All Episodes

November 8, 2024 103 mins
Friday Fail Stories, DUIQ, News Headlines & More! 
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:02):
It's a dude to the graphic nature of this program.
Listener discretion is ad lies the Woody Shows.

Speaker 2 (00:24):
The Woody Show Insensitivity Training.

Speaker 3 (00:37):
Class is now in session.

Speaker 2 (00:43):
A good morning, everybody.

Speaker 4 (00:48):
Today is November the eighth, twenty twenty four, and I
five cross referenced that with my calendar here, yev, that
is indeed the case.

Speaker 2 (00:57):
Today, you guys. Today is Friday. Ye, that's what I'm
talking about. Welcome to Friday. We are the Woody Show.
I'm Moody.

Speaker 4 (01:09):
That's Greg gory Hoy and Happy Friday, Greg Hoy, Happy Friday.
There's a menace, oh holy and Happy Friday with the
view Gina grad Hoy.

Speaker 2 (01:16):
And happy Friday.

Speaker 4 (01:18):
We got c Mass, we got Sammy, we got bored,
we got Caroline Morgan, our associate producer, von our video producer,
and you are here. We are together to get through
the morning and into the weekend.

Speaker 2 (01:28):
Let's go.

Speaker 4 (01:31):
Yeah, all right, Andrew WK to make things official, it
is The Woody Show. Friday Morning. Phones open eight seven
seven forty four. Woodie hit us up on a text
Friday check ins over to two two nine eight seven.
Coming up a little bit later on in the morning,
Friday Fail Stories you have a chance to win some
stuff playing the d u i q our Dumbass contest.

Got a brand new redneck news we could cut up
on the trending news headlines. Got some entertainment stuff. Got
the birthday's porno birthday. See, you stay busy and time
just flies. That does when you're having fun. All right,
So a couple things, little wheel of topics, things that
I meant to get to this week round out of time.
This sounds like something that Menace would be totally into.

You would need to have an extra two million dollars though,
burning a hole in your pocket.

Speaker 2 (02:18):
All right.

Speaker 4 (02:18):
I mean you already want to go see the Jake
Paul Mike Tyson fight.

Speaker 2 (02:22):
I do, all right, Jesus Christ.

Speaker 4 (02:24):
But with two million dollars you can November fifteenth for
the fight. Have the MVP Owners Experience, so you get
ten tickets to the fight, two ringside apron seats, four
first row floor seats, four second row floor seats. You

have an exclusive stadium arrival experience with security and an
escort during the evening. A pre fight photo in the
locker room with Paul and Tyson gloves signed by both fighters.
A private green room with top show off, open bar,
and all inclusive food menu.

Speaker 2 (03:02):
I hope.

Speaker 4 (03:03):
So a post fight in ring photo op with your
group of ten, a penthouse suite for all ten guests
to stay in for two nights, transportation throughout your stay,
other VIP perks and gifts. I mean, is it a
gift if you paid two million bucks?

Speaker 2 (03:21):
Starting to sound like a pretty good deal.

Speaker 3 (03:22):
This is a good package.

Speaker 2 (03:24):
You're a rich douche having a good time.

Speaker 4 (03:28):
Well, especially if you break it up between all ten people.
Got a bunch of you just get a mortgage. Yeah,
I'm saying that you got you got a bunch of
rich buddies. Yeah, you know what I mean.

Speaker 2 (03:36):
Yeah, I am excited for the fight for more of
a nostalgia thing, more, oh for sure, Mike Tyson thing
than anything.

Speaker 5 (03:44):
There are plenty of tickets available, menace, there is what
is your what be your excuse?

Speaker 6 (03:48):

Speaker 2 (03:48):
I don't know, bitty bucks to get in the door. Yeah,
but you like going out places? I do? I do?
I mean, but I like to like sit close.

Speaker 5 (03:57):
Is it because they wouldn't let you kick a field
goal at AT and T Stadium?

Speaker 2 (04:00):
Yeah it's a problem. Yeah, that's shout out to the
super dome, they'll let me do it. Yeah, super domes.
Let me know what is that? And when we figured
that out? Yeah, November twenty third, so what's coming up?

Speaker 4 (04:11):
The rollout has begun and on some controversial changes to
the block function on what is formally known as Twitter x.

Speaker 5 (04:18):

Speaker 4 (04:19):
It used to be that blocking someone would block them
entirely from your content and being able to contact and
interact with you. But with these new changes, a blocked
person won't be able to contact you or interact with
your posts, but they'll still be able to see and
monitor your posts.

Speaker 2 (04:34):
Why I don't like stay mad bro see it? Yeah,
die salty, it's stupid alone. Critics say it.

Speaker 4 (04:43):
Makes it easier for stalkers, abusers and the like to
keep tabs on people that they're trying to bother, But
people that xt say say the move is so block
parties can see if information concerning them is being shared,
and also allows for more transparency.

Speaker 2 (04:59):
I just feel like he keeps getting in there and
tinkering with stuff that doesn't really move the needle. Make
it better.

Speaker 7 (05:05):
Just stop tinkering. Yeah, it's just leave it alone.

Speaker 2 (05:08):
Yeah, I mean, you know you don't listen.

Speaker 7 (05:09):
To whoever he'll give you a huge bout party.

Speaker 2 (05:12):
But for the rest of us, they kind of jumped ship.

Speaker 4 (05:14):
Well that's what Greg said all the time about people.
You know, they they just change things for the sake
of changing thing.

Speaker 7 (05:19):
Yeah, be in the news because now we're talking about Twitter.

Speaker 2 (05:22):
Think you are. Don't think anybody's jumping on X because
of that? Right that's Oh I want to be private
and now I'm not. Yeah, that's not a real selling point.
Yeah right, it doesn't.

Speaker 7 (05:33):
It doesn't make a difference.

Speaker 4 (05:35):
Yeah, let's see some other stuff. Wheel of Topics. Doctors
in Russia they removed a large glass jar from this
dude's bowels fell I figured demand had inserted the pint
sized glass during a sexual act. They said it could

have led to severe bleeding or even fatal organ damage
if the jar had shattered inside of him, but they
managed to remove it in full, along with a condom
and lubricant.

Speaker 2 (06:08):
Oh you're safe.

Speaker 4 (06:10):
What would the I mean, I guess to keep it
in case it did break. It was kind of like maybe,
I don't know, if.

Speaker 2 (06:14):
It's glass, I would make it safe. Yeah, but not safe.
But I mean, you're not for pregnancy.

Speaker 7 (06:19):
I don't know if you've talked about this before, but
we've done a little research on previous shows, and the
reason why something will go up like into your bowels
or colon is because like there's a vacuum effect inside
your anus.

Speaker 4 (06:32):
Well I believe that because like let's say, like, uh,
Greg will know this because he camels turns all the
time of course because he doesn't want to poop the
work at work, and sometimes like you know, it'll it'll
feel like it's ready to shoot out of your body
and all of a sudden, it sucks.

Speaker 2 (06:46):
Vacuum effect will eventually just pass.

Speaker 4 (06:50):
They call it the turtling right like Terry Dog, Mater
Prairie dog.

Speaker 2 (06:57):
If you're an adult, it's possible X.

Speaker 4 (07:00):
It's worn that inserting objects into the body can lead
to serious risks, including puncturing.

Speaker 2 (07:05):
The boll and death. Are you really worth it?

Speaker 4 (07:09):
Yeah, but also like you know, dying of embarrassment. But yeah,
don't put things up your butt. You're not supposed to
do that.

Speaker 2 (07:16):
I'm sure those doctors in Russia did not judge the guy, No,
not at all. Yeah, they probably had a murdered on
the way out, probably probably. Yeah, there was a somebody
that we used to work with here. His wife worked
at the hospital. She's what they do with the er doc. No,
they do like epidurals and like anesthesiologists anesthesia.

Speaker 4 (07:37):
But what's the other one? Yeah, antesthesiologist sounds too easy.
There was something that kind of sounds like that. Anyway,
So she's in the operating room all the time, she
does all stuff of the emergency. She gets like brought
around the different things, right, she had so many stories.

Speaker 5 (07:53):
Oh, there is something called a certified registered Nurse anesthetist.

Speaker 2 (07:57):
That's it. And what's that.

Speaker 5 (07:58):
That's like basically, if you don't need a full time
an a caesiologist, you just ued someone to kind of
go down put gender, right.

Speaker 2 (08:04):
I think that's what I Yeah, that's what she did. Maybe, yeah,
probably it was just she's got access to all that
propofol greg.

Speaker 4 (08:12):
But there was like so so many stories that she
would tell about that, you know, people getting things in
there and they would like use some of this, you know,
like they get a baby out with like that little
kind of suction cup thing for the head, but they
would they would use that thing sometimes to go in there.
Like one person have like a zucchini squash in there,
and uh, they were able to like suction it to
that thing.

Speaker 7 (08:29):
And don't you guys hate when you trip like you
slip on the grass outside and you fall onto it Zuchi.

Speaker 2 (08:34):
Yeah, oh absolutely, when you're tending to I'm just cleaning. Yeah,
you're gardening.

Speaker 1 (08:40):

Speaker 4 (08:40):
We're gonna take a quick break. We got some more
Woodies shove for you next, hang.

Speaker 2 (08:43):
On back in the meantime, have an existential crisis. What's up, everybody?
It's menace. Will you be in Huntington Beach or near
Huntington Beach November fourteenth, I'll be there at Wild Fork
Foods from three pm to five pm in Huntington Beach
at Wildfork Foods doing a bunch of giveaways for theme
part tickets, concert tickets, Woody Show, merch and more. Everybody's invited.

Come on through, get in on these giveaways Wildfork Foods
this upcoming Thursday, November fourteenth, from three to five pm.
I'll see you. There's a valley sum.

Speaker 4 (09:20):
Nice Back to the Woody Show and move right along.
On a Friday morning, everybody, Oh.

Speaker 2 (09:31):
Yeah, it's November the eighth, twenty twenty four.

Speaker 4 (09:34):
It's another new hour insensitivity training for a politically correct world.

Speaker 2 (09:38):
My name is Weddy. That's great Goring. Hi, there's Menace, Hello.

Speaker 7 (09:42):
Gini, Hey, good morning.

Speaker 2 (09:44):
We've got sea man, We've got Sammy money.

Speaker 4 (09:47):
Phones opened eight seven seven forty four, Woodie, that's eight
seven seven forty four Wooding. Hit us up with the
texts Friday check in. Those are just letting us know
that draft there you're listening, having a good time, even
you're having a rotten time.

Speaker 2 (09:59):
Love to hear.

Speaker 4 (10:00):
Yeah, if you're out there listening, give us your name,
tell us what part of town you're in, where you're
listening to the Woody Show, what you got going on
this weekend? Anything anyone you'd like to have this manch
like a shout out. We're not above those. Just text
all the information over to nine eight seven. Get ready
to call in and play the duy Q because that's
coming up this hour for your dumbass contest. And we

got around of the Friday fail stories ready to go.
We're going to start the hour with the fail stories.
All these people, Oh boy, they thought they had it
all locked up, all right, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls,

Time for your Friday failed stop. I was doing probably
had the perfect plan. The plan that could never go wrong.
But then somewhere along the line that went from being
a great idea to one big stink in mega uber ultra,

I'm pretty good.

Speaker 2 (11:46):
Yeah, yeah, geez the gate to follow through. I didn't
know what to expect after that last week's de buck.
It was like being at the symphony, right, kind of legal.
It's like being at this if. I don't know if
they sing at the symphony, but yeah, if they do.

Speaker 7 (12:06):
Fail, don't they like or like being at the choir?

Speaker 2 (12:09):
It's more like a choir, don't don't they home? Like h.

Speaker 5 (12:14):

Speaker 4 (12:16):
This one is from Rhode Island, where there was some
loose cash just blowing around on the highway and this
one dude decided to get out of his car and
crawl around in the middle.

Speaker 2 (12:27):
Of the road to pick it up. I'm sure easy cash,
right problem. But as he was down there getting rich,
he was hit by an s u V. He did
so sales. I mean he was rich for like a
few seconds.

Speaker 4 (12:42):
Literally, yeah, copy, not sure where the money even came from.
I get wanting to pick it up, but can you
use some common sense?

Speaker 7 (12:51):
Crawl around on a freeway.

Speaker 4 (12:52):
Maybe not like, I don't know, crawling around on the highway,
right on a busy, open highway.

Speaker 2 (13:00):
Tempting though.

Speaker 4 (13:01):
This next one is from Staten Island, New York, where
this dude he got on a bus and decided that
he was just too good to pay the fare, which
normally getting caught with it's just ended being a ticket,
no big deal. But it turns out that this particular
dude was a drug dealer and he got busted with
fifty two bags of drugs on him. Forty of them
are full of cocaine, the other one's the other one other.

Speaker 2 (13:22):
Twelve filled with heroin.

Speaker 4 (13:25):
And again he would have been fine and stayed off
the radar had he just paid the damn bus fare.

Speaker 2 (13:31):
Idiot always wonder that you're carrying drugs and then you
get pulled over for speeding.

Speaker 4 (13:37):
So he was arrested charged with possession of a controlled substance,
possession with intent to sell, and theft of services for
not paying that bus fare. But also it turns out
this idiot had just gotten out of fail jail earlier
this year because he served five years for drug and
weapons charges.

Speaker 2 (13:53):
So right back sailed. Yeah, God, maron, dumbass.

Speaker 4 (14:02):
Next up this story from New York State, where this dude,
he noticed a beehive on the roof of his porch.
The question was how should I get rid of this?
And he thought, you know, fire would probably be the
best way, so he grabbed a torch. He hit the
beehive with it, which nuke the hive, but it also
set his house on fire. Oh yeah, yeah, nobody was hurt,

but the other house it's jacked.

Speaker 2 (14:29):

Speaker 4 (14:32):
This next one is international. These two quote influencers were
partying on a yacht off a stretch of Brazil's coast
known as the Devil's Throat.

Speaker 2 (14:42):

Speaker 4 (14:43):
They've been told to put on life jackets, but they
both refused because they said the life jackets would ruin
their outfits and give them bad tan lines. I'm sure
to see where this is going. They're partying being super cool.
The boat gets hit by a huge wave starts to
sink both idiots dead. One of their bodies was found

drifting out to see the other one washed up on
a beach a week later, but no tan lines though,
so super cool.

Speaker 2 (15:14):
Accomplished. That's scary.

Speaker 5 (15:18):

Speaker 2 (15:18):
And finally, this is my favorite story of the week.

Speaker 4 (15:20):
It's from Louisiana where the cops they got a call
about a car that was repeatedly weaving in and out
of traffic, break checking other drivers, and so they want
to go check it out. They found the car. It
had run off the road, crossed a median, and hit
another car, and then just minutes later, the car catches fire.
After a short investigation, the cops found out that the

driver of that car was playing a game on TikTok
while he was driving, and so he was arrested and
taken to fail jail.

Speaker 2 (15:51):
I didn't know they had games on TikTok.

Speaker 7 (15:52):
That's the first time here.

Speaker 2 (15:53):
Yeah, they were a ton of stuff on TikTok. Yeah,
did not know that. I'm addicted to the shopping.

Speaker 4 (15:57):
I'm a never TikToker. Yeah, Sam, I'm a never facebooker.
I'm also a never TikToker. Well, great deals on TikTok.

Speaker 2 (16:04):
I know you're addicted to the TikTok shop. Is that what?
We'll just let you be our filter menace. Yeah, I'll
tell you what's cool and this is enough for all
of us. I'll give you a link on Amazon. When
you buy something on TikTok. How long does it take
to get it? Super quick?

Speaker 6 (16:17):

Speaker 2 (16:17):
No, No, that was like gin that's fake news and
it's not maybe because you're such a VP shopper. How
about it's been a long time and they've been doing
it for a while and now it's like super good.

Speaker 7 (16:31):
It dialed in.

Speaker 2 (16:32):
But Gina just bought something from there.

Speaker 7 (16:34):
I don't think you gave me. I don't think he
gave me a TikTok link.

Speaker 2 (16:37):
I didn't.

Speaker 1 (16:37):
I gave it.

Speaker 2 (16:38):
I gave her an Amazon pedestrian link on. Oh, you're
not on TikTok.

Speaker 7 (16:44):
Because I don't know from TikTok, but I don't have Yeah,
that's why we just let menace be our TikTok filter.

Speaker 2 (16:52):
And then he's no one listening to me. I heard
you on TikTok and I said, I shop on TikTok. TikTok,
and I give people like to a tickcock on tikcock.

Speaker 7 (17:04):
That's a thing forever.

Speaker 2 (17:05):
Is everybody's headphones turned off?

Speaker 4 (17:07):
Eight seven seven forty four, Woody hit us up with
the text over to two to nine eight seven. We're
gonna take a quick break, then we're gonna come back.
We got our dumb ass contest. It's the d u
i Q And if you want to be our contestant.
We'll get that call lined up right now. So again
call in eight seven seven forty four Woody, and it's

time for this week's dumb ass contest. And the dumb
ass contest today is the du IQ.

Speaker 2 (17:41):
Yeah, yes, indeed, all right, looking for a contestant.

Speaker 4 (17:45):
Phones are open eight seven seven forty four, Woodie. That's
eight seven seven forty four, Woody. Uh see, basks playing
the game to everybody please signed someone who's nice and
to tips A. And I asked them these easiest questions
in the world.

Speaker 5 (17:58):
So the game is, are they so drunk if they
won't know these questions that everyone else knows?

Speaker 2 (18:03):
Sober? Yeah, if you can guess whether they know two
times out of three, you win.

Speaker 4 (18:06):
All right, eight seven seven forty four, Wooding. Let's go
to the phones and say hello to our contestant. Let's
say hello to Brandon. Hey, good morning, Brandon, good morning,
good morning. All right, So d u IQ again, you
don't have to try to get the answers yourself. You
just have to try to guess whether the drunk person
will get the answer right or not two out of

three times. We're also gonna have menace. I'm in Sammy
try to guess and see if they know the answers
to these questions.

Speaker 2 (18:34):
Uh, Brandon, are you ready to play? Yes? I am okay,
all right, love that Friday energy. It's all that stuff,
all right? He Look, we have a call screened for
a reason. Yeah, really, get the best people on, you
would think, all right, seed Bass, who do we have here? Well,
we had a what do you show party? Recently we did.

Speaker 5 (18:50):
Typically there's there's one person. Sometimes it's Greg, it's been Menace,
it's been Vaughn. You know, there's somebody there who gets
more drunk than the rest. And I was looking around
at asking and I was asking, Hey, guys, who's the
drunkest person here? Every single person said it was yeah, and.

Speaker 3 (19:08):
They were right.

Speaker 5 (19:09):
In fact, what do you have? You may have heard
mentioned earlier this week that he was embarrassed of himself.

Speaker 2 (19:14):
Right, I can't relate to that at all.

Speaker 4 (19:17):
I'm disappointed in myself.

Speaker 2 (19:20):
And even his wife said, hey, he's really drunk. I
feel like it.

Speaker 4 (19:25):
I feel like it led itself to a poor uh
like like guest experience. What do you know?

Speaker 2 (19:32):
It made me a bad host? I figure opposite. What
were you worried about the most not shutting up. I'm
just trying to tell you there's been other events. You've
been way more long winded than I know.

Speaker 7 (19:46):
It's a probably, it's a probably correctly if I'm wrong,
I really I said to you, people came in, drove in,
flew in all these things to see you, to you,
talk to see you out there.

Speaker 4 (19:58):
For me what they wanted, They're just to have fun
and party. Like God damn it. Shut up.

Speaker 2 (20:02):
I can name four or five more events where you
talked way longer.

Speaker 4 (20:05):
I understand, I understand, which is why I am officially
retiring from I'm officially retiring from that responsibility. At these parties,
I will contribute, but I'm gonna I'm gonna have I'm
gonna have somebody else we're gonna put.

Speaker 2 (20:19):
We'll put medicine charge of it.

Speaker 4 (20:20):
That's evening with Yeah, we'll put medicine charge of it,
or Gray or anybody anybody.

Speaker 2 (20:28):
So listen to this audio. Maybe maybe you'll change your mind.

Speaker 4 (20:31):
Yeah, so, Brad, I'll use this just to get an
idea of just how with it or in this case
not with it.

Speaker 2 (20:35):
I was.

Speaker 5 (20:36):
And by the way, you're gonna hear a second voice here.
It's Wood he and his wife. She's she's chiming at okay,
and this is me loaded up on tequila.

Speaker 2 (20:43):
Here we go.

Speaker 4 (20:44):
Tequila either I'm an alternated between tequila straight up on
the rocks or tequila on sprite.

Speaker 5 (20:51):
You've been keeping track of the number of those, probably
about like twelve.

Speaker 8 (20:56):
At this point.

Speaker 2 (20:57):
Yeah, I'm a very high tolerate sea bass.

Speaker 3 (21:00):
That's odd because you don't drink often.

Speaker 2 (21:03):
I don't. I don't save us for social occasions.

Speaker 4 (21:07):
Tim Martinez shared a story like our good friend Tim
Martin is Worse and Approach share a story about how
he and his wife they when they were about eighteen
or nineteen, went through an amusement park looking for unlocked
cars to have sex.

Speaker 2 (21:21):
In a pretty badass yeah, and they did.

Speaker 4 (21:24):
They found an unlocked hard and my wife says, her
response was, oh my god, that's hot.

Speaker 7 (21:30):

Speaker 3 (21:30):
Yes, yeah, that's the party that's gonna happen now, No.

Speaker 4 (21:34):
Nope, she's gonna pass out.

Speaker 2 (21:38):
Ye that's a random story. Just this year, well five
years ago. Well he had just heard the story. Yea,
yeah earlier.

Speaker 4 (21:50):
But I'm saying everybody was drinking, having a good time,
talking about good time stories.

Speaker 2 (21:54):
Yeah, you want some hot tea.

Speaker 5 (21:55):
Yeah, I mean it was when they Again, he's eighteen
years old, right, there's.

Speaker 2 (21:59):
A little bit of slurring in there, but overall.

Speaker 4 (22:03):
While considering, I mean, it was a lot of tequila
and most of those, most of those are just on
the rocks, as I remember, just pouring straight cups of
tequila on and and that and then just going on
at all. Yeah, nothing to be embarrassed about. Yeah, okay,
so says all right, So here we go. Question number
one Brandon on the d U, I Q, what.

Speaker 3 (22:25):
Is the title of any Judy Bloom book?

Speaker 9 (22:27):
All right, well he does. I'll guess, because I mean,
I don't mean you don't remember. I'm not gonna say.
I'm not gonna say yes. I'll just guess. On Menace
and Sammy, I will say that Sammy does, Menace does not.

Speaker 2 (22:47):
Babe, I agree with that. Sammy, yes, Menace no. And
for Wood it's a default just because you know books.
For I'm saying yes because I thought you were like
a huge bloomhead.

Speaker 1 (22:59):

Speaker 7 (23:00):
The only reason I say yes is because you have
a daughter and at some point they read all the
Judy Bloom books. So yes for Sammy, no, for Menace,
Yes for what.

Speaker 2 (23:09):
Okay, all right? Uh, Menace and Sammy, what do you think?

Speaker 1 (23:13):

Speaker 2 (23:15):
Do you think our drunk will get it? You think
the drunk will get it?

Speaker 3 (23:18):
For sure?

Speaker 2 (23:18):
You love Judy Bloom? I say, yes, yes, right, I
don't even know who it is, but all right, well okay, Brandon,
what do you think? Yes or no?

Speaker 6 (23:30):

Speaker 8 (23:30):

Speaker 2 (23:31):
Yes? All right? Question number one d.

Speaker 10 (23:33):
U y Q.

Speaker 3 (23:34):
What is the title of any Judy Bloom book?

Speaker 4 (23:36):
Menace already said it doesn't know it, but I want
to hear his guests. Well, what did you guess?

Speaker 2 (23:39):
I wrote down? Orphan Annie, Orphan Annie?

Speaker 7 (23:42):
Alright, Sammy are you there? God, it's me Margaret.

Speaker 2 (23:47):
Are you okay? Which they just made a movie out of. Yeah?
All right.

Speaker 4 (23:52):
So I love Judy Bloom, I love Beverly Cleary. I
read I read all those books when I was a kid. Yeah, yeah,
I've never heard of anything.

Speaker 2 (24:00):
Really a fourth grade nothing. You were fun Ralph in
the Motorcycle.

Speaker 5 (24:06):
There's a reason that I put that question in because
it's it's been a topic on the show before, So
you can't say you never heard.

Speaker 2 (24:11):
Of mass Yeah, why didn't retain it? Yeah?

Speaker 4 (24:14):
Anyway, So let's see now I know it. Here sober.
Did I know it?

Speaker 2 (24:19):

Speaker 4 (24:19):
We'll find out, And Brandon said, no, I'm sorry, you
think I did get it.

Speaker 2 (24:24):
I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I think you're getting to get it.
All right, let's let's see here we go. Question number one.

Speaker 3 (24:29):
What is the title of any Judy bloom book?

Speaker 2 (24:31):
Oh, Tales of fourth Grade? Nothing? I know that very well?
Is that every cleary?

Speaker 3 (24:38):

Speaker 7 (24:38):
And it's also are you there? God, it's me Margaret?

Speaker 2 (24:42):
But is that Judy Bloomer? Period?

Speaker 3 (24:45):
Same things?

Speaker 11 (24:47):
The same bitch?

Speaker 2 (24:51):
It's that the same thing.

Speaker 7 (24:52):
It's like a period.

Speaker 2 (24:53):
No period, first of all, period, it's not the same.

Speaker 7 (24:56):
No, it's not first of all making period of thing?
Is it a period thing? Are you there? Got Margaret?

Speaker 3 (25:02):
And like the boobs are coming in, you have your
own show my turn?

Speaker 2 (25:06):
Oh but I got the book right? You did?

Speaker 3 (25:11):
Is wrong?

Speaker 2 (25:12):
Beverly clearly or Beauty bloom there's not the same name.
It's not the same bitch. That's not yeah to me,
that's what he hears.

Speaker 3 (25:18):

Speaker 2 (25:18):
You have your own shot to talk. Oh yeah, I
get it, okay, Witty, Can I have Jeff here?

Speaker 8 (25:24):

Speaker 2 (25:24):
Oh boy, there's a there's a point for you. Congratulations,
brand you got a point. You don't need one more.

Speaker 7 (25:32):
Feel her pain pain?

Speaker 2 (25:34):
What do you just he just we just heard it.

Speaker 4 (25:36):
There he heard it? And what he just gave us
another example? And see when she's drunk. I told you
she's so nice to everybody else, she's mean to me.

Speaker 7 (25:41):
She does look at you like she stepped in dog.

Speaker 2 (25:44):
Yes, thank you, That's what I've been saying.

Speaker 7 (25:48):
I am here for it.

Speaker 2 (25:49):
Yeah, every else enjoys it, alright. Question question number two
for the d U i Q.

Speaker 3 (25:55):
Lake Tahoe is in what states?

Speaker 4 (25:57):
Oh m like Tahoe is in what state? Okayes question
Menace and Sammy, Well, no, he said medicine, Sammy.

Speaker 2 (26:12):
I will say yes. Oh that's right. I can't guess.
I am going to triple yes.

Speaker 4 (26:20):
Yes, all right, triple yes on that one. Medicine, Sammy.
What do you think, Well, the big fat drunk slob
know it. Yes, alright, this big fat drunk, squinty eyed,
blimp lit loser.

Speaker 2 (26:30):
Will know yeah. Supportive? What alright? Brandon, what do you think?
Yes or no? I'll go yes, alright, gonna go yes again.

Speaker 3 (26:43):
Question number two, Lake Tahoe is in what states?

Speaker 2 (26:47):
Menace, Nevada and California, alright, Nevada in California. Alight, all right,
that's that is absolutely correct.

Speaker 4 (26:56):
Shout to Inclined Village. Shout out to Incline Village. Sure sure,
all right, here we go. Question number two.

Speaker 3 (27:06):
Lake Tahoe is in what states?

Speaker 4 (27:08):
I know, well, it's I know, you know, it's it's
kind of divided between California and Nevada.

Speaker 3 (27:17):
What you got that one?

Speaker 2 (27:17):

Speaker 5 (27:18):
We're gonna keep that one of the vault though, because
the other part of the U i Q is exposed with.

Speaker 3 (27:21):
Menace and sammy don't know correct, which is not much
all right?

Speaker 2 (27:26):
Oh wow, that was.

Speaker 7 (27:29):
A double negative. What they don't know is not much
as a compliment.

Speaker 4 (27:32):
Right, I'm saying, But we'll get to this game. I've
been here every one of these. I've been here. You
act like I've never blamed. You act like I'm new.

Speaker 2 (27:41):
Yeah, I've seen anyway.

Speaker 4 (27:42):
Congratulations, we got a winner and gentlemen.

Speaker 2 (27:47):
Winner this week. There you go, the d U i Q.
We appreciate you. You sound pretty hammered. Yeah, we'll have it.
Have yourself.

Speaker 4 (28:03):
All right, we'll have have yourself a great weekend and
hang on, we'll get all your information.

Speaker 2 (28:07):
Okay, we should record with.

Speaker 4 (28:12):
Him, I know, all right, so he didn't need the
third question, But we do have one more question here
for the d U y Q question number three, what
are the.

Speaker 3 (28:24):
Two elements in water?

Speaker 2 (28:28):
All right? What are the two elements in water?

Speaker 4 (28:30):
I don't remember you asking this question was weird, like
if you would have before we started this, if you
would have said, hey, what are any of the questions
that you asked me? I wouldn't have remembered. But once
we got to the Judy Bloom one and the Tahoe thing,
I go, oh, yeah, I remember that one.

Speaker 2 (28:44):
This one, this one I don't remember. I don't remember.

Speaker 4 (28:48):
I will say, Sammy yes, Menace, Yes, I'm going double yes.

Speaker 2 (28:55):
Wow, I'm going triple no, triple no. I'm gonna say
a Sammy yes. And there's a reason for this menace.
I'm gonna say no to menace wow wow. And then
what about the fat ass drunk loser, Oh, that guy,
that blubbing moron. I will say, I'm gonna say yes,

I have him. I'm confident. Yeah, alright, menace and Samy,
what do you think? No? No, yes, yes, actually I
changed what he to know. And the same reason that
I'm gonna give to minutes. All right, what did you
say him? Sorry? Sammy said yes, I said yes, all right?
Question number three?

Speaker 3 (29:34):
What are the two elements in water?

Speaker 2 (29:37):
All right? Menace? Hydrogen and oxygen? All right? Hydrogen and oxygen? Oxygen?

Speaker 1 (29:43):

Speaker 2 (29:43):
I apologize too that Greg. I thought you say he's mean, right,
I mean so mean? Jesus. I thought you would get
H two. Oh, but I wouldn't think you would get
the H. What does it mean? A question number three?

Speaker 11 (30:00):

Speaker 2 (30:00):
Who knows much? All right? Question number three? D u
i Q?

Speaker 3 (30:05):
What are the two elements in water?

Speaker 2 (30:09):
Hydrogen and oxygen?

Speaker 3 (30:11):
You're mini genius? Incorrect, guys, I think I'm sensing some
love in the air.

Speaker 7 (30:20):
We need more questions to be asked. This is fun,
and just to be sure, a little answer.

Speaker 2 (30:28):
The answer was.

Speaker 3 (30:31):
What are the two elements in water?

Speaker 2 (30:35):
Hydrogen and oxygen? It wasn't that bad you made.

Speaker 4 (30:38):
It's slow and you got to be embarrassed about I
have mirrors, I have ears.

Speaker 2 (30:48):
There's nothing wrong about any of that. I got mears
and ears, my friend.

Speaker 4 (30:52):
There's the there's the d u i Q you, guys,
I would you.

Speaker 2 (30:56):
Have that here? It was so cute? All right?

Speaker 4 (30:59):
More what he shows coming up next, hang right back,
so normal by the numbers. When it comes to you
simple car repairs, how many of these things could you do?
So I'll tell you what it is. Then we can
see how you stack up against what the average person says.
How about I'll give you something really easy first, changing
if flat tired.

Speaker 2 (31:19):
Do you think you can do it? Yeah? Easy, I
would say, yes. I don't think so one thousand percent.

Speaker 7 (31:24):
Yes, I think i'd be strong enough to do it.
I've never done it on my own. I've only done
it with somebody saying.

Speaker 2 (31:29):
But you could do it. I don't know the process.

Speaker 7 (31:33):
Yeah, I just I wouldn't trust myself to drive on it.

Speaker 2 (31:38):
I don't know. I don't think. I mean, forget to
put the loug nuts back.

Speaker 7 (31:41):
I don't feel good about it. I got to be honest.

Speaker 4 (31:43):
Yeah, I mean, I think the hardest thing for Sammy
would be to get the flat tire off the Yeah.

Speaker 2 (31:49):
Yeah, because you got to do the wiggle at yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 7 (31:53):
I've never had to do that part before, and I
don't think I could.

Speaker 2 (31:55):

Speaker 4 (31:55):
Because people they lose their leverage because they try to
do it from their knees as to like, you know,
maybe sitting there like on your butt you have a
better and could you can kind of use Oh?

Speaker 7 (32:05):

Speaker 2 (32:05):
Yeah, okay, yeah, because when I was more, you know,
when I was small, you know that was that was
how like my dad was telling me, like, this is
what you do because that way you have a better
you know, just polls because you don't. Yeah, because I
know as a grown ass man. Have I had to
do it? No? But could I do it? Yes? Right?

Speaker 4 (32:23):
Sixty five percent say that they could. Yeah, with your
legs out in front of it, right, you know, change
your oil?

Speaker 2 (32:29):
Could you do that? I really wanted to. Yeah, I
haven't done it in so long that I'm thinking I
forgot how so I would be honest and say no,
probably not be honest though I have an electric car.
Does it have oil? I don't think it's got an engine? Yeah,
but no, I don't think. Maybe not. I don't think.

Speaker 4 (32:46):
I don't think on the fully electric one. No, you're right,
it doesn't. Yeah, it doesn't on the hybrid of course,
because it's all part gas engine.

Speaker 2 (32:54):

Speaker 4 (32:55):
Yeah, I note of that, all right, uh, and said
that they could do that. I've never had to do this,
don't even know change break fluid, couldn't do that.

Speaker 7 (33:07):
Not a clue. Maybe with YouTube, but and that's risky
if you do it wrong.

Speaker 2 (33:11):
Yeah, there's a lot of things that you could do
with YouTube. Right, watch a quick video, then you could
do it. But forty nine percent say they could do
that if I had to just do it blindly. No,
replace your battery easy, yeah, super yep agree, sixty four
percent could do that. Replace the air filter, I mean.

Speaker 7 (33:31):
Problem, I could probably do it. It's just in the
glove compartment.

Speaker 2 (33:34):
That's for the cabin filter. That's the cabin air filter.

Speaker 7 (33:37):
Oh, what's the other one for the engine?

Speaker 2 (33:39):

Speaker 5 (33:40):
Oh, that's the other one's.

Speaker 2 (33:46):
The other way.

Speaker 7 (33:47):
I see them do it when I get my oil change.
They just pop it open and they're like, oh.

Speaker 4 (33:50):
Do you want to know the cab For most cars,
the air filter for the cabin air is in the
mess we called the glove department department for most cars.

Speaker 7 (34:00):
Okay, I didn't know that.

Speaker 2 (34:01):
Yeah, I'd say yes to air filter.

Speaker 4 (34:03):
Sixty one percent can do that. And what about changing
a spark plug?

Speaker 2 (34:07):
Used to Yeah, but with these new engines, some of
the spark plugs are so hard to reach. Yeah, y'all
A shell on top of the inchae exactly.

Speaker 7 (34:15):
Y'all are going to avoid your warranty if you.

Speaker 2 (34:17):
Do this stuff. I would say no to that one.

Speaker 4 (34:19):
Now, yeah, fifty so they could do that. Now, forty
five percent of people said they could probably. You know,
they could probably do this stuff. It's just they'd rather
pay a mechanic to.

Speaker 7 (34:28):
Do it, yeah, nextpert doing so.

Speaker 4 (34:30):
They're fairly confident they could do it by themselves if
they had to. And see, that's that's where I'm at.
And when people go, oh, get no, it's not that
I can't, it's that I choose not to because I
don't have to.

Speaker 2 (34:41):
I want a professional to do the car stuff. I know.

Speaker 4 (34:44):
I've never owned a lawnmower never, you know why, because
I cut enough grass as a kid, and that was
the one thing I'm like, you know what, I'm never
cutting my own grass ever, So you know now, I
didn't buy a house till very much later than a
lot of peop people, you know. And then a lot
of times I was like, you know, living the place
they did it for you, of course, But once.

Speaker 2 (35:04):
I got my own place, that holy crap, this facility show.
I was reading about how your hero Elon Musk let's
see what's he ruined that today is.

Speaker 4 (35:18):
A strange son who is now a chick says that
they're leaving the country because Trump won the election, tweeting,
interestingly enough, I don't see my future being in the
United States, even if he is only in office for
four years, even if the anti trans regulations magically don't happen.

Speaker 2 (35:36):
The people who willingly voted.

Speaker 4 (35:38):
This in are not going anywhere anytime soon, Jesus, to
which Elon responded by tweeting, the woke mind virus killed
my son. Oh my god, the Wilie Show. We send
our condolences to Elon.

Speaker 2 (35:50):
Wow. Yeah, the family is really putting it out there.

Speaker 5 (35:55):
Well, I'm sure that that kid will get out with
his own or her own money.

Speaker 2 (35:58):
Oh eat, everybody wait now.

Speaker 1 (36:02):

Speaker 4 (36:03):
The meltdown continues where some women are now saying that
because Trump was elected, they will refuse to date, get
married to, or have sex with men.

Speaker 2 (36:13):
Oh okay, here are there are some ladies making the
proclamation online role Trump is president, and I think all
women should stop having sex for the next four years
in protests and protection of your bodies.

Speaker 12 (36:29):
I also have decided that for the next four years,
I am going to abstain from schmecks with men, and
funny enough, I actually just broke up with my boyfriend
a handful of days before the election.

Speaker 2 (36:43):
All I have to say is good luck getting laid. Yeah, guys,
it's always the hot ones, right? How did they get
missed out New York? All them together? Wow? I feel
like you might know the answer to this.

Speaker 7 (36:56):
Can you name the Greek I guess you'd call it
a comedy where all of the women vow to not
have sex with anybody because of the war.

Speaker 2 (37:05):
Common day day art or something I don't know off
the top of my head. Now this is strata. Uh.

Speaker 4 (37:11):
This chick is so mad about the results of the
election that she has decided to shave her head in protest.

Speaker 2 (37:16):
That's gonna look good. He or she is explaining why
a given up by America also given up.

Speaker 10 (37:22):
I'm coloring this hair because right, coloring my hair, having
my hair v one.

Speaker 13 (37:28):
I'm luxurious all that being skinnyking and all the things
that the patriarchy wants us to be, because clearly they
don't give a about us.

Speaker 2 (37:39):
And I'm talking to you too, those of.

Speaker 10 (37:41):
You ladies who have the internalized misogyny required to do
what you did. Minorities who are so scared of a
woman in power that you'd rather cozy up to the
white man just in case off his plate so that
you may eat from them.

Speaker 5 (37:55):
Wowow normal, It was like a flat yes, take that
in a couple of pach out in the street, the bronx,
he would happen.

Speaker 2 (38:04):
Yes, just another angry you know, white ladies, just very pissed.
Now she needs more therapy.

Speaker 4 (38:09):
And and for Greg. If you're looking to add a
new song to your playlist, Chuck D from Public Enemy
and Conquest. I'm sorry, Consequence is his name, Conquest Chuck D.
And I don't know who consequences, but I know who
Chuck D is. They've dropped a new track called what
has America Done? They say that the black people are

public Enemy number one.

Speaker 14 (38:31):
He's a little more country to the d Swede Land
a liberty, same land. What he lynching me for over
more the fourth centuries, the plantation, what he.

Speaker 2 (38:41):
Sent for me.

Speaker 14 (38:41):
The plan for me was penitentiaries, psychological injuries. But still
we robbed to beat kings and queens. But what had
the never could dump for me? Besides taking the swag
and the sauce? What had the never cud dumb for me?
Besides me because the ads of my post? What had
the never cud dumb for me?

Speaker 2 (39:01):
What do you think?

Speaker 6 (39:02):
I mean?

Speaker 2 (39:03):
I'm going to be playing at twenty four seven for
four years replayability. Yes, yes, and America took away Source magazine,
did they? I don't know, I know what sources source.
I feel like you said source and sweat. Yeah. Is
is maxim magazine still available? Is that still out there?

Speaker 4 (39:22):
I believe like that was used to be like one
of those when I was at the airport.

Speaker 2 (39:27):
Yeah, next time airport just.

Speaker 7 (39:29):
Yeah for it cracked in Maximum.

Speaker 5 (39:32):
The only thing I see at checkouts anymore is they
magazines have gotten kind of smart. Actually is they do
stuff that has long form, like so they'll do like, yeah,
here's the fifth here's the queen retrospective of her life,
so that they could sit there for seal months deep
because no one's buying a weekly people or whatever.

Speaker 4 (39:50):
All right, eight seven seven, Being hyperbolic forty four, Woodie
hit us up with the text over to two to
nine eight seven, will be right back.

Speaker 3 (39:58):
Show, be back back, backyard, back in a.

Speaker 4 (40:01):
Bed, The Woody Show, and we're into another new hour
insensitivity training free politically correct World.

Speaker 2 (40:10):
It is Friday morning.

Speaker 4 (40:13):
Let's go November the eighth, twenty twenty four. Woody, Greg, Hi,
there's minutes. Hi, there's Gina, we got Sea Bass. There's
Sammy phones open eight seven seven forty four. Woody, that's
an eight seven seven forty four. Woody hit us up
of the text Friday check in over to two nine

eighty seven. A congratulations in order for a couple in Austin, Texas,
Bernard Snyder and Joe Cartwright, who just got married Greg
a babe.

Speaker 2 (40:47):
That's an a babe in the news because they are
both hella old. Let's see I knew I get Greg.

Speaker 4 (40:55):
Yeah, the bride is ninety six, her new husband is
ninety eight.

Speaker 1 (41:00):

Speaker 2 (41:01):
Nard Dog says he got.

Speaker 4 (41:03):
Up the nerve to ask her on a date a
while back, and they started having dinner together there at
their retirement home at three point thirty.

Speaker 2 (41:10):

Speaker 4 (41:10):
They're both widowed and say they never expected to get
married again. They just fell in love and the wedding
was in the retirement homes courtyard.

Speaker 2 (41:20):
Did they consummate? Probably?

Speaker 4 (41:23):
Here they are talking about falling in love along with
a little part of their wedding ceremony.

Speaker 2 (41:28):
Greg, this is just for you.

Speaker 1 (41:29):

Speaker 7 (41:29):
Wherever I was, he was there.

Speaker 2 (41:31):
I would look up and there he was right.

Speaker 5 (41:33):
There, And I thought, well, maybe this man, maybe maybe.

Speaker 7 (41:36):
He likes me a little bit.

Speaker 11 (41:38):
And I said, I'm looking for a dinner partner because
I hate eating alone. As we've said to each other,
it seems impossible that we could be in love.

Speaker 2 (41:49):
And Bernard, do you take Joe to be your wife?
To love, to honor and cherish and to create a
future together. Absolutely felt like what level of viagra do
you think he gets? Is there like a sea bass?
Is there a different descriptions I can get injectable? I mean,

does that even work anymore?

Speaker 4 (42:12):
Do you have to look like to hook a car
battery up to your Johnson and that's a great snap it?
Or get a couple of popsicle sticks and like use
like a splint kind of method, you know?

Speaker 2 (42:21):
Is there a different dosage levels? Yeah, of course there's
gotta be right. It was just fifty take as many
as you want. Yeah, I wonder what the oldest man
ever in the world to have sexes? You think ninety
eight year old man even given a special occasion. She
even shaved her bush wow, and she took her teeth out.

Speaker 7 (42:37):
I think he's more looking for like someone to share
tappyoca with.

Speaker 2 (42:40):
That's right, like Captain Kirk isn't he's like ninety something,
you know, he's still out there banging, still getting it on. Yeah. Yeah,
We've got a brand new Redneck News.

Speaker 4 (42:48):
So what do you show in your house became a
fixer upper after you bought it? Redneck news And today's
Redneck News is from Harris County, Texas, where he got
this chick. Her name is Juniper Bryson and she is
in a whole heap of trouble with the law after
she got busted trying to sell her unborn baby to

the highest bidder on Facebook.

Speaker 2 (43:15):
She was ready to pop in any moment.

Speaker 4 (43:17):
So she posted her Facebook ad and she found some
nice people who are interested, and they drove to Houston
from Louisiana to be there for the birth. And while
they were on their way, Juniper hits them up and
asks them for fifty bucks, which they sent, and then
she hit them up again for another one hundred and
fifty dollars and this time a couple is like, nah, dog,
this is a scam, and so they just turned around,

they drove home a baby, but not.

Speaker 2 (43:40):
At that price. Yeah that's too expensive. Too many as
her buyers dropped out.

Speaker 4 (43:45):
But now she was already in the hospital ready to
have this baby, so she went around the maternity ward
asking people if they wanted to pay her.

Speaker 2 (43:52):
Cash for her baby. My god.

Speaker 4 (43:55):
She attempted to scam a few other couples before somebody
eventually called the cops. Juniper was arrested charge with attempting
to sell a newborn infant. Oh and by the way,
she already had two other outstanding warrants. I mean, she
did have the baby, by the way, and it tested
positive for drugs, so that's all right. She later told
the cops that she was just trying to get some

money to get a car.

Speaker 2 (44:17):
So she could do door dashed man. Check out her mugshot.
She has goals and some really cool tattoos too.

Speaker 7 (44:26):
She's tattoos and when she put.

Speaker 5 (44:28):
Makeup around her eyes, it's there's weird that weird sunken brown.

Speaker 2 (44:32):
Yeah, sure you know that. Macaulay Culkin's brother Kieran Culkin.

Speaker 7 (44:37):
She's a Culkin boy.

Speaker 2 (44:40):
Wow, Greg, good call the there you go face. Tattoos
always a good idea.

Speaker 4 (44:45):
Yeah, well, she's got like a very attractive like where
a tear drop tattoo would be. She's just got like
a little heart. She's got another one in her under eye,
just says rose like in a script. She's got another
one that goes down her jawlines. And then she's got
a bunch of neck tattoos, which always look break especially.

Speaker 2 (45:02):
On women, always look really good. Yeah.

Speaker 4 (45:04):
So that's from Harris County, Texas Juniper Bryson, who got
arrested after scamming people and trying to sell her newborn
baby to the highest bidder on Facebook.

Speaker 2 (45:15):
And that is today's.

Speaker 1 (45:16):
Red nicky.

Speaker 2 (45:20):
There market. Yeah, I mean her look screamed golden and sacks.
You know what I'm saying. Yeah, totally. Well, we're gonna
take a quick break. We'll come back.

Speaker 4 (45:29):
We'll get some of the trending news headlines with dreaming
with Gina grad that's next year on The Woody Show.

Speaker 5 (45:35):
Hang on, what he's sitting in the nineties chicken nuggets
somewhere in the studio?

Speaker 2 (45:38):
Can Menace find it? Before that? Never mind, he found it.
The Woody Show will be right back. Hey, it's men
It's check out the Lazy Dog restaurants made to order
lunch specials three dollars, off road triples and other delicious
meals starting at only eight dollars and seventy five cents.
Available every day until four pm. Order for pickup or delivery,
free delivery on orders over twenty five dollars. Lazy dog

retch dot com.

Speaker 7 (46:01):
This is the best fry I've ever had.

Speaker 2 (46:02):
We have the Mars Rover, but we don't have to
get raw.

Speaker 3 (46:05):
Yeah, realistic, you can.

Speaker 2 (46:07):
I would love to do that too, would.

Speaker 4 (46:09):
Show How about some of the trending news headlines Gina
grad Big news.

Speaker 7 (46:16):
Broke the other day that the You've Got Mail guy
had died.

Speaker 2 (46:20):
Oh yeah.

Speaker 7 (46:20):
His name is Elwood Edwards. He had been sick for
a while and he died during his birthday month.

Speaker 2 (46:26):
He was just got Mayo, that's him. He was just
one day shive of seventy five.

Speaker 7 (46:30):
That's him. Back in nineteen eighty nine, he was paid
two hundred bucks yeah to record four lines, which were Mayo,
that one, welcome, file's done, and goodbye.

Speaker 2 (46:41):
H Yeah.

Speaker 7 (46:42):
Yeah. His wife at the time was working for a
company who was doing some work with AOL, so she
volunteered him for the gig. Otherwise, he worked for many
years as a graphics and camera operator at a local
Cleveland TV station.

Speaker 4 (46:53):
He was like an Uber driver for a while, and
there was I remember there was a video. I went
and found the audio for. There's one getting to the
car and she's talking to him and he starts sharing
the story and.

Speaker 2 (47:03):
She's like, oh my god, and she shoots this video here.

Speaker 13 (47:05):
This is my Uber driver and he just told me
something very special that he's the voice behind.

Speaker 2 (47:14):
Welcome You've got mail. Way, do it again again, Welcome
You've got mail? Yeah, okay, what's your name? Ellwood Edwards?
Ellwood Edwards. Thank you, you bet.

Speaker 7 (47:28):
And for those of you wondering why he is in
a multimillion billion trillionaire as somebody who works in a
lot of voiceover, you get a one and done fee
and they send you on your way, so that I
doubt he was a union guy. I doubt that special.

Speaker 2 (47:44):
That's why he was driving Uber CORREGT do you tell
that story for the Uber driver?

Speaker 7 (47:48):
Yeah, you keep that secret.

Speaker 2 (47:49):
You know what I probably would? I would, I would,
and I wouldn't make people feel sad for you. No, No,
it's just interesting. I would geek out if I was
his uber passenger. I would that because Gina's right. I mean,
it's just a cool, little fun fact about something, you
little one off thing that you did, right, like you
got a milk guy or whatever. I would love to say,
say got milk.

Speaker 7 (48:11):
Well, cops are warning residents in rural South Carolina to
shut their doors and windows because there are forty three
monkeys on the loose. Yes, they escape from a BioResearch lab.
This is like a sci fi movie.

Speaker 2 (48:23):
It's all good guys, just off the.

Speaker 7 (48:25):
Highway in the south side of the state. Police have
quote strategically set up traps around the area and are
using thermal imaging cameras to track down the monkeys. But
as we report this, none of the forty three monkeys
have been caught. Residents are being told not to approach
the loose monkeys and instead called nine one one.

Speaker 2 (48:44):

Speaker 7 (48:44):
Well that's the thing. It's like, poor monkeys, but who
knows what they've been injected with. They're from a research lab.
I almost kind of feel like good for them.

Speaker 2 (48:52):
Yeah, I don't know, yeah real lipstick. Yeah. Twenty eight
days later, this be the start a something past.

Speaker 7 (49:02):
Watch out for the gorgeous monkeys. Well, three people have
been charged in connection with the death of Liam Payne.
Prosecutors charged the three suspects, whose identities have not been
revealed just yet, with the crimes of abandonment of a
person followed by death, and supplying and facilitating the use
of narcotics. But the prosecutor's office says one of the
people charge was often with Liam during his time in

Buenos Aires, the second is a hotel staffer who allegedly
gave him cocaine during his stay, and the third is
a drug dealer. None of them are allowed to leave
the country, and President Trump has picked his campaign manager,
Susie Wiles to be his White House Chief of staff.
She'll be the first woman to serve as White House
Chief of staff and is well respected by both sides

of the aisle. Meanwhile, the judge in New York who
oversaw Trump's hush money trial is deciding if his felony
conviction will stand. The announcement is expected sometime soon, but
by all accounts, it's looking like the conviction will be tossed.
And here's the deal. Do you guys know the name
Brian Coberger?

Speaker 2 (50:02):
Definitely yes, it is legal identical.

Speaker 5 (50:08):
That's the guy that college burger guy publicized their name,
the guy accused of killing those four University of Idaho
students back in twenty twenty two.

Speaker 7 (50:18):
His lawyers are trying to take the death penalty off
the table, but the judge isn't trying to debate that
right now. Fun fact, Idaho currently allows for lethal injection
and firing squad that's awesome. Yeah, they're letting Coburger wear
regular clothes in court instead of a jumpsuit. And the
trial's been moved to Boise because everybody in the original
town pretty much already thinks he did it.

Speaker 2 (50:39):
Well, yeah, because he did Moscow.

Speaker 7 (50:40):
I believe the prosecution's got DNA phone records videos they
say prove he's the killer. But Coburger's lawyers are claiming
he was just out for a drive.

Speaker 11 (50:50):

Speaker 2 (50:50):
Okay, you just go for a drive, that's right. Yeah.

Speaker 4 (50:55):
When that story broke and everybody saw that dude for
the first time, they're like, whoa, I mean it's not fake.
I mean he does you guys have a very it's
a striking resemblance.

Speaker 2 (51:10):
He's more evil than me. Well, nobody's arguing that, Well,
not many people would argue that, And that's what's going on?
All right?

Speaker 4 (51:18):
Thank you very much, Gina grad Uh. So you know
you made it when you're a joke on SNL or
I don't know. You got to a kitchen aid stand
mixer on your counter, right, man, that's how you made up.
How about when you become the topic of a question
on Jeopardy?

Speaker 2 (51:36):
Oh yeah, listen to the wording. This was a two
hundred dollars clue on Jeopardy? Are you smarter than a celebrity?
Is hosted by this man who's maybe more famous as
a boyfriend than is a three time super Bowl champ?
All right, I mean I know the answer, you know
the answer.

Speaker 7 (51:53):

Speaker 2 (51:54):
All right, I have a guess? Right, what's your guess?
Travis Kelsey? That's incorrect? Who is Travis Kelson? Jeopardy? Gina,
Travis Kelson? Correct? Correct? All right?

Speaker 4 (52:08):
Now, some people are upset about this, and they think
that Jeopardy did Travis dirty quote unquote.

Speaker 2 (52:15):
They should argue over it. They should go on and fight. Yeah.

Speaker 4 (52:19):
Also, how about some news involving a fun accent. Some
news out of Australia where they might put a ban
on social media for kids under sixteen.

Speaker 2 (52:28):
I don't know if you've heard any of this.

Speaker 4 (52:30):
Yeah yeah, but yeah, so social media websites and apps
and everything else, they would have to figure out a
way to prevent access. Parents wouldn't be able to opt
out of it. Now here's the Prime Minister of Australia
talking about the new band warning, fun accent ahead.

Speaker 6 (52:48):
This one's for the moms and dads. Social media is
doing harm to our kids and I'm calling time on it.
The honest will be on social media platforms to demonstrate
they are taking reasonable steps to prevent excess.

Speaker 2 (53:01):
The owners won't be on parents or young people. Yeah,
you won't be.

Speaker 4 (53:09):
Going to throw small stoops on the bobby. We got
a tall strang around and just hopefully not hit. No, ruse,
this is a knife, my baby. That's not a beer faster,
that's a bear Australian, even though I think Australians get
pissed because Foster's is.

Speaker 2 (53:30):
Not a real Australian beer. Oh really, yeah whatever, I'm
still drinking it.

Speaker 4 (53:34):
What about steak hats, Well, the funny thing about that,
I remember A fun fact about that was the people
who started out back Steakhouse, none of them had ever
been to Australia.

Speaker 2 (53:44):
They everyone went there once. They've never even visited.

Speaker 7 (53:46):
That's awesome.

Speaker 2 (53:47):
Yeah fake news that blue onion though. I think they
discontinued my favorite item, so I'll probably never go back,
which is what the Queensland chicken salad? The Queens. I mean,
that sounds the reason to go to. What was in there? Greg?

Speaker 10 (54:04):

Speaker 2 (54:04):
Maybe there was this amazing chicken salad with like some
sort of honey mustard flavor and the crew tans don't
to die?

Speaker 3 (54:15):
Who adult baby.

Speaker 2 (54:21):
See best?

Speaker 4 (54:21):
I remember seeing a cyber truck thing.

Speaker 2 (54:28):
It was.

Speaker 4 (54:28):
It was a strange No, it's a strange story. It
involved the cyber truck.

Speaker 2 (54:33):
Oh get a carried stick to give womanoid from it. Yeah.

Speaker 4 (54:38):
Yeah, So this this guy, he rented a super sweet
neon green cyber truck on that car sharing app Turo
and he crashed it how chasing down a porch pirate
who had stolen a package from his property.

Speaker 5 (54:58):
I mean, that's a great vehicle to do it because
it's fat, because you're at a sixty like, you know,
a quarter second.

Speaker 2 (55:03):
It's like a tank built like a tank is. Because
I saw one that was in a gnarly accident. Really, Oh,
this thing.

Speaker 4 (55:09):
Is jacked up, really oh yeah. I mean you ever
see those cars where it's like where the front of
the whole car go doesn't even look like an accordion? Yeah,
I just get like the car kind of starts at
the windshield, like about that deep death. It was the
same thing with this this cyber truck. This thing just
got like pulverized.

Speaker 7 (55:28):
We would put their cyber truck on turo.

Speaker 2 (55:30):
That's like that's like and sharing though, right, Yeah, but
you can make money though, Yeah, but that just.

Speaker 7 (55:34):
Seems awfully dangerous as as we now see.

Speaker 4 (55:37):
Well, I'm just thinking because yeah, anything, sure, yeah, you're
you're exactly right, but if you have a car like that,
you probably make more money.

Speaker 5 (55:44):
True, at what costs five hundred dollars a day is
what costs?

Speaker 2 (55:49):
Is that? Right?

Speaker 5 (55:50):
How it work out five hundred bucks? That's what I'm
seeing right now. Just the first one I pulled up
was that would you do that?

Speaker 9 (55:55):

Speaker 5 (55:55):
I talked about possibly doing this maybe after the you know,
after I you know, break it in. I don't think
I want to because it's so bad. I want to
be I wanted to be all mine.

Speaker 2 (56:05):
It's like those people that buy houses that are like, oh,
I'm gonna Airbnb it and then they like.

Speaker 4 (56:11):
Well, there's a video of this from the cyber truck
which shows him forcing the porch pirate off the road
into a nearby tree. Now, as we all know, all
tesla's have a reputation for being difficult to repair, so
the owner says, it's gonna be interesting to see how
good Touro's insurance system will.

Speaker 7 (56:29):
First, Oh, that'll be just fine.

Speaker 4 (56:31):
Unclear if anyone was arrested, but I'll use the cyber
truck that chased down the porch park number one.

Speaker 2 (56:38):
Bad ass number two. I will say half the.

Speaker 5 (56:40):
Pleasure I get from the cyber truck is obviously the ride,
and not either just but like knowing that other people
hate it is so pleasurable, Like, no, have you been
flipped off? We've heard stories about it flipped off once. Yes,
Bill Maher called for it. He's like, it's probably one
of his you know jokes or whatever. It's flipping off
cyber truck owners. And it's so I know they're hating

it so much, and they're loving it so much. It
doesn't make me feel bad. It makes me feel.

Speaker 2 (57:04):
Good, Yeah, me, because they ain't exactly.

Speaker 4 (57:09):
It's so funny. I can relate to that emotion. I
can relate to that feeling where you're supposed to be
upset by something.

Speaker 2 (57:15):
Right, but it gives you joy.

Speaker 4 (57:16):
It's just getting you hard exactly like you know what
I mean, like not like not a sexual thing.

Speaker 2 (57:20):
I'm not being literal.

Speaker 4 (57:21):
I'm saying like it just like you find it like enjoyable.

Speaker 7 (57:25):
Entertaining, enjoyable dopamine rush.

Speaker 5 (57:29):
Just when I walk down to look at it, and
I'm like, I get a smile on my face because
I know that several people walked by and like this guy,
smile on my face right now thinking about it.

Speaker 2 (57:41):
Any emotion about a car that's sitting there exactly so odd,
it's so strange.

Speaker 4 (57:47):
Six six what you will get any chance to diss
the cyber truck. I'm not dissing the cyber truck. I
saw a cyber truck story. I figured that the sea
bass might be interested. And this is what's running down
a porch pirate, which is great, that's awesome, that's a
that's what's up. I love that. Do I think that
they're hideous and ugly? I sure do, But this is
not This was not to rip the cyber truck. But yeah,
I agree with you, And it's kind of like the

Crossroads emails and stuff. So I find like you guys know,
from working with me for so long, even before we
did Crossroads whatever that kind of thing was, or these
people who are melting down and freaking out because their
candidate didn't win, or people who lose on American Idol,
I find so much enjoyment out of it.

Speaker 2 (58:28):
I do. I get. I get a weird pleasure from it.
Not only do you feel bad, you're making me feel good.
It's a double win exactly. Yeah.

Speaker 4 (58:37):
I know people think, oh, that's not nice, that's kind
of me. I'm mean, that's that's the that's the honest
emotion and reaction.

Speaker 2 (58:42):
I take a lot of pleasure that this porch pirate
got thrown into a tree from a truck.

Speaker 4 (58:48):
Well, okay, so on the flip side of that sea
bass driving around a vehicle, which clearly people get just
to be noticed or for attention.

Speaker 2 (58:58):
And for being bad ass.

Speaker 3 (58:59):
But the features and functions are high end.

Speaker 4 (59:01):
But when people say, oh, well, you know, why are
you getting so upset about getting the attention that you
asked for? Kind Of like people do certain things or
they look a certain way because they want people to
pay attention to them. They're asking for that attention.

Speaker 2 (59:13):
Its people in the mohawk somebody so they can react. No,
I love it. An exotic pet on their shoulder and
I beat those guys. Oh, I told you.

Speaker 5 (59:20):
I posted this on my Twitter. This woman was walking
through the streets of San Francisco with a chicken on
her shoulder.

Speaker 2 (59:25):
Yeah, come out. I took it.

Speaker 5 (59:27):
Well, she didn't, but I took a video of it
because she fell off. The stoopid the chicken ran around
me said well, you know what she's She didn't give
you permission to take that video.

Speaker 2 (59:39):
She has a chicken on her shoulders in the public
place exactly.

Speaker 4 (59:44):
So what I was going to say, uh, is that
the same as I'm agreeing with Sea Bass and how
he feels about that. Greg and I also agree and
we both do the same thing when it's so petty
and it's tom petty.

Speaker 2 (59:57):
And I still do it.

Speaker 4 (59:58):
Oh my god, it's the pettiest thing. Like when we know,
let's say.

Speaker 2 (01:00:02):
You're in a Rolls Royce or cyber True. Let's say
you see and in cyber Trust like Tron looks awesome. Yeah,
and you want worthy vehicle?

Speaker 4 (01:00:10):
Yeah, and you want clearly like he could. He wants
people too, Yeah.

Speaker 2 (01:00:16):
Like you're in a four hundred thousand dollars Yeah whatever.

Speaker 4 (01:00:20):
Greg and I will go out of maybe walking by
someone in the parking lot or like somebody in the
garage downstairs.

Speaker 2 (01:00:26):
We both done that here at the radio station.

Speaker 4 (01:00:29):
We will intentionally go out of our way as if
like we never even saw them in the first place,
Like you didn't even you didn't look twice, you didn't
do a double nothing, you didn't even look in that direction.

Speaker 7 (01:00:42):
You don't even give them the stink guy. Because that's something.

Speaker 4 (01:00:44):
Yeah, because because in Greg and I have the same
reaction in our minds that we have the same It's like, man,
they wanted us to look so bad, say the same thing,
like oh dude.

Speaker 2 (01:00:57):
Like I'm not looking at your car, to not going
to glance on market.

Speaker 4 (01:01:03):
Yeah, we had just imagined that it just ruined their day.
We didn't give them that attention that they wanted. I
like looking at the car. I think the cars are cool.
I don't think that people inside them, like that person
is super cool.

Speaker 2 (01:01:13):
Vehicle, that car. The vehicle you drive makes you cool,
It's right, well shows class and status you can drive,
you can drive whatever you want, but certain things or
you know whatever, like the certain things you do clearly
for attention. Nobody sees the cyber truck and goes, man,
what a great looking vehicle. That is true, it's either
for it's.

Speaker 4 (01:01:33):
Either for some type of utility type purpose or you know,
like like a promotional vehicle type thing, because it's an
attention kind of But it's not like, wow, that that
is really a good looking vehicle.

Speaker 2 (01:01:45):
I saw a Vabe company that like sweet to me.

Speaker 5 (01:01:49):
I like something that's faster than a Porsche is, bulletproof,
can haul and tow most anything.

Speaker 2 (01:01:55):
Right, but looks wise, it looks like that looks good.

Speaker 5 (01:02:00):
I do really future it is like, yeah, it is
like a again it is that futuristic tron uh Blade Runner.

Speaker 2 (01:02:07):
But those are movies from the early eighties.

Speaker 7 (01:02:10):
That's what they thought the future was going to know.

Speaker 2 (01:02:11):
The second a second blade Unner, thank you. Yeah.

Speaker 4 (01:02:13):
It's like, you know, Walt Disney had an idea what
the future was going to look like, so hence Tomorrowland.

Speaker 2 (01:02:17):
But like you look at that, it looks like the seventies.
People think this is nineteen ninety eight. The jetson it's
called Minecraft. Look into it. Minecraft is cool. Remember when
the Probe was future? This is the future.

Speaker 4 (01:02:32):
My my one sister, the Breeder, she that was her
dream car. She wanted a Ford Probe that if she
can have anything, Lamborghine, doesn't matter what it was. You
can say any Robin, any car, she would say, Ford Probe.

Speaker 2 (01:02:44):
I want like they were like super futuristic. They were
in uh Demolitia. It looked like a suppository. No, I
think it was in Back to the Future too, They
had one in there, but uh, I guess my mom
bought one used real quick. Mom bought one used and
on the license plate sign and said, probe it yeah,
hell yeah.

Speaker 5 (01:03:03):
What someone who loves Back to the Future. Speaking of which,
this is the cyber Truk, not just a new version
of Dolorean. If it was in the movie, No, I'm
saying because it would be like a movie vehicle.

Speaker 2 (01:03:15):
I wouldn't.

Speaker 4 (01:03:16):
I wouldn't drive around in the Dolorean either, Like I
don't think those are good looking cars, but have made
a cool looking time machine in a movie.

Speaker 2 (01:03:21):
Exactly. It's futuristic bad all right. More what he shows
next happen be right back. It will happen?

Speaker 1 (01:03:27):
Or what do you show next?

Speaker 2 (01:03:29):
Who am I Woody? I am a body part.

Speaker 3 (01:03:33):
You can use me to fill your big crack.

Speaker 4 (01:03:36):
The ancient Egyptians thought I produced mucus Woody.

Speaker 2 (01:03:40):
After you get me up, you should tie.

Speaker 1 (01:03:42):
Me down the woody shop.

Speaker 4 (01:03:45):
And we are into another new hour insensitivity training for
a politically correct world.

Speaker 2 (01:03:52):
Good morning to you. I'm whatdy? That is Greg Gory?
Good morning, We've got menace? What is up Woody? Gina
grad Good morning morning? Uh there is sea bass.

Speaker 4 (01:04:02):
Yeah, we got Sammy phones open eight seven seven, hit
us up with a text over to two two nine
eight seven five one two texting over. Give a happy
sixteenth birthday. Shout out to my son Gage love Gage's mom.
There we go waiting, Happy birthday to you Gage. Sixteen

was a good year. Yeah yeah uh six eight two
lifetime fan Lucas checking in on my way to work,
and I just want to say, you guys are my
number one pre set forever. Thank you to uh Lucas
checking in from six eight two. Also a hunter in
Palmdale checking in said one of his plumbing customers invited

him to a dinner cruise. Oh sweet, and he psyched
about it sounds good. Shows that some customers are super awesome.

Speaker 2 (01:04:55):
I love that nice.

Speaker 4 (01:04:56):
Yeah, but I mean I guess if you do enough
work for them, you kind of know him.

Speaker 2 (01:05:00):
Yeah, you can become very Yeah, it's not like a
total stranger if you're clogging your toilet. I want to
go out in the middle of the water on a boat. Yeah, yeah,
I want to go out in the middle of the woods.
You know each other?

Speaker 4 (01:05:15):
Yeah, exactly eight seven seven forty four, He text us
over to too, nine eight seven. You want to do
a little thing called agree or disagree? Oh yeah, yeah,
all right, Well then you can sit it out. I
know we're gonna throw a statement. Each one of you

responds with agree or disagree. No explanation at first, okay,
and then if you want we can discuss. Okay, agree
or disagree. Mourning people are more productive agree, disagree, agree, agree,
agree as much as I'm not a morning person, believe
it or not agree, Yes, I agree, yeah, because I

find that the times that I am up early on
a day, it'll have to be forget work for a second. Yeah,
Like if there's like a random day off or whatever,
weekend day or whatever, and I am up early for
whatever reason can't sleep. I do find those days to
be more productive.

Speaker 2 (01:06:13):
Okay, you can accomplish so much in an entire day
if you use it, But on a day off, I'm
not really looking to accomplish stuff. I think that's the goal.
That's the rub.

Speaker 5 (01:06:22):
You know, in the morning, you're not getting drunk or smoking.
We exactly no typical okay, but typically you're not. You're like, well,
I guess I might as well.

Speaker 2 (01:06:29):
Yeah, exactly. You're distracted and the next thing you know,
it's like noon, you've already done all your stuff. It
rules way more productive.

Speaker 7 (01:06:37):
I understand with our hours that you guys might not
have experienced this lately, but you don't feel like you
don't get that rush at night where you're like, I
feel so creative and I feel so productive night. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (01:06:49):
I've been like that for long. Is there anything like
people say, oh, I'm a morning person, I'm a night person.
Is there like a midday person? Because I think I
I'm that person.

Speaker 7 (01:07:02):
So many people get tired.

Speaker 2 (01:07:06):
Super late to.

Speaker 4 (01:07:11):
Agree or disagree. Social media does more harm than good.
Agree agree, yeah, agree, Yeah, I mean I could see
where it could be used for good. It can you know,
just for entertainment or just for light and fun. But yeah, overall,
I go back. I think was life better or were

people less?

Speaker 2 (01:07:35):
I don't know.

Speaker 4 (01:07:36):
I think the crazy was more swept under the rug.
Now it's fully on display exactly, and it just gets
other people fired up and worked up about stuff like
it was like ignorance is bliss.

Speaker 2 (01:07:47):
It has divided people like more.

Speaker 7 (01:07:49):
Yeah, and worst case scenario, horrible people find each other.
Best case scenario, normal people are just just wasting their life,
just doomsquad.

Speaker 2 (01:07:56):
Yes, So what's the point I saw some quote?

Speaker 5 (01:07:59):
I was generic HIPI quote, But it's like there's somebody somewhere,
like sitting under a waterfall whose phone isn't telling him
to be angry and mad at.

Speaker 2 (01:08:07):
Everything in the world.

Speaker 4 (01:08:07):
Yeah, so we all agree on that social media does
more harm than good. All right, agree or disagree? Cats
make better pets than dogs? Disagree resounding disagree. Yeah, I've
had both disagree.

Speaker 2 (01:08:26):
Man, this is gonna hurt me because I'm a dog guy.
But I'm gonna have to agree. Nice disagree, O, cats,
You're okay. Cats.

Speaker 4 (01:08:38):
You either have to agree or disagree. And the statement
is cats make make better pets than dogs. You agrees,
that's shocking.

Speaker 2 (01:08:46):
I mean, Sammy, Sammy obviously disagree. You hate both, right, dogs? Cats?

Speaker 5 (01:08:54):
We grew I was, we grew up in a cat house,
don't I've had dogs or the houses with dogs. It
just it depends on what you think better pet mets.

Speaker 2 (01:09:05):
So what does it mean to you, Menace?

Speaker 4 (01:09:08):
Menace is a dog person. Why would you say that
cats make better pets than dogs?

Speaker 2 (01:09:13):
Because they're way more less maintenance than a dog. Is
like a cat, you don't have to worry about as
much as a dog. A dog needs way more attention
than a cat.

Speaker 4 (01:09:27):
I feel like cats like are just kind of there,
ye right. And so my ex wife she had she
likes the cats, right, And so we had two cats,
And now that I have the dog, and I'm just
comparing contrasting. It's I mean, I've always been more of
a dog person. Obviously, I didn't dislike cats, didn't hate cats,

but they're just kind of there, whereas the dog is
just so happy that you're there, I know, and just
like so much more affection.

Speaker 2 (01:09:54):
I'm not saying cats can't be affectionate. They can. I
think their affection's fake. Yeah, I think all animals only
depend on us for food. Yeah, But I think dogs
there's genuine affection there, and I'll go opposite Menace.

Speaker 7 (01:10:11):
Even though I am a total cat person, I would
think that a dog makes a better pet because people
who have dogs want that feeling of dependence on each other,
and that's what you're gonna get.

Speaker 2 (01:10:21):
From the banionship.

Speaker 5 (01:10:23):
I'm gonna go with Menace on cat. And it's not
because I don't like dogs, but because owners have been
I was in a grocery store yesterday there were six
dogs against health code violations. This grocery store has a
sign on the front door saying pets are not allowed.
It's against health code violations. They don't care, and that's
what and so the so it is the it is
the loser owners who want to break the law. Think

about when you were a kid, dogs weren't in grocery stores.

Speaker 7 (01:10:48):
They were tired about front yeah, or they stayed home
where they belong. So weird.

Speaker 15 (01:10:52):
I've never seen anyone get in trouble or a ticket
or anything breaking the law, but their dogs change that.

Speaker 4 (01:10:59):
Shouldn't do it. And the people who do it don't
care public. They don't care about anything.

Speaker 5 (01:11:06):
They want the attention and they want the companionship and
they want the attention from here either. And they want
the attention from I cared because I've seen three or
four dogs crap on a floor. I see the dog
sniffing and licking to produce, which is why they're not allowed.

Speaker 4 (01:11:17):
I'm seeing more of those signs in front of restaurants
and especially grocery stores, like we welcome service hand, but
legit license.

Speaker 5 (01:11:25):
And then they go on to explain that your emotionals
pet dog is not anything. It's a made up thing. Yeah,
and you're probably breaking the law by claiming it's a
service animal.

Speaker 4 (01:11:32):
And you know, the I put parents of children, I
think they're almost less annoying than pet parents because the
hardcore pet parents are super obnoxious, like and dude, parents
of children are obnoxious too, but it's there's a different
like the crazy cat lady or the crazy person who's

got to have their dog every single place, and all
the costumes and all the like that that's an extra
level of nutting.

Speaker 7 (01:12:01):
The over compensation is tiring.

Speaker 5 (01:12:04):
So I was at JIM a couple of days ago.
I look over like halfway through this group, you know,
group workout whatever, and there's a pet stroller in the
corner with a giant, fat French bulldog, all which was
was chained to the pet stroller because it would want
to jump out, of course, and it was wearing a diaper.

Speaker 15 (01:12:22):
Oh god, Well, he gets so upset that dogs are
crapping everywhere on the floor, and then they put it
in a diaper and it's like, okay, so it's not
gonna crap everywhere, So like, what's the problem.

Speaker 2 (01:12:32):
You should be happy. Problem. I just let the dog
out in the yard.

Speaker 4 (01:12:37):
It's a dog. Just let it go out there, take
a leg, the take a dump. The pooper scooper, just
pick it up.

Speaker 5 (01:12:42):
We had we figured out the system for hundreds of years,
and then the past ten years we're like, nope.

Speaker 2 (01:12:46):
Now somebody water bottle. We went our whole lives without
taking water with us everywhere.

Speaker 4 (01:12:51):
Sony in the text says cats are better than dogs.
You don't have to walk them. They give you affection
when they want it. They crap in a box. It's simple,
and you can even leave them a weekend and they're fine.

Speaker 16 (01:13:01):
That m are.

Speaker 2 (01:13:04):
Cats make better pets than dogs, not easier. They are
definitely easier.

Speaker 4 (01:13:08):
I agree about a lot of what they said, but
the one thing man like, I would rather walk the
dog in the rain then have something crapping in.

Speaker 2 (01:13:18):
My house in just an open box. There's a smell. Yeah, Like, dude,
you can always tell when someone has cats. You just can't.
But you can't say they're they're unawares. Well, that's why
you have the mud room.

Speaker 4 (01:13:31):
Yeah, let's see coffee. Agree or disagree. Coffee is better
than tea. Agree, I'm the wrong person as because I don't.
I don't drink coffee at all.

Speaker 7 (01:13:43):
Iced teas the best.

Speaker 4 (01:13:46):
I mean, are we just talking just straight like black
coffee versus however you take, because everybody's got a different thing.
Coffee is better than tea, just overall, thirty thousand foot
view on this.

Speaker 7 (01:13:57):

Speaker 2 (01:13:58):
See, yeah, I drink more coffee, but I still disagree.
I atomic agree. Greg lives on. I live on. He's
one of those guys. I like coffee flavored stuff, coffee,
ice cream, coffee cake, actual coffee. It's versatile. You can
have it after dinner, you can have morning because what
is one is dolled up. It's great. But if I
went straight, you know, black coffee versus unswing tea, I'm

probably gonna drink unswinging tea over black coffee. But coffee can,
like Greg said, can be juged up so many different
ways that it will be better than tea in general.

Speaker 5 (01:14:33):
You know, apparently the new chick drink is espresso Martini's.
Oh that's been around for I don't understand that. I'm
saying it's it's now newly.

Speaker 4 (01:14:41):
Popular five o three texting over saying tea is for snobs,
And I think you're probably just thinking about hot tea
a British style, yeah, and sugar, just like the same
way we're including all types of coffee, iced coffee to
regular hot cup of coffee. It's the same for tea.
Could not necessarily just tea and a little down with
your with your Yeah, it could be. It could be

iced tea used to be any type of ice tea,
unsweetened raspberry teas my absolute favorite.

Speaker 7 (01:15:11):
I just straight up I forgot about that.

Speaker 2 (01:15:12):
I used to get that all the time.

Speaker 7 (01:15:14):
Any of your parents, because I know none of us
do it. Did any of your moms leave iced tea
and the like lipped an iced tea in the backyard
for the sun tea? We grew up on sun tea.

Speaker 2 (01:15:23):
Yeah, I know my mom always had tea in the fridge,
but yeah, oh yeah, I didn't put in the backyard.

Speaker 4 (01:15:30):
One more for agree or disagree, Reality TV is a
waste of time.

Speaker 2 (01:15:36):
Agree, disagree on nuclear level, disagree, agree, disagree. It's entertaining
you learn what do you learn from it?

Speaker 4 (01:15:47):
How to remodel a how that's that's not reality Okay, that's.

Speaker 2 (01:15:55):
Not reality TV. That's that's how to Like selling sunset,
you get a little real estate a lot of This
is an important differentiation. So for the sake of this question,
reality TV is a waste of time. We're not including
hg TV? Are we including this old house? Okay, that's fair,
that's fair. That's why. That's why I'm throwing out because
if that's the case, including Dirty Jump. But I'm putting

in there like Bravo shows. I figured telling me, I'm
not learning anything from thousand pounds sisters when I'm watching
them go through their weight loss journey. And you know,
talking about different I see what Sea Bass is saying you.
But even without h g TV in the equation, I
think it's entertaining. And now when I'm watching Real Housewives Utah,
not learning about racketeering come on. Entertaining.

Speaker 4 (01:16:42):
Yeah, if we're talking about thousand pounds sisters or you
know that kind of stuff, those Bravo selling Sunset where
if okay, so if it's not the drama, you know,
it's just the we're looking for a house or we're
flipping a house.

Speaker 2 (01:16:57):
Those are very different. But they start entertained as a
waste of time. Well that's what I disagreed. I guess
what video games are entertaining. They're also a waste of time,
I agree. Yeah, not video reality TV waste of time? Yes, yes,
No for breg no for Menace, yes for Sammy, yes, queen, yes, queen.

I mean I'm sorry RuPaul's Drag Race. Yeah yeah, not
reality show. Yeah, I don't watch it.

Speaker 3 (01:17:28):
I feel like I was easily persuaded. You could be
persuaded persuaded.

Speaker 2 (01:17:38):
All right, welcome back. Just to follow up on a
couple of things here. We have a text here.

Speaker 4 (01:17:47):
Since I was listening to one of the recent podcasts
heard about the massive layoffs, I myself was laid off.
I was in construction for almost twenty years. I pivoted,
invented and went into the manufacturing world. And I couldn't
be happier. I loved my job, and the change was
well worth it.

Speaker 2 (01:18:06):

Speaker 4 (01:18:07):
I got a ton of great feedback from that reinvention
segment that we did. I just again thank you everybody
who called in and texted in and shared their stories
with us.

Speaker 2 (01:18:18):
The floodgates opened. Yeah, yeah, you know, because so many
people go through that. Y.

Speaker 4 (01:18:24):
You know, I'm just okay, well this isn't working out,
or the industry is not you know what I thought
I was signing up for, or it's changed, it's no
longer for me.

Speaker 2 (01:18:33):
Yeah, and for most people.

Speaker 7 (01:18:34):
It's not like our parents where it's like, well we
worked for you know, GM for forty years and retired.

Speaker 2 (01:18:39):
Like that anymore. No, it's not and so like.

Speaker 4 (01:18:41):
But the thing is, as some jobs dry up and
go away, there's always a new set of jobs that
open up. And you know, maybe you've been so focused
on this one thing that you know, you weren't paying attention,
your eyes weren't open to it.

Speaker 2 (01:18:55):
Yeah, it was job, don't know exist.

Speaker 4 (01:18:57):
I think it was Mike Rowe when he was doing
already jobs. I heard an interview with him and he
was talking about how so many people have these blinders
on when it comes to their professional life, they go
by or they just overlook or dismiss all these things
and jobs that exists out there, These things that you
can do that are that could earn you more money
and what you're doing already, but you think like ah no,

but I kind of blow it off thinking that it's nothing.
It's so funny to me when you know people look
down on you know, guys who are in trades, you know,
welders or you know, plumbers, electricians, guys like that.

Speaker 7 (01:19:33):
Well paid job security Oh boom.

Speaker 4 (01:19:35):
Yeah, they think they think, oh blue collar guys like
these guys don't thank like they're like, somehow your cube
job is better than you know these if you've got
a ladder on your truck.

Speaker 2 (01:19:47):
Yeah, but these guys are making bank.

Speaker 4 (01:19:50):
And guess what, the electricians and the plumbers they're always working, Yeah,
always working.

Speaker 2 (01:19:57):
I just saw a video this couple is what they did.
They they reinvented themselves. They're selling i should say, flipping appliances.
So they'll go to close out sales and stores, get
a dice and vacuum for like one hundred and fifty bucks,
sell it for five hundred and they said in one
year they cleared a million dollars.

Speaker 16 (01:20:15):
Oh wow.

Speaker 4 (01:20:17):
I met a couple of years ago and they end
up being one of my advertisers that I was doing
like commercials for on the show and kind of the
same thing. This was all like used appliances, but what
they would do is they would buy them. You know,
when you buy a new refrigerator or you buy a
new Washington the Halloway, what do they do with that stuff?
So they they had an agreement with a lot of

those delivery companies because like Best Buy or Home Depot,
it's not them delivering it. They hire a third party
to go and deliver that stuff and then they will
haul away. So they were making the delivery companies work
with them, and they would buy them for like nothing,
basically next to nothing. And then they had like a
team the people who were just able to repair them

and fix them and get them going again. And then
then they had like these Yeah, they would take retail
space and old closed up places that have been closed forever.

Speaker 2 (01:21:10):
So it wasn't any great shakes. It wasn't like some
big beautiful showroom.

Speaker 4 (01:21:14):
But if hey, if you needed to wash her and
dryer and you were in a pinch or what you
need to stop by there, if you needed a stove,
you need a microwave. It was all that kind of stuff.
And they did really well. They bought a boat. I
remember they had this party boat. They would take it
down to like Lake of the Ozarks and then Missouri
and uh yeah, man and dude they had they made
a big business out of that.

Speaker 2 (01:21:34):
Love that so it was pretty cool. Did you share Uh?
I think you said, Oh, I I wouldn't know what
I would do. Uh if I radio was an option,
did you have at least an idea? Yeah?

Speaker 4 (01:21:48):
I think at that point, like I would definitely get
my pilot's license and I would try to be I
would try to be like something like some kind of pilot.
I love that your wife allows you, well, she would
allow me at this point. I think she actually is
pretty serious about allowing me to do the flight lessons.

Speaker 2 (01:22:06):
Really you know, something like that.

Speaker 4 (01:22:07):
But then somebody ELSEO brought up to me that they
said I would be a good operator, like you know,
like a like in business, not like a.

Speaker 2 (01:22:15):
Operator, you know, because.

Speaker 4 (01:22:17):
Like just from like a strategic standpoint and organizational standpoint,
you know. And I thought, yeah, depending on what the
business was yeah, I don't know. There's always porn, and
there's and there's always and there's always barber school. You
can always go to barber college. Proof right right, exactly

a little bit of a ceiling on that one, though,
what's that barber school? But what if you if you
start your own place?

Speaker 2 (01:22:50):
But if you are Dallas, what actually you don't know?

Speaker 4 (01:22:54):
I got to follow up on let's see, this is
a drunk ale follow up about the tampon discussion, the
questions for the ladies, and Greg had those questions about tamps.

Speaker 2 (01:23:10):
You have the parties or celebrations. Yeah, like when you
get your first period, ladies, your mom throw you like
a like a period part of just a TV and
movie thing. Yeah, anyway, and then she has an alternative
to bring up a right here we go.

Speaker 16 (01:23:23):
Hey, guys, miamis the list?

Speaker 8 (01:23:25):
I was calling it because drunk, drunk, drunk dumb voicemail one.
I'm pretty buzz, I'm feeling great. But two, y'all are
talking about tamps and Piers one of my favorite tamps,
and Piers. Forget the tamps, let's go with flex disc.

I don't know if y'all ever heard about flex.

Speaker 4 (01:23:49):
Disc FLEXK flex flex discs like the cup Yeah, oh yeah,
those are gross.

Speaker 2 (01:23:55):
I've never tried one of those. You haven't. Apparently they
it real full? Have you?

Speaker 7 (01:23:59):
Friend swears by them, but I don't even know how
you put it in?

Speaker 2 (01:24:02):
They get really full.

Speaker 4 (01:24:04):
Well, we are well because didn't we have when that
The questions that we had the row versus bro wasn't
like how much?

Speaker 2 (01:24:12):
How much do you actually lose? There's something like two tables,
a couple of tablespins. This thing isn't that full. This
disc isn't that big. Yeah.

Speaker 7 (01:24:19):
I think you pinch it together and then it kind.

Speaker 2 (01:24:21):
Of chops back open camp like a dental dam. It's
getting it out harder. Yeah, let's go with flex disc.

Speaker 16 (01:24:30):
I don't know if y'all ever heard about flex disc,
but flex disc that's.

Speaker 8 (01:24:35):
Where it's at.

Speaker 16 (01:24:36):
Forget about the strings, no more strings.

Speaker 8 (01:24:39):
Yes, that's scary to hear.

Speaker 16 (01:24:41):
But these flex discs work way better than tamps and pads.
There no chemicals that has been proven.

Speaker 8 (01:24:52):
Let's go.

Speaker 4 (01:24:53):
It can't get lost.

Speaker 10 (01:24:54):
It's just a disc that goes in.

Speaker 16 (01:24:57):
And when you use the rest, true the bluff comes out.
I listened to you every morning, so I love y'all all.

Speaker 7 (01:25:10):
I mean, I can do a review of this.

Speaker 4 (01:25:12):
It's I'm telling beyond like the conversation about reinventing yourself
and then that conversation. God, can we get any more
just relatable public service?

Speaker 6 (01:25:24):
It really is.

Speaker 2 (01:25:25):
I mean, this is this is.

Speaker 4 (01:25:26):
Stuff that everybody either deals with or has thought about. Wow, man,
we are really good. This is a really good show.
We're really providing I do think, a really valuable service
careers at the bargain price of free.

Speaker 2 (01:25:41):
Careers and careers and peers.

Speaker 4 (01:25:43):
I don't know why, like because Greg always likes the
abbreviation stuff, so like tamps peer and you get your peer,
Like that's that's the stuff that makes me laugh.

Speaker 2 (01:25:57):
I've had so many tracks.

Speaker 3 (01:25:58):
I didn't even tell you what trees have had.

Speaker 2 (01:26:00):
I'm gonna double no, this is a show.

Speaker 4 (01:26:05):
So obviously, inflation has been a big story now since
the pandemic and just ramped up and ramped up. But
the Federal Reserve they cut interest rates by a quarter
of a percentage point, and a couple months ago they
cut it by a half point, and the experts are
all saying the quote trajectory of inflation could shift here
in the next few months.

Speaker 2 (01:26:26):
I mean we'll see it when we believe it though,
right Fellows. Yeah, I think we're about back to pre plandemic. Yeah.
And also here's some good financial news.

Speaker 4 (01:26:35):
Remember when people thought beanie babies would be worth a
ton eventually? Yes, dude, my my ex mother in law,
she had all these things, she was preserving them.

Speaker 2 (01:26:45):
This was gonna be like what she retired on.

Speaker 6 (01:26:48):

Speaker 4 (01:26:48):
She was a school lunch lady, Okay, but she spent
like every every like disposable dollar that she had.

Speaker 2 (01:26:55):
Did she have the Princess Diana?

Speaker 16 (01:26:56):
She did?

Speaker 2 (01:26:58):
She did? These were her invests instead of stock, oh yeah.

Speaker 4 (01:27:02):
Or a saving or anything else. So this woman sold
her grandmother's beanie babies. She had about one thousand and
one hundred of them. How much should she get for
them all?

Speaker 2 (01:27:14):
Wow? Thousand, one hundred had.

Speaker 4 (01:27:16):
One thousand and one hundred of her grandmother's beanie babies
that were left to her.

Speaker 2 (01:27:21):
I'll say she got one thousand, one hundred.

Speaker 7 (01:27:23):
Dollars dollars apiece.

Speaker 2 (01:27:25):
I say twenty thousand dollars.

Speaker 7 (01:27:29):
Yeah, I'll say twenty thousand dollars.

Speaker 4 (01:27:30):
Twenty thousand dollars. She was asking ten dollars a piece
for them, only up getting four dollars. You got forty
three hundred dollars total.

Speaker 7 (01:27:39):
That's your savings.

Speaker 2 (01:27:40):
Yeah, returnment. Oh, I mean, I don't know what were
they going for back in the day. Beanie babies, each
one of them, depending like the Princes twenty was like
two hundred bucks. I'm saying when you bought them, if
you went to house, it was all Hallmark stores kind
of Thus to kind of.

Speaker 7 (01:27:54):
Start around five bucks five bucks. Back then, they were
looking gift shops and stuff, or you'd get one with
like your happy meal if it was an exclusive.

Speaker 2 (01:28:02):
Not that those are the many ones I'm talking about.

Speaker 4 (01:28:04):
The full baby five bucks. I want to say, those
were mostly like a Hallmark card kind of place. Get
one for your lady.

Speaker 2 (01:28:10):
It was a good na.

Speaker 4 (01:28:12):
You gotta make sure you put this the the tag
protector very importantly, get creased and you display them right
Greg on yours, of.

Speaker 2 (01:28:21):
Course you did. I don't care why you listen. You
listening because you love it listening to As long as
you're listening, this.

Speaker 4 (01:28:30):
Is the Hoodie Show, all right. Welcome back everybody, Hie,
and a happy Friday to you. It is the Woodie Show.
Some entertainment stuff coming up in just a couple of minutes. Birthdays,
Parno birthday in there. Of course, Today is November the eighth.
Today is a National Cappuccino Day. Fancy when I have

a cappuccino. Okay, so as a as a non coffee person,
remind me which ones the was. What's the difference in
cappuccino and espresso?

Speaker 2 (01:28:58):
Great capu is a frothy milk. Yeah, it comes in
a little tiny cup. Yeah, thats espresso.

Speaker 12 (01:29:06):

Speaker 2 (01:29:06):
I think what makes cappuccino a cappuccino is the froth CROs.
But it's also in a little tiny cup. Yeah, not
as tiny. Kids, you get like a shot of espresso,
which would be the tiniest of cups. Tiniest of cups.
Can go machiato and la sure all right, I'm with
Sammy like just black coffee black like leould see we

got to cook something bald and pungent. Day I can't do.

Speaker 4 (01:29:33):
No World Pianist Day, not Penis Day, menace, don't get
too excited, but someboe who plays.

Speaker 2 (01:29:39):
The piano pianist pianist. It's talk money Day.

Speaker 4 (01:29:44):
Also National Parents as Teachers Day, which I'm assuming is
like homeschooling parents. Yes, My wife was talking to one
of the neighbor ladies the other day who is homeschooling
her child because he's got special needs and and things
like that. So, uh it works for her because of that.
But like my wife was like, man, I give you

all the credit in the world because, uh, through COVID
that was the worst. Hell now doing that every day
and that's your own kids, yeah, the ones you keep.

Speaker 2 (01:30:15):
Yeah, and then the people.

Speaker 4 (01:30:16):
Uh see if I take a break from the conversation
with the people who go in and have to do
that with other people's kids, Yeah, not for me, not
for me.

Speaker 2 (01:30:22):
Better, thank you for your service. Also, it's National Dunce Day.

Speaker 1 (01:30:27):
Oh oh oh.

Speaker 5 (01:30:29):
Cat's back when shaming was so in right and it
seemed to work.

Speaker 2 (01:30:38):
Did that ever happen to you? Do they ever throw
you in a corner for anything?

Speaker 1 (01:30:40):

Speaker 8 (01:30:41):

Speaker 2 (01:30:41):
Elementary school that was the time behavior I not like
reading and stuff. Yeah, I mean they don't they don't
put you out, uh put you in time out for
reading bad. But yeah, like that's what the Dunce cap
is though. Yeah, that's what it was. Yeah, but no,
I think that that was being disruptive. Yeah, it was.
By the time we went to school was different.

Speaker 4 (01:31:00):
But what he's talking about is historically like early like
oh days, like if you weren't paying attention or he
went up to the blackboard and you had to do something,
you messed up, you'd be put in the corner with
the dunce cap. Right, yeah, all right, but that's ring
that back old time, mega old timing for some of
the said we already mentioned this, right. Bill Burr's hosting

the big post election episode of SNEL. Yeah, okay, all right,
Charlie XCX is the musical guest. The ruby slippers from
the Wizard of Oz are on the auction block. Well,
one of the pairs. I forget how many pairs.

Speaker 2 (01:31:32):
There were two or three stolen. We get this story
every five years.

Speaker 4 (01:31:36):
Okay, Well, here's the thing. The bidding is currently over
eight hundred thousand dollars. Now this pair, these are the
ones that were stolen by that ex mobster from the
Judy Garland Museum back in two thousand and five. That
and he said he was looking to make what he
called one last score, right, so one rich gay and
wasn't he wasn't he dying or something? And he admitted

that he was the one stole them and he gave
them back.

Speaker 2 (01:32:02):

Speaker 4 (01:32:03):
I seem to remember that part of the story where like, yeah,
the guy was like something happened or I don't think
he just all of a sudden he couldn't make his
flight to Palm Springs. Oh yeah, he stole them. He
had them for years. They didn't know where they had gone.
They just knew they had been stolen. But then this
guy all of a sudden came forward and goes, yo,
I have the slippers and.

Speaker 2 (01:32:20):
They stole them. This is what I that's how you like?
This is like my one last score.

Speaker 7 (01:32:24):
Well, just clicking on a picture of him. He is
in a wheelchair with a mask holding an oxygen Okay.

Speaker 2 (01:32:29):
Yeah, yeah, so he was in bad shape. And then
they found that other pair in some drama department storage room.
Oh that's right, in a random shoe box. It's pretty cool.
And then there's another one in the Smithsonia.

Speaker 4 (01:32:38):
Yeah, this sounds like something that Bort would be interested in.
Let's check in with Bort and see if he would
dig this.

Speaker 16 (01:32:44):
What is it.

Speaker 2 (01:32:44):
There's a new Fairly Brothers movie coming out.

Speaker 4 (01:32:47):
It's called Deer Santa, where this kid writes a letter
to Santa, but thanks to a menace like misspelling, he
summons Satan instead.

Speaker 2 (01:32:58):

Speaker 4 (01:32:58):
So Jack Black star ours is Satan post Malone And
I was all making a cameo in this.

Speaker 2 (01:33:04):
But it's Fairly brothers. I mean, I like Fairly brothers.
Jack Black has Satan. That that would be pretty good.
I mean, didn't Stan appear in TENACIOUSD and that was
also pretty amazing. So yeah, I'm all about it. Why not? Man?

Speaker 4 (01:33:16):
Who did I recently? Oh, there was a pretty funny
meme and it's really very old timing. But Christopher Cross,
you know, the yacht rock guy. Yeah, if you see it,
if you see a picture of him when he's older,
I'm sorry. When he was younger, he looks like he
looks like Jack Black, And when you look at a
picture when he's older, he looks like Kyle Gass. He's

looking like both dudes, And is like, yeah, I'll pull
I'll pull the meme up, but I'll i'll post it.

Speaker 2 (01:33:43):

Speaker 5 (01:33:43):
I like Fairly Brothers too, but they it's arguable they
have not made a good movie in twenty, you know,
five years.

Speaker 4 (01:33:50):
Yeah, but uh, it just it just sounded like it
just sounded like something that the board would be into
oh yeah, here it is all hail Christopher Cross, the
only man to look like both members of Tenash's d
in one lifetime.

Speaker 2 (01:34:03):
Here's oh wow, he kind of does he kind of
does look like it generic husky guy look. Oh yeah,
it's it's uncanny now.

Speaker 4 (01:34:12):
Before he was a hit making producer and artist for
Real Williams, he worked at McDonald's. You guys, just like
the host of this show. He actually did three different
stints and each one ended with him getting fired. He
says I got fired three times. First, he said, the
first two times it was just because I was lazy.
The third was because I got busted. He was just

sitting there eating the chicken nuggets and they're like, what
are you doing? And so they fired him. There's a
new teaser out for season five of Stranger Things, which
will be out next year, three years. It reveals the
names of all eight episodes and they are The Crawl,
The Vanishing of the Turnbow Trap.

Speaker 5 (01:34:54):
We're going through all these.

Speaker 4 (01:34:56):
Sorcerer, Shock Jocky, Escape from Chematots.

Speaker 5 (01:35:03):
People have been asking me what TV show I was in.

Speaker 2 (01:35:05):
The Bridge and the Right Side Up. Yeah, so that's
the final one.

Speaker 7 (01:35:12):
But there down.

Speaker 4 (01:35:13):
Apparently there is a time jump, not as big as
you may have been led to believe, at least not
right away. I guess season four set in the spring
of eighty six. Season five begins in the fall of
eighty seven. But they say even though it starts at
eighty seven, it could still jump ahead during the season.

Speaker 2 (01:35:26):
Who knows, You're gonna have to wait till next year.
All these kids are going to have beards. Yeah, yeah, ladies,
I tell you.

Speaker 5 (01:35:33):
When I was in London over the summer, I went
to these Stranger Things Broadway or what not Broadway Player,
the London Players.

Speaker 2 (01:35:38):
Oh, and it was h of my mouth worth giving
that a watch for somebody who's never seen it. I've
only seen one or two episodes, and I liked the
first couple. I watched the whole thing. No, my son
got way into it. Yeah, and then my wife watched it.
She loves it.

Speaker 4 (01:35:56):
And then my daughter just started watching it. I want
to say, maybe like a couple of weeks ago. Wow,
and uh, and she's really into In fact, I got
some She gave me some Stranger Things quiz the other
night where I had to decide on different things, and
there was all kinds of stranger things.

Speaker 5 (01:36:08):
They tell you which character I want. I don't remember
which one I was see Greg loving it.

Speaker 2 (01:36:13):
Because there's a lot of fantasy. Right, it's a lot
of horror, but which you like.

Speaker 5 (01:36:17):
But there's also a lot of is just like teenage drama,
which I think you're probably over high school, A lot
of high school drama, which I get, which is why
they's son and daughter loved it at their age.

Speaker 2 (01:36:27):
Perfect sense.

Speaker 4 (01:36:28):
Now, uh, this is something else I don't like, and
I believe that Greg is on board this too. According
to science, your brain prefers live music to something pre recorded.
I'm the opposite totally. I like recorded music. I don't
like live music. I hate when you go to a
wedding and there's a band, like like I.

Speaker 2 (01:36:47):
See something that says live music. It reads more like
a warning sign to me. I don't wouldn't be there.
Remember when we were we're looking for a bar to
go to, and then we walk in and it was like, oh, yeah,
there was some there was some band playing. Yeah, what
did I do? He walked right out immediately.

Speaker 4 (01:37:06):
We were gonna go in there for one drink because
it was like kind of like one of these little like, Uh,
it was in Vegas, a little speakeasy kind of hidden place,
you know. And uh, the people that were just kind
of wanted to check it out and see it had
one drink in there, and then bounce walked in.

Speaker 2 (01:37:18):
Medic didn't even give it to one drink, and they're like, men,
it's just left. Yeah, I guess we're leaving.

Speaker 4 (01:37:25):
According to the neurosurgeon they interviewed for this article, live
music quote activates entire brain networks, involving experiencing pleasure, processing emotions,
and re triggering memories.

Speaker 2 (01:37:35):
Of the past. Oh I'm triggered. Yeah, me too.

Speaker 4 (01:37:38):
The bigger the brain experience, especially in the emotional parts
of your brain, the more deeply you'll be struck or
feel immersed in the music. They also explain how the
brain gets stimulated by the unpredictability of live music because
the rhythm, the intensity, the speeds of the note slightly
different from what you'd hear just listening to the recorded
version of that, and your brainane loves that because not

knowing what's coming up next is a little treat.

Speaker 2 (01:38:04):
I must be abnormal because I that makes me angry.
Me too, differently, like why are you switching it up.
Here's the extended jet yeah.

Speaker 4 (01:38:11):
Right, yeah, or you get to uh, you get to
a part in you know, like with the show where
they do a song You're you've been waiting for, right,
and you could tell they're so sick of doing that song,
so they're just kind of racing through it. It's at
a much faster pace than what you're It's like, it's
I hate that no.

Speaker 2 (01:38:26):
Thing when they bring on some stupid kid because he's
good drums, so let's him do the drums drums on
this song. No, I didn't pay to see dumb kid.
You're just a stupid kid.

Speaker 4 (01:38:34):
And it's also like on one of their bigger songs,
obviously kid's not playing like an album track.

Speaker 2 (01:38:39):
No, yeah, live music. That's definitely something you can keep.

Speaker 4 (01:38:42):
Yeah, if you all right, h we got the birthdays
and the Parno birthday for you this morning.

Speaker 2 (01:38:50):
What he shows.

Speaker 11 (01:38:53):
Bot shows its shim.

Speaker 2 (01:38:58):
We're gonna sits like and you know you don't do.

Speaker 4 (01:39:03):
And starting with his celebrities, Happy birthday to Gordon Ramsey,
No Hell's Kitchen, Gordon's Rules. He's fifty eight years old today.
He got Tara Reid, who is forty nine. Jack Osborne,
Ozzy's son. He's thirty nine years old today. Denier Ramirez
from Heroes X Men The Last Dance, she's forty five.

He got Tech nine, that's the rapper Menace.

Speaker 2 (01:39:29):
Do you know what his real name is? Tech nine?
Notes Aaron Yates. No, not nearly a school gate.

Speaker 5 (01:39:36):
I think I saw him at the other at the
druggle as winning.

Speaker 2 (01:39:39):
I'm sure he did.

Speaker 4 (01:39:40):
Parker Posey is fifty six and Bonnie Rait is seventy five.
Oh man, it's what was that other piece of hip
hops with a little young thug follow up?

Speaker 2 (01:39:50):
Oh young thug? So did you see this asco about him? Well,
apparently one of his watches went missing during the destigation.
It's a Richard Mill that's worth one point seven million
dollars and they couldn't find it. And then so a

police officer shows up to go to like some I
don't know hearing and suddenly is wearing a Richer Mills watch.
So they they're wondering where this police officer got this
Richard Mills watch.

Speaker 5 (01:40:23):
The young thuck he's accused of hiring people to murder
some people, right, and like racketeering and stuff. Yeah, somebod
that was across like fly people in the state together
take a hit, right Therefore, Rico charges, that's.

Speaker 4 (01:40:36):
Right, we're from the streets. So your porn of Birta
today is Breed Daniels. And she's had more junks than
through her tube than to drive through bank canister. In
three hundred and seventy four fine films, including three two one,
Let's Tickle, all right Torture.

Speaker 2 (01:40:55):
She was also an asking for anal volume one, May
I Working it Out? Real Good?

Speaker 4 (01:40:59):
And Therapy volume one oh Lot. She was in Beauty
in the Breast volume two, also for Greg Here's one
twisted lesbian anal play and who can forget her unforgettable
role in Breed Daniels gets framed for theft and tricked
into banging the store clerk.

Speaker 2 (01:41:16):
Oh, show you how that happens.

Speaker 1 (01:41:20):

Speaker 2 (01:41:21):
Yeah, that's Breed Daniels, who is thirty three years old today.

Speaker 4 (01:41:24):
And that is your porno birthday, your celebrity birthdays and
a Friday morning. Look at what is happening around the
world of entertainment here for you this morning on the
Woody Show.

Speaker 3 (01:41:34):
Buila wouldn't approve the Woody Show, all right, Well.

Speaker 2 (01:41:39):
That's gonna do it for this hour. That's gonna do it.
For today's show, that's gonna do it. For the week
It's time two weekend.

Speaker 4 (01:41:50):
Getting the hell out of here, Friday Full show podcast.
It's waiting for you to go to the Woodieshow dot com.
We got your fail stories up there. Also a brand
new red Now News covered all the trending news headlines.
Also the duiq our Dumbass Contest, that and more. Friday
podcast just hit Upthewoodieshow dot Com coming up on Monday.

We got the weekend cheers and jeers. Hopefully you guys
have a great weekend. If you guys got something going
on or maybe a drunk diyal voicemail you want to
leave us, you can call us any time between now
and Monday when we hit the air on the after
hours voicemail that numbers eight seven seven forty four Woodie
eight seven seven for for Woodie or emails work as well.

And then of course social media find us on the
social media platform of your choosing look for us at
the Woody Show. Yeah all right, Greg Gory parting words
of wisdom please.

Speaker 2 (01:42:42):
Yeah, we here at the Woody Show are the friends
that you can cancel on because we weren't going anyway. Yeah,
I was just having that conversation.

Speaker 4 (01:42:50):
We're here with one of our coworkers down at one
of the other stations the other day because we were
talking about because she is an empty nester.

Speaker 2 (01:42:58):
Now her kids are like all grown and now of
the house. Yeah, she's stoked, and I was.

Speaker 4 (01:43:05):
I was telling him like, yeah, I said, people give
my wife an I crap because we dream of the
day of being empty nesters. Huh, like it's gonna be
oh my god. We look forward to those days. Yeah exactly.
And she's like, thank you, and she goes, yes, I
got a lot of craft for telling people that I
love it. Oh but dude, And she's like, also at
this point, I just want to be at my house.
I want it to be quiet. I said, my favorite plans,

canceled plans all the time, canceled plans, empty nesting.

Speaker 2 (01:43:32):
I mean, Greg, you're already living that dream. I know
it's the best.

Speaker 4 (01:43:35):
All right, Thank you very much, Greg Gory. Thank you
so much for giving the show some of your valuable
time this morning.

Speaker 2 (01:43:41):
You know, we love it. Appreciate you for that. Rest
of you guys could suck it.

Speaker 4 (01:43:44):
Catch you back here on Monday, have herself a great weekend,
s MD double m bye, great Friday, mo

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