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Look what the cat dragged in retirement. Boss Don Ross is here. Here,
you're invading the party here, whichwelcome in, Thanks for stopping by.
Always good to be with the Manof Steel. Yeah, right here,
the man of Steel. So Ialso there's some other because I guess
people listening are a bunch of chickensor they just know all of they know
everything. They don't even need toask, They don't even need to ask
an officer, you know, anykind of questions. Although I did have
somebody send me a text and itsaid, can you brandish of firearm?
Dues and dolts with regard to thefirearm. I know that's kind of almost
like a cryptic question, but I, even not being in law enforcement,
I feel like the answer there isyou better not brandish a firearm unless,
of course, your life is onehundred percent at risk. I mean,
you can't just well, we knowthat there are well, there was a
very high profile, unfortunately, asituation that happened, you know, not
too long ago that we saw theresults of this trial, and so on
with regard to what you know,waving around a gun or just pulling out
a gun, or showing somebody agun, especially when you're talking about,
you know, driving in traffic.People do stuff like you hear about that
kind of stuff all the time,people pointing guns at each other when the
road rage thing is flaring or whatever. But as far as brandishing a gun,
I would imagine it's that's a last, last, last, last,
last last resort, clearly. Sothe gun laws are you know, they're
they're complex and there's a lot ofthe state ohiopen at the bottom line,
if you brandish a weapon that itwould give an officer reasonable suspicion to detain
you, but maybe not probable causeto arrest you. So to use what
our legal advisors and whatever you attorneyin the world says, it depends if
and you know, Josh and Ihave talked about this before too, but
it's just like the what we witnessdowntown during the mostly peaceful protests that were
happening with regard to drag racing andI don't know, all kinds of shenan
against lawlessness if you will, thatwas going on. You you can't help
but put yourself in situations where you'rehearing on the news someone's in their car
and you got this crazy mob aroundthe car and they're they're beating on your
car, you feel your family's withyou or whatever. That's where a lot
of people start saying, hey,man, if I've I got a gun
with me, they start literally bustingout the windows and coming in the car.
I'm gonna start shooting people, I'mgonna run over people, or what
have you. In a situation likethat. Once again, especially asking you
this, I mean, it's reallyabout because that's going to trial, if
something plays out that way or whathave you. You just hope that there's
enough people that can corroborate what happened, maybe there's some footage of it or
so on, because in this dayand age, it almost feels like stuff
is getting flip flopped. Like youhear about a guy breaking in somebody's house
and then he falls down and hurtshimself in there, and he ends up
being able to sue him somehow.And I know that's like a silly example,
but that kind of stuff happens allthe time. Yes, So,
I mean, at the end ofthe day, at the State of Ohio,
where we're a castle doctrine, standyour ground. You've right to protect
yourself and your home, and ifyou're in your vehicle. In that situation,
you do have a right to protectyourself and the important thing is you
protect yourself and your family. Butalso I mean you you are going to
go on a trial. There isgoing to be a court case, especially
if someone loses their life. Theimportant thing is trying effort to be in
a situation. But that is areal life situation that may happen. Yeah,
you see you hear about people beingunfortunately caught in the middle of that
downtown or that's something that boy,that's the stuff nightmares are made of,
quite frankly, especially when you gotyour little ones in the back, your
wife's with you or whatever, andyou got a crazy mob that's you know,
trying to get in and trying toget into your car or what have
you. Hey, justin welcome tothe show. Thank you for calling.
Hey, appreciate it. Guys.Hey, I am the son of two
retired Clonless police officers, and I'mactually in a different line of business.
So I did manage union employees atone time for America's biggest telecommunications company,
and a lot of the problems Ihad it seemed like when I had my
technicians get written up in trouble.The policies in place and the bureaucracy between
the union and the company seemed totake care of the problem children, while
maybe a guy that got ridden upfor attendance he got the book thrown at
him. Is there something that theFOP does to kind of weed out that
kind of process? Because I knowmy one parent, for example, she
was a narco for about twenty yearsand there's you can imagine a lot of
corruption talk around that. So doesthe FOP like represent the police officers like
legally if they get in trouble orhow would that work for you guys?
So when you say a get introuble, there's administrative and criminal. If
an officer is charged criminally in thescope of his duties, Let's say he
to shootout with a bank robber anda scope of his duties and such as
the a Jason meadcase or some ofthe other ones, in the scope of
his duties, he gets charged withmurder and manslaughter or something like that.
The FOP Legal Defense Fund will fundthat attorney bill. Let's say if they're
in a scope of his duties,he's driving down the street and he's drunk,
smoking crack and crashes into a bus. That's clearly outside the scope of
his duties, even though he's onduty, and we would not represent them
criminally at all. Administrative is alittle bit different. That's when to your
point, if you come into late, if you violate something and you get
disciplined, there's something calls just cause. As long as that discipline followed the
steps of just cause, then wedon't even really get involved. For example,
if you come in late, thatshould technically be let's just say a
written reprimand if they don't like youbecause your name is Justin and you come
in late and they decide to fireyou, that's when the unions come in.
They call a time out, andyou say that is not fair way
of a discipline. Yeah. Ijust thought it was important for anybody listening
to know that there is a representationbody inside the police force. It's not
just like people run around the gunsand giving people tickets. So there's a
whole systemic way that you guys haveto operate. I mean the red tape.
My parents both dealt with it alot. But when you see that
All Star on the street, keepin mind like and listen to the listeners
out there. You don't know whatkind of day they've had, you know,
treat them like a human being.You know, the quota stuff you
guys are talking about. These areall things that police officers undoubtedly get shoved
down in the throat from John Qpublic and they really know very little about
what it takes to actually get intothat cruise every day. And like I
even learned recently, my brother beinga firefighter, he has to carry supplemental
insurance because god forbid there's some kindof mistake, he can be sued personally
for what he did in align theduty. So there's a lot more to
public service than what you guys areseeing just driving down the street. Yeah,
man, that's crazy. Justin Thankyou very much. I appreciate all
of that. Hey, Jay,welcome to the show. Thank you very
much for calling. What you gotbrother? Hey guys, I got a
question. There's a no knock raidon a guy in ILLINOI over a wellness
check. And all they did wasjust call a guy and he didn't answer
it. They went there with likesix seven guys, all amoed up bulletproof
vest, went into his house.The guy didn't know who it was.
Three sheriffs got shot, and Ithink they killed the guy. So in
terms of wellness checks, what protocolsdo you guys have in place so that
you just don't go just call andgo in and try and knock down a
guy's house and blow him away.Jay, thanks for the call. I
appreciate it. I did see thatvideo, and I can't speak to Illinois
policy. I could just speak tolocally. I cannot imagine that happening here.
We would not go to the houselike that unless there was a probate
warrant, there was a judge sayinga warrant that you have to go to
get this individual to bring into safety. You might have the sheriff's officer.
The sheriff's officer does have a specialreaction or swat team. I don't know
the whole details by that, butwith I saw, it doesn't look like
anything that fits the standards of theColumbus Division of Police. Are suburbs or
the Sheriff's office. Well, noknock grades are a problem anyway, just
from I think they can put andthey have put innocent people in danger,
and they also can put officers livesin danger. Like just the principle of
a no knock warrant in and ofitself, what is your take or what
does the fop's take on them ingeneral? One of the reforms after twenty
twenty and I talk about the protests, and I talk about the riots,
and I just talk about a form. Reform is not this dirty word.
It's not taking everything you do andthrow out. It's taking what you do
and do it better. And oneof the good things that came out of
it is the Division of Police theyreviewed their no knock warrants and they didn't
necessarily we were doing them wrong,but they said, hey, we could
probably limit these to just the mostdangerous situations, and it was like almost
half they were able to cut downa no knock warrant. So if you
have to do one because it's anabsolute danger and you have to move fast
and quick, then you doing ifit's something that time is on your side,
and our county and cb SWAT teamare very good at using time on
their side. They would just waitthat individual out and try to get it
to come out by himself. Butagain, I don't know how that situation
went down in Illinois. I justsaw that snippet of a video. Yeah,
that's interesting. You starting to seemore pot arrests, like weed type
related stuff like, so you're notreally seeing an elevated surge if you will,
now that it's technically legal here,you know, recreationally, so on
and so forth. Or is itjust basically the same right now? It's
basically the same. Roughly maybe fouror five years ago, the city of
Columbus basically decriminalized marijuana. A smallamount was a ten dollars fine. So
you think about an officer is goingto write a ticket for for something that's
a ten dollars fine, and you'regonna spend five hundred dollars worth of tax
payer dollars on the officer going tocourt. The just juice wasn't worth a
squeeze. I can't tell you anybodywho writes marijuana tickets in the last five
years. So I don't believe anythinghas changed, well legally, what just
just for other people who maybe livingin smaller towns or different areas or what
have you. What is your understandingas a law enforcement officer of now that
this has been signed, this isdone, this is it is legal in
the state of Ohio. What wouldbe an arrestable marijuana offense outside of you
know, trafficking huge quantities. Yeah, I'm talking Well, one federally will
still be illegal. There's still federaloffenses. I'm talking about when we virtually
decriminalized it unless it was a majoramount trafficking, right, and then we
weren't even writing a ticket for thefirst one. Well, and then also
you think about where are they goingto go with people driving under the influence
of and they got to try todiscern, especially if you know they're blowing
and uh, you know it's notcoming up. That's that's meant to detect,
you know, out and so there'sreally nothing with or something. There's
nothing with that right now, right, I mean, that's a problem that
that is the issue. And maybethe unattended countsequence. I don't know.
I'm not here to say if Iwas a pro or against this, But
we didn't think through the inpair driving. So let's say we take blood.
It could show that there's marijuana inyour system, but it doesn't show a
level of impairment like alcohol did.So the worry was, especially other states
that legalized it, was they sawan increase in traffic crashes and fatalities due
to marijuana impairment that studies that willbe done by people smarter than me,
and probably ten fifteen years down theroad is one we'll probably know the impact
of this laber station. Imagine thatthey put they get this in place,
and they go, oh, whoops, we didn't really figure a way to
try to make sure that. Youknow, I can only speak for myself,
but you know, I live rightthere on the border between Dublin's jurisdiction
and Northwest Columbus, you know,kind of. I think one side of
sode Ball Mill is Columbus, oneside is Doublin. Yeah. So,
but we've noticed, like right now, I can't tell you the last time
I just saw CPD driving around upthere, because I feel like your focus
and your bigger problems are in morespecific areas of the city, and quite
frankly, with trouble recruiting, youdon't have enough officers to send all over
the city anyway right now. No, in public service master which don't smoke
wheat and drive, don't smoke crackand drive, and don't drink and drive.
I think that's pretty clear. It'spretty simple. Absolutely, absolutely