Wellington Mornings with Nick Mills •

Nick Mills reacts to National vowing to scrap LGWM - Wellington Mornings with Nick Mills

Wellington Mornings with Nick Mills

Yesterday the National Party came out with their new transport plan, and their intention to scrap Let's Get Wellington Moving. 

But, there was something missing. 

What would happen with the Golden Mile? 

None of us need reminding as to what Let's Get Wellington Moving plans to do. 

They want to rid of cars and make way for very important buses, cyclists and pedestrians.  

For a moment some people may have thought with a change of government would bring a change of plan, but unfortunately, you may have been celebrating too soon. 

Construction is set to begin in September, meaning contracts have likely already been signed, or are about to be. 

This was something our news room pointed out. 

So, in comes National’s Chris Bishop, who says they're not a party that rips up contracts, but, encourages the Wellington City Council to reconsider. 

He said there is significant opposition to the plan and there's a way to redevelop Lambton Quay that takes everybody on board. 

Come in Prime Minister Chris Hipkins and new Transport Minister David Parker. 

The pair were put under pressure to back the transport overhaul, which by the way is 60% government funded. 

And, they refused to.  

Hipkins said it was being reassessed as Labour developed it’s transport policy. 

He even referred to it in past tense, and said he was unhappy with progress. 

So where does that leave Wellington?  

Now if like me, you wondered how Golden Mile construction can go ahead without Government funding, I'm sorry to say it’s already been taken care of.  

Lucky for Let’s Get Wellington Moving, that part of the project is being funded by Waka Kotahi and the Wellington City Council. 

So, we now have a Government saying it doesn’t know whether it can afford it. 

The other party is saying if contracts are signed, they won’t rip them up. 

The reality is, the Wellington City Council now faces a window 

A short window where they can achieve their green dream of removing cars from the CBD.

Yes the future of the light rail and a second Mount Victoria tunnel may be up for debate, but now they have an opportunity to ensure they get their way when it comes to cars on our streets. 

We need both major parties need to come up with a strategy, and now. 

But looking at the facts in front of us, we know neither have one. 

I think at the very least we need the Prime Minister to instruct Let's Get Wellington Moving and the Wellington City Council to make no commitments before the election.

This is one case where pressing pause, has to be a logical outcome. 


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Nick Mills reacts to National vowing to scrap LGWM - Wellington Mornings with Nick Mills