All Episodes

January 16, 2025 48 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:02):
When he says don't stop till you get it up,
it almost sounds like he says TikTok. So you know,
oh boy, TikTok could go dark. Bob Dylan just joined
four days ago late.

Speaker 2 (00:14):
I know my mom's really sad.

Speaker 3 (00:18):
She's like, what am I going to do?

Speaker 1 (00:19):
I buy everything on TikTok. There's a TikTok shop.

Speaker 3 (00:23):
Talk shop, you guys, I've never had TikTok. I don't
have it.

Speaker 4 (00:26):
Okay, Hello, kitty pins, that's where they come from.

Speaker 5 (00:29):

Speaker 1 (00:30):
All right, we were the on in k Morning, Sean Mellahy,
I'm right man on Social Queen Darling, Good Morning. I
produced mimos. And first it was David Muir with a
clothes pin around his fire jacket in the back so
that it would fit him in more trim and slim.

Speaker 6 (00:44):

Speaker 7 (00:44):

Speaker 1 (00:45):
Now it's Biden sitting on a pillow for his farewell address.

Speaker 7 (00:49):
Oh brother, I know, look.

Speaker 1 (00:51):
Someone got the side of you and he's on like
a bed pillow. It's a white bed pillow with a pillowcase.

Speaker 3 (00:56):
Yeah, well that might be. That might be more knee.
Then David Newert's jeezido.

Speaker 1 (01:06):
All right, were's some information for you okay, this comes
from Parks and Recreation. Griffith Park will reopen yep today
eight am. All right. Rinning Canyon will remain closed due
to fire damage caused by the Sunset fire, So the
park will remain closed until further notice. I say, just

lock up everything until, you know, yes, until people are
going back and rebuilding, just you know. Yeah. And also,
this is so cool. Corpus Christi Catholic Church in the
heart of Palisades was reduced to rubble. Everything gone except
the delicate stained glass windows that represent the stations of
the Cross and the blessed sacrament in the tabernet. Gosh,

so I sent this to my mother in law, Joyce,
and she wants to come out here. I think this
is going to be a destination a lot like our
Lady of Guadalupe. Yeah, you know, this is a this
is a miracle. So that is just so amazing. You know,
we can't go see it now because it's in the

you know, it's in the rubble and they're still investigating.
And but how does that, how does that happen? Things
were melting tires and street signs and and now these
stained glass windows which are super delicate with the stations
of the Cross. Oh wow. And it's also a therapy Thursday.

So a lot of trauma for everyone, and our therapist
saradash is gonna talk about it now. Miracles are happening
every day. And did you guys see this guy chen you?
So he was with CNN's Aaron Burnette and he lost
his home in the wildfires. They visited this instruction of
his home. He ended up finding his wedding ring. Listen

to this what's that?

Speaker 6 (02:58):
What's that?

Speaker 7 (02:59):
Ruled? What's that?

Speaker 2 (03:05):
Oh my god, Jim, what's your wife gonna say?

Speaker 3 (03:20):
She didn't know?

Speaker 4 (03:22):
You didn't know?

Speaker 8 (03:27):

Speaker 9 (03:29):
Oh my god?

Speaker 3 (03:30):
Here comes his wife.

Speaker 1 (03:37):
That is just such a great reunion. I mean, but yeah,
that's typical man not to tell his wife.

Speaker 3 (03:44):
Would you tell your husband? No, you wouldn't.

Speaker 1 (03:47):
Yeah, I would. I'd be so freaked out. I would
look at me in the eye.

Speaker 3 (03:50):
Would you tell Roy?

Speaker 1 (03:51):
I would tell Roy if I had taken my wedding
ring off and lost it in the fire. Definitely.

Speaker 3 (03:57):
You're nod in your head very hard right now.

Speaker 4 (03:58):
I don't believe one of three point five.

Speaker 10 (04:01):
Catch The L and K Morning Show on demand on
the Free iHeartRadio. Host one of three point five Inside
Entertainment with Llen k Well.

Speaker 1 (04:09):
You know things have settled down at least a little bit.
When you turn on kt LA and there it is
Penn and Teller. I was like, wait, yeah, what huh
So yeah, I was just staring at the TV, going, oh, okay.
Then this means you know that some containment is happening.

Speaker 6 (04:30):

Speaker 3 (04:30):
Same in the morning when I get up Justice Judy's
on and that feels normal.

Speaker 1 (04:34):
Yeah, well I take it.

Speaker 3 (04:35):
I like her attitude. Yeah, I'm happy to have her back.

Speaker 1 (04:38):
And starting today, NBC is launching a month long celebration
of SNL fifty years, streaming exclusively I'm peacock right now.
It's a four part docu series SNL fifty Beyond Saturday Night,
around sixty cast members share their recollections. Then they're going
to showcase the historical musical performances at the end of
the month and go into February as well. Five decades

of Saturday Live. That's crazy. And now that Heidi Montag
reached the top of the iTunes chart, Flava Flave is
hypieing music by Late Measter, who also lost her home
in the Palisades wildfire. Streaming their music. It's a unique
form of fundraising. Flava Flave posted a TikTok video dancing
to Mester's a debut single, Somebody to Love. I don't
know if you remember that one from two thousand and nine.

We'll refresh your memory coming up, but I remember late Mester.
I was like, Oh, okay, there's another actress who's putting
out a single, and so yeah, he's trying to raise
some funds for her to rebuild her home. But Heidi
Montag did go on Good Morning America. She was brought
to tears remembering what it was like to evacuate her
family's home in the Palisades.

Speaker 11 (05:40):
Spencer was like, grab anything you want to keep, and
I was like.

Speaker 4 (05:44):
How do you choose? You know, like my brain actually
stopped working.

Speaker 12 (05:48):
Because it was so rewhelmed with so many things you
can't replace.

Speaker 5 (05:53):
So I grabbed my kids Teddymars.

Speaker 1 (05:55):
Oh wow, so sad, so much, so much rebuilding going on,
and we're going to share some really great things happening
though for kids, their toy drives and also pet rescues.
So we've got the dream Center as well. Everything in
our blog Coast one of three five Dot com Slashoni.
This is all we.

Speaker 4 (06:13):
Do wake up with lan k.

Speaker 9 (06:18):

Speaker 2 (06:18):
This is Tiffany Hatish and you're listening to the llen
K Morning Show. Coast one O three point five.

Speaker 1 (06:25):
She ready get it girl? Hi, good morning?

Speaker 4 (06:28):
Who's this?

Speaker 9 (06:29):
This is Who's Lorraine Martinez? Hi?

Speaker 1 (06:32):
Lorraine? Where are you going right now?

Speaker 13 (06:34):
Good morning?

Speaker 14 (06:35):
I'm heading to work in er Ryan and I'm going
about five freeways to get there.

Speaker 1 (06:40):
Oh oh what's going on? Is it a lot of traffic?

Speaker 11 (06:43):

Speaker 1 (06:44):
Oh boy, okay.

Speaker 4 (06:46):
Could I win?

Speaker 1 (06:48):
You tell? O? Ryan?

Speaker 4 (06:48):
Did you did? Yes?

Speaker 3 (06:49):
Yes, you're Loraine.

Speaker 1 (06:51):
Way to go.

Speaker 14 (06:52):
Oh, my friend daughter's gonna be so happy.

Speaker 5 (06:55):
That's sweet.

Speaker 1 (06:56):
It's a four pack of passes. Dog man is a hero.

Speaker 4 (07:00):
Awesome, she's reading the books.

Speaker 13 (07:01):
It's ahead of schedule.

Speaker 14 (07:02):
It's so excited.

Speaker 1 (07:04):
Oh perfect, nice, good, It's gonna be fun. And thanks
for having us on in your ride. Yeah, be careful
getting to work. Sorry you have to take five freeways.

Speaker 4 (07:12):
Well, thank you guys, cause you guys make it humorous.

Speaker 15 (07:15):
And I love all the jokes and all the stories,
So thank you, love you love.

Speaker 10 (07:21):
The feel good continues next on the llen K Morning Show,
Coast one O three point five.

Speaker 4 (07:26):
It's the Lank Morning Show. You guys are great to
listen to. Great Energy Coast one oh three point five.

Speaker 1 (07:32):
Happiness hacks are beautiful things.

Speaker 5 (07:35):

Speaker 3 (07:35):
This morning, we're gonna introduce you to a guy named
Jim Cragg. He's been through a Palisades resident, but his
home is still standing. Before we get there, though, I
want to ask the room, I'm gonna pull the audience.
Do you have a sprinkler at home? Not the in
ground kind that like waters your stuff, like you know,
on a timer, like an actual sprinkler.

Speaker 1 (07:53):
Like the kind of does the wave that kind of thing.

Speaker 3 (07:56):
No, I do not, Okay, Darling Michael.

Speaker 1 (07:59):
I don't know.

Speaker 3 (08:00):
Okay, I don't either. We just have the I have
the in ground.

Speaker 1 (08:03):

Speaker 3 (08:04):
So Jim Crag is an army vet and his home
is still standing, thank god. He explains why, and this
is I'll get into what we can do after he
shares this.

Speaker 1 (08:15):
After the last brush fires that got closed to us a.

Speaker 4 (08:17):
Couple of years ago, I bought these cheap.

Speaker 12 (08:21):
Sprinklers, the ones that wave back and forth, and bought hoses.

Speaker 4 (08:26):
I had him ready, popped them up.

Speaker 9 (08:27):
On my roof, turned them on.

Speaker 12 (08:30):
I sprayed down if I return on the side of
my house and I left there.

Speaker 3 (08:34):
You go, oh my god, that's the preparation of a
military man. He knows what to do. And you guys,
it's eleven dollars. Eleven dollars saved his.

Speaker 1 (08:42):
Home for one of those waves springing yes.

Speaker 3 (08:44):
And to make it even more fun, I found a
couple more for eleven dollars, just even for the kids.
The Penguino, it's a penguin. He's got arms that shoot
water all over. Dino Giant it's a big t rex
that shoots water and goes back and forth.

Speaker 1 (08:56):
How much is that one?

Speaker 3 (08:57):
That one, well, that one's a little more cressive.

Speaker 1 (09:00):
Five dollars.

Speaker 3 (09:00):
And then Wacky Wiggles. Wacky Wiggles is this guy right here? Yeah,
ulple arms. So if you just you know, buy it,
toss it on your roof with the hose. It saved
his home. And then the fire retardant is called dry one.
If you want to look for this too, it's on Amazon.
Dry One fire Retardant.

Speaker 1 (09:15):
Oh my gosh.

Speaker 3 (09:16):
So that's it. We're not spending a lot of money,
and that guy is going back home. Also, I love
this on I looked him up on Instagram. Someone said,
Oh my god, that's coach Crag. He was my football
coach my sophomore year of high school. He told me
to stay focused. I fell in love with football because
of him. It kept me on, it kept me off
the streets. He has tremendous knowledge.

Speaker 16 (09:35):
What a hero.

Speaker 3 (09:36):
Oh good job, coach Crag.

Speaker 10 (09:38):
And you know, thank you, Ryan Coast one O three
point five The ellen K Morning Show stream us on
the iHeartRadio app.

Speaker 4 (09:46):
It's the Lank Morning Show.

Speaker 5 (09:48):
Thank you ellen K. Just real quick, a little kiss
on you well, thank you so much for making my day.

Speaker 1 (09:53):
Host one O three point five Today, calm mild, keep
your fingers, keep these winds under control, and we are
the only key morning show. Wendy Williams started in radio
and years ago we went to Japan together to turn

on radio stations all over Japan. We did five cities together.
So they wanted to East coast and a West coast
DJ yeah, and so we went along with I think
someone else from Boston, and then there was one from Miami,
just kind of a representation of the United States to
go to Japan and turn on these American sounding radio stations.

They were all kiss fms, but they would spell them,
you know, kiss. So we bonded then and we kept
in touch. The last time I saw Wendy Williams, I
had lunch with them at No Boo on Los Sienaga.
It was her and her husband, and that was right
before their divorce, and they seem fine. They you know,
were happy and all that stuff. So I was sad

to see what happened with her. Now she's been diagnosed
with dementia and her niece is also taking care of her.
There's a hashtag Free Wendy.

Speaker 3 (11:10):
They said, if free Brittany could work, then hopefully this can.

Speaker 1 (11:13):
So she wants out of her conservancy and she feels
like a prisoner. And Wendy has finally broken her silence.

Speaker 11 (11:21):
My life is like, what if they take my phone,
I won't be able to talk to anybody.

Speaker 1 (11:30):
You just feel for her. I mean, she's I'll have
seen the last three four years. Is Wendy crying?

Speaker 3 (11:38):
Yeah? And the photos that we see too, they don't
look great. She looks troubled.

Speaker 1 (11:44):
I just feel like she needs the proper care, yeah,
and carrying. Then she did not hold back. She went
pretty hard on Diddy.

Speaker 6 (11:52):
Diddy will go to prison for life.

Speaker 9 (11:54):
People, you don't know things that I do about Diddy
back in the day, and.

Speaker 5 (11:58):
You want to know what it's about Pine people.

Speaker 6 (12:01):
It is about time. Did he done?

Speaker 1 (12:04):
Did he done? That sounded like the old one?

Speaker 3 (12:06):
Did she sounded very lucid there.

Speaker 1 (12:08):
I think she wants back on TV. Praying for you, Wendy.
It's a therapy Jersey as well. I come a first resist.

Speaker 4 (12:19):
It's the lank Morning Show.

Speaker 8 (12:21):

Speaker 1 (12:21):
We love you.

Speaker 4 (12:21):
We listened to you every morning religiously.

Speaker 6 (12:23):
We implore you.

Speaker 4 (12:24):
Cost one o three point five top stories.

Speaker 1 (12:27):
At top of the hour, Good Morning of Ellen k
and the FDA I announced that they are banning the
use of red dye number three, a dad that is
added to a ton of foods and drinks which for
years has been linked to cancer. For instance, it's in
brox candy, corn, ring pops, popsicles, including Nerds, bomb pops,
cookies with red sprinkles, also imitation bacon bits, so it's
pretty much everywhere. Some states, including Hours, have already made

moves to ban it. Other countries like Australia and Japan
do not allow it at all, And now the FDA
is saying no more food manufacturers have until January of
twenty twenty seven to reformulate, and a dozen LA pro
sports teams of Team Up pledging more than eight million
dollars to support victims and those fighting the fires. Angel
City Football Club, LAFC Galaxy, the Angels, Dodgers, Chargers, Rams, Clippers, Lakers, Ducks, Kings,

the Sparks. Together their moneies are going to the American
Red Cross, the LAFD Foundation, a World Central Kitchen, and
the Wildlife Recovery Fund. That's just so amazing to be
able to say that, and it feels so good to
say this too. We're sunny, clear and mouth today. Highs
around seventy, Temes School even more tomorrow our Wednesday calm
downtown and Dwardy up to seventy and it is forty

five here in Burbank.

Speaker 16 (13:37):
We run on.

Speaker 1 (13:38):
Celsius Energy drinks. It's Kost Los Angeles Coast one oh
three point five coming up. Our president of iHeart coming
on to tell you how you can give. Also, we're
going to send you to Vegas. See Lenny Kravitz moving.

Speaker 4 (13:52):
It's the L and K Morning Show.

Speaker 5 (13:53):
Think I Fall in love with you?

Speaker 13 (13:55):

Speaker 1 (13:55):
Is that official? Are we dating?

Speaker 4 (13:57):
We are online dating Coast three.

Speaker 1 (14:00):
Point five and coming up seven thirty dew on KQ
and a Lenny Kravitz in Vegas. I want to go
Tonight's day one hundred dollars gas card for the road.
I'm just saying, don't miss that. It is just ahead
next hour. Of course, we give you a thousand dollars.
Just want to help you out, help yourself, someone in need.

And it's a therapy Thursday. Our therapist, our licensed therapist,
Sarah Dash will be here in about an hour to
talk to you about trauma or anything. You're feeling a
lot of feelings. All right now, we are joined by
Paul Corbino, LA Division President. Well, thank you for stopping by.
We know that you have been at the Dream Center
LA every single day. So what is it that you're

seeing and what are you feeling.

Speaker 16 (14:44):
It's me as horrible as everything is. It's also nice
to see that there are a lot of heroes. These
these frontline firemen and other workers just they're just tremendous.
They really are heroes and people get together. We've been
working with the Dream Center there downtown and been spending
a lot of time down there, and you see the

city come together, you see the people coming there to
bring food and water and other supplies, and it's really
it's amazing how people do come together, and you know,
there's a silver lining in this.

Speaker 1 (15:18):
It really does help to be around volunteers and to
and to be able to be face to face with
with people who have lost everything and to hug them
and cry with them. I mean, Mike was in the truck,
you know, loading in bags of supplies. Ryan was there
with news crews, and and I was down there just

I cried the entire time, but I also went home
feeling like, wow, you know, everything is going to be okay.
For the first night last night, I woke up this
morning and I thought, Eli's going to come back better
than every Well.

Speaker 16 (15:54):
Yeah, this this, yeah, and this is harder than most
because there are so many people, and we all know
so many people. We've got people that work with us
here in this building that have lost their home. So
we're very personally connected, and I think everyone, I don't
think there's anyone in Los Angeles that doesn't know someone
that that isn't going through a very difficult time right now.

I've got to tell you, though, the Dream Center is
a beacon of hope. It is a tremendous organization. We
really encourage you to either make a donation with what
they do. First of all, is they they supply emergency
shelter and support. They've got food and shelter for both

individuals and families. And it's a really safe, safe, welcoming environment,
nice and clean. It's it's it's a great place. They
do a really great job. Anything that you can do,
load up, load up the car and get down there.
And it's also it's a nice break from all of
this to be around people that that that are working
together and meet some of our talent down there and

our team, I said, Dream Center. It's downtown right off
the one o one. It's just a tremendous organization. And
when you donate there, you know the money is going
to be put to good use because.

Speaker 3 (17:12):
You see it. And that's my favorite thing. A lot
of times, you know, you donate and you don't ever
really kind of get eyes on where it went. This
is in real time. There are two lines the drop
off from the pickup, and it's a beautiful thing.

Speaker 16 (17:22):
Yeah, that's that's really what's amazing. You see, you see
what you're giving and you see someone walking away with it.
Yeah that that really needs it.

Speaker 1 (17:30):
Well, thank you. I know that you've worked around the
clock to to first of all, make this happen and
continue to keep it happening. And we're grateful that we
that we are here at this station to be able
to we're.

Speaker 16 (17:43):
A team, not just a coast team, a whole iHeart
team and the whole Los Angeles you know, the whole
population has become a team. Yeah.

Speaker 1 (17:51):
I love that. We love that.

Speaker 16 (17:53):
Thank you very much.

Speaker 1 (17:54):
Thank you, Paank.

Speaker 10 (17:55):
You k morning follow at official lan K.

Speaker 4 (18:02):
It's the L and K Morning Show.

Speaker 14 (18:03):
You guys do a great job, and thank you for
starting my morning every day.

Speaker 5 (18:07):
I appreciate you all so much.

Speaker 4 (18:09):
Coast one O three point five, we are the LNK
Morning Show.

Speaker 1 (18:12):
It's Coast one O three point five. Before we get
into any Kravitz and your Q and A, I just
want to say watching all the work for others, I've
never been more proud to live here in LA. Pretty amazing.

Speaker 13 (18:29):
Sure is.

Speaker 1 (18:31):
We are hearing from people all over the world, really
from the East coast. Just my family is going to
get matching T shirts and go down to the Dream Center,
LA and we just want to say thank you for
everything that that you're doing. But yeah, we love you, La.

Speaker 3 (18:51):
It really is incredible what comes from tragedy. You know,
most of the time, most of the time, almost all
of the time. What we see these great stories, it's
happening every day, every minute.

Speaker 1 (19:02):
And we are here for you. If you have a
GoFundMe that you want to put out there where your place,
it's just want to help. I just want to send
you to see Lenny in Vegas. Lenny Kravitz coming to
Adobe Live Park MGM. Two tickets to the show, two
night hotels today, gascard for the road. Wouldn't that feel great?

Oh yeah, just to free your mind for a while.
So here's your question. First caller with the right answer goes,
if you have a partner, you do this five times
a week, So it'd be five times a week. Ryan
and Mike, Okay, you both don't even have to say

a word. It's the looks on your face and your side.

Speaker 3 (19:52):
I don't know, I don't but I don't know if
I agree with I don't know. I don't know.

Speaker 1 (19:56):
Okay, if you have a partner, oh hello, so do
you is this?

Speaker 3 (20:01):
Is this more or less?

Speaker 1 (20:03):
This is a question for the llen K.

Speaker 3 (20:05):
I understand what it is. I'm just asking, just before
we get the answer, do you do this more or
less than the answer?

Speaker 1 (20:10):
Soun's about enough, sounds about right. If you have a partner,
you do this five times a week, That is the question.
We're taking your guesses at eight hundred ninety two nine
KOST and the first caller with the right answer goes
to Vegas to see Lenny Kravitz. Shame on you.

Speaker 10 (20:27):
The L and K Morning Show on Coast one oh
three point five.

Speaker 4 (20:37):
It's the L and K Morning Show.

Speaker 11 (20:39):
I wake up to your station, I work out to
your station, I listen to it throughout the day, and
I go to bed listening to it. Thank you for
all that you do. You guys are absolutely the best.

Speaker 10 (20:49):
Coast one oh three point five. It's the llen K
Q and A on Coast one oh three point five.

Speaker 1 (20:55):
Him Molly, good morning, Molly from men Ife. You're at work?
Where do you work?

Speaker 5 (21:01):
Hi'd rather not say, okay.

Speaker 1 (21:04):
Do you have a partner? I do okay. So it says,
if you have a partner, you do this five times
a week. What do you think it is?

Speaker 5 (21:12):
I'm always checking in, checking in with your partner.

Speaker 1 (21:15):
Five times a week?

Speaker 7 (21:16):
Okay, all right, check in.

Speaker 1 (21:19):
It's a great guess. It's not the right answer.

Speaker 14 (21:22):
Oh okay, thank you, thank you.

Speaker 1 (21:24):
Speaking of checking in, that's what we are all urging
everyone to do. Check in on your friends and your family,
whether they were lost everything or not. We're all affected
and we can all help each other's good a. Ziamara, Yes,
good morning, Hi, good morning, Hi. How are you?

Speaker 5 (21:46):
I'm doing good?

Speaker 1 (21:47):
Thank you, Ziamara. What is it? What do we do
five times a week with our.

Speaker 14 (21:52):
Partners besides laundry?

Speaker 4 (21:55):

Speaker 1 (21:56):
Oh okay, laundry and cook. That's a really good guess.
It's not the right answer, thank you, thank you.

Speaker 2 (22:03):
All right.

Speaker 1 (22:04):
Beverly, Hello, you're on the five freeway. Good morning, Ellen,
good morning. Is the five moving?

Speaker 4 (22:11):
It's moving, it's moving, okay.

Speaker 1 (22:15):
So Beverly driving to work. If you have a partner,
you do this five times a week.

Speaker 14 (22:20):
I'm gonna say, kiss him at least once in the morning.

Speaker 1 (22:24):
Kiss five times a week, and you, Beverly, are right.
You're going to Lenny Kravitz Vegas to go it's kiss.

Speaker 12 (22:34):
Oh my god.

Speaker 14 (22:34):
I'm so excited.

Speaker 1 (22:38):
And we are too, so Lenny Kravitz in Vegas a
full weekend with him learned how to be a rock
star by banging on pots and pants when he was
four years old in the kitchen and his mom didn't
say stop that noise. She said, keep it going.

Speaker 7 (22:53):
It's right.

Speaker 1 (22:54):
Look at him now, amazing.

Speaker 3 (22:56):
What do you think of this answer?

Speaker 1 (22:58):
I think that it's a little low. I agree, it
has been way way more than yes. Times a week.

Speaker 3 (23:04):
And I'm not even talking like full like you know
tonsil hockey, just say at least a kiss, yeah.

Speaker 1 (23:09):
Five times a week. I think that we need to
kiss our partners more. There you go.

Speaker 4 (23:13):
Yeah, it's the ellen K Morning Show.

Speaker 5 (23:16):
Thank you ellen K, just real quick, a little kiss
on you well, thank you so much for making my day.

Speaker 4 (23:21):
Host one oh three point five Top.

Speaker 1 (23:24):
Stories, Top of the hour, Good morning of ellen Kin.
Thankfully yesterday's critical wind conditions have passed, but fire officials
say we are still very much dealing with extreme hazards
potential for growth. The Palisates fire, though twenty two percent contained,
and the Eton fire and Alta Dina forty five percent,
both by the way, the most and second most destructive
fires in LA history. We still don't have any details

about the upcoming Fire Aid benefit concert, but the Eagles
have already pledged two and a half million dollars to
support it. Does that mean that the Eagles will be performing?
We shall see. The star seted lineup has yet to
be announced, but we're hearing is taking pa said the
Intuit Dome the Kia Form probably both expected an announcement
in the coming days. There were twenty four open slots.

There are one hundred and fifty musicians who have already
said please, please, let me help. And what about this?
The US banning the popular red dye from foods thirty
five years after it was banned in cosmetics. So the
die was a proof for use way back in nineteen
oh seven. Banned in cosmetics and topical drugs since nineteen
ninety over evidence that it can cause cancer. Its use in

food is already banned or restricted in Australia, Japan, and
countries in Europe. A red number three commonly found in candy,
gum and cookies, brocks, candy corn, betty Crocker sprinkles, also
fruit by the foot by starbars actually three feet of that,
Peeps and pez so the list goes on and on
and on. That has to take an effect for everyone
by twenty twenty seven, and TikTok's days in the US

are numbered or maybe not. President like Donald Trump may
issue an executive order that would suspend the TikTok band
scheduled to go into effect on Sunday. Sunday's deadline for
the parent company to sell it's US assets or be
pulled from the app stores. So we'll still wait on that,
all right. I feel so good to save this. We

are sunny clear mile today. High's it around seventy right now,
it's forty five in Burbank. It's a therapy Thursday. Whatever's
troubling you, whatever's on your mind. Our therapist Saradash will
be here. And also we have money for you. We
have money for you, one thousand dollars. Use it for
yourself or to help a friend. It's all yours. Coming
up at eight twenty it's Kost Los Angeles Coast, one

of three point five.

Speaker 17 (25:37):
Say you're leaving almost seven thirty training at your head
now it's a you haven't give a million linesil Many
times it's kind against like feeling bad, looks good.

Speaker 3 (25:54):
Time, tons of sounds of what.

Speaker 4 (26:11):
It's see L and K morning Shell.

Speaker 9 (26:13):
There's a lot of negativity in the world, and you
guys think so much postivity. I cannot even tell you
how exciting world.

Speaker 4 (26:19):
Are Coast one oh three point five.

Speaker 1 (26:20):
How lucky are we that here on a therapy Thursday,
we have our own therapist. She is a licensed therapist.
She is Sarah Dash. Sarah, thank you for coming in
and helping us through this time.

Speaker 18 (26:33):
I am so happy to be here. I just it's
an honor to be able to be supportive in any
way to everybody who's going through this.

Speaker 1 (26:40):
So what are you, What are you saying to your
you know, your clients and your sessions. What are some
of the you know, there's a lot of anxiety, there's
a lot of fear and uncertainty and hopelessness.

Speaker 18 (26:58):
What I do not trying to do anyway, is assure
people that they will get through this, that they're not alone,
and this is something that we as a city will
get through collectively. And I think it's really important to
stay in that state of mind that we're not isolated.

We're not isolated in our fear and our concern, in
our worry for others.

Speaker 1 (27:25):
I know, when Ryan and I went down to the
Dream center and we just loaded cars and bags and
talk to people. It's very therapeutic to be together with
others who are giving and receiving.

Speaker 18 (27:40):
It's amazing. Yeah there, I was fortunate enough to get
to go down there too, and it's just it's extraordinary.

Speaker 1 (27:48):
And I think when you talk about isolation, that is
something that we feel so alone in our fear and
it's hard to even for me to get off the cow.
It's hard for me to get the couch and and
take action. It's really I feel I feel paralyzed by fear.

Speaker 18 (28:07):
It can absolutely be paralyzing. I think that you know
what you said, it's very important, and especially children, they
don't they don't want to be alone in frightening places.
And I think that it's not it's not any different
for an adult.

Speaker 1 (28:26):
Well, Palisades Charter Elementary School burned to the ground, have
a gofund me. This is elementary school. So Mia came
on with us. I just asked, Mia, you know what
great are you in?

Speaker 5 (28:41):
I'm in fourth grade.

Speaker 1 (28:42):
Miah. We're so sorry that you're going through this.

Speaker 6 (28:48):
Thank you.

Speaker 1 (28:49):
It's very hard for for all of us, but I
know that you you guys just don't have a place
to God, did your house get saved?

Speaker 16 (28:59):

Speaker 1 (29:00):
And have you talked to your schoolmates and best friends?
Is everyone okay?

Speaker 14 (29:05):

Speaker 15 (29:06):
Most of my friends, their school, their house.

Speaker 1 (29:09):
Bird, Oh my gosh, okay, I feel bad. So this
is Mia fourth grade. It's heartbreaking for.

Speaker 18 (29:18):
Her to share that, to tell you that story, she
really is asking for you to be there with her.

Speaker 1 (29:27):
Yeah. Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. Well, the
good news is our friends are okay and they will
be back together and like you said, Sarah, we will
get through this.

Speaker 6 (29:38):

Speaker 1 (29:39):
So just be all together, band together, make contact, reach out,
check on people, and do it all the time.

Speaker 6 (29:46):
You know.

Speaker 1 (29:46):
It's kind of like tell those you love them that
you love them incessantly and it just makes you feel better.
And thank you, Sarah. Dash And coming up, we've got
one thousand dollars for you. It's your well, it's just
for you to use how you want, use it for
yourself or to help someone out your cash.

Speaker 10 (30:05):
Just ahead, more feel good is coming up on the
Lank Morning Show. Coast one O three point fo It's
the Lank Morning Show.

Speaker 18 (30:11):
Thank you so much, Elan.

Speaker 14 (30:12):
I love you guys.

Speaker 9 (30:13):
You guys are the bat.

Speaker 5 (30:14):
You make me happy. Every day when I.

Speaker 4 (30:16):
Listen to you guys Coast one oh three point five.

Speaker 1 (30:19):
Hi, Hi, my name is Nancy, Nancy your color twenty.
You just won one thousand dollars.

Speaker 5 (30:28):
Thank you, thank you.

Speaker 1 (30:29):
You're so welcome. Where are you calling from.

Speaker 5 (30:32):
I'm calling for Mela And how are you doing?

Speaker 1 (30:35):
How are you feeling.

Speaker 5 (30:37):
I'm a little sad because of the fires, and I
know a couple of people that lost their homes. Yeah,
so I've already made a donation. So this is something
that you know, it's very sad, very very sad, but
I'm glad I was able to help. And now i

feel like I'm getting a bed.

Speaker 1 (31:01):
Well, good for you, and it's one thousand dollars. It's
in the giving that we receive and you just got it.
Thank you so much for having us on too.

Speaker 5 (31:11):
Thank you, Thank you guys, Thank you for all your
help with the fires. I know you guys have been
volunteering at the Dream Center and I've been following you guys,
and that's awesome. Thank you guys so much.

Speaker 1 (31:22):
Nancy, Well, thank you, thanks for having us on and
giving back. It's one thousand dollars. We have it for
you at eight twenty and doing it all week long.
I will do it again and thanks so much from
the bottom of our hurts.

Speaker 10 (31:35):
There's more feel good next on the L and K
Morning Show, Coast one O three point boy, Wake Up
with Ellen K.

Speaker 6 (31:42):
You guys are the best.

Speaker 5 (31:43):
I love listening to you.

Speaker 9 (31:44):
I listen to you every day.

Speaker 4 (31:46):
We love being here with you. Host one O three
point boy.

Speaker 1 (31:55):
Okay. CNN's Aaron Burnett, Meta California firefighter, one of our
very own chen you lost his home in the wildfires
and when they visited his destruction, the destruction of his home,
he ended up finding something very very special.

Speaker 5 (32:12):
What's that?

Speaker 7 (32:13):
What's that? What's that?

Speaker 12 (32:20):
Oh my god, Jim, what's your wife gonna say?

Speaker 5 (32:34):
She didn't know.

Speaker 1 (32:37):
I didn't tell you. I was just.

Speaker 10 (32:39):
Gonna know.

Speaker 8 (32:42):
What. Oh my god.

Speaker 1 (32:49):
This wedding ring. It was right where they looked for it.
That's incredible it is.

Speaker 3 (32:56):
And they were digging through me showing this is where
the baby grand piano used to be, and they were
finding the strings from the piano and the wedding ring
was just nearby. It survived.

Speaker 1 (33:03):
Oh my god, say there are little miracles happening all
over the south Land.

Speaker 4 (33:07):
It's the lank Morning shell.

Speaker 6 (33:10):
It's so good this morning.

Speaker 4 (33:11):
Thank you past one O three point five tough stories.

Speaker 1 (33:16):
Top of the hour, Good morning of Ellen k And
FEMA has activated its critical Needs Assistance program, everything from
one time payments to housing rental assistance, reimbursement for lodging,
home repairs, rebuilding. There's a deadline to apply for those
funds for your home. That's March tenth. The state's going
to kick in some money as well. If your need
and confused. All of this info is up at FEMA

dot gov. And the LA wildfires claimed another victim the
State Farm commercial during the Super Bowl, a State Farm
serving eight million California clients. Last year, the insurance giant
took flak for not renewing many policies due to California
wildfire risks. The Fox Network, which carries this year's Super Bowl,
reported that they sold out every available ad slot. However,

each year a wait list to q in case of
a cancelation like this one with State Farm. Last year.
During the game, Arnold Schwarzenegger appeared in the State Farm commercial,
and he is one of the celebrities who have raised
one hundred million dollars this year for wildfire relief. And
it's a truce. Israel and Hamas have agreed to that
truce as part of the deal to end the fighting.

Fighting is raged in gossip for more than fifteen months,
and more and more giving here in the Southland. Another
round of celebrities and companies stepping up to donate to
fire relief. It is such a beautiful thing. Leo DiCaprio
pledging a million dollars, Doja Cat working with the Red
Cross on a line of merchant All the proceeds would
go to help people affected. YouTube giving fifteen mil, JP

Morgan Chase two million, City National Bank donating more than
three million dollars. So great to see, so proud to
be an Angelino seeing everyone coming together for each other.
And it feels good to say this too. We're sunny,
clear and mild. Hi's around seventy almost everywhere today and
right now at sixty in Burbank, we run on Celsius
Energy drinks. It's KOs Los Angeles Coast, one of three

point five. Wait until you hear Jane, what she's been
through and what is happening in her life now, and
so many great hopers out there. It's coming up here
to feel good on Coasts.

Speaker 7 (35:14):

Speaker 4 (35:16):
It's the L and K Morning Show.

Speaker 5 (35:18):
Thank you so much, Elan.

Speaker 14 (35:19):
I love you guys.

Speaker 9 (35:20):
You guys are the bat.

Speaker 13 (35:21):
You make me happy every day when I.

Speaker 5 (35:23):
Listen to you guys.

Speaker 4 (35:24):
Coast one O three point five.

Speaker 1 (35:25):
Well, this is such a feel good song, you see
clearly now hopefully we are getting there with every day
that passes here in the Southland, and we're the only
K Morning show. I'm Melane, I'm Ryan Mana, I'm Social
Queen Darlene, and we are here to help you. So
if you have a go fund me, we would love
to focus on it and then we're putting it up

on our social media. All I have to do is
get a hold of us. We got you and Jane,
thank you for letting us reach out to you. We've
heard your story. You've been through so much and all
to Dina uh walk us through it.

Speaker 7 (36:03):

Speaker 14 (36:04):
Tuesday night, we I hope I can get through this.
We saw the fire from Afar and it just got
closer and closer, and we my son and husband, we
were homes and we just got all the pictures off
the walls and boxes of photos and a couple of

momenttles of my mom and and we my son came
as they're packing the car up, said we gotta go,
we gotta go, and we got in the cars and
we took started heading down the hill and found a
place to stay that night, two rooms at the Embassy

Suites in Arcadia, which I need to plug. They have
been fabulous this week. They could not do anything differently
to support us. And then so we've been here and
then we got a text from the City of Hope
for they needed blood. So we went down to City

Hope on Sunday and we gave blood. And you know,
and it's just very hard living in Altadena for over
fifty years and they have everything gone.

Speaker 1 (37:27):
We're so sorry, Janie, We're so sorry this has happened,
that you're going through it, and that I mean, I
don't know where you got the strength to get up
and go give blood to help others, but you know
you you're a strong You're probably way stronger than you
think you are.

Speaker 14 (37:45):
Well, I hope so, and I mean the support of family, friends, strangers.

Speaker 1 (37:52):
I know it was hard to share your story, but
it's a really beautiful one and it'll give other people
hope to thank you for coming on with us.

Speaker 14 (37:59):
Well, thank you for listening and having me.

Speaker 4 (38:03):
It's the llen k Morning Show.

Speaker 6 (38:05):
You are awesome. I listened to you guys every morning.

Speaker 9 (38:09):
Anytime I'm in my vehicle, you guys are there to
keep me awake and happy and smiling.

Speaker 1 (38:14):
Thank you for being here with us.

Speaker 9 (38:16):
You guys are the best man no matter what.

Speaker 1 (38:19):
Host one O three point five and she's back, Janie
of Altadena. I just heard from Jamie. Jennie comes back. Jannie.
Thank you. You're always welcome to come on the air.
I know you told your story of the Embassy Suites
taking you and your husband in. You lost everything in
the Altadena fire, and you you wanted to well, you
wanted to thank someone else. And our air is your air, Janie,

so go for it.

Speaker 14 (38:44):
The one story I will quickly tell is we were
in the hotel and we just had the clothes on
her back basically, and this gal in the I think
this is who it was, I'm not even sure, said
what happened? I told her and she said, what size

shoe do you? Shoes do you wear? Blah blah blah.
Next day at the desk, they said they had a
package for me and there were shoes and sweats and
such and I don't even and it said from Cindy,
and I have no idea. So Cindy, if you're listening,
thank you, thank you, thank you.

Speaker 1 (39:23):
Jane and Cindy, You're an angel. Shoes on her feet,
close on her back, A right. Really, anytime anything you need,
you call us. It's eight hundred ninet two ninety AOST
do me a second. I needed to go.

Speaker 4 (39:39):
It's the llen k Morning Show.

Speaker 6 (39:41):
So good this morning.

Speaker 4 (39:42):
Thank you past one o three point five.

Speaker 1 (39:45):
But before I go to our collar on the hotline,
I just want to say. When my husband and I
were evacuated the other night from the Sunset fire, I
got a phone call and a text from a man
and his family inviting us to come and stay with them.
And he's Jacob Imrani. Jacob, I love you so much.

Thank you for caring about us, and thank you for
caring about Los Angeles. Well.

Speaker 6 (40:12):
You know, my love for you and your husband and
your family is unmatched. You especially, you have done so
much for this city and it's important for people like
you to know that when things like this are going on,
that even though people may feel like you're set, that

there are people that are going to be there to
support you and be there for you. And I'm so
glad that you guys are safe, first of all, and
obviously the city, the city is all we got right.
This is what we bleed every single day. And I
could not be more proud of the people of this
city and how everybody has banned it together in order

to help all of these wonders for people that have
lost everything. And you know, I'm just a microcosm of
the people that are out there, you know, held, you know,
giving a you know, lending hand.

Speaker 1 (41:12):
Oh for sure, Jacob. I love what you're doing. You
You've set up shop on the streets of LA to
give free legal advisers. So many confused people and so
many questions, and you are also nourishing them, hydrating them.
And I know how much you love this city.

Speaker 6 (41:30):
Thank you, you know. To be Frank, we went out there.
I was in Altadena with my family. I took my
boys out there last week because I wanted them firsthand
to be involved and see my boys set up a
clothing donation drive with kids I have, you know, I
have from eight years old all the way to sixteen.
So they were collecting clothes and shoes and sports equipment

for you know, kids in their own age. And when
we went out there in order to donate, we were
just taken back. So after that day, I sent my
team out there and I'm out there with them. Today's
going to be our sixth day, and really it was
more about being there to support people. We give donations.
We set up food on the corner of Woodberry and Lake,

and all the homeowners who have not had a you know,
a warm meal have been stopping by and we've had
an opportunity to talk to them. You know, the advice,
the legal advice has kind of been secondary, to be
really honest with you, because I just want to you know,
we just want to have a lending ear for them.

But unfortunately, you know, as you know, the news is
going forward and now you know, they eating fires, they're
saying that they eating fires was caused by a generator
that has exploded. And now those people actually do have
a claim against the electrical companies, and we're talking to
a lot of them. We've had town halls, we've met

with them in their homes, We've met with them in
their famili's home. So Ellen, you know, you and I
have hung out so many times. You know, it's just
whatever we can do to help, that's what we want
to do. And you know, and it's just we wake
up in the morning thinking how much more can we
do because these people, especially in the Eaton area, these
people are they've lived there for thirty forty fifty years

and now they have nothing. Yeah, I mean just nothing.
It's just so heartbreaking. When I talked about it, I
get emotional.

Speaker 1 (43:29):
Yeah, yeah, for sure. Well you are an angel in
the City of Angels, Jacob. We're so happy to know
you and everything you're doing.

Speaker 3 (43:37):
And walk in the walk, yeah, really truly pounding the pavement,
walk in the walk, Jacob. You are La and we
love you.

Speaker 6 (43:44):
Thank you, thank you so much, and we love you guys,
and thank you for all the support you give everybody.
You're the one that we all listen to to bring
a smile on our face and to be able to
take our minds off of everything that's going on.

Speaker 4 (43:55):
It's see Ellen k Morning Show.

Speaker 9 (43:57):
Is this Ellen?

Speaker 5 (43:57):
Because this is sunshine and a wall.

Speaker 2 (43:59):
This is yeah.

Speaker 4 (44:00):
You go to the Morning Coast one O three point five.

Speaker 1 (44:04):
We are show of proud Angelina, so proud to see
everyone coming together and giving back, working together to make
our city so great. Let's go to Valley Glenn. Listeners,
Dye and Neil and Edie, thanks for reaching out. You
have an offer. But are you guys okay? You're good?

Speaker 13 (44:24):
Yeah, thank god, we're okay. We lost power for several days,
but but we're okay. We're offering our home to people
who we need a place to go, and their pets
are welcome to I don't need to know them. If
somebody needs a place to go, they're welcome and their
pets too. We love you very much and may God

bless you and keep you safe.

Speaker 1 (44:46):
No, you too, ed are opening your home to anyone
who needs it, while pets included a glad everyone's okay.

Speaker 9 (44:58):
You need it?

Speaker 1 (44:59):
Hook you Thanks Coast one of three point five.

Speaker 4 (45:04):
It's the Ellen Morning Show.

Speaker 9 (45:05):
Thank you so much for making my morning so much.

Speaker 10 (45:07):
Easier to wake up to Coast one O three point five,
thank you for spending your morning with us.

Speaker 1 (45:12):
Carry Steal is next, and we are loving all the
outreach and all of the help and that you are
calling us that we can hook you up with what
you need and who you need. It's been an amazing,
heart feeling warming hasn't.

Speaker 3 (45:31):
It again again. It's a It's like the domino effect
or the butterfly effect. One just leads to another, to
another to another.

Speaker 1 (45:37):
So good. I'm Ellen, I'm Ryan Mano.

Speaker 3 (45:38):
I'm Social Queen Darlene.

Speaker 1 (45:40):
And we given o a ebony. All right, ebony, you
have help going on right now, an event. Tell us
all about it.

Speaker 9 (45:48):
So this is local and local tw Fibou. We are
a hilate empease. I'm going an American Airlines and we
are hosting a donation drive today only hours from sin
am to six am. And our goal is to provide
relief for our affected employees and local residents and to

give back to our community who lost everything in the
La fire. And we want to spread the word to
get everyone involved.

Speaker 1 (46:15):
Yeah, okay, how do we find you.

Speaker 9 (46:18):
We're at their TWU local on El Segondo.

Speaker 1 (46:23):
And you're right down there by La X. Yes, that's
so nice of you to reach out and let us
know so we can let others know.

Speaker 5 (46:30):
Yeah, amazing.

Speaker 1 (46:31):
Well it sounds busy. It sounds like you're already doing stuff.

Speaker 9 (46:35):
Yeah, and we just want to get more, you know,
just to give back. Most of our workers, they lose
everything in the fire. So this means a lot to
us to be able to give a reaching hand, not
only to our clubs, but to our community to know
that hey, we here, we we're here, We hear you,
we love you, and we want to support you.

Speaker 1 (46:53):
Awesome, great work, Thank you, thank you. Okay, keep it coming.
Eight hundred nine nine kost We love you, La. We
never show up the potny kiss This one from Lin
Manuel Miranda, Happy birthday. Working with other people just make
you smarter. Kiss on three, kiss on me one two three.

Speaker 7 (47:22):

Speaker 8 (47:25):
Listen as your day unfolds. Challenge one the futures. Try
and keep your head up to the sco.

Speaker 4 (47:35):
Love us.

Speaker 8 (47:36):
They may cause you tears. Go ahead, release your fives,
stand up and be counting. Don't be shame to cry.

Speaker 2 (47:45):
You gotta be.

Speaker 15 (47:46):
I gotta be bade. You gotta a bone, You gotta
a wiser, you gotta be hug You gotta be tough.
You're gonna be stronger. You gotta be cool, you gotta be.
I gotta sings again.

Speaker 19 (48:01):
I know all. I'm known the same today. Here what
your mother said, be in the books your father with
France of the buzzels.

Speaker 4 (48:13):
In your row.

Speaker 8 (48:14):
See some may have more cash than you.

Speaker 15 (48:18):
I's take a differ from you, my man. You're not
any dona have a strong or data being wiser.

Speaker 13 (48:32):
You're gonna be high.

Speaker 15 (48:33):
You gotta beat up, You're gotta be stronger, You've gotta
be you gotta saint again.

Speaker 8 (48:42):
And I know one I know saying today

Speaker 13 (48:47):
A question

Ellen K Morning Show On Demand News

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