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Evening Edition: China Unveils New Amphibious Assault Ship - The Fox News Rundown

The Fox News Rundown

China launched a new amphibious naval ship with the ability to launch drones, helicopters and fighter jets. It is the latest example of the Chinese Navy showing their determination on growing their fighting fleet to compete with the United States. It remains to be seen what sort of fight jet or other fixed wing plane could land or take off from these new ships. FOX’s Eben Brown speaks with Brent Sadler, Heritage Foundation Senior Research Fellow for Naval Warfare and Advanced Technology in the Allison Center for National Security, who compares this new ship to the United States Navy's own capabilities. Click Here To Follow 'The FOX News Rundown: Evening Edition' Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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 Evening Edition: China Unveils New Amphibious Assault Ship    - The Fox News Rundown