All Episodes

November 16, 2024 • 117 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
You're on board the Nautical Ventures Weekly Fisherman Show with
legendary fisherman Eric Brandon, an extreme angler Joe Hector, powered
by Mercury Marine.

Speaker 2 (00:14):
Go boldly, let's.

Speaker 3 (00:17):
All say d.

Speaker 4 (00:20):

Speaker 5 (00:21):
Come on, didn't do it, didn't but but walk get
into the Nautical Ventures Weekly Fisherman thing. Hey, hey, hey, hey,
yeah baby, yeah a juice man. It's gotta be all

fired up man, huh told Tequilallis.

Speaker 6 (00:46):
Is the best weekly fisherman show ever in the history
of all fishing shows.

Speaker 7 (00:53):
And Eric is.

Speaker 5 (00:56):
Happy. I'm a happy guy. Happy.

Speaker 7 (01:00):
I'm happy man, He's really really happy.

Speaker 5 (01:03):
But it's had our folks run this happy show. Jeff
and Knife forty thinks are flying a ship. Stevens that
great crazy mag I want it to your brother.

Speaker 8 (01:11):
I've never heard his show start off with saying these
nuts that that.

Speaker 5 (01:16):
Makes we do things differently every single weekend around here. Okay,
it's warm out. You know, it's a very strange thing
happening right now. It's a pretty cool phenomenon. No, look
above your head. There's a moon fan It's called the
beaver full Moon. It's the closest to the Earth that's
been in quite some time.

Speaker 8 (01:34):
A lot of people like you.

Speaker 5 (01:35):
It's not the squirrel, bigger, brighter scientists called a super moon,
but a beaver, beaver full moon. I got a ring
to it, man, little beaver full moon.

Speaker 8 (01:45):
Why do you keep repeating that?

Speaker 5 (01:46):
Are you trying to trying to sound I got a scientist.

Speaker 8 (01:49):
It's all just okay, you're not insinuating anything.

Speaker 5 (01:51):
No, I'm just saying I like the word beaver. First
thing in the morning. With these nuts, it all goes
to call your hair this morning. I did. How you
like it?

Speaker 8 (01:58):
You didn't sleep last night? I had a rough night, man, Oh,
yes you did.

Speaker 5 (02:02):
I know. I just couldn't sleep. Now. My damn dog
was in my bed, snoring its brains out, keep me
awake all night long, and it would fart in between.
It was snoring and farting.

Speaker 8 (02:14):
What you sure you weren't hearing yourself?

Speaker 5 (02:17):
Oh definitely would be. I was probably passing a few.
But that damn dog is a wicked farts ben.

Speaker 8 (02:23):
What are you feeding here?

Speaker 5 (02:24):
I don't know whatever. It's a fishing show. Let's get
back on point here, shall we. Before I just mentioned,
in fact that he dolphins or raiders that play tomorrow.
That should be a.

Speaker 8 (02:32):
Fun He won't even know. He doesn't he hates the team.

Speaker 5 (02:35):
Now, yeah, bring back that one piece where the guy
goes the linebacker, famous defensive player goes, yeah, Joe, uh,
we're in town here, we're why is you're asked out
in the stands.

Speaker 8 (02:45):
You're talking about Lincoln Kennedy. He already told me to
tell him that they suck and that he's not going.
He has a message for Lincoln.

Speaker 5 (02:51):

Speaker 8 (02:51):
What they're They're terrible, They're done. They suck.

Speaker 5 (02:55):
Well, listen, let's got on some really not sucking news.
That'd be the fishing report. Jim O Thomas is back
in town.

Speaker 9 (03:00):

Speaker 5 (03:00):
Okay, he was fishing in the Mexicle. Okay, so you
want to bring him on in that? Just jam with
Joe Styler, just to do a simple basic intro. I think,
you know, I think it's time you want to think
about it. I was looking at our feet.

Speaker 6 (03:14):
It's like, okay, well speeding, we're a little fast whatever,
So bringing it's sure it's not mine.

Speaker 5 (03:23):
Oh there you go. I just saw mine the same thing. Weird.

Speaker 6 (03:27):
Okay, what was saying Jimbo time? Oh yeahim bring him up. Hello, Jimbo,
how are you that was quite great.

Speaker 10 (03:36):
Good morning, it's great to be back. That's the best
intro we've had ever, you know what.

Speaker 5 (03:42):
I kind of like that simplicity, man, you know that
was great, No big singleogue embarrassing. Jimbo is a.

Speaker 10 (03:51):
Really really good fishing you know. Al Right enough.

Speaker 5 (03:57):
Jimbo, he justimpo, you're ruining it. That is that's supposed
to be a Donald impression. That is the worst I've
heard so like pee wee herman, Oh my god, listen.

Speaker 10 (04:09):
If it was not all impersonation, I would say great.
But I didn't even catch on to that. So he
was close.

Speaker 6 (04:15):
He thinks he's got it down back kind of there,
it's there, it's there.

Speaker 5 (04:20):
They're there, way out there. Man, there that beaver moon. Okay, sure,
Jim I'll walking back. I heards it. Good type catching
stripe Marlin by the dozens into Mexico.

Speaker 8 (04:31):
Huh, stripers, that's correct.

Speaker 10 (04:33):
We were in a place called Magdalena Bay, which every
the last five or six or seven years I've been
going there, Maggie catch.

Speaker 11 (04:44):
Maga Bay.

Speaker 10 (04:45):
Yes, but we were Maggot because we're there during the election.
I got my early voting in man, so it was
all good. But the fishing was spectacular. The weather we
had flat, calm weather the whole time, and there's no
marina or anything up in this area. You stay on
the boat. So we were on the boat anchoring up

at night for nine days. So great time though, and
then you get out there and there's balls of sardines,
schools of stripe barling are chasing the sardines, and you've
got porpoise coming through them, whales, seals, frigate birds by

the thousands. It's like National geographic It is so epic,
it's unbelievable, and if you're a fishing person, it's like
the holy Grail of fishing to go to this place
or this area at this time of the year and
you could get one hundred bytes a day. You basically

catch as many as you want. We were catching it
anywhere from fifteen to forty stripe marlin a day. What
and you catch forty. It's basically you were fighting fish
the whole time. Doubles, triples, quads. If you had ten

lines on, you hooked ten up. If you get three lines,
you hook three.

Speaker 8 (06:14):
So you're saying, Eric can actually catch a fish there.

Speaker 5 (06:17):
Why did you say what? Because that's amazing three times.
By the way, forty, are you like hairy impaired? Have
the steroids destroyed the inside of your ear holes? Seriously?

Speaker 6 (06:31):
Just because you haven't slept okay and you haven't combed
your hair and your makeup doesn't look my hair off.

Speaker 5 (06:37):
My hair is bagging dude. By the way, anyway, Jim,
you're back. I saw a photo this week and I've
actually got on screen now of you with all your
guests fishing guys catching some serious mutton snappers. Man talk
about them.

Speaker 8 (06:51):
Oh wow.

Speaker 10 (06:52):
So uh that was on Tuesday. I got home late
Monday night and we were back at it on Tuesday.
Their first There's been a few dolphins offshore and an
occasional sailfish and kingfish. We went out looking for those
few dolphins. We found some, but they were all little guys.
The ones we found there were guys that found some dolphins.

They're by no means jumping in the boat, but it
is worth taking a look for some dolphin out there,
and not very far out anywhere from the from the edge,
say eighty ninety feet of water on out. They there's
been some caught in close. They're in they're chasing bally who.
So if you see bally who getting up and maybe

frigate bird or two on them in real shallow it
might even be forty fifth or fifty feet of water,
and you're like, oh, this is way too shallow for
mahis or dolphins. Well there's a good chance it could
be dolphins. It could be mackerel or something else as well.
But so there's that's going on. But we really couldn't

find anything out in that deep water. So we went
up on the reef and we were trolling our bealley
who's in twenty to thirty feet of water, And that
was on Tuesday. We ended up catching about a dozen
mountain snappers up to fourteen pounds, so we had some
big ones. Of those dozen, we kept eight of them,

and we also caught probably half a dozen groupers, but
none of the groupers were legal sized, so we let
those go. And we had barracudas, we had Spanish mackerel.
We had zero mackerel. So it's been very good action,
even despite this full moon that we're coming off of
right now. And then I went out yesterday and you know,

I saw that big moon as I was driving down
the boat and I'm like, man, that's gonna make it
a little more challenging, I think. And again we went offshore.
We didn't see anything, nor did I hear of any
dolphin yesterday. That doesn't mean there was none caught. We
went back in and did the same routine again on
the reef and we ended up with seven keeper mutton

snappers yesterday, a keeper black grouper wow, and barracudas. And
again Mackerel even called an amberjack up on the retrol.
And so for us, that's what's been working the last
couple of days. Now, you know, today's another story. Who knows. Yeah,
there's a good action, good fishing, good good eat.

Speaker 7 (09:25):
Jim, But what's your setup for muttons?

Speaker 10 (09:28):
So we're using a small planer, a long leader like
fifty pound tests one hundred feet a leader, and then
a bally who rigged to the end of the mono leader.
So we're a mono leader rigged ballely who but just
nose swivels nothing right on the end of that leader.

We're fishing about four knots, so we're going slow. Trolling
at four knots, so we're going relatively slow and you
can go over the patch reefs. You can go down
the main reef just anywhere where they're structure or there's
an area that you are have known to catch mount
snappers in the past. This will work anywhere, and you

slow troll around the coral heads twenty feet of water roughly,
and when you get in an area, if you get
a bight, try and work that area because those fish
will of school up or at least hang out in
the same areas, and most of those areas that they're
hanging out is associated with baits. So if you see

an area that has a lot of valley who activity,
you see them jumping or getting showered, that is going
to be a good place to target. Not just the
month snappers, but grouper mackerel. They're all going to be
there feeding. So you know, we look for the areas
that are lively with bait and we trolled around. We

covered a lot of area, but we finally got in
an area that we started getting bites. We kept working
that area and boom, we caught almost all of our
fish in one probably a mile area, whereas you could
go off fifty miles or one hundred miles for that matter,
And so we kept working that area and doing good,

and we went and basically went back to that same
area yesterday and it repeated itself.

Speaker 5 (11:23):
Was that the answer to that one question you had,
Hey Jim, but what was your set up? And that
out of his answer was like five minutes log.

Speaker 7 (11:29):
Yeah, that was great.

Speaker 10 (11:31):
It's the question what to look for. It's everything you
need to know in a fish report. See there, this
is a fishing show.

Speaker 8 (11:42):
I thought, Eric, did.

Speaker 5 (11:43):
We ask you how deep the third book line was?
Or we didn't go there?

Speaker 10 (11:47):
We didn't go there because I wouldn't have an answer
for that.

Speaker 5 (11:49):
Okay, it's a little scientific.

Speaker 10 (11:51):
For all of us. Yeah, if I did, that'd be
another hour.

Speaker 5 (11:57):
As the clock is rocket as the flyerhead out today
ran on what.

Speaker 10 (12:01):
No, So actually I came home from Mexico because I've
got to go to my nephew's wedding today. Otherwise I
would have been in Mexico for three weeks. I'm going
back to Mexico tomorrow morning for another week.

Speaker 5 (12:15):
He's missing this, so uh he won't be here again.

Speaker 10 (12:18):
Yes, uh, tacos, would you please you know actual?

Speaker 5 (12:26):
Would you please make room? The heck?

Speaker 8 (12:27):
Nobody wants me.

Speaker 5 (12:30):
Your dad anyway, so much Jimbo, Hey man, I have
a great triple Michigan next week, bro, but enjoy the
full beaver moon while it lasts.

Speaker 8 (12:43):
Okay, I'm showing it by the way right now. You
can see it.

Speaker 5 (12:48):
It's ginormous.

Speaker 8 (12:49):
You can check it out. Check it out on cameras.

Speaker 5 (12:51):
Freaking super moon. He's got it on camera.

Speaker 10 (12:53):
That's a ginormous beaver. To walk out, I didn't.

Speaker 5 (13:01):
Be Yeah, look at the big beaverde enjoy yourself. You
have fun. Jim, you're the man, dude.

Speaker 10 (13:08):
Yeah, that's a big beaver.

Speaker 5 (13:10):
That's a big Oh my god, here we go. That's
gonna be the cass phrase the entire show. Joe, Wow,
that's a big beaver. Yeah, that's gonna be the brand over.
Jimo just set the bar bell way low. That was Jim.
We're going there all show long. Yep, all right, jim O,
thank you man. Have a great weekend, buddy, see you.

Speaker 10 (13:29):
But all right, you got it, guys, Good luck everybody.

Speaker 5 (13:32):
Oh my god, hey, Boomer said, high, I just saw that,
every buddy, So he walked that side and saw a
big beaver. Jeez, Jimbo. Jim said it not me, Okay.

Speaker 8 (13:42):
You just said it like twenty times. He's just pounding
it in and it's not working.

Speaker 5 (13:46):
Full Beaver Moon you mean, yeah, well it should be
like a song about that. Huh.

Speaker 7 (13:50):
Why don't you define what you're trying to Full Beaver to.

Speaker 9 (13:53):
The River.

Speaker 5 (13:56):
Like that back in the day. Yeah, did you just
say I did? Yeah, spontaneously.

Speaker 8 (14:02):
That was amazing.

Speaker 5 (14:02):
I'll zip it. We have a clock to watch the
late as well. Woah, already coming up here on the
shelf Boucher Smith this hour we have yeah, Jim Matthew
with that big bug report. Oh six forty five are
back to trivia today. We've really trivia question Actually, yeah, okay,
we'll be here at a whole Let's zip it here

on the Beaver Moon, Day six fourteen, Fox Sports Night forty.

Speaker 2 (14:32):
From the Storm Tight Windows Weather Center.

Speaker 12 (14:35):
Party cloudy skies for this Saturday with high eighty and
pember Pines eighty two in wind Wood and tonight a
low of seventy two. Party cloudy tomorrow with the high
of eighty.

Speaker 13 (14:44):
This report is sponsored by Audible. Get immersed in new
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Speaker 14 (15:01):
There are ordinary mornings, and then there are mornings powered
by Mercury. There are ordinary Saturdays, and then there are
Saturdays powered by Mercury.

Speaker 8 (15:14):
Don't get stuck.

Speaker 3 (15:15):
Living in the ordinary.

Speaker 14 (15:17):
Experience your life powered by Mercury.

Speaker 15 (15:31):
Any great angler knows the key to catching beautiful fish
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Speaker 16 (16:01):
When it comes to kayakfishing, Nautical Ventures knows what you need.

Speaker 3 (16:04):
To catch fish.

Speaker 16 (16:05):
They carry top brands from Hoby, Ocean Wilderness, Old Town, Perception, Nikki,
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Speaker 16 (16:55):
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Speaker 17 (16:57):
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Speaker 19 (17:54):
Okay, could we like maybe switch up this oud evect
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Speaker 8 (18:00):

Speaker 20 (18:00):
No, not that any size soft drink for just a
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Speaker 8 (18:04):
Wendy's Limited time only prays some participation may very all.
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Speaker 21 (18:09):
Marlin's Baseball place here on air, on your smart speaker
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Speaker 1 (18:20):
Now back to the Nautical Ventures weekly Fisherman show powered
by Mercury Marine.

Speaker 2 (18:24):
Go Boldly.

Speaker 13 (18:26):
Here's there a Brandon and Joe Hector.

Speaker 5 (18:29):
Going to the Boldfish. Yeah, oh, freshwater climb. The show
sprinkles around to go fresh water back cuttry offshore, underwater.
We've covered all the way on this beaver moon Saturday morning.
How about that? Huh? One of the only best man,
Alan Zaremba, Is.

Speaker 8 (18:50):
It your turner, my turn to get annihilated today.

Speaker 5 (18:53):
I think it's probably my turn. Yeah, okay, I think
I'm due for a shill acting. Yeah, I think you
are too. Alan. Good morning to you, mister Happy.

Speaker 22 (19:01):
I am good morning. We gotta we've gotta work on
that high Alan.

Speaker 10 (19:06):
That's the only thing I gotta say there.

Speaker 5 (19:07):
Well, am I supposed to be like more excited to
talk to you?

Speaker 22 (19:11):
It sounds a little feminine. I don't know what else
to say there. Just okay, I like I do like feminine,
But that's a guy.

Speaker 5 (19:21):
It's not a feminine by the way. It's just a
simple fact. I don't want to talk to you, Alan.

Speaker 8 (19:28):
I'm being nice. I'm not saying anything mean anyway.

Speaker 5 (19:31):
Let's see it past all the frivolity here. I might add, Yeah,
that's a big word. It's a big word to start
of this. That you very much, Alan. Are you feeling
better getting those joints and knees all juiced up and
fishing or what? Well?

Speaker 22 (19:44):
I'm you know, I'm a little sore. They've been working
me pretty hard, trying to get get things moving like
they should.

Speaker 5 (19:50):
But but I.

Speaker 22 (19:51):
Am getting around. I am getting out some not a
time that I am getting out some and have experienced
some decent fishing. Uh it's the waters are still very
high out in the Everglades. So my big suggestion is
probably to fish more in the city canals, or as
I like to call them, the urban canals. But that's
because those canals stay a little bit more consistent. They

don't change levels in them as much. And the fish
or resident fish, they're not moving any and out of
the marsh areas or anything. They are where they are,
and they might move some, but they really don't move
that far unless the food supply disappears, and then that
changes things. But the bite has been relatively good top water,
the mix of the top order and a little bit
of below the surface with the jerk baits. The other

day the jerk baits were working, actually took over and
we're doing the best. And that's you know, of course,
that's where it goes sometimes. But I still like to
have so many chug in a top water plug.

Speaker 6 (20:44):
Hey, Alan, switching topics a little bit to the insure
side of it, though. How's the snooke fishing? Is it
still really good or is it slowed down at well?

Speaker 22 (20:53):
The snoke fishing is if I'm fishing certain canals. I
have shots that snook. I generally don't target snook. I'm
actually fishing for peacock bass and a large mouth bass, right,
but if the snuff want to bite, I don't ever
hear anybody ever complain about looking into a snook. So,
and there's some really big snook in these, you know,
in city canals, and I have actually caught them up

over twenty pounds. So there's some really good ones in there,
and it can be a pleasant surprise. It could also
be a crying situation sometimes, especially if it's around the bridges,
because they just love to take you back into those
bridge pilings and at that point you could say, audios
the migos.

Speaker 6 (21:33):
Yeah there's some monsters over there, man, absolutely, Yeah.

Speaker 5 (21:37):
The locks are good place to fish, speak of the monsters.
Are talking about the amazing paku battle I had off
my balcony last night.

Speaker 8 (21:44):
Oh yeah, you didn't talk about that last week.

Speaker 22 (21:46):
So you know, if you'd break if you'd break down
and get just even a cheap JOm boat or something,
you could try to do that from the job boat.

Speaker 5 (21:54):
You might actually have a better shot.

Speaker 22 (21:56):
But I realized that they costs some money, and you
probably don't want to say.

Speaker 5 (22:01):
But you know, listen to you zipper head. Okay, let
me see what happened. Okay, I've had a hoby kayak
stole them off my beach, telling us that for.

Speaker 8 (22:09):
Years john boat got jacked.

Speaker 5 (22:15):
I don't have a job boat. No, I had one
with a tendel whatever. Maybe maybe if.

Speaker 8 (22:19):
You watch your boat down you have a problem.

Speaker 5 (22:21):
Yeah, may be able to steal your pot in Steve.

Speaker 8 (22:23):
Good luck we got we got three of them.

Speaker 5 (22:26):
Yeah, I'll buy that one there. Anyway, saw last weekend, man,
I saw my three pocket show up again. The all
my fifty five three three. They come in a pack
of three, right, so they like croissants, so I see them.
I thought, cross are eating the hell of them. I
had this rig set ready to go, man, I said,
if every returned, I'm ready to go.

Speaker 3 (22:43):

Speaker 5 (22:43):
I had twenty pound mono with a piece of I
don't know whatever, ten inch wire okay to a circle
hook Okay, buried that hook and a piece of croissode
do it out there, and this big, just giant pocket
slammed it down. And I said, man, I'm on actually
have a video this thing with a three seconds he
had gone one hundred yards and one hundred miles an hour.

I'm watching real line just spool off down the end
of the balcony. I'm trying to put some heat of
this thing. In a minute, I just barely put the
drag down a little bit of it. Why did you
touch the drag? I know? Anyway? He popped me.

Speaker 8 (23:17):
What is up with you doing that?

Speaker 5 (23:18):
Because I was losing line? Man, I couldn't I lost
all my line. He was going to spool you, was he?
He was spooling me up?

Speaker 8 (23:24):
But spooled?

Speaker 5 (23:25):
What are you using? Keep asked, Probably a dude.

Speaker 8 (23:29):
You got to using a saltwater rake for those things.

Speaker 5 (23:32):
Man, It's not just.

Speaker 22 (23:33):
That he I guarantee you that line is probably fifty
years old. I mean you got to buy some new
line once in a while too, you know.

Speaker 5 (23:40):
Yeah, man, thanks for what do you got? Like?

Speaker 8 (23:42):
What do you how many yards you got on that
one hundred hold?

Speaker 5 (23:45):
Three hundred yards a line?

Speaker 8 (23:46):
What are you doing? He's not going to spool three
hundred yards?

Speaker 5 (23:49):
It was coming off at like lightning speed, So whatever, Yes,
out about hooking up to the pocket, not about the
fact that I just lost line.

Speaker 6 (23:59):
What do you do when you can you be just
joyous for me that I hooked up. Absolutely not because
this was your second opportunity to catch one third.

Speaker 5 (24:10):
Wow, Joe Hector highlight.

Speaker 8 (24:13):
Where's the video?

Speaker 23 (24:14):

Speaker 8 (24:15):
Where's the video?

Speaker 24 (24:17):
You know?

Speaker 5 (24:17):
I have a video stima, but it's got so many
f bombs in it, man, I can't get He cooked him.

Speaker 22 (24:21):
He hooked him for a little He hooks him for
a little while, and then.

Speaker 25 (24:24):
He run off on him.

Speaker 5 (24:25):
You know, it's it's just I got video, but it's
got about ninety five video.

Speaker 22 (24:33):
I don't want to see your videos for those those exits.

Speaker 7 (24:35):
Okay, yeah, Eric, what about with you?

Speaker 8 (24:39):
So how's we're dug?

Speaker 5 (24:42):
Man? It's called over, so.

Speaker 8 (24:47):
Go ahead.

Speaker 5 (24:47):
Joe asked that last stinger. Okay, all right, make you
something up.

Speaker 6 (24:53):
I'm just asking a normal how's this? How's the snakehead bite?
Because he didn't make sake head bites?

Speaker 22 (24:58):
Okay, it's and that will remain okay until it starts
getting cold, and I do see they're actually calling for
it to get a little on the chili side.

Speaker 26 (25:07):

Speaker 22 (25:07):
It's actually very nice out this morning. Yeah yeah, if
anybody it was, it was I think sixty four here
this morning, which is really pretty nice.

Speaker 5 (25:14):
Yep it is. Yeah. Well listen, I hope you feel better, man,
I'm serious. Note he had wrist surgery, knee surgery, shoulder surgery.
All the surgeries are going on, and.

Speaker 8 (25:23):
Can I ask them over?

Speaker 16 (25:24):

Speaker 8 (25:24):
Come on, what is it?

Speaker 5 (25:26):
What is it? Quickly?

Speaker 7 (25:27):
What's your what's your setup for?

Speaker 5 (25:30):
After? Don't ask the set up question? I know it
goes on for five minutes.

Speaker 8 (25:34):
No, he'll do a quick one. No you promise, come on,
come on, man, I just want to know.

Speaker 22 (25:39):
According to my ex partners, I was an expert at quickies.
So any anyway, Uh yeah.

Speaker 5 (25:47):
I picked on myself too.

Speaker 22 (25:49):
Anyway, for the stake heads, I have a special ride
for him, nothing fancy, just a medium heavy seven foot
spinning rod. I use a size twenty five or two
fifty real with fifteen pound braided line and a twenty
pounds liter. And of course I have a boat so
I could go chase him down, you know, not like
somebody else who left some school you know, I don't know,

don't fifty year old line too.

Speaker 8 (26:13):
To boom minutes. Thank you, Alan?

Speaker 5 (26:17):
That was that the setup? You're finisher?

Speaker 8 (26:19):
That's it done out there, man.

Speaker 5 (26:23):
Well I'll have a nice trip back to the can
where you hang out normally in the morning. So I
have a great time and enjoy yourself back there.

Speaker 22 (26:28):
Okay, but all right, guys, you have a good one,
and I look forward. Always said, you know who am
I going to pick on next? Maybe it'll be Jeff,
Maybe it'll be a guy that calls me.

Speaker 5 (26:38):
I don't know, Jeff. They'll take my stuff. Jeff will
come over to your home and whip your ass. Okay,
that's kind of guy. Yeah, okay, so.

Speaker 22 (26:45):
That wouldn't take much right now, so I couldn't run
even if I wanted to.

Speaker 8 (26:49):
Hey, Jeff, unlike Joe Hector is going to the Raiders
game tomorrow with a dolphin. I don't even know there
was a game.

Speaker 5 (26:56):
Yeah, want anyway, guys, we're gonna take a break. I
have a great weekend.

Speaker 22 (26:59):
Feel yes, sir, You guys have a good one too.

Speaker 5 (27:02):
All right, take a little break. Come back with Boucher
Smith the Legend ding Jim with the Bug Report six
forty five Starbary bucket number to call real quick. I'll
just give it you early eight six six eight zero
one zero nine four zero Do on this massive box
of Starboy goodie stuff and made in America, whatever fabulous
sponsors I might add.

Speaker 8 (27:22):
Yeah, maybe it's a long time, long long time.

Speaker 5 (27:25):
Yeah, take a break, come back with more. It's a
fun show on a beaver moon, Saturday, six twenty seven,
Fox Sports nine forty five. We'll talk about it.

Speaker 27 (27:34):
So we're not all professional angulists, we don't all compete
on the biggest stage. But inside, it's all burns the
same fire to be a champion. It's why you get
out early, bring the toughest conditions, point the bow toward adventure,
and put the hammer down for whatever trophy or fish
or memory you're chasing. Count On and Brickury pro exss

outboard engineered to deliver the speed and reliability you need
to power the champion inside.

Speaker 28 (28:01):
You remember the mory days of gasoline. It's just not
made the same anymore.

Speaker 3 (28:11):
Should key your gas.

Speaker 29 (28:12):
Into gear with star Trove, pump up the fformits in
all of your engines, cure the problems of ethandol with
the power of enzymes, and maximize your fileage every time
you try kick start your engines.

Speaker 3 (28:30):
With star tron.

Speaker 30 (28:33):
Nothing beats the thrill of extreme kayakfishing with little standing
between you and fighting a monster fish. And when it
comes to kayakfishing, nothing beats a hobby. With its hands
free mirage drive propulsion system, Nautical Ventures is your exclusive
hoby dealer for Broward and Palm Beach. They have the
widest selection of models and excess reesa make your hobby
uniquely yours. They're rigged by our in house experts who

fish the tournaments.

Speaker 3 (28:55):
They know what it takes to win.

Speaker 30 (28:57):
Coda Nautical Ventures dot com to learn more, a gole Ventures,
the go to people for holbee.

Speaker 8 (29:02):
At Johnny Jigs.

Speaker 30 (29:03):
Tackle Company, our passion for fishing drives everything we do.
We provide all anglers with the highest quality, most meticulously
craft a tackle that will enhance your fishing experience. At
Johnny Jigs, we believe every cast should be an opportunity,
every tug a thrill, and every moment by the water
and adventure. Our un wavering commitment to innovation and excellence
creates tackle exceeding all expectations of our fellow anglers. We're

more than a tackle company. We're your partner's and exploration,
your source of inspiration, and your companion on every fishing trip.
Johnny Jake's Tackle Company elevate your angling adventure.

Speaker 2 (29:32):
It's time to go.

Speaker 31 (29:33):
Diesel ring Power, A distributor for Cox Marine can simplify
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Speaker 24 (30:02):
More Low's No's. You want to get even more value
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Speaker 32 (30:35):
Some people just know they could save hundreds on car
insurance by checking all State first, Like you noted, check
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Speaker 30 (30:43):
I'm so excited for this game.

Speaker 20 (30:44):
I can't believe you got us tickets.

Speaker 5 (30:45):
Me too.

Speaker 3 (30:46):
Wait, are we on the wrong side?

Speaker 10 (30:48):

Speaker 32 (30:48):
Checking first the smart so check all State first for
a quote. They could save you hundreds.

Speaker 2 (30:52):
There's just going to be a long game.

Speaker 32 (30:54):
You're in good hands with all State.

Speaker 33 (30:58):
Savings very subject to terms, conditions, and available. All State
Fire and Casualty Insurance Company in Affiliates, north Brook.

Speaker 21 (31:02):
Illinois, broadcasting live from the Fox Sports nine forty Anna
jar and Levine Accident's attorney studios called one eight hundred
seven four seven free.

Speaker 34 (31:12):
That's one eight hundred seven four seven free, seven free free.

Speaker 1 (31:21):
You're on board the Nautical Venture's weekly Fisherman show powered
by Mercury Marine, Go Boldly with legendary fisherman Eric Brandon,
an extreme angular Joe Hector.

Speaker 5 (31:34):
Yeah, maybe it's a full beaver moon Saturday. I say
that because have you seen that ginormous thing out there? Nope,
it's called a super moon. How's that gonna affect fishing?
Do you think, Joe for a couple of days we
boys at the captains man before or after this moon?
What makes these fish turn on? I think the legend

would probably do that answer.

Speaker 8 (31:56):
Yeah, I'm surprised. I haven't heard any wahoo yet.

Speaker 5 (31:59):
Well, we'll see. Maybe Boucher's had a few. I don't know, man, Yeah,
we'll see, man, damn damn seeds. Cap Boucher, you want
to see my friend a cap.

Speaker 35 (32:13):
Comor And gentlemen, did Joe did you say you haven't
heard of any wahoo?

Speaker 5 (32:18):

Speaker 6 (32:19):
No, one's I haven't seen any of my speed I haven't.
No captains have talked about him yet, either tapped your.

Speaker 35 (32:25):
Phone or something, because the fishing has been red hot. Yes,
guy catching four and five wahoo on a trip right
here in town. So yesterday you're missing somehow r J boyl.
I had a couple of big ones yesterday. Uh Freddie
David had.

Speaker 9 (32:46):
Four of them?

Speaker 25 (32:47):

Speaker 35 (32:48):
I who had five of them in Miami? But of them, yeah,
pretty dog on good.

Speaker 8 (32:56):
Jimo didn't even mention it.

Speaker 5 (32:58):
There's well, he wouldn't fish for buttons.

Speaker 8 (33:00):
No, he went from ah too.

Speaker 5 (33:02):
He was down deep he went for.

Speaker 8 (33:03):
He said, he went from.

Speaker 5 (33:10):
Bo'tser Worceshiterip. You've been doing some trips lately, you're traveling
around it. What you been doing, man?

Speaker 35 (33:15):
I had a fabulous week this week. We went to
North Carolina up in the mountains, uh short of all
the damage thing goodness, and we had five old fishermen
from the Castaways, Charterboa, Doc and Uh. There were eight
of us and we were just telling fish stories all week.

We had such a great time. We've done it for
several years now and it's just the greatest way to
get together and just talk about the good old days.
And that was what I was doing this week. And
I wish as good a time as I had, which
was spectacular. I wish I had been able to be
out fishing, because man Abe Raymond.

Speaker 26 (33:58):
He's just been.

Speaker 35 (34:01):
Doing so good in the bay, big trout, snook, tarpin Jack's.
Yesterday he went in the ocean for the first time
in quite a while, and he had a pile of
beautiful mutton snappers, just really really good action. And then,
like I said, all these guys had the wowo and

the selfisher starting to show up. Pretty good fishing down there.
Is just seems to be going off and I'm back
up here. So I'm up here in Georgia wishing I
was down there. But such a life I get to
And by the way, it is winter now. We're going

to have weather in the thirties this coming weekend. Right now,
it's about forty degrees first thing in the morning, and
it gets up into the sixtiestern today and and let
me tell you that degree weather, it gets a little
bit chilly.

Speaker 5 (35:03):
Yeah, well it's sixty A new source.

Speaker 35 (35:07):
Of information if you're missing this wahoo bite.

Speaker 5 (35:10):
Because it's really really good. Yeah, sixty five degrees sixty
six here Cap on a clear sky. It is kind
of a nice break of all this winded heat stuff. Joey,
Yeah right, I've weren't a very special hoodie. It's got
this really cool fabric here. It's like wearing almost like
a blanket man, and it just it just feels so
really great on me.

Speaker 8 (35:30):
And what happened to that hoodie? By the way, he
doesn't have your name on it.

Speaker 5 (35:33):
Yeah, no, I made a mistake. That was engraved. Anyway,
Cap heading back down this way, give us a holler.
Maybe we get you back on a set and do
the three thing we've done before. Had him on the
guest set thing here, it'd be fun, right do.

Speaker 35 (35:48):
Yet it's always a good time. You guys do such
a good job of tracking down the fish stories and
making it entertaining as well. I'll be up here listening
to you from the beginning to the end every week.
So keep up the good work.

Speaker 10 (36:06):
I really enjoy it.

Speaker 5 (36:07):
Thanks Cat very much. Have a great weekend. Always bring
it strong. We always love your reports, so thank you
very much.

Speaker 6 (36:12):
I got one Rob Rodriguez tou wahou bloody double.

Speaker 5 (36:16):
He wrote that the life straight. There you go, there
we go, there you go, Joey all right, so while
we were there, yeah, all right, so let's go say, uh,
what's happening under the water. Let's do it under the sea.
Jim Matthey will be under the sea with Jim Matthey.

He sent me these typical gratuitous he'd got nine thousand
bucks photo book, which I did give to Steve O.
If you want to put that thing up and make
him happy, I my dad. Okay, Oh Boomer Gauzalez is
saying high on the stream this morning. Okay, because you
know the guy with a swivilo ass Pod three sixty
things going on. Yeah, I renamed it, by the way,

Silvio ass pod three six. Okay, as much more catcher
than the other one. Nice anyway, Jim Matthews waiting for
me to shut up, and.

Speaker 8 (37:05):
We're showing Chief Chiefee's booty right now all the good
clopsters and fishing.

Speaker 25 (37:10):
Hide my butt or my booty.

Speaker 5 (37:14):
No, I'm looking at a table full of like thirty
tails there man and fish behind him.

Speaker 11 (37:18):
What yeah, you had?

Speaker 25 (37:19):
That was? Yeah, it was. It was a good day. Actually.
I was out Tuesday and Friday of this week, so
that was a really good day. Two different buddies, two
different boats, and two different areas, and we still did
really well. So the report is very favorable for lobsterring.
I got to tell you they're still shallow. I had

another buddy the other day go out and go into
that third reef and there's nothing out there. So if
you're looking for lobsters, second reef is still the place
to be. Thirty five forty foot stuff is pretty nice
and uh, and you could that second reef does dip
down to like sixty sixty five, but it's just a slope.

It's not not a wall or anything like that. So
it's a it's a good place to be. Put a
couple of teams out there, you know, And that's what
we did. We really cleaned up yesterday. It was great. Uh,
yesterday was beautiful conditions. That west wind laid everything down.
I do have I do have a good story. Well,
have a couple of good stories. Are you ready? Yeah?

Speaker 5 (38:26):
How long are they? How long?

Speaker 26 (38:29):

Speaker 25 (38:30):
No? No, not as bad as Joe. But but.

Speaker 5 (38:35):
You got at the joy. Yeah, Buddy was rack on
Joe today. So make a snappy go ahead, buddy.

Speaker 25 (38:46):
All right. So so one of my buddies was fishing
off the Deerfield pier by the morning boies, right, and uh,
he was actually diving. He was going to dive out
there that area, and he's getting ready to go in
and lo and behold he's sees a mahi at one
of the booie's and they catch him up with Roden
reel and then he goes in and dives and gets

his limited lobster right there. So listen top side, bottom side,
and that's like forty feet of water. You know, you
had a mahi coming in. That was pretty good. That's
a good story. Then I got a story. Yeah, wait
a minute, this is even better for America. This is
a quick one. All right. I'm diving yesterday and a

little little northbound current visibility wasn't that good? That we
still have a lot of torbidity, big word that his
band has stirred up a bit, and it's it's kind
of white down there, maybe ten fifteen feet old visibility
type of stuff. So your buddy's got to hang close.
So I'm diving with Susie. We're going northbound and we're

on the edge around sixty five feet. We get to
these little islands and I've told her before, I said, listen,
it gets kind of fishy. So I watch her, and
that's what the key to spirit fishing. Your buddy needs
to be parallel to you so you can kind of
see what's going on there. She shoots at a red
grouper of fat.

Speaker 5 (40:10):
God, there you go.

Speaker 25 (40:13):
You're ready.

Speaker 5 (40:14):
I'm really great, damn it.

Speaker 25 (40:17):
So I hit She hits him, but it doesn't the
cheft doesn't go inside of him, and and so he's
like wounded, and he comes basically right in front of
me and goes into a hole that that's maybe a
foot around, And so he stops his head into a hole,
but his tail is hanging out right, so he's trying

to hide. Oh this wasn't good. So then I go
over to the hole. I look and there's a little hole,
a little hole to the front. I can look in
and I could see his eyeball. So I was aiming
for the brain hole. Okay, Eric, I mean you know.

Speaker 5 (40:55):
Some time, man, Yeah, continue on out of the story
all the way.

Speaker 25 (41:01):
Ah, Well, it was a good fish story because we
got to eat him.

Speaker 5 (41:05):
So and ball brain hole, you finish them all?

Speaker 25 (41:12):
Well, not really, because I did. I did shoot with
my spear and I hit him pretty good. So he's
bouncing around inside the little hole, and the good news
is now figuring out how the heck am I going
to get him out of that other hole? Because he
ain't coming out of the small hole. So so good
news is I pull the shaft out, the spear shaft out,

and then he ain't going anywhere. He's stuck in there.
So I reached inside, I grab I try to grab
hold of my by his gills to pull him out,
but my hands are too big. Good news is Susie
goes in there, grabs grabs him by his bya his
gills and basically turns him around upside down and pulls

him out, and then had to get in and kind
of give him a little uh knife in the brain
hit so that that that kind of that kind of
put him to sleep. So yeah, we don't like.

Speaker 5 (42:07):
That is a story that will have Peta protesting outside
the Stephen J.

Speaker 8 (42:12):
Gray Palatial people eating taste animals And.

Speaker 5 (42:15):
Soon enough I'll be there, Jim Matthew, they shot out
with a spear, wounded the poor thing. He tries to
climb into a hole and hide and cry because he's
crying those old baby group of tears. But no, he
has group to put another damn spirit him. Okay, I
mean that is just like I'm crying over this one man.

Speaker 25 (42:38):
Such as Now, remember remember they do easters, they do
eat lobsters, so we're basically trying to protect our lobster catch, okay,
and we cut a bunch of lobster in that area,
so you're killing grouper to save the lobster.

Speaker 5 (42:52):
Oh that Jim, that's a great cover man, you.

Speaker 25 (42:56):
Know, and women, it is even better. You're ready to
par it, Eric, ready? Ready? You can get more tips
about this from catching the spear It great book. And
if you need to catching the bug with another one
of my books. So we're we're there, buddy, available on Amazon.

Speaker 7 (43:15):
Chief well, Jim, Jim, wait where can you get those books?

Speaker 25 (43:20):
Amazon? Chieft cheet All right, buddy, come on buddy, come
on man, great, ye great, okay.

Speaker 5 (43:31):
Jim, Jim, Kamala, Matthew, have a weekend.

Speaker 8 (43:34):
Okay, that name's gone, that that ship has sailed.

Speaker 5 (43:40):
Fine weekend word salad.

Speaker 6 (43:42):
They got a lobster, buddy, I appreciate it, quick, real quick.

Speaker 5 (43:47):
I put a video up of the bugs. You gave
me my chef Eric skills of cutting that thing down. Great,
and I split the tail open in the microwave and
I wave it and I got to meet out. Came
up really professionally over the top. No, this time they
want to the grill. And Jim saw the photos afterwards.
I had some beautiful bugs. I actually asked Jim. I said, Jim,
when you cook I'm on the grill with a lobster

meat out of the shell, especial way to do it.
And he actually gave me a pretty cool technique. A
little lower and slower, Okay, lower and slower, give about
fifteen minutes versus like five or six when you put
them straight on the grill. And I'll tell you this,
so jimmy a little butter man.

Speaker 25 (44:21):
It was a banging Yes, easy stuff, easy stuff. There's
a little trick when you go down the top shell
vertical and then you make a little turn to the
right the left. Yah yeah, and then pull the meat
out and then and then you can close up the
shell and then the meat stays right on there, which
is really good. Then put the put in on. We

don't want to sell down.

Speaker 5 (44:46):
We don't want to rest, yes, we do. I have
no more time for that. Okay, come on, man, I'll
just let you know that after that meal, my lady
friend was very happy with me.

Speaker 8 (44:55):
My dead what was his name?

Speaker 5 (44:57):
I was? I was basically dessert. Yeah, whoa wait, you.

Speaker 25 (45:01):
Didn't show any of those pictures at all.

Speaker 5 (45:03):
Eric, there's a photo of the lady of mine, my
friend arm in arm Man, have the last working, Jim,
go to church, ask the priest to give you some
holy water and bless you for after torture that port
ripper with multiple spirits. The bright hole guy.

Speaker 25 (45:21):
Put him misery.

Speaker 5 (45:23):
Yeah, we're so happy about that. That was the most
torturous story I've ever heard about him spearing fish. Usually
there's a one shot and done deal. That was actually
a long story, a long story, but a tortures story.
He hit with the spirit and it just kind of

damaged him that he has to go in a hole,
try to hide to save his life. No, the assassin
just goes right behind him and finishes his ass off
with a third or four spear. Okay, God, anyway, it's
time for the starbright bucket. They're Joey.

Speaker 7 (45:58):
Let's do it, man, I'm sharing the show, by the.

Speaker 5 (46:00):
Way, okay, cool man. Eight six six eight zero one
zero nine four zero This is so easy. Come on, man,
come on, okay. So, if you buy a dozen frozen
Bally who? Right? How many's in the pack? Two? A
twenty four be eighteen or C twelve? What do you think? Two?

If you buy a dozen frozen Bally who? Okay? How
many would be inside.

Speaker 8 (46:25):
The pack depends on who's counting?

Speaker 5 (46:27):
Yes, true my world, it might be totally off. A
twenty four eighteen C twelve. You want want a bucket?
Just call nine forty right now. Tell Jeff the answer.
Eight six six eight zero one zero nine four zero
eight six six eight zero one.

Speaker 8 (46:47):
I said now zero nine fo zero yeah, I say it, yeah, stop.

Speaker 5 (46:55):
Stop right there when you're late.

Speaker 7 (46:57):
We wish you and Merry Christmas.

Speaker 5 (46:59):
We Mary christ You're gonna see Joe's house. He's going
to get nine hundred billion lights. I've already been around
his place. It's crazy.

Speaker 6 (47:08):
My house is all decorated, a pretty all destroyed extra
nuclear power plant online.

Speaker 5 (47:13):
We'll come back with more. Six forty seven Fox Sports
Night forty Live.

Speaker 8 (47:17):
We'll talk about.

Speaker 21 (47:18):
It from the storm Tight Windows Weather Center.

Speaker 12 (47:22):
Party cloudy Skies for this Saturday with high eighty in
pember Pines, eighty two in wind Wood, and tonight a
low of seventy two. Party cloudy tomorrow with the high
of eighty.

Speaker 13 (47:31):
This report is sponsored by Audible. Get immersed in new
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Speaker 36 (47:49):
Every day on the water is a blank canvas. You
can reach new waters and ride endless waves. So drop
the hammer or the anchor and let adventure be your guide.

Speaker 8 (48:09):

Speaker 36 (48:09):
Engines are made for exploring, So are you go boldly?

Speaker 15 (48:18):
Any great angler knows the key to catching beautiful fish
lies in finding them inner. Simrad's new Halo open array
radar bringing you more power, more safety, and best of all,
more fish. Halo three thousand features an all new Bird
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more on Halo, navigate to the radar page at simrad
dash yachting dot com.

Speaker 28 (48:49):
The days of gasoline, it's just not made the same anymore.

Speaker 3 (48:56):
Your cash into gear with Stardrove.

Speaker 29 (49:00):
Pump up the performage in all of your engines, cure
the problems of the methodol with the power of enzymes,
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Speaker 3 (49:13):
Gig start your engines with star Tron.

Speaker 37 (49:18):
Need a place to store your boat, how about a
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a full service yard. Nautical Ventures Marine Center in the
heart of Fort Lauderdale has dockage starting at just twelve
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Speaker 8 (49:30):
The lowest trade in Broward County.

Speaker 37 (49:32):
Our full service yard performs all boat works from bottom
pain to engine read power to total refits. Coming soon
a new state of the R two hundred unit dry stack.
Go to nautical Ventures dot com slash Marina for more information.
Nautical Ventures the go to people for fun on the water.

Speaker 30 (49:47):
At Johnny Jigs Tackle Company, our passion for fishing drives
everything we do. We provide all anglers with the highest quality,
most meticulously craft a tackle that will enhance your fishing experience.
At Johnny Jigs, we believe every cast should be an opportunity,
every tugus thrill and every moment by the water and adventure.
Our and wavering commitment to innovation and excellence creates tackle
exceeding all expectations of our fellow anglers. We're more than

a tackle company where your partners and exploration, your source
of inspiration and your companion on every freshing trip. Johnny
Jake's Tackle Company elevate your angling adventure.

Speaker 2 (50:17):
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If you operate a government boat ring power, a Cox
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Speaker 18 (50:48):
This is a story of the one as a maintenance
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Speaker 2 (51:19):
Wednesday, Country Music's biggest Nuns.

Speaker 8 (51:22):
The CMA Awards, kicks off with this year's must.

Speaker 38 (51:26):
See collaboration Postball featuring Chris Stapleton, Why La La Bannon
with electropine performances by Lady Wilson, Shaboozy, Ashley McBride, Luke
Bryan Plus Thomas Rhett and Teddy Swims who look Brian
Peyton Manning and Lady Wilson host the CMA Awards a
live Wednesday.

Speaker 8 (51:44):
It's seven Central on ABC and stream next day.

Speaker 21 (51:46):
On Hulu, the home of Florida Gators Football, Fox Sports nine, Miami.

Speaker 39 (51:57):
Hay, Hey, let's get right back to the nutical Ventures
Weekly Fisherman Show powered by Mercury Marine.

Speaker 2 (52:08):
Go boldly.

Speaker 5 (52:11):
We got a winner in the Starbright Bucket Joey do
it Man question again was if you buy a dozen
Frozen Valley who how many comes in a pack too?
Eighteen thirty five or twelve? Eddie Fisher thinks he has
the answer on line one. Let's find out what it is.
Let's do it, Eddie, Good morning, my friend. What's the

winning answer? Please?

Speaker 11 (52:33):
Hey, good morning.

Speaker 22 (52:34):
After a lot of thought and my fingers, I figured
out as well.

Speaker 5 (52:39):
This guy belongs to the show man. Yeah, he's playing
right along with this thing man. Yeah, it's twelve to
a dozen. Ready, all right, buddy boy, you want to
go star right bucket. By the way, it's on the
Facebook livestream. This thing is just really massive. By the way,
wash wax deck cleaner, good name.

Speaker 8 (52:54):
Best products in the world to clean your boat.

Speaker 5 (52:56):
Ye, Bank America, you have a boat already.

Speaker 10 (52:59):
You have a boat now my cousin does, so we
go out of it now and.

Speaker 5 (53:03):
Again okay, cool man, and uh what kind.

Speaker 11 (53:05):
Of that'd be good? Good little present for him?

Speaker 5 (53:09):

Speaker 8 (53:10):
Are you from up north?

Speaker 26 (53:13):

Speaker 5 (53:13):
Yeah, I hear an accent, so I knew it hopefully
not from jer er No not please get yes, all right,
we gotta run here ready, But uh, how long you've
been a fan of the show so far do you think?

Speaker 22 (53:27):
Yes, sir, you guys are funny.

Speaker 11 (53:30):
You guys are good.

Speaker 5 (53:33):
You too, My man, he's just cut us off.

Speaker 8 (53:38):
I think he's been a fan, like since this morning.

Speaker 5 (53:40):
He goes like, okay, I'm not talking to you guys.
Have a nice he was great.

Speaker 8 (53:43):
That's that's North guy, like like full on.

Speaker 5 (53:47):
You know what, cutting us off reminds me the next
captain who said we're ramblers. He's on line one, Oh captain,
don't call Joe back, Chanrells.

Speaker 11 (54:00):
How's the field, Joe? That's the morning.

Speaker 5 (54:03):
Hey doing Sean?

Speaker 25 (54:04):
Where are you at?

Speaker 5 (54:05):
Man? What's going on? Buddy, Sean? Where are you at?

Speaker 11 (54:08):
I'm un in the water or else should I be?

Speaker 2 (54:11):

Speaker 5 (54:11):
This guy is so great many bed he's on the
water this time of the morning. Man, Hey, did you.

Speaker 8 (54:17):
See my Christmas lights?

Speaker 11 (54:20):
You're right?

Speaker 8 (54:20):
Christmas lights? Did you?

Speaker 11 (54:24):
I will I'll come check them out.

Speaker 8 (54:26):
All right, you gotta come check them out.

Speaker 5 (54:28):
Well back to show Sory.

Speaker 11 (54:29):
You're gonna call you back. I was on the other line,
you know what I mean?

Speaker 4 (54:32):
Wink linked and.

Speaker 5 (54:35):
Yeah, Sean, you in the yacht of the boat today, Buddy.

Speaker 11 (54:38):
I'm in my friends both today. It's a little rough
out here compared to yesterday. But uh so we're gonna
try to pop off over here the first thing and
then go in. Hopefully that's the plan. We'll see though.

Speaker 5 (54:48):
Did you fish? You fish a tournament last weekend?

Speaker 11 (54:50):
I forgot I finished the tournament last weekend. It was
a pretty slow day for us to day the least,
but uh yeah, not too much talk about there. Did
you a couple mahi? A king fish?

Speaker 8 (55:03):
But did you see rocks to uh? Wahoo?

Speaker 11 (55:06):
I just saw that I did, and I've seen everybody
else's Wahoo too. Man, I was out there in the
kayak yesterday. There's people catching them all over the place.
You hear people screaming, yelling and celebrating. So, uh, it's
that yesterday. We'll see what it does here today. We're
gonna give it a couple of hours here this morning.
But I mean multiple people caught multiple wathoo yesterday. It

was it was that day. We've were waiting for it, man,
when they bit So.

Speaker 10 (55:32):
Yeah, it's that time of year.

Speaker 11 (55:34):
Man, we've been missing the bike for a while now.
With the with the weather.

Speaker 5 (55:38):
Right, what's the conditions of the water right now, Sean,
it's not really blowing windy here Stevens Place, but it's.

Speaker 11 (55:45):
A big swell. It's a big swell. There's probably like
a five foot swell out here. Oh wow, Actually that
rough was just a big swell.

Speaker 7 (55:53):
Hey, Sean, what's your what's your setup when you're going
for wahoo? What's your like main setup?

Speaker 5 (55:59):
So your new question?

Speaker 8 (56:00):
I know, I I you know, I've had a lot
of people. Did you see the comment on YouTube? A
guy even asked, He's like, hey, can you ask these
guys more? You know what their setups are? You'll be careful.
You might learn something today than Steve.

Speaker 5 (56:12):
So I a nice comeback.

Speaker 11 (56:14):
I keep it temple as we're going for a while
only so I do a number four planer way at
the back, then a number eight planer close to the boat.
That way you can make circles. And then I do
a shotgun, which can be either a lure or a
little feather something like that. What do you guys, You
get him.

Speaker 5 (56:32):
On that A lot to explain to our new fishing
folks what a shotgun is when it comes to fishing.

Speaker 11 (56:38):
Gun a line all the way at the back of
far it can go. We'll still have a line on
the reel. So you want to as far as can
be just yeah. The whole point is to be able
to make turns and circles and not get hangled up
when you get a fish. It's not just going straight.

You've got a member. You can get a fish and
that fish comes to the surface and it gets on
the other the line and you lose everything.

Speaker 6 (57:04):
Right, I will say, whenever I put a shotgun out,
I would always catch a nice.

Speaker 5 (57:11):
Black fins away back to you again, pretty cool, it's effective.
We're talking to our guest, Sean get back to you. Now. Okay,
I'm asking Set what he's doing, but just explained back
to you again, right, Harry goes always back to Eric.
Harry goes always back to you to.

Speaker 8 (57:27):
Deal with here.

Speaker 11 (57:29):
I'm not on Facebook right now? Are you still here?
Winge costumers? Do you take it off?

Speaker 8 (57:34):

Speaker 6 (57:34):
Actually, because I am a real superhero, I am doing
it only at night and yeah with Eric, he's Eric,
my Robin.

Speaker 5 (57:44):
Do you go to bed at night with Maria wearing
your Wolverine costumes? Hey?

Speaker 7 (57:48):
Maybe how does that?

Speaker 5 (57:51):
How does that play out?

Speaker 8 (57:52):
Maybe she likes it, you know, maybe there's a reason
for it.

Speaker 5 (57:55):
You know, maybe there's a reason we don't want to
know about it. Sean does that? Just that's too freaking
I don't want to know about it.

Speaker 10 (58:07):

Speaker 5 (58:10):
So Set, your fishing got to something called a full
beaver moon. Did you know that?

Speaker 10 (58:14):

Speaker 11 (58:14):
God, yes I did. It's amazing, hopefully hopefully rewards us.

Speaker 8 (58:20):

Speaker 11 (58:21):
Yeah, a fisher man you gotta know about the moon.

Speaker 5 (58:24):
Yes, Man, he may catch a wahoo and a very
large beaver fish.

Speaker 6 (58:27):
They're out there, and muttons. They're catching a lot of
big muttons, Man.

Speaker 5 (58:32):
Those muttons and the big beer fish they have together. Man, Yeah,
I like that. Okay, all right, Sean, Well we're done
John with you. So hey, you have a great We'll
stop ramblings as you called it before, which no.

Speaker 11 (58:44):
I've got time today.

Speaker 8 (58:45):
Not today.

Speaker 5 (58:50):
He's allowing us to ramble. Thank you, Thank you? All right? Yeah,
I don't even re questions. That's problem. Had questions already.

Speaker 8 (59:02):
Hey Sean, how's the kingfish bite?

Speaker 11 (59:04):
No knew it was coming, non existent couple being caught
here and there, but it's generally slow this time. Here
we're wahoo salesfish man. That's what about mahi? Yeah, good day,
yes day. Mai had a bunch of bikes and stuff.
A couple of nights on stuff.

Speaker 5 (59:21):
You want to go to the entire species list? Hey, Sean,
how's the parrotfish bite? Yeah? You know hot today?

Speaker 11 (59:25):
Or what?

Speaker 38 (59:26):

Speaker 11 (59:27):
You gotta get butterfish for them?

Speaker 5 (59:28):
Oh, butterfish or pearfish?

Speaker 11 (59:30):
Okay, butterfish. You gotta get that as a bait for them.

Speaker 5 (59:33):
Wrap us up, enjoy your full moon fishing day the
beaver full moon. Catch him up, man, and thank you
Sean very much. Catch catch him up all right? Thanks guys,
Coming up last weekend. Betty sent me an apology text.
He goes, hey, man, I just the alarm didn't go off,
so he slept through it. And that's understandably understandable.

Speaker 8 (59:52):
Is a jets fin you know what happens?

Speaker 5 (59:54):
He's like, am I like Rogers? You think?

Speaker 8 (59:58):
Not quite like away.

Speaker 5 (01:00:00):
From the team. That's the team. Yeah, what's the love? Yeah? Anyway,
Betty say you were sorry. He'll be here now, okay, okay,
coming up, also the salary. We've got this great thing
for Johnny Stapill, which you did a great thing on
on TikTok. By the way, I want to talk about
that later on. That was really really super stuff. All right.

Speaker 8 (01:00:14):
We did a YouTube thing too, Yes, we did that.

Speaker 5 (01:00:16):
Had more come up here Fox Sports nine forty.

Speaker 14 (01:00:21):
There are ordinary mornings, and then there are mornings powered
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Speaker 8 (01:00:27):
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Speaker 14 (01:00:28):
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Speaker 8 (01:00:34):
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Speaker 14 (01:00:34):
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Speaker 8 (01:00:51):
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Speaker 40 (01:00:51):
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Speaker 28 (01:01:20):
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Speaker 3 (01:01:28):
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Speaker 3 (01:01:45):
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Speaker 30 (01:01:50):
Nothing beats the thrill of extreme kayakfishing with little standing
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Speaker 31 (01:02:19):
Time to go Diesel ring Power, the distributor for Coxmarine,
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Speaker 8 (01:02:45):
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Visit Coxmarine Outboards dot com to find your local dealer.

Speaker 24 (01:02:51):
Shop early saved big all month long during Black Friday.
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Speaker 3 (01:03:12):
Selection varies by location.

Speaker 41 (01:03:20):
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Speaker 21 (01:03:49):
WYNC, EMMI, WMIV, f IM HD two for Lauderdaye and
iHeartRadio station. Listen on the free iHeartRadio app for all
your sports music and podcasts.

Speaker 2 (01:03:59):
Free he never sounded so good. Fox Sports nine Miami.

Speaker 1 (01:04:06):
You're on board the Nautical Ventures Weekly Fisherman show with
legendary fisherman Eric Brandon, an extreme angler Joe Hector, powered
by Mercury Marine.

Speaker 2 (01:04:19):
Go boldly.

Speaker 5 (01:04:21):
We're not speaking of Mercury Marine. I want to say
thanks again for the great sponsorship. Yeah, this week goes
on a boattest dot com video shoot Oh really dot
Com log on it. Check out the amazing twenty four
year website. The authority by the way my performance and
evaluations on vessels totally unbiased. We don't shill for and

we just say what the boat's got on this particular vessel,
fifty foot log yacht.

Speaker 8 (01:04:45):
Oh, we're talking about you right now?

Speaker 5 (01:04:47):

Speaker 7 (01:04:47):
Oh well okay, yeah, it's the Eric Show now.

Speaker 8 (01:04:50):
Yeah, yes, it's the boat test. But let me shilling
and talking about it all right.

Speaker 5 (01:04:56):
On the back of this thing, we're twin six hundred Mercuries. Okay, Okay,
So I wanted to say the tying was Mercury is
a sponsor the remarks on the back of that fifty
foot pushing a fifty foot yacht man, we're doing like
forty eight knots in that thing they flying, No, you were,
it was, dude, Yes we were, okay, forty eight. I
have the stats. I was a stat man.

Speaker 8 (01:05:17):
Okay, analytics they call it. Nobody makes some more bigger,
more powerful outboard than Mercury.

Speaker 5 (01:05:23):
You agree, You've covered up for Joe very nicely. Thank
you very much, Stebo for saving his ass. Okay, So
it's going to Betty Shelley comfy. Actually, this thing's actually, man,
it's ben It's like we're gonna freaking blanket man, it
looks nice. Let's talk to Benny. Betty with a chest Shelley.
I say, Aaron Rodgers has to get some bad press
in New York.

Speaker 14 (01:05:43):

Speaker 5 (01:05:44):
They the team don't like him, the city don't like him.
He is I think he's wanting done. Man.

Speaker 8 (01:05:49):
Yeah, they traded for Adams. He's probably gone after this year.

Speaker 5 (01:05:52):
I don't know Benny. First of all, good morning to
your brother. Good morning, Hi morning guys. Yeah, that's uh.

Speaker 42 (01:05:58):
You know a lot of people predicted that early in
the season. Huhdonna.

Speaker 5 (01:06:02):
Man, he's talking to his teammates under the bush. You
know what. He blames everybody.

Speaker 8 (01:06:07):
But I just want to say one thing about Benny though,
Unlike Joe, even though his team has had issues and
they may suck sometimes, at least Benny goes to the games. Okay,
he goes, right, he goes. No, No, Benny, he's not
going tomorrow, and I am not wasting.

Speaker 43 (01:06:24):
Stephen, his favorite to his favorite sports cast even said
last time, you know, he's just he's he was just
he was just saying what video he made for?

Speaker 8 (01:06:36):
Joe said, Joe, where you go?

Speaker 28 (01:06:38):

Speaker 8 (01:06:39):
Kennedy And I'm at the Dolphins game. Why aren't you here,
you talk about town. How often do we come to
South Beach? You know, should be here having fun without you?

Speaker 6 (01:06:48):
Well, let's you know what, Likencoln, why don't we I
don't know, draft a quarterback or I don't know, like
win some games and then.

Speaker 8 (01:06:56):
Maybe I'm Raiders post online.

Speaker 5 (01:07:01):
You know, a true fan goes to a game where
they win or lose. That's okay.

Speaker 6 (01:07:07):
Benny and I are in like purgatory our teams but
will never win.

Speaker 8 (01:07:12):
He never likes his team though, too.

Speaker 5 (01:07:15):
Losing teams playing tomorrow one of us be our Miami Dolphins.

Speaker 8 (01:07:18):
So if you guys, I'm gonna say this, If you guys.

Speaker 5 (01:07:22):
Lose to us, we're really bad. You're anyway back to
the fishing news, Benny's fishing charters. What's been happened to Benny?

Speaker 42 (01:07:33):
Yeah, yeah, I mean it's been a decent week. I'm
looking at a great view right now, right here the
Hillsboro Inlet, Whitehouse, heading out the inlet. You know, for
for one of the slower months of the year, we've
had a really good week here. As soon as the
weather gave us a shot to get back off store,
we did. And it was right before this full moon
that we had last night or the night before, and uh,

you know, the wahoo just showed up. So we got
a couple of wahoo. We've seen a lot of different
captains on a lot of different boats get a lot
of wahoo's this week, including yesterday.

Speaker 4 (01:08:04):
Yesterday was an epic day.

Speaker 42 (01:08:05):
Captain Doug at American made got four on one trip,
so you know, there was a lot of There was
a lot of smack talk going on the social media
platforms yesterday where you know, Doug's taking some Wahoo credits
around Pompino here.

Speaker 4 (01:08:18):
But then you know you had a.

Speaker 42 (01:08:19):
Lot of other captains do good too. You know, Mike
and Eddie did great yesterday down here. They caught some fish.
Mike and Tyler, I mean Captain Eddie also did great.

Speaker 4 (01:08:31):
He caught some wahoo.

Speaker 42 (01:08:33):
Another epic bite that's going on right now is the
swordfish bite off store.

Speaker 4 (01:08:37):
A lot of these commercial guys.

Speaker 42 (01:08:38):
I provided some of these commercial guys with some bait
and they've been catching a lot of swordfish. One of them,
you know, we know doctor Richard Chavez from the Kayak game.
He went out swordfishing with some commercial guys yesterday. They
got a bunch of swordfish, including a yellowfin tuna.

Speaker 3 (01:08:55):
What that?

Speaker 42 (01:08:55):
I was able to get my hands on the yellowfin? What?
Yellow Sin's in my fridge? Going for a sushi party
all weekend. Those guys were hooking me up.

Speaker 8 (01:09:07):
I'll get I can get Richard on the show.

Speaker 5 (01:09:09):
Wow, man, Yeah, I know Richard.

Speaker 4 (01:09:11):
Oh yeah, Richard on the show. He'll talk forever.

Speaker 8 (01:09:14):
I know.

Speaker 5 (01:09:17):

Speaker 4 (01:09:18):
Let's go Doc, bring him on next week.

Speaker 8 (01:09:20):
I will.

Speaker 5 (01:09:21):
Benny has a begging report yellowish.

Speaker 42 (01:09:24):
Yeah, get his pictures too, man, because they did really good.
You know, Captain Kenny put him on him, red top
Kenny on the tree shika. Uh he's the man down
here with sword fishing.

Speaker 11 (01:09:34):
So uh, you know you put Doc on him.

Speaker 6 (01:09:37):
They had a good time yesterday, Benny, how big was
the yellowphant around?

Speaker 4 (01:09:42):
The yellowfin was about forty pounds. I pilated up myself
last night.

Speaker 42 (01:09:47):
I got four really big loins on it and a
bunch of extra meat, get know, from the head and
to the belly, and uh yeah, we're definitely you know,
I'm going to the Panthers game tonight. If anyone's gonna
be there, come check out my tailgate. We'll have sticky
rice and fresh sushi.

Speaker 5 (01:10:00):
Going Hey, where Benny lives. I want to stop by
for a win, man, I know, right, let's go by
that after the show. Think of a slice ome on, I.

Speaker 42 (01:10:07):
Got it next to market pass whoever wants to jump
in the lot, even if you don't go to.

Speaker 5 (01:10:10):
The dam Benny. Hey, man, you're just fired up today. Man,
So we missed you last weekend. Things happened, but we
missed you. It was a big void. But you want
to show.

Speaker 4 (01:10:18):
Yeah, I'm sorry about that.

Speaker 9 (01:10:18):

Speaker 4 (01:10:19):
Man, all right, you know the jet's loss. I'm tired
you guys dragging on me.

Speaker 5 (01:10:25):
He's back on Betty's Fishing Charters. You're getting the hook
up with you, man, tell us the best way to
get out there for a great day of fisher brother.

Speaker 4 (01:10:31):
Yeah, give us a shout anytime.

Speaker 42 (01:10:32):
You could give us a call directly at nine five
four seven zero.

Speaker 4 (01:10:35):
Six six five six five, or look us up online.

Speaker 42 (01:10:39):
It's Benny's Fishing Charters dot com or at Benny's Fishing
Charters on your social media sites.

Speaker 4 (01:10:45):
Check us out on Instagram.

Speaker 5 (01:10:46):
Go jets. Okay, guys, have a good weekend. Guys.

Speaker 8 (01:10:48):
See if Betty man a freaking yellowfin. What a great
report that was? What stellar what.

Speaker 6 (01:10:55):
I can't believe that because Richard comes from New York. Yeah,
so he he's like back and forth. But I didn't
even know that happened.

Speaker 5 (01:11:03):
He caught the yellow fant with with anther fish. There was
other fish he caught in that same set.

Speaker 7 (01:11:07):
Well, he was going for swords and he got a
y elephant and swords.

Speaker 5 (01:11:11):
I meant to ask him if he caught the yellophant
on him.

Speaker 8 (01:11:13):
I'm going to get him on. You want to get
him on for the next show.

Speaker 5 (01:11:15):
Next show? Yeah, okay, okay, we have a week to
plan Joe. Yeah, now you know what, it'll call people back,
So trying to make another head to call this guy
before next year. We'll take a little break, come back
and talk with the happiest man in Broward County, Norm Beckoff.
We've got good friend Johnny's to Bill. We've got a
brand new feasture we brought back. It was kind of

a new new thing. We brought it back last weekend.
He was called the toy chest right, and our friend
Cat Hayley Okay from Monico Vischer is now providing with
us her own self contained toy video.

Speaker 8 (01:11:47):
She knocked it out the park.

Speaker 5 (01:11:48):
And she's on cameras saw thing and it makes us
look so much better because it's not me just rambling
on about something. It's actually somebody knows a lot more
than I do, which is not hard.

Speaker 8 (01:11:57):
The cat knows where it's at, cat knows why that.

Speaker 5 (01:12:00):
That's all come up here and more of ANT seven twelve,
Fox Sports nine forty Well how Boys.

Speaker 2 (01:12:07):
From the Storm Tight Windows Weather Center.

Speaker 12 (01:12:10):
Party cloudy skies for this Saturday with high eighty in
pember Pines, eighty two in Winwood, and tonight a low
of seventy two. Party cloudy tomorrow with the high of eighty.

Speaker 13 (01:12:19):
This report is sponsored by Audible. Get immersed in new
worlds and ideas with Audible Explore, an incredible selection of
audio books, podcasts, and originals all in one easy app.
There's more to imagine when you listen. Sign up for
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Speaker 31 (01:12:36):
It's time to go diesel if you're a charter fishing captain,
and reliability is key to your success. See how Cox
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Speaker 8 (01:12:45):
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Speaker 8 (01:12:54):
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Speaker 31 (01:12:55):
The Cox Marine Diesel outboard has lower emissions, thirty percent
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Speaker 28 (01:13:07):
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Speaker 29 (01:13:14):
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Speaker 3 (01:13:31):
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Speaker 5 (01:14:05):
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Speaker 2 (01:16:05):
The pros talk here.

Speaker 11 (01:16:07):
Aren't you an Emmy Award winning journalism?

Speaker 13 (01:16:10):
This is a big deal.

Speaker 2 (01:16:11):
This is Fox Sports nine Miami.

Speaker 8 (01:16:16):
Now back to the.

Speaker 1 (01:16:17):
Nautical Ventures weekly Fisherman show powered by Mercury Marine.

Speaker 2 (01:16:21):
Go Boldly.

Speaker 5 (01:16:24):
Ride, Captain Rye. A little bluemits here? Man, Oh it
doesn't your sock? Back in Match Long two point seven,
Back when I was a top rated midday jock there
Man Midday Midday eleven three twenty years baby Wow, A
long time do you miss it? I miss the money anyway,

So let's go. Let's suck. I'm working a four hour
day of making six figures. I miss that a lot. Okay,
let's go to the finest ki man, shall we? All right?
Let me do it?

Speaker 8 (01:16:56):
Hey, Norm, how's it going.

Speaker 5 (01:16:58):
It's not formal, Hey Joe, it going? I'd rather say hey,
what's up?

Speaker 8 (01:17:04):

Speaker 5 (01:17:04):
Dude? How you do it?

Speaker 19 (01:17:05):

Speaker 5 (01:17:05):
But he just.

Speaker 6 (01:17:07):
Going, well, that's his like, you know, he's very direct.
I like, okay, he's on the talk.

Speaker 7 (01:17:14):
I heard him say hi, yes, but he was biting there.

Speaker 5 (01:17:17):
Man, what's going on? Man? There was some wah Yeah,
they bit, they bit, they bit.

Speaker 23 (01:17:27):
And a lot of them caught.

Speaker 11 (01:17:30):

Speaker 23 (01:17:30):
The trick to the wahoos was uh fishing the planer
with a strip and the sea witch and a few
fish caught live baiting while trying to catch sails.

Speaker 5 (01:17:44):
But I mean that was they.

Speaker 23 (01:17:45):
Poured through and a lot of guys caught him.

Speaker 5 (01:17:47):
It was a really really good week.

Speaker 23 (01:17:50):
Lots of sails and the bottom fishing was pretty good too.
Had a pretty good bite on uh a million snappers
nice and a few yellow eyes mixed in with them.
A few muttons for the guys fishing the reef, and
overall it was just a you know, a really good week.

Speaker 5 (01:18:10):
You know.

Speaker 23 (01:18:10):
I mean we had to battle around with some some
weather here earlier in the week, but then when it
laid down and everybody got out, it.

Speaker 10 (01:18:18):
Was just a sleigh fest.

Speaker 5 (01:18:20):
It was really good sleigh fest, Joe.

Speaker 8 (01:18:23):
I mean, this is really good right now. I mean, Netflix,
no question.

Speaker 5 (01:18:31):
For you man, sleighfest may continue. Does this full beaver
moon can help things for the next couple of days.

Speaker 7 (01:18:40):
Yeah, it's a super moon.

Speaker 23 (01:18:44):
Yeah, it's gonna wane and and then I kind of
expected to drop off, but again, we've got all this
wacky weather that's coming, and so it's kind of hard
to tell. I mean, if if we were in a
normal weather pattern that we usually see that you know,
by this time of the year, I would, yeah, it's

probably gonna drop off. But it's you know what, it's
hard to say that because the weather is just so
unsettled and it makes for really really good fishing.

Speaker 5 (01:19:14):

Speaker 8 (01:19:15):
You know it's today.

Speaker 6 (01:19:17):
If you if you just think about like everything we've heard,
I mean, you got everything from.

Speaker 45 (01:19:23):
Wahoo's, multiple wahoos, multiple sailfish, mahi mahi even though we're
not hearing really big ones, but ma mahi and mutton snappers,
big mutton snappers, swordfish and yellowfin tuna.

Speaker 8 (01:19:40):
I mean this is pretty epic.

Speaker 5 (01:19:42):
Man, I being caught up here and brower.

Speaker 23 (01:19:48):
But you know, and yeah, you're right, you know, I
totally I totally missed on the the MAMAI fishing still
is very good. I mean it's just some really really
good fishing right now.

Speaker 5 (01:20:00):
You're seeing bait around norm or is it bait disappeared
because a lot of guys are having trouble with baits
the last couple of months, than batesment scattered at least
what I've been told.

Speaker 23 (01:20:09):
Yeah, yeah, baits kind of scattered.

Speaker 25 (01:20:12):
There's valley who's.

Speaker 5 (01:20:13):
On the on the reef.

Speaker 46 (01:20:14):
And uh so, I mean if you're if you're looking
for you know, sales, uh you know, that's always a
good game. And it's it's really amazing to me how
so few people actually do that and and run live valhues.
And but I'll tell you one thing I have seen
is I've seen another push of mullet the year alight

or I've been watching I've been watching uh big schools
of mullet getting run by jacks, So there's still a
lot of mullet around.

Speaker 5 (01:20:50):

Speaker 23 (01:20:51):
You know, it's just like I said, it's just that
I think the weather's got a lot to do with it.

Speaker 5 (01:20:58):
But you know, it's just it's really good fishing right now.

Speaker 23 (01:21:01):
So if you can get out and go, h you know,
this is the time to do it.

Speaker 5 (01:21:06):
And I would say, I'd say very heavily this. If
you want to go, how about book one of our
captains on the show. Want to call them up? Book
the Norms and the Bennies and the Shawn's Okay and
the jim Bows and all the guys who are doing
this for a living. Let's put some local dollars in
their pockets. Support the cause because these guys do this
free every weekend. Yep. We paying these guys a dime

to spend their time with us. So if you guys
want to fish and really great fishing, fish with Captain Norm,
fish with these captains, man, call them up and get
out there and you'll have a great time. Yep. And
if you mentioned the show, by the way, they give
you ninety five percent off, So it's amazing.

Speaker 8 (01:21:46):
Mention Eric Brandon and they'll charge you double.

Speaker 5 (01:21:48):
That's for damn sure anyway, norms, So fish is bagging great? Man?
Are you liking this little nippy kind of wather this morning?
But it's like sixty some degrees it's kind of a
nice break, yeah, finally, right, you.

Speaker 11 (01:22:02):
Know, it's kind of kind of It's weird.

Speaker 22 (01:22:04):
You know, we get these we get all this tropical.

Speaker 23 (01:22:08):
All these tropical systems, and then all of a sudden,
as soon as that weather.

Speaker 9 (01:22:12):
Moves through, Oh, all of a sudden, Oh yeah, here's
here's fall.

Speaker 5 (01:22:17):
Yeah, it's like maybe that's all the wind blew for
like three weeks bringing his front end. What do you think, Yeah,
because there was stop I mean, actually trials, man's blunt.

Speaker 8 (01:22:26):
Think about it. I mean obviously something has to be.
I mean, this is the fishing right now.

Speaker 6 (01:22:31):
Is is literally just epic. It's gotta be because of that,
because think about it too. Not a lot of people
have been fishing because of all these fronts.

Speaker 8 (01:22:39):
I mean, if you add it all up.

Speaker 5 (01:22:40):
But think about this also, since the man won the election,
have you seen how fishing is just turned on and
gotten great?

Speaker 8 (01:22:49):
Is that kind of again?

Speaker 5 (01:22:51):
Is that kind of a coincidence or what? Man? What
do you think? Nor even a fish found out about it. Man,
I don't know they're happy.

Speaker 26 (01:22:59):

Speaker 3 (01:22:59):
Yeah, listen, I.

Speaker 8 (01:23:01):
Mean we had the did you see that one?

Speaker 36 (01:23:03):
Did you see the tropical system?

Speaker 23 (01:23:05):
It was supposed to hit it here Trump gets elected
and it decides to go back to Mexico.

Speaker 5 (01:23:11):
He closed the weather border too. Man. How about that?
This guy is just we don't talk politics, but I
tell that man, he's changing things for the better. Man
like this can't wait to his head. Oh yeah, Nor
thanks so much. Man, have a great weekend. You always
bring it strong. We appreciate you.

Speaker 11 (01:23:26):

Speaker 5 (01:23:27):
Storm all right, what's what's he always says up with?
What's you say?

Speaker 8 (01:23:33):
Run that dog?

Speaker 5 (01:23:34):
Run that That's what it is. Run that dog. Now,
I couldn't forget what that was. Let's talk about one
of the one of the most interesting captain on the show.
He just pays some crazy, amazing new things every weekend. Accurate, Johnny,
the Man's to build yo.

Speaker 4 (01:23:50):
John Night, Good morning, guys.

Speaker 10 (01:23:54):
What's going on?

Speaker 5 (01:23:55):
Nice little dip in the air, Johnny. We have this
full beaver moon mega moon going off, so I'm not
sure it affects the way you fish, but it does
some of the off shot guys. Definitely when I think
passes her before. But what's on your list of things
this week is what happened?

Speaker 26 (01:24:10):
Well, I was actually on a cruise this week and
got sick halfway through. So I was supposed to have
a charter today that I pushed off till next Saturday.
I haven't really been out, but I do know that
this time of the year, it just it gets so
magical out there on the lake.

Speaker 9 (01:24:31):
It's almost a free for all. There's plenty of bait,
plenty of fish to be caught, and you know, that
little bit of a.

Speaker 26 (01:24:38):
Cooler temperature, I personally I love it. You know, it
sends all those peacocks deep and it makes it a
good opportunity to catch a lot of them.

Speaker 9 (01:24:49):
You know, you catch a bunch of them because they
all sit on this deep structure.

Speaker 26 (01:24:54):
And you know, when you've been fishing the lake for
as long as I have fifteen eighteen years now, it's
you know, you know where.

Speaker 9 (01:25:02):
All that structure is.

Speaker 26 (01:25:03):
And especially using like a side scan, you can mark
those fish and sit right on top of them and
pull them up all day long. It's it's, like I said,
a pretty magical time.

Speaker 9 (01:25:15):
So even though I didn't get out this week.

Speaker 26 (01:25:18):
As soon as I'm get you know, as soon as
I get a little bit better, I'll be uh be
getting back out there and and it'll just be a
sleigh fest.

Speaker 9 (01:25:25):
And I'm excited for it.

Speaker 5 (01:25:27):
Man, recommend by the way, side Scan check that out
with your simrad unit. I might add, okay, just because
they're a sponsor on a show like their Side Scan
down view cool stuff. Yeah, man, good little plug plug okay, yeah,
people who pay the rent around here. Oh yeah, Johnny,
so you're on a cruise ship. Man, you have like
that neurovirus or bad meal or just seasick?

Speaker 7 (01:25:49):
What happened to do you think it was Johnny and
Laura's anniversary?

Speaker 5 (01:25:52):

Speaker 8 (01:25:53):
Happy anniversary? But wasn't anniversary?

Speaker 9 (01:25:55):
Well we just got engaged.

Speaker 8 (01:25:57):
Oh that's what it was.

Speaker 5 (01:25:59):
Well, happy guess jobs guess d by the way, guess.

Speaker 6 (01:26:05):
But I have to say they are such an awesome couple.
They're both awesome people, the hearts.

Speaker 5 (01:26:11):
What happened to them? What got him? Ill me? I
hear about this?

Speaker 8 (01:26:13):
Well, I'm just congratulating my friend here.

Speaker 5 (01:26:16):
What happened to you?

Speaker 10 (01:26:17):

Speaker 7 (01:26:18):
I just got a cold.

Speaker 9 (01:26:20):
It's nothing serious.

Speaker 26 (01:26:22):
We uh, we were actually we were down in Mexico
and I got one of those Mexican Z packs which.

Speaker 8 (01:26:28):
Don't drink the water.

Speaker 5 (01:26:29):
Yes, for sure.

Speaker 26 (01:26:30):
I don't know what did that stuff, but it has
been working very well to get me better. I feel
pretty good today. Just a lot of stuffiness in my head.

Speaker 5 (01:26:40):
But yeah, I say, what's made of Johnny, Mexican Mexican
z pax got part of the cocoa leaves that I
just you know, man, that's why really up, really up
and can't sleep man. But anyway, so, yeah, I had
a cold, and a cold a cruise ship whatever, it's

better than neurovirus. I heard. That's just I've been a
cruise ship fan because you're crowded with five thousand people. Yeah,
it's just to me, just it's germophobic city and I'm
a germaphobe. You know that I can't be with it?
Is that already? So anyway, So when you get better, Johnny,

what do you think is going to be turned on
with this whole situation with the weather getting cooler, it
stuff better, bass fishing, better, tarp and fishing. What do
you think?

Speaker 26 (01:27:30):
Definitely better bass fishing art and then eventually you know
the tarp and fishing will get good as the as
the shrimp start to flush in the wintertime, and that
probably won't happen for another month and a half, maybe two.

Speaker 9 (01:27:45):
It just depends when you know, when we get those.

Speaker 26 (01:27:47):
Full moons in those cold fronts at the same time,
and you get a lot of current and it pushes
those shrimp all through the grass slats and under the
bridges where the tarpin are sitting. So you know, we
we could see that within a month and a half
or you know, it could be you know, March before
we see that, but it's it's not likely it would

be that long.

Speaker 9 (01:28:08):
And in between then and now, plenty of bass fishing
to be done. You know.

Speaker 26 (01:28:15):
Anytime you get a little tick in the weather that's colder,
you know, those largemouth bas are going to be fired
up to And to be honest, there is way more
largemouth bass on.

Speaker 9 (01:28:28):
The Lake Ada chain and in the Everglades.

Speaker 26 (01:28:31):
Yeah then most people even think because they just sit
deep in the middle all the time. So when you
get a cold front, you can catch them pretty much anywhere,
and they're a lot more active, yeah than sometimes the
peacocks when it gets cold. Sometimes those peacocks will slow
down for a few days and it's a good opportunity
to catch some largemouth.

Speaker 6 (01:28:50):
But hey, Johnny, what's your advice for like targeting up
like a monster large mouth? Like where would you where
would you go without giving you know away like some
of your prime spots, but like how would you target them?

Speaker 9 (01:29:06):
So a couple of different ways.

Speaker 26 (01:29:08):
I By the way, the biggest large mouth that I've
had a client pull out of Lake Ida is you know,
over nine pounds, So I mean there's big fish on
Lake Ida. And to be honest, that fish was already
spawned out. I mean that particular fish had the frame
to be you know, like a twelve thirteen pounder.

Speaker 9 (01:29:31):
It was just it had to be twenty five twenty
five inches. It was what I mean, maybe twenty six inches.
It was huge, and.

Speaker 26 (01:29:41):
The belly was actually indented. But you know, the best
techniques that I've ever seen are the chatter bait, you know,
like a big chatter bait with a big trailer or
something that's real big, heavy profile on the water that
makes a lot of racket, a.

Speaker 9 (01:29:55):
Wacky rigged worm or a dead shad on the bottom.

Speaker 8 (01:30:02):
By the way, it shadow.

Speaker 5 (01:30:05):
John's ad prossimate way after the show last weekend. One
of our guys on the stream had heard Johnny on
the show, but he forgot what Johnny was saying, what
lure he had been mentioning. And I said something like
I actually TechEd Johnny Johnny, I think it's up with
with the z whatever. And Johnny came back and answered
it was that z Man whatever the hell it was, Johnny,
I forgot man talk about that one.

Speaker 26 (01:30:26):
Yeah, yeah, So that's that was my top clown knife
producing artificial That's was cloud knife. It's a z Man
Streak Z five inch on a Texas I hook. And
I mean I've thrown a lot of stuff for clown knife,
you know, on the artificial side, and there's nothing that
compares to that z Man Streaks.

Speaker 9 (01:30:48):
It's it's just a long profile.

Speaker 26 (01:30:51):
I mean it's made of that last tech material, so
you know, the fish can stretch it, you know, three
or four times the length of the dait without breaking it.

Speaker 25 (01:31:00):
It's uh, it's truly a.

Speaker 8 (01:31:01):
Game changer, you know.

Speaker 26 (01:31:03):
It's uh, you get him in a bright color and
drag him on the bottom. Actually, Johnny Jiggs fished with
me during the Exotic Bass.

Speaker 9 (01:31:15):
Round Up tournament last year and he even caught.

Speaker 8 (01:31:17):
One on a on a man.

Speaker 9 (01:31:19):
So it's just a fantastic bait. And uh and the
technique is, I mean, anybody can do it.

Speaker 26 (01:31:25):
You just drag it on the bottom.

Speaker 5 (01:31:26):
Well, Johnny, feel better. The clock is rocking, man, So
that you brought it strong and it's always thanks O
very very much. But the way you look great On
Joe's TikTok video, you featured you, which came out great.
Did you see that thing he put together?

Speaker 8 (01:31:38):
Oh yeah, that was hilarious.

Speaker 1 (01:31:41):

Speaker 5 (01:31:42):
The slug line was a man somebody gets hooked.

Speaker 8 (01:31:45):
The hook in the face.

Speaker 5 (01:31:46):
Hooked in the face was your opening capture, man, But
that was you, guys. If you have a chance to
go online, yeah, well.

Speaker 8 (01:31:54):
Johnny, yeah, so we just started our new YouTube.

Speaker 6 (01:31:56):
We're trying to get that going now and you could
just go to I put the link actually in the comments,
but just type in Joe Hector and that'll take you
on YouTube and that'll take you to that to that
page and then it'll be in its own section. But yeah, Johnny,
if you get a chance, just share that, brother, I
would appreciate it.

Speaker 8 (01:32:14):
And uh, yeah, we're trying to get that going now.

Speaker 5 (01:32:17):
All right, man, Thank you Johnny very much. Take a
look break, we'll talk with Jeded with this weather forecast.
What's happening with that stuff happening right now? Yeah, Captain
deb Our, Friend Dale and the Keys coming up. Oh yeah,
and our feature Kat Haley and the toy Chest all
coming up here Fox Sports nine.

Speaker 8 (01:32:34):
Bye, we'll talk about it. It's time to go.

Speaker 31 (01:32:37):
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Speaker 28 (01:33:07):
Remember the fry days of gasoline.

Speaker 5 (01:33:10):
It's just not made the same anymore.

Speaker 3 (01:33:15):
Key your gash into gear with star trot. Pump up
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Speaker 29 (01:33:23):
Sure the problems of methodol with the power of enzymes
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Speaker 3 (01:33:32):
Gig start your engines with star Tron.

Speaker 37 (01:33:37):
Need a place to store your boat, how about a
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Speaker 8 (01:34:03):
Nautical Ventures the go to people for fun on the water.

Speaker 16 (01:34:06):
When it comes to kayakfishing, Nautical Ventures knows what you
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Speaker 15 (01:34:37):
Any great angler knows the key to catching beautiful fish
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Speaker 27 (01:35:07):
So we're not all professional anglists, we don't all compete
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Speaker 8 (01:36:05):
It's been.

Speaker 20 (01:36:10):
The official Eras Tour book, coming to Target on November
twenty ninth, featuring over five hundred photographs from the tour,
including never before seen performance and behind the scenes images,
and for the first time, the Tortured Poet's Department the
anthology with thirty five tracks on CD and vinyl.

Speaker 21 (01:36:32):
Only at Target, broadcasting live from the Fox Sports nine
forty Anna jarn Levine Accident Attorney Studios called one eight
hundred seven four seven free.

Speaker 2 (01:36:45):
That's one eight hundred seven four seven three seven three three.
You're on board.

Speaker 1 (01:36:53):
The Donica Venture's weekly Fisherman show powered by Mercury Marine,
Go Boldly with legendary fisherman Eric Brandon, an extreme angler
Joe Hector, Well, we have a full beaver moon.

Speaker 5 (01:37:08):
Going on super Moon, Joey gonna make fish and just
bang it great if you weren't singing over that intro
to that song, I really enjoy that music, man, but
you have to blow it by trying to be Ozzy
Osbourne the nineties. Many a second, our great friend Jennifer

Gray Warren, the best weather on the planet. She's on
the Weather Channel Discovery Dive, which I follow religiously. Know
exactly what episode runs every single season. I got it
all memorized and downpack man for sure.

Speaker 3 (01:37:48):
Hi, Jed, Jed.

Speaker 8 (01:37:51):
At number one fan.

Speaker 5 (01:37:53):
I'm your number one fan. I follow that show religiously.

Speaker 8 (01:37:58):
Number of the Dive show.

Speaker 5 (01:38:01):
I think we have a phone thing, Yeah, gotta, we
got to reset your phone, Jack, because we have the
helium button engaged here. Okay, let's reset her phone, if
you would, Jeff, and give her one chance that we
call her back and get her back because we had
a Matthew before. He's got a pretty manly voice, and
he went on for a while and he was sounding

like Mickey Mouse.

Speaker 8 (01:38:23):
Well you could do, though, is leave Jen like that? Yeah,
and then you guys can match her like this.

Speaker 5 (01:38:32):
Oh you mean like this, like this, like this, like
this like this. Hello, okay, all we have her back on.
There we go, oh, there we go.

Speaker 8 (01:38:41):
Oh. My name is John.

Speaker 42 (01:38:47):

Speaker 8 (01:38:47):
I work factory. One day my boss came to me
and said, Joe, okay enough Milly, thank you.

Speaker 5 (01:39:00):
School that.

Speaker 8 (01:39:05):
I think you should keep it like that.

Speaker 5 (01:39:06):
This is effects you just amazing. Man. Gen's back. Let's
see if we have a hookup right now, she says,
at normal speed. Gen you back there, kiddo, there you go,
I'm here. There you go. Sorry, we had a little
phone thing going on. Anyway, So what's this crazy moon thing?
What do you know about that whole phenomena?

Speaker 9 (01:39:23):
What about the moon?

Speaker 5 (01:39:25):
Well, we call it's a full beaver moon, super moon.
We call it down here. We saw it. I saw
it online. Man, I don't know. I'm just repeating when
I saw the size channel.

Speaker 4 (01:39:34):
It's the same.

Speaker 34 (01:39:35):
It is the same moon that you see every night.

Speaker 19 (01:39:38):
It's not a different moon. It's just every month is
called something different.

Speaker 8 (01:39:44):
Yeah, Eric, which dates back.

Speaker 19 (01:39:46):
To the Native Americans keeping track of farming and planting
and harvesting and things like that. So this November is
always the beaver moon.

Speaker 5 (01:39:56):
So I made a big deal this whole thing, like
it was just like some gigantic, amazing phenomenon. What it's
actually just a regular moon with a different name, Joe.

Speaker 8 (01:40:04):
Well, I mean it does.

Speaker 19 (01:40:06):
During a supermoon, it does appear a little bit bigger
than it normally would, but it is indeed the same.

Speaker 5 (01:40:14):
Moon, same moon, Joe.

Speaker 7 (01:40:15):
Yeah, we'll see one moon something special.

Speaker 5 (01:40:18):
That's true. It's only one moon up there, unless I'm
on the wrong planet. But anyway, So, Jen, it's sixty
six degrees this morning, which is kind of a nice
break for the normal heat we've been heaven and uh, yeah,
it's so refreshing. So what's happening with that front or
what do you call this thing?

Speaker 19 (01:40:33):
Yeah? You know, well it's your Your mornings were really nice.
You'll still heat up in the afternoons. You mostly Sunday
Today high near eighty one northeast winds ten to fifteen
not sees four to six feet occasionally eight inner coastal waters,
moderate chop. Tomorrow, mostly sunny, higher eighty east winds ten
to fifteen sees three to five feet occasionally six inner

coastal waters and moderate chop in the Keys Today, sunny
with a high in your seventy nine northeast to east
winds he knots see increasing to twenty seas two to
three feet. Near shore water's a moderate chop. Tomorrow mostly
sunny high and you're seventy nine and the keys east
winds fifteen to twenty sees three to four feet occasionally
five near shore waters choppy and a Florida Bay Today

northeast to east winds they're fifteen knots increasing fifteen to twenty.
Day water is a light to moderate chop, and tomorrow
northeast to east winds fifteen knots. Baywaters a moderate chop.

Speaker 8 (01:41:27):
And then I do know you get like a really.

Speaker 19 (01:41:30):
Decent cold front come through.

Speaker 8 (01:41:33):
Later this upcoming week. That's you guys down.

Speaker 7 (01:41:36):
Really how keys there for you?

Speaker 5 (01:41:39):
How cold will that? Do you think? Fifty?

Speaker 19 (01:41:42):
I think you have some mornings your loads should dip
down into maybe the upper fifties.

Speaker 5 (01:41:47):
Yeah, wow, Wow, that's awesome. A little Florida winter is
finally arriving. Joey, there we go about that? What I
means you can't wear your extra small shirts on my mediumia?

Speaker 37 (01:42:00):

Speaker 11 (01:42:00):

Speaker 19 (01:42:01):
Have your yeah, next Saturday, Next Saturday morning, you guys
will be in your parkase, that's awesome.

Speaker 5 (01:42:09):
We're shrinkage coming up here. Anyway, here we go, Jed,
thanks so very very much for a great report. We'd
love you to death. And just thanks for putting up
on this, I mean seriously.

Speaker 8 (01:42:19):
And sorry about your coach with the Saints.

Speaker 5 (01:42:22):
Okay, okay, we're alling more every team we have, Jed
between the Dolphins and we're all in football morning right now. Okay,
trust it's a sad day fan man. But anyway, thank
you Jeduary much. All right, it's the key.

Speaker 2 (01:42:41):
Shall we join.

Speaker 8 (01:42:42):
Let's do it.

Speaker 5 (01:42:43):
Nibley got SpongeBob, one of the only captain.

Speaker 8 (01:42:48):
Dibb Dale, Captain Deb both Gallan, a.

Speaker 5 (01:42:56):
Little Nippley this morning, Jef. But we're happy with this
weather cap the about it.

Speaker 34 (01:43:01):
Oh, it's absolutely gorgeous here. We got a little bit
of a cold front, you know, compared to what we've had.
And fishing is phenomenal here right now. We just don't
have the customers and the guests and the and the
clients to take out, but fishing is great. Selfish are here?
Why who's here? We got this moon in the sky.

You know, I'm going out here at ten o'clock and
going to try to catch something, and you know, I
mean it's just it's a beautiful time of year to
be here and it's thank god it's not sweating.

Speaker 5 (01:43:33):
Yeah, no, it's nice. So we're in the sixties now.
Jen just said next weekend, deb Chips could be the fifties.
So I kind of like this break from that heat.

Speaker 26 (01:43:43):

Speaker 5 (01:43:43):
Oh yeah, right, Joe, it'd be awesome.

Speaker 42 (01:43:47):

Speaker 34 (01:43:47):
I was looking on wing Guru and it looks like
we've got a cold front and it's calling for like
fifty eight fifty nine in the morning's here and the keys,
So yeah, that's definitely a cold front. So you know
what that means, Joe, Wow, Oh yeah, yeah.

Speaker 5 (01:44:02):
Well, dev this big moon is out there, is that
affecting fishing good or bad? And the keys? How does
that affect your your whole week ahead?

Speaker 34 (01:44:10):
Well, I mean, we are having a lot of high
water right now, we will have for the next two days.
But you know, like I like to fish two days
before the big moon, two days after the big moon.
Sometimes I'll go out in the mornings. Just if you're
on those reef and and you're out there and your
your private boat, make sure when the tide'es up like
this and the moon's up that those morning balls on

the recks on the Spiegel, on the Duayne and Bibb
on way down south, they're all underwater, so you will
hit those if you're not careful. So that's just a
little thing is make sure make sure you're looking for
those balls, those morning balls out there.

Speaker 8 (01:44:48):
Captain dev Is.

Speaker 6 (01:44:49):
The is the mutton fishing just as good there as
it is here, because right now it's been on fire.

Speaker 34 (01:44:55):
Yeah, I mean, I think it has to do with
the conditions we had. As the water clears up and
we get to back into our winter fishing, that mutton,
that mutton bite's gonna dry up just a little bit.
I did see that there was two two yellowfin tunas
cut off of Miami yesterday.

Speaker 5 (01:45:12):
Now we talked about two of them. Yeah, we knew
of one.

Speaker 34 (01:45:19):
We talked two of them, and that's all on the kite.
So that tells us the winners here. You know, you
got to look at the fish to tell you what
the seasons are. So definitely that mutton snapper bike comes
around that moon here in November usually when it's blowing
like this. So if you go back into your fishing
logs that you're supposed to be keeping for the last ever,

how long you've been fishing, you'll see the pattern.

Speaker 5 (01:45:44):
Jot the fishing log with my A D D.

Speaker 8 (01:45:48):
Ever, I don't know.

Speaker 5 (01:45:50):
It looked like a children I've never kept the fishing
log ever.

Speaker 8 (01:45:54):
So no, actually I will lie though.

Speaker 6 (01:45:56):
I I do have a tournament log, but I got
it from uh, from my mentor one of my mentors,
Tom Grill.

Speaker 8 (01:46:02):
The only logs they have are in the bathroom.

Speaker 5 (01:46:05):
That's very true on this show in the morning. Anyway, Deb,
thanks so very much for bringing a strong love you
of the program. It's still like fishing in the keys.
She's just saying. Right now, Joe, there's the tourist art there.
The buyers aren't there, the clients aren't there. If you
want to fish man with our captains, especially Captain Deb,
you can have the place and the keys all to yourself.

No crowds, no crowded boats, no crowded places. Just chill. Yeah.

Speaker 34 (01:46:32):
Right, I was out there the other day. I was
the only boat around, the only boater.

Speaker 42 (01:46:36):
Yes, so I mean yeah, I mean it was rough.

Speaker 25 (01:46:41):
Of course.

Speaker 34 (01:46:41):
I was in a forty plus vote boat, which you know,
takes away some people, but you know it's still it's
you have. You have everything yourself. Eric's right, you know.
I mean you get out there early, you go out,
you fish, you come back. But you know that's all
gonna change after Christmas. But right now it's the time
to be out there because there's.

Speaker 5 (01:46:59):
No that's all the Canadians flock down. Yeah, that's for sure.
Hopefully it's been money anyway, sik jep very much. We
appreciate you, love you have a great weekend. Okay, thanks Kevin.
All right, we'll take a break, come back with our
toy chest. I can't wait to see what Cat has
got for us. Ooh, Cat's Star our newest member of
the show. Oh yeah, we'll have it pop out of

a toy chest and have a hoot in any with
that bad boy, shall we? Oh yeah, comeing to hear next.
Fox Sports died forty.

Speaker 2 (01:47:27):
Bye from the storm Tight Windows Weather Center.

Speaker 12 (01:47:32):
Party cloudy skies for this Saturday with high eighty and
pember Pines eighty two in wind Wood and tonight a
low of seventy two. Party cloudy tomorrow with the high
of eighty.

Speaker 13 (01:47:41):
This report is sponsored by Audible Get Immersed in new
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Speaker 31 (01:47:58):
It's time to go dese If you operate a government boat,
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The three hundred horsepower Cox Marine CXO three hundred Diesel
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Speaker 8 (01:48:25):
Go Diesel.

Speaker 31 (01:48:26):
Visit Coxmarine Outboards dot com to learn more.

Speaker 15 (01:48:28):
Any great angler knows the key to catching beautiful fish
lies in finding them. Inner Simrad's new Halo Open ray
radar bringing you more power, more safety, and best of all,
more fish. Halo three thousand features an all new Bird
Plus mode, which focuses the radar's full power on finding
flocks of birds, leading you to fishing holes up to

eight nautical miles away. That's truly game changing power. For
more on Halo, navigate to the radar page at simrad
dash Yachting dot com.

Speaker 30 (01:48:58):
Nothing beach plus string kayakfishing with little standing between you
and fighting a monster fish. And when it comes to
kayak fishing, nothing beats a hobby with its hands free
mirage drive propulsion system. Nautical Ventures is your exclusive hobby
dealer for Broward and Palm Beach. They have the widest
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They're rigged by our in house experts who fish the tournaments.

Speaker 3 (01:49:21):
They know what it takes to win.

Speaker 30 (01:49:22):
Coda Nautical ventures dot com to learn more.

Speaker 2 (01:49:25):
Nautical Ventures the go to people for hobby.

Speaker 28 (01:49:29):
Remember the cory days of gasoline. It's just not made
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Speaker 3 (01:49:36):
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Speaker 29 (01:49:38):
With star Trove, Pump up the fforbits in all of
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Speaker 3 (01:49:53):
Kick start your engines with star tron.

Speaker 36 (01:49:58):
Every day on the water is a blank canvas. You
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Mercury engines are made for exploring, So are you go boldly.

Speaker 24 (01:50:28):
Low's Honors are Military community. This Veteran's Day and every
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Speaker 3 (01:50:41):
It's our way of showing.

Speaker 24 (01:50:42):
Our gratitude to the brave people who have and continue
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Speaker 8 (01:50:57):
Oh, no, stomach issues again? Stomach issues?

Speaker 7 (01:51:01):
Who are you?

Speaker 3 (01:51:02):
You're pancreas?

Speaker 47 (01:51:03):
I could be the real reason for your diarrhea, gas, bloating,
stomach pain, or lose aill these stools.

Speaker 13 (01:51:07):
I thought it was my stomach.

Speaker 47 (01:51:08):
People often do, but any of these symptoms could mean
having a condition called exocrine pancreatic insufficiency or EPI. With EPI,
the pancreas doesn't release enough enzymes to break down food.

Speaker 2 (01:51:18):
But EPI is manageable.

Speaker 47 (01:51:20):
Use the symptom checker on identify epi dot com and
speak with your doctor. That's Identify EPI dot Com sponsored
by ABV.

Speaker 2 (01:51:27):
The Miami Dolphins play. Here are you Hurrier? Fox Sports,
You're on board.

Speaker 1 (01:51:39):
The Nautical Ventures Weekly Fishermen Show powered by Mercury Marine.
Go boldly with legendary fishermen Eric Brandon, an extreme angler,
Joe Hector.

Speaker 5 (01:51:52):
Oh I love this segment man, it's back. You never
know what's going to pop out. Yeah, Yes, time Nautical
Ventures Toy Chess to open. No, all right, that's Sucker's
opening up and she's a new feature on the show.

Can't wait to see this. We have cat Cat take
it away, kiddo.

Speaker 34 (01:52:19):
Ready for the.

Speaker 48 (01:52:19):
Perfect blend of fun, freedom, and a little luxury on
the water. Meet the Hobe mirage I Trek eleven. This
lightweight inflatable kayak is ready for your next adventure and
trust us, it's got it all at just twenty eight pounds,
fits right into.

Speaker 42 (01:52:33):
A Duffel roller bag.

Speaker 48 (01:52:35):
Yes, a bag, so you can take it anywhere in
the car, on a plane, no hassle. But here's the
best part, it holds up to four hundred pounds for
yourself fishing gear and a cooler. And with the Mirage
drive pedal system, you can leave your paddle behind and
glide hands free. Plus we're talking comfort, adjustable seat, plenty
of space and yep, a cup holder for your bruski.

The EI Trick eleven is stable, fast and ready to
take you on it venture. Go grab your Hoby, Mirage,
I Chuck eleven and nautical ventures.

Speaker 5 (01:53:05):
All right, I want to give her a major round
up appease that good stuff.

Speaker 8 (01:53:10):
That was so well done. She did really good.

Speaker 5 (01:53:13):
Yea superducers of herself. She's got a great speaking voice,
she looks amazing, extremely knowledgeable and again just the way
it looks with her and that she makes that sup
look amazing thing that device there, So great job, Cat.
We'll have that every weekend. So super job.

Speaker 8 (01:53:30):
I love it.

Speaker 5 (01:53:30):
It was just amazingly great.

Speaker 8 (01:53:32):
She does a great job on social media. She was
good with that stuff.

Speaker 5 (01:53:37):
Brand new social media person working with under Frank Ferraroro.
But thank you Kat for that was really super duper
duper great. Speaking of social media, we have a minute
to plug us something brand new jail you're doing that's
promoting the show and fishing and everything else. Talk about that.

Speaker 6 (01:53:52):
So I started a YouTube channel. I actually started it
from my personal YouTube channel, which really hasn't been doing anything.
We have our Extreme Kayak Fishing TV channel. So I
decided that Eric and I are gonna start posting on
each of our personal YouTube channels, and we're gonna both
provide some of the top clips that maybe some of

you missed or whatever.

Speaker 8 (01:54:16):
From past shows.

Speaker 6 (01:54:17):
And then once we get kind of caught up on
this thing, and we're gonna consistently post every week, by
the way, then we'll start, you know, updating it with
newer shows, newer you know, some of the best content
that come out of each two hour episode we'll throw
up there in like a shorter video.

Speaker 5 (01:54:36):
And what's great is it's a combination of some funny
moments and also some informativeove.

Speaker 7 (01:54:41):
It's good information like today's show, for instance.

Speaker 6 (01:54:44):
You know, we would we would pluck out some of
the best information and reports that we got from our
captains that are literally the best in.

Speaker 5 (01:54:52):
Florida Star normal goofy stuff. It's actually some real good
It'll be a mix, a good mix, good mix anyway,
So they can log on sho where again.

Speaker 6 (01:55:00):
Yeah, so just go to Joe Hector on YouTube and
you'll see my personal YouTube channel and just subscribe, like
comment and help us build this thing up just like
we have with the show here.

Speaker 5 (01:55:13):
We are totally out of time right now. Jeff and
Ni forty. Thanks very much, brother for doing what you
do every weekend. You bring it strong, Steven JG. Gray,
Thank you man Okay stee hectory of the man bro Yep.
Great show, folks, thanks for maving us every Saturday right now,
right here, Fox Sports Night forty b boom.

Speaker 8 (01:55:32):
Is your vote properly?

Speaker 40 (01:55:33):
Insurance? When's the last time your agent called to discuss
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Speaker 17 (01:56:02):
Hear that that's the sound of confidence. The sound of
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Visit them at Nationwide dash Battery dot Com Nationwide Batteries
the sound of confidence.

Speaker 30 (01:56:38):
At Johnny Jigs Tackle Company, our passion for fishing drives
everything we do. We provide all anglers with the highest quality,
most meticulously craft a tackle that will enhance your fishing experience.
At Johnny Jigs, we believe every cast should be an opportunity,
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Johnny Jake's Tackle Company elevate your angling adventure.

Speaker 14 (01:57:09):
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