All Episodes

January 10, 2025 44 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
And it is your Friday.

Speaker 2 (00:02):
We are you know, we all woke up, we were
talking and I'm sure you feel this way too, and
we didn't really know what time or day it was,
most of us here in this room, so it it
is your Friday.

Speaker 1 (00:12):
We're the only k morning showing Melaney. I'm Social Queen Darling,
producer Mike Roos, and yeah.

Speaker 2 (00:18):
We are here for you normally feel good Friday. So
let's try and find those those happiness glimpses that we
get in all the stress we're dealing with. And if
you're not breathing, well, I saw that smoke in the air.
I saw the the images from space. They showed the

smoke sitting over the south Land, no wonder. We are
feeling chapped and dry and I don't know, runny eyes.

Speaker 3 (00:50):
Eyes, yeah, and the clearing of the throat is constant,
it's all day.

Speaker 1 (00:54):
Yeah, right, got some tea with me. It's it's bad
this morning. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (00:58):
So take care of yourself, so we're saying, and how
did you take care of yourself yesterday?

Speaker 1 (01:05):
After the scare, Oh my gosh, the evacuation. We just
felt like were.

Speaker 2 (01:10):
Allowed back in our home in Hollywood Hills and we
felt like zombies, just kind of going through the motions
getting rid of all the brush we could, and the
neighbors were out, so we were all kind of raking
and trash bags full of you know.

Speaker 1 (01:25):
Leaves and sticks and all of that.

Speaker 2 (01:27):
And then if you live in a hilly area and
you don't see anyone or any cars just because the
fire departments have come through and they've said get your
cars off the street. We need full access for all,
whether you've been affected or not. So pay attention to
those fire zones. Because one of my friends was toad
so expensive, and then it's just it's a hassle for everyone. Yeah,

so there will be just look at the parking signs
up and down your street or your area. If you're
going to go visit or help someone, make sure that
you don't see that fire the fire sign, because that's
a that's going to be a big, big bill and
also a big headache for firefighters.

Speaker 1 (02:08):
And did you guys see the restaurant owner in Long Beach.

Speaker 2 (02:11):
He said he was sitting on the couch watching the
coverage like so many of us are doing. He had
to get up and do something, so he put out
on social media, let's bring all kinds of food and water, diapers,
you know, all kinds of things to help people who've
been displaced. And ten truckloads later, would you brought to
the Dream Center. We're still collecting items and now we've

teamed up with the Dream Center as well, so all
of iHeart were stepping up. We're going to help the
people who have been affected by these fires and were
committed to it. So you can help and donate. It's
Coast one of three five dot com slash donate and
then help us provide immediate relief by stopping by the
Dream Center downtown in La and you can personally drop
off any goods you'd like to donate.

Speaker 1 (02:54):
And we'll all be there over the night.

Speaker 3 (02:56):
I mean, it's a week long event, so we'll all
be there pitching in and would love to see you off.

Speaker 1 (02:59):
There for sure, Ryan, I will be there Sunday, Sunday
noon to two. Yeah, I'll be there on Monday, the
same week. I'll be there over the weekend too, yeah yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (03:08):
The team cent are downtown Light. All the details are
at Coast one of three five dot com slash and donate.
A Happy birthday to you if you're celebrating today. One
of our good friends is with all of his kids
and grandkids. They're not in La they are they are
on a boat having a birthday celebration together. And that's
Rod Stewart and Rod. We just want to say happy birthday.

Thank you for always supporting our show. We hope that
you're having a good time, you know Rod. Rod loves
to have a good time, especially between the sheets.

Speaker 4 (03:39):
An older character. Now, I can't, I can't be doing that.

Speaker 5 (03:42):
I still feel it though, Well you're a man, right,
I mean.

Speaker 4 (03:49):
Still enjoying it.

Speaker 6 (03:50):
The old little the old midnight trampoline. Thanks.

Speaker 5 (04:00):
And you are.

Speaker 7 (04:01):
Listening to the LMK Morning Show on Coast one three
point five.

Speaker 8 (04:06):
It's the l and K Morning Show.

Speaker 5 (04:08):
Thank you so much, Ellen.

Speaker 6 (04:09):
I love you guys.

Speaker 1 (04:10):
You guys are the bat.

Speaker 9 (04:11):
You make me happy every day when I.

Speaker 10 (04:12):
Listen to you guys.

Speaker 8 (04:14):
Cost one oh three point five.

Speaker 1 (04:15):
All right, let's go inside.

Speaker 2 (04:16):
Universal Studios Hollywood and CityWalk will be open today and
we'll resume regular operating hours after a shutting down, uh
for a little while. So they are back in operation
and for Ditty dueling documentaries. This month, the pair of
documentaries about Ditty will be released. They are the Making
of a Bad Boy, debuting next week on Peacock, and
then The Fall of Ditty streaming at the end of

the month January twenty seventhing on Max after a cable
premiere on Investigation Discovery. Anyway, the four part docu saries,
The Fall of Ditty features on camera accounts by multiple
employees of Ditty's, a member of Danity Kin, an alleged
victim of Ditty, and also a woman who is shot
in the face in the infamous ninety nine night club shooting.

So The Fall of Ditty and then later on this
month we're going to get the Making of a bad Boy,
all right. So we've been wondering when those were going
to be coming out, and now we know, all right.
So it's a feel good Friday. Call us with your
feel goods, leave them on our talkbacks. I think this
is a feel good. So the Wiggles, which.

Speaker 1 (05:21):
Calvin grew up with my son.

Speaker 2 (05:23):
You know, we always watched the Wiggles and all their songs,
and I love the colors they wear and just the
topics they talk about.

Speaker 3 (05:31):
I never got into the Wiggles, you never did. No,
they kind of gave me the creeps.

Speaker 11 (05:34):
My little brother was into them, and I only liked
it because he liked it.

Speaker 1 (05:39):
Okay, all right, Mike being on the Wiggles, No, no, no,
none at all. No, Well, I have to like them.
I'm not Wiggles shaming, and they're doing something different.

Speaker 7 (05:51):
Listen, we are going country's in the ground, all right.

Speaker 2 (06:02):
So it's called wiggle Up, giddy up, and it's the Wiggles. Look,
I gotta tell you, Dolly Parton is collabing on this
or all kinds of country stars who are doing songs
with the Wiggles for their country album.

Speaker 1 (06:13):
But when I heard giddy up, that sounded a lot
like be honest, lay up.

Speaker 12 (06:23):
Now now now, wiggle up, giddy up.

Speaker 8 (06:28):
It's the L and K Morning Show.

Speaker 6 (06:30):
I got a program in my phone.

Speaker 13 (06:31):
I got you on the high Heart radio app.

Speaker 10 (06:34):
On a daily basis, I listened to Post one oh
three point five.

Speaker 5 (06:36):
You guys are.

Speaker 8 (06:37):
Awesome Coast one o three point five.

Speaker 2 (06:39):
And it's a feel good Friday, and let's find those
moments to celebrate in all of this stress that we're
all feeling a lot of mental health issues as well.
How do you tell your kids their school is gone?
We're gonna get all the helpers on the air for
you on this feel good Friday and Notre Dame.

Speaker 1 (06:56):
One last night in our house.

Speaker 2 (06:58):
Just hearing football. Oh it just felt it felt like normalcy.
So my husband was watching football and I heard it
and I've like followed the sound.

Speaker 1 (07:09):
I said, oh my god, are you watching football?

Speaker 7 (07:12):

Speaker 1 (07:13):
So yeah, Notre Dame. They got a late pick and
a field goal.

Speaker 2 (07:16):
They made the title game with a twenty seven to
twenty four win over Penn State.

Speaker 1 (07:20):
So there you go.

Speaker 2 (07:21):
They have a chance to bring their twelfth title back
under the Golden Dome. So that's January twentieth and Atlanta.
Their opponent will be the winner tonight of the Texas
Ohio State semifinal.

Speaker 3 (07:31):
I know you were a perdue girl. Did you ever
go check out a game at Notre Dame State?

Speaker 1 (07:34):
All the time we would go back and forth. It
was pretty close. Yeah, So I like Notre Dame. It's
great Irish, great, great stadium too.

Speaker 3 (07:41):
They have a there's a they call it touchdown Jesus
in the end zone because it's Jesus with his hands up.

Speaker 1 (07:47):
It's pretty pretty fun environment.

Speaker 2 (07:49):
Just run towards Jesus, all right, said, it's a feel
Good Friday, and we are getting your talkbacks.

Speaker 1 (07:55):
This one is from Nat.

Speaker 14 (07:57):
Hey, Los Angeles. I'm so sorry I did it with
his wildfires. Right now, we are thinking of you here
in Canada. Right now, we're saying lots of prayers for you,
and we hope that you guys know that you and
our hearts were good forever. We love you, Los Angeles,
Stay strong, love you.

Speaker 2 (08:15):
Oh, we love you back. Canada is here. We have
Super Scoopers from Canada.

Speaker 3 (08:20):
Yeah, they send them on, send them on down. Thank
you Canada. We don't deserve Canada. Think about all the
things Canada gives us. Tim Horton's Michael boublaz On poutine.

Speaker 1 (08:31):
Thank you Canada.

Speaker 2 (08:32):
Thank you nat for thinking of us, and thank you
for all the firefighters from Canada and the Super Scoopers.

Speaker 1 (08:36):
Right and you're saying that you had just for the
first time saw a Super Scooper. Scoop you guys. I'd
never seen one in action. It's remarkable what they do.
They fill mid air, mid flight.

Speaker 3 (08:44):
They precisely get on top of the water, scoop it up,
and then just just drop.

Speaker 2 (08:48):
It's crazy and they're so precise when they douse that fire.
They did that in the reservoir for the Hollywood Hills fire,
for the Sunset fire, they went right over there by
the Hollywood sign scooped it out of the reservoir and
they were instant right across the freeway onto that fire.
And every time they would dump a load, I would
I was.

Speaker 1 (09:05):
I just said.

Speaker 2 (09:06):
My husband was laughing, and I go, I love you,
I love you, we love you, firefighters.

Speaker 1 (09:12):
Feel Good Fridays.

Speaker 15 (09:13):
Feel Good Friday continues next here on the L and
K Morning Show.

Speaker 8 (09:16):
Coast one oh three point five.

Speaker 3 (09:18):
Give it to us over easy, Ryan, that's good all,
thank you. Givin night, I was on the phone with
producer Mike and his wife Katie. We were talking about
our go bags and like what we would need, what,
what do we have in the fridge, what's what are
we prepared for. She made a comment, she said, I
don't have any eggs, and Mike said, no one does.

Speaker 1 (09:37):
Yeah, it's true.

Speaker 3 (09:38):
They're hard to find, and when you do find them,
they're expensive. Our average dozen right now across LA nine dollars.
The bird flu has taken the supply out and to
that point it'll be another six to eight months before
prices and supply get back to normal. So we're looking
at a kind of a long road here with.

Speaker 16 (09:52):
These eggs, the dollars. It does over hard to get
your eggs. But here's a here's the heck, here's a solution.
And this is really fun and it could be super
fun for the kids too. There's something called Hatch the Chicken,
which allows you to rent your own chicken.

Speaker 1 (10:05):
Oh I want to rent a chicken. Okay, so it's
a it's a five week indoor rental.

Speaker 3 (10:10):
Uh, they come to your house, they set it up incubator,
They give you seven high quality hatching eggs and a
candling light. I guess to see it and kind of
get the process going. The starter kid is a browder box,
wood shavings, chick feed, water, dish, feed, dish, deluxe heat source,
a guide on how to do the incubator, fertile eggs,
and then the chicks come out, and then the chicks
you know, grow up, and they give you the eggs

rent the chicken.

Speaker 2 (10:33):
Oh my gosh, so you're basically making your own eggs.

Speaker 3 (10:37):
You do, and then you get the chickens and you
have chickens and uh, it's I mean, should I.

Speaker 1 (10:42):
Give you the price.

Speaker 3 (10:43):
Yeah, of course, two hundred and fifty five dollars. Okay,
but if you if you do the math, you're going
to save a lot more money.

Speaker 2 (10:50):
Yeah, right now, are there any zoning laws about chickens
that I need to look at?

Speaker 15 (10:55):
Chick Show stream us on the iHeartRadio apps, LK Morningshell, oh.

Speaker 6 (11:01):
My god, you guys are amazing.

Speaker 17 (11:03):
You make my day, You make my morning, and.

Speaker 8 (11:06):
I love you all Coast one oh three point five.

Speaker 1 (11:09):
Do you have vacoline in your car? Put it in
your nose, put all over your lips.

Speaker 2 (11:14):
Keep yourself as safe as possible with all the smoke
swirling around, and we'll be keeping up to the minute
on what's happening. But a lot of people calling feeling
helpless and wanting to help. So always look for helpers,
like mister Rogers.

Speaker 4 (11:31):
You will always find somebody who's trying to help. So
even today, when I read the newspaper and see the
news on television, I look for the people who are
trying to help. One of the most important parts of
growing up is learning to talk and play about our feelings.

Speaker 2 (11:50):
Yeah, that's so true, and you can do that here
with us eight hundred and nine two nine kost.

Speaker 1 (11:58):
Call and also we'll tell you how you can help.

Speaker 2 (12:02):
Speaking of helpers, coming up next with your top stories
on Coast one to three point five.

Speaker 8 (12:06):
It's the L and K Morning Show.

Speaker 1 (12:08):
I wake up to your station, I work out to
your station. I listened to it throughout the day, and
I go to bed listening to it.

Speaker 8 (12:16):
Thank you for all that you do. You guys are
absolutely the best hosts. One of three point five.

Speaker 1 (12:21):
Top stories Top of the Hour.

Speaker 2 (12:23):
Good morning, I'm llen K and all LAUSD classes again
canceled for today. The current tenative plan is a campus
return on Monday. A water dropping Super Scooper was grounded
last night after it was struck and damaged by a drone.

Speaker 1 (12:35):
The aircraft landed safely. No crew members were injured.

Speaker 2 (12:38):
The incident remains under investigation, and so Cale Edison says
more than three hundred thousand customers are still without power.
Half of those are the result of public safety shutoffs,
the other half from actual outages. Se says they have
no timeline for a possible restoration, and officials have sadly
confirmed a total of ten combined fatalities across.

Speaker 1 (12:57):
All of the blazes.

Speaker 2 (13:00):
Lots and lots of questions about how to help. We
hear at Coast and I heeart a partnered with the
Dream Center LA. It's a week long event collecting donations
and supplies for those in need. Two ways to get
involved starting today, join us in person at the Dream
Center Downtown every day between nine and five. You can
drop off goods and supplies, or you can donate now
at Coast one O three five dot com slash donate.

Every donation will provide immediate relief, and it feels good
to do so and you feel good. Friday, sustained winds
continue to subside. Today gus could still be strong. They
could come and go at forty miles per hour and
we remain under a red flag warning until six tonight.
Testin to pang Us seventy for your highs and right
now it's fifty five in Burbank. We run on Celsia's

energy drinks Kost Los Angeles.

Speaker 1 (13:45):
It's Coast one O three point five.

Speaker 8 (13:47):
Thanks the LNK Morning Show.

Speaker 6 (13:49):
You guys do a great job, and thank you for
starting my morning every day. I appreciate you all so much.

Speaker 8 (13:54):
Coast one oh three point five, thank you for having
us on.

Speaker 2 (13:58):
The National Guard has been to Lloyd, hundreds of them
in all the burn areas. From six am to six
pm there's a curfew and if you try to go
into any of those areas between six am and six pm,
you will be arrested. So you're going to see the big,
big National Guard trucks and the National Guard officers are
all deployed, so hundreds of them all over the south Land.

As we continue battling these fires, and here on a
feel good Friday, we're trying to find those moments and
those things that make you feel good, and one of
those is helping so many people saying how can I help?
So we are teaming up at the Dream Center and
every day, starting today between nine and five you can

join us to drop off goods and supplies. And it's
amazing all of the goods and supplies that are being
dropped up, everything from diapers to canned food to big
palets of water cool.

Speaker 3 (14:54):
As that it's amazing. Yeah, this is what it's all about, right,
I mean, this is just helping each other.

Speaker 1 (14:59):
Yeah, all the lines are ringing. Let's go to you, Hey, Elizabeth, So.

Speaker 5 (15:06):
Are you fine.

Speaker 17 (15:07):
I'm calling from the island of Puerto Rico.

Speaker 1 (15:11):
You are whoa. Thanks for having us on.

Speaker 17 (15:15):
Yes, I live in La. I've been here because of
my mom. A year ago, I came back home and
I have La in my part oh because I live
forty five years and I live in the city of
Cover City. And this is so devastating what you guys

are going through, and you guys calling my prayers and.

Speaker 18 (15:43):
Waking that this ends.

Speaker 1 (15:45):
I know it's hard.

Speaker 2 (15:46):
It's so hard to be far away and seeing what's
happening to your town that you love so much. My
son lives up in northern California and he's been a
little panicky about all of this and wanting to come home,
and I said, no, you know, stay there.

Speaker 1 (16:03):
We're happy that you called and you can be here
with us safely.

Speaker 6 (16:08):

Speaker 17 (16:08):
That's why I iHeartRadio.

Speaker 18 (16:11):
That's with communic I've been signed to communicate, but it's
so hard sometimes and I'm so glad I got through,
and God bless you in the station and I'm trying
hard for LA.

Speaker 2 (16:23):
Thank you Elizabeth from the island of Puerto Rico. You
can take us everywhere you go on the iHeartRadio app.
We've heard from Canada, now Puerto Rico, wherever you are.
I just got a text from my nephew one of them,
and he said, these fires have me feeling so sad.
So it helps to talk. It helps to help and
helps to talk. And our numbers eight hundred ninet two

nine kost.

Speaker 15 (16:45):
Coast one O three point five the llen k Morning
Show text us anytime at five one oh three five.

Speaker 8 (16:50):
A lot of raw nerves.

Speaker 2 (16:53):
Here in the Southland, and for good reason, you know,
a lot of stress. But it's a feel good Friday
here at Coast to feel good, get a little bit
of relief. There were the emergency messages that were sent
out by mistake for this morning. Another evacuation warning was
sent just like the one yesterday afternoon, but they were erroneous,

so La County knows that, and County Supervisor Janis Hans
said that it was computer error, not human and it's
easier to fix when it's a computer not human.

Speaker 1 (17:25):
But let's fix the computer with a human. Okay.

Speaker 11 (17:28):
We have to do push notification schedules here. Yeah, and
it has happened, but we are not sending out emergency.

Speaker 8 (17:36):
Alerts right right.

Speaker 2 (17:38):
So it went as far as a riverside in San
Berdino Counties and just all over, but those were erroneous
and they say sorry.

Speaker 3 (17:44):
I got one the other day, not about evacuating, but
my water said boil notice, don't use your water. And
then like two hours I wasn't using water. I was,
you know, just trying to load up as much bottle water.
And then they sent one saying, just kidding, it was
for a difference of code.

Speaker 8 (17:57):
I got both of them.

Speaker 11 (17:58):
I got yesterday's and I got this morning. And I
was leaving a voice memo to my friend, just catching
her up, letting her know everything's okay, and then it
went off. I'm like, okay, let me check what that is.

Speaker 2 (18:08):
I'll be exactly and they're loud, all right, but the
rest easy, as easy as you can anyway, Let's go
to uh, let's see here, let's go all the lines
are in.

Speaker 1 (18:20):
Good morning. What's going on, Julie.

Speaker 6 (18:24):
I called the other day about my mom's house in Pasadena,
where her neighborhood was Bernie, Yes, And I just wanted
to call you back and let you know that her
house is okay. There were other houses in the neighborhood
that weren't so lucky, but I just wanted to thank
my mom's neighbor Matt, who was live streaming on Facebook

the next day when it was daylight, and he went
past my mom's house and said, your mom's house was good.
So gave us a huge sense of relief because we
weren't sure what was going on and the area was
all blocked out. But I just wanted to say how
devastates it is browsing the people that are losing their
house than Ellen, I know you were evacuated. It's so scary.

It's so scary, and I just hope that everybody can
come together and help the people that need it.

Speaker 2 (19:11):
We're seeing that that is happening, and we're so glad
that you followed up with us and called us back.

Speaker 1 (19:17):
How is your brother? I know that he stayed behind.
Is he okay?

Speaker 6 (19:21):
My brother is good? And we really think that because
he was hosing the house down.

Speaker 5 (19:26):
Yeah, quite a while.

Speaker 6 (19:27):
He was actually fighting the embers that we're coming into
the yard. Some of the trees were starting to catch
on fire, and he was hosting that downs. So we
really feel like, you know, he saved long enough and
host the house down and saved it. So yeah, I
thank my brother. And my sister said that when she
saw him, she looked he looked like a firefighter because
he was all full of soot, and you know, it

really looked like he went through it. But he did
save the house and the dog and the cat. So
everybody's okay.

Speaker 2 (19:56):
Well, it's a feel good Friday that makes us feel good.
Thank you for Sharon, Thank you so much much for
getting back to us.

Speaker 6 (20:02):
Well, thank you, Ellen. I listen to you guys every day,
and I just wanted to say, God bless everybody, and
God bless the firefighters.

Speaker 2 (20:08):
Yeah, for sure, absolutely all right, feel good Friday. Leave
us a talk back on our talkback button on the app,
or give us a call. We're here for you, Thanks
for being here.

Speaker 8 (20:19):
It's the Ellen k Morning Show.

Speaker 5 (20:20):
You guys are great to listen to. Great energy, cost.

Speaker 8 (20:23):
One oh three point five.

Speaker 2 (20:25):
You're looking for a little relief from everything happening around you.
And also a dozen LA megaplexes are closed due to
the wildfires. The metro region is typically responsible for ten
percent of our nationwide box office.

Speaker 1 (20:37):
But Universal Studios.

Speaker 2 (20:39):
Put out Wicked, and it's video on demand and it's
already earned seventy million, so it's an at home version.

Speaker 1 (20:46):
It includes ten deleted scenes.

Speaker 2 (20:48):
Sing along versions of the original film still playing in
theaters with school, you know, not in session. Maybe that's
something you can do to make your kids smile or
yourself smile.

Speaker 1 (20:58):
It's post twenty three point.

Speaker 8 (21:00):
It's the Llen K Morning Show.

Speaker 10 (21:01):
Good Morning Coast QTS. That's my new name for you,
Coast qties.

Speaker 8 (21:06):
By Coast one O three point five.

Speaker 1 (21:09):
Ben Afflex Home Wizard evacuated the palaces.

Speaker 2 (21:13):
He ended up at Jen Gardner's door just to come in.
The divorce is now final between j Lo and Ben.
That all happen this week. Imagine you're you're a kid
in school, you have winter break, you go back for
two days and then school is gone.

Speaker 1 (21:28):
Yeah, so la USD may go back on Monday, and
we're here to help. We're the only K Morning Time.
Mellen Ryan Mano, I'm Social Queen Darley Hi. I am
producer Mike Cromos.

Speaker 2 (21:40):
And right now we go to Richard aub Project Angel Food. Richard,
you put angel in Project Angel Food. You're helping.

Speaker 1 (21:48):
How can we help you help others?

Speaker 13 (21:51):
Okay, Ellen, you all always come through for us, So
does Los Angeles. First of all, I want to tell
you about the humanity that we're seeing firsthand. As you
know at Project ch angel Food, every day you see amazing,
incredible people. But during the crisis like this, you see

the best in Los Angeles. And I'm going to tell
you one story. There was a gentleman who was volunteering yesterday.
He volunteers regularly. At the end of his ship, he
told one of our kitchen assistants, I just want to
share with you. I lost my house today, I lost
everything go but there's no other place I wanted to

be than with you at Project angel Food and help out.
Those are the kinds of people who are coming through
for us.

Speaker 1 (22:41):
Richard, We're all crying. That's incredible.

Speaker 13 (22:45):
It's can you imagine he had nothing and this is
where he wanted to be. So one thing people can
do is we have a firefund that we have set
up and a very generous donor has he will match
dollar for dollar up to twenty thousand dollars so that

we can get continue to get the meals out. And
so that fund is that angelfood dot org slash fire
angelfood dot org slash fire, and every dollar is going
to be matched a dollar for dollars, so it's going
to be doubled.

Speaker 1 (23:21):
Oh that is so good, Richard.

Speaker 2 (23:24):
I'm so happy that we have you and Project Angel
Food in our city, especially at times like this. I
know that you're out there every day helping, but like
you said, during crisis like this, the best come out.

Speaker 1 (23:35):
You're one of them.

Speaker 13 (23:37):
Oh, thank you, Ellen, and so are you. You always
say yes. I say, can we get on the air
and tell people about what we're doing? And you have
never said no. You said yes, We're doing it in
an hour and two hours.

Speaker 2 (23:50):
Totally yes, Richard, Are you kidding? You have our hotline
number two. You don't even have to ask.

Speaker 13 (23:55):

Speaker 1 (23:58):
You know.

Speaker 13 (23:58):
We have to find the joy and this is where
it is. If you're worried about what's happening in the world,
and you're worried about what you're seeing in the planes
and everything else, you walk into this kitchen and what
you find is selfless, loving people who want to make
a difference in the world and want to make it
better for everyone. Thank you so much, Richard, Thank you Ellen,

and thank you Coast It's the.

Speaker 8 (24:25):
Lank Morning Show.

Speaker 6 (24:26):
I love you guy.

Speaker 1 (24:27):
You are wonderful and you encounce my morning and you
enhance ours.

Speaker 8 (24:31):
But being there Coast one oh three point five Top
stories Top of the hour.

Speaker 2 (24:37):
Good morning, I'm Ellen k And late afternoon yesterday, first
word of the Kenneth fire and West Hills near Victory.
This one spread into Ventura County and has burned nine
hundred and sixty acres thirty percent containment. This place is
being investigated as arson and a possible suspect is in custody.
Someone calling nine one one after seeing a man attempt
to start a fire on Ibarra Road. Police responding quickly

found it and the guys currently being held at the
Panga station. The NFL has decided to move the Rams
and Vikings a wildcard game on Monday night from here
to Sofi, a neutral location for both teams. Anyone with
original tickets will be refunded. The new tickets go on
sale this morning at ten am. Only one other NFL
playoff game and history has ever been relocated.

Speaker 1 (25:20):
It happened way back in nineteen.

Speaker 2 (25:22):
Thirty six when the Redskins and Packers moved off from
Boston to New York. Also, speaking of playoff football, our
Chargers play their wild game took hard game tomorrow in
Houston against the Texans, covered starting at eleven thirty on
our sister station in a five seventy LA sports, it's
they must win Notre Dame beating Penn State and the
Orange Bowl last night. The Irish will play for the

national championship against the winner tonight's Cotton Bowl match up
between Ohio State and Texas.

Speaker 1 (25:48):
And are you on social media all day?

Speaker 2 (25:51):
People who use social media most of the day are
more irritable, So spending more time on social media significantly
linked to feeling icky. The strongest link between it and
irritability was found with frequent TikTok users, followed by x
and then to Instagram. So if you're feeling snappy lately,
the culprit might be in your pocket, and that means

you need to maybe step away for a little while.
All right, Sustained winds continuing to subside today, guests could
be strong still forty miles per hour. We remain under
a red flag warning until six o'clock tonight. I should
be a calmer weekend, but then Monday some Santa Ana
wins returning. Right now, it is fifty in Burbank and
we run on Celsia's Energy drinks Coost Los Angeles. It's

past one of three point five. It is a feel
good Friday.

Speaker 1 (26:38):
A local movie star wants to come on the air,
wants to help out our city, coming up, wake up
with you.

Speaker 6 (26:46):
Guys are the best.

Speaker 18 (26:47):
I love listening to you.

Speaker 6 (26:48):
I listen to you every day.

Speaker 8 (26:50):
We love being here with you.

Speaker 2 (26:51):
Post one oh three point byy He's a movie star,
but more than that, just ve Southern Californian, like the
rest of us, experiencing so many things. Josh Gad, thank
you for joining us. We've been following you on socials.
Love all your movies you do.

Speaker 1 (27:12):
How are you.

Speaker 5 (27:15):
Never evacuated? Sitting in my car watching ash fall on
the windshield, it's uh, it's just devastating.

Speaker 1 (27:23):
I mean, it's just it's help, Josh, it's you know,
I mean, it's it's so sad. It's we're all in shock.

Speaker 2 (27:32):
I think that it's going to take a long time
for us mentally to uh to to to get back
to a good place. But I feel like because of
the situation, the urgency, everyone's kind of jumping into action.
I know you are, and you're raising uh funds for
the la FD Foundation.

Speaker 5 (27:50):
Yeah, I feel I've talked about this. I feel helpless.
I'm doing what I can. We're we're dropping things off
where donating, but like I want to pick up a
fire hose and just like help these incredible heroes. It's
just nothing seems to be enough. But yeah, praying for

for all of my friends who have lost everything and
and vowing to help rebuild.

Speaker 2 (28:25):
I know there are a lot of people like yourself
who are gathering and distributing, and thank.

Speaker 5 (28:31):
You of course, you know. It's it's the least that
I can do right now. And and I have, you know,
put resources on my Instagram page of how people can help,
because God knows we need to help right now.

Speaker 7 (28:49):

Speaker 2 (28:49):
Well, I know you have a new book out called
and Gad We Trust, and in it you talk about anxiety.
So how with everything going on, are you handling your anxiety?

Speaker 5 (28:58):
Yeah, you know, I'm as as I always do. I
try to find humor with everything. We've been actually opening
our house up to our community of friends. We're actually
housing some folks right now who evacuated, and it's been

great to just have you know, a community inside. We
were joking because it's the same folks we hung the
same group of friends that we hung out with during
the pandemic. But as opposed to be having to to
commune outside. Now we're being forced to commune inside. So
it's just we we've gotten very good at apocalyptic socializing.

Speaker 18 (29:42):
Uh so I don't want to.

Speaker 5 (29:50):
So that's that's how we're getting by. Uh and uh
and you know, playing playing games and and just kind
of waiting for quite a litter really waiting for the
dust to settle.

Speaker 1 (30:02):
Josh, thank you again so much for coming on this
morning making a smile.

Speaker 5 (30:05):
Thank you you too, last war Hud.

Speaker 1 (30:08):
Yeah, you's going to warm on yay.

Speaker 2 (30:12):
Okay, So call us on your feel good Friday, and
we have ways that you can help as well.

Speaker 1 (30:17):
We'll share them with you.

Speaker 15 (30:18):
Coming up post one o three point five The llen
k Morning Show. Follow us at Coast one O three
five dot com. It's the Lank Morning Show.

Speaker 6 (30:25):
I love you guys. You are wonderful and you encuns
my morning and.

Speaker 1 (30:30):
You enhance ours by being there.

Speaker 8 (30:32):
Coast one oh three point five.

Speaker 2 (30:33):
Thank you so much, Dina, We hope for calling us
and letting us know that our music is soothing you.
We love the music you're on Coast one o three
point five and we just want to keep you feeling good.

Speaker 1 (30:48):
Feel good Friday.

Speaker 2 (30:50):
All right, So cal Edison says more than three hundred
one thousand customers are still without power. However, they think
that today they're going to be able to get some
of those back up and running. Half of them are
the result of public safety shut offs, with the other
half from actual outages. So see saying that they are
restoring as fast as possible.

Speaker 1 (31:09):
And Kathy, thank you for calling. We know that you're affected.

Speaker 10 (31:13):
No electricity for forty eight hours and no TV, nothing,
My phone can't even Google. You know, I've been worried
for everybody. So you guys are okay, Yeah, we.

Speaker 1 (31:31):
Are hanging in there.

Speaker 2 (31:32):
Do you have an area you can drive to or
get to where you can kind of reconnect with the world.

Speaker 10 (31:39):
Well, I went in my car yesterday and we're listening
to cos And Wednesday night, I went in my car
because they had no heat, so I slept in my
car for like two hours with the heater on. But
you know, it's nothing compared to what people are suffering.
And but my my daughter has friends. We lived in

Pasadena for eight years, so she has a friend that
lost her home. Oh, so you know it's hitting everybody.
We're all very concerned. Yeah, So just wanted to reach
out and tell you guys, I love you and you know,
being able to at least listen to radio today, I

have battery in my radio, so just want to send
my love.

Speaker 1 (32:30):
Thank you so much, Kathy, and hang in there, okay.
We hope you get your power back soon.

Speaker 10 (32:35):
Thank you. Thank you Ellen and Ryan for all you do.
God bless you and.

Speaker 1 (32:40):
To you too, Kathy. We love that we can just
connect with you just like that, So I call us
use the app. We're here.

Speaker 8 (32:48):
It's the Ellen k Morning Show.

Speaker 5 (32:50):
You are awesome.

Speaker 18 (32:52):
I listen to you guys every morning, anytime I'm in
my vehicle.

Speaker 9 (32:56):
You guys are there to keep me awake and happy
and smiling.

Speaker 13 (32:59):

Speaker 1 (33:00):
Thank you for being here with us.

Speaker 9 (33:01):
You guys are the best man no matter what.

Speaker 8 (33:03):
Host one O three point five is beautiful.

Speaker 2 (33:06):
See my press conference going on right now about all
the fires burning around our Southland. I loved Southland. I'll
give you the latest on those. There is a little
bit of containment for the Palsyad's fire eight percent. We'll
take all we can get, YEP. Also, power outages widespread,
some of them on purpose and others true outages. And Marcy,

we've been watching the power come on slowly in some areas,
but you're dealing with it too.

Speaker 9 (33:32):
Today is day four. But you know, it's hard to
go to work when you can't shower, you can't really
do much. But you know what, my job, you know,
makes me feel good that I'm able to help people.
And so that's what even though like my personal life
is really hard right now, just thinking of the people

I have to help makes me, you know, come to
work and forget what I'm going through.

Speaker 1 (34:00):
What is it that you do.

Speaker 9 (34:02):
I'm a funeral home counselor, got it?

Speaker 1 (34:05):
Yeah, and yeah, you're all about soothing.

Speaker 9 (34:08):
Yeah, just like your voice on the radio. I don't
have a nice voice like you, but I have a
job where I feel like I really can help someone,
especially in the hardest time of their life.

Speaker 1 (34:22):
That is right. Well, thank you, thanks for all you do.

Speaker 9 (34:26):
Well, thank you for being on the air and giving
me something to listen to every morning when I'm born
to work.

Speaker 1 (34:34):
Yay, thanks Marci.

Speaker 3 (34:35):
Also side note, if there's a Planet Fitness near you,
they are inviting everyone to come in and take showers,
get their phones charged, use Wi Fi, even a hydro massage.

Speaker 1 (34:45):
So if there's one out by you hit that up.
If your power doesn't come back on.

Speaker 9 (34:49):
Soon, Oh my god, thank you Ryan. Yeah, I was
thinking about finally renting a motel that I but thank
you so much. I love you, guys, We love you.

Speaker 8 (35:00):
Bye bye, Wake up with ellen K.

Speaker 5 (35:03):
You guys are the best.

Speaker 18 (35:04):
I love listening to you.

Speaker 6 (35:05):
I listen to you every day.

Speaker 8 (35:07):
We love being here with you.

Speaker 2 (35:08):
Host one oh three point by Top Stories, Top the Hour,
Good Morning of ellen K, and a whole lot of
erroneous wildfire alerts going out to the wrong people. County
Supervisor Catherine Barger said, well, it ends here. It is
frustrating because we are asking people to trust us, to
believe us when we say evacuate.

Speaker 8 (35:30):
So if we're going to tell them to go back,
we'd be able to make darn sure we're targeting.

Speaker 13 (35:34):
The right people. So don't think we're taking this lightly.

Speaker 1 (35:36):
I'm not. And I know that my residents aren't all right.

Speaker 2 (35:41):
They are on the scene trying to fix that. So
we don't get any more of those alerts unless they
mean something, all right. Lots of questions about how to
help we hear at I, Host, iHeart and Coast have
partnered with the Dream Center LA. It's a week long event.
It begins today. Starting today, join us in person at
the Dream Center Downtown. It's every day between nine five
drop off goods and supplies. You can do it tomorrow,

all through the weekend, all next week, or you can
donate now. Just go to Coast one O three five
dot com slash donate. Every donation will provide immediate relief.
Partnering with the Dream Center has been such a great
thing because they are actively getting it to the people
who need it the most. Sustained wins continuing to die
down a little bit today, gus could still be strong

when they do happen. Up to forty miles per hour.
Red flag warning until six tonight. Touring's up to sixty
five thousand oaks. You'll see seventy for your high. It
is fifty eight here in Burbank. We run on Celsius
Energy drinks. It's KOST Los Angeles, Coast one of three
point five.

Speaker 8 (36:39):
Wake up with Lank.

Speaker 5 (36:40):
You guys are the best.

Speaker 18 (36:41):
I love listening to you.

Speaker 6 (36:42):
I listen to you every day.

Speaker 8 (36:44):
We love being here with you. Coast one O three
point five.

Speaker 2 (36:47):
Here on your feel good Friday, and Coast one of
three point five, the only K Morning Show. We're getting
love for our city from all around the world. Let's
go to a nat in Montreal.

Speaker 14 (36:58):
Hey, Los Angeles, sorry did it with us wildfires? Right now?
We are thinking of you here in Canada. Right now,
we're saying lots of prayers for you, and we hope
that you guys know that you are in our hearts
for good forever. We love you, Los Angeles, Stay strong,
Love you.

Speaker 8 (37:15):
It's The ellen K Morning Show.

Speaker 5 (37:18):
So good this morning.

Speaker 6 (37:19):
Thank you.

Speaker 8 (37:20):
Coast one O three point five.

Speaker 2 (37:22):
It's Coast one of three point five with the on
K Morning Show and Jennifer Lopez and the divorce finalized
with ben affleck Bend.

Speaker 1 (37:31):
Two jen Z could have gone too an evacuation. Which
one did you pick? Not this one?

Speaker 8 (37:40):
Oh no, it's The ellen K Morning Show.

Speaker 5 (37:54):
You guys are great to listen to, great energy.

Speaker 8 (37:57):
Coast one oh three point five.

Speaker 1 (37:59):
We are the the Keyboarding Show. It's costs were not
three point five.

Speaker 2 (38:03):
Okay, before we get to Beyonce. A couple of things
happening now with Beyonce. So NFL Watchdogs were among the
twenty seven million that streamed Beyonce's halftime performance on Christmas
Day wearing that white outfit.

Speaker 1 (38:17):
I thought she did so well, But she's.

Speaker 2 (38:21):
Facing a five hundred dollars fine for each crystal that
popped off her costume. So the total fine will be
taken from her twenty million dollar Netflix paycheck. But someone
had to go pick the crystals off the turf, count
them up, and then they'll just take that money for
player safety.

Speaker 1 (38:37):
Foreign objects on the field could cause.

Speaker 2 (38:39):
Injury, So I would think they would have a costume policy, right,
like anything that can pop off.

Speaker 1 (38:46):
Like it's a no go, right, Yes, per crystal.

Speaker 8 (38:49):
On that costume.

Speaker 1 (38:51):
The whole costume was crystal, okay.

Speaker 2 (38:53):
And also the Wiggles have a country album coming out,
Wiggle Up, Giddy Up.

Speaker 1 (38:59):
It's coming out in March. Dolly Parton is on it,
Lady Wilson, other country stars. And when I first heard
We Love Gideo, I thought a lot of Beyonce on
the ground, wig up, woods in the ground, Giddi up
down down right, I hear where you're going with this?

Where are we going with this? Okay?

Speaker 9 (39:21):
Here we get.

Speaker 1 (39:26):
Up God Now we love Giddio.

Speaker 8 (39:30):
Wake up with Ellen k Hi.

Speaker 1 (39:32):
This is Tiffany Hattison.

Speaker 11 (39:33):
You're listening to the Ellen k Morning Show Coast one
O three point five.

Speaker 1 (39:38):
She ready get up very concerned.

Speaker 2 (39:42):
Yesterday afternoon, first getting word of the kind of fire
in West Hills near Victory. It's spread into Ventura County,
burning at nine hundred and sixty acres now thirty five
percent contained. This place is being investigated as arson and
a possible suspect is in custody. But they are getting
a handle on it. The wind has gotten low enough

a lot of aircraft. But Tony McHale is Ventura County's
fire chief.

Speaker 19 (40:08):
We have this is what's called the mutual threat zone,
so you have a Ventura County, LA County, and LAFD
all cooperating together. We have pre plans, we have mutual
agreement for assistance. So that came into play perfectly yesterday.
And one thing you need to understand about firefighters is
that we are opportunists. Everything we do is dictated by conditions.
Yesterday we had a reprieve from the winds, so we're

able to aggressively get after it, go direct on the fire.

Speaker 1 (40:33):
And the game changer was aircraft. Oh yeah, Tony mckaye,
Ventura County Fire he's the chief. Big white mustache is
on it.

Speaker 8 (40:41):
It's the l and K Morning Show.

Speaker 6 (40:43):
You guys, you're very inspiring. You speak positivity, you're full
of joy and happiness, and in this world it's pretty
hard to beat that.

Speaker 8 (40:50):
My post one o three point five.

Speaker 2 (40:52):
But we've been talking about helpers all morning long, ha
and a feel good Friday, and we love your talkbacks,
and so Macrina has a good idea.

Speaker 20 (41:04):
Good Morning Coast. This message is regarding that ring that
Jennifer Lopez got for five million dollars. I think that
she should sell that ring back and donate it to
the fire victims. Anyways, those are my thoughts. Happy Friday,
Coast to Maka.

Speaker 1 (41:22):
I think she just kept all of our engagement rings.
She's got whole room for him.

Speaker 8 (41:26):
The LNK Morning Show on Coast one of three point five.

Speaker 1 (41:30):
Does it feel Good Friday? Thank you for being here
making us feel good.

Speaker 2 (41:35):
And if you want to make others feel go go
to the Dream Center today all through the weekend next
week the Dream Center Downtown. Bring some items to help
out distributing such a good thing. Good Morning Coast one
of three point five.

Speaker 1 (41:51):
Thank you for being up with us.

Speaker 6 (41:53):
First thing in the morning.

Speaker 18 (41:53):
I'm a radio station, so listen to you guys, wake
me up and it's amazing.

Speaker 10 (41:58):
Thank you so much for making my morning so much
easier to wake up to the l n K.

Speaker 8 (42:02):
Morning Show on Coast one O three point five.

Speaker 1 (42:05):
Thanks for spending your morning with us. We're the ln
K Morning Show.

Speaker 16 (42:07):
I'm Mellen, I'm Ryan Manow, I'm Social Queen Darling and
not producer Mike Romos.

Speaker 1 (42:11):
And hang in there. We love you, Southland.

Speaker 2 (42:15):
And remember if you if you have that kind of
skin Crawley feeling, you just want to get up and
help the Dream Center LA and iHeartMedia. We have stepped
up and teamed up and we are asking you to
help and donate.

Speaker 1 (42:29):
So just go to the Dream Center downtown and.

Speaker 2 (42:34):
They give immediate support and resources to people and families
in need during this time. It's downtown LA. You can
also go to Coast one three five dot com slash donate.
We will all be there throughout the weekend and next week,
So come and join us the Dream Center Downtown LA
with iHeart And.

Speaker 3 (42:54):
When you think of what to take, I think, just
think anything that would help someone, whether it's a blanket
or water or an old toiletries.

Speaker 1 (43:01):
Yeah, anything right, right, so just grab what you can
and bring it on down.

Speaker 2 (43:05):
Yeah all right, everybody come to bether big big hugs
for all the Southland. Letty Be is in for Kerry Steel.
And we end every show with a quote and a kiss.
Uh and this one just about overcoming out of suffering,
have emerged the strongest souls. This on three kiss on

me went three.

Speaker 12 (43:30):
Don't please talk away, don't want to park your body,
that's you. Don't ways to the break day, that's me
god time.

Speaker 1 (43:51):
But I don't mind.

Speaker 6 (43:52):
Just on on a rock your I have.

Speaker 1 (43:57):
Come home saved up and watching you. I like the
way you move to go head girl just stood and
Jacob knew you, and you grab the girls and your
brother come up and your bark and meet me in
the love pass of the death mistaken. You smell the
right and the faster the left, and your sails are

the right, nor pleas.

Speaker 12 (44:20):
Fall away doesn't mean I don't want to burn your body,
that's me.

Speaker 15 (44:27):
You don't have to do a picture nor.

Speaker 11 (44:30):
Away that

Speaker 5 (44:34):
The b

Ellen K Morning Show On Demand News

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