All Episodes

May 13, 2024 109 mins
Tha Crossroads, News Headlines, Redneck News & More! 
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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It's doomed to the graphic nature ofthis program. Listener discretion, is it
lies the Woody Showy, this isthe Woody Show. Insensitivity Training class is

now in session. By good morningeverybody. Well it is Monday. Yeah,
yeah, that's right. Greg hasmissed us so much, yeah,
so much. Yeah, that's agood way to look at Yay Moday.
Ye as men, as might say, it is Monday morning. It is
May thirteenth, twenty twenty four.Hello, welcome, we are the Woody

Show. Whatdy that's ravy. Goodmorning, Greg goreg good morning to be
Monday. I mean, how relievedare you now that we're all back together
right where we belong to get tosee our lovely faces. Right, yea
menace lovely dinner party, Greg withOh that's right, Yeah, had a
big I went out to it then, yeah, he went out to it
a party. I have dinner parties. Yeah, yeah, thank you.

Yeah, there's uh, there's menacesea basses here, Sammy, good morning,
good morning. Bort is here alongwith Caroline. They're in the Woody
Show production department. We have Vaughan, our video producer. Our associate producer
is Morgan. She is here aswell, yeah, somebody had said on
the text on Friday, when youand Sea Bass will kind of get into
a little bit that, uh thatGreg actually dropped down on their Woody Show

Power rankings because he skipped Sea Bassesparty. Yeah, and it's unfortunate too
that he like he like didn't evenit wasn't that he had other play ends
that he made out of town.That like, what do of the four
people I've banned, what he hasthe softest band, because yeah, he
did come last year with his wifeand he had a thing he could have
rescheduled. That's okay. Uh,Greg definitely has the harshest band because he

just straight up didn't come right.But I let you know. You said
you heard from people that I wasn'tgoing. You emailed me and I said,
yeah, it was Saturday. Ihate to say this, I told
you that it was. Yeah,it says. I hate to say this,
but Greg is falling in the woodShow Power rankings. He skipped Sea
Bass's party even though he was invited, right, and he won't have you

guys to his house. We didn'tthink you have had you not to your
new place that was like two housesago house my house hold on hold on,
it is are you has anybody elsehosted a party? Don't let him
deflect. We're talking about your house, not what he not. Men,
it's not raby. Why can't wecome? I think the point is you
host. Yes, every other weekend, we hear about, oh, I

had friends coming to town, wehave dinner parties, ignoring you didn't party
in my house the other night.But I'll never hear I didn't know.
I guess it's hard than my deal. I will, but I don't know.
Here's where my cast will be there. Here's where my confusion is.
My confusion lies. And you sayon Fridays that you're bummed out because you're
going to miss us right right,and then you're so happy on Mondays to

see us right, and yet youhave opportunities to have some time apart.
I think we are. I think, guys, do you think he's embarrassed
his home? No, there's noway that's what he's got. Dude,
he spends all the time worried aboutit. I think he is worried that
I will use the sink in thepowder room where you're not yeah, or

if you come over, maybe we'llsit on the couch. I will probably
rope it all. I have beento gre the current a few houses.
Yeah, to do what just drawtext stuff. Probably we're doing stuff with
vehicles because our stuff car stuff andit's quite lovely. Well, we're on
good ship because it says complaining withyour friends can actually make you happier according

to science. That's why we're filledwith joy. Yeah, exactly. This
is Southwest University and so they're lookinginto the effect of co rumination should be
so yeah, yeah, they foundthe more that we co ruminate, the
happier we are. Ruminate, yeah, miserate No, no, rumination to

ruminate on something. Are you familiarwith that word? I am not?
Okay, a definition like we werejust discussing, we were thinking about yeah,
contemplating, not contemplating, But like, what's the word I'm looking for?
You know, when it comes toin a particular topic, you're ruminating,
I mean you're thinking about it,You're I have found theorizing with the

definition that you have just said thatpeople usually use the word commiserate commiserating,
but it doesn't necessarily have to benegative. It's more mainstream, it doesn't
necessarily have to be You can ruminateon things that are positive and negative.
Commiserating is negative. And to ruminatefurther about necessarily you can commiserate on something
positive, you can, really,why would you call it miseraate because it's

not there's no misery. I thinkyeah, I think money is a sorry
ravy ravy of mega wrong miserate tofeel expressivity for someone suffering or unhappy.
I always think it was necessarily ifyou're not commiserating, you're just having to
celebrate. And well maybe well maybeyou're co rumination. It's it's co rumination.

Maybe that's what commiserating. The oppositeof that would be your yeah,
commumemoration. And to confuse you more, yeah, yeah, a ruminant What
ruminant is a type of animal cowgo cheap because it has to do the
Latin word for chewing because they haveso many stomach always chewing, chewing,

chewing several stomachs. So by aruminate a ruminant Yeah, sure, minutes,
sure, see coming up on theshow this morning. Haven't told you
what we're doing yet Today we're gonnabe making a trip to the Woody Show
Crossroads. Also, we had caughtup in all the treading news headlines.
Raves got nerd now for the houris up, along with the birthdays and
the corn of Birthday and more hereMonday on the Woody Show, A couple

Woody Show, Did you know somelittle fun facts here? The toaster,
the just boring toaster in your housethat's responsible for about two and eighty deaths
a year just in the United Statesalone. And that's all bathtubs, right,
Yeah. Yeah. I saw thisguy. He was doing some experiment
where he was standing in the bathtuband he was showing you like the ways

of different like in other words,like if something touches the water, how
it's gonna feel compared to like ifsomething electrical touches your skin, because then
it uses the water to create moreof a an intense uh you know,
sensation or whatever. Anyway, he'slike he almost fell. I mean he
barely touched himself. It looked likethe back of a metal spoon. He

touched himself with that and it waslike all wired up and he has one
foot in the bathtub and he's liketouching it to that. He did the
spoon touching into the water, andhe had another one where he just touched
it to the tub and uh yeah, like what a dumbass, like this
is what you're doing in your inyour spare time. I actually don't own
a toaster. Yeah one, yeah, she's toasted, Robin. I don't
have a toaster rover either. Huh. How do you make toast? If

you want something toasted? Oh?I just do it on the grill.
H No, that's a you haveelectric grill, No, because that's a
that's a white trash move. Ifyou have an electric grill and you want
toast straight on then oh yeah,well I usually put some butter on it
up on that, see Shaquille O'Neil. His estimated net worth is somewhere around
four hundred million dollars. Now,I know he's involved in a lot of

business stuff. If you watched thatdocumentary he was talking about, you know,
yeah, somebody had told him alongthe way about like you take the
money that you're earning and you investit and you make more money on your
money. Well, he is thejoint owner of one hundred and fifty five
five Guys Burger restaurants. Wow,he's got seventeen Antie Ann's Pretzels locations,
numerous Shacks Big Chicken locations. Heowns one hundred and fifty car washes.

Oh my god, he owns fortytwenty four hour fitness centers, he owns
a shopping center, a movie theater, several Las Vegas nightclubs. Wow.
And then on top of that,he's got like what about deals with the
Papa John's and all these other endorsementsand things that he does. Yeah,
but those are just the things thathe owns. Yeah, I think he's

said, I know, I'm surprisedhe's not a billionaire. Yeah, I'm
surprised he's on more after all that? Does he have some drama going on
right now? You want to seeit on social? Oh? Yeah?
His ex wife came out and saidthat she's not sure that she ever loved
him. Say that that's so mean. I don't know. And then he
posted something and he was like no, I get it. He goes,
yeah, I wouldn't have me either. Maybe maybe he wasn't the best.

Well they're not together anymore, right, but I mean, just let it
go. Why would you say that? Another? Did you know a poll
found that women are now more likelyto be in charge of the remote than
a man? Really? Yeah,that was never the case in my house.
My stepfather man he owned that stillowns it. Yeah, if for
hanging out there, it's the mostboring stuff. It's either Fox News,

the Weather Channel, or like somesymphony thing symphony. Oh yeah, because
he likes symphony. Well, becausehe likes all that, like like big
band kind of stuff, like theBoston Pops or whatever. He's like watching
that kind of crap. Or uh, he'll get into like some really old
ass movie that's ineviably a war moviewhere there's very little dialogue and it's just

and he's deaf, he's got acrank and it's the only TV in the
house. That nightmare, classic oldman TV viewing. Though. Yep.
When it comes to household chores,eighty percent of the time women make the
bed. That's true at my house, but she gets up after I do.
Yeah, exactly. When it comesto weed, rava, yes,
sixty percent of people support legalizing it, thirty percent are opposed, ten percent

not sure. I don't know.I just don't know. Yeah, blaze
it, but believe it or not. Like how many people like adults.
If you look at all the adults, what percentage of adults do you think
have even tried it? Oh,that's a great question, it's gotta be
above fifty to at least once.I would say thirty thirty yeah, fifty,

yeah, fifty percent, fifty fiftyhave you even tried it? The
rest probably you know, the otherfifty don't even care, like whatever.
According to stats, when it comesto online dating profiles, the thing women
are most likely to lie about istheir weight, and when it comes to
men, they're most likely to lieabout their job. Oh really, yeah,

bell, there you go, lineabout that job. Also, in
a recent survey, people said thatcracking knuckles is the most annoying personal bad
habit. It's up there, Ohit's not ready. You're annoyed by a
lot of things like this great correct, everything gets right, Everything I own
gets cracked. Yeah, such acrackhead. I love it. Yeah,
but like ready with the pen clicking, She hates that. Yeah, she

doesn't like snapping, gum people,chilling, people, breathing, talking,
existing, yes, existing, yeah, having their blood flow through their body
eight seven seven forty four. Woodyou can hit us. Some of the
text over to two to nine eightseven were gonna take a break. We'll
get some more Woodies show for younext. Hang on the Woody Show.
Look at the party. Oh yeah, dude, the Woody Show will be

right back. Hey, it's man, it's check out the Lazy Dog Restaurants
made to order lunch specials three dollarsoff road trip bles and other delicious meals
starting at only eight dollars and seventyfive cents, available every day until four
pm. Order for pickup or delivery, free delivery on orders over twenty five
dollars. Lazydog Restaurants dot com.Don't hit me, Hey, I'm not
gonna hit you on sea his glasses. I'm gonna throw him on the ground.

This and we are in two anothernew hour insensitivity training for a politically
correct world. It is Monday morning. It's May thirteenth, twenty twenty four.
On Woody. That's Ravy. Hello, there's Greg Gorey. Good morning,
wood We got menace? What thereis? Cea mass a jibboy,

Let's see if we've got Sammy Bort, Caroline Morgan Vaughn. Phones are open
eight seven seven forty four, Woodie. That's an eight seven seven forty four
Woody. You can hit us upwith the text over to two to nine
eighty seven. We're gonna make atrip to the Woody Show Crossroads. Yeah,
we're doing that this hour. Youcan't please everybody, and boy do

people try. I know companies tryall the time. I've worked at radio
stations where the program director thinks thatyou can make everybody happy all the time.
M h and uh, yeah,that's just not the way it works
around here. We're having a goodtime for the people who are having a
good time. End of story.Yeah, everybody else suck it? Who
cares so? True? Send themto the crossroads. But people, they
keep just bending over backwards for peopleconstantly. The customer is always right.

No they're not. Oh they're absolutelynot. Well, I don't subscribe to
that. We don't subscribe to that. Finally you see some pushback. Now
you're seeing more and more of that. Yeah, I thank god. Companies
just don't have time to deal withit anymore. Right. You know,
it's because they know it's a nowin situation on either side. Even when
you go back to try to pleasethat person, they're not happy with what

you're trying to do with it,right, They're just determined to be a
miserable Yeah, prick. Yeah,well, I saw like Target, they're
cutting back on their selection of transgenderswimsuits big sellers, you know, transgender
swimsuits, Yeah, big sellers.What's a transgender swim would not just be
a swimsuit and LGBTQ themed collection.After facing customer backlash, confrontations between customers

and employees, some stores sinking saleslast year. But again, how many
of those are you selling? Right? One of the numbers? Like we
always go out of our way toyou know, to show and make a
big deal about something that caters toare Yeah, such a small number of
people, not that they can't bethere, but like everybody makes such a

big deal as if it's everybody.Yeah. Also, I thought this was
interesting. School board members in Virginia'sShenandoah County have voted to restore the names
of two schools. So welcome backStonewall Jackson High School welcome back and Ashby

Lee Elementary School. So like wheneverybody was tearing down statues and renaming everything,
they had changed the names. AndI guess enough people got, you
know, all right, enough wecan break out our Stonewall Jackson t shirts.
Yeah, welcome back Stonewall jack StoneWall Jackson High School. Well it's

apparently that is Robert e Lee andTurner Ashby. Oh boy, that's coming
back. Yeah, that's a littleit's a little lot on that one.
Well, they voted, they voted, they voted. They really love it.
Elementary school kids, they just lovedit. Yeah, they really look
into the name. Yep, makecare those second grader? Is that protest

right? I mean all that trafficblock? Oh yeah. A couple of
stories in Philadelphia. This guy RobMartinez, he started to GoFundMe. He
raised forty six thousand dollars. Ithink this is hilarious. He's planning to
use a mariachi band. He's goingto use that money to hire a mariachi
band to play twenty four hours aday next to a protester encampment on this
college campus. I don't do it. Yeah, so that's why he's raising

the money. And I'll have likewrote that they'll be like a mariachi band.
They'll sit there, they'll play,and then they'll bring in the next
one and the next is going tokeep it going rotating. Yeah. Yeah,
Okay, let's pretend that I'm newto all this. I just have
a question, general question, andI'm I'm looking at it and I go,
okay, so there's protests at thesegraduations disrupting the graduations. Those protests

affect how it's being handled overseas betweenUh yeah, both parties like not their
causes change in any way. Okay, well, they want transparency and they
want to make change on their owncampuses or money from the school or they

spend it. But are they backto MENACE's point, are they spending money
on store? What are they?I don't know. I don't look because
I don't care. I don't thinkthat's explained in the coverage. Like is
there actual money being invested in somedeep dives I looked at. You know,
they're investing, but they're investing inlike these giant funds. So they're

talking about divesting, right, Butyou can't just picking and choose when you're
in like these giant funds. Soit's like investing in the SMP five hundred,
right, Or when you donate moneyto the Red Cross, you think
you're donating money two that's x Y, you know whatever it is, Yeah,
hurricane relief. But they take allthe money that's raised and they go,

oh, we're gonna we raise thirtysix million dollars for Haiti hurricane relief
or whatever. But we're only goingto take four million of that and it's
going to go to Haiti. Therest of that money is going to go
to all these other things. Ravey'stalking about the big pot of you know,
all these other things that were involvedin because they're making it sound like
it's so simple, Okay, we'lljust stop investing in these companies, and

it's so not that simple. Thisother story, this dude just outside of
Philly and Montgomery County. He openedup his door to pick up a package
when a guy came running through hisyard, hands up, ran up to
the porch, snatched the box rightout of the guy's hands, and ran
off with it. And it isbroad daylight, like right in the middle
of the day, Like so porchpirates used to be yeah, to see

like maybe someone's not home, eventhough you saw the ring doorbell, and
like that was pretty brazen, Likeyou just walk up and grab the package.
The delivery guy still there handing thepackage to the customer, and the
guy comes up, grabs it andruns off. In fact, the other
wrinkle about this story was that therewas another delivery driver. Like one of
them is ups, the other oneis FedEx and the other delivery drivers just

pulling up as the other guy wasrunning away with the package, almost knocked
over the other delivery guy god onhis way to his getaway car. He
had a getaway driver. The wholething. What if it inside that package
was like toothpaste? There wasn't thereare six new iPhones inside. That's awful,
awfully coincidental. It's the It's notyou know, like Greg's saying to

that, It's not something like itsounds like. So the security camera shows
the person in the car doing aU turn to follow the fed X truck
when they saw it coming down thestreet. The thief fallso, like I
said, I had a getaway driver, hopped this waiting car. They took
off, but uh, I checkedthis out after about a minute or two.

Uh. The victim got a strangecall telling him to return the phones,
and when he said the phones werestolen, the collar hung up.
It's very strange. Turn the phones. Yeah, return the phones. I
have a question how society fully brokedown. Is there going to be a
turning round point at all? Areyou going to continue to be again?

Here's the homeowner on ABC six newsas a guy coming down this block.
They see the fed Necks. Theyou turn and then they come up the
block and then come back that Ryanfrom the Fedecks. Now every time you
open the door for delivery, youhad to watch out. That's all.
Yeah, there was a there's anothervideo I just saw over the weekend where

these home invaders. They had oneguy dressed as like you look like a
UPS guy, and he's standing thereand he's pretending to, you know,
type something into his but he hadlike a box and he's pretending to type
something into his phone like he's goingto do a picture of the delivery or
whatever they're doing. And as soonas this woman opens the door, he
rushes in, and then four guyscoming from around the corner and just go
like all, wow, bum rushyour house. So you know that way,

if you're looking on Ring, yousee, oh it's the UPS guy.
So you open the door and thisguy just bum rushes her. Wow.
Yeah, so gated cities coming soon. I know. Well, what
happened in the eighties in New York. It was so terrible and then everyone
knows Bernie gets he's the guy whowas It was so bad on the subway
that he if you look at videosfrom back then. The subway cars were

absolutely just disgustingly taxing graffiti. Peoplewere break dancing. But he brought a
gun and shot up a couple ofguys because he was He said, I
got it's getting that bad in NewYork. Yeah. I got a buddy
who's lived there his entire life.He's like, I've never seen it this
bad. Like back then people reportedlike turning stuff around right because it was

because it was so terrible. Yeah, there was a guy who said,
just like Alogies, he takes thesubway every day. He said, there
was a guy cooking a meal onthe subway. Wow, with what he
had like a burner. Yeah,he had a burner and it plugged into
like this like battery thing that heget charges and he's on the move clearly
like a homeless guy. But hewas like, yeah, he was like
cooking, so you imagine that,Yeah, like that smell of food.

And then people of course are goingup and down, uh, you know,
begging people for money, doing eitherperformances or just straight up just begging
for money, getting in people's faces, and it's just he calls it the
depths of Hell. I love visitingNew York, but I no longer take
the subway. Oh he's super,even though it costs a billion dollars.
Now here's another scam I hadn't heardabout before. Police in Minnesota they arrested
these two people for putting thousands offake gift cards in a store. So

they would take these gift cards thatwould look like you know whatever, Starbucks.
They put him into the store,and they're meant to steal money once
they're activated. So the thieves,they get these cards in bulk, they
remove the scratch off section of thecards after carefully removing it from its packaging.
They copy the number underneath and thenscratch off some numbers that the card
won't work. So gift cards noteven safe anymore. Yeah, gift cards,

right, so you see what I'msaying. So like they don't have
the full number, but they alreadybought it. It's been activated once they
purchase it, and so then thatdoesn't show up at the checkout when they're
ringing you up, you know,because it's the barcode. But it's underneath
that that the part that you scratch. Yeah, you see, and people
don't realize it till it's too late. What Rady's saying is if they've already

bought it, that's already been scannedinto somebody, so right, that should
ring up. No, I thinkit's the cardboard part that gets scanned that
the gift cards inside the gift cardout that part. What we're talking about
is how does that that? Howdoes that once you scan the cardboard part
in the outset, how is thatinto like, oh, that's paid for
it, that's been bought, that'snot active, that's not no, no
no, because these are the oneswho put they put the card into the

store. So the scammers put thecards in the store. Maybe I think
we get that part. I know, what are we not getting? I
think the outside part where that getsscanned, that doesn't register as already sold.
I think because it's just uh thebrand news it's just a generic bar
so it just goes in as theend of story. Right, they're brand
new cards, they're not brand newbought. Yeah, yeah, but they're

fake. You see what I'm saying. That's the how could you fake?
That? Is what what we're question. Yeah, how can you put because
I feel like I've got receipts beforescanning, like buying a Starbucks gift card
for whenever, and the number ison that receipt, right, and they
give you that teeny little receipt.You the smallest receipt you can't lose the

size of mean why I bought tissuesat CVS that things like you can use
that for a finish line out ofa race. I always tape it onto
the card. Yeah, smart Craig, Yeah, thank you. Well,
we're gonna meet some people at thecrossroads. You guys, eight seven seven
forty four. What he is thephone number if you want to give us
a call, hit us over thetext over to two to nine eighty seven.
More Woody shows, next, hangon, Lena show mines. Who's

getting I'm not asking, I'm demanding. It's the Hoodie Show, all right,
welcome back. We have to dothis every once in a while.
It's kind of like having to goget the oil changed on your car,
change the batteries and your smoke detectors, yes, the spring whatever. It's
just every once in a while thing, a little cleanse yep, take that

net and skim all that crap offthe surface of the pool. Whatever you
want to say. We're getting theturns out of the punch Bowl this morning
here with a round of The WoodyShow Crossroads. Here the customer is not

always right now. Yeah, thisshow is done for the people who like
the show, who enjoy things andwant to have a good time. And
if you're not having a good timeat a party, the last thing you
want to do is stand up onthe counch of the coffee table and go,
I'm not having a good time leavingthis party. Here are my problems
with this part. Just go,just go leave, get the turn out
of the punch ball, and that'swhat we're doing here. This first one

station feedback sent to the station email. Like, if you go on our
website, the station's website, andit says contact us and you send your
message, it goes yes to management, but it also goes to the other
people who are on the air,and that's where this one went. This
is from Ben subject the Woody Showreply request that they always ask you want
to hear Bet, Yes, yes, right me back. I have an

official complaint. I've been listening toThe Woody Show for a while now,
so please don't assume I'm just somenew listener. That quote doesn't get it.
I won't. I was really turnedoff and disappointed to hear them taking
shrimp Day and turning it into amaking fun of short guys and small penises
segment. I'm both Yeah, thisjust came in hours ago. Ladies and

gentlemen. Oh, this is aThis is as fresh as the crossroads get
fresh complaints. I agree. Iwish it was a celebration of actual shrimp.
It says Shrimp Day, it's aboutshellfish, not people. Oh,
there were multiple women that called inand started dragging men because of their tiny
penises. Not only were these womenruthless about something these guys have no control

over, but the whole crew wasalso laughing and joining in on the fun.
All of them thought it was sofunny, and not one person came
to the defense of these men.I did. So let me give you
a little perspective here. What ifyou had men call in and talk about
the fattest and grossest women they pokedup with, or what about men calling
in about women with fishy smelling vaginas. You see where I'm going with this.

If the roles were reversed, youprobably wouldn't have done the stupid segment
in the first place. But forsome reason, it's okay to ridicule men
with small penises so cool. Ican promise you that you lost some listeners
over this, myself included. Goodjob alienating your audience and making them feel
bad for the body they were bornwith. Thanks, ladies, we lost

Benjamin. I'm thinking maybe he's directlyright right in the heart or somewhere else.
How many small penis listeners do youthink I cost us dry a small
amount micro Maybe someday you look atmen not as neat all. Right,

this is another one I've sent tothe station feedback. This is from Cynthia.
No subject reply requested. False,she writes false, false, says
I've been listening to your station formany and I've attended many of your concerts.
Great great station, great music.However, it's time to tune out

and find another station. And ifyou want to know why, it's because
of your morning show. Oh No. Woody was covering the birthdays, and
when he got to Nancy Pelosi's hesaid, and I quote Satan's personal representative
on Earth. Oh my god,I couldn't believe what I was hearing.
The Woody Show is a version ofFox News, oh, spreading their hates.

What he has also stated that hecan't be bothered to keep track of
everybody's pronouns. Excuse me, geez. He obviously has issues with gender,
claiming there's only two because that's whathe was taught due to his ignorance of
actual science facts concerning DNA and hormones, maybe it's time to keep his thoughts
on pronouns off the air. Yeah. Yes, non binary people have existed

since humans has I'm down to keepit all off the air. Greg should
return to the closet since he hasno idea. Woody, along with the
station, believes that he shouldn't havethe same human rights as everybody because of
his sexuality. That makes a lotof sense. That's from Cynthia. Wow,

Sorry everybody, I think I lostto Cynthia. She sounds fun and
she makes a lot of sense.Get back in there, Greg, that's
pretty fair. Nobody thought about thewhole pronounce thing until a couple of years
ago. Yeah, that's pretty name. No, since the Dawn of man?
What are you talking about? Sincethe Dawn of human? Was sent

right to the Woody Show email emailthe woodieshow dot com. It's from Adam
Duncan. Celebrity is ruined. Howabout the Woody Show? This is another
fresh one. You guys are talkingabout celebrities that have been ruined for you,
and I can say that you guysare and I can't say that you
guys are celebrities since you're on theradio and people don't care about you in
the same way they would anyone inHolly would. This is true exactly.

Yep. I've been listening to youguys for a long time, and I
had an image of all you inmy mind. However, I finally watched
a clip of you on Instagram andI found out that all of you are
ugly as sin. I completely understandwhy you guys do radio. Greg is
definitely the best looking, but stillso far from what I had in my

mind. The only person whose imageactually made sense to me yet is still
surprising is Sea Bass, with hishigh standards and arrogance. I assumed that
he might actually be something to lookat since he has has such a depth
in opinions when it comes to othersoutward appearances. I did, but it
makes total sense to see how astonishinglyugly he is. His looks matches soul,

just a foul looking dude like effinghideous menace. You're an awesome dude,
but you're so ugly anyway. Yourentire cast are quote celebrities that are
now ruined for me solely based onyour looks, which are so far from
what I expected, so ugly.There's literally no type of makeup or even
surgery that can help. I neverexpected that. I was hoping that all

my stuff up from damn Adam.Sorry about auto for you, Adam,
way to go. I'm gonna maybelike a little tinted moisturizer. True.
I can't believe he's listened that longbecause we've never never claimed any kind of
track. We've never said how greatlooking we are. Sorry you didn't make

Adam Horney. Yeah, our ben, We should have been more upfront about
that. Oh wait we are,oh every day. Oh let's see all
right? How about how about thisone? This one's kind of angry.
So what do you show? Email? Email at the wood? He showed
dot com And uh, let's seethis one is from brook subject Sea Bass.

Oh no, I've really had itwith Sea Bass. I used to
tolerate him, but he's gotten soignorant that I don't even think he's worth
having around. I could fill theseten pages with all the things that I
have come to despise about that psychopath. But let's start with Sea Bass's need
to hate on everything that Sammy enjoys. It's getting really old. She enjoys
terrible things. A recent example thesolar eclipse. It was a big deal

for a lot of people. Iwas enjoying hearing Sammy talk about how much
she was into it. However,every time Sammy said something, Sea Bass
had something snarky to say to her, and it's honestly exhausting. Sure,
Sammy's not the sharpest tool in theshed at all, but I think Sea
Bass either a truly hates her orb is just obsessed with her, and

this is his idea of flirting andtrying to get with hergging like negging to
the extreme. Sea Bass should juststick to being funny, but for some
reason, he feels the constant needto crap on other people's joy. It
makes me feel sad and has leftme at a crossroads. I'm a fan

of the rest of the Woody Show, but my hatred of Sea Bass will
keep me from listening as long ashe's still a part of the show.
Thanks a lot of sea bass.Know who's it going to be, Woody
show me a valuable listener or seabass? That is that is from brook
Thanks a lot of tea. Ithink we have to go for I'm like,
oh boy, a couple of peopleon team Brookie. I really crap

on. That's that hard. Hemade fun of people that were excited about
it. Yeah, we played someaudio, but I think we were laughing
right at like different life events thatare going to happen because of the solder,
right, But you were also makingfun of anyone who was excited about
it. It's like, oh,it's just like night but in the days,

who even cares that? I thoughtit was cool. I think the
thing that we made fun of wasthat Sammy said the eclipse will quote speed
things up. Oh yeah, wemade on't know how six months, Yeah
it six months because of the eclipsethough, which was legally stupid. I
think the general thing was people beingexcited about it was right. You couldn't
even at least say, yeah,the eclipse is cool. All of it

was done. No, I said, hey, the clips is pretty neat
for three or four minutes. Coolfor the kids, but the people like
Sammy here are saying it has somekind of significance in your life. That's
stupid, that's you know. Andto say Best was the only one saying
that stuff, well he wasn't thecat all the time. Where like Menace
agrees with me, Raby whatever,Greg agrees with me. But I get
all the hate because it's easy tohate on me. I will, I

will be your martyr. Let's talkthe cross and hate. Let's not get
started on the northern lights. Thencool, Oh my god, that was
so cool. Okay, that's cool, I said. I never said the
eclipse sucked. Yeah, well,but you do hate on everything I say.
The eclipse was an example. Youhate everything that I like. Mostly
Yes, yes, all right,you're ready? Yeah? Yeah? One

more? Oh more, good,one more. This is a station feedback
sent to the radio station site fromLisa H subject not appreciating Pharmacists. Hi.
My name is Lisa. I'm apharmacist and I've been listening to the
Woodie Show for a long time andI just wanted to let them know that
we are not just lumps of fleshthat collect a decent paycheck. My license

is on the line every minute thatI work. Mistakes can be easily made
by anyone on staff. Our techniciansare wonderful, but they do make a
lot of errors, and it's myjob to make sure everything is correct before
it leaves the pharmacy. If thattakes a little time, so be it.
It's better than killing people. Iunderstand it might look like the process

could be faster, but it iswhat it is. Insurance is always a
consideration as well. In closing,I wish you and other people will learn
about why they are complaining before theydo it. Thanks for listening. Lisa
argument, Well, I mean wedid have the pharmacists on to make a

make a stand. Four other pharmacist. You know she's gonna lose her license.
She can't drive if she messes up. Good, So you guys chance
lost. Well yeah, what Iheard from Lisa is I proof free things.
There we go, Thanks, wealready lost. Yeah she didn't hear

that. Well, there's the oneshow Crossroads. Everybody a couple of couple
of fresh ones. Yeah, celebritiesruined and also someone taking exception to shrimp
day. Right, poor guy,poor guy, Poor Ben. Sorry for

you Ben and your more when heshows next hang up? You would you
do it? Nothing? Just chilling, true, True, The Woody Show.

All right, Greg, I wantto know what you think about this.
Okay, there was a guy inTennessee. His name is Clint Belvins.
I like the name Clint so far, and boys, he loved Costco.
He is a big fan. Ohyeah, he loves him some Costco.
So for his birthday, his wifethrew him a surprise party at their

Costco. Huh. She pretended thatthey were there just a shot, but
she secretly got thirty of his closestfriends and family to arrive first, and
he started seeing them one by oneas he was walking around the store.
And you thought it was like afun coincidence. He wasn't getting it,
and he finally realized it was aplanned thing when he saw his grandmother.

Yeah, yeah, the other thisthis doesn't make sense. One of the
weirdest things you'll have done, butit's certainly something y'all have done. All
right, So Greg, what doyou think You're usually very judgmental about these
kind of things, especially if it'sa wedding though. Yeah, yeah,
birthday. He didn't plan it.His wife did because she knows he loves

Costco. I didn't know you couldhave a party inside of a Costco.
So that's kind of interesting. Yeah, pretty much. Yeah, it's certainly
unofficial, it was sanctioned or anything. Right overall, you know, I
give it a pass. I thinkit's kind of neat. And then did
they all go to the food courtfor hot dogs? I think, yeah,

a birthday cookie, which Menace hasbeen going on about how good the
the new cookies cookies are but sogood. At the same time. I
bring this up when we talk abouttattoos, like if somebody has a tattoo
of whatever, a tiger, andthey say, oh, that's my favorite
animal. Okay, well I likeHamburgers. I don't have a Hamburger tattoo.
So, like, this guy lovesCostco, so let's have a birthday

party there. He might also love, you know, Lamborghini's right, so
let's have one at the Lamborghini dealership. Like it's just what's the relevance?
You know what I mean? Ithought it was a funny like prank to
pull on his birthday. Yeah,and it shows a lot of planning on
his wife's part. It's clever.Yeah. I like it overall. And
you guys to go to Costco,which it was like for him, just

a regular trip they were going anyway, Like, oh you think you're just
shopping, Clint? Yeah, yeah, that's nice. Now also as a
guest, like if you're invited togo to something like that, that's a
much better thing than like having togo to somebody's house for hours. Right,
So sure, like all right,so we can show up at the
Costco, we can go to theCostco. We'll do the whole like,

oh my god, happy birthday,have a food Court cookie, and then
your obligation is done. As aperson who's looking to offload as much obligation
in my life as I possibly can, Yeah, this sounds like you're really
efficient fish and plan. You've you'veyou've been there, you've honored them and

their birthday, did your part,you did their part. But then you
don't have to be there. Youknow, well, you hate your birthday.
Would this be acceptable for you?If all your friends showed up at
Costco? It would be awkward?Awkward. I would feel really awkward.
You like it for Clint? Foryourself? Okay? Clinton? Because I
don't I don't want any anything atall for mine personally, But I was

wondering if maybe this would be acceptablefor you. Don't you feel the people
that say that are the ones thatwant it most? What's that? Oh?
Yeah, no, I believe justawkward. Rave would definitely r s
v P to the Woody party ata Costco. At a Costco, I

wouldn't meet you outside at the Okay, I'll come for this, come for
the dog that's that bad. Idon't know if you would so stressful.
Thank you forgetting eight seven seven fortyfour Wooding. Hit us up with the
text over to two to nine eightseven. Are you all in the Woody

Show? Hey? Look how peoplewith food poisoning feels a Woody show?
All right, welcome back everybody.Hey, it is the Woody Show.
It's Monday. It's May thirteenth,twenty twenty four. I'm morning. That's
Raby. Good morning. There's aGreg Goring. Hi Manus, good morning
to you. You have morning WoodySea Bass. We got Sammy phones are

open eight seven seven forty four Woodingand it's eight seven seven forty four Wooding.
You can hit us up with thetext over to two to nine eight
seven. He saw a story aboutthis guy in Florida. He stole a
boat for a joy ride and hewas only wearing underwear and an ankle monitor.
Yeah, it's very Florida. Heapparently was on probation for domestic battery.

Oh and the witnesses says it wasvery clear he had very little boating
knowledge. Yeah. Meanwhile, atwenty eight year old female postal worker in
Ohio was caught racing a Mustang inher mail truck and she was going more
than one hundred miles an hour ina sixty mile an hour zone mail trucks.

I was surprised. Some of themare like vans and stuff. Now,
believe it or not, she gotoff with a verbal warning. Can
you imagine there is not There isnot one male postal worker who would have
gotten a verbal warning for going onehundred. No, you're saying because she
was a chick. Yep, absolutely, one thousand percent. Yes, absolutely

take it to go one hundred,you'd normally be putting coughs. Dude,
take take the advantage. People go, wow, you know there's she says,
whatever you know, gas pedal,hair tie stuck in the guest the
hairtie. Yeah, oh, isthat what you would go with? She

was distracted because she spilled her nail. All stereotypes are bad. No,
I don't think that's true. Someof them are very flattering, and I
would take the flattering. I wonderwhat kind of shape that post office is
and if they're just keeping her onstaff. What's the thing too? I
think no one wants to who wantsto graduate? What twenty two year old
Will said, I want to bea mail carrier? Yeah? But also

like you know, when you havea happy hours or a woman can leave
the house with not any money andshe'll have food and drinks on their drinks.
You know, like that's a takeit, take it. Yeah,
But if somebody gets thirty percent morepay than her can buy the drinks all
night. You know what, whattake the free drinks, take the food,
and you know, guys, you'regetting an extra thirty You're still falling
for that. Ray take it.I'm still falling for it. Like I

think the people always say when theythrew out the thirty percent thing, they
say, well, then why wouldn'ta company are only women and what and
save themselves a giant chunk of theirlabor cost? Because it's not true.
That would be what Greg saiding notse because I'm on your side as a
feminist, you know, what Ithink what people lack the understanding of.

It's like, oh, because you'rea woman, you automatically get paid less.
What the what happens is women getless opportunity for growth in companies,
and that's why they make less.That's what's not explained. They automatically go
to, oh, you're a woman, you get paid less. No,
you just you get less opportunity amongother factors. Yeah, that's one of

those things that doesn't affect me.I don't care, but hey, good
to know that you can drag inyour Now, she gets pulled over by
the cops. Now here's the officerquestioning her after she gets pulled up.
Now, also imagine this is howthe cops that. This is how the
conversation would sound if it was likeGreg and the mail truck. All right,

is there a reason you're going overdoing that fat? Yeah? And
then you buy him. And thatwas basically like a hundred five. I
mean they were I kind of assumedwhen the way they took off and had
the light there because that was rightacross from you. So he saw me
coming up behind him, and hedid the right thing and stopped and slowed

down. And then you continued,Yeah, yeah, were sitting here having
a normal conversation. I went forthe post office. The mail has to
get delivered. Get to the drug. Get the drug. Your heads,
throw the keys outside of the thatwould have been favor. Stop stop all
the all the mail trucks in myneighborhood are the bigger van type trucks.

I don't see the jeeps anymore.Remember those jeep that broke down all the
time. Yeah, if it wasgreat, Stop resisting, stop projecting,
stop resisting. Yes, here's mylicense. Yeah, stop resisting. Hell
no, that's crazy. Did youhear about the woman that was you know,

Sea Bass lives in a van fora while, that did an RV
for a while. This woman inMichigan was found living inside of a grocery
store sign. I love this woman. What Yeah? I love she is?
So this is above and beyond.You need to meet her, Sea
Bass. I do if I couldfind her. So this is the Family
Fair supermarket in Midland, Michigan.I was just reading the story over the

weekend. These contractors, they weredoing some work on the building and they
saw the strange extension cord that shouldn'tbe there, so they followed it and
that's where they found this woman,thirty four year old woman. She had
been living in there for a year. And it wasn't like one of those
lighted signs out front. This ison the roof of the building a little
like you know te Yeah, sothe building is part of a strip mall

the signs on on the front oflike this this peaked roof. That's a
peaked roof. Trust Okay. Solike it was like a little alcove in
there, ye hollow. Yeah,so with a three foot by four foot
across door in the back. Shehad the place decked out too. She
had flooring in there, a minidesk, a pantry for food, she
had a curried coffee maker, shehad a house plant. And when the

police went up to investigate, thewoman came to the door and said,
don't worry, I'm leaving. Nobody'ssure like how she was able to get
up on the roof so easily andso often. She wouldn't offer up any
details either, where's the and here'sthe other thing. She had a job,
not at the supermarket. She evenhad a car. But there's no
word on why she was there,but it was I guess the rent free

spot. She wasn't bothered. Thestor is not pressing any charges or anything.
They've even offered to help her transitionto a new you know, living
arrangement. The police officer, thepolice offered her like housing assistance. She
declined, Yeah, no, dog, I'm headed to the Yeah. The
other signed up the top deck ofthe home. Yeah, those one looks

pretty nice to move up to abillboard. I mean that is awesome.
I'm trying to see inside, Likehow did you get all that stuff up
there? Had you get on theroof with a flooring in the right,
that's like I could see like ifshe's some kind of like ninja like like
she could make it up there.But how do you get a mini desk
out there? Yeah? Cool?I mean if I was he, I
would like get a fast from orten I worked there, and then go

upstairs. But how do you getthat stuff up there? It's my point
while you were there, I know, but like, how do you get
a mini death Like you're one person? Yeah, there's this chick, how
do you get a mini put ittogether? When she got there, she
used to live in the ikea andthat's where she got I wish I could
see inside. I look, I'mlooking at all the reports data show like

the little Yeah, they're just thestore. And for your daily mention of
Japan, there's a large bread recallunderway after somebody bought a loaf with parts
of a rat inside. There yougo, that's what's happening in Japan today,
dumb show. How did the Mother'sDay turn out for everybody? Not

there's any mothers in this room.I mean it was fine, easy Sun
gift card, phone call. Yeah, talked to my mom. Yeah,
it's going on a trip cruise,not cruise, just a little romantical,
you know, getaway. They're goingkind yeah, yeah, are going to

a swingers resort in Asheville, NorthCarolina. Yeah. We did like post
some like pictures of us with ourmoms, and she was really excited because
somebody wrote in the comments, Braby'smom looks really young. Yeah, it
was eighty three years old in thatpicture. Well, considering how old you

are, people like damn, Iknow they were in shot. Yeah,
Ravy is looking good sitting next toGeorge Washington, you know, and she's
wearing a leather jacket. I know. She was so happy that brought her
that brought her more joy than myphone goal. Yeah, Greg, I
saw that post, and you knowthere's a picture of Greg and his mom.
I don't think i've ever seen apicture of your mom before you've met

my mom? We did, youdid, see? Now? I wasn't
at this parting I remember, that'sright. Okay, Okay, that's right.
That's right. I had a barbecueand I did all the grilling,
right, and before the barbecue evengot started, I got a little bit
too drunk. No, he said, I'll handle all the grilling. I'm

like, thank god, because Greghat's grilling anyway, and you love it.
Yeah, And he did all thegrilling and my parents were there.
That's right, Okay, I don'tremember that now. I haven't seen a
photo of her. Though I wouldhave missed, I would not have been
able to pick her out of alineup. Okay, yeah, I've never
met her. Have we ever seenMENACE's mom, like a picture of her?

I don't think we have met yourYeah, yeah, I don't think
I've never seen your mom taken aphoto with my mom? Do you have
a photo of your mom on myperson? No? You're like, you
don't have your phone? You don'thave a picture of your mom in your
phone now. Of the billions ofpictures that you have, you don't have
a dawn of your mom. Reallydon't have any family photo. She has
not food or a music festival.Yeah, all that stuff is at the

at the house. Yeah, Idon't keep it on my on my phone.
Hum. We saw a picture ofSammy's mom, Yes, yeaher sister
exactly. Yeah, we do.We look a lot alike. Her hair
was darker when she was younger,and then as she went gray, she
went blonde. And once she wentblonde, everybody was like, oh my
god, you guys look so muchalike. When previous to that, no

one ever said that. Well,you know, it's like one of those
things they say, if you wantto know how a woman's going to look
when she gets older, look atthe mom. So Sammy's in good shape.
Yeah, yeah, I'm saying,your mom's hot. You know,
I get it, And she is. Your mom looks good? She does,
she does. Yeah, you takescare of herself. One sister or
two sisters, two sisters, dothey look like her? One of my

sisters does. She looked just likemy mom When my mom had dark hair,
and everyone told her that she lookedjust like my mom. And then
when she announced me, Yeah,I can't believe you don't have one picture
of your mom had us. Yeah, it's so weird for a guy who's
got a billion I don't know whyyou're surprised by that. Why because he's
got a billion pictures everything, notone, I know, not one.

But he's not he's not in herpresence that much. Yeah, different talks
to her. Yeah, we talkedevery week. Yeah, talk to her
every week, talked all the time. But that you physically can't take photos
together if you're not in the samestate. Don't have one from like Christmas
or something? No, I don't. He is on Christmas with mom.
He's on Christmas, is on thegrouse. I see her? No,

I see it in a millie.You're not on vacations. Yeah. Seventy
eight percent of parents think their childrenare growing up too fast. Oh no,
the average parent misses when their childwas just two years old the most.
No, way, two years old. You're like the age they're at
now, the moment, Yes,the age they're at right now. Perfect,

son's fifteen, daughters eleven. That'sgreat, Okay, but when your
kids were two and three, theywere so cute and they were discovering everything.
Yeah, they're a pain in theass. You have to be on
them twenty four to seven. Truebecause you're a parent, Like I love
having a niece and nephew that agethat was so fun. Yeah, because
you get to give them back andthen here you go. Yeah, you

can't reason with them when they're thatage, right, and they run every
putting everything in their mouth. Stilllike doing dumb nothing. They don't do
dumb stuff now, just change,they say, the bigger the kid,
the bigger the problem. Same thing. But just it was just constant talk
about no break. That's where there'sreally no break in that age range.
How we as people survived when whenwe're that age, if there's a flight

of stairs, they're going down.Yeah, no fear. They have no
concept of this could hurt me.The second I was home alone as a
kid, I would go outside andjump off the roof holding an umbrella.
Two bike jumps. Yeah. Soparents missed the time and their kid was
two years old, they would giveup a lot to get that time back.

Like, for example, a tonof parents say they would give up
social media, give up vacation timeat work and going out to eat,
just to spend one more day withtheir kid, a day when they were
a baby. Hope, way giveup social media for that. I know
that's the easiest thing on the list. Well, what day are we getting
back? A good day? Itwould be the best day when they were

like five. Okay, what isthat when they're five? The best day?
Well, I remember like the bestdays when like my nephew was probably
three, and you know, wewould just hang out. We would go
for walks, we would go lookat the just like simple simple activities and
I was, you know, carryinghim around the duck pond and unsolicited,

he gave me a little kiss onthe cheek and that was just like so
sweet, like it's adorable. Justthe genuine sweetness of that age I think
is probably what parents miss the most. Ninety five, I'm with Wood.
The older kids are where it's atminor fourteen and ten, and I love
it f that two and three yearold ish, Yeah with you. This

headline reads girls are just as likelyas boys to torment their siblings, And
I gotta say, as a fatherwho's got one of each, I agree,
And my money actually is on mydaughter. Yeah, she's more of
the initiator, right, Oh,definitely. The report says when it comes
to minor forms of physical violence likehitting, kicking, and the verbal aggression
like yelling, girls are just aslikely the boys to engage towards their siblings.

It also points out that quote,although they could be mean to one
another's faces, brothers and sisters werekinder to one another behind their backs.
I do also I find that tobe true. And when faced off against
somebody else, if there's somebody elselike, I know, my daughter will
fiercely defend Oh yeah, she'll.She'll call them all kinds of names and
rip on them and you know,get into where he's gonna like snap right.

But if it's somebody else like,she will fiercely defend him, and
he will do the same for her. I've seen it, oh, babes.
Yeah. Uh. They say thatonly children are weird, which is
the whole reason we have our daughter, because my wife believes that she is
his. Only children are weird.All right, But according to some new
research, the more brothers and sistersyou have, the more likely you are

to have mental health issues from allthe torture the negative impact is highest when
siblings born close together, since itintensifies competition between them. So more siblings
mean each one gets less attention andresources, and it damages your mental health.
Favorite. Yeah, I guess itmakes sense. I look at like,
you know, my dad's wanted tenkids. God, there's a lot

of people in that family. Whatorder does he call? What order is
he? Like? You know atall? I don't even know. I
don't know. Yeah, people likeI'm always impressed by people who have like
all the stats on all their yeah, uh, all their relatives. Well
I didn't grow up around them,you know what I mean. Yeah,
so like I knew, I like, I know, I can name them
all, but like I couldn't tellyou, like I know who the oldest,

and I know who the youngest is. Everybody else is kind of in
the middle. Having grown up withonly one sibling, I always thought it
would rule to have like ten onewas enough, Like animals, Yeah,
have more that when it's diffused.Yeah, you want to fight as much
and then you could get away withmore. Oh, we got away with

everything with fight like crazy. Yeah, but I do see only kids,
you know, only children. Theyhaven't made Dude, agreed. You know,
yeah, but when they're kids andthere's no other kids around for them
to play with me, they're inschool. Yeah that homehood kids. My
friends who are only children just talkabout how they're only time to play with

somebody is if a neighborhood kid wasaround or something. Other than that,
it's basically adult time in the houseall the time. My son and daughter
aren't hanging out. They never havewhen they were a little bit younger.
Maybe every once in a while,but it wasn't like a daily, weekly
or even a monthly thing. Itwas like, wow, they're getting along

really like board games or something orevery once in a while. They're four
years apart, right, roughly,what's that four years apart? Roughly?
Almost? Yeah, Yeah, that'sa little tough. It's like my brother
and I were less than two yearsand so we can do a lot of
the same things. But my otherbrother, who was six years younger than
I, we didn't do too muchjust because he couldn't play. Yeah,

my brother and I are only twoyears apart. We did a lot of
the same stuff. You can havesimilar friends around the neighborhood do the same
stuff. By the way, ARavy Daniel Radcliffe only child, and what
a weirdo he is. Yeah,my wife is making that argument big time,
like we can't just have one.He's gonna be weird. I sold
you on it, and I'm like, he is so good. He slept

the night like almost immediately he wasbehaved like such a nice, mild mannered
child, you know. And I'mlike, why we want to mess this
up? We want to put atornado in the mix. And the second
one is always like that. Idon't know why it is. There's a
ton of memes. There's a tonof videos you see on social media.
The worst they're the first child istotal rule follower and the second one is

hellspawn. The middle child or theonly child that I was good friends with
in high school. On family vacations, he was allowed to invite a friend
whoa so he was never alone.Kids are they rich kids on vacation.
It's cheaper than you know what,bringing an extra kid on vacation with he
is cheaper than having a second kid. You know, think of all that

food. That's one of the thingsI think about, Like what I do
have a regret about is all allthe extra money I spent on rent over
the years, especially my earlier lowerearning years, to have a second bedroom
for guests, right, because myparents or whoever's going to come visit.
I could have put them up atthe four seasons right for the entire time,

like, for as often as peoplewere coming to visit. Yeah,
I could have put them up atthe four seasons for what I spent on
that extra rent just to have itthere. Yep, right, it's yeah,
And I think back, like,man, that was dumb. I
could have just saved that money,done something else with it would be further
ahead. So much of that,Well, when we have guests, Yeah,

what kind of mentality? How oftendo you really have guests? Honestly,
unless you have a roommate, that'sdifferent because they need their space.
But if it's just you, youand your partner, and then you're like,
oh, well we need to getyou, don't You really don't.
That's what hotels are for. Yeah, go small. I wish I would
have done that. Menace had hadit right, he have like these studio
apartments. I know I want togo back. Yeah, he says he

wants to go back. I don'tthink he really wants to go back because
he's always sending me pictures of thesegiant houses that he sees. Yeah,
but because of the price. Yeah, I'm like, oh these it were
like half the price of right,help, all the moms had a great
Mother's Day and appreciate you. Imean, you know, I know a
lot of times I'll say things orwhatever, but I do have massive appreciations,

especially for single moms, right,just because you know, my mom
was a single mom for quite awhile. My stepfather didn't come around until
I was eight years old. Andyou know, my mom did such a
great job with I didn't know justhow difficult things were, how tight things
were financially. She had me whenshe was really young, so she was

trying to get her career going.She was also going to school, going
to college. Sometimes I go toyou know, her classes with her at
night. You did, yeah,oh yeah, she graduated from Rutgers University.
I remember going to those classes.I'd sit out in the hallway with
a couple of like matchbox cars,or sometimes at the cour into the class
and just told to shut up,stay stay quiet. You must have been

so bored. Yeah, well,you know, I don't even remember really,
Yeah, but I mean, youknow, I never remembered, you
know, not not doing things ornot, you know, like she really
kind of she did a great jobof giving me kind of sheltered from all
that. She didn't make herself outto be like a martyr. I wasn't
put on any kind of like guilttrip for a while. Mommy's doing all
this. That's good. Yeah,so I got a tremendous amount of respect

for single moms. So happy Mother'sDay, even though it's a day late.
Now, Yeah, well we werehere yesterday, so I guess it
counts. Yeah, all right,more what he shows next, hang on
more Woody show? Is that holycrap show? Just to put a cherry
on me Mother's Day stuff that we'retalking about right for the break. This

text came through during the break.Thanks for this single mother shout out.
I'm a single mom of two.I'm always questioning myself off I'm doing the
right thing. Mother's Day is toughfor most single moms because it's just a
normal day, no real recognition.So thanks for seeing me. Yeah.
I think if you're questioning if you'redoing the right thing, you probably are.

Yeah, because you care. Itshows that you care. One thing
I will say and it's just fromperspective, is that as much as you
might want to feel negative or bepissed about stuff, like, don't put
your kids in that, like,don't bring them into it, don't don't
commiserate with them. I'm telling youthe looking back, that was the best

thing that my mom did. Thebest thing that my mom did of all
the great things that you did,ye, I did not have a good
opinion of no, But and Iwas so unaware. I was so unaware
of, like I said, thestruggle that she was going through and all
the other things she had friends andfamily and stuff like that. She didn't
put that on me when I wasthree and four and five eight, Like,
she just didn't do it. Anduh, looking back at it and

knowing what I know now, seeingyou know, like do you really need
to get the credit from your kidsabout all the things you did for them?
Like they didn't ask to be here. Yeah, you're supposed to do
this, you know, that's yourjob, is the parent. But I
see people get oh my god,it's disgusting. Yeah, it poisons them,
you know. So I would say, like, you know, be
frustrated, and you can have yourtherapist or your friend or whoever. But

just don't don't discuss that kind ofstuff in front of the kid, and
just do right by them. Andhey, you'll be fine, I know.
Get you figured like you're all onyour own, you're out there by
yourself. It will have the oppositeeffects. Yeah, you will have resentment
towards you. Yeah. A womanin Texas, she beat the one in
fifteen million odds and she conceived identicalquadruplets naturally. Wow. Yeah, so

yeah, four girls? Oh boy, they already have two sons. A
good time. Wait, so she'sthirty four, dad's thirty seven? Check
in was us when they hit likethirteen? Right, that's the age where
girls start hating their parents. Right, Oh my god, imagine your tampon

budget, Greg, get a realitythat damp budget and get a second job
just for tat. That's wild,you know, that would be the We'll
give them a deal and hopefully they'reall cycling at the same time. So,
Lucas, because there's four, canyou imagine like each one for a
different week of the month, justlike great, someone's always in a crappy

mood. So many tamps, somuch chocolate, so much aggression. Superstory,
all right, Yeah, they justhave like a big old basket of
tamps. Here's for tamp. Welove him, but he's a monster.
We don't care what he looks like. This is a witty show. Damn.
We are into another new hour insensitivitytraining for a politically correct world.

Monday morning. It's May thirteenth,twenty four. I'm Whatddy, that's rady.
Yeah, there's Greg Gory Menace,what is Woody? We got Sea
bass Boy, There's Sammy Bort,Caroline Morgan, Vaughn, gangs. All
here, phones open for you tobe a part of things as well.
Eight seven seven forty four, Woody. That's eight seven seven forty four,
Woody. You can hit us upwith the text over to two two nine

eight seven. You can follow thisunder oh really all right. Study shows
exercise slow down slows down perception oftime. Yeah, yeah, I remember
exercising back in the day. Yeah. Well it's like twenty minutes feels like
two hours right with like but I'mthinking more specific, something even shorter,

where they're like, all right,we need to do a plank for forty
five seconds and you're like, ohgod, it's gotta been five minutes by
now, right, all Right,fifteen seconds in what what the hell I've
been going to yell out you betterbe keeping track of the time. Yeah,
well, so I had told atrainer at one point, I'm like,
dude, stop telling me the time. Oh you don't even want to

know, no, because it madeit feel longer. I'm like, oh
my god, it feels so long. Yeah, yeah, thirty more so
what you're your fudgeon unless you're willingto count out every number, don't give
me these because I think you knowtrainers, they'll do that, right,
there's really ten a little bit longer. Yeah, it's like, uh,
I forget. Somebody was pointing outlike that. It was like they said,

this is the worst. This isthe worst sequence in any sports movie.
Four seconds left from the clock,and the time that went by was
like forty seconds. Yeah, inthe last three seconds of this basketball game
where they took the shot right andsunk it. That's a clip that's going
on right, So that's like fortyseconds or three seconds is a personal trainers

forty seconds if you ever have one, go okay, well you'll be done
in five four four are Oh no, no, no, I haven't had
that screw with you. No,that would be fun. Yeah. Or
if you're on a treadmill and youthink, oh, I have to have
done a mile by now, it'slike quarter of a mile. Yeah.
So adults who were asked to guesswhen a thirty second time period was up

without the help of a clock,only their own internal timekeeper. When they
were resting, they thought thirty secondswent by faster than when they were exercising,
But once they started getting physically active, times seemed to go by slower,
by eight percent on average. Oh, I thought just eight Yeah.
It'd be like Planet Fitness is goingto raise its ten dollars membership plan for

the first time in twenty six years. Wow, it's going up to fifteen
dollars. Wow, sometime this summer. Don't think I've ever been into the
jumps I've seen of fitness. Idon't think I've ever been inside free pizza.
I don't know about that mess,you do. I think that's a
long Yeah, someone who's been toprobably literally one hundred different Planet Fitnesses around

the country. They don't do itanymore. That's a long gone thing.
That was when they launched, right, yeah, A long time, long
long time. Last time you wentyeah, yeah, No, they're nice
because they've you know, could bea sponsored or not, but they're everywhere.
That's why I'm a member, soif I can stop in any place,
oh okay, and also very convenient, like for me, Let's say
I am somewhere out you know,recording something around the weekends. Maybe I

want to do a little cart andarcing on Sunday afternoon. Well, you
get sweaty doing that, and maybefour o'clock flight, go to Walmart,
get a three dollars towel Planet Fitness, get showered and cleaned up for your
flight, Toss the towel wherever forthe next donated free towel for you guys.
Wasn't the game plan was? Theykept it so low because they just
want to get a bunch of members. They don't care if you want or

not. Let's yeah, what's mostwell? Yeah, and the ten dollars
now fifteen is only for your localgym for you alone, if that's real
plant location. Yeah, the PlanetFitness pros like me pay I think twenty
four dollars for the can member togo anywhere anywhere, which includes the Black
plat the Black Lounge, which hasa massage chair apparently no pizza, no

tell. They might still do tootsyrolls. Rolls sometimes see buckets of those
laying around. Yeah, you wantthe black membership if at all? If
you know, yeah, to belike I wasn't sure, Like how good
could it be? Yeah, theygot ten dollars membership. Seems like megabus
This is true gyms, right,But it's one of those things like that

that's franchised in such a way likea Chick fil A, where they that
that keeps the quality at a certainNow that's not I mean, there's been
some that are genuar and others,but overall pretty decent nice. I can't
say I've seen one I did.I did belong to this one gym that
I paid. I think it wasthirty nine a month, and I must

have gone like four times over thecourse of three years. What he went?
What is the all time king?Right? Yeah, here at the
radio station. There's a in ourbuilding where the radio station is on the
first floor, there's a gym,and I'm like, you know what,
I'm gonna join this gym. Iwas gonna, like, you know,
right after the show, I godown there and get the workout done and

then be done. Without having likehis you lose that motivation right as soon
as you leave the building. Assoon as you leave the building, all
motivation leaves your body. It's likeafter you fail, man, if you're
a man, every time you finish, all their motivation leaves your body the
minute that you know you deliver tobreakfast. Yeah maybe later, maybe later.
But and so I joined this gymwith the best of intentions and to

force myself to go, I'm like, I'm going to buy the entire membership
year up front. I paid infull up front for the entire year.
I did buzz into the gym onetime to take a look around, to
show Sea Bass around. Okay,check it out, Yeah, because Sea
Bass was just joining the show atthe time, and I was showing him

just to kind of tour the buildings, oh by the way, And I
was able to buzz him in.And it's a decent gym, specially oh
for sure, the building. Butthat was the only time I ever accessed
the gym with membership was the showsomebody else around that was What does that
gym cost per month? Oh?Now it used to be really a dollar
day basically. Now it's fifty bucksa month. And you can't cancel as

I've been trying to do for thepast two months. I've got the membership
for a little while. We hadsome you know, what do you mean
you can't cancel it? Well,because there's you have to like, you
can't do it through their online webportal. You've got to do it in
person. You got to email thelady. And when I wanted to sign
up, oh, she replied tomy emails all day, Yeah, real
quick, it's very available. ThenI've now emailed her twice over the course

of several weeks Radio silence. Iwas charged again for the course. You're
never going to forget that. Thatsomehow that works just fine, right.
Canceling gym memberships, though, thatis a challenge. Oh okay, it
don't make it. I know,we just I just talked highly of Planet
Fitness, but during the pandemic,my locals was closed down. So I

joined one and I'm actually technically amember in somewhere else in Colorado. Yeah,
so I called the local one tocancel my membership there and they said,
well, you got to come in, right, like I got to
come in and then and then wellwe're closed, so you can't come in,
so you have to send us certifiedmail or something. Wow, where's
weird? Well, I want tocancel my Netflix subscription. It's literally two

clicks, done and done, rightthis thing? Yeah yeah, there was
like that whole thing about like yougot to go and cancel the location where
you signed up. But what ifthere's locations stationwide? Yeah, and you've
moved. I'm so it's a booka flight right, Well, yeah,
that's where they took the They finallyaccepted my letter eventually because I was calling
and they wouldn't even answer because therewas no one staffed it. See,

guys, this is why you justdon't join the gym. No good can
come of it. Yeah, Imeans all bad. Yeah, just don't
even bother. You want to workout, go outside, take a walk
and run, get yourself some youknow, pick up some heavy stuff around
the house. Yeah. Yeah,anything official, It's fine. I did
do some research and Planet Fitness didhave pizza all the way up until the

plandemic. Yeah, like once amonth. Maybe. Why would they offer
Yeah, we'd offering it. Yeahfor a gym. Wells they want to
show like a social Yeah, showeither cool or approachable. No judgments no
gym in timidation, right, nogym, Well they're yeah, they're all
over the place. That's the ideathat they're really good about. Keep mining

the rules, because every gym shouldhave a no gym bags on the floor
rule. My apartment does not havethis, and because people they had their
giant bag which they just PLoP downthe middle everywhere. Brother, But Planet
Fitness they're very good about enforcing.Nice. Phones are open eight seven seven
forty four. Woody, you canhit us up with the text over to
two two nine eight seven. Youknow the Woody Show. All right,

So I'm trying to think of howI want to do this. We're gonna
look for our next here to defendpersons, right all right, But then
I also have something to share aboutsome other weirdo, all right. So
we're looking for a weirdo. Allright. So that's just answered my question.
All right. So what we're gonnado is we're looking for someone who

has a foot fetish. So itcomes up a lot on the show.
We've never gotten an adequate explanation.Yeah, we're just curious. I mean,
Ravey's disgusted, but some of usare curious. Some of us are
just cure like Bravey has a realaversion aversion to it. Yeah, because

we've done this with the chiropractors,we did this with the pharmacist. So
this is not a profession obviously,but it is something that gets ridiculed on
the show quite frequently. And youknow, and like here, defend yourself.
We have never gotten a legitimate explanation. Never. So I'm looking for
somebody and you know, Sea Bass, you might have a line clown.

Yeah yeah, And to the Ifeel like he would be He wouldn't be
a good representative, I think,because he's that's why he's at your everyday
normal Dudeeah. I don't think hecould just analyze them, you know,
he couldn't put it into context wherethe origins embedded himself in the community that
one time he went to that thatfoot party. Yeah yeah, but I

forgot about that. Yeah. Istill get emails. They still do them.
They don't like talking to people.And see that's the thing. I'm
looking for somebody. And you couldbe anonymous obviously, like someone who is
legitimately like you are turned on byfeet feet do it for you and you
can have a conversation about it.Yeah, like I have questions. Greg's

got questions. We always rip onfoot freaks for being freaks and weirdos and
losers. But this is your chanceto defend what he just said, To
defend yourself and other foot freaks,your community, your community, defend the
foot freaks. Look, I amgoing to behave a lot better than you

guys, that pharmacist. Yes,you guys were so unfair to that gus
to the but really the genuine,the sincere point with these here to defend
things like I really just am morecurious about these different things, and we
have done plenty of ripping on them, and people always go, well,

it's not fair. They're not thereto defend themselves. So now if we
find somebody who is willing to talkto us, they can defend it.
We don't have to necessarily change ouropinion. I don't think we have to
be dick about it either, andI wouldn't. I won't be addicted to
them. I won't be addicted tothem. Please have behind their back,
sure, something other than I justlike it, something more than just that

we said. We've never gotten alegitimate explanation other than I'm compelled to like
and like how did it start like, no one nothing. I love.
This guy's like, oh I lovegoing to the mall looking at feet,
like I just walking by. Ijust showed these guys a video that popped
up on social media last week.This guy is like at a hockey game,

This old man. He's at ahockey game, and so there's a
person sitting in the road behind him. This guy is like not trying to
hide it from anybody. He's onhis phone and he's scrolling through like a
looks like Tinder for feet. Yeah, like swiping, he's swiping, he's
screenshotting, he's saving photos. Heand then he gets to like another photo
and he zooms in on the chicksfeet screenshots it saves it, and then

there must have been somebody cheering heheard he heard behind him, So he
whips around, sees that it's ayounger attractive female, takes a picture of
her, and then he's like editingthe photo and saving that. Like what
a real creep. Yeah, butjust think we don't want that guy.
If you had a foot fetish,the world is so easy for you.
It would be like being attracted totrees like everywhere. Oh they're everywhere,

Like but you want to to showthem, fine, yeah, but you
want to expose it. Says Idon't have a foot fetish, but I
do have a guy who pays forfoot pictures and videos from me lucky and
they say they have a theory aboutwhat causes that. But you have his
phone number. Yeah, let's getthat guy, all right. So,
if if you are a foot fetishperson, like legit not mild, I'm

looking for like someone who's really intoit, you are turned on by feet,
we are looking for you. Morganis a taking volunteers and she's going
to be going through the people that, uh that volunteer to speak to us
about this again. You could beanonymous, but you can either call in

like right now and say, youknow, we'll do it at a different
date. I'm just like putting theword out there that we're looking for somebody,
uh the number eight seven seven fortyfour Woody. That's eight seven seven
forty four Woody. You can alsotext over to two two nine eighty seven
that that you are a person thatwe should talk to, or send us
an email email at the woodieshow dotcom. So call in eight seven seven
forty four Woody, text two twonine eight seven or send us an email

email at the woodieshow dot com.Are you a foot freak? We want
to talk to you and Ravy willshow you her feet if you can put
that out there that we offer somekind right, We'll send him feet.
No, they want to see arethere any chicks on the show that would

be willing to, you know,give that person a picture of their feet?
Morgan probably would little shit, Yeah, chose care heartbeat anyway. There's
this guy, Marcus or sorry,Marius Guphsison, OK. And he was
the head of what officials call abody modification club that hosted a subscriber only

website that would air live castrations.And so they had all these willing participants
who had their healthy body parts typicallygenitals removed surgically, and they would call
themselves nullos like nullification. And itwas just in court because this guy got

picked up that Guphison once cooked upsome testicles for lunch, laying them out
as part of it quote artfully arrangedsalad platter because he would keep the body
parts removed from what was going onon this website for consumption. Later on,

he was just sentenced to twenty twoyears behind bars. He himself uses
a wheelchair due to his own amputations. He willingly had his leg, his
penis, and part of his nippleremoved because he wanted to look like a
ken doll down there. Oh mygod, this guy is Marius Augusters.
What country was this happening in theUK? Yeah? And he found somebody

who would amputate his leg. Wellyeah, yeah, he had somebody who
I guess, I guess knew enoughto do this so that they would They
would he would hold monitor, yeah, he would. He would host these
live castrations. Now, okay,if I'm playing Devil's advocate here, okay,
is it a crime? Oh?The participants willing? Yeah, if

they like, I think they're nuts. I think this guy should definitely be
locked away. No sound nuts,but I think it's probably on the books
then it's illegal willing or not.But think about all these other things that
people do. They split their tongueor they do like look at some of
these guys who like they put hornsand do all these they file down their

teeth, right, So how isthat really? I mean, other than
you know, genitals live stream andI presented my testicles to you, and
you can do whatever you want withthe but you had the mood to eat,
including eating them. Yeah. LikeI'm just wondering, like, you
know, like how I agree?Is that a crime? And these people
willingly submitted my body? My rules? Like, yeah, my testicles,

your dinner. You got to besomething on the books, probably about eating
human Okay, well here's okay,here here I look here, this is
the five counts of cause causing grievousbodily harm with intent? Right? What
about Okay? Like, if somebodyis willing, that doesn't mean they're not

going to turn around and you know, sue him later the authorities later,
you agree to it, right?I get that. So they were willing
in that moment, yes, butI can also see somebody being less well
sure, but at that point,why is that his fault if they were

willing to participant in the moment whenit happened. Something tells me he doesn't
have a whole lot of legal paperworkthat everybody said. He got a website
without a legal department, That's whatI'm saying. Yeah, he doesn't have
a lawyer on uh even cardn Arkshas an attorney. Body mod eating testical
guy Yeah maybe not. Yeah.See so This is why I was like,

how do I do I bring thisup first or then going to the
foot thing? Or I talked aboutthe foot thing and then going to this.
Do you bring it up at all? Or do you just that story
and never bring it to the table. Well, since we're on the topic
of freaks, but you got itnow I can make an argument now that
since we started with it and peopleare like, oh my god, I

don't know if I really want totalk about being a foot freak. You're
not this guy, right see,so now it doesn't look at me.
Okay, right now I know whereyou go. Yeah, see for you.
Yeah, it's softened it as bit, you know, couch as they
said, this is the part whatyou say? This is this news stories
everywhere? It's like treading on allthe sides. No, I just I

did, but I did see thestory. I was like, I can't
be ignored. Who does that?McDonald's loading their prices? Man Salad over
here, Yeah, we're talking abouttoday, man Sealad. Yes, leave

it where it was. No,no, not so if you want to
volunteer to be the defender of footfreaks eight seven seven forty four, Woody
text over to two to two nineeighty seven hit us up with an email
email acts the woodieshow dot com.I like Menace because I don't think he
even knows he's funny books. Imean, how much are they say?

Just regurgitating words and it just happensto be Now, can you help me
with the pronunciation of this show thatmeans it stif? Please? It's the
wood Show you all right? Now, if you're a foot fetish person and

you would like to talk to usabout it and try to explain it to
us, we would love that youcan volunteer for a future segment of Here
to defend please do fetish community eightseven seven eight seven seven four four six
I'm sorry four to four nine sixsix three nine people aways got like,

uh, what's a non bars?I actually did the math on it.
See, I'm trying to get somepeople lined up for this. Or if
you know someone who's a foot freak, try to you're a listener the Woode
Show, try to convince them.McCall in, you could be anonymous.
It's fine, all good, that'sright. The chiropractor was a listener's father,
that's right, that's right. Well, New Mexico is the most dangerous

of all fifty states. Really,according to a new ranking from US News,
is based on both violent and propertycrimes. The rest of the top
ten Louisiana, Colorado, Arkansas,Washington, Tennessee, Alaska, Oregon,
California, and Missouri. New Mexicoowns a violent crime rate of seven hundred

and eighty cases per one hundred thousand, and when it comes to city specifically,
Monroe, Louisiana, second most dangerous. People in Monroe, Louisiana listen
to stat one in thirty eight chantsof becoming a victim of violent crime.
Yeah wow, I don't like thoseodds one and thirty eight chants. So

overall the second most dangerous city,but they are. They are number one
when it comes to violent crime propertycrime. I guess they're they're lower.
They'd rather just hurt you. That'swhere you live in a house with bars
in the window and you just staythere. Yeah. I mean, if
you dig deep enough, you'll seevideos of neighborhoods in America that look like
third world countries. Yeah. Althoughthere are some cities that get a bad

rap based on one part of townbecause of the look at Detroit. Detroit's
another example. Then Detroit's another examplewhere you know, I was surprised the
first time I ever went to Detroitand you actually went oud like, there's
a lot of really nice a lotof really nice places. Yeah, of
course there are like some areas thatlike that really contributed to Baltimore is the

same way. Now I hate theirchoice in sports teams, you know.
Yeah, and then like the suburbsvery nice, but there is a certain
part of Baltimore that contributes to allof those stats. And then it says,
oh, Baltimore's super violent. Whatdo you say very nice? You
mean very nice for the area,No, I mean like very nice.
You know, Baltimore was the firstplace I went and had, you know,

a subway where you had to gothrough the drawer, so because you
couldn't get the employees were like,oh, this is not as crappy as
the other part of the But whenyou drive through the parts of Baltimore that
have the rowhouses and it's just mileafter mile of falling in roofs, and
you're like, hey, the wirewas a great show. Yeah. Chicago,

that's another exact. All the crimein Chicago, for the most part,
like the really bad violence it's allin the South Side of Chicago,
like the majority of it. Didyou see there was just some pictures from
one of the White Sox games.It was like a Thursday night game.
There was four people there. Andit's because it's the South Side. It

was bad years ago when Raven andI both lived there. It's gotten so
bad that they have a hard timeeven getting people. It's a beautiful ballpark.
They have a hard time getting peopleto the ballpark because they just don't
want to go down to the Southside. That's where we went to the
White Castle that had the Yes,Chicago is a beautiful city. Great,

I love Chicago. But people wouldthink, like you get off the plane
and all of a sudden, you'redodging bullet chyraq, you know, or
that's what it is in Detroit orBaltimore, and it's it's it's not really
true. Yes, that stuff isthere. You got to stay out of
those areas, but it's not likeit's just rampant bulletproof subway, bulletproof subway,

white castle with a rotating bulletproof carouselfdoor. Just stay away from those
areas are shows next time. Ifthey ever pulled our Internet history head on
over. You want to see Mark, how do you promote your only fancy?
That would really be good for me, as this Brady would repeat on

my face some of those tunes goinginto my mind. That would be fantastic.
This is the Woody Show, allright, Welcome back everybody. Unfortunately
it's still Monday. Yep. Yeah, we didn't fall asleep and wake up
on a different day during that break. No, but here we are.
Brave's got nerd Now, ladies ofthe world, Nerds coming up here in

a second. We'll do some ofthe holidays and the porno birthday here in
just a few minutes. A coupleof things I wanted you to bring up.
So Menace watched and everybody's been talkingabout Fallout. Yeah, it's so
good on Amazon Prime, so goodreview. You haven't come to me talk

to me about that, you be. I just recently watched it. I
have a lot of friends that sinceit got released or just all about it.
But it's all everything that I love. The end of the world,
you know, I love dystopians.Yeah, and how the world's going to
survive after that, and also likeyou know, people living in bunkers.
But weirdly, I think that Sammywould be into it too, just because

of the people that live in thebunkers. I think they have like the
outlook of Sammy. Yeah, Idon't really, Yeah, I don't know.
I don't know about the all theblood in the shooting. It is
super gory, but in a waywhere it's not I don't think it's scary.
It's not scary, but I definitelyput my fingers up to my eyes
a couple of times, like,oh God, that did you guys see

that picture of Mike the show Killer'sI? Yeah, yeah, did you
see it? Not? I hateblock me on Twitter? No, No,
that's said what you take an aid'sload to the eye. But the
photo would be something that you wouldsee, You definitely would, and they
wouldn't give you a warning. Itwould just show up. Well, no,

he sent it to me. Well, he woke up one morning and
this is just how his eye looked. I've never seen anything like this before.
Crazy hold on standby, fall asleepinside someone's but cheeks. Ah,
yeah, he took baseball to theeye. While you look for that another
fantasy element to fall out filled withblood, Well, look, I don't

think you'd like it. Greg whybecause the reviews are too good. No,
it's it is available on Amazon.It's on Amazon Prime. Yeah.
I know she's saying, you likegarbage stuff. No, I like the
great stuff. Here's the thing.Greg would not like it because he it's
it is. It's not a superheromovie, but it's definitely leans in that

sort of style for sure, fantasy. Yeah, it's so good. You
think I think what he would likeit? Right? Would you like it?
Is at the stop end of theworld kind of like that, like
all the violent stuff. I likethe Last of Us that was good.
Oh, the Last of Us thedifference and the Last of Us is a
good comparable thing. The big differenceis the Last of Us is relentlessly grim.

This is comedy and The Fallout hasa lot of humor really, which
I really enjoyed. Well, itis on Amazon Prime, which almost exclusively.
Yeah, Greg, Greg was saying, by the way that he's having
some regrets because yeah, he howlong ago did you do this about cut
the cord complete or cut the cablewhatever? The expression is probably I want

to say four months and I kindof miss cable team. What are you
missing? Uh? Local news HG. Even though there's plenty of HG shows
on h streaming, but it's justkind of like, all right, do
I watch this again? I feellike I have well, you have Discovery
Plus, Discovery Plus, you haveall the Max Netflix, who Amazon Prime

through the channel, right yeah,I mean there's options I do love,
but I mean that's an extra.You know, with live TV, local
TV can't be found. If youget a digital antenna is putting something un
slightly on your window. Usually youcan't put them in the middle of your

room. They have to reach somekind of sky. I told you about
my digital antenna thing that I found. Like, gay guys love digital antennas,
but I sold when I sold TVs, right yeah, gay couples men
would come in and they said thatthey didn't have cable and they wanted that
they wanted antennas. And so isthis like, because when you were selling

TV this, yeah, there's wayway long ago, but say this,
this is when they finally did thewhole thing where all the TV stations were
making the transition off of an analogsignal to a digital signal. So anybody
had like one of those old schoolantennas on their room, it wouldn't work
anymore. But you can go tolike a best Buy, you can go
to different places, or you canget one sent to you through the mail
where it'd be the new digital receiver. But this they were pointing out that

they didn't spend money on cable,that they barely watched TV, and then
they would get a antenna. Youknow my friend Hoser, Yeah, who's
a gay gentleman. He is asame thing antenna. It's weird. It's
if you want to watch local America. Yeah, it's for local TV,

PBS, and then they all havethey'll have like Channel thirty five, DASH
four six. It's all like Koreanlanguage without the man. I don't know,
but yeah, there's the Roku channelis good for like yeah scroll,
okay, yeah, they sneak more. I just feel like I've seen all

the men us a thousand times.You can always go back, Greg,
I could try to watch Fallout.Le's see. I'll give it a try
to fall Out on Amazon Prime.Menace likes that, loved it. Yeah,
I think it's the best watch sofar. That so good. A
couple of holidays. Today it's Maythirteenth, it's International Hummus Day. There's
something else that Menace loves now he'sbeing sarcastic. He hates it. We

had a we had a staff meetinghere one time, like this crap ever,
lunch will be served, yes,And it was like from a Greek
place lunch we've ever had. Yeah. It was chicken. Yeah, they
had some really good chicken. Yeah, the rice and they had they had
hummus. It was really good.And Menace is like, okay, so

upset to be fair, to befair, I didn't know about the chicken.
Somehow I missed out on the chicken. It's only had rice and hummus
and vegetables. Gross. But Ithink hummus is the most overrated thing of
life. That's good. No,oh guys, if it's got garlic and
all the other stuff, just theregular plain hummus. Sure, plain humm

It's like plain yogurt. It's notgood plain yogurts. Yeah, but like
when you get like fruit and stuffand non. But what I'm saying is
you can get like a roasted garliccummas and that's really good. I think
the people that like hummus just haven'ttried other things. Oh, nobody loves
dips more than me. Nobody,And hummus is awesome. Yeah, I

love hum. I'll Today is aNational Apple Pie Day. Oh yeah.
It's also National creuton Day. Ohand I saw this this morning. I
think on the next trip to thegrocery sto, I'm go to buy some.
Haven't had some since I think itwas like in grade school. It's
National Fruit Cocktail Day. Oh ye, boring, boring fruit cocktails. Floaded
with sugar. It's delicious, halfcherry. Yeah, pineapple's sugar. When

I was preparing for my cocktail partyand I found those year old buzzballs in
my fridge. Yeah, there aresome year old fruit cocktail and the little
cop too, because it's you know, it's for I loved it when I
was five. Yeah, I said, I haven't had school account. It's
not good. We have to getanother shot, go for it. And
today is a cough drop Day.You guys get sugar free. Love a
good cherry white drop. Because Ihad a friend who really liked cough drops,

but he ended up with a lotof cavities and they're like, are
these cough drops with sugar? Weird? He just tressed them in your on
your tooth. Basically. Yeah,it's a National Women's check Up day.
So just a reminder for you ladies. Check, get your hands in your
boxes checked. Get those mammograms,Yeah yeah, check those on your to
do list. That's what I meant, check those boxes, you know,

all right, ables, what's happeningin the world of nerves. Well,
you may have noticed in that trailerfor Deadpool and Wolverine, deadpools holding a
dog that licks them in the face. While that dog is from the comics,
that is dog Pool, who,like Deadpool, has the ability to
heal himself. Well, the dogthat plays dog Pool is already famous.
This is Britain's ugliest dog and itis a female dog named Penny. And

yes, Penny is heinous Heinois.But Reynolds said he went hard for this
dog to play dog Pool because hefeels like Penny is an actual animal manifestation
of Wade Wilson. Wade Wilson whois Deadpool, and Wade Wilson from the
treatments he got, is also veryheinous, like he's a disgusting looking individual.

Do you see the dog? Doyou see Penny doesn't even look Chinese
crested. Well, they believe Pennyis a Pug and Chinese crested mix.
But she's so disgusting it's hard totell. But her owner says Penny is
beautiful on the inside and the inside. But that is Patty who was playing

dogboole. Oh. Peter Jackson workingon more Lord of the Rings projects for
Warner Brothers, and they're looking ata twenty twenty six release. The first
film has a working title Lord ofthe Rings The Hunt for Gollum. Andy
serkis on, who's I couldn't comeup with a couple of weeks ago.
He's gonna star in its as Gollumand he is going to direct it.

Warner Brothers said that Jackson and hislongtime Middle Earth collaborators will be involved every
step of the way. And whenI saw Ted Danson and Woody Harrelson are
going to do a podcast together,I immediately thought cheers rewatch podcasts. It's
called Where Everybody Knows Your Name withTed Danson and Woody Harrelson sometimes, but

they say the goal is to talkabout their life beyond their careers, and
they have tons of guest stars linedup like Laura Dern, Eric Andre,
Kristen Bell, Jane Fonda, ConanMartin Short, a bunch of celebs lined
up for when this debuts in June. Ted Danson said, though I've always
dreaded small talk at a cocktail party, I found that it is a genuine

privilege to sit down with someone fordeep, uninterrupted conversation, and with this
podcast will do just that. Everybodyjust like the latest couple of famous people
to have a podcast where they're talkingto other famous pe and Seinfeld was just
talking about the you know, thesedifferent podcasts that the comedians have now,
like a lot of different comedians havethese podcasts that are super popular. You

know, he's like kind of cultfollowings. And then he was, uh,
he was kind of knocking out whatkind of he was knocking Howard Stern
saying that while he invented the styleof conversation with these you know that that
kind of format, that he's justnot funny because he doesn't have the comedic
chops. They had to come outand like apologize. But I got to
tell you that there's a lot ofcomedians who when they're not doing their stand

up, they're not that funny.That's yeah, they're they're very could you
expect it to be funny all thetime? That ought? They're not nice
people. They are nice people,but they can't have a conversation at a
cocktail party, know and like okay, So they understand how comedy writing works
and how to write like, youknow, get some material for their you
know show on stage and they workon that sixty minutes for the year,

and they tore on and they dothe same stuff every single night. That's
a very different skill set and justsitting there and having a conversation. So
it's not this automatic thing that I'veseen a lot of comics who have podcasts.
They are just not funny, andyou want them to be funny because
you like them. They're funny,and I wouldn't say that Coward Stern is
a laugh out loud funny guy,but he be. But he knows what's

entertainment and knows how to bring funnyout of people. Correct and raby real
quick. I'm gonna save you thehate texts. What did I do the
dog pool? It's Peggy not PennyOh? I wrote Peggy? She did
I say Penny. I'm like,I can't find this dog, I wrote,
Peggy said Penny. Oh, she'sgotten stroke, I guess. So

I'm raving for more nerds. Checkout the Nerd not podcast while it's here,
the show doc up. All right, Nerd, thank you very much,
Rabels, you got it. Timefor the birthdays and your porno birthday
on this Monday morning show. It'sshiver Okay, we're gona it's shivery.

We're gonna sit the time. It'sshiverday, and you know we don't give
birthday all right. Starting with thecelebrities, Happy birthday to Stephen Colbert,
who is sixty years old. Today. You got Robert Pattinson from Twilight YEPU
is he Batman? Batman? Ohlove Batman? Yeah, thank you.
Thirty eight you got Dennis Rodman whois sixty three. Stevie Wonder who's won

twenty five Grammys and wandered into ouroffice really yeah, looking for the bath
clearly lost. Ravey had to sayto him what I said, mister Wonder,
is there something I can help youwith? Yeah? Rap here because
I was so shocked. Happy birthday, looking for the issue. Happy birthday
the Harvey Kaitel. He is eightyfive. Darius Rucker from Hooting the Blowfish

now a legitimate country artist. Yeah, he's fifty eight. Lena Dunham Gross
thirty eight Darius she's so disgusting,now, is it? Ewon Ryan Ran
from Ramsey Snow and Game of Thronesthat Raby was a Yeah, we were
trying to figure out like the actualperson name. Yeah, I won.

I don't know anyway. He's thirtynine years old. You're a Game of
Thrones fan. Debbie Ryan. Now, she was on this Disney Channel show
there that My Daughter Loves. Shewas on a Netflix series called Insatiable.
And she's also the wife of JoshDunn from twenty one Pilots, the drummer
for twenty one Pilots. She's thirtyone years old today. And then he

got I'm including this name just becauseI love the name from the Jay Giles
band. He's the harmonica player.His name is Magic Dick. Oh all
right, seventy nine years old today. Yeah, birthday, huh no,
your porno birthday today is Tommy Gunn. It's a birthday manhore you guys.
And he banged his way into theA. V. N Hall of Fame.

He's well known. He's been inthree thousand, three hundred and fifty
seven films, including Asian Anal Assassinations. He was in coffee with Milk and
sugar please kidding. Also boobs aHoy, Greg boobs Ahoy. Yeah,
it was in Boobs a Hoy.Also take Me to Bonerville Volume one.

He was in Category Whore Tornado.Also World Poke Her Tour. He was
fantastic in Grand theft Anal Volume nine, ten and eleven. Also he was
in Orgy before the Wedding and whocan forget his unforgetable role and drop them
drawers and give Daddy some candy?Volume two? Is that about it?
I don't know, I'll have towatch it. And six, Yes,

that's Tommy Gunn who is fifty sevenyears old today. And now at your
porno birthday, your celebrity birthdays.And that is a Monday morning look for
what is happening in the world ofnerds with your nerd Out Report. We're
gonna take a quick break. MoreWoodies Show is next. Hang on,
boiler, wouldn't approve the Woody Show? All right, Tyler, wrap up,

get the hell out of here,everybody. It's gonna do it for
Monday. Full show podcast waiting beforeyou go to the woodieshow dot Com.
The highlight from today besides all theriveting conversation on you know the trending news
headlines and nerds and porno birthdays andstuff would be the trip to the Woodi
Show crossroads. So unfortunately we hadto fish out some of the turds from
the punch bowl. But yeah,we feel much lighter ess actually, like

taking a nice big dump of youknow, negative energy. Nothing like we
can move forward so that more onthe podcast. Just hit up the woodyshow
dot com. Plenty of ways tobe a part of the show after the
show, the after hours voicemail.You can always leave us a message there
eight seven seven forty four Woodie.You can send us your email email at
the Woodieshow dot com. We weget more and more emails recently. Really

nature we go through like these waveswhere it's like very popular for a minute
and then it kind of like youknow, trails off and we'll get more
after hours voicemails. But yeah,look, anyway that you want to be
a part of things, we'd loveto have you. Of course, social
media at the Woodie Show. Findus on the social media platform of your
choice to u let's see Raby Mena, Seabas, Sammy, anything you like
to add. Yeah, great goryparting words of wisdom please. Yeah,

would be great if some people tooka chill pill, and it would rule
if some people choked on it.Name anybody. Yeah, some people need
to take one of those pills theygive astronauts in case things get catastrophic,
you know, is that true?Yeah? Really? Yeah? Wow?
I thought that was a myss,like a suicide pill. Wow. You
let's say you go up the spacethere's no chance of you coming home.

Yeah, I mean is that theway you want to die? Or would
you rather kind of take things inyour own hands? I would much rather
know. I think I just floataround for a while. Yeah, check
it out, see what happens.Yeah, for a minute. But I
mean I mean maybe if I startedgetting really hungry, I'll just you know,
you yourself, Like you have togive a dog appill, like you
just put some peanut butter or something. Although Greenies, you know that company,

Greenies, YEA heard about this.They make these things. I've seen
them now where if you have togive your dog medication like a pill,
it's like a little peanut butter pocketkind of thing. Just put the pill
in this thing and give it tothem so you don't have to go and
get messy with peanut butter and stuff, and it's a little treat that you
could put the pill in. Thatwas pretty cool. And be cautious about
greenies. They were in the newsbecause some dogs are choking on them because

they get too excited. Yeah,they were. But my dog has literally
had a greeny every single day ofher life and it's her favorite thing every
day, every day. Yes,because she loves them. She goes crazy
for them, all right. Anyway, thank you very much, Greg Gore.
Thank you so much for giving theWhat Show some of your valuable time
this morning. You know we wouldappreciate you for that. The rest of

you guys can suck it. Catchyou back here on Tuesday. Have a
great day. SMD double M Quitthis bitch.

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