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August 2, 2024 8 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Trying us not to talk a little bit more about this.
The author of the book The Profit is our buddy,
Ron Stetton is back.

Speaker 2 (00:05):

Speaker 1 (00:05):
Welcome in, Thanks for being here.

Speaker 2 (00:07):
Thank you very much for having me back.

Speaker 1 (00:09):
So it's inevitable. It's not a question of if, but
more of a question of when. The retaliation ping pong
match that continues to play out in the Middle East
will continue again, with Iran now swearing all hell to
pay coming your way soon here. So when you wrote
about what's happening in the Prophet, would you say that
these events are kind of unfolding in Hamas right now

reflecting what you kind of predicted.

Speaker 2 (00:33):
Absolutely, this is happening exactly as it was foretold to happen.

Speaker 1 (00:38):
So what do you think the situation means, you know,
between Hamas and Israel now is that seems to be
the target. But you know, I ran clearly the head
of the snake has now been attacked in their own country.
But they went after the Hamas leader and got him.
But the Ietola is saying, okay, here we go. It's good.
It's going to be much worse.

Speaker 2 (01:00):
Sure, let me give you a little build up as
to what we know Israel is going to do and
why we know it. A month ago, over the fourth
of July weekend, Avigdor Lieberman, who is on the parliament
in Israel, the Knesset, he said this publicly quote without

defeating Iran and eliminating its nuclear program, neither Hezbola nor
Hamas can be defeated. In order to stop the Iranian
nuclear program, which is already in the weaponization stages, we
must use all means at our disposal. And it should
be clear at this stage that it is not possible

to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons by conventional means
end quote. So a month ago he came out and said, look,
we're going to go after Iran's nuclear program. That's the
only way to end this badness. Otherwise war is going
to continue. Then last week, Yahoo, addressing Congress, said this

and one more thing. When Israel acts to prevent Iran
from developing nuclear weapons, nuclear weapons that could destroy Israel
and threaten every American city, every city that you come from,
we're not only protecting ourselves, but we're protecting you. End quote.
So what the Parliament and what NET and Yahoo have said,

it's a change from what they've said the last three
times Netanyah who came to the United States to address Congress.
He came before to say, please join us in ending
Iran's nuclear program, Persia's nuclear program. And this time they've
said we are going to end Persia's nuclear program. And

then of course you've seen what's happened in the past
couple of days. They've gone after the heads of Hamas
and Hezbelah. Yeah, one of those men was responsible for
the nineteen eighty three in Beirut. They killed two hundred
and forty three Americans. He had a five million dollar
bounty of his head. Wow, so we know what's.

Speaker 1 (03:08):
Coming ron before we talk about, you know, the potential
of other nations jumping in here, and also what does
this mean for the hostages. I wanted to get you
to address God's protection over Israel. Throughout the Bible, God
says Israel will not be destroyed. I've got your back,
you know you look at what he says in Isaiah.
I've made you, I will carry you, i will sustain you,

and i will rescue you. So with everything coming at
Israel over the years and what's going on right now,
I still have to land on that God's word is
God's word.

Speaker 2 (03:40):
God's word is God is God's Word. Israel and Jerusalem
belong to God. For four thousand years, we've seen this
play out over and over and over again against all
the nations that have come up four thousand years ago
to today. And God says Jesus Christ said, quote, when

you see Jerusalem being surrounded by armies, you will know
that its desolation is near. What He's telling us is
you and I today and all your listeners. We see
Jerusalem being surrounded by Jerusalem's enemies, by Israel's enemies, by
the Jews, current enemies. We know who they are. We

know who they're led by. They're led by one belief,
one book, one man. Okay, this is happening in a
manner that God said would happen. It's coming from the
north south east west, from the far north of Turkey
all the way over to Iraq and Iran. I mean
it is. It's coming on Jerusalem, just like God said.

So yes, God's word holds, and his people are being
threatened by their enemies, you know.

Speaker 1 (04:50):
And his plan sometimes is so opposite of what we
expect in making things right in our world and in
our own personal lives that it's like, Wow, didn't see
that coming. And I have a feeling that's going to
play out in this scenario as well with God's protection
over Israel. With that said, let's talk about what's happening
day to day and other nations involved in all of this,

you know, with this whole thing going on between Israel
and Hamas until it got ramped up. All of a sudden,
there's a big attack in Iran to get the Hamas leader,
and Aatola says, now you came into our land. Yeah,
get ready, we're now getting involved. So what does that
mean with the other allies of Iran and the Israel's allies.

I mean, the allies on both sides have nuclear capabilities.
Are they blowing the dust off of the big red
buttons right now? And anticipation that this is going to
get ramped up or hopefully not.

Speaker 2 (05:51):
Well, if you combine two of the things that have
been said out of Israel, Natan Yahoo in Hebrew told
his people told the Jews, look, we are in an
existential war. And he believes it. I believe it. We
all see it happening. Islam wants Israel gone, so he says,
we are in an existential war. Evig Dor Lieberman said,

we cannot do this by conventional means only. So Israel
has nuclear weapons and there's only one way to take
out that massive program that Iran has. So when people
say that nukes are off the table, don't be so certain.
Israel's being pushed into a corner. We've got the Obama

law administration that is feckless right now. We might have
ships steaming towards Israel saying we're going to protect her.
But Netanyahu has taken it into his mind that they
stand alone and they're going to have to do this alone.
So they're going to use the big shiny weapons that

he said. He said, we have the most advanced technical,
logical weapons in the world, and he's telling us he's
going to use them.

Speaker 1 (07:05):
What about the hostages? Does this whole thing change now
for them? Are the hostages sitting there going knowing just
what took place in Iran with Israel getting after the
Hamas leader that oh my gosh, we were getting close
to cutting a deal here. Does this all bets off now?
Are they still or is this, you know, push it
further to maybe we do get them out, or is
it worse.

Speaker 2 (07:24):
The very unfortunate thing about this is I don't know
how very close we were to get the seventy living
hostages away from Hamas. But you have to understand Hamas's
army has been decimated, their leaders have been eliminated. Out
of the nine, they have four left and one of
them is underground, living like a mole now sin walk.

So the only card they have left to play or
the hostages. So that will be the very last thing
that happens is releasing the hostages. But it's I don't
see that happening. I don't see peace coming between Israel
and Gaza, Israel and Hezbelah, Israel and Persia, Israel and Turkey,

Israel and Iraq Syria. I mean, all the players right
now are poised against Israel, and unfortunately for the hostages
be the last thought.

Speaker 1 (08:15):
It's going to get worse before it gets better made,
no doubt. Ron Steddin, thank you so much. The book
is the prophet
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