All Episodes

November 2, 2024 • 118 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
You're on board the Nautical Ventures Weekly Fisherman Show with
legendary fisherman Eric Brandon, an extreme angler Joe Hector, powered
by Mercury Marine.

Speaker 2 (00:14):
Go boldly, Man, we are going boldly where no man
has gone before. The Nautical Ventures Weekly Fisherman Show is
odd Fox Sports nine forty eighteen years, going strong, banging along,
singing a song. Ah right to me? Is the man

the fkat king Hello, self promoter, Yes, Warrington Wolverine, Thanks
for Halloween looking pretty freaking weird. Is the one of
the only Jam and Joe Hector. Everybody, Hello, hey man,
good tomorrow, Goodmorrow, Good.

Speaker 3 (00:48):
Tomorrow, mean actually mean Goodmorrow. It's British, sir, it's actually
a word. Yes, good tomorrow. My budd nic shirt.

Speaker 2 (00:55):
Thank you very much. I'm feeling very I don't know,
electable today period.

Speaker 3 (01:00):
Very pains the word.

Speaker 2 (01:01):
Yes, I've dressed in like a political kind of a
business suit thing.

Speaker 3 (01:07):
Yeah, very cool okay. And I flew in on my
own jet very neat okay.

Speaker 2 (01:11):
Yeah back at night jet with a flat tire. Yeah
you help out for the show, you very much. I
got a flat tire. Bacon night forty Jeff, thanks for
flying the ship Man Stephen Jake Gray crazy make you and.

Speaker 4 (01:23):
Then how you're reeling?

Speaker 5 (01:24):
Yeah, I noticed you had a flag of a candidate
on your vehicle and I thought it looked really good.

Speaker 3 (01:27):

Speaker 2 (01:28):
I've been egged like nine times. But it's okay.

Speaker 6 (01:30):
You don't know you have it.

Speaker 2 (01:32):
No people hawking and respect you anyway. So it's kind
of a weird looking morning. From Sprinkly's coming in. It
is show yes, so it might be kind of a
weird weather. They would talk to Jen and find out
what's going on later on. Okay, meantime, first, captains in
the wings, I want to bring them on with your
special wingediting ding.

Speaker 3 (01:50):
Sure, sure, bring them on here, Joey, why don't you man.

Speaker 7 (01:53):
Captain Jimboo Thomas Thomas, Tomas Domas.

Speaker 8 (01:59):
Let's singalogue he is jim He's Jimbo. His name is Jimbo. Yeah,
he's Jimbo. I saw I said.

Speaker 3 (02:09):
You dance in the conversation.

Speaker 8 (02:15):
I saw Jimbo fish in the corner of your playing
hard to get Jimbo.

Speaker 9 (02:24):
His name is Jimbo.

Speaker 2 (02:26):
Yeah, all right, Sweat, I.

Speaker 3 (02:27):
Look at you stop stop?

Speaker 4 (02:32):
Can you can you unplug jump?

Speaker 2 (02:34):
I've got you unplugged. That man Stewards or he's on
like mega mega roads this morning. Man, Jimbo, how you
doing buddy? After that debacle?

Speaker 3 (02:42):
How are you? Man?

Speaker 10 (02:44):
I was going all right, but I'm ready to burf.

Speaker 2 (02:48):
So you didn't like your man?

Speaker 11 (02:50):
No, no, no, no no no. I think all our
listeners just turned the radio off too, But if.

Speaker 4 (03:03):
They didn't crash their car.

Speaker 10 (03:04):
Yeah, oh yeah, back.

Speaker 2 (03:07):
To the good news. We're talking fishing and we chatted
last night. You actually took my call, Thank you very much,
and I was probably very painful to do that.

Speaker 10 (03:14):
But yeah, it's said spam, but I still answered.

Speaker 2 (03:19):
Well, there spam was something else starts with us, you
know what I mean. But anyway, glad to run a
phone here together, one big happy family, dysfunctional team here. Yeah,
talk about fishy joy, happy joy. What's going on?

Speaker 3 (03:31):

Speaker 12 (03:32):
So as everybody knows, it's been windy, it's said boat
show brings the wind, it seems, but it it was
here long before the boat show came, and it looks
like next week's even more when so today looks like
the only half way decent day we've had in a
couple of weeks wind wise. The boats that have made
it out and there's been very few of them, including

myself not making it out in the last few days.
Off shore at least, it's been good fishing though, which
is kind of typical for this time of the year,
and when you have a strong east wind, it's pushing
everything right in close. There's been a lot of bait,
a lot of ballyt who, especially along the edge, so
you get fishing. They're chasing those valley Who's, dolphins, sales,

everything else that likes to eat valley Who's, which is
pretty much everything that swims. So fishing is good if
you just we got to make it out though in
order to catch them, and that's been the hardest part
is getting out there. I mean some of these days
there's been twenty five knots, thirty knots. Not that we
don't go fishing in that, but I don't really care

to go beat my brains out, and there's not a
whole lot of other people that do either. So today
it's looking relatively good, like twelve to fifteen miles an hour,
which is beautiful really compared to Alt's spin. So if
you do make it out there, you don't I wouldn't
venture very far out there. Trying and get some live

and if you can try and get some ballet who,
because most likely that's what they're going to be eating.
When you find a dolphin in on the reef chasing
ballely who, a lot of the times they won't eat
anything else. You need a bally who and you control
of dead rig valley hoop, But a live vallely who
is going to be the best thing, because that's what

they're eating. You see these dolphins a lot of times
chasing the valley. You throw a pilchure to them, or
a herring or a goggley, whatever you got, and they
swim right by it because they got their brain set
on eating ballet whos. So get some ballet who's and
I'd get out on the edge and look for verd
activity and the baits flying out of the water. That's
gonna be where your fish are at.

Speaker 13 (05:41):
Bally who Mahi, ballely who mahi? Put that in your head, correct,
vallely who Mahi? That's right now to be skirted or
or naked bally hoop.

Speaker 3 (05:52):
Well, let's ask Jimbo. Well, it's a great question.

Speaker 12 (05:55):
If you're using a live ballee, who is going to
be unskirted, Yes, if you're using a rig ballely Who,
it makes no difference in my opinion, they only saying
a skirt does it adds some color for us to
see it, but it's it kind of protects and shields

your bait so it'll last longer as you're trolling it,
so it doesn't wash out as fast.

Speaker 2 (06:24):
In my experience with Jimbo, that pulling a skirted bealley
Who makes it skip better. It just seems like it
rides the top of the ways as you're pulling it
at like five knots or six knots.

Speaker 10 (06:35):
Rig them properly, they're gonna skip good regardless.

Speaker 2 (06:40):
Yes, if you don't have rig them properly, they'll skip
just fine. I just felt a jab right down my neck.

Speaker 3 (06:50):
Well, speaking of rigging, bally Who, Jimbo, how would you
do that? Can you explain it to the listeners?

Speaker 10 (06:56):
I can try, Okay, so we use you can use
wire leader or mono leader.

Speaker 12 (07:04):
Honestly, I don't think it makes much difference. Uh, most
people nowadays are using mono So about a seven oer
the nine ozer hook, depending on what size baits ya
you're using, I know, huh yeah, I mean, if you've
got a big valley who, if you got smaller ones,

you go. So you want to match your hooks accordingly,
we have rigs with different hooks because if you put
a nine oh hook in a small value who, it's
going to be all hook. If you put a little
keeni hook in a great, big valley who, you're not
going to have much exposed And so you you you.
I mean it's kind of hard to explain over the radio,

but it.

Speaker 2 (07:48):
Was a very hard question.

Speaker 13 (07:49):
Yeah, but no, I mean like a basic way, like
I already gave great information.

Speaker 2 (07:54):
Basically, way, he's tying a line to a hook that
is out of a value. Hoo, pretty much, that's pretty correct.

Speaker 12 (07:59):
And uh, you know I would use eighty eighty to
one hundred pound mono leader. And you want to make
make that bait straight. If he's got banter, if the
hook's pulling them sideways, he's going to spin like crazy
and like Eric rixam, so that's why he has to
put a skirt on him.

Speaker 2 (08:22):
I heard that.

Speaker 12 (08:24):
But if you got live vallely who in your you're
casting on these we call it showers. You with the
vallet who will come flying out of the water. When
something chasing them, we just hook them right through the
through the lower jaw or through the beak, and on
a live value with the circle hook cast it out
the vicinity of wherever the activity is, and odds are

you're going to get a bite because all the all
the ones that aren't hooked are going to go flying
away or skipping away, and yours be the only one
sit there on on your your line, which is like
a and then the fish is going to go eat that.
But you know what, I've been snook fishing pretty much
every day this week, and we've been there's been a

ton of baits. So we've been going along the shoreline,
finding the pelicans, diving on the pilchers, netting some pilchers,
and we basically just start fishing right there. We're talking
the western shoreline of Biscayne Bay, and I've been catching
a lot of nice snook right up along the shoreline
and a couple feet of water. Yeah, we haven't landed

any keepers, but we have had a lot of decent
ones and it's a.

Speaker 10 (09:36):
Lot of fun. So Jack's snook some small tarpain and
with it blowing like crazy like it has been, you know,
a lot of us. We still have to get our
fishing ficks in and it's too rough to go off shore,
So I'll go fish the shoreline and catch whatever the
heck wants to bite on these live pilters on light tackle.

Speaker 3 (09:57):
Yeah fish, yep.

Speaker 12 (10:00):
And there's a ton of bait around. So a ton
of bait means a ton of fish, typically of all kinds.
So yes, I'm gonna go back snook fishing sometime today again. Yesterday,
I think we caught five. On Thursday we had seventeen
in two hours. Huh yeah, yeah good.

Speaker 3 (10:21):
How many slots?

Speaker 13 (10:23):
No slaughters the last couple of days because if he
catches a slot, it's impossible to get slot.

Speaker 2 (10:30):
I'm gonna drive to his house here.

Speaker 7 (10:31):
You cannot, It's impossible the way they have that, I'll
never get a shot.

Speaker 12 (10:36):
We get slots all the time. It's just uh, you know,
the last couple of days, we we haven't. I had
one fish on earlier in the week that he jumped.
Maybe he was a slot, maybe one. I'm using thirty
pounds leader. You know, they got like a super abrasive
uh it's not even teeth, but like a super abrasive jaw,

like eighty paper and it wore through my thirty pounds
lead after a minute or two a fight. So he
was just pulling like he was a good one. Now,
whether he really was or not, who does.

Speaker 2 (11:11):
But have you heard how much Jimbo has been schooling
you and me? This morning? He told me about me
not ringing belly who probably he just told you that
there's plenty of slot snook. He is just basically behind
the scenes, subliminally schooling us like we're two idiots.

Speaker 3 (11:30):
He's probably okay, well, yeah, he's right.

Speaker 2 (11:32):
He's always right, So whatever, what news can't argue at
that point, man, jimbl I know you're gonna be missing
next week. You get your head off to a Mexico.
He's gonna be fishing man.

Speaker 10 (11:48):
Going to Mexico. Uh, flying into Cabo tomorrow and then
we're running the boat north up to mac to Lena Bay,
which is where the stripes.

Speaker 13 (11:59):
No great answer, man, Yeah, I can show you guys
how to get striper.

Speaker 3 (12:06):
That's my territory, man, that's what I do.

Speaker 10 (12:09):
Barlin, not striper.

Speaker 2 (12:11):
Oh okay, hey, attention to what he said.

Speaker 13 (12:14):
He didn't say strip, Marlin, he said stripe, and then
you cut him off rolling tape back.

Speaker 3 (12:19):
Yes, Stephen Rolling.

Speaker 2 (12:23):
I'm thinking next show we'll talk about how the rigg
Dutch skrewted Pilchers. That should be a great time.

Speaker 10 (12:28):
Okay, I'll come up with a good rig for I
got plenty of time to think about it.

Speaker 2 (12:35):
They have a safe trip male mission next weekend, buddy.
But thanks for thanks for schooling this this morning, the
two which appreciated very much.

Speaker 3 (12:42):
Okay, and I'm glad you like any time here he'll
know the song.

Speaker 10 (12:46):
No, we could have just gone with the first two
words and been done.

Speaker 3 (12:53):
Yeah, thank you, buddy.

Speaker 2 (12:54):
Have a good weekend, man, see.

Speaker 3 (12:56):
You all right?

Speaker 10 (12:57):
You got it, guys, like everyone all.

Speaker 2 (12:59):
Right, big show tapped coming up. We have our beast
bends the Rebic coming up next. Boucher six thirty.

Speaker 3 (13:04):
Whose turn is it for him to rip apart?

Speaker 10 (13:06):
I don't know.

Speaker 2 (13:06):
We'll figure that one out right, yeah, THOUGHTSTI terrists new
one as usual, right, Yeah, yeah, we'll do Sean Rolls
this hour of the Starlight Bucket and a whole lot
more coming up here on our first break of the day.
It's six thirteen, Fox Sports nine forty.

Speaker 14 (13:19):
Pig from the storm Tight Windows Weather Center.

Speaker 15 (13:24):
Mixon Senate glouds for our Saturday with some scatter showers
and thunderstorms, so make sure you have the m billain nearby.
I have eighty five for today implantation eighty five as
well in Win went in toonight low as seventy five.
The ring continues on four tomorrow with cloudy skuys and
a high of eighty four.

Speaker 16 (13:38):
This report is sponsored by AutoZone. Getting the Zone starting
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Speaker 17 (13:56):
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Speaker 20 (15:32):
When it comes to kayakfishing, Nautical Ventures knows what you
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Speaker 26 (17:33):
It's it right in the home of Florida Gators football,
Fox Sports nine Miami.

Speaker 1 (17:41):
Now back to the Nautical Ventures weekly Fisherman Show powered
by Mercury Marine.

Speaker 4 (17:46):
Go Boldly.

Speaker 1 (17:47):
Here's Sarah Brandon and Joe Hector.

Speaker 3 (17:50):
Dude, dude, Joe, here you go. Tommy James and the
Shin Deelch are going on. Well, I sing it now,
I sing it.

Speaker 2 (17:57):
No, Actually you watched it The jym Bos singlelogue so bad.
None of us want you to sing one.

Speaker 7 (18:03):
Damn Well, Elon just said that I should sing.

Speaker 3 (18:08):
So Elon wants.

Speaker 2 (18:10):
To wreck this show. Well, the audience is the majority
of the rule, and I actually said in big caps,
don't sing.

Speaker 4 (18:15):
Elon likes train wrecks.

Speaker 2 (18:18):
He's got one over here. Actually, Tela together, just one
gigantic mess. Anyway, he's holding on line one. The biologically
rebuilt man himself a six million dollar dude. Okay, got
new knees, new wrists, new shoulders, new everything. Man, he's
a droid. He's a droid, dude, he is, but he's
still talking and fishing. Man the Beast King Alan's Rebna,

good morning brother.

Speaker 3 (18:39):

Speaker 27 (18:40):
Well, well, I don't have both new knees yet, but
I do have one, and I'm already walking on it.

Speaker 28 (18:46):
I'm already walking on it.

Speaker 27 (18:47):
I'm getting around and I'm gonna do a little fishing
this week and getting excited. I putting the boat to
water the other day, make sure everything was kosher with it,
and everything was great, and us a little bit of
fishing and enjoyed watching the peacocks come up and blow
up on my lures, and so they were not accommodating
and jumping on but they were hitting them. So considering

I was only hit the water for a couple of hours,
it was that wasn't too bad.

Speaker 28 (19:10):
And it was still fun to see him do it.

Speaker 2 (19:14):
R Joe, this poor guy has been like house locked
for like weeks because of the surgery's head. Yeah, he
can't go out and do his He's joning for his boat.
He what's going get out his boat and run his boat?
And it's like having a fish out of water, man,
you know what I mean.

Speaker 3 (19:28):
I get it, man, surgery surgery is rough, very very
much so.

Speaker 28 (19:33):
But but it is good enough for me to go
doing some fishing.

Speaker 27 (19:35):
I got the clearance from the doctor, uh, even though
I had to say a few things to him like
don't don't keep me pinned up, You're gonna make me
go nuts, and he just said to be careful and
have to go for any swimming in the canal water
because he didn't want any infection to get into the knee,
which I understand that. So but I'm going I'm gonna
run a couple of trips this week and and uh,

let it be known out there that for the next
month or so I'll be able to do some fishing
and looking forward to getting some more people out. But
so give me a yell. Nine five four six year
old nine three six one? Did I get that in
their good?

Speaker 3 (20:09):
Put it? Put it out there, man, Alan, How long
is your recovery for that?

Speaker 27 (20:16):
Well, it depends on who you ask, right, You know, I,
first of all, I'm terrible about being pinned up, and
I'm not a great patient that way, and but I
will push the issues I need to anyway. I mean,
I need to get the need bending better and all
that stuff. And my rehab hasn't even started yet. Still
wait for the insurance company to out.

Speaker 2 (20:38):
We feel for you, man, but this is a fishing show.
Can you give us a report after the medical diagnoses?

Speaker 27 (20:43):
Oh well, mister impatient Eric, I have a clock to watch, okay,
you clo Oh my gosh, so you have more commercials
then any anyway, anyway.

Speaker 28 (21:01):
And I understand how it works. But but here's the deal.

Speaker 27 (21:04):
This is the fall time and the water temperatures have
cool down some now and and this is probably to
me the best time to go out after the peacocks
and a large mouth and the snake edds and that
was the top water and this is the fun time.
So everybody does need to get out there that whether
you're swimming worms or whether you've got frogs going on
the surfage. Uh, you know, you want to put the

snake edge, you want to go on the bank, the
same typical stuff and just drag it off the bank
and a lot of we're gonna smash it as soon
as it hits the water, and been saying that the
peacocks will smash it too. Sometimes they just see something
hitting the water and they go nuts as well.

Speaker 28 (21:38):
And of course the large amouth will do it. This
is just a fun time.

Speaker 27 (21:40):
So so I'm greatly looking forward to getting out there
this week.

Speaker 2 (21:44):
That means Joe using no of that sea word. Okay,
it's all lures, baby, no sea why for you? Because
he say it it's good fishing in general. To use
the sea stuff bad.

Speaker 3 (21:56):
Well, the problem.

Speaker 27 (21:57):
Here's here's my problem with the live bait, okay, And
I don't care whether you use it regular.

Speaker 28 (22:01):
Book bait or or or the circle hooks.

Speaker 27 (22:06):
Circle hooks don't hook the peacocks quite as good as
what I found. And and even then, these fish sucked
that live bait in so hard that they still get
gut hooked, and gut hook eventually kills these fish sometimes,
so I prefer not to catch them on light bait
for that reason alone.

Speaker 3 (22:23):
I agree with you, Eric, you need to stop doing that.

Speaker 2 (22:25):
Man, you are the king.

Speaker 3 (22:26):
I mean, that is just unbelievable. How many? I mean
all yours is shiners?

Speaker 2 (22:32):
What are you talking about?

Speaker 10 (22:33):
Man? Wow?

Speaker 3 (22:34):

Speaker 4 (22:34):

Speaker 2 (22:35):
What are you.

Speaker 28 (22:35):
Always candy guys?

Speaker 29 (22:37):

Speaker 9 (22:37):
Oh? No?

Speaker 3 (22:40):
Hey John nineteen twenty five?

Speaker 2 (22:43):
Is the last time you used the lord? Joey? Yeah?

Speaker 3 (22:45):
The sugar your face? Man, have your popcorn? You do
the voids better than me on the.

Speaker 2 (22:51):
Boardwalk there, Joigie using share off the fear it.

Speaker 3 (22:56):
Yeah. I don't want to fish like the pilchers.

Speaker 2 (23:00):
Joy they like like the shine as they have to
the balcony there, Come on, man, that's up.

Speaker 27 (23:05):
I'm just it's it's they're so fun to have these
fish and wash these fish hit the top water blogs
and so it's just a great time for that. So
you don't get that with the live bait. Okay, this
doesn't happen that way.

Speaker 2 (23:16):
Yeah, very cool. So is the water level is still high?
Uh from all the.

Speaker 27 (23:22):
Yeah, terribly high, terribly high. And then I don't know
when they're gonna let it come down. And I'm just
hoping we finally get in our dry season here soon
and and the water level start dropping. And that's really
gonna make it great because then everything comes into canals.
Right now, it's basically peacocks and largemouth out in the Everglades,
And of course the snakeheads will be getting in the
urban canals along with the peacocks and largemouth there as well.

Speaker 28 (23:43):
So if you're in the North.

Speaker 27 (23:45):
Miami canals and I picked the snook, the stoke will
become more prevalent too as well.

Speaker 2 (23:49):
Right now, nice I hired a very interesting campaign slogan. Really,
if this gentleman gets elected, he says, we'll make canals
great again. That's me.

Speaker 28 (23:58):
I'm gonna make the canals great again.

Speaker 2 (24:01):
Are you are you running for something out? I didn't
realize you're on the on the ballot there.

Speaker 28 (24:05):
I'm always running. I'm always running for something.

Speaker 30 (24:07):
Where is she?

Speaker 3 (24:09):
Oh my god?

Speaker 13 (24:10):
Always running the can all the medications you're on, man,
Actually it would be the opposite.

Speaker 3 (24:15):
That's right.

Speaker 13 (24:15):
He was like a clogged Yeah, you get clogged on
that stuff's there.

Speaker 31 (24:20):
Discuss that's been ugly.

Speaker 28 (24:22):
That's been ugly.

Speaker 4 (24:23):
But this is the wrong show.

Speaker 2 (24:26):
We don't want to describe your bathroom mantics. Okay, but
thank you very much. Ol Okay, buddy. Anyway, So what's
the next on the surgical scale? You got something else
going on?

Speaker 28 (24:37):
I'm good to fish.

Speaker 27 (24:38):
I'm good to fish through December eighth, and yes I
have book December eighth already. Uh but December ninth, they're
gonna they're gonna break my other leg and they're gonna
saw my bones off and put another d in there.

Speaker 3 (24:48):
Are you serious? I know he's actually what.

Speaker 27 (24:51):
Guys, thirty six years of doing this is wore my
war some of my parts out.

Speaker 2 (24:57):
I'd be nervous, but he's not. One coming up Joe
would make me very nervous.

Speaker 7 (25:00):
But here's the thing, Alan, Like, I mean, you're doing
all this kind of close together.

Speaker 3 (25:06):
I would think it should be more spread out. But well, yeah,
I mean I'm not a doctor able to walk.

Speaker 27 (25:13):
I was literally not able to walk anymore. Okay, I
took it to the end. The doctor got on my case.
He showed me the x ray from two and a
half years ago when he said the left PD to
be replaced then, and and I kept putting it off,
and it got to the point where I actually fell a.

Speaker 28 (25:28):
Few times, and it was time. It was telling me
I had tuning in.

Speaker 2 (25:32):
Welcome to doctor to talk, thank you.

Speaker 32 (25:37):
Your questions.

Speaker 7 (25:38):
I'm just I know, you know what, because I got
to get a shoulder replacement surgery and I'm putting it off.

Speaker 2 (25:43):
Okay, let's not stop the general hospital chat here. Okay,
I don't have a Greek time. I know, I know
the brain surgery is coming up. That's what to be
very nervous about.

Speaker 28 (25:51):
So that's good luck that for me. Good luck with
your with your dolls, with your blow up doll.

Speaker 2 (25:58):
Okay, watch it, pal, We're a family rated show here, Okay, anyway,
we wish you well. Al sircy man, get back on
your feet. Nope, one attended and want to do your thing?

Speaker 3 (26:07):
Man, Yeah, see you, buddy, I will guys all.

Speaker 2 (26:11):
Right, So one line here Ellen, missa on the stream,
goes Eric, let's hear about the inside story on flips.
How's the boat show going?

Speaker 3 (26:20):
Anything? He wants to really know.

Speaker 2 (26:21):
Going really smashingly? Well, it's amazing, record setting crowds, boat
sails are through the roof.

Speaker 3 (26:28):
You need to be a politician.

Speaker 4 (26:30):
Is your nose growing?

Speaker 3 (26:31):
You would be a great politician.

Speaker 2 (26:33):
So smash success. When I walk into a boat show,
I just kind of tense up and I just start
getting all shit, Yeah I'm here again.

Speaker 3 (26:43):
Oh yeah, I love it here. Okay, wait for six
o'clock come around. Yeah, I just crushed up there.

Speaker 4 (26:50):
Do you see any cool electronics or anything new out there?

Speaker 10 (26:53):

Speaker 4 (26:53):
Are you you too busy working?

Speaker 2 (26:55):
I can't leave the booth. Bat is like second store,
second floor. I can talk, but I must see that
probably break sometime for the show's over. But in all seriousness,
it's been more crowds than we thought would be there. Okay,
and folks are still kind of a little tight with
the buck. You got to cut away and there's an
election in like four days couple of days, yeah, so
you got to kind of work in a little bit
and saying, you know what the elections will be like this. Okay,

whoever's elected the day after life will still go on.
So sir, why you waiting by the boat?

Speaker 3 (27:22):

Speaker 5 (27:22):
By the way, there's this explorer boat called the Eclips
on the dock. It looks like some hundreds something of
a boat and it's got multiple submarines on it.

Speaker 4 (27:31):
I saw from the helicopter.

Speaker 3 (27:32):
Look badass, very very cool.

Speaker 2 (27:34):
So yeah, dub behem r. There's all kinds of nottic
adventures by the ways, everywhere. I mean they're everywhere, the
entire convenures. You see him everywhere atmar they have boats
and a water to demo. En V is there in force.
So make a point of saying hi to those guys,
all right and telling how great Joe, Eric and Steven are.
Thank you very much.

Speaker 3 (27:51):
Have you visited their booth?

Speaker 2 (27:53):
I haven't got time yet. Break well, take a break,
come back and talk more here on the show. It's
six twenty seven Fox Sports Night forties.

Speaker 3 (28:01):
Why we'll talk about.

Speaker 17 (28:02):
It every day.

Speaker 33 (28:04):
On the water is a blank canvas. You can reach
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Nothing beats the thrill of extreme kayakfishing with little standing
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Speaker 4 (29:47):
Our and wavering.

Speaker 37 (29:48):
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Speaker 4 (29:53):
We're more than a tackle company.

Speaker 37 (29:54):
We're your partners and exploration, your source of inspiration, and
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Speaker 3 (30:03):
I want to learn how to cook what I keep
ordering takeout.

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Speaker 38 (30:25):
Now try Babbel for free at babbel dot com. That's
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Speaker 40 (30:34):
It's football season and Uber Eats is dropping undefeated deals
on all your game day favorites this week. Score Buy one,
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Speaker 23 (30:43):
Only on Uber Eats.

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Craving even more, We've got you covered with game Day
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Uber Eats official on demand food delivery partner.

Speaker 3 (30:54):
Of the NFL.

Speaker 41 (30:55):
Order Taco Bell for Game Day now through November seventeen,
twenty twenty four. Second item of equal or let's you
value terms apply see after details.

Speaker 26 (31:03):
Broadcasting live from the Fox Sports nine forty Anna Jar
and Levine Accident Attorney Studios called one eight hundred seven
four seven free.

Speaker 21 (31:12):
That's one eight.

Speaker 14 (31:13):
Hundred seven four seven three seven three three.

Speaker 1 (31:19):
You're on board the Nautical Bencher's Weekly Fisherman Show powered
by Mercury Marine. Go Boldly with legendary fisherman Eric Brandon,
an extreme angler, Joe Hector.

Speaker 3 (31:32):
Ding ding ding thing Stop?

Speaker 2 (31:35):
Maybe those damn seats of me? Were you going to
shoot them at boucher? And what the hell he's that?
He's up in Georgia?

Speaker 9 (31:39):

Speaker 13 (31:39):
Want did you shoot those to him? You think I
got a long distance there? I think you got him
got him?

Speaker 3 (31:48):

Speaker 2 (31:48):
Nice shot man, Thank you. We have the legend of
line ward Captain Beoutzer Smith. Good morning, to you.

Speaker 30 (31:58):
I can't believe you hit me with this all North, been.

Speaker 3 (32:04):
Doing it a while, man, I got good aim Man? Yeah,
where about sorry?

Speaker 2 (32:09):

Speaker 42 (32:10):
I'm in uh on Sheridan Street in Hollywood, Florida.

Speaker 2 (32:15):
Oh, welcome back to the hood, man, Where do it go?

Speaker 3 (32:18):

Speaker 42 (32:18):
Well, the sad part was I'm getting ready to leave, okay,
packing my bags and going north on Monday, I guess.
But uh, what a week it's spent. I mean, this
week has done spectacular.

Speaker 43 (32:32):
Last Saturday and went bass fishing with a Hall and
Baths the guide service had an absolute ball catching large
mouth bast up in the Sebastian area out west of Sebastian, Florida. Uh, frogs,
you know, rubber frogs, and and pop pop shads and

just all kinds of surface actions really really a lot
of fun.

Speaker 30 (32:58):
And then uh, a couple of days.

Speaker 43 (33:01):
Later, I went to Palm Beach and I went fishing
with the pat Patrick Smith and we had another great day,
but this was jack Travelle's.

Speaker 30 (33:11):
I caught a big jack coravelle on the.

Speaker 43 (33:13):
Surface and a bunch of other jack coravells, and we
caught some margates and mangrove snappers and had a ball
there and Palm Beach, And then day before yesterday I
went to UH.

Speaker 42 (33:26):
I went to UH Lake Ida, and I fished with Bill.

Speaker 43 (33:30):
Lafrie, and Bill put me on fantastic surface action, first
thing in the morre and catching them on a little
rafflos and uh that tiny torpedo that everybody did. Freshwater fish.
I finally fished one the first time I used them,
but it's a propeller bait. And the large mouth and

the peacocks were just seating up with with Bill Laprie
Lake Iida. He's I lost count, But what's that.

Speaker 3 (34:01):
He's a great guy, said, yeah, sure is yeah, yep.

Speaker 43 (34:06):
But Bill put me on so many fish. I probably
caught somewhere around sixty half large mouthed bass and half
feet ock bass.

Speaker 30 (34:16):
I caught a big crappie, I caught a fresh water
eagle fish, and I just barely caught.

Speaker 43 (34:23):
A clown knife fish. I got him right up to
the boat. He jumped out of the water, he hit
my rod and knocked the hook out of his mouth
and do but like I say, he was right up
to the boat, so he was as good as cat
Shepherd didn't get in the landing net because Bill was
taking video. We were trying to get jump shots instead
of getting the landing net. But that's okay because we're

gonna let him all go anyway. And then I went
to the IGFA Legendary Captains and Cruise Dinner, and I
went to the Billfish Foundation Annual Gala, which was everybody
dressed up as cowboys last night.

Speaker 3 (35:00):
Oh, Eric, were you there?

Speaker 42 (35:03):
No, he works too hard in the day to be
anywhere night.

Speaker 3 (35:08):
He gets home.

Speaker 30 (35:11):
Because it hurts so bad somewhere and pours. It's all drinking.

Speaker 2 (35:17):
And that's exactly my whole routine. Man, You're exactly right.
People do swollen feet.

Speaker 30 (35:24):
Well, I know how it.

Speaker 2 (35:27):
Works, See Joe, he knows how it works. If you
ever went to one, you don't.

Speaker 3 (35:32):
Oh, police, she was skipping out of the last three
or four years too.

Speaker 2 (35:38):
You're a you're a no show Joe too to the
boat show and showed up no show Joe to the
boat show.

Speaker 3 (35:43):
What a great rhyme that is.

Speaker 5 (35:45):
Hey, bouncer, bouncer, you say you're staying at a hotel
on Sheridan Street.

Speaker 4 (35:51):
Yes, can you catch a fish with roaches?

Speaker 3 (35:55):

Speaker 2 (35:55):

Speaker 30 (35:56):
Well yeah, have you stayed here before? Is that what
you're telling me.

Speaker 4 (36:08):
Some of the hotels are just interesting in that area.

Speaker 2 (36:11):
That quite are. Yeah, anyway about yourself. Hey, I'm trying
to very gently get off that topic. So you're heading
back to Georgia and staying there for a while to
get some more trips playing around the planet.

Speaker 43 (36:24):
Well, I'm not quite done with South Florida yet. I'm
gonna be at Harry Goods Outfitters today. I'm gonna be
eating one of those crabs with the big claws. Oh yeah,
I'm eating stone crabs in Miami Beach tonight. And then
I'll be watching football with Chipshan in Pointon tomorrow.

Speaker 30 (36:47):
And the most beautiful hamburgers you ever saw in your life.

Speaker 43 (36:50):
I mean, this guy makes ribs wing, his hamburgers just
unbelievable cook. And then I'll go back to Uh Paul
and Bass Guide Service. They have a fish camp and
I'll recuperate for one night there, and then it's back
to Jojo John.

Speaker 2 (37:11):
Nice job plugging everybody, but Grandpa, good job, good job.

Speaker 30 (37:15):
Well you know I really should plug. If you're going
to talk.

Speaker 43 (37:17):
About plugging people, really not. There's a there's a radio show.
There's a radio fishing show. The fishermen and they have
they have no show. Joe and Eric great and they
were on a fish show with a little bit of
medical information, a little travel guide, a little bit of

because they put on everything and.

Speaker 30 (37:45):
It's the comedy show combined with some pretty dog.

Speaker 10 (37:49):
On good fishing information.

Speaker 30 (37:51):
They're different guys around South Florida.

Speaker 10 (37:55):
We go, there we go.

Speaker 2 (37:57):
That was a damn good plug.

Speaker 3 (37:59):
Okay, throw him off now, there you go, Cat, Thanks
so much.

Speaker 32 (38:03):

Speaker 30 (38:03):
Yeah, sir, if you go.

Speaker 43 (38:05):
On Amazon, I have five different books now for you
have pictures, so if you don't feel like you can look.

Speaker 30 (38:14):
At the pictures.

Speaker 2 (38:16):
Bouncer Smith Chronicles. There you go, Thanks so much, cap
I got to rock the clock man. Have a great weekend,
thanks captain much.

Speaker 30 (38:23):
All Right, you guys are the best. Have a great week.

Speaker 2 (38:27):
Yesterday. Yeah, I met the man face to face from
under the sea. Really, Jim mattheeup out of the sea,
Jim Matthee.

Speaker 3 (38:37):
Yeah, we got it, We got the rye. Eric, Yeah, yeah,
you got the right. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2 (38:42):
Jim's working his boot. I'm sure he's had like nineteen
thousand plugs for all the stuff he's selling at the
show that's coming up here.

Speaker 3 (38:49):

Speaker 2 (38:49):
Yes, the first they gave me was a bag of
budget flint number three. And you know what, guess what,
Joe Jaker fight bunus babe, because.

Speaker 30 (38:59):
I got a ride Jim.

Speaker 3 (39:03):
Okay, pleasure.

Speaker 2 (39:05):
So who's the whole game here?

Speaker 3 (39:06):
Man? That's Paul Varian, who is a commercial spearfish and.

Speaker 30 (39:13):
You want to that guy.

Speaker 2 (39:15):
So we started to talk about some of the spearfishing
guys and I throw in a jeb Budy the brain
whole thing. Had to get that in there, Okay, Yeah,
but I got a whole batch of bugs and I
did not offer those as baked any boat buyers. They
all went home with me because Jim would choom me
a new one.

Speaker 3 (39:32):
Yeah, that was smart. Consider Jim, good morning, buddy.

Speaker 44 (39:38):
Did you yesterday?

Speaker 9 (39:39):

Speaker 44 (39:39):
We did miss you?

Speaker 2 (39:41):
Uh Jim, he's back on helium level there. Let's try
to re reconnect with Jim. Oh, he sounds like he's
a five speech too much there. Yeah, but anyway, he's
working the thing at the.

Speaker 3 (39:52):
Blue Wild Cherry Day.

Speaker 2 (39:55):
Yeah okay, and he's got like spear guns and his
special lobster loopty do thing he uses out there. Loopy do, Matthey,
Loopy I can go to a brand new name the
loopity do okay, but Jim Matthey, and he's right there
by the there's a booth right near jimbo a Jim
rather and they saw all these really cool coins and

I bought a kind of corner pure silver special commemorative
coin with US person's face on it. Really who really cool?

Speaker 3 (40:26):
Yeah? Who is it?

Speaker 2 (40:27):
All? Short of the camera shortly when the son comes
up right, you're allowed to say, I'll say later anyway?

Speaker 3 (40:32):
Is he back on the horn here?

Speaker 2 (40:33):
Let's see.

Speaker 44 (40:33):
I think I'm back.

Speaker 10 (40:36):
I'm back, I'm back.

Speaker 2 (40:37):
Why is it your You're the only phone we have
on It's not you're sucking.

Speaker 4 (40:42):
It's not his phone. It's not his phone because we
have two back to back.

Speaker 2 (40:48):
All right, So talk about your involvement at the show Man.
You're sitting up there with They're.

Speaker 44 (40:53):
Going on, Yeah, it's good. I'm at the Lobster League booth.
We're selling all kinds a lobster stuff, everything from gloves
to snares. You know, we had the cheapy snare by
Lobster League. And then of course we haven't met and
tickle stick for you guys. And then yes, I was

able to sneak in some bugs for my good man Eric.
All right, how about that? And Joe, I missed you today.
I miss you today at at Duncan Donuts. Sorry buddy,
all right, yeah, next time, next time. Okay, But we
got it.

Speaker 32 (41:33):
We got it.

Speaker 3 (41:33):
Throw erica bone once in a while, you.

Speaker 44 (41:35):
Know, once in a while, I hear you.

Speaker 10 (41:37):
And he won't give these away.

Speaker 44 (41:39):
He says he won't give these away. So that's good.
He's learned those lessons. Okay, all right, all right, So
I do have one good story because nobody has been
diving this week at all. It's been really windy, and
I don't know anybody fishing at all, and anybody out fishing,
I'm not even sure.

Speaker 2 (41:57):
It's been actually two bluster, so they can't get out
like a bear man.

Speaker 10 (42:02):
Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah yeah.

Speaker 44 (42:03):
And the same thing as far as diving, And I
mean last week, we caught a little break towards the
end of last week. And I do have a good story.
My buddy Steve Siegel was diving on his boat Relentless,
which is a nice boat, and he was on Saturday,
had a southbound current kind of twenty foot of visibilities

and he's only in like twenty feet of water, really shallow.
He's heading southbound with the current and he's looking down
the reef and he's going, man, the reef is moving.
What's going on or what the heck was happening? Was
a line of lobster, actually two lines of lobster. We're
moving towards him northbound. And he said they were big boys.

So he actually caught the walk on the reef and
they were kind of all together in a line, queued
up and then getting ready to come in even shallower.
I've never seen that. I've never you know, that's how
they do it. They kind of huddle up on the
reef and the shallows and then they'll actually make their
walk inside into the sand and just walk northbound. So

we did catch a little walk, which was good. He
was able to limit out, uh, and so were other
divers on the boat. So it was a good day
last Saturday. But I'm telling you right now, there's not
very many people getting out this week, and this week
coming it's been ugly, ugly.

Speaker 2 (43:30):
I would say, I don't know, And yeah, that must
have been the biggest batch of dumb ass lobsters marching
right towards the guy right, I mean is that like they.

Speaker 10 (43:42):
Are they are.

Speaker 44 (43:45):
They actually they're they're actually in a trance there, and
they're easy to catch because they're just they have a mission,
and their mission is to walk to to get in
line march going north here, and it's really kind of
a cool sight in the sand many times, but never
like on the reef, coming off the reef onto the sand.

Speaker 2 (44:06):
Pretty cool stuff, I give cred Joe because they're actually
staying in shape because we've got a nice long, couple
of mile long march. Keeping themselves physically fit something you know,
a whole lot about after you're shooting steroids from Were
you going with this?

Speaker 12 (44:20):

Speaker 44 (44:20):
Where are you going? Boats are pretty good?

Speaker 9 (44:23):

Speaker 44 (44:24):
Boato has been pretty good, I got admit, and I
think with this crappy weather, it's gonna be good for
people that are Hey, what else am I going to do?

Speaker 2 (44:32):
You know, as asked me how many books I've sold
in three days?

Speaker 44 (44:36):
So how many boats have you sold? Eric in three days?

Speaker 2 (44:40):
A big negatory zero, you know. But you know what,
Today is a new day. Today's a new day, gym.

Speaker 44 (44:49):
Yeah, today is the day, Eric, Today is the day,
right right, I've already sold I've already sold a bunch
of lobster snares. I even sold one of my books, Buddy,
one of my books Wild. All right, come on one

more plug. We're part of the Blue Wild which is
at the convention Center, and there's all kinds of spearfishing guys, uh,
lobster guys. See Experience Gold Coast Scuba. Those are two
local dive shops in our area. Just a really good people.
I got to put up a little plug in for
my third reef guy, Paul Barrion. You met him. He

is a actual commercial lobster spearfishing guy and we got
a picture with him. So it was really cool, a
good time, A.

Speaker 2 (45:39):
Lot of a lot off anyway, Jim, thanks, here's my
big mission.

Speaker 10 (45:43):

Speaker 2 (45:43):
If I don't sell a boat today, I don't get
no pay. Okay, today, get no pay. Sell a boat today,
I get paid.

Speaker 3 (45:51):
Wait wait, wait, no pay.

Speaker 2 (45:53):
If you pay for I get paid.

Speaker 3 (45:56):

Speaker 13 (45:56):
Are you trying to rhyme? I was trying to do
what about this rhyming thing today? I'm just feeling very
an old guy thing.

Speaker 44 (46:03):
Very You got to talk to people, Eric, you got
to really help people, you know, understand the benefit of
buying that boat. Okay, talk to.

Speaker 2 (46:12):
People, would actually be a salesman. That'd be a great
idea to start now. Okay, gott to rock the clock.

Speaker 3 (46:17):
Jim, have a great week, see you, Jim Joy all right,
take care.

Speaker 2 (46:21):
Star Bright bucket time, Joey up the guys by the
way from star Bright at the show. Yeah, we had
a great time. Hey buy One of the gentlemen came
by and then actually put that special detailer one of
my boats. Yeah, and showed me how quick that that
ceramic codeing spray is. Yeah, made it shine up like
a brand new penny, of course, made in America. So

we have a box to start right for you, loaded
wash wax, declator of the CHAMMI, the mit, the bucket,
the whole deal, right right. Doing a random number doing
what that was weird last week? You said number one.
It just told it was a total failure.

Speaker 3 (46:54):
Picked something between fun, I mean someone called in between
five and ten, Joe, real quick, real late, pick up
that borck please? Ten you cut that high? Okay? Ten?

Speaker 2 (47:04):
Oh? Ten? Okay, there you go.

Speaker 3 (47:05):
See we went from one to ten showman.

Speaker 2 (47:08):
Cut to ten and I'll believe it all right, six six,
eight zero one zero nine forty call now and win
number ten eight six six eight zero one do it ninety.

Speaker 3 (47:19):
Call now win here Fox Sports Night forty.

Speaker 14 (47:22):
Why from the storm tight windows Weather Center MIXI.

Speaker 15 (47:28):
Senate glouds for our Saturday with some scatter showers and thunderstorms,
so make sure you have the Umberlla nearby. I have
eighty five for today implantation eighty five as well in
win went in tonight low A seventy five. The ring
continues on four tomorrow with cloudy skuys and I high
of eighty four.

Speaker 16 (47:41):
This report is sponsored by AutoZone. Get in the Zone
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Speaker 45 (48:00):
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Speaker 23 (48:12):
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Speaker 37 (48:59):
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Speaker 37 (49:14):
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Speaker 2 (49:21):
They know what it takes to win.

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Speaker 14 (51:29):
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Speaker 32 (51:31):
And Miami Miami.

Speaker 1 (51:35):
You're on board The Nautical Ventures Weekly Fisherman Show powered
by Mercury Marine. Go boldly with legendary fishermen Eric Brandon,
an extreme.

Speaker 3 (51:46):
Angler, Joe Hector to separated. Uh uh you gotta keep
them separated?

Speaker 47 (51:53):
Uh huh oh bang it banging head bang bang bang
bangan ding, dings bang bang bang bang a ding, bang
bang a ding and ding and bang bang.

Speaker 2 (52:08):
Well, nobody's calling the start by bucket. Ubody's banging that
damn phone. Eight yeah, I know it is eight six
six eight zero one something in my throat. It's probably
a steroid eight six six zero night, you know, steroid.
Why do old people talk like stop? You know they
do a tend to larger glance, Joe as you get
older with royd juicey sticking your ass? Yeah and where

yeah yeah dump eight six six eight zero one zero
nine four zero, call now and win.

Speaker 3 (52:38):
Let's go to your buddy, Sean roll, shall we Joe here,
Let's do it well, bring him up baby well, captain.

Speaker 42 (52:45):

Speaker 3 (52:46):
Thanks, good morning guys.

Speaker 13 (52:48):

Speaker 10 (52:49):
Sorry, I'm so kind of laughing here from those comments.

Speaker 2 (52:54):
I'm glad somebody gets my humor at least, Joe. I
thank you, Thank you, Sean. So you can't be fishing
in this weather. It's I see right over here, I am.

Speaker 10 (53:04):
I don't know, I don't know why I was.

Speaker 2 (53:09):
This guy nothing right, man, nothing, God, this guy.

Speaker 10 (53:12):
I'm underneath a leaning post right now, trying to stay
dry so I can talk to you guys who are
calling it a little rain storm right now.

Speaker 2 (53:19):
So it's right, it must be right arewhere we got
right over here?

Speaker 3 (53:21):

Speaker 2 (53:22):
Great at the great Land, so yeah, it is all right,
it's actually very great gray anyway, So whereabouts are.

Speaker 10 (53:27):
You on the inner coastal today? We're going on a
bait mission, trying to get some uhliu, some bluefish, believe
or not.

Speaker 3 (53:37):
Did you say blue he said, I did. I did, Okay,
huh yeah, Jersey.

Speaker 10 (53:43):
New Jersey. Right, yeah, we're going to Jersey.

Speaker 2 (53:46):
I've heard rumor sean and bluefish were here. I've never
caught one. I've been fishing here in my entire sixty
eight years of life. You're okay, I've never seen one.
Know where they were?

Speaker 32 (53:55):

Speaker 2 (53:55):
What do they bite?

Speaker 42 (53:56):

Speaker 2 (53:56):
What are you fishing with?

Speaker 10 (53:57):
Bare? All the same stuff? Pretty much any think it's
like up north, but they're not here. They come here.
So when we get these heavy winds and cold fronts
and stuff, they'll push through and you can really catch
them good at the piers and stuff like that and
the inlets. So yeah, yeah, awesome, they're awesome flaving and fish.

It was a it was our game fish we had
up north and Jersey do those places like that?

Speaker 3 (54:26):
So yeah, not good eating, but good fight.

Speaker 2 (54:29):
I was asked that very safe question.

Speaker 10 (54:30):
Yeah, a little darker fish but a lot of people
smoke and make jerky out of them. Some people love
them too. If you like that a little bit of
fishy flavor, people love him.

Speaker 3 (54:40):
It's like kingfish, you know, yeah, a little shorter than king.

Speaker 2 (54:45):
I like kingfish on my real by the way, you do,
they cook up nice and white. Try some time you're
king here, king Yeah, I like them, all right. Se Sorry,
you're targeting bluefish, which I thought to be restrange, but
I hope.

Speaker 3 (54:57):
You look up man. I don't know how you target
them real.

Speaker 2 (55:00):
The fish in the world man, bluefish, I mean, wow, Okay,
that's a newbie for me. All right.

Speaker 10 (55:06):
We have a king fish tournament next weekend, and that's
a that's the primate fish at all.

Speaker 2 (55:12):
This past week at all besides bluefish.

Speaker 48 (55:15):

Speaker 10 (55:16):
I went out last Saturday after I talked to you guys,
and we had a decent little day. I got a
couple of kings, salefish, and snapper in the normal barracuda.

Speaker 12 (55:24):
So we're just picking up.

Speaker 10 (55:26):
So if we ever get a weather window here, we'll
see the fisher week first.

Speaker 3 (55:30):
So yeah, we gotta go sk fishing, man. Yeah, you
tried first show. I need to. I haven't gone, and
are you.

Speaker 10 (55:39):
Gonna wear your wool ring costume if we go, Joe,
I just want to know only for you, my man,
only you look great. But I saw you wearing I
think for like a week street.

Speaker 23 (55:50):
I mean, did you wash it in between?

Speaker 32 (55:52):
Or no?

Speaker 3 (55:53):
Absolutely not? I kept going.

Speaker 2 (55:56):
That is so disgusting.

Speaker 10 (55:59):
I think gym at eight o'clock in the morning, right right, Yeah,
did Jim at eight o'clock in the morning. Then you're
wearing suka tree in that night. And that thing had
to be strong?

Speaker 2 (56:09):
Oh yeah, you must.

Speaker 49 (56:12):
No, actually no, I mean we washed it in between.
And you know, Maria was good about thath and uh
yeah it was. It worked out pretty well. I'm sure
I'm gonna miss it. Really, I would wear that thing
every day.

Speaker 3 (56:25):
If I could.

Speaker 2 (56:26):
Why don't you sell with your clients like that? That'd
be great show up int a wool range suit.

Speaker 3 (56:30):
Maybe I am a superhero. You just don't know I
do that anyway.

Speaker 2 (56:35):
Shut. So one of the exists. You're seeing rain and wind.
Is it chopping in the Bay Area out there?

Speaker 3 (56:40):
What's going on?

Speaker 44 (56:41):

Speaker 10 (56:42):
I learned just on the inner coastal rainie and windy,
and we're not even going to try the inlet today.
So I try to go out of the inlet, but
there's a few booths going out. We passed, so the
bigger sports fishes if you can get out there. Man,
they caught some nice watter this week. Couple go out.

Speaker 2 (56:56):
So yeah, hey back to the bluefish.

Speaker 3 (56:59):
What kind of tack? Oh, you actually use it on
your boat?

Speaker 10 (57:04):
Little jades, gotchas, small lures.

Speaker 2 (57:10):
Test line. You think these suckers are fighting?

Speaker 10 (57:11):
God like twenty pounds tests. I don't know whatever they
had on my rods hanging to my shed. It's actually
a really fun fishing to do. If you can find
the schools off shore, you pretty much throw anything got
at them and they'll bite them.

Speaker 3 (57:24):
So they go like rabbit in New Jersey.

Speaker 13 (57:27):
So when you see schools of the people literally get
bit on the beach when they come through. Teeth right, yeah,
they're like cartlage teeth, but they're they'll.

Speaker 3 (57:36):
Get you cartlet. Yeah they're not.

Speaker 10 (57:39):
They're not bone, they don't they don't have giant teeth
like a barracudo, but they're small and sharp.

Speaker 2 (57:45):
So yeah, so you're definitely using leader. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah,
all right, very cool man, So I says whatever bait
and stuff you use for other fish would be attracted
to bluefish.

Speaker 13 (57:56):
Yeah, they big schools, and then you would see the seagulls,
you know, diving and all around the schools.

Speaker 2 (58:04):
And then you know, you go through and you catch
a whole bunch and you know, ready to rock. How
about we let Sean fish with the month phone. Let
him go do his things. What's the fish?

Speaker 7 (58:13):
Well, while he's on the phone, I got to say so.
Ray Boone left a comment saying that he caught three wahoo.
They were all up to forty seven pounds in Boca
this week.

Speaker 3 (58:24):
Damn wo Yeah, I could report anything in Pompton.

Speaker 10 (58:30):
I mean that is basically yeah, I guess we all
go out of Hillsboro then go north.

Speaker 3 (58:34):
So true, true, that's true. Okay, yeah, just wondering.

Speaker 2 (58:39):
All right, Well, great, last question, Joe.

Speaker 3 (58:42):
I wanted to see if there was some wahoo, you know,
right up front.

Speaker 2 (58:45):
You know, Sean, go look on those bluefish. Man, if
you catch one or two, man, show me a photo.
We all want to see one.

Speaker 3 (58:49):
Look, I've never seen a bluefish. No, I have not
really seen a bluefish. Joe.

Speaker 2 (58:53):
No for a photo, Okay, Bozo weird, Sean get luck
to you, brother Sean.

Speaker 10 (58:59):
All right, all right, see you guys.

Speaker 2 (59:02):
What a hardcore guy. Man, He goes under fishes of
the rain to wind. Nothing stops that, man. He is
totally dedicated to sport.

Speaker 3 (59:09):
That's pretty interesting that there's a bluefish tournament in Florida.

Speaker 2 (59:13):
Yeah weird, right. It's also very weird as a f
cat kayak tournament here in Florida too. It's very strange
for over a decade.

Speaker 3 (59:21):
Yeah decade. Hey.

Speaker 2 (59:25):
By the way, nobody's want to start by buckets. Your fault,
and Joe picked number ten. That's why it's your fault. No,
you haven't been good at that selling lately, sir. So
here's what we're gonna do. I can't argue that.

Speaker 13 (59:39):
I thought you would disagree you are. I got nothing
to say. Then you got me, man, You got that
what I can. You got me because I didn't think.
I didn't expect that. So let me sell me sell
this man. Shall we be number ten now and make
me a happy sales guy? Eight six six eight zero
one zero nine four zero When this loaded box of

rate start righting products right now made in America, take
a break, seven o'clock hour right here, right now Fox
Sports Night forty lit.

Speaker 17 (01:00:09):
So we're not all professional anglists, we don't all compete
on the biggest stage. But inside it's all burns the
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Speaker 18 (01:00:38):
Any great angler knows the key to catching beautiful fish
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more on Halo, navigate to the radar page at simrad
dash Yachting dot com.

Speaker 34 (01:01:08):
Remember the fry days of gasoline, It's just not made
the same anymore.

Speaker 29 (01:01:16):
Shakey or gash into gear with.

Speaker 35 (01:01:18):
Star Trove pump up the performance in all of your engines,
sure the problems of methodol with the power of enzymes,
and maximize your mileage every time you drive.

Speaker 6 (01:01:33):
Kick starting your engines with star Tron.

Speaker 50 (01:01:38):
You need a place to store your boat, how about
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Speaker 4 (01:01:52):
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Speaker 50 (01:01:54):
Bottom pain to engine repower to total refens Coming soon,
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down Coda Nautical Ventures dot com slash Marina for more information.
Nautical Ventures the go to people for fun on the water.

Speaker 37 (01:02:07):
At Johnny Jigs Tackle Company, our passion for fishing drives
everything we do. We provide all anglers with the highest quality,
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At Johnny Jigs, we believe every cast should be an opportunity,
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Speaker 14 (01:04:18):
Free never Sounded So good. Fox Sports nine Miami.

Speaker 1 (01:04:24):
You're on board the Nautical Ventures Weekly Fisherman Show with
legendary fisherman Eric Brandon, an extreme angler Joe Hector, powered
by Mercury Marine.

Speaker 14 (01:04:36):
Go boldly, Hello, Joan.

Speaker 2 (01:04:49):
Out number two of the Nautical Ventures Weekly Fisherman Shows
going straw Hey, you Big Budge show weekend at the
Broward County Convention Set. It going on now through tomorrow. Yeah,
they're looking for a boat. Go out there and see
our friends of Knuticle Ventures. They brought all definitely out there,
lined up beat, little shiny new rides from the center
console entry level boat to the multi million dollars soap

extra par They're king baby, but they got some great
boats out there. Just go out there and chopperud make it,
make it, make him an offa jo, make him an
off of. They can't refuse. You'd probably get one over there.
You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 3 (01:05:25):
By the way, I have to say Godfather in my opinion.

Speaker 4 (01:05:28):
My favorite boat is definitely the excellent.

Speaker 2 (01:05:30):
Part that Brabis blinked out. It is black ops for
man is crazy.

Speaker 4 (01:05:34):
It's just all of them. They look so cool.

Speaker 3 (01:05:36):

Speaker 2 (01:05:37):
Yeah, great, look at boat.

Speaker 4 (01:05:38):
Don't give me that.

Speaker 2 (01:05:39):
You can't see him unless you go out there and
touch them, and they're at the boat shops.

Speaker 4 (01:05:42):
If he's going, it's because he can't afford it.

Speaker 48 (01:05:45):
It's I'm just a big fan of like guy man. Okay, no, no,
I'll just get on your kayaking kayaking. I am just
a fan of like the the old style center console.

Speaker 4 (01:05:58):
Okay, there's nothing wrong with that, There's nothing.

Speaker 2 (01:06:00):
I just I think that looks donchel Venture sells old
style center console.

Speaker 3 (01:06:04):
I know, Joe I did say they didn't.

Speaker 2 (01:06:06):
But the newer version of the old style I'm just
not the newest version of the center console. What's that, Benny?
What are you online? One shall get sorry brand here?

Speaker 3 (01:06:16):

Speaker 4 (01:06:17):
What's his name, Betty, Benny.

Speaker 8 (01:06:18):
Benny and the Jarrett Rogers.

Speaker 2 (01:06:23):
Yeah, Benny's fishing charters. Benny, Good morning to you, my brother.
Hi Benny, Hello, Benny, Well, I think he's online one.

Speaker 3 (01:06:36):
Hey guys, Oh Benny, how's it going about it?

Speaker 18 (01:06:40):

Speaker 3 (01:06:40):
Hey there we're here, man, Benny, right here alive.

Speaker 2 (01:06:44):
Bro, we're back doing I think, my friend, how are.

Speaker 3 (01:06:46):
You pretty good?

Speaker 54 (01:06:47):

Speaker 3 (01:06:48):
Pretty good?

Speaker 32 (01:06:48):
Another day down here in Paradise.

Speaker 2 (01:06:50):
Yeah, little Randy other shot rolls. We're just talking about it.
He goes on inter Coastal Waterway getting rain. Donnie says,
wonder and kind of snotty out there.

Speaker 3 (01:06:58):
But he's targeting bluefish. What do you think about that?

Speaker 55 (01:07:02):
Yeah, there's Yeah, it's that time of the year. I
mean you could probably go sit around most of the
inlets right now or somewhere anywhere close offshore and find
a little pot of them and you know, get some
action out of him.

Speaker 32 (01:07:14):
Probably anywhere up and down the coast from here to Jersey.
You could find him right now.

Speaker 2 (01:07:18):
Yeah, they came from Jersey.

Speaker 3 (01:07:21):
I think, just yeah, that's interesting. I didn't know that.
I didn't know you can really target.

Speaker 2 (01:07:26):
They flew down on Jet Blue. How isn't that great?
Was that at Joe's That like as hell?

Speaker 3 (01:07:32):
Yeah, yeah, they came to big school.

Speaker 2 (01:07:38):
Came to big school too, Joe.

Speaker 3 (01:07:39):
Yeah, sorry, well greater than anyway.

Speaker 2 (01:07:44):
What Spinny's fishing charter's been really again this week, which
you guys catch everything, buddy, what's going on?

Speaker 12 (01:07:50):

Speaker 3 (01:07:50):
Actually this is uh.

Speaker 55 (01:07:52):
I think since we spoke last week, we've only fished
last Saturday Sunday, and then we were blown out all week. Man,
it was a tough week. Last weekend was pretty productive.
I don't know, the way it's been blowing. We might
as well give a report for the pier.

Speaker 3 (01:08:12):
I mean, snook fishing is good, So we don't talk
about that the pure enough credit, do we? You know
we don't.

Speaker 2 (01:08:19):
There's guys who fish piers every weekend. You see, they
live on the pier. They have a special spot. I
used to fish on the pier with my dad back
in the day. They had so much fun doing it.
Hey didn't catch a whole lot, but had a blast try.

Speaker 3 (01:08:29):
And when I moved to South Florida, the first fishing
I did was the.

Speaker 2 (01:08:34):
Pier and you know, I learned. I learned a lot
of stuff. And some guys have skills actually do catch
fishing off the pier.

Speaker 3 (01:08:40):
Yeah, I mean I saw I catch two keeper muttons
one time off the pier.

Speaker 2 (01:08:44):
He Betty, have you've seen this. I'm sure you pure
fish as well too. You'll see, like certain snook that
are around the pilings, and they let every bait throw
at them you can name, and they know they have
to bite that hook man.

Speaker 3 (01:08:57):
Yeah, he won't catch it, right man, they're smart man.

Speaker 55 (01:09:00):
And then there and then one guy walks over there
with like a crappy jig and lands one right off
of this That same one is of what is your
great live bait goes to the old rusty jig and
a guy wheels him up over the edge, you know
what I mean?

Speaker 2 (01:09:13):
Exactly weird?

Speaker 3 (01:09:15):
What do they call peer rats? Rats?

Speaker 2 (01:09:17):
Yeah, there's a special net you gotta use, which I
never have, handy. I've tried to freak a fishing, but
maybe I caught one and I've got halfway up, but
he starts jigging around, the line breaks the day fish
goes off, So I'm not for pair properly, you know
what I mean. Whatever, So Betty, when things turn around,
I mean, this wather's gonna blow in somewhere debris, some
magical debris and maybe bringing some mahi possibly what this

is all settled down a little bit?

Speaker 55 (01:09:39):
Yeah, man, I see there being a hot bite either one.
If you can make it out there in a boat
big enough to go, you know, battle the waves right now,
or when it does calm down, Yeah, like a cruise,
it might be the only option, right but yeah, now
it seems like it's gonna be a hot bite when
it passes. I mean there's no pressure on the fish,
but nobody out there on them for you know, weeks

right now, maybe a couple of scattered days in between.
But yeah, it's that time of the year.

Speaker 1 (01:10:05):

Speaker 55 (01:10:05):
The wahoo bite's going to be popping off. The mahi
should still be, you know, still be around in good numbers,
especially some bigger gaffer fish. Maybe not the quantity we
had a few weeks ago, definitely some better quality and yeah,
I mean we get a good cold front or to
the sailfish should be popping off, you know, any day
now as well.

Speaker 3 (01:10:25):
Right what about isn't sword fishing coming up like that
time of year?

Speaker 55 (01:10:28):
Like I would know sword fishing started popping off probably
early October the bites started getting really good. So they've
been pretty consistent now for a couple of weeks. On
the swords. A lot of the commercial guys been going
out there every chance they could get, So do you do, yeah,
I mean, you know that was one of the first

things in the business. I did was commercial sword fishing
and bowie fishing, and even before I was working with
Joe Bait, you know that's yeah, I remember that. Yeah,
working for a few different people over the years, but yeah,
I mean I keep thinking of potentially getting my own permit.
One day I got a couple of commercial permits, but
no sword permit yet. The fishery, uh, probably going to

turn around here soon. It's been a little slow the
past couple of years.

Speaker 3 (01:11:15):
Well, but now those permits are like really hard to get,
aren't they for swords? Aren't they like Grandville's.

Speaker 32 (01:11:22):
Yeah, it's like a liquor license. Once you own it,
you own it.

Speaker 55 (01:11:26):
They're not really putting out they're not putting out any
more of them, and yeah, it's something you have to
buy from somebody.

Speaker 32 (01:11:32):
So you know, these books are open now.

Speaker 9 (01:11:35):
You know what.

Speaker 2 (01:11:35):
I don't want to bite slowlet' tell you why. Why
Because the fisher waiting for the election to see elected.
There's spark fish exactly, and they're not going to bite,
and collective they figure out which one bites.

Speaker 3 (01:11:47):
I'm nervous, man, I'm nervous.

Speaker 2 (01:11:49):
So anyway, we'll talk that's not we can't talk politics
of the program.

Speaker 3 (01:11:52):
I know, Eric, I just you keep bringing it. I
didn't any names. Dude, you're wearing a Trump shirt. I'm
more a I'm wearing a will A tie.

Speaker 2 (01:12:00):
What do you mean could be anybody's damn sure.

Speaker 4 (01:12:03):
I think that shirt looks like a garbage yo.

Speaker 2 (01:12:06):
Looks more like a little word salad to me.

Speaker 3 (01:12:08):
So, Benny, what's going on with uh?

Speaker 2 (01:12:11):
We have one last question? Can I ask him about Rogers?

Speaker 3 (01:12:15):
Please? Yeah? How's Aaron Rodgers?

Speaker 2 (01:12:19):
What's going on?

Speaker 3 (01:12:19):
He was alive? He's a live show Aaron Rodgers.

Speaker 32 (01:12:22):
Man. Do you see the eyes and the looks he
gives to the cameras during the game.

Speaker 3 (01:12:25):
Sometimes he is.

Speaker 13 (01:12:28):
No friend of New York Man, No he is. I
think he's already. He's a prima doonic check, he's a
prima donna ghana man. He'll be His ass will be
gone after the season. Benny does a man. Good luck
with Benny's fishing charters to call you real quick and
get on board.

Speaker 3 (01:12:41):
Give us a number, please, sure.

Speaker 32 (01:12:42):
Yeah, give us a call.

Speaker 55 (01:12:43):
The Jackson Barracudas are chewing in the Inner coastal nine
to five four seven zero six six five six five
mentioned this show and we'll take care of you.

Speaker 3 (01:12:52):
We love you, Betty.

Speaker 2 (01:12:53):
Thanks Betty, Thanks guys.

Speaker 32 (01:12:55):
See you next week.

Speaker 2 (01:12:56):
Take a d go talk to a happy man. Norm
Beckoff coming up, Johnny Stabilloyd got some great stories. Brings
Captain deb day a our favorite Lea.

Speaker 3 (01:13:03):
How buy Jarney a fish?

Speaker 2 (01:13:05):
This week Jed will have the Rank Weather forecast. I
almost bet it's gonna be ranked man. Yeah, okay, and
then we'll just continue on here with the happy show
that we do every weekend.

Speaker 3 (01:13:14):
Joe. Yeah, let's do it happy and totally this funky, happy, happy,
happy happy show. Happy happy Tappy, Tappy Tappy.

Speaker 2 (01:13:21):
There you go, seven thirteen Fox Sports Night forty by Happy,
Happy Tappy Happy from.

Speaker 15 (01:13:28):
The storm tight Windows Weather Center, Mixon, Senate Glouds for
our Saturday with some scatter showers and thunderstorms, so make
sure you have them.

Speaker 3 (01:13:35):
Billa nearby.

Speaker 15 (01:13:36):
I have eighty five for today, implantation eighty five as well,
and Win went in to Night low A seventy five.
The Ring continues on four tomorrow with cloudy skuys and I.

Speaker 56 (01:13:44):
I have eighty four.

Speaker 16 (01:13:45):
This report is sponsored by Morgan and Morgan Injury Law Firm.

Speaker 57 (01:13:48):
I'm John Morgan and Morgan and Morgan. We recently received
a call from an injured person. The insurance company had
offered them eleven thousand dollars. We took the case over
and got more than two million dollars in Morgan and Morgan.

Speaker 4 (01:14:01):
Visit for the People dot com for an office near you.

Speaker 21 (01:14:03):
It's time to go diesel if you're a charter fishing captain,
and reliability is key to your success. See how Cox
Marines three hundred horsepower diesel outboard can benefit you. Ring Power,
a distributor of Coxmarine, offers the CXO three hundred diesel
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The coxmrine diesel outboard has lower emissions, thirty percent less

fuel burn, and sixty percent better torque than similar gasoline outboards.

Speaker 4 (01:14:29):
Go diesel on.

Speaker 21 (01:14:30):
Visit Coxmarine Outboards dot com to learn more.

Speaker 18 (01:14:33):
Any great angler knows the key to catching beautiful fish
lies in finding them. Inner Simrad's new Halo Open ray
radar bringing you more power, more safety, and best of all,
more fish. Halo three thousand features an all new Bird
Plus mode, which focuses the radar's full power on finding
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more on Halo, navigate to the page at simrad dash
Yachting dot com.

Speaker 9 (01:15:04):
Remember the thry days of gasoline, It's just not made
the same anymore.

Speaker 29 (01:15:11):
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Speaker 35 (01:15:13):
With star Trove. Pump up the foformite in all of
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Speaker 36 (01:15:19):
Cure the problems of the methodol with the power of enzymes,
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Speaker 6 (01:15:28):
Kick start your engines with star tron.

Speaker 37 (01:15:33):
Nothing beats the thrill of extreme kayakfishing with little standing
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comes to kayakfishing, nothing beats a hobby with its hands
free Mirage drive propulsion system. Nautical Ventures is your exclusive
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Speaker 6 (01:15:55):
They know what it takes to win.

Speaker 37 (01:15:57):
God to nautical ventures dot com to learn more. Nautical
Ventures the go to people for Hobbie. At Johnny Jigs
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We provide all anglers with the highest quality, most meticulously
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Johnny Jake's Tackle Company elevate your angling adventure.

Speaker 17 (01:16:33):
So we're not all professional anglersts, we don't all compete
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Speaker 24 (01:17:29):
Available feature Bosa is a registered trademark of the Bos Corporation.

Speaker 29 (01:17:32):

Speaker 56 (01:17:34):
Welcome to AutoZone. What are you working on today? Getting
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Speaker 58 (01:17:41):
Five dollars in bonus rewards when you buy two Sylvania
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Speaker 26 (01:18:01):
The Miami Dolphins play here. Let's go off for get
going Man Fox Sports.

Speaker 1 (01:18:12):
Now back to the Nautical Ventures weekly Fisherman show powered
by Mercury Marine.

Speaker 14 (01:18:16):
Go boldly, Here's there.

Speaker 37 (01:18:18):
Brandon and Joe Hector.

Speaker 3 (01:18:21):
We're going boldly man right to Broward County.

Speaker 13 (01:18:25):
Doodle dude to the one the Only Captain Sunshine, Norm
beck Off the man.

Speaker 3 (01:18:33):
Hey Norm, how's it going?

Speaker 2 (01:18:35):
Uh more?

Speaker 30 (01:18:35):

Speaker 10 (01:18:36):
Hey guy?

Speaker 31 (01:18:37):
Hey guys, trick or Trout?

Speaker 2 (01:18:40):
I like that trick or trout? How about that?

Speaker 3 (01:18:43):
Joey Good.

Speaker 2 (01:18:44):
Norm's very woody guy. You should know that besides being cranky,
he's a very Norman, very very spontaneous guy.

Speaker 4 (01:18:49):
Also major lover of jet skiers.

Speaker 2 (01:18:51):
And loves jet skis as basic as you hit. Yeah, anyway, Norm,
you want to see you, my friend. What's up in
Broward waters this week?

Speaker 3 (01:18:58):

Speaker 59 (01:19:00):
Ah, Well, it's been a little on the rough side
all week. Yeah, but that unsettled weather is really turned
the fishing on. There's a lot of dolphin caught, some
kingfish up to about thirty pounds.

Speaker 3 (01:19:17):
Nice yep.

Speaker 59 (01:19:18):
The sails bit pretty good and we're starting to see, uh,
we're starting to see some of those little tiny sailfish
that we see every every fall. It's kind of like
that when I start seeing those I know, winters coming
like little guys like five.

Speaker 31 (01:19:33):
To ten pounders.

Speaker 3 (01:19:34):
Oh wow, so yeah, yeah.

Speaker 31 (01:19:36):
Little guys. They're really cool.

Speaker 59 (01:19:39):
But there's been a few full grown models in with them,
and so that's been pretty good. And a few wahoos
being caught, the Spanish mackerel is showing up on the reef,
and it's you know, it's it's been.

Speaker 31 (01:19:55):
It's been really good.

Speaker 59 (01:19:57):
Quite a few tarp and in shore, some big models
showing up ponders and.

Speaker 31 (01:20:03):
It's it's been. It's been really good. You know, I don't.

Speaker 9 (01:20:05):
You don't.

Speaker 31 (01:20:05):
This is the time of the year.

Speaker 59 (01:20:07):
You know, you don't have to go ten fifteen miles
off shore to go find your mini my is uh,
you could do it. They were just outside of the
ships on the anchorage this week, so everything's kind of
all in together. So that's that's uh, that's the advantage
of our fall fishing.

Speaker 2 (01:20:24):
Cool, very cool man espect see the wahoo man. Yeah,
spent some good reports on those. Why is that the
only fish you care about? It's always wahoo or nothing?

Speaker 3 (01:20:33):
Well, because it is wahoo or nothing.

Speaker 2 (01:20:36):
I would think Norm might disagree. There's lots of other
fish out there.

Speaker 3 (01:20:39):
Okay, Yeah, that's the beauty of living in this kind Norm.

Speaker 2 (01:20:42):
Do you like other fish besides wahoo? I'm thinking probably yes,
I'm thinking.

Speaker 31 (01:20:46):
Yeah, yeah, but you know what, wahoo's our cool?

Speaker 2 (01:20:51):
Oh oh, he's got your back jack.

Speaker 32 (01:20:53):

Speaker 7 (01:20:53):
See Eric, if he like caught it like a wahoo,
he'd probably be just like, oh, man, another wahoo.

Speaker 2 (01:20:59):
Oh it is that current's common occurrence.

Speaker 3 (01:21:02):
All the time. Yeah, you're a dolphin guy.

Speaker 2 (01:21:04):
I am a mahe man you are?

Speaker 32 (01:21:06):
I am?

Speaker 2 (01:21:06):
Yeah, fish, which is good.

Speaker 3 (01:21:07):
They're good.

Speaker 2 (01:21:08):
So norm wanna pig. Nasty stormfront blows through. It's blown
every freaking day for the last week or so. Fish
has got to pick up the debris blowing in. I mean,
you think it's water be all more oxtions, jaded. That's
a hard way to say.

Speaker 3 (01:21:21):
What was that word?

Speaker 4 (01:21:26):
Eric, Eric, where did you get your edumacation?

Speaker 3 (01:21:29):

Speaker 2 (01:21:30):
And I like senior high. I'll explain it right there. Anyway,
the fish would be better than norm after this stuff
flows through or white man.

Speaker 31 (01:21:37):
Don't you hit it when your tongue separates from your brain.

Speaker 2 (01:21:42):
It's called an age thing. Norm. But anyway, what do
you think you're better or not?

Speaker 3 (01:21:46):

Speaker 2 (01:21:46):
I don't know.

Speaker 31 (01:21:48):
Well, I think it's going to continue. I think this
pattern is going to continue.

Speaker 59 (01:21:52):
We haven't quite settled into you know, because all this
tropical moisture and all these all these weird wacky storms
that keep blowing in these high pressure ridges.

Speaker 31 (01:22:01):
We really haven't settled into that fall Winner pattern of
of just having fronts after fronts after fronts.

Speaker 59 (01:22:09):
So I think as long as this, uh, this weather
remains unsettled, we're gonna continue to see some pretty good fishing.

Speaker 3 (01:22:19):
I mean I like that. Hey, uh, Norm, I was
thinking too. I just saw on my feet.

Speaker 7 (01:22:26):
Are you noticing people getting a lot of mutton snappers
like big ones in your area?

Speaker 10 (01:22:34):

Speaker 31 (01:22:34):
Not really up here. U. Having said that, having said that,
there really haven't been a lot of boats out.

Speaker 59 (01:22:41):
You know, we've got the Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show, right, Uh,
you know, a lot of guys are just not going out.
Plus that weather is really unsettled, So I don't I
don't think that's blend itself.

Speaker 32 (01:22:53):

Speaker 59 (01:22:53):
I having said that, I would not be surprised that
the muttons are chewing out there. It just hasn't been
a lot of guys going out there to do it.

Speaker 3 (01:23:00):
Right. A guy got two big keepers off Port Everglades.
He said, forty some pounders. Yeah, yeah, would you say
forty pounders? Forty pounds?

Speaker 35 (01:23:11):

Speaker 30 (01:23:12):

Speaker 2 (01:23:13):
Okay, I'm at to Wahoo again. Sorry my bad.

Speaker 3 (01:23:15):
A you all right? I met four pounders. Come here,
get me a hug. I wouldn't tech you the knight
foot poll you smelling wolverine.

Speaker 2 (01:23:22):
Norm have a great weekend, man, good talking to you.
If you want to take my spot at the boat, Shaw,
I'll be more to let to turn over my salespad
to you.

Speaker 3 (01:23:28):
Let me know.

Speaker 2 (01:23:31):
Yeah, no, he is so honestly straight up it it's
great all I no, thank you so much, brother, have
a great weekend, buddy.

Speaker 3 (01:23:42):
All right, thanks so much.

Speaker 13 (01:23:44):
Let's sit out of our great friend Johnny Gears, Johnny the.

Speaker 2 (01:23:49):
Bill bringing it strong e every single week. Yeah man, Johnny,
Good morning, buddy.

Speaker 30 (01:23:55):
Good morning guys. How y'all doing today?

Speaker 2 (01:23:58):
A little rainy?

Speaker 3 (01:23:58):

Speaker 2 (01:23:59):
I sure to say? You want to go there and
play with the snake caads or something? I don't know, man,
you think tell us about it.

Speaker 30 (01:24:04):
I'm out here.

Speaker 54 (01:24:04):
I'm out here now. Pick up a charter in about
five minutes and uh just caught bait. It started to
rain a little bit, but should overall.

Speaker 60 (01:24:14):
Be a decent day fish A few days this week.

Speaker 54 (01:24:19):
Seems like the trips are starting to pick up a
little bit, which is good because you know, with uh,
with the way.

Speaker 60 (01:24:25):
Of the world right now, everything's been a little bit
slower than usual.

Speaker 28 (01:24:28):
So glad to see the business picking up.

Speaker 54 (01:24:31):
And you know, we caught him good this week. Bunch
of peacocks. Clowns gave us a run for our money.
Yesterday we had one boat side and he decided to spit.

Speaker 60 (01:24:42):
The hook in our face.

Speaker 3 (01:24:44):
And you know, just just plenty of variety.

Speaker 28 (01:24:47):
Yesterday we caught a bunch of we actually caught a
couple of.

Speaker 54 (01:24:49):
Crappy yesterday, hybrids peacocks. You know, the peacocks are transitioning
now to the deep water that water temperatures sub seventy
five degrees and they'll be they'll be getting deep for
the hopefully for the rest of the the next two
months or the rest of you know, our fall season,

and right we'll be uh, we'll be able to catch
them real deep, which is great because when you're dropping
live baits, and you know, like I've said in the past,
we've dropped slow pitched vertical jigs on them. You can
catch them in droves when they're deep, but you got
to find them, and uh, you know, not everybody has
the ability to do that snake So yeahrt no, go ahead,

And yeah, I was just gonna say, snakehead fishing has
been just okay. You think it'd be a little bit
better with all the nasty weather we had this week,
but it's just been okay.

Speaker 60 (01:25:41):
It has been real good.

Speaker 2 (01:25:43):
So you throw a cast, don't got a bunch of
well you should throw off with shad? Is that you're
actually a catch for live bait.

Speaker 60 (01:25:49):
That's right, yep, live shad.

Speaker 3 (01:25:51):
I've never used a I've never used a shed for
a bait. If you Joe, Yeah, they don't. They don't
last too long. You got to really.

Speaker 2 (01:25:58):
Like shiners come out of very cold water. When you
put them in a regular lake water, that shaker running
between the water temperatures like knocks them up pretty fast.
Are shadd more hearty in your opinion? Johnny is a
live bait.

Speaker 60 (01:26:11):
I'm looking at half of my bait and iying right
now just because chemical shat is like it's like it's
like trying to keep a hamster that you ran over
with a car five times.

Speaker 2 (01:26:27):
What an analogy that is? Yeah, you're sorry, little darling
daughter read over your hamster five times with suv Wow.

Speaker 3 (01:26:36):
Sorry, Johnny.

Speaker 7 (01:26:37):
Do you think it's the ammonia that just gets them
so quick because they're all scared and peeing all over
You know, I don't really know what it is.

Speaker 60 (01:26:45):
It could be, it could be a number of things.

Speaker 54 (01:26:47):
I just think they're an ultra fragile faith that, you know,
that just needs a lot of love and attention during
the day.

Speaker 30 (01:26:55):
I mean, gosh, the way that I handled.

Speaker 54 (01:26:57):
These baits, do you think I'm a lunatic if you
on the way I you know, I cast my net obviously,
and then when I'm pulling them in, I let them
sit in my live well with it running to drain
all of the scales, all of their you know, poop
and stress, everything goes out at the bottom of the
live well. And then after doing all that, adding you know,

various chemicals to keep them alive juice up, they still die.

Speaker 32 (01:27:24):

Speaker 60 (01:27:26):
It's you know, but you need them, you know, if
you want to catch those really big.

Speaker 3 (01:27:30):
Peacocks, you need you need shad right right?

Speaker 7 (01:27:35):
And and Johnny, what kind of setup are you using
to in the winter time to drop those baits down deep?

Speaker 30 (01:27:43):
We're using a number one.

Speaker 60 (01:27:45):
It's a made by BKK.

Speaker 54 (01:27:47):
It's an occipus hook and we drop it down on
a splatshot and send it all.

Speaker 10 (01:27:52):
The way to the bottom.

Speaker 60 (01:27:54):
And uh, you know, you just gotta wait.

Speaker 54 (01:27:56):
And it could be a two second bite, it could
be a five minute it could be a.

Speaker 31 (01:28:00):
Two hour bite.

Speaker 60 (01:28:01):
It just depends on the day.

Speaker 54 (01:28:03):
Obviously, those two hour bites don't that that's you know,
we usually move before we wait two hours to sketch
a fish, but sure, you know it does sometimes it
does take long. Yesterday, we sat for a good while
for a clown knife. Like I said, it ended up happening,
broke us off both side, and then we had to
you know, reset and sit for another little bit, and

we just got pulled off and pulled off and pulled off.
Yesterday was not a good example of how good or
bad the fishing can be in Lake Ida. It was
just down right tough fishing deep yesterday.

Speaker 2 (01:28:36):
Hey Johnny on our Facebook on our Facebook life stream,
one guy named Marvin Santana, He's watching from Augusta, Georgia.
Kind of question. He goes, what's going on at the
spill ways? Anything good? Maybe you can answer it for him.

Speaker 3 (01:28:51):

Speaker 54 (01:28:52):
So where I'm at the water level is really low,
right now, which means that they're draining.

Speaker 60 (01:28:59):
Lake Ida in to the salt water.

Speaker 54 (01:29:01):
So you know, pretty much all those saltwater spillways that
are attached to this, the spillways are probably open now.

Speaker 30 (01:29:09):
Usually they do this in anticipation of a.

Speaker 54 (01:29:11):
Lot of rain, so maybe next week it's they they
you know, they have sources that say it's gonna rain
a lot, and you know, then all those freshwater spillways will.

Speaker 60 (01:29:24):
Be running as well.

Speaker 3 (01:29:25):
You know, it's really there.

Speaker 60 (01:29:26):
There is a website that you can that you can
google search. I don't know it off the top of
my head. I just have it saved on my favorites.

Speaker 54 (01:29:34):
But just look that up and there's a whole chart
of the whole South Florida Water Management District and it'll
tell you which flocks are open, how much they're flowing.
It'll tell you a bunch of good information. So I
would try to find that before, you you know, make
like a two hour drive to come down here just
to see.

Speaker 3 (01:29:51):
That the locks aren't running anymore.

Speaker 2 (01:29:53):
What a great answer for for Marvin Santana.

Speaker 3 (01:29:56):
Great answer.

Speaker 2 (01:29:57):
You ask Johnny a question, you get a great answer.

Speaker 3 (01:29:59):
Man, he's the guy. Well, Johnny, you have a client
on board.

Speaker 2 (01:30:02):
You have a charter going on. What you go and do?
Make some money? Do your business? Man, boat runs great.
You're getting married soon. Twenty twenty five should be a
great year for this.

Speaker 3 (01:30:11):
To Bill family. Oh yeah, I think you know what
I mean.

Speaker 2 (01:30:13):
It will be all right, man, Thank you, Johnny, you're
the man, dude, see you, buddy. Well, let's take a
little break, Jones to see how ranked the weather might be.
This sure not like Stephen J. Grey going to do
rank Buffalo, I might add. I wouldn't want to be
there at all, no matter what damn.

Speaker 3 (01:30:28):
Time of the year.

Speaker 4 (01:30:29):
They got good food there.

Speaker 2 (01:30:30):
I can say that they got some badass pizza, right, and.

Speaker 4 (01:30:33):
Then there's great bowling alleys there too.

Speaker 2 (01:30:35):
They have wings and bowling alleys.

Speaker 3 (01:30:37):
Yeah. Lots of indoor activity in your activity in Buffalo.

Speaker 10 (01:30:40):

Speaker 2 (01:30:40):
Yeah, so you you're eating wings there in pizza Buffalo.

Speaker 3 (01:30:43):
Yeah, pretty much. Yeah, Okay, that's what it does for
Buffalo wings that came from Buffalo.

Speaker 2 (01:30:48):
Really, did you know that? No, it's just a lucky guess. Yeah,
give me next week's trivia question. Okay, it's the suit.
It's okay, thank you.

Speaker 3 (01:30:56):
It is a suit. I like this Why are you
in another turtleneck?

Speaker 59 (01:30:58):

Speaker 2 (01:30:58):
It's a bad suit you and the turtle. Note it's
too late to talk about that. Okay, it's called a
buff idiot.

Speaker 3 (01:31:03):
That is a it's a buff. Okay, think Bett.

Speaker 2 (01:31:06):
Take a breaking back with the weather with Jen gray
Ward coming up here Fox Sports nine.

Speaker 3 (01:31:11):
Live Boa, It's time to go.

Speaker 21 (01:31:15):
Diesel ring Power, a distributor for Cox Marine, can simplify
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Speaker 9 (01:31:45):
Remember the coy days of gasoline. It's just not made
the same anymore.

Speaker 35 (01:31:53):
Your gass into gear with star Trove pump up the
performance in all of your engineiness.

Speaker 2 (01:32:01):
Sure the problems of methodol.

Speaker 36 (01:32:03):
With the power of anxions and maximize your fileage every
time you drive.

Speaker 6 (01:32:10):
Kick start your engines with star Tron.

Speaker 50 (01:32:15):
Need a place to store your boat, how about a
wet slip with ocean access, one with hurricane protection and
a full service yard. Nautical Ventures Marine Center in the
heart of Fort Lauderdale has dockage starting at just twelve
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Our full service yard performs all boat works from bottom
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GODA nautical Ventures dot com slash Marina for more information.
Nautical Ventures the go to people for fun on the water.

Speaker 20 (01:32:44):
When it comes to kayakfishing, Nautical Ventures knows what you
need to catch fish. They carry top brands from Hoby,
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to people for kayak fishing.

Speaker 33 (01:33:15):
Every day on the water is a blank canvas. You
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Speaker 32 (01:33:44):

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Speaker 40 (01:34:16):
It's football season and Uber Eats is dropping undefeated deals
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Speaker 2 (01:34:21):
This week.

Speaker 40 (01:34:22):
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Speaker 26 (01:34:44):
Broadcasting live from the Fox Sports nine forty Anna jarn
Levine Accident Attorney Studios. Call one eight hundred seven four
seven free.

Speaker 52 (01:34:54):
That's one eight hundred seven four seven three seven three free.

Speaker 1 (01:35:01):
Hey, let's get right back to the Nautical Ventures Weekly
Fisherman Show powered by Mercury Marine.

Speaker 4 (01:35:12):
Go Boldly.

Speaker 3 (01:35:15):
Ride, Got a ride on your mystery ship? Plan on
going down?

Speaker 9 (01:35:21):

Speaker 3 (01:35:22):
It's rough and chopping. The boat show. Yeah, I can't
wait right around the corner anymore, but I'll be there again.
I got something for you for the boat show.

Speaker 13 (01:35:33):
So when you get bored and you're just hanging out,
they got you a little arts and crafts thing that
you can, you know, build or make.

Speaker 3 (01:35:41):
It's a little fun.

Speaker 2 (01:35:42):
I'm sure my boss would like to sitting at a
table ignoring buyers, and I'm making risk bracelets that would.

Speaker 3 (01:35:50):
Go It's Thanksgiving color.

Speaker 2 (01:35:52):
It could be my last stay in boat sails, but
thank you. Thanks thought.

Speaker 4 (01:35:56):
Okay, Eric, how much is that thirty dollars burger at
the boat show?

Speaker 3 (01:35:59):
Now it's about thirty eight dollars? Now?

Speaker 2 (01:36:01):
Oh, thanks, You're welcome.

Speaker 13 (01:36:04):
Let's talk to the happiest, most beautiful, most knowledgeable weather.

Speaker 2 (01:36:08):
Lady on the planet. Now do it.

Speaker 3 (01:36:10):
Jennifer Gray Warren je.

Speaker 2 (01:36:15):
Wanted Jen weekend guys. Oh yeah, I love those bullshos, Jen,
I I just can't wait for them. Love them five
days fun. Yeah, they really are fun. Come on down
here and take my spot. Will you come on down?

Speaker 10 (01:36:30):

Speaker 3 (01:36:30):
Yeah, Hey, I saw your Halloween stuff on the line.
Do you and the kids had a great time.

Speaker 32 (01:36:34):
Did you? Oh?

Speaker 3 (01:36:36):
It was great.

Speaker 42 (01:36:37):
It is probably the best one yet.

Speaker 30 (01:36:38):
It was so fun.

Speaker 42 (01:36:39):
They're just at the perfect ages for all those things.

Speaker 2 (01:36:42):
You know, your costume was a lifeguard. You were working
a lifeguard red thing?

Speaker 61 (01:36:47):
Yeah, because my little one was a hammerhead shark, and
then my husband was the shark attack was the shark victim,
and then so I was the lifeguard in training.

Speaker 3 (01:36:58):
You didn't get the theme.

Speaker 2 (01:37:00):
She's on a fishing show, Baywatch, so she had the
whole show fishing themed.

Speaker 3 (01:37:04):
It was great.

Speaker 2 (01:37:05):
Is that a great tie in?

Speaker 3 (01:37:06):
I agree?

Speaker 2 (01:37:07):
Or it could be tied with Destination Dive, which I
know exactly what it runs.

Speaker 3 (01:37:11):
Now. No, you don't have all schedule wide though, now
you don't.

Speaker 2 (01:37:14):
I took her advice at Google.

Speaker 13 (01:37:16):
You haven't even watched it's on Sundays sun just a break,
a break, but when it come back, it's on Sundays
on Discovery Channel.

Speaker 2 (01:37:24):
Okay, yep, next summer. Thank you so much, Thank you
for much, Jaid one. It's a little gray over here.
So it's boat show weekend. Last two days. What's it
looking like that here?

Speaker 3 (01:37:35):

Speaker 61 (01:37:37):
You got a twenty percent chance of showers today, mostly Sunday,
though a higher eighty four east winds fifteen to twenty
nine seize three to five feet occasionally six inner coastal
waters chopping at For tomorrow, we got a twenty percent
chance of showers, mostly Sunday, high near eighty three, northeast
winds fifteen to twenty not increasing twenty to twenty five

in the after sees four to six feet occasionally eight
in a coastal water is rough today and the keys
twenty percent chansome showers, sunny with a high near eighty five,
east winds ten to fifteen knots. Northeast to east winds
I'm sorry, fifteen to twenty seas two to four feet
occasionally five near shore Water's choppy, and then tomorrow twenty

percent chansome showers, sunny with a high near eighty five,
northeast winds around fifteen. Sees three to five feet occasionally six.
Near shore Water's rough in Florida a today northeast winds
fifteen increasing to twenty. Baywater's moderate chop, Tomorrow northeast to
east winds fifteen to twenty and then you got choppy

sea's So I think a lot of people will be
inside visiting you.

Speaker 2 (01:38:49):
Yeah, we hope they all just shove inside and come
up with a check book and sit down and say, Eric,
I want to buy every boat you got.

Speaker 32 (01:38:56):
That's what I would do for sure.

Speaker 3 (01:38:58):
Yeah, all right, Jensten, Destination Dive. What are you back?

Speaker 2 (01:39:03):
Live? When that baby was? I coming back in real time.

Speaker 42 (01:39:06):
I won't be back until.

Speaker 61 (01:39:07):
Next summer, because it's the season's run in the like
towards the end of the summer.

Speaker 3 (01:39:13):
Like this last year.

Speaker 61 (01:39:14):
The ones that you missed were like August September, and
then we'll do to get next August September me the.

Speaker 4 (01:39:21):
Ones he did, said he was gonna watch.

Speaker 3 (01:39:24):
She watched, she said the ones I missed.

Speaker 2 (01:39:27):
Eric. She's getting really good with the jabs. Like the
rest of the carewer, she's falling bored take the shots
at Eric. Thing many. She's really part of this team,
even more so than ever. Man, I love it all right, Jen,
have a lovely weekend. Okay, seriously, Joel, that candy you
guys all have a candy high over there in Atlanta.

Speaker 30 (01:39:46):
Okay, well, thank you you guys. The boat show.

Speaker 3 (01:39:50):
Wait, should you tell her about my trick? She might
want to try it now we got to the candy fair, Jen,
you're gonna love it.

Speaker 2 (01:39:58):
If people waiting line? Okay, thank you? All right, let's
go to.

Speaker 3 (01:40:01):
The key, shall we. Joey, let's do weight. Never got
SpongeBob done up?

Speaker 2 (01:40:09):
It's a great friend.

Speaker 3 (01:40:10):
Captain deb Dale, dip dial.

Speaker 32 (01:40:14):
Do you.

Speaker 3 (01:40:18):
Man? Yeah? Get the words right, Joey?

Speaker 2 (01:40:23):
What a dev are you?

Speaker 32 (01:40:25):

Speaker 13 (01:40:25):
How boys?

Speaker 3 (01:40:26):
Has it going? That's going great.

Speaker 2 (01:40:28):
I'm at the boat show for two more amazing days.
Can't wait to get over there real soon. Anyway, how
you doing down there in the keyser kiddo, Hi.

Speaker 3 (01:40:38):
Cap'ain dep Hi.

Speaker 60 (01:40:41):
We're good.

Speaker 62 (01:40:41):
We're a little windy, definitely blowing around down here. But
you know, as the saying goes, if it's blowing, we're going.
I ended up fishing take for yesterday. It was pretty
gnarly out there, but I have to I have to
say this, guys. I am in a bigger boat, a

lot bigger boat. There is a small craft advisory out
right now, so please don't try to take your center
console out to the reef today because it is really nasty.
So I am fishing tomorrow. But the bite's been really,
really good if you just have a big enough vessel
to get out there.

Speaker 13 (01:41:20):
And I saw your monster mutton snapper you sent me.
That thing was gigantic.

Speaker 42 (01:41:28):

Speaker 62 (01:41:29):
We ended up catching three, We'll end up bringing home three.

Speaker 60 (01:41:32):
We ended up catching thirteen and releasing.

Speaker 62 (01:41:36):
The rest of them, and the customers decided, you know,
after the third one, They're like, well, we don't want
any meat for the day, and I'm like, well, I'm
not killing any fish.

Speaker 60 (01:41:43):
So you know, we would have had a really banner
day and I could.

Speaker 62 (01:41:47):
Have like stacked and racked every one of those mutton
snappers on there and said, hey, you know, but I
didn't because I let them swim and let someone else
keep them for the next time.

Speaker 60 (01:42:01):
Using light bait, sit dead bait, and live bait.

Speaker 62 (01:42:05):
We were really really shallow water. It was really nasty.
It was blowing probably twenty four gush. We were anywhere
from you know, ten to fifteen feet of water. But
you know, it's it's pretty nasty out there. But I'm
I'm using different things. I use plugs a lot for

our munch snapper. Just depends on what they're eating. You
have to kind of give them everything and the wonder.
The number one tip when you're going out to the
reef is people say go out there and dump chum
and dump chum and dump chom.

Speaker 60 (01:42:40):
I I don't do that. I sprinkle chum.

Speaker 62 (01:42:42):
So you know that that's a lot. Sometimes you can
overchomme a spot. You can feed the fish too much
and then they go away. So you know, just keep
that in the back of your mind when you're out
there on a nice day and you're and you're fishing,
as you know, try to try not to use so
much chump.

Speaker 2 (01:42:58):
I like that, don't over shum chum. Huh, you my chump,
but Oliver chum chump it.

Speaker 62 (01:43:04):
But in the offshore, offshore we're catching Hey, guys, you're
catching sailfish right now. We call it two the other day.
I mean, sailfish are here. It's just if you've got enough,
a bigger enough boat to get out there. Fish are
really good fish. Beside of a charter guy out of
Ocean Reef the other day and he brought home a
twenty five pounds dolphin.

Speaker 60 (01:43:25):
So they are out there. You just kind of got
to get out there to get them.

Speaker 4 (01:43:28):
I have a question for Captain Debb.

Speaker 5 (01:43:29):
Sure, on these rough weather weeks like we've been having,
you've got a lot of advantage most north side south
side of the Keys. You also have some awesome bridges.
One of the most popular bridges down on the Keys
that people lowed up, especially when you got rough weather
like this.

Speaker 62 (01:43:42):
Cap'n Debb, Absolutely, the best of your bridges are gonna
be Isla Morada south. I would say, anywhere from Tea
Table Bridge, which is gonna be right past Button Mary's
Marina all the way down towards Marathon. Are you gonna
be your best fishing bridges? I like Channels two bridge,
and I like Channel five bridge. If I'm gonna bridge

fish we've been catching all they've been catching a whole
lot of fish on those bridges. A lot of fish
come under theres that that's how they transport from from
the gulf in under Channel five to the.

Speaker 60 (01:44:16):
To the ocean.

Speaker 62 (01:44:17):
So lots of fish go under there. Stephen, and you know,
good shrimp some ballely who and you got you a
stellar day.

Speaker 4 (01:44:25):

Speaker 3 (01:44:26):
Nice there you go, man, Yeah, man, so great store.

Speaker 2 (01:44:29):
That's a great question from Steven.

Speaker 3 (01:44:31):
Yeah. Sure, rough hit a bridge.

Speaker 7 (01:44:34):
Captain dev any other big snappers being caught, like mangrove
stuff like that yellowtail?

Speaker 60 (01:44:41):
Yeah, I think.

Speaker 62 (01:44:42):
But the problem is it's getting out there to get
to them.

Speaker 10 (01:44:45):

Speaker 62 (01:44:45):
I mean, I as the as the fall comes in,
the reef fight's gonna get better and better our bigger fisher,
you know. That's that's just the way it is. So
their snapper bite is gonna get a lot better. I've
seen some big muttons as you see. I've seen some
big yellow tails. I've even seen I even caught two
groupers the other day.

Speaker 31 (01:45:04):
So, I mean, the reef bite's really hot right now.

Speaker 13 (01:45:07):
Nice all right, Well, deb I guess last question is
stonecraft season is going strong?

Speaker 2 (01:45:11):
If you had your bat's first batch yet.

Speaker 62 (01:45:15):
I haven't pulled my traps yet.

Speaker 60 (01:45:17):
I've been too busy.

Speaker 2 (01:45:20):
I don't know. You shit her own traps, Joe Wow.

Speaker 62 (01:45:24):
Yeah, So in the state of Florida, you can have
recreational traps per person. So I do have my own traps.
So you know, when I do stuff my fish with
the crab meat, you know, I usually try to catch
that crab myself.

Speaker 3 (01:45:38):
So it's very good.

Speaker 2 (01:45:40):
I love it, very cool. Well, deb, hey, have a
great weekend. Keep doing what you're doing with living to
show your family to us here. Next time you're in
the area, come on by here instead of a set
with us again. Yeah, it's been a while, hang out,
it's been way too long.

Speaker 62 (01:45:53):
Okay, And boys, I gotta go fishing right now though, Go.

Speaker 2 (01:45:58):
Fish dip, take a little break, Joey. We'll come back
and show you a boat at Autical Ventures. It's our
last run on the dream Boat. We're gonna wrap it
up with a new shake starting next weekend as well. Man,
so we'll do that come back program.

Speaker 3 (01:46:13):
No, you can't do it, Eric Brandon, And this is
your dream boat moment.

Speaker 2 (01:46:17):
You can use that for the intro when we come
back next to Fox Sports Night forty.

Speaker 63 (01:46:21):
Life from the Storm Tight Windows Weather Center, Nixon Senate
glauds for our Saturday with some scatter showers and thunderstorms,
so make sure you have it in Billa nearby.

Speaker 15 (01:46:32):
I have eighty five for today implantation eighty five as
well in win Wood in tonight lott A seventy five.
The ring continues on four tomorrow with cloudy skuys and
I I have eighty four.

Speaker 16 (01:46:40):
This report is sponsored by Morgan and Morgan injury law firm.

Speaker 57 (01:46:44):
I'm John Morgan and Morgan and Morgan. We recently received
a call from an injured person. The insurance company had
offered them eleven thousand dollars. We took the case over
and got more than two million dollars in court. Morgan
and Morgan visit for Thepeople dot com for an office
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Speaker 18 (01:46:59):
Any great angler knows the key to catching beautiful fish
lies in finding them. Inner Simrad's new Halo Opener ray
Radar bringing you more power, more safety, and best of all,
more fish. Halo three thousand features an all new Bird
Plus mode which focuses the radar's full power on finding
flocks of birds leading you to fishing holes up to

eight nautical miles away. That's truly game changing power. For
more on Halo, navigate to the radar page at simrad
dash Yachting dot com.

Speaker 37 (01:47:29):
Nothing beats the thrill of extreme kayakfishing with little standing
between you and finding a monsterfish. And when it comes
to kayakfishing, nothing beats a hobby with its handspree Mirage
drive Propulsion System. Nautical Ventures is your exclusive homie dealer
for Broward and Palm Beach. They have the widest selection
of models and access reesa make your Hoby uniquely yours.
They're rigged by our in house experts who fish the tournaments.

They know what it takes to win. Coda Nautical ventures
dot com to learn more. Nautical Ventures the go to
people for Hoby.

Speaker 9 (01:48:00):
Remember the mor days of gasoline, It's just not made
the same anymore.

Speaker 35 (01:48:07):
You should gy or gas into gear with Startrive. Pump
up the performance in all of your engines. Sure the
problems of methodol with.

Speaker 36 (01:48:17):
The power of enzymes, and maximize your mileage every time
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Speaker 6 (01:48:24):
Gig start your engines with Startron.

Speaker 45 (01:48:29):
There are ordinary mornings, and then there are mornings powered
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Saturdays powered by Mercury. Don't get stuck living in the ordinary.
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Speaker 24 (01:49:26):
Available feature Bosa is a register trademark of the Bos
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Speaker 56 (01:49:31):
Welcome to AutoZone. What are you working on today? Getting
ready for more rain and longer nights? We've got you
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Speaker 58 (01:49:38):
Five dollars in bonus rewards when you buy two Sylvania
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More rewards and.

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Better visibility at America's number one lighting destination. AutoZone offer
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Speaker 26 (01:49:58):
Marlin's Baseball place here on air, on your smart speaker
and on your iHeartRadio app Miami's Fox Sports nine.

Speaker 1 (01:50:10):
You're on board the Donica Ventcher's Weekly Fisherman Show powered
by Mercury Marine. Go Boldly with legendary fisherman Eric Brandon
an extreme angler Joe Hector.

Speaker 2 (01:50:22):
It is time to bust out the dream a boat moment.
You want to bring me on with your own intro.
Goo ahead.

Speaker 3 (01:50:30):
I'm Van Buren and this is your dream boat moment.

Speaker 2 (01:50:33):
It's Van Bibber. Knuckle ahead.

Speaker 3 (01:50:35):
Oh, it's Van Bieber, Van Bieber. Yeah, Justin Bieber. Oh,
featuring vote Ran.

Speaker 2 (01:50:41):
This last weekend is the brand new Wendy SR twenty
eighth Center Console. Jonah's that's a hot looking boat. Yeh
center Consul you've ever seen. It's all new luxury away.
Look at that hot go boating my brother tank, it's loaded.
You had bow Thruster, which is very cool to help
you park that boat. The bollth Thruster kicks in. It's
great man, and you've got cushions, Glory Compass GPS. You

got a pump out electric head VHF cockpit shower, bilch, pumps, speakers, radio,
something platter, flat platter, something louter I might add, and
a whole lot more. Now, this bug, by the way,
is at the fort Land a Bot show, and it's
in the water. You actually see it there. You can
ask those guys for a little test run. And again

it's a super cool twenty eight foot center console unlike
any other you've seen before. And look at the way
that think is shaped. Yeah, got a unique bow on it, right,
It's got a really great sheer line as they call it.
And it does have some top end speed with twins
on the back of that bad boy twin yabbies. Okay,
nice man, So go check out Atdautical Ventures, the go
to people for funnel the water. A great time to

buy the finance to get your insurance, you know, teach
you how to drive the darn thing. And as they
always say that, you.

Speaker 3 (01:51:51):
Try before you buy at Nautical Adventures Marine.

Speaker 2 (01:51:54):
Okay, try before you buy.

Speaker 3 (01:51:56):
Baby. There you go.

Speaker 2 (01:51:57):
All right, So I'm gonna wrap the show up here
real quick and just say thanks. Showed the brand new streamer.
There'saw some brand new comments Joe for guys.

Speaker 3 (01:52:03):
Yeah, Tennessee, Kennesse and.

Speaker 2 (01:52:05):
Uh, Augusta George As you mentioned, Augusta Georgia was on
the show.

Speaker 3 (01:52:09):
To North Africa.

Speaker 13 (01:52:10):
It was good man, some ways South Africa. Really seriously
really Okay, great, well, I'm seeing stuff. We have a
time for you to plug whatever you want to plug.
Give it a quick pitch. What's next on the Hector
schedule of money making schemes outdoor activity?

Speaker 3 (01:52:27):

Speaker 13 (01:52:27):
So this month we got the uh Extreme Kayak Fishing
magazine coming out.

Speaker 10 (01:52:32):

Speaker 13 (01:52:33):
It's basically going to talk about what happened this year
with all the events, and then what's in store for
this new year coming up twenty five.

Speaker 2 (01:52:42):
Have you thought about actually adding an electric motor division
to your tournament?

Speaker 3 (01:52:47):

Speaker 2 (01:52:47):
A lot of guys I know have the ability to
put electric motors on Yasna, right. I've seen it for sale,
and I think, what a cool category for guys like me,
maybe a little older, who don't want to pedal out
there with a pedal drive on the hobies, right, and
we want to got there a little quicker and do
it a little easier. Electric would be cool man as
a option.

Speaker 7 (01:53:06):
I tell all these guys that asked me, I'm like, hey,
I'm down to do it. But unfortunately, every time I
approached these companies about sponsoring a division, they don't want to.

Speaker 3 (01:53:16):
They don't want to shell.

Speaker 2 (01:53:17):
It out, so keep it basic.

Speaker 7 (01:53:19):
They just I don't know why they don't want to
promote it with the events, and I just think it
needs to be more in a if you could, if
you could put your product in a saltwater event, not
a bass tournament.

Speaker 3 (01:53:31):
I'm talking about catching sailfish, kingfish. How epic would that
be for your motor? It'd be great.

Speaker 10 (01:53:37):

Speaker 2 (01:53:37):
By the way, I gotta call from Bloomer Gonzales last night. Boomer, Yeah,
he's asked me. He asked me where to find Stoke Crabs.
It told me to go to Bob ross Groves and
see Lisa Roth. Yeah, he goes, hey, man, he's kind
of like the hippie guy. Hey, bro, would you give
me a little plug for the uh for my thing?

Speaker 48 (01:53:54):

Speaker 2 (01:53:54):
I said, yeah, you mean a swilvio ass pod three sixty.
I saw it. Glad to tell everybody about your shrilling
yo ass pod three sixty. Okay, it's actually called the
Swivel Pod three sixty.

Speaker 18 (01:54:04):

Speaker 2 (01:54:04):
Yeah, I don't want to totally tear up his product. There,
but he told me he's not a brand new one
coming out. The final prototype is done using some new materials.
He said, it's going to be revolutionary.

Speaker 3 (01:54:15):
The seat looks great. The seat looks great. Yeah, have
you seen it the new one?

Speaker 2 (01:54:18):
It swivels three sixty?

Speaker 3 (01:54:20):
Yeah, we know.

Speaker 4 (01:54:23):
Well what does this thing do?

Speaker 3 (01:54:24):
What is it for?

Speaker 42 (01:54:25):

Speaker 2 (01:54:25):
Put it in the back of your yak? Okay, and
you can actually fight a fish instead of like being
facing forward to Joe. Joe will tell you any kayak
you're sitting in the chair, the seat, and you're looking forward.
This thing, you can fight a fish right around your boat.
The swivel pod three sixty turns your three sixty. You
can spin follow that damn thing wherever it goes.

Speaker 4 (01:54:41):
Well, question, if you spin around too much, can Jo
unbalance your boat and flip it over?

Speaker 2 (01:54:45):
That is a great the disclaimer on that product yet, Joe,
it's another show.

Speaker 7 (01:54:49):
That's a great question. But he has designed it now
because he's been through different I guess you could say
models of it right, yeah, running at of time and
h yeah, it's it's made really well.

Speaker 3 (01:54:58):
Now, it's where I think. Okay, it's so.

Speaker 2 (01:55:01):
Boomer if you're catching the show. We just gave you
five minutes of expensive not enough, Okay.

Speaker 3 (01:55:06):
Not enough that that shill. You're gonna get a text
right now thousands of dollars.

Speaker 13 (01:55:11):
I might get a text Silvio ass pod right as
a check now out of time.

Speaker 2 (01:55:16):
Joy, thanks again to show. Great show, do you. Thanks
very much, stevehen j great, Thank you brother man and
you Jill heck you my brother. Have a great weekend. Man,
Hey the boat show and go wash your wolverine suit.
Will I go slug it out of the boat the
boat show, but I won't.

Speaker 3 (01:55:30):
If you need anything, I won't be there.

Speaker 2 (01:55:34):
Everybody, have a great day. Give it for sports all
day long, the one the only Fox Sports Night forty.

Speaker 3 (01:55:40):
We'll talk about it.

Speaker 4 (01:55:43):
It's time to go diesel.

Speaker 21 (01:55:45):
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Speaker 4 (01:56:10):
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Speaker 21 (01:56:11):
Visit Coxmarine Outboards dot com to learn more.

Speaker 46 (01:56:13):
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Speaker 4 (01:56:43):
Hear that that's the sound of confidence.

Speaker 19 (01:56:47):
The sound of confidence brought to you by Nationwide Battery.
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Speaker 37 (01:57:19):
At Johnny Jig's Tackle Company, our passion for fishing drives
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Speaker 17 (01:57:50):
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