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December 5, 2024 • 35 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Last year alone, illegal immigration cost America half as much
as our adjusted spending for all of World War One,
and that's in one year. US House Budget Committee reviewed
the one hundred and fifty point seven billion dollar number
that was conducted by Federation American Immigration Reform. The study concluded, Now,

this is your money. And see they don't come knock
at your door and go.

Speaker 2 (00:27):
Honey, can you get your debit card? They got a
card reader here. We got to pay our legal alien tax.
It's on all those numbers on your paycheck stub. Oh,
it's in there to the tune of one hundred and
fifty point seven billion dollars. Well, what's that cost? You
gross cost per taxpayers? One thousand, one hundred and fifty

six dollars every year, the amount of a cost burden
of approximately eight thousand, seven hundred and seventy six per
illegal alien or citizen child that they would they would
have here, and then when that kid goes to school,
it's twenty thousand dollars per child that we pay with
the tax money, but one hundred and fifty billion dollars.

Now at the federal, state and local levels, they sholl
out approximately one hundred and eighty two billion dollars to
cover the cost the presence of more than fifteen million
at least, that's the number that some people have decided on.
We've seen they contribute now, and you'll hear them talk
about this. You'll hear on a CNN panels they're all

rallying up. Well, they pay taxes, you hear, whoopee Goldberg.
Why they pay taxes? Right, thirty two billion dollars in
taxes at the state, local, and federal level. Again, like
we do in California. You gotta know, subtract that from
what it costs like in the real world, like what
we do. Right, Hey, I made five hundred dollars a

day at my business. How much did it costs you
to be in operation today? Five thousand? Well, okay, you
didn't make any money then, no, So it drains us
down to it. What said about one hundred and sixteen
billion dollars.

Speaker 3 (02:08):
We could.

Speaker 1 (02:10):
Based on, you know, changing the dollar amount from it
adjusted spending here, we could build one hundred and fifty
new Hoover dams every year if we enforced our border.
That was a big project back in the day, the
Hoover dam. We could build one hundred and fifty of those.
Think of the infrastructure we could do for our country, right,
We could dig ten Panama canals. We could fund over

half of the NASA rocket program. We could fund half
of what we spent during World War One in all
a while, TikTok, TikTok.

Speaker 3 (02:43):
What's that?

Speaker 1 (02:44):
That's a national debt going up thirty six trillion dollars
last month. We pay more interest for our debt than
the Pentagon's entire annual budget. And we add another trillion
about every hundred days or so. And the number of
illegals just keep flowing in. Man still haven't turned off
the bathroom stick at the tub is just over flowing.

The wood is cracking, water damage, the house is caving in.
And I have been one that has, like many of
you who go, well, yeah, a lot of people break in,
get free services, get a California ID, get a driver's license,
put the kids in school, meet their neighbors, work in

the field, try and get a truck or roofing job. Right,
And then some of them, we all agree, are could
I don't know, be those bad guys, right, the people
that might want to come into our country and hurt us, Right,
and I've been like these sleeper cells, why wouldn't they
take advantage of it. Sorry, I've been If you want

to call it indoctrinated, I'll call it the truth my
whole life. That there's people around the world that hate America.
I've seen them burning flags around the world and trampling
on it. Right, we know there's people that don't like
America and they there's well funded people that don't like America.
And there's people that don't like America that in the

nineties could have bought a Russian summarine and complete with
torpedoes if they wanted to, on the black market and
just be waiting for whatever it is. Right But right now,
and for the last four years, we've had no security.
We have just literally been living on blind faith that
nobody will take advantage of this weakness in our system.

Now with Trump's win going to close the border and
deport millions and homeland security that's a joke. The current
head of that DHS mayorcs He admitted to a room
full of border pa troys and Slasha that over eighty
five percent of the legals caught at the border were
released into the country. We now know, according to the
Biden administration had four hundred thousand known criminals across the

border illegally, and thirteen thousand al them were murderers convicted murderers.

Speaker 3 (05:06):
How does that?

Speaker 1 (05:07):
How does that happen? Well, I guess you say serge
and then you don't stop and check anybody. That's how
exactly it's so simple. Well, we need immigration reform, No,
we don't. We have a simple plan. We already have
laws in place, just like we do at a concert
or a movie theater, at a sporting event, anything like that. Right,

we have a You get a ticket and you wait
in line, and we make sure that you're you're legally
okay to come in here. We'll even search you. Can
we look in that bag? Can we look at that?
And that's something we go to a baseball game and
we're searched. But you can just waltz into the country
from from Iran or Sudan, or China or Venezuela or

Mexico or Russia or anywhere. You can just you can
just walk in. How many terrorist suspects and foreign agents
have entered in the last four years with the wide
open borders. Guess what, there's no way to know there's
no way to know. So it's eventually, in my opinion,
going to lead to some kind of terror event. And

now that they're under thread of being removed in mass
I don't know what their original plans were, but mass deportations,
I would say, kind of might speed up the process,
might put them on a little time table, right, and
the goal of attacking America, and they would love to
just try and dismantle the Trump administration. I'm talking about

the left in America, but I'm also talking about foreign
agents around the world, right to get that fear and
that instability, and to you know, to try and come
in if they had to to any kind of martial
law like South Korea's under right now, right prove that
Trump's the fascist that he is.

Speaker 3 (06:52):
Look, he sent the soldiers out.

Speaker 1 (06:55):
I don't know if the George Soros, you know, the
people to get out on the streets and protests that
are paid. I don't know if they're waiting for warmer
weather to get out and cause their next disruption. But
Trump's not an office yet. But you just wait till
deportations start, and you're going to see all kinds of riots.
Oh yeah, they believe that mob violence and looting is

a form of free speech, right, that's what They completely
justified that behavior, and you know what that makes them dangerous. Yes,
we got to close the borders tight and we need
National Guard, we need the military presence to make sense

and deporting million of illegals that are already in this country.
At three point thirty on the show. Earlier podcasts available
at power Talk ninety six to seven dot com, I
had the Alkahoone, California Mayor Bill Wells on and he's
fighting back against the state. He's fighting back against seb
fifty four.

Speaker 4 (07:55):
Well I'm the mayor of the city of Alcaholone, and
there's a lot of talk about sanctuary cities and the
sanctuary state of California. I want to make it clear
right now that Alcohol is not a sanctuary city. We're
gonna do everything we can to work with the federal
government to help ease this immigration problem, help solve this problem.
The problem we're facing in alcoholone is that state law,

State of California law says that if a police officer
does his duty that we're asking him to do by
complying with the federal government, that police officer can be
charged with the felony and lose his pension. So that
puts us in a really serious situation because it basically
takes frontline police officers and puts them in the middle
of this political crisis, this political argument between the city,

the state, and the Feds.

Speaker 1 (08:40):
Yeah, and we're going to have a showdown in the
wild West Night Circuit Court of Appeals ruling that it's
against the law for local to tell the Feds the
government that they can't come in and arrest illegal aliens.
We have laws on the books that are undeniable and
SB fifty four is unconstitutional. If you're in law enforcement,

where's your allegiance to the California State legislature or to
the Constitution of the United States of America. We'll wait
and see how law enforcement responds when the Trump administration
gets into position to then go out and challenge his
law around. In the meantime, Scott Jennings at CNN is

challenging it, challenging it live on the air. There's this
at that roundtable thing he's on that show. They got
this social media influence. Leah McGowan, Oh, she snapped at
him like that, stop looking at me. In a very
smug way. But they're all talking about the military and
Trump's use of the military. You know what, when they

use that, it's used on the military. Can't be used
on US citizens, is what it is. These aren't US citizens.
So you're going to tell me if the Chinese invaded
California that we can send the military out here to
go against non US citizens.

Speaker 3 (09:58):
Yes, that's exactly what I.

Speaker 5 (10:00):
Don't want to be bringing back water boarding.

Speaker 6 (10:02):
I don't want to be a country that tortures people,
especially for the kind of country that's going to be
using the military against our own citizens.

Speaker 5 (10:07):
Well, this kind of thing concerns me.

Speaker 7 (10:09):
What do you mean use against our own citizens?

Speaker 5 (10:11):
I'm talking about sending states bay what do you what
do you mean?

Speaker 7 (10:14):
What are you talking about?

Speaker 6 (10:15):
I'm talking about sending the military into blue states to
make them behave wedding, Gavin Newsom under control, getting JP
Prishker under control.

Speaker 7 (10:23):
What are you making sure? What are you talking about
the state capital to commandeer the state government?

Speaker 5 (10:28):
I mean, I hope not. I'm definitely he's definitely talked
about that.

Speaker 8 (10:31):
I don't know why you're talked about you bring the
military to suppress in the Black Lives Matter era those
protests in the street.

Speaker 1 (10:40):
I bet that that I'm mess to media employers. Then
I'm going to head that he's going to send the military.
What are you talking about, Scott Jennings wants to just
understand police.

Speaker 9 (10:50):
I just make sure I understand your position that you
believe Donald Trump is going to use the military to
set up effectively like coups in state capitals of states.
I think you're taking it a step or two. She
said make blue states behave and she also said round
up immigrants.

Speaker 10 (11:07):
That's not true.

Speaker 7 (11:08):
Its deport illegal immigrants.

Speaker 8 (11:12):
Okay, well, well sorry, hold on, hold on. I mean, look,
let's I think you're right. Let's be precise. Trump has
wanted to use the military to do things domestically that
actually the military is not allowed to do.

Speaker 5 (11:26):
I think that's the point that she's making.

Speaker 3 (11:27):

Speaker 1 (11:27):
Her point is wrong. The military can be used. We
send the national Guard down to the border. Newsom sent
the national guard down to the border.

Speaker 3 (11:38):
Stop it.

Speaker 1 (11:38):
Bush sent the national guard to Obama sent the national
guard to the border. Trump sent the national Guard to
the border. So stop it with that, Jennings. Keep after
them there, man, like.

Speaker 5 (11:50):
What like deport illegal immigrants? That is actually not a
function of the military.

Speaker 9 (11:55):
The military can absolutely be used to work with local
officials to provide military resources, but working with other parts
of the federal government and local officials.

Speaker 7 (12:03):
We already send the national or.

Speaker 6 (12:05):
The well of the local officials, or the will of
the state government, you know, weekends.

Speaker 1 (12:11):
But you know what they're gonna do. They're gonna they're
gonna come in and they're gonna shoot us citizens. Why
it seeing and just when they hear these commentators on
these panels make these kind of comments, why don't they
just say you're not welcome, your services are no longer needed.
You're just taking as a subject matter and just make
it up stuff. It's called lying. And that's why our

ratings are in the tank.

Speaker 10 (12:35):
You are fired.

Speaker 11 (12:36):
The military is not supposed to take up arms against
American citizens.

Speaker 7 (12:41):
You can say that this is.

Speaker 9 (12:42):
About illegal immigration. You all keep saying American citizens, Well,
how do we know whether Well, when you when we
know after the shot, we have one point, so you know,
after they die, we have one point six million people
in this country who've already received.

Speaker 10 (12:56):
They are here.

Speaker 11 (12:56):
You know, that's that's always back to legal immigration. Who
support Donald Trump, It's always back to illegal immigration book.
That's not That's not the only thing that we're talking
about here. We're talking about the American people. We're talking
about taking up arms against them with the military that's
supposed to be protected.

Speaker 1 (13:13):
The idiot where you dropped on your head as an infant,
go ask your ant if your mom is lying to you.

Speaker 5 (13:18):
You were.

Speaker 3 (13:21):
Response, I just this is not right.

Speaker 7 (13:24):
You cannot say Donald Trump is sending the military to
round us.

Speaker 3 (13:31):
He said that.

Speaker 7 (13:32):
Totally false. That's what he said. God, Scott Trump, we
were in the fever swamps.

Speaker 5 (13:37):
I'm sorry, what is your dispute here? I'm not even
really because they're.

Speaker 9 (13:41):
Saying that that he's sending the military to shoot or
and or round up American citizens.

Speaker 5 (13:45):
Not We did not say shoot.

Speaker 1 (13:47):
I know nobody said shoot. Nobody did. Well, I went
back and grab what he said.

Speaker 7 (13:52):
When we know after the shot, we have one point,
so you know, after they.

Speaker 3 (13:54):
Die, after the shot, after they die.

Speaker 7 (13:57):
When we know after our shot, we have one point,
so you know after they die.

Speaker 1 (14:00):
Yeah, you're talking about the military come out and shooting Americans.
He didn't say that, right. Prep for a showdown in
the wild, wild West. This is the Trevortary show on
the Valley's Power Talk.

Speaker 5 (14:13):
The idea that no person is above the law is
a bedrock principle of American justice. No man is above
the law, no matter what their crime.

Speaker 3 (14:20):
And I agree with you.

Speaker 7 (14:21):
No man is above the law, and no person is
above the law. No one is above the law.

Speaker 3 (14:26):
No one is above the law.

Speaker 7 (14:27):
No one's above the law.

Speaker 10 (14:28):
No one is above the law.

Speaker 7 (14:29):
No man is above the law. Nobody is above the law.
No one is above the law. No man is above
the law.

Speaker 10 (14:35):
He has to be held accountable. It's not above the law.

Speaker 7 (14:38):
No one's above the law.

Speaker 1 (14:39):
I want to thank Christian that listens to the show.
He said, I heard that audio of playing nobody above
the law, and he goes, what about illegals? I thought,
very good point. I hadn't thought of rnything. We could
apply that all those democrats in the media and the politicians.
Somebody's above the law. When Trump was in court, we'll
say that, yeah, that's illegal. Aliens are they don't have

to follow the law. We're going to protect them. Yes,
we know there are people from other countries that do
follow the law, but we don't care about them. We're
going to reward the ones that skip the line. That's
how we're going to do that.

Speaker 3 (15:15):
Right, who wanted to be called the barbarian? I'll tell
you what.

Speaker 10 (15:24):
Nobody wants to be called an illegal alien.

Speaker 3 (15:31):
That's the meaning.

Speaker 1 (15:34):
That's a local evangelical Fresno pastor right there, it's the
meaning to call somebody an illegal alien.

Speaker 10 (15:41):

Speaker 1 (15:42):
Well, let's get the military down there. Wall Street Journal
reporting Trump considering replacing Hegseeth of Secretary of Defense with DeSantis.
But heg set said, Trump said, get out there and fight, fight, fight.
He's meeting with the new Senate majority leader Thoon, He's
meeting with a lot of the senators right now. And
nothing like having your mom getting mixed up in your interview,

right that's the that's the upset ex wife that i'm
That's who I think sent the email to the New
York Times. If you don't know what I'm talking about,
heg says, Mom, back years ago, her son was getting divorced,
and she loved her daughter in law and send him
an email one night all mad about how you're not

being a good father, you're not being a good husband.
Let herltone and I guess years later that ex wife said, Hey,
New York Times allegedly sent it right off to them, right,
and then they printed it and ran with the story
and let her body know what a bad guy this
guy is. And then the mom came out and said no.

I immediately the next day sent another one saying I
was wrong and I was just venting, and I was upset.
You're a good father, you were a good hudsand all
of that, right, and now she's like unfoxing it is
talking about like mom, quit stop stop. What was the Oh, yeah,
everybody loves Raymond. When Officer Barone wanted to go work

for the FBI, yeah, she showed up for his interview.
I remember that one, right, you don't want that, but yeah,
Secretary Defense Ron DeSantis, he's a VET, he could do it.
I then, who's governor of Florida and all these changes
that are happening, right, I guess that's that's quite a

level of it, because I was thinking, would I rather
be governor of a state like Florida or would I
rather be Secretary of Defense? And I immediately went Secretary Defense. Yeah,
that's that's good boy. That United Healthcare CEOs. You see
that video six point thirty in the morning, right, there
at the at the outside the Hilton and Midtown, Manhattan,

fifty year old CEO Brian Thompson walking down the street
from his hotel. I guess he's from Minneapolis. He was
there to speak at some kind of convention. And you
see this guy on the street, gray backpack, black black
face mask, white brown jacket, black and white shoes, and
he didn't care there were other people on the street.

He walked up, shot him from behind, shot him in
the back. He fired more than once. You see him
go down immediately. They're saying he was able to clear
the jam and the gun that he was firing, and
they said looks just like a yeah, like a like
a mob hit that you would think, and assassin, a

hired assassin. He had the silencer on there and all
of that.

Speaker 3 (18:41):
They said.

Speaker 1 (18:42):
He fled the scene on an e city bike and
was last seen riding in a Central Park at Central
Drive at six forty five in the morning, still relatively
dark there on the street, dark in Central Park.

Speaker 3 (18:54):
He was gone. He had it set up. He was
out of that.

Speaker 1 (18:58):
Whatever he was dressed in, he was immediately into something
else that he just robed. And maybe they'll find his
clothes somewhere. I don't know, but that was something, man,
you don't normally see real life look like a movie.
That was like a movie scene. But that's nothing new
for New York. You had Paul Castellano coming out of

dinner right there on one of those streets just like that,
getting into his limo, and he didn't make it too far.
He ended up bloodied right there in the gutter next
to his car. Right all the barbershop murders that the
mob is done in restaurant murders, right. I would not
be comfortable at a mafia table, like six guys sitting around,

excuse me, I need to go to the bathroom. I'd
be like, that guy's up to something, right. I've bet
a lot of guys hold their bladder at the table
so that they don't have to be deemed as maybe
up to something.

Speaker 9 (19:55):

Speaker 1 (19:55):
What movie was it where he went to the bathroom,
got the gun underneath the toilet that was taped underneath there,
came back and right there in the restaurant.

Speaker 3 (20:05):
Was that Godfather? Yeah?

Speaker 1 (20:06):
Yeah, I think it was an older scene there, older
bathroom where he had the gun up underneath there. Hey,
and I guess, I guess for some people, it depends
how you feel whether this is good news or bad news.
Here it's sad news. I'm gonna let you hear some
of the interview. I will live assisted here coming up

where I had Paul Leffler, Presido State Athletics, on about
the coaching situation at President State has been decided. Coach
Tedford right before the season started had to step aside
due to health concerns, and Tim Skipper got the interim
head coach job. Of course, six and six season, I

really never saw or heard Paul Leffler talking about Mikey
Keane dropping back and having some time to pull off
a play.

Speaker 3 (20:56):
The whole year.

Speaker 1 (20:57):
It seemed like he was just scrambling rights, scrambling. How
do you execute a game plan if down set hut
thousand and one, thousand and two, he's running around.

Speaker 4 (21:10):

Speaker 1 (21:10):
I don't consider me a football expert, but he did
seem like he was scrambling a lot and would get
sacked a lot, and how could you execute a plan
like that? And I well, obviously Tim Skipper never got
the chance to execute his own plan. He was handed
a plan and it was probably a good plan. Coach

Tefford was a great head coach, and Tim Skipper worked
underneath him, so I don't think he needed to poly
change too much. But as a head coach, I would
just assume you want your guys. You want the guys
that you feel that you've met with, that you've recruited,
that you've had to hang gold bars over to get
him to play now and name, image and likeness, right,

that's a big deal. And Paul Leffler and I talked
about that and we both agreed it's kind of sad
that we were talking so much about money.

Speaker 3 (22:01):
It's now part of the entire game, right, it's.

Speaker 10 (22:04):
The Trevor Cherry Show on the Valley. He's coward talk.

Speaker 1 (22:07):
A lot of people thought it was gonna be Tim
Skipper with his bulldog tradition and his commitment to the valley,
and that he did get the he got the cruise
ship in everybody arrived safely at six and six in
a bowl game. A lot of folks thought he should
have a chance to have that first year under his belt,
maybe even do another interim year there. But we got

a new football coach. Matt In says his name. There's
gonna be a press conference tomorrow morning. At ten am
to announce him as a new football coach at Fresnel State.
He was formerly head football coach at North Dakota State
and the last year he was linebacker coach at USC
and he's now coming to the Valley. I was talking
with Paul Leffler, and I learned something that it's not

These coaches don't say, hey, Fresno State, how much money
you got in your Bulldog bread program so I can
go shopping for some good players. It's hey, coach, what
can you bring in money here?

Speaker 3 (23:05):
Right? That's the game. That's the game.

Speaker 12 (23:08):
That's a hard thing for people to adjust to. I
think it's you know, it strains the fan relationship. But
that said, Presno State has hired a really terrific coach
at matt EN's with a great track record. I don't
think anyone's disputing that. I think the pain that I'm
hearing from players and alumni is that you know, one
of them or one of us. So to speak from

the community, someone who's invested most of his adult life
in the Fresno State program was passed over and maybe
not given the opportunity that a lot of players in
alumni deserve. So I don't think we can be oblivious
to to the hurt and the emotions of that.

Speaker 3 (23:45):
You know, there are a lot of.

Speaker 12 (23:45):
People that really believed him Skippers the right guy for
the job and would have stayed here a long time
and had a lot of success and wanted to see
him get that opportunity. So it's one of those days
that has nothing to do with the coach who was hired, right,
It's not his fault.

Speaker 1 (23:59):
Yeah, it was Paul Luffer, voice of Freeso State Athletics,
obviously close to coach Tim Skipper, known him a long time,
and I haven't seen Paul said like that. That's the
word to use. He seems sad, but he realizes that
the nature of the game. You know, Festo State's going
Pac twelve. We need immediacy. It's a demanding game. It's

a demanding sport. Man, it's pressure. You have to complete
those passes, you got to score touchdowns, and you gotta win.

Speaker 12 (24:30):
It is a sport that demands immediate dividends. And Garrett
class he was brought in as an athletic director to
make a difference in Fresno State's going into a new conference,
and you know he's the one who has that responsibility.
So this is the decision that he made, and I
think the fan base has to give the new coach
a chance. But it doesn't mean we have to pretend

that Coach Skipper doesn't mean a whole lot to the
Red Wave. And I was a practice this morning, and
I saw Coach Skipper take the high road in handling
it and informing his team and telling them that they
still have a game to play in the bowl game,
and that they're playing, you know, for each other and
for the university, not necessarily for him, So don't make

it about that. And as hard as he tried to
not make it about him, as the players were leaving
the field and heading off to a meeting to hear
the news officially, they were chanting, we want skip. So
that's a real thing that these players, and they've been
all over social media saying this is what they wanted.
So it's hard for them. And you know, in many
ways the balance of power in college sports has shifted
to the players with the transfer portal and nil. But

I think some of these players are feeling like their.

Speaker 3 (25:39):
Voice wasn't heard.

Speaker 1 (25:40):
Yeah, well, maybe they need to do a little Kurt
Floyd protesting, who's Kurt Floyd. He's a major league baseball player.
In the sixties, they got free agency going where you
just weren't deemed to work. There forever, players have a
lot of control in this portal situation, you had a
lot of course, quarterback Mikey Keeney had one more year eligibility.

He jumped into the portal. Other players jumped into the portal.
Didn't know who the head coach is going to be.

Speaker 12 (26:08):
Well, and I can say this, Trevor. You know, there
were some Bulldog players who had already entered the transfer
portal citing the uncertainty of the coaching situation, so they
weren't practicing today. Today's the first practice since the UCLA game.
But there were some players who practiced today fully intent
to play in the bowl game, who then, after going
to this meeting and being informed about the change, have
entered the transfer portal.

Speaker 1 (26:29):
Okay, saying because of the change, Well, we had the
quarter at Mikey Keane was he out there?

Speaker 12 (26:33):
No, No, he had already gone into portal. But I'm
just saying, that's how quickly to your point, those decisions
can be made. Now, you know, immediately you can say Hey,
I'm out, so right now, you know, Coach Skipper, who's
going to coach this bowl game? With this coaching staff,
they have to figure out who's in, who's ready to go,
and how they can go win a game in a

few weeks, the last game that he's going to get
the chance to lead Forresno State.

Speaker 1 (26:58):
In my guess, leveler voice for Fresno State Athletics new
coach today Matt Ence from former North Dakota State head
coach and also linebacker coach at USC. When they go
into the portal like mikey Keane did, does that mean
they don't step field back on Fresno State, don't put
cleats back on, don't go to practice, don't play in
the game.

Speaker 12 (27:18):
That's pretty much what happens. We have had exceptions. A
few years ago. You might remember that when Kaitlin de
Boor left for the University of Washington, Jake Hayner went
in the transfer portal and then changed his mind ended
up playing in the bowl game. Jeff Tedford had been
announced as coming back, and of course that's when Lee

Marks was the interim head coach that bowl game. Coach
Tedford didn't coach the game, but Jake ended up playing
in that game and playing really well. So there are
examples of guys changing their decision. And I'm sure matt
Enz is going to try to convince some of those
bulldogs to stick around. Maybe not all of them, but
you know, it's a whole new world. And the other
part of that is, Okay, you've got a coach with

a great track record, who has a reputation as a
tough nose coach.

Speaker 1 (28:06):
Yeah, and let's remember here that sports is fun. It's
the love of the game. Money has affected it, and
that's what many people were worried about with name, image
and likeness coming into college football. How do you build
up you know, you watch quarterback come in as a
red shirt, and then you watch them all the way

till they're a senior, and you get that loyalty that following.

Speaker 10 (28:32):

Speaker 3 (28:33):
I remember the Dodger infield of the of the eighties.
Eight years.

Speaker 1 (28:37):
That was the longest infield to ever stick together, Garvey
Lopes Russells say, And for eight years that seemed like
almost like my whole lifetime when I was young, right,
it seemed like my whole life. That was the infield there,
and every game I went to or watched. It's right,
it became comfortable. You knew who was there, you knew
who you were rooting for, and free agency changed a

whole lot of that. And now name, image and likeness,
and if you don't know what that is, that means
players now in college can get paid for their name,
their image, and their likeness. And you got I think
the average across the NCAA now is like five thousand
dollars a player. But you got these million dollar guys,

multimillion dollar guys, and it's a big part of the
game here. But it still is about emotion. And Paul
Leffler earlier in the show, podcasts of the whole interviews
available at power Talk ninety sixty seven dot com, but
he was talking about the emotion.

Speaker 12 (29:33):
But I think today, Trevor, it's you know, the emotions
are tough. A lot of Bulldog fans remember Tim Skipper
as a player. They loved what he did in the
Bowl game last year. They've had some highs with them
this year and some disappointments. But he's a part of
a family, and so if you felt like he's part
of your family in a way, you feel like your family.

Speaker 3 (29:52):
Was rejected today and I feel that way.

Speaker 12 (29:55):
Yeah, And I don't think the administration should be just
missive or insensitive to that. So two things can exist
at the same time. The coach that was hired as
a tremendous coach, but the coach that was passed over
has a special place in people's heart here and that
makes it a difficult situation and I think requires really

good communication moving forward.

Speaker 3 (30:17):
Well, we'll see.

Speaker 1 (30:18):
Got a press conference again tomorrow morning ten am. New
coach Matt Ince got to practice act coach Ince coach
Ince ence e n t z n il name, image likeness.

Speaker 12 (30:31):
I don't want to get on a soapbox, but I
do believe that the way it's currently situated, it's counterproductive
to the whole purpose of team sports. The whole idea
has always been, you know, delay gratification and put your
own priorities underneath the overarching priorities of the team, and
you're going to be a better person and grow as

a result. And now it's hey, if the team's not
doing what I want, I'm out and I need to
get paid before I do anything. You know, you guys
can recruits are getting promised nil money before they played
it down.

Speaker 3 (31:05):
High school players.

Speaker 12 (31:06):
Yeah, so it's it's a different world, and I don't
know when it's gonna shift, but at some point, I
think there will be a little bit of a course correction,
so to speak.

Speaker 3 (31:14):
You know what.

Speaker 1 (31:14):
I was just thinking right there listening to Paul Cuba
Gooding Junior Jerry show me the money, right, dancing around
on the phone, show me the.

Speaker 3 (31:27):
Money, Lee.

Speaker 12 (31:28):
And I've got to say this about Tim Skipper. He's
first class all the way through. He was a joy
to work with this year on the coaches shows, on
game day interviews. He's one of the more effective communicators
that Fresno State has had in any coaching positions, and
I think anyone who's met him gets that he's a
genuine guy. There's no question his futures very bright, and
that's why so many alumni, I think so many former

Bulldog players were so excited to see him in the
interim role this year and really expected him to get
the permanent role. But that's not what happened. Don't they
have the word a player's coach? Absolutely, I think he's
a player's coach and his future. To describe what that means, well,
it's it's somebody that the players believe understands them and

is for them. And that doesn't mean, you know, you
roll over and let them have their way all the time.
Sometimes there's some tough love involved, but it's I think
a player's coach as a coach that players never questioned
whether he has their back and has their best interest
in mine. And I certainly think that applies to Tim Skipper.
And you know, I think that's part of the reputation
that matt En springs in is the Tremor.

Speaker 10 (32:34):
Cherry show condom Valley's Power Talk.

Speaker 1 (32:38):
Bible sales increased by twenty two percent in America this year.
We've heard all those reports of you know, Gallup Poles
saying that Americans are no longer going to church and
turning away from God. And twenty two percent good and
they said they're fueled largely by new buyers. Remember Tucker

Carlston saying he's never read the Bible, and he sat
down and he read the Bible. That's good news, man,
getting back into the Word of God. And if you
don't know what to read. I remember once asking my dad,
like just sometimes I sit down and he goes, well,
you can just start easily by what day of the
month it is, and there's I think there's twenty eight

chapters in Proverbs or something. He goes pick that, pick
the whatever day of the month it isn't, go read
the proverbs. Yeah, that's a good thing to get started, right.
The Wall Street Journal published a story that the numbers
show that through October this year, sales jumped twenty two percent.
The Bible is becoming popular again.

Speaker 3 (33:35):

Speaker 1 (33:36):
President Trump said there'd be hell to pay in the
Middle East if the hostages were not released before his inauguration.
He's saying release the hostages now. We had an American
confirmed captain, Omer Maxim Neutra twenty one was killed. His
body was held hostage in the Gaza Strip. They said
he was killed in October seventh. He was a New
York native served as a platoon taint commander for this

Israeli Defense Forces. Biden ever talked about him. They were
forgotten man, completely forgotten again. I played a lot of
Jennings from CNN. But he's on fire here.

Speaker 9 (34:10):
Yeah, thank god we have a president elect who's willing
to say it. We've had Americans held hostage since October
the seventh, and we've lacked a president that had the
testicular fortitude.

Speaker 7 (34:21):
To get our people back.

Speaker 9 (34:23):
This is outrageous that these Americans were taken and murdered
and we've basically stood back and given lip service to
both sides.

Speaker 7 (34:33):
This and that I want to hear.

Speaker 9 (34:34):
It's wrong and this is the wages of weakness of
a week president. All these things you just listed, it's
because we have a week America. And now we're going
to have a strong America. And I think Donald Trump's
going to have far better success. We had world at
peace when he was president. We had a peace agreement
in the Middle East. But when you take Americans hostage
and you murder Americans, you better damn well know the

president of the United States is going to do something
about it. And we've not known that for four years.

Speaker 1 (34:59):
Yeah, and the world's go know that. And the world
does know that. They know his foreign policy. They knew
that he carried a big stick, but he walked quietly
with it. I loved his foreign policy. And part of
foreign policy is somebody being aware that you're willing to
use the number one military in the world.

Speaker 10 (35:20):
This is that Trevor carry Show on The Valley's Power
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