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May 9, 2023 46 mins
Watch Ed Sheeran's fullinterview on:
Ellen + Ryan ÷ Ed x KOST = 🖤
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Good morning. We are the ellenK Morning Show on demand. Hey,
subscribe to us. You automatically getyour alerts if you miss the show.
No you didn't. In Hollywood's Coastone or three point five where the ellen
K Morning Shamellen ryan Man, goodmorning on Social Queen Darline and today we
have diamonds for you. We alsohave cash and Ed, Sharon. I

cannot wait for Ed. I wantto reenact a photo that we did.
He's always sitting on my lap whenhe comes in, or leaning or you
know, kissing me on the forehead. So Ed's on approach. He'll be
here in two hours. He's everywhereright now. Thank god. I don't
know he's doing it. I reallydon't. I think when he leaves here
today he's going to collapse. Yeah, he's been on stop. Hey,

we brought him a gift. Okay, so it's early enough I can say
what it is. I want tosurprise him because he's been everywhere, all
at once, all the time.Sure, that's my new title for him.
I got him this Sharper image footheater and massager. So it looks
like two ug slippers on a platformsewed on and then you plug it in

the wall and you can turn theheat on if you want. It's got
sheer ling inside. You put yourtosies in your feet in there, and
it's made for men and women,so it looks like any foot would fit,
except maybe my mother in law becauseher feet are huge. Oh my
god, that's so rude. Cheeze. Do I need to dump them?
How big are they? God?I mean she's a woman with a healthy

size. Are they like clown feet? Okay, let's move on from Joyce's
feet. I feel bad for her. God, my husband's a thirteenth whoa,
But they could fit their feet inthis. And then you turn this
button on the side and it massagesyour feet because he needs it. Oh
yeah, yeah he does. Andthis is something that he would never buy

for himself. And it's travel worthybecause it's super lightweight. Yeah, and
it's it's in a box, soit looks just like a sweater box and
you just stick your feed in thereand then you just I have a gift
for ed too. I actually camefrom Darlene. She gave it to me,
but I'm gonna regift it. Ohwhat is it? It's uh so
you know that Burger King just startedselling a Max sauce, the Big Max,
which McDonald's see burger. Yeah,yeah, weird, but yeah McDonald's.

So you couldn't get this before,like in a dipping cup, and
they've just released it. It's hardto find, super hard. I think
you have to be a member andbe on the ad something. You have
to have a certain number of pointpoints and I'm kind of embarrassed to admit
that I do have points. Andso they invited me to pick one up.
Oh that's great. One, Well, let me get three, and

I gave one to Ryan, SoI'm gonna give it to Ed because he's
a big sauce. He's got hisown catch up. Yeah that's great.
That's fine. Yeah, So Edwill be here and coming up with a
bonus for you too. We aregonna send you um to see anything you
want, really a show because thisLive Nation Concert week. Yes, uh

so that's just ahead. Twenty minutesaway. Went out to the l SID.
Have you ever been to the lSID in Hollywood? It's unbelievable.
I think it's one hundred years oldand it's I think old hacienda. But
you go downstairs from the sidewalk offsilver like area and then you go around
these I don't know these stairs downand you wind into the showroom, which

is like all old wood ceiling andsmall and intimate. And my goddaughter Edie,
who was inspired by ed Sharon.He signed her guitar when she was
nine and now she's got to dealwith Warner incredible. And so she was
on stage performing and she didn't starttill at five, and I was texting
her. I go, look,Brianna, you know I got up really

early this morn. I'm getting upearly again tomorrow. Tell me exactly when
you're gonna be on the stage becauseI can't linger and I can't loiter before.
So she said, all right,eight forty five. So I was
in bed by ten, which isfine, but but it was I'm to
be out on a Monday at ElSid. I'm like, this is what?
This is? What all the like, I don't know. All the

hipsters are there, yeah, andI felt really like I felt like one
of them. I like your merch. Yeah. Yeah. She gave me
a sweatshirt for coming. You shouldpost that. That's okay, I will,
says d I love it. Yeah. Lizzie Green from A Million was
there. Yeah, she was there. You're living. I swear the other
night you were at a frat party. Now you're hanging out with the hipsters

on a Monday. I know it'swhat's gonna happen today. Oh and it's
gonna happens here the ellen k MorningShow on Coast one or three point five
Coast one or three point five InsideEntertainment with ellen Ka. Well, the
Weekend wants to kill off the Weekend. So the Weekend says his next album
maybe his last hurrah, but onlyas the Weekend. Uh So, Abel

tes Fayer says, quote, I'mgoing through a cathartic path right now.
I want to kill the Weekend,and I will eventually as the Weekend.
I've said everything I can say,and we know that he's a really,
really into acting. So let's see. You know what else I thought was
interesting? He kind of admitted thata breakdown led to that cancelation. Remember

when he canceled his sofi show afterlike two songs? Yes, he lost
his voice. Quote, yes,he actually comes clean and says it was
more. Yeah, and she paideighty dollars for parking they never got reimbursed.
Yeah. Okay, Well, let'ssee if that sticks and SWAT was
canceled and then I'm canceled by CBSand we'll return for a seventh final season.

Shamar Morris changes tune. He said, quote, I we did it,
SWAT fam, thank you to allfor the continuing and amazing support.
Let's go because he was like sovocally loud about it. So now it's
been renewed for something final season ofthirteen episode A CBS executive said they changed
their minds after listening to their viewersand the outpouring of passion for SWAT.

Isn't that great? The executives listenedto the fans for once. I wish
that happened with one day at atime. I'm like sad, Yeah,
right, there are so many Imean, but look, this is sets
a good precedent. So if ashow gets canceled and the fans are loud
enough, maybe the studios will listen. And Jake Jillenhall went on The Kelly
Clarkson Show, which by the way, is moving from LA to New York

next season. So Kelly is pullingup her entire show here and she's moving
to the East Coast. Jake Jillenhalldropped by and he jumped about his cameo
in Jamie Fox's blame It video.He just called me up and he was
like, I clearly was at aloss of finding people. I was like,
probably last I was like, whatI mean, Jill and all,

g's not far down, but it'sdefinitely the end of the GS. And
he has gotten all through ABC Dyeswith Dylan k Morning Show and its Teacher
Appreciation Week. We appreciate you teachers. We know that you dip into your
own bank accounts more than you shouldhave to, So we want to shout
out to all teachers. So bigglobal poll, what do teachers really want

on Teacher Appreciation Week? They wantyou to rain down on them with not
affection or apples or cards. Theywant cash, cash money. Seventy five
percent teachers want you. They wantyou to make it rain. Okay,
it's a survey of thousands of teachersand they said, well, hey,

show us the money. Sure,show us the money. By the way,
shout out LAUSD teachers getting a twentyone percent pay increase. They just
struck a new deal too, sogood on them. They need a te
to go, guys. I lovethose winds and it's Live Nation Concert Week.
It is here, Google Dolls,Pentatonic, Sam Smith, Game of

Thrones at the Hollywood Bowl. That'salways just a beautiful show. Cheers for
Fears at the Bowl, all thesedifferent venues, all these different shows.
You get a picket and it's apair of tickets right now at eight hundred
nine nine KOST the l Enk MorningShow on Coast one h three point five.
Hi, good morning, your collegetwenty You win. You get to
pick your tickets. Oh my god, are you sure? Yes, I've

been trying for you there. Thankyou everybody. Yes, awesome, thank
you. We didn't get your nameyet. G that's so fun. I'm

so happy that you're so excited andit's just so cool. Live Nation Concert
Week. So you can buy twentyfive dollars all in. Tickets are no
fees, and they're all kinds ofshows and it's only this week, but
you just want them for free here. So we can't wait for you to
be I'm going to the boat Tonicto see Andrea BOCELLI can't wait. That

is fabulous. I'm happy for you. You need to have fun too.
Thank you, Thanks guys. Icannot My son lives for Game of thrones.
And when I tell him that weare going this it's this Saturday,
yes, yes, yes, Ohmy gosh, he's gonna flip. He

is going to absolutely flip. Thankyou, thank you, thank you.
You made my week, you mademy mother's day. Thank you. We
have so much to give you.Stay with us all morning long. We
had diamonds, we had cash,we have ed Sharon. He's coming by.
I love we love our head andI had a dope night out and

I'm wearing some six wags. Youare, and Elsie? You know they
carded me at El said, Igot my wristband. I'm still wearing it.
Yes, so um, I said, really, you're really are you
really carding me? And he saidyes and carded me and put the wristband.
I said, now you can ordera drink. And before I showed

him my license, he said,are you sure like they take it like
we too much? Yeah? Yeah. Anyway, stay with us because someone's
going to win the circle of likediamond pendant for their mother. Jewelers touching
Breya all right, it's so beautiful. You can see it on all of

our socials. Circle of diamonds,never ending love for you. Also your
feel goods. Just ahead, staywith us. The Ellen Morning Show cost
one h three point five and let'sget right to it. Feel good for
you. We are your feel goodstation and we are your feel good show,
The ollenk Morning Show. So welove to focus on things that make

us feel good. And John Legendcomes by a lot, so we had
him sing something for us. Ineed some feel goods, baby. Seems
like the world's gone crazy. Ineed some few gooods, baby, give
it to me, Give it tome. Okay, we'll give it to

you. There's an iron Man athletewho finished a one hundred and forty mile
race in honor of a fallen marine. Mark Goldman is on a mission.
He will finish thirteen iron Man racesin honor of the thirteen US service members
who died during the US pull outin Afghanistan two years ago. Mark Goldman,

he competes with a flag the fallenservice member's name. It's all about
honor. Doing it with a flagwith Taylor Hoover's name on it is my
way of making sure that every athleteout here, every spectator who's part of
this day pauses, reflects him andremembers that sacrifice. All right, and
we will thank you for bringing itfront and center. Mark Goldman plus one

three point five's for having us on. Good Morning, three point five top
stories, Top of the Hour,Good morning, I'm ellen k. In
a somewhat surprising vote, last night, the Texas House Committee past a bill
that will raise the minimum to buyassault rifles to twenty one. The chambers
were packed with family members of variousTexas shootings like Uvaldi and the Allen outlets.

Listen to their reaction when lawmakers announcedthis major gun reform, there being
eight eyes, five days and zeropresent not voting. Victoria in the courthouse,
and hey, the White House isworking on new regulations that would require
airlines to pay passengers if they're strandedfor any reason within the airline's control.

This will go beyond airlines comping atypic or waiving a fee. It's an
actual cash payment on top of pickingup the tab for hotel and meals.
The time he is not coincidental.The US Transportation Department is hoping to avoid
all sorts of headaches during a busysummer travel season. And the Lakers getting
it done last night against the Warriorsnow just one win away. Amazing it's

a chance to advance. Game fivetomorrow night in San Francisco. After the
game, Lebron was both serious andplayful. But we also know we're dealing
with a defendant champion. So aman signing your rest now tied to sail
man, I'm a fast And whatyou need to know about the twenty twenty
three Westminster Dog Show. Thousands ofdogs have descended upon New York City for

what may be the most eventful weekof their lives. This is like the
Olympics. Are the Oscars for doggies, and the dogs, among the most
beautiful and well behaved in the country, have trained for days and months and
years, and they will compete beginningtoday. Last year, Trumpet was the
first bloodhound to win the Westminster DogShow. And what about snooping? Eighty

two percent of us have snooped throughsomeone's phone before. Are you a snooper?
Most people agree it's something you shouldn'tdo, But yet I don't know.
It's a little Let me just takea look here. The number one
thing that we snoop through on someoneelse's phone is their messages. So that
is you give us a call.What if you found eight hundred nine two
nine kost sunny. Here in Burbank, we get highs around seventy and it

is fifty kost Los Angeles Coast oneh three point five. Are you a
nosy person? We're the Ellenkam MorningShow's coach one of three point five.
I'm Ellenkam. I'm not a snooper. I'm Ryan Mano, also not a
snooper. I'm social Queen Darlene,and I am a snooper and I know
you guys are too. No reallywell okay, I'm kind of see.

But this is what dar What Darlenejust said is what snoopers say to justify
their own snoopiness. Ryan, you'rethe snoopiest. Do not snoop? I
have never I do not snoop.I see one time say that you never
snoop. I snooped one time andit wasn't good, and so I devowed
to never snoop again. If youfeel like you have to snoop, it's
already over. Yeah. But ifyou if you did it one time and

then you found something, then thatis the gateway. It's like the gateway
drug. It's not of addiction tosnoompletely disagree it was over ten years ago
and I've never done it since.Oh my gosh, we're laughing because it
was nut. It was like tendays ago. It was who it was
about a year on? Who ohoh well, no that no listen my

statement, no, hold on whatI will tell you about that situation.
I was using at the time,my girlfriend, not my current girlfriend.
I was using a computer. Youknow, just save your breath, really,
and some messages started popping up andyou read them. Well, that's
not my fault. Jeez. Let'ssee. Back in the day, you

would snoop through a wallet or apurse or something like that. And I
can remember doing it. Like myhusband would always have these sales lunches and
dinners, and then they'd have thesereceipts, right, and I would look
and I was like, this one'sonly for two people. Yeah, And
then I could tell by what theyordered that it was a female. Sure,
because we eat differently than you guys, So it could have been dinner

at the ivy, like it couldalways super fancy and if there's dessert there,
it's like two dudes aren't getting desservedexactly. If there's like a fancy
coffee to like a cappuccino. SoI always knew when it was a woman,
and you can always tell me everythingand where he was. We weren't,
you know, living together. Wewere dating, and we might have

maybe been engaged or not. Idon't know. I think we weren't yet
engaged. But I would see itand I would know that the chicken salad
was not for a guy, andthen he was. And then I go,
so, how was dinner last night? And he was always great.
Yeah, that's all I would get. So I would have to go look.
And then you can also see thetime when they paid. Wow,

you were out late last night,or oh you left that seven, but
you didn't get home till ten.That's what I would do. Oh my
god, boy almost eighty five snoopedthrough someone's phone before, And the biggest
person we're snooping on is the personthat we love. So it's you know,
just beware. If you share passcodes, that's fine. I don't
lock my phone. My husband cango through whatever he wants. What about

you, Ryan, No, mygirlfriend has my pass code, that's it.
My son, my husband, theyall have my past burner phones anywhere.
Nope, okay, nothing, nosecret, no fins does Nope.
You know when it's real when youshare a nightcloud. Yeah, because you're
everything goes well. We found thebiggest snooper self proclaimed Kelsey Let's go to

Monrosia, Monrovia. It's not Rosyand Monrovia. How nosy are you?
I'm so nosy? So my littleniche Now like there's rumors of her having
a boyfriend. Oh no, soI am snooping a listening at her door,

thinking at her phone. Chickens,where did you find on her phone?
Wom Well no, when I wentto the lit she tried this mesh
it away, but I was like, why why are you trying to Oh
see, what you need to dois when she's taking a shower, you
need to get that phone and thenlook break into it. Do you know

her pass code? No, Idon't know her past. But she was
texting, and so I was tryingto see if she's texting at the time.
Yeah, you know what you coulddo while she's sleeping if she has
face ID just hold the phone upto her face. Yeah does it?
Oh yeah, yeah, tried thaton my husband. No, no,

no, not your husband. Ihave a friend whose husband did it to
her and yeah, and he foundsome found no good. Yeah, that's
no good. Yeah, So letus know if you found anything, sometimes
it can be catastrophic. So youknow, would you rather not know?

I'm Snooping is a violation. It'sa violation of privacy and you wouldn't want
it done to you. So dounto others as you would have done unto
yourself. But Kelsey wants to findout think for the family too, like
who is this guy my niece isdating? Is he a good guy?
That kind of thing? All right? Coming up next we have Inside Entertainment
and then just beyond that five hundreddollars plus book club the next chapter tickets

for you, So keep it hereThe ellen k Morning Show on Coast one
h three point five Coast one hthree point five Inside Entertainment with ellen Ka.
Well, Chris Pratt beat himself atthe box office over the weekend,
Guardians of the Galaxy Volume three comingin at number one, Number two,
Super Mario Brothers, for which ChrisPratt is the voice of Mario. Anyway,

he post had a photo last weekof his baby Tonail and he's got
a problem with it. So thisTV doctor, doctor Brad Schafer from the
TLC show My Feet Are Killing Mehas given his professional opinion. He said,
it looks like Chris Pratt has tonailfungus and he needs to get it
checked out by a pediatrist. Hesaid, from what he sees, he
doesn't think it's severe or life threatening, but that it does need to be

treated. It's not going to goaway on its own. It could spread.
So I don't know why Chris Prettchose to show us he did.
And Beyonce's Renaissance World Tour we'll probablyout earned Taylor Swift's Era's tour by about
six hundred million dollars, So Beyonceexpected to rake in two point two billion
dollars and then Taylor Swift one pointnine billion dollars projected. And coming up,

we have five hundred dollars for you. And the book Club The Next
Chapter. It's in theaters this Mother'sDay weekend, so this weekend anyway.
The cast of book Club The NextChapter, Jane Fonda, Kannisbergen, Mary
stein Bergen really loved not only beingtogether but where they filmed it. Oh
well, we drank a lot,on a lot, sang a lot.
Yes, yeah, I mean wewere in Italy for two and a half

months. That's pretty nice. Yeah, I would say so. All right,
and you can see that movie andget five hundred dollars cash with your
ellen k Q and H just ahead keep you Brazario Dawson and we have
a cash for you. Now.It's your ellen k Q and A.
We ask a question, first callerwith right answer, kids, five hundred
dollars cash in your pocket. Youalso see book Club the next chapter in

theaters this weekend, Motherursday weekend onapproach. This would be a great price
to share. It's your mother,if your mother, win it for yourself,
give it away or keep it yourself. It's the most common reason people
get divorced. What is it?This is the most common reason people get
divorced. It's eight hundred nine ninekost will get your guesses and we'll get

them next the ellen k Morning Showon Coast one h three point five.
It's the ellen k Q and Aon Coast one h three point five.
Him Monique, Hi, right,hey Monique, welcome to the ellen k
Q and A. How's your daygoing? Um? Not so? How
about yours? Really really good atSharon is coming in here in less than
half an hour. So we're reallyexcited and you're on with us now and

we want to give you cash andmovie tickets. So it's the most common
reason people get divorced. What doyou think it is. I think it
is financially Kroy Bierman and Kim Zulziacreal Housewoys of Atlanta. They are divorcing.
They are really in debt back taxesand I think more than a million

dollars and they say that they're reconcilabledifferences. So they're divorcing, and I
think the finances might have something todo with that. I don't know,
but I have a feeling it mightas well. Yeah, but it's not
the right answer. It's a greatguess, Dumber. Thank you. Thanks
Hi there, Jaden. Hi.Jaden is on the line with us now.

Jade's on his way to school.You're twelveth your seventh grade. Yeah,
yeah, what's your guests? Soare your parents married, divorced?
What's the situation in your house?My parents are mary huh? And you
have friends who have divorced parents,I think in my grid are and the
only one okay, And this isthe most common reason people get divorce.

What do you think it is,Jaden? I think it's cheating. Cheating.
Cheating is a great guess. It'sa super popular guest. Everyone's saying
cheating, and I'm shocked. Butit's not the right answer. Ah,
try again. Are you at schoolnow? Oh no, we're starting on

the way to get Oh what areyou gonna have? We're probably gonna get
a muffin or something. Okay,great, sounds like a good way to
start the day. Yeah, I'ma good one. Okay. Hi,
Ruben, good morning, Good morning, Good morning, Ruben, Ruben.
Are you or are you or haveyou ever been divorced? Never been married,

never been divorced. I'm fifty threeyears old and I've been in four
long relationships and I'm currently single.Okay, are you um a committophobe?
No? No, it's just forwhatever reason, it just hasn't happened.
Yeah. People always asked about secretstoo. They're like, hey, white,
you know, when are you settledown? When do you get married?
So people will never get married?Look at the Goldie Hawn and Kurt

Russell. They're not married. No, oh no they are boyfriend and girlfriend
is Harrison Ford married to Calista Flockhart. Yeah, I believe that they are
married. I think, oh mygod, I'm gonna have to look.
Sorry, I just took us waydown on wrong road. But you say,
Ruben, what is the top reasonpeople get divorced? Disrespecting each other's

wishes? Oh okay, and that'sa great guess, and you are right
way to go, Reuben. Ohoh, oh my god, thank you,
thank you. It's disrespecting the other'swishes and then just drifting away and
then boomed the big geek. Yeah, I gets it happened. Unfortunately.
Yeah, well have fun. Youget five hundred dollars, you can see

book Club the next chapter. Awesome, thank you, Thank you guys,
very much, thank you, thankyou. What a great surprise, especially
after the Laker game yet last night, well, yeah, it's all good
stuff. The Laker's winning, Lebronfeeling great, tired, but he said,
you know, get out of myface. I need to go rest.
And then five hundred dollars and bookClub the next chapter in theaters this

weekend. And we have this foryou with you, Ellen Knee at the
top. Twenty twenty three reason peopleget divorced is disrespecting the others wishes.
They want to maybe raise a childone way and you say no, or
you just can't come to terms.Coming up new music. He's here,
he's there, he's everywhere. He'sat Sharon on his way. I don't

want to build point five Top stories, Top of the Hour, Good morning
of Ellen kay And. According toa list compiled by US News and World
Report, the most dangerous cities inall of California are Bakersfield number four,
stocked in his twelfth, Fresno,seventeenth, San Francisco coming in twentieth.
These cities also ranked among the toptwenty five most dangerous cities in America.

According to a new Japanese press release, the world's first flying motorcycle has been
officially launched at a cost of nearlyfive hundred and fifty five thousand dollars.
It's the Ex Treismo. It's twelvefeet long. It's a luxury air cruiser
inspired by the Star Wars universe.It has been created by an aircraft manufacture,
a weighing in six hundred and sixtyone pounds and powered by two large

central rotors. This thing is thefirst flying motorcycle, and my big thought
is six hundred and sixty one pounds. What if that thing fly, you
know, flies and then falls atthe sky, But they say it's safe
and they're going to send it tomarketplace. And we didn't realize until now.
Sunday Mother's Day is the most popularday of the year to eat out
at a restaurant. It's all aboutthat brunch. Open Table put out their

list of the nation's one hundred bestMom's Day spots, and a whopping eleven
are right here in the Southland.We can't list them all, but a
few of our phases you want tograb a table Bakari, Silver Lake,
the front yard at the Garland herein Burbank, Girl and the Goat downtown
like Jeffreys, Malibu and also GraciasMadre and West Hollywood. All the full
rankings are up in our blog atCoast one three five dot com slash Ellen

And we do have a little bitof clouds moving in. We had some
sun to start. There may besome showers possible later on. Tonight's some
high winds expected as well. WithHeisner seventy. Right now, it is
fifty five in Burbank Kost, LosAngeles. It's Coast one h three point
five it is brand new music.It is ed Sharon, he is here
this his eyes closed at his nextthe ellen k Morning Show here on Coast,

but a voice, what a guy, and Sharon that his eyes closed
out now got sub tracked the album, the tour, mathematics, the documentary,
and Disney plus some of it allEd, Sharon, thank you for
being here. I love that youare opening up like never before. Thank
you. Yeah, it's uh,it was weird. I sort of was

making this documentary thinking it would belike backstage at gigs and promoting the album
and shooting music videos, and thenwhen I saw it, I was like,
oh god, that was actually alot. Yeah, it's a lot,
it's a lot. It's really powerful. They edited out really heavy bits,
though they were heavier bits than that, but it just felt a bit.
I was like, there probably needsto be some light and shade here,

you know, Okay, yeah,well there's plenty of Look. I
laughed, I cried, I loved, I learned. It's like every emotion,
so that's why I think it's justperfect. And then the four parts,
yeah, thanks, Well it wasn'tI I don't I don't know.
I think originally it was meant tobe like an hour long thing, but
it Yeah, I think it wasquite good that it was four bite sized

bits. Yes. Yeah, Ifeel like if you sat down for two
hours and watched the two hour documentary, it'd be like, oh god,
this is no. I loved thebits. And I never knew that Bad
Habits was about sleep training your babies. Well that and other things. Yeah,
you know, but yeah, oneof the original inspirations was yeah,
yeah, sleep training. Yeah,to watch you craft your songs than live

like that and see the pub.And we haven't seen the pub until now,
right, Yeah, look inside thepub. Yeah, well I kind
of I know people are very interestedin it, but also like, it's
my house, so I don't wantto have cameras in there. But yeah,
if I just was like, ifI'm going to do a documentary,
I'm at least going to allude tothe fact that there's the pub. Yeah.
It was just enough without giving itall away, because I'm sure everything

means something very meaningful on the walls, because it looked like there is a
lot of there's a lot of unmeaningfulstuff too. Yeah, there's should be.
There's a there's a painting on thewall that just is a giant painting
of that they had to blow out. But yeah, yeah, I just
it's quite funny walking there and you'relike, oh, I was recently in

Italy with my son and he's twentyone, and our tour guide driver took
us to Andrea Boche's Yea the Gate. I said, I just want to
see it because you with Andrea singingperfect is one of my all time favorites.
Yeah, me too. By theway, that was one of the
highlights of my career. I wouldlove to do a like record record with

him where I've learned Italian now.It was actually after meeting him, I
was like, I've got to learnItalian. If I'm gonna if I'm gonna
sing an Italian, I've got tolearn Italian. But I'd love to do
a record with him. That's areal curveball. Yeah, yeah, he
said the same. I was readinga bunch of interviews about that song,
and I love that you say inyour documentary you speak things into existence on

our shelve. That's what we've alwayssaid. We believe you say it,
it happens. Yeah, And wellyou can't just say it and then just
like I hope for the best.Well, I think you say it,
and then you continue working at thepace you're working and eventually it will happen.
But all the things, like evenyou know, working with Eminem for
instance, I remember I did analbum with Rick Rubin and he just made

songs for Eminem and we were onhe was doing Saturday Night Live with him,
and he was like, do youwant to meet him them? And
I was like, not really,because I want to meet him when he
wants to meet me, and bythe way, but in my mind,
I was like, that will happenone day if I just keep keep doing
this. And then the day happened, and I was so glad that I
didn't just get a picture with him. And then that was that, I'm

so glad that we met on amusic level. I came at the right
time. Totally. Things happened whenthey're supposed to. I guess, Yeah,
definitely, don't rush anything. Yeah, that's great advice. How was
it being on Idol the other night? Yeah? Great? First time I've
ever sat in a judge's chair.Did you like it? Do you like?
Would you like? Like? No? Because I couldn't be I couldn't
send people home. I could neverdo that because I, as a kid,

would have been one of the peoplethat were sent home and that well,
no, because it would have reallyknocked my confidence. And I feel
like, I what I love aboutgoing to do the shows and being mentor
or whatever is you're just going inthere and giving advice. There's no brutality.
It's just if you like, couldimprove in this area. But also
it's really good in this area,and it's really talented, and also reminding

kids that winning doesn't matter because there'sso many people. You know, some
of the biggest artists in America andin the world today came off talent shows
and they didn't win, you know, they came top ten, top three,
top five. So it's just allabout having the platform and doing it.
But yeah, I enjoyed it.But yeah, I don't know if
I could ever be I mean neversay never, yeah, because it might.

I might get to a point inmy career where I'm like, I
want to do it now and I'llbe mean, But I don't think that's
going to happen. Your show iscoming up in September, Shrine and then
sell FI two very different rooms.Yeah, what do you prefer? Well,
both, I think like life isabout variety. I don't just want
to eat a cheeseburger every day.I want to be able to do something

else. So I love playing stadiumsand I love playing theaters, and I
want to do both. I wantto play the new record in a theater
and connect with people like that,and then the next day I want to
play to however many tens of thousandsof people and connect on a bigger level.
I think it's just all about havingthe balance of both. Too much
of one thing is dangerous. Ilike that. You'll play anywhere in a
boat, on a bus, ina car, on a train. Oh

I love it. Yeah, Ilove it, But I would do I
don't see this as well. Thepart of my job that I see as
work is traveling and promotion. Butbeing on stage and writing songs that's not
work. I would do that nowbeing here on the Olyenk Morning Show,
Well, yeah, because I'm promotingthe music. Yeah, I mean,
like yeah, If I'm being liketotally honest, if there's a choice of
being in a recording studio and promoting, like, I'd obviously rather create stuff,

But you have to for my songsto connect at shows. You have
to promote them and people hear them. So I totally get it. It's
not that I don't enjoy it,but I'm just saying, like I enjoy
my work, you enjoy your work. But the difference, I guess the
backward. It's kind of backwards becausewe would rather talk to you than play
your music on the radio. Youknow what I mean. We love playing
no no. I totally get that. Yeah, you'd rather have the human

connection, That's what I'm saying.Yea, yes, yes, yes,
always the human connection and then themusic is just like the Frosting See totally
works. We have so many busingsin your life. Also totallys and Cherry.
I loved hearing about your dates.So some of it all Disney.
Plus we've got the albums, We'vegot the tour. You're doing everything.
You're doing it all and doing itso well. My rats, Thank you,

and you stay right there at it'scoming up. We're gonna talk about
that date with Cherry, how itall, How it all went right?
The Ellen k Morning Show cost oneh three point five coast one h three
point five Inside Entertainment with Ellen Kay, Let's go inside. Mark Zuckerberg is
actually really good at jiu jitsu.He's placed a first and second in a

recent tournament. He did get beatenthoroughly also at a jiu jitsu match on
Saturday, and then he whined tothe ref about it. But he's also
winning, so he's really good.Yeah. And you know what's interesting about
Zuckerberg and also Bezos, These richguys get like really buff later in life,
you know what I mean. Andto get a certain amount of money,
you just put it into getting jacked. I was up in Palo Alto,

well every weekend. I've been upthere, and he ran a marathon
too, and really good time awesome, so I guess he has the time
the time to do it. Anyway, in one video, there's a lot
of profanities. We can't share itwith you. Zuckerberg was taking down twenty
seconds into it, and he's onhis back the entire time and then he
gets grumpy. But anyway, heis doing really well. After two years

in development, Brad Pitt unveiled hisorganic gin label. It's called The Gardener.
It will debut with the Ken FilmFestival later on this month. He
joined his long time mirror of AllWine partners along with a master distiller to
develop this French riviera gin and thereviews are so good. He's getting ratings
in the nineties. You know,they rate everything like ninety fours and ninety

six. Is so it's a beautifulbottle too. That's if you've ever tried
the Chateau Mirror of all Rose,the bottle is so elegant. It's really
well priced. And then this Gardenergin is similar. It's a beautiful green,
twisty bottle with a wood cap.It's I mean, I don't know,
I don't know the price point onthis yet. But he does really

well with his liquor brands. Andwhat about this edge sharing with Cherry on
one of their first dates. Sowhen we first started getting together, I
was living in New York and Iwas like, and you had from school,
so I know what it wants todo. Like I've got this nail.
We went boating in Central Park onthat lake and it was like the

busiest, busiest, hottest day ofthe year in New York and like we
were so we were rowing out.I was rowing right, and I got
into the middle of the aake andjust these boats just started surrounding us.
But like all these tourists and theywere all like rowing after like sweating,
and then Cherz goes, do youwant me to roam? And I was
like, Cherry, the last thingI need is a picture of you rowing

me and I love story is bornand you'll see morn and some of it
all Disney plus Ed sharing. Thisdocumentary is really really, really good.
Are you shocking how many of theSouthland are not only snoopers but stealthily snooping?

And we want to thank Ed Sharonagain for a stopping by. It's
been such a pleasure to watch himgrow as an artist person and man,
get married, have two daughters now. And when we look at some of
these artists, you know, werealize, oh when they start and we're
here, and then they grow upwith us. Yeah, So thanks for

dropping by. Ed subtracts out nowhe's on his world tour and dropped by
here on the Allen Kim Morning.Sh I'm so happy that he supports us
because we support him. He's agiver and we gave him a gift.
So it's right, sharper image lookslike two ug boots and they are attached
to a platform, and so whatit is is for busy people or those

who it's a great Mother's Day gift. I believe it's about thirty nine dollars
on Amazon. And it's a sageheater for your feet, so you stick
your feet inside these ug boot lookingslippers and then you turn on the switch.
You can do heat or no heat. It's sheer ling lined and we
gave that to Ed. He saidthat his wife Cherry is probably going to
use it on the flight back toNew York. Yeah, that'd be good

if if you have the room ona flight, that'd be a perfect thing
for a flight. Yeah. Andit's super lightweight. Yeah. I think
it's packable of biting your suitcase too. Good gift, thank you. It
was just one of those things thought, what do you get someone who has
everything or could buy themselves everything,but something that's thoughtful and that could serve
them right now at this moment becausehe is so so busy. So if

you want to know more about that, it's posted on my socials and you
can see the photos. And it'sa good Mother's Day gift you get you
know, Amazon quick delivery or youcould win or diamond necklace. Do you
want a foot thing or do youwant a diamond necklace, We have your
diamonds coming up just after nine.Keep see Ellen k Morning Show on Coast

one three point five. To you, whether you have a mom, or
you are a mom, or youjust want a diamond necklace, we have
it for you, a thousand dollarscircle of like Pendance from Jeweler's Touch.
I love being a mom my son. Calvin going through a broken leg,
bones heel, so I've never triedto make a big deal out of it.
It was surgery. It was anemergency situation like broken bones can be.

I'm glad he didn't go through theskin. Yeah, and it wasn't
his head, but he just finishedhis check up. It's been nineteen days
and he took a piece of chalkbecause he watched the movie the amount of
count of Monte Cristo, and he'sbeen making marks on his wall with sidewalk
chalk. How long he's been laidup, Well, that's kind of like
prison. Well it is when you'rein a cast. So nineteen days and

now the update. He made mea little video, so I'll show you,
right, I'll show you, darif you're not queasy just because you
see stitches and things like that.If you want to see it, but
you will hear it. We'll giveyou that update and more details on how
to win a diamond necklace coming upnext The l en K Morning Show on

Coast one h three point five.Robert, Have you ever broken a bone?
I have? When I was aboutten years old, I broke my
arm? You did? Did youhave to have surgery? No surgery?
Thankfully it was They didn't need tobe said or anything. I swore a
cast for you know, six weeksor whatever it was. Would you do?
I was playing frisbee in the house. Oh my god, you know

what. That's karma because your motherprobably said don't play frisbee in the house,
just like my husband and my son. They were throwing the basketball in
the house and my husband ended upin the er with a big deep cut
because the ball hit a glass andthe glass sliced his arm. So there
you go. You know, theysay ninety percent of our problems are self
inflicted. Um, my son,Calvin, he was on one wheel skateboard

and he hit a bump. Heflew off in the thing. It's thirty
pounds, landed on his fib andhis tib and broke it. He's put
in into surgery a rod and ascrew and he set the doctor right now
and he just set me a littlevideo he made for a video update.
And as you can see, myskinny little leg is out of that.

That's a remove those toes. Yeah, yeah, it's out of that thing.
They said in doctor gardener I quote, you can put some weight on.
Put them while weight on, youdon't run out. You can't be
running. So I mean they're treatinglike it's we've determined that the rod makes
it to where it's really just noteven broken. Yeah, this is this

woman sho's man handling my feet,my knee and I'm not mister glass,
I can I'm fine. Yeah,it's great nose nineteen days with those chalk
marks on the wall. Now he'sa freeman because boats heel. So yeah,
we feel for you. If you'rein a cast, it will it's
only temporary. This is Big fiveTop Stories, Top of the Hour.

Good morning, I'm Ellen k anda candlelight digil his plan to day in
Brownsville, Texas to honor the eightvictims killed when a vehicle plowed into a
group of people at a bus stopoutside of migrant shelter over the weekend.
The victims have not been publicly identified, but several were ki among those killed,
and seven others remained hospitalized with variousinjuries. The driver charged with eight

counts of manslaughtered, ten counts ofaggravated assault, and is behind bars on
three and a half million dollars bond. The Lakers getting it done last night
against the Warriors, now just onewin away a chance to advance Game five
tomorrow night in San Francisco. Afterthe game, we love what Lebron said.
He was serious and having some fun. Well, we also know we're

dealing with a defendant champion soul signto get rest now tired, A sail
man, get on my face.And one is the most confusing emoji that
you may use or maynot. Yousee it and you're like, what does
it mean? The woman tipping handhas been named America's most confusing emojis.
Thousands of people arranging in age fromeighteen to seventy five participated in this poll

to determine the most confusing emoji's Numberone the tippingham, number two, money
with wings, and number three whenI use all the time the nail polish
emoji. Huh do you have itsunny? Start? Winds picking up later.
We do have some clouds moving intoBurbank right now, but we get
a high almost everywhere of seventy soDwarty data point highs up to seventy and

right now it is sixty in Burbank, KOSGD Los Angeles Coast one up point.
You just wants and it is sobeautiful. It's a circle of life.

So it's it's a perfect circle.White gold, yellow gold. You
choose. It's from Jeweler's touch.It's a carrot and it's worth a thousand
dollars and you just want it.Are you going to keep it or give
it away? I'm going to keepit. My baby just turned thirty two
years old. Oh that's that's amazing. Well, being a reminder around your

neck every day, because it's it'sreally it's elegant, but it's every day
where like it's just so shiny andbeautiful and it will be a reminder of
endless love around your neck every day. Thank you so much. I love
it. You didn't even get yourname. Oh it's Kathie, Kathy.

Where you calling from? I'm probablyfrom my brother's house in Corona right now,
O, congrats, And what's yourbig baby's name? His name is
Jordan and he just had a birthdayon Seco to Mayo, so I'm can't
wait to call him and tell him, Oh, thank you guys. Happy
Mother's day, Thank you so much. And we have one every day.

So in the nine o'clock hour,you listen to my big baby say I
love you, mommy, and thenyou call Color twenty gets a circle of
my pennant. Thank you so much, Jeweler's touch. It's so fun to
give away diamonds on the air,especially when you're playing Rihanna diamonds. You
are writing our audience thank you notesright now, Thank you very much.

To Ed Shearon. Hey, thisis Ed Shearon and you're listening to the
l m K Morning Show on Coastone to three point five and so lovely
spending time with you this morning,Ed, and congrats on everything Disney plus
documentary Subtract, the Mathematics World Tour, everything new song I Love Love Love

is new song. It's so catchy, it's so beautiful. Ed stopping by
this morning hanging with us, andwe'll be playing his music from his new
He's getting great reviews on this.Yeah, so it's funny what he says
too about reviews. He said,you know, this is the first album
he's ever put out where it wasjust instantly critically acclaimed. He said he

usually it takes a couple of yearsand people go, yeah, that's pretty
good. But now it's just straightout the gate hot, so good.
Okay. I was closed, andthank you for being here with us this
morning. Ellen, I'm Ryan,I'm Social Queen Darling. Tomorrow morning,
we're live with the Bonds, HenryWinkler. We're talking season four of his
hit show Barry and also the WritersStrike. Plus we have more tickets,

cash and diamonds all for you whenyou're up. We're here. Carrie Steele
is next. And oh our quoteof the day today is from our friend
Edge. Hearon, everything will beokay in the end, and if it's
not okay, then it's not theend. Kiss on three, kiss on
me one two three,

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