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July 9, 2024 โ€ข 41 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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The LK Morning Show. I've beenlistening to GO for years. We'll have
your station and enjoy the music andwant to thank you for making my day
every day. When I'm driving onCoast one oh three point five, it
is Coast one to three point five, Top Stories, Top of the Hour,
Good morning and melan K. PresidentBiden sent then posted a lengthy letter

to members of his party saying it'stime for Dems to unit and stop speculating
on his mental fitness. I'll readjust a bit of it here, Biden
writes, quote. The question ofhow to move forward has been well aired
for over a week. Now,It's time for that to end. We
have one job. Any weakening ofresolve only hurts us. Let's unify.
The President reaffirms that he's committed tostaying in the race and will not succumb

to calls for him to step aside. Alec Baldwin's trial starts today in New
Mexico, where the actor is facingcharges of involuntary manslaughter over the fatal shooting
on the set of Rest. Technicallyit's only a jury selection today, but
he'll still be present and the entiretrials expect to last a Max of ten
days. Lots of airline news thismorning. It's official. The TSA says,

we just said an all time singleday travel record. The numbers are
in in. More than three millionpeople passed through airport security on Sunday alone.
Kind of wild that eight of theten busiest travel days ever have occurred
this year. And another black guyfor Boeing. A United seven to five
seven taken off from Lax yesterday lostone of its main landing gear tires moments

into the flight. The craft continuedonto Denver and was somehow able to land
safely. We take you to apuzzled air traffic control that at ten o
one we were just pulled. Atire came off your aircraft. Okay,
stand by, We need you todo an runly inspection on both runlies.
There was a tire that blew acrossrunly from a seventy five that departed.

United says they recovered the wheel nearthe airport and are looking into what caused
you to come unhingedesh okay. Thefirst Place Dodgers are out east opening up
with the also first Place Phillies threeforty start Bobby Miller on the bump,
catch every plane HD in our freeiHeartRadio app. Word is AM five seventy
LA Sports brought to you by LACare for all of LA and triple digits

are back Valleys and I Inland toppingone hundred today for the next three days
and it is sixty eight in Burbank. We run on Celsius Energy Drinks.
It's KMST Los Angeles, Coast oneof three point five. So coming up,
someone's gonna win one thousand dollars yourcash on post just ahead the LNK
Morning Show on Coast one O threepoint five. It's Coast one of three

point five with the oen K MorningShow. Welcome, thanks for having a
sign. We got some cash foryou coming up, one thousand dollars.
Give it to you all throughout theday. What are you hiding from your
partner? I'm Ellen k Him,I'm Social Queen Darling, good morning and
producing micromos. What is it,Darley you left? I'm not joking right

now. I have a miniature deskin my car no that my friend is
giving me. It's an antique desk, beautiful and it's wooden, it's yellow,
and I want it for our livingroom. And it's been there for
four days and it's not the righttime to bring it out yet. He's

asleep, so he's not going tohear this. Okay, but why why
Because she paid for it. Ididn't even ask if like he lets this
or like mad be Okay, shemade a family decision on her own.
He does that all the time tome though, right So, I'm just
waiting for the tomorrow's art wedding anniversary. Oh hey, happy early, And
I was thinking of surprising him withframing a bunch of nice family frames around

that desk and saying, this iswhat I did for you, soft falling
with desk friend my car right nowin the parking garage. You know,
I have a friend who sends allof her deliveries to the neighbor so that
her husband doesn't see the stuff thatshe buys online. They all go next
door, even the ups guys inon it. They have an agree,

They have an agreement that he knowsput it over there. I'll come and
get it later. I think that'sgenius. No, I'm hiding a shoulder
injury. I did overhand pull upsat the gymoulder. Well, this is
an ice pack, so I wasstrained and it really like shooting pain while
I sleep kind of thing. SoI'm gonna go get it looked at.

But in the meantime, I wantedto move a big pot and my husband
said, wait till I get home. Wait till I get home. He's
like, don't touch that. You'regonna re injure yourself. Well, I
moved the pot, and sure enoughI heard something go pop. So I'm
trying to hide this from him.So I'm not icing at home, and
I'm also not like, I can'tgo like that. I can't put my

arms over my head on this rightarm. So if he needs something,
I'm like, could you get that? Yeah, So I'm trying to I'm
trying to hide it. What doyou think is wrong with it? I
mean, like what, I don'tknow today she has a bone out of
her I'm not I'll get a littlebit, just a little bit, but
I'm trying to hide it from him. And right now, Calvin's home,

so I know that they're they're makingbreakfast, they're not they're not listening.
But do you ever hide something fromyour partner and then did you get busted?
It's normal to hide stuff. Itis I think totally before my oldest
brother was married. They were justengaged, living together, and she's like,
Ellen, I want to show yousomething so bad, but you cannot
tell your brother. And she pulledthis big box out from under their bed

and it was this red coat thatshe'd been dreaming about and she'd saved her
money and she bought this red,like beautiful winter coat. And she said,
he will kill me because you knowwe're saving for the wedding. And
then I had to carry that secret. That's innocence. It's a girl like.

That's a girl thing. So yeah, that's true. I'm sure there
are a lot of secrets out there. Are you hiding anything from your partner?
Give us a call. It's eighthundred and ninety two nine Kost.
Speaking of partners, Kelly Rippa gotcalled out big time by the New Bachelor.
You watch The Bachelorette? No,I did, Yes, there was.

I couldn't turn away from it forat least two full minutes. There's
Jen, our new bachelorette, justmaking out with this guy and she gave
away a rose to her favorite lastnight. The makeout happened quick. No,
it was a long, prolonged no, no, no, I'm seeing
quick into the show. Oh firstepisode last night. Okay, yeah,

so just like instant makeout. Ohyeah, like it was almost sophomore.
Oh all right, more on thatcoming up. There's more feel good next
on the L and K Morning Show. Coast one oh three point five.
Coast one oh three point five InsideEntertainment with Ellen k Just ahead of Your
Cash On Coast Elton John really hadto go. He needed to take a

Wii and he was in a Frenchshoe store with his sons. He just
to buy them some sneakers. Theysaid, we do not have a bathroom.
So he went into one of thechanging rooms with his bodyguard and he
relieved himself in a bottle and thenhe came out and he bought the shoes.
He posed for photos and the storeshop owner said, hey, it's
okay, he's Elton John. Hewas super super nice. Rules at the

Bachelorette contestants have to follow. Maybeyou saw it last night the big debut.
Jen is her name, she's ournew bachelorette and at debut last night
on at ABC. Just typical confidentialitystuff, plus the fact they're not allowed
phones or internet. They can't wearcertain clothing patterns. Of Clash on camera,
Kelly Rippa reacted to Jen Tran's shadyquip about meeting Mark Consuelos. Tran

asked this question after Rippa asked whyshe would try to find love on TV?
Where did you meet your husband atwork when it was on TV?
Nose, They're not the same.Those are not the same. We were
both professed. Are you acting onyour depends depends on I didn't. I

didn't marry Matteo Santos, I marriedMarcus. Where do you stand on the
middle one? I think that shetotally felt awkward and uncomfortable, and she
she did the same thing she methim on TV. But Kelly does have
a point. They were acting,but they still met on TV, but
their acting turned into real life love. Huh hmmm. No, No,

let's get some cash on Coast onethousand dollars right now. Enter cash online
Coast one of three five dot comenter cash. You have all hour to
do it to get your cash onCoast. So she was a guest on
their show and she was being rude, then I think, so do you

think that was rude? I thinkthat was rude. I think it was
rude. She shouldn't have called outKelly Ripple like that. Plus it one's
a dating show and the other isa soap opera. Right, and this
is someone from I have. Mysister in law is a bachelorette. Yes,
yeah, oh did she find left? Well she did that? Go
for it's not great since she metmy brother. And right now you can

get a family four pack of ticketsto Wild River's Water Park, Innervine eight
hundred nine nine kost. Let's getyour four pack, Crystal. Thank you
so much for having a son.You are going to Wild River's your color
twenty Oh, oh my god,yeah, it's a four fact for you.

Cool. I'm listening to your upoutside running. Oh you're out running?
How far are you run in today? Just doing two miles and well
jogging walking and then I'm going togo to the gym later after. I'd
take my son to camp. Ohwhat kind of camp. It's Paul Harambe.
It's in Pasadena and they do creativearts, hip hop, dance,

other things. Yeah. Yeah,gotta get him out the house, get
them off us with for a littlebit. There's a camp for everything.
Yes, your son would rather bea homebody. He's a child of covid.
I think he will forever just belike, can I just be home?
Oh? Oh right, can't bea hermit? Yep? Wow,
And I was calling to tell yousomething that I hi for my husband.

What do you hide my shoes?Shoes? Like? How many shoes are
you hiding? I Caamelda Marcos,I'll just not say that. Well,
how does he not know about them? Men don't look at that stuff.
They don't know. I don't care. I've never I've ever in any relationship
I've ever been in. Thought,let me see your shoes? Really ever,

you wouldn't notice packages and boxes?Oh? You guys are free clear,
Okay, I don't even worry abouhiding them. Let's go past one
of three point five The llen KMorning Show follow ad official ellen k oh
Zepic is everywhere now. They're evendeveloping an ozembic for your overweight cats and

dogs. I mean, I havea chubby dog. Now, Ryan,
you have an all natural way toshed some pounds. Something you can make
in your kitchen probably right now.Oh, happiness hack next time, coast,
I feel your happiness hack for life, stuff that just makes you happy.
You're on the ellen K Morning Show. Beautiful sunny day. And here

in Burbank we're blazing. We arethe sun is bright shining through our windows.
iHeart Headquarters, Ryan Mana with yourHappiness Hack for Life, Ellen Dar.
Do you guys know anyone that's cutweight on ozempic? Yes, you
don't have to shut them out?Yeah, yeah, yes, I have
a friend who lost twenty five niceOkay, good well. And this is

in no way medical advice. Okay, in no way, yeah, passing.
There's a new trend on TikTok calledrice zempic. Oh, rice empic.
What's that? It is a drinkthat mimics the effect of ozempic.
We go v these medications? Yeah, makes you semi glue tide. So

here's all it is. Okay.It's one half cup of rice, okay,
one cup of warm water and halfof a line like the juice.
Okay, you let it steep overnightin your fridge and drink it, and
I guess it has the exact sameeffects. It's rice, it's rice water
with lime. That's it. Coastone O three point five. Catch the

L and K Morning Show on demandon the free iHeartRadio app. I guess
at one time Adam Levin had alot to hide from his partner. Remember
those texts that were released and thenhe yeah, then he said Monaco with
the family making it all Dude Youngvia the voices Fall, What are you
hiding from your partner? Plus yourtop stories coming up next time Coast and

It's Coast for three point five thetop Stories Top of the hour. Good
Morning of ellen k Beryl has beendowngraded to a tropical store making landfall across
parts of Texas, knocking out powerto more than three million homes and businesses.
Officials they could take a week torestore Houston, remaining under a flash
flood warning today, emergency crews hadto make three water rescues overnight. Stay

safe, our Texas listeners. Lotsof airline news this morning. There's a
nearly naked man that was tasered andtackled on a terminal. It was Terminal
four at LAX, only wearing shorts. It's unclear how he got there,
but he's been taken in for mentalhealth evaluation. I hope you get some
help. And another black guy forBoeing. A United seven to fifty seven

taken off from LAX lost one ofits main landing gear tires. Moments into
the flights, we take you toa puzzled air traffic control that at ten
o one we were just pulled.A tire came off your aircraft. Okay,
san bus, we need you todo it only inspection. Only there
was a tire that flew across runlyfrom a seventy five. That's departed all

right, and nine wheel has beenrecovered. The investigation is underway. Lebron
James is already coming to the defenseof the son Brawn. He shrugging off
critique over his sluggish start for theLakers in the team's summer league. The
elder James says his son doesn't carewhat anyone says, posts, writes,
or thinks. A trade, headmits, is the opposite of himself.
A triple digits are back Valley Inlandtopping one hundred today and for the next

three solid Cobina ninety five Corona upto one hundred. Right now, it
is sixty eight in Burbank and werun on Celsius Essential Energy Drinks KOST Los
Angeles. It's coast one of threepoint five more of your calls. What
are you hiding from your partner?Yes, you can change your name or
be anonymous. And another one thousanddollars cash on Coast is back. Someone's

going to win it this hour thellen k Morning Show on Coast one oh
three point five. Trying to hidesomething from my Mayan husband, royins Coast
one of three point five. Sohe said, don't move that big heavy
pot, wait till I get home, because you tweaked your shoulder, and
I moved it anyway. I couldn'twait, and just after I promised him

I wouldn't strain, And so nowI'm icing, Yeah, yeah, that's
something a guy would do by youwill Honestly, it's like so out of
character for you. I just wantedto move the pot. Okay, it
had soil in it. You know. I love to go out there and
like I love to cut dead leavesand I love to plant live things and
water them, and you know that'skind of therapy for me. So I

had to move the pot. Icouldn't wait any longer, and then I
heard it. So I hurt myshoulder and I was trying to hide it
from my husband, and then hefound out because I snuffed the freezer packed
into it. I thought ice hereat work and you're wearing it a crossbody
ice wrap because you were stubborn huge. By the way, what are you
hiding from your partner? The mostpopular are shopping items, shoes purchase that

have not been agreed upon mutually,and also burner phones. Surprisingly enough,
a lot of people with burner phonessecret accounts. You know that. One
of the signs that you're made ischeating is they have fake apps on their
phone. So it's an app thatmay say, like, you know,
Photoshop seven or whatever, but it'sactually really a destination for messaging. Yeah,

there are so many things technically anyway, So what do you hide?
And thank you so much for callingus Joe working for the city driving a
truck? Do you hide anything fromyour partner? No, nothing at all?
You answered that a little too badand then laugh. No. No,
I'm in love with my partner eighteenyears so, oh good. Do

you think she hides anything from you? Oh? Probably, I don't know.
I wouldn't want to know, though. Oh that's interesting. Okay,
Yeah, who sings that song?I don't want if you're playing me,
keep it on the low, keepit there's Joe on the low. Have

a great day. Tell you guys, Yeah, thank you. He has
nothing We all hide. You can'tsay that with a straight face, right,
everyone has something that's Mario, right. Yeah, I don't want to
know. Joe doesn't want to know. If you're playing, keep it on

the close. My arm taking ignoranceis bliss. Joe sounds happy. Joe.
I'm sure she's not hiding a thing. Coming up, we're going to
go inside Entertainment. It's a thirtyyear grudge between two A list actors.

Are they ever going to bury thehatchet? And we also have cash for
you. Cash on Coast is backone thousand dollars coming up next, More
feel good is coming up on theL and K Morning Show Coast one O
three point five Coast one oh threepoint five Inside Entertainment with Ellen K.
There's no love lots between Tom Cruiseand Brad Pitt. The tension appears more
obvious now that Brad is creeping intoTom's lane of action films with his F

one movie called F one about racing. Their petty grudge goes all the way
back to nineteen ninety four, theonly movie they ever co starred. Interview
with the Vampire. Brad nearly quit, he said, Tom bugged me.
There was this underlying competition that gotin the way. I started resenting him.
So two days ago in London,Tom skipped the Grand Prix to avoid
running into Brad Pitt, who wasthere to debut the F one movie trailer.

So we'll keep our eyes on thatlittle feud. What about this Taylor
Swift and Travis Kelsey. Has beena year since Travis tried to meet Taylor
at a concert and give her hisnumber. They would later, of course,
you know, start dating become oneof the biggest celebrity couples in the
world. This is a clip fromTravis's podcast from one year ago where he
admits to his brother that he wasnot successful in getting Taylor's attention. Well,

I was disappointed that she doesn't talkbefore or after her shows because she
has to save her voice for theforty four songs that she sings. So
I was a little butt hurt.I didn't get to hand her one of
the bracelets I made for her.And the rest is history. Coast and
it is check entered, checked toin one thousand dollars. Check Coast one

ofthreefive dot com you do it online. It pops up right there in front
of you. It is check foryour cash on coastow and we want to
send you to see Alanis Moore saidat the Forum, and she's there August
tenth. Joan Jet and the BlackHearts are there as well. Morgan Wade.
Morgan Wade's been in the news latelybecause of the Real Housewife's scandals.

Have you guys been following that?I know nothing of all, right,
So you know Kim, Yeah,she's the sister or sister of Kathy Hilton.
I believe she's Parashilton's aunt. Uhright, So she supposedly was having
a with Morgan Wade and that's whatleads to the end of her marriage.
Morris, yep, gotten yep,right anyway, So Morgan Wade will be

there. That was a long wayto get to morning. We want to
send you to Atlantis, Morris said. It's your Ellen KQ and a half
of all men under thirty do notown one of these. Half of all
men under thirty don't own one ofthese? What is it say? One
hundred and ninety two nine kost getyour guesses and we'll get them next coast

one oh three point five. Thellen k morning show. Follow us at
Coast one O three five dot com. It's the llen k Q and A
on Coast one O three point five. Ken, good morning. You are
on your way to work. Doyou love what you do? Yes?
To do? Good? What doyou do? A soccerre engineer? Okay,

Huntington Beach, on your way towork? Ken, Half of all
men under thirty do not own whatI say, electric razor, an electric
razor. I see guys shaving withtheir electric raiser in their cars. Yeah,
we're not making a message to thewhiskers go into a trap. Uh,
some have a trap. Okay.Yeah, but it is messy no
matter what. Okay, it's neverclean clean. Yeah, Ken, do

you Yeah, I'm not in mycar, but yeah I do use electric
razor. Okay, and do youknow how? I use mine? Really
quick? And this is just atip forgot because I like to I don't
shave a lot, so I'll justuse the electric razor to trim it down
and then use a razor razor.Oh, glass hair on the actual race.
Oh that's really smart and it's agreat guess. Ken, It's not

the right answer. Oh shoot,okay, okay, Hi Christina, Hi,
oh are you hey, Christina?We're good. Where are you calling
from. I'm from Okay. Areyou at work? Yes? Thanks for
having us on at work. What'syour guess? Oh? A suit?

A suit? Half Vollment under thirtydo not own a suit? And you,
Christina, are going to Landis Morrisat You're right, I'm on a
scream and it was exciting to wait, isn't it. I have a suit
cat if you are the half thatdon't own a suit, Target carries Hagar.

These are the greatest suits, andthen they put them on sale.
You can get a beautiful suit ingray or navy blue or black for like
eighty dollars. Whoa I know?Yes, I bought one for Calvin.
He used it so much senior yearand I just took it to the dry
cleaners. It looks like brand newLove. Yeah you know that brand Hagar.
It's like old school yeah yeahs yeah. But half of all men under

thirty don't own a suit. Oh. Hagar also has like online sales on
their own website. This should bea commercial, but it's it's not.
Just I just I was just shocked. Yeah, great job, Christina.
We're happy for you. Thank youso much. Thank you so much.
It's a pleasure. That's right.Half of all men out of thirty do

not own suits. One of myfavorite days in forever was shopping with you
for your tuxedo for when I gotmarried. Oh that was wasn't that the
best? I love that I'm seeingyou in a suit. It was so
fun. Can you do it again? Sometime we'll see Okay, probably not.

It's coach to one of three pointfive top stories Top of the Hour,
Good Morning of Ellen k and SpaceXwon an eight hundred and forty three
million dollar NASA contract to destroy theInternational Space Station when the ISS is retired
in twenty thirty. A SpaceX builtspacecraft will guide the space Lab out of

orbit so it properly burns up onre entry. Pretty genius stuff. And
Alec Baldwin's trial starts today in NewMexico, where the actor is facing charges
of involuntary manslaughter over the fatal shootingon the set of Rust. Baldwin is
charged with a single felony count andif convicted, faces up to eighteen months
in prison. You'll recall the movery'sarmorer, Hannah Gutierra's reed was found guilty

and sentenced to that same eighteen months. Baldwin has maintained that he had zero
knowledge that the gun contained a liveround and was only following on set instructions.
Tour de France is going on rightnow and the French Olympics are coming
up, so the bike race cannotget near the Eiffel Tower or the city
because of all the Olympic stuff thathas been built. Also, Celine Dion

came out this morning to say shewill perform at the twenty twenty four Olympics,
after vowing to even crawl to thestage if need be. Triple digits
or back Valley Inlands topping one hundred. Today it was one hundred and twenty
nine in Death Valley and everyone saidstay away, stay away, But more
tourist than ever are still driving throughDeath Valley. But for the next three
days we have triple digit heat herein La and then it looks like Saturday

will be our next bit of relief. Could dip down to eighty five Compton
ninety five year high Castdake. Yougo to one hundred and it's seventy now
and Burbank we run on Celsius energydrinks. Kost Los Angeles It's Coast one
of three point five with your onethousand dollars cash on Coast coming up the
LNK Morning Show on Coast one Othree point five. It's past Malone and

Coast one of three point five.That song was just coming out when Calvin
was leaving the house and I couldn'tlisten to it without bawling. And now
he's graduated, I'm still mind blownand home for the summer. Congrats,
thanks for a little while. Okay, we are the LNK Morning Show,

so thank you for joining us.So thank you Tuesday, keep your thank
yous coming. We love to putyou on the air. Thank w you
like to live? Also, whatare you hiding from your partner? We're
all hiding something. I tried tohide a little shoulder injury. No,
don't say little. You have abone sticking out of yours. It's going
to be fine. It's just atweak. It's just a tweak. So

I've been icing it and the iceactually makes it feel so much better.
But my husband said, don't movethat planter, and I did, and
so then I had to hide theice pack. How is it when you
sleep? Does it? Boh?It's awful. I figured, just curious.
Why don't you want to get help? No, I do want to

get help. I'm going to gethelp. I just I'm not going to
be irresponsible about him getting an Xray today. It's fine, but I've
been making it worse because I didn'tstop. So he was really upset out.
What are you hiding from your partner? Yeah, Robbie, what is
it? Oh? Yeah, Ihide my second phone in the trunk of

my car under the tire. Whydo you have a second phone? And
it's just uh sometimes they touch Okay, Wait now is it a second phone
for other things? Business or pleasure? Robbie? Pleasure? Oh wait?

Where are you hiding it in thetimes of my car under the tire?
I see? Okay. And whendo you go to your pleasure phone?
Sometimes afterwards or before work, themiddle of the day, I see.
Okay. Uh. Is there areason you have to hide it? No,

no specific reasons. Okay, allright, I'm afraid to ask what's
on the pleasure phone? I likethe way he says pleasure, chess.
It's for pleasure. He said itmany times. Robbie. Mm hmmm,
are you hiding that's it? I'mgoing home and checking the trunk. That's

a good hiding spot, it reallyis. Some trunks have trap doors.
That's where you know, like thetire is under the trap door. Yeah,
so you could hide all kinds ofthings in there. Okay, hey,
we have cash. It is comingup. It's one thousand dollars.
Don't miss it. Next more feelGood is coming up on the llen k
Morning Show Coast one oh three pointfive. He's so proud of Nile Horn.

What a guy he is. Liveon tour and we are getting ready
to send you there. It's funny. Last time I saw Nile was over
here at our iHeart Theater in Burbank, and he was so excited. He
came up to me, running upto me and goes, hey, I
meant to tell you I saw Ellenwalking her dog the other day because I
guess he's your neighbor. He wasdriving to the voice and he's like,

I didn't want to yell like amaniac. All right, say I love
that boy, Nile Horran. Heloves to eat cake. He's always fun
when he comes by. I'm gonnasend you a sea now. Oh.
Last time he was here, weplayed Nile or Denial. If it's Nile,
it's true. If it's denial,it's it's fuss, all right,
denial. Your first big purchase afterfinding fame was a miniature horse named Kyle.

No, ridiculous denial. Straight youhad a great nyl and Kyle Island
Kyle. I mean please, Okay, that's a denial, Okay, Nila,
Denial you Nile Horn are releasing aline of bake goods. We know
you like to bake. True denial. No, that's a denial that you're
releasing a line of bake goods callednice to Eat You. I mean,

so you want to say you nowparaphigus just see now. Horan coming to
the forum July twenty seventh, Thismonth eight nine kost collar twenty It gets
Nile. Hey, good morning,you're calling twenty you win. Oh my
god. Oh there's a bunch ofyou in the car. Yeah, me

and my mom, Holy mo.Who is this? Uh? This is
Leonardo. I've been listening you guysfor like all my life. And your
mom's there. Yeah, what's hername? Diana? Hey, Diana,
thank you for strapping him into thecar seat and having us on. How

old are you know? Leonardo turnedfourteen last night? There you go.
You got your deep voice for fourteen. I was going to say that voice
is changing. Oh yeah a littlebit. Well you win Nile Horn at
the Forum July twenty seventh. Yougot a pair of tickets. Yes,

thank you. The feel good continuesnext on the l and K Morning Show
Coast one o three point five.We used to pack the shirts that we
weren't allowed to wear it to schoolin our backpacks, and that would be
hiding from our parents. We're talkingabout what you hide from your partner,
Like I wasn't allowed to wear haltertops. Put it in your backpack and
then change into it at school.Oh, keep your calls coming. What

do you hiding? The ln KMorning Show on Coast one o three point
five, Happy National Dimple Day?Do you have dimples when you smile?
John Travolta, Michael b Jordan,Jen Garner your favorite dimples? Those are
my dimpies? So cute. Well, what are you hiding from your partner?

Want you share your methods? It'sjust really what it really comes down
to is half of people are hidingapps, phones, texts, and the
rest it's random stuff. You know, It's like purchases my friend who sends
all of her packages to the nextdoor neighbor and the ups synthetics. That's
elaborate, that's on it. Ifeel like that's a don't think that elaborate.

If you know your neighbors say,if you don't mind, I don't
know. Hiding should be one step. That's like three or four steps,
because then you have to contact theneighbor, go get the stuff, then
rehide it. My mom when Ishe's gonna be so mad. I'm just
sharing this. When I was younger, she would have me go get the

mail, and if there was likea visa bill, she would have me
put it in a specific drawer.She's still to this day apologizes. She's
like, I think I ruined you. You were doing your dirty and let's
start when we're kids. I know, right makes life fun. Let's go
to Jessica. So you say you'rean expert, what did you hide?
So? I used to work retailand my husband's a teacher during the day.

I work at night. So Iwould shop at night and then leave
my stuff in the locker and thenwhen he went to work, I would
go back and pick it up andhe would never do the bag. But
then if you had something new on, wouldn't he say, oh, is
that new? He's not usually thatobservant. I'd let him like a couple
of them like oh yeah, Ithought this was so, you know whatever,

okay, But then like that acouple of things turned into like five
outfits. Oh wow. So Ryansays, you would ease it in,
ease it in, introduce it slowly, and you know, well thought out.
People always say, well, aren'tyou going to take your stuff home?
Like no, not for my husbandgoes to work. You sneaking out,
Jessica, I'm just gonna sneak itup on you. I'm telling you,

guys, are we don't pay attention? I mean you guys really could
get away with a lot more.I think, guys, I think I
think you don't pay attention. Idon't think you speak for all men.
Right, Wow, stuff goes rightby you. The llen K Morning Show

bottle This is Ellen, yeahs mymorning past one of three point five and
it is Coast one of three pointfive top stories. At top of the
hour, Good morning, I'm EllenKa. President Biden and his aids planning
the seventy fifth anniversary of NATO,which opens this evening in Washington, d
C. And President Biden sent andthen posted a lengthy letter to members of

his party saying his time for theDemps to unite and stopped speculating on his
mental fitness. He reaffirmed to heis committed to staying in the race.
Alec Baldwin's trial starts today in NewMexico. The actor is facing charges of
involuntary manslaughter over the fatal shooting onthe set of Rust. Baldwin's charge with
a single felony count of convicted facesup to eighteen months in prison for the

fatal shooting on that set. Asyou'll remember, the movie's armorer, Hannah
Gutierra's Reid was found guilty and sentencedto that same eighteen months. Recent research
has studied the impact of ginger onyour health, revealing potential benefits for both
men and women. The rhizome isin ginger. It's the underground part of
the stem, has a spicy flavorand is used to treat all kinds of

ailments. Is also good for yourvirility. They say that men and women
I can benefit from eating ginger everyday, giving you enhanced feelings. Enhanced
feelings and it is Shark Week Tonighton Discovery The Deadliest Bite. So a
bunch of doctors get together and scientiststo unbible secrets a bull, tiger,

hammerhead, great white, and rareshark species, jaw mechanics, and then
they delve deep into how these sharksjaws and teeth deliver lethal attacks. Okay,
so it is going to be anotherhot one today. Triple digits up
to one hundred almost everywhere. Westay here for three days, finally cooling
by Saturday, and at seventy twoin Burbank we run on Celsius Energy drinks.

It's Kost Los Angeles, Coast oneof three point five. More money
coming up. Cash on Coast isback one thousand dollars this hour. Let's
make sure you get it. TheEllen k Morning Show on Coast one O
three point five. It all startedthis morning early when I tried to sneak
out of the house with a coldpack on my shoulder, and my husband

said, what is that. Idon't know how you thought you were gonna
sneak out me. You look likean NFL player with pads on huge.
I said, I kind of chokedmy shoulder and you told me not to
move the heavy plant. I did, So anyway, you're gonna get it
looked at though right today, Iam because I know if that were reversed
and I was delaying, you wouldbe on me like I'm on you all

the time. And do you everdo it? No, you don't,
so but I will and I'm goingto do it today. But yeah,
So anyway, so we were talkingabout like what are you hiding or trying
to hide from your partner? Andyour CAUs have been pretty juicy, boebe,
you have a pro tip for usfor hiding purchases. So I go

out shopping and I get the clothesand then I keep hangers and dry cleaning
bags in my car and I hangthem up like I'm bringing dry cleaning.
Oh genius, my god. Sohow often do you do this? Well,

not that often, durnymore anymore.But I used to do it quite
a bit. That is, Ihad never heard of that, the smartest
form of smuggling. Good morning,Coast one of three point five. Thank
you for being up with us.And Ellen, there's Ryan Hey, good
morning, So Queen Darley, goodmorning. You've got friending me, You've

got a friend in me. TheLlen K Morning Show on Coast one O
three point five. I'm the bestmet to the eighties and nineties and today.
Can you believe it was about ayear ago since Travis Kelsey tried to
meet Taylor Swift at her concert andgive her his number. We take you
back one year ago when he talksabout it, Well, I was disappointed
that she doesn't talk before or afterher shows because she has to save her

voice for the forty four songs thatshe sings. So I was a little
butt hurt. I didn't get tohand her one of the bracelets I made
for Well, maybe it was meantto be that way, because look at
you now here she is on Coastone on three point five. It's the
llen K Morning Show. You guys, you're very inspiring. You speak positivity,
you're full of joy and happiness,and in this world, it's pretty

hard to beat that way. Coastone oh three point by, we have
a bachelorette in our ellen K MorningShow. Family. Do you Ryan,
So your sister in law Ali isa former bachelorette. Yeah, she was
early on. I think I don'teven remember what season she was on,
but yeah, she fell in lovewith Roberto didn't last met my brother.
I have two great kids. Ilove her. Yeah, she's so sweet.

Yeah, and now we have Jen, she's our new bachelorette. And
I sampled it last night. Iwas folding laundry actually, and I had
the TV on. I was kindof listening and there was silence for a
long time, and I look overand it was just a long, long,
like two minute makeout session. Itwasn't total silence, but it was
like kissing sound. So I waslike, wow, what's going on.

Well, Sam is one of theguys who wants to win Jen's heart,
and he took a different angle.I thought, wow, this is a
real line. This is something thatthat I'd never heard before. I thought
it was I don't think it's kindof genius. There's something about me and
I would like for you to know, and that is that I am a
virgin. Okay, I love virgin. So I've never been in love.

Okay, Judge, I've never experiencedlove. But what I do know is
that I'll do everything in my powerto see if our love exists. I
see you can use that one,Ryan, Yeah, except everyone knows I'm
not too late. I'm a virgin. I'm a love virgin. I've never

been in I don't even know whatlove is. I'm running that show.
We listen to you every morning onour we to school every day religiously.
We implore you, thank you thepast one o three point bot, thanks
for spending your morning with us.Carrie Steele is next with more cash for

you, your crush on coast.We're the only K morning show. We're
grateful for you and Ellen. I'mright man, I'm social Queen Darlene,
and happy birthday to you if you'recelebrating today, just like Fred Savage and
Jack White. Jimmy Smith's Jimmy Smith'smade the cover of the newspaper that my
mother in law reads, The Chronicle. It comes to her community every morning,

and it's a whole thing about JimmySmith's. He was born Jimmy,
not James. Oh, so Jimmyis on his birth certificate. Interesting,
you very rarely meet a Jimmy atbirth. That's right. I like that
Joyce is now sending you the DailyChronicle every morning. I used to have
a crush on him and I wasa little girl. He's so cute.
It's also Tom Hanks birthday. Welove you Tom and Rita Wilson. You

know Forrest Gump is thirty thirty yearsold, that movie is Where did the
time Go? And Rida Wilson postedHappy birthday to my love. You made
the world a better place the dayyou were born. Bring joy wherever you
go. You are the bringer oflaughs, a lover of vehicles or pretty
much anything shaped like a round bathtub. Your patients for our kids harassing you

about your ignorance of pop culture isadmirable. We love you. I love
you so much and every day.That's from Rita Wilson to Tom Hanks.
Happy birthday, Tom Hanks. Weend every show with a quote and a
kiss, So Tom's going to giveit to us supposed to be your If
it wasn't hard, everyone would doit. That's what makes it great.

Kiss on three, Kiss on meone two three,

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