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April 30, 2024 151 mins
Brian Thomas morning show, weekdays on 55KRC!
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Five o five. I thinking aboutKRC, the talk station after Tuesday series,
a vcation, no idea, what'sgoing on? Thank you Talley for

summing it all up. Excuse me. It's starting off with the cough the
first words I uttered this morning,and I find out that I have a
little frog in myn through apologies anyway, Brian Thomas here, glad to be,
good to see Joe stukerylongs and goodto see the rundown this morning.
Rick Green returns. Been a whilesince we talked to Rick Green ten years
ago. Uh, but that's beenabout ten years. He's a guy that

donated a kidney to someone who didn'teven know brother was celebrity or something like
that. Real, real good guy. He started a ministry and he does,
you know, charitable work in thecommunity, getting having a movie done
about his ministry, and he doespodcasts where Green's going to give us an
update on his ministry. At seventhirty, an uplifting few moments with Rick

in studio Inside Scoop with Brian Bardons. It is Tuesday. We do that
every Tuesday. At eight oh five, Column Maydine returns. He's the tech
editor. We'll talk about Ford andthey're ev woes. I brought that up
just yesterday. They lost one hundredand thirty two thousand dollars for every electric
vehicle they sold in the first quarterof this year. That's a recipe for

success, right there. Yeah,that is. I just We're just we
have gone completely batcrap insane. Wehave rounded the band from sanity to complete
insanity in this nonsensical quest for zeromissions, when, of course China is
belching out more and more every day, negating every damn thing we do in

the name of reducing carbon price ofelectricity we're paying. I think it's like
I saw the article. To getback to it later, we're paying fifty
billion dollars more annually collectively as acountry, fifty billion dollars more for electricity
than we were under the Trump administration. Have facts to support that. I

saw the article this morning and thatfigure just jumped out of my head.
Why, well, because you're exhalingyourself into extinction. Yeah, you believe
that. I got a bridge.I want to say you anyway, Ford
and Ev was that is the epitomeof the underpants gnome episode of South Park.
You know, Phase one, StealUnderpants, Phase three, profit.

You know the phase dude, it'sthe big mystery Force four to make electric
vehicles, sell them one hundred andthirty two thousand dollars loss per vehicle Phase
three profit. Anyway, also apparentlysome bad news for Tesla and Hurts.
Hurts I made a real error whenit went ev per just they bought a
whole bunch of them thinking that peoplewould use them, and no nobody wanted

them. You get a choice whenyou land in a in a city that's
not your own. You are onvacation, you're on business travel, You
go to hers your choice. Yourchoices are an internal combustion engine or an
electric vehicle. Which are you goingfor? Of course you're gonna go for
ice. Why because there's literally agas station on every corner. You don't
know where the chargers are. Youhave no idea whether you're going to get

the miles claimed by uh the electricvehicle manufacturer, and you might be concerned
about perhaps running out of electricity,and you're stuck out in the middle of
a city you're not familiar with.I can see how most people would go
for the internal combustion engine. Itjust it's it's just makes sense. It's
for a safety reasons for for anythingelse. Anyway, it should be an

interesting conversation with Colin that be ateight oh five and then the return of
Daniel Davis. Deep died with DanielDavis is gonna continue with the focus on
Ukraine. Zelonsky wants to make acase to NATO have a ten year war
support for the West. That doesn'tsound really good, does it? Ten
year worth of pledge? Does thatmean that they are going to be at
war for the next ten years,that no one's gonna win. There's not

gonna be any sort of settlement withdrawotherwise, Russia ramping things up. I
saw an article yesterday that claimed thatRussia had lost four hundred and fifty thousand
troops to either death or injury.You know, I just read that in
my eyes kind of glazed over.And they just they did a recount of

alligation. It was I think theUnited Kingdom had crunched the numbers. You
know, the fog of war.How many people have been shot, killed
or wounded in the war between Russiaand Ukraine. Does anybody have any concept
or notion or idea. It's likean ever moving target, and you know,
the other component of that, youknow, Moving over to the situation
between the Israel and Gaza. Ikeep reading, and it has been unchanged

now four weeks the thirty four thousandthousand Gozins who've been killed by the evil
Israeli defense forces, that number hasbeen stuck at thirty four thousand. Joe,
wasn't it like thirty four thousand aweek after the Israeli Israeli's invaded Gaza
to go after Hamas, we've beenhearing that number forever, unchanged, repeated
often. Does anybody really know?I don't think so anyway, unhinged,

stack of unhinged. Never had oneof these before. It's kind of the
concept that came up this morning afterreading James Carville's comments followed by Nancy Pelosi's
comments unhinged. Maybe I should putsomething a little more. I don't know
pejorative, but unhinged sounds pretty pejorative. James Carville, longtime Democratic strategist.

You know him, he's like olderthan Methuselah having a go at young voters
or a video that was posted onSunday young voters really have gotten him upset
and a flurry of expletives which isreally problematic for me. People in prominent
positions, you know, elected officials, you know, noted notables, the

likes of Democratic strategist James Carvill,who at some point had some street cred,
and I think the guy's gone aroundthe bend, drop in f bombs
and curse words left and right.We have just completely lost a sensitive korum
here in this country. Anyway.Carville apparently is waving the flag of concern,

the red flag of warning to theDemocrats about losing support from younger voters,
most notably younger Black and Hispanic voters, who are by all polling accounts,
moving away from Joe Biden because hispolicies suck. Maybe it's the immigration
problem, the breakdown of the border. I know that has really caused a

problem for many in the black community. Just look at some of the events
they've held in Chicago. People ofcolor are really really angry that resources are
being allocated toward migrants that should goto them. Sanxsbury, City of Chicago,
get a load of this one.No wonder people are upset. Chicago
Police department, Wow, made morethan one thousand arrest of Venezuelan migrants in

the first three months of this calendaryear January through March, more than one
thousand. They track the country oforigin for those arrests, and although the
data apparently not recorded about fourteen percentof the cases, but where the data
is recorded, Chicago Police Department mademore than one thousand arrests, again of
Venezuelans. Specifically, they make upone point five percent of Chicago's two point

six million residents. They have accountedfor eleven point eleven percent of all arrests
in the first three months of thecalendar year. Huh interesting that in twenty
twenty three the Chicago Police Department hadarrested Venezuelan migrants more than the numbers arrested
up went up more than eleven thousandpercent, over counting your twenty twenty one.

In twenty twenty one, Chicago PoliceDepartment arrested six six Venezuelan migrants.
By late November of twenty three,seven hundred had been arrested. And of
course in the first three months ofthis year, it's a thousand quality of
life issues. Yes, that's aproblem for the citizens of Chicago, the

residents, the voters of Chicago whomay have something to say about Joe Biden
going back to James Carville, unhinged, James, young voters are just not
into this. It's two candidates.One's in their eighties, it's almost and
one is almost in their eighties.They're concerned about things, the Washington politicians

and you just can't blame them forinterrupted O S word F word you Carvil,
yeld oh, there's an interesting politicalanalysis. Are you watching what's happening
in the Supreme Court? Carvil stated, And here's where the completely unhinged Jamed

Carville, he said, if you'retwenty six, do you see what they're
doing. First of all, they'regonna take away take every right that you
could possibly have away from you.Where does the statement like that come from?
What planet is he on? Hecalled the Supreme Court originalists, those

on the Supreme Court which believe thatthe founding fathers established Originalist principles which shouldn't
be deviated from for the name ofin the name of expediency or otherwise.
You know you've got the right there. It is like the Second Amendment right.
It was a right to keep andbear arms as the framers understood it.
There were no limitations on that,and so efforts to imposed limitations post.

You know, Second Amendment ratification aredeemed to be unconstitutional. That's a
simple statement. Nobody's taking away rightsin that particular case. James carrbil they
are enshrining them as the Constitution hadenshrined them. He said the originalists on
the Supreme Court were, in hiswords, quote illegitimate whores close quote quote.

Don't teach anybody that the Supreme Courthas any moral or legal legitimacy.
It doesn't. It's in there becausecontrivements, and it's in there because of
weakness and cowardice. So he's havingto go at the entire Constitution and the

separation of powers. The Supreme Courtis not illegitimate. It's an equal power
of government, or an equal branchrather of government. And I guess if
the Supreme Court's doing what James Carvillewants, then everything's aoka. But if
it's going with an originalist standpoint andinterpretation, which is a legitimate concept in
the law, James Carville, electionsdo have consequences, James Carville. Supreme

Court justices come and go, JamesCarville, and of course they go through
the vetting process by Congress made upof Republicans, and Democrats, And even
though the likes of Democrats will makeup different things about people Brett Kavanaugh and
go in look at what they didwhen they were sixteen years old and make

stuff up about that period of timewhen no one has any documents or information
or even witnesses to support their accounts. Who's illegitimate here? He also said
this over the weekend. There willbe no government left, there will be
no rights left. You will liveunder theocracy. You'll end up with Christian

nationalism if Trump wins. But that'sall right, you little blanking f wording
twenty six year old. You don'tfeel like the election is important to me.
They're not addressing the issues that Icare about. My advice to tell

these young people to get off yourcompound word involving M and F. You
know what I'm talking about, people, Get off your m fing a word
and go vote, because you shouldvote like your entire future and the entire

future of the United States depends onit, because quite frankly, it does.
And that's not an exaggeration, closequote, not an exaggeration, you
know what. I read something likethat, and I think, where do
they get this idea that Trump's goingto end people's right. Is this all
springing from the Supreme Court's decision anddobbs overruling Roe versus Way and merely pointing

out that the founding document speaks tonothing about abortion, that therefore it is
reserved to the states. That isexactly where it should be. And that's
exactly what Donald Trump points out andis an advocate for, which is the
natural order of things. It's nota federal power. The states enjoy the
power over abortion, or can makeit as free as is the win,

or they can restrict it. It'sup to the citizenry of the states.
And given that the populations generally speakingare more in favor of abortion than not,
you can see the tide shifting towardssome allowance for abortions in this country.
That's just a simple fact. Butthis idea that that electing Donald Trump

there will be no government, therewill be no rights left when the Biden
administration is the perfect illustration of agovernment run amuck, trampling upon your rights,
ability and your freedom to run abusiness as you see fit, to
build a building as you see fit. I mean the regulatory branch or you
know, the regulatory state is theproblem. They're the takers of rights,

James Carville, not Donald Trump.Remember Donald Trump is the guy that said
for every new administrative law you puton, you got to take two off
the books. That's freedom giving andis a limiting factor in government. That's
why I wrote Unhinged on the topof this. And you know, as
I've always pointed out, when youstart calling people names, you've won the

debate. Name calling is not debate. And I hope all the young people
out in the United States get tolisten to what James Carvill has to say
about them. Maybe they are onthe right path. Maybe they see what's
happening under the Biden administration. Maybethey're looking at their paychecks compared to the
grocery bills and the gasoline prices they'refacing, and they realize, compared to
Donald Trump, it's a lot worseunder Joe Biden. See, that'd be

a thoughtful rational analysis. James fivepoint twenty fifty five KRC. The talk
station kitchen remodeling, Pressedese interiors youneed to get in touch with. That's
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Tom Brian said, I when youcall him at five one three two
four seven zero two two nine twofour seven zero two two nine fifty five
KRC the talk station, there wasthis one. Here's your first one who

wear the forecast rain fades to theeast. That's the line for the UH
today's forecast on Tuesday, partly cloudy'sseventy five over night, down to fifty
three with clear skies, partly clotty. Tomorrow two, mostly sunny, eighty
one the high down to fifty seventomorrow night with a few clouds. Thursday's
going to be a sunny day witha high of eighty seven sixty two degrees.
Right now, if you've have Kshitytalk Station five twenty four, I

got time for one quick phone call. Pats on the line, Pad,
Happy Tuesday to you, Welcome tothe program. Same to you, Brian.
I just want to say all thisstuff that is going on blaming Trump
and he's gonna do this or that. Everything these Democrats say about a person
or what they're going to do isexactly what they're gonna do. Because with

this abortion garbage they're saying, youknow, they will. Joe wants to
make it federal. People don't realizewhen you start giving the government more,
they're going to control you more.Of course, So all I all I
can say, like Tom says,don't vote Democrats bad. You have a

wonderful day. That's exactly right,and you know that it's part of the
Marxist strategy. You know, youyou accuse your opponents of doing exactly what
you're doing. What does all thetime? I mean, there's so many
illustrations of this, I can't evenkeep track of it anymore. But when
you get some regulations, some edicts, some mandate from on high, usually

the EPA or some other lettered organization, they're going to be telling you how
you can how to live your life. Well, look at Title nine.
They're now saying that men can pretendto be women and play in women's sports.
Words. Would you have allowed thatif you were in charge of your

local athletic team. No, hellno. The men have a big advantage
over women when it comes to sizeand strength. It's just a genetic reality.
Nope. But there they come tocontrol it. No, No,
you can't do that. You mustallow men to play women's sports. Okay,
well, that seems to be anintrusion to women's rights, which I
thought was the point of Title ninein the first place. Anyway, and

when just immediately came to mind,because currently there is litigation over the idea
of them expanding Title nine to letmen play against women. Let's see USA's
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fifty billion more every year from electricitythen they did when President Biden n at
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USA Insulation dot Net fifty five KRCthere it is nine first one to other

forecast rain dissipates would be partly cloudytoday, high seventy five clear over night
fifty three Tomorrow partly cloudy and mostlysunny eighty one, few clouds every night
down to fifty seven and a sunnyday Thursday. I have eighty seven sixty
two right now for about KIRCD talkstation. It's five point thirty on a
Tuesday. In a very happy oneto you tomorrow listener. Lunch's gonna be

at Sammy's Bistro Burger Bistro. Ibelieve that's Blue Ash and look forward to
see you there. Meet there,Aby eleven thirty, Get there a little
bit early, a little bit later. It's your progative. Just hope to
see them over the phones. Sowell, go let's see what Tom's got
this morning. Tom, thanks forcalling you, as always, welcome to
the program. Hey, yeah,good morning. It's always interesting when the

people on the left prove to usjust how ridiculously stupid they are with their
behavior and their reactions to stuff.It's just you hope there's enough people paying
attention and noticing how unhinged they areand how off the deepend they are,
because you know, carbl is justanother person who is overreacting to things,

and they and they overreact intentially becauseagain I've used this analogy, it's much
like a five year old that throwsitself on the floor and acts like a
dying because it's not getting its way. That's really, that's really all this
is. It's just it's just achildlike behavior. And I like to think
that, you know, and ofcourse, you know, we've all we

can spend what four shows at leasttalking about all the issues we have with
with Republicans and the way they dothings. But I'd like to think that
at least we are trying to playwithin the rules. And the rules are
set by the Constitution, and soa child is going to basically say no
to any of the rules. Theydon't want to deal with the rules because

these you follow the rules, youdon't get your way. They can't have
that, they have to have theirway so let's vilify everybody, you know.
And it's it's like it's like twoparents child going to one parent and
and and trying to act like theother parents killing them because they're not getting
their way. I'm going to work, you know. So we're going to
vilify Trump and and and make himsound like he's the reincarnation of Hitler or

pole Pot or whoever, you know, just to get people to just scare
people into voting against him, youknow. And it's just ridiculous, stupid
childlike that. I mean, Idon't how many adjectives that we go out.
Yeah, that's all it is.It's all it is the temper tantrum.
And we just need to cammonly callit out for what it is.

But we need to call it outfor what it is and tell as many
people as we know, look atthe way they're behaving. That is not
rational, logical behavior, It's notreasonable. We all have emotions, but
at some point in time we haveto check our emotion and go, wait
a second, this is serious businesshere. I'm getting ready to vote,
I'm getting ready to choose someone torepresent me. I need to be reasonable

about this. Let's to think aboutwhat I'm doing here. Let's make some
sense, and the only sensible thingto do is don't vote Democrats, you
two, Tom. But this isa theme. It's not just James Carville's
screaming about the end of democracy anduh and and the end of our rights
as we know them. This isa mantra from them. I mean,

Carvel comes completely unhinged over the weekendand dropping f bombs left and right and
attacking all full out a pretty sizablechunk of what normally would be a Democrat,
a reliable Democrat, voters, youngerpeople who are moving away because they
they literally feel the pain of theBiden policies. But to just to to

blanket charge that Trump is somehow athreat to democracy, a threat to our
rights, that's going to take allour rights the way, where in the
hell does that come from? Anddoes that really resonate? Have they done
some sort of like test polling oror test marketing for these these talking points
of they're clinging to that somehow theybelieve it it can resonate. I hear

something like that and it makes mejust want to laugh, But you know,
anymore makes me want to cry becausethey repeat it so often that it
makes me sort of think in theback of my mind that it is resonating
or that some people are actually buyinginto the argument. I mean, otherwise,
why would they continue to repeat itover and over again. So that's

that's the part that's got me worried. But I mean beyond that, I
just look at it and read thewords or hear what they're saying, and
I'm just like, what blankened planetare you coming from? Give me an
illustration. Point to something concrete thatTrump did that sort of suggests that he's
going to be some dictator and yourrights are going to be with their taken

away. You can't point to anything. Well, here a point of the
Supreme Court. Josh, Well,you know he did appoint them, he
nominated, and they were approved byCongress. I mean, scream at Congress,
right, we compec cam timings everythingwhen it comes through placing Supreme Court
justice is the Left has had somevictories along those lines as well. We

are living with those in terms ofthe current makeup of the court. Three
of them specifically five thirty five fiftyfive ks, the talk station five one,
three, seven, four nine,fifty five hundred, eight hundred eighty
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Low's camp at CCM dot com.This is fifty five KRC and iHeartRadio station
in this week's market. Got overthe weather, Uh, we have some
showers, they say this morning you'regoing to fade away. It'll be partly
cloudy later today with the highest seventyfive clitter skys the night fifty three for
the low eighty one are high tomorrowwith partly clouded and mostly sunny skies,

then down to fifty seven every nightwith a few clouds, sunny on Thursday
with a high of eighty seven sixtytwo right now. Traffic time from the
UCL Traffic Center. The experts atthe UC Gardner Neuroscience Institute's Brain Tumor Center
off for patients access to leading edgetreatments and unmatched comprehensive care. Learn more
at uc health dot com. Highwaytraffic do we okay this morning? Even

with the wet roads, the rainwas enough to cancel the work in the
tunnel on southbound seventy one overnight.They'll try again tonight, so everything is
open into downtown. Chuck Ingramo onfifty five krc the talk station by forty
five forty one fifty five KRCD talksNation Stack. Oh stupid, although you

can call five one three seven fiftyfive two to three talk okay. We
go to Pennsylvania for an idiot doingidiot things because he's an idiot. Pennsylvania
man allegedly shot and killed his ownwife and daughter told police he was quote
the best of the best close quotewhen it came to his abilities with a

firearm. Fox News reporting from ABCsix local news there in Pennsylvania. Seventy
six year old Roger Hanks charged withtwo counts of first degree murder and related
defenses in the death of Judith Hanks, who was seventy five, and Emily
Hanks, who was thirty seven,in their home East Marlborough Township specifically now

Hanks told police he got into anargument with his wife while cleaning his Smith
and Wesson nine millimeter handgun. Toldher, quote, if you keep up,
this thing is going to go offon you. Close quote. He
then allegedly pointed his gun at herand told her that quote. If she
did not shut up and leave himalone, he was going to plug her
close quote. His wife told himthat he doesn't do anything and just sits

in his chair and was upset thathe wasn't eating the food she prepared for
him. He claimed that he pointedhis gun in his wife's chest and it
went off. Court of the documents, when his wife dropped to the ground
fell down, Hanks said his daughterwent into a rage and came at him,
so he pointed the gun at herchest and it went off again,

he said. Hank said that hefrequently shoots a competition as the best of
the best, as I pointed outearlier when it comes to marksmanship. Told
police he drank two German beers inan iris whiskey earlier in the day.
Hank's gun had two spen shelfdacings atwhich were found of the scene. After
shooting both of them, he reportedlycalled a friend and told him his wife
quote went crazy clothes quote, andthat he shot her, prompting the call

to the police. Police arrived tothe scene found the mother and daughter lying
on responsive in the kitchen. Theywere pronounced dead at six fifty pm at
an area hospital corner of the outlet. Court doc and show Hanks being held
without belt Chester County Prison or tothe District Attorney, Christopher de Baarina sorrowbi
Hanks senselessly shot and killed his familybecause of a basic dispute. It's unfathomable

that anyone will react this way.I want to thank the Pennsylvania State Police
who acted quickly and arrest of thedefendant after being dispatched to the scene.
Oh, George Santos making it backin the news. Disgraced former Representative George
Santos announced his well his fundraising efforts, offering cameo videos with his alleged drag

queen alter ego whose name is KataraDo what the hell Santos, A Republican
posted on ex y'all weren't ready forthis drop I've decided to bring Katar out
of the closet after eighteen years forthree hundred and fifty dollars. This nut
job is offering videos featuring his dragqueen, Kati Ravaci. I guess she's

got a last name too. Santa'spreviously denied ever dressing as a drag queen
or associating with drag queens, indefiance of the documented evidence that he did
in fact do that. Santos wrotein a previous post on x the most
recent obsession from the media claiming thatI'm a drag queen or performed as a
drag queen is categorically false. Themedia continues to make outrageous claims about my

life while I am working to deliverresults. Days after that post, he
admitted he did in fact dress upas a woman for fun at a party
in Brazil, and I had everperforming as a drag queen. No,
I was not a drag queen Brazil, Guys, I was young. I
had fun at a festival. Assumeme for having a life. He claimed
his campaign with Qatar would only lasta couple of days, with ten percent

of the proceeds going to Tunnel toTowers Foundation, which of course donates one
of the first responders of military veterans, and another ten percent going to the
International Fellowship of Christians and Jews.Santa's announced last week he was ending his
independent caation campaign to re enter theHouse less than two months into his run.
I have decided to withdraw from myindependent run for New York One.

I don't want run to be portrayedas a reprisal against Nick Lalatta. Santos
was running to unseat Nick Alatta,Republican, who represents New York's first congressional
district, after being kicked out ofCongress earlier in the year. I should
have put this one in the stackof unhinged as well. That guy's a

real piece of work, isn't he. Five forty five ify five k se
detalk station. Plump Type Plumbing,it's always plumbing done right. When you
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remodeling process. And of course plumbtype plumbing to the rescue for all the
plumbing work that needed to be doneto redo our bathroom, and there was
quite a bit of plumbing work inthat project. They did a great job.
They are masters of the trade.They'll communicate, follow up and offer
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page plumbtight dot com fifty five KRC. Have you heard about hell Palm Services?
Timer the weather rain will dissipate.It'll turn partly cloudie and a high
seventy five to day overnight low offifty three. Clear sky, partly to
mostly sunny Tomorrow partly claude, mostlysunny eighty one for the high, down

to fifty seven tomorrow night, andon Thursday it will be a sunny day
with a high of eighty seven sixtytwo degrees. It is time for traffic
from the UCL Tramhics Center. Theexperts at the UC Gardner Neuroscience Institute Brain
Tumor Center offer patients access to leadingedge treatments and unmatched comprehensive care ARNMRID you
see health dot com. It's quieton the highways this morning, even with

the wet roads. I'm seeing nomajor time delays to deal with or problems.
Southbound seventy five wide open past Tylersville. Same for southbound seventy one at
Fields Eartle chuck Ingram on fifty fiveKRC the talk station five fifty to fifty
five KRCD Talk Station. It isa good day to you two and I

thinfty five KRC Morning Show. Alwaysgood day to call to love hearing from
you five and three, seven fournine, fifty five eight D two three
Talk Insights Scoop at Brightheart News.We'll talk about Ford's eve woes. Yeah,
you can't lose your way into profitability. That's going to be a fun
conversation. And Daniel Davis deepdive moreinformation about Ukraine and Zelensky wanted to make
the case for NATO to have aten year war. Support on your taxpayer

dollar. Ten years. That's notoptimism in terms of the progression of that
situation. Before I get to thephones, I'm going to force New Hampshire
Gary to wait and abide, orrather indulge me while I get at least
one more stack of stupid story.And we go to Florida as this tradition,
victim in a drive by attack,according to police, was hitting the

arms, legs and torso by aroad raging Florida motorists. He survived without
injury. It'll become clear at amoment. Cops alleged that Nolan Goins,
forty six years old, was involvedin a road rage In's in an over
glaring headlights. A little upset aboutthe glaring headlights. Happened Thursday night while
he was driving near his Saint Petersburgresidents quote the defendant throw food, specifically

pasta with sauce, from the passengerseat of his vehicles, striking the victim
through an open window as he operatedhis vehicle a cord to the Shriff's deputy.
Goins was quote found with the samefood stains on his right sleeve as
the male target of the pasta pelting. Goins charge with battery, which is
a misdemeanor. Book dender the CountyJail freed on one thousand dollars bond.

Is he's a painting contractor. Hedoes have a rap sheet convictions for selling
weed, obstruction and two counts aretwo charges of battery, as well as
a whole bunch of traffic infractions anddon't you love the smoking gun? For
editorial comments like this. Investigators didnot identify the kind of pasta or sauce
used in the alleged attack. It'salso unclear if Goins was transporting to his

dinner or leftover's home, whether heregularly travels armed with food. Thank you,
Joe S. Trecker, New Hampshire, Gary, Happy Tuesday to you,
Welcome to the program. Coppy Tuesdayto you, Brian and I would

like one hundred and thirty two thousanddollars for an ev woit. I would
like to add on a perceived rightversus an actual right, and I'm going
to clarify. I think you,as a lawyer, see a right as
things that are written down in thebill rights. But I think if you

ask most liberals or most people ingenerally because they're ignorant of law, that
they perceived their rights as abortion rights, trans rights, and gay rights and
tenate rights, and everything they wantis a right. And I think that

if the majority of people believe this, you know, Carbol's rant, and
I'm not saying I partaken this,but Carbol's rant seems totally justified. And
yet from their perspective, sure,anything to get my way of what I
want is fair gay, you know, and if that means you know,

I've been told by people I lovethat the country is going through a transition
and the old ways they're going away. They are going away by the elitists
or by people who teach i'd leagueprofessors and who teach the new way and
the new generation of what to think. And you might it might be suicidal

to you, but it doesn't matter. It's the way that society is moving.
And I challenge you, just goingto a grocery store and you see
the kids behind the counter, oryou see them, just ask them a
simple question. What is the Declarationof Independence? What is the Constitution?
When were they adopted? Can youname five rights? None of them will?

I will say ninety percent, ninetyfive percent won't even know. Oh
that's terrible. The first thing youget is I don't know history. And
it's not their fault. It's whatthey've been taught. You know, their
parents probably don't even know those questions. You know, most people don't know
what the Declaration of Independence is.We as geeks, I guess, or

nerds we do. Is that anyof that makes sense? It does?
And you know, in connection,like you said that, you mentioned transgender
rights, and you know, thepoint they're making is that within the freedoms
and liberties guaranteed by the Constitution,I have the freedom and liberty to pretend
to be a man when I'm actuallygenetically a woman, or vice versa.

I don't deny that for a moment. The problem comes in when they impose
laws upon us which force us toadopt to their language, their gender brother
pronouns that force women to compete withbiological men. That is an intrusion on
our rights and freedoms and liberties.So I agree that this is the libertarian

to me. You go ahead,live your life life as you want.
That that's a great part of beingin America. You can dress like a
woman, traditional woman, I mightpoint out, until we all get our
olive, drab, gray uniforms,in which case there won't be any more
transgender people because we'll all look thesame. I love making that point,
but the reality is what they're advocatingfor and pushing for is a suppression of

our different way of viewing the world. Like my firm, unwavering belief that
a man is defined as someone withan X and Y chromosome and a woman
that's got an accent of X,and you can't change that your terminology does
not change the biological reality. Butmerely me uttering that and sticking with the
traditional, scientifically founded norms, Iam somehow wrong, and that my voice

is not to be heard, andthat my voice must be suppressed, and
that my voice should not be taughtin even higher learning environments. That is
an intrusion to my rights and freedomsand liberty. So I'm not telling you
can't be trans do it, knockyourself out. Just don't tell me that.
I have to believe that because yousay you're a woman, that you

really are. That's my right aswell a man. Fifty seven right,
Joe, fifty five car see thetalks days and you've got more to talk
about. Six o'clock our welcome yourphone calls. Feel free to call me
right back. I don't care aboutanybody else. What motivates your vote.
There's evil for Verden and they're tryingto destroy or fifty five KRC the talk

station, I think identity that won'thappen. Care see the talk station.
Happy Tuesday to you. Remember fiftyfive krs dot com. Get your media
so you can listener. Happened tobe and if you didn't get a chance
to listen to Judge Megan Shanahan,Christopher Smithaman Monday Monday or the Empower Youth
Sumar tonight, which is on psychologicalwarfare. My good friend Andrew Matre and

his U fellow psyop operative in theUnited States Army. You're gonna be doing
a discussion about psychological warfare tonight sevenPM. It's a log in only,
so empower you America dot org registerahead of time and click the little thing
at seven pm to join in thefund. My son's going to be moderating
and facilitating that one, so don'tgive him a hard time. He's kind

of green at that kind of thing. Anyway. It's all there fifty five
Casey dot com, so check itout and also feel free to call this
morning five one, three, sevenfour nine fifty five hundred, eight hundred
eighty two to three talk coming upseven thirty. Rick Green returns in studio
talk about his ministry and his mission. He's been at it for about ten
years now, helping out folks inthe community and really just a terrific inspirational

guy, a very inspirational guy.His life was immediately transformed one day.
I believe he was in prison atthe time it happened, looked, reflected
back on his life of drugs andabuse, and just quit at that moment
in time, inspired by what hegives credit to God directly, no rehab
program, nothing, He just quitand moved on and has been an inspiration

for so many people. So turnerRick Greens seven thirty eight oh five the
Inside Scoop with bright Bart News everyTuesday at eight oh five. Today the
return of column made Aney Tech editorwill talk get every time I read about
the electric vehicle problems that so manyelectric vehicle manufacturers are experiencing. Ford reportedly
lost one hundred and thirty plus thousanddollars for every ev it's sold in the

first quarter of this year, andwhen you couple that with the losses from
last year, which weren't as bad, I think it's thirty five thousand dollars
in loss for every vehicle sold.That is not a recipe for profit.
And of course they wouldn't be doingthat but for the micromanagement and manipulation of
government. Going back to James Harville'sunhinged comments about well Donald Trump taking away

your rights, your freedoms, andyour liberties, which we propped a call
from Manster Gary talking about that verytopic, and I on that subject matter,
the transgender issue. They changed Bidenadministration waves his magic pen changes Title
nine to now force you to includein your athletics and your many Title nine

related concept, which was enacted inorder to protect women in women's athletics and
competition. It prevents discrimination against women. I guess we had a problem with
discrimination against women. We were historicallypaternalistic society. Only point women couldn't even
vote right, women weren't allowed todrive, and when they did I already
made fun of them. The world'sa different place these days. Women have

equality, and Title nine was partof that, bringing about some equalities so
women could share sit at the tablewith the men. Now they've transformed that
into a requiring you to accept menclaiming to be women in women's sports,
among others. So enter Texas Governorat Greg Abbot, who said, no,

we're not going to do this.We will not abide the dude may
abide. Texas Governor Greg Abbot says, hell, no, not in the
state of Texas said you did justyesterday. They will not adopt by the
administration's new changes the Title nine,which prohibits sex based discrimination government funded schools.

He sent a letter to President Bidenabout these revised rules, which allegedly
are supposed to provide new protections fortransgender students, calling them, in his
word, illegal, also the resultof quote ham handed effort to impose leftist
belief into Title nine, which hesaid exceeds his authority as president. Quote,

you have rewritten Title nine to forceschools to treat boys as if they
are girls and to accept every student'sself declared gender identity. There's a whole
bunch of Republican led states that wereclaimed to and pledge to reject the Title
nine rules finalized earlier this month bythe Education Department. Top education officials in

Florida, Louisiana, Wyoming, SouthCarolina, and Oklahoma have publicly rebuked Biden
administrations changed the Title nine, claimingthe new pole roll back the rights of
women and girls by expanding the law'sdefinition of sex discrimination to include gender identity.

This is a These changes are astep backward for women's rights, Abbot
said, and his learned. Heinstructs state government not to adhere to the
new policies, citing concerns that theyconflict with Yes, there is a law
on the books in the state ofTexas. Quote, I am instructing the
Texas Education Agency to ignore your illegaldictate your rewrights sardant. Sorry, I'm

channeling Joe Biden and the tell Apropter. Your rewrite of Title nine not only
exceed your constitutional authority, it alsotramples laws that I signed to protect the
integrity of women's sports by prohibiting menfrom competing against female athletes. Texas will
fight to protect those laws and todeny your abuse of authority close quote.

There are laws in like more thana dozen Republican led states preventing transgender students
from using school restrooms and locker roomsmatching their gender identity identity as opposed to
reality. Also laws banning teachers andstudents and telling them to disregard to transgender
person's name and pronouns they them,for example, which means the most batcrap
use of pronouns in the world.You're not more than one person. Quit

telling people that you're they, theysay. Adhering to the laws of this
these revisions would violate the new Titlenine regulations. So Texas abbot sign two
laws aimed at prohibiting transgender women fromplaying on sports teams and match your gender
identity in public schools and universities.So we have a conflict of laws.

Although I would argue that changes inTitle nine are not authorized by Congress,
Congress does not enact to Title nineto allow men to participate in women's sports.
This is an intrusion and invasion intothe rights of women. I had
this vision, and I know whatSouth Park did. The whole was it
Randy the savage, the wrestler,macho man. He just pretended to be

a woman, still had the beardand the whole macho man outfit and everything
like that, just so he couldcompete against his former girlfriend, who was
an athlete. That's all there is. I had this vision of like Michael
Jordan back when he was the bestbasketball record, of being one of the
best basketball players ever to play thegame. We remember how great Jordan was.

He you mentioned im he just decidedto be a woman one day,
and you had to let Michael Jordanwhen he was a college basketball player into
women's basketball. How bad would youfeel if you were a really good female
athlete and then along comes Michael Jordan. Michelle will call him for the sake
of this discussion, Michelle, youare forced to let Michelle complete with twigs

and berries or twig and berries,compete against other women in a women's basketball
game. You don't think there's anunfair advantage for Michelle on that one.
You don't think that might be alittle if this becomes a trend more and
more men decided to want to actlike women so they can play in women's
sports where they couldn't compete against othermen. They move over to women's sports

where they have a chance of maybewinning. I got the gold. Well,
congratulations. You're also about five inchestaller and you got about a fifty
pound weight advantage over the females whoare competing against you. Of course you
won. Does anybody think that's fair? Anybody think that's not an intrusion into
women's rights and women's sports. Andwe live in a world where we're having

this conversation, and we live ina world where Texas Governor has to say,
we are not going to abide bythis random change in Title nine,
not authorized specifically by Congress, whichpassed it for the purpose of attacking women.
Carl, Welcome to the program,and very Happy Tuesday to you.

Thanks for calling this morning. HappyTuesday. I've got a few comments about
the Cincinnati Futures Commission report. Ohokay, yes, I know you had
some guests on your radio show,and thank you very much for having those
guests on the show. The commissionwas well to refresh people's minds. The
committee was comprised of well to domembers of the city CEOs and business people

regarding the idea of implementing a trashcollection fee of fifteen dollars a month on
Cincinnati residents, Well, the Cincinnatiresidents already pay a city tax with the
pay their property taxes. I livein a small house and I came across
my tax bill the other day andit's a whopping six hundred dollars a year
for a small house. And inaddition, the city also has an earnings

tax, and the Ohio Supreme Courtrecently ruled that the city can tax people
who are not even working in thecity when they work from their home in
Blue ash yep. In addition,the voters would have to vote on the
garbage tax. I believe that thecity charter was changed years ago to primp
with a garbage tax. Now,as far as setting up a regional water

system goes, why should the citizenshave to buy it back again? That's
one question. One newspaper article saidthat after the regional water system is created,
the City of Cincinnati could still maintainmajority control of the system. Really,
if any of your listeners in WarrenCounty or Butler County are listening,
you folks don't want the City ofCincinnati controlling your water. They can't even

properly fund the pension system. Well, that's the genesis for these suggestions.
They don't they need sixty million dollarsevery year for the next like twenty thirty
years to reproperly fund the pension system. And so they're scraping around for ways
to do it. One of theways to do it is to well,
in essence, double tax you.You're going to pay your taxes and then
you're going to pay extra money forthe garbage collection. So that's an effort

to fill the hole that the Democratshave left unfilled now for decades. Correct.
And in addition, the water systemis too important to play around with
by selling it off. Now,mister Mower is the head a PNG,
and in the past PNG has soldoff companies such as Dura cell Batteries,
Jifts, Peanut Butter, Folgers,Pringles. Well, people can do without

Pringles, they can't do without theirwater. In addition, why should Cincinnati
residents pay for the water service?In Butler County and Warren County? Things
are not wonderful up in Warren County. Warren County just announced that they that
the water rates will increase by sevenpercent a year over the next couple of
years. Well, wait a second, why should the citizens outside of the

city of Cincinnati subsidize the water forthe residents of the city of Cincinnati,
which exactly what's going on right now? Right? Well, I mean yet,
that just flipping your argument around,right? Why should the citizens of
Warren County pay for the removal overlead pipes in the city of Cincinnati.
Now, if you set up aregional water system, cities lose control of

how the system is operated or run. The Kentucky legislature, in this last
meeting of the legislature, proposed abill that would allow cities to stop fluoridating
the water. I don't know howthat bill. What happened to that bill.
In addition, we have to becareful here. Mount Sterling, Ohio
residents pay about one hundred and tendollars a month for water service because they

overbuilt the system up there. You'removing around a whole bunch of different topics
and stuffing them into one. AndI'm not quite sure where you're going in
connection with what Kentucky does, whatsomeon another city does. I don't like
the idea of the city having managementcontrol over the water because the city is
not well managed itself. They haveproven themselves to be incompetent and capable of

doing things properly, so I understandthe idea of selling off that resource and
providing regional water so we all haveto pay the same amount. But remember
the point of all all of thoserecommendations is to fill the pension hole that
was left by all the prior administrations. They went off and pursued street cars,
They went off and pursued other stupidthings that had nothing to do with
core infrastructure or funding a pension systemthat so many people rely on in their

retirement. It's a massive, massive, epic failure administration after administration after administration,
and that report reflects the level ofdesperation they have reached in trying to
fix the problem that so many administrationshave created and left the city with.
As we sit here today, thanksfor the call six nineteen fifty five KCD

talk station. Colin Electric get intouch with Colin family. Are notperating since
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five KRC making sin uh at theRainbow fan Away. We're gonna have some

partly cloudy skies today with the highestseventy five clear skies over night down to
fifty three, partly cloudy to mostlysunny Tomorrow eighty one, down to fifty
seven tomorrow night with a few cloudsand a sunny day Thursday eighty seven for
the high sixty three. Right now, time for traffic from the UC Health
Traffic Center. The experts at theUC Gardner Neuroscience Institute Brain Tumor Center offer

patients access to leading edge treatments andunmatched comprehensive care. Learn more at UCHealth
dot com. Northbound seventy five,getting reports of an accident. Now just
before you get to Kyle's. Lookslike they've split off on both shoulders.
So tramfic starting to get heavier fromDixie. Also Northtown seventy five above az
or Chorros Chuck Ingram on fifty fivekrs the talk station take twenty three vity

five Krcity talk station, are veryhappy Tuesday taken a good jumps straight to
the phone's five one three seven fiftyfive hundred Steve, thanks for holding on
the break there, Welcome to theprogram, Yes, sir, hopefully Joe's
got the phrasing button close to hisfinger here. I've never gone to a
listener lunch, so I actually gotI'm available tomorrow. I'm gonna go to

tomorrow's, so it will be myfirst. It'll be my first time,
Brian, So I hope you're gentle. Ah. It's always a good time
at listener lunch and all the peoplethat are really nice usually kind of sit
communal tables. You know, ifthere's a space open with listener lunch folks,
they just grab a seat and askyou can sit down. They're all
good people. I vouched for mostof them. There are exceptions of the
rule, and they know who theyare well. That That's what I was

kind of hoping that I just getthere and tell them and not four top
or whatever and meet three nice newpeople. That'll be fun. You will
meet more than three nice people atmy table, you know, unless or
somebody dancing on the table. Theywill only be me and three others.
Jim Jim Keeper Jim Keeper cannot makeYou'll get a couple of beers in you,
and the you'll be dancing on thetable. I may get a couple

of beers in me, but Inever That's never led me to be dancing
in any venue whatsoever at any time. I do think I don't dance.
You've got the same rhythm I've got, which is absolutely no. I got
I got rhythm. I just don'tdance. I didn't dance. I do
not dancing is weird. It's justlook at a club full of people jumping
around and dancing and enjoying themselves,and I don't have any problem with that,
but you know, if you didthat in any other environment, you

get locked up. You know,people don't go around and breaking into song
as they walk down the street anddancing like movies Singing in the Rain or
something like that. It's just aweird societal phenomenon dance. I hate to
go off on that tangent, butit does work well in a movie though.
Yeah. True. But yeah,on the transgender thing, just real
quick two points on that. Ifif I imagined I was a bird,

I would have a mental illness whenyou know, and they would send me
to a psychiatrist, not a medicaldoctor, to cut my arms off and
sow feathers on me and wings onme. And because I still couldn't fly,
because I'd still be a human beingthat had been mutilated in a surgery.
But when society also insists that everybodyaround me refers to me as a

bird, and if they don't,then they've got a problem, that's when
we've gone around the bend. AndI don't know what you do on that.
The other thing you were talking about, you know, male athletes versus
female athletes, and Clay and Buckwere talking about They've talked about this over
the years. It was a boyshigh school, maybe even less than that

soccer team that played the women thatwere always winning the world cups in the
world. And they played them andthey beat them, and they beat them
easily. And this is a fact. The best women's soccer team in the
world could not beat a high schoolteam. It was in Texas, it

was a number of years ago.You also had Venus and Serena Williams that
lost to somebody that was not evenranked in the top two hundred playing tennis
and I mean again spank not evenclose because they can't match up physically.
So these are facts. They arefacts, and that's why I believe these
Title nine changes are not only justunlawful and extra constitutional because they weren't passed

by Congress, are insane, andthey will ruin women's sports. That it
draws on the assumption that more andmore men are going to start identifying as
women and want to be participating inwomen's sports. So we'll see where that
goes. Right now, it's avery very tiny slice of the population that
I would argue is ruining it formost everyone. Six twenty seventh fifty byt

KCD talk station local stories coming upto five hundred sevenour nine fifty five hundred,
eight hundred eight two th you talk, feel free to call another call
you want to make. It's airconditioning time and well, if you need
your air conditioning worked on and fixed, you want to call Zimmer Heating and
Air Conditioning for more than seventy fiveyears help taking care of their customers,
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those authorized dealer and saving twenty onehundred dollars, that is a tremendous savings
my perspective anyway, So get aheadof the hot summer time. Get your
cool carrier, comfort rebate while itlasts. Get in touch with Zimmer.
It's easy to schedule appointment. Tofind out more. Just go to go

Zimmer dot com. That'sh Zimmer dotcom. Fifty five KRC. Have you
heard? Here is your nine firstwarning? Weetherfolcass andy rain out there is
going to dissipate, they say aboutby eight or nine. Uh, We'll
have partly cloudy skies for the mostpart Today highest seventy five clear, overnight
fifty three partly cloudy and mostly Sunday, Tomorrow eighty one down to fifty seven

Tomorrow night with a few clowns.And Thursday's going to be a sunny day
with a high of eighty seven sixtythree degrees. Right now think about Kerr
City talk station. Time for trafficChuck Ingram from the uclt Traffic Center.
The experts at the UC Gardner NeuroscienceInstitute Spring Tumor Center off our patients access
to believing edge treatments and unmatched comprehensivecare. Learn more at UC health dot

com. Northbound seventy five. Crewsare working with an accident near Ezra Charles.
Thereover on the shoulder southbound seventy fivethere's an accident in the cut was
originally reported in northbound, but atsouthbound before you get to Kyle's and they're
on both shoulders chucking ver Month fiftyfive. K ever see the talk station

did shy six thirty two if youhave KERCD talk station. Happy Tuesday local
stories here got Sincint Police responded toa shooting at sixteen hundred block of Vine
Street having yesterday about seven thirty afteror in the evening. Police said the
victim it was a black mail inhis late forties, taking a UC medical
center after being shot near his hip. Injury described as wasn't not life threatening.

Fortunately, officers search for the suspect, so they described as a black
mail in his late forties, aboutfive foot six with short dreadlocks, wearing
a white T shirt, black pants, and a fanny pack. Officer said
many people are at the scene ofthe shooting could have been the result of
an argument. Officers said they didn'trecover any shellcasings from the firearm. Just

thank you Joe Strecker for the obviousthere and real kick Herefore I get to
the phones I got missing online,hang on coming in. Mother in jail
accused of confronting a teenage boy witha baseball bat, pepper sprang him and
then tasing them. Thank you,Joe. Thirty seven year old Helen Combs
held on a five thousand dollars bondoin the Kent Kind Of Detention Center,

charged with second degree burglary. Teenand his mom said Combs attacked him out
of retaliation for punching her son afteran incident over an allegedly stolen knife.
Okay, court dog, you wouldsay. Combs went to the home of
Sandra and Colton ever Sle on Sundaywith a baseball bat and a stun gun.
Record says she knocked so hard onthe door that she damaged it.

Colton ever Sol said the woman askedhim asked to talk to his mom,
and Colton said his mom wasn't home. He asked her to leave. Colton
said she forced her way in,pushed me out of the way, and
I went inside. I pushed herout. Records say Colton comes fought outside
the house, where she pepper sprayedand then taste taser and hit her Colton
said, May my eyes were burning, my eyes were swollen up. Combs

mugshot the Kent and County jail.Her right eye appears swollen. Family said
there was blood on the sidewalk fromthe fight. Police citations said both colton
comes were taken to the hospital.Family said Combs tech Colton after he punched
her son. Why was this necessary? Of course not, Missy. Thanks

for calling this morning, and avery happy Tuesday to you. A happy
Tuesday to you. Hi. Myquestion about this whole transgender issue on the
on playing sports with women. Mydaughter played high school ball, high school
softball, and she would come acrossthe team where they would be. They
were always losing. The team wouldjust they never had I'm not going to

mention names of the teams, butthey never had a win. And all
the years that she'd play ball andthey would come against that team and they'd
play and they they'd be soft onthem, you know, they'd put in
their their second string, third string, pictures and and and it never felt
like a win to them, eventhough they still want it never felt like

a win. So does it feellike a win to these guys? I
agree, Missy, I couldn't agreewith you. You more. It's like
cheating. I feel like they winit, right, yeah. I mean
I talk about that because my dadused to lament guys on the golf course
that would cheat and you know,you know whatever, golf fine, but
you know you go home what yourip somebody off? You want to bet

because you cheated, you have ascore that's lower than reality. You can't
sleep at night. From my perspective, you didn't earn it, you lied,
right. I guess they don't feellike a man anyway, I guess,
you know. Jokingly, this remindsme, Missy. That's a good
point too. It reminds me rememberback in the eighties and when we always
compete against the Soviet Union, andthe women in the Soviet Union Olympiads always

look like men because they're bulked upon steroids. That was an unfair advantage,
wasn't it. That's why they dotesting for steroids and hormones and things
like that for the Olympics, right, uh huh. Yeah, See,
this is like they're a winner.Yeah, it's just like all the ballplayers
that have been playing with steroids.They've got to be shamed later. It

feel that shame later. So it'san unfair and unnatural advantage. You'll make
a great point. Mis See,I can't thank you enough for calling.
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of politics. Odor exit dot com. This is fifty five KRC, an
iHeartRadio station, the free I heardrate. Hey, here's your nine first
one to weather vodcast. Showers moveout. We'll have partly cloudy skies today

at the highest seventy five. Overnightclear skies for the most part, fifty
three to low, partly cloudy andmostly Sunday tomorrow the high of eighty one,
a few clouds over Wednesday night fiftyseven the low and on Thursday sunny
skies high of eighty seven. Rightnow, sixty three degrees sixty five KRC
detalk station. How about traffick rightnow? Chuck from the UCL Traffics Center.
The experts at the UC Gardner NeuroscienceInstitute's Brain Tumor Center offer patients access

to leading edge treatments and unmatched comprehensivecare. Learn more at UCHealth dot com.
Chris continue to work with an accidenton southbound seventy five that's just before
where you get to Kylespo's soldiers trafficbacking into Covington. I've also heard a
dispatch for an accident on Hoppel atthe northbound seventy five. Ram chuck Ingram
on fifty five KRZ the talk stationsix forty fifty five per CD talk station

by Thomas, inviting you to callfile on three seven four nine fifty five
hundred eight eighty two three talk Stillrocking things at Columbia University. The anti
are the pro Homas folks, asI should more properly call them. They've
taken over a campus building. Thiswas after the threat of the president said
We're going to kick you guys outof school. Hmm. Authorities there demanded

that the protests and camoud be clearedby two pm yesterday or students would face
disciplinary action. According to a statementread out by the students at a press
conference after the deadline came, andwhen these repulsive scare tactics i e.
Kicking you out of school mean nothingcompared to the deaths over thirty four thousand
Palestinians. There's that number again,hasn't changed in weeks and weeks. And

remember that was a number supplied byHamas, So taking at face value or
not, as the case may be, I just like to point out to
the fog of war. I don'tthink any human being on the planet has
any concept of who died and whodid not. But people have died,
there is no question about it.But they said, we will not move
until Columbia meets our demands, aremoved by for or are moved by force.

Well move them by force. Then. A few hours later, Columbia
Vice President of Communications Ben Chang saidthe university had begun suspending students as part
of the next phase of our effortsto ensure safety on campus. He said
the students have been warned they'd beplaced on suspension, ineligible to complete the
semester or graduate, and will berestricted from all academic, residential and recreational

spaces. Well, fine, thatworks for people who are enrolled in classes
at Columbia, but what we've foundout is a lot of these folks are
from out of town, busted inas paid protesters by leftists who are merely
endeavoring to stir the pod of hatredand division in this country and ruin life
forks for anybody who really is tryingto get an education to Columbia. So,

after the deadline came and went,what do they do? Student protesters
that Columbia took over and barricaded themselvesinside an academic building on campus Overnight,
student group called Columbia University Apartheid divestSplitters setting their Instagram posts. An autonomous
group of students has taken matters intotheir own hands. They will remain in

Hamilton Hall until the university divests fromdeath. Video floating round showing that people
the protesters hauling items like metal tablesto barricade the door of this place called
Hamilton Hall happens to be where theDean of Columbia College has an office.

Isn't that a criminal a criminal violationtaking over property that doesn't belong to you?
Isn't that justification for arrest? Whileso you're trying to reach out to
representative of Columbia University about this,this takeover of Hamilton Hall, They didnt
immediately respond to requests. Again,that's a few hours after university began suspending

the students who stayed in the proPalestinian encampment past two pm Monday. I
don't know how they're going to identifythese folks, protesters said. Unless Columbia
met their demands, including for theuniversity to divest from companies doing business with
Israel, they had no intention ofdisbanding. Now, to her credit,
at least you can give her aprops for at least one thing. Manuche

Shaffiic the Columbia president, many arewhom are calling for her to step down
due to her well failure to properlyaddress these protesters and actually sitting down and
willingness to negotiate with them. Shedid say yesterday the school would not die
from Israel and reiterated that the protestersneed to leave or face consequences. It's

just sayt one am local time.I believe that this morning Colombia Apartheid divests.
That's the name of yet another entityinvolved in these protests. Splitters posting
mobilization call on Instagram for people tojoin a picket outside of Hamilton Hall,
also calling on people to continue defendingthe original encambment, which is on Columbia's

main plaza, and the reason Iguess Columbia has shut down classes because it's
too dangerous for students to go toclass. I don't know. Part of
me wants to say, why notjust find the police officers who took care
of the riots in the nineteen sixtyeight protests of the Democratic National Convention.

Just kidding it worked six forty fiveifty five KCIT talk station. No,
I'm not advocating for police violence.Mike, hang on. I will take
your phone call if you don't mindholding, because I do want to mention
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course a plus with the better businessspare Chimneycareco dot com. Five one three
two four eight ninety six hundred fiveto one three two four eight ninety six
hundred fifty five KRC. We're goingabroad for the first time time. For

the weather, got rain moving out, turning partly cloud to the highest seventy
five down to fifty three overnight withfair skies, partly to mostly sunny tomorrow
eighty one down to fifty seven tomorrownight with a few clouds. On a
sunny day Thursday, I have eightyseven sixty three degrees. Now, let's
get an update on traffic from theUC Tramphing Center. The experts at the
UC Gardener Neuroscience Institutes Bring Tumor Centeroffer patients access to leading edge treatments and

unmatched comprehensive care. Learn more atuchelp dot com. Southbounds seventy five.
They cleared the accident before Kyle's trafficis still a bit heavy through the cut
northbound seventy five. That's doing fineapproaching the brand's fence. There's an accident
with injuries on hopple over seventy fivechucking ramon fifty five KRE see the talk

station six thirty fifty Krcity talk stationfive eight hundred and eighty two to three
talk. Let's go to the phone, start with Mike, who was kind
enough to stay on hold. Mike, Welcome to the program. Sir Hi
ran two quick things about the riotsthat's up there. The people live in
Columbia. The first thing is theytook over that hall, and couldn't they

just claim slattered, right, Hey, it's all the rage these days.
Maybe they will, right, that'sthe cool thing. So and also back
when Trump first became president, heclosed down the border, and then he
also wanted to keep Muslim extremists fromcertain countries from coming into the US,

and they called him a xenophobe.But now look what we've got exactly.
It might not have stopped this,but it might have floated down a little
bit well. And demonstrated about thearticle I pointed out I found just the
to theay. Chicago Police Department hasalready arrested more than one thousand Venezuelan migrants
in the first three months of thisyear, first three months, one thousand.
I mean, that's a lot offolks from Venezuela committing crime. Again,

they said it's eleven point eleven percentof all arrests in the first three
months, when they only represent onepoint five percent of the population. In
Chicago, arrest of migrants in twentythree skyrocketed eleven thousand percent over twenty twenty
one. In twenty twenty one,the only arrested six Venezuelan migrants. One

undred been arrested by late November oftwenty twenty three, and now we have
a thousand arrested in the first threemonths of the calendar year alone. Problem
much maybe? Huh? Jay,Welcome to the program, and a very
happy Tuesday to you, sir.Pretty happy Tuesday, Brian, Hey,
I hear a lot about what's goingon at these other campuses. I was
embarrassed to hear that Ohio State wason the list of campuses organizations where we've

had these kind of riots going onand protests anti American, anti Semitic.
I haven't heard any latest of didthey have that under control? Did they
take care of that? Are theystill playing around with it? My understanding
is Ohio State took care of theproblem, and so did University of Texas
Austin. Apparently the university and itslaw enforcement partners dismantled the encampment there,

and so doing they found dispersed amongthat encampment baseball sized rocks, which gee,
I don't know why they would havehad. Maybe you can provide some
information on that. But yeah,some are cracking down and some or not.
But I believe that I read justthis morning the Ohio State was one
of the ones that had broken upthat encampment or that protest. Well,

I'm glad to hear that. Iwould still encourage people reach out to your
state representatives and senators, and Iwould love to see a law go on
the books. And I don't carewho is responsible, really, I really
don't as if it's administrators allowed toget out of hand, or students or
it's a faculty, but I wouldlove to see something go on the books
in the state of Ohio that says, if this goes on for any sort

of time where it's anti Semitic,anti American, you just lost any state
funding for the next academic year andsend the shock waves. And because I
think these are all trial balloons.I think what's going on here is they're
figuring out what are the weak statesthat they can get into, what are
the weak campuses they can get into. And this has nothing to play with
And I think Ohioan's need to standup. And I'm glad to hear that

Ohio State took care of it.Yeah, don't don't, don't one quote
me on that. I was busilytrying to find the article where I read
that. But I again, Ido believe they were the one of the
ones that has taken care of thesituation. So but if you read later
today that it's still going on,please don't hold it against me for not
recalling specifically the details, because asyou know, these protests are going on

around all over the country, andyou may be right on the trial bloon
concept, but remember they're being funded. A lot of these kids, kids,
protesters, whatever you want to callthem, aren't even you know,
they don't even go to the universitieswhere they're protesting. They're being paid by
leftist organizations to stir the pot ofdivision. I mean, that's what the
bottom line is that I understand that, But there is there is administrator's faculty

security. There's a hell of alot of tax money, our tax money
going into the state universities across allthe state of Ohio that we can control,
and are state representatives and state senatorsought to be wake enough standing up
and saying we need to put somethingin place to where we can address this,
and address it quickly and send astrong message with high accountability, high

consequence if we see this, soget in front of it versus always shooting
behind the target, which seems tobe the habit of politicians understood. The
only concern I have when we havea discussion like this is we do have
rights to free speech. You areallowed to be as awful as it is
anti Semitic, much in the sameway you're allowed to be purport to adopt

the policies the ku Klux Klan andadvocate for them. You're the jerk in
the room, You're the one thatpeople hate for advocating that kind of thing.
But you're allowed to say it,and you're allowed to speak it in
this country. The question is whenit crosses what line has to be crossed
when we can involve law enforcement andclean up encampments like this, and I
think it's the occupation part that needsto be addressed. Go ahead, walk

around with your signs, walk aroundwith your t shirts, but don't occupy
spaces and make it unsafe for therest of us in the world to achieve
our education goals. Eight That Jaycoming up at six fifty six, fifty
five KRCD talk station more to talkabout plus Rick Green in studio with a
very inspirational message, which I thinkis an important thing in these trying times

we live in. So don't goaway, be right back. You're just
minutes away from refreshing your news feedat the top of the hour. I
have never seen anything like this exclusivelyfifty five KARC the talk station. It's

seven six here a fifty five KRSDtalk station. Happy Tuesday or one hour
from now insights Scoop Bright Barton is. Every time I read the topic I'm
talking about with tech editor Colin madeI laugh. Schodenfreud enters into the equation
Ford and it's electric vehicle woes onthe heels of them losing I believe one
hundred and thirty thousand per vehicle inthe first quarter of this year. I

mean, it's just that's so funny, there's your Biden administration policies right there.
And meantime, you know, wereduce our carbon monition emission emissions rather
and China goes ahead and build tenmore coal fired plants, negating every effort
that we engage in to try toreduce carbon and thus deprive all of the

plants of the world of a valuablesource of life. It'd be like oxygen
deprivation for us. Who I betterwatch what I say. They're going to
declare oxygen some sort of harmful pollutantfive three seven fifty eight two three talk
We do the Daniel Davis Deep Divecoming out at eight thirty. Ukraine Zelenski
wants to make a case to NATOto have a ten year war support,
which sounds me like the war isgoing to be going on for more than

ten years at least. Anyway.Daniel Davis will have some comments on that,
quite controversial. He can be atthe bottom of this hour. An
inspirational guy, Rick Green with amessage about God. We'll talk about his
podcast, the movie Is It Goingto come out? And his ministry where
he's out doing really some great thingsin the community after overcoming his addiction.

With just pure strength of God.So it's a real wild story he's got
to tell. Let's move on,Let's get to the phones here. Julie's
on the line with a comment.Julie, thanks for calling this morning.
Welcome to the Morning Show. Heymorning, Brian. Hey, I just
want to I just came in onthe very end of your conversation or you're
speaking about you know what I callthe thought lease. If I don't specifically

like or if I don't like aspecific group of people, that's between my
God and myself, and it's onme if I don't you know what I
mean, If that's the way Iwant to feel, that's the way I
want to feel. It's amazing theoppression that is coming here. I just
got back from Scotland last night,literally and they have a new hate speech
law. Oh I know, it'sinsane, it's crazy. So listen to

what happened, because I'll tell youI was honestly afraid while I was there.
Had I known this, had thistrip not been pre planned with my
kids and everybody, I probably wouldhave said, you know what, I'm
not I'm not interested. So youknow, it's about the pronouns and my
daughters had chosen like a bar thatwe could go and make our own drinks,
and I knew it was going tobe really interesting when we went in

that our waiter was clearly a mandressed as a woman with a crop top
on. But he immediately said,my grenouns are she heard and was a
very feminine person. You know what, that's up to them. That's fine.
But the first thing I did,and I shouldn't say the first thing,
you know, a couple of minutesin I slipped and I said he
and my husband like hits me underneaththe table. I'm like, oh my
god, am I going to geta jail because I accidentally just call the

server a he and I honestly seethe impression coming here. Yeah, yeah,
you know it's such emphasis on thatnow, it's ridiculous. Well,
and these citizens of Scotland are fightingback against and in fact the idiot who
was behind that, this guy wasthe holmsa USA. He announced his resignation
as Scottish First Minister yesterday because hewas facing a prospect of being forcibly chucked

out of office on a no confidencevote. So it's really coming back to
haunt the idiot who is responsible forthat censorship law. And it's crazy.
Yeah, you could be turned intothe police for not honoring someone's pronouns.
I mean, you know, thisis what it's like to live in a
country without the freedom of speech,which is gradually being more and more eroded.
Although it's only being eroded here becausewe allow it. We allow it,

right, we cower in the faceof you know, online docsing or
protesting or you know, fear ofgetting some negative common direct at our way.
Hey, welcome to my world.You know you want to start screaming
and yelling about me because I believein two genders and the chromosomal reality and
biological reality. Knock yourself out.You're entitled to your opinions. I'm entitled
to mine. Don't tell me Ican't have mine. That's when we end

up in an Orwellian dystopian society likethey have at least for the moment in
Scotland, where you are walking aroundfearing being arrested or turned in to the
authorities. It's like Nazi Germany.It's crazy. Yeah, absolutely, And
if I can make one more comments, we're a twelve hour bus tour.
Yeah, well, we had atwelve hour bus tour with a gentleman.

It was about my age, butI thought it was interesting. He started
to talk about Trump, and Ican't remember the relevant or the reference as
to what he was using because therewas so much information, honestly, but
it was something about Trump, thehistory of Trump's father owning some land or
something like that, and I justtuned out immediately because he I mean,

he didn't care he was on thebus tour, you know, and didn't
care how many Americans were on there. He just said, oh, Trump,
you can have him and his andhis you know. He was obviously
Scottish, but you know, myhusband is like, look, you know
they're only hearing one side over here, right, they don't they don't,
you know. I was so madabout that. I just ruined the trip
for me. So I imagine itdid. And that's a shame because it's

a beautiful country for what I've beentold. So I always said, I
always really thought I would like togo there until honestly, until that law
went to effect him like, I'mnot going to honor that with my dollars
and my tourist money. Ever,when they can enact the law that is
so unbelievably Orwellian. So I'm gladto survived, Julian, I'm glad he

didn't get arrested. Gender pronouns.If you said that my pronouns are they
them? I mean I would haveliterally laughed out loud and would that have
subjected me to arrest in Scotland?He laughed at me. Yeah, yes,
I did take care, Juliet,have a wonderful day. And I'd
got an update on Ohio State.Just so I cleared the record to make

and it's basically safety will not becompromised. So say at the Ohio president
who responded to the protests and arreston campus that happened last week. Ohio
State University President Ted Carter yesterday issueda statement saying that the rules will continue
to be enforced. This after dozensof people were arrested last Thursday on the
main campus in support of this youknow, ongoing Israel Hamas Wars situation pro

Hamas protesters. Thirty six people arrestedlast Thursday charged with criminal trespassing. There
is the nail on the head rightthere, and Columbia they took over this
this building, which I would arguethat they could be arrested for criminal trespassing
if the authorities at Columbia Universe Cityhad any you know, backbone. But

here's the odd component of the state. University spokesperson Ben Johnson said, sixteen
of the people that were arrested wereOhio State students. Twenty of them were
not affiliated with the university. Hmmm, which really takes the wind out of
the sales of Columbia's presidents saying,well, we're going to kick every student
who's involved in this nonsense off ofcampus if you don't disband this camp by

two pm yesterday. And what dothey go do? They went and took
over this this campus building, HamiltonHall is the name of it, and
they barricaded it and put up allkinds of you know, steel desks in
front of the door, and theyrefused to leave. Well, sounds to
me like you might want to sendin the authorities, maybe the National Guard,

but at least a high state appeersto have its act together by this
point. State University Police Division inthe statement acknology and without additional facts about
the incident at the time of theevents, some will continue to disagree with
the actictions taken the president's statement read. I accept the criticism, will always
and will always listen to others concerns. In short, I take my responsibility

very seriously and I'm accountable for outcomes. Arrests are not an action that I
or any member of the administration takelightly. I've stated since first day I
was announced as president that safety willnot be compromised and in certain in terms
of divestment, which is exactly whatthese folks are arguing. The school set
on its website quote pursuing too ahouse state law. There's a law on

the books state entities cannot divest interestin Israel. A high Rise Code Section
nine point seventy six prohibits the universityfrom divesting any interest in Israel and prohibits
adopting and are adhering to a policythat requires divestment from Israel or with persons
or entities associated with it. See. Those are the strings attached when you
take government dollars, and I alwayscomplain about that when you send a dollar

to the federal government comes back inthe form of fifty cents along with nine
thousand pages of mandates and edicts thatyour acceptance of the money comes along with
well, welcome to the University ofOhioio State University, which does accept state
dollars. Course, it's the stateinstitution and it is required to well.
It is prohibited rather from divesting fromIsrael under state law. Hey, you

may find that offensive, you maybe against funding Israel. You're allowed to
have that position, and then youtoo can complain about the strings attached with
accepting state dollars. Seven fifteen fiftyfive KCD talk station runs multiple different directions
along those lines. Doesn't say savemoney. I'm always about saving money.

Maybe it's my west Side Genetics.Oh Genetics came into the equation again.
Now West Sider is notoriously frugal withtheir bucks. That's the environment that I
was raised in and it has servedme well. And when I look at
a hospital imaging department who wants tocharge a five thousand dollars for a CT
scan when I know I can getthat safe, same CT scan without a
contrast for only four hundred and fiftyuh, I'm inclined to go with affordable

imaging services and only pay four hundredand fifty five grand. That's way too
much. And then you probably geta separate bill for the MR for the
radiologists report, and that is notthe case with affordable imaging services where every
image when where it's an MRI,a CT scan, echo cardiogram, ultrasound,
lung screen, your cardiac scoring comesalong with the radiologist's report from a

board certified radiologist that you and yourdoctor will both get within forty eight hours,
a mere fraction of the hospital imagingdepartment where they may keap loads of
cash. Look at all the overheadof hospital's got They got to make the
money from someplace. So it's yourinsurance company, it's you with your out
of pocket responsibility, or if you'reuninsured, Oh my god, I can't
imagine two thousand dollars for an ultrasound, maybe thirty five hundred dollars for an

MRI, and then you have extrafor the contrast. Don't go that direction.
You have choice when it comes toyour medical care. Go to Affordable
Imaging Services. The number to reachthem it's five one three seven five three
eight thousand five one three seven fivethree eight. To learn more and get
all the pricing, go to AffordableMedimaging dot com fifty five detok station elevate.

You're up time for the nine firstone one. Thefour case forecast rain
moves out. We'll have some partlycloudy sky today with the highest seventy five
clear of a night fifty three partlymostly sunny, partly cloudy to mostly Sunday
Tomorrow eighty one for the high downto fifty seven tomorrow night with its just
a few clouds at a sunny dayThursday eighty seven sixty three degrees. Now

it's get enough to don traffic editionsfrom Chuck Ingram from the UCUT Tramphic Center.
The experts at the UC Gardner NeuroscienceInstitute's Brain Tumor Center offer patients access
to leading edge treatments and unmatched comprehensivecare. Learn more at UC health dot
com. North Bend seventy five cruiserworking with an accident at the lateral right
lane blocked off. They're trying toget everybody over to the right shoulder,

but that's backing traffic through sing Bernardwestbound two seventy five erect before you get
to Montgomery Road, adding an extraten out of Milford. Chuck Ingram on
fifty five KRC, The Talk Stationseven fifty five KRC Detalk Station, Happy
Tuesday, Inspirational message from Rick Greenreturns to in studio. In the following

segment, wrapping up the seven o'clockhours, we segue into the inside scoop
of Breit Barton News tech editor ColinMayde and Ando's going to talk about the
epic fail over at Ford and electricvehicles, as well as problems over at
Tesla and Hurts. An illustration ofa company that woke up and said no,
no, no, no, nomoss to the electric vehicles. We
need to profit and nobody wants torunt an electric vehicle, so we're not

buying them anymore. In fact,we're selling our fleet of electric vehicles off
anyway. A little bright light inthis whole ridiculous unfolding on these elite college
universities, Columbia most notably, it'sa poster child for for chaos and an
ineffective administration. You can read thewhole thing if you'd like. Alyssa Finley

on Columbia University and coach handbag.She starts out by drawing apparel. Anybody
would buy a coach handbag. It'sgot some value associated with its name.
It has value because it is perceivedto have a higher quality. It's a
more expensive product. Now you canbuy into that or not. I certainly
don't, but the point being thatthese universities enjoy a level of prestige that

other universities don't like. Compare HOVIDwith Mi Alma Monter University of Cincinnati.
No one speaks with reverence over theUniversity of Cincinnati. Although you can get
a degree there that's every bit asgood as one from Harvard, you just
don't have the Harvard dame attacked toit. But she points out this,
what's going on is devaluing these ridiculousbrands and what are the problems stems from

the fact that, well, theydon't really vet they're no longer the magnets
for the best and bright is thiswoke you know, refusal to use act
SAT scores, This idea that theyare just letting anybody in for the sake
of letting them in under diversity equityor inclusion or whatever is resulting in some
craziness going on, and that peoplewaking up to the reality that just because

they say they went to Columbia orHarvard or Yale doesn't mean they're necessarily the
best and brightest. Now, traditionallythey do produce some of the most successful
individuals. She mentioned. This studyby Harvard and Brown professors found that adding
an elite college and Ivy League schoollike University of Chicago, Duke Stanford MIT

instead of a selective public university increasedthe student's likelihood of reaching the top one
percent of earnings by sixty percent.That nearly tripled the odds of working with
a prestigious firm. That's the pointwhy some parents are willing to go in
the whole one hundred thousand dollars orstudents annually for tuition, because they know
the payoffs is going to be hugein the back end. They point out,

the graduate of these elite college makeup nearly half of Rhodes scholars twenty
six point one percent of journalists atThe New York Times that I ought to
tell you something right there about thewokeness seventy one point four percent of Supreme
Court justices appointed since nineteen sixty seven. Buying a college degree for its brand,
she says, has historically paid offfor students, but as we've all

learned, they're just being indoctrinated inthese massive woke in doctrination camps. It's
no longer a betting an in prestigiouseducation, and she points out the payoff
will shrink if employers think less ofthe brand. Elite colleges are supposed to
separate the week from the chaff intheir application process. They are, however,

increasingly selecting students for traits that manyemployers don't want, such as a
passion for progressive activism. And here'sone of the reasons I bring this up.
This is a perfect example. StanfordUniversity. In twenty seventeen a minute
a guy named Zayid Ahmed who inresponse to the application question what matters to

you and why? In response tothat college application question, this guy wrote
hashtag black lives matter one hundred times. That's all he wrote. In the
acceptance letter he received from the university, they said, quote, everyone who

reviewed your application was inspired by yourpassion, determination, accomplishments, and heart.
You are quite simply a fantastic matchwith Stanford. Now it's funny about
that. It's the insanity of thisstatement black lives matter one hundred times in
responsible what matters to you and why? Okay, he didn't even accept the

He didn't even accept the offer toStanford. Yale University let him in and,
as she points out, elite collegesalso may have devalued their degrees in
the eyes of employers during the pandemicwhen they made submitting SATs and acc Score
Act scores optional. This said theeffect of lowering and mission standards in the
enrollment of less academically qualified student Shepoints out a recent study by Brown and

Dartmouth professors found that the academic performanceof college students at elite universities who did
not submit these standardized test scores wasthe equivalent to those who scored thirteen oh
seven on the SAT, which ismore than two hundred points lower than the
average score at most IVY leagues.A demonstrable reduction in the intellectual quality of
individuals when they start letting really anyrandom person in because I don't know they

speak the woke language, so goahead and keep it up that you know
what that does. Although I'm gettingto the tail end of my working career,
that increases the value of my educationat the University of Cincinnati. It
makes me more thankful that I didn'tgo to a Princeton or Yale and come
out with a couple of one hundredthousand dollars in debt and some woke ideology.

Keep it up out there, guys, keep it up. You're leveling
the playing field. Seven twenty six. If you FI have k S the
talk station inspiration coming up next aftera word for fast and proroofing. Words
actually fast and Proroofing. They're unbelievableroofers. They're excellent roofers, and I
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seven four ninety four ninety five fiftyfive KRC dot com. Hey, if
you're listening to ASA night, firstone to wee the forecast rainal fade out

and we will have partly cloudy skiestoday going up to seventy five down to
fifty three every night with clear skiestomorrow partly to most of the sunny,
partly cloudy to most of the sunny. Eighty one for the high down to
fifty seven tomorrow night. Then onThursday, a sunny day, it'll be
with I have eighty seven. Rightnow, we're looking at sixty three degrees.
Time for a traffic update from theUC Health Amphis Center. The experts
at the UC Gardener Neuroscience institutees BringTumor Center offer patients access to leading edge

treatments and unmatched comprehensive care. Learnmoreg you see health dot com. Right
lean remains back northbound seventy five withthe accident at the lateral, and that's
close to a twenty minute delay nowfrom seventy four. They cleared the rec
westbound two seventy five before you gotto Montgomery, but damage done. You're
backing up close to Milford. ChuckIngram on fifty five krc the talk station

seven thirty one fifty five KRCD TalkStation, A very happy Tuesday to you
and inspirational Tuesday. It will bebecause Rick Green is back in the study
along with his friend movie producer RickRicos Savant to talk about an upgrade update
on his mission, his story,and the celebration of the ten year anniversary
since God told him to donate hiskidney to Marvin Kay's son, Rick Green

Ricos Sab Welcome back to the fiftyfive KRC Morning shot. Guys. It's
always good to see it. Hey, thank you, thanks for having us.
Now, for those who haven't heardyour prior interviews, my conversations with
you in city, this is likethe third or fourth time you've been in
studio, talk about your mission,Brick, remind my listeners how this all
started. You came from what wewill describe delicately as a bit of a

troubled past. Yeah. Yeah,I come from a really abusive, alcoholic
drug infestset background. I saw thingsthat children shouldn't see. I heard things
that children shouldn't hear, and mywhole life was really dysfunctioning on I was
always in survival. Moh. Mymother was a pretty mean and even woman.

But bound the grace of God,I'm here. You are here.
You ever came challenges with well lawenforcement. You did serve some time in
the jail, and you did havea drug problem on your hands, didn't
you. Yeah, I was atit for sixteen years, and by the
gress of God, this June willmake twenty six years free. I never

tell people God claim I was neverdirty. I was a victim of my
own poor choice and not man enoughto say that. See, And that's
what's great about your message. Youknow, you're not saying society sucks and
I'm a victim and old woe isme? And you know here, I
am a black man and the problemis is because why do you oppress me?
And that's why I have a drugproblem. I was born into a
bad family because society didn't chase noneof that. You don't blame anybody but

yourself or your problems. And yougive God one hundred percent of the credit
for waking you up out of thatwhich happened in a moment's time. That's
a wild part of your story aswell, right there. Yeah, yeah,
you know right. It's not fairbecause they're eleven kids. No one
won't way all alcohols. We hadit. I ask people in the room,
just get silent. You can't makethat make sense. I can only

look at what I did to me. I wasn't the best friend to me,
and I suffered from my consequences andI heard people and that's really sad.
Well, that's the hard part tolive with. And that's why I
know when people go through like forexample, alcoholic exonymus, what of the
thing is to go and apologize tothe people that you have harmed because of
your addiction, and you know that'sand you reflect back on that. And

that was one of the more difficultthings I have to deal with. Oh
okay, I was hurting myself,but in the process I also hurt these
other people. Well definitely, allright. So the day that it happened,
uh, the inspirational moment, Yeah, crying in the cell in the
justice center. I remember the exactprayer. I've been an addict knlocoholic for

so long. I asked God toremove my desire for alcohol and drugs.
I never asked them to remove eitherone of them. And that's exactly what
he did for the first time insixteen years. When I got released,
I there, I went home andI remember pulling the coat down, the
toilet and the beer and I brokemy cigarette and I asked God to cleanse

my tongue. And I've been cussedsince nineteen ninety eight. No one can
tell me God isn't real because Idon't have authority and power over the time.
That's amazing. God is real.See, I have to have a
thor the empower over my time becauseI'm on the radio and the FCC doesn't
take too kindly to be dropping cursewords, which I will admit I can
do from time to time. Asyou guys both know from the off air

comments that we've had but not you, Rick, not you, You're not
going to go down that road.And you know that's just a it's amazing.
You break up your smokes, youthrow your coke, you get rid
of the alcohol, and you askedGod merely to just take away the desire
for this, and it never wentand came back. That's exactly what he
did here, removed the desire becauseevery move we makes thoughts here. I'm

sorry you can't see, but thethoughts in the brain now the brain control
everything. I didn't want to thinkabout that stuff anymore. I didn't want
to be triggered about those thoughts anymore. So I went to the author of
the brain, the creator of theuniverse. That's just an amazing story,
a story that apparently is going tobe in film form. We're going to

talk to Rico about that in aminute. With Rick Green. Rick's also
going to talk about the ten yearanniversary that he and Marvin Gay's son are
both celebrating. I'm certain celebrating ina big, big way. It's postermen.
We'll bring them both back. AfterI mentioned my friends at Zeros Carbon
Cleaning, and I had deal timeto get in touch with Zeros while the
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the Park til the nine first oneto weather vocasts rain lose out. We'll
get some clouds today and are upto seventy five Tonight, down to fifty
three with mostly clear skies, partlycloud it in mostly Sunday Tomorrow with the
high of eighty one. Got afew clouds tomorrow night dropping the fifty seven
and then all the way up toeighty seven under sunny skies Thursday. Right
now sixty two and time for trafficfrom the UCL Tramphing Center. The experts

at the UC Gardner Neuroscience Institute BringTumor Center offer patients access to leading ed's
treatments and unmatched comprehensive care. Learnmore at you seehealth dot com. Multiple
accidents on northbound seventy five, startingfirst in northern Kentucky with Rex and Turf
playing Kyle's on the right, trafficslows out of Florence. Then it's a
slow go past the lateral thanks toa wreck on the right, and now

southbound seventy one. An accident atthe Reagan Highway add sue delays from above.
Two seventy five. Chuck Ingram onfifty five krc the Talk Station took
about KRCD Talk Station half hour ofInspiration with Rick Green. We're gonna hear
from Rico Svan. He's the movieproducer for Rick's life story. Of course,
you can find him well, notof course, but let me remind

you. You can find Spirit Workministriesdot com online and find out what Rick
Green does. As a consequence ofhis well salvation from himself, he merely
asked God to take away the desirefor drugs and alcohol and send him on
the right path. It happened instantaneously. He didn't need a twelve step program,
he didn't need anybody else. Hedoesn't blame anybody else for his problems,

and he gives God complete credit fortaking away that desire and an inspiration.
You know, I like having youon. Rick is out there somewhere
one person, if one person todayas after hearing your message turns their life
around. You have fulfilled on somelevel God's mission for you. Praise God

well and let me also continue becauseyou didn't just stop with fixing Rick Green.
Now you spread that message through SpiritWorks ministries and you hand out to
folks on life's margins meals like youand your wife still do this every Saturday.
I did it last weekend. ThisJune will be six years and I

pray God never take me off myassignment. I love it. I don't
even know where we find the moneyto do it. The money just keeps
showing up. Well, there youhave it. Maybe it's because you're inspirational
so many and they want that messageto get out there in the world,
which I see the little donat nowbutton on your website Spiritworksministries dot Com.

So you can help out Rick andhis wife with a mission to feed those
on life's margin. And I seeget more than ten thousand meals, you've
fed five hundred and ten homeless familiesand love for God and his people number
one right there. And you canget a copy of his book, spirit
Works, a God's Story to learnmore about Rick and his mission, which
Rico, good to see you again. Man, what mikey you want?

Because it's not a what's that littlewhite piece of tabs? Say there,
Mike three, turn on Mike three. Joe try it now? Hey there,
he is sorry about that. Ishould have given Joe heads up beforehand.
How did you learn about his story? Well, me and Rick was
introduced through my cousin. She doespoetry and Rick has his hands in a

little bit of poetry, so theyhad a mutual connection and he reached out
to her. She gave him mycontact info. Rick reached out to me
and the rest is what you seeor what you guys will see later.
Well, and when we first met, you're on the program talking about how
you were planning on doing this movieand you'd ask for contributions and didn't hear

anything else about it, And sowhen I came when you came in this
morning, I'm like, so,how's the movie going? And I heard
you're like ninety five percent finished withit. Yeah, we're ninety five percent
finished. I'm actually outlining the lastlittle bit we gotta do. Sometimes you
look at scenes like sample complex.This one requires a lot of wardrobe,
this one may require a lot ofactors. So we kind of got one

complex scene or that we need todo. But we've done so many in
the last couple of months that allthe complex stuff seems simple. Now.
Just got to plan it out andget everybody to go throw it all up,
edit it and put it out outfor everybody's consumption. Do you know
where the movie's gonna show? Anyideas about how we're going to get to
be able to see it ourselves.Yeah, we're gonna do some local screenings
here in Cincinnati area. Rick's church, I know, we'll try to do

one there, a large congregation,large sitting area. We'll probably do some
local theaters also, and of coursewe'll have it online. Wonderful and that
website is Rick in the movie,you know what, h No, but
Rick does play someone in the well. I would like to think he's in
there on some level of Alfred Hitchcockshowed up in every one of his movies.

At least Rick gets some some screentime for providing the inspiration behind the
entire movie. So that's that's wonderful, all right. So Spiritworksmistries dot Com
get the information there, and ofcourse you'll update your page when the movie
comes out at spirit Works Ministries dotcom so people will know and you'll put
the movie schedule on the showing ofall that. If you had to guess,
Rico, when do you think wemight start seeing the movie or have

an opportunity to see it? Youknow what I'm I'm I'm in a communication
with Rick's cousin name Eddie. We'reworking on a brand new trailer. We'll
have a trailer here some within thenext maybe two to three weeks. And
as far as the actual movie beingdone, we'll shoot. We're like ninety
done shooting. We'll start moving intothe editing stage once I shoot the last

scene. Okay, just you know, just so we work smart, We'll
shoot it all, then we'll editit all. I'm not going to hold
you to a deadline, mind youwe have, so several months from now,
maybe that's what we're talking reasonably withinmonths fantastic, definitely this summer.
All right, you'll have an opportunityto get here and tell my listeners all
about it when when it's finally completedas well. All right, let's pause.

I didn't I dive back into thetenure anniversary I wanted to talk about
with Rick. But the inspiration obviouslycontinues. He transformed his life. He's
helping others spread the message to lettingthem know that they too can sort of
take the bull by the horns andovercome their challenges by working on the man
or woman in the mirror, asthe case may be, with the inspiration
of God. So let's pause fromthem. We'll bring them both back seven

forty six right now, fwty fivek CD Talk station. Great dentists.
Everybody needs a great dentist. Yougot to take care of your dental work.
It's so important to your health.And of course, you know,
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five KRC the talk station. Hey, it's Garry Sullivan. If you are
written, Rain's gonna move out.We'll have partly cloudy skys today going up
to seventy five clear skies over nightto fifty three for a low eighty one
tomorrow s high with partly cloudy,divostly clotty skies, kind of clear night
Tomorrow night fifty seven low and atsunny day Thursday, I have eighty seven

right now sixty two in time fortraffic from the UCL Tramphics Center. The
experts at the UC Gardner Neuroscience InstituteSpring Tumor Center offers patients access to leading
edge treatments and unmatched comprehensive care.Learn more at u sehealth dot com.
North Bend seventy five crews have clearedthe accident near turf Way, but traffic
heavy out of Florrence and they've clearedthe wreck and Kyle's right lane is open

again. Then across the river thewreck above seventy four, and they're all
both over on the right side.There's a wreck on Union Center. Before
Sunday, Chuck Ingram on fifty fiveKRZ the talk station seventh fifty one,
if it's got KRCD talk Station wrappingup a half hour of inspiration with Rick
Green, author of spirit Works ofGod's Story. You can find them online

at Spiritworksministries dot com to help helpthem feed people, while you can donate
to him his mission out every weekendevery Saturday with his wife handing out sandwiches
to folks on life's margins Beautiful inspirationand also the movie producer Rico Savona Studio
will be looking for a trailer probablyin the next month or so, and

the completed movie about Rick's amazing storywithin several months. Won't hold him to
it, but that's kind of thetimeline. You'll be able to see at
different places, and of course we'llgive an update that here in the fifty
five KRC Morning sh I'm really excitedabout seeing that movie as well. But
the inspiration not just to change yourlife, which message you sought God's help
and told him to take away yourdesire for drugs and alcohol, and you

immediately transform your life. You alsohelped save the life Marvin Gay's son needed
a kidney. And it's a tenyear anniversary of your donating your kidney to
a guy you never met before.How did how was it that he came
upon Marvin Gay's son and knew thathe needed a kidney? And how did
you end up giving him? What? Uh? You know? I still

struggle with saving his life, becauseyou know me, I believe God saved
his life. But I walked inthe house like I do every night,
and I got a habit. Igrab at my remote and I turned the
TV on. It had to beGod. Out of four or five hundred
channels, it was like entertainment tonight. The second night turned it on and

Marvin Gate, a thirdness nurse,was asking would anybody donate Marvin and kidney?
And God said help him? AndI said, huh, I heard
him? But and God said helphim? And I said, yes,
sir, And I wrote the numberdown the UCLA Medical Center and I called
them once again. It had tobe God. They sent violence to my
house. The next day for blowwork. My wife a phlebotomists, everything

lying and up she did the blow. Oh my god, I did not
know your wife was a phlebotomus anddid. That's amazing, man. Man.
We send it to UCLA Medical Centerand they said come out for four
days of testing. I got toU s LA Medical Center. I said,
God told me I'm the perfect Matt. The sergeant said, slow down.
Rick slowed down, and four dayslater he said, how did you

know? I said, God toldme in Cincinnati, and I remember Wendy
was crying, Marvin's wife, andI said, Wendy, why are you
crying? And she said, Rick, There's been seven people before you.
None of them match. I said, they couldn't. God told me I'm
the match. That is so wild, man. Right now people are never
feeling chills down their spine the samething I'm feeling right now. That is

just absolutely amazing. So yeah,you maybe maybe God was responsible, but
you heard it, you heeded it. You know. It's I like to
think of that as I think we'resurrounded by little miracles all the time.
You just got to take the momentto notice them. If you want to

give credit to God, give creditto God. You just want to notice
it as a miracle in and ofitself. But the little things are just
they really can be uplifting. Andwe live in a society to just fill
with bad news and people arguing andhate flowing all multitude or directions and division
stirring the pot. I think wetend to overlook some of the nicer things

about life, generally speaking. Inobviously, you are very in tune to
a message that you're getting, andyou get it from God, and it's
nice that you're receptive to it.But it's also nice that you're out there
continuing to let people know about itbecause I know, like I said before,
that as you're out talking, asyou're out speaking about what happened to
you, you're going to influence somebodyelse in that positive direction through your message.

So you continue every day of theweek doing God's work and spreading the
message, and for every one personout there, you convert that as a
beautiful, beautiful thing and words everyounce of effort that you put into it.
Rick Green ahs a pleasure to haveyou in studio Rico. It is
great seeing you again. I'm lookingforward to the final product. Don't disappoint
us, man, don't disappoint allright, it's kind I got money in

that project, all right. Absolutely. I just want to thank cousin Andy
has his Oh yeah, this isblue ash Own the original drama Blessed Union
or so he's doing the sound tryingfor the movie, and I'm hoping films
Cincinnati hear me. I wish wecould get together and bless each other.

I don't want anything from you.I just want people to know that there's
a Cincin ninety story being made withCINCINNAETI. It's the star, so let's
puts this movie. That's great,man. I Blessed Union of Soul is
a wonderful group. One of thebass guitar player works for iHeartMedia see them
all the time. So that's anexcellent connection there. Best of luck,

Rick, thanks again for all thatyou do each and every day. Inspirational
story. It is Rico again.I got I got high hopes for this
movie. My friend. Great seeingyou guys. We'll talk again. I'm
certain some fifty six stick around brightBart inside Scoop. We're gonna talk.
Electric vehicles should be pretty comical conversation. Maybe a little shot and for it.
At least that's what I experienced whenI read about Ford and It's ev

was Columndaine, the tech editor isgoing to join us after the news.
I hope you can stick around world. I guess don't exactly happen on a
schedule. What the latest talk daysdo at the top of every hour fifty
five KRC the talk station. It'sfor king about earning people this stuff that
matters. I think I should bea number one thing that should give fifty
five krs the talk stations. Ihave eight oh six here, a fifty

five PERRCD talk station. We're gonnaHappy Tuesday. It is that time a
week get the inside scoop with brightBart News. Invaluable component of the fifty
five CARC Morning Show is Bright Bartgot a chop stop by every single day
bookmarket. You'd be glad you did. B R E I T B A
R T. Returning to the fiftyfive KRC Morning sh On, Welcome back,
and I'm sorry, Colin Maydine,I am experiencing schadenfreud. I've given

the topics we're talking about today,Tech Editor, Colin Maydine, could you
hear from you today? Colin welcomeback, happy to be here branch.
Do you experience shad and forty whenyou read the headline from Breke Park?
Absolutely every day, absolutely every dayForwards Evy Division lost one point three billion
dollars in the first quarter of thisyear, running at one hundred and thirty

two thousand dollars loss per EV carsold Phase three profit. I mean,
what the hell you can't make theI mean, I guess you could make
it up, but no one willbelieve it. But there it is,
right exactly. You know, Brian, I'm actually naming you an honorary member
of the brek Bartech team because you'reone of the two people who despise the

EV's as much as we do.Oh, I am honored checking the mail,
but it's a nice title. Iam honored. I'll print up my
own certificate of authenticity for that,because I'm sure there's no certificate. The
guzzle with the award, but you'resaying it out loud is enough for me.
That's great. You know, there'sso many problems with evs, and
especially at Ford. What Ford isdoing is trying to subsidize the EV push

with you know, their traditional gascars, which people love you know,
people love Ford trucks, they lovetheir SUVs, and those are very profitable
vehicles. Meanwhile, they lose theirshirt on EV's the reason they're pushing so
hard, Brian is Ford's executives areabsolutely drooling at an EV future where they

can lay off tons of auto workers, they can fire tons of suppliers because,
as you know in Ohio, especiallywith Honda, you know, an
entire economy of companies spring up aroundthese car factories to supply them with critical
components. Well, evs have alot less parts. They don't have an
engine, which is the most complexpart of a car, they don't have

all these other features. To Fords, CEO is out there bragging we can
do a third less. Well,so we can do a third less of
this, and they think it meansthe gravy train because they're not going to
lower their prices. They're going tocharge the same price with less cost and
think they're going to make a milliongazillion dollars. It's not happening yet.

Is no Quite the contrary, becauseyou can lead a horse to water,
but you can't make them drink.You can make all the evs you want,
but you can't force people to buythem and the And that's a really
perspective, really perceptive insight by you, because what we're trying to do is
how Amazon started. When Amazon started, they were losing money on every single

book they sold. And the jokepeople made back then was well, yeah,
we're losing money every book, butwe'll make up in volume, you
know, because the higher volume andhigher losses. But they transformed it into
a world where everyone and everyone's childrenorder off Amazon every day practically, right.
I mean, there's always trucks goingon now forward. That's not working

for them because they're losing money handover fist. And in the first quarter
the sales for EV's went down twentypercent, So that push to get everyone
on the EV train, to yourpoint, hasn't worked at all. Well.
And one of the impact, Imean already alluded to it, if
not stated it out right, theimpact on the United Auto Workers union.

I know management is all about theBiden administration and embraces this nonsense, but
what if the run of the millline guy and gal, they can't be
in favor of this. They seethe writing on the wall, their job
will not exist. They're losing moneyin the Evy division. Clearly it's a
loss leader in the company. Ican't imagine them following the will of their
lords and masters at the union andvoting for Biden this fall. I mean,

we're going to see another Reagan typerevolution in November. Well, I
would hope. So, you know, I'm very I'm very split on this
issue. Brand I think it's somethingthat we need to do a lot more
looking into because you know, myfather, for example, has had experience

in the car industry, and hewould you know, and of course this
is in the Stone Age, buthe would run into two different types of
auto workers. Who would run anauto workers who are thinking for themselves and
saying, gee, is this reallygood for me? And then he would
run an auto workers who simply followedthe line of their you know, union
leaders. So the union leaders arevery left wing, they're very pro Biden.

They've gotten very, very rich frombeing Democrats, you know, for
decades. I don't think the unionleaders will make a split on this.
They'll they'll make a deal with thedevil with the company for all these jobs
to disappear, because it will probablybe profitable for him. I would hope
more and more of the auto workerswho are not dumb guys. They're skilled

workers, you know, they're Americanstradition, more skilled manufacturing workforce. They
do see the writing on the wall. They do know exactly the difference when
building a gas car in an electriccar. And one would hope that they're
going to turn to Trump because Trumpobviously doesn't buy into ev mania the way

the left us no. And thenthere's that pesky thing called our electric grid,
which is struggling mightily already. Andif the lords and masters that want
us to drive electric vehicles had theirway and we all got electric vehicles tomorrow,
charging them would be an impossibility underthe current circumstances. Brian, It
already is in a possibility. Anytimethere's a holiday or a weather event or

anything where people drive their cars forany reason. The backup at you know,
these charging stations is unbelievable and itcauses tremendous stress for consumers. You
know, one of the most commonthings you hear about evs it's not like
your gas tank. You get inyour gas tank and your gas tank is

half full. You drive for awhile. You know how far you're going
to get on a half tank ofgas. Right. Yeah, Well,
you get in the EV and it'sa fifty percent charge. Maybe it's a
chilli morning, so you turn onthe heater to keep the kids warm.
Suddenly that charge is you know,diving quickly past forty percent, maybe down
to thirty percent. So you getthis tremendous fear you're not even going to

reach your destination. Right, Anyonewho's driving more than a couple miles a
day and just wanted as a statussymbol finds that evs are not the solution
in America. Well, as Ialways joke, everybody I know that owns
an electric vehicle also has an SUVin their driveway that is an internal combustion
engine car. So they've got thatpsychological backup. If they're going to go

on a trip, they get inthe internal combustion engine. If they're going
to go on a short trip outof the grocery store, they get in
their electric vehicle. And that's thedecision they made. Yeah, well,
and you know what it, right, Brian, Yeah, you know traditionally
with rich people, they have aBMW that's in the shops and then they
have their you know, their Americanmade or Honda suv that actually gets things

done. So they've traded the youknow, the Italian sports car for the
Tesla because it makes them. Upto this point, they've believed this makes
me a good person, This validatesme. I'm saving the universe. Little
do they know. The emissions thing. It's largely bs Brian. You know,
we know that instinctively. But thereis a study done. Evs are

so heavy because they have these massivebatteries that are basically a bomb you're driving
around on that they wear down tiresmuch faster than traditional cars, so that,
if you believe or not, thescientific study proved the emissions from the
tires they wear down is greater thanthe emissions from a guess powered car.
Yeah, I've read that. Andalso more wear and tear on the roads

because they weigh so much more aswell. So absolutely, and they're a
death trap. You don't want tobe hit by an EV because it's an
eight thousand pound bowling ball. Insome cases. Can imagine people homeowners insurance
rates are going to go through theroof if they insurance company finds out that
you're charging your electric vehicle in yourgarage because of the fire risk associated with
them. You can't put them outanyway, which lets us pivot over to

Hurts. Hurts followed the Mantra,and they went ahead and acquired a whole
bunch of electric vehicles, only tofind out that no one wants to drive
them. Fork. I believe alot of the reasons you just pointed out.
Yeah, there's a couple of thingsgoing on with Hurts, Hurts,
blood baths. We need like anew name for blood baths, right,
because Hurts has gone true hell andit's only getting worse. They've lost their

CEO. They made a major beton Tesla's because they believed people wanted to
rent them as a status symbol andto look cool and be hip and save
the word world as they drive aroundon vacation. Now the problem stacked up
quickly. First of all, thebattery problem I was talking about, people
will go nuts when they drive anEV for the first time, says they

can't predict how far they're going tobe able to drive, And no one
wants to be stranded, especially ifyou're on vacation in the strange city right
exactly, And the charging is impossibleto find. People on vacation don't like
to wait three hours in line tocharge two hours so they can drive the
Disneyland or wherever they're going. Butthe real problem of Hurtz is they ran

into every economic problem that Joe,average Tesla buyer runs into. First of
all, the cars have little tono resale value. That's a critical flaw
in a car rental business, becausethe whole point of car rental businesses the
cars get run into the ground andthen you sell them to someone right.

Right, So they can't sell Teslasbecause Tesla keeps slashing the price and the
resale market for Tesla's is near zero. No one wants to buy a used
Tesla. You're getting a used battery. You have no idea. It's a
crapshoot. What's going to happen withthis car? Right? Secondly, it's
extremely expensive to fix Tesla's. Theirtheir maintenance costs, their repair costs are

unbelievably high compared to any other car, and the insurance is very, very
very high, partly for that reason, So they bought this huge fleet of
EV's. No one wants to rentthem, they can't sell them, they
can't fix them, and it's multiplequarters in a row of massive losses.
For CEO had to step down.It was. It's going to go down

in the books as one of thelegendary bad business decisions, no doubt about
it. And you pointed about textTesla dropping price is one of the reasons
for that. As reported in Breitbart, Chinese made electric vehicles, but Beijing's
flooding the market with their version ofthe EV's, which Tesla has now got
to compete with, and it certainlycan't when you have Chinese Communist Party subsidized
Chinese electric vehicles flooding the market.Is are the Are the Chinese electric vehicles

at their lower price? The answerto the to the problems that we're facing
with this whole EV situation, Colin, I know the answer to that.
Well, in no way, right, that's beyond the softball, right,
So you know, the the Chineseevs are not here yet they're giving tremendous
problems to Tesla in China. Becausethis is the crazy thing about Tesla.

Well, we say at pri BarTech, you have to think about Tesla
as a Chinese car company. Halfthe cars that Tesla sells are in China.
They've made huge investments in factories.Musk was just over there glad handing
Chinese Communist officials this week. Theyare essentially a Chinese company because they made
such a big bet. China's likethe mob, you know, they never

do you a favor and then youpay them back and then it's done.
They're always coming back, right,there's no end to that deal. So
you know, in the Chinese market, it's being flooded with super cheap cars,
uh, super cheap evs China.Joe Biden will gladly flood America with

those cars and destroy our auto marketbecause there's probably ten percent for the big
guy in that deal. But that'sthe last thing we want to have happen,
Brian, and not only because ofthe economic effects on America. Just
from a safety perspective, Chinese carsare death traps. They're built, they're
built super cheap, they're built substandard. If you know anything about the Chinese

economy, if you pay off theright people, there's very little oversight.
So there's lots of videos you cansee where buildings, like concrete buildings will
basically have a cardboard insert in ain a cement pillar to use less cement.
You know, obviously, you know, lowering the power of that structural

right, right, So you're goingto get that with cars. You're going
to get death track cars that aremarketed to a middle and lower income Americans
and they're going to be very dangerousand uh, you know, a build
substandard and we'll spy on you.Don't forget that partly filled with electronics and

cameras and microphones serving the Chinese CommunistParty's interest in gathering up as much data
as they possibly can about every man, woman in child in America. Colin
ma and im tech editor at Breitbart, Thank you Breitbart for all that you
do each and every day, andGod bless you for the award this morning.
Colin, I am. I ampleased to be a member of the
team. That's cool, my friend. I'll look forward to having you back

on real soon. Keep up thegreat work. It's eight nineteen fifty five
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North Pound seventy five continues to runslow out of url Ainger into downtown,
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seventy one. There's a wreck atthe lateral southbound just below the rigging highway.
Given its Shawnee run Queen City atWyoming. A couple of more chuck
from on fifty five KRC the talkstation twenty eight on a Tuesday, and

I am very happy one to you. This is the time of week when
we get the Daniel Davis Deep Diveor deep dive with Daniel Davis. Either
way you slice it, charch itonline, you're gonna find his podcast talking
about international issues, world affairs.He's a retired lieutenant colonel, decorated and
he's got a lot to say aboutmilitary engagement around this world. And today
we're gonna stick with Ukraine. Welcomeback, Daniel Davis. Aw he's a

pleasure to have you on the fiftyfive KRC Morning Show. An absolute pleasure
for me to be here. Thanksfor having me back. So I'm a
dog lover. I saw you hadyour little dog with you there for a
moment on your lap. What's yeah, what's his or her name? His
name is Cody. He's my littlebuddy. Oh that's great. We used
to have a Doberman named Cody.Oh, God, God rest his soul.

We are a Doberman family and have. My wife and I have owned
Doberman's, either in pairs or individuallyfor thirty three or four years. So
yeah, our current dog, Liamis melanistic. He's all black. And
my daughter and her boyfriend just boughta lot and as a housewarming gift,
my son bought them a melanistic,all black Doberman puppy that's a little Dahlia.

So they're getting along great, andit's just a she's a real sweetheart.
Anyway, I had to get thatout of my system being a dog
lover. Okay, always good totalk about dogs. I know, I
know, there's such there's just justunbelievable, great little fellows to have around
anyway, something that great. Ukraineand what I don't know, ten years
worth of funding have they already capitulated? This thing is gonna last that long.

Put some flesh on the bones ofthis for me, would you,
Daniel. Okay, Look, there'sin my view NATO is taking a massive
gamble with this weird deal going onright now where Jen Stilton Burd, the
Secretary of General, flew to Kiev, had this big press conference with Vladimir
Zelensky and just emphatically, and Imean over and over, said they Ukraine

will be in NATO. It istheir rightful place, they deserve to be
in NATO, and it will happen. And we're gonna not have this ad
hoc temporary funding deal like we've hadup to this point. Now we're gonna
have a predictable, long term dealten years in the making. And NATO
has now put every credibility we haveon the line. And if they don't

make good on this, if theydon't somehow turn this into a victory for
a Ukraine and a defeat for Russia, then they have just cut the knees
out from themselves. You've heard thephrase you shut yourself in the foot is
you've chopped your knees off because thelikelihood, the strong likelihood, is that
Russia is gonna eventually end up winningthis war, and then we have set

ourselves up for this big failure.Now, I just cannot imagine why we
would take the risk. What's worthit. Well, my understanding is if
they're a NATO country, they're aNATO member, then they are also getting
NATO defense obligation, which requires allthe other NATO countries to pony up and
get into a ground war, afighting war, a shooting war with Russia.
Well and see, and that's thethat's the point. That's why this

is really kind of head scratching tooutright bizarre. Because the Natal summit,
uh, I believe it's like this, the seventieth or seventy fifth, I
can't remember which, which anniversary isgoing to be this summer in Washington,
and so it's going to be abig hubbub. But the NATO people have
to include Sultenberg has already said theywon't be invited at this one. It's

going to come some day in thefuture, but they're not saying when.
But they want this funding to begoing through now. But here's the problem.
You look at the reality on thebattlefield, and as we've talked many
times, you look at the fundamentalsof going to building combat power at the
national level and at the operational level, and that that pendulum has swung way

over to the Russian side, andit's irrevocable. I mean, the changes
that are necessary in the West andthat have already taken place in Russia are
not equal, and they're continuing tobuild on the Russian advantage side. So
I just I don't understand why youwant to tie yourself to something that only
a miracle basically could reverse at thispoint, but that seems to be where

we are today. I saw thefog of war, and the number of
casualties and injured and wounded are impossibleto discern. But I did see a
report the other day, I thinkit was the sun. Whether or not
that's credible or not remains to beseen. But they gave credit to the
United Kingdom for the number crunching.They claim somewhere on the order of four
hundred and fifty thousand Russians if eitherbeen killed or wounded in this conflict.

No reference that I saw to thenumber of Ukrainians, Ukrainian soldiers or people
killed. But I keep thinking ofthe size of Russia, and I don't
know what the population is relative toUkraine. But this has been going on
long enough, it's been such abloody conflict with really and maybe you can
correct me on this, no clearvictory so far for either side. It

kind of back and forth. Onegets pushed out, the other one comes
in, they fight, some moregets pushed out, So that doesn't seem
to be any progress made on eitherside. But I guess I really have
to boil this down to how longcan Ukraine continue to fight a war without
the assistance of other countries and moreboots on the ground. Yeah, you
kind of hit the major issue thereat the last part is it's the number

of personnel that's available. It allcomes down to men, not machines,
not money. You can print asmany dollars as you want and send America
further into debt, and I guessthe other NATO countries can do the same.
They can build a lot of machines, but what they can't build is
human beings. They can't build trainedsoldiers and capable soldiers. And look,

I think those numbers are not true. They're not backed up by just a
common sense analysis of how the firepowerimbalance has list existed almost from the beginning
of this I don't understand how youcan claim a ten to one disadvantage in
firepower on the one hand, andthen claim that Russia has like a five
to one increase in the number ofcasualties on the other side. It's just

physics don't work for that, andI don't think it's true. And you
can see that because Ukraine had somewherearound seven hundred and fifty thousand to a
million troops by the summer of twentytwenty two. Now then they're trying to
recruit an additional five hundred thousand.That tells you something about the scale of
the losses they've had so far.So whatever they're admitting, this ridiculous number

of thirty one thousand killed that Zelenskihas said a couple of months ago is
just nonsensical. It's much much higherthan that, especially the wounded. Now
then you're seeing that Ukraine is tryingto mobilize this half a million. They
want to get fifty thousand per month, but they're getting a fraction of that
by forced mobilization, and the peoplethat they're getting don't want to fight.

They're literally fighting with the people tryingto recruit them. Do you see videos
every day of people grabbing them offthe streets. I saw one yesterday,
they stopped a van at a parkinglot and grabbed the guy out and took
him away while his family was screamingin the background. That happens every day.
So I don't know how you justkeep going with this that all this
money we just gave is going tobe very useful. I mean, it's

desperately needed, but it's not goingto change the manpower issue on the front
line, right and one of theother developments. And I don't have any
problem with Ukraine wanting to defend itselfand to the extent it can find they
were invaded by a foreign power.I get that. But this, this
development of now using longer range missilesthat they got from US or our NATO

friends, and shooting farther and fartherinto Russia. That suggests to me that
Vladimir Putin may just say, youknow what, I've been holding back.
I've been keeping my powder dry,but this is beyond the pale. I'm
going to start unleashing some real armamentson you, and maybe some ICBMs or
I don't even think. I don'tthink you would entertain nukes. But they

do have a tremendous array of firepowerthat I haven't yet seen unleashed there or
am I wrong with that conclusion?No, No, you're you're right in
but more than one direction. Firstof all, you know, the claim
that now they're going to get longrange weapons the Ukraine side is not accurate.
They've had long range weapons. They'vehad the British storm Shadow missile and

reports of some Taurist missiles out ofGermany. That's not official, but reports
are that that's been the case.Anyway, despote what the German government said,
but the bottom line is they havehad long range missiles, so this
is going to add to it.There's a second problem, though, was
in Defense one on Monday, thatwe've actually admitted that Russia's electronic warfare has

been terribly successful in knocking down alot of our high tech GPS guided bombs,
which of course ha Mars and agtackems have basically the same guidance system,
and several of our other categories atbombs are almost so useless. Now
Ukraine doesn't even use them because theyalmost never hit the target because of electronic
warfare. So it's not going tobe a panacea. It's not going to

be this great success. Some getthrough like anything does, and and they
can they can make Russia mad,they can, they can hit them hard,
but it's not going to change anythingon the front line at all.
And you don't need any more proofthan that than to see that Russia has
been firing long range missiles from theoutset all throughout the entire Ukraine country.
Uh and it has not brought themto their knees by itself. And so

a handful of missiles on the otherside, it's absurd to suggest that that's
going to make a difference. It'sjust not going to where's the international outcry
over the civilian casualties that are gettinghit by these larger missiles that are fired
by Ukraine. There's none. Imean, they've been talking into Belgarod,
this this civilian city in Russia onthe northern side. They've been hitting Donette

City almost from the outset. It'snot even a military town, it's just
a civilian town. And there's everybodydoesn't in the West, just doesn't even
pay attention to it. They don'tcare. They only care when it's the
other way around. And of courseRussia has committed war crimes, and you
know, There's no question a lotof those are legit. But the problem
is that you know, the Russianssee it, and when they see their

civilian cities getting hit, I assureyou that has an impact on them certainly.
Well. Pivoting back to something ratheralarming, you're letting us know about
this electronic technology and their ability todefeat our more sophisticated weapons like Hi Mars.
Are we learning anything from that duringthis conflict? I mean, will
this sixty billion dollar most recent infusiongo to upgrade America's equipment and then US

giving Ukraine's maybe some of our olderstuff that we find out maybe isn't effective
anymore. Well, that according towhat the Secretary Defense has said, that's
exactly what's happening. That the majorityof this sixty one billion they everybody tosses
around that number, but when youlook at the when you get down into
the details, only about thirteen orfourteen billion of that's actually going to Ukraine.

The rest of it's going to USand to backfill our stockballs or US
operations in European Command. Curiously enough, so it's a really small one that's
going there. But I'll tell youthere's a bigger issue that I worry a
lot about is that by giving Ukraineall of this technology that's in our inventories
and teaching them how to defeat it, if we should suddenly get into a

fight now, all of a sudden, what we're counting on our stuff's not
going to work because they already knowhow to knock it out of the sky.
And I assure you that that isgoing straight to Beijing and they're getting
the same information on their battlefields there, and I've seen actually videos of it
this day. The Chinese side aredefinitely taking advantage of all of the lessons
being learned on both sides of thisline here and applying it to their force.

I don't see as aggressive of anaction on our side, and i'd
sure like to see that change.Pretty bleak picture you paint today, Daniel
Davis, but it's important we payattention to that deep dive Daniel Davis.
Find them online, check out hispodcast every week and I'll look forward to
another conversation with you next week.Daniel. It's always a pleasure. Thanks
right, take care of yourself,sir. Pat your dog on the head
for me too, while you're atit. Eight forty at fifty five KRC

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