Holiday Breakfast •

Ang Jury: Women's Refuge CEO on Vodafone pulling sponsorship signage from Dizzee Rascal's upcoming Rhythm and Vines performance - Holiday Breakfast

Holiday Breakfast

Telco company Vodafone has put its money where its mouth is by pulling sponsorship signage during a performance of a convicted abuser.

Vodafone will remove its branding when headliner Dizzee Rascal takes the stage at Rhythm and Vines this weekend.

The British rapper was convicted of domestically abusing his ex-partner earlier this year.

Women's Refuge CEO Ang Jury says the company had no other choice, given Vodafone's public stance on domestic violence.



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Ang Jury: Women's Refuge CEO on Vodafone pulling sponsorship signage from Dizzee Rascal's upcoming Rhythm and Vines performance - Holiday Breakfast