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December 9, 2024 58 mins

In this episode Morgan comes in to send a little love out to the truckers this holiday season and make everyone happy on a Monday. Ray and Lunchbox try to break down the College Football Playoff Bracket and what happened to Texas over the weekend. Lunchbox had an impromptu party at his house and Ray got a hole in one this weekend. Also Lunchbox made an horrible mistake that's going to cost him a lot of money. 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Guys, lunch is doing a text right now. So he's
doing a text. I'm just gonna start the pod, what
the hell, and then I can do the times. No,
I've got a running errand for my wife at eleven thirty,
and then one time we send a text, then we
have a conversation, then we all go to the bathroom.
Then we have a bag of chips. Next thing you know, guys,
it's noon. No, no, and I'm completely late. Morgan get

in here, already had a bag of chips that won't
have aired yet. That one of air.

Speaker 2 (00:26):
I did not mean to but I'm gonna yell at
you later.

Speaker 1 (00:30):
Yeah, you can't yell about it now. Oh, it won't
match up. Won't match up. I'll tell you in a
little bit. Do we need to talk to her about anything?
The truckers would love her.

Speaker 2 (00:42):
Yeah, come on in, Morgan, let's talk just quick though, quick, yeah, quick,
grab and jump on that mic.

Speaker 1 (00:50):
Yeah, truckers just love to hear your voice.

Speaker 3 (00:53):

Speaker 2 (00:55):
Yeah. Coach's convention, you will be there and you are
still single? Correct?

Speaker 3 (01:00):
I am still single? Don't know. I might actually have
gotten booked that weekend for something.

Speaker 1 (01:06):
Damn baller. Hold on, hold up, Ray, I'm not gonna dude,
She's an influencer.

Speaker 2 (01:11):
Do you remember when she said, Hey, I am in
for that weekend. I will go to thunder down Under
with the sore Losers listeners. Do you do you remember
saying that explicitly?

Speaker 1 (01:22):
I don't know. Did you sign anything, Morgan?

Speaker 3 (01:23):
I didn't sign anything. I said I wouldn't be open
to it.

Speaker 2 (01:26):
I wanted to.

Speaker 3 (01:26):
I had fun last year, so I wanted to come.

Speaker 1 (01:29):
Morgan signed this napkin.

Speaker 3 (01:30):
You guys also never confirmed anything. You never like came
through and been like, this is happening, this is when
we need you.

Speaker 1 (01:36):
Hey, Morgan signed this dirty subway napkin.

Speaker 2 (01:40):
I literally, all.

Speaker 3 (01:43):
Right, did you book something?

Speaker 1 (01:44):
Because you never told me.

Speaker 2 (01:45):
If you did, I had told you.

Speaker 3 (01:47):
But anyway, you told me it was part of the plan.

Speaker 2 (01:49):
You're off the hook because thunder down Under is not
having an event that weekend. They are not doing shows.
So you got lucky, oh, because I would have been,
oh my gosh, after we talked about it and confirmed it.

Speaker 3 (02:01):
We didn't. You can't say confirmed. We did talk about it,
and I wanted to do it because I love I
loved the Coaches convention last year. I had so much fun?

Speaker 1 (02:08):
Can we get you to do that?

Speaker 3 (02:10):
I love truck drivers, Thank you. You don't mean to
sign that, they're awesome. If somebody can give me a
little I need I need the horn. I used to
love making truck drivers do that.

Speaker 2 (02:21):
The horn. Yeah, they go do it. That's really fun.

Speaker 3 (02:25):
And it's in all honestly though, it's a trip to
go back home.

Speaker 2 (02:29):
So, oh, can you write down what you're booked for?

Speaker 1 (02:31):
Is it for something?

Speaker 2 (02:32):

Speaker 3 (02:33):
Yeah, well it's for Nicole Gallian's putting on a charity
show she wanted me to host, so and it's I
get to go back home. So it's oh, okayn, hint
me too bad for that.

Speaker 1 (02:41):
Right, See if she will sign, if she'll walk down
Broadway with us later on this month to try and
sell tickets face to face to people on Broadway to
the convention, will you help us promote the convention on Broadway?

Speaker 2 (02:53):
I don't think that. Okay, then that's a terrible is
lunchbox I wanna do that. I don't really understand what
he's saying. He thinks we're just gonna go to random
strangers and say, hey, will you buy a ticket to
our convention? Random strangers? That have no idea what the
sword Loser's podcast is on your Instagram?

Speaker 1 (03:08):
Will you post the sord Losers convention was the absolute
funnest thing I did in twenty twenty four.

Speaker 3 (03:13):
You know what I will? I will post on.

Speaker 1 (03:15):
My sign it. Get her to sign it.

Speaker 3 (03:17):
I'll do a little story for you guys of one
of my of Uh, like, don't you have pictures from
last year?

Speaker 2 (03:24):
Two? I can go to sizzle Reel.

Speaker 3 (03:26):
Yeah, and I think I have one too.

Speaker 1 (03:28):
I uh, we're just playing with That would be sweet
of you.

Speaker 3 (03:31):
I will post on my Instagram story.

Speaker 2 (03:32):
And I got a question, who do you think he's
gonna win the college football playoff?

Speaker 3 (03:36):
Who's playing?

Speaker 2 (03:36):
Okay? See, all right, well that's about all we needed
you for.

Speaker 1 (03:40):
They didn't make it.

Speaker 3 (03:41):
They didn't make a bull game.

Speaker 2 (03:42):
I mean they may have made.

Speaker 3 (03:43):
A Bowl game. Maybe I do know for sure.

Speaker 2 (03:46):
Who are they playing?

Speaker 3 (03:46):
I don't know, but I do know they all right.

Speaker 1 (03:49):
So one time I had her predict who is going
to win? Was it the Super Bowl, NHL and a
golf tournament? And she missed all three.

Speaker 3 (03:56):
Oh, I did get one of the finalists of for
the hockey.

Speaker 1 (03:58):
Yeah, she got the Oilers.

Speaker 2 (03:59):
Yeah. So I didn't it one that's not bad?

Speaker 3 (04:01):
Who is playing in the championship game?

Speaker 2 (04:04):

Speaker 3 (04:04):
There's twelve teams in the playoffs, but isn't there like
a big yes at the end of it? So they
play each other and then just tell.

Speaker 1 (04:10):
Us who wins you ready, Clemson, Texas, Tennessee, Ohio State, SMU,
Penn State, Indiana, Notre Dame, Georgia, Boise State, Oregon, Arizona State, Kansas, Okay, Well, Ada, Kansas.

Speaker 3 (04:21):
Based on what I've seen on my social media, I
know Texas has been doing really well. I know Indiana
has been doing really well, and then is Alabama and
that because I feel like they haven't had a.

Speaker 1 (04:31):
Great year this year.

Speaker 2 (04:31):
Their couch is the one they'll be watching from their couch.

Speaker 3 (04:34):
Guys, this is all based on like social media posts.

Speaker 2 (04:36):
I see everything.

Speaker 3 (04:38):
I listen. I'm gonna root for Texas or Indiana because
I feel like, especially Indiana, they haven't like this is
a big shot for them, fuck.

Speaker 1 (04:47):
Right out of all teams. She said she's rooting for India.

Speaker 3 (04:50):
Well, what I've seen on social media is that they've
had like a this is a crazy year and this
is like it never has happened.

Speaker 2 (04:56):
Yes, and that tells me. I don't know if there's
someone like at like a friend of male variety that
maybe went to Indiana, So that's maybe why Indiana is
showing up on your feed. Like, why would Indiana be
showing up on her feet? I don't know anybody that
posts about Indiana.

Speaker 1 (05:13):
You know, the random thing about Indiana. My buddy hit
me up mid season and said, do you want to
go to a game in Bloomington. He's never asked me that.
This year he did, and now they're one of the
top teams in the country.

Speaker 3 (05:21):
Like at my social media.

Speaker 2 (05:23):
Dude, there's something about why it's showing up in your
social media.

Speaker 3 (05:27):
No, it's just it's like I have friends that are
sports fans. Then they post random things. So that's how
I keep track of everything, honestly.

Speaker 1 (05:33):
Wire belly dancers online.

Speaker 3 (05:37):
In Mike posts about Texas, so like, I just have
random people that like will post their teams.

Speaker 1 (05:41):
Dude, in Beazer agrees with me. I'll show her my algorithm.
I don't even search for it, Dude, I got nothing
but chick shaking it and Beazer agrees. I mean, I
don't get it. I think Instagram just knows I'm a.

Speaker 3 (05:51):
Dude, something about chick shaking it.

Speaker 1 (05:53):
Yeah, I'm texting my buddies. Hey, let me see him
shake that shit.

Speaker 3 (05:57):
Well, they could even be listening to you right now.
On tore Losers also.

Speaker 1 (05:59):
Said she signed, we gotta put this on the gram.
I will post on my this is sad that we
had to do this. I will post on my Instagram
story for sore Losers. Morgan hes littleman.

Speaker 3 (06:11):
I was trying to sign a bass.

Speaker 2 (06:13):
Okay, all right, we'll go take a nap because I
know you're tired from Vegas. I don't want to talk
about that.

Speaker 3 (06:17):
I know you're so mad. It's okay, right, and I
are going to talk about it on best Bits.

Speaker 1 (06:20):
It's right. Can you also sign the other one had
a look better on Instagram that you love truck drivers?

Speaker 2 (06:24):
Oh okay? Question true or false? You kissed at least
one cowboy in Vegas.

Speaker 1 (06:30):
I didn't it, Sadly, I'd put it over under at
two and a half. I wish I did, and add cowgirls.

Speaker 3 (06:36):
Genuinely, I wish I did, but I just it was
like I had been like watching it looking I was
honestly just entertained with everything else I was doing. We
did have a crazy scenario though I'm gonna prep it
on the big show. But I will say I could
have gone to the UFC slap thing and I had
a missed opportunity moment.

Speaker 2 (06:51):
You could have gone to the slap fighting.

Speaker 1 (06:52):
What is it called, like the whack or the slap off?

Speaker 2 (06:54):
I think it's a slap off. And I don't know
if you would want to watch that. That is some
brutal stuff.

Speaker 1 (06:59):
Yeah, yeah, do it with Arnold oh Man.

Speaker 2 (07:01):
Arnold might be good at that as much as you
slap him, but you slap him on the ass.

Speaker 3 (07:04):
But it was there, like that was in Fountain Blue,
like the night one of the nights we were there,
And why didn't you go? I missed, like I said,
I got, but I just just know that I had
a missed opportunity there.

Speaker 1 (07:17):
Okay, are you going to talk on the show about
gambling at all?

Speaker 3 (07:23):
I ray, You're gonna be so disappointed. I gambled fifteen dollars.
I lost it all, that's all I did.

Speaker 2 (07:28):
Well, what did you gamble your fifteen dollars on on
the slot machine? Okay? Which one I did?

Speaker 1 (07:36):

Speaker 3 (07:37):
I did Buffalo? Run it right?

Speaker 2 (07:40):
And how to go I lost. Did your sister gamble?

Speaker 3 (07:45):
Yeah, well we did it together. Oh my god, it
was like a team ever we did that.

Speaker 2 (07:50):
You didn't do anything else?

Speaker 3 (07:52):
No, guys, we were so busy. They were I mean
they had me in like, how was at a club steakhouse?
Like I there was so much happening that gambling was
the last thing I was thinking about.

Speaker 1 (08:01):
See, that's when you know it's a good Vegas trip
when you don't have to rely on Vegas gambling.

Speaker 2 (08:05):

Speaker 3 (08:05):
No, I didn't all and it was that was just
like a late night. We got back at like two
am from a huge NFR thing and I was like,
oh this, just pop some cash in here.

Speaker 2 (08:12):
It lost it all.

Speaker 1 (08:14):
I did want her to say that she gambled a
little bit more than fifteen dollars.

Speaker 3 (08:18):
All right. I actually normally my allowance is typically fifty.
But once I lost fifty, I got sad.

Speaker 1 (08:23):
But the question is did you win in those fifteen
It was all lost.

Speaker 3 (08:26):
At one point I lost. I think all I won
a dollar fifty.

Speaker 2 (08:29):
Holy shit, I'm breaking news, breaking yeah.

Speaker 3 (08:34):
I also honestly, let me tell me, Katie Perry waking
up in Vegas, the tables, I like, I've played blackjack
with my dad, and I've done like the roulette stuff
with you guys, but go by the book ohan by myself.
It feels intimidating for some reason.

Speaker 2 (08:49):
Oh, they'll help you.

Speaker 1 (08:51):
She'll tell you how to play.

Speaker 3 (08:52):
No, I just mean, like, shut up the whole.

Speaker 1 (08:54):
Time you play. Hey, I would hit on that.

Speaker 3 (08:57):
It's like walking up by myself when I'm just kind
of like, I'm very amateur, not sure what's happening. I
felt super intimidated.

Speaker 1 (09:02):
By this way.

Speaker 2 (09:03):
I understand that.

Speaker 1 (09:03):
But that's why you gotta roll like me when I
roll around Vegas. Vegas is my bitch. They did get
me last time they rented me. But listen, usually I
own them usually.

Speaker 3 (09:13):
But see, and I feel like if you asked for
help too, then it's like a weird because even when
we went up to get the cash out to like
do the slots, like, the lady thought we were crazy
because we had no idea how it worked.

Speaker 2 (09:22):
Please pull that video, you're right, Please can you tell
me how to do a slot machine?

Speaker 3 (09:27):
It was as a slap machine. I was like, wait,
so do we need a card to play or do
we just put money in?

Speaker 1 (09:31):

Speaker 3 (09:31):
How does that work?

Speaker 2 (09:32):

Speaker 1 (09:32):
My god.

Speaker 3 (09:33):
And she's like, no, you can just do cash. And
I was like, cool, can you break this one hundred dollars?

Speaker 1 (09:37):
Secondhand embarrassment?

Speaker 3 (09:39):
I so like even that, like and that. Then I
really fell intimidated. I was like, I'm not going up
to a table.

Speaker 1 (09:43):
Did you stick the money in the right hole? I did,
because there's about five.

Speaker 3 (09:46):
Mons and I can find the right hole. Okay, right,
Oh my gosh, man, that was that was a softball man?

Speaker 2 (09:54):
Did you hit the spot?

Speaker 3 (09:55):
What did I hit?

Speaker 1 (09:57):
Yeah? I did?

Speaker 2 (09:57):

Speaker 1 (09:58):
Did your sister win it all?

Speaker 2 (10:00):

Speaker 3 (10:00):
We just played together those machines.

Speaker 2 (10:02):
Okay, So were you guys the two drunk girls sitting
in the same chair.

Speaker 1 (10:06):

Speaker 2 (10:07):
I love walking through Vegas and seeing two drunk people
sitting in the same chair playing the slot machine sharing. Dude,
what's wrong?

Speaker 1 (10:14):
Me and bas are playing craps in the same chair
for five hours straight? A? Are you? We had a blessed.

Speaker 2 (10:22):

Speaker 1 (10:22):
If you pull the if you pull the tape outside
of Garcias or whatever hobby airs inside of Aria, it's
me and Bazeer on the park bench playing craps. They
make the benches for couples. Dude, stop it, there's nothing shoulder.

Speaker 3 (10:36):
Dude, I've seen crazier things in Vegas.

Speaker 2 (10:39):
But it's like sitting on the same side of the
table at dinner. Stop that crap.

Speaker 3 (10:43):
It is Listen. He's in love, man, he's in love
pace and they were having a good time.

Speaker 1 (10:49):
Were you tempted? So after you did your fifteen loss
where you did you maybe have second thoughts of putting
more money into those machines?

Speaker 3 (10:56):
I had second tots of even putting money in the
first place. I was fifteen dollars.

Speaker 1 (11:01):
Okay, so you were really mad at yourself. Did you
wake up pissed?

Speaker 3 (11:04):
No? I didn't wake up pissed, But in that moment,
for a whole like five minutes, I was like, that
was the stewardest thing.

Speaker 1 (11:09):
I want you to have that feeling though, of waking
up pissed because you just got gutted the night before
from gambling.

Speaker 3 (11:14):
I don't think I ever will because I don't think
I will ever be a high roller, you know what
I mean. I'm never gonna be the person who's like, yeah,
let me pull out five hundred dollars, let's put it down.

Speaker 1 (11:21):
And I tipped my cap to you.

Speaker 3 (11:23):
I can't. Yeah, like hurts my hurts my body to
even think that I would spend that money.

Speaker 2 (11:29):
Do you know what Ray did when he was in Vegas?
What he had a couple of drinks. He tipped the
dealer one hundred dollars.

Speaker 3 (11:34):

Speaker 1 (11:35):
Yeah, well, she had helped high roller, she'd helped us
win eight nine hundred dollars. And she even said to us,
it's just like those receipts where now it says to
tip the lady goes a lot of numbers hit.

Speaker 2 (11:45):

Speaker 1 (11:46):
I was here when a lot of those numbers hit
right like that was an in person asked for the
tip even tougher than on the receipt. How can you
say no to that?

Speaker 3 (11:54):
And I got baser like twenty or fifty bucks though
I had was a chip. Oh because yeah, work.

Speaker 1 (12:00):
You got you know, do you break this because I'm
going to give you about a tenth of that. If
that's cool, Thank you, You've been great though.

Speaker 3 (12:07):
You know. The thing that also hurt my body was
that I was seeing people drop thousand dollars on a steak.
That that hurt my brain.

Speaker 2 (12:14):
Thousand dollars on his slunchbox.

Speaker 3 (12:15):
Lunchbox. I went to this restaurant, it's called poppy steak
in Fountain Blue it is It's not No, it's like
Club Vibe. We went to dinner at ten pm. This
is after the Thomas Russ Show. Eleven people in the
one hour we were in there, eleven people ordered this
thousand dollars steak.

Speaker 2 (12:33):
How do you know they ordered?

Speaker 1 (12:34):
They bring it's a whole.

Speaker 3 (12:35):
No, it's a whole thing.

Speaker 1 (12:36):
They like that.

Speaker 3 (12:37):
It's like it comes out in a suitcase and they
open it and it smokes everywhere, and they brand it.
It's it's crazy. Eleven people.

Speaker 1 (12:46):
Are you talking about the steak on the Big Show?
I had preppedure.

Speaker 3 (12:50):
I don't know if we'll get brought up, but we'll
definitely talk about it on Best Bits too.

Speaker 1 (12:53):
But okay, well, dude, the place she went to, you know,
the guy that wrote my gambling manual, He was at
the table over from her, right in front of us.

Speaker 3 (13:01):
Apparently because I ordered a steak.

Speaker 1 (13:04):
Dude, they came over with sparklers, John Sarah Sonny and
you texted her and say, hey, go up to Sarahsoni
and be like, I read your books. I said, dude,
is right in front of you, that's my boy.

Speaker 3 (13:17):
And I told I told him I don't know if
he ended up ordering the steak, but there was also
a thousand dollars dessert in a four thousand dollars dessert,
which he might have ordered one of those. There was
like three different things and they all that has the.

Speaker 1 (13:26):
Same and the whole time you're eating this state, Dude,
you got three chicks on the deck shaking it really.

Speaker 3 (13:31):
Yeah, hilarious, crazy crazy steakhoffs.

Speaker 2 (13:38):
That's pretty cool.

Speaker 3 (13:39):
I loved it, like it was a cool vibe.

Speaker 1 (13:40):
Do we need to franchise one in Nashville?

Speaker 2 (13:42):
No, we just need to go to Vegas. Man, we
need to do Coaches Convention at the Fountain Blue. Hey,
everybody gets a thousand dollars steak. That's part of your
entry in the coaches convention.

Speaker 1 (13:51):
Dude, there ain't no way I can convinced Bezier a
month out to go back to Vegas.

Speaker 3 (13:55):
You could get everybody to go in on one, because
that's what a lot of people were doing. Like there's
big tables. There were some that was like two people.
I was like, dang, okay, you're a high roller. But
then I'd see like big tables getting a thousand dollars steak.

Speaker 1 (14:05):
Dude, you me and Arnold get a filet and split it.

Speaker 2 (14:08):
We get two bikes to dance. We got twelve people here.
We're gonna order one thousand dollars stak You get one piece.
It's like on Survivor Due they're counting out their kernels
or rice.

Speaker 3 (14:20):
You would think that.

Speaker 1 (14:21):
But this thing was huge.

Speaker 3 (14:22):
I mean it was. She said, okay, every bit of
I don't know what what are those like tomahawk things?
Aren't those pretty big? It kind of looks like that.
I don't know if that's what it actually is. I
don't eat meat, so I don't know, but like that's
what it looked like.

Speaker 1 (14:36):
I didn't even together.

Speaker 2 (14:37):
She went to a steakhouse.

Speaker 3 (14:38):
She eat me, I she got and then I had
all this guys. They had a truffle like corn situation,
which was so amazing.

Speaker 1 (14:47):
You just had to sell meat for an hour.

Speaker 3 (14:50):
Like smell anything still, Oh.

Speaker 2 (14:52):
Geese, what a terrible cheese.

Speaker 3 (14:56):
With potatoes truffle corn. I had this insane pretzel bread.

Speaker 1 (15:00):
See, so like, if I had a friend that had
a porn addiction, I'd never take him to a strip club.
Your sister takes you to a meat place in.

Speaker 3 (15:05):
Your vegan I wanted to go and they had great drinks,
giant cheesecake.

Speaker 1 (15:10):
Hey, Jimmy, I know you got a porn addiction, man,
but you want to go to Yellow Rose on a
Friday night kind of board.

Speaker 2 (15:16):
Yeah, you don't have to.

Speaker 1 (15:17):
Look or anything, but because you're in your basement shacking
it for the last one.

Speaker 3 (15:22):
Listen, steakhouses are underrated for their sides. Like everybody goes
for the meat, but I'm telling you the sides and
the dessert is where steakhouses win.

Speaker 1 (15:30):
Agreed, did It's great? They whip it the mashed.

Speaker 3 (15:33):
Potatoes, Yeah, it was whipped potatoes.

Speaker 1 (15:35):
The whipped is the new way to go on that.

Speaker 2 (15:37):
That's good.

Speaker 3 (15:37):
Have you ever had whipped amazing?

Speaker 2 (15:40):
Oh my gosh.

Speaker 1 (15:41):
This doesn't apply to the truck drivers, man, No they don't.
They steakhouse. If it ain't in a gas station, they
ain't heard of it.

Speaker 2 (15:50):
I'll tell you what I didn't know about hummus till
I started to date my wife. Never heard of hummus.
And I eat it now and I'm like, man, where
has this been my whole life?

Speaker 1 (15:57):
Overrated? Really? You gotta eat it with vegetables, I'll pass.

Speaker 3 (16:02):
That's not true. You can eat it with pea bread.

Speaker 1 (16:03):
Yeah, you know, they make chocolate hummets.

Speaker 2 (16:05):
Oh, I never heard that.

Speaker 1 (16:07):
He's I got excited about Vegas.

Speaker 2 (16:10):
I usually do the red pepper.

Speaker 3 (16:11):
Hummus there is the red pepper is a good one.

Speaker 1 (16:13):

Speaker 3 (16:13):
But they also have like pumpkin pie dessert. It's like
dessert hummus, like the chocolate.

Speaker 2 (16:18):
Yeah, I'm not good. I don't like pumpkin pie sucks
like that's talking about overrated. Pumpkin pie is disgusting. Yeah,
not a big fan. All right, Well that was great.
I don't know how that got there.

Speaker 3 (16:28):
Do you feel more jealous.

Speaker 2 (16:29):
Now a little bit? Because if they would have let
me order a thousand dollars steak, that would have been incredible.

Speaker 3 (16:34):
I don't know that that would have happened, but yeah,
I mean it was still part of the experience. They
sent me up with all the reservations and stuff. It
was great.

Speaker 2 (16:40):
That's cool. That's really cool.

Speaker 1 (16:42):
That on the company.

Speaker 3 (16:44):
I don't know where it goes, but not me.

Speaker 1 (16:46):
Well, I know we did a meal there and it
was on us.

Speaker 2 (16:48):
I was told, we were told it's on the company,
and then we got back and they're like, oh, that's
six hundred dollars. Meal, it's on you. You need to
pay us back for that. Oh, that's our fault. We
didn't know that.

Speaker 3 (16:57):
Oh was that for the convention?

Speaker 2 (16:59):
Yeah, yeah, we got, we got.

Speaker 1 (17:00):
That's all we talked about is conventions in Vegas. Like
all our favorite topics are the Sore Losers Convention and Vegas.
That's the only things we talked about.

Speaker 3 (17:08):
This Why is why are you guys doings convention and
every year you just go to a different hotel in Vegas.

Speaker 2 (17:14):
Uh it's expensive, I.

Speaker 3 (17:16):
Hear you, but it's expensive to do it less skate.

Speaker 1 (17:19):
We had an issue where we almost lost a Sore
Losers Nation member and it was on the other side.

Speaker 3 (17:27):
You guys talking about about that cappy.

Speaker 2 (17:31):
Yeah, like he died. He had to stay an extra
four days, poor guy.

Speaker 3 (17:36):
I mean extra four days in Vegas. Ain't too bad.

Speaker 2 (17:38):
No, no, no, no, just recovering.

Speaker 1 (17:39):
We dropped him on his head, he had a concussion.

Speaker 2 (17:41):
Now that was the second year.

Speaker 3 (17:44):
What do you guys do it these things?

Speaker 2 (17:47):
Let's see, there's a lot of alcohol intake. Miguel and
his wife they carry around water bottles that looks like
water in their straight vodka and then they hand it
to everybody, and then you get Buddy Glass going and
he starts making everybody, and then Martinez making everybody do shots.
It's like tall guy. He hadn't been around a couple
of years because he can't travel west of the Mississippi

or east of the Missisis.

Speaker 3 (18:09):
I met a tall guy last year.

Speaker 2 (18:10):
Yeah, not tak No, not tall guy.

Speaker 3 (18:13):
I mean tall guy was like tall tall.

Speaker 2 (18:14):
He talked like this.

Speaker 1 (18:17):
You don't know tall guy. The first scene says, when
he comes up to you, put you on my shoulders.

Speaker 2 (18:20):
I'll give you twenty bucks.

Speaker 1 (18:22):
All right, man, I'll pass on that one so my
nuts aren't jammed into your neck. Thanks.

Speaker 2 (18:26):
Yeah. And then the next year he was up on
top of the Resorts World with Miguel and then thirty
minutes later he was down having breakfast with his family
at the restaurant. It was crazy. He brought his kids, Hey,
put them to bed and go crazy and then be
there in the morning and then go crazy wild.

Speaker 3 (18:41):
Hey. We like the duality, you know, you gotta gotta
be able to balance both.

Speaker 2 (18:44):
Yeah. I hope he's still alive. Man.

Speaker 1 (18:46):
And we had people too that didn't do ubers. They
would just walk. I think his Buddy Glass so that
he walked back from one of our events. Oh, got,
it was.

Speaker 2 (18:53):
Because the bills lost.

Speaker 3 (18:54):
Got Oh well, we might talk about the big show.
But have you read Rode the Tesla Tunnels?

Speaker 2 (19:00):
You win on it.

Speaker 1 (19:01):
Yeah, you have to have a tunnel and a Tesla.

Speaker 3 (19:03):
Yeah, but it's free right.

Speaker 2 (19:06):
Wait? Wait, so what the hell is the point of it?
How does it make money?

Speaker 3 (19:09):
How do you have to get over? It's it's the
conventions there. Because the conventions there is two point three
million square feet and so if you try to walk it,
you're gonna be walking for an hour and a half
to get from one side to the other. So they
have these Tesla tunnels and you just walk up. It's
like a train station, but Tesla's and you're in tunnels.

Speaker 1 (19:24):
But if you just sit at the table lunch for
seven hours, you don't need the Tesla tunnel. It's just
if you go around and see Vegas.

Speaker 2 (19:32):
Explain to me, though, how does Tesla? Why does how
does Tesla make money from that?

Speaker 1 (19:36):
You ever heard of Elon Musk, He's a visionary.

Speaker 3 (19:38):
Yeah, I think it's more of a marketing thing. Like obviously,
Tesla tunnels, Like everybody goes and there's like for all
the NFR people. That's how you got to Cowboy Christmas.

Speaker 1 (19:46):
Hey, we got to call tunnels to Nashville. Show you guys.
We call them the uh the Arnold Alleys.

Speaker 2 (19:52):
Okay, yeah, that's all.

Speaker 3 (19:57):
I's not making you guys jealous.

Speaker 2 (19:58):
Yeah, We're gonna take a break. We'll come back. Thanks, Morgan.
Say goodbye to the truck drivers. Better like say the
better boy by truck drivers, I know, but tell them
to seduce.

Speaker 3 (20:09):
Him by truck drivers love you.

Speaker 1 (20:13):
That is gonna keep a lot of them nice and
warm across those highways and byways. Alright, break it down, man.

Speaker 2 (20:25):
Hey, I don't understand the college football playoff might be
the most jacked up thing on this planet. Like, explain
it to me, Like Texas ships the bed. I don't
understand how Texas loses the game. First of all, Quinn,
you were throws for like three hundred and ninety yards.
Carson Beak dies, Carson bek dies, and they can't stop

the Georgia Bulldogs. And you know they're running the ball
every single play, every single play they're running the ball.

Speaker 1 (20:53):
They sprinkled in some Stockholm runs and passes.

Speaker 2 (20:56):
He had sixty yards passing, So don't tell me they
were at the win the ball around the yard. They
ran the ball, ran the ball, ran the ball, ran
the ball. The punter gets hurt, rips his dick off,
and they don't think, ah, you know, maybe it's a
fake punt. But punter didn't even have his hands ready.
He had his hands behind his back when they fake punted,
like he wasn't even ready for the snap. I don't

know how Texas loses, but I will say this, the
best thing that ever happened to them maybe is losing.
They don't get a first round by they're playing Clemson,
they're fourteen and a half point favorites. Then if they win,
they play Arizona State. I mean, talk about simple path

to the semi finals.

Speaker 1 (21:41):
Right, because all the teams because Big twelve got gutted.
So now we're just gifting a team from the Big
twelve into this tournament. Dude, Arizona State, they got some
guy named pee wee Herman or what's his name. He's
scataboo Scataboo. He's heisman apparently he get did the heisman man.

Speaker 2 (21:55):
Well he's not the Heisman, but he is really good
and he's fun to watch.

Speaker 1 (21:59):
He's like a he is big and who are all
these dumb ass guys newscasters? Watch out for Arizona State.
They are gonna really make a mark in this tournament.
It sounds like tessatory. That sounds like something he would say.
Oh he was broadcasting that game. Oh Arizzon nice state.
You don't believe they are gonna make a mark?

Speaker 2 (22:21):
Can I say that the team with the hardest path.

Speaker 1 (22:24):
Is the balls is Oregon? What the drunk they getna buye?

Speaker 2 (22:29):
No? No, But what I'm saying is they're the number one.

Speaker 1 (22:32):
Seat and they have to play the Ohio State.

Speaker 2 (22:35):
Like it's crazy talk. Two teams that were in the
top ten all year and that's who they.

Speaker 1 (22:41):
Have to play. Listen, I know Notre Dame has been
keeping you warm at night, but think about on the
bottom side of that, you know, damn it, what's the
bottom side?

Speaker 2 (22:50):
What smu Penn State, Indiana, Notre Dame.

Speaker 1 (22:52):
Boys, Georgia Guys, Indiana and Notre Dame are gonna have
an all good old fashioned smackoff and then whoever wins
that plays Georgia. Say, Georgia rolls by five touchdowns. After that,
Georgia is gonna play Penn State or Boise State. The
Georgia is walking to the championship.

Speaker 2 (23:12):
That is what I'm saying.

Speaker 1 (23:13):
Oregon, Oregon should have that.

Speaker 2 (23:16):
Oregon should be the number one seed, and then they
should play the highest the lowest remaining seed. So if
it's Clemson, if it's freaking Indiana, if it's SMU, whoever
is lower, I don't understand. And I guess if they
should play Notre Dame, I don't know.

Speaker 1 (23:35):
It's so it's all to do with records and stuff
like that. Obviously, the brainiacs are the ones that divided
it and created it. It's not like the March Maddeness
Tournament where sixteen plays a one. This one had to
do with your record and if you want a championship,
and then at your record, your rankings, and then the
highest on the rankings gets this slot. Dude, Reese had
a whole thing for twenty minutes. They showed how it's figured,

and they showed these arrows going into the chart. Thanks guy.
Nobody understood that. Most already had a mimosa e they got.

Speaker 2 (24:04):
I mean, I get it. Alabama doesn't shouldn't be in,
I asked him. I don't worry about strength of schedule whatever.
They can't be penalized for playing in their conference championship.
Great game was entertaining. I don't know if they're even
that good, but Oregon's got screwed. Oregon got absolutely screwed.

Speaker 1 (24:22):
And I gotta say, twelve teams, oh man, it's so fun. Well,
I agree with you on this one, dude. Twelve teams
opened it up to some shitty teams Arizona State, SMU
Indiana for that, I agree with you. I'm embarrassed that
they're actually even in these twelve teams.

Speaker 2 (24:43):
I don't know how you solve it. And not giving
first round byes just because you're a conference champ might
be it, but then it's all subjective anyway. Then it's like, okay,
so does Texas get the buy or does Penn State
get the buy? Or does Notre Dame get the buy? Like,
how do you decide who it's the damn bot the champions?
So Georgia makes this shitty ass bracket, makes the bracket

all cocka.

Speaker 1 (25:08):
Move right, and then Big twelve gets absolutely reverse sodomy
and then they are allowed to put a team into
the bye week. The Big Twelve, they don't have Texas anymore.
They don't have Oklahoma. They lose everybody in its Arizona State.
They went twelve to one. Yeah, all the team's lot
left the conference. They're like, I can't bully chest story.

Oh man, this team was projected to be twelve. Lo
get them now? Well, I mean, yeah, Texas left, Olahoma left,
bro A and m didn't they leave.

Speaker 2 (25:36):
They've had like twelve years of everybody left.

Speaker 1 (25:39):
Of course, Arizona State's in bro I mean I loved
the newscasters during this whole thing you had the night before.
I mean it was Reese Davis hearing his own voice
for thirty minus. Man, we are determining the determining determiner
of this determining. Are you guys ready.

Speaker 2 (25:58):
Here it is?

Speaker 1 (26:00):
We are ready for the release? All right, reeze, we
get it man. All eyes were on you, buddy.

Speaker 2 (26:07):
I'll be honest, I don't even know the release happened.
And my brother text me Battersbox said, hey, they got
it right, got what right? He goes the college football Playoff?
I was like, what he goes? They just announced it?
Were you not watching?

Speaker 1 (26:20):

Speaker 2 (26:21):
Man, I didn't realize they were doing it at eleven
o'clock in the morning.

Speaker 1 (26:23):
You didn't have a team in it, dude, I told Bazer,
I said, get the martinis. We're turning on the TV.
This is the first time in our nation's history of
a twelve team playoff for college football. I said, we're
gonna have a drink. We're gonna watch it together, and
when our team gets announced, Lord Willing, we are gonna kiss,
and we are gonna cheers, and we're gonna celebrate this
twelve team format because we have a chance at winning

the championship. Now, our forefathers never had this format. Our
great great grandfathers are the settlers, the pilgrims. Who has
this format? A bunch of gen z fucks in twoy
twenty four. Baby, we got we got it right, I
mean incredible. I really did want Bama to get in though.

That had really been hilarious. I mean people would have
would have lost their mind because the coach comes out
and says, well, we don't have to play in the game.
What if we all fake COVID? Well he could do that.
I mean a lot of people did work for them.

Speaker 2 (27:20):
Yeah, I got a fraud. It's called a loan fraud.

Speaker 1 (27:23):
Yeah, I won't steal you.

Speaker 2 (27:24):
That's what happens. So and then I laughed. These coaches
are so funny, like Kirby Smart. I used to think
I like Kirby Smart. Now he just seems like an
ass he gets up there.

Speaker 1 (27:35):
His favorite thing now is in every postgame presser halftime
he goes, you guys don't support us. I wish I
knew his voice better. He's like, you guys don't support
us the media. You guys have always been against this.
That's his thing. Yeah, and then you hear Stark. They
go to him and he goes, how about they start
calling penalties off now?

Speaker 2 (27:51):
Laura Rutledge like, uh, over to you and then storms
off the field like, ah, get me out of here.

Speaker 1 (27:56):
D this is You're right. This is the This twelve
team format is hilarious if you look it down from
the coaches. You got Texas, Hey, why don't you get
the other team penalizes dark runs off the field. Clemson
Dabbo haven't heard from him, and no, no, no.

Speaker 2 (28:10):
No, no no, I'll tell you what Dabo says, Man
the lord man, you know what I mean. Like everybody
thinks that he just closes doors. No, he just opens
others doors and gives you opportunities. You just got to
walk through it. And we always believe in the Lord
and whatever the Lord has, and the Lord wanted us
to be here today.

Speaker 1 (28:23):
Dude, Ohio State, you got Ryan Day? What do you
mean there was a fight on the field. I ha
knowed what Michigan State were playing fives.

Speaker 2 (28:29):
I don't know.

Speaker 1 (28:29):
I was doing an interview.

Speaker 2 (28:30):
What happened?

Speaker 1 (28:30):
I don't know, dude. Your whole team was in a
melee behind what's going on?

Speaker 2 (28:33):
What's going on?

Speaker 1 (28:34):
And yeah, we're gonna fake COVID and not playing the
final game of the year. That'll teach you guys. All right,
thanks coach, we go down one more Penn State. I
don't really know. Franklin, Indiana coach. Indiana coach, Hey, Hey, hey,
Indiana coach, Hey man, why don't you google me? Look
at my dick And he's like, he says, what's this
other thing? He's like, I'm on defeat it or what?

Speaker 2 (28:51):
He Hey Michigan, oh I State, We're coming for you.

Speaker 1 (28:54):
Oh and then he goes, oh yeah. When he did
the basketball announcement, and then he's always doing those interviews
where he's like, what does he say. He's like, yeah,
we're we're undefeited, come play us, and then they got
any time, they got boat raised by five touches.

Speaker 2 (29:06):
Hey, hey, no, here, here's James Franklin. Here's James Franklin.

Speaker 1 (29:09):
You ready.

Speaker 2 (29:10):
I don't know if you saw this, Yeah, I mean,
is that the organ band? Is that the Oregon band
playing their they're winning song? Goes listen. I don't mind
them celebrating. I don't mind them celebrating, but I gotta say,
this setup is JV level. I saw JV level. This
setup is absolutely j LEE level JV level. I mean,

I'm all for them celebrating, but I mean this, come on, man,
this is JV level.

Speaker 1 (29:34):
Arizonica State coach. Hey, if you're a fan, or you're
a kid that wants to go to a college, come
to Ari Zone State. We'll storm the field three times.
Because they storm the field three times this year.

Speaker 2 (29:42):
That's amazing.

Speaker 1 (29:43):
One time they accidentally stormed it and then they get off.

Speaker 2 (29:45):
They had to get off the field. He's like, no,
we're not putting one second back on the clock. Hell no,
we won that game. You mean, we gotta get all
these people off the field, and it's gonna take twenty
five minutes and then we're going to play one second.

Speaker 1 (29:54):
Then they watched this stuff for the coaches. Dude. Check.

Speaker 2 (30:01):
I just it's amazing to me. And I don't know
if like Texas defense is unbelievable their offense.

Speaker 1 (30:08):
I just don't understand that game was stalemate. I mean,
I think late in the third it was six to three. Dude,
they are on the frozen Tuddruve Mercedes Benz, not a
lot of scoring going on. And the Dodds. Dude, I
used to get a lot more from the Dodds. I
started up a little group thread Died and his wife
every guys, big game. I'm root for you, guys. Let's go,
let's go Georgia, let's go, let's go, let's go. Baby

hate Texas man holds down man. I mean it took
him forty five minutes to respond to me, oh Anna's
with the baby, Sorry guys, And then I texted him
the Sunday morning, Hey, guys, selection show, George's number one
in the country. I thought they were gonna be in
their number two. Forty five minutes later, Yeah, wow hoo, God,
come on, dude. Forty five minutes on selection Sunday. Bro.

Speaker 2 (30:50):
Yeah, that's it sucks getting kids man in like Texas.
I picked Texas to win. I said Texas was gonna win.
And then I don't understand their play calling. You know,
I get paid millions of dollars to be a coach,
and I know what the hell is going on.

Speaker 1 (31:04):
You said this on the Facebook, I think.

Speaker 2 (31:06):
But here's the thing. The first like three drives, they're
just throwing the ball downfield, throwing the ball downfield, big play,
big play, big play, and then all of a sudden
they just start doing three yard screens the rest of
the fucking game. I'm like, throw the ball down the field.
And then they throw it down the field at the
very end and get a pass interference call that moves
them into field goal range. Second of all, how are

you the University of Texas and you don't have a
lights out kicker. You are the biggest university, you have
the most INIL money. You should be able to buy
the best kicker in America.

Speaker 1 (31:38):
Well, Georgia kid got the ass torn out of him.

Speaker 2 (31:41):
I don't understand how that kicker is so damn bad
at the University of Texas.

Speaker 1 (31:46):
If you live in Austin, whoa, get your leg ready.
Go in the backyard, kick around a couple couple of
trash cans, put some cans in it. Oh, if you've
got a leg, you could be the number one kick
at Texas. Right a woman.

Speaker 2 (32:01):
And then in overtime, Texas gets the first down. So
it's like first and ten at like the thirteen yard line.
First play, fade to the left corner of the end
zone over the you know, trying to do a back
shoulder pass to the incomplete second down, throws it to
the right corner of the end zone. Fade over the

shoulder like unimpossible catch two, just bombs to the end
zone when the running back in the flat is wide
open the game five yards, third down, two yard pass
of the running back.

Speaker 1 (32:32):
What the interesting?

Speaker 2 (32:34):

Speaker 1 (32:35):
And my thing was, so at Georgia practice on the
other side of the ball, you're telling that Stockton kids good.
That's a good ball player.

Speaker 2 (32:42):
I tell you he's so athletic.

Speaker 1 (32:44):
So my question is this, you're telling me all the
time in practice, nobody noticed Stockton's kind of better and back.
We have you all been in practice?

Speaker 2 (32:50):
I was one of the same thing, bro, he was
lights out different.

Speaker 1 (32:53):
I hitcked the dot. I go, well, you guys found
your quarterback. You're good to go. That kid can run.
He's stocky beat He's like a Taysom Hill. He's beating
the ship out of people. You got Beck, And then
here comes Stockton, just in your faith. Fuck you damn it, dude,
And I was like, that's your guy. I think he starts.

Speaker 2 (33:12):
Dude, Carson Beck and Quinn yours supposed to be first
round draft picks. I watched both of them, and I've
never seen two unathletic individuals in my life.

Speaker 1 (33:21):
Well, Carson Beck's a poor man's Trevor Lawrence. It's and then.

Speaker 2 (33:27):
My question is the dude, I mean Clayton or whatever,
what was this guy's name, Stockton? He gets his absolutely ass.

Speaker 1 (33:38):
Oh my god, he died and came back to life.

Speaker 2 (33:41):
Died right there on the field. And then Carson Beck
has to come back in the.

Speaker 1 (33:45):
Game and hand it off.

Speaker 2 (33:46):
No, no, the dude can't even put it, pick up
his arm.

Speaker 1 (33:50):
His arm is day. He was medically clear.

Speaker 2 (33:53):
No, this is I don't care about medically cleared. I'm
talking about Texas.

Speaker 1 (33:56):
He was dangling between his legs.

Speaker 2 (33:58):
Dude, his arm. He is running out and he's not
even using his right arm. It is hanging there like
a dead limb, like it is hanging there like a
limp dick. He's done. No, so you know he's not
passing the ball.

Speaker 1 (34:13):
Stack the box, put.

Speaker 2 (34:14):
Everybody right there. Why would you even play a normal defense.
He is not throwing the ball. He can't pick up
his right arm. You have to have everybody. I would
even guard the wide receivers out there. Why would you
put anybody on him? He can't throw the damn ball.
That game was musty TV.

Speaker 1 (34:32):
I told Basiler, I don't care what Christmas shopping we're doing.
I don't care. I don't care Stassy vander pump Brules
two thousand and nine. I don't care. I said, I'm
home by three. We got home by four ms. First hour.
But it was a great game. Dude started late, so
I actually got to see that. We got home at
three forty five. If the game just started. The first

half was dogshit. Oh but his penalties it was off
sides fumble, But I'm saying it two power. Did it
got some gravitas nuts in your face on TV? That's
what I want.

Speaker 2 (35:05):
Yeah, I'll tell you about what I did for the game, man,
I'll tell you right after this. So we got one
of a weird birthday invite on Friday and it was
like hey, and it was one of the kids from
Baby Boxes pre K class, so a year ago class

that we don't talk to. Never really hung out with
this family in our lives, you know what I mean,
like never, And she texted the whole old pre K
class like, Hey, it's Jimmy's birthday tomorrow and we've had
really hard time connecting with families in the kindergarten, you know,
new school. So we were wondering if anybody wanted to come.
And I'm like, this tells me that no one's coming

to this kid's birthday party from his new class, right,
And so we're like, hey, we'll be there, We're coming.
So we go to the birthday party and we run
into other families that we, you know, know from pre
k and we're like, hey, have you ever hung out
with this family? Like Noah, We've never hung out with
this family. I've never hung out with this family, you know,
are they cool? But then we're like, hey, my wife

graduated from the University of Texas. And then one lady
there her husband graduated from the University of Georgia and
we're like, hey, do you guys want to get together
and watch the game? And she's like, well, my husband,
you know, he likes to say he wants to have
people over the game.

Speaker 1 (36:26):
They're going to get a divorce.

Speaker 2 (36:28):
But then he doesn't like to talk to people during
the game.

Speaker 1 (36:31):
He bets on it.

Speaker 2 (36:34):
She goes, so, I don't know, but he always says
he wants to have people over, so you can text him.
So I hit him up and I'm like, be what up.
You want to get together for the game? He's like, oh,
I'd love to. Yeah, let's do it. I'm like all right, cool.
And then another family shows up and her husband graduated
from the University of Georgia, and we're like, hey, what
are you guys doing for the game? Letter later and

she's like, I don't know, probably just watching it at
the house. She goes, because you know, my husband, he
doesn't really have any joy of friends that live here.
All of his Georgia friends live elsewhere. We're like, well,
you guys want to get We're getting together with them
over there. You want to come, you want to get
together and I'll watch the game together.

Speaker 1 (37:08):
Yeah, yeah, we can do that. Let's do that hatty toddy.

Speaker 2 (37:12):
So we're like, I guess, since we'll do it at
our house, come to our house.

Speaker 1 (37:16):
You guys got the beer.

Speaker 2 (37:17):
So we're having it at our house. And my wife's like,
guess we got to go home and clean. I'm like, yeah,
because you volunteered our freaking house.

Speaker 1 (37:23):
That's the worst. Always push it off in somebody else's.
I'll drive a cross town and not have it at
our place. You wake up twenty empties, a bunch of
piles of pizza boxes, somebody spilled their drink, got a
pair of panties on the couch. Every time, it's like,
all right, cool.

Speaker 2 (37:38):
So we're there and we're cleaning, cleaning, and then we
get a text from the first family. Hey, our youngest
kid has got a fever. We don't know if we're
gonna be able to make it.

Speaker 1 (37:47):
Fever for fun.

Speaker 2 (37:48):
And I'm like, ah, this is the dad not wanting
to come over because he doesn't want to watch it
with people, and his wife put him in this awkward situation. Yep.
And we already told this other family that another family
is coming, so it's gonna be three families at the house.
It's just gonna be awkward. It's gonna be us and them,
and they thought we were having a party and there
is no party.

Speaker 1 (38:04):
How's the Cryptocurrency Industry Bill?

Speaker 2 (38:08):
And so then like a couple of neighbors text and said, hey,
you guys want to go have dinner at Fat Bottom
or something outdoors pretty nice And I'm like, are you
guys not watching the Georgia Texas game? And he goes, oh, yeah,
I forgot about that.

Speaker 1 (38:20):
Outdoors is forty degree and.

Speaker 2 (38:22):
I said, well, we're actually having some people over for
the game. You guys want to come over. And they're like, oh,
that sounds great, we're coming. The other Famili's like, oh
we're coming.

Speaker 1 (38:30):
Oh got a party, dude.

Speaker 2 (38:32):
So then we texted another neighbor that lives like down
the street and we're like she graduated from Texas and
we're like, hey, don't know what you're doing, but last minute,
we're throwing a get together at the house for the game.
You guys want to come over, bring the kids.

Speaker 1 (38:42):
Burn some couches and shit.

Speaker 2 (38:44):
And they're like they're like, hey, actually we're out running
a few errands, but we may stop by, And they
ended up coming.

Speaker 1 (38:50):
Over you're running errands. You up bus, dude.

Speaker 2 (38:53):
We ended up having five different families at the house.

Speaker 1 (38:55):
She's you guys had a rager.

Speaker 2 (38:58):
We had four, six, eight, nine eleven kids running around
and the house was packed.

Speaker 1 (39:07):
Ray and seven mills, oh one mill, two mils.

Speaker 2 (39:12):
I'll give you two too, pregnant. Uh so, yeah, I
mean it was a cham packed household. Man, it was awesome.

Speaker 1 (39:25):
I didn't get a text.

Speaker 2 (39:26):
Man. Yeah, I didn't know if you're gonna pull up. Yeah, yeah,
I didn't know if you're gonna pull up. And kids
are just running everywhere, just pure chaos. The game was intense.
We're yelling and then I mean the Georgia fan, he's
just like in the when Beck gets hurt, he's like,
oh no, oh great.

Speaker 1 (39:42):
He goes outside, does it, walks in traffic and he's
like and his daughter comes in and goes dad, Dad.

Speaker 2 (39:48):
She goes, how come you're not standing in front of
the TV like you usually do, so we can't even
see the TV.

Speaker 1 (39:52):
Yeah, I don't care.

Speaker 2 (39:53):
Daughter go and I'm like, oh do you usually? He goes, yeah,
sometimes I get a look close to TV.

Speaker 1 (39:59):
Is he the play caller?

Speaker 2 (40:00):
He's like, I get I pace a little bit. He goes,
I'm trying to be on my best behavior here and
I was like, no, dude, he goes. I was like,
if you yell at the TV at home, yelled the
TV here and he's like, no, no, my wife doesn't
like it when I go out to the TV.

Speaker 1 (40:10):
He's like, usually I hit things.

Speaker 2 (40:12):
And then Georgia won the game, and he was just like,
holy shit, I can't believe we freaking won that.

Speaker 1 (40:17):
But once you saw Stockton was good, you knew they
were fine.

Speaker 2 (40:20):
No, he couldn't throw the ball, so I didn't think
they would be fine. I thought Texas would realize he
can't throw the ball, that they would just pack the
box and say, dare you to throw it? But no,
Atty and ran all over them. It was great. It
was a great game. That was the only college football
game I watched.

Speaker 1 (40:33):
What'd you guys do as you float a keg? Or
what was your alcoholic?

Speaker 2 (40:36):
No, everybody brought their own. My wife did make a
thing of sangria, some recipes she got off the internet.

Speaker 1 (40:42):
Don't know, you shid jungle juice?

Speaker 2 (40:45):
She did that. Some you know, people brought their coolers.
Damn bro Oh dude, people pulled up to call the
cops on y'all. People pulled up. I mean the one
family brought their own dishes and had dips and stuff,
and we were like, damn, you didn't have to bring
your own dish. Oh yeah, if you're hosting, we gotta
have it. We gotta help you.

Speaker 1 (41:03):
You guys want to stay over, You're more than welcome that.
It was fun.

Speaker 2 (41:08):
It was actually a blast. It was an impromptu, last
minute thing, and we had so much fun.

Speaker 1 (41:14):
I'm actually kind of jealous of that. How many kids eleven?
Maybe not?

Speaker 2 (41:18):
It was it was loud.

Speaker 1 (41:20):
They got the game going. We guys about to punch
in the TV and kids running around bat shit crazy.

Speaker 2 (41:26):
We couldn't hear the sound on the TV. Dude, it's
the worst. We couldn't hear the announcers, We couldn't hear
the commentators. We saw Beck get injured, We saw the
punter get injured. We saw Quinn Ewers. I don't know
what he plays well, but then he looks like crap.
They couldn't run the ball, but they still tried to
run it right up the middle. But that was the
only college football game I watched.

Speaker 1 (41:44):
Man, you tell the dads about the pod the convention.

Speaker 2 (41:48):
No, no, I didn't. Next time, man, yeah, next time,
next time. Yeah. See that was a good time, man,
that was what I did.

Speaker 1 (41:54):
What are you guys doing in January? MLK weekend?

Speaker 2 (41:57):
Big weekend.

Speaker 1 (42:00):
It's bored our country now Broadway it.

Speaker 2 (42:02):
Is great, man.

Speaker 1 (42:03):
It was a good weekend, dude, it is a great weekend.

Speaker 2 (42:05):
I didn't watch the UFC fights. I don't even know
who won.

Speaker 1 (42:08):
Got a hole in one at pup Putt, No I got.
I set a flag fifteen yards out holding one from
the back patio. That doesn't count. That don't count. You
got my ass, You got me good, dude. I hit Bazer.

I was like, hey, I did like ten shots and
got a hole in one. I'm done for the day.

Speaker 2 (42:33):
No, no, no, If you did ten shots, then you didn't
get a hole in one.

Speaker 1 (42:37):
Yeah, on the tenth one it went in.

Speaker 2 (42:40):
That's your tenth shot.

Speaker 1 (42:41):
So now here's my thing. Though, I've had five hole
in ones now on my backyard patio, shooting fifteen yards
into that stick I put in the ground. Yeap, that
count as hold ones? Have I gotten five?

Speaker 3 (42:51):

Speaker 2 (42:52):
Because that one it took you ten shots to get
the hold one. How many do you have zero.

Speaker 1 (42:56):
I got five. Brothers. Come over. He tried to get one.
He couldn't get one. No, no, no, dude, I got five
on my notches on the belt. Dude, five hole in
one's if.

Speaker 2 (43:07):
It's your first shot, it's a hole in one.

Speaker 1 (43:09):
So I have to do it on my first shot
from my back patio into my flag from fifteen yards.

Speaker 2 (43:14):
Yes, that's a hole in one. If you take fifteen
strokes to get a hole in one, that's fifteen stroke.

Speaker 1 (43:18):
It was a fifteenth ball. Dunked it right in there, dude,
I said, Beazer, I'm done. Let's have ourselves a day.
We did shopping.

Speaker 2 (43:29):
That was buddy, But it's not only one.

Speaker 1 (43:32):
I can't believe you didn't even know it is gonna
be a selection show. It's almost like I had to
tell Justin. I texted Justin. I go hey, the I said,
the Ohio State University via Columbus is going to be
selected here in about ten minutes. If you want to
turn on I don't Eve think heys cable so he
didn't have it on. Eric. I go hey, eric Anna, George,
you are about to be announced the number one team
in the country. Forty five minutes later, I get a text.

I don't know. I don't think anybody knew it was
about to go on. I had no idea, man, dude,
our whole state made it in. When the falls got announced,
I went on my Instagram and I said, kendole state
did Yeah, I said, condolences to all the states that
have fallen. There's only twelve states left. No, some of
those teams are twelve Indiana and notre name, same state,

SMU in Texas.

Speaker 2 (44:15):
Same state, Oregon and No.

Speaker 1 (44:19):
And I wanted to be smart on the grand Dude.
I got on there and I go, hey, breaking news.
They leaked the script. I said, Southwestern Missouri Baptist Christian
School SMU, they have been left off of the tournament.
Alabama's in. And then damn it. Fifteen minutes later, Re
said Bama was out, SMU's in. We would have been
the first ones to break that news though.

Speaker 2 (44:36):
If I'd have been right, well, everybody knew it was
either The only two options were SMU or Alabama. There
was only two options. That was the only two. That
was the only question mark. Everybody else was locked.

Speaker 1 (44:47):
Dude, I should have done a live stream because it
was funny as shit, so Baser Basier, here we go, Falls,
we got a home game. Here we go, all right,
Ohio State has the home game. They will be playing
the Falls. I'm like, what the fuck? I thought Fowls
had a home game. And I'm like, okay, Baser, Georgia
number one, Georgia number two. I mean, I don't know
what expert I was looking at, but I had the
bracket all wrong. I thought the Balls had a damn
home game. We gotta go on the road in Columbus.

Speaker 2 (45:10):
Trouble, gonna be cold. Yeah.

Speaker 1 (45:12):
And then Basers just pissed. She was so much. She
goes Boise Staatee. She goes, what state is Boise State?
They said Idaho.

Speaker 2 (45:20):
That's correct. Yeah, here's my thing. I meant to talk
about the coaches earlier. Kirby Smart gets up there after
they win the SEC championship and Greg Sankie, I guess
he's the commissioner of the SEC, is sitting right there
and he is like, it felt great. You know, we're
gonna take some time off. We need to mentally rest
because someone over there, Greg Sanky had us on the.

Speaker 1 (45:41):
Road all damn year.

Speaker 2 (45:45):
He had us on the road all damn year. You know,
how many road games Georgia played four?

Speaker 1 (45:51):
Four? Oh that ain't all year, Coby all year?

Speaker 2 (45:56):
Four road games? Man? Whoa, oh my god, god, how
do you guys survive four damn road games?

Speaker 1 (46:03):
Go get some RoadHead.

Speaker 2 (46:04):
Kerby got four road games. And Alabama's athletic director came out,
I said and said, after being left out of the
college football playoffs, we are going to reevaluate who we schedule.
Thanks sank No, no, no, dude. It had nothing to
do with your your preseason games, your pre conference don't

get your ass kicked by Vanderbilt and don't get your
ass kicked by Oklahoma and you're in the playoff. Nothing
to do with your preseason, post pre conference whatever games.
The hell does that have to do with anything.

Speaker 1 (46:41):
They went to Saban right after Alabama got left out
of the twelve team. Ok yeah, dude, Saban still true
and true, diehard Bama fin. I mean his face is ready,
look so he's crazy. Well, sometimes they have to do that,
some dude. He was so pissed and rest goes all right,
the schedule's Outma's out. Saban. What do you think Saban's like?

Bloodshot eyes? Dude? It was rough. That guy still bleeds Bama.

Speaker 2 (47:10):
I understand that. I get it. I understand.

Speaker 1 (47:11):
Hey, your team just lost talk Saban's like, man, Hugh Reese.

Speaker 2 (47:18):
Yeah, let's take a break. Then I tried something yesterday
adahusha No. I tried to be crazy fantasy football. I
gotta win to get in the playoffs.

Speaker 1 (47:32):
Justin text me what in the literal? Why are these
on the same dial? What was up were you doing?
What up were you doing?

Speaker 2 (47:46):
Here's the thing. You have all week to think about
what you're gonna do in a must win situation. When
you're starting quarterback Jaden Daniels is on a bye and
you have Justin Herbert sitting there mm hm. And you
looked at Lad mcconkly is not gonna play.

Speaker 1 (48:04):
Oh, don't worry, we play him. You know that.

Speaker 2 (48:08):
Okay, So they don't really have any good wide receivers
that the Chiefs don't score a lot of points, so
it's gonna be a low scoring game, true at And
so you start overthinking and overanalyzing, and you're like, you
know what I need to do. I need to go
get a different quarterback.

Speaker 1 (48:24):
Oh, he ain't gonna do it. When you got Herbert
in the wing, he ain't gonna do it, and he
ain't gonna do it. No, he's gonna do it.

Speaker 2 (48:30):
And instead of putting Herbert in the lineup, oh no,
oh no. You see a gun slinger out there that's
been slinging it, slinging, slinging Mayo and slinging Mayo, slinging
no bull clothing, slinging no bull clothing, all.

Speaker 1 (48:44):
Kinds of advertisements all around town, all kinds of advertising.

Speaker 2 (48:48):
I don't need him to win the game. I don't
give a damn if they win the game.

Speaker 1 (48:50):
Are you going, west End? He's doing the splits for
some Mayo thing. Heyo, he's flexible. Put some Mayo up
my ass.

Speaker 2 (48:57):
And he throws that ball to Calvin Ridley a lot
and Nick Westbrook a kine. And you say, that's gonna
be my quarterback in a win or go home scenario.
And I put Will Levis in my damn lineup.

Speaker 4 (49:11):
Justin said, he's damn lost his mind.

Speaker 1 (49:14):
He put our loaful boy on his team. You're fucking crazy, dude,
You are crazy. You're nuts. Go the fuck is that?

Speaker 4 (49:27):

Speaker 2 (49:27):
Dude. I sat there and listen.

Speaker 1 (49:30):
I was like three to nothing in the whole game, dude,
I don't think they scored a touchdown in that entire game.
I watched the whole piece of crap.

Speaker 2 (49:40):
Oh, I watched it.

Speaker 1 (49:41):
Man, Oh my gosh.

Speaker 2 (49:43):
They'd get it down to the five yard line and
they would not score a fucking touchdown. And I'm like, wow,
is this so bad?

Speaker 1 (49:51):

Speaker 2 (49:51):
We settle for a field goal, second drive, get down
there and we go for it and four down, nothing
and we end up And then at the end of
the first half, they get the ball with one second
and they're gonna do a Hail Mary, and Will Levis
gets absolutely decleted. He got dedicted, he got freaking annihilated.

Speaker 1 (50:09):
That's how he plays.

Speaker 2 (50:10):
And he laid down there and he looked like Carson
Beck did the day before he goes to Carson Beck
was laying on that floor, and I was like, oh
my god, he's hurt. He's hurt. And he gets up
and he can barely stand up, and I'm like, oh
my god. And I text Batter's Box and I was like,
Will Levis hurt? I am such a damn idiot. Why

do I ruin my own shot at making the playoffs?
It's classic overthink. I effing hate fantasy you're out. And
then start of the second half, I hear my kids
in there yelling about this game, and I walk in
and Will Levis is under center, and I'm like, oh
my god, it didn't damn matter. He got me seven

fucking he got seven points.

Speaker 1 (50:54):
It's not even worth looking through the text, but I
think Justin said, what is? What is? How cute is
lunch trying to get her? Did Will leave us over?

Speaker 2 (51:04):

Speaker 1 (51:04):
Did your kids log into your account? And are you
out of your damn mind? You get Herbert?

Speaker 4 (51:13):
You had Hermie and you went with her local Mayo guy.
Oh man, you went with Hinds may dais Man, he
gonna be slugging the ball. I said, just no shit.

He went with Hermie, our local Laevis guy.

Speaker 2 (51:39):
Man. I was hop when the Leavs this were gonna break. Man,
I thought it was gonna be high scoring, throwing the
ball all around the yard. And they came out in
the first seven or eight plays. They ran the ball
all eight plays and I was.

Speaker 1 (51:51):
Like, oh fuck, yeah, Taj and the boys were on
the ground.

Speaker 2 (51:54):
Man when he collared, was running all over the place.

Speaker 1 (51:57):
It rained all damn day. No, it didn't. Actually, later and.

Speaker 2 (52:00):
I was like, you have got to be kidding me.
The game plan is to smack, ground and pound, and
Will Levis is gonna do nothing, and he did absolutely nothing.
And I just hate I I do this. I think
about it, think about it, I overthink it, and don't
play it. Justin Herbert, like, you know, he's good for
a solid twelve, thirteen, fourteen points. He could go off

for thirty, but you know you're gonna get ten to
fifteen and oh my god, I got seven points.

Speaker 1 (52:26):
So you're out of the playoffs, right, No, you're in
the playoffs.

Speaker 2 (52:29):
The rest of my team stepped up. The rest of
my team stepped up. Thank god, the rest of my
team came to play. But I'm still not in the
playoffs yet. Gotta have one of the two guys that
had me lose and the Flying chilank Was.

Speaker 1 (52:46):
We played the Chilanka Was.

Speaker 2 (52:48):
They have scored one hundred and eighty four points this week.

Speaker 1 (52:52):
We played the Flying Chinchillas. Dude. Well that's who we got,
oh boy, oh man, Well, at least we won the
two hundred and fifty.

Speaker 2 (53:00):
Oh man, Yeah, did you win this week?

Speaker 1 (53:02):
We didn't need to. We're in the playoffs, dude, Hey,
we tried to win and we got beat by forty,
and I go Justin just act like we didn't care
to win. Our whole team was on a buye. Oh yeah, yes,
but we really did try to win and we lost.
But we were we didn't We didn't try to win.

Speaker 2 (53:18):
We did.

Speaker 1 (53:18):
We were cool with losing, even though we made like
ten roster moves to try and win. Dude, dude, we
gutted our whole lineup and picked up waiver guys to
try and win and got housed.

Speaker 2 (53:27):
Well, why did you cut your You need them for
the playoffs, don't you.

Speaker 1 (53:30):
That's what I told Justin not to do.

Speaker 2 (53:33):
Oh my god.

Speaker 1 (53:33):
He wanted to win to get the number one seats
so we could play you. But now we get the Chinchillas.

Speaker 2 (53:39):
Are you not gonna have the number one seat in
your room?

Speaker 1 (53:41):
No, we got Chinchili's. Uh. Here's here's what I did though.
At the Titans game. I kept looking in the crowd, dude,
how the hell are how are there twenty thousand people dead?
Nothing better to do? And watch Titans Jaggs three and
ten Verse three and ten on a Sunday, a rainy sunday.
It was how terrible. Are you guys lives or do you?
Are you season ticket holders and you got to use
I get.

Speaker 2 (54:00):
That here, wasn't really twenty thousand there? Or do they
just say there was twenty thousand because there was a
lot of nvcs.

Speaker 1 (54:05):
Dude, dude, dude, that game. Guys. I used to live
across the tree from Tennessee Stadium. I mean you couldn't.
You couldn't paid me to go to that stadium. I
know it's said a lot. That game was miserable. Who
went to that game?

Speaker 2 (54:18):

Speaker 1 (54:18):
Were you trying to impress a chick before?

Speaker 2 (54:21):
I almost went to watch my quarterback in action.

Speaker 1 (54:24):
Oh I've said that to Justin before will Levis.

Speaker 2 (54:27):
God, that was so bad.

Speaker 1 (54:29):
Oh that was baser. I was gonna watch one of
my bets in person in Vegas. They're playing at MGM
Grand Oh but she said as the trade off, I
had to go to Chippendals.

Speaker 2 (54:38):
Oh, no, things. I thought about it, thought about it, hey,
and then it's funny. Yesterday before the Niners and Bears game,
I called Batter's Box and I'm like, hey, man, we're
gonna you guys go ahead and win this one. You
guys really need this one. He's like, no, no, no, no, no.
I wanted you guys to have this one. You know,

you guys do We're gonna do you celid, I want
you to win. I'm like no, no, no, no, no, no no,
you guys really need this game. We were trying to
give the game away because we wanted a better draft pick.
We were arguing over who gets the win.

Speaker 1 (55:09):
And guys, Cowboys have a three percent chance to make
the playoffs if they win this game tonight, six percent chance.

Speaker 2 (55:16):
They're not gonna win tonight.

Speaker 1 (55:17):
Mathematically, they're not eliminated yet.

Speaker 2 (55:18):
Here's the bet for tonight. Bengals money line went parlay
it with Chase Brown anytime touchdown, Jamar Chase anytime touchdown.
There's your three little popper, a three little popper on
Monday Night Football.

Speaker 1 (55:35):
And there's your butt popper.

Speaker 2 (55:37):
Whatever the team total is for the Bengals, the team
total for the Bengals take the over. They're gonna score points.

Speaker 1 (55:42):
So I was like, somebody's trying to win some money
back from this weekend. You're gonna bet four things on
one game.

Speaker 2 (55:47):
No no, you don't have to bet them all on
the same You don't have to parlay them all. I'm
just saying, if you want other bets, I don't know
if they're gonna cover the spread. I have no idea.
But you know one thing the Bengals do is they
score a lot of damn points. A lot of points
on every team, doesn't matter who you are. And the
Cowboys have a terrible defense.

Speaker 1 (56:02):
So congrats the LA Galaxy. They won the soccer championship.
And let me say this, I didn't gamble one bit
this weekend. This is how bad it's gotten our household.
So we did Vegas and we came back and we
were pretty much restrictions. We're not betting at all, can't
afford it. This how bad it got, Homie, go ahead.
I get an email from the betting site. Did we
bet on a game Oklahoma and Temple? It was like

an over under thirty eight and a half like a
month ago, and they reversed the bet. So yeah, so
now our accounts at negative forty dollars. How do you
go lower than zero dollars?

Speaker 2 (56:34):
Yeah? I don't know, Like, so, do you have to
bet something and then if you win you don't get
any money.

Speaker 1 (56:39):
No, we're literally at negative forty because we originally had
won the bet. They took the money back from us,
and they said, unfortunately we listed that bet, but because
it was in Oklahoma or Temple, they weren't allowed to
do live betting per venue rules. So we're now taking
that money away from you. So we owned forty dollars.
I'll fix and a figure that out. You know what
we're gonna do, find out, finish, find out. Yeah, I'm
I'm gonna look back in that site. You confine me,

confine me. Oh do we need to pay that? You
have to come fine me?

Speaker 2 (57:11):
Yeah, don't knock on my door. No one's home. Nobody's home.

Speaker 1 (57:15):
But we have found rock bottom and we kept digging.
We're negative forty on the betty site. I was that
even possible.

Speaker 2 (57:20):
Dude, That's fantastic.

Speaker 1 (57:23):
When you get licked, man, they just keep coming.

Speaker 2 (57:25):
That's fantastic. All right, everybody have a great Monday. Uh
tell me who's winning the college football playoff. It's night
doesn't start for another two weeks, so we have two
weeks to get excited about blowouts. I mean, god, Clemson,
how did Clemson almost lose that game?

Speaker 1 (57:40):
They won by three?

Speaker 2 (57:41):
Right? Yeah, they were up by like seventeen going in
the fourth quarter and then you look and they had
to kick a last second field goal. I don't I
have no idea. All right, we're out.

Speaker 1 (57:53):
Justice for army are troops? Man, You couldn't put them
in at the table. They only lost once. Man, they
did a lot for our country this year.

Speaker 2 (58:00):
Well no, actually they haven't. They haven't been in the
military yet. They'll be in the military once they're out
of the so they haven't really done anything.

Speaker 1 (58:07):
And then somebody said that they haven't defended our country
because our country hasn't need defended.

Speaker 2 (58:11):
Well, our country always need defending. Like I don't know,
sore losers dot com, get your conventions ticket, convention tickets,
Coaching Convention four. We hope to see you there, sorelosers
dot com.

Speaker 1 (58:23):
We're gonna do a sizzle reel. I'll post that later.

Speaker 2 (58:25):
Yeah yeah, what what should we title this one? Man,
Ray gets a hole in one or Morgan's here for
the truckers.

Speaker 1 (58:31):
Yeah, yep, yep, Morgan has a message for the truckers.

Speaker 2 (58:36):
Got it?

Speaker 1 (58:37):
That will get them going? All right,
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