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KFI AM six forty. You're listeningto Dean Sharp the House Whisper on demand
on the iHeartRadio app. Welcome tohome Where. Every week we help you
better understand that place where you live. I am Dean Sharp, the house
Whisperer, here with you live likeI am every weekend, Saturday morning,
six day Pacific time, Sunday morningsnine to noon Pacific time. Oh,
there is somebody just saw on woodout there somewhere. Something going on.
Shut that door. Oh I lovethe fresh air, but yeah, we
can't have that going on. Hey, thanks for joining us on the show
today. We're having some fun talkingto you about our house Whisper not so
top secret a specialty vendor list.These are our go tos here in SOCl.
Some of them are national actual chainsor companies, but most of them
are well all of them are righthere in Southern California and rep resents some
of the best of what's available outthere as far as what we would recommend
to you and where we send ourclients all the time. So I'm sharing
that with you this morning. Ihope you're enjoying it so far. We're
going to get back to it injust a bit, but it is also
the top of the hour and we'reright in the middle of going to the
phones as we do, so let'sgo back to let's talk. Let's talk
to Jeff. Hey, Jeff,welcome home. Hi, Hi hiding.
Yeah, this is Jeff. Ihave a badly cracked kitchen sink. The
genius who installed it before about thehouse installed it between a layer of plywood
and the granite countertop, so thereare no there's no underneath access or removal
via any kind of clips or whatever. I'm trying to think of any alternative
other than having to rip out thecabinets and rip out the countertop. What
are my options? I was thinkingof possibly routy, get a router and
route out the perimeter of the sinkand then put something in from the top.
But my space is very limited becauseit's a large sink I have in
there now. I only have likemaybe two inches of granite in the back
of the sink and maybe four inthe front. But there's a big radius,
so there's not a lot of areasfor anything to grab onto, and
so I'm wondering if you have anysuggestions of how I had handle this.
All right, all right, allright, let me try and okay,
I'm going to try and rephrase whatyou've just said so that you can tell
me whether I got that right.So you got to sink it's cracked the
genius, and I detected a slightsense of sarcasm in your voice when you
use that word. By the way, Yeah, all right, So every
well, most unless you're watching somestupid HGTV show trying to do like a
twenty four hour remodel. On topof your cabinet boxes, there should be
a plywood subtop. It's what wecall a subtop. And then onto that
subtop is what we adhere a graniteslab or tile work or whatever the case
may be. A sink that isan under mount sink. That is a
sink that slides up and mounts underneathand kind of seamlessly interacts with the granite.
Usually goes up into a hole thatwe've cut for the sink in the
plywood subtop, and then goes allthe way up and then you know,
is clear enough that we can attachit to the granite from underneath using clips
or braces or whatever. Now theimpression I'm getting is that that whoever did
this under mounts actually laid it ontop of or notched it down into the
plywood, and then set the graniteon top so that it has no way
to get out of there? Isthat to don't get that right? Okay,
all right, all right? Andyou don't want to mess up the
granite countertop and you would like toreplace it with a sink that will work
in the same granite hole. Answeris a way of maybe buying some that.
Okay, you were breaking up alittle bit there, Jeff, I
don't know. The signal got alittle weird. Okay, So here here
is my suggestion. Uh, I'mgoing to give it to you quick and
uh and dirty. I don't thinkall hope is lost, Okay. I
think you have to clear out theplumbing. Got to clear everything out from
underneath that to cabinet box. Okay, unless this sink is larger than the
ca cabinet itself, which would bea double crazy stupid thing. Okay.
As long as the perimeter of thesink falls within the inside of the cabinet
base, then here is how Iwould approach it. I would clear all
of that out, protect all ofthat, get myself under there looking up,
and I would go under with maybesome kind of a vibrating dremal tool,
not a spinning tool, not asaw, but like a vibrating a
dremal cutter. And you can findthese out there. I mean, I
think you know what I'm talking about, the kind that we would use to
cut into finish lumber, or thekind that we would use to cut in
through drywall. Get a wood cuttingvibrating blade on it. It looks like
a casp saw at the doctor's office, the kind of thing that they cut
your cast off with. It vibratesthat blade very quickly and very slowly,
very methodically. I would go beyondthe bowl of the sink to the expected
edge of where that sink is actuallysink edge is hiding above, and I
would cut through the subtop that plywoodfrom underneath. I would cut it open
and cut through it and free thesink from underneath. In other words,
let's do it right, and youcan do it right after the fact.
Let's cut the plywood away from thesink, and then all we have to
do is very very carefully separate thesink. Hopefully it's only been siliconed to
the bottom edge of the granite orthe countertop stone, separate the sink,
and drop that sink out from underneath. And the brilliance of this and the
advantage is then you can find asink of equivalent size ish and then slide
it up underneath the way it shouldhave been done, which is past the
plywood. Slide it up underneath siliconeto the stone, and then brace that
sink off with clips or clamps orwood braces, whatever it takes in order
to brace it in place, permanently, in place so not all hope is
lost. Surgically remove the plywood thatshouldn't be there from underneath the sink top.
Now, Jeff, I popped youon hold real quick because your phone
was breaking up and I'm up againsta break. So here's what we're gonna
do. We're gonna go to break. When we come back, I'm just
gonna check in with you to makesure, because I didn't have you on
the line live to give me feedback, to make sure that what I just
suggested is gonna work. And ifso, we're good, and then we'll
go on to the next collar.How's that sound all right, y'all?
You are home with Dean Sharp thehouse whisper you're listening to Home with Dean
Sharp on demand from KFI Am sixforty here on this warm Sunday morning in
southern California. I don't know whereveryou are across this great nation of ours,
I hope you have lovely weather.It's gonna get warmer then most of
us in Southern California would prefer.It doesn't change the fact that it's sunny
and warm and that summer is here, and you know, we're used to
We're used to this. I don'tknow if you may be going through a
heat spell that you're not used toright now. So stay cool, stay
inside, plenty of water, youknow, all the good things. Check
the podcast. I started yesterday's showwith some heat advice for you and peppered
it into today as well. Sojust know that be wise, don't push
it if it's unexpectedly hot wherever youare today right now, it's just unexpectedly
lovely here just outside our studio,and so we're gonna go with that all
right. Before the break, Iwas talking to Jeff. I just need
to check in with Jeff real quickhere, Jeff, are you with me?
I'm here and I've heard everything,Okay, yes, so I need
like an oscillating tool, probably witha long reach to reach from myunderneath.
Just wondering. There's also thinking aboutit. So maybe possibly a farmhouse sink
where I would cut the top ofthe granite and it would slide into place
on top of where the existing sinkwould be. I just don't know if
when you install something like that,if you can just cut the flat part
of the granite and not accidentally cutinto the backslash. Yeah, the answer
is yes, but I don't wantyou doing that part, okay, so
so so yeah, So when itcomes down to it, the key is
get that old sink out of theresuccessfully, cleanly, so that you can
put another sink in its place,and then you've got options. If you
go farmhouse, then you call out, you know, a good stone guy
to cut in place the stone countertopthat you've got in perfect dimension to the
new farmhouse sink, and then youknow, work on the customization of that
when the time comes. But justdo everything you can to make sure that
that old sink gets out of thereproperly, and then that'll give you the
most options. So hopefully the lessonhere is all hope is not lost.
Even though an idiot installed the previoussink. Yes, I said it,
just that's such a no no todo it that way. So anyway,
Jeff, good luck with that,my friend. There you go. I
just wanted to check back in withyou to make sure that you heard what
I was saying and then it applied. Okay, we're gonna be going back
to the phones in a bit,but I want to get back into our
list of specialty vendors. And whoam I talking about now? Oh yeah,
okay, light Styles. Light Stylesis a light Styles was a sponsor
of the show for a while afew years back, and then they had
to take a break for a while. And you know, regardless of whether
they are any of the people I'mrecommending to you today are sponsors of official
sponsors of the show or not,doesn't matter, because if you're good,
you're good, and we send clientsand listeners your way. That's just the
way it works. Light Styles twolocations in the OC in the OC,
I said, the I'm sorry,don't don't OC nazis, Please do not
call them OC in Orange County.All right, there is a location I
believe in Santa Anna, and theone that I usually frequent and send my
clients to is the showroom on NewportBoulevard in Coast to Mace. Is it
Coast to Mace or Newport. It'slike right on the edge anyway, Newport
Boulevard, right across the street fromthe Triangle. You all know where that
is used to be called light Bulbs, et cetera. I think, but
it's been Light Styles for a longtime, which is way way better name
considering what they do. Yeah,you go there and you can find bulbs,
sure, and you can find allsorts of lighting fixtures, So great
place, one of the best togo and find really really good chandeliers and
sconces and lamps and all of thatkind of stuff. But but h the
secret weapon, the reason why Iwould send you to light Styles is Light
Styles is way more than just alamp store. Light Styles has in their
employ real I mean real lighting designers. Melvin Khn, who is one of
the owners of Light Styles, heis just you will not find a more
passionate individual about lighting, about ledlighting, about the truths and the art
and the science of lighting a home. And you know you've heard me go
on and on at times about howyou know You don't hire electrician to light
your home. You design the lightingof your home and then you have an
electrician execute it right. Light Stylesis a place you can go, Okay,
you can literally bring a plan ofyour home or photograph of a room
or whatever the case may be,and sit down with one of their expert
lighting designers and actually learn how todo it and how to do it right.
I mean, they are legit.We will submit plans to them at
times to get their advice on aroom that Tina and I are. You
know, we're considering this or thatand certain advice. In fact, I'm
going to be doing so in acouple of weeks because I've got a project
in Calabasas where i need a specifickind of fixture that I am looking for
and you know what, they're goingto find it for me. I know
they will. So an amazing resourcein southern California and again one of those
places worth the drive, not justbecause they have a great selection of lights
and sconces and shit and lamps andthey do a really beautifully curated selection that
you can also find a lot ofit online too at light styles dot com.
But in addition to all that,not unlike the Kitchen Store. The
real secret sauce of Light Styles isthe fact that they are for real lighting
designers, so they're not just goingto look at you and say, okay,
yeah, well that lamp is nice. If you want their advice,
believe me, they will give itto you. And they have displays in
the showroom on Newport Boulevard down bythe Triangle. They have displays in which
you can see the effect of LEDlighting and dimmers on a particular scene.
They've set up a kitchen area andthen a little dining area and they will
show you how the light changes andshifts, lighting artwork on the walls,
lighting the table, and so on. I mean, it is an education
if you are up for receiving it, and it is worth its weight in
gold. That is Light Styles downin oc one show in Santa Anna and
the other on Newport Boulevard. Allright, anyway to break we will go
and then we'll come back and havemore of our specialty vendor. Listen,
you're listening to Home with Dean Sharpon demand from KFI AM six forty.
You are Home with Dean Sharp,the house whisper. Thanks for spending your
Sunday morning with us right here.I know how important your Sunday mornings are
to you. They're important to metoo, and I consider it an honor
that you are with us, spendingtime with me here as we talk about
your home, which I love todo, by the way, bt Dub,
I love to talk about your home. So what are we doing this
weekend? Well, both yesterday's showand today, or if you're a podcast
listener, our previous episode and thisone. This is part two of the
House Whispers not so secret Salty VendorList. Not so secret because now millions
of people have heard me give outthese specialty vendors. But these are some
of our go tos, not allof them, but some of our go
tos that I thought would be worthsharing with you. Is especially if you
live here in Southern California. Someof them are national, but most of
them are here in SoCal So Iapologize to our national listeners just to you
know, just enjoy the process andhopefully it'll inspire you to find these special
little places in and around your townas well. I want to go back
to the list, and where arewe at now? There are two here
are two that I want to discussif I can number one, the Theodore
Pain Foundation. Just spell it likeit sounds. Theodore Pain. Pain is
spelled p A Y n E.Theodore Pain Foundation, Pain Foundation. You
will find them located on the northrim of the San Fernando Valley up in
the Sunland Tahunga area, right therein Little Tonga Canyon. I think if
I got that road right, Butanyway, you'll find them there. Theodorepain
dot Org is the name of thewebsite. What is the significance of the
Theodore Pain Foundation. Why are theya one and only here in southern California?
Because the Theodore Pain Foundation has onecommitment, and one commitment only,
to be the most extensive, mostthorough and comprehensive resource for Native California nursery
based plants. You can buy NativeCalifornia plants from them, or you can
simply go up there and get aneducation on Native California plants. So,
when it comes to landscaping and plantsthat do well here, that belong here,
that thrive here, in every imaginablecolor, in every imaginable level of
lushness versus dryness, Theodore Pain That'swhere you go and again to educate yourself
as a homeowner if you want toreally understand. It's not hit and miss
like your typical local nursery. Notthat I have any issues with your local
nursery. Love La Mall. TheodorePaine, This is the place, Okay.
Theodore pain was an individual who literallyfell in love with southern California and
who made it his passion to understandlocal native plants that belong here, that
thrive here, and that work wellhere. So you want a native and
drought resistant, drought tolerant, butlush and verdant landscaping. Theodore Paine Foundation
in the north rim of the SanFernando Valley, just in the Sunland to
Hunga area. Find them at TheodorePaine dot org. Also in the valley
on the north side of the valley, northwest side of the valley on Tapanga,
up in the Chatsworth area, Chatsworthon Tipanga. One of my favorite
places on Planet Earth. The ValleyHive. The Valley Hive. Keith Roberts
who the former president of the LaCounty Beekeepers Association. This is his business.
He runs the Valley Hives. It'sa little bit nursery and a lot
of bit bees, all about beesand beekeeping. And again, like you've
noticed when I talk about you know, like the kitchen store or light styles,
the secret sauce of the Valley Hiveis not just the fact that you
can go and buy beekeeping supplies there. Okay, that's fine, but classes,
expert beekeeping advice, counsel education.Okay, these are the guys.
They're up there. They're doing abang up job. In fact, I
was meeting with some clients in Chatsworth. When was it Friday? Was it
Friday? No, it was Thursday. I don't remember because my life is
just a blur. But this weekI was meeting with clients in Chatsworth,
just had a little check in meeting, checking over some plan revisions for them,
and I thought, you know what, just instead of heading straight to
the freeway, I'm gonna dash overand just check everybody out, just check
out the Valley. So I wasin there this week. I missed Keith,
he was out doing something. Butactually saw a brand new thing that
I'd never seen before, and itgot me so excited. These new hive
boxes by a company named hive Iq. They have them at the Valley Hive,
and groundbreaking stuff I think, andas far as I can tell,
and I haven't had to sit downwith Keith about them yet, but I
think he's pretty excited about it.Always that's what you're gonna find at the
Valley Hive, the latest, thegreatest, the best stuff, the very
best way, Because you know,things are heating up, and so one
of the things that beekeepers are concernedabout in southern California is how do we
keep our bees from overheating, fromworking too hard just to keep the temperature
in the hive down. And thismay be one of the answers. These
are fully insulated, fully insulated hiveboxes, way better than the wood boxes
as far as insulation. Imagine likeconverting a Yetti cooler into a beehive.
Uh huh, that's what I mean. So what you get these polystyrene insulated
hives so that when the bees getcontrol of the temperature inside, it holds,
it holds insulation, right. Italk to you about it for your
home all the time. It's thekey to hot and cold energy preservation,
the same with bees. So anyway, I got excited about it. If
you want to get into bee keeping, there's no better place to have your
passions ignited than with the passionate peopleat the Valley Hive. And there's no
better place to go to get allof your supply. I mean, it's
just the one stop shop. That'swhat it's. That's what's gonna happen.
Plus pollinating plants in the nursery sectionas well, so you get it all.
That's the Valley Hive and you canfind them online at the Valleyhive dot
com. All right, more tocome. I got more from our secret,
well not so secret list of specialtyvendors. You're listening to Home with
Dean Sharp on demand from KFI AMsix forty Dean Sharp, the House Whisper.
Welcome home. Thanks for joining uson the program today. We are
sharing with you. It's very specialweekend for us because we love loving on
our colleagues and our specialty vendors.We love loving on people who do building
and do it right and who participatein making your home something truly special.
And I'm sharing these vendors with youthis weekend. I am also doing it
as an encouragement to everybody who's listening, So even if you live outside of
Southern California, the message for youtoday is this. Do not when you're
planning your big remodel or changes toyour home, do not settle. Don't
settle for you know whatever is beingoffered, and what you think your level
is at the you know, thelocal big box store aisle. That's it.
That's what I'm all. You know, that's what's available to us.
No. No, window shopping isso important in the remodeling business, in
the home decor and the custom homebuilding business. And window shopping is free,
free, and so shop and lookand learn and make sure you get
out and look at the best stuffout there. It doesn't mean that you're
gonna end up buying that stuff,particularly you may. You might that's great,
But the point is it'll inspire you. It'll inspire you, and it'll
fire off and it'll get the creativitymachine going to make the most out of
what you got. So windows shopat every imaginable level and then start making
decisions about your home once you knowall the possibilities that are out there.
Tina has got something to tell usabout all of these links that I've been
giving you today, go for it. So we'll be posting a collection of
all of our preferred vendors so thatyou can go back in reference in case
you missed one or didn't get thewhole show. You're will have links from
like, from Instagram. It'll betwo their pages on Instagram, so you
can find their addresses. You cansearch them out, research them so on
Instagram, on Instagram, Facebook too. Okay, I'll see what else,
but those two for sure? Forsure? And so when when's that going
up? At some point towards theend of the show, once we've all
right talked about everything, So bepatient and then get over. And while
you're there, why don't you youknow, like and follow us as well,
and you can share with other peopleto and share with other people,
share, share, share the lovewith other people carries just like I'm sharing
with you. You turn around andbe that kind of resource to all of
your other social media friends. Allright, there you go. Okay,
back to the list. There's atrio of places I'm gonna mention, but
I'm gonna spend a little bit moretime talking about this one because it's amazing.
Let's talk about one of my mostnear and dear subjects in home building,
and that is hardwood. Special tywould specialty lumber not just no not
typical lumber at the lumber yard,right, two by fours and two by
and it's all great framing lumber,rough lumber, all of that. No,
I mean specialty lumber. Right.You've all by now seen some countertop
or a table made out of alive edge slab from a tree somewhere,
and you're just everybody's react is this? Nobody ever looks at a live edge
slab on a table or a countertopand says me. No one says that,
because it's a tree and it's amazingand it's jaw dropping and it's stunning,
and it's warm and it's inviting,and it's all of those things all
wrapped up in one. And here'sa brilliant idea, my friend Jeff Perry.
It took somebody from outside of southernCalifornia to figure this out. Jeff
Perry, a finished carpenterer and awood right from Chicago, moves to southern
California and he has this idea.He's like, you know, what,
these big beautiful trees that we makefor slabs and custom wood and all of
that, you know, we couldjust go out into the forest and keep
cutting them down. Or what aboutin a city the size of Los Angeles,
an area the size of southern California. All of the great urban trees
that are here in the urban forest. Now we're not just willy nilly cutting
them down, but on a weeklyor monthly basis, some of these big,
beautiful, amazing majestic trees they getdamaged, they fall over in storms,
maybe there's an insect problem at somepoint, or some of them just
have to be removed. And ifthey're large enough and special enough, then
Jeff perryt angel City Lumber, hegets noticed and they have a portable mill.
Okay, it's really cool. It'sa big old trailer that is a
mill. And instead of just higheryou know, the city coming out and
chop or having a landscape company justchop that thing up into little bitty bits.
They put the brakes on. They'relike, no, no, let
us, let us. And sothey'll take the portable mill, or they'll
get the tree, the sizeable trunkbrought to them at their location in la
and they will mill that tree intobig beautiful planks whatever they can cut out
of it as by way of roughlumber, and then they kiln dry it
on site, and then they willsell it to the likes of you and
me. Angel City Lumber, they'rein La. Here's what I love.
They track the historicity of all ofthese urban trees. It is a love
of urban trees. So no treesare being hurt in order to accomplish this.
They are all the result of treesthat are already being removed or damage
or fallen. But they are good, gorgeous And if you walk through their
warehouse, here are all these signsand tags everywhere. This tree from Monrovia,
this style, I mean multiple speed. We have so many species of
wood here in La. So theidea of you want La specialty wood,
specialty lumber from La trees, yougo to Angel City Lumber, all right,
and then just to tag onto that, there are a couple other places
in town I absolutely love that alsosell specialty hard hardwood lumber, bought Off
Lumber Legendary over on the east side, bond Hoff Lumber, and Canao Hardwoods
out there where we are in theWestlake area. Canao Hardwood's any place in
town that has hardwood as a partof their description, that's the kind of
place you want to go and checkout, and you will see amazing works
of nature, just like a stoneyard and what gets pulled out of the
ground, trees, amazing, absolutelyamazing. All right, when we come
back, time to go back tothe phones. Top of the hour,
we will do. So. Youare listening to Dean Sharp, the House
Whisperer on KFI. This has beenHome with Dean Sharp, the House whisper.
Tune into the live broadcast on KFIAM six forty every Saturday morning from
six to eight Pacific time and everySunday morning from nine to noon Pacific time,
or anytime on demand on the iHeartRadioapp.