All Episodes

September 12, 2024 • 151 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Bibo five.

Speaker 2 (00:04):
At fifty five r C the talk station, Friday eighty vacation.
I had no idea what was fine, and neither do

ially and a very happy Friday Eve to you, Brian
to I'm s right, you're glad to be and glad
to see joe'sjrec Orerry belongs and neither of us are
going to be here on Monday, parenthetically, Uh Joe, what
are you doing?

Speaker 3 (00:36):

Speaker 1 (00:37):
You're just taking an extra day off? So was the reason?

Speaker 2 (00:41):
Oh, that's right, A wedding you go to. I forgot
sorry about that. It doesn't really matter. Tell the entire
world what Joe's doing on Monday. And I also have
an event that I'm attending and therefore nobody here normally
uh here on Monday. Anyway, that aside, what do we
got going on today? Americans for Probably Ferdy Deputy state
director Tim Ross joins the program at seven point thirty

talking about don In for Donovan and Neil the Southwest
of high endorse candidates. We'll talk and we'll do a
run through on those. It was good to see Americans
for Prosperity representative of at the Northeast Republican Women's event
again I was invited to that. It was a wonderful
thing to go to that. Nick Noele invited me after
I had him on the Morning show on Monday with
about his new book, which you can get on the

blog page fifty five care sea dot com, where you
can also get the podcast for all the conversations we
have throughout the week and your iHeartMedia app so you
can listen to the program wherever you happen to be
on your smart device fifty five care sea dot com.
For that eighth five, Todd Moore can be talking about
a bourbon tasting opportunity to meet Pete Rose event at
eight oh five and the proceeds for that event benefiting

the Help Squad, which is a great charity. We've had
Help Squad on the program many times and they do
wonderful work in the community helping folks out who are
in well.

Speaker 1 (01:57):
A bit of need.

Speaker 2 (01:58):
Jay Ratliff, it is Thursday, we get I heard need
the aviation expert Jay Rattle of every thirty Every Thursday
at eight thirty. Today, serious safety incidents leading the Southwest
Airlines additional pilot training. Airlines could face face cash fines
for preventable flight delays and nine to eleven memories on

things done that day that had never been tried before
or since. And then we always close out on hub delays.
That is the eight thirty segment with Jay Rattler. I
always enjoy talking to Jay, and I hope you enjoy
hearing from Jay as I do. I always enjoy hearing
from you as well, So feel free to call it
was a wonderful thing. You have everybody chime in on
the presidential debate yesterday because I was so short on sleep. Yes,

I went to bed very early last night and tried
to catch up on it. Five p one three, seven, four,
nine fifty eight hundred and eight two three Talking with
nine five fifty on AT and T phones one of
the things that was kind of focused on during that debate.
Oh and it's hilarious. But I know you've my listeners
have probably seen it. I know we all noticed during

the debate about the fact checking that the moderators did
for Donald Trump but stayed away from as far as
Kamala Harris is concerned. Depending upon which news source you're
looking at, it was either seven times or five times
that they fact checked Trump, and it didn't fact check
Kamala Harris at all, and then you got headline twenty

five lies Kamala Harris told them a debate against Trump.
Let us see here another outlet bright part in this
particular case, twenty one false claims and hoaxes by Kamala
Harris that ABC's debate moderators did not fact check. So
depending on where you are, the number varies from time
to time in terms of the lies or misstatements that

either were or were not fact checked. So a lot
of them, and you could go through them independently, but
that number is quite the moving target. And I just
got to chuckle about that. This more what I do
not get a chuckle about. And I alluded to this
the other day and I have in the past, because
it's a fundamental principle of Marxism that you ruin the

middle class. If you have a happy middle class, Marxism
doesn't take hold. You have to have an unhappy, unhappy
middle class, a dwindling and smaller middle class. It pushes
folks over onto the government reliance side of the equation.

That's the point government control. That really is all Marxism
is about. I mean, I understand theory of Marxism, from
each according to his ability, to each according to his need,
and you know, there's no government really everybody shares equally,
which is a bunch of crap. Someone's got to have
an organized system in place, and those are the ones
who become the lords and masters the wealthy. Look at

any prior Marxist system or purportedly Marxist system. There are leaders,
and they live lavishly, and they spend lavishly, and they
somehow manage to do a hell of a lot better
than the general population. Look at North Korea, for example.
I won't call it necessarily Marxism, but you've got a
leader who eats a lot and lives in grand palatial

estates while the population literally starves to death when you
go to a man's plaining the explanation of the realities,
but that's historically the reality of it. All the people
suffer collectively, while the lords and masters in this so
called you know, from each courti's ability to each courty's

need regime, do not struggle and do not starve. They
live like kings. It's more like a feudal system, although
there were layers in the feudal system. But back to
the middle class, how in America do you end up
choking off and making miserable and unhappy the middle class. Well,

we're living in right now inflation and it just chips
away little by little your disposable income. It chips away
little by little what you have left over at the
end of the day that would allow you to dare
I use the word consume, and we all know the
left hate consumption. I think that's what this whole you know,
green crap that we're being sold is all about reduce consumption.

And big on everybody's problematic list is the rate of
inflation and the cost of just merely living.

Speaker 1 (06:37):

Speaker 2 (06:37):
We have a reduced level of inflation so far, it's
down to two point five percent as of August twenty
twenty August of this year, but we have all have
stretched budget compared with four years ago. Are you better
off now or were you are off four years ago?

Overall prices are up about twenty one percent. Joe, Have
you gotten a twenty one percent raise since twenty twenty?

Speaker 4 (07:12):
Now? Right?

Speaker 1 (07:13):
I know me?

Speaker 2 (07:13):
Neither AA's Fox News did the breakdown on Fox Business
food and grocery prices. It's just broken down in our categories.
Food and grocery prices have arisen twenty two point eight
percent in the last four years. Meat prices up twenty

two point six, egg prices up sixty point seven percent,
in part because you know, not just inflationary raality's brought
about by the Biden administrations over spending and infusing trillions
of dollars into the economy. But yeah, the av and
influenza impacted production as well as rising costs for feed, energy,
and labor, which feed, energy and labor all driven in

law large part by regulatory realities in the green pursuit
and zero emissions and all that they don't have to
go up energy costs, but they have. What else other
food categories have see more modest price growth? Oh, darry
only up sixteen percent, fruits and vegetables only up thirteen

point eight percent, The cost of shelter up twenty three
point four percent since August of twenty twenty.

Speaker 1 (08:31):
That includes rent.

Speaker 2 (08:34):
Energy costs, going back to energy broken down as a
specific category. You and I are all feeling that I've
seen my bill go up dramatically. I'm not using that
much more power, least I don't think I am. My
bill has certainly gone through the blanket roof. Energy costs
have increased forty two point four percent over the past
four years. For those who rely on fuel oil, sorry,

I have to observe and just put it stark terms.
Sucks to be you. Fuel oil up seventy point three percent.
Good luck keeping your homewarm this winter. New vehicle prices
up nineteen and a half percent. Use cars and trucks

up seventeen point nine percent. Auto insurance guard your loins,
Folks in Springfield apparently dealing with this Mike DeWine sending
some police officers to teach people how to drive. I'll
get to that in a moment. Up in Springfield, auto
insurance prices have jumped fifty two point four percent since
twenty twenty. Overall price increases for gasoline up fifty two

point nine percent over the past four years. Again, step back,
has your salary gone up even close to that amount?

Speaker 1 (09:52):

Speaker 2 (09:55):
Actually, healthcare costs a lot slower increases. I was shocked
to see the only up seven point four percent since
August to twenty twenty, although, however, prices for hospital services
are up seventeen point eight percent. And then, finally, in
the area of education, apparently tuition fees for various levels

of schooling up seven point nine percent compared to four
years ago. And speaking of iHeartMedia aviation expert Jay Ratlu,
who joins a program at eight thirty, Airline fares are
jumped twenty one point seven percent since August of twenty twenty.
So across the board, everything is that we really need.
You know, some of these kinds, Well, I just won't
buy eggs because they're up sixty percent. Fine, save yourself

a few bucks going to Kroger. But everything else around
you is up twenty plus percent. At least obviously you
have a reduced ability. There's nothing left over by way
of cushion. The smile on your face that comes from
having extra disposable income, the joy the middle class can
have as a result of having some left over income

reduced substantially, and much of it is unnecessary. I go
back to the outrageous increase in energy cost. Do you
really believe that the cost of energy has jumped that
much just on a regular economic analysis, a normal economic analysis,

laws of supply and demand. Yeah, it's been influenced by regulation.
When you tell people you can't do something, when you
force people to do something they otherwise wouldn't do. When
you have to create an industry not driven by what
you and I want, but driven by the lie that

somehow our mere existence is killing the planet, you force
people into this realm that they wouldn't buy choice go to.
And that is like the again green energy seas of
windmills and seas and farms filled with solar panels, all

of which none of us would have asked for. Because
you know what, give me a damn nuclear plant. It's
gonna produce far more energy than the entire world full
of windmills and solar panels. We can't have that. Why regulations.
We can't have an efficient producer of energy because regulation,
regulation driven by climate change. Someday, just sit down and

think to yourself, if you took climate change out of
the general discussion, what an amazingly different world and what
amazingly different place we would be in right now In
so far as like inflation, for example, you wouldn't have
to pay four and a half dollars a gallon for
a gallon of gasoline. It'd probably be like a buck

twenty five or something. If you take climate change out
of the equation. Just try to keep that in the
back of your mind when you're listening to any conversation
you listen any you know, talking head politician, someone who's
pushing forward some sort of agenda, does it include some

connection with climate change? In most cases anymore, it does.
And that one concept that somehow you and I are
can effectively alter the direction of the temperature when the

sun drives it. Largely the ebbs and flows of of
of temperatures over the course of millennia demonstrate that it
happens all the time. It gets colder, it gets warmer.
It is a gradually changing thing over time that has
no connection with humanity. That's going to happen anyway. But

they've sold you this lie that somehow, by passing a
lit or a bill that forces you into an electric
vehicle in the name of climate change. And when you
look behind the veneer of even that preposterous suggestion that somehow,
by driving an electric vehicle you're going to save the planet,
when you look what went into building that electric vehicle, Ah,

it's insanity. The economic or the environmental damage done by
what goes into the electric vehicle sort of literally offsets
any benefit you get from not having carbon dioxide or
monoxide coming out of the tailpipe. I mean, the whole
thing is preposterous. It's insane, but you know, it's quite
revealing when you see the impact that just climate change

has had, or the concept of it has had on
what we have to pay to heat and air condition
our home or drive around. And it goes way beyond
that five nineteen, coming up a five twenty. Sorry for rambling.
Foreign Exchange. Speaking of automobiles, I drive an internal combustion
engine car and from time to time I need my
oil change, and I got a foreign exchange where I

save two hundred dollars. Bottom line is the bottom line,
and that's what it's all about. A foreign exchange. Awesome
mechanics and great people they are too. Austin and this
team of ASSI certified Master technicians are going to take
great care of you. Austin and his team at the
Westchester location to Foreign Exchange is one. I'm recommending Tyersville
Road exit off seventy five, head east two streets and
you are there, hanging right on Kingland Drive and you'll

see it right in front of your face. That's the
team at Foreign Exchange and the really it is saving
you money, and the cost of repairing automobiles has gone up,
speaking of inflationary realities, just like everything else. So why
not keep some of that money in your pocket. Don't
take it to the dealer. Get on into foreign exchange.
Learn more, go online to foreign X four in the
letter X dot com the number for the Westchester location,

and please give them my regards if you don't mind.
Five to one three six four four twenty six twenty
six five one three six four four twenty six, twenty six.

Speaker 5 (15:57):
This is fifty five KRC and Heart radio station.

Speaker 2 (16:01):
Talkstation two to three Talk five to fifty on AT
and T phones in the many remaining minute of the
segments since it went really long, babbling in the last one. Uh,
California speaking of gasoline, let us see here. In an
effort to resolve their states serious energy challenges, Governor Gavin

knew Some called for a special session over the weekend
after the Assembly rebuffed his efforts to pass an energy package.
California governor is planning to propose legislation requiring oil companies
in California to amass stockpiles of gasoline and other evil
petroleum fuels to prevent supply shortages. And price bikes during

refinery outages. They say such reserves would shield Californians to
already pay some of the highest pump prices in the nation. Why,
going back to the economic reality, you know how damn
expensive it is in California, it's because of all the
regulations and the taxes. If they weren't such a heavily
regulated state and their taxes weren't so high, people in

California woul't have to pay six dollars a gallon.

Speaker 1 (17:10):

Speaker 2 (17:12):
It's human intervention into market forces that have caused that. Anyway,
they got higher gas prices, and so they are forcing
or want to force Chevron among others, to amass stockpiles
of gasoline, which I suppose during election years, and I'm
just I'm just speculating on this, the governors in the
Democratic state, in an effort to get re elected, will

merely tap into these sources to lower the price of
gasoline in advance of elections to make it look better.
Taking a page out of Joe Biden's book, which is
to tap into the strategic Petroleum oil reserve in order
to lower gasoline prices before the election shows up five
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Speaker 5 (18:57):
Fifty five KRC one.

Speaker 2 (19:00):
Three seven fifty five hundred, eight hundred eight two three
talk found, five fifty on AT and T phones, and
fifty five kose dot com for the podcast page. Check
it all out right there. Let us see you got
local stories to dive on into and other stuff related
to this climate. So I don't know, I got off

to the climate change tangent. The powers out all over
Los Angeles from time to time for a variety that's
exactly the same reason. Oh and the other thing is
I can throw it in since again I was talking
about climate change and the insanity around it. They're cutting
down thousands of Joshua trees in the Mohave Desert. Joshua trees,

which are considered, you know, an endangered species.

Speaker 1 (19:46):
Basically they're protected.

Speaker 2 (19:47):
And yet because they want to build a solar panel
farm in the Mohave Desert, it's okay to cut down
thousands of these Joshua trees. And there's a big, you know,
protest thing going on about it. Twenty three hundred acre
government approved planned to produce clean energy with solar panels,
and in order to do that, you got to cut

down all these Joshua trees. Does this make any damn
sense to anyone?

Speaker 1 (20:14):
I'm sorry.

Speaker 2 (20:16):
A school bus driver and an aid for bright local
schools have been charging connection with abuse allegations against Joe.
We may have an award to give out here in
the local stories against special needs students. Roy Hansford, a
bus aid, charged with assaultant and endangering children. Bus driver
Marilynd Gross charged with complicity. According to the court documents,
Hillsboro police officer took a report of four functionally impaired

students being physically abused in August. An investigation by the
Highland County Sheriffs Office reported that Hansford was recorded by
an aid threatening to hit students with a flyswatter. The
aid and training also recorded him stating that he used
the fly swatter on two special needs boys because quote,
I don't feel like they can tell on me close

quote court to the court arguments, these two boys are nonverbal.
Four boys rode on the bus to wide Oat. Two
other students attended Hillsboro High School. Detective spoke to one
of the victims who said Hansford hid him and other
students with the fly swatter, and grossnew of the abuse
court Dogumans say the school superintendent found the.

Speaker 1 (21:22):
Fly swatter on the bus.

Speaker 2 (21:24):
Bright Local Schools provided a statement of Fox nineteen Thank
you Fox nineteen's Courtney King for reporting the district is
where the incident involving one of our substitute transports staff
transportation staff and at this time an active law enforcement investigation.
We were unable to provide further information. At this time,
Pride Local Schools has taken appropriate action and our primary
concern remained for the safety and well being of our students,
staff in community. You know, I've read so many statements

like that, it's almost like you memorize them. After any
incident happens, send it over to legal, prepare a statement,
and basically say the same thing they always say, We're sorry.
All these students are important to us, and an investigation
is going. Let's see here, don't do this. There you
go by forty coming up at five forty one at
the draftcar se decalk station.

Speaker 1 (22:08):
That is stupid. Otherwise you can feel free to call
talk to you.

Speaker 2 (22:10):
If I went three seven, four nine fifty five hundred,
eight hundred eight two three talk found five fifty on
eight and ten phones and into this deck. I stupid,
we go got A California mother allegedly passed out drunk
in her car while her three year old daughter died
in the backseat in one hundred and four degree temperatures.

Sandra Hernandez, forty two years old, had several bottles of
alcohol in her Ford expedition when a relative found her
and her daughter inside it last Friday's scorching weather and Anaheim.
Both rushed to a nearby hospital, where hernandez daughter Ili Ruiz,
was pronounced dead from heatstroke. Mom previously lost two sons,
five and nine when a drunk driver plowed into her

tent on a camping trip. Was passed out inside the
suv with the bloody flo whole content nearly four times
the legal leomen. According to local news, authorities do not
suspect I know, do not suspect it was an attempted
murdered suicide. Charged mom with involuntary manslaughter and childigg now
facing up the twelve years in prison of convicted on
all charges. The father of the grieving father, that's how

he's described. Juan Ruiz, speaking with News, said his estranged
wife turned to drinking while suffering from depression. That's a
sad thing, said, I told her family that she needed help,
but nobody listened to me. He said, in my heart,
it was not done intentionally, but it doesn't change the
fact that she did it.

Speaker 1 (23:35):
This is my only girl.

Speaker 2 (23:36):
I never expected to have a girl, said, I named
her Ali, which stands for I Love you il Y.
Currently being held on one hundred and fifty thousand dollars bond.
Go to Chesterfield, Virginia. I got a lesson to learn here.
A loaded gun stored in the oven. Yeah, you know

what's coming, fired off five rounds after getting over heated.
According to authorities, Chesterfield firefighters do I know, because they're idiots.
What the hell? Chesterfield firefighters responded to call regarding a fire.
When they got there, they opened the oven, found a
gun inside. Fisial said someone to turn the oven on
while it was in there. The gun overheated, five rounds

went off. Please do not store guns or anything else
in your oven, the statement said. Fortunately nobody was hurt.
The official said, keep them somewhere secure, like a gun safe.
Now there's an option, Yeah, let's let this guy share

in the Biggest Douche of the Universe awardare Joe strecker.
Police have arrested a volunteer firefighter for allegedly starting deadly
forest fires in Chili. L E s Antonio Salazar, thirty nine,
accused of deliberately starting blazes because he wanted to be
a hero. Killed one hundred and thirty seven people, destroyed
two thousand holmes triggered an official state of catastrophe around

the central beast reort resort of Vignyad de la Mar
Back in February, Salzar third person to be arrested in
connection with the fires, which prompted the Chilean present to
declare all Chili is suffering and crying for its dead.
Two other suspects who've been in custody since May, Francisco
Ignacio Mondaka, and another volunteer fireman, Franco Pinto, apparently worked

for the National Forest Agency there. Pento accused of being
the instigator because he wanted to earn overtime. The three
alleged to have co coordinated throwing Litz cigarettes from their
cars onto bone dry vegetation at least three different spots.
They hatched a plot at the height of the southern
summer amid record heat waves. Scientists blamed the high temperatures

on El Nino, and of course climate change. Following his arrest,
Salzar fired from his job. Of course, National Disaster Prevention
Response Agency kicked him out. Senor Detectives, being a journalist,
said the Salazar's main motivation was that he liked to,
in their words, participate and be a hero, helping out

once the emergencies were happening. Jeezu Loiz, Well, that's why
it's in the stack of stupid, right, OHC. I know
cancer sucks. Everybody knows cancer sucks. At least we have
a point of something we can all agree on. And
I do recall the day I got the cancer diagnosis.
It's not a great day in your life. If you've

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And I'm thankful to have a friend like Joni who
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I have been treated by OHC. And if I make
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Thank you OHC for doing what they'll do for you,

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I'm glad I turned to OHC and you will be too,
or turn to them to get a second opinion either way.

The number is eight eight eight six four nine forty
eight hundred eight eight eight six four nine forty eight hundred.
Learn more online, it's ohcare.

Speaker 5 (27:22):
Dot com fifty five KRC.

Speaker 2 (27:27):
For the weather, we have a sunny day early today,
cloud to show up sometime later in the day. It's
going to be a high of eighty five down to
sixty three every night with a few showers possible, chance
of showers tomorrow mostly cloudy.

Speaker 1 (27:37):
Sky's eighty two.

Speaker 2 (27:38):
Overnight low is sixty four with more showers possible, and
a partly sunny Saturday with a high of eighty five
fifty eight degrees. Right now, it's about krsty Falk station
time for traffic.

Speaker 1 (27:49):
From the UCL Tramfhic Center.

Speaker 6 (27:50):
Substance dependence is a treatable medical disease that affects both
brain and behavior. You see health addiction Sciences can help
call five one three five, eighty five, eighty two two seven.
Frying on the highways to start off your Thursday morning
sathbound seventy five doing fine, passed Union Center. That good
traffic continues right on down to the lateral inbound seventy fourth.

Thought a problem at all past Montana chuck Ingramont fifty
five krc DE talk station.

Speaker 2 (28:19):
By fifty fifty five KRCD talk station Friday, EU team returning.

Speaker 1 (28:25):
To the stack is stupid.

Speaker 2 (28:28):
Flint, Michigan got a bride and groom from Michigan arrested
after police see the groom intentionally hit his groomsman with
an SUV after the wedding.

Speaker 1 (28:37):
Why are you doing that?

Speaker 2 (28:38):
Causing his death? Neck tattoo guy too? On top of it.
Flint police Defarman said officers were called reports of a
pedestrian injury eight pm Friday. Police showed up found twenty
nine year old Terry Lewis Taylor Junior with severe injuries,
taken to the hospital where he died. Further investigation from
police reveal the Taylor had attended a wedding as a
groomsman earlier in the day, and after the wedding he

was involved in an argument that allegedly led him to
being intentionally hit with an suv driven into high rate
of speed the groom. According to police, twenty two year
old Jeames Shira was driving the suv, charged with second
degree murder being held without bond. His wife, twenty one
year old Savannah Collier, charged with accessory after the fact,

which is a fellow in her bond, said at four
grand you know what really bothers me about that, Joe,
you asked the question in my language in the SoundBite,
why are you doing that? That It wasn't reported the
why we got, the when, the where, and the how. Sadly,

the reporting didn't include the why. Newton, Georgia, a pair
of Georgia parents outrage after their six year old daughter
walked around her school for several hours wearing only T
shirt and an underwear and underwear. Alvasha Daniels said she
sent her six year old daughter Ali out to school
fully clothed, but when she got home, she wasn't wearing

her shorts. Said she was mad, but more shocked than anything.
After calling the school, said they learned their daughter was
walking around the school dressed only in the T shirt
and underwear from noon until three pm. Dad said, how
can you look over my six year old daughter in
just a T shirt and panties, socks and shoes for
three hours? Legitimate question. School principal said the whole situation

was an accident and said we heard We've.

Speaker 1 (30:24):
Never had this happen before.

Speaker 2 (30:25):
That day, the school hosted a chalk party where students
clothes got dirty. All these parents were asked to bring
her a shirt change into Ali said she forgot to
put her shorts back on when she was told to change.
Teacher apparently didn't realize she was She didn't have anything on.
Her shirt was long, going almost to her knees, according
to the principal, and she was not fully exposed or

anything like that. Throughout the day what happened. They have
looked at school cameras to make sure nothing happened to Aliowah,
she didn't have any pants on. In Loco Pere, tow
truck driver in San Antonio under investigation after towing a
car with a five year old girl inside. Please said

the car was legally towed from a private parking lot,
but it is illegal to tow a car with someone inside.
Described as a scary situation for the San Antonio mother
when in only five minutes her daughter was gone in
a towed vehicle only because of a good smart and
she was found a mere three miles away in the towyard,

crying and screaming. According to a person named gil Gilbert
Ramirez said he was finished doing his laundry when he
noticed a screaming pregnant mom in the property of the
apartment complex. I said, well, what's wrong, man, She said,
my baby. Dolores Buiso said she helplessly watches her car
was being towed away with her five year old inside,

tried flagging down the tow truck driver.

Speaker 1 (31:52):
By then it was too late.

Speaker 2 (31:56):
Somebody who also lives in the apartment complex said she
was gone five minut that's or less to see if
a family member was home. Cars, hazard lights and air
conditioning were on when she left the car with the
five year old inside. Wow. Talking about an over zealous
tow truck company. Right there, we got a bat. In Luis, Louisiana,

a mom of a student got into a fight with
other students after being let into the school through the
side door. According to witnesses at the school, the fight
took place at Idea Bridge and Baton Rouge, Louisiana at
seven o'clock in the morning. Baton Rou's police department responded
to the incident instead of still investigating and charges her pending.
Corporal Saundra Watts with the police department, it confirmed that

a mom was on campus and was let through the
side door in the school's gymnasium, and that mom participated
in a fight. A student, Jennick Brown, said she was
defending herself against another student, his sister, and his mom
said she's threatening her and saying, oh, let's go outside
and fight. Come on, we're gonna fight. Stuff like that,

you know, just threatening her and then everything just starts
popping off and I got hit.

Speaker 1 (33:10):

Speaker 2 (33:11):
Joe Jenique's mother, Yeshika Brown, said she was worried for
her children's safety at the school. Of course, Local News
reached out to the public school and ask what security
measures were in place and if there was any security
guard or staff member responsible for supervising this student. Janik
said there was no one in the room to stop
what happened. On the school's website, the district ensures all

campuses are closed, meaning visitors can only enter through the
front door. But I'm going again let her in through
the side door that never have happened, and she hopes
to see drastic changes to the security and safety at
the school. Five and the why isn't there either, Joe?
Why was she beating up students? And would anyone with

a measure of sanity enter his school and start beating
up children? I would think, no, stick around. We' got
a lot more talk about in six o'clock. I would
love to hear from. If you've got something you want
to talk about, feel free to call. I'll be back
after the news.

Speaker 7 (34:11):
Thankan shrumps wack thing.

Speaker 6 (34:12):
Change your cards the twenty twenty four election, it doesn't matter.

Speaker 1 (34:17):
This is gone on fifty five KRC the talk station.
Are you dreaming of a smile? That is his?

Speaker 2 (34:25):
Orberft five KRC dot com, Get your Heart mediapp why
over there and listened to the podcast My Conversations with
Congressman Thomas Massey and Judgenna Paul Tunnel from yesterday. Massey
outlined a great strategy for that continuing resolutions to a
one year cr and we'll have an automatic one percent
cut come April. That's a great idea that would reduce
our station spending, which is parenthetically outrageous. Anyway, It's been

delayed though, but not for that particular reason. At least,
it hasn't been widely reported that Republicans woke up and thought, Hm,
conresson MESSI has an excellent idea. Anyway, we'll see if
we don't have a government sh down in our hands
in advance of the election, and what else might happen
in advance of the election. Yeah, I'm you know, they
always call it the October surprise. But we have such

so many nefarious actors in this world these days, and that,
you know, you kind of worry about something really pretty
terrible happening. One of the things that could happen cyber
attacks on our power system. And there's a report here
about the number of cyber attacks on US utilities just

blew through the roof, up seventy percent this year. US
utilities facing ears seventy percent jump in cyber attacks. That's
reported here Reuter's reporting on this one compared to last
year over the same period of time. According to data
from Checkpoint Research, utilities and power infrastructure across the United
States are increasingly vulnerable because of grid expansion and rapid

expansion to meet the surging power demand. Going back to
my comments about global warming and oh my god, we.

Speaker 1 (36:03):
Need more power, more power.

Speaker 2 (36:05):
Not more power from windmills and solar powals, damn it,
more power from small, highly high electricity producers. Please dear God,
give us nuclear plants, modular nuclear plants. Moving away from that,
they say utilities are now low hanging fruit for cyber
attacks because many of the utility companies use outdated software.

Would they please call up Dave Hatter from interest it
and get them on the job or someone who knows
something about cyber attacks. So far, none of them have
crippled any US utility, but industry experts, according to Rutters
reporting warning a coordinated attempt could be devastating. And what's

on my mind as I pause about coordinated attempts, I've
got a lot of details on it. The southern border
immediately comes to mind because of the number of illegal
immigrants coming across, many of them are already on a
terror watch list. And the expansion of this one Venezuelan
gang trendyar Agua, the one that's taken over all these
migrant centers, the one who are now well organized.

Speaker 1 (37:13):
They expanded into the United.

Speaker 2 (37:14):
States over a mere four year period, now representing one
of the bigger gang threats in the United States. Why
open borders.

Speaker 1 (37:24):

Speaker 2 (37:24):
These guys are interested in trafficking and human beings and
drugs fentanyl. They're gang members what somebody called them, uh
trying to figure the source for that. One federal official
pointed it out and called them MS thirteen on steroids.
You may be familiar with MS thirteen one. That's been
a gang that's been around, well organized, well established. These

guys are worse. But I point to that gang, and
I wouldn't necessarily immediately think that this particular gang or
any of these other drug related human trafficking high criminal
enterprises would be interested in shutting down our country through
a cyber attack. But when you see the words coordinated attempt,

and the and energy officials are worried about it, and
experts in cyber are worried about it because of all
the holes they find in our utility system, the Internet
of Things related connections, which are a real, real, real
problem in terms of cybersecurity, as Day points out all
the time, and these officials in this most recent warning

pointed out as well that we have terrible human beings
in the world that do want to harm us and
hurt us. Pick an enemy of the United States as
we traditionally define them, North Koreans, Russians, the Chinese Communist Party,
you know, engaged in hacking efforts twenty four hours a day,

seven days a week. Hell, the US officials found planet
software within some of these very critical infrastructure companies, and
that had been in there for a long time. And
oh lo and behold, look what's here just waiting to
be triggered by some foreign actor when they deem it
an appropriate time. Maybe it's the day they launch a war.
I don't know. But if they were to get in

there and plant something and we found that, what about
all the stuff we haven't found? You think we'd wake
up to the reality of the other problems and moving
away from a cyber attack on a US utility company
coordinator otherwise nefarious actors aside? What of all of the
because those can be done remote control from afar, Right,

you don't have to be physically present in the United
States to launch one of these cyber attacks. But what
about all the people who are physically present, moving and
focusing on specifically our electric power generation. It has been
demonstrated and has been documented that it doesn't take a
whole lot to shut down any grid because you can
take a gun or a bomb or basically it's simple

just shoot it at one of those transformer stations. I
know that that is boiling it down to its most
basic realities. But if you have eggon or if you
have something and you can get access to one of
those stations which we all see and you know, around
any given neighborhood, it doesn't take much to blow it up.

And speaking of coordinated attacks, you get a bunch of people,
like all the people they lit in from the terror
watch list. Biden Harris administration released, accord to the House
Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration and Integrity, Security and Enforcement, that
since the beginning in twenty twenty one, Biden Harris administration
released at least ninety nine illegal aliens who are on

the terror watch list. They're now residing in the United
States of America. But you know that's just nine of
like twenty million who are among the twenty million? Are
they do they embrace the United States of America? Are
they here for positive? You know, I want to get
a job, I want to participate or are they here?

Maybe among the thirty three thousand, I'm sorry, thirty three thousand,
three hundred and forty seven Chinese nationals who have come
across the border during ready fiscal year twenty twenty four,
which I think is up in October one year, thirty

three thousand plus Chinese nationals came across the border. Are
they here for positive reasons? I don't know how many
of those transformer stations are out there, but I imagine
if you divide thirty three thousand up and spread them
around any given state, any given area, they could probably
do some significant harm to your ability to get electricity.

You can't get electricity, you can't get water in your home,
you can't basically go to the growth. Just imagine your
life without electricity in your life, as well as everyone
around you in any given neighborhood and city.

Speaker 1 (42:15):
It would just be absolute panic and chaos.

Speaker 2 (42:18):
The Biden Harris administration has facilitated this potential, and I'm
just surprised nothing major hasn't happened already. Call me pessimistic,
but honestly, I don't really truly believe that the millions

of folks who have come across our southern and northern
borders over the past several years or at any given time,
are all here to do something positive and good for
the United States of America. I do believe that there
are some in there that want to do bad things
to us, and maybe maybe maybe I have a justification
of my belief that some of them came here for

the purpose of doing us harm. Next, saw the article
about this this one gang that has established itself in
a mere four years and has now spread across the
entire United States of America Venezuela alone, referring to the

establishment of this Trey de Aragua gang and how quickly
they spread in Venezuela and then branched out to other
countries because Venezuela's economy became so crappy under Maduro that
they had to move out to continue to make money
with their criminal enterprises.

Speaker 1 (43:39):
Accord to Wall Street Journal.

Speaker 2 (43:40):
Reporting, American officials fear the same pattern, this expansion of
the gang emerging in the United States, where more than
are you ready, seven hundred thousand Venezuelans have settled over
the past four years. Here one country in four years,

dump seven hundred thousand human beings into the interior of
the United States of America. Get your head around that.
Look at the city. What's the population of the city
of Cincinnajo, like two hundred and fifty thousand, maybe three
hundred thousand people generally, not including the you know, surrounding counties.

Seven hundred thousand from one country. Oh, and supporting my
concern that many of the people who cross the southern
border are here to do us absolutely no good, but
maybe to engage in criminal enterprises. Look among the seven

hundred thousand folks from Venezuela alone, we all have the
trend dei Agua gangs settling in all the major cities
in the United States of America. Oh, I guess I'm right,
Kamala Harris, Joe Biden. Democrats, for whatever reason, they don't

concern themselves with you. They are your representative in this
republic we find ourselves. They are supposed to be representing
the interest of the American people, protecting us, like the military,
from threats both foreign and domestic. They are embracing these
threats by allowing our southern border to be wide open.
They are embracing these threats by allowing ninety nine folks

on the Terror Watch list to go free. And those
are the ones that the border officials encountered. What of
the two million or so known god aways, those are
people that had no interaction.

Speaker 1 (45:46):
We have no idea who they are.

Speaker 2 (45:52):
Three seven fifty hundred two three talk pound five fifty
on AT and T phones. Feel free to give me
a call just one of them. Many threats on my
stack here, including problems with the US mail as we
head into the election.

Speaker 8 (46:06):

Speaker 2 (46:06):
First, though, affordable imaging services, you know, for images that
are affordable, and I'm talking about CT scans and echo cardiograms,
MRIs ultrasounds. You can pay heap loads of money to the
hospital imaging department for those, and I mean thousands and
thousands of dollars. And I know if you have insurance,
you're thinking, well, my insurance company's gonna pay for it.
Uh huh, what's your out of pocket liability? What's the

percent you have to pay? You know, you got to
go through that process. But then even so, you're still
talking about CT scan costs him maybe five grand in
a hospital with a separate bill for a board certified radiologist.

Speaker 1 (46:40):
When you can get that same CT scan.

Speaker 2 (46:43):
And affordable imaging services for four hundred and fifty bucks.
At a contrast, it's six hundred and it comes with
the report that you and your doctor will get within
forty eight hours, the Board Certified Radiologist Report. You know,
I love speaking for Affordable Imaging Services because I mean,
it's someone's every time I talk about the difference in price,
it's mind boggling. It's an outrage how what hospitals charged

in the imaging department. So don't get your mri CT scan,
echo cartogram, ultrasound, lung screening, cardiac scoring at the hospital
imaging department because you have a choice when it comes
to your medical care and ultrasounds only two hundred and
fifty dollars for example. At Affordable Imaging Services to learn
more about what they can do for you, price, structure,
and all that. Affordable Medimaging dot Com. Affordable Medimaging dot com.

The number schedule appointment. You have a choice five one
three seven five three eight thousand five to one three
seventy five three eight thousand fifty five KRC.

Speaker 1 (47:37):
Man if a redtail is.

Speaker 2 (47:39):
Gone, Uh, here's the nine first one to weather forecast.
We have a sunny day early today with about showing
up a little bit later high have eighty five, a
few showers over night sixty three for the low. We
have a chance of showers tomorrow as well, eighty two
for the high, with mostly cloudy skies over night sixty.

Speaker 1 (47:56):
Four the few showers, and on.

Speaker 2 (47:59):
Saturday it's going to be a partly sunny day with
a high of eighty five.

Speaker 1 (48:02):
Right now fifty degrees fift above krcity talk station. Time
for a traffic update from the U S Health Triumphyque Center.

Speaker 6 (48:08):
Substance dependence is a treatable medical disease that affects both
brain and behavior.

Speaker 1 (48:12):
From you see Health Addiction.

Speaker 6 (48:13):
Sciences can help call five one three, five, eighty five,
eight two two seven. Highways are doing fine this morning.
No recks to worry about that, no delays either. Southbound
seventy five wide open past the laterals. Seven more minutes
puts you through downtown Chuck ingramon fifty five KRC the
talk station.

Speaker 2 (48:33):
Six twenty two fifty five kr CD Talk station, are
very happy Friday Eve to you. Yeah, Maureene, you're right.
I brought this up this morning. We're in something in
some message on Facebook. Something major hasn't happened already because
they haven't been given a green light. That's my concern.
You have set up an infrastructure with massive vulnerabilities. Going

back to the SIE, we're attacks on power utility companies.
Cyber attacks and utility companies could be devastating to our
entire country. The vulnerabilities are built into this system because
they use ancient software and they haven't plugged the holes
in the system to allow these cyber attacks to even
take place in the first instance.

Speaker 1 (49:18):
Drawing a parallel the open border, are.

Speaker 2 (49:21):
The holes in our utility systems, computer infrastructure. You have
allowed an influx of vulnerabilities. You have not adequately checked.
You can't adequately vetting the mass majority of these people
because they have no records in the countries from which
they came. I mean, we are unique in the world

for the most part, maybe not unique, but rare in
the world that we have so much connectivity and so
much information about each and every human being. Because we're
a wealthy nation, we have a smart device, we're all
hooked up to a social security system. They know about
all of us through all that information. What of the
people who come in from foreign lands where there isn't
that infrastructu sure, who is this guy who just came across.

Let's get in touch with the country. Hey, we have
no idea. Yeah, we don't have records on that, and
if we do, we don't know where they are. We
wouldn't be able to search them because there are millions
of people in our country and we just don't have
the resources to keep track of everybody.

Speaker 1 (50:16):
Sorry, sucks to be you.

Speaker 2 (50:17):
You deal with them, and within that network of millions
and millions and millions of people, I guarantee you they're
nefarious actors. And I go back to the Chinese Communist
Party and they obviously have evil intentions toward us. How
did thirty three thousand and five hundred of them show
up in one fiscal year in our country without the

aid of the Chinese Communist Party. They don't have loose
travel rules in China. They highly regulate their population beyond
anything that we could ever imagine here, Well maybe you
can imagine it. We seem to be fast approaching where

we are basically mirroring China in terms of our monitoring
of people and what they do and what they can
say and cannot say. But my only point on that
is in the very heavily regulated, very very very totalitarian
system that China has. They just don't let you pack

your bags and leave. You've got to get approval from
higher ups. How did thirty three thousand and five hundred
of the billion and a half Chinese military age men
end up on our southern border and come into our country?

Nothing to see here, right, There was no coordination. This
is just it just happens to be that there was
that mass amount of people from a country that's thousands
of miles away. How do they get to the border
with Texas and Mexico?

Speaker 1 (51:57):
Ponder it.

Speaker 3 (52:00):

Speaker 2 (52:00):
Hang on, I'll take your call if you don't mind
holding over the break there. I just looked up to
see you on the line. I love hearing from my
listeners and maybe you've got an alternative point of view
on this. I only bring up not to frighten or scary,
but just to say, you know, there's a point that's
to be made here.

Speaker 1 (52:11):
It's protection.

Speaker 2 (52:12):
Who is looking out for the best interests of the
American people to the Biden? Does the Biden Harris administration
even care? Someone who does care? I to pivot over
and talk positively, but yeah, look positive words for Peter
Sheba Kellawaiam seven Hills, top real estate agent in the

city since he's number one real estate group, guaranteeing you
a five star experience. That is a positive experience. You
get real value working with the agents at Peter Sheber
Kellowilliams seven Hill.

Speaker 9 (52:45):
They do.

Speaker 2 (52:46):
They really are the cream of the crop in the
Greater Cincinnati area and they're offering programs that nobody else
is offering.

Speaker 1 (52:51):
It's an offer program.

Speaker 2 (52:53):
I love that one because I remember when we sold
our house in Chicago. I hate to come back start
my new job. My wife was loft up there about
three months of solo house, staging a showing and keeping
it clean all the time, and you're like, I just
wish I want to get out. You can get out
less than three weeks from today. You're on with your
life because they have an instant offer program. You call
them up within forty eight hours of them Senior Property,

you're gonna have a cash offer from the SBRI Group
making things really really easy. That's just one of any
programs they offer. Again, that five star experience is what
you're gonna get. To find out more about the team,
call or just go to the website which is seven
zero eight three thousand dot com the phone number yes
five to one three seven zero eight three thousand fifty

five car the talk station.

Speaker 1 (53:38):
Wake up with football every morning?

Speaker 10 (53:39):
Shut up your radio. Here's a Sean Hannity Morning Minute.

Speaker 11 (53:45):
How is it possible for ABC to have a debate
with two presidential candidates and not ask the one candidate
that supports taxpayer funded sex change surgeries for illegal immigrants
and convicts to not come up as a big issue.
How is it that they never really pushed to get
the answered? Do you support any restriction on late term abortion?

It didn't get an answer. How does she get away
with Donald Trump? Did Halt Tolurr accountable to this? On
day one? I'm gonna fight inflation and immigration. Not a
single question about raising corporate taxes, wealth taxes, estate taxes,
capital gains taxes, unrealized capital gains taxes. All of these
issues didn't come up last night. How are the American

people served by this division? Check out the Sean Hannity
radio show later today right.

Speaker 12 (54:35):
Here more inflation and recession. Did you know that experts
called gold the everything hedge. Gold goes far beyond hedging
against inflation or the stock market it can potentially even
guard you against these wars in Ukraine in the Middle East,
not to mention the great economic danger of a recession coming,
which is what we're all worried about. And that's why

gold just hit another record high in central banks.

Speaker 13 (55:00):
They just keep buying gold at a record pace.

Speaker 5 (55:02):
It's Linda here.

Speaker 12 (55:03):
Join me in thousands of people who have called gold
Coe the number one rate of gold company. It's time
you diversify your money with time tested, safe haven assets
physical gold and silver.

Speaker 13 (55:13):
Today gold Co is offering our listeners up to eight
years in free IRA fees plus up to eight percent
and bonus silver with a qualified account called eight five
five eight one five gold for free IRA fees, free
bonus silver and a free golden silver infocate.

Speaker 1 (55:29):
What are you waiting for?

Speaker 5 (55:30):
Call eight five five eight one five gold.

Speaker 13 (55:32):
That's eight five five eight one five gold.

Speaker 1 (55:36):
Do it today.

Speaker 5 (55:37):
You can't wait.

Speaker 2 (55:42):
Early sun, clouds later today eighty five for the high.
I got a few showers over night down of sixty three,
got chance of showers tomorrow with mostly cloudy skies, high
of eighty two. Four clouds and a few showers overnight
own of sixty four and on Saturday, I'm mostly are
partly sunny day rather with a high of eighty five
fifty eight.

Speaker 1 (55:57):
Right now, it's time for traffic update. Do you see
health Tramfic Center.

Speaker 6 (56:01):
Substance dependence is a treatable medical disease that affects both
brain and behavior.

Speaker 1 (56:05):
Do you see health?

Speaker 6 (56:06):
Addiction sciences can help call five one, three, five, eight, five, eight,
two seven seven. Highways in good shape this morning, no delay,
says of yet. Westbound two seventy five pasts Loveland heading
up the hill to Montgomery inbound seventy four looks good too.
Coming down to the hill from North Bend. You can
do that at seventy five in less than five minutes.
Chuck Ingram on fifty five krc HE Talks station sixty one,

fifty five KRCD Talk station.

Speaker 2 (56:32):
All right, real quick to my point before I get
the pack one moment pack over the break there, I'm
just thinking, Okay, I was trying to put in context
that you can think about it a little bit closer.
Seven hundred thousand then as wells alone have entered our
country over the past. You know four years our county
no one countary year, the fiscal year I guess it
was doesn't matter period in his story seven thousand and

one country. You know how many US police office there
are over the entire country. There are seven hundred and
eight thousand. As of the last county year for which
I could find data, it was twenty twenty two, seven
hundred and eight thousand law enforcement officers spread across the

entire country. And moving over to the United States military
compared to seven hundred thousand Venezuelans alone that have ender
of the country illegally. We only have one point three
million active duty service members across the entire US military, Army, Navy,
Marine Corps, Air Force, Base Force, and Coast Guard, and
those are spread out over the world right.

Speaker 1 (57:39):
And there are seven.

Speaker 2 (57:40):
Hundred and thirty eight reserve and National Guard members. So
the population of Venezuelans alone mirrors that of our entire
National Guard service. Just putting some context on and then
move away to all the other countries that we've received
folks from. Let's get pat. Pat, thank you so much
for bearing with me there and holding over the brake.

Speaker 7 (58:01):
Well, good morning, Brian, and uh you never have to
apologize for your awakening soliloquy because it allows you to
clear your head to prepare yourself for the rest of
what you're going to have on your program, which is good.
And I cannot compliment you enough for the judge and
our good senator yesterday because he's so much the Senator

is so much more intelligent than all the rest of
people he has to deal with that. It's just it's
just frightening to think that we have leaders quote unquote
that are blithering morons, but they're doing their operatives of
something that we don't understand.

Speaker 4 (58:39):
Well, you know, that's a.

Speaker 7 (58:40):
Sad put it. But again, okay, I'll transition quickly from
that to I don't want to take too much of
your time, but you know, this blanket climate change is
just a charade to allow a lot of distractions and
people to, oh, we're worried about climate change, But in
the end around, they're trying to take control of our energy,

they're trying to take control of our food, they're trying
to take control of our ability to travel and enjoy
our lives. And then once they tax you enough, you
don't have any money to do anything like that anyway,
So you know, it's controlling everything.

Speaker 1 (59:17):
You didn't call me looking for an argument. Today at pat.

Speaker 7 (59:22):
And I mean when I list to your program all
the time and the people will say, well, why do
you listen to that program, Well, the guy has the
kahanes to tell the truth, and so many other in
any of the other three letter or three letter programs
that are institutionalized, they just lie to you. And then

watching and listening to Joe Biden and Kamala is painful
because Joe can't put words together, and Kamala puts so
many words together. She doesn't even know what she's saying.
And there's no substance to any of it. And we
used to have a term called talking into oblivion. Well
she talks to you to oblivion. Eventually you just want
relief and you and you say either shut up or okay, okay, okay,

And it's a capitulation through my numbing behavior. And it
none of it makes any sense. I mean, if you
listen to and what and see what they're doing, you know,
reducing our ability to generate electricity, making everybody have electric
cars that are absolutely fly in the face of ecological anything.

Yet we have to resist it. And with the numbers
that you gave with a relationship between police and a
military versus immigrants. Thank goodness, Americans have firearms, and we
better be proficient with them.

Speaker 2 (01:00:43):
There you go, pat you know, and it's a good point.
People like, eh, you and your firearmy. No, But then
there's the reality. It's like going back to the early
founding days. In our settler days, there was no organized military.
There was no sheriff's department, there weren't any police department.
You're pretty much left to your own device. This which
is why folks formed militias, militias that ultimately fought the

Revolutionary War, militias that ultimately fought well, I suppose in
the Civil War to a large degree. You know, you
had state militias. I'm here from Virginia. I represent the
state of Virginia. I'm in a militia from Virginia. God
love Virginia, please save the state of Virginia. You know,
they may have had their own state in mind, but
collectively they were fighting for themselves on behalf of their
own best interest. And it's a good damn thing that

they had the guns they had, and we'd still be
under British rule. This Republican have never been founded. Absent
the firearm.

Speaker 7 (01:01:34):
We have to be able to protect our individual domino
or the whole thing falls in. And that's the whole
point of self reliance, and that's what is trying to
be taken away from us. Self reliance and the ability
to make decisions for ourselves. And we have the ability
to do that, but these people that want control are
so arrogant and honestly, Brian, I've never met very many politicians,

a few withstanding, that are smart enough to Uh, there's
an old Montana saying of poor yurn out of a
boot and if you've never been riding when old or
anything like that, or you can't get off your horse, well,
you know they don't have enough sense to do that.
Yet they want to tell us how to live our lives.
And it just drives me not I know it was
killing my dad, but you know, this is just an

example of when you have arrogance that tries to tell
you you're ignorant, and you go along with it. This
is what you get.

Speaker 2 (01:02:28):
Well, great points, pat All, I appreciate it, and I'm
glad you enjoy hearing from Congressman Massey and the judge
as much as I do, because they do really have
a great way of just solidifying important points and pointing out,
you know, things that they observe and they know that
are you know, either unlawful, unconstitutional, just generally nefarious that
are going on behind the scenes. I just try to

do my best to let to remind people about that.
You know, they're not interested in helping you out. In
the final analysis, most of the politicians are only interested
in themselves, loognant narcissists, almost every single one of them
in it for their own best interest. And just remember
that It's something I point out all the time. It's
human nature to look out for your own best interests,

and politicians are no different. And when they go there,
they're still looking out for themselves alone in large part,
or you know, trying to pad their own bank account
or doing whatever, or are just interested in controlling you
for the sake of being able to control you like
some puppet. And I find that to be a diagnosable
mental illness. Honestly, I don't know where that desire comes from,

but it's plain evil. And again I'll go back to
the point I made the last hour. You can trace
a lot of this control, this power, this insanity directly
to this argument that somehow our existence is killing the
planet at large. It gives them a wonderful opportunity to
micromanage every element well.

Speaker 1 (01:03:51):
Because you're killing the planet. Dammit.

Speaker 2 (01:03:53):
Really, if they didn't have that to hang their hat on,
can you imagine having more freedoms than liberties we'd have
and how much better our economy would be running for
six thirty eight fifty five K's detalk station. Maybe you've
got a different point of view. I love hearing them
say listen to Pat. He made some great, great points,
and I know my listeners as capable as I am
of making them, so feel free to call.

Speaker 1 (01:04:11):
In the meantime.

Speaker 2 (01:04:12):
Another call you can make is Zimmer Zimmer Heating an
air Conditioning thse folks are awesome for more than seventy
five years their family taking care of your family. You
can trust the third generation of experts at Zimmer to
take care of all your HVAC needs. They are greater
Cincinnati's leader in twenty four hour day, seven day week
emergency HVAC service. And when it's hot out and your
AC goes out.

Speaker 1 (01:04:31):
You need that.

Speaker 2 (01:04:32):
You can count on Zimmer And if they can't fix it,
because you know, sometimes the thing goes belly up.

Speaker 1 (01:04:38):
These are the all appliances.

Speaker 2 (01:04:40):
Ina air conditioning units have a finite life, stating the obvious.
But it's a great time to have to replace the
air conditioner if you do, because you can get the
cool carrier comfort rebate from Zimmer and save twenty one
hundred dollars. I call that a significant amount. So to
schedule appointment twenty four to seven to find out more
about Zimmer or what they can do for you and

your home, head on over to the website go Zimmer
dot com. It's go Zimmer dot com fifty five KRC
dot com you.

Speaker 1 (01:05:11):
Nine verse twenty one more casts.

Speaker 2 (01:05:13):
We have a sunny, early data cloudy day later today
at some point clouds roll in eighty five for the
high of night low sixty three with a few showers
possible uh clouds all day tomorrow, chance of showers eighty
two for the high, more clouds overnight and a few
showers sixty four for the low eighty five on Saturday,
with a partly sunny sky.

Speaker 1 (01:05:29):
Day fifty eight. Right now it cyper traffic run the
UCL Tramffic Center.

Speaker 6 (01:05:34):
Substance dependence as a treadable medical disease that affects both
brain and behavior. You see howth theddiction sciences can help
called five one, three, five, eight, five eighty two twenty seven.
Highways are not bad at all so far this morning
septhbound seventy five starting to get a little bit heavier
through Wachland. Same as true for northbound fourth seventy one
coming across the bridge. But neither of those are going

to cost you a whole lot of extra time yet.

Speaker 1 (01:05:58):
Chuck King ramon fifty five krs the talk station.

Speaker 2 (01:06:03):
So forty three fift about krcity talk station Abby Thursday.
Real quick here, I got Jay in the line five
one thirty seven four nine fifty five hundred, eight hundred
eight two three talk. But one more fun fact. Let's
just look at Springfield, since it's made national news. We
find out that fifteen to twenty thousand Haitians alone have
descended upon Springfield population about sixty thousand. Adding additionals, let's

say fifteen to twenty thousand people, bringing it close to
eighty thousand people they have, And I'm looking at Springfield,
Ohio dot gov, where it states they have an authorized
strength of one hundred and thirty sworn police officers one
hundred and thirty spread out over eighty thousand people, so

when you call nine one one, you really expect them
to be there in a moment's notice. Jay, thank you
for holding. Welcome to the Morning show.

Speaker 14 (01:06:56):
Right, How are you.

Speaker 1 (01:06:57):
I'm doing fine, A little riled up this morning, but.

Speaker 14 (01:06:59):
You know, yeah, you got me riled up. That whole
Springfield thing is just amazing. I grew up in Miamisburg,
about the same sized city. I can't imagine having twenty
thousand non English speaking strangers dropped into the city overnight.
It's just it's overwhelming. No matter what the cultural issues are,

it's just just the pure mass.

Speaker 2 (01:07:22):
Well, that's it chaotic. Where are they sleeping? There's already
a homeless issue. I mean, the city manager pointed it out.
They're planning on building two thousand new homes over the
next one to five years, but two thousand additional homes
of the population that already had housing issues. Affordability obviously
a problem for everyone in the United States. Where are
the twenty thousand new people hanging out and sleeping every day?

I have no idea.

Speaker 1 (01:07:44):
It's crazy.

Speaker 14 (01:07:45):
It's insane. Hey, I wanted to I wanted to let
everybody know a little bit about a Kamala Harris. So
I've talked to you before. I'm a refugee from Portland, Oregon,
lived out there for twenty years. I've seen this movie.

Speaker 4 (01:07:59):
I lived it.

Speaker 14 (01:08:00):
I watched Portland go from kind of a wacky, weird
city run by hippies in the state of Oregon pretty
much the same to becoming run by totalitarian Marxists. And
I'm not exaggerating. They call Portland the People's Republic of
Portland for a reason. You had absolutely no rights. You

watched every right road over the period of time that
I was there, and people would vote the same idiots.

Speaker 15 (01:08:29):
In year after year after year.

Speaker 4 (01:08:33):
It was It was shocking.

Speaker 14 (01:08:34):
And when you look at Kamala Harris's background, she was
very clear in twenty nineteen what she stands for. She
was raised by two self proclaimed Marxists. She came out
with a Marxist doctrine in the twenty nineteen primaries. She
was booted immediately from the primaries. And here she is again,

and she won't speak her policies out loud because she
knows they're so REPREHENDI no one will vote for her,
but the fact that she has a D next to
her name will probably get her elected.

Speaker 2 (01:09:07):
And it scares me to death as well it should
all of us. Yeah, you're hiding the ball. You won't
tell the you won't tell the world what you really
believe in, or you're you're trying to dodge away from
what you out loud said you believe in a few
years ago, which are all terrible realities that the city
of Portland has lived through and you've lived through. Yeah,
you hide the ball and you rely on an ignorant

American public that just thinks they need to vote d
just because well, evil Orange man.

Speaker 1 (01:09:32):
You know, evil Orange man.

Speaker 2 (01:09:33):
That's that's that's enough to get somebody to vote for
their own that's something not in their best interest, correct.

Speaker 3 (01:09:41):

Speaker 14 (01:09:41):
I was around there for the pre ANTIFO, which is
called Occupy Wall Streets people, same craziness. That downtown area
was a vibrant it was filled with people, it was clean,
it was safe.

Speaker 4 (01:09:59):
It looked like some.

Speaker 14 (01:10:01):
Eighties movie where where you know where there's been just
a complete riot, Tega.

Speaker 2 (01:10:07):
It's crazy, post apocalyptic Anomo state down.

Speaker 14 (01:10:10):
So yeah, it is apocalyptic.

Speaker 15 (01:10:12):
That's the right word.

Speaker 14 (01:10:14):
That's coming to the rest of the country.

Speaker 1 (01:10:16):
We elect this moron.

Speaker 2 (01:10:18):
I feel the same way this morning, and generally speaking, Jay,
thank you so much for the call and your observations.
Because you lived it. You're not there anymore. I noticed, Jay,
I take care of brother six forty seven ffy five
KCY talk station.

Speaker 1 (01:10:30):
Steve, you're next. You don't mind holding for a moment.

Speaker 2 (01:10:31):
I want to mention USA Premium foam because it's the
best insulation on the market. You can spray the exterior
walls of your home either have little insulation in them,
or you could be adequately insulated. Newer homes are USA
would not put their foam into an adequately insulated home.
That's why an inspection is important. If you have an
older home like my daughter, late seventies built, it had

R twelve and it that our twelve deteriorates over the decades,
so you don't even have that our value where the
phone goes in with the old insulation and increasing significantly
your energy saving ability and the comfort of your home.
If you have a home built before the mid seventies,
no insulation in that space in the exterior walls, fill
it with the highest R value phone on the market.
USA until the twenty second of September will give you

a free attic insulation, so act before then. If you
schedule the appointment, you get the attic insulation. The inspection
is free, the quote is free. So call them up
at five one three three eight one three sixty two
six five one three three eight one phone. To learn
more about the product and how it works. Go to
the website USA Insulation dot net. Fifty five krc the

talk station.

Speaker 12 (01:11:38):
I never.

Speaker 1 (01:11:53):
Seven oh five. It's a five KRCU talk station.

Speaker 2 (01:11:58):
Try to make it a happy Friday even you can
do free to call five went three seven four nine
fifty five eight hundred two three talk real quickly before
I get to Jay's on the line. Got Americans for
Prosperity WTY State director Tim Ross filling in for Donald
and Neil this morning. We're talking about the Southwest Ohio
endorsed candidates. Fast forward an hour from now, Todd Moore,
there's a bourbon tasting event. Proceeds benefit to help Squad,

an outstanding charity, and apparently this bourbon tasting event also
includes an opportunity if you are so inclined or to
have a desire, to meet Pete Rose.

Speaker 1 (01:12:26):
That's part of the.

Speaker 2 (01:12:27):
Details we'll learn about coming up in an hour, followed by,
of course, Thursday means Jay Rattliff, I heard mee the
aviation expert. At eight thirty, we got some safety incidents
on regarding Southwest which is going to require some pilot training.
Airlines could face cash fines for flight delays, nine to
eleven memories on things done that day that had never
been tried before or since. And finally we always conclude

with hub delays. That's at eight thirty. In the meantime,
we go to the phones. Jay, thanks for calling this morning.
Welcome to the program.

Speaker 8 (01:12:55):
Good morning, Brian Hey one ed two. Remind the listeners
if we go back in time, I'm just a little bit.
And if you get on Ohio checkbook dot gov oh
which you tuned me in on. By the way, thanks
for Josh Mendel to set that up, we're going to
see Ohio budgets one hundred and thirty one billion dollars
a year and about twenty five to twenty seven billion,

I believe is to run the government. Now we have
the governor, we have eighty percent of the state senators
are Republican, and about seventy percent of the House is Republican.
And this whole immigration thing needs to be laid at
the feet of the Republican Party partially. Now, I'm going

to give the you know, the federal the Fed's they're due,
even that southern border wide open. But in twenty nineteen,
Donald Trump had an executive order that says we're going
to allow the states to make the decision if they
want to opt out of immigration. I sent the article
to Jay Strecker, I think it's in his inbox from
the Columbus Dispatch. Thirty states. Now you think about that,

there's four teen blue states, so the remainder are read
thirty states. Including Mike DeWine told Trump, thanks, no thanks,
We're going to take as many immigrants as we can
because we've got a great system that can control all
of this. We have a rich heritage that can control
and to do this. So no, thanks, Trump, We're going
to take the immigrants. I don't hear the wine bringing

that up, and I don't hear anybody talking about it's
easy to throw it at the Democrats. We are a
red state, people, so it's time to call your Senate. Otherwise,
why do we need an Ohio government? Maybe we just
shut it down and save the twenty five billion, which
is the number two line on them, behind Medicare, Medicaid

and the Ohio budget. What do we need all these Republicans?
What do we even even need a state government for?
If all we're going to do is point to Washington,
DC and call MAJORCIS and go on bended knee and
ask him to please if he could do something for
us peasants, we would really appreciate it. If you get in
front of this immigrant crisis. What do we need all
these senators and representatives for, or a governor for that matter.

Speaker 2 (01:15:02):
You know, it's funny, Jay, you're some of the comments
you're bringing up, and of course the Mike de Wine
welcoming this reality that we're witnessing, most notably in Springfield
of late. But it was the subject of so many
conversations I had mentioned several times this week. I was
I had the benefit of going to the Northeast Women's
Republican Club meeting on Tuesday. That's what people were talking about,

Columbus being so damn corrupt and dysfunctional compared to even
d C. I heard one person, one woman said, you know,
it's actually Columbus is worse than Washington d C. In
terms of its dysfunction, and everyone was just just beside
themselves with anger over the situation in Columbus. One hundred
percent basically Republican control. They could do whatever they want

by way of passing legislation. You would expect, given that
they are identify self identified Republicans, that we would see
some reforms along the lines of the things that you
and I would advocate for on a daily basis.

Speaker 1 (01:15:58):
Now it's just.

Speaker 8 (01:16:00):
Yeah, And I think parts of part of the blame
is us because we just skip over the state like
it doesn't even exist and don't hold them accountable. And
the Wine loves it when his phone doesn't ring, and
so does our so do our senators and representatives.

Speaker 15 (01:16:13):
They sit there quietly.

Speaker 8 (01:16:15):
With their hands folded and watch the storm roll over
instead of doing like you know, maybe what Gray Gabbott does,
which you round them up and you send them to
some other states, send them down to DC to get
into the courts with the federal government.

Speaker 15 (01:16:26):
Do something.

Speaker 8 (01:16:27):
But the silence is definite coming out of Columbus. So
just a reminder of all the listeners. You do have
a state government. It did just pass a record number
of spending bill. The Wine was giddy with that about
all the investments they could put back into Ohio. They
have all the power, all the money, do something or else.
Why do we need it? What do we need all

this money going into state government? Why do we need
all the elected Republicans?

Speaker 2 (01:16:53):
Great points day, But you know I think that as
I'm listening to you, minealysis is along these lines. It's like, well,
it's a red state. We have successfully converted Ohio into
a you know, a purple state into a red state.
It's reliably going to vote Republican. But what does that mean.
It's like, you say you're a Democrat. We look at
Democrats and you're like, oh my god, the Democratic Party

has gone so far left. What does it mean to
be a Democrat? Does that mean you're an AOC Democrat
on a far left side or are you some sort
of you know, moderate Democrat like Mansion used to be
before you quit the party. No, it's a spectrum. But
just because you say we're a red state, we are
going to elect a Republican president, or it's reliably so
within your own state. Just saying you Republican doesn't mean

Jack squat because you've got folks within the Republican Party,
like within the Democrat Party, that don't really reflect what
you and I believe the Republican Party is and should be.

Speaker 8 (01:17:47):
Evidently most of them, most I don't hear anybody well,
at least there's such division within the Republican Party itself.

Speaker 2 (01:17:53):
They're not getting anything accomplished that would benefit the state
of Ohio. So it's great, great points, man, great points,
and people are aware of it. And the people that
the heavy hitters, the folks like the women, the Northeast
Republican women. Those folks are powerful folks within the Republican Party.
They carry a lot of weight. They're angry as well.
I think we need to wake up and get a

reality check going and do a better job in the
primary selecting folks to run the state of Ohio. Appreciate
the opportunity to pivot over to the governor sending two
and a half million dollars to Springfield speaking and pivoting
off of your point that he welcomed this. You know,
it was reported the Wine said yesterday. Apparently he doesn't
even oppose go to your point, the temporary protected status

program under which most of these Haitians have descended upon
Springfield and he's looking to the federal government to help
fix the problem. They're going back to my Orcus, what
is my arcis going to do? He's the one that
facilitates this. He's probably laughing at all of these governors
turning to him and demanding that he do something about it,

like you know, like asking the arts to help put
out the fire or something. So and it's just a
comical exercise of what's going on here. I mean, we
can laugh about it because it seems so crazy. A
lot of reports about the Haitians getting an automobile accidents
up there. You may have seen the viral videos going around,
and I have a measure of skepticism that all those
automobile crashes that just so happened to be captured on

a cell phone video all came from Springfield. But apparently
there is a bad problem in Springfield with the drivers
everyone who drives on the streets. Do Wne even refer
to it the other day. That's why he's sitting Ohio
State Highway Patrol. It says they're going to be sent
there to assist local law enforcement. Consisting of one hundred
and thirty Springfield police officers with a ratio of now

the new population. I've crunched the numbers on this population
roughly eighty thousand. Now, if you include the additional twenty
thousand Haitian immigrants in Springfield, that leaves one police officer
for every six hundred and fifteen people. Ohio State Highway
Patrol is going to be sent to assist local law enforcement,

according to the announcement yesterday, to address traffic related problems
that have now arisen. That's what local officials are saying there.
Those traffic related problems have arisen because Haitians are using
the roads and do not understand American traffic laws. Makes sense,

that's part of the cultural distinctions between people from different
countries and those in the United States. No, it's not
the color of their skin. It's because they've descended in
a neighborhood that wasn't prepared for them, and they're behind
the wheels of cars and they don't know our laws
or how to drive. That's got nothing to do with
the color of the skin. They haven't been trained or taught.
So now we have to extend Ohio State Highway Patrol

resources to a town that's overwhelmed to teach them how
to drive.

Speaker 1 (01:20:52):
Apparently, he's also set.

Speaker 2 (01:20:54):
Aside two and a half million dollars over a two
year period to expand there's that word again, span primary
healthcare services offered by private health care facilities and the
county health department. Why would you need to expand that? Well,
maybe there aren't, to the point made earlier in the
program by one of the callers, maybe they're not enough
healthcare workers to deal with the rapidly expanding population. And

it's two and a half million dollars over two year
period going to solve the problem long term? You know
the answer to that question. The problem's going to continue.
And when the money runs out for the two year
period over which they're going to expend these resources, what
happens after that seven fifteen fifty five care c Detalk
station Feel free to call. And another number you can call,

even in a twenty four hour day, seven eight week
emergency period, you can call plumb Tight. It's plumbing done right,
and they live by that model, probably serving everything between
northern Kentucky all the way up to Dayton and the
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cos Mission to provide every one of their customers with
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the work will be exceptional. They do any size project.

And again, if you've got an emergency column the number
seven two seven eighty four eighty three seven two seven Tight,
they will arrive on time. They will definitely let you
know when they're on their way, so there's no question
mark about when that plumber is going to be at
your front door.

Speaker 1 (01:22:16):
You can trust them.

Speaker 2 (01:22:17):
I've had them over so many times I've lost track
and the work is always superior. Those plumbers are really
great guys. Rich them at seven two seven Tight online
Finament plumtight dot com.

Speaker 5 (01:22:28):
This is fifty five KRC an iHeartRadio station.

Speaker 2 (01:22:35):
Start out sunny, end up cloudy today, Hi have eighty five,
have cloudy skies every night, few showers possible sixty three.
Another cloudy day tomorrow, the chance of showers and high
of eighty two. Clouds remain every night, a few showers
possible sixty four. And on Saturday we've got a partly
sunny day, high eighty five.

Speaker 1 (01:22:50):
Right now fifty seven degrees. Let's get an update on
traffic from the UC Health Traumphics center.

Speaker 6 (01:22:55):
Substance dependence is at freedable medical decease that affects both
brain and behavior. You see howth addiction sciences can help
called five one three, five eighty five eight two two
seven northbound four seventy one continues to run close to
an extra ten minutes from before grand into town sapbound
seventy five make it an extra five in an Alvam

Macklin cruiser now working with an accident on bood Noo
at Montana. Chuck Ingram on fifty five KRC the talk station.

Speaker 2 (01:23:24):
Seven twenty fifty fou KRCD talk station five one three
seven four nine fifty five hundred eight hundred eight two
three talk.

Speaker 1 (01:23:31):
Don't forget fifty five KRC dot com for podcasts.

Speaker 2 (01:23:33):
You can't listen to the Judge or Thomas Massey yesterday,
pull up the podcast. Massey had some great, great, great,
great logistical strategic points on that continuing resolution which now
appears to be held up anyway. Let's go to the
phone see what Amy's got this morning. Amy, Welcome to
the show. Thanks for calling Joe here.

Speaker 16 (01:23:50):
Hey, I talked to you earlier this week about this
whole situation in Springfield. I had been calling Governor de
Line's office. I finally got through yesterday and he had
a call back. I was so excited. I was like, hey,
wild good.

Speaker 3 (01:24:07):
So I let him know that, Hey.

Speaker 16 (01:24:09):
You know, I know Governor DeWine stands with Ukraine, loves
the Haitians. Be great if he could put an American
flag and maybe in Ohio's state flag behind him on
his ex account. But I also found out exactly what
you were talking about, and I said, you know that's great. Okay,

So now the Highway Patrol is going to enforce the
traffic laws. So the two point five million that's coming
from US, yep. And he's the one who imported this
problem and raised his hand and said bring it. Oh,

we have the resources. Well, if he really cared about
the Haitians, maybe he would have been over there teach
them English instead of spending more money for translation services.
Oh and English classes at Clark College. I mean, oh

my gosh, I am just I cannot. It's like, can
we really live in Ohio anymore?

Speaker 1 (01:25:21):
Well, I mean that.

Speaker 2 (01:25:23):
Ate Points healthcare is overwhelmed, police are overwhelmed. You know,
that's the problem generally speaking, that it's the ripple is profound.
I mean New York City, I means him.

Speaker 16 (01:25:34):
I was like, how many Haitians are here? How many
more are coming by the end of this year? And
how long is this going to continue? Where else are
you going to deposit these people? Plus he said, oh yeah,
we're giving them drivers Z with simulators. Well, I have
a friend that he had triplets that decided she couldn't

afford to go spend the money for drivers D so
her children, at eighteen are now getting their licenses.

Speaker 2 (01:26:08):
You know, it's an amazing reality, isn't it. I mean,
it's just one thing after another. Nothing is I mean,
nothing is untouched by this Now everything.

Speaker 16 (01:26:21):
Oh yeah, so asked him. I was like, oh great,
now that the laws are being enforced, are the people
that got their car insurance rates raised, are their car
insurance companies going to call and go, oh well now
it's under control. We'll give you a refund that race.

Speaker 1 (01:26:41):
That's good, Ay, that's rich.

Speaker 15 (01:26:44):
You know.

Speaker 2 (01:26:44):
I started out the morning show this morning talking about
the inflationary realities, and that was the car insurance woe.
Who's mind boggling. Car insurance has gone up forty five
percent over the past four years, and I'm sure, it's
a location driven kind of thing. Because you know, some
areas are more inclined for having autobile accidents. It's going
to cost you more, some areas less. Well, I let

you do the math on that. Which direction it's going
to go. Let's say in Springfield, for example.

Speaker 7 (01:27:11):
Huh, Well, they're.

Speaker 16 (01:27:13):
Not going to get a refund, they're not going to
get their rates lowered because Governor Devine decided to send
the highway patrol there. So it's it's going to be
a constant. Oh well, now this is your rate.

Speaker 15 (01:27:27):

Speaker 7 (01:27:27):
Oh next, your attire.

Speaker 1 (01:27:32):
By excellent points, Amy, excellent points.

Speaker 7 (01:27:34):
All right, well, you have a great day.

Speaker 1 (01:27:37):
I'm surprised someone called you back. Amy, can put the
little feather in your cap.

Speaker 16 (01:27:41):
That was after I called Senator Bressing's office and Cindy
Abram's office and said, hey, they're not answering the fence.

Speaker 17 (01:27:51):
This is just like COVID again, maybe worse. Maybe COVID
has moved on. We're not dealing with that problem anymore. Amy,
we do believe it's.

Speaker 16 (01:28:04):
Pirate, And he says tyrant.

Speaker 1 (01:28:06):
Now, yeah, well call him what you want.

Speaker 2 (01:28:08):
Obviously, a to some degree an architect of the problems
of the citizens of Springfield are feeling coming to a
theater most undoubtedly near you. Amy, thank you for the
call of congratulations on the on the small victory that
you you learned by getting a call back from Dyd's office.
You're one of the rare few that's rarefied air. You
are in right now, seven twenty five. Now take care

of look care see Dook station. Stay around Americans for
prosperities coming up next. First, a word for my friends
at Emory Federal Credit Union. I'd love banking with Emory.
It's a better way to bank. You'll find that out
yourself when you start banking with them. You're kind of
like an owner of a bank there. You're a member
and they treat you accordingly. This The rates there are great.
And speaking of rates, in celebration of eighty five years
since they open their door in nineteen thirty nine, they're

offering specials I think throughout the entire year right now,
and it's for a limited time offer one point eight
five percent off your qual auto loan rate. I had
one of my listeners email me this morning or Facebook
message said his auto rate was like twenty four percent
or something. It's like, oh, my god, I don't know
what the baseline rate is, but you at least get
one point eighty five percent knocked off your qualified autoily

a loan from memory and you can use that, of
course to buy a car or finance some other big purchase.
Visit EVERYFCU dot org for all the details. This is
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All loan subject to approval and certain restrictions apply, so
get all the details again at EMORYFCU dot org. Equal
Opportunity Lender and NMLS number four zero one zero eight
seven your credit Union with a heart since nineteen thirty nine.

Speaker 5 (01:29:40):
Fifty five KRC.

Speaker 1 (01:29:44):
Time for the nine first Ony weatherfork cast.

Speaker 2 (01:29:46):
Today go to be sunny early, clouds show up later,
have a high of eighty five overnight cloudy with a
few showers possible. Sixty three cloudy skies tomorrow as well,
with the chance of showers on high of eighty two.
Cloud stick around overnight, a few showers as well, sixty
four for the low, and we get partly sunny sky
on Saturday with a high eighty five.

Speaker 1 (01:30:02):
Right up fifty seven. Time for traffic updates from.

Speaker 6 (01:30:05):
The UCL Trumphique Center substance dependence is a treatable medical
disease that affects both brain and behavior. You see health
addiction sciences can help. Call five to one, three, five
eighty five, eight, two, two seven. Here come a break
light stathbound seventy one from above two seventy five towards
Pfeiffer sathbound seventy five. Continue slow through Blacklin northbound seventy five.

Now I add an extra five out of Urlinger into
the cut northbound fourth seventy one is closer to a
ten minute delay. Chuck ing ramon fifty five K see
the talk station. It's seven thirty fifty five CARCD talk station.
Brian tell Us here, wishing you a very happy Friday
Eve and welcoming to the five CARRIC Morning Show. Americans

for Prosperity WT State Director Tim Ross, Welcome.

Speaker 1 (01:30:51):

Speaker 2 (01:30:51):
It's a pleasure to have you on the program today
to talk about some of the Southwest of High endorsed candidates.

Speaker 1 (01:30:55):
Keep up the great work at AFT.

Speaker 2 (01:30:56):
We had one of your members at the Women's Republican
Club Northeast Women's Republican Club event that I attended on
Tuesday doing the work handing out the cards trying to
get people involved with AFP Action and knocking on doors.
Tim He reported that I think AFP has knocked on
what half a million doors in the state of Ohio
so far.

Speaker 1 (01:31:16):
That's right.

Speaker 15 (01:31:16):
Well, first of all, thanks for having me all happy
with you.

Speaker 10 (01:31:19):
Yeah, yeah, for you know, the f the action efforts
for Bernie Marino. We just crossed the half a million marks,
so we're pretty happy about that.

Speaker 1 (01:31:28):
That's amazing. He said.

Speaker 2 (01:31:29):
In one weekend there you were able to knock on
like one hundred and fifty thousand doors.

Speaker 10 (01:31:35):
That's now you probably yeah, that's probably heard that wrong.
That's about what we do it about a month, oh okay,
one weekend. Just yeah, this last weekend, in a single day,
we just about got to twelve thousand, which is which
is tough.

Speaker 1 (01:31:47):
That is that's great. Yeah, anybody can help out.

Speaker 2 (01:31:50):
About a month and he and let me just take
a little bit of your time before we get to
the candidates, because it's important for my listeners because I
mentioned AFP Action all the time.

Speaker 1 (01:31:56):
It's so easy to help out.

Speaker 2 (01:31:57):
They give you all the resources of the training to
help if you deal with the knocking on the doors,
they tell you where to go the unsettled question mark voters.
But even if you only have an hour or two
of time, some people can do it all the time.
They got their retired and they're happy to help out
all weeks. Some people only have a limited amount of time.
They basically literally will take as much or as little

time as you've got to spare, and you can effectively
have an outcome and get Bernie Morino elected.

Speaker 1 (01:32:26):
So we can get rid of shared Brown.

Speaker 2 (01:32:27):
Even with an hour on a weekend, you can effectively
knock on like one hundred doors. So anyway, with that aside,
AFP Action dot Com is where you can get involved.
It's very simple tim over to the candidates. You got
twenty seven Buckeye Blueprint endorsed candidates. Let's talk about the
Southwest Ohio ons.

Speaker 15 (01:32:43):
Uh, yeah, absolutely, so.

Speaker 10 (01:32:45):
I believe Donovan's been on talking about our Buckeyed Blueprint.
We're talking to candidates about eliminating the state income tax,
about providing more education opportunities for kids, and all these
great policies the DAFT Ohio supports. So in advocating for
those policies, we look out their seek out candidates and
have found some really great ones over the years to

kind of go back to the primary. Back in March,
we supported three down in your neck of the woods.
Senator George lying to his courses, probably one of the
greatest advocates for eliminating Ohio's income tax in the Ohio Senate.
He's down in Butler County. Of course, just across the
line in Warren County, we supported both candidates that are
running or that were running for the State House in

that county, our friend Adam Matthews who was running for
his first re election in Michelle Tesca, who covers the
other part of Warren County.

Speaker 15 (01:33:37):
So those endorsements continue.

Speaker 10 (01:33:40):
We're very happy that those candidates got across the line
and contested primaries. Those are fairly safe seats, happy to report,
so we're looking forward to working with them in the
next General Assembly.

Speaker 2 (01:33:49):
Yeah, Warren County is pretty solid, I have to admit
we're talking about you know, Ohio is depending up on
how you view the Republican Party. And in spite of
all the dysfunction in comus, Ohio is a solidly read
state and Warren County is one of the reasons notably
reliable voters in Warren County, all three.

Speaker 10 (01:34:10):
Of those Coller counties, you know, Butler or Claremont and
Warren are fairly read, and there's you know, even the
west side of Hamilton is still considered reliably red. The
east side, though, is where we're police to make an
announcement today Anderson Township the twenty seventh House district. Someone
someone that I know you're probably very very familiar with,

Kurt Hartman. He's running for the twenty seventh district. We're
happy to announce our endorsement within today.

Speaker 1 (01:34:36):

Speaker 2 (01:34:36):
Yeah, Kurt was at the Tuesday event that I mentioned
a moment ago as well.

Speaker 1 (01:34:39):
He's a good guy. Yeah.

Speaker 15 (01:34:41):
Oh, he's a great guy, conservative warrior.

Speaker 10 (01:34:44):
One of the things that we really like about Kurt,
and you know, frankly a bunch of the candidates that
we support, is that they're all anti status quo. You know,
they're not going to Columbus just.

Speaker 1 (01:34:53):
To take up space.

Speaker 10 (01:34:54):
They want to rock the boat and get some of
these things done.

Speaker 2 (01:34:58):
Well, i'd like to see that happen. One of the
laments that I heard on Tuesday over and over and
over again, one of the women even pointed out that
you said Columbus is worse than Washington. D c in
terms of its dysfunction. That's crazy. I mean, we've got
the House, the governor, and the Senate and we can't
get much done in Ohio along traditional conservative principles. It
seems to me to be crazy.

Speaker 1 (01:35:19):

Speaker 3 (01:35:21):
It is.

Speaker 15 (01:35:22):

Speaker 10 (01:35:22):
Yeah, you look at some of our colleagues that have
the ability to work in Florida, Texas, Tennessee, all where
they have Republican trifectas, and they're getting so much more
done on a policy level in their state government than
we are here. So we're going to try and change that.
And you know, supporting candidates is a great way to.

Speaker 2 (01:35:39):
Start well, and this is the kind of work that
we need to do. The front end work. We get
endorsements from people like are the folks from AFP who
are reliably great at selecting the people that we need
in government. And so I appreciate all the work that
you're doing. But yeah, Kurt Hartman, Michael Tech, Mitchell Tesca,
Adam Matthews, and George Lang again most of them in
solid reelect territories. And you mentioned Andersen. When you talk

about Kurt Hartman, are you suggesting Anderson is blue?

Speaker 3 (01:36:09):
It's not.

Speaker 15 (01:36:10):
I wouldn't say that it's blue. They think it's shifted
a bit.

Speaker 10 (01:36:13):
I think what we've seen, and this isn't just in
Hamilton County, it's around the country. Some of those places that, yeah,
some of these places that used to be like red,
you know, solid solid red, had started to shift to
the left a little bit. I know, Anderson's probably still
pretty conservative. Yeah, take in some of those some of
those other you know, kind of east side suburbs used
to have the city of Cincinnati, and that that was

pretty tough as well. This, this current iteration doesn't. But
the suburbs, they're tough territory for conservatives anymore. So it's
even more important that we get out and support folks
that are running there and get to word out.

Speaker 2 (01:36:46):
I just find that so hard to believe. Is that
just sort of the this this this, uh, because that's
a wealthy community overall. I mean, I know there are
areas that maybe aren't as wealthy, but you think of
when I think of Anderson, I think I always joke
about it, like I need a special pass to even
get in Anderson, And I've joked about that before. But
money got lots of money, got lots of industry, lots
of taxation and wealth, and you would think that that

would be a conservative leaning area solidly, And I just
kind of wonder maybe it's this left wing college education
craft that has infected so many of these otherwise conservative communities.

Speaker 10 (01:37:20):
That probably has something to do with it. You know,
the mainstream media certainly drives a lot of that as well.
They've they've shifted significantly left over the years, so that
I think, like I said, you're seeing that all over.
You see that in the Franklin County suburbs, the Cuyahoga
County suburbs.

Speaker 15 (01:37:36):
It's not only than eastern Ohio a little farther north.

Speaker 10 (01:37:39):
And this used to be reliably territory the blue Democratic
congressman for a little while, and now that would be unthinkable.
So shifts happened, you know, across the board. You know,
the roles are getting a little bit more red, that
the suburbs are shifting left. So that's why we get
out and talk to voters to kind of break through
the media wall.

Speaker 2 (01:37:59):
Well, and I will encourage my listeners to be the
ones that get out and talk to the voters. AFP
Action dot Com is how you get in touch with
AFP and and get the resources materials in the direction
you need to effectively do it. Tim, I appreciate time
you spent with me and my listeners this morning on
the program and the work that you and Americans for
Prosperity to doing each and every day, and I welcome
opportunities to speak with you anytime you got something to

pass along to the listeners.

Speaker 15 (01:38:23):
Really appreciate the opportunity. Brian enjoyed it than you, bram On.

Speaker 2 (01:38:25):
My pleasure to have you on. Take care and have
a wonderful week. Seven thirty seven fifty five kre se
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Speaker 5 (01:39:21):
Fifty five KRC.

Speaker 2 (01:39:27):
Here it is your nine first wing wether Forecast's going
to have a sunny day early, then clouds will roll
in it. It'll be a high of eighty five. Those
clouds will bring forth some rain. Overnight rain is possible.
Sixty three. Tomorrow is chantas hours all day, mostly cloudy
skies all day eighty two for the high. Clouds continue
over night sixty four for low with some showers. The
skies open up. You get partly sunny day on Saturday.
High eighty five Right now fifty seven degrees and time

for chuck with.

Speaker 6 (01:39:50):
Traffic from the UCL Triumphing Center. Substance dependence is a
treatable medical disease that affects both brain and behavior. You
see health addiction sciences can help. Call five on three
five eighty five A two two seven sathbound seventy five.
I'm seeing quite a few break lights between Tylersville and
Cincinnati Dayton at the moment, gonna check for a problem

above Union Center sathbound seventy one is over a fifteen
minute delay between Field Zirdle and the Ragon Highway northbound
fourth seventy one. Getting close to a fifteen minute delay
from Southgate into town. Chuck Ingram on fifty five krs
the talk station going up a seven forty two fifty
five krs the talk station. I hope you're having a

decent Friday.

Speaker 2 (01:40:32):
Eve Todd Moore about a bourbon tasting event, an opportunity
to meet Pete Rose two together after the top of
the air news. The proceeds benefit the Health Squad, which
is a great charity. And in the phones we go,
I was thinking about Andrew Pappis while I was talking
with with my last guest there, Tim Ross, about Anderson.
It just scratching my head over Anderson, even being remotely blue.

Speaker 1 (01:40:53):
But here we find ourselves.

Speaker 2 (01:40:54):
Former Anderson Township Trustee Drew Pappis, welcome back to the
Morning Show, my friend.

Speaker 1 (01:40:58):
Good to hear from.

Speaker 10 (01:40:59):
You morning, Brian.

Speaker 2 (01:41:01):
How are you doing relatively well?

Speaker 1 (01:41:05):
Yeah, it's I was.

Speaker 10 (01:41:07):
I enjoyed that say, I enjoy all your segments. But
AFP does great work, and it's nice that they're giving
people an easy way to get involved because that's exactly
what we need, not only here in Anderson, but across
Ohio given some of the recent revelations on how how
maybe people don't people who'se they're not focusing on what

their government is doing and they wake up to seeing
their communities changed. And you know, he mentioned Anderson being
less red than it was, and there's a very simple
you know, Anderson had my experience being here for over
twenty five years now, he's right Anderson, and you're correct.

Anderson was solidly read community. But we've had a lot
of success and growth. And what we've had, what I've
seen happen, I can I can't tell you the number
of people that couldn't even begin to count, but the
number of people that used to be in the Tea
Party and strong conservatives, and what we've seen here in

Anderson is that as their families dynamics change and their
kids move, kids, you know, grow up, move out of
the house. You suddenly have a large house, that four
bedroom house with two people that you don't want to
have anymore because there's just no purpose to it. You
bounced ze and so you know Claremont. You're able to

get a smaller lifestyle home out in Claremont without moving
to a totally different part of town, meaning just shift
over a few miles. Sure, And what that does is
it creates a vacuum. And as the young preus driving.

Speaker 15 (01:42:50):
Millennials, and I'm not bashing.

Speaker 10 (01:42:52):
Them per se, but that's just the demographic term for
that age group. You know, as these young liberals have
children in the city, they say, well, we don't you know,
we don't want our children to be in this environment
or have different better schools, So they come here to
Anderson Township. The struggle is is that these younger folks

who are who are more liberal thinking than the established
population here, they bring their ideology with them and they
forget the very reason that the community that they originally
lived in was not a desirable for them to raise
their family in.

Speaker 1 (01:43:35):
And they bring those uh, they bring.

Speaker 10 (01:43:37):
Those ideals with them and they they sadly vote accordingly. So, yes,
there's been a and this is happening all over the world.
But you know, when you you know, it's one thing
to move. And I'm not bashing any particular neighborhood, but
let's just say that if you're in the urban center
of Cincinnati and you're looking for a place to move
without a great lifestyle change meaning commute meaning stores that

you are used to frequenting, Anderson is a natural choice
because it's just right here. I mean, you know, it's
not you don't have to change a whole lot in
your life, like if you've moved up to let's say,
you know, Mason or up on the northern suburbs, which
are also experiencing great, you know, rapid growth as well.
So it's just the natural, you know, draw of things. Now,

what I have found is that after a few cycles
these folks voting and getting involved, they understand that, hey,
the reason that they moved out of the community they
moved in that they didn't feel safe raising their family
is exactly the conservative government and the conservative mindset that
we have out here that has led to such a

secure area. So you know, it's it's it's just I
guess we're a victim of our own success. Maybe I'm
not sure how you'd classify that, but that's pretty much
what's going on out here. It is still red, don't
misunderstand me, but it's got tinges of purple around the
outside that are hopefully these folks will uh as they

grow up. You know, you've heard the old phrase when
you're young.

Speaker 2 (01:45:09):
Yes, he was not from the left as youth has
no heart. He was not from the right as an
adult has no brain.

Speaker 4 (01:45:15):

Speaker 10 (01:45:16):
So that's pretty much and there's a reason that saying
is so valid. That's pretty much what we're going throughout here,
and we've been going through for some time.

Speaker 2 (01:45:26):
And it is what it is, and the way you
describe it, you know, the first thing that came to
my mind, he said, you know, it's not yet blue,
but it's getting blue around the fringy.

Speaker 1 (01:45:34):
It's like a cancer.

Speaker 2 (01:45:36):
It spreads, it expands, and it ends up killing the host.

Speaker 10 (01:45:41):
It is a It is a bit of a parasitic relationship.
I'll say that, and I'll agree with you. Uh.

Speaker 1 (01:45:50):
I found that.

Speaker 10 (01:45:51):
You know, usually what happens is, you know, they come
here from the bird or from the city center and
there they have their you know that it takes them
a while to finally come to understand. The first couple
of years they're you know, really rabid and very very
very liberal, and then slowly when they see the effects

on their children, how their children are thriving here, how
they're very safe, how they don't feel safe because we
have you know, good public safety, we put a priority.
I think that I think that at least when I
was inw in office, I said power, but I meant office.
The simple fact matter is the priority, this basic form

of government at any level is public safety. Without that,
we have no society. And that was a mindset that
we had when I was on the Trustee board, and
they continue to have. We put a priority on public safety.
And you know, as you're seeing, like you mentioned the
community of Springfield, Ohio, they're witnessing that right now, the

public safety without public safety. And I'm not bashing the
migro it's by any stretch, I mean, would be protected immigrants.
I'm not bashing them, but I'd like to know. I'd
like someone maybe a deep dive of investigative reporter who's
the genius in any level of government, the thought that
bringing twenty thousand folks into a community of sixty thousand

wouldn't have some sort of impact and didn't really think
about it.

Speaker 1 (01:47:22):
I'd like to know that thought.

Speaker 10 (01:47:24):
Well, you know, typical government dumbness.

Speaker 1 (01:47:27):
Right, And that's on a micro level.

Speaker 2 (01:47:29):
And you look at the one city in the country
that's experienced the spirits in this problem. But then move
backward and you see it's a macro problem. The problems
that Springfield are facing are just illustrative of problems that
every community in this country seems to be facing because
no one was prepared for a massive influx of humanity
over such a short period of time.

Speaker 1 (01:47:49):
It's impot question.

Speaker 10 (01:47:51):
There's absolutely no question what you're saying is correct, and
hold the people, and I wish the voters would open
their eyes.

Speaker 15 (01:47:57):
And if you think.

Speaker 10 (01:47:57):
Springfield just popped up overnight, you're you're sadly mistaken. This
is Springfield has been happening for a while. The only
reason it's getting the grease right now is because it's squeaking.
And you know, this is happening in communities all over
the United States, and a lot of them are probably saying, Hey,
where's our love, where's our where's our news and press
because you cannot bring as some estimates are as high

as twenty million. You cannot bring twenty million new folks
into your country, into your city, into your house, into
your neighborhood, into your country without there being ramifications. And
I thought the one thing that jumped out of me
most during the debate. Almost several things I had tourets
that night, but the Kamala opining about the housing shortage,

I said, well, how does bringing if there is a.

Speaker 15 (01:48:45):
Housing shortage, if housing can't.

Speaker 10 (01:48:46):
Keep up with demand, how does bringing twenty million new
folks into your into your country solve that in any way,
shape or form. It's not exacerbated exponentially. But no one,
no one. The moderators failed to make that because they
were too busy fact checking Donald Trump all night. But
you know that was a set of subject you've covered
very well.

Speaker 2 (01:49:06):
Amen to that, brother, Not that I've covered it well,
but amen to the point. Yeah, it's crazy, brother. I
cannot thank you enough for calling Andrew. It's always a
pleasure to hear from me, man. And if you're the
last one out, make sure you bring the flag seven
fifty no lie fifty five KR see the dog Station,
stick around, or to talk about the top of the
Iron News, to talk bourbon tasting, and we get jay
Rattle at a thirty. In the meantime, I get to

mention Colin because I like mentioning Andrew Cullen and the
team at Colin Electric. They've taken such great care of
my family and for our electrical needs over the years,
and I know they'll take great care of you. That's
why they have an A plus with a better business
fear than they have forever. I think they've been family
owned operated since nineteen ninety nine. The crew of electricians
there are a well oiled machine. We'll take care of
your electric needs, take great care of your home. They

are wonderful at customer service. Everything you could possibly hope
for in a company for electric work. Ten year warranty
for everything that.

Speaker 1 (01:49:54):
They do for you.

Speaker 2 (01:49:55):
So whether it's a goofy electric problem you got going on,
you want to upgrade. I want to get a whole
house surge protector. I got one of those. They installed
my uh my generator in my home. They've done all
my wiring for the bathroom project where recently did big projects,
small projects and everything in between. Final online. It's Cullen
c U L L E M Color Electriccincinnati dot Com.

Tell them, I said, how many call up? It'schedu an
appointment at five one three two two seven four one
one two. That's five one three two two seven four
one one two fifty five KRC.

Speaker 1 (01:50:26):
Do you have a massive tax part?

Speaker 2 (01:50:29):
Here's your nine first one to weather forecast. Get sunny
sky's early clouds later today. Hi have eighty five clouds
every night, few showers sixty three pouty day all day tomorrow,
chance of showers. I guess all day eighty two for
the high another opportunity for some showers overnight with a
high low of sixty four, and we get at partly
sunny day on Saturday eighty five for the high end
right at sixty degrees.

Speaker 1 (01:50:49):
Now time for traffic update from the UC Health Triumphan Center.

Speaker 6 (01:50:52):
Substance dependence is a treatable medical disease that affects both
brain and behavior. You see health addiction sciences can help
call five one three, five, eight, five eight two two seven.
North found seventy five is running an extra fifteen minutes
out of Florence into towntown and that delay time is
growing saing for northbound four seventy one from Southgate southbound
seventy five break lights first from Tailersville towards Union Center,

then through Bachman southbound seventy one is closer to a
twenty minute delay. Now fieldsrtle down to Red Pank Chuck
Ingramont fifty five kr CD talk station.

Speaker 2 (01:51:32):
Seven fifty five fIF five kr CD talk station. He's
all the time up there, and that's okay. Is Todd
Morre's gonna tell us all about this bourbon tasting event
to help the Help Squad, which is a great charity.
And then we get iHeart media aviation expert Jay Rattler
at eight thirty. I hope you can stick around. I'll
be right back after the news the twenty twenty four election.

Speaker 7 (01:51:54):
Vice President Kamala Harris, I'm clapping.

Speaker 1 (01:51:57):
You don't have to f fifty five KR about it.

Speaker 3 (01:52:01):
Keep I'm busy with the college.

Speaker 1 (01:52:02):
Talk about it.

Speaker 5 (01:52:03):
Never mind what's going on in the news.

Speaker 15 (01:52:05):
All this is a diversion.

Speaker 1 (01:52:07):
Fifty five KRC eight oh five, the fifty five KRCV
talk station, Happy Friday Eve. Of course that means Jay
raydlff's coming up. Bottom of the hour.

Speaker 2 (01:52:17):
I heard media aviation expert Jay Raydlift every Thursday at
eight thirty. In the meantime, I'm welcome. Welcoming to the
fifty five CARC Morning Show. Part of a great organization.
Todd Moore going to be helping out the Help Squad,
which you can do online go to the Help Squad
sincywithwy dot com. And what they are is a Christian
faith collaborative helping people in neighborhoods outside of Cincinnati including
Cole Rain Dal High Green Township, Addison, Shiviyt and Cleaves.

What they do is provide financial assistance, housing support, food support,
clothing support, furniture, home needs, job training, education, clothing, addiction
and medical mental health services, as well as faith and
prayer counseling. Todd Moore to talk about a bourbon event
to help the Help Squad.

Speaker 1 (01:52:56):
Welcome to the program. It's great to have you on today.

Speaker 3 (01:52:59):
Thanks so much for and I appreciate it. Yeah, and
I'm happy that you started out by talking about what
their mission is. I got connected with Brian, I want
to say almost two years ago. I have my own
business where I provide sports and entertainment memorabilia items to
a variety of charitable organizations to help them raise money.

I work with a number of Catholic parishes and schools
on FOMA LOOKMI Society Cancer Free Kids, a lot of
them and I got connected through Brian, who is a
twenty eight year retired since I police.

Speaker 1 (01:53:32):
Officer on the program.

Speaker 2 (01:53:34):
He's a guy, is a riot man, he is an
absolute riot.

Speaker 3 (01:53:38):
He's been absolutely great to work with. I love his organization.
He's got a lot of great volunteers who help him out.
I probably in the last year and a half have
done seven different events with Brian, and it's it's that
relationship over time. He knows I'm I'm a big bourbon
drinker and a big bourbon.

Speaker 1 (01:54:00):

Speaker 3 (01:54:01):
I'm part of a couple bars in Loveland, bar restaurants
that have a.

Speaker 9 (01:54:07):
Good bourbon presence.

Speaker 3 (01:54:08):
And with my business and with memorabilia, I'm very connected
to several athletes and.

Speaker 9 (01:54:17):
One of them is is Pete Rose.

Speaker 3 (01:54:19):
And Pete's been a friend of mine for you know,
a long time, and a couple of years ago I
took him into new Re Distillery down in Newport and
did a special couple of special bourbon single barrel selections.
And I always said well, if we can get Pete
to do something at four Roses, it just seems fitting, right,
four Roses, you know, legendary bourbon distilleries. I said, man,

if we can get Pete in to do a barrel pick,
that'd be quite an event, right exactly. And so we
just did a recent pick for the bar which is
called Bishop's Quarter and Loveland.

Speaker 2 (01:54:57):
I know the place, well, yeah, I live. I live
about two miles from them.

Speaker 3 (01:55:02):
Well that's fantastic, but I will have to definitely hook
up in there and get connected further.

Speaker 2 (01:55:07):
Oh and I do love him old fashioned, my friend,
I have things are like, I'm sorry if you've never
had an old fashion, Like I was not a bourbon
guy and my wife never ever ever drank bourbon. And
it was like, I don't know how we ended up
drinking an old fashion And now it's like being addicted
to crack cocaine. I mean, there is just insane. I'm

not even a sweet drinker guy. I was a Scotch
guy forever, but man, I'm telling you there's something about
an old fashion. They just go down so easily. You
got to mind your p's and q's on that.

Speaker 9 (01:55:36):
Well, as you know.

Speaker 3 (01:55:38):
The bourbon is just exploded, you know, with the yeah
distilleries opening and things like that. So we just did
this pick back on August first, we spoke with somebody
we know down there to distillery and they said, you know,
we've been taking this charity angle, and not to bore
your listeners with a bunch of detail as far as

how the bourbon works, but getting single barrel selection from
a distillery like Four Roses. We're in Ohio, so we
have to go through the State of Ohio Liquor Control
in case they had a barrel that are designated for charity.

Speaker 9 (01:56:14):
So we got the paperwork sent in from Brian.

Speaker 3 (01:56:17):
We got approved by Four Roses Distillery to receive a
single barrel selection. So what we've done is we've put
together a basically an experience with Pete Rose at Four Roses.
So this is gonna be a twofold thing. So they
when I say the barrels for charity, you still have
to buy the barrel. So whenever that barrel gets selected,

they're gonna bottle it and we're gonna have to buy
whatever number of bottles yield itself from that barrel. So
what we've done is we're creating an opportunity where four
roses allow six people to be there to do the
barrel selection. So it's a process, it's a two hour experience. Well,
you'll be sitting there with a number of different barrels

to taste and try and smell, and that group will
pick this four rowses Pete Rose single barrel editions.

Speaker 2 (01:57:09):
So the group narrows the selection down to one barrel
from among the different And my understanding is there's ten
different barrels that.

Speaker 1 (01:57:17):
You will take it.

Speaker 2 (01:57:18):
Yeah, so you want a sip of all of them,
and then you all agree amongst yourselves which one you
want to designate the Pete Rose barrel and that's the
one you end up buying.

Speaker 1 (01:57:28):
Exactly cool.

Speaker 3 (01:57:29):
And then after those bottles are or after that barrel
is bottled and we receive those, we'll have to do
then get together with Pete again and Pete will then
hand sign each of those bottles. Now, the process of
how we're going to do that, whether that will be
at private thing with me and Pete getting all the

bottles signed, or hopefully we can turn it into another
event for the help squad that we will.

Speaker 9 (01:57:58):
Do at a a later date.

Speaker 3 (01:58:01):
It's hard for me to tell you when that is,
because we don't know how long it'll take to get
the bottles in from four Roses and then get something
organized with Teat to be back in town because as
many people know, Pete lives out and out west out
in Vegas and there's no way I'm shipping a bunch
of bourbon.

Speaker 1 (01:58:17):
Bottles out the ticket understood.

Speaker 3 (01:58:19):
So But so the first thing is, I think Brian
wanted me to be on with you today because he
really doesn't know much about the bourbon.

Speaker 9 (01:58:28):
He's learning about this whole experience.

Speaker 3 (01:58:30):
And so what we've done is we've created this thing
where you get to be with us. The single barrel
pick with four Roses has taking place on Monday, September
twenty third at ten am, So we would ask these
people to get there probably by like nine to forty five,
and then those six people will go in. It's like
I said, a two hour experience. Four Roses has two

ye strains and ten different recipes, five recipes for each
of those two ye strains. You'll select from those ten
and then that is what we will get. Whether it's
a month or two months down the bread, we don't know.
And then hopefully have an event again for proceeds going
to the Help Squad, hopefully at our bar Bishop's quarter,

and that we can then raise more money on both
the bottles and this experience. So the experienced spots are
two thousand dollars apiece. I know it seems like a
lot of money, but what we're designing this experience to
do is to in a sense, for the Help Squad
pay for the bottles that we'll be receiving from four Roses.

And so what we're trying to do is create a
situation where the Help Squad this is part of that
donation to get this thing going. Those six people will
receive three bottles each from the release. When they're ready,
we're gonna have photographer there, so you're going to get
your picture taken with Pete. Each person's going to receive
an eleven by fourteen photo hands signed by Pete, and

you're gonna get a two hour experience with Cincinnati's Charlie.
So that when you talk about once of a lifetime
type opportunities, this is one of those.

Speaker 9 (02:00:12):
You know, we know Pete's not getting any younger.

Speaker 3 (02:00:15):
He's going to be eighty four in April, so you know,
to be able to have this opportunity and to sit
down and just get to spend you know, two hours
with the hit king.

Speaker 9 (02:00:29):
I mean, how often do you get to do that, right.

Speaker 1 (02:00:32):
I don't know. I never.

Speaker 2 (02:00:34):
I would imagine, especially since he's living out in Vegas.
You could go to his bar out there and hang out,
and you might be able to hang out with him,
but not in this kind of experience. Plus, my understanding is,
you know, there's the experts from Four Roses, which is
a highly respected bourbon I'm at least aware of that,
So you'll learn a whole lot about bourbon generally speaking
while you're going through these selections. So it's like a

learning opportunity along the bourbon lines as well as hanging
out with the rows.

Speaker 15 (02:01:00):
With four Roses.

Speaker 3 (02:01:01):
Because I've done several single barrel picks at different distilleries,
and there's a there's a lot of great ones, but
I'm telling you it's hard to.

Speaker 9 (02:01:09):
Top a four Roses pick.

Speaker 3 (02:01:10):
Because you go to some stillories, they'll give you three
different barrels to try from, or four different barrels. Very
rarely do you get the opportunity to try ten, and
it's a tough process.

Speaker 9 (02:01:20):
It really is.

Speaker 3 (02:01:21):
I mean, you're gonna, oh, this one's good and this
one's good too, and then you're constantly going back and forth,
and you know, I'm sure it's not that a fight's
gonna break out, but I'm sure there's gonna be some
disagreement about which one is the best. But again, to
be able to do it with Pete Rose, it's something
else we Like I said, we did two of them
with New Rift Distillery. It was it was easier to

do a single barrel pick at New Riff.

Speaker 9 (02:01:44):
And to have Pete in there.

Speaker 3 (02:01:47):
It was a lot of fun. So right away it
was just like, man if I could get into four Roses,
how how cool would that be? And so it's finally
been able to to, you know, get on the books
and we're gonna make it happen and you know.

Speaker 9 (02:02:01):
Looking forward to it.

Speaker 3 (02:02:02):
So I guess the best thing to do is if
somebody is interested.

Speaker 15 (02:02:05):
We have sold some of these spots.

Speaker 9 (02:02:07):
I'm not gonna, you know, tell you.

Speaker 3 (02:02:09):
That they're six available, there's only two spots left.

Speaker 9 (02:02:13):
But I think, yeah, so what I think.

Speaker 3 (02:02:15):
Brian wanted to do. Brian was talking to somebody from
the station. I think that's how we got to this
point of you and I speaking this morning.

Speaker 1 (02:02:24):
My producer.

Speaker 2 (02:02:24):
Yeah yeah, he said again, we've had to Help Squad
on the program to promote the organization quite a few times,
and that's how I got to.

Speaker 3 (02:02:32):
Know, and I encourage your listeners and that Help Squad
is a great organization local and it's not like they do,
you know, one of a year. It's I've done several
where they're helping out families where you know, teenagers or
young children are dealing with a serious illness. So they've

done and helped events that cater to like a single
need right away, and then they do other events where
they're raising money where the proceeds go to their overall cause,
which is doing those things that you you talked about
in the beginning. And this is just one of those
things that we think in the long run, we're gonna make,
you know, decent return for the Help Squad. So the

plan is to set these bottles of a retail price
of two hundred and ninety two cents, So if you're
familiar with Pete, you.

Speaker 9 (02:03:23):
Kind of get the number.

Speaker 3 (02:03:25):
Forty one ninety two was of course the number that
broke Tykov. So we came up with a crazy retail price.
These will be available to anybody through the Help Squad,
and I'm sure Brian will will make posts on their
Facebook site and their website as to when they come.

Speaker 9 (02:03:41):
In or when we have got a date.

Speaker 3 (02:03:45):
Set uh for something with Pete hopefully where the public
is able then to come and actually get their bottle
personally signed if they buy one for the Help Squad.
So that's something that unfortunate. We'll just have to keep
you guys posts on.

Speaker 2 (02:04:00):
Yeah, no, that's fine, You're a welcome on the Morning Show.
I love the organization. I love what you're doing. I
like the just the the the attitude of the people
and the understanding they have and the the recognition that
there are quite a few people out there in the
world that do have, you know, sort of short term
problems but they need a little bit of help and
help squads right there to help them get through that

little period of time and move on with the next project.
So helps the Help Squad. Since he with a y
the help squadsincey dot com. Now somebody's out there going
damn it. Tell me how I buy one of the
last two tickets because I want to be there with
Pete Rose and I want to sample ten Bourbon's and
I want my hands on some of these bottles.

Speaker 1 (02:04:37):
Who are they gonna call? How are they gonna get
a toe?

Speaker 3 (02:04:39):
That's well, what I'm gonna do is I'm going to
actually give you Brian Ibolt's phone number.

Speaker 9 (02:04:45):
And that's good.

Speaker 3 (02:04:46):
That's I don't know, I don't know what else to do.
He texted me last night, he said, hey, do you
mind talking on the radio, And I'm like, okay, fine, yeah,
But so I just think, I mean, I guess you could.
You could call me as well. My number is five
one three six eight zero one.

Speaker 9 (02:05:04):
Six eighty one.

Speaker 3 (02:05:06):
Be happy to answer any questions that somebody has, or
you can reach out to Brian Ibol with the help
spot at five one three six seven eight eight nine
eighty six. We've got some information we can send out
for anybody who's interested. But yeah, like I said, we've
we've been able to uh. Brian sold three spots to

people who support the organizations, and I sold another one yesterday.
So it's a really cool experience. I guarantee if you're
a friend or a fan of Pete Rose and Cincinnati
Red's Baseball, or if you're a bourbon enthusiast at all,
you're going to be in for a great experience because,
like I said, it takes about two hours to get

your way through this. You keep in mind that if
you live in the Cincinnati area, to go down at
to be at Four Roses, it's it's about an hour
and forty five minute drive from Cincinna.

Speaker 1 (02:06:00):
It's in Cox Creek, Kentucky.

Speaker 3 (02:06:03):
Cox Creek, Kentucky is where there's two different Four Roses facilities,
and the one that you would go to for the
barrel selection is at Cox's Creek, which I think is
about twenty five minutes southeast of Louisville.

Speaker 2 (02:06:18):
Fair enough, Well, Joe Strecker will add those phone numbers
and somebody's going to get over there as quickly as
possible to buy one of the remaining two tickets, yes,
or two thousand apiece. But it's a two hour experience,
a very unique experience. Of course, the bourbon sampling alone
is enough to get somebody to buy a ticket. But
like you said, if you're a Reds fan, you want
to spend some time with the aging Pete Rose, it

is time to go ahead and do it. And it
does benefit this outstanding charity. So you're doing God's work
and having a great time at the same time.

Speaker 3 (02:06:47):
Todd boys, yeah, I appreciate that, and keep in mind
you you get three bottles of the finished product.

Speaker 9 (02:06:51):
That's part of the deal. And Brian, you've got my
number now too.

Speaker 3 (02:06:56):
Love to meet with you down at Bishop's Quarter and
show you more about the place. It's more about what
we do there. But thank you so much for the
time this morning to help talk about this.

Speaker 2 (02:07:06):
Thank you very much Todd Moore for all you're doing
for the Help Squad throughout the year as well. My brother.
It is great and I'll see you down in lovele Yeah.
Eight twenty at stumbling distance practically eight twenty fifty five
care see detalk station. Get over to the blog page
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Speaker 1 (02:08:23):
People are doing it every day.

Speaker 2 (02:08:24):
Five one three eight hundred call five one three eight
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fifty five KRC.

Speaker 1 (02:08:35):
We're less than two weeks away from our Higheart Radio
Music Festival e sided by capital What taking.

Speaker 2 (02:08:44):
Tier th nine first one on the woecast. It's gotta
be a sunny day early and then clouds will roll in.
We'll have a high of eighty five with a few
showers overnight down to sixty three, more showers tomorrow, mostly
cloudy all day eighty two, few showers over night down
to sixty four, and a partly sunny Saturday one up
to eighty five.

Speaker 1 (02:09:00):
Fifty nine degrees right now. Type for traffic from the
U S Transplant Center.

Speaker 6 (02:09:04):
Substance Offendance is a treatable medical disease that affects both
brain and behavior. You see health addiction sciences can help
call five one, three, five eighty five eight two two
seven southbound seventy one. Delay time starting to drop, which
is still need an extra twenty minutes from above two
seventy five to the lateral southbound seventy five is closer
to a fifteen minute delay. Brew walk from northbound seventy

five starting to improve out of Florence heavy from Donaldson
into town. Chuck Ingram on fifty five KRC DEEP Talk Station,
Hey thirty.

Speaker 2 (02:09:36):
Fiftieve RCD Talk Station, A very happy Friday eve to
he always made happier because of this moment in time.
Every Thursday we get to talk to iHeartMedia Aviation. Nextwort
Jay Ratliff, who takes a few minutes away from making
thousands of dollars in a couple of minutes as his
day trade job to spend time with my listeners to
talk about aviation issues. Jay, welcome back, my friend. I
always love talking to you.

Speaker 4 (02:09:56):
Now, sometimes my students we take a few more than
a couple of minutes. The key is to stay away
from the stocks that you know are gonna torpedo. And
when you know that, you can, you know, protect yourself
against losses and the games take care of themselves.

Speaker 1 (02:10:11):
Hey, then, and don't get greedy. Just take your ever, ever, ever, ever, No,
a bird in the hand.

Speaker 4 (02:10:18):
Yes, it's worth to they get in run exactly there.

Speaker 1 (02:10:21):
You go, all right real quick here.

Speaker 2 (02:10:22):
It wasn't on the list, but I had to ask
you about this because the visuals are just so wild.
Over in Atlanta, we had two Delta planes collided Atlanta
Airport and the tail got knocked off.

Speaker 4 (02:10:33):
One the vertical stabilizer. You're right, You and I've talked
about airplanes that clip before. Yeah, you know one get
one one jets being pulled back and it it nicks
the plane next to it, and you really have to
sometimes look to see, oh oh yeah, I see the
little bit of damage right there on one of the airplanes.

Speaker 9 (02:10:54):

Speaker 4 (02:10:54):
This is the first time I've ever seen an entire
vertical stabilizer get ripped off the airplane. Now, you know,
if you're one of Ohio State Patrol's finest and you're
doing an investigation, a lot of times they will look
at the position of your car to see, okay, where
you had fault. I mean, where you were supposed to be.
When you look at that Bombardier jet, the CRG nine hundred,

it appears to be center line right there on the taxiway,
kind of where it's supposed to be. So that makes
you think that the much larger A three eight three
point fifty that came by on its way to Tokyo
when it ripped off that tail might not have been
exactly where it should have been. So fortunately, no injuries. Sadly,
you know, two planes we had passengers that had canceled flights.

They had to reroute them, but nobody got hurt. And
that's always a good thing. When you got two fully
fueled aircraft that are preparing to take off. This wasn't
a bump, this wasn't a clip. This is something that
had a degree of speed to it. So I'll be very,
very anxious to see the NTSB report when it's finalized.

Speaker 2 (02:11:59):
Oh yeah, well, you know there's got to be some
sort of video of this. I mean at an airport.

Speaker 4 (02:12:03):
Well, well there should be. You know, Atlanta is the
busiest airport in the world. They've got cameras everywhere at that.
It's always surprises me when somebody's running from the police
they run into the airport. It's like, I'll run into
this casino. They will never spine me. Yeah, well, they
got cameras everywhere.

Speaker 2 (02:12:18):
Oh no, love that about convenience store robberies. He was like,
it's on video. Here's a picture of the guy, Robin
the convenience.

Speaker 1 (02:12:26):
He's like, you everywhere in the world is like banks.

Speaker 2 (02:12:30):
Using banks should be the one place in the world
where you knew there was gonna be video cameras. You
can look up and see hm. And they never wear
any place else. Now they are literally everywhere on everybody's
front door, and that obviously an airport. So I'm dying
to see a release video of how this happened, because
it's just the most odd thing to behold when you
see that entire tail section just knocked right off. I mean,
that's got to be on there really good. I mean,

this is not something that's sort.

Speaker 1 (02:12:51):
Of stuck off air.

Speaker 4 (02:12:53):
Yeah, they're designed not to come off. That's kind of
the whole, the whole, the whole thing there. And you know,
we'll see if the if the the smaller Endeavor air
Delta subsidiary was where they were supposed to be or not.
But regardless, when you're at the middle of your taxiway,
there shouldn't be danger of your aircraft coming into contact
with any other aircraft anywhere at all. So again, it

may have been the smaller airplane's fault. I don't think so.
We're gonna have to wait and see exactly, and the
investigation will find out and Brand has always will learn
from it will make commercial aviation safeer him. You know,
when you go back and look at the history of
accidents decade by decade, you're struck in the seventies and
the eighties, even the nineties about how many plane disasters

we had in the course of a single year. And
so when we see something like this that takes place
where okay, nobody was injured and we can learn from it.
And then you look at the number of non accidents
really that we've had decade after decade, it really just
goes to show that we are learning from all of
these incidents and we are making commercial aviation safer as

a result, not only for us, but this information will
be shared with airlines all over the world.

Speaker 2 (02:14:03):
That's a very valid point. Day, I'll learn from your
own mistakes. You think Boeing would take that into your heart, right.

Speaker 4 (02:14:08):
Well, there's also a self reporting situation. If you and
I are flying a flight of a commercial airline and
we make a mistake, we're protected if we if we
report our mistake, and we're encouraged to do so so
that we can a learn from our mistake, have others
learn from it, and then finally make sure that we
try to provide information that would prevent future crews from

making that same mistake. And it's maybe not done all
the time, but it is reported a lot of times
where these pilots will self report themselves with regards to
something that took place. Now, there's a lot of times
something happens where they are not as forthcoming as they
should be. But many crews are that and hats off
to those men and women because they're saying, look, Okay,

we made a mistake we shouldn't have, but we're going
to learn from it and hopefully other crews can learn
from it as well.

Speaker 1 (02:14:57):

Speaker 2 (02:14:57):
Well, Paul, I'm going to bring Jay ratl look back.
Continuing with our safety incident, apparently some serious ones regarding
Southwest Airlines. We've got some cash fines for flight delays
maybe coming and memories of nine to eleven and the
way air travel has changed more with iheard media aviation
expert Jay Ratliffe. After I get to mention someone I
love or some people I love to mention, I'd be

Wendy and Jeff, owners of twenty two three on Route
forty two between Mason and eleven, and they have such
a fantastic gun store and indoor range. Couldn't find a
better one, and you couldn't find better people. As far
as the owners, you're helping out so well, you're doing
yourself a service going there. You got a great selection
of firearms. Knowledgeable staff can walk you through the process.
If you've never bought one before, the ultimate great equalizer.

I strongly recommend it. I have bought several firearms from
twenty two three. I've shot on the range bunch of times.
You're never gonna find a better indoor range either. Membership options,
become a member, never pay a lane fee. They got
a whole bunch of different membership options. They have training classes,
like even the concealed carry class, which is still important
if you're planning on traveling with your firearm. A gunsmith,

they have everything twenty two three again Route forty two
between Mason and loved and learn more about the shop
and tell Wendy and Jeff. Brian said, Hi, when you
get in there, it's number twenty two, follow by the
word three spelled out twenty two to three dot com
fifty five the talk station.

Speaker 1 (02:16:16):
Men, if you're suffering from.

Speaker 2 (02:16:19):
Hey thirty nine, I think about kars De talk station
Friday Eve bright time. It was a Loighthart media aviation
expert Jay Rattle of pivoting over in terms of safety incidents,
moving away from the tail falling off the airplane. Southwest Airlines,
what's going on with this one?

Speaker 4 (02:16:35):
I've talked about a couple of Southwest incidents that have
really been strange. One flight coming out of Honolulu that
got to about one thousand feet and then all of
a sudden, the plane started to descend to four hundred
feet above the ocean before it resumed its flight only
to determine there was weather issues and they had deturnent
come back. Then m flight going into Omahall that was

on final approach it should have been about three thousand feet.
They were buzzing inighborhood at five hundred peopo and air
traffic Control had to call them and say is everything okay?
And they said yeah, why because you're a lot lower
than you should be. Then we had a flight coming
into Tampa in Southwest Airlines much lower than it should
have been. So after all of these and more, the

Federal Abation Ministration has opened up an investigation and Southwest
Airlines has determined that it's a good time for their
eleven thousand pilots to undergo a full one day of
safety training. Over the next year, the eleven thousand pilots
can be required to attend these safety sessions in hopes
of reducing the number of these incidents and Brian when
you look at Southwest pilots, these men and women lawinx military.

I mean, these are individuals who are all stars. They
know what they're doing. So when we had one situation
over Honolulu, I thought, okay, maybe a new pilot who
knows we'll figure maybe a maintenance issue that contributed. But
to have one after another after another, and to be
so low and not be aware of it is what
just blows my mind. I'm thinking, how can you have

two incredibly trained pilots at an altitude much lower than
they should be and totally unaware of it. So we
still don't know what caused those situations. But Southwest is
saying and probably this is legally a preemptive move, you know,
so that they can show the FA that, okay, we're
trying to take care of the situation kind of as

a business does.

Speaker 1 (02:18:21):
That's to remediate.

Speaker 2 (02:18:22):
Yes, the remediation steps very important in the law and
the area of civil liability and legal liability.

Speaker 1 (02:18:28):
Cheese Louise, I just can't imagine.

Speaker 2 (02:18:31):
We'll look, well, see where it goes five hundred feet, man,
you'll see that unless you're in an airport and someone's
on final approach.

Speaker 4 (02:18:37):
Ran it was at twelve thirty in the morning, and
it was waking people up out of their homes. They
were calling nine to one one thing because something was wrong.
Now there was something.

Speaker 2 (02:18:43):
Wrong, all right, Well, cash fines. Airline's gonna be facing
fines for flight delays.

Speaker 4 (02:18:49):
Biden administration's at it again. And you know, I do
not like much of anything of the Biden administration, but
they continue to go after airlines and their full steam ahead.
They're saying that there's a proposed rule that would actually
require US airlines to provide compensation cash to passengers for
controllable that's going to have to be in quotes, cancelations

are delayed and delays of three hours or more. They're
talking about. This could roll down the pike as early
as January of next year, and it would certainly be
a game changer for US passengers and certainly the US
aviation world because this type of rules are in place
in many other countries around the world and we are
so late in getting there. Why Because it's the airlines.

Many times it tells the government what they're going to do,
not the other way around. And I'm really hoping that
this goes forward, and I can promise you just like
the transparency where the government wanted all the fees and
everything's shown up front that the airlines fought. You can
bet your bottom dollar airlines are going to fight this
tooth and nail, Yeah, with their very powerful lobbying group,

because they do not want this, because then they're going
to be more accountable, they're going to have to do
a better job, et cetera, et cetera. And I love it.
I love the airlines being held accountable because they get
away with a lot that's just kind of you know,
they should be find a lot more than they are,
but it's negotiated down to some incredibly low amount with

the promise they'll never do it again, and far too
many times they get away with things. So when I
see this administration holding their feet to the fire, I'm
going to say thank you. Look, when the Bide administration
does something stupid, which is often, I'm going to point
it out. And when they do things that I like,
I'm going to point it out. And certainly that's the
case here. And I don't know any other administration that

has gone after the airlines like this. And I do
know in the late nineteen nineties there was a move
to make airlines more customer service oriented. In fact, there
was talk at that time of reregulating the industry's industry
from a standpoint of you guys are doing such a
bad job, we may go back to the days of regulation,
which we've not had since October of seventy eight, and

Airlines Northwest included where I was at, we took it
very seriously. We had complaint resolution officers CROs on every
shift to try to show that we were responding to
those complaints. And then, of course the attacks of nine
to eleven happened and everything went from safety and or
service over to you know, safety of the airplanes and
customer service was an afterthought and we've never gone back since.

Speaker 2 (02:21:20):
Well, pause a little early in the break, but I'm
going to take a break because I don't want to
give you a short shift, short time on the nine
to eleven memories and the way things were and the
way things are now and hub delays. We'll get that
one more with iHeartMedia aviation expert Jay Ratliff, after I
get to mention fast and pro roofing. I love referring
people to fasten pro They are going to take fantastic
care of you, and it begins with a free roof

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roof inspection. You know, is there anything wrong with your roof?
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Steve called them for siding and while there they inspected
his roof, which will do for you. Guess what, there
were some things going on there, latent defects that could

have given him a major problem down the road.

Speaker 1 (02:22:05):
He'sa man.

Speaker 2 (02:22:06):
I can't thank you enough for referrming me or for
me relying on your recommendation on fast and Pro.

Speaker 1 (02:22:10):
They had to release my entire roof. I got the.

Speaker 2 (02:22:12):
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five fifty five KRC dot.

Speaker 5 (02:22:47):
Com, Cincinnati. Did you know?

Speaker 1 (02:22:51):
One more time for the weather?

Speaker 2 (02:22:52):
Sunny, early clouds later eighty five for the high, clouds
remainder went I get a few showers sixty three. Another
cloudy day for the most part Tomorrow along with shower
high of eighty two, a few showers overnight even sixty
four for the low and on Saturday, partly sunny skies
with a high of eighty five closing out at sixty one.
Time for final travick Chuck Ingram from the UC Health
Tramphic Center.

Speaker 6 (02:23:11):
Substance dependency is a treatable medical disease that affects both
praying and behavior. You see health addiction sciences can help
call five one three, five, eighty five eight two two
seven South pound seventy five continues slow through Lachland northbound,
heaviest hat of Boro Binger into the cut North Pound
four seventy one year hopping on the brakes from before
Grand Althomble. Eight times have dropped under the fifteen minute mark.

There's a record you've flitted hasbro Chuck Ingram on fifty
five k see a talk station, Hey, forty.

Speaker 1 (02:23:42):
Eighth to five KRCD talk station. Very Happy Friday, Eve.

Speaker 2 (02:23:45):
To tech Friday with day Hotter Tomorrow in the meantime,
one more time singing with Jay Rale. If you're talking
reflections on nine to eleven, and a lot of things
have changed since nine to eleven, including my view of
life generally speaking. That guy fall jumping out of a
window hedgested such a profound impact on the way I
view the world. Jay, just contemplating all the bickering and

the insignificant things that plague us each and every day.
They're so unimportant. If you meet that moment in time
where if you stick around in the room, you're gonna
get burned to a crisp, or your other option is
to jump ninety floors to your death. What's going into
your mind at that moment in time when you're about
to meet God. It's not what your neighbor's doing, or
you know, just all the petty stuff would disappear and

I can't imagine that, but just seeing that guy jump
just absolutely just it impacted me from that moment in
time forward and I still reflect on that an unbelievably
life changing day.

Speaker 4 (02:24:41):
It was, And if you you know, yesterday, I spent time,
as I tend to always do, on nine to eleven
watching the documentary from the French Brothers were documenting firefighters
not knowing anything months before and leading up to and
they were in one of the towers when it collapsed,
so it is a real time type of thing, and Brian,

they could hear people jumping in the aftermath. It was
just horrific. And you're right. And I remember that day
because when the first plane hit, all the news sources
were indicating that it was a small airplane. Yeah, so
we're thinking, okay, what weather related, and of course my
phone started blowing up. But when the second plane hit,

we knew we were under attack. We knew it was
bin laden, and we knew other airplanes were probably involved.
The FAA and the FBI were giving monthly updates to
the aviation industry and I was a part of them
at the time where they were letting us know that
Bin Laden had made some credible threats against the aviation world,
which he had done before, and we were fearful that

there might be explosives in check luggage. We were fearful
of surface to air missiles. We were trying to prepare
for a lot of different contingencies on what might take place. Now,
when that second plane hit, we knew this was the
attack that we had been warned about. Now, the FAA
had a gentleman by the name of Ben Sliney who
was the head of the FAA that when the second
plane hit, we knew we were under attack. He made

the call to ground every airplane in the sky immediately.
He told the air traffic control centers, whatever is in
your traffic pattern, you land them at the closest available airport. Now. Now,
this has never been thought of, never been practiced. There
was no game planned, There was nothing in the works
that would prepare anyone for that order being given. Well,

they did it. The air traffic controllers pulled it off,
and we knew that any other plane that remained in
the sky could be an object of concern. So the
call was a great one to make. But Ben Sliney,
who was head of the FAA Brian, that was his
first day on the job and he made that call.
So looking back, it was the perfect call at the

right time. And of course it's changed commercial aviation because
after that we began screening check luggage, thank god for that.
They had and wanting to do that since the bombing
of the panem flight over lockerby Scotland, but we didn't
do it because we thought it was going to cost
too much money. It just kills me that money is
so often the pivot point where we're going to do

something or we shouldn't. But we started screening check luggage,
thank god for that after nine to eleven. And instead
of the magnetometers for many times we used the full
body imaging scanners. When we would walk through the magnetometers,
it would never detect plastic or liquid explosives that could
be strapped to our bodies under our clothes, only metal.
So the full body imaging scanners would allow us to

see if there's anything under the clothing like powder or
liquid that could be used to bring an airplane down.
Because in Russia we had two planes crash in a
very short span of time where two passengers did have
explosives strapped to their body that were detonated and brought
both of those commercial airliners down. So flying now is
certainly safer than it was before nine to eleven. There's

absolutely no way to have a outer to that, because
on a one scale of one to ten, we've probably
gone from a four to a six, maybe a six
and a half. But we've got other things we've got
to do, and I'm concerned that we're not. Instead, we're
trying to further reinforce the cockpit doors, and here we
go again, trying to stop the last attack versus trying

to predict what the next one could be. And a
lot of times you spin your wheels in the wrong direction.

Speaker 1 (02:28:22):
Well isn't that the truth? All right?

Speaker 2 (02:28:25):
Pivoting over, we always end on hub delays, Jay Ratliffe,
and I guess we'll in on hubb laze today.

Speaker 4 (02:28:30):
Yeah, it's I mean New Orleans. Obviously, if you're flying
anywhere to or near the Gulf Coast, you're not going
to be getting anything because of the fact that right
now we're seeing a lot of storms, that major storm
coming across there, and it's causing all the flights in
New Orleans, Baton, Rouge, Lafayette, all of those through there
that are being impacted at the time, and that's going

to continue throughout the course of the day. In fact,
the flights to and through those areas are going to
be impacted and Bran because of the scope of that storm.
We're already seeing some flight cancelations in Atlanta, which is
being impacted because of the size of this storm. Dallas
could also be impacted. So pretty much anywhere towards the
Gulf Coast region, you're gonna see some significant delays.

Speaker 1 (02:29:12):
You mentioned. That'll probably continue for the next several days
as well.

Speaker 4 (02:29:15):
It will be in Airlines are doing a good job
of canceling flights in advance, so just make sure they've
got a way to get a hold of you. Fortunately,
it's September, which is one of our slowest travel months
of the year, May in September, so they're gonna have
a lot of options if your flight is canceled, to
give you much more so than had this happened let's
say a month ago, when we were in the middle
of an incredibly busy summer travel season.

Speaker 2 (02:29:35):
Fair enough, Jay Radluff always enjoyable having on the program.
I look forward to it every week and I'm already
looking forward to next Thursday with another discussion. Stay well,
my friend, and best of health you and your better half.

Speaker 4 (02:29:46):
Me to you as well, sir, Thank you.

Speaker 1 (02:29:47):
Thanks brother.

Speaker 2 (02:29:47):
Coming up in eight fifty five Ify five care City
Talk Station records for Prosperities, Tim Ross filming for Donovan
and Hill today on Southwest Ohio. Endorsed candidates are doing
great work and you can help. AFP action dot Com
give you all the resources you need, whether you've got
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full time. Either way, I think they even have some
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Com Todd Moore about this awesome opportunity. I don't know
if he left it was two tickets or two thousand
dollars apiece. You're doing ten barrel tastings and you're going
to end up with three bottles of your own with
your group of friends, and Pete Rose is going to
be hanging out with you for a couple of hours.
Will be signed by Pete Rose. You getting hate and
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There's a lot of details, but there are only two
tickets lefts only six available. Outstanding event and it all
benefits a great organization that helps Squad and of course
Jay Rattle at fifty five krs dot com get the information.

Speaker 1 (02:30:44):
I hope you have a wonderful day.

Speaker 2 (02:30:45):
I hope you can tune in tomorrow for Tech Friday
with Dave Hatter every Friday at six thirty. Stick around, folks,
Glenn Beck is coming right up. See here about it.

Speaker 10 (02:30:53):
The United States will not be today.

Speaker 4 (02:30:55):
Hey, migrants camp.

Speaker 17 (02:30:56):
Get the latest at the top of the hour fifty
five krs the talk station.

Speaker 5 (02:31:01):
This report is sponsor

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