Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:01):
You're on board the Nautical Ventures Weekly Fisherman Show with
legendary fisherman Eric Brandon, an extreme angler Joe Hector, powered
by Mercury Marine.
Speaker 2 (00:13):
Go boldly.
Speaker 3 (00:18):
Oh, hash browns, hash browns, hash browns, many hash browns,
slightly chrispy on top.
Speaker 4 (00:28):
Yeah, you know the guy that took out the insurance
executive is the hash brown was his last meal he'll
ever have on the street.
Speaker 3 (00:38):
So I brought that up.
Speaker 4 (00:39):
You're killing me, man killing me.
Speaker 3 (00:42):
Welcome to the Nautical Ventures week The Fisherman Show. You're
number eighteen is just smoking along here back at night
forty Jeff thanks to fly to Ship Band of Steven
j Great crazy man. Good morning to you.
Speaker 4 (00:52):
Good morning. How you reeling this morning?
Speaker 3 (00:54):
Good man? I'm gonna stream you just want to go
to the Facebook page.
Speaker 4 (00:57):
I was gonna maybe you start at eight o'clock. I
don't know, I don't know, maybe thirty.
Speaker 3 (01:01):
Okay, go ahead, be a Wisenheimer. I'm just looking at
my phone streams. I don't know what figured out later
on anyway, So it's kind of a weird looking moarning.
I overdressed. This damn Weekly Fisherman jersey hoodie thing is
like way too thick and I want to get a
little sweaty out here.
Speaker 4 (01:18):
How much it costs you to make that?
Speaker 3 (01:20):
I had somebody custom make this for me, and a
logo came out so light, like I said, that really
what I paid for?
Speaker 5 (01:25):
It looks really boxy.
Speaker 3 (01:26):
It's boxy. Had faded like me pretty much like to
fade fade. Yeah, they were both worried. Great today, by
the way.
Speaker 5 (01:35):
Well because it's a great kind of day and.
Speaker 3 (01:38):
Wearing Gray's home. It's kind of a gray looking morning too,
so yeah, Gray's place were wearing gray. It's a great day, Joey,
how about that?
Speaker 6 (01:51):
Speaker 3 (01:52):
All right, So we got the fishing news that called
a couple of caps last night. Jimbo being one guy
had bothered and he didn't like taking my call because
he is like normally, Yeah, why I just annoy him.
I think, whatever, Bimbo, Yeah, he likes you a lot
more he likes me. Well, I know that because you're
singing really amazing songs every time. Yeah, could be that.
Now he's waiting online one you want to he's there,
you want to sing along? The little intro thing or
no I brought up on last week with this great
ball z intro. Yeah right, yeah, So I'm gonna do
a norm one. Do it, Do a norm, do a Kirk,
do a Trump, do whatever impressions you do. I'll pretend
like I'm norm. You ready better back away off of
that one.
Speaker 5 (02:32):
Go ahead, Hey, Jimbo, how's he going?
Speaker 7 (02:37):
It's going great, Joe, So great to be here.
Speaker 3 (02:41):
That was really powerful, man.
Speaker 5 (02:44):
That was really short to the point.
Speaker 3 (02:46):
Short to the point, man, and Jimbo.
Speaker 7 (02:47):
Like, and see, now we're not wasting all that time
singing and we can talk about fishing.
Speaker 3 (02:54):
Yeah, there you go, man, perfect man. We chatted last
night briefly before you hung up on me, and we'll
talking about the fact that it's getting off the shore
is because of spotty. So what is happening at your
land there, Pally?
Speaker 7 (03:08):
Well as everybody down in South Florida knows, the trees
are bent over. It's been blowing for a few days,
so not much offshore fishing taking place the last couple
of days. I'm sure there have been some guys out,
none that I'm aware of, though, at least none of
the charter guys that I talked with on a daily basis.
So if you do make it out, the fish is
probably halfway decent. You sailfish, This wind will blow dolphin
in and there's probably a king or two around too.
So if you were going to head out offshore today
and it does seem to be blowing as hard, but
it's still blowing. Nonetheless, I get some libaits put the
kite up anywhere from about ninety to three hundred feet
of water and basically anywhere where you can find some
north currents of blue water. That a good place to start,
and you never know what's going to show up. You
still got a chance at a while to a black platuna,
but most likely it would be salefish, kingfish and dolphin
and then anything else in between, which is not untypical
when you have wind like this and at this time
of the year. So I don't know when this is
going to lay down. I think last I saw like
third next Thursday is gonna finally lay down some Wednesday
a little bit, Thursday a bunch, but it's supposed to
pick up more this afternoon last I saw.
Speaker 3 (04:36):
So you know, no wind, this one's going to die down.
Did he say win or wind? I said win wind,
This wind will die down, And do that twice.
Speaker 6 (04:47):
I said, you broke wind.
Speaker 3 (04:50):
Exactly seriously this morning. Yes, because it's been blowing for
like weeks. Man, Like, come on, dude, you know, I.
Speaker 6 (04:59):
Know it's we uh.
Speaker 7 (05:01):
You know, when it was calm earlier in the week,
I did not have any business. When it's blowing, I
had some business and they didn't want to go rightfully,
so because I didn't really feel like we're not beat
my brains out, although I mean I could use the
beer money, but oh well that'll have to wait. So yeah,
it is, it is, and you know this wind is
not helping me out any But there is some fishing options.
You know, you don't have to go offshore with it
blowing and being six seven eight foot seas whatever it
might be. There's always a fish in Biscayne Bay. There's
been some sea trout up in North Biscayne Bay and
you can find some calm, protected water and catch those.
You can get in behind any of the islands and
some sheltered water and you got a chance at of
snook or bone fish possibly even so, there are some
options to if you got to get it out there fishing,
which I have to really because I haven't been out
fishing in a few days and it's killing me. So
I'm going to have to do something today. Well, I'm
not quite sure what like you.
Speaker 3 (06:10):
Did before this week? You said you like god like
eighty five stone crabs this week.
Speaker 7 (06:13):
Yeah, when crabbing on Monday afternoon, caught, caught a bunch
of them, had a few of them for dinner last night,
and Eric, were they good? And they were huge as well?
Speaker 3 (06:25):
Oh I'm sure so huge and large and colossa.
Speaker 7 (06:28):
And they how long it is, tastiest ones. It closes
on April thirtieth, so we've got five about five and
a half months. Still four and a half months now.
Speaker 3 (06:41):
You know that Jimbo will stick his hand out of
hole and it'll bring our stone crab out. And he
will actually always leave that left claw and only take
the big right claw. He doesn't ever declaw both of them.
He's a kind of a kind guy.
Speaker 7 (06:54):
That sounds good.
Speaker 3 (06:55):
Yeah, sweet thing to do. Just rip one, not true,
actually leave the other, it's not true.
Speaker 5 (07:00):
But so he wraps both arms off.
Speaker 3 (07:04):
You see.
Speaker 6 (07:06):
Good size.
Speaker 3 (07:07):
You can take them both, and there's good size.
Speaker 7 (07:10):
I take them both, I said last like and opposedly, yeah,
they grow back faster. I don't know how true. This is,
but I'm not sure that if you take both claws,
they will grow their claws back faster.
Speaker 3 (07:25):
Supposedly, that's real sweet of back. I'm helping them out
defend himself. He can't grab anything swimming by. He's basically
de armed for years to come.
Speaker 7 (07:36):
How do they eat if they lose their vegetation and stuff?
Speaker 3 (07:40):
So that's not they like sip it like soup Like, yeah,
they're soup and sipping Joe sipping.
Speaker 7 (07:46):
Soup goes by little little.
Speaker 3 (07:50):
Sipping sea soup there, Joey.
Speaker 5 (07:53):
So when they lose their hands, they can't like, they
can't make their bed.
Speaker 3 (07:56):
It's a pathetic man. They can't make their bed, They
can't te no new.
Speaker 7 (08:00):
Claws are ornamental at best. So they taste Joe.
Speaker 5 (08:05):
It's pretty terrible.
Speaker 3 (08:06):
It's a sad thing that you're kind of weird as humans,
aren't we We are strangely.
Speaker 7 (08:10):
But you know it's there, it's their fault. They taste good.
And I've never had one complain yet. And I've taken
the claws off a lot of them. I've had a
couple of them fight back, but they've never I mean,
there's that when I've got fit there's some choice works
coming out of my mouth, but I've never heard any
choice works coming out of their mouths, So it's all good.
Speaker 3 (08:32):
Joey, do what the audience to imagine joy doing. Like
a shallow bay area and you see this stone grab
hole who just takes their hand and blindly shoves it
down a hole, not knowing what in the hell is
down there or how big that claw might be on
your hands cheap.
Speaker 5 (08:49):
Yeah, I don't know about that. Yeah, that's true.
Speaker 7 (08:51):
Somebody that likes the stone crab is often would do
that and they're believe it or not, there's a yeah,
but you you have to break the bank to buy
those stupid things. There's a lot of guys that do it,
so it's I'm not the only one out there. There's
on opening day of soacrep season, which was October fifteenth,
there was dozens of boats out there, probably more than dozens.
So it's a popular sport year noodling for stone crabs.
But you mentioned do it today. What happens is the
water is probably murky after it being rough for a
few days, unless you can find a clear patch, so
it makes it hard to see the spots. So they're
getting the rest right now, So I doubt anybody's out there,
Noodle in formed. Now the traps are still out there
catching them, but so they get a little rest. So
when it gets calm, all my spots will be replenished,
and I'll go catch a bunch more, and of course
I'll send you a picture of them.
Speaker 3 (09:52):
Give us, Joe that the doctors of the prosthetic devices
businesses have a big business with these happens. You stick
your hands out his holes. Probably they replaced a lot
of hands with these metal claw deals.
Speaker 4 (10:04):
Man, Eric, in the past, haven't you stuck your hand
in dangerous holes before?
Speaker 3 (10:10):
Be careful where you go with that one. Okay, God, anyway,
have a wonderful day on a flyer. Hope you get
out soon and get off shore and uh and do
it up like you do normally, because you catch everything
but a cold out there. So you're the man dude.
Speaker 7 (10:26):
Alright, guys, well that sounds good, and let's cross our
fingers for this wind to lay down and the fish
to be red hot when we get out there.
Speaker 3 (10:34):
Yeah, yeah, save the stone crabs, Thank you so much.
Alrighty bye, you buddy, all right, take a little break, Joey,
I got something coming up in the show, Jim Matthew
maybe at a range today. I was trying to think
about how to kind of kill that segment with something
that could fill it in with something you've never done
in the show before. Would be I brought little tackle box, right,
and you're not gonna have a little line tie off together? Okay?
Speaker 5 (10:57):
Speaker 3 (10:58):
About who can do the better?
Speaker 7 (10:59):
Speaker 3 (11:00):
We see what kind of not you tie? Sure? What
I tie? Now? It don't looks really great on nine
forty airways because they can't see what in the hell
we're doing.
Speaker 4 (11:06):
Who's going to be the referee?
Speaker 5 (11:08):
Can we do line to line and then the leader
to the.
Speaker 3 (11:12):
Hook line the line leader hook whatever you want to do.
But we'll have a little tie off this morning. But
who's going to be the referee on that? You will
be because you have but I don't know. I have
no clue on that. Look Google. Okay, but this should
be kind of fun, man, Yeah, I like that. Never
done this before.
Speaker 5 (11:28):
I don't know how they're going to see that though.
Speaker 3 (11:30):
Well the Facebook streamers you see it really well? You
think so well, we're gonna hold it up close to
the cay. We got to like, yeah, you're you're the
visual arch braid in there. I've got braids.
Speaker 5 (11:39):
Yeah, maybe the colorful braid will look better.
Speaker 3 (11:42):
Okay, well, really like talking about this good light time stuff.
Take a break up back with Zaremba. We've got Boucher,
We've got Wayne Kahn, all they had on Fox Sports ninety.
Speaker 2 (11:56):
Fox Sports nine.
Speaker 8 (11:58):
Weather out for our Saturday with a high of seventy
nine in Papeno Beach a seventy nine as well in
Kendall Into Night Lits seventy mixes cen and clouds again
for tomorrow with a high of eighty.
Speaker 9 (12:09):
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Speaker 10 (12:27):
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Speaker 11 (12:56):
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Speaker 12 (13:25):
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Speaker 2 (14:33):
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Speaker 18 (15:56):
Cold eight hundred five, oh six thirty three fifty five,
eight hundred and five oh sixty three fifty five, eight
hundred and five oh six thirty three fifty five The
pros talk here.
Speaker 6 (16:05):
Aren't you a Emmy Award winning journalist? This is a
big deal.
Speaker 2 (16:09):
This is Fox Sports nine forty Miami.
Speaker 1 (16:14):
Now back to the Nautical Ventures Weekly Fisherman Show powered
by Mercury Marine.
Speaker 18 (16:19):
Go boldly, here's there, Ah Brandon and Joe Hector.
Speaker 3 (16:24):
Well tip it talk bash in your grass there, Joey,
let's do it. It's your greatest friend in the world. Man,
you're gonna bring on your great butt. You're Palin crime there.
Fuck that the hip there, guy, We have a thing
going on. There's a song like that. We got a
thing going on. Me, Me, Me and missus Jones Do
Do Do Do Do, got a thing going on. It's
a great song back in the seventies. Yeah, anyway, you're gonna.
Speaker 4 (16:57):
Bring on the seventies or forties of these jokes and
when they were dinosaurs on the planet.
Speaker 3 (17:03):
Bring them up. Man, let's get off of this thing.
That was it, hey, bud, oh boy, oh boy, oh boy,
oh boy.
Speaker 5 (17:11):
That wasn't me singing that was Eric.
Speaker 3 (17:14):
Whatever, good morning, Galla. How are you, buddy?
Speaker 19 (17:19):
Well, you don't really want to know how in this morning,
and so it's I'm not feeling too good in the morning.
Speaker 20 (17:23):
But anyway, let's let's talk fishing. It's better than than
talking about.
Speaker 3 (17:26):
My aches and pains. Yeah.
Speaker 5 (17:28):
Oh, I'm with you, buddy.
Speaker 20 (17:33):
I don't know about that.
Speaker 3 (17:34):
You definitely are not with me.
Speaker 20 (17:35):
And and uh, you know, I still got one question.
Speaker 19 (17:38):
Why is it I always get a phone call from
Eric on Fridays to make sure I'll be failed Saturday mornings,
and I never hear from Joe.
Speaker 5 (17:45):
I'll come that's not true, Joe.
Speaker 3 (17:47):
You want to answer that question?
Speaker 5 (17:48):
Well, I see what I do is I don't call no.
Speaker 21 (17:52):
I spiritually, Spiritually I release energy to Alan and telepathically, yeah,
and then Alan.
Speaker 5 (18:04):
Absorbs that he's the anomaly.
Speaker 3 (18:07):
He's not absorbed the anomaly, nor your phone call. He's
just you totally. You have not been a nose show
with him on Friday nights. Okay, so you trying to
cover your ass. But it happened.
Speaker 20 (18:20):
Really simple question which I got really.
Speaker 5 (18:24):
Well, it was a complicated answer.
Speaker 3 (18:26):
You know, Yeah, it's steroids.
Speaker 5 (18:28):
Well, that's like when I ask you know where that
Boca Lake is? Can I get the coordinates that?
Speaker 3 (18:34):
Yeah, one day, Joe. But anyway, talk some bass news. Now,
what's Bitingorthy ed Man? What's going on?
Speaker 19 (18:40):
Well, truthfully, you know, I had the operation on Monday,
so it's not like I'm able to fishing, and it's
been a kind of a rough week for me, and
nobody's really wanting to go out a whole lot because
it's the windy, your wrap, and the weather's not exactly
been great. We had the one really cold morning and
uh my, my biggest suggestion for this time of year,
when this starts going like this and the weather cooled
off like this, I tend to fish more in the
urban canals, you know, That's what I like to target
because those waters stay warmer than the Everglades canals do,
which the water is dropping out there and I see
really good things coming up ahead here. But for the moment,
with the weather the way it is, I would stick
with the urban canals. I think your lakes and canals
and stuff like that because they're a little bit better
protected closer to the ocean, and that water stays warmer,
so you can.
Speaker 3 (19:33):
Get a little bit more active bite.
Speaker 19 (19:35):
I would tend to also suggest using suspending baits below
the surface, or it could be even some deep diving
crank baits and stuff like that. This time of year,
especially if there's around bridges and stuff like that, you
want to get down there a little bit deeper.
Speaker 3 (19:48):
The fish are just not.
Speaker 19 (19:49):
Quite up on the surface, and unfortunately you're not gonna
keep much of a top water bite right now.
Speaker 3 (19:54):
Yeah, it's really funny. Jew off my balcony where I
fish quite often every day for the same fish you
call Pablo, which is not true, Uh, but usually just
spending lures the last couple of weeks, And I told
out last night, every time I tossed it up man
for a second cast, they're banging it. Pablo's healing power
must be insane. He's uh, you catch him that much.
He's a very dumb fish and keeps might the same
lure over and over again. I mean, he's a real
dumb ass. But no, I don't ask me. Last night
he goes, how do you how are you jerking? I
said what he meant, how am I working the lure? Yeah?
How am I working at the lower So it's real jerk,
real jerk jerk. Jerk, real jerk jerk jerk, jerky right.
Speaker 7 (20:31):
Speaker 20 (20:32):
I was actually just busting your chops and I was
not asking it for that reason.
Speaker 4 (20:36):
Okay, too much information.
Speaker 3 (20:38):
I don't know where your mind's going out on mine.
What's the lesson about your mind? What's the last time
we had a lady ask my question? Anyway? Uh, here
we go.
Speaker 20 (20:49):
Less than your I mean, you know what you tell me.
It's been it's been centuries and.
Speaker 3 (20:58):
Is really okay anyway, So urban canals are turning on fish, Joe,
just like a canal and throw at rut and probably
back up with the fish.
Speaker 19 (21:06):
Yeah, I wouldn't say they're turning on I would say
that that would be my advice to go catch fish
right now.
Speaker 20 (21:13):
It would be more of the urban canals.
Speaker 3 (21:15):
Okay, that's it.
Speaker 19 (21:15):
I think the bite's gonna be a little there's time
to the year. Tends to be a little bit more
on the difficult side. Yes, you still catch fish and
it's still fun and it still beat being in an
office or working.
Speaker 3 (21:24):
You get a boat place or you know where you
saw boats and stuff like that. That's right, damn sure,
that's obvious, you know, Joe, You and asked that last
question for he had to go bye bye.
Speaker 5 (21:33):
Yeah, I was thinking about it.
Speaker 3 (21:35):
I know your mind.
Speaker 5 (21:37):
I just kind of waiting on you guys.
Speaker 20 (21:42):
Last question coming up.
Speaker 3 (21:44):
Joe said it telepathically, sid he gets it.
Speaker 21 (21:46):
Okay, So given that the peacock peak PC, now I
can't even talk because I'm like so like excited. Yeah,
that the peacock by has been really good. I've seen
like pretty good uh and big ones being caught. How
about the snakeheads are they Are they biting the same
or has it been.
Speaker 20 (22:04):
Sure that if you hit the right the right day.
Speaker 22 (22:06):
You know?
Speaker 19 (22:07):
Again, they don't really care for the cold weather either,
And of course I like to fish for them for
top order, because that's, to me, is the best way
to catch them. Sure they're blast when they're hitting the
top order, but down below doesn't exactly excite me. But
I'm sure if you threw some spinner baits for him
and that bit, that would probably be a good way
to go.
Speaker 20 (22:23):
And again some some crank baits.
Speaker 19 (22:27):
I'm sure they'll hit a rattle shraft, but I wouldn't
be working it as fast as I would for like
for peacocks, in this case, I would I would slow
things down a little bit and act like you're fishing
for large mouth and what about large mouth?
Speaker 5 (22:39):
And what about clowns?
Speaker 3 (22:41):
There's two about clouds fish right here on set.
Speaker 20 (22:44):
Yeah, there are two or three on the on the side.
Speaker 3 (22:47):
I don't know how many are outcomings, actually think, Yeah,
well I don't. I don't know what's it take to
get you guys to hit.
Speaker 20 (22:54):
Probably wouldn't take much.
Speaker 5 (22:56):
Right, I'd be the hardest fish to catch.
Speaker 4 (22:59):
Who's calling me?
Speaker 3 (23:00):
I got.
Speaker 7 (23:03):
Speaker 23 (23:03):
You go?
Speaker 3 (23:03):
There goes your motor ally. Steve would just disconnected, fat
awesome beat.
Speaker 19 (23:07):
He beat on a dead horse. You know, you could
ride a joke for so long. That would be as
bad as the Candy deal, you know.
Speaker 21 (23:14):
Oh no, I come on man, Candy nineteen fifteen, Turnny
Mom nineteen sixteen.
Speaker 3 (23:23):
There's a little squirrel monkey in there shoulder and we
just tossed a big peanut there and he just pooped
on his back. Yeah, it's a dancing monkey with a
little accordion. He's got the organ grinder going, we we need,
we need, we need, jumping up and down. The squirrel
monkey in nineteen ten. Yeah, baby, oh my god, you
see him.
Speaker 5 (23:39):
Now, Joey, do you get the squirrel monkey thing.
Speaker 3 (23:42):
Just give out of nowhere, Joey, it's my brain'sack there.
What a little I have left? How we're gonna ride?
We have a wait?
Speaker 20 (23:51):
He led to, Okay, guys, hey, I just want to
put yours out there. I should be I start running
trips here hopefully in.
Speaker 19 (23:59):
Ten days, and I do have some openings after that,
and I should be available to get some people out again.
Speaker 20 (24:04):
So life is going to be good again.
Speaker 3 (24:06):
I know, feel better. Bat gonna check out the reward
fishing fleet. Jilli had a base side kept doing. Wayne
con is out of the line, right man, Joe Captain
Wayne Water Buddy, good morning, So what kind of dribble
are we gonna waste their time with this morning?
Speaker 4 (24:24):
Talk about they have a phone problem.
Speaker 3 (24:26):
Yeah, I think we have a little pone issue.
Speaker 6 (24:28):
Speaker 3 (24:28):
We're gonna probably hang up and we'll call you right back.
Then there's a little phone uh wobbly they're going on.
So history. I guess you guys don't know about the
reward fleet. They fish out of base side. He's got
a couple of head boats. There are call party party boats.
Speaker 5 (24:39):
Party boats.
Speaker 3 (24:40):
Yeah, put like thirty guys at the time of those
things and I've actually gone with my sons on the
reward fleet and it's really a fun boat man. He
get rod real baked, the whole deal going on. Yeah,
and it's really funny when you go on board you
look at the very very back of the boat and
there's these old timers that have been on the scene
forever and ever. Yeah, and they have their spots in
the very back of the transom, both corners, and don't
even think about taking a spot because they will put
a gaff to your head.
Speaker 5 (25:06):
So if you just walk straight back there and sat down, oh,
you're like next to.
Speaker 3 (25:09):
That, you're going off the edge of the boat. They
get really, really possessive of those corners.
Speaker 4 (25:14):
Yeah, they have like their names on the corner.
Speaker 3 (25:16):
Wait's back, okay, way we're back with the phone connection, buddy,
go ahead, bad good, all.
Speaker 24 (25:20):
Right, all right, very good, good morning, good morning.
Speaker 3 (25:23):
Well, when the wind.
Speaker 24 (25:24):
Kicks up like this, especially this time of the year
for us, you know, we're doing a lot of boat meetings,
I don't like I don't like taking people out when
it's farce to frightening out there. You know, people have
no idea what the ocean can be like. They could
be pretty belligerent until they hit the inlet. You know,
it's like that's that's a great turning point. So we
tell folks, look, we're gonna take you. But but if
we get to whatever point a is, if you all
decide is a group we're going home, we go home.
Speaker 6 (25:49):
And that's it.
Speaker 24 (25:49):
It's a it's the masses rule. And uh, if you
want to come back out in another day, we give
folks a free trip to come back out the next time.
So we try to manage the the business as it comes.
So a lot of people don't understand how rough that
ocean can get. So yeah, I guess if I had
choices for me right now, like the guys are talking
about the freshwater stuff and staying in shore stuff like that, man,
I would be when this water cools off like this,
I would be down down below keep his gain. I
would be fishing up inside by soldiers. Key, I'd be
trolling slow with you can catch the button snappers actually
trolling groupers right now on the inside. You don't have
to get away out there. These guys got small boats, man, yeah,
they could be trolling big plugs. Black groupers are going
to be pushing up on those shallow reefs all inside
there and the Hawks channel that's called from there out.
Any any of that in there is gonna have a
lot of fish in there, and you can kill fish.
You can catch Seru mackerel, Spanish mackerel. You could troll,
you could troll feathers, like I say, feathers and plugs.
You're gonna you're gonna catch a ton of fish. And uh,
I know for a fact, I know for a fact,
and I know if any of the guys are doing it.
But down there below stilts spill, those fish are pushing
up in there, and those muttons are definitely pushing up
in there. So so forget about the ocean stay unless
you got plywood kite. So they work pretty good, especially
half to half kites. Yeh, the half inch and the
half inch version.
Speaker 21 (27:12):
You know, wait, what about fishing the inlets at night
for stuff?
Speaker 25 (27:18):
Speaker 24 (27:19):
Right, of course, you know, the inlet's always carry fish
and the other thing. The other thing is cool starting
right now, if you've got a little boat, or you
got a net, you got a twenty dollars net go
net shrip.
Speaker 3 (27:28):
If you can find a seawall, you're allowed to.
Speaker 24 (27:30):
That's one of my biggest now, you know, one of
my biggest pet peeves over the last twenty years is
accessibility is being removed from us. You know, as a kid,
we fished every bridge in Miami and every beach, every bridge,
every seawall. Forget it, man, you get attacked by dogs,
you get arrested. You know, they say you can't fish
on a bridge because it's too dangerous because of traffic.
Speaker 5 (27:50):
What what crazy?
Speaker 7 (27:53):
Wait a second?
Speaker 24 (27:54):
You know what, man, you go up anywhere anywhere north
to here? Are you go to the keys? I mean,
you know it's it's you know, they're making it accessible.
You know, you look at like Sebastian Inlets South there's
all those inlets have have places for folks to fish,
and right now I think Sebastian's closed for repairs, but
there's there was no finer inlet to catch fish in
and all the inlets hold fish. But getting to the
ind let's try to go to Government Cut. Now you
got to park a mile away, you got to go
through the park. It's it's not easily accessible anymore. So
that's something that that we we could work on a
little bit. I think with the powers that be, you know,
I just figured out.
Speaker 21 (28:34):
I took Mia recently to Boca Inlet. I found an
area I don't even know that there's a park in there.
So there they got this big park that's beautiful. Yeah
they got the parking in there.
Speaker 5 (28:45):
You could. You ain't gonna pay for the pay to park.
But it leads a trail right out to the inlet.
And I never even knew about it.
Speaker 26 (28:52):
Speaker 3 (28:52):
Speaker 27 (28:53):
We even catching stuck there.
Speaker 20 (28:54):
My kids and I have been catching stuck there for years,
years and years. Yeah, come right, the bait bait fish
comes out day.
Speaker 4 (29:02):
Wayne is haulover and let any good for fishing.
Speaker 24 (29:06):
Hallover is incredible, incredible for snook and stuff. This time
of the year, the smaller fish will be in there
a little more so. I mean, I like you to
remember I ran party boats there fifty years ago. But
we spent a lot of our night snug fishing, uh
you know up in up In through the eighties even
and hauler in in the summer. We used to use
we sent We used to fish with kinkfish jags from
the top of the bridge and catch big snook in
the thirty pound class on light tackle. Yeah, I mean
my biggest in the top of the bridge was close
to twenty eight pounds on twelve pounds.
Speaker 28 (29:39):
Ten Yeah.
Speaker 24 (29:41):
Yeah, So it's funny. I talk to people about the
differences in fishing, and I got a there's a plusant
of minus about it. I think the skill level we
had to get to to catch those fish on that
light tackle, it took some time to learn. Everybody can
learn it, and fishermen can learn it nowadays. You see
do with they're catching two and three pound bass or
whatever with fifty pound bread. They just lock them up
and crank them in. They rip them across the top.
They rip them across the top. Wait aute, wait, wait,
they rip across the top. They say, man, that's fun
what no, no, yeah, but there's a lot of man, yeah,
I got you. But the happy medium is that, especially
in the ocean now with so many sharks and stuff around,
you know, if you beat up I've caught her a
pound tarpon off the.
Speaker 3 (30:27):
Beach on twelve pound tests.
Speaker 24 (30:29):
But you beat up, you beat up big tarpin in
the inlet now, yeah, and the sharks get them. You
fish them, you're fish them too light, and the sharks
get them, and you're just feeding the sharks.
Speaker 29 (30:38):
So I get it.
Speaker 24 (30:40):
I understand this. It's the mma of fishing anymore. It's
not a finesse game anymore. I don't care what kind
of tackle you got because usually it's over lined. But
why am I getting off on this tangent? I'm a
party boat fishing.
Speaker 3 (30:51):
No, I like it.
Speaker 7 (30:52):
I like it.
Speaker 5 (30:53):
We never talk about it.
Speaker 3 (30:55):
Yeah, dude, I grew up. I grew up light tackle.
Speaker 24 (30:58):
Fishing in the MET tournament. Bouncer Smith and Eye a
handful of other guys, we had our own off season.
Speaker 3 (31:02):
Tournament when the MET was over. We had our own tournament, right,
pretty cool with the.
Speaker 24 (31:07):
Same rules and all that cool stuff. So, yeah, throwback day, man,
we gotta have a throwback deal. Yeah, you know, I
got one question there, man, that's that.
Speaker 6 (31:15):
What's up?
Speaker 5 (31:16):
A real quick one? Waite? So the shark issues we
have today, it wasn't like that back then.
Speaker 24 (31:23):
Oh god gosh, no, nope, nope, nope, nope, No rare,
very rare. That you got mugged very rare? Is that
because of very rare?
Speaker 5 (31:31):
They used to kill them more back then or catch
them more?
Speaker 24 (31:35):
Just you know, I I'm not you know, people say
it's because the regulations they're allowed to live more and
all this other stuff.
Speaker 3 (31:42):
You know, you know, what do we really what do
we really know?
Speaker 24 (31:45):
We really know there's a ton of them out there,
and uh, you know there's places as in coastareek or
ten years ago and fishing. And he said to me,
there are no more sharks there because they let the
foreign long liners come in.
Speaker 3 (31:56):
They wiped them out.
Speaker 24 (31:57):
So so is that the answer you We let the
Chinese come and fish off our coast, just kill everything
and we have to worry about you or anything else.
Speaker 4 (32:05):
They're already coming with.
Speaker 3 (32:08):
A waite. Thanks so much, man, You're awesome to show
me you're part of the program here. Thank you very much.
Have a great weekend. We are latest Spain fishing grading
your kid fishing for free with us bottle. That's it, baby,
take a breaking back with Boucher Smith will do the
start by bucking this hour, shot rolls and more sports
night forty.
Speaker 30 (32:31):
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Speaker 27 (34:31):
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Speaker 35 (35:30):
Broadcasting live from the Fox Sports nine point forty Anna
Jar and Levine Accident Attorney Studios called one eight hundred
seven four seven free.
Speaker 36 (35:39):
That's one eight.
Speaker 2 (35:40):
Hundred seven four seven free, seven three three.
Speaker 1 (35:45):
You're on board The Nautical Ventcher's Weekly Fisherman Show powered
by Mercury Marine. Go Boldly with legendary fisherman Eric Brandon,
an extreme angler.
Speaker 4 (35:55):
Joe Hector. Oh I love this song.
Speaker 3 (36:00):
No, every time we play it.
Speaker 5 (36:01):
Go ahead, Joe, Yeah, here we go.
Speaker 29 (36:08):
Ready, go back?
Speaker 5 (36:10):
Take it to the Eric.
Speaker 37 (36:12):
Yes, my name is Joel, and yes I am on
the week the fish min Show, and I just being
the guy to go.
Speaker 5 (36:23):
Oh, take it to the Eric.
Speaker 3 (36:27):
Sets up?
Speaker 25 (36:28):
Let him?
Speaker 4 (36:30):
Can we take that off the air? Please?
Speaker 5 (36:33):
That was good?
Speaker 27 (36:34):
Speaker 5 (36:34):
We gave you more than usual time When I telling
you guys in another light, I was a singer.
Speaker 3 (36:39):
Unfortunately your words of choice weren't all that great.
Speaker 5 (36:41):
There was not anyway.
Speaker 3 (36:45):
We're going to Georgia talking to Boutcher Smith right now.
See what he's doing right now, Cap, come on to you, hey.
Speaker 38 (36:51):
Cap, joe oh boy, practice your singing a little bit,
because you usually do much better than that, really really bad.
Speaker 4 (37:01):
Thank you, bouncer. Thank you for being bounces keeping it real.
Speaker 5 (37:04):
There you go, man, Joey, hey did say I am
pretty good though normally.
Speaker 38 (37:09):
Normally are you okayes normally are but not that one.
I'm sorry before I forget here. It is the we're
never we're closing it on Christmas fast. But if you
went to Amazon today, here we go, and you're googled
bouncer fishing or something to that effect, or just bouncer,
you could find any one of my five books of
my book here we go, buy a whole set of
my books. You're fishing buddies and friends and family. And
the great thing about him is on a day like today,
when it's blown to gale, you can fish on your
couch or on your recliner, sit there and read fish stories, just.
Speaker 3 (37:58):
Like you're out fishing with me. So he's had a
massive blow them through here. But just what do you
feel like?
Speaker 5 (38:03):
Big he's talking, It's like whoa.
Speaker 3 (38:06):
Man like this big front came through all Boltser was
to shill a book perfect.
Speaker 38 (38:11):
I heard that big shudder, and I wanted to catch
up on a couple of things.
Speaker 3 (38:16):
Go and answer your question, sir.
Speaker 38 (38:18):
Before World War two they number one source of vitamins
in the United States. Some major viaments, not all of
vim it's, but some major viamins were all acquired from
sharks livers. And therefore there was commercial shark fishing into
the late eighteen hundreds and all the way up through
up to and into world probably through.
Speaker 3 (38:43):
World War two. And then.
Speaker 38 (38:47):
There was a little lapse there for a few years
where there was only a little bit of commercial shark fishing.
Speaker 3 (38:52):
But it always went on.
Speaker 38 (38:55):
Then they got into the Mountain of sharks. When jaws
came out. Everybody to want to mount a shark, and
the charter boats would at one dot with thirty boats
and the castoys in North Miami.
Speaker 39 (39:10):
I remember that that charter boat dock at times would
have four pickup trucks loaded to the top of the
cab with shark every day.
Speaker 5 (39:22):
Every day is a.
Speaker 3 (39:24):
Captain out here, you know, cat Bouncer Mark the shark.
Speaker 38 (39:27):
This is so very well.
Speaker 3 (39:30):
That's a shark catching specialist. That's his bag man as
he does. Yeah, I see, I see his stuff short charters.
Yet so I don't know why he gets so much hate.
I mean, he seems you know, everyone's got their job.
Speaker 38 (39:43):
I'm not going to burn him on the air, but
I can tell you three hours of reasons.
Speaker 5 (39:47):
I don't know anything. I don't why don't you give
us buncer subject.
Speaker 3 (39:53):
I know the subject as well, bouncer. I know the
behind the scenes as well, my friend.
Speaker 5 (39:56):
I don't know that stuff, but thank you for answering
my question.
Speaker 38 (40:00):
Drop that and move on to some things that can
help some people. This weekend, everybody's mentioning Biscayne Bay and
it does have some good trout fishing. And Aby had
six big pompano one day this week. And somebody caught
a giant pompino in Dade County a couple of days ago.
I mean, it looked like you weighed ten pounds.
Speaker 20 (40:21):
But the important thing I wanted to.
Speaker 38 (40:23):
Tell people whether wherever you are along the coast, you
can take a long, skinny lip plug like a rappola
and a short plug like a rattle trap, and trolling
about four miles an hour. Thirty thirty pounds leter twenty
pound tackle would be pretty good. Put one rode on
one side boat, the other rode on the other side boat,
and just troll down the sea walls from hall Over
or from Government Cut, all the way through the palm
beaches and catch Spanish mackerel, zerum backerel, mangrove snappers, mutton snappers,
snook tarf and Aracuta's kingfish. The list goes on and on,
just putting out a couple of plugs and driving along
the sea walls. And it's a great opportunity to take
the kids because it's going to be flat, calm, and
you can take the significant other because he or she
can look at the beautiful houses. And by this way,
if you want to go at night, which you got
to make sure all your running lights are working before
you leave home, but you go at night, then you
can see all the Christmas lights that decorate the houses
long icw But any rate, there is some very productive
fishing just going down the sea walls and the side canals.
Speaker 3 (41:45):
In the side canals.
Speaker 38 (41:46):
On top of all the stuff I mentioned, you can
anchor up and fish with a half a blue crab
that you buy at the fish market and putting that
blue crab around the bridges and catch black drum up
to forty pounds. And you can fish like there's snook
in there and everything else. And and by the way,
don't forget the snook season closes tomorrow night.
Speaker 20 (42:10):
And I got a question.
Speaker 3 (42:11):
I gotta get a hold of jimbo.
Speaker 38 (42:14):
He said, stone crabs ended April thirtieth, and they've always
done ended May fifties, so I got to find out
that change. Okay, there's so many things you can do.
Speaker 40 (42:25):
You can read my book.
Speaker 38 (42:26):
You control the inner close the water where you can
fix all your tackle up, so when the weather is
better or your family's off to the vacation, you can.
Speaker 2 (42:36):
Loop up all your reels and fill them the line.
Speaker 38 (42:39):
You're ready to go when the fishing well gets better.
Speaker 3 (42:42):
I'm going to chop you off with Jim Matthews offshore,
out of range. We need to get him on real quick.
But thanks for the tips. By Bouchers Books on Amazon
by all nine of them. Yeah, and get those for
a great holl of the gift. Okay, thanks captain, we
may so happy show. Oh yeah, bring them already doing bookshair.
Bring them on many. You're there, Jimmy boy, I'm here.
Speaker 31 (43:07):
I'm here. Are you guys there are here?
Speaker 3 (43:09):
We hear you a lot clear. Where are you at?
Where you being awesome?
Speaker 31 (43:13):
I'm cold in the cold country up on the eastern
point of Long Island.
Speaker 3 (43:17):
Oh way, Long Island.
Speaker 31 (43:23):
Twenty twenty seven degrees. It's Nana Jones ninetieth birthday celebration today.
Speaker 21 (43:29):
And so yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm catching some green crab
and dog dogs.
Speaker 31 (43:35):
No, no, we're not doing anything.
Speaker 7 (43:39):
Speaker 31 (43:41):
There's actually people that died in this stuff. I'm like,
are you crazy?
Speaker 7 (43:45):
No, yeah, man, no, I.
Speaker 5 (43:47):
Have a buddy that dies for stripers.
Speaker 3 (43:50):
He goes for strippers.
Speaker 7 (43:52):
Yeah, man, yeah, yeah yeah.
Speaker 12 (43:54):
Yeah yeah yeah.
Speaker 31 (43:55):
And and and they do have lopster up here. It's
not lobster, Okay, those are the ones with the claws.
But they fight back, man, they fight back. So I
don't know, I'm not listen. I have got buddies said
have done that up here, and it's a it's a
big popular thing, spiritficient for stripers. And also you know,
grabbing that lopsters, but I don't know. So it's just cold.
You got to get past. Listen, we're seventy eight degrees
down by US, okay, and that's cold for me. All right,
that's cold. The five mili wet suits is coming out,
but earlier in the week the conditions were really good.
Let me let me get that. Going first winter diving
in Florida is beautiful because we don't have the stormwater runoff,
the visibility is usually very very good, and it has
it's been top notch, top to bottom, really good stuff.
Gentle currents, which depends on where you are, has been
really good, and the lopstream has been Okay. Listen, my
buddies were out last Sunday and they were like clusters
together in shallow like thirty five feet of water. There's
like ten twelve in a rock, but you only get
one or two keepers. A lot of shorts, man, a
lot of shorts. And that's been kind of the repetitive
thing here the last week or so. But that's okay.
We just need something just maybe this weekend with all
the big wind that we got now, blow things up
and kind of stir them up a bit. It'll definitely
confuse the fish. That'll be good. That'll be good using
the fish.
Speaker 3 (45:34):
Right spear gun coming up shortly towards this.
Speaker 31 (45:38):
Yeah, yeah, well you know I'm working up to it.
Speaker 3 (45:40):
Eric, you know you got you got one minute to
wrap it up. Go ahead, man, give it to me.
Speaker 31 (45:46):
No, No, it's it's it's been good. It's been good.
You just get to get past that seventy eight degree
chili water, you know what I mean. But now it's
been actually really good. If we can get some calm
calm otion right now. Not good. I don't know anybody's
getting out this weekend. It's really rough. So uh but yeah,
it's it's funny games, it's funny games.
Speaker 3 (46:07):
Well, well he's gone Joe in New York. At least
all the groupers are safe from a spear right through
the brain. We got it.
Speaker 5 (46:15):
We got Lenny in our comments that died for strippers.
Speaker 3 (46:17):
I just saw that.
Speaker 5 (46:18):
That great.
Speaker 31 (46:21):
Wow, it's a big thing. And they're they're big fish.
My dad when he was alive up here, he would
fish for stripers and that was fun. They would do they.
I guess there's a lot of fun. Ye are up
the beach, area.
Speaker 3 (46:37):
The word guys are driver strippers. They're called real men.
Look it up in the real man.
Speaker 6 (46:44):
Okay, is that r e E L or r e A.
Speaker 3 (46:48):
That's r E A L real man. Jimmy. Anyway, we
gotta go and it Joe the other New York buddy.
Speaker 31 (46:56):
Okay, all right, I'll be back one day night.
Speaker 3 (46:59):
Take see you, buddy. All right, start dialing now. Eight
six six eight zero one zero nine four zero. Tell
you why great spots are called starbright. This this amazing
bucket full of very cool stuff. Yes, when you get
the boxes Autical Ventures, it's loaded, wash wax, declator, rust remover, America,
America America loaded. It's a great bucket, and it's got
a pretty good price tag. Guy, when you buy it
right the way, it's quite not cheap. I might end
quite not cheap, because they don't make not cheap stuff. Okay,
quite not cheap. So here we go. Eight six six
eighth one zero nine four zero. Here's the question. Joe's
so simple. Do fish fart? Okay A yes, b no?
Do fish pass gas?
Speaker 28 (47:51):
Do they?
Speaker 3 (47:52):
I looked it up. It's a fact, the scientific fact.
Eight six six eighth one, Just a yes or no?
It's a yes or no man. I like this zero
nine four year old short sweet right Yeah, you called
out a win right here baby. Fox Sports nine forty.
Speaker 41 (48:10):
From the Storm Tight Windows Weather Center mixes cenate clouds
for our Saturday with a high of seventy nine in
Pompano Beaches seventy.
Speaker 8 (48:18):
Nine as well in Kendall Into Night Little seventy mixes
cent and clouds again for tomorrow with a high of eighty.
Speaker 9 (48:24):
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Speaker 42 (48:42):
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Speaker 22 (49:12):
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Speaker 43 (49:28):
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Speaker 2 (52:41):
The Miami Dolphins play Here are you Hurrier? Fox Sports n.
Speaker 1 (52:52):
Hey, Hey, let's get right back to the nautical. This
weekly Fisherman show powered by Mercury Marine, Go boldly got
I want.
Speaker 3 (53:06):
Ever to start by Buck Joy. Very simple questions, Man,
do fish fart? Bob cashing online? One thinks she has
the answer, all right, how can he be wrong with this? One?
Speaker 37 (53:16):
Speaker 3 (53:17):
But he's got it. Bob, come on it to you, buddy, Hey.
Speaker 46 (53:20):
How are you doing after holidays?
Speaker 31 (53:22):
Speaker 3 (53:23):
Holidays? So do fish pass gas? My friend?
Speaker 6 (53:27):
I got it.
Speaker 46 (53:28):
I got it and mad I kind of looked it
up and it says that herring. Okay, get they show
you smell like a herring.
Speaker 3 (53:45):
I like to get Bob as a humor. Bob, you've
got a box and start right products made the us
of a Thanks. Okay, the fish is done and he's
got to wash the wax and declator. Do you have
a boat?
Speaker 46 (54:00):
No, but my best friend has one.
Speaker 3 (54:03):
You're picking up a donical adventures. Take that box over
your best friend's boat, and you and Joe Hector will
shine a thing to us. Brand alright, before you go, Bob,
how long I've been a fan of the show.
Speaker 46 (54:17):
I listened quite often whenever I get a chance in
the morning A couple of years.
Speaker 3 (54:21):
Now, is sweet? Are you from Jersey or New York somewhere? Originally?
Speaker 16 (54:25):
Speaker 3 (54:25):
Jersey, my man, Joe, I love it for me to
detect that.
Speaker 5 (54:29):
We got a lot of Jersey guys.
Speaker 3 (54:30):
We do a lot of Jersey good stuff over of
the show, like fleas Man. Anyway, have a great morning, man,
my friend passing passive few for us.
Speaker 46 (54:39):
All right, I'll do one in honor with a fish
to him.
Speaker 3 (54:44):
Thanks out here man, Alright, buddy, that guy's guess that's
a humor. Yeah, that was good. He was good man.
Jersey against Jersey guys. Get some humor, man, man, Let's
see how you were Sean rolls Is. Would he be
the water right now? Do you think no? I would? Today?
He he's online one.
Speaker 5 (55:01):
Let's see, ready, Captain boom something.
Speaker 3 (55:06):
Hey set Hey, good morning guys.
Speaker 1 (55:09):
Speaker 6 (55:09):
It's so rough out here right now. It's welling like
twenty now, I'm just kidding.
Speaker 3 (55:14):
You almost happy. You sound like you're kind of like
outdoors on the water for a minute.
Speaker 6 (55:17):
Man, I'm outside.
Speaker 3 (55:18):
I'm not on the water though, back here and picking
up dog droppings.
Speaker 6 (55:24):
Walking the dog around the block.
Speaker 3 (55:25):
You know, would you walk your dog round the block?
Do you let your dog drop his business at other
people's yards and just leave it there?
Speaker 47 (55:31):
Of course?
Speaker 6 (55:32):
You know, I'm a firm picker rupper guy. Man, you
gotta do it, you know.
Speaker 3 (55:36):
Oh I never do. But he doesn't what he's a picker?
Speaker 5 (55:39):
Are you serious?
Speaker 7 (55:40):
Speaker 3 (55:40):
I let my dog just running Julie's business on your
yard and I never pick it up. Man, what about
your beach?
Speaker 6 (55:45):
Here's that guy?
Speaker 5 (55:46):
He's that guy.
Speaker 3 (55:48):
My dog is on loving beach. My dog is not
allowed to go off my beach. No, anyway, I get wow.
Speaker 21 (55:53):
So somebody else's dog went poop on your little beach.
Now I would find him and I would harm exactly.
Speaker 3 (55:59):
I would harm. It was with pepper spray of the eyeballs.
Speaker 6 (56:02):
Anyway, Man, I see you after these raccoons. The only
thing you have too much luck?
Speaker 3 (56:06):
Man, I'd say I have a bad time with these
raccoon shot. You see my post. They have invaded my property. Man,
I can't I can't get rid of them. Let your
dog out, see if he can handle it. My dog
has got only one tooth left scarce.
Speaker 4 (56:18):
Nobody dog could get rabies too.
Speaker 3 (56:20):
You want that? You thank you? Shot back to sufficient bed.
You have a chance to drop a line this week.
Speaker 7 (56:24):
You're what.
Speaker 6 (56:26):
Actually, we did the Pomping the Beach boat parade last
night with our boat, and so, uh yeah, I spent
from last Sunday to every night this week getting the
boat ready and uh we participated in that. Man, it
was a good time. So we're trying to de move
here and clean everything up.
Speaker 7 (56:43):
It was.
Speaker 6 (56:43):
There was a lot of a lot of work to
do that, but fun, really fun time.
Speaker 5 (56:47):
What was the highlight of the parade, I don't know.
Speaker 6 (56:53):
Probably when I went by Hillsboro Inlet in front of
all the charter captains did a couple uh you know,
donuts spinning around some circles and okay, yeah, those guys
are a good time down there, and everybody's always having
a few drinks and good time. So it was a
highlight for me.
Speaker 3 (57:11):
Do you want to do a major display of lights
on your boat? They're shot. I mean, like light it
up everywhere.
Speaker 6 (57:17):
I mean the best I could for a nineteen foot boat.
It was all my wife, to be honest with you,
and she had a theme that there was octopus coming
out of the boat chasing after staying and he was
trying to get away.
Speaker 3 (57:26):
And man, so they're all powered. The lights are all
powered off your boat batteries. When you're running running.
Speaker 6 (57:34):
We put a low generator on the boat.
Speaker 3 (57:37):
Smart guy, mat smart a gen the boat power up
those lights. Yeah, very cool.
Speaker 5 (57:41):
You get a lights sewan? Have you stopped drives around.
Speaker 6 (57:45):
And you know I you know I stopped by when
you first hold me to? Hey, I stopped buying your
first hold me to. I don't think it was done
because it wasn't like as good as I've seen you
do it before.
Speaker 3 (57:56):
But no, it wasn't.
Speaker 5 (57:58):
I literally just said I just finished this.
Speaker 6 (58:02):
No, I mean Jode does a good job.
Speaker 3 (58:03):
So yes, but well shot, real quick man. When the
weather blows through it finally steps cheering to up the
waters out there so badly? What's what's your targeting to
be made? The official turned on Mahi wahoo. He's like,
be better.
Speaker 6 (58:16):
I mean this time of year, you're you're basically looking
for that wahoo and you know, if we get a
little front the sailfish. But I mean, this full moon
was supposed to be like the moon of the year,
you know, and the weather said nope. So it is
a little bummed about that one. Man. We're missing out
big time.
Speaker 21 (58:33):
So how about sailfish, seawn, are they coming through or
is it still a little spotty?
Speaker 3 (58:38):
But I hope So.
Speaker 6 (58:39):
Actually last week when I talked to you guys, we
got to sailfish that day in a small king So
I mean there's a little bite there, but nothing crazy
like we had last year if you remember, or people
were getting ten twenty sailfish in a day, like, we
haven't had that bite yet. So okay, we're still looking
forward to that.
Speaker 3 (58:58):
So shot it back there. Dog man, when you walk
your dog is supposed I say, there's a public cells.
He's down the pedisle. They actually have this little device.
You squeeze it with your hand and this little like
shovel device opens up and you actually pick it up
with this little shovel scooper thing, or you can actually
buy the glove thing and pick it up with their hands.
Do you do the hand thing or the little device
picker upper thing.
Speaker 6 (59:20):
I have a bag dispenser looked on the leash and
has a little flashlight on it. That way, case it's dark,
I can still find it. Actually, I'll get you on
on Amazon. I'll send one for.
Speaker 3 (59:30):
Dog crap in the dark. Man. How dedicated is that?
What a quick neighbor.
Speaker 5 (59:34):
That's Sean, He's he's deep.
Speaker 6 (59:36):
You don't want to be that guy, you know? Yeah,
you know, like when you walk down the street people,
that's that's there, he's that guy.
Speaker 3 (59:44):
Guy. I am that guy where she drops it stays.
Speaker 5 (59:48):
Wow, you are doubling down on that.
Speaker 3 (59:51):
I'm just saying, man, I don't pick.
Speaker 5 (59:52):
Up and you are so obsessed with your little beach.
Speaker 3 (59:56):
That is just because I leave her for the raccoons
to crap all over.
Speaker 5 (59:59):
And that's why the dog you know, that's the universe
punishing you.
Speaker 3 (01:00:01):
Probably. Yeah, yeah, you have a big thing about universe.
I do.
Speaker 6 (01:00:07):
I'm with you. I'm with you on that.
Speaker 3 (01:00:13):
Have a happy walk with the dog made he drop
a giant guy in a bomb and be happy and
have a lovely weekend.
Speaker 6 (01:00:19):
Okay, And when I pick it up, I'll think of you.
Speaker 3 (01:00:24):
That's how I remember Joe, nothing more than dog crap
in Sean's life. Sean just gave you an upper cut.
That right, you got me right in the old guy
there man, Thank you, Sean. But like a record, come
back with the keyboard key I was doing pretty good.
So just now, yeah, that was just things rolled blooded together.
Ye come back with the Benny. We'll talk to normal,
We'll talk to Johnny stad Bill, we'll talk to Dead,
we'll talk to Jen and a whole lot. Moment have
boys baby, Fox Sports nine forty Live.
Speaker 10 (01:00:56):
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Speaker 25 (01:01:55):
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Speaker 29 (01:02:03):
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Speaker 2 (01:04:35):
Never sounded so good. Fox Sports nine Miami.
Speaker 1 (01:04:41):
You're on board the Nautical Ventures Weekly Fisherman Show with
legendary fisherman Eric Brandon, an extreme angler Joe Hector, powered
by Mercury Marine.
Speaker 2 (01:04:53):
Go Boldly.
Speaker 3 (01:04:56):
Our number two of the Nautical Ventures Weekly Visioners Show.
That was a great first hour, by the way.
Speaker 5 (01:05:01):
That was fun stuff, man, good stuff we talked about
the past, right, I like it.
Speaker 3 (01:05:06):
Good stuff. Well, the bad news is the Dolphins are
going nowhere, and I know that Benny's jets ain't.
Speaker 4 (01:05:13):
Going nowhere today, you know.
Speaker 3 (01:05:17):
Will be what the Dolphins were doing, the audio stuff
he normally does. But you said, what now about who.
Speaker 21 (01:05:21):
The Raiders would have the number one pick right now?
So we cannot win a game because if we win
a game, we're screwed.
Speaker 3 (01:05:28):
So just tag yes, we need that quarterback. Yeah, man. Anyway,
Benny's fishing charger, I don't know if he's raving up
to take people aren't arrived today this stuff, but I
don't know, Benny, how you doing, buddy.
Speaker 50 (01:05:42):
Good morning to you, Good morning guys, and we are
shutting down today.
Speaker 3 (01:05:48):
No, Benny's fishing chargers today. Yeah, it's been blown up,
Benny for a couple of days. If you guys actually
got out at all, man.
Speaker 50 (01:05:55):
No, we did one trip in the past couple of
days inside the intracoastal, just the you know, put them
on some jacks, barracudas, stuff like that.
Speaker 3 (01:06:04):
But besides that, no, we've.
Speaker 50 (01:06:05):
Been shut down from going offshore kind of turned out
the way, uh, turned the wrong way and started blowing
a little too hard for us.
Speaker 3 (01:06:13):
So is that like boat making? Its time? When you
can't fish, you actually just work on the boats and
tune up the motors and change oil and whatever else
you do to get a boat run. All of that.
Speaker 50 (01:06:22):
Repaint the bottoms. We got one getting bottom paint finished
up right now. We saw the blow coming, we sent
it out and uh, you know when you're not when
you're not making money over here, you're spending it.
Speaker 3 (01:06:34):
So yeah, sure, that's why you save it for a
rainy day. Joey's we both man, Yeah, man, so bottom paint.
I have boats that I sell and every time I
have had one on trade, I can't stand them because
bottom painted boats just don't sell very well. Really, they
look like crap, really like bottom paint is really ugly. Yeah, huh.
Speaker 5 (01:06:52):
Don't they have something in them so that the barnacles
don't stick.
Speaker 3 (01:06:55):
That's why you put the bottom paint ouciologies, especially the barnacles,
as Benny will tell you, our are just as they
lack of LT's on your boat. They are tenacious, man,
They get everywhere and their hardest hell to get off.
Speaker 50 (01:07:06):
Yeah, Benny, right, you've been there, right, yep, yep, especially
keeping two boats in the water, especially at the beginning,
that was a learning lesson for me, you know, letting
the bottom get away a little too long and then
before you know it, you're dumping too much money back
into it.
Speaker 3 (01:07:22):
Actually, they hire divers sometimes, you know, a bottom pay
your boat. You have a diver come out every two
weeks seconds, very expensive to having good. I scraped the
bottom of your boat.
Speaker 5 (01:07:30):
There was a you know, one of those divers that
does that for a living in Miami got swallowed by
a goliath and then it spit him out and he survived.
Speaker 3 (01:07:37):
Did you hear about that? I heard about that. Yeah,
it was like a year ago. Nuts, that's very cool.
Speaker 5 (01:07:42):
I don't know, just popped in my head. Anyway, his
job after that, you probably give retired.
Speaker 3 (01:07:48):
Yeah, well, Benny would just blowing wind goes bye bye.
Speaker 11 (01:07:51):
Speaker 3 (01:07:51):
The fishing turn on is to make things better. We
all want to know that, man.
Speaker 6 (01:07:55):
Speaker 50 (01:07:55):
Yeah, we think this is uh, you know, the time
of the year, and this is the right around the
time of the year and right around the weather that
we start getting that, you know, start turning on some
of our winter time bite here, so let's see.
Speaker 3 (01:08:09):
How it goes.
Speaker 50 (01:08:09):
We did have a couple of days out before it
started blowing. I think since we spoke to y'all last where,
I think we got a couple of big kings. Captain
Tyler got a couple of big ones. So there was
a few big kings around before the blow. That'll probably
be around, and yeah, the selfish number numbers will start
getting more and more over the next couple of weeks
and through the next few cold fronts.
Speaker 3 (01:08:31):
Right, you know, I think of this morning, Betty could
have slept in and not answered his phone because he's
not fishing, right, he could have stayed in bed, I'll
struggle up and warm and cozy and not talking to
us two knuckleheads. But he's actually getting up to talk
to us on the show to share because he cares.
It's love is love, right, Yeah, well we also pay
Verry Walters man.
Speaker 5 (01:08:50):
It's love. It's all love.
Speaker 3 (01:08:53):
You've been getting your regular paychecks, right, Betty. They'll be
coming to you every week. Yeah, yeah, signed and dated
right on time. It's like when you want a Joe
Hector tournament. Okay, there's this really big fat check, but
you'll get it like nine months later.
Speaker 4 (01:09:09):
I'm not saying anything.
Speaker 3 (01:09:10):
It's about appearance. It's not your fault, Joe. It's because
your sponsors a gotta kick it out me before you
write a check, right, they got they pay up before
you pay out.
Speaker 5 (01:09:17):
Speaker 3 (01:09:19):
It's like you mean a squeak you have to get
their money for. Yeah, exactly. I'm just saying, yeah, I
just covered your ass.
Speaker 5 (01:09:26):
Appreciate it well, Benny.
Speaker 3 (01:09:29):
Listen, man, I know things are tough when when fishing
is not going over with you guys with the charter business.
That's how you make your living. Man, we do feel better.
You're stuck in the dock, you know. But uh, I
guess do maintenance and maybe if you have a chance
to do some more fun fishing on your own, maybe
go catch a snook or drop a lot on the
in the base somewhere. Just actually, you just went into
my question. I was gonna ask him one last questions.
Yes see, I told you it's the mind.
Speaker 21 (01:09:54):
So Benny, Uh, we were talking about inlets and fishing
and catching snow apper, snook whatever.
Speaker 5 (01:10:00):
When it's days like this, Uh, what do you recommend
where would you go.
Speaker 50 (01:10:05):
Yeah, I mean the inlets are good. You can get
a little action there. Sometimes it's the wind's blowing along
the along the coast from the north a little bit.
Even when it's blowing you can get out right along
the beaches a little bit. You could go, you know,
hit your local lakes and canals around here, and especially
if you live out west like I do, you can
get on some peacock bass or some snakeheads stuff like that,
typically on the warmer days. So I don't know how
this cool weather has been treating them. I know we
get a good few good reports of snakeheads coming off
this show sometimes.
Speaker 4 (01:10:38):
Yeah, yeah, all.
Speaker 3 (01:10:40):
Right, last thing about the weather. I did see the
invite for Betty on this Christmas party? Did you go in?
And I rs VP back that I'm going, Yeah, you're going.
I'm going, Man, you're not going. I get it.
Speaker 50 (01:10:52):
So that's that's one extra plate we're gonna have sitting
on the table wasted at the end of this day.
Speaker 5 (01:10:55):
Yeah, I know, I'm not going up, man, Right, will
you show up? I've been showing up to his party
the last three years.
Speaker 3 (01:11:06):
Well try to show face. Okay, you won't be there.
I'm gonna bring extra stuff. I'll bring some good stuff. Okay, Benny,
is he going? I don't know.
Speaker 50 (01:11:16):
We'll see man again. It's an extra plate at the
end of the table that gets wasted.
Speaker 48 (01:11:20):
Speaker 3 (01:11:21):
We're a little show up or not. I mean, what
do you think shoe No, because then you will I'm going, man,
I'm going.
Speaker 4 (01:11:29):
I'm going.
Speaker 3 (01:11:29):
Benny, Hey, man, I have a great weekend, Buddy. I'm
sorry you're a fisher right now, but I'm taking a
little break and wrestless muscles and do your things. What's
the jet watching? Sounds exciting? Thank you, Betty. I have
a great week Bud. Break it back with the Norm
beck Off. We'll talk to John's Stabilly. He's always got
some kind of crazy story. Oh yeah, we'll see if
you know. Joe, Jennifer, Greg Warren's coming up at seven thirty.
She just added something else she's doing. She does the
Weather Channel, right Destination died with Discovery Channel and now
she's been hired as a as a Oh, she's a
writing person. She writes things. It's got a lot of jobs. Man,
does she I use AI? Yeah, me too.
Speaker 6 (01:12:10):
I like that too.
Speaker 3 (01:12:11):
There's something called cap cap chat. Yeah, chat chat chat
cap something like, that's cap chat that's what I Yeah, yeah,
mix words for you. Sure when you're like mentally impaired
like me, it makes a sentence actually, uh makes sense exactly.
I'd like this show. Yeah, take a little break and
come back with mo right here on the show at
Fox Sports nine. Fo bye all to talk about it.
Speaker 41 (01:12:33):
From the storm Tight Windows Weather Center mixes centate clouds
for our Saturday with a high of seventy nine and
Pompano Beaches seventy nine as well.
Speaker 8 (01:12:41):
In Kendall Into Night Little seventy mixes cent and clouds
again for tomorrow with a high of eighty.
Speaker 51 (01:12:46):
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Speaker 15 (01:13:04):
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Speaker 14 (01:13:06):
If you're a charter fishing captain, and reliability is key
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Speaker 11 (01:13:34):
Any great angler knows the key to catching beautiful fish
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For more on Halo, navigate to the radar page at
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Speaker 22 (01:14:04):
Remember the mary days of gasoline, It's just not made
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Speaker 29 (01:14:12):
Shakey your gas into gear with.
Speaker 32 (01:14:14):
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Speaker 43 (01:14:20):
Cure the problems of ethandol with the power of enzymes
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Speaker 29 (01:14:29):
Kick start your engines with star Tron.
Speaker 18 (01:14:33):
Nothing beats the thrill of extreme kayakfishing with little standing
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They have the.
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Speaker 3 (01:14:56):
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Speaker 18 (01:14:57):
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Speaker 53 (01:16:32):
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Speaker 27 (01:16:40):
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Speaker 2 (01:17:03):
The pros talk here, I mean awe.
Speaker 4 (01:17:06):
Those lineups are staffed.
Speaker 2 (01:17:08):
Fox Sports nine Miami.
Speaker 1 (01:17:13):
Now back to the Nautical Ventures Weekly Fisherman Show powered
by Mercury marine go boldly.
Speaker 18 (01:17:19):
Here's there are Brandon and Joe Hector.
Speaker 5 (01:17:24):
I don't think you slept last night.
Speaker 3 (01:17:26):
It was rough man. My dog was farked at Barford
again as always.
Speaker 5 (01:17:29):
Man, I know, I mean about what Clara said.
Speaker 3 (01:17:32):
That kind of rocked my boat a little bit.
Speaker 7 (01:17:33):
Speaker 3 (01:17:33):
Yeah, right, sure, I'm not sure I didn't mirror. I
think let's go talk to and she's not on the
thing that is normoy' is the first one on the
street of the weekend. She saw me yesterday. She's just
totally disappearing.
Speaker 5 (01:17:48):
Wow, well what did you say when she said that?
Speaker 3 (01:17:51):
I said, well, I wore a hat and you know, glasses,
my little Yeah, She's like just haled ass and took coffee.
He's like, oh hell no, hell no, exact Actually we
should look at me sea boat. Oh hell anyway, it's
Norm beck Off finest kind of line. Wonder Joey, Hey, Norm,
how's it going? That was I like commercial Budweiser man, Yeah,
before they went woke. Yeah right, anyway, So Norm, what's happening, buddy?
Not much answer.
Speaker 28 (01:18:30):
It was a little slower and brower this week. We
had some calm weather earlier on in the week. Not
much current kind of slowed fishing down quite a bit. Still,
a few dolphin sails came to was around uh, some
nice zero mackerels on the reefs though, uh, most of
the better fishing was around uh was around the the
the inlet down at the sea buoy and around the ships.
But it really wasn't all that much. And then question,
we had all that rough weather, not a lot of
boats got out. However, I would say that if there
was a shining spot on our fishing this week, uh,
it really uh it really was the giant pompinos that
are running through the beach right now.
Speaker 3 (01:19:17):
Speaker 28 (01:19:17):
I mean there's big slobs if you if you didn't
if you couldn't get on the water, you go out
to the piers or hit the beaches when you can fish.
And there was some really nice big pompanos be hot
uh in Broward County. I mean some big big fish point.
Speaker 7 (01:19:35):
It's just plus that that's a giant pomp wow.
Speaker 3 (01:19:39):
Speaker 20 (01:19:40):
But other than that, it was kind of on the
slow side.
Speaker 3 (01:19:44):
So you know, we'll see what this weekend brings.
Speaker 20 (01:19:47):
But uh, uh, you know we're we're in that wintertime pattern,
so I mean, you know, you got to fish it,
you know, the back end of the fronts.
Speaker 28 (01:19:55):
I mean yeah, the back end of the front and
right before the fronts, and you know, hopefully the current
picks up a little bit and should pick up her fishing.
Speaker 3 (01:20:05):
Very cool. Cool, there's a big pompo, man, is what
you're saying. Yeah, wow, yeah this.
Speaker 28 (01:20:12):
There has been some really outsized pompino really all along
the Florida coast this year. I'm not really sure why
that is, but it's kind of a straight time form.
Usually it's a fall and springtime thing, but here we
are in December, so you know, once again mother Nature's
throwing some wrenches at us.
Speaker 5 (01:20:29):
And uh, you know, but that's what it is.
Speaker 3 (01:20:33):
Hey, do we thought crabs are those little court of
sized crabs?
Speaker 17 (01:20:38):
Speaker 28 (01:20:38):
Uh, most guys are fishing them on jigs, like small
jigs or sand fleas, sand fleas.
Speaker 3 (01:20:48):
I know, permit like crabshah pop like crabs as well.
I wasn't sure about that.
Speaker 5 (01:20:53):
Yeah, I'm sure they eat them.
Speaker 20 (01:20:56):
Hey, Joe.
Speaker 26 (01:20:57):
By the way, speaking of weather, do you hear about
that crazy weather they had out there in Vegas.
Speaker 25 (01:21:03):
I don't know what was going on, but they had
I guess.
Speaker 26 (01:21:05):
Some uh some some crazy weather, and then they designated
the Las Vegas Raiders Stadium uhlter because a few touchdowns going.
Speaker 7 (01:21:20):
On around there.
Speaker 3 (01:21:22):
Great line, that was great.
Speaker 5 (01:21:24):
It was coming new one of these shows.
Speaker 3 (01:21:28):
Man, Yeah, we're terrible.
Speaker 5 (01:21:30):
I really got nothing for this team.
Speaker 3 (01:21:33):
You know, we go, we run a clock to the
very beginning of the season. You were like juiced about
this team.
Speaker 37 (01:21:37):
Speaker 3 (01:21:37):
You like the coach, you like the quarterback, and I
didn't like the coach fell apart. Well whatever, the team
just fell apart.
Speaker 27 (01:21:43):
Speaker 3 (01:21:43):
They were starting off pretty strong and they fell apart.
Speaker 25 (01:21:45):
Man, like the dog they need.
Speaker 3 (01:21:49):
The Fins are no better than the Raiders right now, Man,
a little better off to take Okay, you're a little
better off barely a norm.
Speaker 4 (01:21:57):
Are you driving anything for the Winterfest boat parade tonight?
Speaker 3 (01:22:01):
God? No, baha, fucking that one man. Alright, Norm, thanks
for talking to us and then bringing a strong, great
last lie with Joey about the tornadoes. I love that, man.
That was great. I'll keep that. Thank you very much, brother,
Thank you. Great week? All right?
Speaker 5 (01:22:17):
Speaker 3 (01:22:17):
Ye all right, hi guys, run that dog there you go,
run that dog. Finally figured out what he's saying. I'm
lie too. The great Johnny's to build Jojo today. Hey Junny,
Good morning guys.
Speaker 40 (01:22:33):
How are y'all doing today?
Speaker 3 (01:22:34):
Hey, Bud doing well? Most of our captains are not
fishing today, there, Johnny, are you one of the guys
who are gonna brave it or just say skip it?
Speaker 40 (01:22:43):
I'm not fishing today particularly, but I am fishing tomorrow.
Speaker 3 (01:22:47):
Speaker 40 (01:22:47):
So I think the weather is supposed to be equally
bad tomorrow as it is today, and you know, we're
just gonna just gonna give it as much as we
got and hope we can pull something off. The fishing
this week really wasn't anything super special, as we did
get a cold front that pushed through, and uh, you know,
we made it happen a couple of times, but it
just it's just that time of the year where the
weather is inconsistent and the fish react to that inconsistent weather.
Speaker 21 (01:23:23):
Right right, I mean right now, Because you're fishing mainly
for peacocks, clowns, the whole thing in Ida. What's what's
the deal with the clown knife fish? Because I haven't
seen anybody catching those things in a while.
Speaker 40 (01:23:38):
On my feet, you know, when it gets cold, they
go deep and they're hard to catch, you know, And
and if you put your time and you can definitely
catch them. You can catch clown knife you know, year round,
even on the coldest of cold days, You'll still be
able to catch them. I think, honestly, they're more temperamental
to the cold than the teacocks are. So wow, some
of those really really cold days, you know, we're we're
catching a lot of large mouth bass, a lot of
the hybrid you know, wipers, sunshine bass, whatever you want
to call them, And and the peacocks are just laying low,
just trying to stay alive as it gets cold. And
the clowns, I mean, you know, you can catch them
during that cold weather. So every every time that I
have a charter and I know that the weather is
just going to be completely the worst case scenario, you
got to keep an open mind and you got to
catch what's there to catch, you know. I mean, yeah,
if they flew all the way from you know, Wisconsin
and they wanted to catch peacocks, but we ended up
catching a bunch of hybrids, you know, clown knife fish
and some largemouth bass, and we made a trip out
of it. They're still going to be happy, yeah, you know.
And then maybe next year I'll have to come back
down and try to get those peacocks again. But you know,
the fishing is good if you're willing to just think
outside the box a little bit. And and there's plenty
of Lake Ida is so loaded with fish. I mean,
you know, I I I find it so hard to
kind of believe when people go there and then you
see them at the boat ramp. You've been passing them
all day long, and and they get to the boat
and like, hey, man, did you catch anything? And I'm like, yeah,
we smoked them. And They're like, man, I didn't catch anything.
Speaker 3 (01:25:31):
And I'm like, well, I mean yeah, yeah.
Speaker 40 (01:25:38):
So you know, if you if you just think outside
of the box. I think that's what what most most
fishermen get all, you know, kind of gummed up by,
is just that they try to stick to one plan
and you know, sometimes that plane could really work, but
a lot of times, you know, you got to be
able to switch it up on the fly and kind
of pull an audible to catch fish.
Speaker 20 (01:26:01):
And that's what I do on a daily basis.
Speaker 3 (01:26:03):
He does something Joe that I thought to be extremely
boring and wouldever attempt to do it. He gets a
big joy to do this crappie fishing, Johnny, he enjoys
doing that. I'm not a big fan, Johnny, to catch
a little half ounce fish. It just doesn't turn me on.
Speaker 5 (01:26:16):
And a lot of people like doing that.
Speaker 3 (01:26:17):
I don't do you.
Speaker 21 (01:26:18):
I mean, I never really did it, you know, like
I never target. I never said I'm gonna go out
there catch crappy, you know, crappy.
Speaker 3 (01:26:25):
Crappy, crappy crappie. Yeah. So it's like, Johnny, you enjoy
that species, don't you.
Speaker 40 (01:26:32):
You know, I we get some Mando crappies money, and
you know, most people in Florida calm specs.
Speaker 7 (01:26:41):
I call him crappies.
Speaker 20 (01:26:43):
And you know, I have a couple of friends that
call him.
Speaker 3 (01:26:45):
Crappies, me Joe.
Speaker 11 (01:26:48):
But the.
Speaker 40 (01:26:52):
The crappies on Lake Ida are huge. They're big out
in the Everglades. I mean you seldomly catch a really
small one. I'll get a couple in a cast and
that every once in a while when I'm trying to
catch bait, and you know, I just never really know.
You know, sometimes you mark a big school on your
sonar and you think it's peacocks or whatever. You drop
baits down, you don't catch anything. Probably ends up me
in Telapia. I was just in the Everglades what four
or five days ago before the front, and saw a
huge school we marked on the bottom. I was like,
let me just drop on that. It could be some
you know, it could be some crappies, just you know,
kind of tied up. I dropped the vertical jig down
and pulled up a nice crappie, and then you know,
we proceeded to sit on them for a little bit.
Speaker 3 (01:27:41):
But you know, I don't think I.
Speaker 40 (01:27:43):
Go crappie fishing or you know, like wake up and
when I'm like today is a crappie day, I'm gonna
only catch crappies.
Speaker 20 (01:27:50):
I think I just kind of fit them into my day.
Speaker 7 (01:27:52):
Yeah, just as some filler fish, because you know, it's fun.
Speaker 40 (01:27:56):
It racks up the numbers and just give gives people
something to do.
Speaker 3 (01:28:00):
You know, it's a good fighter. Chi Jille, you probably
caught your shoe off my balcony. I catch it quite often. Uh,
sicklids mine, cicklts, oh yeah. And oscars. Yeah. Those fish
put up a better fight than people may realize they can.
They can give a little tug on the liner, man, Johnny, Oh,
those millions they'll tug.
Speaker 40 (01:28:16):
Mayans, they brawl. I mean, they're such an angry and
angry little fish, they really do.
Speaker 5 (01:28:22):
And they're beautiful and they're little. I remember Mia caught one,
like this little tiny one, and she's like, Daddy, can
we just bring it home. I'm like, all right, I'll
put it in the tank. So we put it in
the fish tank.
Speaker 21 (01:28:33):
Yeah, that fish like when we woke up the next morning,
because it was it wasn't stressed really that much. Did No,
it was like this beautiful like hot red and orange
and just I mean the colors were just insane on
that thing.
Speaker 3 (01:28:50):
Man, it was beautiful, very nicely died Joe. Yeah, great
descriptive thing. You got a great tank, by the way. Yeah,
your tanks are banging, dude, Johnny ever seen his quarium tanks.
She's got going on, the aquarium tanks, the turtle tanks,
the pond. I mean, he's got it going on.
Speaker 20 (01:29:09):
You know, he's got like Safari jungle in his backyard.
Speaker 5 (01:29:12):
Oh yeah, the tortoises.
Speaker 20 (01:29:15):
You know the tortoises.
Speaker 3 (01:29:16):
Yep. Yeah.
Speaker 21 (01:29:18):
Let me ask you this, Johnny, what about the jaguar sicklets.
I never really hear much other than actually talking to
you about those. Do they get They get like three pounds, right,
something like that?
Speaker 5 (01:29:29):
Two three?
Speaker 3 (01:29:30):
They do get big.
Speaker 5 (01:29:32):
You know.
Speaker 40 (01:29:33):
That is a fish that has been very elusive for
the last like eighteen months. We went through a period
of about a year where everybody was just catching them
left and right and left and right, and and lately,
you know, the water in the Everglades is very high
right now, and people that are fishing there are usually
using live bait and sending them deep. And the first
thing that's going to eat a live bait is peacock,
usually over a six and and I just haven't heard
of hardly any jaguars being caught. You know, maybe one
on Lake Ida, you know, every six months, or you know,
one in the Everglades a month or a couple of month.
Speaker 20 (01:30:15):
But you know, it's not like what it used to be.
Actually it is what it used to be, you know.
Speaker 40 (01:30:21):
A few years ago when they were pretty elusive, but
you could still find them. I feel like you don't
find them anymore. And once the water goes down, hopefully,
you know, we're we have a dry winter where we
have low water again. I mean the fishing when that
water gets low, the fishing is just it's ridiculous. There's
no there's no other way to describe it. It's just
it's just insanity. Hundreds of peacocks a day, sick lids.
I mean, it's it's what we dream of, you know, right.
Speaker 3 (01:30:51):
John, were going to right the clock, man, But have
a great weekend, buddy boy. You guys are fishing. Do
your thing. We got to break here and pay a
few bills. But thanks John Gray report as always, man,
Thank you, Johnny.
Speaker 40 (01:31:00):
Yeah, guys, we'll see you next weekend.
Speaker 3 (01:31:01):
He's take a little breaking back with Jen with one
the forecast. Yeap deb dao to keys.
Speaker 5 (01:31:05):
You have boys.
Speaker 3 (01:31:07):
We had the toy chest coming up with Ken Haley
our new feature. Okay, she's great at I think she
is bringing this struggain today Mail, we'll finally shoot what
that think is gonna be coming up here Fox Sports nine.
Speaker 2 (01:31:20):
It's time to go.
Speaker 14 (01:31:21):
Diesel ring Power, a distributor for Cox Marine, can simplify
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Speaker 22 (01:31:51):
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Speaker 32 (01:32:00):
Into gear with star Trot. Pump up the performage in
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Speaker 43 (01:32:07):
Sure the problems of ethodol with the power of enzymes,
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Speaker 29 (01:32:16):
Kick start your engines with star Trot.
Speaker 44 (01:32:21):
Need a place to store your boat, how about a
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Nautical Ventures the go to people for fun on the water.
Speaker 12 (01:32:50):
When it comes to kayak fishing, Nautical Ventures knows what
you need to catch fish. They carry top frands from Hoby,
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Speaker 30 (01:33:21):
Every day on the water is a blank canvas. You
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Speaker 55 (01:33:52):
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Speaker 47 (01:34:01):
I'm so excited for this game.
Speaker 15 (01:34:02):
I can't believe you got us tickets.
Speaker 3 (01:34:03):
Me too.
Speaker 5 (01:34:04):
Wait, are we on the wrong side?
Speaker 25 (01:34:06):
Speaker 55 (01:34:06):
Checking first the smart so check all State first for
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Speaker 2 (01:34:10):
Yes, it's gonna be a long game.
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Speaker 34 (01:34:15):
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Speaker 23 (01:34:20):
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Levine will fight to get you the compensation you deserve.
Call me Mark Ganajar for a free consultation one eight
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Speaker 49 (01:34:34):
Me offic sport Thought Now deck your halls with New
South Window, keep your home comfy and save more on
energy bills. Plus every product is guaranteed for life by
two New South products before the end of the year
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Speaker 35 (01:34:49):
Slash Radio broadcasting live from the Fox Sports nine forty
Anna jar and Levine Accident Attorney Studios.
Speaker 2 (01:34:58):
Call one eight hundred seven four seve and freak.
Speaker 36 (01:35:00):
That's one eight hundred seven four seven free seven three three.
Speaker 1 (01:35:07):
Hey, let's get right back to the Nautical Ventures Weekly
Fisherman Show powered by Mercury Marine.
Speaker 3 (01:35:18):
Go boldly, Well, it's the most wonderful time of the year, Joe, Yes,
it is. It's the most.
Speaker 4 (01:35:28):
Wonderful time of the.
Speaker 5 (01:35:32):
Speaker 3 (01:35:33):
They'll be bells all twinkling and people will be swinkling,
and it's a man wonderful time. Because Jenna is here,
is Jenne here ding happy?
Speaker 4 (01:35:49):
I think you guys should form a group. We should
then maybe call it like fecal attack or something nice.
Speaker 5 (01:35:55):
Like that former group Far Far Away, the Erratic Cheetahs.
Speaker 3 (01:35:58):
There you go like that. Jennifer Gray Warren is online
one putting up with as usual. You want Jen, Hi, guys,
good morning.
Speaker 7 (01:36:07):
I love the song.
Speaker 3 (01:36:08):
Oh thank you, Jen. I saw something on Facebook. Are
you doing something else now? Are you writing professionally?
Speaker 25 (01:36:16):
Speaker 56 (01:36:16):
So the executive producer from My Dive Show, she's owned
this company for twenty years where she helps students write
their college entrance essays right, and she has invited me
on to be a senior writer. And I love it,
so I just do it on the side time.
Speaker 3 (01:36:35):
But it's really fun.
Speaker 56 (01:36:36):
Because we work with high school students who are trying
to write their college entrance essays, which, if you've had
an experience with that, is like this monumental task and
so it's been a lot of fun.
Speaker 3 (01:36:49):
Yeah, I love it. So you're writing people's papers for
them or is that like legal?
Speaker 56 (01:36:54):
We just know we're not writing it for them. They
write it, but we just kind of helped.
Speaker 3 (01:36:59):
Speaker 56 (01:36:59):
A lot of a lot of college entrance essays is
like formulating your narrative, right, Like you have to come
up with a project and have a story, and like
all this, we help them brainstorm and then we help
them with the writing.
Speaker 3 (01:37:12):
Could you imagine Stephen, Joe and I try to write
papers like that? No, there's no actually no chance. I'm
a playing baby, I mean no chance.
Speaker 7 (01:37:20):
Speaker 3 (01:37:20):
Anyway, jemy, welcome this morning. Two. What kind of a
breezy weird? What we have? Went blowing all week long?
And it's a little crappy today over here. So what
are we seeing in this lovely land of traffic? Uh?
Speaker 56 (01:37:33):
No good, The wind's gonna continue through the weekend. You
have a thirty percent chance of showers mainly sunny today.
He in your seventy seven northeast winds twenty to twenty
five knots gusts up to thirty he's five to eight
feet occasionally ten. Inner coastal waters rough, twenty percent chance
of showers tomorrow, mostly sunny. Hin your seventy seven windy
northeast winds twenty twenty five gus to thirty see sixty
nine feet occasionally eleven through rank this weekend and the
Keys today slight chance of showers sunny with the hinre
seventy eight northeast winds twenty nine sees three to four
feet occasionally five.
Speaker 20 (01:38:11):
Your shore water's rough.
Speaker 56 (01:38:12):
Tomorrow and the Keys twenty percent chance of showers, mostly sunny.
Hre seventy eight northeast winds twenty ce three to five
feet occasually six and in Florida Bay choppy as well,
northeast winds fifteen to twenty all weekend with baywater's choppy
isolated showers.
Speaker 3 (01:38:28):
So well, it's not great, but it could be worse, Joe, Yeah,
I mean it could be snowing. It could be snowing.
It's sleeping, yeah, exactly. Well, yeah, rather be.
Speaker 56 (01:38:40):
An eleven foot seas than have snow.
Speaker 3 (01:38:43):
Yeah, And I'm sure Atlanta's gonna be reach chilly about
right now. It kind of nippy up there.
Speaker 56 (01:38:48):
Yeah, it's pretty nippy. It's uh, it's warmed up actually
compared to what it was earlier in the week when
it was like twenty nine in the morning. But yeah,
I could use some I could use some tropical vibes
right now.
Speaker 3 (01:39:00):
Well, you do me favor. I'm already quit my job.
Can you write me a resume real quick? Would you mind?
Speaker 27 (01:39:04):
So I don't do resumes, I just do you call
it you want?
Speaker 7 (01:39:11):
Speaker 3 (01:39:12):
Thank you, Joe We love her so much.
Speaker 7 (01:39:14):
Great weekend.
Speaker 3 (01:39:14):
Okay, seriously, thanks so very much. Let's go to the Keys, Joey.
Speaker 5 (01:39:19):
All right, here we go.
Speaker 3 (01:39:20):
It's your boy. That's a that's jim set effected. That's
a diving thing, isn't.
Speaker 4 (01:39:30):
That sounds like a big old diesel motor.
Speaker 3 (01:39:32):
Speaker 5 (01:39:33):
See I was on a boat driving.
Speaker 3 (01:39:34):
To the Keys. Diesel effect great. You know, hey, Dev,
how are you with the diesel? I ca deb.
Speaker 36 (01:39:45):
You have always?
Speaker 3 (01:39:46):
How's it going, Wendy Wendy, Wendy here? Dev? How much keys?
Wendy blowing?
Speaker 36 (01:39:52):
Yeah, it's been a lot a lot of rank going
on down here, that's for sure.
Speaker 27 (01:39:56):
So not much going on. But this morning is be beautiful.
Speaker 36 (01:40:00):
I mean it's gorgeous, but once you get out in
the reef, it's nasty. I was out there on Tuesday
and it was it was good. Five to six is
all day. I was in a twenty two foot boat
and we we got turned around a little while, but
it was it was a little rough, but you know,
got her done.
Speaker 5 (01:40:17):
Man, five to six. It's just not fun.
Speaker 3 (01:40:19):
Hey, deb I saw you had your sled for sale.
Is I think silver sales you sell or you're keeping it?
After all?
Speaker 27 (01:40:26):
I took it down. Yeah.
Speaker 36 (01:40:28):
I thought about this, putting some feelers out and just
kind of see. I felt about moving up and buying,
you know, something a little bigger. But then I started
looking at the market and I was like, yeah, no.
So it took me one good day to decide that
I put her back down. So it may be in
the future, but I love my sled more than anything,
and it's hard.
Speaker 3 (01:40:49):
It's cheaper the keeper, is what I would say. Okay,
I mean I saw boats for a living, and I
will tell you this that they have not gone down
the price ever. No better. This is going on, So
whatever the case may be, Yeah, fish wires. Have you
had a chance to see some nice catches this week
or what's going on there that way?
Speaker 36 (01:41:04):
Yeah, I mean outside of the outside of the wind
and the charter captains that are being able to go out.
I've had some freelance work this week, so I've been
out on little boats. But some of the big guys
they've been catching, you know, Selfish are here. We had
a tournament this weekend Alamorada, Selfish for Kids tournament, but
that was postponed due to weather. So that's gonna happen
in January. But yeah, the weather's just it's terrible, but
the sales are here.
Speaker 27 (01:41:35):
The dolphin. I caught a dolphin like one hundred and.
Speaker 36 (01:41:38):
Eighty feet tuesday, So I mean with this wind, they
are pushing into the reef. And it was a funny story.
And I'm gonna tell you real fast, but i was
trolling for Wahoo and it was I was high speed trolling.
I was going fifteen knots.
Speaker 27 (01:41:52):
And I used one of those Ussuri, those big big Usuri.
Speaker 36 (01:41:56):
Plugs in the middle, and then I'll use you know,
down weight when I'm high speed trolling. Well, I guess
I you know, it was rough and I was the
wave hit the lure just right and it popped out
of the water like three feet and I saw this
dolphin just come straight out of the water and hit it,
and it jumped for it, and it was It was
the first time I've ever seen that happen, and it
was just pretty cool.
Speaker 3 (01:42:20):
Cool man, Yeah, drop out of water for a lure.
Speaker 5 (01:42:23):
How big was the dolphin?
Speaker 27 (01:42:25):
She measured thirty two inches.
Speaker 3 (01:42:30):
Yeah, you boted it.
Speaker 27 (01:42:31):
Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah. I made
my tacos and it was amazing.
Speaker 36 (01:42:38):
Oh it's so good with some red cabbage, some onions,
and some homemade sauce.
Speaker 3 (01:42:44):
That tasty. Joy. I say I number one thing about
this whole conversation. I'm glad you're keeping your boat dead.
I don't you like that sled a whole lot. I've
seen it before. It's a great looking boat. It's taken
you everywhere in the world. You've had a lot of
memories of that thing, and it's really settlemental to when you,
you know, Joe, I've got a vehicle I've kept a
long time. Yeah, you see it leaving by by the dealership,
you feel very you kind of get sad. Yeah, if
she was to lose that boat and sell it to somebody,
I know it will kind of break her heart, sure,
don't you think, deb.
Speaker 27 (01:43:09):
Yeah, I agree with you.
Speaker 36 (01:43:12):
And I did have a I did have a guy
call me and he said, you know, I'm ready to
purchase your boat, and I was like it just it
hit me and and I'm you know, there's an old thing.
You're not supposed to get emotional towards objects of boats, cars, whatever.
But that boat has been out twenty eight hundred feet
all the way, you know, as as skinny as six inches.
Speaker 27 (01:43:35):
So yeah, she does have a lot of memories and
and she's a tender.
Speaker 36 (01:43:40):
So when I buy my big sport fish one day,
she's gonna sit right.
Speaker 27 (01:43:44):
There and go to Bahamas with me.
Speaker 3 (01:43:46):
She'll go no where. Joy. Yeah, well, dev hope we
have a great weekend and would finally blow it. I
stopped blowed rather and calm down and things will get
back to our ball. Yeah this is a judge just said. Yeah,
I love of what sees today, Joe. Remember, and this
thing isn't like quitting.
Speaker 27 (01:44:04):
It looks like our next front.
Speaker 36 (01:44:05):
Our next front looks like Thursday. But I went back
bartending a little bit, so I'm I'm doing two things
right now and just trying to make it happen because
it is.
Speaker 27 (01:44:17):
It's it's really windy right now.
Speaker 3 (01:44:19):
Yeah, you're multitasking. Look at me. I have a fresh
new haircut. By the way, Monday Tuesday, I'm doing two
days back to back shooting for boattest dot com. So
I've got a boat test do going on. Man, I
like it. It's pretty bag it huh nice? Okay, Well,
deb have a great weekend. We'd love you to death.
Speaker 36 (01:44:37):
Thanks gotting Debt a right, absolutely take care of guys.
Speaker 3 (01:44:41):
By saw, I'm looking at streamer. I told you the
story about Clara Taylor, one of our great fans of
the show that I ran it too. Were at the
public sparking lot yesterday. She looks at me. She said
to me, gosh, you look different, and you guys are
all making jokes like you frightened her and she was
disappointed and she ran screaming away. But she's actually backing feed. Well,
you scared her, but she was a very nice meeting
you important person. But you look but you looked mighty different.
Speaker 5 (01:45:06):
No, she didn't say that, No, she I just kicked that.
Speaker 4 (01:45:10):
Is she the one that says she's got a cover
over at TV this morning.
Speaker 3 (01:45:15):
I think sucha at Steve, thank you take a break
coming back with a toy chest. What could be inside?
I wonder Joe Steve All will fight out next Fox
We Look Different Night? Is that?
Speaker 4 (01:45:27):
Eric Brandon No?
Speaker 3 (01:45:31):
Fox Sports Night forties.
Speaker 2 (01:45:35):
Fox Sports nine Weather mixes.
Speaker 8 (01:45:38):
Centate clouds for our Saturday with a high of seventy
nine and Papeno Beecher seventy.
Speaker 2 (01:45:42):
Nine as well.
Speaker 8 (01:45:43):
In Kendall Into Night Littis seventy mixes cent and clouds
again for tomorrow with a high of eighty.
Speaker 51 (01:45:48):
This report is sponsored by Staples Stores. Staples has amazing
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Speaker 4 (01:46:06):
It's time to go diesel.
Speaker 14 (01:46:07):
If you operate a government boat, ring power Abcoxmrine distributor
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Cox Marine CXO three hundred diesel outboards operate with lower
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Speaker 4 (01:46:32):
Go Diesel.
Speaker 15 (01:46:33):
Visit Coxmarine Outboards dot com to learn more.
Speaker 11 (01:46:36):
Any great angler knows the key to catching beautiful fish
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more phish. Halo three thousand features an all new Bird
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dash Yachting dot com.
Speaker 18 (01:47:06):
Nothing beats the thrill of extreme kayakfishing with little standing
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Speaker 25 (01:47:36):
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Speaker 42 (01:48:05):
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Speaker 53 (01:48:35):
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Speaker 54 (01:48:44):
Hi, I'm doctor Peter stall Board certified Eurologists and Senior
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To start your free online visit and find ED treatment
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Speaker 2 (01:49:35):
Here, Every pitch hit and Rod Marlin's Baseball place here
Miami's Fox Sports nine.
Speaker 1 (01:49:46):
You're on board the Nautical Ventures Weekly Fisherman Show powered
by Mercury Marine. Go Boldly with legendary fishermen Eric Brandon,
an extreme angler.
Speaker 3 (01:49:58):
Joe Hector. Ma I love this future, Joey. It's been
on for like five or six weeks now, it just
looks better and better it does. Steve O. Open at
toy chest, my brother, Let's see what Cat Haley's got today.
Speaker 27 (01:50:18):
How did this fit into a toy chest?
Speaker 57 (01:50:20):
Okay, welcome to the toy Chest segment on the Weekly Fisherman.
Speaker 15 (01:50:23):
I'm Kat Haley with our videographer Johnny.
Speaker 5 (01:50:26):
Hey, Hey, thanks for having me.
Speaker 3 (01:50:27):
I've been wanting to try out the Live L four
expedition on the board, live and an action.
Speaker 27 (01:50:31):
I see what you did there, dad jokes. I like
very nice.
Speaker 3 (01:50:35):
Yeah, I like this board.
Speaker 5 (01:50:36):
Cat take it away the Live L four expedition.
Speaker 27 (01:50:39):
This is the perfect gift contendo mom or my boyfriend
mister bo listening this style board.
Speaker 57 (01:50:45):
It's super meaque compared to your traditional stand up paddle
ward because it's got.
Speaker 27 (01:50:48):
This catamorant style hole. Do you notice a hollow core
construction on it?
Speaker 3 (01:50:53):
Speaker 50 (01:50:53):
The design with the two fourteen foot pontoons and the
thirty four inch wide platform are your.
Speaker 5 (01:50:58):
Bread and butter for insane stability and so much room
for activities.
Speaker 15 (01:51:03):
Yes, hello, I had to throw the step Brother's movie
joke in there.
Speaker 57 (01:51:06):
There's actually eight feet of deck space on the Live
l Flour stand up paddle board.
Speaker 27 (01:51:11):
There's plenty of room for activities.
Speaker 15 (01:51:14):
And with all this space, you're gonna want to be using.
Speaker 57 (01:51:16):
This taillboard for yoga, fishing, you name it, and you know,
Nagle Ventures has every single attachment piece that you could
imagine to hold.
Speaker 5 (01:51:24):
All of your near secure kat. Does the Catamarin style
whole help with making it easier to paddle?
Speaker 27 (01:51:30):
Yeah, it definitely does, Johnny.
Speaker 57 (01:51:32):
This feature maximizes the buoyancy and it really reduces the
weight to volume ratio. The large tunnel on the whole.
This minimizes the surface area on the water, which allows
the L four expedition to slice through the water with
more speed in comparison to the many of the racing
boards that you've.
Speaker 27 (01:51:48):
Got on the market today.
Speaker 5 (01:51:49):
I've seen multiple people on these boards before too.
Speaker 4 (01:51:52):
Didn't you sake a hold of just seven hundred pounds?
Speaker 36 (01:51:55):
Speaker 3 (01:51:55):
Speaker 57 (01:51:56):
And get this the Live L four expedition. It only
weighs sixty five pounds. Crazy buoyancy for how light it is.
This is the perfect board to throw in the truck
head to the beach and go full angler mode.
Speaker 15 (01:52:07):
If this board goes missing from the toy Chest.
Speaker 27 (01:52:09):
It was not me huh yeah, sure.
Speaker 57 (01:52:12):
Thanks for watching another episode of the toy Chest segment
on the week Fisherman on Fox Sports Night foury am
and you can catch us next week on Saturday Mornings from.
Speaker 4 (01:52:22):
Oh wow, that's a nice board, a great, great segment. Yeah,
that's one of my favorite boards I've seen so far.
That that catamaran deal there, that's really cool.
Speaker 3 (01:52:32):
Yeah, that way she describes it breaks it down. You know,
it's light, it's this is that yea's like sixty sixty
five pounds. Check it out.
Speaker 4 (01:52:39):
Do yoga on the thing or seven pounds sess a
couple people. You could take the whole family out on it.
Speaker 3 (01:52:44):
She's just really doing a great job. I can't thank
her enough for me. Yeah, really great, definitely. She's the
assistant of Frank Ferraro back at dotgle Butcher. If you
guys ever see online these really great NV posts about
the products they have she's the one behind it all.
Speaker 5 (01:52:57):
Yeah, she does a great job.
Speaker 3 (01:52:58):
Except so thank you very much. The joke continues on here.
Everybody's getting a big laugh. Hella Whitmer's laughing about the
comment of Clara Taylor this morning. It all started a
public sparking lot yesterday where Clara goes, gee, hi, Eric,
you look different, And now she's saying to me her
cover up was well, gee, you look great for your age.
I just continue on and on and nod, and then
somebody else you're dead, says well, it's because you weren't
wearing makeup. So I just went on and there, you know, Hey, hey, Penny,
how you doing so? Fun joke, And.
Speaker 4 (01:53:29):
He's actually trying to block the camera so people can't
see you.
Speaker 3 (01:53:32):
That's probably what she's almost stopped.
Speaker 4 (01:53:34):
But she's gonna mess up the camera.
Speaker 3 (01:53:35):
She's good, a little face roupe against the camera lens there. Anyway,
got the candy, Okay, she's a little horrid. I just
gave her an eighteen carrotsy by anyway, joke one minute
to plug a tournament coming up in January. Brother, Yeah,
we got about it, man.
Speaker 21 (01:53:50):
We got the Sailfish SmackDown coming up January. Twenty fifth,
So that's like right around the corner. It's coming really fast.
You can go to Extreme kayakfishion dot com get all
your information on that ornament coming up. Uh and if
you register early you get a free essay company, tournament shirt,
tournament face shield, and tournament hat.
Speaker 3 (01:54:09):
Nice. Yeah. Now do you think that when you're putting
all that really good stuff on you've got that you'll
look different or look better? Does it make you look
better when you're wearing that?
Speaker 5 (01:54:17):
Blame horse Man anything you put on with extreme on there.
Speaker 3 (01:54:20):
So if I wear that next time I see Clark Taylor,
she said to me, Yeah, damn, Eric, you look great.
She will does that wearing all that? Yes, that's what missing.
Speaker 5 (01:54:29):
She was all in love instantly.
Speaker 3 (01:54:31):
I wasn't worrying your stuff, and it would have probably
changed the whole conversation totally.
Speaker 4 (01:54:35):
Oh my god, we'll be wearing some cologne too. I
got a cologone for you, a knight in Hialiah.
Speaker 3 (01:54:40):
Yes see, I happy, No, thank you, Steve. I will
roll out here say goodbye, Jeff and I for you.
Thank you very much, Steve with j Gray, Thank you
buddy for putting up with us every weekend yeah, man
Joe heting my man bro. Great show the audience. Thank
you guys for being here. You make the program Without you,
we are just a couple of talking bobbo heads. We
love you guys, and sports talk is all here all day,
Fox Sports nine to Surfy Care, surf Cares bote.
Speaker 45 (01:55:07):
Is your vote properly insurance? When's the last time your
agent called to discuss your policy. We're People's Insurance underwriters
and vote insurance as you know it is about to change.
We understand how the right insurance agent can make the
difference in getting your claim paid or not. Our agents
are lifelong voters whose focus is on service, reliability and savings.
We can make a difference in your boat insurance. To
learn more, go to the Happy Voting dot Com. People's
Insurance Underwriters Insurance for Voters by voters.
Speaker 13 (01:55:37):
Hear that that's the sound of confidence. The sound of
confidence brought to you by Nationwide Battery. For over thirty years,
voters and fishermen have counted on Nationwide to fire up
their engines to keep their electronics going week after week,
year after year.
Speaker 4 (01:55:56):
They have the largest.
Speaker 13 (01:55:57):
Selection of batteries at the best prices with.
Speaker 2 (01:56:00):
Dock side installation available.
Speaker 13 (01:56:02):
If you count on your boat, then count on Nationwide battery.
Visit them at Nationwide dash Battery dot Com Nationwide Batteries
the sound of confidence.
Speaker 18 (01:56:13):
At Johnny Jig's Tackle Company, our passion for fishing drives
everything we do. We provide all anglers with the highest quality,
most meticulously craft a tackle that will enhance your fishing experience.
At Johnny Jigs, we believe every cast should be an opportunity,
every tug a thrill, and every moment by the water
and adventure. Our un wavering commitment to innovation and excellence
creates tackle exceeding all expectations of our fellow anglers. We're
more than a tackle company. We're your partners and exploration,
your source of inspiration, and your companion on every fishing trip.
Johnny Jake's Tackle Company elevate your angling adventure.
Speaker 10 (01:56:44):
So we're not all professional anglers, we don't all compete
on the biggest stage. But inside, it's all burns the
same fire to be a champion. It's why you get
out early, brave the toughest conditions, point the bow toward adventure,
and put the hammer down for whatever trophy or fish
or memory you're chasin count On and Brick Repro excess
outboard engineered to deliver the speed and reliability you need
to power the champion inside you.