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January 1, 2025 18 mins
This letter fro listener Jerry is seeking advice on love, trust, and lingering insecurities. Let us know what you think by leaving us a talk back on the iHeart Radio app! 
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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Hey, good morning.

Speaker 2 (00:00):
You know we are reading your letters to Ellen today
at eight ten, So get your letters in here because
we love to read it live on the air, and
then so much great advice comes pouring in. In fact, Finster,
it looks like he could be a letter to Ellen.
He's having some drama in San Dimas. What's going on?

Speaker 1 (00:20):

Speaker 3 (00:21):
So you know how as you've been Americ for a while,
you tend not to hear what the other one has said.

Speaker 2 (00:28):
Well, okay, let's stop writ there, Finster. You're a man,
and I do believe because I am married, that it's
not that it's not a mutual thing.

Speaker 1 (00:40):
I think men stop listening.

Speaker 3 (00:43):
Okay, so this is the other way around.

Speaker 4 (00:46):
Let me stop you right there, right, Finster, one more time.
I think it's because women.

Speaker 5 (00:50):
Talk too much.

Speaker 4 (00:52):
Oh really, I mean, the more you say, the less
it matters.

Speaker 1 (00:56):
Oh okay, what do you say, Finster?

Speaker 3 (01:00):
Okay? So my wife would say, hey, where do you
want to eat? And I say, oh, let's go to Fazella's.
And then ten minutes laters would say, oh, so where
do you want to eat? I'd say, I said I
want to go for Sella's. Oh oh, I didn't know
that I'm like ay, And so what I ended up

doing was I said, you know, I think I should
send you for hearing.

Speaker 2 (01:26):
Oh hey, this is what I think. I think it
was the timing of the question. She was probably folding
your laundry and you know, doing things for you when
you least as me.

Speaker 3 (01:40):
Yeah, it was a repeated thing. So that's that's why
I said, he for hearing this. And then the of course,
the hearing test went fine, and the audiologist said.

Speaker 2 (01:49):
Wait, you really did We thought you were a kid.

Speaker 1 (01:53):
No, No, she.

Speaker 6 (01:54):
Didn't really go, did she He really went?

Speaker 7 (01:58):
Oh my god, she win?

Speaker 3 (02:01):
You win. Ad All just says, no, no, you heard.
He's fine. Maybe your husband just needs to either speak up,
or maybe he needs to say something interesting.

Speaker 5 (02:12):
Right je check on it's our fault.

Speaker 8 (02:14):
Or maybe you guys need to shut up.

Speaker 5 (02:17):
Yeah, my god, goodbye Fenster.

Speaker 9 (02:19):
Please Coast one o three point five The Ellen K
Morning Show stream us on the iHeartRadio.

Speaker 10 (02:24):
It's the Ellen t Morning Show.

Speaker 6 (02:26):
Thank you so much for making my morning so much
easier to wake up to.

Speaker 10 (02:29):
Coast one o three point five.

Speaker 1 (02:30):
All right, let's get right to you. Nancy, still in bed.

Speaker 2 (02:33):
I love the feeling of a nice warm bed, puggle
right there next to me, my husband on the other side,
and just oh so cozy do covers all the way
up to my neck. Oh, Nancy, I'm jealous, but we
really appreciate you being.

Speaker 9 (02:48):
Up with us.

Speaker 7 (02:49):
I listen to you guys every morning, and they're in
my car every time I go anywhere. You're on the.

Speaker 2 (02:54):
Radio, Nancy, You're a very intelligent woman.

Speaker 1 (03:00):
What's up?

Speaker 5 (03:01):
What's on deck for today?

Speaker 7 (03:02):
Nancy, I'm going out to meet my My daughter lives
in Fontana. I'm inn Azusa, so I'm right near you. Ryan. Yeah,
you drive and meet at Tampus off ramp to go
to Chili's for lunch.

Speaker 1 (03:17):
Oh that's amazing.

Speaker 7 (03:20):
That way halfway for each other.

Speaker 1 (03:23):
Yeah, awesome.

Speaker 7 (03:25):
And Ellen, I'm sorry about your garage store and I'm
glad you got it fits.

Speaker 1 (03:31):
Thank you, you're the best.

Speaker 5 (03:36):
I have a great day.

Speaker 7 (03:39):
Thank you.

Speaker 11 (03:40):

Speaker 10 (03:41):
The ellen K Morning Show on Coast one of three
point five. It's the ellen K Morning Show.

Speaker 3 (03:45):
You guys are great to listen to.

Speaker 6 (03:47):
It's great energy.

Speaker 10 (03:48):
Coast one of three point five.

Speaker 1 (03:50):
I just don't eat it. I don't like it. I
just don't like the smell of the taste of bacon.

Speaker 5 (03:53):
I know, but that's you.

Speaker 3 (03:55):
I know.

Speaker 1 (03:55):
No, I'm telling you, people like break up. If one
doesn't like bacon.

Speaker 2 (03:59):
People love bacon. I would say ninety nine percent of
the world loves Have you ever had it? I've had it, Yes,
I have, and I've had it accidentally in salads to
like a cop salad, they put bacon. I say, no bacon,
but then there was some hiding in the lettuce and
I was.

Speaker 1 (04:13):
I don't know, there's just it's just not my taste.

Speaker 5 (04:15):
I understand. Will you make it for the boys?

Speaker 7 (04:18):

Speaker 2 (04:18):
Absolutely, Precioto bacon, Canadian bacon.

Speaker 5 (04:21):
I love it all great good.

Speaker 4 (04:23):
Yeah, So next time you do, run it under cold
water for thirty seconds before you throw it in the pan.
No way, it reduces shrinkage by fifty percent. No, the fattest,
plumpest bacon.

Speaker 5 (04:35):
Are you kidding me?

Speaker 1 (04:37):
And we're just now finding this ounds.

Speaker 9 (04:39):
Find your feel good here on the Lank Morning Show
Coast one oh three point five.

Speaker 10 (04:44):
It's the Lank Morning Show.

Speaker 7 (04:45):
Thank you, Ellen k just real quick, a little kiss
on you.

Speaker 6 (04:48):
Well, thank you so much for baking my day.

Speaker 10 (04:50):
Post one oh three point five.

Speaker 2 (04:52):
Well, all the way from Nashville listening the iHeartRadio app.
Welcome Leilani, hi Ellen, how are you.

Speaker 1 (05:00):
We're doing great? Thank you for having us on in Nashville.

Speaker 6 (05:03):
Oh yes, I listened to you guys all the time.
I flew out on Sunday to come to Nashville to
be with my daughter and my son out here. But
I still have the eeheart, so I'm like, yeah, I'm
let me try and get in.

Speaker 1 (05:16):
Yeah. Well, we're starting our morning with some gratitude. Who
do you want to thank?

Speaker 6 (05:22):
I want to thank my family and God just for
my everyday living and just being able to have the
air in my lungs and being able to wake up
the next morning.

Speaker 1 (05:35):
Well, the little things are the big things, right.

Speaker 6 (05:38):
Yes, yes, you know. I've come to appreciate everything in
life and it wouldn't be possible without God. So I'd
like to keep him very close to me.

Speaker 1 (05:51):
Well, Leilani, thank you for keeping us close to you too.
On the iHeart app.

Speaker 6 (05:55):
Yes, I'm watching you guys on Instagram and I I
love seeing all the videos and I loved yesterday when
I seen with the Big Bear with the therapy bear.

Speaker 1 (06:07):
Yeah, what do you think of him?

Speaker 6 (06:10):
I thought he was cute.

Speaker 2 (06:12):
See Ryan's really creeped out by him. I think he's cute.
I think he's comforting.

Speaker 5 (06:16):
I am not alone in this. If you read all
those collums on that video saying creepy.

Speaker 6 (06:24):
When you bent down and then you came up with
a big bear, I'm like, oh my, he's pretty tall,
so adorable.

Speaker 2 (06:35):
Oh my gosh, he came all the way from Bulgaria.

Speaker 6 (06:39):
Oh I'm so happy to be able to get through
and talk to you guys.

Speaker 1 (06:46):
Oh well, we're so happy that you're listening. Thank you.
Have a wonderful visit. Come on home soon.

Speaker 6 (06:52):
Oh yes, I will got a couple more weeks ago.
You guys, have a wonderful day.

Speaker 10 (06:59):
One or three points the L and K morning.

Speaker 7 (07:01):
Shehll think I've fall in love with you guys?

Speaker 1 (07:03):
Is that official? Are we dating?

Speaker 6 (07:04):
We are online dating coast.

Speaker 10 (07:07):
One oh three point five Shania Twain.

Speaker 2 (07:09):
It's her residency, her come on over residency.

Speaker 1 (07:12):
She wants you to come on over.

Speaker 2 (07:13):
It's all the hits and she just announced the final
shows for this residency. Tickets do not go on sale
until Saturday, September seventh. That's this Saturday, ten am at
ticketmaster dot com you're also going to stay for two
nights at Planet Hollywood Resort and Casino and a gas
card for the road.

Speaker 1 (07:30):
Your question and answer. All you have to do is
call me caller.

Speaker 2 (07:32):
Twenty forty percent of us have suffered a burn from this.
I burn myself on spaghetti water the other night.

Speaker 1 (07:41):
It was you guys. I have one of those Oprah
pans where you Yeah, I love those. The lid locks on.

Speaker 2 (07:45):
It has the built in drain, and I didn't lock
it on and the hot water came back on me,
down my leg, under my feet.

Speaker 1 (07:54):
It was so awful.

Speaker 2 (07:55):
I'm glad I didn't hit my puggle because she loves pasta.
We call her Penny posta noodle. Oh yeah, but but yeah,
so we've been burned by this.

Speaker 1 (08:04):
It's not hot pasta water.

Speaker 11 (08:06):

Speaker 1 (08:06):
What do you think?

Speaker 8 (08:06):
We talked about bacon earlier during the Happiness Hack, and
I always get burned by the bacon grease.

Speaker 5 (08:12):
Yep, yeah, I will say, uh, the iron.

Speaker 1 (08:16):
The iron, Yeah, all good. I put myself really bad
on a steamer. Yeah, one of those handheld steamers. That's
but it's actually our seat belt.

Speaker 2 (08:25):
Oh, triple digit heat today, be careful. Forty percent almost
half of us have suffered a burn from our seat belt.
Now call us Coller twenty and you get to go
to see Shanaya in Vegas.

Speaker 1 (08:37):
Stay there, gaest card for the road. It's eight hundred
and nine two nine kost.

Speaker 9 (08:42):
There's more feel good next on the llen K Morning Show,
Coast one O three point five.

Speaker 5 (08:47):
This is Jeremy Renner.

Speaker 10 (08:48):
This is Kate Hudson.

Speaker 1 (08:49):
This is Joe Coy and I'm chilling my home girl
the ellen K Morning Show.

Speaker 5 (08:53):
Ellen K Morning Show on Coast one three point five.

Speaker 1 (08:56):
I love you and we're the K Morning Show. Good
morning to U, m LA morning.

Speaker 5 (09:02):
I'm Royan Mano.

Speaker 1 (09:03):
All right, let's go to Marcella.

Speaker 2 (09:05):
Marcella, you just heard a gratitude call. You have some
gratitude Alsa, Who do you want to think?

Speaker 12 (09:11):
Oh sweet, I wanted to thank my husband for thirteen
beautiful years.

Speaker 1 (09:15):
Well, let's talk about him. What's his name?

Speaker 12 (09:18):
His name is Gilbert?

Speaker 11 (09:19):
Uh huh.

Speaker 1 (09:20):
I tell us all about Gilbert. This is a love story.

Speaker 11 (09:22):
Yeah, he's he's just he's just that best. He's he's
one of those guys that every woman.

Speaker 1 (09:27):
Wants, oh oh, like for instance.

Speaker 11 (09:31):
Like like he'll go with me wherever. He'll go shopping
with me, He'll go. He'll just do anything.

Speaker 12 (09:37):
He's always down for whatever.

Speaker 11 (09:39):
He's always yes. He'll come home dead tired and I go.

Speaker 12 (09:41):
The lext No, no, no, let's go, let's go.

Speaker 1 (09:43):
Oh Gilbert.

Speaker 11 (09:46):
Yeah, he's a he's a trooper. He's just like the
most beautiful person in the world. And it feels like
it feels like I married him yesterday. Literally it was
thirteen years today.

Speaker 1 (09:57):
Ah today, Yeah, yeah, where was it? Where? How did
you guys.

Speaker 11 (10:02):
Meet at work?

Speaker 1 (10:04):
Okay mm hmm, and yeah at work?

Speaker 6 (10:07):
Yeah, it's a it's a long story.

Speaker 1 (10:09):
Well, yeah, let's dive in.

Speaker 12 (10:12):
Okay, Well he was he was married at the time,
and I wasn't and I.

Speaker 11 (10:17):
Wasn't interested in him, and he wasn't interested in me.

Speaker 12 (10:19):
And he was just telling me his problems at work.
And I was telling him, you need to leave this lady.
And I goes, she's not good for you, and he's like,
he goes, I know I've been planning to you know,
but I have three daughters, and I don't know what
to do.

Speaker 11 (10:31):
And I go, your daughters are gonna get are gonna
grow up, they're gonna get married, and they're gonna leave
your house and you're gonna be stuck with this woman.
And he's like, yeah, you're right, But we just didn't
have you know, we didn't like each other. And then
one day he invited me out for a coffee and
we went for a beer, turned out for a beer,
and the rest the rest is history.

Speaker 1 (10:51):
That was it. That was the day. It was over
that beer.

Speaker 11 (10:54):
The day over that beer.

Speaker 1 (10:55):
M and he'd already left the wife.

Speaker 11 (10:59):
No, no, it's him about three months.

Speaker 4 (11:01):
But he knew sitting across from you that he was
with the wrong person and was looking at the right way.

Speaker 6 (11:06):
Yeah, both of us.

Speaker 1 (11:08):
And do you get along with the three daughters?

Speaker 12 (11:11):
Yeah? Yeah, it took them.

Speaker 11 (11:12):
You know, it took him a while to warm up
to me.

Speaker 12 (11:14):
But right now we're the best of friends.

Speaker 1 (11:16):

Speaker 2 (11:17):
Well, well, Marcella, that's that's quite the love story. And
Gilbert shout out to you. Marcella loves you so much.

Speaker 12 (11:24):
Yes, I love you, Gilbert.

Speaker 1 (11:25):
What's his nickname?

Speaker 12 (11:27):

Speaker 10 (11:32):
Wake up with ellen K.

Speaker 1 (11:34):
Hi, this is Tiffany Hattison. You're listening to v ellen
k Morning Show. Coach one O three point five. She
ready get it. I love to read your letters.

Speaker 13 (11:44):
Ellen right to Ellen for advice because she's seen a
thing or two.

Speaker 1 (11:48):
She is Ellen.

Speaker 2 (11:49):
Okay, guys, this one comes from Jerry hi Ellen. My
wife has a long time friend Anna. Anna has been
inviting us and our kids over to her epic parties.
The kids and my wife are always so thrilled when
we go there because they have a huge house and
an extravagant kids play area. But I am not excited
to ever go. The problem is my wife had been

involved with Anna's brother before I was in the picture,
and he shows up to a lot of these parties.
He's single, successful and he looks like a model. I'm
not an insecure person, but it's hard to face it
when he makes his comments about him and my wife's past.
I've told my wife it bothers me. She ignores it.
Should I be mad at my wife or continually putting
me in this situation? Or be mad at mister perfect.

Thank you for reading my letter. Love the show, Jerry.
Aw that's a big thing to admit that you're jealous
of your wife's expert. Why is he putting it in
his face?

Speaker 4 (12:49):
But also at the same time, I'm gonna this is
Jerry's wife is Jerry's wife, right, he's got her.

Speaker 5 (12:56):
What are you jealous for?

Speaker 2 (12:58):
Well, because you're at a party and this perfect man
is bragging about when he used to be with your wife.

Speaker 8 (13:07):
That would not go well with my husband. He would
say something for sure.

Speaker 1 (13:11):
Yeah mine, I think mine would too.

Speaker 5 (13:13):
Okay, But then maybe that's the move.

Speaker 4 (13:14):
Maybe you just pull this guy aside and you go, look, dude,
I hear your comments.

Speaker 1 (13:18):
I get it.

Speaker 5 (13:18):
You guys had to pass. She's my present. Please leave
it alone.

Speaker 1 (13:23):

Speaker 8 (13:23):
My husband's a football coach, and I always hear him
telling my son this hit him good the first time because.

Speaker 1 (13:29):
He's never gonna forget.

Speaker 5 (13:31):
He's never gonna forget that first hit.

Speaker 1 (13:35):
Oh what should Jerry do? Should Jerry stop going? Maybe
Jerry should just say I don't want to be subjected
to that.

Speaker 2 (13:40):
You and the kids go out, but then he misses
out on all the joy of the kids playing. I
want to know if this guy's name is all right.
So he's successful, he looks like a model, and he's single.
If this guy has all this going on with him,
maybe he's just only into himself.

Speaker 9 (13:57):
Mm hmm.

Speaker 2 (13:58):
So maybe there's that anger to him where I would
just kind of be so happy that I'm not him.

Speaker 4 (14:03):
There, and there's a reason they're not together, so something
must be wrong with mister per post.

Speaker 9 (14:07):
One o three point five The ellen K Morning Show.
It's the ellen K Morning Show.

Speaker 13 (14:11):
I mean it's so good this morning.

Speaker 10 (14:13):
Thanks you post one o three point five.

Speaker 2 (14:16):
We got Becky on the line. Now it's your letters
to Ellen. Jerry wrote us a letter. His wife has
a longtime friend Anna and invites them over. The kids
have a great time, huge house, great kids play area.
But then uh Anna's brother comes over and he's perfect,
and it sounds to me like Jerry, who wrote the
letter is just tired of, you know, the brother bringing

up the past with his wife.

Speaker 1 (14:41):
So what do you think, Becky?

Speaker 14 (14:44):
Honestly, I say it's a huge red flag. I'm never
going to compromise my relationship with my husband over a
friend ever. And I think she should have put her
husband in this awkward position to begin with. And honestly,
maybe she's going over to the party to get that
excellent attention. Maybe she's really not over him. Shame on her.

Speaker 2 (15:04):
Yeah, what everyone is saying that everyone's saying, she's enjoying it.

Speaker 1 (15:07):
Find your fun somewhere else, right.

Speaker 14 (15:09):
That's right. I think he really needs to sit down
and have a conversation with his wife and just shame
on her.

Speaker 10 (15:14):
Like I said, just wait, I'm serious.

Speaker 4 (15:17):
There's an element of the kids and their friends. These
are parties that the kids want to attend.

Speaker 5 (15:21):
So what do you do there. You can't tell your
kids not to be friends with these kids.

Speaker 2 (15:24):
You find something somewhere else, find somewhere else for them
to go, you know what I mean, like find the
fun and still invite the kids. But guess he would
probably bring the kids. Hot guy, Yeah, hot guy, Yeah,
mister perfect. Oh look, Anna's busy. My sister can't do it,
so I'm here.

Speaker 4 (15:41):
Okay, One more thing I noticed about this letter. Anytime
you say something which is followed by butt, it usually
negates what comes before. But so he says, I'm not
an insecure person. But so it'd be like anytime someone goes, hey,
no offense, but you know that the offense is coming.

Speaker 5 (15:58):
So maybe there's a little insecurity there.

Speaker 2 (16:00):
Well, I don't blame him. I think that Jerry needs
to stop it. I think Jerry needs to get his wife.

Speaker 14 (16:06):
To stop I agree with Ellen. Sorry, Ryan, I'm gonna
have to go with Ellen.

Speaker 5 (16:09):
On this one.

Speaker 10 (16:14):
Wake up with Ellen k.

Speaker 6 (16:15):
You guys are the best.

Speaker 3 (16:16):
I love listening to you.

Speaker 6 (16:17):
I listen to you every day.

Speaker 1 (16:19):
We love being here with you.

Speaker 10 (16:20):
Coast one o three point by.

Speaker 2 (16:22):
All right, guys, let's go to Alex. Alex you heard
are a letter to Ellen from Jerry. His wife's friend
throws these great parties at her huge house with this
extravagant kids play area, which is such a gift. That's
so great to be able to, you know, give that
to your kids and go have fun with them. But
his wife has been involved with her friend, Anna's brother

before he was in the picture, and he's like perfect,
He's looks like a model, he's successfully single, and he
likes to kind of throw it in Jerry's face that
you know, they were together at one time.

Speaker 1 (16:55):
So what do you think he should do?

Speaker 13 (16:57):
Well, I honestly think that it's kind of very disrespectful
that Anna invites them over to the party knowing that
Jerry's wife used to be in the relationship with him,
And honestly, I think Jerry's wife might still have the
hots for mister perfect.

Speaker 6 (17:12):
Really, Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1 (17:15):
You know, I didn't think of that.

Speaker 2 (17:16):
At first, and then Jerry's like, I'm not insecure, but
this guy just won't stop, so she must.

Speaker 1 (17:23):
Like she must like the attention. Everyone likes a compliment.

Speaker 2 (17:26):
But when you know, when you're in front of your
husband and this guy's talking about your.

Speaker 13 (17:30):
Past, God, mc me feel uncomfortable.

Speaker 1 (17:33):
In same really well, thanks Alex.

Speaker 13 (17:36):
Worried, Thank you.

Speaker 10 (17:38):
It's the Ellen k Morning Show is because this is
sunshine and a ball.

Speaker 1 (17:42):
This is Ellen.

Speaker 14 (17:42):
Yeah, you got to the bed my morning.

Speaker 10 (17:45):
Coast one O three point five.

Speaker 2 (17:46):
Thank you for contributing to our our letter to Ellen today.
Thank you Jerry for writing to us. Uh, you know
most people are saying, stop going over to that house.
Jerry's wife's ex perfect boyfriend shows up because it's his
sister that's friends with the wife. So everyone said, you know, Jerry,
you don't have to put up with that. I think

we're like ninety nine percent on that. And we post
all of your letters to Ellen on our socials so
you can go to Coast one of three five FM.
It's there on Instagram. Carrie Steele is coming up next.
We'll see you in the morning. We end every show
with a quote and a kiss. Beyonce, your Ellen K
one Kkay Day song of the Day today and it's
her birthday. And her quote is, if everything was perfect,

you would never learn and you would never grow like
that she would know. Yeah, kiss on three on one
two three.

Speaker 4 (18:41):
This is Jeremy Renner, This is Kate Hudson, This is
Joe Coy and I'm chilling my.

Speaker 6 (18:45):
Whole girl, ellen K Morning Show, Ellen K Morning Show
on Coast one three point five.

Speaker 1 (18:50):
I love you so much, Ellen,

Ellen K Morning Show On Demand News

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