CEOs You Should Know - Phoenix •

William "Wick" Pilcher, CEO of USI INSURANCE SERVICES, LLC - CEOs You Should Know - Phoenix

CEOs You Should Know - Phoenix

William “Wick” Pilcher is a fourth-generation Arizonan, having lived in Phoenix all his life. After graduating from ASU in 1978, Wick joined his father’s insurance business, Olliver/Pilcher, the company later becoming Corroon & Black and then Willis of Arizona. In June l992, Mr. Pilcher resigned his position as Chairman/CEO of the Arizona operation to found Wick Pilcher Insurance. Mr. Pilcher sold his business to USI Insurance Services in 2012, retaining his position of CEO – Arizona. USI is a national insurance brokerage and consulting firm with more than 250+ local offices across the U.S. and a leading market position in all core businesses. Through USI’s philosophy of community involvement, Wick has been able to garner the financial and societal influence to continue to strengthen his support for the Phoenix community.

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William "Wick" Pilcher, CEO of USI INSURANCE SERVICES, LLC - CEOs You Should Know - Phoenix