral Overload. She was in. It came upon a midnight rear.
Isn't that nice? Unplanned Orgies Volumeeight just happened. She was amazing and
pegging for mercy. Greg. Here'sone for you Night at the Dike Bar

Volume one, the Dyke and whocan forget her unfrigeted role and toss My
Salad three, can't forget it.It's so much better than one or two.
Like toss My Salad three really sentthe whole franchise just into a whole
new dimension, which is rare.They don't usually get better as they go.
Yeah, but this one, tossMy Salad three classic. That's Cherry

Torn, who is thirty eight yearsold today, and that is your porno
birthday, your celebrity birthdays and thatlittle Monday look at what is happening in
the world of entertainment here with theWoody Show on this Monday morning and we'll
take the break. We'll come back. We got some more for you.
If you want to call in eightseven seven forty four Woody, text us

over to two two nine eight seven. We'll be right back. Woody sitting
in the nineties chicken nuggets somewhere inthe studio. Can Menace find it?
Before that? Never mind he foundit? The Woody Show will be right
back. Buila wouldn't approve the WoodyShow. All right, Well, that's
gonna do it, everybody. Okay, Monday Chick Monday down. Four more

to go this week. See,that's a nice start. We did it
all right. Hit up Thewoodieshow dotcom. Click on today's podcast, our
weekend cheers in jeers, Yes,the winners and losers of the weekend that's
on there. We got to followup from Comic Con that happened this past
weekend, Sea Bass in our annualround of how much did you pay for
that nerd crap? No? Ianswer always too much exactly. That's some

of the trending news headlines, pornof birthdays, and more. It's all
there on the Monday Show podcast.Just go to Thewoodyshow dot com. Coming
up for you tomorrow Morgan's got anew game for us, okay, and
I'm not gonna even tell you whatit is yet, but it's a guessing
game and I think you're gonna likeit. Also, we're gonna need your
nominees for the Woody Show Employee ofthe Month. Greg, your reign is

almost over already, because uh yeah, next week, next Thursday is August.
First, I have to turn inthe Yeah, We're also gonna have
to check in with Bort for theBort Report and the Worst Employee of the
Month award, which this was anotheridea that came up in our meeting.
We have the Employee of the month, but who's going to be the worst
employee of the month. So thatand more coming up for you tomorrow Tuesday

here on the Woody Show. Anythingyou want to tell us or leave for
us in the meantime, you canleave on the after hours voicemail eight seven
seven forty four Woodie. That's eightseven seven forty four. Woody also emails
work too. Email at the woodieshowdot com and of course fine is.
Follow us on social the social mediaplatform of your choice. Look for us
at the Woody Show, right Menaces, Sammy, anything you like to add

no Greg Gory parting words of wisdomplease. Yeah, if you don't have
anything nice to say, anytime youwant, you can just sit with me
and we can talk crap about people. That's like Greg Gory's immature replies text
message. Yeah yeah, it's kindof like that, like a real life
version of that, a live version. Yeah all right, Thank you very

much, Greg Gory, Thank youso much for giving the Woodie Show some
of your valuable time this morning.You know, we love it, appreciate
you for that. Rest of youguys can suck it. Catch you back
here on Tuesday. Have a greatday. Smdam I quit this this bitch

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