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July 22, 2024 35 mins
From halfway around the world, Dan takes a break from his 30th anniversary vacation in Switzerland and joins the show for a victory lap on his correct prediction (from over a year ago) that Joe Biden would not finish the 2024 race as the Democrat nominee for President.

Also, introducing the debut of Heidi Ganahl as guest host - as well as a visit from another familiar voice, KOA's Mandy Connell. 
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Episode Transcript

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This is Dan Capless and welcome totoday's online podcast edition of The Dan Caplis
Show. Please be sure to giveus a five star rating if you'd be
so kind, and to subscribe,download, and listen to the show every
single day on your favorite podcast platform. Well, hello everyone, this is
not Dan Caplis. This is HeidiGanol filling in for Dan. Dan is

trying to connect to us. He'sin Switzerland, of all places, celebrating
his thirtieth anniversary. Is that right? Ryan? This is correct. Wow,
we need some advice on how toget there, Jason, I get
on great, but that's a longtime. You guys will make it to
thirty. Come on, We've gotbarbecue to keep us together. Hey.

You know, I can't think ofa crazier time to be asked to help
host this show than today. Iliterally kept changing my notes all day because
the news was changing so quickly.And I just got back from the RNC,
the Republican National Convention. Mandy Connellwas there with me. We had
an incredible time. Going to beon at four point thirty three to talk

to me about her experience. We'regoing to share some stories about what we
saw and felled and lived while wewere there. But boy is the news
cranken right now. We've got JoeBiden who stepped down. We've got Kamala
who is at her campaign headquarters rightnow in Delaware. Apparently Biden just called
in to give a pep talk.There's all kinds of rumors going on on

Twitter right now. Twitter's like thewild wild West at this moment, so
you kind of have to verify andwait to let things play out a little
bit. But he did call intoheadquarters, gave him a pep talk.
Everyone who tweeted about it that wasthere said he sounded very very ill.
So lots going on on that front. We've got the assassination hearings today,

which were a disaster. I thinkyou just had Lauren Bobert on Congresswoman Lauren
Bobert to talk about that. Andthen we've got to talk about what does
this look like going forward, Howdoes Donald Trump change up his campaign?
How do we as Republican campaign.We think we know who the candidate is,
but there's a couple people that haven'tweighed in yet, specifically a previous

President Obama. He's saying he'd preferan open convention. I don't think Schumer
has weighed in yet or Jeffrey's butPelosi did endorse Kamala today, so she's
got a lot of heavyweight behind her. But it's not a done deal yet.
We've got to get through the DemocratNational Convention. So I've been calling
some of my Democrat friends. Ihave a few, asking you if they'd

come on and talk about how theyfeel about what's going on. I haven't
gotten any takers yet, but ifI do, or if there's any Democrats
that want to call in and giveus some insights, that would be great
as well. And Ryan, itlooks like we may have Dan on the
line. Is that great? He'sa former Democrat, so that yes,
sure, Hi, Dan, welcometo your show. Heidi, Well,

thank you. It's great to bethere. Yeah, and thank you so
much. I know how busy youare, but thank you for agreeing to,
you know, do the show thisweek for a few days. And
at the time we set that up, he did not realize that Biden would
choose Sunday to drop out. Ifhe did, but tell me something,

I mean, there's so much totalk about, obviously, but if I'm
reading this correctly, his letter wasn'ton White House stationary, it appeared to
be on personal stationary and reportedly hasa digital signature, with no contemporaneous photographs
released yet of him signing that,So that I think is one of the

odder things we've seen. But I'mdying to talk to you about this because
you know, on my show,I've been telling our folks for a year
and a half that Biden would notbe the dem nominee, and obviously the
elite that control the party have decidedto just reject the will of the voters
and pushed him out. And Ihave no doubt mind that they will do

the exact same thing to Kamala ifshe is not performing over the next few
weeks. So it should be aremarkable time. But how ironic, right,
I know, it's so obvious,tiny, but how ironic that the
Democratic Party is proving to be theopposite of democratic and the party of selection
not election. So it's really,I think one of the more bizarre moments

we've seen in America. I agree, Dan, it's been surreal, and
honestly, I'm not sure that Kamalais going to end up being the candidate
either. I have a sneaking suspicionthat Michelle Obama or Hillary Clinton are lurking
in the background. Maybe some GavinNewsom sprinkled in there. We'll see.
But I think she's really got toI mean, she's got to do a

darn good job over the next fewweeks before the convention to hold this spot,
because I agree they'll take her outif she's not doing well in her
pulling right now. The pulling that'scoming out today had to head Kamala versus
Trump. She's pretty far behind,like five to six points behind from the
polls that I've been seeing. Yeah, And I think the big problem they

have with Kamala Harris is that Americaknows her well enough for her to have
very low approval ratings. So it'snot like somebody totally fresh, right,
like, oh man, I neverheard this, Joshapiro, I like what
I saw him do after the assassinationattempt and that sort of thing. I
mean, they know her well enoughnow to know there's something really off there.

But even worse for the Dems,they're just about to learn. They're
just about to learn so much moreabout her, and most of it bad.
And so I wouldn't be at allsurprised if she ended up tanking on
multiple fronts, including her public appearances, and if she doesn't, then Trump
has a different challenge, right,but one I'm very confident he will overcome.

I am too. I mean thatconvention was so well put together,
and Trump and his family did anincredible job. All the speakers were fantastic.
Of course I have some favorites whichwe can talk about, but overall,
it was just an incredible, oncein a lifetime experience. You walked
away thinking there is no way wewill lose this election. Now, Republicans

are good at messing things up,so I'm still very nervous about how things
are going to go forward. ButI do believe President Trump is very confident.
He's very calm, he's very resolved. His family is, his team
is. Everyone seems to know whatthey're going to do and are prepared for
different things to happen, as evidencedby the commercial that came out today going

after Kamala. So I feel good, I feel confident, but I'm also
scared to death that something's going tohappen and flip everything on its head.
Well. One of the mysteries tome, right now, Heidi is I
mean, it's such a strange momentin American history right because we literally don't
know if we have a president.I mean, I assume he's alive.

I'm not saying that, but wedon't know if we have a president who's
functioning at all. And I goback to why wasn't his letter saying he's
withdrawing from the race on White Housestationary and if it was digitally signed,
why all that? So we don'tknow if he's functional. We don't know
if he'll be at all functional inthe future. But this I do know,

Heidi, and that is that ifBiden right now, is it all
cogent, and if he's functional,and if he's going to actually stay in
office, I am certain to mycore he wants Kamala to lose. He
wants whoever the Democrat nominee is tolose. He wants to humiliate the people

who ran him out of his reelection bid. He wants to be the
only person to beat Trump. SoI think he's off to a great start
with that, you know, byendorsing Kamala. But is there any doubt
there how to him? And couldanybody make a credible case that you're Biden
would actually want the person who's goingto take over for him now as nominee

to win. I mean that that'snot the Joe Biden we've known over all
these years. Well, and Iwould suggest his wife is even more venomous
about the whole situation. It seemsas if Jill has been in charge of
things for a while, and whatit's terrible thing to watch your husband stumble
and just really look horrible in frontof the whole world and not let him

gracefully go hang out with his grandkids, spend time on the beach, whatever
it is. But I really puta lot of the blame on her and
his family. Obviously, Hunter wantsto get a pardon, and there's so
much dysfunction in the rest of thefamily too. I think there's much more
than meets the eye to this story. I think there's some serious conflict going

on between the Obama's and the Biden'sright now. From what I'm reading,
that's an interesting situation as well.Yeah, and I know you've got to
hit this hard break at twelve fifteenand Mandy Carnell coming up next, and
I'm interested in joining that conversation.But again, thank you again to Heidi
Ganoll, who's selling in this weekwhile Amy and I are off celebrating our

thirtieth anniversary. I think we're eighthours ahead of Denver right now, so
it's a little after midnight here.But these are truly historic times, so
it'll be fun to do this showwith you and interesting to get Nandy's take.
Well, thanks, Dan, We'reheaded to a break, but this
is the Dan Kapla Show. Danis so honored to be here filling in

at least partnering with you on thisshow. It's going to be a lot
of fun. And now back toThe Dan Kapla Show podcast. One of

my favorite movies The Sound of Music. Dan, it sounds like you're right
in the action where all that wasfilmed. Are you singing about the hills
being alive? Holy cow? Iwill be in the morning because at midnight
Denver time, we're holding up towhat they call the top of Europe,
which is the highest mountain point.They say, at least I don't think

it's true, but they say inat least this part of Europe. But
yeah, thirty years in the making, you know, kind of our dream.
Thirtieth anniversary trip, and then somebodydecides Biden's Biden's going to drop out
of the race in the middle ofthat. But thank you, Heidi,
thank you again for filling in andfor allowing me to join you, because
lord knows, there's a lot totalk about. Yeah, what are people

talking about over in Europe? Howare they taking all of this news?
Any insights there? If I couldunderstand what they were saying, I tell
you, But I don't understand theword anywhere saying except my wife. Oh
well that's important, that's more important. But obviously, you know, it's
the assassination attempting all that is dominatingthe headlines, much more so than Biden

dropping out of the race. Myguess is that it probably doesn't come as
a surprise to anybody who's just beenlooking at him for a while. I
mean not to be that guy,but I've been turning our listeners for a
year and a half that he's notgoing to be in this race. And
in fact, Ryan got angry atme because about two months ago I banned
any conversation that assumed he would bethe nominee. But hey, looking forward

to talking with Nandy. I knowyou guys hung out a bunch in the
convention, and I love her stuff. We had a great time. I
got to go on her show fora few minutes with my dad. My
dad was actually a delegate at theconvention and I was an alternate, And
then we brought a couple of guests, had a wonderful time, lots of
amazing people from all over the country. Just such a wide, a diverse

group of folks from all over America. And the thing that united everybody though,
was we are not arguing at thispoint. We are rallying behind our
candidate. We are going to winthis election this year. And it's the
first time I've really seen Republicans allin to win, like just no argument.

This is what we're doing. We'regoing to activate, We're going to
get busy. We're going to dothe work that needs to get done.
No matter how close they say itis, no matter how far ahead they
say Trump is. Everyone's ready torock and roll. So what do you
think comes next here? Do youthink Kamala Harris ends up being their actual

nominee coming out of the convention ifshe falters over the next couple of weeks,
which is my suspicion, and Ithink there's a good chance she will
falter in the polls, that she'llfalter in public appearances, at least those
that aren't on a teleprompter. Ithink the powers would be in the Democratic
Party and you could probably put Obamaat the top of that right along with

the big money men and women.You know, they have made it clear
that they will get rid of anybodythey need to, regardless of how many
people have voted for that person,if it threatens their hold on powers.
So you know, from their standpoint, yeah, they probably think that this
Kamala plays a smart one, rightbecause at that point they avoid alienating the

folks who would want Kamala as theirnominee. And then a couple of weeks
into this issues tanking into polling,they've got their excuse to move her out.
Well, what was shocking to me, and I guess it's not that
surprising, but this shows the riffthat's happening on the Democrat side with the
power players is that Obama. PresidentObama has not endorsed her and actually said

he would like an open convention,and also Schumer and Jeffries I don't believe
have endorsed her as well. Pelosicame out today endorsed, so that was
a that was a big win forKamala to stay in. But to your
point, they're vicious they'll take herout. I have no doubt. I
think it's going to be really tellingwho she picks for her vice president,
and that person, I believe,Dan, you know, probably better than

me, has to get approved bythe Senate if Biden steps down, like
if Biden goes out before his termis up, Is that correct? All
right? Yeah, I mean itwould take congression, congressional approval. I'm
not remembering right now the specifics ofthat butture one hundred percent correct, But
if it just continues on course,and what a big if, right,

because obviously he's not competent to beour commander in chief right now, he's
an immediate national security threat every singleminute due to the fact that he's not
functional. But now it's even worsewhen he's disappeared from the public stage and
the weirdness of that note on personalstationary where he withdraw us from the race.
Can you imagine that the you know, how evil the enemies of the

US are, Can you imagine whatthey're thinking? But now the window they
think they have well. And alsohe canceled his meeting with net Yahou tomorrow
and Kamala won't meet with him either. It won't be won't I guess accommodate
him speaking in front of Congress tomorrow. So that was very telling. There's
rumors going on around Twitter, which, like I said, is the wild

West, but that Netna who's goingto instead meet with Trump? But I
do think they're trying to make itseem as if he's okay. He called
in to Kamala Harris's campaign team meetingat headquarters in Delaware where she has just
I think she just got there anhour or two ago. But the folks
that listened to that were listening inon him calling in said he sounds gravely

ill, and then there were accusationsthat was even a recording, So who
knows, but they're trying to,you know, put it out there that
he's recovering. And his doctor putout a note that his COVID symptoms are
almost done. So there's all kinds. It's a crazy stuff going on.
It's hard to know what to believeat this point. And guys, don't
we need just like a proof ofa life hostage photo with him holding a
newspaper, even it's just a stillshot. Dan, Yeah, it was

something like that. And I knowwe have a lot of hot takes sound
from today on that and listen,I know you guys are the same.
I've never wished him anything, Iknow in terms of his health, their
happiness. Just get out of thatoffice. He's done so much harm.
He's in danger in America every day. But to your point, Id,
right, if he hangs on andfinishes his term, then you know,
Kamala is an amanie. She choosesher VP convention, you know, confirms

and off they go. But boy, I think that's a big if between
now and then in Obama, don'tyou guys think it's kind of a no
lose for him, Because right now, if Kamala is strong enough and she's
able to hang on, then hegives the final blessing and he's not just
one of the pack, you know, he's OZ and he gets to sign
off and give her that ultimate approval. And if she stumbles and it's clear

that THEMS are going to lose withher, he's in the power position to
switch somebody in. Who do youthink that'll be, Dan? Do you
think it's Michelle, Well, ifshe wants it, you know, if
she wants it, and that that'swhat I don't know, right. I've
always thought the best hope of herstaying out was her, in my mind,

you know, revulsion at the thoughtof losing the Trump that that would
be her legacy. And after Trump'sincredible display of heroism and character following the
assassination attempt, she and Brock haveto be sitting there thinking that it's going
to be very, very hard tobeat Trump, even for her. So
what's your take on Hillary Clinton andher weighing? And obviously she came out

with a full endorsement of Kamala,but she's got to be up to something.
Oh heck, yes, right,I mean that's purely tactical. We
all know everybody knows Hillary Clinton wouldvirtually anything to get that nomination, and
every one Moore Krack at the WhiteHouse. I think that's a given,
right. What I don't know iswhether Obama. It's hard to imagine Obama

sanctioning that, and I think allroads lead through Obama. Well, Dan,
I appreciate your input. You havea brain insight. This is Heidigan
all I'm filling in for dan Kaplis, who's in Switzerland. We will be
right back. You're listening to theDankaplis Show podcast. I'm not certain at

this time how the information from thepeople in the crowd was relayed to any
law enforcement personnel. Now you knewthat everyone knew, the people there knew
that there was a danger, Theyknew there was a threat to President Trump
and it was allowed to happen.Was there a standdown order, miss Cheetle?
Was there a conspiracy to kill PresidentTrump? Absolutely not? Then how

did this happen? And why areyou still sitting here not turning in your
letter of resignation? Last question,but please answer, and then I'll recognize
us pressly. Please answer the question. That is what we are investigating to
determine. We're waiting for your letter. We're waiting for your letter of resignation,
and you really need to consider doingthat before you leave today. That

was Marlee Marjorie Taylor Green obviously questioningthe Secret Service director about whether there was
a stand down order. Now thatthere's no evidence at this point that there
was any kind of standdown order,but there are obviously profound unanswered questions,
and in my view, a stunninglevel of stonewalling at this point by the

Biden administration. I would say theSecret Service, but listen, if this
is the Biden administration's call, Idon't think there's any doubt about that.
When it comes to the men andwomen in law enforce, my view remains.
And if you think I'm wrong,let us know. My view remains
that and let us know what evidenceyou have. But my view remains.
Overall, men and women in lawenforcement are heroes. You have a few

bad apples, Certainly Secret Service qualifyas being men and women in law enforcement
and the vast majority heroes. Andwe saw some of that heroism on display
as people put their bodies between thebullets and President Trump. But obviously at
this point the Biden administration is hidingand deceiving and stonewalling and raising profound questions

about whether there was a deliberate effortto withhold from Trump adequate security. And
so these hearings and did you hearthis today? How do you know all
kind enough to fill in on theshow for a few days this week?
Amy and I had planned this thirtiethanniversary trip forever and so you know we're
off in the middle of Europe rightnow, and Heidi kind enough to allow

me to be on the show withher during these historic days. But Heidi,
did you hear that testimony today fromCheadle that they don't have any audio
recording of the communications that day,of the radio communications that day, and
listen, I'd love to hear fromsome of our Secret Service listeners as to

whether it's standard protocol to have recordingsof the radio comms. But I've got
to tell you it's standard protocol andlots of other law enforcement scenarios, so
it's hard to imagine it would notbe for the Secret Service protecting a leading
candidate for president. How do younot have those recordings? That was one
of many, many shocking statements todayshe made. She wouldn't say how many

casings there were. She wouldn't sayif there was an additional shooter or not,
because that's going around everywhere. Shewouldn't say, she wouldn't say who
was in charge of the the wholeproject or the effort to protect Donald Trump.
She basically didn't answer much of anything, which is typical of this administration.

Yeah, under these circumstances, buthey, we're really privileged to have
the great Mandy Connell with us,who just does a phenomenal job on our
sister station eight fifty k away.I'd say out of Denver, but it's
really out of just about everywhere,and did a fantastic, fantastic job at
the convention last week. Mandy,We've been anxious to get your take.
Thanks for being on the Dan Kaplasshow. Well, thanks for having me,

Dan. It's good to see Heidihere. We got to catch up
a little bit last week as sheand her delegate Dad Harvey were there at
the RNC. Dan, have youever had the chance to go to a
convention like this? I have not, and I'm so jealous of you guys
and what I'd like to do.Mandy, since I'm, you know,
eight hours ahead of you guys inthe middle of god knows where right now

is turn it over to you andHeidi and I'll just listen because you guys
had this great week together and I'lljust be another listener now. But thanks
for coming on. I appreciate theopportunity. I had never gone to a
convention either, and had no ideawhat to expect, and came away with
a new appreciation for the process.Doesn't that sound stupid to say that you

have a new appreciation for the process. But your dad was part of the
process, Heidi. He got todo the roll call where Colorado threw their
delegates behind Donald Trump. It's notjust about pomp and circumstance. But oh
the pomp and circumstance was fun.It was fun, But there's lots of
procedural stuff that goes on behind thescenes. And even the week before he
had to be on a lot ofmeetings. He was on a committee and

really engaged and involved in making decisionsabout the convention. It wasn't just top
down, this is what's going tohappen, and they pulled off an incredible
week in Milwaukee. Everything was justtop notch. The security was awesome.
I felt safe the entire time,even though we had some lunatic Yeah,
try and outside, but he nevergot in the zone as it was called.

Everybody everything was ari are is itinside the zone or outside the zone?
Do I have to leave the zone? Can I get? But they
did a great job, and theconventions are more than a raw raw party
for all of the Republicans. Whatwas interesting is how many people came in
with interesting ideas. Because we're talkingto delegates on outside, and though they

were all enthusiastic Donald Trump supporters,you asked them about an issue, they
had an idea of how to solvethat problem. And that's what I wasn't
expecting so much. I just thoughtit was going to be a bunch of
cheerleaders showing up to support Donald Trump. But these are thoughtful people who think
about big ideas and they believe thatDonald Trump is the guy that can move
this country towards those big ideas.It was very refreshing, and I'm interested

to see when we go to theDNC, because Koa is going to the
DNC as well to do a compareand contrast. I thought it would be
almost like a funeral if Joe Bidenwas going to be the nominee. But
now there's this new life in jedid into the Democratic Party with presumed nominee
Kamala Harris. That is going tomake it a whole different thing, and
I'm super excited about this. I'minterested to see just the tone and tenor

of the people that are there,not necessarily just the politicians, but the
delegates. So I want to hearfrom the delegates We're just going to bring
the Democratic National Convention to the listeners. I'm not going up there in an
adversarial way. I'm going there tolet people talk and then the listeners can
make up their own minds about whatthey're going to do. And that's going
to be fascinating, because how doyou outdo what we just experienced for a

week, especially because they have tobe rewriting the whole script right now,
that's right. I mean, they'vegot a new lead character, right They've
just thrown out their old leading manand brought in a leading woman. They've
got to rewrite the whole script.And there's so much that goes into these
conventions that I cannot even imagine thepeople behind the scenes that are scrambling to

make those corrections and make this Andwe don't know for sure it's going to
be Kamala Harris. I'd be shockedif it wasn't. I mean, Dan,
really, do you do you seeany other Democrat out there that could
possibly step in? I do,and I say it for this reason,
Mandy. Obviously, we've just seenWe've just seen the elected nominee of the

party thrown overboard by the people inpower. Because they thought he was going
to lose and jeopardize their power.They wouldn't hesitate for a second. And
in my humble opinion, to throwKamala overboard if we see let's say two
three weeks of bad polling overall,right, I mean, I bet you
guys dinner right now. We seeher in some of these polls spike ahead

of Trump temporarily, etc. Ithink that will be temporary. But my
goodness, Mandy, I mean,you know as well or better than I
do, as Heidi does. Alsothat there is so much out there on
Kamala Harris that shows she is notup for this job. I cannot believe
Americans in the end are going tofeel she's up for this job. Her
current approval ratings show that. SoI wouldn't be surprised if she tanks over

the next two or three weeks andthey toss her. But then who comes
in? Do you go get Gavin? And the money thing is the big
thing, Dan, I mean,there's two hundred and fifty something million dollars
sitting in the Biden Harris war chest. They're trying to figure out how to
get that money, and they're noteven sure they can give it to Kamala
Harris because she hasn't actually been nominated, So there's all these machinations behind the

scenes. But you know as wellas well as I do money talks BS
walks, So it's the money thatI think is going to make her the
candidates. Yeah, and Mandy,can you stay with us for another segment?
I sure can, yeah, becausereally like to follow up for them.
We're so fortunate to have Mandy Connellwith us noon to three on eight
to fifty KOA. She and Heidiwere at the GOP convention together. Mandy's

heading back as well to do greatcoverage at the Democrat convention. And I
want to dive into that money issue, but also tell you who on the
Democrat side I would be exponentially moreworried about as a Democrat nominee and VP
than I am. Kamala Harris andfill in the blank. You're on the
Dame Kaplas Show and now back tothe Dan Kaplas Show podcast. Do you

think you just fell out of acoconut tree? You exists in the context
of all in which you live andwhat came before you. You know what
also excites me what I'm among themany things I'm excited about. Electric school
buses. I love electric school buses. I just love them for so many

reasons, Maybe because I went toschool on a school bus. Raise your
hand if you went to school ona school bus. No, I'm sorry,
America is not going to elect KamalaHarris president. I guess we could
all come up. Mandy Connell's sokind to be with Heidi Ganal and I
this afternoon, Mandy noon to threee fifty k way. I guess,

Mandy and Heidi, we could imaginea scenario where perhaps, and it's hard
to envision, President Trump does orsays something so crazy that opens the door
to Kamala Harris. But just onmerit, I mean, do you think
I just fell out of a coconutry? Can either of you see, I
mean, truly, in your heartof hearts, can you see America choosing

Kamala Harris to be our commander inchief and everything else that goes with that
job. Absolutely not. But here'sthe thing I learned in my governor's race.
The Democrat Party, they're magicians atbranding people and kind of getting the
masses to believe amazing things about thesefolks. That are lies. Like,
think about the job they did inColorado of making sure that everyone thought Jared

Pulis was a libertarian and freedom lovingbut this little puppy dog sitting on his
lap to the tune of thirty milliondollars in ads. So I just it
still makes me ner. They area machine and they have this figured out.
I'm sure they've gained out every situationand they're ready to go. I
agree. You know, I'd loveto say that America would be hip to

the coconut tree. I thought thatwas gonna be the ven diagram cut,
because who doesn't love ven diagrams?Stan, I mean, we all love
ven diagrams. But ultimately, thereare a lot of people in this country
that despise Donald Trump. Okay,so they were never going to vote for
Trump in the first place. Butthen there's those people in the middle who
were in play, but they didn'twant to vote for Biden because he was
so old, right, But maybethey don't love Donald Trump, so that

squishy middle. She could conceivably winsome of that squishy middle. But it's
really going to come down to howexcited each team is for their candidate.
And I will tell you I mean, I realized delegates are like a microcosm
of supporters, right, They're themost passionate supporters. But these are people
who are not content to go tothe RNC. They they're knocking doors,

they're making sure that people are goingout to vote. So we've just seen
a Democrat party that was stuck ina severe malaise because their candidate was horrible
go to be energized in a waythat frankly makes me nervous. I'm kind
of with Heidi on that. Itdoes make me nervous because of the level

of hatred for Donald Trump. PlusDan, you and I know, he's
not just running against Kamala Harris,he's running against the media. So to
Heidie's point, the media is goingto do everything in their power to make
us forget about ven diagrams and coconuttrees and what has come before and what
has come after and all of theother ridiculous clap trap that she said and

put her up here. I don'tknow if you realize this, but after
yesterday, I'm pretty sure she's thesecond coming of Christ based on the coverage
that she is getting, you know, I mean, she's just it's so
over the top right now, Well, I hear you, Mandy. And
obviously it was always going to betougher for Trump once Biden was thrown overboard,
because Biden was a layup at thispoint. I mean, it was

like running against I hate to sayit, but politically a dead man.
It was a layup. It wasalways going to be tougher. But I'll
tell you what, I'd be alot more worried if it was Michelle Obama,
exponentially more worried. I'd be alot more worried if it was Josh
Shapiro and Gretchen Witmer covering two swingstates, obviously in Michigan Pennsylvania. I'd

be a lot more worried about thatthan I would be Kamala Harris. And
I think they'd all be terrible presidentsand vice presidents. But in the end,
I think it's going to be soclear to people that she is she
doesn't have the substance, she doesn'thave the gravitas. And this is where
I think enough people, and it'ssubjective, right, but enough people are

going to see President Trump much differentlyafter the character he showed and the leadership
he showed during the assassination attempt.I just don't think a Kamala Harris is
going to be able to trump thatin ten or twelve weeks. I mean,
when do we start voting. It'slike Monday, right, exactly.
Well, I do agree with youthat that Trump's handling. I would say

the last three weeks, right untiltwenty three to twenty four minutes into his
speech at the convention, Trump showeda level of discipline since the debate,
even during the debate that we havenot seen from him. Now. He
decided to go off script at theconvention and I frankly fell asleep during that
speech. But if he can remaindisciplined, this race is his to lose.

I still believe that. However,I think it's not going to be
a landslide. I think it's stillgoing to be a squeaker, and I
think that it's going to be it'sgoing to be an interesting, you know,
three and a half months to getus through this, and certainly an
interesting DNC, which we'll have fullcoverage of on KOA as well as we
jet off to Chicago. So I'mvery excited about that. Helly Andy,

can you feel every oh, goahead? Sorry, Heidi, No,
you can kill everybody in Mandy onhow to follow you and where to follow
you. You can always follow atKoa, Colorado on all of thiscial media
platforms. My producer Anthony does themost incredible social media content. And I
want to make one comment before wego, because I've got to leave here
in a second as well. Dan, the Michelle Obama thing is intriguing and

scary. Okay, intriguing for Democrats, scary for Republicans. But what is
her motivation? That's what I wantto know, because we both know that
Michelle and Barack Obama are still pullingthe levers of power behind the scenes with
no accountability. So why would shewant to put herself up there as the
face when they can be the backboneand not have to take any of the

crap. Well, and maybe shewon't want to, and maybe she'll be
afraid of losing to Trump, butI would think anybody, if you at
the chance, all you have tosay one word yes, and there's at
least a fifty percent chance you're goingto be the most powerful person in the
world, it might be hard toresist that. Maybe, but you know
she'll take that call on Oprah's yacht. Remember that. Okay, Hey Mandy,

thank you so much for your time. Thank you so much. Dan
Anne, Heidi you're from Thanks manyday. Connor, one of the very
best. Hide canal back with meafter the break on the Dan Kaplis Show.
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